if clause 123 for m.5/1-9

TYPE 1 : Future possible/Possible Condition expresses a possibility for the PRESENT or FUTURE คคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคค คคคคคคคคคค คคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคค คคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคค คคคคค(คคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคคค) IF + PRESENT SIMPLE + FUTURE SIMPLE If+ S+V1, S+ will will/ shall/may/can +V infinitive

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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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if - clause type 1-3


Page 1: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

TYPE 1 : Future possible/Possible Condition expresses a possibility for the PRESENT or FUTURE

ความเป็�นไป็ได้�ในอนาคต เป็�นการคาด้การณ์�ล่�วงหน�าว�าเหต�การณ์�หร�อการกระทำ�าน��นอาจจะเก ด้ขึ้"�นใน

อนาคต(เง�#อนไขึ้ทำ$#เป็�นไป็ได้�) IF + PRESENT SIMPLE + FUTURE SIMPLE

If+ S+V1, S+ willwill/ shall/may/can +V infinitive

Example: She can do it if someone helps her. If the weather is nice, we will go to the park.

Page 2: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause

Present SimplePresent Simple

Future SimpleFuture SimpleorInfinitiveInfinitiveorModal + InfinitiveModal + Infinitive



If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause

If I studystudy, I will passwill pass the exams.

If you see see John tonight, telltell him to e-mail me.

If Ben gets up gets up early he can catch can catch the bus.

Page 3: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9
Page 4: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

They will visit Eiffel Tower if they go to France.

Page 5: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If she tries hard, she will succeed.

Page 6: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

TYPE 2: Present-UnrealPresent-Unreal / / Impossible ConditionImpossible Condition

IMPROBABLE OR UNREAL SITUATION in the present or future.

• เง�#อนไขึ้ทำ$#ตรงก�นขึ้�ามก�บความเป็�นจร งทำ$#เก ด้ขึ้"�นเง�#อนไขึ้ทำ$#ตรงก�นขึ้�ามก�บความเป็�นจร งทำ$#เก ด้ขึ้"�นในในป็&จจ�บ�นป็&จจ�บ�น//อนาคอนาคต กล่�าวค�อ เป็�นเง�#อนไขึ้ทำ$#เหต�การณ์�น��นไม�ม$ทำางเก ด้ขึ้"�นได้�แน�ๆ ต กล่�าวค�อ เป็�นเง�#อนไขึ้ทำ$#เหต�การณ์�น��นไม�ม$ทำางเก ด้ขึ้"�นได้�แน�ๆ เป็�นเร�#องทำ$#สมม�ต ขึ้"�นมาล่อยๆเทำ�าน��น เป็�นเร�#องทำ$#สมม�ต ขึ้"�นมาล่อยๆเทำ�าน��น ((เง�#อนไขึ้ทำ$#เป็�นไป็ไม�ได้�เง�#อนไขึ้ทำ$#เป็�นไป็ไม�ได้�MAIN CLAUSEIF CLAUSE

Subject + would + V.1If + past simple If I knew her name, I would tell you. (ถ้�าฉั�นรู้ �ชื่��อเธอ ฉั�นก็�น�าจะบอก็คุ�ณ) [จรู้�งๆ แล้�วไม่�รู้ �จ�ก็ชื่��อเธอ]She would be safer if she had a car. (เธอน�าจะปล้อดภั�ยก็ว�าน%& ถ้�าเธอม่%รู้ถ้) [จรู้�งๆ แล้�วเธอไม่�ม่%รู้ถ้]It would be nice if you helped me do the housework. [ม่�นน�าจะด%ถ้�าคุ�ณได�ชื่�วยฉั�นทำ(างานบ�านบ�าง] [จรู้�งๆ แล้�วเธอไม่�ชื่�วยเล้ย]

If I knew her name, I would tell you. (ถ้�าฉั�นรู้ �ชื่��อเธอ ฉั�นก็�น�าจะบอก็คุ�ณ) [จรู้�งๆ แล้�วไม่�รู้ �จ�ก็ชื่��อเธอ]She would be safer if she had a car. (เธอน�าจะปล้อดภั�ยก็ว�าน%& ถ้�าเธอม่%รู้ถ้) [จรู้�งๆ แล้�วเธอไม่�ม่%รู้ถ้]It would be nice if you helped me do the housework. [ม่�นน�าจะด%ถ้�าคุ�ณได�ชื่�วยฉั�นทำ(างานบ�านบ�าง] [จรู้�งๆ แล้�วเธอไม่�ชื่�วยเล้ย]

Page 7: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause

PasPast Simple t Simple

would + infinitivewould + infinitiveorcould + infinitive could + infinitive ormight + infinitivemight + infinitive



If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause

If I studiedstudied, I would passwould pass the exams.

