informe anual del impi 2013

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  • 8/10/2019 INFORME ANUAL DEL IMPI 2013


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    Mexican Institute of Industrial Proper

  • 8/10/2019 INFORME ANUAL DEL IMPI 2013


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  • 8/10/2019 INFORME ANUAL DEL IMPI 2013


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    This Annual Report of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI for its acronym in Spanish) 2013 shows in abrief and concise manner the most important activities developed by the Institute in the period reported. This year wasespecial, not only for the positive results, but for commemorating the 20thanniversary of its creation.

    The most relevant indicators of IMPI registered a growing trend. Hence, for example, in matter of inventions 20,172applications were received, that meant an increase of the 0.6%. Particularly stand out the utility models applicationsthat showed a 20.4% growth with respect of 2012. In matter of Distinctive Signs IMPI received 114,159 registrationapplications and/or publication of distinctive signs, what reects a 7.9% of percentual increase.

    In 2013 started-up two services by means of Internet that put the Institute to the vanguard in the use of informationtechnology, at offering to the user higher facilities for protection of their industrial property. These were the MadridsProtocol and the Figurative Search System.

    Madrids Protocol is a tool at global reach, with 92 member countries to manage a trademark protection, by means ofone sole applications, with normalised required, in Spanish language and paying a set of rates in one sole currency.Mexico adhered on the 19thof February of 2013.

    The second, the Figurative Search System, was started-up on the rst days of December of 2013 and permits to

    access to the public database of brands with design, being catalogued in what International Classication of Brands

    Figurative Elements (Viena Classication), with what the public can examine if there is a handling under formalities or

    identical or similar registered, facilitating thus lling out and handling of their application.

    In matter of promotion stands out the second edition organised in October of 2013 by the IMPI and the Ministry ofEconomics of Expo ingenio, that had as thematic axle Innovation + Protection.

    The objective that sought was to put in movement the triple helix in the theme of innovation and create an atmospherewhere technology offerors and claimants could capitalize creativity through comprehensive programmes and schemeswith the purpose to start activities permitting to identify possible commercial, technical and nance partners and thusstimulate technology transfer.

    In reality, many are the activities carried out by the IMPI in matter of industrial property, for which I invite you to knowthem in detail in the hereby report.

    Miguel ngel Margin

    Director General

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    01Registro y Proteccinde InvencionesInventions Registration

    and Protection

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    The Divisional Direction of Patents (DDP) is the area charge of carrying out handling and resolution of pateapplications and their possible concession, of utility modindustrial design and of integrate circuit layout design anthe feasibility to grant their registration that are presentebefore the IMPI.

    Inventions Registration and Protection

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    Recepcin desolicitudes

    Durante 2013, la Direccin Divisional de Patentesrecibi un total de 20,172 solicitudes (relativas apatentes, a modelos de utilidad, a diseos industrialesy a esquemas de trazado de circuitos integrados), que,comparadas con las 20,046 solicitudes que se recibieronen el mismo periodo durante el 2012, representa uncrecimiento porcentual del 0.6%.

    Un incremento importante fue observado en larecepcin de solicitudes de modelos de utilidad, el cualfue de 20.4%; de igual forma, las de patente mostraronun crecimiento de 0.8%, mientras que las de diseosindustriales presentaron una disminucin de 3% encomparacin con el 2012.


    Nota: Se deben considerarpara la cifra total de solicitud deinvenciones a las siguientessolicitudes de esquema detrazado de circuito integrado:8 en el ao 2003, 2 en el ao2005, 2 en 2009, 1 en el ao2010, 2 en el ao 2012 y 3 enel 2013.

    Note: For the inventions

    application total cipher thefollowing integrate circuitlayout design must beconsidered: 8 in year 2003, 2in year 2005, 2 in 2009, 1 inyear 2010, 2 in year 2012 and3 in 2013.







    2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    385 385 443 386 482 434 535 610 581 593

    1,983 2,458 2,777 3,023 2,882 3,183 2,930 3,540 4,149 4,137

    1 2, 20 7 1 3, 19 4 1 4, 43 6 1 5, 50 0 1 6, 59 9 1 6, 58 1 1 4, 28 1 1 4, 57 6 1 4, 05 5 1 5, 31 4




    15,44Patentes / Patents

    Diseos Industriales /Industrial Designs

    Modelos de Utilidad /Utility Models

    Solicitudes /Applications

    During 2013, the Divisional Direction of Patentsreceived a total of 20,172 applications (related to

    patents, to utility models, to industrial designs andintegrate circuit layout design), that compared with the20,046 application received in the same period during2012, represents a percentual growth of 0.6%.

    An important increase was observed in the receptionof utility models applications, which was of 20.4%,likewise, the ones of patent showed a 0.8% growth, whilethe ones of industrial designs presented a diminishmentof 3% in comparison with 2012.

    Applications reception


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    Las solicitudes que ingresaron durante 2013, de acuerdo con la nacionalidad del primer titular y la ocina regional receptora, distribuyeron como sigue:


















    MXICO D.F.CENTRAL 14,199 588 2,211 728 64 277 1 18,068

    OCCIDENTEWEST 9 150 3 260 2 92 - 516

    NORTENORTH 18 207 9 268 1 201 - 704

    BAJOBAJIO 4 96 2 438 - 20 - 560

    SURESTESOUTHWEST 1 61 - 26 - 34 - 122

    CENTROCENTRE 2 109 1 20 2 21 2 157


    DocumentsUnied Reception


    - - 36 9 - - - 45

    TOTAL: 14,233 1,211 2,262 1,749 69 645 3 20,172

    Del total de solicitudes de patente

    recibidas,11,774fueron por medio del Tratadode Cooperacin en Materia dePatentes (PCT), lo que representael 76%.

    Con respecto a la presentacin enlnea de las solicitudes de diseosindustriales que fue implementadaa nes del ao 2013, ingresaron45.

    From patents total applicationsreceived, 11,774 were by meansof the Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT), what represents the 76%.

    With respect to presentationon line of the industrial designsapplications that was implemented

    by the end of 2013, 45 entered.

    2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    9,776 10,652 11,755 12,926 13,902 14,160 12,055 11,926 11,000 11,534

    2,431 2,542 2,681 2,574 2,697 2,421 2,226 2,650 3,055 3,780

    12,207 13,194 14,436 15,500 16,599 16,581 14,281 14,576 14,055 15,314













    The applications entered during 2013, according with the citizenship of the rst holder and the receiving regional ofce, were distribu

    as follows:


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    Actividades relacionadas con los procedimientos para la obtencin de patenteregistros de modelos de utilidad, diseos industriales y esquemas de trazado de circuitointegrados

    En la fase de examen de forma, se emitieron 17,506ocios favorables de forma, 473 ocios de abandono, 24solicitudes desistidas y 17 solicitudes desechadas, paraun total de 514 conclusiones durante esta fase.

    En la parte de examen de fondo, se emitieron 14,950citas a pago, 6,198 abandonos, 126 negativas y 41desistimientos.

    Se emitieron 35,591 requisitos (9,564 de formay 26,027 de fondo), lo que en adicin a los trmitesconcluidos signica la revisin de 58,601 asuntosrelacionados con los expedientes en las diferentesetapas de examen.

    Se concluyeron 23,010 solicitudes de patente,registros de modelo de utilidad, diseo industrial yesquemas de trazado de circuitos integrados, lo querepresent un 1.8% por arriba del total programado parael ejercicio anual.

    TIPO DE ACCIN OFICIALOfcial Action Type


    DISEOS INDUSTRIALESIndustrial Designs



    Integrate Circuit Layout DesignTOTAL

    Citas a PagoFee-payment

    11,294 3,414 242 0 14,950


    Abandonment 5,609 750 312 0 6,671

    Abandono Cita a PagoFee-payment Abandonment

    678 465 38 0 1,181

    NegativasDenials 100 23 3 0 126

    DesistimientosWithdrawn 49 13 3 0 65

    DesechamientosDismissals 15 0 2 0 17

    TOTAL 17,745 4,665 600 0 23,010

    La distribucin del total de conclusiones porgura de propiedad industrial qued como seindica:

    In the formal examination, 17,506 favourable formal

    ofcial letters were issued, 473 abandonment ofcial

    letters, 24 withdrawn applications and 17 dismissed

    applications, for a 514 conclusions total during thisphase.

    In the in-depth examination portion, 14,950 notices ofallowance were issued, 6,198 abandoned, 126 denialsand 41 withdrawn.

    35,591 requirements were issued (9,564 offormal examination and 26,027 related to in-depth

    examination), what in addition to the les concluded

    means the revision of 58,601 matters related with theapplications in the different stages for exam.

    23,010 patents applications, utility model registries,industrial design and integrate circuit layout designwere concluded, what represented a 1.8% over the totalscheduled for the annual period.

    Activities related with procedures for obtaining patents, utility models registries, industrial designs and integra

    circuit layout designs

    Conclusions total distribution per industrial property gu

    remained as it is indicat

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    De las 11,294 solicitudes de patentes con dictamende cita a pago durante el examen de fondo, el 91%corresponde a solicitudes con una antigedad igual omenor a 5 aos.

