ielts info

اﻃﻼع اﻃﻼع رﺳﺎﻧﻲ رﺳﺎﻧﻲ ﺑﺮﮔﺰاري ﺑﺮﮔﺰاري آزﻣﻮن آزﻣﻮنIELTS اﻧﮕﻠﺴﺘﺎن ﻛﻨﺴﻮﻟﮕﺮي در اﻧﮕﻠﺴﺘﺎن ﻛﻨﺴﻮﻟﮕﺮي در- ﺑﺎﻛﻮ ﺑﺎﻛﻮ ﻣﻲ ﺑﺮﮔﺰار ﺑﺎر ﻳﻚ ﻣﺎه ﻫﺮ اﻣﺘﺤﺎن ﮔﺮدد. 2 ﻣﺎه ﻛﻨﺪ اﻗﺪام ﻧﺎم ﺛﺒﺖ ﺑﺮاي ﺑﺎﻳﺪ ﻣﺘﻘﺎﺿﻲ آزﻣﻮن، ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ از ﻗﺒﻞ. و ﺷـﺪه ﺑﺮﮔـﺰار ﻣﻘـﺮر ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ ﺻﺒﺢ در آزﻣﻮن3 اﻟـﻲ4 ﻣـﻲ ﻃـﻮل ﺳـﺎﻋﺖ ﻛـﺸﺪ. ﻣﻬـﺎرتSpeaking ﻫﻤ ﺑﻌﺪازﻇﻬﺮ ﺎن روز) روز ﻳﺎ ﻗﺒﻞ( ﻣﻲ ﺑﺮﮔﺰار ﺷﻮد. آزﻣﻮن ﻧﺘﻴﺠﻪ2 داده ﺗﺤﻮﻳـﻞ ﺗﻬـﺮان در و ﺷـﺪه درﻳﺎﻓﺖ ﺑﺎﻛﻮ در ﻣﺎ دﻓﺘﺮ ﺗﻮﺳﻂ ﺑﺮﮔﺰاري از ﺑﻌﺪ ﻫﻔﺘﻪ ﻣﻲ ﺷﻮد. ﻧﺎم ﺛﺒﺖ ﺟﻬﺖ ﻻزم ﻣﺪارك: 1 ( ﺑﺎﺷﺪ ﺷﺪه ﭘﺮ ﺻﺤﻴﺢ و ﻛﺎﻣﻞ ﺻﻮرت ﺑﻪ ﻛﻪ ﻧﺎم ﺛﺒﺖ ﻓﺮم. 2 ( دو ﺳﺎﻳﺰ در ﺷﻜﻞ، ﻫﻢ ﻋﻜﺲ ﻋﺪدU 4 × × 3 U ) ﺳﻔﻴﺪ زﻣﻴﻨﻪ( ﻛﻪ از2 ﻗﺪﻳﻤﻲ ﻣﺎه ﻧﺒﺎﺷﺪ ﺗﺮ. 3 ( ﺷﺪه اﻣﻀﺎ ﭘﺎﺳﭙﻮرت ﺣﺪاﻗﻞ ﺑﺎ ﻳﻜﺴﺎل اﻋﺘﺒﺎر. 4 ( رﻧﮕﻲ ﻛﭙﻲ اول ﺻﻔﺤﻪ ﭘﺎﺳﭙﻮرت. 5 ( رﺳﻴﺪ ﻣﺒﻠﻎ ﺑﻪ ﺑﺎﻧﻜﻲ2,300,000 رﻳﺎل. ﺗﺬﻛﺮ: ﺗﺮﻛﻴﻪ و اﻣﺎرات ﻛﺸﻮرﻫﺎي در آزﻣﻮن ﻣﻮارد ﺗﻤﺎم روز ﻳﻚ در ﺑﺮﮔﺰار ﻧﻤﻲ ﻛـﻪ ﺷـﺪه ﻣﺸﺎﻫﺪه و ﮔﺮدد ﻧﺘﻴﺠـﻪ آزﻣﻮن2 ﺑﺮﮔﺰاري از ﺑﻌﺪ ﻫﻔﺘﻪ آزﻣﻮن ﺷﺨﺺ ﺧﻮد ﺑﻪ ﻓﻘﻂ ﻣﻲ ﺗﺤﻮﻳﻞ ﮔﺮدد. Director of Studies, The British Council, 1 Vali Mammadov Street, Ichari Shahar, 370004 Baku آرﻳﺎ ﻣﻮﺳﺴﻪ ﺗﻠﻔﻦ آرﻳﺎ ﻣﻮﺳﺴﻪ ﺗﻠﻔﻦ: : 04 04 49 49 67 67 88 88 ﺗﻠﻔﻜﺲ ﺗﻠﻔﻜﺲ: : 05 05 49 49 67 67 88 88 ﮔﻮدرزي ﻣﻬﻨﺪس ﮔﻮدرزي ﻣﻬﻨﺪس: : 44 44 24 24 109 109 0912 0912 اﻳﻤﻴﻞ اﻳﻤﻴﻞ: : T[email protected] T ﻣﺪون ﻣﻬﻨﺪس ﻣﺪون ﻣﻬﻨﺪس: : 54 54 86 86 520 520 0912 0912 اﻳﻤﻴﻞ اﻳﻤﻴﻞ: : T[email protected] T ﺑﺎﻛﻮ در ﻣﺪون ﻣﻬﻨﺪس آﻗﺎي ﻫﻤﺮاه ﺗﻠﻔﻦ ﺑﺎﻛﻮ در ﻣﺪون ﻣﻬﻨﺪس آﻗﺎي ﻫﻤﺮاه ﺗﻠﻔﻦ: : 7182524 7182524 455 455 99 99 + 1 e

