i ..-- '. ., tj · uv v--- v3 --,-.'.p----". j tesega...

v u .' V -- - V3 -- , - .p--- - ". J tesega t - .' j"Jtoy ii"fm'i'HiMnMftB,; gtfJMBi i" vwwv).?j-gwg- i -- iw,w T3?ERAXCE BEADING-- , ANNIE'S TEARS. Mr ttr-t-. Iwy? up. i tion't care iJrl Jo, Ji & "iy u time I i l.n-t- i t a al'tl bj vnu. Jin . N I cn leli jou, it's inanv h tinre if'iu at tiic bar 1 liuv- - t.y Ia"l r .i And .'' riciln,? home, but iou'v V.ih dene to mire We l'un. I believe, with e auf. chain- - t mimic in wafer-lik- e clas-v- s. brlit n the ir,i-- t Thai ro!l-- i from ih& hck v htch .ho suta-po- d hah nisr'jfl. vt tt then college MJiOi.K Science awl rln llir. ii,t.u-ieu- il -Jn ii-ieil dou'ii our i: I toiwh am! .'iralis rot mid so :n,i rcrr:pr,rar ami me ew. wincu re- - ofi""siar be luting, not caly through it- all is state oi J(l 1 " it'll as '"" bv "" ' Z - . ...,.... l"J-u- " ?'s-'-'- "' v..i.ti.-n-- t -in '" " -i- - -- uca a man mav t - sn.i a are eak the nd iierc v in i'"vel- - "" re-- -t bv rea-o- n of ruel- - fee.' of ,v I .: on tint, ".4 -- Oid manv pul f - . , "" ii,,n lii tm rior. -- 'rtn m .a nt-ou- r -- uch eJtt. ad mut . " T"1' tl '" Tha the J f Ed- - be main : ' '- - " oi the lioI. oS r. k r-; ns- - -- inee m. up wi oi anil en'ae-- tlu Tr Ki . . 'V,i lu Klov" ,';,,, ami TioEttli wpt :itr,j- - by tht Lov '.in ustl frlcttls by thr I AV tki. bu.'. Hit crutK ItlUM "Wi. ir.t- - him oi.ch oho or life's t: SI !) H j" a.- - lor our oul ul lly, too. hti t llti. !ti.VS-- It S MI t.rfwt. T.,,-t- I 'nko ' j lie i. .MTiBSi'vcelKtiKroW t.j hat l'vs fottnr, up - u.-- . Irin.1 far il.. i.itmi mm, bnr.r and s ' ',j,,WJT'."."'th.. r.rn A ' MtHbMt(.MlrbewiuMniieorniiiii. 1 S. l.H lfl '. i i' tMior irnt a t:i-i'r- i- " I,, t.w; ' v i. iintir not tl'M'.l, but eur-- r . - ,'n ifi IiUkII t t ! T mi - . ; Ir r for Jhr- - i We'll taVe I 'IIV t ,l . J , or !. t. l:ai quite ' - itvh R I in. i flu- - ns! toj t tit in. f V. ,j '..1 s Klflry t r if r in. t 1 .r r vinl t 1 ljht from lirj 1 r p. : 'oi : . i "U l 1 I roulit li ! fiv il- -. f t ' hiinI iij III I .f Jol ii e List, Jfccy-i- , whi'e 1 "i u i 'idw vri kifj ..t nitm ' '.tiiii ett ) 3e. 'I. E .? 1 ' i - k.il r.m) Willi lift ec"l Iiit, I :i.ln!cl JUJlt lickltfl u SI . t in... m f arsr n fair; . .i"li.v- - ij fj iti .1 r i I. in ! s nu't on i.- - r hibia-- , and (il ilt'M. .tilll JKH, ymi fcirnv . f ; i l in ailii to '1 : n iki rlil. r. iji irt-- t p'.ni iliie 1ms ico' out rfJfaer vu -- . i Kovai loHtiie Kill ne-,-- e ch wli" em. wnril lUH; H'lty t . -- (! .M inr lair Mttle !jiat. inv cjici i:i'i) toii'i-- ( l 4tit iiin io'iooi i7f ii l v . lor si ill ink, AJli" oT tlnrrt i. .n wln-j- fr ic 11 Iiu-jb- c- ' c i -- l. " taut me. 7Siinle iav-Oi.ni- . u.i f An- - "i.ihl me with 1jtc"S ' f it toil'1, inn" fei'it teir foil -- V i -' in sbe Xcetn - w i ? li. '. ! a:, 1 Ikii! o-e- n '. i ' i:n -- a to tli tliero I'd 6rlnk tliens-- o 1 fv- - i .at of :. t'ater, .livt not t.t I A T:i' l'. m I'ilvr See If! Its Itllllt "rta v il .oh. I In- - a.ml All ii Mm ,ivi- - llvc. ; "I h-- js to it, t'.ii do on tin Vioi , -- .ent tha. tvill it It ha " iu-- e 1 tobecntrolled. Ji lias a: . iw .t at It has et to, 'eryfejtniinal en the the mp.. of oj4u, ll.urraut.-iioitio- n of eior v- - ajtite fh.t it. n 'i-i- - the o" the j of 'X Uie 1 mm n d-.-- tkc It hes fur- - ii-l- ud I ie? of re.-o-rt fr the tnd ivci aiil lor . .... .... t. i ? !- -. V ..lilll1 r x Tm rua. Jay il- 1. 'u- -. ant' ies upon .i e- - a ta jgr than any eigfcrf It itiaccount.'i.l host t ivt in . j 1. lid n daiv.- - are over. irto liu lo old ape. it m rea-i- m pon kind of j rop- - tlo tlv--j r i.Uy arid town. t'a c urJ- -, and ij erect 1 Pi-i- nl . .. k . I H v & rr.ii.vli ll. .in. . 4. rik :ii " "i ii i4x :tn in ?t ix iij .."..... lll.illll. Vh. -- ,ni .. nun-- - t nn f V i J-- - ...V-- . ..'.. . .... r . f ll V,j.'l l . Irutli.i ' ' 4 . V 44 C444I4. 44.4W. ff. il un. l. 1 tln 'iMit ..o art in it to.tl a t un to fi- - H- -e tir tjBxvecuiia- - fj. to Stljii- - ' THr the mup. tin. : i.. i,,,l ii i vx.ir. Tii mm it. r.-i- -t-a tin law. ol i: u tie gr at no- - n i. ii, that - o--- ed to r ri .h. i!f str-- m:n Uvt U ; . crree. j I .- -. oueivonxert!t;ttceiioiie "." -- n1 areivcnidtojaeeuonmtv i. nmi are the f.rv'.stnvtion f th. i a tin- - 3fn not riM-- u in t.. : br tiie ru- n- 1 -- i of 4 w,e- - as f mi in the ol nxn. lift by I . i n.i.- - fniin ;l,tir n.-- !. r.f i ic uid .....- - i .. . is TEMPHRAKCE Tm Tvmperann orktsakesste3l!v ra-- . It i- - not j i rajir ,o- - ; Wt - xtid bt. a- - a c .i-- i -- lou . - mr - - -- -- - .. i" i i! i r -- aid it not j t-- r t'l and in ' i f p- - sctit i J .jsal m inr ' aro oj- - hik a.r.i tip pr-- - tit-nx- r f but Loas. . -- yiii jn xmr j oul tija- - art. stud 1 tiic a un-- t a oK" - ryday-Tvi!-trnser- on j it? focadatioris. I TO Tcrlfy thr i;iooil ith Water and Air -- un'L tlie with t Hie re arc of t o-.- cr the r.-or- who very , fr in oirictiins call l A hiliK. T!lv RflV l'tnv fwJ ilnll nml ' "J - - - h?nvy. iniliMioal to I rind tti-- v - - - n i tiut need 50Bie and ! i or or j i-- i the and yjcv feci I This of n-li- is : -r- e-it mi ,. 'i mke. Tl:a jrooa - :trc j i- -t - j life af the jatiCit, but for r:ons t ''oin. tee nan cr- - fecta r even ley; be .sen is the fzvi who f this remedy than in y-- r or randch:3drn. juc an the laws of hivvdity. I.et u- - f the r:tu-i- -, of 1 1" te j, imjiitre. f'.-.'i.- -r frr'm - aa h tg; or ot t tue A- - and f'j-li- n'' ..-- . dependent 'Upon the tllMJ .(Jeners .UK?" vfcaut to L'o unopened. Cinjir:ti-".- . continues mufh -- iiameJr--ne &i,anion t.----- . - -- i mm-!m- te -- nr. musl pluck ;lr n:ii-an- ec. beinj: j.roJ.jc. thi, AlIr, Jfb,,.,, '.tbinct a-- il Bl.ol,it :nion: ''ti!i:,-,:,'- J lhc '"l-- . dalue. drrw-iae- i: -he-of whira. r.cir of -- " !.. i,,,H,s-'-"- " th:vJ coctJwd n.t,.p. aivutnunt of habitutl'v unobrvaxit ' Mruii-J- i nepjous..t..-::- . depends i'1 o:i- - ' C.arb.iid. after -- xpo- maav ds& the -- unulv arterilirel t.vof t.o li.. Kn-efrie- " sar.'eiiliitors "Jhuliin thft thllli." encomt.a- -. FvM "prle.0 1,un,;"1 jtUiMKtn iys:;ioii K.irrUU-ij- tlouiou h!c-lii?s- , iif.tlliii. Irlen.W.lp'a vK.iKter ufxiiirr "".' mcirni snreyolal. ir.yln..ki-.n.l- . iltKlJ. iSri liiiJiiilniiX IjUiIbtiU'- - ciiiiM'iMd', uiptrianee lri,kms' yoii'plea-f- i. ..fiiiux i'!tu:M.s i nip thuln?s -- ptn.-lhip nuu 'lne3-ril- s Uieftw"-$f4va- i fiotTsrv n outlii.-- ; icyfi'sul aralrmt vi'.ih-tioni- l "'JlpOiUlei .inCen ilauip bf.iuiJfail .clicks. i liosnclwllo belpu.JK t4tn,ijou iKjthrf'uvied eiiull' bbiitti in.trto amt'ii'tl ileiu.xi olhjeil uuiry mmI tiu,lnuk brought mi.i'kh) t'.ivm.'it;- - miJiiikI my.t'e"1-5iiis-ii- t Cod'-pu- ie Aatik"s CRUEL POWER. iVrI.lu;-iiiai- i, rum p;j'er hnsteninjx ufaUit.vclf urprint- - il'-stro- v mocked rcliac.y, aiorality Jam! would interfere wit attiuiuted de.trtietion bbatlctil set-th- e eaiiple icttiutiic il-'f- ot throup;h week. vicious depc claies, nfues (pawer handt-upo- i: workinjr hear.'ier jrov-ct'ime- nt dared ixnpo-e- . eon-de'ii- n- an povlc'ty. andIrivis t!iouands,-i-i their m?r2cinr pofr-hoic- a jKtid their i,:iliou evry rty.iKt onler .support loI:e lorcc every tirtirr pon-leijtiarie- -. renderedcxeee- - ..r,r. .Mntn?;--tt- I It.io -- ilieVitiT i.!Ltnn. ink-re'sk- d c.iat iiw-whic- i .ondeayy icinltv.s which order ei.b-o- f dexiandm-- : .nHc' 'Uu ratiwr -- urpri-.ur tliu" destr.t -- heuia fearful Lin -- TptVeW furious damb lHitiHrmk..r' tniwtii. '.ficrt iu;lj r.r.VTiv have -- Were nV wuld salooa iirtereats to po'jr.g lieca-- . kHmg ministers ioWiNg attorneys wall, ItXer ifscaa. HOW GROV STRONG Mlmul.itt Circulation J.iuor. thousands women suffer incHi what they "j actton. easily t:rcK somr:hf; imncrii, thev sfimulast, tn-al- e eider omethinj; kind better. effctfj prftdured ,he genera- - jKdeeti, likeiv-t- o reports mjcs amire 'flbil- - ble.jl fccucvJu jijh, 4wruw fcreath ratiivrMian foTTn'nicTt actior- - -- uUiL'a uiwberv-'r- i bhrvL lecturL" UiaTiar entire ollicer .iajRinous .riii.-Hi- t nHf.dK- - . ,6 .,, . . nia-.t- , tJ""- - e.nocr.i:- - . Sy'or'. 5 ,..,. (f lIs(. ,,w lmbii hem icatd tbo It il,.?t ,,.,,t n,.;, Hoa th ? u,mI . I of " ?JOLITICAL rra.-r.-- n ih,,,;r.'air..v .11 I .1. . -- .... . .ir..:. mi im-iitii- s aa ntz tum. s uci;', .Mill renpiratr i of pcre air one e he txtf t wave of proinotinir hcaPJi aud Uut the 8 erves also lose the viror .and receiving and " retaining 'iiiir5si-ior- u whenevar the i is Tendered iripure presence of cfii-t- e aton s, woriJ-f'- Ut particles or discs or ati aecumr.ntion I bile. Il op-ovo- n, the accumulation, of pois- - ouuus mi.1 cr in low blood irnu- -t d'3 .. .., - i- - - ulath-n-.i- .'ent to "A is orau: It livcrerl through the two niter c;iro- - lid. and.throutrli 1.V two vea ebral ! Ajr.-iu- i , u:c same attnor says: , interfcT a with due j.ation, with muclar This is thf rea.son. f the imi- - tilitv ft.