i. Índex...viatge en un autobús pintat de colors psicodèlics. consumien drogues públicament i...


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  • Pàg. 1

    I. Índex

    1. Índex .......................................................................................... Pàg. 1

    2. Altres actuacions hippies............................................................ Pàg. 2

    3. Lletres de les cançons del CD 1................................................. Pàg. 7

    4. Lletres de les cançons del CD 2................................................. Pàg. 26

    5. Altres artistes.............................................................................. Pàg. 49

    6. Bibliografia.................................................................................. Pàg. 51

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  • Pàg. 2

    II. Altres actuacions hippies Vivíem el dia a dia. Em llevava amb l’esperança que el nou dia que començava seria diferent al que havia deixat abans que me n’anés al món dels

    somnis. No s’hi valia la rutina, no s’hi valia que les hores fossin iguals.

    Qualsevol excusa era bona per a fer el que fos, però que fos diferent.

    Tothom en parlava, deien que era una

    experiència nova i única. Em feia por. Havia

    començat el 1964, tenia 18 anys. Ken Kesey, un

    precursor del moviment hippie, juntament amb els

    seus seguidors, els Pranksters, van realitzar un

    viatge en un autobús pintat de colors psicodèlics.

    Consumien drogues públicament i van incitar molts

    joves a consumir-ne. Per alguns era una nova

    experiència; per a altres, una vegada més, i per a mi, representava un gran

    respecte. Durant el 1965 van realitzar les conegudes Proves Àcides. Consistien

    en experimentar els efectes de l’LSD en joves que en consumien per primera

    vegada. Em semblava una bestiesa, una ximpleria, però pel que vaig poder

    comprovar no tothom pensava com jo. Van ser molts els joves que s’hi van

    oferir de manera voluntària. Potser semblarà ridícul o trist, però com a

    recompensa rebien un diploma que demostrava que havien sobreviscut. Tots

    n’estaven orgullosos i el mostraven amb molta il·lusió.

    Davant aquest fet, el gener de 1966, es va celebrar a San Francisco el

    Festival dels Viatges, que va consistir en ballar i fer demostracions sota els

    efectes de LSD.

    Els amics havien comentat de sotmetre’s a aquestes proves. Els deia

    que no, però ells, sobretot el Trent, em contestava dient que no era res més

    que una experiència nova i que no passava res. No sé amb quina cara el vaig

    mirar, però recordo que em va abraçar i em va dir: tranquil·la dona, confia en

    mi, ja veuràs que no passarà res. Em va sobtar que em digués això, però sabia

    què es feia, o almenys ho esperava. B r i a

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    54. Cartell Proves àcides

  • Pàg. 3

    Molta gent veia els hippies com persones que no feien altra cosa que

    passar el temps, anar a concerts, drogar-se i viatjar amunt i avall. Però en

    realitat vam lluitar per moltes coses i per millorar la situació de cadascú.

    Amb el recolzament de grups, com els estudiants, sobretot els

    universitaris, vam realitzar una sèrie d’esdeveniments i actes durant els 60 en

    els que vam proposar alguns objectius. Era molt difícil aconseguir-los tots,

    perquè representàvem un sector de població que ningú escoltava, però no vam


    Moltes dones hippies van formar un col·lectiu femení. De seguida m’hi

    vaig interessar, havia de lluitar pels meus ideals. Totes juntes realitzàvem actes

    que ens feien sentir més lliures. Vam fundar l’Organització Nacional de les

    Dones per buscar la no discriminació sexual, econòmica, política i educativa de

    les dones com també la legalització de l’avortament.

    Tots els hippies vam prendre part en manifestacions per defensar els

    drets dels negres. Les més importants van ser les que van realitzar els

    estudiants de les universitats de Colombia i Boston, que estaven organitzades

    pel grup SDS (Estudiants per una Societat Demòcrata). A part, realitzaven

    també ocupacions a les administracions universitàries per demostrar el


    Ens vam oposar a la guerra del Vietnam

    quan vam veure que el govern no tenia en compte

    l’opinió de la població; que els recursos econòmics

    es destinaven a armament, i que cada vegada més,

    els EEUU hi enviaven més tropes. Després de la

    mort del president Kennedy, el novembre de 1963,

    qui era favorable a resoldre el problema de manera pacífica, també ens vam

    oposar a la política d’intervenció del president L.B. Jonhson. Totes aquestes

    raons justificaven el nostre no a la guerra, a part dels milers de morts. Altra

    vegada, els estudiants del SDS, que serien els futurs soldats del Vietnam, van

    organitzar el primer Teach-in, al campus de la universitat de Michigan. Era un

    acte per a informar els estudiants del què estava passant realment a la guerra.

    Semblava que les coses no canviaven. Així que, a partir d’aquest

    esdeveniment, es van realitzar manifestacions i protestes pacífiques a diferents

    llocs dels EEUU. Participàvem en aquelles que quedaven a prop de casa. Era

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    55. Explicació al Teach-in

  • Pàg. 4

    l’única manera que teníem perquè el govern ens sentís. Se’n van fer moltes, de

    manifestacions, però les més importants

    van ser: la del 16 d’octubre de 1965, a

    nivell nacional; les del 10 i 15 d’abril, a la

    ciutat de Nova York, on s’hi van reunir

    400.000 persones, i les del 21 i 22

    d’octubre de 1967, al Pentàgon, on 35.000

    persones ens vam manifestar pacíficament.

    Cantàvem i ballàvem, es van llegir discursos durant tot el dia. Molts dels joves

    que no volien anar a la guerra cremaven els vestits i molts veterans llençaven

    les medalles. Al final però, la policia ens va fer fora amb violència. No vaig

    entendre aquell comportament.

    No totes les protestes pacífiques van quedar reduïdes a manifestacions.

    El 5 de desembre de 1968, els pacifistes van dur a terme una nova actuació.

    Van intentar tancar el centre d’instrucció de Nova York.

    La guerra continuava i continuava, i els nostres crits s’ofegaven amb

    l’eco del silenci. Era el gener de 1968 i l’exèrcit americà va patir l’ofensiva del

    Tet en la que els americans van ser derrotats i on van morir milers de soldats. A

    partir d’aquí, molts americans van obrir els ulls per primera vegada i van ser

    conscients que mai guanyarien la guerra. El president va demanar l’alto el foc i

    dos mesos després van començar les negociacions de pau a París. Ja era hora

    que les coses comencessin a anar bé. Semblava que en un principi la guerra

    s’havia acabat. El que no sabíem, i no esperàvem, van ser les conseqüències

    que aquesta guerra ens portaria temps després.

    Recordo una altra actuació. Va tenir força importància. Va ser el 1968

    durant la Convenció Demòcrata de Chicago. No

    sabia ben bé de què anava, havia sentit alguns

    comentaris i massa mentides, però el Zen que ho

    sabia tot, ens ho va explicar. Es veu que els

    polítics havien arribat a uns acords i que mai els

    portarien a la pràctica. Quan la gent va saber que

    eren mentida, van provocar protestes, però totes

    elles van ser insignificants en comparació a

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    56. Joves manifestant-se contra la guerra del Vietnam

    57. Policia emportant-se a Pigassus, mascota del partit Yippi

  • Pàg. 5

    l’actuació que van realitzar Abbie Hoffman amb el seu partit polític Yippi i els

    estudiants del SDS. El Zen va dir que s’hi van reunir 500.000 manifestants i que

    per contrarestar aquest acte, l’alcalde Daly va reunir 120.00 policies, 6.000

    guardians i 1.000 agents de l’FBI i de la CIA. Hi va haver enfrontaments entre

    els dos grups. Els cossos de seguretat van actuar amb violència contra els

    manifestants i reporters. Aquest succés va tenir fortes conseqüències. L’alcalde

    Daly i el líder de la convenció demòcrata, Humphery, van perdre el poder. Els

    líders dels Yippies i dels SDS, coneguts com els 7 de Chicago, d’aquests sí que

    n’havia sentit a parlar, van ser detinguts i jutjats.