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good lucke....r


Page 1: Ielts Info

باكو باكو-- در كنسولگري انگلستان در كنسولگري انگلستانIELTSآزمونآزمون برگزاري برگزاري رسانيرساني اطالعاطالع

. گردد امتحان هر ماه يك بار برگزار مي

. قبل از تاريخ آزمون، متقاضي بايد براي ثبت نام اقدام كند ماه 2

Speaking مهـارت . كـشد سـاعت طـول مـي 4 الـي 3آزمون در صبح تاريخ مقـرر برگـزار شـده و

.شود برگزار مي)قبليا روز (روز انبعدازظهر هم

هفته بعد از برگزاري توسط دفتر ما در باكو دريافت شـده و در تهـران تحويـل داده 2نتيجه آزمون

.شود مي

: مدارك الزم جهت ثبت نام

.فرم ثبت نام كه به صورت كامل و صحيح پر شده باشد ))11

.تر نباشد ماه قديمي2از كه ) زمينه سفيد (U44 × × 33Uعدد عكس هم شكل، در سايز دو ))22

. اعتباريكسالبا حداقل پاسپورت امضا شده ))33

.پاسپورتصفحه اول كپي رنگي ))44

. ريال2,300,000بانكي به مبلغ رسيد ))55

نتيجـه گردد و مشاهده شـده كـه نمي برگزار در يك روز تمام موارد آزمون در كشورهاي امارات و تركيه :تذكر .گردد تحويل ميفقط به خود شخصآزمون هفته بعد از برگزاري 2آزمون

DDiirreeccttoorr ooff SSttuuddiieess,, TThhee BBrriittiisshh CCoouunncciill,, 11 VVaallii MMaammmmaaddoovv SSttrreeeett,, IIcchhaarrii SShhaahhaarr,, 337700000044 BBaakkuu