    De las 3,414 solicitudes de diseos industriales condictamen de cita a pago durante el examen de fondo,

    el 86% corresponde a solicitudes con una antigedadigual o menor a un ao.

    De las 242 solicitudes de modelos de utilidad condictamen de cita a pago durante el examen de fondo,el 90% corresponde a solicitudes con una antigedadigual o menor a 2 aos.

    En cuanto a las patentes y registros otorgados en 2013se tiene:

    Figura de Propiedad IndustrialIndustrial Property Figure

    Titular MexicanoMexican Holder

    Titular ExtranjeroForeign Holder


    PatentesPatents 302 10,041 10,343

    Modelos de UtilidadUtility Models 162 28 190

    Diseos IndustrialesIndustrial Designs 864 1,961 2,825

    Esquema de Trazado de CircuitosIntegrate Circuit Layout Design 1 0 1








    Asimismo, se noticaron 13,945 Ttulos de patentesy registros de invenciones, lo que representa un avancedel 8.9% por encima del total programado (12,800).

    From the 11,294 patents applications with notices ofallowance as a result from the in-depth examination, the91% corresponds to applications with a seniority equalor smaller than 5 years.

    From the 3,414 industrial designs applications withnotices of allowance as a result from the in-depth

    examination, the 86% corresponds to applications witha seniority equal or smaller than one year.

    From the 242 utility models applications with noticesof allowance as a result from the in-depth examination,the 90% corresponds to applications with a seniorityequal or smaller than 2 years.

    In what concerns patents and registries granted in 2013we have:

    Mexican Holder Foreign Holder

    Likewise 13,945 patent titles and inventions registrieswere notied, what represents a progress of 8.9% above

    the total scheduled (12,800).

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    Actividades adicionales que realizla Direccin Divisional de Patentes La Direccin Divisional de Patentes participa en

    el mecanismo de vinculacin entre las patentes de

    principio activo y el registro sanitario contempladoen los artculos 167-bis del Reglamento de Insumos

    para la Salud y el 47-bis del Reglamento de la Ley de

    la Propiedad Industrial, bajo los cuales se atendieron

    142 consultas sobre patentes de invenciones en el rea


    Se realiz en tiempo y forma la publicacin del ejemplar

    de la gaceta Patentes Vigentes de Medicamentos Art.

    47 bis del RLPI, AGOSTO 2013, ADDENDUM B.

    Otro aspecto atendido por los examinadores de laDireccin Divisional de Patentes es la resolucin de

    juicios de amparo mensuales, de nulidad y/o recursos

    de revisin, como se muestra a continuacin:














    December TOT

    Cumplimiento (juicios deamparo y de nulidad)

    Compliance (Amparoand nullity lawsuits)

    5 4 7 6 5 7 0 15 8 8 10 9 84

    Recursos de RevisinRevision Resources 2 4 12 12 6 12 6 8 7 6 4 2 81

    Opiniones tcnicas

    Se emitieron 44 opiniones tcnicas derivadas de laspeticiones que la Direccin Divisional de Proteccin a

    la Propiedad Intelectual realiz en relacin a asuntoscontenciosos (infracciones y nulidades) de patentes oregistros.

    Visitas de inspeccin y peritajes

    El personal de las reas de examen de fondo depatentes y registros de la DDP particip en 54 visitas deinspeccin y en la elaboracin de 19 peritajes.

    The Divisional Direction of Patents participates in thelinkage system among the active ingredient patentsand the sanitary registration contemplated in articles167-bis of the Consumables for Health Regulationsand 47-bis of the Industrial Property Law Regulations,under which 142 consultations were attended on theinventions patents in the medical area.

    The publication of the gazette denominated Patentsin Force of Drugs Art.47 bis of the Industrial PropertyLaw Regulations, AUGUST 2013, Addendum B wasduly issued.

    Another aspect attended by the Divisional Directionof Patents examiners is the monthly amparo lawsuitsresolution of nullity and/or revision resources, as shownnext.

    Additional activities that the DivisionalDirection of Patents carried out

    Technical opinions

    44 technical opinions derived from petitions that theDivisional Direction of Protection to Intellectual Property

    carried out to contentious matters (infringements andnullities) of patents or registrations.

    Inspection and expert opinion visits

    Personnel of the patents and registrations in-depthexamination areas of the DDP participated in 54inspection visits and in the elaboration of 19 expertopinions.

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    Sistema de apoyo para la gestin de bsquedas y examede solicitudes de patentes para los pases centroamericanos la Repblica Dominicana (CADOPAT)

    Dentro del sistema CADOPAT (para realizar bsquedas

    y examen de fondo), donde el IMPI apoya a las ocinas

    de patentes de Centroamrica (Costa Rica, El Salvador,

    Guatemala, Honduras, Panam, Nicaragua, Repblica

    Dominicana, Cuba y Belice), Colombia y la Ocina

    Regional Africana de Propiedad Intelectual, se recibieron

    334 peticiones por ocina beneciaria y se atendieron

    268 peticiones lo que representa un avance del 88.2%,

    como a continuacin se detalla:







    Nicaragua 0 0

    Honduras 9 9

    El Salvador 90 80

    Guatemala 0 0

    Repblica DominicanaDominican Republic

    0 1

    PanamPanama 0 0

    Costa Rica 169 137

    Cuba 0 1

    BeliceBelize 38 21

    Ocina Regional Africana

    de Propiedad IntelectualIntellectual Property African

    Regional Ofce

    0 0

    Colombia 0 0

    Paraguay 11 8

    Ecuador 17 11






    Within the CADOPAT system (to carry out searchesand in-depth examination) where the IMPI supports theCentral America patents ofces (Costa Rica, El Salvador,

    Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua, DominicanRepublic, Cuba and Belize), Colombia and the African

    Regional Ofce of Intellectual Property, received 334

    petitions from beneciary ofces and 268 petitions were

    attended what represents an advance of 88.2%, as is

    detailed next:

    Support system for search managementand exam of patents applications for CentralAmerica and Dominican Republic (CADOPAT).

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    Procedimientosacelerados de Patentes, PPH

    Se atendieron 213 solicitudes relativas a losprocedimientos acelerados de Patentes, PPH por sussiglas en ingls, que se tienen con la USPTO (E.U.), JPO(Japn), OEPM (Espaa), KIPO (Repblica de Corea)y SIPO (Repblica Popular de China), organismos quepermiten la utilizacin de los resultados de examende fondo (bsqueda y examen) que se realizan enotras ocinas de patentes para acelerar su estudio yconclusin.

    213 applications related to the Patent ProsecutionHighways PPH that are with USPTO (U.S.), JPO (Japan),

    OEPM (Spain), KIPO (Republic of Korea) and SIPO(Popular Republic of China), organisms that permitthe use of in-depth examination results ( search andexamination) that are carried out in other patent ofces

    to accelerate its study and conclusion.

    Patent Prosecution Highways, PPH

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    Baja California2.05%

    Baja California Sur0.06%






    Nuevo Len13.97%


    San Luis Potos1.11%








    Quintana R0.33%







    Estado deMxico8.29%








    301 a 1,000

    101 a 300

    51 a 100

    26 a 50

    1 a 25


    TOTAL: 3,608


    Solicitudes de patente, modelo de utilidad y diseo industrialde mexicanos por entidad federativa 2013Patent, utility model and industrial design applications of mexicans by states 2013


    / STATETotal / Total

    Aguascalientes 28

    Baja California 74

    Baja California Sur 2

    Campeche 1

    Coahuila 73

    Colima 8

    Chiapas 13

    Chihuahua 65

    Distrito Federal 941

    Durango 15

    Estado de Mxico 299

    Guanajuato 421

    Guerrero 4

    Hidalgo 24

    Jalisco 427

    Michoacn 25

    Morelos 58


    / STATETotal / Total

    Nayarit 4

    Nuevo Len 504

    Oaxaca 9

    Puebla 117

    Quertaro 106

    Quintana Roo 12

    San Luis Potos 40

    Sinaloa 48

    Sonora 38

    Tabasco 8

    Tamaulipas 100

    Tlaxcala 9

    Veracruz 24

    Yucatn 76

    Zacatecas 29

    Otros / Others * 6

    Suma: 3,608

    *Solicitudes de invenciones ingresadas por mexicanos con domicilio en el extranjero*Patent Applications filed by mexicans living abroadFuente: IMPI

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    Registro y Publicacinde Signos Distintivos

    Registration and Publicationof Distinctive Signs

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    La Direccin Divisional de Marcas (DDM) es el rea cuya misi

    es examinar las solicitudes de signos distintivos ingresadas antel IMPI, aplicando las disposiciones legales y administrativas en eprocedimiento de resolucin respectivo.

    Registro y Publicacinde Signos Distintivos

    The Divisional Direction of Trademarks (DDT) is tharea which mission is to examine distinctive signapplications entered before the IMPI, applying the legand administrative provisions in the respective resolutioprocedure.