    Tot i haver començat les negociacions de pau, el 1969 es va celebrar la

    manifestació més gran de la història; no me la vaig perdre. Hi vam assistir unes

    500.000 persones. Ens vam manifestar, no perquè retiressin les tropes ja que

    aquest procés ja havia començat, sinó per les morts durant la guerra. Havien

    mort més de 100.000 soldats nord americans. Eren més de 100.000 coloms a

    l’aire, 100.000 noms que mai s’esborrarien de les memòries dels seus familiars.

    Les Panteres Negres van lluitar també per aconseguir la igualtat entre

    races, per la no discriminació. Els hippies

    els vam donar suport perquè crèiem en el

    mateix ideal, però no vam compartir mai el

    camí per aconseguir-ho. Eren partidaris

    d’utilitzar la violència.

    No ens vam poder quedar callats

    davant l’abocament de petroli que es va

    produir a les costes de Califòrnia el 1969. Ens preguntàvem què havia fallat. El

    govern no va saber reaccionar i nosaltres no vam saber fer altra cosa que

    manifestacions per demostrar el nostre descontentament, i proposar lleis

    mediambientals que respectessin l’aire i l’aigua. Vam donar suport a grups

    ecologistes i organitzacions com Greenpeace. Nosaltres, els més fidels a la

    natura, vam lluitar perquè aquell fet no es repetís. Les costes eren negres,

    l’aigua bruta, milers del peixos van morir. Com que tampoc aconseguíem gran

    cosa, el 1970, un any després, es va realitzar el primer dia de la terra, el Clean-


    Vaig quedar sorpresa quan vaig saber que aquest acte havia rebut el

    suport de més de 140 països i que, als EEUU, havíem sigut 100.000 les

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    58. Panteres Negres manifestant-se

  • Pàg. 6

    persones que hi vam participar. Com que va tenir tant èxit, a les escoles es va

    ensenyar a respectar el medi i, a Nova York, es van realitzar tot un conjunt

    d’activitats, com plantar arbres, llegir discursos, fer desfilades i reunions a les

    universitats, perquè la societat en prengués consciència. Ja havíem fet tard

    perquè el desastre ja s’havia provocat, però no em quedava cap més remei que

    consolar-me amb aquells fets i pensar que no tornaria a passar. Tant de bo…

    No entenia res de res. Érem el 1970 i el president R. Nixon volia ampliar

    la guerra del Vietnam amb la invasió de Cambodja. No hi havia hagut suficients

    morts? No en tenia prou amb la sang i la desesperació?... La impotència em

    superava. Així doncs, el vam criticar, i tant! Ampliar la guerra suposava que

    molts més joves haurien de fer de soldats i que totes la manifestacions que

    havíem fet fins aleshores no havien servit per a res. Ens havien pres el pèl, ens

    havien tornat a enganyar. Em sentia estúpida,


    A la ciutat de Kent, a l’estat de Ohio, els

    estudiants del SDS es van revolucionar i el

    govern va respondre amb la força i decretant el

    toc de queda. Els estudiants van continuar amb

    l’oposició. La policia, que es creia superior, va

    actuar amb una forta repressió que va provocar

    4 morts i 9 ferits.

    Les coses empitjoraven cada vegada més i com a conseqüència

    d’aquesta massacre, a nivell nacional, els estudiants i els treballadors van

    realitzar una vaga que nosaltres vam recolzar. Aquestes conductes

    m’encenien. No sabia qui era més canalla, si el govern o la pròpia policia.

    Els fets tampoc van acabar aquí. La policia, seguint les ordres del

    govern, va continuar anant en contra dels vaguistes i van morir 2 estudiants

    més. En total ja eren 6, un número prou significatiu. Al final, el govern va

    considerar que els únics culpables havien sigut els estudiants. Era d’esperar.

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    59. Massacre a Kent

  • Pàg. 7

    III. Lletres de les cançons del CD 1 Scott McKenzie - San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair)

    If you're going to San Francisco

    Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

    If you're going to San Francisco

    You're gonna meet some gentle people there

    For those who come to San Francisco

    Summertime will be a love-in there

    In the streets of San Francisco

    Gentle people with flowers in their hair

    All across the nation such a strange vibration

    People in motion

    There's a whole generation with a new explanation

    People in motion people in motion

    For those who come to San Francisco

    Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

    If you come to San Francisco

    Summertime will be a love-in there

    If you come to San Francisco

    Summertime will be a love-in there

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  • Pàg. 8

    Mamas & The Papas - California Dreamin’ All the leaves are brown

    All the leaves are brown

    And the sky is grey

    And the sky is grey

    Ive been for a walk

    Ive been for a walk

    On a winters day

    On a winters day

    Id be safe and warm

    Id be safe and warm

    If I was in l.a.

    If I was in l.a.

    California dreamin

    California dreamin

    On such a winters day

    Stopped into a church

    I passed along the way

    Well, I got down on my knees

    Got down on my knees

    And I pretend to pray

    I pretend to pray

    You know the preacher likes the


    Preacher likes the cold

    He knows Im gonna stay

    Knows Im gonna stay

    California dreamin

    California dreamin

    On such a winters day

    All the leaves are brown

    All the leaves are brown

    And the sky is grey

    And the sky is grey

    Ive been for a walk

    Ive been for a walk

    On a winters day

    On a winters day

    If I didnt tell her

    If I didnt tell her

    I could leave today

    I could leave today

    California dreamin

    California dreamin

    On such a winters day

    California dreaming

    On such a winters day

    California dreaming

    On such a winters day

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  • Pàg. 9

    Beatles - All You Need Is Love Love, love, love.

    Love, love, love.

    Love, love, love.

    There's nothing you can do that

    can't be done.

    Nothing you can sing that can't be


    Nothing you can say but you can

    learn how to play the game.

    It's easy.

    Nothing you can make that can't be


    No one you can save that can't be


    Nothing you can do but you can

    learn how to be you in time.

    It's easy.

    All you need is love.

    All you need is love.

    All you need is love, love.

    Love is all you need.

    All you need is love.

    All you need is love.

    All you need is love, love.

    Love is all you need

    Nothing you can know that isn't


    Nothing you can see that isn't


    Nowhere you can be that isn't where

    you're meant to be.

    It's easy.

    All you need is love.

    All you need is love.

    All you need is love, love.

    Love is all you need.

    All you need is love (all together,


    All you need is love. (everybody!)

    All you need is love, love.

    Love is all you need (love is all you



    Oh yeah!

    She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.

    She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.