8888 6767 4949 0505: : تلفكستلفكس 8888 6767 4949 0404: : تلفن موسسه آرياتلفن موسسه آرياTmmeehhrraann: : ايميلايميل 09120912 109109 2424 4444: : مهندس گودرزيمهندس گودرزي ..ggooooddaarrzz ii@@ggmmaaii ll .. ccoomm T Tii: : ايميلايميل 09120912 520520 8686 5454: : مهندس مدونمهندس مدون ee ll tt ss ..bbaakkuu@@ggmmaaii ll .. ccoomm T

++9999 455455 71825247182524: : تلفن همراه آقاي مهندس مدون در باكوتلفن همراه آقاي مهندس مدون در باكو



Page 2: Ielts Info

طريقه سفر به باكو طريقه سفر به باكو

اقامت به نسبت ديگر كـشورهاي و هاي پايين سفر هزينه ،باكو شهر هاي توريستي و جاذبه با توجه به نزديكي توانيد برنامه سفر خود را مي) در مقايسه با امارات و ارمنستان (و همچنين شرايط آب و هوايي مناسب همسايه

. تنظيم نماييد

:ت تكميلي .. تومان تومان7575//000000: : روزه روزه1515ه ويزاي ه ويزاي

.. تومان تومان1515//000000: : ض خروج هواييض خروج هوايي . . تومان تومان66//500500ض خروج زميني ض خروج زميني

.. دقيقه دقيقه5555 مدت پرواز مدت پرواز -- تومان تومان180180//000000: : رفت و برگشت هوايي از تهران رفت و برگشت هوايي از تهران .. ساعت ساعت1515 مدت زمان مسافرت مدت زمان مسافرت --تومانتومان 7700//000000: : رفت و برگشت زميني از تهران رفت و برگشت زميني از تهران .. ساعت ساعت44 تومان ، مدت سفر تومان ، مدت سفر 1515//000000: : ه سفر زميني از آستارا با سواريه سفر زميني از آستارا با سواري

. . $$ 4400 نفر شبي نفر شبي 44 منزل با ظرفيت منزل با ظرفيت . . $$5500از شبي از شبي ) ) اتاق يك نفرهاتاق يك نفره(( و و $$7070از شبي از شبي ) ) اتاق دو نفرهاتاق دو نفره((هاي مختلف باكو هاي مختلف باكو

. . و آمد در باكو با مترو ميسر است و هزينه خيلي كمي دارد و آمد در باكو با مترو ميسر است و هزينه خيلي كمي دارد

.. تومان است تومان است11001100در حال حاضر هر منات برابر در حال حاضر هر منات برابر . . استاست ((AAZZNN))ل كشور آذربايجان منات ل كشور آذربايجان منات

DDiirreeccttoorr ooff SSttuuddiieess,, TThhee BBrriittiisshh CCoouunncciill,, 11 VVaallii MMaammmmaaddoovv SSttrreeeett,, IIcchhaarrii SShhaahhaarr,, 337700

8888 6767 4949 0505: : تلفكستلفكس 8888 6767 4949 0404: : موسسه آريا موسسه آرياTmmeehhrraann: : ايميلايميل 09120912 109109 2424 4444: : دس گودرزيدس گودرزي ..ggooooddaarrzz ii@@ggmmaaii ll .. ccoomm T Tii: : ايميلايميل 09120912 520520 8686 5454: : دس مدوندس مدون ee ll tt ss ..bbaakkuu@@ggmmaaii ll .. ccoomm T


روز4 شب و3تور هوايي صبحانه+ ستاره 3هتل اير هواپيمايي آزال يا ايران ترانسفر ويزا

روز5 شب و 3 زمينيتور صبحانه+ ستاره 3هتل -1 اتوبوس توريستي -2 ترانسفر -3 ويزا -4

000/600/3 ريال



اطالعاهزينهزين ••عوارعوار ••عوارعوار ••بليتبليت ••بليتبليت ••هزينهزين ••اجارهاجاره •• هتلهتل ••رفترفت ••