    Registration and Publication of Distinctive Signs

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    Solicitudes de marcas,nombres comerciales y

    avisos comerciales Las solicitudes de marcas, nombres y avisoscomerciales ingresadas durante el ao 2013 fueron


    De estas, 107,063 se reeren a marcas, 112 a

    nombres comerciales y 6,984 a avisos comerciales.


    Nombres ComercialesCommercial Names

    Avisos ComercialesBusiness Advertisements

    98,628 107,063

    88 112

    7,109 6,984


    105,825 114,159


    Year2012 2013


    Trademarks, commercial names and businessadvertisements applications entered during year 2013were 114,159.

    From these, 107,063 refer to trademarks, 112to commercial names and 6,984 to businessadvertisements.

    Trademarks, commercial names andbusiness advertisements applications


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    La presentacin de solicitudes se increment en un7.9% comparado con el ao 2012. Lo anterior, derivadode los esfuerzos que realiz el Instituto Mexicano de laPropiedad Industrial en la difusin de la importanciaque tiene la proteccin de los derechos de la propiedadindustrial, as como en la simplicacin de los respectivostrmites, lo que hizo ms sencillo para los usuarios elacceso a este tipo de proteccin.

    El comparativo por gura jurdica de solicitudes designos distintivos presentados en el ao 2012 y 2013es el siguiente:

    Signo DistintivoDistinctive Sign

    2012 2013 VariacinChange


    98,628 107,063 8.5%

    Nombres ComercialesCommercial Names

    88 112 27.3%

    Avisos ComercialesBusiness Advertisements

    7,109 6,984 -1.8%

    TOTAL 105,825 114,159 7.9%

    Se concedieron 85,004 registros de signos distintivos;79,365 en marcas, 27 nombres comerciales y 5,612

    avisos comerciales. En el ao inmediato anterior se

    concedieron 82,170, es decir, la concesin fue 3.4%


    Registro de marcas, nombres comerciales y avisoscomerciales






    Applications ling was increased in a 7.9% compared

    with year 2012. The latter, derived from the efforts that

    the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property carried out in

    spreading the importance that industrial property rights

    protection has, as well as in simplifying the respective

    handling, what made easier for users access to this type

    of protection.

    The comparative per juridical gure of distinctive signs

    applications led in year 2012 and 2013 is as follows:

    85,044 distinctive signs registries were granted;79,365 in trademarks, 27 commercial names and 5,612

    business advertisements. In the immediate previousyear 82,170 were granted, this is to say, the concession

    was 3.4% higher.

    Trademarks, commercial names and businessadvertisements registration


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    En el mismo periodo de estudio se realizaron una serie de

    actividades encaminadas a dar respuesta a la demanda

    de solicitudes y trmites de signos distintivos, de las

    cuales las tareas ms relevantes son las siguientes:

    Promociones recibidas

    Se recibieron 138,308 promociones o escritos diversos

    de renovacin de signos distintivos, contestacin a

    enmiendas voluntarias, requisitos y solicitudes de

    expedicin de copias certicadas, entre otros.

    Correspondencia entregada

    En la ventanilla de correspondencia se entregaron

    200,146 documentos: 153,093 ocios y 47,053 ttulos

    de registro.

    Se enviaron por correo 99,871 documentos: 62,268

    ocios y 37,603 ttulos de registro.

    Bsquedas fonticas y gurativas

    Se emitieron 4,613 bsquedas fonticas y/o

    gurativas en la ventanilla de correspondencia, lo cual

    permiti a los usuarios tomar decisiones en cuanto

    a la procedencia de solicitar el registro de sus signosdistintivos.


    El personal del archivo de marcas proporcion 158,792

    expedientes para consulta, de los que 148,573 fueron a

    personal de las diferentes reas del Instituto y 10,219

    se prestaron al pblico.

    Se integraron 421,885 documentos, promociones o

    ttulos a su expediente.

    Se integraron 238,504 expedientes a su anaquel.

    Se expidieron 97,686 copias, de las que 88,474 fueron

    copias certicadas y 9,212 copias simples.

    Examen de Signos Distintivos

    Se emitieron 101,448 resoluciones: 85,004 para

    registros, 10,871 abandonos, 283 desistimientos, 253

    desechamientos y 5,037 negativas.

    In the same period of study a series of activities routed

    to give answer to the applications demand and handling

    o distinctive signs were carried out, from which the most

    relevant are the following:

    Motions received

    138,308 motions or diverse distinctive signs renewal,

    answer to voluntary amendments, requirements and

    applications of certied copies issuance, among others.

    Delivered correspondence

    In the correspondence window 200,146 documents

    were delivered: 153,093 ofcial letters and 47,053

    registration titles.

    99,871 documents were sent by mail: 62,268 ofcial

    letters and 37,603 registration titles.

    Phonetic and gurative searches

    4,613 phonetic or gurative searches were issued in

    the correspondence window, what permitted to users

    to make decisions in what concerns the applicability to

    apply for registration of their distinctive signs.


    The trademarks archive personnel provided 158,792

    les for consulting, from which 148,573 were to

    personnel of the different areas of the Institute and 10, 219

    were furnished to public.

    421,885 documents were integrated, motions or titles

    to its le.

    238,504 les were integrated to their shelf.

    97,686 titles were issued from which 88,474 were

    certied copies and 9,212 simple copies.

    Distinctive Signs Exam

    101,448 resolutions were issued; 85,004 for

    registration, 10,871 abandonments, 283 withdrawn,

    253 dismissed and 5,037 denials.

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    Denominaciones de Origen

    Se otorgaron 35 autorizaciones de uso de la

    denominacin de origen Mezcal. Respecto a los

    convenios de corresponsabilidad en los que la Ley de la

    Propiedad Industrial faculta a los usuarios autorizadosde una denominacin de origen para hacer uso de su

    marca a quienes distribuyan o vendan sus productos, se

    inscribieron 314 convenios de la denominacin de origen

    Tequila y 40 de la denominacin de origen Mezcal,

    celebrados con diversas empresas envasadoras y/o


    Licencias de uso, franquicias, cesiones de

    derechos, tomas de nota y renovaciones

    Se emitieron 148,569 dictmenes, de los que16,821 se rerieron a inscripciones de licencias

    de uso, 16,977 de inscripciones de transmisin de

    derechos, 1,108 de inscripciones de franquicias,

    28,831 de renovaciones y 60,840 fueron de tomas de

    nota; los 23,992 restantes corresponden a diversos

    dictmenes, tales como requisitos, cambios de nombre

    del titular, acreditamientos de apoderado, gravmenes y

    cancelaciones voluntarias, entre otros.

    De las tareas sustanciales realizadas en favor de los

    usuarios destacaron las referentes al Protocolo de

    Madrid, Bsqueda Figurativa y Marca en Lnea, que se

    convirtieron en programas emblemticos del IMPI en

    benecio de las personas morales y fsicas que recurren

    a la proteccin de sus bienes intangibles.

    1) El Protocolo de Madrid es el nico sistema dealcance global (92 partes contratantes) para solicitar la

    proteccin de una marca, mediante una sola solicitud,

    con requisitos normalizados, en idioma espaol y

    pagando un conjunto de tasas en una sola divisa.

    Brinda a las empresas mexicanas una opcin adicionala la ya existente por la va nacional, es decir, la ruta

    internacional, que hasta el 19 de febrero de 2013 (fecha

    en la que entr en vigor en Mxico) no se tena para

    solicitar la proteccin de sus marcas en el extranjero.

    La adhesin de Mxico a este Protocolo gener benecios

    para las personas fsicas y morales con alguna actividad

    comercial, empresas o emprendedores, en especial

    entre pequeos y medianos empresarios mexicanos por

    los menores costos de transaccin y de oportunidad que

    ofrece esta herramienta.

    Appellations of Origin

    35 use authorisations of the Mezcal appellation

    of origin were granted. Regarding the corresponsibility

    covenants in which the Law of Industrial Property

    empowers the authorised users of one appellation oforigin to make use of its trademark to who distribute

    or sell its products, 314 covenants of the Tequila

    appellation of origin and 40 of Mezcal appellation

    of origin were registred with diverse packing and/or

    distributer companies.

    Use licenses, franchises, rights assignment,

    annotations and renewals.

    148,569 expert opinion reports were issued,

    from which 16,821 referred to use of licenseregistrations, 16,977 rights transfer registrations,

    1,108 franchises registrations, 28,831 renewals and

    60,840 were annotations; the 23,992 orders include

    requirements, title holder, name changes, power of

    attorney accreditations, assessments and voluntary

    cancellations, among others.

    From the substantial tasks performed in favour of the

    users stood out the ones referring to the Madrid Protocol,

    Figurative Search and Trademark on Line that converted

    into emblematic programmes of IMPI in benet of thelegal persons and entities that resort to the protection

    of the intangible properties.