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  • Pàg. 10

    José Feliciano – Light My Fire

    You know that it would be untrue

    You know that I would be a liar

    If I was to say to you

    Girl, we couldnt get much higher

    Come on baby, light my fire

    Come on baby, light my fire

    Try to set the night on fire

    The time to hesitate is through

    No time to wallow in the mire

    Try now we can only lose

    And our love become a funeral pyre

    Come on baby, light my fire

    Come on baby, light my fire

    Try to set the night on fire, yeah

    The time to hesitate is through

    No time to wallow in the mire

    Try now we can only lose

    And our love become a funeral pyre

    Come on baby, light my fire

    Come on baby, light my fire

    Try to set the night on fire, yeah

    You know that it would be untrue

    You know that I would be a liar

    If I was to say to you

    Girl, we couldn't get much higher

    Come on baby, light my fire

    Come on baby, light my fire

    Try to set the night on fire

    Try to set the night on fire

    Try to set the night on fire

    Try to set the night on fire

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  • Pàg. 11

    John Mayall - Room To Move

    May seem peculiar how I think o' you

    If you want me darlin', here's what you must do

    You gotta get me, cuz I can't give the best

    Unless I got room to move

    If you want me darlin', take me how you can

    I'll be circulating, cuz that's the way I am

    You gotta get me, cuz I can't give the best

    Unless I got room to move

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  • Pàg. 12

    Joan Baez - Sweet Sir Galahad

    Sweet Sir Galahad

    came in through the window

    in the night when

    the moon was in the yard.

    He took her hand in his

    and shook the long hair

    from his neck and he told her

    she'd been working much too hard.

    It was true that ever since the day

    her crazy man had passed away

    to the land of poet's pride,

    she laughed and talked alot

    with new people on the block

    but always at evening time she


    And here's to the dawn of their days.

    She moved her head

    a little down on the bed

    until it rested softly on his knee.

    And there she dropped her smile

    and there she sighed awhile,

    and told him all the sadness

    of those years that numbered three.

    Well you know I think my fate's


    because of all the hours I waited

    for the day when I'd no longer cry.

    I get myself to work by eight

    but oh, was I born too late,

    and do you think I'll fail

    at every single thing I try?

    And here's to the dawn of their days.

    He just put his arm around her

    and that's the way I found her

    eight months later to the day.

    The lines of a smile erased

    the tear tracks upon her face,

    a smile could linger, even stay.

    Sweet Sir Galahad went down

    with his gay bride of flowers,

    the prince of the hours

    of her lifetime.

    And here's to the dawn

    of their days,

    of their days.

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  • Pàg. 13

    Santana - Jingo




    Jingo Ba


    Ba, Ba, Lo

    Ba, Ba, Lo

    Ba, Ba, Lo

    Ba, Lo

    Ba, Ba, Lo

    Ba, Ba, Lo

    Ba, Ba, Lo



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  • Pàg. 14

    Janis Joplin - Summertime Summertime, time, time,

    Child, the living's easy.

    Fish are jumping out

    And the cotton, Lord,

    Cotton's high, Lord so high.

    Your daddy's rich

    And your ma is so good-looking, baby.

    She's a-looking good now,

    Hush, baby, baby, baby, baby now,

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no,

    Don't you cry, don't you cry.

    One of these mornings

    You're gonna rise, rise up singing,

    You're gonna spread your wings, child,

    And take, take to the sky,

    Lord, the sky.

    But until that morning,

    Honey, n-n-nothing's going to harm ya,

    No, no, no no, no no, no...

    Don't you cry cry.

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  • Pàg. 15

    Creedence Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary

    Left a good job in the city,

    Workin' for The Man every night and day,

    And I never lost one minute of sleepin',

    Worryin' 'bout the way things might have been.


    Big wheel keep on turnin',

    Proud Mary keep on burnin',

    Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river.

    Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis,

    Pumped a lot of 'tane down in New Orleans,

    But I never saw the good side of the city,

    'Til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen.


    Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river.

    If you come down to the river,

    Bet you gonna find some people who live.

    You don't have to worry though you have no money,

    People on the river are happy to give.


    Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river.

    Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river.

    Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river.

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  • Pàg. 16

    The Who - My Generation People try to put us d-down (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    Just because we get around (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    Things they do look awful c-c-cold (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    I hope I die before I get old (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    This is my generation

    This is my generation, baby

    Why don't you all f-fade away (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    And don't try to dig what we all s-s-say (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    I'm not trying to cause a big s-s-sensation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    I'm just talkin' 'bout my g-g-g-generation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    This is my generation

    This is my generation, baby

    Why don't you all f-fade away (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    And don't try to d-dig what we all s-s-say (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    I'm not trying to cause a b-big s-s-sensation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    I'm just talkin' 'bout my g-g-generation (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    This is my generation

    This is my generation, baby

    People try to put us d-down (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    Just because we g-g-get around (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    Things they do look awful c-c-cold (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    Yeah, I hope I die before I get old (Talkin' 'bout my generation)

    This is my generation

    This is my generation, baby

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  • Pàg. 17

    Joe Cocker - With a Little Help From My Friends

    What would you think

    if I sang out of tune,

    Would you stand up

    and walk out on me?

    Lend me your ears

    and I'll sing you a song

    And I'll try not to sing out of key.

    Oh, I get by with a little help

    from my friends

    Mm, I get high with a little help

    from my friends

    Mm, gonna try with a little help

    from my friends

    What do I do when my love is away

    (Does it worry you to be alone?)

    How do I feel by the end of the day,

    (Are you sad because you're on

    your own?)

    No, I get by with a little help

    from my friends

    Mm, I get high with a little help

    from my friends

    Mm, gonna try with a little help

    from my friends

    Do you need anybody

    I need somebody to love

    Could it be anybody

    I want somebody to love.

    Would you believe in a love

    at first sight

    Yes, I'm certain that it happens

    all the time

    What do you see

    when you turn out the light

    I can't tell you but I know it's mine,

    Oh, I get by with a little help

    from my friends

    Mm, I get high with a little help

    from my friends

    Mm, gonna try with a little help

    from my friends

    Do you need anybody

    I just need someone to love

    Could it be anybody

    I want somebody to love.

    Oh, I get by with a little help

    from my friends

    With a little help from my friends.

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  • Pàg. 18

    Blood, Sweat & Tears - Spinning Wheel

    What goes up must come down

    spinning wheel got to go round

    Talking about your troubles it's a crying sin

    Ride a painted pony

    Let the spinning wheel spin

    You got no money, and you, you got no home

    Spinning wheel all alone

    Talking about your troubles and you, you never learn

    Ride a painted pony

    let the spinning wheel turn

    Did you find a directing sign

    on the straight and narrow highway?

    Would you mind a reflecting sign

    Just let it shine within your mind

    And show you the colours that are real

    Someone is waiting just for you

    spinning wheel is spinning true

    Drop all your troubles, by the river side

    Catch a painted pony

    On the spinning wheel ride

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  • Pàg. 19

    Johnny Winter - Johnny B. Goode

    Deep down Louisiana

    close to New Orleans

    Way back up in the

    woods among the


    There stood a log cabin

    made of earth and


    Where lived a country

    boy named Johnny B.