- - W in the thin urof tons. The con- - . Yeix this likow"-- e hold-- 5 ood. rate of resjiiration more muswlil ir power, , andlhorefore m c irda whi.-- h respire . mo-- : petl'ectlv, contractility is eihili" b'd wiUi 'ti e rrealec enei cy-- Andji'i speakia of howaierve c.n- - fcrs ia .ie says: actio i ol every an'itXiic niecliaiiisin depends upou ' the cA.-steii- of certain physical j is. iiiiKinj: wnien as ueiii 1 jf narr mount htportaucc nc mav; be,nb.i'-rned- 'It is the tlue .u-j- h ' :ircr-a,i-'-t-- d blooiL i this bT"J,vp.'d liut 4Vr tins nervuSK'chanism loses its poVer. or diminirbi d. the display of lis charac- - ik- - elines. on the tl; suJ ply'- - be midi-fr- r e;reat. or its poivcrs artificial itiere:ued. there is .a action. even r,ho .ve- -l cumulatiojis the cflete pro lets of- - the econotuy are to yve rise ' to Mich,if!iminutions of power, as ie see whea bile or urea is permifced to accuintiistc in theiii'oodl" IniiMnueli then as we lind thr.t de bility of impure bloo and iiiai, conversely, 01 r brant. 1 nerve and-muscl- e are in direct tion t tb- - of or ized blood, let us trv to luid out wine- - thj,ir abojt the blood, and how to fcebp it pure anil abundant- - Kvcrv drop of blood myriads nf little. organisms. Each of thc-- e comes itto OM. tcnci', -- carries on its work, has its own life, rrovs old and dies. Tlw,y re like wafer, round ad I and are called mood ecu:. l.!ii.ei. or blond jrlobules. Without tiiem we .could not Jive. piiss their whole existence in serv- - mz s anc. giving us Tt absorb the fresh air-- f frotM tlie air cells vs we inhale it, .and the: oxtrgen of the. nir turns eao of them J frocxi a bluish .color to -- ritrijrht red. tlie color of the blood. Then these active, useful Jitllc take the oxyfen round :aiui gfve to all the li.wies of the oringiag color to the 2eek. strer-- h and vigor to tho brain and miuiKe. and new life mil heaiti. wheruTer thuy go. As:in and arain, " times do the liKle tisigo their rounds, but at lit thev out. iMacket un and die. aud dt-- C- mttnt JTO oil - ill .tllC bilj 1 i.uijR.rj, i;,-.- . .....i ,....,. . .,.. ...i. . - il.l-i- . 111." Va . . - jHr plliOC Kvi rvVme the pulsate twen- - tv miuiw s tue.: Ie di So c oct- - hot tvxeitement. un- - Iwts the--.trcn- gth. .Intoxicants give wnuiorary - i:renrtIi and bv l".::i - ainr-n- g wtiii'ti " iufc,v 'r'"uu that the bU.ud hxs been pou - onct hy ie aj.il th:xt the w.it.-- r in the vstem haf beer, dried.- - a ra uI. sli.I n ! r 1 r"'4' "" :rn lie - torn ny One eltai- - matiazor-a- u. Wnc: tnuii-- oil .ne oonsutuem ot bile irom the liver. T'' filow:i:T .anriyti- - of the blood! interesting, iia: it is th . . disCa: 1 Water.... "s nS Alt'MIBCB . . . . e.w - -- - . ..... . .... ....... .47 " tt' p l .. eta Hslxary Matter, i- - Lt. YVc ear. -- vc is tliic n--j- r , .- ..-rr- tru - 4.L.awwk,vr-h.4a- . diaes and about :he sVateni :i ive new oil" the dead may live some food, & we ran not long water, the blood the two most we can to it are water and pure air. Iliikjoki in IDENilFIED WITH IT. IVc-idi-s- t (I II. Not Onlr I'l-ili- to KIi ln.-t- r of r,4r!nl l'.ot I iluii-iTjii- j; Our able Dcuxo-rat- ie contemporary. the Sun. to focus it? rav- - on every nfw lcveropment of the Pan- - irlu!.. tt... I.,- - ..,., v......... ..miui.ii; .nii"uaiij leal lonrtcrlvornct at l 1 t.. ,. f -- .nJ-ir -- n f- -r ; i ...: I - - - - -- ' -- ""- v I on thi A.t!miiiKtr.'it.;i4i. i latter ucm licr.-:- in i-- r am- - ueranat:on. oi lterubhi-ar- . AilKin Mraticiits for anv aetion that had ! the of bflu' in tie in- -. . . . . .. - . ,. .a ., f, . - - - ""'. - - ivmi u, uu i fav M iittje n cun n re-- Md the :iiuittci fact- - in relX.on cc- - partaerbhip ". a Attrney-Geuer- ai and a jranir esf ijiecn-lutr,- '- ctn:pirat!rs'whof main hope of Mireeia w:is. bf -- d on . hire distri j of fre tfick an'onjr otliciaN of hir'n J 'he; trifcJ. at vrsi to mourc -- :r. v. irveiauo to save credit 'I hi- - idminilr.itirn bv throwin" Mr. but , ' -- ' 7 woui(j ("Icelari y- - !- -"- t.i a . . : : ..- - it r...i:.... a ...i i.. i n.. il - "' ' iM o: nan-- i -- jrw v tiraiii of uI " hia iU frl-,!"f- c '-- dep- n- l1' lie " ' - bave kn-- w -- f at cerJtiW uwwaf.rMMf . f'act altrnllon. hi of 5 . i I r fcurden. ex- - blood - Ml USL. rwo. wa.ijWT v. am ..,..., iv'rl. fl... .rr- - .,. ,1 il.- -- ,t. and for ;ii- - tart. .end lii- - fellow fljr r.d then anil tene.; vol f:m , ..-!- - ! T,?or ! , - lene. li The of at. cy 4li.--i;.- list! praetiead lretver. method rtu ircrorunt ingredients particles. iniHrtant Household. jonresls remarkable appearance Cleveland" Democratic ovelffKird. Cofowi-sii- r at.uit-4o- n ..v..r vuiv.v - a r nf bil.-.tio- n n..t ..' ''r. ;; and ciiu'.- - uru miuviiii mih , laelied 'to iw in thivK miintn-- J rd.- - , hi.t.i-x- - , - - - - t.m. t.t.wfe: Ml!r..ioiH MIrnal whnu xxi'll-u- r- viV(, lu.lliy imi wl.ic-- b ii-i- s brat U.Siiw'1 the ct lias aWr:ictl - .lit ii" elliuir ud in .loin"; dof-ff- e ia- - r.f.re-e- n: tue lev.-- - of the abi-jltt'- ! best Deunvrats iu tJie MiuiMna A COasc. . K ; In t!.e South atttf the net r.o ...I...I soldic: had ant urn Ui-- .t the xii.il i who won Ilbe -- ray ik of : common blood. ,ott that he v:ia epia't- - lv bravo 'tk lieonle. ar.d the coir- - mou cpt-dh- d onet. bu the '. h In. f,.ii..ii lie Je,-- r lon- - vtra--- - of en: ' var then, x-o- n-r now. 111 Cod. AIuti;hu elutuery art tcri'Mllvm'wro' ri.oii"-- lo:ii! - - : rlausii 1 did Failir-- ' this .' W the neonle Jltt .. 1 . i,iie-- i 1 .- -- .V ..- - tht . wdows of j. ami dt-:.-- ed sol - Lers of tile late wvar. -- cut ii rir pt-ti- - i .t2i'is ul prjve--t and the petitions in d?izisln. Hiu.vl-Linus'i.'wi.- rl .,, leuriowniav (.olUinlS',,c SJS ,.1,7; cnplaSa! opinion1 ilism'.i.'s POINTS. jKver-J- by'tho "MTiat-- artenal- - interfere cxertin exporii mounta'n liibert ergetic inoa'cnt. if ojntrarv. ovidizite-- j nitre,; encrirelK -- tircnjrin propor-- I sttnplv arterial-- .' contains living shaped treaKta. cartiers botiy5' thouind thadl!t orirtimsms saltation alcob.l. ;.xh'i ahoicn-- r -- Sicily without things pnrifj Il.tn-KIctr- ir between (larlsid continue-- , ''OUdie tijuoraire. eaUrfWeUrn i,iumiuitr.i,js-- i eMione.-- t public. 5..Ir:ltiuI15 (o.tnency the.-edcepi- countrv?-- - Sap.pit Pension tvfoVriB 1'put nriiiein'e- - tlirottih WCrirn.ji- riieers.1 rcnerai cJiroub i,.t.aUh eountrv, c,.aarJ. in-t.i- m e, howin- - :t- - iiaud." iIrajr;m:-iowii- " fGcluu, tiatiaaotisa fail to cere if ,nr, 3rE LJ .,,.,...,,! pan - tho arc ltncUrfellowes aad Mn- -rt ',l.'- .- nousi.iutli Take IL oat. ha on 'w-''- - Bufaca'atfcr cara. siad ;, duo.iio druru. 0.til. LYON la IpRijir-.-iftb'.i- r fellww-es'i7.e- n tii!llc ,,," or ":ixaom r.nu power av that !,,:lk'n lk,d rculai rapidly, .'ollars mouth, fitl Ctoxer Vxton .'sts oc-;- , to lvoiuriLsrb: 'V-tren- aix.licia! and ! 0V;-vela- :U vetni! Hi&c. etk -- hake "" x!,en gresmanophHr. uintioaf J;1:li. -- n t:- - ike. atid s t,4 apn.-a- l ' H'i worse .han for sove::U , lo si j ; n( stone lood i tt .. KS .. how "r also for time if is take witi --- -- The on iUh: .u caustrvtobcar 1 Iiecn s :ll. .' Cu fl:. tK .rf -- iff ti.ii il.- - f lea, oj goit otv..):iu tuinc Adams .ra-- 4 tibhsiied. ;rid the 2.nmble-- t ina tkcien:th tine. breadth , tha. the riirhf to MtaikSyh the cc-uui- of the Xntioti Wrt3rJTeate-- t leriilLi"o body upon th nit; ; vuc anu the'.e elnltn. ttK of the twu Hcik'es. whocurcful-l- y i.Xijj them. They passed and.sewrte and senVto tin - for his jjgn.tlure. .Tfc-- . 101' biL.- - u'ltnoet lu Mjtu-tur- e. Let nit- - tell ou t( ore. of theis. A vii:i:uu5ont -- oldier sv, Ik served os private.-- , twenty-tive.iwont- ha of the f ht eont. acted heart-uisea- se after i!s n'Uirr. was piaotd uiven vith Iars-e.fajcjly- , wife t-i- r.eral cjfc dren. totxiake a,25v-in- r- An Tinfeelinjc haudlord rave.,hini mvice he."iu-- t tiud reofero coier him ind helter ixi. family. Be wit if.-e-irc- h of A.clterf.or tho he k'Vod. h was neir heart' of alivt agaK. Six ontha afttr.wands in bv m:iv. skele.V was ml th roof j.howeti .nat it was the -- skeleton. jlie 0i,ue;r Annrieaa Hoil-c- . Tnci.tir.y. Diie! jLiiroi'. lAe new tK. jj rt of Suew Vif.k. to Ciitcasv to encobrage tie Prohibition tnoromenL with jhe intuatiou dratr-in- g Republican votes from the lieptb'.ican uartv. i?nd thvs indirectlv eUlV tO thti DemOi-mtifltrrtt- - tb b.-- t.jjt of d.'eerioi, while he himself Mr. (,!rre!ai-.- d iiuo. Tt n 4.4.,- - aad trick, Mr. Ma-co- ae has been xiw:trde-- i for is bv one of boat oflicew m the rredent not hone;t EepttbliciMa Pro-- nxbitioniats see through the deception ia them by the Pro-- hibition leaders who paid to dojnst what 3Iarone did? Troy Time. 4lThe Democratic convention met it Raleish. N. C. titer receiving with enthusiastic cheers message Jeflerson Davis recall- ing the fact that orth Carolina was wilt the last ceeding State to lay her proceeded to declare unalterable aostilxty to the CiviJ-Sorii- M tci.l'hiladdk4m Frcsj. - . ..o.ltwr v,,;r.... ' . eonipoaed of ivater iitife Uoted wr other aiar'cf carry Clfiflt f11.r.r;r loth.