    1) The Madrid Protocol is the sole system of global

    reach (92 contracting parties) to request the protection

    of a trademark, by means of one sole application, with

    normalised requirements, in Spanish language and

    paying a set of rates in one sole currency.

    Offers to the Mexican companies an additional option

    to the existing one by the domestic way, this is, theinternational route, that up to the 19th of February of

    2013 (date in which became effective in Mexico) was

    not available to request the protection of its trademarks


    The adhesion of Mexico to this Protocol generated

    benets for the legal persons and entities with some

    commercial activity, companies or entrepreneurs,

    specially among small and medium Mexican

    entrepreneurs for the transaction and opportunity lower

    costs that this tool offers.

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    As, el titular de una marca en trmite o registrada anteel IMPI puede extender la proteccin de sta a los 92miembros del Protocolo de Madrid. Cabe destacar quese presentaron 7,805 solicitudes siendo Mxico laocina designada y 50 como ocina de origen.

    2) Respecto a Marca en Lnea, es un servicio gil,eciente y seguro que permite al usuario, desde un solopunto: casa u ocina, la captura, pago, rma y envo de lasolicitud de registro o publicacin de signos distintivos,as como la recepcin de su acuse de recibo en el que seasigna un nmero de expediente, folio y fecha, a travs deInternet. En el 2013 se recibieron 9,177 solicitudes poresta va, de las que 5,739 correspondieron a nacionalesy 3,438 pertenecieron a titulares extranjeros.

    El alcance de Marca en Lnea es nacional y el usuario

    que tenga acceso a Internet puede realizar el trmitesin necesidad de acudir a una ventanilla de recepcindel IMPI o de alguna delegacin de la Secretara deEconoma.

    3)Los primeros das de diciembre del 2013 entr enmarcha el Sistema de Bsqueda Figurativa, el cualpermite acceder a la base de datos pblica de marcascon diseo, catalogadas en el marco de lo que establecela Clasicacin Internacional de Elementos Figurativosde Marcas (Clasicacin de Viena), a n de examinar siexiste una solicitud en trmite o registrada idntica osemejante en grado de confusin por el diseo.

    Lo anterior tiene el propsito y la meta de que el usuariotenga mayores elementos a considerar en la presentacinde su solicitud. Es una herramienta gratuita a travs dela pgina web del IMPI, gil y eciente a disposicin delos diversos actores del Sistema de Propiedad Industrial.

    Su alcance es a nivel nacional e internacional y coloca alIMPI como una ocina lder en el acceso a la informaciny atencin a los usuarios en materia de propiedadindustrial.

    Thus, the holder of a trademark under handling orregistered before the IMPI can extend protection thereofto the 92 members of the Madrid Protocol. It is pertinentto stand out that 7,805 applications were led being

    Mexico the designated ofce and 50 as ofce of origin.

    2) With respect to Trademark on Line, is an agile,efcient and safe service that permits to the user, from

    one sole point; house or ofce, the capture, payment,

    signature and sending of the registration application orpublication of distinctive signs, as well as the receptionof its acknowledgement of receipt in which a le

    number, folio and date is assigned, through Internet.In 2013, 9,177 applications were received by this way,

    from which 5,739 corresponded to nationals and 3,438

    pertained to foreign holders.

    The Trademark on Line scope is national and the userthat has access to Internet can carry out the formalitywithout the need to go to a reception window of IMPI orsome delegation of the Ministry of Economics.

    3) The rst days of December of 2013 the Figurative

    Search System started-up, which permits to access thetrademarks with design public database, cataloguedin the frame of what is set forth by InternationalClassication of Trademarks Figurative Elements

    (Vienna Classication), with the purpose to examine if

    there is a application under handling or registered thatis identical or similar in degree of confusion for design.

    The latter has for purpose and goal that the user hasmore elements to consider in ling his/her application.

    This is a free tool through the IMPIs web page, agileand efcient at availability of the diverse actors of the

    Industrial Property System.

    Its scope is in the domestic and international sphereand places the IMPI as a leader ofce in access to

    information and attention to users in matter of industrialproperty.

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    Baja California0.90%

    Baja California Sur0.11%






    Nuevo Len7.58%


    San Luis Potos0.43%








    Quintana Ro0.46%







    Estado deMxico0.14%








    3,001 a 80,000

    1,001 a 3,000

    301 a 1,000

    101 a 300

    1 a 100


    TOTAL: 114,159

    Solicitudes de signos distintivos recibidas por entidad federativa2013Distinctive signs applications by states 2013


    / STATETotal / Total

    Aguascalientes 484

    Baja California 1,024

    Baja California Sur 123

    Campeche 143

    Coahuila 188

    Colima 106

    Chiapas 301

    Chihuahua 367

    Distrito Federal 77,768

    Durango 149

    Estado de Mxico 156

    Guanajuato 3,690

    Guerrero 94

    Hidalgo 105

    Jalisco 10,992

    Michoacn 461

    Morelos 301


    / STATETotal / Total

    Nayarit 142

    Nuevo Len 8,653

    Oaxaca 288

    Puebla 2,744

    Quertaro 997

    Quintana Roo 522

    San Luis Potos 489

    Sinaloa 1,078

    Sonora 361

    Tabasco 167

    Tamaulipas 46

    Tlaxcala 12

    Veracruz 387

    Yucatn 1,609

    Zacatecas 212

    Suma: 114,159

    Fuente: IMPI

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    Proteccin a laPropiedad Intelectual03

    Protection toIntellectual Property

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    La Direccin Divisional de Proteccia la Propiedad Intelectual (DDPPI) ela encargada de tramitar y resolve

    procedimientos encaminados a imponesanciones por violacin a los derechos dpropiedad intelectual y a declarar la nulidacaducidad o cancelacin de los registrode signos distintivos y de invencionecuando un tercero se siente afectado poel otorgamiento de los mismos.

    Proteccin a la PropiedadIntelectual

    The Divisional Direction of Protection to IntellectualProperty (DDPIP) is the one in charge to handle and soleprocedures routed to impose sanctions for violation to theindustrial property rights and to declare the nullity, expirationor cancellation of the registries of distinctive signs and ofinventions whenever a third party feels affected for thegrant thereof. In accordance with the latter, carried out thefollowing activities.

    Protection to Intellectual Property

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    de fama y/onotoriedadde marca.

    0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000


















    De este total,

    741fueron denulidad,



    603de infraccin

    y medidasprovisionalesde derechosde propiedad


    541de infraccin

    y medidasprovisionalesde derechosde autor, enmateria decomercio y

    Durante el ao 2013 la Direccin Divisional de Proteccina la Propiedad Intelectual realiz diversas acciones conel n de proteger los derechos de propiedad intelectual,destacando las siguientes:

    Solicitudes recibidas

    Recibi 2,658 solicitudes de declaracinadministrativa, superando con dicha cifra lo alcanzadoen aos anteriores, como se puede apreciar en elsiguiente comparativo:

    During year 2013 the Divisional Direction of Protectionto Intellectual Property carried out diverse actions withthe purpose to protect the intellectual property rights,standing out the following:

    Applications received

    Received 2,658 applications of administrativedeclaration, overcoming with such cypher what wasattained in former years, as can be appreciated in thefollowing comparative:


    14applicationsof fame and/or trademark


    From this total,

    741were ofnullity,





    603of infringementand provisional

    measuresof industrial

    property rights,

    541of infringementand provisional

    measures ofcopyright, in

    matter ofcommerce and

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    Resoluciones Emitidas

    En relacin a los procedimientos de declaracinadministrativa se emitieron 2,557 resoluciones. Esimportante sealar que si bien disminuy marginalmente

    la emisin de resoluciones en comparacin con el 2012,tambin lo es que se continu con el abatimiento delrezago, que disminuy considerablemente, por lo queactualmente se cuenta con 2,400 procedimientosen trmite pendientes por resolver para comienzo delejercicio del 2014.








    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

    2,035 1,996 2,036 2,383 2,503 2,559 2,557


    In relation to the administrative declaration procedures

    2,557 resolutions were issued. It is important to point outthat if the resolutions issuance marginally diminished incomparison with 2012, it is also that continued with theleftover, that considerably diminished, for what currently2,400 procedures are under handling pending to besolved for the beginning of 2014 period.

    Resolutions Issued


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    Acuerdos de trmite

    Tuvimos durante

    2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20130











    ACUERDOS DE TRMITE 2007 - 2013

    42,526acuerdos de trmite, superandoconsiderablemente esta cifraen comparacin con lo de aosanteriores.

    2 0 1 3u n t o t a l d e

    Agreements of handling

    We had a total of

    2 0 1 3considerable surpassing this

    cypher in comparison with the

    former years.

    42,526handling agreements during


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    Visitas de Inspeccin

    Hubo 4,443 visitas de inspeccin, de ocio (3,135) y apeticin de parte (1,308), destacando que la cantidad devisitas super a las llevadas a cabo en aos anteriores.

    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

    2,445 3,798 3,753 3,924 3,956 3,963 4,107 4,443










    599 648 50 11 1,308










    Inspection Visits

    There were 4,443 inspection ofce visits (3,135)

    and upon party request (1,308), standing out that theamount of visits overcame the ones carried out in formeryears.