    Who never ever

    learned to read or write

    so well

    But he could play the

    guitar just like a ringing

    a bell

    Go go

    Go Johnny go


    Go Johnny go


    Go Johnny go


    Go Johnny go


    Johnny B. Goode

    He used to carry his

    guitar in a gunny sack

    Go sit beneath the

    tree by the railroad


    Oh, the engineerswould

    see him sitting in the


    Strumming with the

    rhythm that the

    drivers made

    People passing by they

    would stop

    and say

    Oh my that little country

    boy could play

    Go go

    Go Johnny go


    Go Johnny go


    Go Johnny go


    Go Johnny go


    Johnny B. Goode

    His mother told him

    "Someday you will be

    a man,

    And you will be the

    leader of a big old


    Many people coming

    from miles around

    To hear you play your

    music when the sun go


    Maybe someday your

    name will be in lights

    Saying Johnny B.

    Goode tonight."

    Go go

    Go Johnny go

    Go go go Johnny go

    Go go go Johnny go

    Go go go Johnny go


    Johnny B. Goode

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  • Pàg. 20

    Crosby Stills Nash & Young - Suite: Judy Blue Eyes

    It's getting to the point

    Where I'm no fun anymore

    I am sorry.

    Sometimes it hurts so badly

    I must cry out loud

    I am lonely.

    I am yours, you are mine,

    You are what you are

    And you make it hard

    Remember what we've said,

    and done, and felt

    about each other

    Oh babe, have mercy.

    Don't let the past remind

    us of what we are not now.

    I am not dreaming.

    I am yours, you are mine,

    you are what you are.

    And you make it hard.

    Tearing yourself away from me now,

    You are free and I am crying.

    This does not mean I don't love you,

    I do, that's forever, and always.

    I am yours, you are mine, you are

    what you are.

    And you make it hard.

    Something inside is telling me that

    I've got your secret.

    Are you still listening?

    Fear is the lock, and laughter

    the key to your heart.

    And I love you.

    I am yours, you are mine,

    you are what you are.

    And you make it hard,

    And you make it hard

    Friday evening, Sunday in the afternoon,

    What have you got to lose?

    Tuesday mornin',

    please be gone I'm tired of you.

    Can I tell it like it is? Help me I'm


    Listen to me baby. Help me I'm dyin'.

    It's my heart that's a-sufferin', it's a dyin'.

    That's what I have to lose.

    I've got an answer

    I'm going to fly away,

    What have I got to lose?

    Will you come see me

    Thursdays and Saturdays?

    What have you got to lose?

    Chestnut brown canary, ruby-throated


    Sing a song, don't be long.

    Thrill me to the marrow.

    Voices of the angels,

    ring around the moonlight.

    Asking me, said she so free,

    How can you catch the sparrow?

    Lacy lilting lady, losing love lamenting,

    Change my life, make it right.

    Be my lady.

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  • Pàg. 21

    Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child

    Well, I stand up next to a mountain

    And I chop it down with the edge of

    my hand


    Well, I stand up next to a mountain

    And I chop it down with the edge of

    my hand

    Well, I pick up all the pieces and

    make an island

    Might even raise a little sand


    cause Im a voodoo child

    Lord knows Im a voodoo child baby

    I want to say one more last thing

    I didnt mean to take up all your

    sweet time

    Ill give it right back to ya one of

    these days


    I said I didnt mean to take up all

    your sweet time

    Ill give it right back one of these


    Oh yeah

    If I dont meet you no more in this

    world then uh

    Ill meet ya on the next one

    And dont be late

    Dont be late

    cause Im a voodoo child voodoo


    Lord knows Im a voodoo child

    Hey hey hey

    Im a voodoo child baby

    I dont take no for an answer

    Question no


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  • Pàg. 22

    Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil Please allow me to introduce myself

    Im a man of wealth and taste

    Ive been around for a long, long year

    Stole many a mans soul and faith

    And I was round when jesus christ

    Had his moment of doubt and pain

    Made damn sure that pilate

    Washed his hands and sealed his fate

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guess my name

    But whats puzzling you

    Is the nature of my game

    I stuck around st. petersburg

    When I saw it was a time for a change

    Killed the czar and his ministers

    Anastasia screamed in vain

    I rode a tank. Held a generals rank

    When the blitzkrieg raged

    And the bodies stank

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

    Ah, whats puzzling you

    Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

    I watched with glee

    While your kings and queens

    Fought for ten decades

    For the gods they made

    I shouted out,

    Who killed the kennedys?

    When after all. It was you and me

    Let me please introduce myself

    Im a man of wealth and taste

    And I laid traps for troubadours

    Who get killed before they reached bombay

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

    But whats puzzling you

    Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get

    down, baby

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

    But whats confusing you

    Is just the nature of my game

    Just as every cop is a criminal

    And all the sinners saints

    As heads is tails

    Just call me lucifer

    cause Im in need of some restraint

    So if you meet me

    Have some courtesy

    Have some sympathy, and some taste

    Use all your well-learned politesse

    Or Ill lay your soul to waste, um yeah

    Pleased to meet you

    Hope you guessed my name, um yeah

    But whats puzzling you

    Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get


    Woo, who, Oh yeah, get on down

    Oh yeah, Oh yeah!

    Tell me baby, whats my name

    Tell me honey, can ya guess my name

    Tell me baby, whats my name

    I tell you one time, youre to blame

    Ooo, who, Ooo, who

    Ooo, who, Ooo, who, who

    Ooo, who, who, Ooo, who, who

    Ooo, who, who, Oh, yeah

    Whats me name

    Tell me, baby, whats my name

    Tell me, sweetie, whats my name

    Ooo, who, whom, Ooo, who, who

    Ooo, who, who, Ooo, who, who

    Ooo, who, who, Ooo, who, who

    Ooo, who, who, Oh, yeah

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  • Pàg. 23

    Rolling Stones - Satisfaction

    I can't get no satisfaction,

    I can't get no satisfaction.

    'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.

    I can't get no, I can't get no.

    When I'm drivin' in my car

    and that man comes on the radio

    and he's tellin' me more and more

    about some useless information

    supposed to fire my imagination.

    I can't get no, oh no no no.

    Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

    I can't get no satisfaction,

    I can't get no satisfaction.

    'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.

    I can't get no, I can't get no.

    When I'm watchin' my TV

    and that man comes on to tell me

    how white my shirts can be.

    Well he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't

    smoke the same cigarrettes as me.

    I can't get no, oh no no no.

    Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

    I can't get no satisfaction,

    I can't get no girl with action.

    'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.

    I can't get no, I can't get no.

    When I'm ridin' round the world

    and I'm doin' this and I'm signing that

    and I'm tryin' to make some girl

    who tells me baby better come back

    later next week

    'cause you see I'm on losing streak.

    I can't get no, oh no no no.

    Hey hey hey, that's what I say.

    I can't get no, I can't get no,

    I can't get no satisfaction,

    no satisfaction, no satisfaction, no


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  • Pàg. 24

    Don McLean - American Pie A long, long time ago...

    I can still remember

    How that music used to make me smile.

    And I knew if I had my chance

    That I could make those people dance

    And, maybe, they’d be happy for a while.

    But february made me shiver

    With every paper I’d deliver.

    Bad news on the doorstep;

    I couldn’t take one more step.

    I can’t remember if I cried

    When I read about his widowed bride,

    But something touched me deep inside

    The day the music died.

    So bye-bye, miss american pie.

    Drove my chevy to the levee,

    But the levee was dry.

    And them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey

    and rye

    Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.

    "this’ll be the day that I die."

    Did you write the book of love,

    And do you have faith in God above,

    If the Bible tells you so?