- - rant. WHEN THEY VOTE. vet and unci-r.am- . Uui of ijerc- -' "Gtia-- a i!eiiral UwTerr- - s the contour I mav frec-J- r av that I am J?efintu f. ofk" .: st ... - , , Co&strroptwa S Tlie CiiurlMin Will Allotr the CoSor1 K.f- - lite I'rir.Iojje of Cantm; Uattt rrn a They Wave liVe-m- e Drta-- - ' vrraiv. The views of the Prpnt respect-- ! o' It-orJo- r M-- t- thV tO SUCCnei KrvJ tha of ;olr.wba .re aigaifican-.- . berau-- e rc'al -- 07j"tJiinir of vrhat . l ' J iir-- . ClcvelsztJ things of tne soiii , omincu or fvcn'oqc oi ktvn courh, heart (erer ami no, in ,.Utonu., .,eenaeie-- , iivrr showed h- -n -- lied in- - the crellent the -- vrtbw. 'H.ev mtcnd-Htt- o tiling frm ; eterr tie -- luxllest !.opV-- i of ..ij.t,. u?av " b he i;eftllr tlu-.n- . clenn-- e nudehuiurau-aul- l roI('!jtt1"t1 isdr- -' couujiM Thef ha-- : i:tion. 11.3 pensionetl are ,!;... i- v v I -- , a ,' ,i ,IP J " ! J- - -- r a I r k..l t Si .... Lt -- 7 ... n in-- . m a a in- - . .. 011 v. i I: .,,r b v m a i' J Z r :tx u tt .i. ,."i voa 5 Dr. ca3--- i !""' incaiv- - whelo iV, vjr-- -i v.illr:, nf-ir- rr, -,- tha r,. c is ion I" -- tat 2 is !ifsi:s. befvi ttariiir PEMS. "....... tft-lfh- r be iiunart were -- eturned tnoLli mt found. of ef tiling of away such contemptible and gift. upou from of down arms, lis .w..,..v.. . t ii im.. it tit b. e it h a f a a n f- - a s a i zjieae MAY tcn: n D5ct they manj- - r genera- - b soltlier AV.h. It o nlv a'T,- - wee t since a f uecfocor t" tJenertl Katou ns Coai- - niL-iou-T-or ivJuracon was appoiiAed from laoni'ia, wh?eh t.ud Jit-a- r the head of ;. il!iiir-.te- v column in the i Mil'- -. :ud which letd tu-- n tue Sos.tn The new apj'intee is not ! an cdif;Cor in anv sen - ht never been identified uiih edf;ilial in - j ter.-- . snd h:: n ver been to ,,fr.s.. any p rtn-uL-.- r aptue---- ; or at- - ""'"i" in wai oi public ml.di""tice. i3 lawx-T- . a ticiiiu and a man to vUojv educators rcnenllv c; exrcely ,'o in the in- - v,rps: ol tu:J ,stl :rclt .. .1. l? iii usl i a revelar"ii 'to the . . . . i. i j. : i.. woiiiki, mi ui-uii'- ;m .vi;iu.u4 1 al! thr -h- ot--rtn. ."ate-o- i u .i. 1 i i .. .. .iicpiiiuic in.-- , mn umuui iaci-- - .n rj.-- eveland and il '31 are working are' Cleve'and xvanU-W- be the next IV -- ident and d.e- - Hill. Their aiWUy of the object -- ouht h per- - feet- .- iuUnnur, Awn'ttn. r-y- The .. -- iw the peopie will . tIj j)V .,. u f(..irs N. sjou. , :iw,wt.- - the tnie int-i-t-- t of : or. in thi-- . a-.- d other mattct: and therefore it i:- -' the .support of :tvat ntaj rity OI hore-- t . rth and .outh. 1 t s me iepuune:in pari, ami no real ctr? of ann to v'".n" 'n,c r:,'lV in il.i- - citv or anv- - ,d'- - - i'. 'JtOit:t. &3&'io brave luion old!cton the HetmbMcan Mate ticket Unlv- - .me on .... . l,H! 1,Ji on Kt'i- - ami ic wn-- n t nom- - -- ib-"J becaiiM- - he w.t- - .a ld:i-- r Dc- - vu. i, ti.iv.it. much for "iv" -- . i' -. tue - I ui.-.- i -o- alier-anyway The h- i- end 01 i'euo.racy-t- he rent bulkvf the party -- prJer the other kind Thev the better than . I'titix.. fiS.'Phe Democrats f Alioitrit-ir.- ' e!'ote 'he country in ths dor.btt'al at- - vtude of electing one United biatea enat,.: on the stront kind t-f an .nti-ticperan- ce platfoiut. and then tJitruing Mpiarelv around and electing ,' aotltea ivlio stands pled-- ed to prahi-- , bi'ion jt-- a naiionicl is-m- Thi course is. to say the least. confuKng and oa'K on nil tne titue-nonore- d traditions tot clung the immutability .i the pacty ou -- j:e:,:,aue. SV. Loriis Chronicle' A cCv'"l Service Viofxtoc Pnsior.-'"'ommi-sion- cr IJlack wfH scon be iiik froai tiie I;utlie Co:w.-- t lle will bedjak in time to prepare an ' . aiiav er lo.cjiir-re- - - msu -- t a; the White oiiac jy:.-i,ivil-'ervi- ee otnnijsion- - .ir K V.tn., r v ... ..I.U..4 W 4..1IVII. .'II. l.Ai.llU JS nre.-e- nt ii: o. Vl. but bis friends in thlsjcity have Wen of his pttKUOtiC when i'roideat's xaeation u.ov.r to come on to press the charge xn pen-on- . The caae he makes out against t.eneral i.laek for violation of the civil-servi- ce rules is ix used tr. t btve'and some cmbarrasx- - uint. and the rotiriuir Ch h Cunnx'-s-on- er kv.-v- s so good a friend of the I'res.dent th.it he didn't do it. I'rawbly no uxore would have j uevT ot matter had tt not been for Bishop OWriy's uitCiv column delea.se ot special w"nsio- - examiners and other irre:::iarr.; es al done itader the, ecs-musaic- r. ot whica n iii..4i. ii-'- c iiiiuciucu xaincr snaxlv i on the iatt-rr- , and ai went into'aa account of Co nmouw Dudley-- , ad- - ............... llii-iri- An y triM rktiir. v.n.,.. -- V... .v v,.. ""- - tuiiij-iii.- ii correal xmdence if said to be ntinir v,.ftr-- n the -- ..fn.i.... S,w ., J",4., I..,.! f.o P s ;,i.j ' W .444 V.4il UlUi 4 U-- 4..IMU iUV "Vl f !mv.; H.., t-- ,l U.V nnW -:- 7. tba. tncy shall not pi:coa-hoW- f. General Black Ion" Wen Iook.I 1 pon as a snoils-mr- k bv :as ? Citiil-Servi- ce Leairue of the 1'ast. ThcT all be greatly interested ,in seeing fearless crutiny of bis doing. Heiu lies the embarrassment oi" Pres- ident Cleveland. lVxshiaeiQi. Car 7 Th,'-- V tur" L't tho im' to iiffri akius relief. Thank for the gray Jctrcii TnO-- y-- . mckmi com-- mi f,. Qiicago EARNOLOGY. TVs of Charaetrr by li of the lUr. Much of the abacrvation L- -. of ... . ;ocnon mat tneman wno upper L,:ir projects aiul twnus lor.vru u in- - - - variably one who is very tractable, or - uesiroa-- , ol Icarmnr, or very iiili;ent. Such would lw the qualiti indicated from tin hubii i yi "ivxaj; attention to u pa.ve around him. I H- -i . - tn learn. ea.-- to train, pro- - ( videtl hi- - hand ! delicate ami facile enough to do what is required him on tcctsion. On other hand, the man whose ear battons back to hi head is cloju to the kull in it-- , tip and posterior inxrrm. e ir.cea opmite qua.iti. ?. lie i in attractable, inattentive. U-edl- he K accustomed to hear, it i true, but Za to ini?.d what he hear-- ; to allow people'- - rrnel, witlv, wife and tren-- 1 r sir-:- ' to ua. I .Sr-prmsnc- nt and conTplt ar-'t-he cures of luhoii-- . aivl luUMumtout ili'-.a- is he ret-- f ore As ablrw.il pi rifir-i'M- i I tonic it brings hecth. ienoxi i rynJ vitality Vj a worn 4ad dija sj lx ly. Tnr flv m not much of it buil ,, ,th,i, he'll -- lia-i out all aicut tLo ulky af. -- - ,Ar uh-.0Tt.- .T thtni. lillUcr tMii'- - nr al etjj?" l - KrntT man is ;aiii to liarA'tji; prTr- -, InrJ the Is noliy but huilielf Xliuutt the ir:7uto mark. ''Imnja 'IrJtunc Prentnx'i "Pleni'it Punratr-- o PHIeU" nro p'irfoct prevonUves of cj lucloeii i;1uas boCk' al way frcab. By all .!. . . 1.A CC1? ?, "' "TL " i?" CAiXI'l'VU V f - ajfk. Wv t' a the ter. "bbell out -- .'hiecoo Xdil. A Po"r.ivn Fact of lb j Ao U tb-- j certaf n- - fckin di?a0! bv SVjT-- i I'ms.)13 Drc, l'lack or Brown... Tuk Iarjt rorolver iw-vn-T- he .93rtJ. - Y. tizKvfik. THE GENERAL MARKETS. KANSAS JII'V. ?opt. is. CATTLE si ippinj- - nwrs., ji ) w i :o ilT.. :, ig :& HOGS io choice ticuvr '.:, it. . c l'Ki "! ?J c5.. W nLAT Nc red :. H4 No. J red s.ti &, N.roft .'-- i oii'5 No's' No. iJ . u TTfflT I'eif-'.'- .lTTi. II . Men coi.-- ti a mi ; nt ,1(,,d oi a i)ri''tie- - ol!e5l-"- ! hanee t Lcfo.tfor hj-su-- Uccaiu a.ilarin. ,1.! ,a,l,1,y .j. j ill.-- - i .i t5 , i it njfr fi... li ot i f ... . - ,, e- - -- " SoatLrra mJ!'- - a 1 nun. iu . , 1 -- ... - ,lU -- . ' in t. ..-- . f in and tlo b?.-- k uab-- , wbateer-A- I .i:rl. ,n,m-- !; your.r'.ilohibtiittwi. haTe of tLrcc'.ii-i- s ' r - ,,r a.' V 1'iorcu Fur- - Ia taaay bo-- c f-- iaf i.rt. on,. .-- rtv i0 ouo dolia?. liv v,rftw, 1 ioo twelve o ,s"a,:,,a"'d' patient thnnihout untri canii. UtH. Vsiti, r the unsSiie r The His - .... the Can that jjractieed are the ..-- i .w-- ,,-,.,.- . anMoi'iinn-a- t a- - Uniil J Jile a . ' - . .. i ! - .. . .o . a -- u 11 her i - I . J'oanitiP I j r , . ... ' , the , , , nearu tne v.. ., U be has t tlie hut the -- - .- - Ill LJ v v 4 r itYt r m- - - - l i i :z T, a 1 1" OS M fs. i; ai ii U 1.1 e 4fc 12S ( ft Ci, iS 1C 4t IS :tj t 40 00 Q. aO -- n fc 4 U IC it SV 2j W IC i -- t H r. s. i w, sr. rr., n ii .vj 10 if J ft 11 37, fi 6V AfY v"."0' Vvr snck'" ituiThfu-t-boivc'crVAmu- Vy.: CHKUfiiKiili c.-tM- i., E(!(iS dioie.... UACUN Unui b'houtilcr - iw. .. ........... tAHl..... . . .... Wtx.ilM surS unvkilicl. I'OT.VlDliS... ST fLS. nrri eei,i,in.. .... ituiciier stter.... lltiXir l 'ackiuir f?HKi:i-K- a.r to choice "l.OL'U-Oio- -cc OJKN-N- o. ?!.".! )... oats No. 2....V..V.V.V.' wv.l'::: l'UKK "Jriu.N Mjauum.. c.VTTLK-S- hi xJ . -- 'p it.u.- - :sis if$-;-.- V .t UYR .; 4,; "TEU-Crcam- crr i r ' .vWyouKl CATTLE Export 01 Z By) HC;S Good tocbo.co kJ ft 4J Commou to jrooJ -- S & .j:, f.Aaa n w ffdlCf IHIIIS UwlfU 4i ictx-wi- ctiKic arc :euu irooraat tiera- - ex-iii- ttir-a.