information and publicity measures of structural funds in hungary how do we publish the results of...

Information and Information and Publicity Publicity m m easures of easures of Structural Funds in Structural Funds in Hungary Hungary How do we publish the results of the How do we publish the results of the NDP NDP on the on the I I nternet? nternet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department Hungarian National Development Office Brussels, 15th June, 2006

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Page 1: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

Information andInformation and Publicity Publicity mmeasures of easures of

Structural Funds in Structural Funds in HungaryHungary

How do we publish the results of the How do we publish the results of the NDP NDP

on the on the IInternet?nternet?

Miklos Gábor NagyHead of Department

Hungarian National Development Office

Brussels, 15th June, 2006

Page 2: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

Communication & transparency

• Barroso Commission puts emphasis on:– communication: need to make

Community actions more visible to the European citizens

– transparency of Community actions and spending

• Communication and transparency are essential in the implementation of the Structural Funds:– It is the easiest way to bring the EU

closer to the people, to make the people feel the benefits of membership in their everyday life (D-plan)

Page 3: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

Transparency in the new regulation

New task for the managing authorities in the new regulation on communicating the Structural Funds: publication of the list of beneficiaries of financing under the OP, the names of the operations, the amount of public funding allocated.

This will be a minimum requirement for the MAs.

Page 4: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

Tools to ensure transparency and publicity

We publish on our website:1. Daily statistics on the

delivery of Structural Funds in Hungary

2. List of all beneficiaries3. Best practice projects4. Password-protected

platform for beneficiaries

Page 5: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

Daily statistics

• We publish daily updated statistics on Structural Funds in Hungary. A software generates these data automatically from the Single Monitoring & Information System every morning.

• You can find the overall statistics and the results of the 5 operational programmes in Hungary.

• You can find these statistics by NUTS2 and NUTS3 regions, and if you click the name of a county, you can find the data by OPs, and within the OPs by priorities and measures.

Page 6: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

What we publish day by day

• Number of applications submitted (coloumn 1)

• Value of applications submitted for assistance (2)

• Projects approved by MA (3)• Assistance approved (4)• Number of projects contracted (5)• Contracted amount (6)• Amount of payments to final beneficiaries

(7)• Number of payments to beneficiaries

(projects) (8)

Page 7: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department
Page 8: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department
Page 9: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

List of beneficiaries• We publish the list of the beneficiaries of

the OPs updated every second week. • We use downloadable Microsoft Excel

files, because in this format you can classify the data by location etc. (What cannot be done within a pdf file). It is useful for the regional media - they can easily find the beneficiaries of their county or region. We publish in these files:– Number and name of the priority and measure

of the OPs (column A&B)– name of the beneficiaries (column C)– assistance approved (D)– title of the project (E)– name of the region (F)– name of the county (G)– name of the place (H)

Page 10: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

A new tool for publishing the list

• We are working on a GPRS-based system in which you can find the main data of EU co-financed projects by clicking on a map or searching by geographic names. You will get two lists of results:– a list of the projects of the location

you choose– a list of the projects that are within

30 kilometers of the chosen location.

Page 11: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department
Page 12: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department
Page 13: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

Best practice projects• Publishing successful or best

practice projects is good for:– transparency– making the results of the SF visible for

the general public– generating new ideas and projects

• We publish more than 150 articles with photos about success stories :– 15-20 for all the 7 NUTS2 regions in

Hungary– 15-20 collected by horizontal issues

(environment, NGOs, equal opportunities)

• We publish these stories in printed brochures as well, and we use these stories for our media campaign.

Page 14: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department
Page 15: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department
Page 16: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

A useful tool for the beneficiaries

• We have a password-protected area for the beneficiaries: they get a password and can login to check where their projects are in the procedure. It also ensures trans-parency of the delivery of Structural Funds.

• We are working on developing an electronic invoicing system.

Page 17: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department
Page 18: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department
Page 19: Information and Publicity measures of Structural Funds in Hungary How do we publish the results of the NDP on the Internet? Miklos Gábor Nagy Head of Department

Transparency by Transparency

• Transparency International (TI) made an overall study this spring on transparency of using the Structural Funds in Hungary.

• They monitored the institutional system, the partnership in planning and, of course, the transparency of using the EU money.

• TI was satisfied with the information we publish on the internet. Its study emphasized that we fulfill all the requirements of transparency in publishing the results and statistics of Structural Funds.

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Thank you for your attention!

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