واحد پوواحد پو

000044 BBaakkuu



Page 3: Ielts Info

2008 در سال برنامه برگزاري آزمون ميالديميالدي شمسيشمسي

JJaannuuaarryy 1199 8686 دي دي2929

FFeebbrruuaarryy 1166 8686 بهمن بهمن2727

MMaarrcchh 2299 8787 فروردين فروردين99

AApprriill 1199 8787 فروردين فروردين3030

MMaayy 2222 8787 خرداد خرداد11

JJuunnee 2288 8787 تير تير77

JJuullyy 2266 8787 مرداد مرداد44

SSeepptteemmbbeerr 2277 8787 مهر مهر55

OOccttoobbeerr 2255 8787 آبان آبان33

NNoovveemmbbeerr 2200 8787 آبان آبان2929

DDeecceemmbbeerr 1133 8787 آذر آذر2222

در ايام برگزاري آزمون،دهي بهتر به متقاضيان موسسه به منظور سرويسن در باكو حضور خواهند داشت آقاي مهندس مدو.U

Page 4: Ielts Info

Baku Baku, also known as Baky or Baki, is the largest city in the TCaucasusT and TAzerbaijanT, and is also the capital of Azerbaijan. Baku is located on the coast of the Caspian Sea on the southern tip of the Absheron Peninsula. There are three major divisions in Baku: İçəri Şəhər (the ancient city), the Russian built city, and the newest part of the city.

Get in

Getting To-From the Baku Airport GYD Inexpensively

If you are flying out of the airport and you want to save a few AZN it is possible to take the number 135 minibus from near the 28 May train/metro station. It costs 60 qapik, but it is 25-30 AZN cheaper than a taxi. After getting to the traffic circle near the airport, join disembarking passengers in their taxi and give the driver 4 AZN once arriving at the airport. In order to do this from the airport, walk to the traffic circle from the airport- about 15 minutes- and ride the minibus from there. It is a 1 hour trip. Otherwise pay a taxi driver 30 AZN rides the taxi to your destination in Baku.

By Air

• AZAL Airlines (Azerbaijan Airlines) • Iran Air

By Train

• TFromT Astara

By Bus

• From Astara • From Bilesavar

By Taxis

There are taxis that run from Iran (Astara and Bilesavar) 15 to 20 AZN


Page 5: Ielts Info

Get around

By Taxi

By Bus/Minibus

Buses and minibuses cost 25 qapik per person and can take you to almost any place within Baku. Destinations are usually posted on the front and the right side of the bus so that people can know where they are going.

By Metro

The metro goes many places throughout Baku and it costs only 5 qapik (you can buy digital card from all stations). It is the least expensive way to get around Baku besides walking. Be careful when transferring on the only transfer (28 May and 20 January) as there is no signage. Ask a cashier or attendant. They will be more than happy to help you if you speak either Azeri or Russian.

On Foot

It is possible to get around Fountain Square, the Boulevard, and the old city by foot, but otherwise it would be wiser to use a different mode of transportation.


Map of Baku Metro

Page 6: Ielts Info

Talk English and Russian are spoken in many places throughout Baku, but it wise to still either bring an Azeri

phrase book and/or brush up on your Azeri/Russian/Turkish before arriving. However, everyone over the

age of 35 will speak excellent Russian, and about half the people under the age of 35 will speak a little


See • Old City (Icheri Cheher) • Gobustan Rock Carvings • Atashgah Temple • Shirvan Shah's Palace • Dendro Park • Oil Rocks • Yanar Dag (Flaming Rock) • Guz Qalasi (Maiden's Tower)

The Shirvan Shah's Palace, Maiden's Tower,

and Old City are UNESCO World Heritage sites.


Page 7: Ielts Info

Do • Luna Park (') tel: 994 012 496-48-48.

This is a small amusement park for kids and adults.