- . ajvt ctT;nr ijalcli b: totrn-j- r or-r- s. If jxi ralTr froo the M-i- - acb diorter. or -- aV CVZj 1 tM rer aad ltili--- trr Use A. B. CTT. Prorvl4-- . K. L amae aad nrr tmeue. lib. ' - it u txUr cotasi-A- a - "r J?ww. eacaa- - in aV9cJk0adsstoa.cs. Hood's Sarsaparilla BeldbyaSaecim. ; PnrparM u. i. uuuu w. Arouecanca, Lawea. -t- ro-j.r alTnity l.r water . nd the , COm miaon from ihe reanoa-ibilit- v for , whuat-N-.s red ::;" s:, kj, n-- tes anc brain Uiiis hi.nier ! 'lon; 'lt th'Jl . -- a ,0tl,,-.a-.- a Jfr1 BLck!-- . ronsrh-siio- d violation of the i g,?Tf fn xua.- -t do rot act eih. M hat toptc.1 tixe nociimano tor diatr- -t at-- j Oberly che.med that the ap- - , 8cmSS5i??.;""- - v g zt of the uUIionsot I ells turuey cr u Lawren.? Cotintv l-cii- a 'fomuiHai: bv Wa-.-- k of ventv-tw- o ItluK ....." 13 fe II to that die cA-er- r inst.nt? They are iitr- - the Proliitionvts the idea, of conrs;. Jlfinccrts out of a total of ventv-si-r ! l,CTIioLKU,-UaU- t'1 a c: ' n-rh- t hrnered av " that avc ml. ri.simil ;rc I.. naiact Gbemgt nal he pure and ti,- - frnm .. w siit- - etc eoHy s life. Jt We live without impure Anna Howard, and let'islation rrhich lutelv liii"lai PRACTICAL inck of knoun . . - carr-:- d C, and went jed aowa noli- - ther like i?as . wore cour ,. Good SHEEP Te. cciy njK.s. mrL " Jst: 3tarI!J' - Jrrr t creiyaa Z.!? SSS - . .. - .. .. . tor soon. His nends in Wash::'- - dci3. Hoor n- - - . - ton. howi--rir- . hint that he ka brout Ee-x- t. Taie no other. j the sieciiic charges aca!nc Ulaci which will compel" an investigation by reit. hT auo ufor raLatia, " tlie Pnaidcnt as tla Wtter trar to tstai effect. lrfsar-xttMoc- e of -- jT-rrr tn It brinir oat all the facts. So the chirks tnT4i2.aA-w- m wtsf!rMtrus-- j TribZTic ustjpalion. 100 Doces One Doflar It AttonIbJ the ro&He Hrill'li'.'i' I . . I - ".S.-- - r , I J tM8-.lt- , 1 I iriVU'iujMi'ii.j.ix.w-'i-'1- - I , , .1 to krar tix of tr riorr-- i at Coare-uma- a toderou biawlJ M!elr tc bu lai-o- r It "a bo5 fc trua coaslttaenu w- -r iha tci unJ fliclrl cTerribr5. Tber w-- il Sai t . . ,, .t..- - . . .,.. jViiViaoc anscared t. ... by tbuworkl-rcaowne- d M - ate-!Kn- . . ' 1 1" -- - Tnr. .1ri telli of adcctbtAa cvant Hnt it can e;ul cai ia raasiQ; nj culec Tj .nuvjt. Ga-i- T or !iadf tioardi r" colorevl bron (! lllri' . llM ?r a xr - 1 1 tilrt " Wbuterx. Oa tattle of Aver' Ars Car ill erJ- - VVTrt The ssac of tbr fMmi!a bo cil tb--j ci.ia ra; Thj $j1im&. Tnc Fra:ir Axk Grease : Uk tst !a tbe wurld. bokl ovorrnberc. U it. MARK. I llrtS. -- S- tTiwr.r it. 7HL CRLT" GEhm Mi FTEI Curias Neuf'tjl l-- nr Psin '"srr I'dii.iiiTi oi vl Will i m .s r . .- - DR. JOHN BULL'S ill's T BalC Sin FOR THE &JRE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS ami FEVER. AND ALT. MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of tfcit celebrated -- aeiidse jas'ly claii.. for 1. superiority over ai rcn-cd:e- a" ex or cfie-c- i to t'a rabl fcr the GATE, CEETAUf. EPZEDV and PERM.KEXT trtro of Ajrae sal Fever, cr Call" 1 aad,t"ever, hc'J:-e- r of'ihortar loag Btacd rjrt. He refers to tho . - " j "-- - rt - -- , feet rcitora on of tao ccTra. hcil'i. bcv?cTer, prxdeat, and ia caie xao-- e to can. if xts nso is co3l.::cJ ia natllcr dose for eek cr two after tho d.icaie Lxt b.ea checlcod, xacro cipecialCy ia dxihcclt ad loaij-Jtaad- nt caiei. Uiaaliy this medicine will not require aay aid to ktcj the bo-re- la is good order, thould ths patunt. however, re-qa- ire catintrxc xacdiC4ae. after haviag takes three or four tiosei of the Tortt. at is of KENT'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will b suScicat USE ao other pilL Price. 81.00 Bo:tie; Su BotUci for tS. DR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, RULL'S WORM DESTROYER. The Popular Remedies of the Omj-- . Prdj! 0Rlr, sax JI-il- n St. IiriT.l K. KT. "CatarbH UKUM BALM! HFTITsVI For coU in head Ely'i Crtam Malm writ Vke magic. It eurri nu of catarrh and re-tfu- terue of ttsLE IT. JJanZer, htZ OX USA. S&-fV- er iV.'A, A. . A ri-rt- S ! aptiUM Intoe-u-- b cfr!I tiii--- toon. Ir4-.'c- t. irrr.i 'or :lj;-ln!- . Ft fit 4Ufcaar. ELY UiaJTHLl5.lJTUi(cu.Of-j.- . r COCKLE'S ANTI-BILIOU- S PILLS, THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Llif. B. taji natjea. M.n-r- . cosUia eslj Fas vuM Isrr-4.ra- U. Aju- U- atrtu nrws. co, sr. tti.. Ma. Aa Ca44Mik4 Hlelvx. Aojt thtrtr rear ar fvaim-a-i parlei if ta na of Dr Winiura Itxil 4r.T4r- - m rto-- r foriilj-c- f U tfcrjt. rtu io-- r lci ooncai4-- I 1'Je rpta-)- 3 is th: c js-..- ;, TS SAB of cta If ia ff Hall CAUiie xroa Lc.vcs. rjr tc sf-- ' .4 0--1 pMlir potaT car X r co-jt"- j, coxt. cotv asTttca. wvcoaoctJ. nc. "IhTCl-al-l- H Niinin rr tSAivjrmc?'aiir9sraKM c; ifli 1 a-- c aria rtiwrr proper oacs It u stood the Tttt ef Yean. tx G?nz$ all Sueaitec cf tie ETOX- - AC3. ID1TZT530' && -L- S.4TK. ItPsriaestlts JK4, lrrijpratt axd JunL i-a- taej ire Ijitem. BIIlkHS LTfZPSlA.COfSTI- - cunts FATIOff- - JAUXDICX. AUSQS59FTaC SICZE1L-JDACEZ.ZI- L- UVER iocico-cpiixrs- .t UacneeT ixae ss Air KIDNEYS iU htateae- -J tm, STOMACH ItiJ7srtl7aXda AMD uui catinicyrafr E. ties f-- tiic it xm u s BOWELS Wrann. ItisyUftt-- . -- - Vei e stts tute. e4 u S?5 Inausi-dtf- . IliOHJGfitSIS ncnrASiinTfisM jWUgHoUABJ ?i-iri- i- , rJjucmiZxMxCrrt V: : f5 ifj - prxl r!! ? 01 I U-- 1 -- V?35: f" BEST TONIC. ? Ti tor-- ' "f c s "e la r- - -- t-' , .: "ir Currt Iy.pil litlctln. k.-- nr, Iniinrr ItlooJ, Hm.im.il. CJiltl end Krttii,ml rJs1- KWIurjr ml l.lt. r. it . .- - a: - tv i Umtn,iM. '.ev J'. lv-i- -l taete . trt i fcr" rnrtcltra a ltd J!rlOt II1 l I . ' ltlrrtMtejt U..lltl UW of tiur.j, ... . : Ths Latest Paris and K;w York rj l 1 A n JF Ifty Ah ysiswsi vbw t.' !'- - t "l ' I LAB eicnn 3 S LA MODE. i -- ", . . r . r ....c-rL-ARTrtKo- oe. ls.-- f J -- t . .sr ) i .- - ; - -- v w .i tr - J , s '' k " r.yrcit a s. jjlediie -- '- !K',"t',,lim'" a i.,..,.,. '02Sr.u5r twJi? lined j Rewarded -- c -- - I a a ... ( 1 r y t. e ii i ... t informed ., j shining J aiieiiuinjror K A tv 7 : C s i ( 6 .' C- - 4 4 a 2 4 a s s e ... ... ... .... n z y 4 i 3 4 T -- - Ii -- " I -s- - -- - i "- - j I 1 t I t ! .4- 4 J i b- - j o & a ' ,.. it a il I, S a c u - I tt a r i tfit a- - tr Frw f .i ia Tnr a i f . f j i ? 4 t t- - a. !" c- - E -- " v .. t-- 4 l a a a-- k rott Tin: W. L. DOUCLAS lri rttr i ,rf l . -- , ri Tf ylf fci .Oi.1 tl.r ,4 o. .'fcrfWt f alliMt ia.- - t ll. at fur lbr Vi. I Ii..iicl' f . . H.l)0 NIiimi. -- tn.r tr j r tx lilr-i- i etl t. J t - . . u 1 . .1.. CV - .( i i - . lir IU-.Mi- m. V fc " O ' ' .r f V jT WELL :J DOES IT PAY! MAKING. . I.r..ta.-'S - S - I u . 1 ',- - ! Crnf ex. erii imiu IWII lJrllUn 4 CO "Tp dpi tr...- - lint Mirtilni- - tui t Im j r , j "- - I" mIW i ' r W f'lj ''i 'i "' I - l wlr "-- l a- - uw--1'- T 1' -- I ' r r eildfiot tan- - A .1 I w H ! mttnttmti j! r al rt- - - l'l " or . iv l4.ii ..I. Ic-- w r .M. hmIk luk- - sfiiJ1 ip?r 4 ta4 fr .. . .. T I J . . (.a.. .. 1). ' a m w .v Prm3w && :.MMb-.t- . tln,t. 'ill'fl onto. wfeHgtggl; 3te I f ti"i n m r01 JOiMES Atfs 1 . PYSHeFREICHT . Ton IWcu cr. lUIHIki 11 ..., wMHSr&a seo. rmi. ru rr.rrtk I8XIS II S UCtUttTSf, IIIM.l! UITII.;i. if. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. XWWrw f r t r--v I K M I KN. ATTnv. Tll: ttt'-ir("- i mi fin-M- - ii tht-icr- T r tt ri l - U Belie WigGfl Works, Fond da Lac, Wis. STOCK Pcuts "We wfrt fura'H of MVH TOf,K CI"T1, or s mVr Cut b-- a In anj- - p"Hal HOCK, t o l.o 1 ftr'rrt f T -- ?. A. . Ki:i.tooo Kwr. j'Kit o.. 214 wi-iis- um fi. cnr. No Rope to Cut Off Horses' Masts &A Cr-l,T'- "V I.IJ-T- - HALT- - EH ut HKIPI.I: IimMkI, r. ll.rr It -- ir M- -t tf I s U tittr''P( fl. H4l1tlk. fiJ r7. Hl'r ''1 H4f- IX"!!.? f i c 5lt M f r JC Lierwot:i.Uefc'T y r KOCH'S PAT. STORE "DJl!C l MjW?"lWti"i"l4Tt l Br 1.ii 1 rtt-.- f IklB'.l ili lltl "il. twj. -- Khfin; rt I --- -iW fr rT1it r Pno imilfv A M. K-4- A. H. ttt rKV. i- - c Pm.!., lit. r ;'- - lau4n i..-- ., nr lti. M4-r- u ys R; f lii-- IJJL"1 to L. AI r-v- l rf- - foVJ Jo fir Tft. T-- o ivt rtri;'. GANGERS Vt if! WbXI ota"" awtlv. ia1- - cf r- - rw-- . Ij- - -- - s- - t.t fr A$lrv UK. K It. cuiKSii. rt r4ct; v. ATt,i.7, . AG00BLIVEM--Jl-I- H5 HIO 1515 Ptr-r- t '- -, Sm, rcr L7r Iv ..Tl ' ry t. d fco-- . f v mtfi Y JlllOS., Lail-L-t- e. 0 ALGIERS" v" I4vrrr-4T- . wr j. riMi.w s2 k- 0 3T 4T r J c r4 mfuri. - ww.(.a i. a. -- KJS. ... ojji. APIUM HABIT .tS?:?yS tl- - 3' ia." rasr J l7TVT- i- t.tu ct -- a.tu. ry "- - -- - ;ii.tt-i--ti-i-- - ilVc. 3CC J TUiar.J4UaMC-'X- a WANTED A WOMAN 111 B'r,,2 Sa4"-V"e-i- C O ii4tlSC4V4-4,CK- i. aC',lfA ATr eej4r,efcirt.S. r ! 4 tuari aau Ceiweial riM EDUCATZOVAZm HllMESUSV XTlICL COLLTKE. Taa-- 4 Tcf gc-TT.H.- 11 aac Mici.ta aT cal"T-- . ami: STUDY. Bof-ke3- jr. 8ii-i- - Pivmib ror. rrsaja.wj-- v Antk-4rwc.rr- v tree. is nVUttzAimtJtiK.mmBmm.M,. .x..-- a 5. Itel WHKS WKITI-N- O TO AllVCatTMKJtS, ! UT;9tawiM. vr ri 1 fl . ?J J 'ti I tlrar. JliT1? ) 3& KSJ r - --- 3 A3 SVf. 4- -i -- - V?-. if ft - :- -i '4-- rtSui,.. it 15 ai