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    Mercanca asegurada yacciones en combate a la piratera

    En cuanto a la mercanca asegurada, se lograsegurar la cantidad de 6,639,378 productos, entre loscuales principalmente destacan embalajes, soporteselectromagnticos y papelera, en los que presuntamentese materializaban las infracciones. Tienen un valoraproximado de $35,955,777 pesos.

    En seguimiento a las acciones de combate a lapiratera, se continu con las visitas de inspeccin devericacin; trabajando de manera conjunta a travs delos convenios de colaboracin celebrados con diversasasociaciones y sociedades, como la Business SoftwareAlliance (BSA), la Asociacin Mexicana de Productores

    de Fonogramas y Videogramas (AMPROFON), laSociedad Mexicana de Productores de Fonogramas,Videogramas y Multimedia (SOMEXFON), el CentroMexicano de Proteccin y Fomento de los Derechos deAutor (CEMPRO) y la Sociedad de Autores y Compositoresde Mxico (SACM), a n de combatir la piratera desoftware, el uso ilegal de fonogramas y su descarga atravs de internet, la reprografa ilcita y la ejecucinpblica de obras musicales.

    Con el n de conocer los hbitos de consumo en lapoblacin en general, se practicaron 3,000 encuestas

    enfocadas al fenmeno de la piratera en la Ciudadde Mxico y en las ciudades de Mrida, Yucatn yAguascalientes, Ags.

    Se atendieron 150 denuncias a travs del Buzn depiratera que el IMPI tiene instalado en su pgina Web;dando respuesta al 100% de cada una de estas en unplazo no mayor a 48 horas, con las visitas de inspeccinde vericacin correspondientes.

    Derivado de las acciones para abatir el rezago existenteen la emisin de resoluciones de recursos de revisin, se

    logr resolver 515, abatiendo completamente el rezagode dichos procedimientos, lo que permiti emitir lasresoluciones de estos procedimientos inmediatamentedespus de que los mismos han sido debidamenteintegrados.

    Se realizaron 30 clausuras temporales a diversosestablecimientos comerciales, debido al desacato delo ordenado por la autoridad y por la oposicin a larealizacin de visitas de inspeccin, destacando que fueel mayor nmero de clausuras realizadas en la historiadel IMPI.

    In what concerns seized merchandise was achieved toassure the quantity of 6,639,378 products, among which

    mainly stand out packaging electromagnetic supportsand stationary, in which presumably infringementsmaterialised. These have an approximate value of$35,955,777 pesos.

    In follow-up of the piracy combat actions, wascontinued with the verication inspection visits; working

    jointly through the collaboration covenants entered

    into with diverse associations and corporations, asthe Business Software Alliance (BSA), the Mexican

    Association of Producers of Phonograms andVideograms (MAPHONPROD), the Mexican Society ofProducers of Phonograms, Videograms and Multimedia(MEXSOPHON), the Mexican Center of Protection andFostering of Copyright (PROMCE) and the Authors andComposers of Mexico Society (ACMS), with the purposeto combat software piracy, the illegal use of phonogramsand their unload through internet, the illicit reprographyand the public execution of musical works.

    With the purpose to know the population in generalconsumption habits, 3,000 surveys were practisedfocused to the piracy phenomenon in Mexico City and inthe cities of Mrida, Yucatn and Aguascalientes, Ags.

    150 denouncements were attended through thePiracy Mailbox that the IMPI has installed in its Webpage; giving answer to the 100% of each one thereof ina term non higher of 48 hours, with the correspondingverication inspection visits.

    Derived from the actions to abate the existing leftoverin resolutions of revision resources issuance, it wasachieved to solve 515, abating in full the leftover of suchprocedures, what allowed to issue resolutions of theseprocedures immediately after the same have been dulyintegrated.

    30 temporary closures were made to diversecommercial establishments, due to their contempt ofwhat is ordered by the authority and for their oppositionto inspection visits being carried out, highlighting thatit was the higher number of closures performed in the

    history of IMPI.

    Seized merchandise and actions in

    combat of piracy

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    En este periodo se retom el programa Observadoresen Aduanas con la nalidad de detectar y disuadir laimportacin de mercancas que infrinjan los derechos depropiedad intelectual. Se visitaron 15 aduanas: Tijuana,Manzanillo, Toluca, Guadalajara, Progreso, Cd. Jurez,

    Mazatln, Veracruz, Pantaco, Monterrey, Nuevo Laredo,Lzaro Crdenas, la Aduana del Aeropuerto de la Ciudadde Mxico (AICM), Ensenada y Subteniente Lpez,levantndose un total de 236 actas de cooperacintcnica.

    Hubo 211 dictmenes tcnicos y/o informacinsolicitada por el Ministerio Pblico de la Federacinen el ao, reduciendo tiempos de atencin, los cualestienen la nalidad de analizar los derechos de propiedadindustrial involucrados en la posible comisin de undelito, para que se integre a la averiguacin previarespectiva y, en su caso, sirva como requisito para elejercicio de la accin penal.

    In this period the Programme Customs Ofce

    Observers was resumed with the purpose of detectingand dissuade the merchandise importation whichviolates the intellectual property rights. 15 CustomsOfce were visited: Tijuana, Manzanillo, Toluca,

    Guadalajara, Progreso, Cd. Jurez, Mazatln, Veracruz,Pantaco, Monterrey, Nuevo Laredo, Lzaro Crdenasand the Mexico City Airport Customs Ofce (MCIA),

    Ensenada y Subteniente Lpez, posting a total of 236technical cooperation deeds.

    There were 211 technical dictaminations and/or information requested by the Federation PublicDepartment in that year, reducing client service times,which had as purpose to analyse the industrial propertyrights involved in the possible commission of an offense,to integrate it in the respective previous investigation

    and in case corresponding, serves as a requisite for theexercise of criminal proceedings.

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    Coordinacin dePlaneacin Estratgica04

    Strategic Planning Coordination

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    La Coordinacin de Planeacin Estratgica (CPE) se encarga dregular las directrices institucionales para el ptimo cumplimiento dlas facultades que el IMPI tiene encomendadas.

    Coordinacin dePlaneacin Estratgica

    The Strategic Planning Coordination (SPC) is charged toregulate the institutional directives for the compliance ofthe powers commissioned to IMPI.

    Strategic Planning Coordination

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    En este sentido se llev a cabo lo siguiente:


    Clculo de tarifas y precios de bienes y servicios

    pblicos mediante el modelo ModIMPI que determinalas tarifas por los servicios prestados por el IMPI,tomando como base el costo de operacin, para obteneruna estructura de tarifas equitativa con el usuario yel prestador de servicio, que al mismo tiempo otorgaviabilidad nanciera a la entidad.

    Costeo del procedimiento al sistema de apoyo parala gestin de bsquedas de solicitudes de patentes(CADOPAT), servicio otorgado por el IMPI a las ocinasde Centroamrica, el Caribe y la Organizacin RegionalAfricana (ARIPO por sus siglas en ingls), el cual serealiz para ser presentado a las ocinas beneciariascon el n de modernizar el sistema.

    Junta de Gobierno

    Coordinacin de las unidades administrativas para laelaboracin, integracin y presentacin de los informesde autoevaluacin y de labores del Director General ala Junta de Gobierno, de acuerdo con el calendario desesiones para el ejercicio 2013.

    Requerimientos de informacininstitucional

    Atencin a los requerimientos de informacininstitucional realizados por diversas instanciasgubernamentales, entre los que destacan:

    Primer Informe de Ejecucin del Plan Nacional deDesarrollo 2013-2018.

    Informe de Labores de la Secretara de Economa.

    Primer Informe de Gobierno del Presidente de laRepblica.

    Informe para el programa Especial de Ciencia yTecnologa.

    Informe diario de actividades relevantes delDirector General para conocimiento de la Presidenciade la Repblica y la Secretara de Economa.

    Actualizacin de la Matriz de Riesgos Internos de laSecretara de Economa.

    Comparecencias del Secretario de Economa ante

    el Congreso de la Unin.

    In this sense, the following was carried out:


    Calculation of fees and prices of property and public

    services by means of the ModIMPI Model whichdetermines the fees by the services furnished byIMPI, taking as the base the operational cost, to get afee structure equitable with the user and the servicefurnisher, which at the same time gives nancialfeasibility to the company.

    Calculation of the cost to the support system for thepatent applications searches management (CADOPAT),service given by IMPI to the Centroamerican, Caribbeanand African Regional Organisation (ARIPO), ofces, whichwas carried out to be led in the recipient ofces with thepurpose to modernize the system.

    Government Meeting

    Coordination of the Administrative departmentsfor the elaboration, integration and ling of the auto-evaluation reports and the Director General functionsto the Government Meeting, according to the sessionscalendar for exercise 2013.