Cultural Centers

Public Baths (Hamamlar)

• Hamam Mehellesi

This is the oldest public bath in Baku located near the Baki Soviet metro station, inside the walls of the old city. There are men's and women's days at this public bath, Mondays and Fridays are for women, the rest of the days are for men. Hamam Mehellesi is located in the Old Town. From the station, enter the gate to the old city, turn right and go down the street. The hamam will be a few blocks down, on the left side of the street, you will see a note on one of the walls "hamam mehellesi" and a little further - the bath's domes - this will be the place. Entrace costs 1 AZN and they offer two types of service, hise (skin peel) for 2 AZN and massage for 4 AZN.

• Teze Bey Hamami

This public bath is located in the old town and is a male only hamam. They have different types of baths (Finnish, Turkish, etc), so it may be a bit pricier than the other public baths in Baku.

Buy Antiques from Old City (Icheri Cheher)


Page 8: Ielts Info

Eat There are great deals of restaurants in Baku.


• Akasaka Japanese Restaurant (26, Bakikhanov Street) opposite to the Russian Embassy tel: 944-012 499 14-00; prices 10-50 AZN

• Anadolu Turkish/European Restaurant/Catering (Pushkin Street 5) and (Rasul Rza Street 3/5) tel: 944 012 498-87-58; tel: 944 012 498-804; prices 8-15 AZN

• The Brewery European Restaurant (28, Istiglaliyyet Street) tel: 944 012 497-14-00; prices 8-20 AZN • Buddha Fusion Cuisine (2. A.Z., Tagiyev Street) tel: 944 012 493-10-05; prices 6-12 AZN • Ego’s European Cuisine (19/13, Khagani Street) tel: 944 012 493-11-01; prices 8-15 AZN • Gazelli Evi International Cuisine (93, Nizami Street) tel: 944 012 493-96-88; prices 5-16 AZN • Park Inn's Glory European Cuisine (1, Azadlig Avenue) tel: 944 012 490-00-01; prices 8-18 AZN • Grand Hotel Europe International Cuisine (1025/30 Tbilisi Avenue) tel: 944 012 490-70-90; e-mail:

[email protected]; prices?-?? AZN • Greasy Barney’s Sandwich Shop (G. Abbasov 72, apartment 1 A) tel: 944 012 491-23-63; prices???

AZN • Half Way Inn International Cuisine (6, 28 May Street) tel: 944 012 598-09-05; prices 5-10 AZN • L’aparte European and Azeri Cuisine (51, Istigaliyyet Street) tel: 944 012 497-77-79; prices 6-10 AZN • McDonald’s American Cuisine (Throughout Baku) tel:?-?; prices 2-6 AZN • Mexicana Mexican Cuisine (17, Z.Tagiyev Street) tel: 944 012 498-90-96; prices 6-14 AZN • Mugam Club European and Azeri Cuisine (9, A. Rzayeva Street) tel: 944 012 492-40-85; prices 10-15

AZN • Ocean Deck European and American Cuisine (Located in Malakonsky Park) tel: 944 012 493-02-23;

prices 6-18 AZN • Pancho’s Mexican Cuisine (14/16, Khagani Street) tel: 944 012 498-57-00; prices 6-15 AZN • Pauza International Cuisine (4, 28 May Street) tel: 944 012 493-70-03; prices 5-15 AZN • Pizza Holiday Pizza and Italian Cuisine (119, Lermontov Kuchasi, Near Baku Soviet) tel: 944 012 497-

37-72; prices 5-15 AZN • Shaghai Chinese Cuisine (31, Rasul Rza Street) tel: 944 012 495-45-10; prices 3-25 AZN • Soho International Cuisine (6, R. Aliyarbekov Street) tel: 050-319-38-19; prices??? AZN • Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine (18, Khagani Street) tel: 944 012 498-03-62; prices 3-14 AZN • Terrace Garden European and Azeri Cuisine (20, Boyuk Gala, Icheri Sheher) tel: 944 012 437-23-