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Post on 26-Feb-2020




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Page 1: i ..-- '. ., Tj · uv V--- V3 --,-.'.p----". J tesega t-.'j"Jtoyii"fm'i'HiMnMftB,; gtfJMBi i" vwwv).?j-gwg- i--iw,w T3?ERAXCE BEADING--, ANNIE'S TEARS. Mr ttr-t-. Iwy? up. i tion't



.'V -- - V3 --, - .p--- - ".J

tesega t- .' j"Jtoy ii"fm'i'HiMnMftB,;

gtfJMBi i" vwwv).?j-gwg- i

-- iw,w



Mr ttr-t-. Iwy? up. i tion't care iJrl Jo,Ji & "iy u time I i l.n-t- i t a al'tl bj vnu.Jin . N I cn leli jou, it's inanv h tinreif'iu at tiic bar 1 liuv- - t.y Ia"l

r .iAnd .'' riciln,? home, but iou'v V.ih deneto mire

We l'un. I believe, with e auf. chain- -t mimic

in wafer-lik- e clas-v- s. brlit n their,i-- t

Thai ro!l-- i from ih& hck v htch .ho suta-po- d

hah nisr'jfl.

vt tt then college MJiOi.K Science awlrln llir.ii,t.u-ieu- il -Jn ii-ieil dou'ii our

i: I toiwh am! .'iralis rot mid so :n,i rcrr:pr,rar ami me ew. wincu re- -

ofi""siar be luting, not caly through

it- allis state oi J(l 1 " it'll as '"" bv "" ' Z - .


l"J-u- " ?'s-'-'- "' v..i.ti.-n-- t -in '" " -i- - -- uca a man mav t - sn.i a areeak the nd iierc v in i'"vel- - "" re-- -t bv rea-o-n of ruel- -

fee.' of ,v I .: on tint, ".4 -- Oid manv pul f -. ," "ii,,n lii tm rior.

-- 'rtn m .a nt-ou- r -- uch eJtt. ad mut . " T"1' tl

'" Tha the J f Ed- - be main : ' '- - "

oi the lioI. oS r. kr-; ns-- -- inee m.

up wi oi anil en'ae-- tlu Tr Ki


'V,i lu Klov" ,';,,,ami TioEttli wpt :itr,j- - by tht

Lov '.in ustl frlcttls by thr I

AV tki. bu.'. Hit crutKItlUM

"Wi. ir.t- - him oi.ch oho or life's t:SI !)

H j" a.-- lor our oul ul lly, too.

hti t llti. !ti.VS-- It S MI t.rfwt. T.,,-t- I

'nko 'j lie i. .MTiBSi'vcelKtiKroWt.j hat l'vs fottnr, up- u.-- . Irin.1 faril.. i.itmi mm, bnr.r ands ' ',j,,WJT'."."'th..

r.rnA ' MtHbMt(.MlrbewiuMniieorniiiii. 1

S. l.H lfl'. ii' tMior irnt a t:i-i'r- i- "

I,, t.w; ' vi. iintir not tl'M'.l, but eur-- r

. - ,'n ifi IiUkIIt t ! T mi- . ;

Ir r for Jhr- - i We'll taVeI 'IIV t ,l . J ,or !. t. l:ai quite' - itvh R

I in. i flu- - ns! tojt tit in. f

V. ,j '..1 s Klflryt r if r in. t

1 .r r vinl t 1 ljht from lirj1 r p. : 'oi

: . i

"U l 1 I roulit li ! fivil- -. f

t ' hiinI iijIII I .fJol ii e List, Jfccy-i- , whi'e 1

"i u i 'idw vri kifj ..t nitm' '.tiiii ett )3e.'I. E .?

1 ' i - k.il r.m) Willi lift ec"l Iiit,I :i.ln!cl JUJlt lickltfl u

SI . t in... m f arsr n fair;. .i"li.v- - ij fj iti .1 ri I. in ! s nu't on i.-- r hibia-- , and(il ilt'M. .tilll JKH, ymi fcirnv

. f ;i l in ailii to

'1 : n iki rlil. r.iji irt-- t p'.ni iliie 1ms ico' out rfJfaer

vu -- . i Kovai loHtiie Kill ne-,-- e

ch wli" em. wnrillUH; H'lty t

. -- (! .M inr lair Mttle !jiat.inv cjici i:i'i) toii'i-- (

l 4tit iiin io'iooi i7f iil v . lor si ill ink, AJli" oT tlnrrti. .n wln-j- fr ic 11 Iiu-jb- c-

'c i --

l. " taut me. 7Siinle iav-Oi.ni-

. u.i fAn- - "i.ihl me with 1jtc"S

' fit toil'1, inn" fei'it teir foil

-- V i -' in sbe Xcetn- w i ?

li. '. ! a:, 1 Ikii! o-e- n

'. i 'i:n -- a to tli tliero I'd 6rlnk tliens-- o

1 fv- - i .at of:. t'ater, .livt not

t.t I


T:i' l'. m I'ilvr See If! Its Itllllt "rtav il .oh. I In- - a.ml All iiMm ,ivi- - llvc. ;

"I h-- js to it,t'.ii do on tinVioi , --.ent tha. tvill it It ha"

iu-- e 1 tobecntrolled. Ji liasa: . iw .t at It haset to, 'eryfejtniinal en the the

mp.. of oj4u, ll.urraut.-iioitio- n ofeior v-- ajtite fh.tit. n 'i-i- - theo" the j of

'X Uie 1

mm n d-.-- tkc It hes fur--ii-l- ud I ie? of re.-o-rt fr thetnd ivci aiil lor

. .... .... t. i ?!- -. V ..lilll1 r x

Tm rua. Jay il-

1. 'u- -. ant' ies upon.i e-- a ta jgr than any

eigfcrf Ititiaccount.'i.l host t ivt in

. j 1. lidn daiv.-- are over. irto

liu lo old ape.it m rea-i- m pon kindof j rop- - tlo tlv--j

r i.Uy arid town.t'a c urJ- -, and ij erect1 Pi-i- nl

. .. k . IH v & rr.ii.vli ll. .in. . 4.rik :ii " "i ii i4x :tn in ?t ix iij.."..... lll.illll.

Vh. --,ni.. nun-- - t nnf V i J-- - ...V-- ...'.. . .... r .f ll V,j.'l l . Irutli.i' ' 4 . V 44 C444I4. 44.4W.

ff. il un. l. 1 tln 'iMit

..o art in it to.tla t un to fi- -

H- -e tir tjBxvecuiia- -fj. to Stljii-- '

THr the mup. tin.: i.. i,,,l ii i vx.ir. Tii


r.-i- -t-a

tin law. ol i: u tie gr at no-- ni. ii, that - o--- ed tor ri .h. i!f str-- m:n Uvt U

; . crree.j I

.- -. oueivonxert!t;ttceiioiie "."--n1 areivcnidtojaeeuonmtv

i. nmi are thef.rv'.stnvtion f th.i a tin- -

3fn not riM-- u int.. : br tiie ru- n-

1 -- i of 4 w,e- - asf mi in the ol nxn. lift by I

. i n.i.- - fniin ;l,tir n.-- !. r.f i

ic uid .....- - i

.. . is


Tm Tvmperann orktsakesste3l!vra-- . It i-- not j i rajir ,o-- ; Wt

- xtid bt. a- - ac .i-- i -- lou . - mr - - -- --

- .. i" i

i! ir -- aid it not jt-- r t'l and in '

i fp- - sctiti J .jsal m

inr 'aro oj- -hik

a.r.i tip pr-- - tit-nx- r f butLoas. . --yiii jn xmr j oul tija-- art. stud1 tiic a un-- t a oK"

- ryday-Tvi!-trnser- on j

it? focadatioris. I

TOTcrlfy thr i;iooil ith Water and Air

-- un'L tlie with t

Hiere arc of to-.-

cr the r.-or- who very ,

fr in oirictiins call l

A hiliK. T!lv RflV l'tnv fwJ ilnll nml '"J - - -

h?nvy. iniliMioal to I

rind tti-- v- - - n i

tiut need 50Bie and !


or or j

i-- i the and yjcv feci I

This of n-li- is : -r-e-it mi ,.'imke. Tl:a jrooa- :trc j

i- -t - j

life af the jatiCit, but forr:ons t ''oin. tee nan cr--

fecta r even ley; be .sen isthe fzvi who f this remedythan in y-- r or randch:3drn.juc an the laws of hivvdity.

I.et u- - f the r:tu-i- -, of1

1" te j, imjiitre. f'.-.'i.- -r frr'm

- aa h

tg; or ot t tue

A- - and f'j-li-n''

..-- .

dependent 'Upon the tllMJ .(Jeners .UK?" vfcaut to L'o unopened.

Cinjir:ti-".- .


mufh -- iiameJr--ne &i,anion t.-----. - -- i mm-!m- te

-- nr. musl pluck ;lr n:ii-an- ec. beinj:j.roJ.jc. thi, AlIr, Jfb,,.,, '.tbinct a-- il Bl.ol,it :nion: ''ti!i:,-,:,'- J lhc

'"l-- . dalue. drrw-iae- i:-he-of

whira. r.cir of -- " !..

i,,,H,s-'-"- " th:vJ coctJwd n.t,.p. aivutnunt of habitutl'v unobrvaxit 'Mruii-J- i nepjous..t..-::- . depends i'1 o:i- - 'C.arb.iid. after -- xpo- maav ds&the -- unulv arterilirel t.vof t.o li.. Kn-efrie- " sar.'eiiliitors "Jhuliin thft thllli." encomt.a- -. FvM

"prle.0 1,un,;"1


iys:;ioiiK.irrUU-ij- tlouiou

h!c-lii?s- ,


vK.iKter ufxiiirr"".' mcirni snreyolal.

ir.yln..ki-.n.l- .

iltKlJ. iSriliiiJiiilniiX

IjUiIbtiU'- -ciiiiM'iMd',

uiptrianee lri,kms'

yoii'plea-f- i.

..fiiiux i'!tu:M.si nip thuln?s

-- ptn.-lhip nuu

'lne3-ril- s

Uieftw"-$f4va- i fiotTsrvnoutlii.--;

icyfi'sul aralrmtvi'.ih-tioni- l


.inCenilauip bf.iuiJfail

.clicks.i liosnclwllo belpu.JK

t4tn,ijou iKjthrf'uvied

eiiull' bbiittiin.trto





tiu,lnuk brought

mi.i'kh) t'.ivm.'it;- -


my.t'e"1-5iiis-ii- t

Cod'-pu- ie Aatik"s


iVrI.lu;-iiiai- i,

rum p;j'er hnsteninjxufaUit.vclf urprint- -

il'-stro- v

mockedrcliac.y, aiorality


would interfere witattiuiuted de.trtietion

bbatlctil set-th- e eaiipleicttiutiic il-'f-

ot throup;hweek.

viciousdepc claies, nfues

(pawer handt-upo-

i: workinjrhear.'ier jrov-ct'ime- nt

dared ixnpo-e- . eon-de'ii- n-

anpovlc'ty. andIrivis t!iouands,-i-i

their m?r2cinrpofr-hoic- a jKtid their

i,:iliou evryrty.iKt onler .support

loI:e lorcc everytirtirr

pon-leijtiarie- -. renderedcxeee- -

..r,r..Mntn?;--tt- I

It.io--ilieVitiT i.!Ltnn.

ink-re'sk- d c.iatiiw-whic- i .ondeayy



ei.b-o-f dexiandm-- :

.nHc' 'Uuratiwr -- urpri-.ur tliu"

destr.t-- heuia fearful


-- TptVeW


lHitiHrmk..r' tniwtii.'.ficrt

iu;lj r.r.VTivhave -- Were


salooa iirtereats topo'jr.g lieca-- . kHmg ministers

ioWiNg attorneys


ItXer ifscaa.