    Do you believe in rock ’n roll,

    Can music save your mortal soul,

    And can you teach me how to dance real slow?

    Well, I know that you’re in love with him

    `cause I saw you dancin’ in the gym.

    You both kicked off your shoes.

    Man, I dig those rhythm and blues.

    I was a lonely teenage broncin’ buck

    With a pink carnation and a pickup truck,

    But I knew I was out of luck

    The day the music died. I started singin’,

    "bye-bye, miss american pie."

    Drove my chevy to the levee,

    But the levee was dry.

    Them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and


    And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.

    "this’ll be the day that I die."

    Now for ten years we’ve been on our own

    And moss grows fat on a rollin’ stone,

    But that’s not how it used to be.

    When the jester sang for the king and queen,

    In a coat he borrowed from james dean

    And a voice that came from you and me,

    Oh, and while the king was looking down,

    The jester stole his thorny crown.

    The courtroom was adjourned;

    No verdict was returned.

    And while lennon read a book of marx,

    The quartet practiced in the park,

    And we sang dirges in the dark

    The day the music died.

    We were singing,

    "bye-bye, miss american pie."

    Drove my chevy to the levee,

    But the levee was dry.

    Them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and


    And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.

    "this’ll be the day that I die."

    Helter skelter in a summer swelter.

    The birds flew off with a fallout shelter,

    Eight miles high and falling fast.

    It landed foul on the grass.

    The players tried for a forward pass,

    With the jester on the sidelines in a cast.

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  • Pàg. 25

    Now the half-time air was sweet perfume

    While the sergeants played a marching tune.

    We all got up to dance,

    Oh, but we never got the chance!

    `cause the players tried to take the field;

    The marching band refused to yield.

    Do you recall what was revealed

    The day the music died?

    We started singing,

    "bye-bye, miss american pie."

    Drove my chevy to the levee,

    But the levee was dry.

    Them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and


    And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.

    "this’ll be the day that I die."

    Oh, and there we were all in one place,

    A generation lost in space

    With no time left to start again.

    So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quick!

    Jack flash sat on a candlestick

    Cause fire is the devil’s only friend.

    Oh, and as I watched him on the stage

    My hands were clenched in fists of rage.

    No angel born in hell

    Could break that satan’s spell.

    And as the flames climbed high into the night

    To light the sacrificial rite,

    I saw satan laughing with delight

    The day the music died

    He was singing,

    "bye-bye, miss american pie."

    Drove my chevy to the levee,

    But the levee was dry.

    Them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and


    And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.

    "this’ll be the day that I die."

    I met a girl who sang the blues

    And I asked her for some happy news,

    But she just smiled and turned away.

    I went down to the sacred store

    Where I’d heard the music years before,

    But the man there said the music wouldn’t play.

    And in the streets: the children screamed,

    The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed.

    But not a word was spoken;

    The church bells all were broken.

    And the three men I admire most:

    The father, son, and the holy ghost,

    They caught the last train for the coast

    The day the music died.

    And they were singing,

    "bye-bye, miss american pie."

    Drove my chevy to the levee,

    But the levee was dry.

    And them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey

    and rye

    Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.

    "this’ll be the day that I die."

    They were singing,

    "bye-bye, miss american pie."

    Drove my chevy to the levee,

    But the levee was dry.

    Them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and


    Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die."

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  • Pàg. 26

    III. Lletres de les cançons del CD 2 Bob Dylan - Mr. Tambourine Man

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

    Though I know that evenin's empire has returned into sand,

    Vanished from my hand,

    Left me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping.

    My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet,

    I have no one to meet

    And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming.

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

    Take me on a trip upon your magic

    swirlin' ship,

    My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip,

    My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels

    To be wanderin'.

    I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade

    Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way,

    I promise to go under it.

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

    Though you might hear laughin', spinnin',

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  • Pàg. 27

    swingin' madly across the sun,

    It's not aimed at anyone, it's just escapin' on the run

    And but for the sky there are no fences facin'.

    And if you hear vague traces of skippin' reels of rhyme

    To your tambourine in time, it's just a ragged clown behind,

    I wouldn't pay it any mind, it's just a shadow you're

    Seein' that he's chasing.

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

    Then take me disappearin' through the smoke rings of my mind,

    Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves,

    The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach,

    Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow.

    Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free,

    Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands,

    With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves,

    Let me forget about today until tomorrow.

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.

    Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,

    In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

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  • Pàg. 28

    Bob Dylan - Lay, Lady, Lay

    Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed

    Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed

    Whatever colors you have in your mind

    I'll show them to you and you'll see them shine

    Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed

    Stay, lady, stay, stay with your man awhile

    Until the break of day, let me see you make him smile

    His clothes are dirty but his hands are clean

    And you're the best thing that he's ever seen

    Stay, lady, stay, stay with your man awhile

    Why wait any longer for the world to begin

    You can have your cake and eat it too

    Why wait any longer for the one you love

    When he's standing in front of you

    Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big

    brass bed

    Stay, lady, stay, stay while the night is still ahead

    I long to see you in the morning light

    I long to reach for you in the night

    Stay, lady, stay, stay while the night is still ahead

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  • Pàg. 29

    The Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin

    Nights in white satin

    Never reaching the end.

    Letters I've written

    Never meaning to send.

    Beauty I'd always missed

    With these eyes before.

    Just what the truth is

    I can't say anymore

    'Cause I love you,

    Yes I love you,

    Oh, how I love you.

    Gazing at people

    Some hand in hand

    Just what I'm going though

    They can't understand.

    Some try to tell me

    Thoughts they cannot defend

    Just what you want to be

    You'll be in the end.

    And I love you,

    Yes I love you,

    Oh, how I love you.

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  • Pàg. 30

    Chicago - 25 Or 6 To 4

    Waiting for the break of day

    Searching for something to say

    Flashing lights against the sky

    Giving up I close my eyes

    Sitting cross-legged on the floor

    25 or 6 to 4

    Staring blindly into space

    Getting up to splash my face

    Wanting just to stay awake

    Wondering how much I can take

    Should I try to do some more

    25 or 6 to 4

    Feeling like I ought to sleep

    Spinning room is sinking deep

    Searching for something to say

    Waiting for the break of day

    25 or 6 to 4

    25 or 6 to 4

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  • Pàg. 31

    Chicago - I’m A Man

    Well my pad is very messy, got whiskers on

    my chin

    Never had no problems cause Ive always

    paid the rent. I got no time for lovin

    Cause my time is all used up

    I stand outside creatin

    All the groovy kinds of love

    Im a man, yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    Im a man, yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    If I had my choice of matter

    Id would rather be with cats

    All engrossed in mental chatter

    Showing where your mind is at

    While relating to each other

    How strong the love can be

    By resisting all the good times with each

    groovy chick we see

    Im a man yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    Im a man yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    Ive got to keep my image

    While Im standing on the floor

    If I drop upon my knees

    Its just to keep them on my nose

    You think that Im not human

    And my heart is made of stone

    But Ive never had no problems

    cause my bodys pretty strong

    Im a man yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    Im a man yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    Im a man yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    If I had my choice of matter

    I would rather be with cats

    All engrossed in mental chatter

    Showin where your mind is at

    While relating to each other

    How strong your love can be

    By resisting all the good times with each

    groovy chick we see

    Im a man yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    Im a man yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    Im a man yes I am and I cant help but love

    you so

    I gotta keep my image

    While Im standin on the floor

    If I drop upon my knees

    Its just to keep them on my nose

    You think that Im not human

    And my heart is made of stone

    But I never had no problems

    cause my bodys pretty strong

    Im a man, yes I am, and I cant help but love

    you so

    Man, yes I am, and I cant help but love you


    Man, yes I am, and I cant help but love you


    Man, yes I am, and I cant help but love you

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  • Pàg. 32

    Leonard Cohen - Suzanne

    Suzanne takes you down to her place

    near the river

    You can hear the boats go by

    You can spend the night beside her

    And you know that she's half crazy

    But that's why you want to be there

    And she feeds you tea and oranges

    That come all the way from China

    And just when you mean to tell her

    That you have no love to give her

    Then she gets you on her wavelength

    And she lets the river answer

    That you've always been her lover

    And you want to travel with her

    And you want to travel blind

    And you know that she will trust you

    For you've touched her perfect body

    with your mind.