    Institutional Information Requirements

    Attention to the institutional information requirementscarried out by diverse government organisations, amongwhich are highlighted:

    First Report of Execution of the NationalDevelopment Plan 2013-2018.

    Ministry of Economics Work Report.

    President of the Republic First Work Report.

    Report for the Special Programme of Science andTechnology.

    Daily Report of the Director General relevantactivities for cognizance of the President of theRepublic and the Ministry of Economics.

    Update of the Ministry of Economics Internal RisksMatrix.

    Minister of Economics Appearing before the Union


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    Informe para la etapa de planeacin de lascalizacin de la Cuenta Pblica.

    Resumen de resultados institucionales para laelaboracin de la Cuenta de la Hacienda Pblica



    Gestiones del Fondo Sectorial para el Fomento yProteccin de la Actividad Inventiva, IMPI-CONACYT.Lo anterior, con la nalidad de crear incentivos paraidenticar, desarrollar, nanciar y comercializar laejecucin de proyectos de innovacin con potencialefectivo de aplicacin industrial y/o comercial.

    Manuales de organizacin y deprocedimientos

    Con la nalidad de mantener la eciencia y ecacia delos procesos y procedimientos que realizan las unidadesadministrativas, se coordinaron la actualizacin de losmanuales de organizacin y de procedimientos, encongruencia con los objetivos de la Ley de la PropiedadIndustrial y dems ordenamientos legales.

    Actualizacin de los Manuales de Organizacin de lassiguientes Unidades Administrativas: el Institucional, el

    de la Direccin General Adjunta de Servicios de Apoyo,el de la Coordinacin de Planeacin Estratgica, el de laCoordinacin de Proyectos Especiales, el de la DireccinDivisional de Administracin, el de la Direccin Divisionalde Asuntos Jurdicos, el de la Direccin Divisionalde Marcas, el de la Direccin Divisional de OcinasRegionales, el de la Direccin Divisional de Proteccina la Propiedad Intelectual, el de la Direccin Divisionalde Relaciones Internacionales, el de la DireccinDivisional de Sistemas y Tecnologas de la Informacin yel de la Direccin Divisional de Promocin y Servicios deInformacin Tecnolgica.

    En cuanto a los Manuales de Procedimientos, seactualizaron los siguientes: el de la Coordinacinde Planeacin Estratgica, el de la Coordinacin deProyectos Especiales, el de la Direccin Divisional deAdministracin, el de la Direccin Divisional de AsuntosJurdicos, el de la Direccin Divisional de Marcas, elde la Direccin Divisional de Ocinas Regionales, elde la Direccin Divisional de Proteccin a la PropiedadIntelectual, el de la Direccin Divisional de RelacionesInternacionales y el de la Direccin Divisional de

    Sistemas y Tecnologas de la Informacin.

    Report for Public Account scalization planning


    Summary of institutional results for the elaboration

    of the Federal Public Finance Account.


    Management of the Sectorial Fund for the Fostering

    and Protection of Inventive Activity, IMPI-CONACYT. The

    latter, with the purpose of creating motivation to identify,

    develop, nance and commercialize the execution of

    innovation projects with effective potential of industrial

    and/or commercial use.

    Organisation and Procedures Manuals

    With the purpose to preserve the efciency and efcacy

    of the processes procedures that the administrative units

    carry out, the organisation and procedures manuals

    were coordinated, in coherence with the objectives of

    the Industrial Property Law and the rest of the legal


    Update of Organisation manuals of the following

    administrative Departments: the InstitutionalDepartment, the Support Services Assistant General

    Direction, Strategic Planning Coordination, Special

    Projects Coordination, Divisional Direction of

    Administration, Divisional Direction of Legal Affairs,

    Divisional Direction of Trademarks, Divisional Direction

    of Regional Ofces, Divisional Direction of Protection of

    Intellectual Property, Divisional Direction of International

    Relations, Divisional Direction of Information Systems

    and Technologies and Divisional Direction of Promotion

    and Technological Information Services.

    In relation to Procedure Manuals, the following

    were updated: the Strategic Planning Coordination,

    Special Projects Coordination, Divisional Direction of

    Administration, Divisional Direction of Legal Affairs,

    Divisional Direction of Trademarks, Divisional Direction

    of Regional Ofces, Divisional Direction of Protection

    of Intellectual Property, Divisional Direction of

    International Relations, Divisional Direction of Systems

    and Technological Information.

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    Programa de Mejora de la Gestin(PMG)

    Como parte del Programa Especial de Mejora de laGestin (PMG) en la Administracin Pblica Federal (APF)2008-2012, establecido por la Secretara de la Funcin

    Pblica (SFP), hubo diversas actividades de coordinacinen el Proyecto alineado al PMG denominado, Recepcinde Documentos Unicada (RDU-Patentes y Registros) 1fase: registro de diseos industriales.

    Control interno

    Como responsable de la Aplicacin del ModeloEstndar de Control Interno y Enlace de Administracindel Riesgo Institucional, se particip en diversasdisposiciones, entre las que destacan:

    Apoyo a la SFP para impartir un curso-taller a losenlaces designados por cada rea en materia decontrol interno y administracin de riesgos con elobjeto de fortalecer sus conocimientos en estamateria, dicho curso se llev a cabo en el mes deagosto de 2013, lo que permiti a cada enlacecomprender y remitir las solicitudes de informaciny seguimiento en dichas materias.

    Coordinacin con las Direcciones Divisionales deAdministracin, de Asuntos Jurdicos, de Sistemasy Tecnologas de la Informacin, la integracin deinformacin y contestacin de un cuestionarioemitido por la Auditora Superior de la Federacin, enmateria de control interno, administracin de riesgosy tecnologas de la informacin.

    Encuesta de Autoevaluacin

    Elaboracin del informe del estado que guarda elsistema anual de control interno institucional. Comoresultado de la autoevaluacin, el Instituto determinacciones de mejora, mismas a las que se les est dandoseguimiento en el Programa de Trabajo.

    Presentacin del programa de trabajo actualizado enla cuarta sesin del Comit de Control y DesempeoInstitucional (COCODI), determinndose cincoacciones de mejora propuestas por el Instituto y cincorecomendaciones del rgano Interno de Control.

    Sistema de administracin deriesgos institucional

    Compilacin de los reportes consolidados de la matrizde riesgos institucional, mapa de riesgos y programa de

    trabajo, determinndose 36 riesgos institucionales.

    Management Improvement Programme(MIP)

    As part of the Management Improvement SpecialProgramme (MIP) in the Public Federal Administration(PFA) 2008-2012, established by the Public Function

    Ministry (PFM), there were diverse coordination activitiesin the alienated Project to the MIP denominated, Unied

    Documents Reception (UDR-Patents and Registrations)1ststage: industrial designs registration.

    Internal Control

    As responsible for the Internal Control Standard ModelApplication and Institutional Risk Administration Link,was participated in diverse provisions, among whichstand out:

    Support to the MPF to give a course-workshopto the links designated by each area in matter ofinternal control and risks management with thepurpose to strengthen their knowledge in this matter,such course was carried out in the month of Augustof 2013, what allowed to each link to understandand sent the information applications and follow-upin such matters.

    Coordination with the Divisional Directions ofAdministration, of Legal Affairs, of Systems andInformation Technologies, the integration ofinformation and answering of a questionnaireissued by the Superior Auditing of the Federation, inmatter of internal control, risks administration andinformation technologies.

    Self-assessment survey

    Elaboration of the report of the state kept by theinstitutional internal control annual system. As aresult of the self-evaluation, the Institute determinedimprovement actions, same to the ones that is giving

    follow up in the Work Programme.

    Presentation of the updated work programme inthe fourth session of the Institutional Control andPerformance Committee (ICOPCO), determining ve

    improvement actions proposed by the Institute and ve

    recommendations of the Internal Controllership.

    Institutional risks administration system

    Compilation of the consolidated reports of theinstitutional risks matrix, risks map an work programme,

    determining 36 institutional risks.

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    Se integr al Sistema Interno de Administracin deRiesgos Institucionales cada uno de los riesgos para suseguimiento peridico, con el objeto de monitorearlos yevitar que alguno de ellos se llegue a materializar.

    Integracin de la carpeta delComit de Control y DesempeoInstitucional (COCODI):

    Programa de trabajo de control interno.

    Reporte de avance del programa de trabajo de controlinterno.

    Programa de trabajo de administracin de riesgos.

    Reporte de avance del programa de trabajo de

    administracin de riesgos.

    Mapa de riesgos.


    Coordinacin de la participacin del Instituto en

    diversos foros consultivos para la elaboracin del Plan

    Nacional de Desarrollo (PND) 2013 2018.

    Participacin en los trabajos para la elaboracin delPND y Programa Sectorial de la Secretara de Economa

    denominado Programa de Desarrollo Innovador, 2013


    Elaboracin, derivado de los trabajos de planeacin,

    del primer borrador del programa institucional

    denominado Programa de Innovacin Protegida 2013

    2018, en donde se han denido objetivos, estrategias

    y lneas de accin.

    Alineacin de la estructura programtica del Institutocon el PND 2013 2018.