05(ex. 10); prices 7-26 AZN • Toscana Italian Cuisine (12, Basti Bagirova Street, Kermur Plaza) tel: 944 012 436-80-47; prices 4-20

AZN • Universal Club International Cuisine (16, Z. Tagiyev Street) tel: 944 012 493-29-12; prices??? AZN


A Cultural Note

Although tea houses (çay xanalar) in Baku usually allow western women to enter, in the regions, it is often forbidden for females to enter such establishments. Women drinking in Baku are a la mode, but it is taboo for women in the regions of Azerbaijan to consume alcohol.

Tea Houses (Çay Xanalar)


There are many outdoor tea houses (çay xanalar) that serve tea and sweets to people in their own individual nooks. It can be a great way to get a sense of the local culture. If you are adventurous, try challenging a local Bakuvian to a game of backgammon (nard) or dominoes.

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There is a good selection of cafés dispersed throughout Baku. Expect to pay Western prices for your coffee.

• Aroma Café (18, U. Hajibayov Street) tel: 012-598-07-07; prices??? AZN

• Chocolate (21, Boyukgala Street/4 Mamedaliyev Street) tel: 012-492-35-26; tel: 012-418-11-27; prices??? AZN

• Cottage Café (Opposite Villa Petrolea) tel: 012-497-48-30; prices??? AZN

• Café Late (1/18, Z. Taghiyev Street) 3-5 AZN

• Gourmet Shop (5, Mardanov Gardashlari Street) tel: 012-49-12-34; prices??? AZN

Bars and Pubs

Although tea houses (çay xanalar) (found throughout Azerbaijan) serve local beer (piva) - draft at 50 qapick/glass or bottles at 70 qapick/bottle or vodka (araq) at 2 AZN/bottle. For anything exotic (e.g. tequila, gin, or rum), you will have to go to a normal bar or hotel and pay Western prices there.

• Britannia Pub (Bakikhanov Street, located in the Hyatt Hotel) tel:012-496-12-34; prices vary • Caspian Bar (1025/30, Tbilisi Avenue) tel:012-490-70-90; prices vary AZN • Finnegan’s (4, A. Aliyev street) tel:012-498-98-57; prices vary AZN • Golden Ridges Pub(5, Mardanov Gardashlari Street) tel:012-493-17-72; prices vary • O’Mally’s (Next to ISR Plaza) tel:012-498-43-32; prices vary • Tiger Bar (19, Mamed Aliyv Street) tel:012-598-41-21; prices vary • The Phoenix Bar(10, Mammadaliyev Street) tel:012-305-90-90; prices vary • Tj’s Pub (9, Aliyarbekov Street) tel:012-498-46-21; prices vary


Budget Hotels

• Araz Hotel (About a kilometer from the ferry port). This is a dormitory style hotel, but it is quite inexpensive but clean. There is hot water 24-7 in the hotel, but it is shared with the whole dormitory. There is a restaurant on the second floor. The patrons of this hotel are quite respectable, even though it is one of the cheapest places in Baku. Room service for tea costs 1 AZN. The rate per night range from 8 AZN.

Mid-range Hotels

• The Apsheron Hotel tel: 994 12 987-384; fax: 994 12 937-275; e-mail: [email protected] T[1]T(4 Azadlig Square, located near the Caspian Sea boulevard). The Apsheron Hotel is a 16 story hotel with 120 rooms. There is breakfast served on the 16th and 6th floors every morning and a bar on the first floor. Amenities include: business center, internet access, and fax service. This hotel is located near the Azerbaijan Hotel, but the rooms, service, and amenities are a step up from the Azerbaijan Hotel. The rate per night range from 50-110 AZN.