    And Jesus was a sailor

    When he walked upon the water

    And he spent a long time watching

    From his lonely wooden tower

    And when he knew for certain

    Only drowning men could see him

    He said "All men will be sailors then

    Until the sea shall free them"

    But he himself was broken

    Long before the sky would open

    Forsaken, almost human

    He sank beneath your wisdom like a


    And you want to travel with him

    And you want to travel blind

    And you think maybe you'll trust him

    For he's touched your perfect body

    with his mind.

    Now Suzanne takes your hand

    And she leads you to the river

    She is wearing rags and feathers

    From Salvation Army counters

    And the sun pours down like honey

    On our lady of the harbour

    And she shows you where to look

    Among the garbage and the flowers

    There are heroes in the seaweed

    There are children in the morning

    They are leaning out for love

    And they will lean that way forever

    While Suzanne holds the mirror

    And you want to travel with her

    And you want to travel blind

    And you know that you can trust her

    For she's touched your perfect body

    with her mind.

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  • Pàg. 33

    Free - All Right Now

    There she stood in the street

    Smiling from her head to her feet

    I said "Hey, what is this"

    Now baby, maybe she's in need of a kiss

    I said " Hey, what's your name baby"

    maybe we can see things the same

    Now don't you wait or hesitate

    Let's move before they raise the parking rent

    All right now baby, it's all right now

    All right now baby, it's all right now

    I took her home to my place

    Watching ev'ry move on her face

    She said " Look, what's your game baby

    are you tryin' to put me in shame?"

    I said " slow don't go so fast,

    don't you think that love can last?"

    She said " Love, Lord above,

    now you're tryin' to trick me in love"

    All right now baby, it's all right now

    all right now baby, it's all right now

    That's all for now, take care and I'll

    be back with more in a few days

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  • Pàg. 34

    Richie Havens - Here Comes the Sun (The Beatles) Here comes the sun, doot in doo doo, here comes the sun,

    And I say it's all right

    Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter

    Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

    Here comes the sun, doot in doo doo, here comes the sun

    And I say it's all right

    Little darling, the smile's returning to the faces

    Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here

    Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

    And I say it's all right

    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...

    Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting

    Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear

    Here comes the sun,doot in doo doo, here comes the sun,

    And I say it's all right

    Here comes the sun, doot in doo doo, here comes the sun,

    It's all right

    It's all right

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  • Pàg. 35

    Kris Kristofferson - Me & Bobby McGee

    Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waiting for a train

    And I's feeling nearly as faded as my jeans.

    Bobby thumbed a diesel down just before it rained,

    It rode us all the way to New Orleans.

    I pulled my harpoon out of my dirty red bandanna,

    I was playing soft while Bobby sang the blues.

    Windshield wipers slapping time, I was holding Bobby's hand in mine,

    We sang every song that driver knew.

    Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose,

    Nothing don't mean nothing honey if it ain't free, now now.

    And feeling good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues,

    You know feeling good was good enough for me,

    Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee.

    From the Kentucky coal mines to the

    California sun,

    Hey, Bobby shared the secrets of my soul.

    Through all kinds of weather, through everything that we done,

    Hey Bobby baby kept me from the cold.

    One day up near Salinas, Lord, I let him slip away,

    He's looking for that home and I hope he finds it,

    But I'd trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday

    To be holding Bobby's body next to mine.

    Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose,

    Nothing, that's all that Bobby left me, yeah,

    But feeling good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues,

    Hey, feeling good was good enough for me, hmm hmm,

    Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee.

    La la la, la la la la, la la la, la la la la

    La la la la la Bobby McGee.

    La la la la la, la la la la la

    La la la la la, Bobby McGee, la.

    La La la, la la la la la la,

    La La la la la la la la la, hey now Bobby now Bobby McGee yeah.

    Na na na na na na na na, na na na na na na na na na na na

    Hey now Bobby now, Bobby McGee, yeah.

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  • Pàg. 36

    Lord, I'm calling my lover, calling my man,

    I said I'm calling my lover just the best I can,

    C'mon, where is Bobby now, where is Bobby McGee, yeah,

    Lordy Lordy Lordy Lordy Lordy Lordy Lordy Lord

    Hey, hey, hey, Bobby McGee, Lord!

    Yeah! Whew!

    Lordy Lordy Lordy Lordy Lordy Lordy Lordy Lord

    Hey, hey, hey, Bobby McGee.

    I'd like to do a song of great social and political import

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  • Pàg. 37

    Supertramp - The Logical Song

    When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,

    A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.

    And all the birds in the trees, well theyd be singing so happily,

    Joyfully, playfully watching me.

    But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible,

    Logical, responsible, practical.

    And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,

    Clinical, intellectual, cynical.

    There are times when all the worlds asleep,

    The questions run too deep

    For such a simple man.

    Wont you please, please tell me what weve learned

    I know it sounds absurd

    But please tell me who I am.

    Now watch what you say or theyll be calling you a radical,

    Liberal, fanatical, criminal.

    Wont you sign up your name, wed like to feel youre

    Acceptable, respecable, presentable, a vegtable!

    At night, when all the worlds asleep,

    The questions run so deep

    For such a simple man.

    Wont you please, please tell me what weve learned

    I know it sounds absurd

    But please tell me who I am.

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  • Pàg. 38

    George Harrison - My Sweet Lord

    My sweet lord, Hm, my lord

    Hm, my lord

    I really want to see you

    Really want to be with you

    Really want to see you lord

    But it takes so long, my lord

    My sweet lord, Hm, my lord

    Hm, my lord

    I really want to know you

    Really want to go with you

    Really want to show you lord

    That it wont take long, my lord (hallelujah)

    My sweet lord (hallelujah)

    Hm, my lord (hallelujah)

    My sweet lord (hallelujah)

    I really want to see you

    Really want to see you

    Really want to see you, lord

    Really want to see you, lord

    But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah)

    My sweet lord (hallelujah)

    Hm, my lord (hallelujah)

    My, my, my lord (hallelujah)

    I really want to know you (hallelujah)

    Really want to go with you (hallelujah)

    Really want to show you lord (aaah)

    That it wont take long, my lord (hallelujah)

    Hmm (hallelujah)

    My sweet lord (hallelujah)

    My, my, lord (hallelujah)

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  • Pàg. 39

    Hm, my lord (hare krishna)

    My, my, my lord (hare krishna)

    Oh hm, my sweet lord (krishna, krishna). Oh-uuh-uh (hare hare)

    Now, I really want to see you (hare rama)

    Really want to be with you (hare rama)

    Really want to see you lord (aaah)

    But it takes so long, my lord (hallelujah).