    Trabajos de planeacin, involucrando a las diversas

    direcciones divisionales del Instituto para denir tanto

    el diagnstico, mediante la herramienta FODA, as como

    las iniciativas o los proyectos a ejecutar durante el


    Conformacin del programa anual de trabajo para

    el ejercicio 2014, en congruencia con las directrices

    generales y el borrador del programa institucional.

    The Institutional Risks Management Internal System

    was integrated, each one of the risks for its regular

    follow-up, with the purpose to monitor and avoid that any

    thereof is materialised.

    Institutional Control and PerformanceCommittee (ICOPCO) Folder Integration:

    Internal control work programme.

    Internal control work programme progress report.

    Risk management work programme.

    Risks management work programme progress report.

    Risks map.


    Coordination of the Institutes participation in diverse

    consultive fora for the Development National Plan

    elaboration (DNP) 2013 - 2018.

    Participation of the works for the DNP elaborationand Sectorial Programme of the Ministry of Economics

    denominated Innovator Development Programme,

    2013 - 2018.

    Elaboration, derived from the planning works, of

    the rst institutional programme draft denominated

    Protected Innovation Programme 2013 - 2018, where

    objectives, strategies and action lines have been dened.

    Alienation of the Institutes programming structurewith the DNP 2013 - 2018.

    Planning works, involving the Institutes diverse

    divisional directions to dene both diagnostics, by

    means of FODA tool, as well as the initiatives or projects

    to execute during the sexennial.

    Conformation of the work annual programme for 2014

    period, in congruency with the general directives and

    the institutional programme draft.

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    Proyectos para la mejora de procedimientos de lasDirecciones Divisionales de Marcas y Patentes, ascomo la estrategia propuesta a la Direccin Generaldenominada Itech Panezki, teniendo como objetivoel incrementar el registro de solicitudes de patentes,en conjunto con la Direccin Divisional de Promocin yServicios de Informacin Tecnolgica.

    Matriz de indicadores deresultadosdel programapresupuestario del IMPI

    Seguimiento, en tiempo y forma, a la matriz deindicadores de resultados del programa Presupuestariodel IMPI Denominado Proteccin y Promocin de losDerechos de Propiedad Industrial, como parte delSistema de Evaluacin del Desempeo (SED) promovido

    por la Secretara de Hacienda y Crdito Pblico (SHCP).

    Por otra parte, se particip en:

    IV Jornada de Mejora en la Gestin de las OcinasNacionales de Propiedad Industrial: PlanicacinEstratgica y Sensibilizacin en materia de PropiedadIndustrial, en Bogot, Colombia.

    Projects for procedures improvement of the Divisional

    Direction of Trademarks and Divisional Directions of

    Patents, as well as the proposed strategy to the General

    Direction denominated Itech Panezki, having for

    objective to increase the Divisional Direction of Patents

    Applications, together with the Divisional Direction ofPromotion and Technological Information Services.

    IMPIs budgetary programme resultsindicators matrix

    Follow up, in time and form to the IMPIs budgetary

    programme results indicators matrix, denominated

    Protection and Promotion of the Industrial Property

    rights, as a portion of the Performance Evaluation

    System (PES) promoted by the Ministry of Finance and

    Public Credit (MFPC).

    On the other hand, was participated in:

    IV Improvement Journey in Management of the

    Industrial Property National Ofces: Strategic Planning

    and Sensibilization in matter of Industrial Property, in

    Bogot, Colombia.

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    Coordinacin deProyectos Especiales05

    Special Projects Coordination

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    La Coordinacin de Proyectos Especiales (CPESP) es la encargadde la planeacin, programacin, presupuesto, ejecucin y controadministrativo de las obras y servicios que requiere el Instituto. Arespecto, llev a cabo las siguientes acciones.

    Coordinacin deProyectos Especiales

    The Special Projects Coordination (SPPC) is the one incharge of planning, programming, budgeting, executionand administrative control of the works and servicesrequired by the Institute. To this respect the followingactions were carried out.

    Special Projects Coordination

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    Proyecto de inversin conclavede cartera N 0510K8V0002

    Adecuacin de espacios en la Ocina RegionalOccidente, especcamente en la ocina de patentes yla remodelacin del vestbulo de la ocina de marcas.

    Adicionalmente se realiz la adquisicin del mobiliariocompleto de la ocina de Patentes y la recepcin delrea de marcas de esa Ocina Regional.

    Proyecto de inversin conclavede cartera N 0610K8V0002

    Adquisicin del mobiliario completo de la OcinaRegional Sureste.

    Proyecto de inversin conclave

    de cartera N 1210K8V0002 Adecuaciones parciales en los edicios del IMPI en laCiudad de Mxico con el n de mejorar su funcionalidady responder a las necesidades imperantes de espaciosespeccos, requeridos por las diversas unidadesadministrativas.

    Adems de lo anterior, en la Coordinacin de ProyectosEspeciales se continuaron otras labores como fueron:

    Programacin de actividades a desarrollar en el ao

    2014 y posteriores y elaboracin del anteproyecto yproyecto del Presupuesto de Egresos del ao 2014.

    Preparacin, modicacin y adecuacin de ladocumentacin requerida para registro y adecuacin delos Programas y Proyectos de Inversin administradospor esta Coordinacin ante la Secretara de Economa yla Unidad de Inversiones de la Secretara de Hacienda yCrdito Pblico.

    Atencin a diversas auditoras del rgano Internode Control en el IMPI; compilacin y elaboracin de

    documentacin para los mismos nes.

    El 2013 fue un ao especialmente complicadopara el desarrollo de las actividades principales de laCoordinacin de Proyectos Especiales, debido a lasregulaciones en materia de austeridad, especcamenteen lo concerniente a las fracciones IV, V y VI del Artculo18 del Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federacin parael Ejercicio Fiscal 2013, relativas a las limitaciones enlos rubros de adquisicin de inmuebles, adquisicin demobiliario para ocinas y remodelaciones de ocinaspblicas.

    Investment project with portfolioNo. 0510K8V0002

    Spaces adequation in the West Regional Ofce,

    specically in the patents ofce and remodelling of the

    trademarks ofce lobby.

    Additionally full furniture acquisition of the Patents

    ofce was performed and the trademarks area reception

    of that Regional Ofce.

    Investment project with portfolioNo. 0610K8V0002

    Acquisition of full furniture of the Southwest Regional


    Investment project with portfolioNo. 1210K8V0002

    Partial adequations in IMPIs buildings in Mexico City

    with the purpose to improve its functionality and respond

    to the prevailing necessities of specic spaces, required

    by the diverse administrative units.

    In addition to the latter, in the Especial Projects

    Coordination other tasks were continued such as:

    Activities to develop in year 2014 and furtherprogramming and elaboration of the draft and project of

    Expenditures Budget of year 2014.

    Preparation, modication and adequation of the

    required documentation for registration and adequation

    of the Investment Programmes and Projects managed

    by this Coordination before the Ministry of Economics

    and the Investments Unit of the Ministry of Finance and

    Public credit.

    Attention to diverse audits of the Internal Controllership

    in the IMPI; compiling and elaboration of documentation

    for the same purposes.

    2013 was an specially complicated year for the

    Especial Projects Coordination main activities

    development, due to regulations in austerity matter,

    specically in what concerns sections IV, V and VI of

    Article 18 of the Expenditures Budget of the Federation

    for 2013 Fiscal Period, related to limitations in items

    of acquisition of real estates, furniture acquisition for

    ofces and remodelling of public ofces.

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    Promocin y Servicios deInformacin Tecnolgica06

    Promotion and TechnologicalInformation Services

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    La Direccin Divisional de Promocin y Servicios de InformaciTecnolgica (DDPSIT) es la encargada de promover y difundir conocimiento de la Propiedad Industrial en Mxico, as como loservicios del IMPI, para contribuir al fomento de una cultura dproteccin y respeto de estos derechos.

    Promocin y Servicios de

    Informacin Tecnolgica

    The Divisional Direction of Promotion and TechnologicalInformation Services (DDPTIS) is the one in charge forpromoting and disseminating the Industrial Propertyknowledge in Mexico, as well as IMPIs services, tocontribute to protection culture and respect of these rights


    Promotion and Technological Information Services

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    Actividades de promocin y formacin

    de recursos humanos

    El IMPI coordin y/o particip en 1,398 actividades

    de promocin, entre las que se encuentran cursos,talleres, plticas, ciclos de conferencias, diplomados,participacin en ferias y exposiciones. De ese total deactividades, 255 (18.24%) fueron de la DDPSIT, de lascuales 240 se llevaron a cabo en el rea de atencinterritorial (D.F. y Estado de Mxico), y los 15 eventosrestantes fueron desarrollados en el extranjero.