Mlmul.itt CirculationJ.iuor.

thousands womensuffer incHi

what they"j

actton. easilyt:rcK somr:hf; imncrii,

thev sfimulast,tn-al- e eider omethinj;

kind better.

effctfj prftdured

,he genera--

jKdeeti,likeiv-t- o


amire 'flbil- -


fccucvJu jijh, 4wruwfcreath ratiivrMian foTTn'nicTt


-- uUiL'a

uiwberv-'r- i







.riii.-Hi- t

nHf.dK- -


,6 .,, . . nia-.t- , tJ""--e.nocr.i:- - . Sy'or'. 5,..,. (f lIs(. ,,w

lmbii hem icatd tbo Itil,.?t ,,.,,t n,.;, Hoa th

? u,mI.I of" ?JOLITICAL rra.-r.-- n ih,,,;r.'air..v

.11 I .1. . --.... . .ir..:.mi im-iitii- s aa ntz tum. s uci;',.Mill renpiratr i of pcre air onee he txtf t wave of proinotinir hcaPJi aud

Uut the 8 erves also lose the viror.and receiving and " retaining'iiiir5si-ior- u whenevar the i isTendered iripure presence ofcfii-t- e aton s, woriJ-f'- Ut particles ordiscs or ati aecumr.ntion I bile.Il op-ovo- n, the accumulation, of pois--ouuus mi.1 cr in low blood irnu- -t d'3.. ..,- i- - -

ulath-n-.i- .'ent to "A is orau: Itlivcrerl through the two niter c;iro--lid. and.throutrli 1.V two vea ebral !

Ajr.-iu- i , u:c same attnor says: ,

interfcT a with duej.ation, with muclar

This is thf rea.son. f the imi- -tilitv ft.- - W in thethin urof tons. The con- -

.Yeix this likow"-- e hold-- 5 ood.

rate of resjiirationmore muswlil ir power, ,

andlhorefore m c irda whi.-- h respire .mo-- : petl'ectlv, contractilityis eihili" b'd wiUi 'ti e rrealec enei cy--

Andji'i speakia of howaierve c.n- -

fcrs ia .ie says: actio i ol everyan'itXiic niecliaiiisin depends upou '

the cA.-steii- of certain physical jis. iiiiKinj: wnien as ueiii 1

jf narr mount htportaucc nc mav;be,nb.i'-rned- 'It is the tlue .u-j- h

' :ircr-a,i-'-t-- d blooiL i thisbT"J,vp.'d liut 4Vr tinsnervuSK'chanism loses its poVer. ordiminirbi d. the display of lis charac- -

ik--elines. on the tl; suJ ply'- -

be midi-fr- r e;reat. or its poivcrsartificial itiere:ued. there is .a

action. even r,ho .ve- -l

cumulatiojis the cflete pro lets of- -

the econotuy are to yve rise 'to Mich,if!iminutions of power, as iesee whea bile or urea is permifced toaccuintiistc in theiii'oodl"

IniiMnueli then as we lind thr.t debility of impure bloo andiiiai, conversely, 01r brant. 1

nerve and-muscl- e are in directtion t tb- - of orized blood, let us trv to luid out wine--thj,ir abojt the blood, and how to fcebpit pure anil abundant-- Kvcrv drop ofblood myriads nf little.organisms. Each of thc-- e comes ittoOM. tcnci', --carries on its work, has itsown life, rrovs old and dies. Tlw,y

re like wafer, round adI and are called mood ecu:.

l.!ii.ei. or blond jrlobules. Withouttiiem we .could not Jive.piiss their whole existence in serv--mz s anc. giving usTt absorb the fresh air--f frotMtlie air cells vs we inhale it, .and the:oxtrgen of the. nir turns eao of them Jfrocxi a bluish .color to -- ritrijrht red.tlie color of the blood. Then theseactive, useful Jitllc take theoxyfen round :aiui gfve to all theli.wies of the oringiag color tothe 2eek. strer--h and vigor to thobrain and miuiKe. and new life milheaiti. wheruTer thuy go. As:in andarain, " times do the liKle

tisigo their rounds, but at litthev out. iMacket un and die. aud

dt-- C- mttnt JTO oil-ill .tllC bilj 1

i.uijR.rj, i;,-.- . .....i ,....,. . .,.. ...i..- il.l-i-. 111." Va. . -

jHr plliOCKvi rvVme the pulsate twen- -

tv miuiw s tue.: Iedi So c oct- - hot tvxeitement. un- -

Iwts the--.trcn-gth. .Intoxicants give

wnuiorary -i:renrtIi and bv

l".::i - ainr-n- g wtiii'ti " iufc,v'r'"uu that the bU.ud hxs been

pou -onct hy ie aj.il th:xtthe w.it.-- r in the vstem haf beer, dried.--

a ra uI. sli.I n ! r 1

r"'4' "" :rn lie - torn ny One eltai- -matiazor-a- u. Wnc: tnuii-- oil.ne oonsutuem ot bile irom the

liver.T'' filow:i:T .anriyti- - of the blood!interesting, iia: it is




disCa: 1

Water.... "s nSAlt'MIBCB . . . . e.w

- - - - . ..... . .... ....... .47" tt'p l

.. etaHslxary Matter, i- -

Lt.YVc ear. --vc is

tliic n--j-r,

.- ..-rr- tru- 4.L.awwk,vr-h.4a- .

diaes and about :hesVateni :i ive new

oil" the deadmay live some food, &

we ran not long water,the blood the two

most we can toit are water and pure air.

Iliikjoki in

IDENilFIED WITH IT.IVc-idi-s-t (I II. Not Onlr I'l-ili-

to KIi ln.-t- r of r,4r!nl l'.ot I iluii-iTjii- j;

Our able Dcuxo-rat- ie contemporary.the Sun. to focus it? rav- - onevery nfw lcveropment of the Pan- -

irlu!.. tt... I.,- - ..,.,v......... ..miui.ii; .nii"uaiijleal lonrtcrlvornct at l 1

t.. ,. f --.nJ-ir -- n f- -r ; i ...: I- - - - -- ' -- ""- v I

on thi A.t!miiiKtr.'it.;i4i.i

latter ucm licr.-:- in i-- r am- -ueranat:on. oi lterubhi-ar- . AilKinMraticiits for anv aetion that had !

the of bflu' in tie in- -.. . . . .. - .,. .a ., f, .- - - ""'. - - ivmi u, uu i

fav M iittje n cun n re-- Md

the :iiuittci fact-- in relX.on cc- -

partaerbhip ". aAttrney-Geuer- ai and a jranir esf ijiecn-lutr,- '-

ctn:pirat!rs'whof main hope ofMireeia w:is. bf --d on . hire distri j

of fre tfick an'onjrotliciaN of hir'n J 'he; trifcJ. atvrsi to mourc -- :r. v. irveiauo to save

credit 'I hi- - idminilr.itirn bvthrowin" Mr. but ,

' -- ' 7


("Icelari y- -

!- -"-

t.i a . . : : ..- -

it r...i:.... a ...i i.. i n..

il -

"' ' iM o: nan-- i --jrwv tiraiii of uI " hia iU frl-,!"f- c


dep-n- l1' lie " '- bave

kn-- w -- fat cerJtiW uwwaf.rMMf .f'act altrnllon. hi of 5






ex- -


- Ml USL.

rwo. wa.ijWT v. am ..,...,

iv'rl. fl... .rr- - .,. ,1 il.- -- ,t.and for

;ii- - tart. .end lii- - fellowfljr

r.d thenaniltene.; vol f:m

, ..-!- - !T,?or

























Cofowi-sii- r

at.uit-4o- n


vuiv.v - a r

nf bil.-.tio-n n..t ..' ''r. ;; andciiu'.- - uru miuviiii mih ,

laelied 'to iw in thivKmiintn-- J rd.- - , hi.t.i-x- -

,- - - -

t.m. t.t.wfe:

Ml!r..ioiH MIrnal whnu xxi'll-u-r-

viV(, lu.lliy imi wl.ic--b

ii-i-s brat U.Siiw'1 the ct

lias aWr:ictl - .lit ii" elliuirud in

.loin"; dof-ff- e ia- - r.f.re-e- n: tue lev.---

of the abi-jltt'- ! best Deunvrats iu tJieMiuiMna

A COasc. .

K ;

In t!.e South atttfthe net r.o ...I...I soldic: had

ant urn Ui-- .t the xii.il i

who won Ilbe --ray ik of : commonblood. ,ott that he v:ia epia't--lv bravo 'tk lieonle. ar.d the coir- -

mou cpt-dh-d onet. bu

the '. h In. f,.ii..iilie Je,-- r lon- - vtra--- - of en:

'var then, x-o-n-r now.111 Cod. AIuti;hu elutuery art

tcri'Mllvm'wro' ri.oii"-- lo:ii!- -:

rlausii 1 did Failir-- ' this .'

W the neonleJltt .. 1

. i,iie--i 1.- -- .V ..- -

tht . wdows ofj. ami dt-:.-- ed sol -

Lers of tile late wvar. -- cut ii rir pt-ti-- i

.t2i'is ul prjve--t and the petitions



Hiu.vl-Linus'i.'wi.- rl

.,, leuriowniav(.olUinlS',,c SJS ,.1,7; cnplaSa!

opinion1 ilism'.i.'s




"MTiat-- artenal- -interfere

cxertin exporiimounta'n



ojntrarv.ovidizite-- j


--tircnjrinpropor-- I

sttnplv arterial-- .'

contains living











ahoicn-- r --Sicily



Il.tn-KIctr- ir



continue-- ,

''OUdie tijuoraire.



eMione.-- t public.



countrv?-- -

Sap.pit PensiontvfoVriB


nriiiein'e- -


riieers.1rcneraicJiroubi,.t.aUh eountrv,


in-t.i- m e, howin- - :t- - iiaud." iIrajr;m:-iowii- " fGcluu, tiatiaaotisa fail to cere if ,nr, 3rE LJ.,,.,...,,! pan - tho arc ltncUrfellowes aad Mn- -rt

',l.'- .- nousi.iutli Take IL oat. haon 'w-''- - Bufaca'atfcr cara. siad;, duo.iio druru. 0.til. LYON la

IpRijir-.-iftb'.i- r fellww-es'i7.e- n tii!llc ,,,"or ":ixaom

r.nu power av that !,,:lk'n lk,d rculai rapidly, .'ollars mouth, fitl CtoxerVxton .'sts oc-;- , to lvoiuriLsrb: 'V-tren- aix.licia! and !

0V;-vela- :U vetni! Hi&c.etk -- hake "" x!,en gresmanophHr. uintioaf J;1:li.

-- n t:- - ike. atid s t,4 apn.-a- l' H'i worse .han for sove::U ,













for time

if istake


--- --










Cufl:. tK .rf -- iff ti.ii il.- - f

lea, oj goit otv..):iu tuinc Adams.ra--4 tibhsiied. ;rid the 2.nmble-- tina tkcien:th tine. breadth, tha. the riirhf to

MtaikSyh the cc-uui- of the XntiotiWrt3rJTeate-- t leriilLi"o body upon th

nit; ; vuc anuthe'.e elnltn. ttKof the twu Hcik'es. whocurcful-l- y

i.Xijj them. They passedand.sewrte and senVto tin

- for his jjgn.tlure. .Tfc-- . 101'biL.-- u'ltnoet lu Mjtu-tur- e.

Let nit-- tell ou t( ore. of theis. Avii:i:uu5ont -- oldier sv, Ik served osprivate.-- , twenty-tive.iwont- ha of thef ht eont. acted heart-uisea- se afteri!s n'Uirr. was piaotd uiven

vith Iars-e.fajcjly- , wife t-i-

r.eral cjfc dren. totxiake a,25v-in- r-

An Tinfeelinjc haudlord rave.,hinimvice he."iu-- t tiud reoferocoier him ind helter ixi. family. Bewit if.-e-irc-h of A.clterf.or thohe k'Vod. h was neir heart' of alivtagaK. Six ontha afttr.wands in bvm:iv. skele.V was ml th

roof j.howeti .nat it was the -- skeleton.jlie 0i,ue;r Annrieaa Hoil-c- .