    Hm, my lord (hallelujah)

    My, my, my lord (hare krishna)

    My sweet lord (hare krishna)

    My sweet lord (krishna krishna)

    My lord (hare hare)

    Hm, hm (gurur brahma)

    Hm, hm (gurur vishnu)

    Hm, hm (gurur devo)

    Hm, hm (maheshwara)

    My sweet lord (gurur sakshaat)

    My sweet lord (parabrahma)

    My, my, my lord (tasmayi shree)

    My, my, my, my lord (guruve namah)

    My sweet lord (hare rama)

    (hare krishna)

    My sweet lord (hare krishna)

    My sweet lord (krishna krishna)

    My lord (hare hare) B

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  • Pàg. 40

    Leon Russell - Jumpin' Jack Flash

    I was born in a crossfire hurricane

    And I howled at my mama in the driving


    But it’s alright now in fact it’s a gas

    And it’s alright, hey

    I’m jumping jack flash it’s a gas gas gas

    I was raised by a toothless bearded hag

    I was schooled with a strap right across

    my back

    But it’s alright now in fact it’s a gas

    And it’s alright, hey

    I’m jumping jack flash it’s a gas gas gas

    But it’s alright now in fact it’s a gas

    And it’s alright

    I’m jumping jack flash it’s a gas gas gas

    But its alright now in fact its a gas

    Its alright now in fact its a gas

    But its alright now in fact its a gas

    But its alright now, but its alright now

    But its alright

    Well, you know that I love my woman

    But just sometimes she just don’t treat

    me right

    Yeah, I woke up this morning and I

    looked her in the eye

    She said sweet daddy, you got what I

    want. But you aint giving it to me

    Oh, and it hurt me deep down into my

    soul. And I had [...] out of the door

    I was [..] my heart [...]

    Gonna ever see my baby no more

    I went a-walking down the street

    And I was ashamed to look at anyone I meet

    Ooh, [..] and there she was standing

    Leaning up against a lamp post

    (well, tell it, tell it)

    I saw her standing on the corner

    A yellow ribbon in her hair

    All night long my heart was shudder

    Look at there, look at there

    You’re the one, look at there

    Youngblood, youngblood, youngblood

    Woo, I cant get you out of my mind

    And I couldn’t sleep, I went on crying

    And I saw the rising of the sun

    All night long my heart was crying

    You’re the one, you’re the one

    You’re the one, you’re the one

    Youngblood, youngblood, youngblood

    Well, I cant get you out of my mind

    [...] she looked so tough

    I had to follow her all the way home

    And when we were there

    I met her dad, he said:

    You’d better leave my daughter alone

    And I couldn’t sleep, I went on crying

    And I saw the rising of the sun

    All night long my heart was crying

    You’re the one, you’re the one

    You are the one, you’re the one

    Youngblood, youngblood, youngblood

    Woo, I can’t get enough of your love

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  • Pàg. 41

    Leon Russell - Youngblood Woo, you’re breaking my heart in two

    (youngblood, youngblood, youngblood)

    Ooh, and I looked at that 19 year old girl

    Right in the eye.

    And I said you look so sweet to me


    But theres one thing I got to tell you.

    You know, I’ve got me a fine old lady

    Lying back there in that bedroom at


    And I think I got to get hack to her.

    Ooh, you aint interested in my, she said. [...] walking home down the street, back

    to my pet

    And I crawled and I snugged and I

    crawled back in the bedroom

    My baby looked at me with her great big

    blue bedroom eyes

    And she said:

    Wooh, dad where have you been all

    night long?

    Yet I know I told you to get away from


    I told you to leave me alone

    Wooh, but I had a chain in your heart

    And I’ve been needing you all night long

    [...] needing the good thing

    I aint had none of the good thing

    Yeah and I looked at my baby and I said

    Baby, I said, what is it that I’ve got that

    you want, yeah?

    She looked at me and she said, real

    slow, real soft, real sweet

    She said this right here:

    Yeah, its alright now, in fact its a gas

    Well, its alright now, in fact its a gas

    But, its alright now, in fact its a gas

    Its alright, its alright now

    Yeah, now everybodys got a young lady at

    home that they love

    But sometimes the things, they just don’t go


    But I want to tell you one thing, and its for sure

    You treat your woman like you treat yourself

    Everything is gonna be alright

    Yeah its gonna be alright now. B

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  • Pàg. 42

    Bob Dylan - Blowin' In The Wind How many roads must a man walk down

    Before you call him a man?

    Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail

    Before she sleeps in the sand?

    Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly

    Before they're forever banned?

    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,

    The answer is blowin' in the wind.

    How many times must a man look up

    Before he can see the sky?

    Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have

    Before he can hear people cry?

    Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows

    That too many people have died?

    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,

    The answer is blowin' in the wind.

    How many years can a mountain exist

    Before it's washed to the sea?

    Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist

    Before they're allowed to be free?

    Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,

    Pretending he just doesn't see?

    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,

    The answer is blowin' in the wind.

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  • Pàg. 43

    Hair - Aquarius

    When the moon is in the Seventh House

    And Jupiter aligns with Mars

    Then peace will guide the planets

    And love will steer the stars

    This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

    The age of Aquarius



    Harmony and understanding

    Sympathy and trust abounding

    No more falsehoods or derisions

    Golden living dreams of visions

    Mystic crystal revalation

    And the mind's true liberation



    When the moon is in the Seventh House

    And Jupiter aligns with Mars

    Then peace will guide the planets

    And love will steer the stars

    This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

    The age of Aquarius



    Hair - Let The Sunshine In

    Let the sunshine

    Let the sunshine in

    The sunshine in

    Let the sunshine

    Let the sunshine in

    The sunshine in

    Let the sunshine

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  • Pàg. 44

    Jesus Christ Superstar - I Dont Know How To Love Him


    I don't know how to love him.

    What to do, how to move him.

    I've been changed, yes really changed.

    In these past few days, when I've seen myself,

    I seem like someone else.

    I don't know how to take this.

    I don't see why he moves me.

    He's a man. He's just a man.

    And I've had so many men before,

    In very many ways,

    He's just one more.

    Should I bring him down?

    Should I scream and shout?

    Should I speak of love,

    Let my feelings out?

    I never thought I'd come to this.

    What's it all about?

    Don't you think it's rather funny,

    I should be in this position.

    I'm the one who's always been

    So calm, so cool, no lover's fool,

    Running every show.

    He scares me so.

    I never thought I'd come to this.

    What's it all about?

    Yet, if he said he loved me,

    I'd be lost. I'd be frightened.

    I couldn't cope, just couldn't cope.

    I'd turn my head. I'd back away.

    I wouldn't want to know.

    He scares me so.

    I want him so.

    I love him so....

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  • Pàg. 45

    Jesus Christ Superstar - Superstar

    Every time I look at you I don't


    Why you let the things you did get so

    out of hand.

    You'd have managed better if you'd had

    it planned.

    Why'd you choose such a backward

    time in such a strange land?

    If you'd come today you could have

    reached a whole nation.