If I studiedstudied, I could pass could pass the exams.

If I studiedstudied, I might pass might pass the exams.

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Page 9: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If my friend James weren’t ill, we would play basketball with him.

Page 10: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If he had a lot of money, he would buy a new house.

Page 11: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If I didn’t have any homework to do, I would go out and play with friends.

Page 12: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If the weather were sunny and hot, we would go to the beach and swim.

Page 13: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If I had a red sport car, I would drive to work.

Page 14: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If I were an animal, I would be …

a dog a cat

an elephanta snake

a shark

Page 15: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If I were a super hero, I would be …

Page 16: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

TYPE 3: PPastast-Unreal-Unreal//Unreal ConditionUnreal Condition

•Used to express conditions in the past that did not happen. Often used to express criticism or regret . เง�#อนไขึ้ทำ$#ไม�ม$ทำางเก ด้ขึ้"�นได้�เพราะเหต�การณ์�น��นได้�เก ด้ขึ้"�นไป็แล่�ว(อด้$ต) ม�กจะใช้�แสด้งถึ"งความเส$ยใจ เส$ยด้าย น�#นเองIf + Past Perfect, Subject + would have + V3


For example

If he had tried harder , he might have won.


Page 17: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause

Past PerfectPast PerfectSS++had had ++V3V3

would + have + past participlewould + have + past participleorcould + have + past participlecould + have + past participleormight + have + past participlemight + have + past participle

If-ClauseIf-Clause Main ClauseMain Clause

If I hadhad studiedstudied, I would have passedwould have passed the exams.

If I hadhad studiedstudied, I could have passed could have passed the exams.

If I hadhad studiedstudied, I might have passed might have passed the exams.



Page 18: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If I hadhad studiedstudied, I would have passedwould have passed the exams.

Page 19: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

If we had known about Tsunami before,

they wouldn’t have died.

Page 20: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

Type If clause Main clause

Type 0 General Truth

Present Simple

Present Simple

Type 1 Future


Present Simple


Type 2 Present Unreal

Past Simple

Would+ V infinitive

Type 3 Past Unreal

Past Perfect

Would+ have+



Page 21: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9
Page 22: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9
Page 23: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

1.If it _________ (rain) heavily, our house _________ (leak).2.If we ________ (put) ice in the sun,it _________ (melt) quickly.3.If we _____________(feel) well, we ________(see) a doctor.4.If a dog ________ (see) stranger,it ________(bark).

Page 24: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

1.If you ____________ (work) hard,you_______ _______(fail).2.If it ________(rain),I ___________(come) and meet you in the car.3.If it ___________ (rain) tomorrow,I _______ ___________ (stay) at home.

Page 25: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

1.If I _________ (be) a bird, I _____________ (fly) everywhere.2.If you _________ (tell) me the truth,I ______ _____________________ (give) you some constructive advice.3.If there _________ (be) a typhoon tomorrow, I _______________ (be) very happy.

Page 26: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

1.If it ____________(rain) yesterday, I ___________ _____________(stay) at home.2.If the principal __________________(allow) us to supervise the tuck shop, food poisoning ____________ ____________(occur) last Friday.3.If the chairman _______________(ask) me to help, I_______________(join) to fight for better hygienic conditions.

Page 27: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

Exercise One

1. If you ___________________ (not come), You ________________ (miss ) the show.

do not come

will miss

2. John __________________ (buy)a car if he

_____________ (get)a job.

will buy


3. Mary ________________(get) a toothache if

she_________________ (eat) too many sweets.



Page 28: If clause 123 for m.5/1-9

Exercise Two

1. If I ________________ (be) four years old, I

________________ (learn) to play the piano.


would learn

2. If I ________________ (not fail) in the

examination, my mother_______________ (buy)

me a new computer.

had not failed

would have bought

3. We ________________________ (finish) if we

________________ (have) better preparation.

would have finished

had had