Diie! jLiiroi'. lAe newtK. jj rt of Suew Vif.k. to Ciitcasv

to encobrage tie ProhibitiontnoromenL with jhe intuatiou dratr-in- g

Republican votes from thelieptb'.ican uartv. i?nd thvs indirectlv

eUlV tO thti DemOi-mtifltrrtt- - tb b.--

t.jjt of d.'eerioi, while he himself

Mr. (,!rre!ai-.- d iiuo. Tt n 4.4.,- -

aad trick, Mr. Ma-co- ae

has been xiw:trde-- i for is bv oneof boat oflicew m the rredent

not hone;t EepttbliciMa Pro--nxbitioniats see through the deception

ia them by the Pro--hibition leaders who paid to dojnstwhat 3Iarone did? Troy Time.

4lThe Democratic conventionmet it Raleish. N. C.

titer receiving with enthusiastic cheersmessage Jeflerson Davis recall-

ing the fact that orth Carolina was wiltthe last ceeding State to lay

her proceeded to declareunalterable aostilxty to the CiviJ-Sorii- M

tci.l'hiladdk4m Frcsj.

- . ..o.ltwr v,,;r....



eonipoaed of ivater iitife Uoted wr





loth.- -



vet and unci-r.am- . Uui of ijerc--' "Gtia-- a i!eiiral UwTerr- - sthe contour I mav frec-J-r av that I am J?efintu f. ofk" .: st... - , , Co&strroptwa S

Tlie CiiurlMin Will Allotr the CoSor1K.f- - lite I'rir.Iojje of Cantm; Uattt

rrn a They Wave liVe-m- e Drta-- - 'vrraiv.The views of the Prpnt respect-- !

o' It-orJo- r M-- t-

thV tO SUCCnei KrvJ thaof ;olr.wba .re aigaifican-.- .

berau-- e rc'al --07j"tJiinir of vrhat .l ' J

iir-- . ClcvelsztJ things of tne soiii ,

omincu or fvcn'oqc oi ktvn courh, heart (erer ami no, in

,.Utonu.,.,eenaeie-- , iivrr

showed h- -n -- liedin- - the crellent

the-- vrtbw. 'H.ev

mtcnd-Htt- o tiling frm;



-- luxllest

!.opV-- i




"b he

i;eftllrtlu-.n- .

clenn-- e nudehuiurau-aul- l


isdr- -'



ha-- :






i- vvI -- ,

a,' ,i ,IP

J "!


-- r








-- 7



in-- .




in- -

. ..011 v. i


.,,r b


m a






tt.i. ,."i voa 5

Dr. ca3--- i !""'incaiv- - whelo iV,vjr-- -i v.illr:, nf-ir- rr, -,-tha r,.

cis ion

I" --tat 2 is!ifsi:s. befvi




tft-lfh- r













contemptible and




ofdown arms,lis

.w..,..v.. .




it tit b.






f- -







tcn: n


manj-- r

genera- -



AV.h. It o nlv a'T,-- wee t since af uecfocor t" tJenertl Katou ns Coai- -niL-iou-T-or ivJuracon was appoiiAedfrom laoni'ia, wh?eh t.ud Jit-a- r thehead of ;. il!iiir-.te- v column in the


Mil'- -. :ud which letd tu-- n

tue Sos.tn The new apj'intee is not !

an cdif;Cor in anv sen - ht neverbeen identified uiih edf;ilial in - j

ter.--. snd h:: n ver been to,,fr.s.. any p rtn-uL-.- r aptue---- ; or at--

""'"i" in wai oi publicml.di""tice. i3 lawx-T- . aticiiiu and a man to vUojv educatorsrcnenllv c; exrcely ,'o in the in- -v,rps: ol tu:J ,stl


...1. l?

iii usl i a revelar"ii 'to the

. . . .i. i j. : i..woiiiki, mi ui-uii'- ;m .vi;iu.u41 al! thr -h- ot--rtn. ."ate-o- i u

.i. 1 i i .. ...iicpiiiuic in.-- , mn umuui iaci-- - .n

rj.-- eveland and il '31 are working

are' Cleve'and xvanU-W- be the nextIV -- ident and d.e- - Hill. Their

aiWUy of the object --ouht h per- -

feet- .- iuUnnur, Awn'ttn.r-y- The .. --iw the peopie will. tIj j)V .,. u f(..irs N. sjou. ,

:iw,wt.- - the tnie int-i-t-- t of : or. inthi-- . a-.- d other mattct: and thereforeit i:- -' the .support of :tvat ntaj rityOI hore-- t . rth and .outh.

1 ts me iepuune:in pari, amino real ctr? of ann to

v'".n" 'n,c r:,'lV in il.i- - citv or anv--,d'- - - i'. 'JtOit:t.

&3&'io brave luion old!cton theHetmbMcan Mate ticket Unlv- - .me on.... .l,H! 1,Ji on Kt'i- - ami ic wn-- n t nom- --- ib-"J becaiiM- - he w.t- - .a ld:i-- r Dc- -vu. i, ti.iv.it. much for"iv" -- . i' -. tue-I ui.-.- i -o- alier-anyway The h- i- end01 i'euo.racy-t- he rent bulkvf the

party -- prJer the otherkind Thev the better than .

I'titix..fiS.'Phe Democrats f Alioitrit-ir.-

'e!'ote 'he country in ths dor.btt'al at- -

vtude of electing one United biateaenat,.: on the stront kind t-f an

.nti-ticperan- ce platfoiut. and thentJitruing Mpiarelv around and electing

,'aotltea ivlio stands pled-- ed to prahi-- ,bi'ion jt--a naiionicl is-m- Thi courseis. to say the least. confuKng andoa'K on nil tne titue-nonore- d traditionstot clung the immutability .i the pactyou --j:e:,:,aue. SV. Loriis Chronicle'

A cCv'"l Service ViofxtocPnsior.-'"'ommi-sion- cr IJlack wfH

scon be iiik froai tiie I;utlie Co:w.--t

lle will bedjak in time to prepare an '.

aiiav er lo.cjiir-re- -- msu-- t a; the White

oiiac jy:.-i,ivil-'ervi- ee otnnijsion- -.ir K V.tn., r v .....I.U..4 W 4..1IVII. .'II. l.Ai.llU JSnre.-e- nt ii: o. Vl. but bisfriends in thlsjcity have Wenof his pttKUOtiC when i'roideat'sxaeation u.ov.r to come on to pressthe charge xn pen-on-. The caae hemakes out against t.eneral i.laek forviolation of the civil-servi- ce rules is

ix used tr. t btve'and some cmbarrasx- -uint. and the rotiriuir Ch hCunnx'-s-on- er kv.-v-s so good a friend ofthe I'res.dent th.it he didn't do it.I'rawbly no uxore would have j

uevT ot matter had ttnot been for Bishop OWriy'suitCiv column delea.se ot

special w"nsio- - examiners and otherirre:::iarr.; es al done itader the,ecs-musaic-

r. ot whica n

iii..4i. ii-'- c iiiiuciucu xaincr snaxlv i

on the iatt-rr- , and ai went into'aaaccount of Co nmouw Dudley--

,ad- -

...............llii-iri- An y triM rktiir. v.n.,.. -- V... .vv,.. ""- - tuiiij-iii.- iicorreal xmdence if said to be

ntinir v,.ftr-- n the --..fn.i....S,w ., J",4., I..,.! f.o P s ;,i.j '

W .444 V.4il UlUi 4 U-- 4..IMU iUV "Vl f

!mv.; H.., t--,l U.V nnW -:-7.

tba. tncy shall not pi:coa-hoW- f.

General Black Ion" Wen Iook.I 1

pon as a snoils-mr- k bv :as ?Citiil-Servi- ce Leairue of the 1'ast. ThcT

all be greatly interested ,in seeingfearless crutiny of bis doing.

Heiu lies the embarrassment oi" Pres-ident Cleveland. lVxshiaeiQi. Car 7

Th,'--V tur" L't tho im' to

iiffri akius relief. Thank for the gray Jctrcii TnO--

y-- .

mckmicom-- mi




TVs of Charaetrr byli of the lUr.

Much of the abacrvation L--. of

... .;ocnon mat tneman wno upperL,:ir projects aiul twnus lor.vru u in- -

- -variably one who is very tractable, or


uesiroa-- , ol Icarmnr, or very iiili;ent.Such would lw the qualiti indicatedfrom tin hubiii yi "ivxaj;attention to u pa.ve around him. I

H- -i . - tn learn. ea.-- to train, pro- -(

videtl hi- - hand ! delicate ami facileenough to do what is required himon tcctsion.

On other hand, the man whoseear battons back to hi head is clojuto the kull in it-- , tip and posteriorinxrrm. e ir.cea opmite qua.iti. ?. liei inattractable, inattentive. U-edl-

he K accustomed to hear, it i true, butZa to ini?.d what he hear--; to allowpeople'- - rrnel, witlv, wife and tren-- 1

r sir-:- '

to ua. I

.Sr-prmsnc- nt and conTplt ar-'t-he

cures of luhoii-- . aivl luUMumtout ili'-.a- is

he ret--f ore As ablrw.il pi rifir-i'M-i I

tonic it brings hecth. ienoxi i rynJvitality Vj a worn 4ad dija sj lx ly.

Tnr flv m not much of itbuil ,, ,th,i,he'll --lia-i out all aicut tLo ulky af.

---,Ar uh-.0Tt.- .T thtni.lillUcr tMii'- - nr al etjj?"


KrntT man is ;aiii to liarA'tji; prTr- -, InrJthe Is noliy but huilielf Xliuuttthe ir:7uto mark. ''Imnja 'IrJtunc

Prentnx'i "Pleni'it Punratr-- o PHIeU"nro p'irfoct prevonUves of cjlucloeii i;1uas boCk' al way frcab. Byall

.!. . . 1.A

CC1? ?, "' "TL " i?"CAiXI'l'VU V f - ajfk. Wv t' a

the ter. "bbell out -- .'hiecoo Xdil.

A Po"r.ivn Fact of lb j Ao U tb-- j certaf n- -fckin di?a0! bvSVjT-- i I'ms.)13

Drc, l'lack orBrown...

Tuk Iarjt rorolver iw-vn-T- he .93rtJ.- Y. tizKvfik.


CATTLE si ippinj-- nwrs., ji ) w i :o

ilT.. :, ig :&HOGS io choice ticuvr '.:, it. . c

l'Ki "! ?J c5..W nLAT Nc red :. H4

No. J red s.ti &,N.roft .'-- i

oii'5 No's'No. iJ . u

TTfflT I'eif-'.'- .lTTi. II .Men coi.-- ti a mi ;nt ,1(,,d

oiai)ri''tie- - ol!e5l-"- ! hanee t Lcfo.tfor hj-su--

Uccaiu a.ilarin.,1.! ,a,l,1,y.j. j ill.-- -

i .i t5 ,



njfrfi... li




... . -

,, e- - -- " SoatLrra mJ!'-- a 1nun. iu . , 1

- - ... -


-- .



t. ..-- .



and tlo b?.-- k uab-- , wbateer-A- I

.i:rl. ,n,m-- !;your.r'.ilohibtiittwi. haTe of tLrcc'.ii-i- s ' r - ,,r a.'

V 1'iorcu Fur- - Ia taaaybo-- c f--


i.rt. on,. .-- rtv i0 ouo dolia?. liv v,rftw, 1 ioo


o ,s"a,:,,a"'d' patient














that jjractieedare


..-- i .w-- ,,-,.,.-.

anMoi'iinn-a- t

a- -



Jile a



- . ..i


- ..







i - I














nearu tne










.- -

Ill LJ v v



itYt r

m- -

- -


ii :zT, a 1 1"OS Mfs.i; ai

ii U1.1

e 4fc 12S(

ft Ci,iS

1C 4t IS:tj t 40

00 Q. aO--n fc 4 UIC it SV2j W ICi --

t H r.s. i w,sr. rr.,n ii .vj

10 if J ft 11 37,fi 6V

AfY v"."0' Vvr snck'"ituiThfu-t-boivc'crVAmu-


CHKUfiiKiili c.-tM-i.,

E(!(iS dioie....UACUN Unui

b'houtilcr- iw. . . ...........

tAHl..... . . ....Wtx.ilM surS unvkilicl.I'OT.VlDliS...