    Israel in 4 BC had no mass


    Don't you get me wrong.

    I only want to know.

    Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ,

    Who are you? What have you


    Jesus Christ Superstar,

    Do you think you're what they say you


    Tell me what you think about your

    friends at the top.

    Who'd you think besides yourself's the

    pick of the crop?

    Buddha, was he where it's at? Is he

    where you are?

    Could Mohammed move a mountain, or

    was that just PR?

    Did you mean to die like that? Was that

    a mistake, or

    Did you know your messy death would

    be a record breaker?

    Don't you get me wrong.

    I only want to know.

    Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ,

    Who are you? What have you


    Jesus Christ Superstar,

    Do you think you're what they say you


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  • Pàg. 46

    Jesus Christ Superstar - Pinball Wizard

    Ever since I was a young boy,

    I've played the silver ball.

    From Soho down to Brighton

    I must have played them all.

    but I ain't seen nothing like him

    In any amusement hall.

    That deaf, dumb and blind kid

    Sure plays a mean pinball!

    He stands like a statue,

    Becomes part of the machine.

    Feeling all the bumpers

    Always playing clean.

    plays by intuition,

    The digit counters fall

    That deaf, dumb and blind kid

    Sure plays a mean pinball!

    He's a pinball wizard

    There has to be a twist.

    A pin ball wizard,

    S'got such a supple wrist.

    How do you think he does it?

    I don't know!

    What makes him so good?

    ain't got no distractions

    Can't hear no buzzers and bells,

    Don't see no lights a flashin'

    Plays by sense of smell.

    Always gets a replay,

    Never tilts at all,

    That deaf, dumb and blind kid

    Sure plays a mean pinball.

    I thought I was

    The Bally table king.

    But I just handed

    My pinball crown to him.

    Even on my favorite table

    He can beat my best.

    His disciples lead him in

    And he just does the rest.

    He's got crazy flipper fingers

    Never seen him fall.

    That deaf, dumb and blind kid

    Sure plays a mean pinball!

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  • Pàg. 47

    The Beatles - Lucy in the sky with Diamons

    Picture Yourself In A Boat On A River

    With Tangerine Trees And Marmalade Skies

    Somebody Calls You

    You Answer Quite Slowly

    A Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes

    Cellophane Flowers Of Yellow And Green

    Towering Over You Head

    Look For The Girl With The Sun In Her Eyes

    And She's Gone

    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds


    Follow Her Down To A Bridge

    By A Fountain

    Where Rocking Horse People

    Eat Marshmallow Pies

    Everyone Smiles As

    You Drift Past The Flowers

    That Grow So Incredibly High

    Newspaper Taxis Appear On The Shore

    Waiting To Take You Away

    Climb In The Back With Your Head

    In The Clouds

    And You're Gone

    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds


    Picture Yourself On A Train In A Station

    With Plasticine Porters With Looking Glass Ties

    Suddenly Someone Is There At The Turnstile

    The Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes

    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds


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  • Pàg. 48

    The Beatles - Seargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band It was twenty years ago today, that

    Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play

    They’ve been going in and out of style

    But they’re guaranteed to raise a smile.

    So may I introduce to you

    The act you’ve known for all these years,

    Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

    We’re Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,

    We hope you will enjoy the show,

    We’re Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,

    Sit back and let the evening go.

    Sgt. Pepper’s lonely, Sgt. Pepper’s lonely,

    Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

    It’s wonderful to be here,

    It’s certainly a thrill.

    You’re such a lovely audience,

    We’d like to take you home with us,

    We’d love to take you home.

    I don’t really want to stop the show,

    But I thought you might like to know,

    That the singer’sgoning to sing a song,

    And he wants you all to sing along.

    So may I introduce to you

    The one only Billy Shears

    And Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

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  • Pàg. 49

    IV. Altres artistes Concert Fantasy Fire and Magic Mountain Music Festival. Altres grups i cantants que hi van participar van ser:

    Smokey Robinson & the Miracles The Blues Maggos The Birds

    Canned Heat Every Mother's Son The Merry-Go-Round

    The Mojo Men The 5th Dimension The Seeds

    Captain Beefheart

    Miami Pop Festival. Altres grups que van participar-hi van ser: The Grateful Dead Fleetwood Mac Iron Butterfly

    Steppenwolf Chuck Berry The Infinite McCoys Joni Mitchell

    Marvin Gaye The Turtles The BoxTops

    Three Dog Night Pacific Gas and Electric Steppenwolf

    Procol Harum Canned Heat Iron Butterfly

    Country Joe and the Fish The Grateful Dead Buffy St. Marie

    Booker T. and The M.G.’S Dino Valente Flatt and Scruggs

    Junior Walker & His All Stars Butterfield Blues Band Richie Havens

    James Cotton Blues Band H.P Lovecraft Canned Head

    The Joe Tex Revue Ian & Sylvia The Grassroots

    Charles Lloyd Quarter Sweet Inspirations Jimi Hendrix.

    Festival de Woodstock. Els cantants del primer dia: Richie Havens Swami Satchidananda John Sebastian Country Joe McDonald & The Fish Sweetwater Bert Sommer Incredible String Band Tim Hardin Ravi Shankar Melanie Arlo Guthrie Joan Baez Els del segon: Quill Keef Hartley Band Santana

    Canned Heat Mountain Janis Joplin

    Creedence Clearwater Revival Sly & the Family Stone Grateful Dead

    The Who Jefferson Airplane.

    I els del tercer:

    Joe Cocker Country Joe and the Fish Ten Years After

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  • Pàg. 50

    Paul Butterfield Blues Band Blood, Sweat & Tears Johnny Winter

    Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young The Band Sha-Na-Na

    Jimi Hendrix

    Concert d’Altamont. Altres grups participants van ser: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young The Flying Burrito Brothers Jefferson Airplane

    Festival de l’illa de Wight. Altres artistes que hi van participar al concert del primer any van ser els següents:

    Blodwyn Pig Blonde On Blonde Aynsley Dunbar

    Bonzo Dog Dooh Dah Band Edgar Broughton Band Eclection

    Family Gary Farr Fat Martes

    Julie Felix Free Gypsy

    Marsha Hunt and White Trash Richie Havens Indo Jazz Fusions

    Liverpool Scene Mighty Baby The Nice

    Tom Paxton Pentangle The Pretty Things

    Third Ear Band The Who

    Els del tercer any van ser:

    Judas Jump Kathy Smith Rosalie Sorrels

    David Bromberg Redbone Kris Kristofferson

    Mighty Baby Andy Roberts Everyone Gary Farr

    Howl Black Widow Groundhogs

    Terry Reid Gilberto Gil Fairfield Parlour

    Arrival Lighthouse Taste

    Tony Joe White Family Procol Harum

    The Voices of East Harlem Cactus John B. Sebastian

    Shawn Phillips Lighthouse Joni Mitchell

    Tiny Tim Miles Davis Ten Years After

    Emerson Lake and Palmer The Doors The Who

    Sly and the Family Stone Melanie Good News

    Ralph McTell Heaven Donovan

    Pentangle Moody Blues Jethro Tull

    Jimi Hendrix Joan Baez

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  • Pàg. 51

    V. Bibliografia

    Pàgines web utilitzades per a obtenir les lletres de les cançons. Segueixen el

    mateix ordre que les cançons del primer i segon CD.

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