• Park Inn tel: 994 12 ; fax: 994 12 ; e-mail: T[2]T (Azadlig Ave 1, Baku, Azerbaijan). Fully-equipped business center, restaurant, bar and coffee shop, five modern conference rooms and an

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elegant ballroom with a large foyer, wireless internet access/WiFi in all guest rooms, gift shop, free airport shuttle, 24 hour room service, workout room, open parking facilities, 24 hour concierge.

Splurge Hotels

• Excelsior Hotel Baku tel: 994 12 496-8000; fax: 994 12 496-8008; e-mail: [email protected] T[3]T(2 Heydar Aliyev Avenue, Baku, Azerbaijan Az 1054 ). With a 5 star rating, the Excelsior Hotel is one of the nicest hotels in Baku. The rate per night range from 250-2,450 USD, but will be converted to AZN at the hotel's rate.

• Hyatt Regency Baku tel: 994 12-496-1234; fax: 994 12-496-1235; e-mail: [email protected] T[4]T(Bakikhanov Street, Baku, Azerbaijan 370065, located a five-minute drive from Baku city center). This is one of the more luxurious hotels in Baku with a plethora of amenities and services at the disposal of patrons. Services include: High-Speed Internet Access, Chauffeur-driven Limousine rental, Hotel Shops, Wireless High-Speed Internet Access, Business Center, Dining & Entertainment, Regency Restaurant, Gourmet Shop, Beluga Bar, Club Oasis Fitness Center, Swimming Pools, Tennis Courts, Squash Courts, Ballroom, 10 Meeting Rooms, 2 Boardrooms, and Pre-Function and Social Function Space. The rate per night range from 200-320 AZN.


• Radisson SAS Plaza Hotel tel: 994 12 498-2402; fax: 994 12 497-2451; e-mail: [email protected] T[5]T(340 Nizami Street, Baku, Azerbaijan). The Radisson SAS Plaza Hotel, Baku is an exclusive all-suite hotel. Located on the top floor of the ISR Plaza Business Centre, a prominent 17 story building, the hotel offers decorated suites enhanced by views over the old and new cities of Baku and the Caspian Sea. The hotel is on Fountain Square within walking distance of the Old City, National Park Boulevard and other city sights Free Broadband including wireless Internet access is available throughout the hotel, Plaza Health and Fitness Club has a gym, sauna and indoor pool, The Lounge and Business Centre on the 17th floor caters for business needs. Both meeting rooms can accommodate up to 120 guests.

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• Aqua Park (AF Hotel) (59, R. Beybutov Street, 1130/33) tel: 994 012 447-03-03; fa

This complex houses pools, saunas, salons, water slides, entertainment center, and hotel facilities.

• Serin Hotel/Restaurant (79, Babek Avenue) hotel tel: 994 012 422-33-93; restaurant tel: 994 012 422-13-00;

This complex has a pool, bar, restaurant with cooks from Azerbaijan and Europe, and a reception hall for up to 500 guests.


Aqua Park

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• Crescent Beach Hotel (Salyan Highway, Shikhov) tel: 994 012 497-47-77; fax: 994 012 497-47-80; e-mail: [email protected].

This complex has an indoor and outdoor pool, beach front, bar, and tourism services.

Contact • Internet cafes in Azerbaijan are called "internet klubs" and they are found throughout Baku.

Some coffee houses provide wireless internet, but they are quite rare in Baku.

• Azerbaijan Post locations are dispersed throughout Baku. A typical international letter/stamp combination costs .8 AZN.

Stay safe

Emergency Contact Numbers

Ambulance: 103 Fire: 101 Gas Emergency 104

Speaking Clock 106 Police: 102

You must speak in Azeri, Russian, or Turkish to communicate your needs. It would be a good idea to memorize key phrases before coming to Azerbaijan - see the TTalk sectionT for phrasebooks.

Safety Tips

• Pack a flashlight (especially in fall-spring) as the streets are not always well lit.

• Travel outside the city only during the day time, unless taking a night train. The roads can be treacherous at night due to unseen potholes and dimly lit cars.

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