ST fLS.nrri eei,i,in.. ....ituiciier stter....

lltiXir l 'ackiuirf?HKi:i-K- a.r to choice

"l.OL'U-Oio- -cc

OJKN-N- o. ?!.".! )...oats No. 2....V..V.V.V.'

wv.l':::l'UKK"Jriu.N Mjauum..c.VTTLK-S- hi

xJ. -- 'p it.u.-- :sis

if$-;-.- V .tUYR .; 4,;

"TEU-Crcam- crr i r '.vWyouKl

CATTLE Export 01 Z By)HC;S Good tocbo.co kJ ft 4J

Commou to jrooJ --S & .j:,

f.Aaa n w

ffdlCf IHIIIS UwlfU

4i ictx-wi- ctiKic arc :euuirooraat tiera- -ex-iii- ttir-a.- . ajvt ctT;nr ijalclib: totrn-j- r or-r- s. If jxi ralTr froothe M-i-- acb diorter. or --aV

CVZj 1 tM rer aad ltili--- trr Use

A. B. CTT. Prorvl4--. K. L

amae aad nrr tmeue. lib. '- it u txUr cotasi-A- a

-"r J?ww. eacaa- - inaV9cJk0adsstoa.cs.

Hood's SarsaparillaBeldbyaSaecim. ; PnrparM

u. i. uuuu w. Arouecanca, Lawea.

-t- ro-j.r alTnity l.r water. nd the , COm miaon from ihe reanoa-ibilit- v for , whuat-N-.s red ::;" s:, kj,n-- tes anc brain Uiiis hi.nier ! 'lon; 'lt th'Jl

.--a ,0tl,,-.a-.- a Jfr1 BLck!--. ronsrh-siio- d violation of the i g,?Tffn xua.- -t do rot act eih. M hat toptc.1 tixe nociimano tor diatr- -t at-- j Oberly che.med that the ap- - , 8cmSS5i??.;""- -

v g ztof the uUIionsot I ells turuey cr u Lawren.? Cotintv l-cii- a 'fomuiHai: bv Wa-.--k of ventv-tw- o ItluK ....." 13 fe II to

that die cA-er-r inst.nt? They are iitr- - the Proliitionvts the idea, of conrs;. Jlfinccrts out of a total of ventv-si-r !

l,CTIioLKU,-UaU- t'1 a c: '

n-rh- t












and ti,-- frnm

.. w

siit- -etc


life. JtWe

live withoutimpure

Anna Howard,



rrhich lutelv








carr-:- d






noli- -













mrL " Jst: 3tarI!J' - Jrrr t creiyaa

Z.!? SSS -. .. - .. .. .

tor soon. His nends in Wash::'- - dci3. Hoor n-- - . -ton. howi--rir-. hint that he ka brout Ee-x- t. Taie no other. jthe sieciiic charges aca!nc Ulaciwhich will compel" an investigation by reit. hT auo ufor raLatia,


tlie Pnaidcnt as tla Wtter trar to tstai effect. lrfsar-xttMoc- e of --jT-rrr tn It

brinir oat all the facts. So the chirks tnT4i2.aA-w- m wtsf!rMtrus-- j



100 Doces One Doflar

It AttonIbJ the ro&He

Hrill'li'.'i' I .

. I -".S.-- - r , I J tM8-.lt-


1 I

iriVU'iujMi'ii.j.ix.w-'i-'1- -




to krar tix of tr riorr--i atCoare-uma- a toderou biawlJ M!elr tc

bu lai-o- r It "a bo5fc trua coaslttaenu w- -r iha tci unJfliclrl cTerribr5. Tber w--il Sai t

. . ,, .t..- - . . .,..jViiViaocanscaredt. ... by tbuworkl-rcaowne- d

M -ate-!Kn-

. .' 11" -- -

Tnr. .1ri telli of adcctbtAacvant Hnt it can e;ul cai ia raasiQ;nj culec Tj .nuvjt.

Ga-i- T or !iadf tioardi r" colorevl bron(! lllri' . llM ?ra xr - 1 1 tilrt"Wbuterx.

Oa tattle of Aver' Ars Car ill erJ- -

VVTrt The ssac of tbr fMmi!a bocil tb--j ci.ia ra; Thj $j1im&.

Tnc Fra:ir Axk Grease : Uk tst !a tbewurld. bokl ovorrnberc. U it.


I llrtS.--


tTiwr.r it.

7HL CRLT"GEhmMi FTEICurias Neuf'tjl

l-- nr Psin '"srrI'dii.iiiTi oivl Will i m .s r . .- -


ill's TBalC SinFOR THE &JRE OF


AND ALT. MALARIAL DISEASES.The proprietor of tfcit celebrated --aeiidse

jas'ly claii.. for 1. superiority over ai rcn-cd:e- a"

ex or cfie-c- i to t'a rabl fcr the GATE,CEETAUf. EPZEDV and PERM.KEXT trtroof Ajrae sal Fever, cr Call" 1 aad,t"ever, hc'J:-e- r

of'ihortar loag Btacd rjrt. He refers to tho

.- " j "-- - rt - -- ,feet rcitora on of tao ccTra. hcil'i.bcv?cTer, prxdeat, and ia caie xao-- e

to can. if xts nso is co3l.::cJ ia natllcrdose for eek cr two after tho d.icaie Lxtb.ea checlcod, xacro cipecialCy ia dxihcclt ad

loaij-Jtaad- nt caiei. Uiaaliy this medicinewill not require aay aid to ktcj the bo-re- la isgood order, thould ths patunt. however, re-qa- ire

catintrxc xacdiC4ae. after haviag takesthree or four tiosei of the Tortt. at is

of KENT'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS willb suScicat USE ao other pilL

Price. 81.00 Bo:tie; Su BotUci for tS.



The Popular Remedies of the Omj-- .

Prdj! 0Rlr, sax JI-il- n St. IiriT.l K. KT.


For coU inhead Ely'i CrtamMalm writ Vke

magic. It eurri nuof catarrh and re-tfu-

terue ofttsLE IT.

JJanZer, htZ OX USA.S&-fV-eriV.'A, A. .

A ri-rt- S ! aptiUM Intoe-u-- b cfr!I tiii---toon. Ir4-.'c- t. irrr.i 'or :lj;-ln!- . Ft fit4Ufcaar. ELY UiaJTHLl5.lJTUi(cu.Of-j.- . r


PILLS,THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDYFor Llif. B. taji natjea. M.n-r-.

cosUia eslj Fas vuM Isrr-4.ra- U. Aju- U-atrtu nrws. co, sr. tti.. Ma.

Aa Ca44Mik4 Hlelvx.Aojt thtrtr rear ar fvaim-a-i parlei ifta na of Dr Winiura Itxil 4r.T4r-- m rto-- r

foriilj-c- f U tfcrjt. rtu io-- r lciooncai4-- I 1'Je rpta-)- 3 is th: c js-..- ;, TS

SAB of cta If ia ff Hall CAUiiexroa Lc.vcs. rjr tc sf-- ' .4 0--1

pMlir potaT car X r co-jt"- j, coxt. cotvasTttca. wvcoaoctJ. nc.

"IhTCl-al-l- HNiininrr tSAivjrmc?'aiir9sraKMc; ifli 1

a--c aria rtiwrr proper oacsIt u stood the Tttt ef Yean.tx G?nz$ all Sueaitec cf tie

ETOX- -AC3. ID1TZT530'

&& -L- S.4TK. ItPsriaestltsJK4, lrrijpratt axdJunL i-a- taej ire Ijitem.BIIlkHS LTfZPSlA.COfSTI- -



UVER iocico-cpiixrs- .t

UacneeT ixae ssAirKIDNEYS iU htateae- -J tm,STOMACH ItiJ7srtl7aXda

AMD uui catinicyrafr E.ties f--

tiic it xm u sBOWELS Wrann. ItisyUftt-- .-- -Vei e stts tute. e4 uS?5 Inausi-dtf- .

IliOHJGfitSIS ncnrASiinTfisMjWUgHoUABJ ?i-iri- i-



V: : f5

ifj - prxl r!! ?01 I U-- 1 -- V?35:f"

BEST TONIC. ?Ti tor-- ' "f c s "e la

r-- -- t-' , .: "irCurrt Iy.pil litlctln. k.-- nr,

Iniinrr ItlooJ, Hm.im.il. CJiltlend Krttii,ml rJs1-

KWIurjr ml l.lt. r.it . .- - a: - tv i

Umtn,iM. '.evJ'. lv-i- -l taete . trt i fcr"

rnrtcltra a ltd J!rlOt II1 l I .

' ltlrrtMtejt U..lltlUW of tiur.j, ... .


Ths Latest Paris and K;w Yorkrj l 1 A n JFIfty Ah

ysiswsi vbw

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W. L. DOUCLASlri rttr i ,rf l . -- ,

ri Tf ylf fci .Oi.1 tl.r ,4 o. .'fcrfWt

f alliMt ia.- - t ll. atfur lbr Vi. I Ii..iicl' f ..H.l)0 NIiimi. -- tn.r tr j

r tx lilr-i- i etl t. J t- . . u 1 . .1.. CV -.( i i - .lir IU-.Mi- m.


fc " O ' '.rf V jT

WELL :J DOES IT PAY!MAKING. .I.r..ta.-'S - S -

I u . 1 ',- - ! Crnfex. erii imiu IWII lJrllUn 4

CO "Tp dpi tr...- - lint Mirtilni-- tuit Im j r , j "- - I" mIW i' r W f'lj ''i 'i "' I - l wlr"-- la-- uw--1'- T 1' -- I ' r r eildfiot tan- -A .1 I w H ! mttnttmti j!

r al rt- - - l'l " or. iv l4.ii ..I. Ic-- w r

.M. hmIk luk- -

sfiiJ1 ip?r 4 ta4 fr.. . ..T I J . . (.a.. .. 1).' a m w .vPrm3w && :.MMb-.t- . tln,t.'ill'fl onto.

wfeHgtggl;3te I f

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r01 JOiMESAtfs 1 .

PYSHeFREICHT. Ton IWcu cr.lUIHIki 11 ...,

wMHSr&a seo.rmi. ru rr.rrtkI8XIS II S UCtUttTSf,

IIIM.l! UITII.;i. if.


XWWrw f r t r--v I K M I K N. ATTnv.Tll: ttt'-ir("- i mi fin-M- - iitht-icr- T r t t ri l -

U Belie WigGfl Works, Fond da Lac, Wis.

STOCKPcuts"We wfrt fura'H of MVH TOf,K

CI"T1, or s mVr Cut b-- a In anj- - p"HalHOCK, t o l.o 1 ftr'rrt f T --?.

A. . Ki:i.tooo Kwr. j'Kit o..214 wi-iis- um fi. cnr.

No Rope to Cut Off Horses' Masts &ACr-l,T'- "V I.IJ-T- - HALT- -EH ut HKIPI.I: IimMkI,r. ll.rr It --ir M- -t tf I sU tittr''P( fl. H4l1tlk.fiJ r7. Hl'r ''1 H4f-IX"!!.? f i c 5lt M f r

J C Lierwot:i.Uefc'T y r

KOCH'S PAT. STORE"DJl!C l MjW?"lWti"i"l4Tt l Br 1.ii 1

rtt-.- f IklB'.l ili lltl "il. twj. -- Khfin; rtI --- -iW fr rT1it r Pno imilfv A M.K-4- A. H. ttt rKV. i- - c Pm.!., lit.r ;'-- lau4n i..--

., nr lti. M4-r- u

ys R; flii-- IJJL"1 to L.

AI r-v- l rf- - foVJ Jo fir Tft.T-- o ivt rtri;'.GANGERS Vt if! WbXI

ota"" awtlv. ia1- - cf r- - rw-- . Ij- --- -

s- - t.t fr A$lrv UK. K It.cuiKSii. rt r4ct; v. ATt,i.7, .


HIO 1515 Ptr-r- t '- -, Sm, rcrL7r Iv ..Tl ' ry t. d fco-- . fv mtfiY JlllOS., Lail-L-t- e.

0ALGIERS" v" I4vrrr-4T- .wrj. riMi.w s2 k-0 3T 4T r J c r4 mfuri.- ww.(.a i. a. --KJS. ... ojji.

APIUM HABIT .tS?:?yStl- - 3' ia." rasr J l7TVT- i- t.tuct -- a.tu. ry "- - -- - ;ii.tt-i--ti-i-- -

ilVc. 3CC J TUiar.J4UaMC-'X- a


111 B'r,,2 Sa4"-V"e-i- C O

ii4tlSC4V4-4,CK- i.

aC',lfA ATr eej4r,efcirt.S.r ! 4 tuari aau




11 aac Mici.ta aT cal"T-- .

ami: STUDY. Bof-ke3- jr. 8ii-i- -Pivmib ror. rrsaja.wj-- v Antk-4rwc.rr- v

tree.is nVUttzAimtJtiK.mmBmm.M,..x..--a 5. Itel




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