    Como en aos anteriores, la DDPSIT continu conel Programa de cursos presenciales en materia dePropiedad Industrial, mismo que se desarroll en lasinstalaciones de la Ocina Central del IMPI, impartidoen dos fases; la primera etapa del 21 de enero al 24de junio y, la segunda, del 1 de julio al 2 de diciembre.En total se llevaron a cabo 58 cursos, contando conuna asistencia de 2,345 personas, entre abogados,investigadores, estudiantes y empresarios, con unpromedio de 41 asistentes por curso.

    Asimismo, se cont con la presencia del Director Generaldel Instituto en los siguientes cursos, seminarios y otrasactividades, relacionados con la Propiedad Industrial:

    Firma del Convenio de Colaboracin con la Secretarade la Defensa Nacional (SEDENA), en materia de

    Propiedad Industrial, realizada en el D.F., el 17 deenero.

    Referendo del Convenio de Colaboracin en Materiade Piratera de Software con la Business SoftwareAlliance (BSA), realizada en el D.F., el 2 de enero.

    Conferencia Estrategias de Combate a la Piratera,organizado por el Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos enComercio Exterior, A. C., realizado en el D. F., el 24 deenero.

    Conferencia 2013 Mid Winter Institute, organizadopor American Intellectual Property Law Association(AIPLA), realizado en Tampa, Florida, U.S.A., del 1 al 3de febrero.

    Conferencia 1er. Foro sobre Contrabando y Piratera,organizado por CONCAMIN, realizada en el D. F., del 12al 13 de febrero.

    Comit Interinstitucional para la Atencin y Proteccinde los Derechos de Autor y Propiedad Industrial, Accionesenero - mayo, organizado por La Procuradura General

    de la Repblica, realizado en el D. F., el 25 de junio.

    IMPI coordinated and/or participated in 1,398promotion activities, among which are courses,workshops, talks, conferences cycles, diploma courses,participation in fairs and expositions. Of this total ofactivities, 255 (18.24%) were of the DDPTIS, of which240 were carried out in the territorial attention area(Mexico City and State of Mexico) and the 15 remainingevents were developed abroad.

    As in former years, the DDPTIS continues with theProgramme of presence courses in Industrial Property

    matter, same that was developed in the IPIs CentralOfce facilities, taught in two phases; the rst stage fromthe 21stof January to the 24thof June and the secondone from the 1st of July to the 2nd of December. Intotal 58 courses were carried out, counting with anattendance of 2,345 individuals, among lawyers,researchers, students, business men, with an averageof 41 attendants per course.

    Likewise, the Institutes Director General was presentin the following courses, seminars and other activities,related with Industrial Property.

    Signature of Collaboration Covenant with the Ministryof the National Defence (MINADE), in matter of IndustrialProperty, carried out in the Mexico City, on the 17 thof


    Countersignature of the Collaboration Covenant inSoftware Piracy Matter with the Business Software

    Alliance (BSA), carried out in the Mexico City on the 2ndof January.

    Strategies of Piracy Combat Conference, organisedby the Mexican Institute of Executives in Foreign Trade,Civil Association, carried out in the Mexico City on the24thof January.

    2013 Mid Winter Institute Conference, organised byAmerican Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA),performed in Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. from the 1stto the3rdof February.

    Conference 1st Forum on Smuggling and Piracyorganised by CONCAMIN, carried out in the Mexico City,from the 12thto the 13thof February.

    Interintitutional Committee for Attention andProtection of Copyright and Industrial Property, Actions

    January - May, organised by the General Attorneyshipof the Republic, carried out in Mexico City on the 25th

    of June.

    Human resources promotion and

    education activities

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    APEC Intellectual Property Rigts Expertsgroup (IPEG),

    organizado por ASIA-PACIFIC Economic Cooperation, en

    Medan, Indonesia, del 28 al 29 de junio.

    La Industria Editorial en la Era Digital, Proteccinde las Obras Literarias, organizado por la Sociedad de

    Gestin Colectiva que Administra los Derechos de Autor,

    en el D.F., el 15 de agosto.

    Labor del IMPI, organizado por la Facultad de

    Derecho de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile, en

    Santiago de Chile, el 28 de agosto.

    Compromisos Pacto por Mxico organizado por laInternacional Chamber of Commerce Mxico, en el D.F.,

    el 6 de septiembre.

    Propiedad Industrial organizada por New Hampshire

    University, realizada en New Hampshire, USA, el 30 de


    Procedimiento Acelerado de Patentes (PPH), uso y

    ventajas para las Empresas Mexicanas, organizadopor la Embajada de Estados Unidos, la Secretara de

    Economa y el IMPI, realizado en el D.F., el 1 de octubre.

    Marcas No Tradicionales, organizado por la INTA, en

    el D.F., el 5 de noviembre.

    Seminario Itinerante sobre el Tratado de Cooperacin

    en Materia de Patentes (PCT), organizado por el IMPI,

    en el D. F., el 11 de noviembre.

    Seminario Subregional sobre Diseos Industriales y

    el Sistema de la Haya, organizado por la Organizacin

    Mundial de la Propiedad Industrial y el IMPI, en el D. F.,

    del 26 al 27 de noviembre.

    Reunin Ministerial del Acuerdo de la Asociacin

    Transpacco (TTP), organizada por la Ocina de

    Singapur, en Singapur, Singapur, del 7 al 10 de diciembre.

    APEC Intellectual Property Rights Experts group

    (IPEG), organised by ASIA-PACIFIC Economic

    Cooperation in Medan, Indonesia, from the 28th to the

    29thof June.

    The Editorial Industry in the Digital Era, Literary Works

    Protection, organised by the Collective Management

    Society Administrating Copyright, in the Mexico City, on

    the 15thof August.

    IMPIS Work, organised by the Faculty of Law of the

    Santiago de Chile University, in Santiago de Chile, on the

    28thof August.

    Commitment Pact for Mexico organised by the

    International Chamber of Commerce Mexico, the 6thof


    Industrial Property organised by New Hampshire

    University, carried out in New Hampshire, U.S.A. on the

    30thof September.

    Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), Use and

    Advantages for Mexican Companies, organised by the

    United States Embassy, the Ministry of Economics and

    the IMPI, carried out in Mexico City, on the 1stof October.

    Non Traditional Trademarks, organised by INTA, in

    Mexico City, on the 5thof November.

    Itinerant Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty

    (PCT), organised by IMPI, in the Mexico City; on the 11th

    of November.

    Sub regional Seminar on Industrial Designs and the

    Hague System, organized by the World Intellectual

    Property Organization (WIPO) and IMPI, in Mexico City

    from the 26th to the 27thof November.

    Ministerial Meeting of Transpacic Association Treaty

    (TPT), organised by Singapore Ofce, in Singapore,

    Singapore, from the 7th

    to the 10th

    of December.

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    Da Mundial de la

    Propiedad Intelectual Ao con ao, la Organizacin Mundial de laPropiedad Intelectual (OMPI), hace extensivala invitacin a todos los pases miembros aconmemorar el Da Mundial de la PropiedadIntelectual, adems de convocar a realizaractividades alusivas y enfocadas a un temacentral, que este 2013 fue: Creatividad Lanueva generacin.

    Se realiz una exposicin temporal dondese presentaron patentes de mexicanos quehan trascendido en el mundo, con el objetivode estimular las innovaciones que mejorannuestra calidad de vida y promover laproteccin de la propiedad intelectual comoexpresin de la creatividad.

    Esta exposicin estuvo de gira en cincoestados de la Repblica: Jalisco, Quertaro,

    Yucatn, Nuevo Len y Puebla.

    Intellectual Property World Day

    Year by year, the World Intellectual ProperOrganisation (WIPO), makes extensive the invitatio

    to all the member countries to commemorate the

    Intellectual Property World Day, furthermore

    calling to carry out activities allusive and focuse

    to a central theme, that this 2013 was: Creativi

    - The new generation.

    A temporary exposition was carried out whepatents of Mexicans having trascended in th

    world were presented, with the objective t

    stimulate innovations improving our life quali

    and foster protection of intellectual property a

    creativity expression.

    This exposition was in tour in ve states of thRepublic: Jalisco, Quertaro, Yucatn, Nuevo Le

    and Puebla.

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    Expo-Ingenio 2013, se llev a cabo del 16 al 18 de

    octubre, en las instalaciones de la Expo Bancomer en laCiudad de Mxico; tuvo como tema central Innovacin +Proteccin, espacio que concentr a lo ms destacadodel pas en materia de innovacin y tecnologa. Esteevento vincul el trabajo entre Centros de Investigacin,Centros de Patentamiento, Instituciones Educativas,Incubadoras e Inversionistas, Cmaras, Asociaciones yEmpresas, en busca de contribuir en la consolidacindel mercado tecnolgico y la competitividad de losinventores, investigadores y emprendedores de nuestropas.

    Se logr reunir a oferentes y demandantes detecnologa, instituciones de apoyo y promocin de cienciay tecnologa y organismos que otorgan nanciamiento,entre otros, contando con el soporte y orientacin deexpertos.

    Expo Ingenio, Innovation + Protection

    Expo-Ingenio 2013, was carried out from the 16thto the 18thof October, in Expo Bancomer Premises in Mexico City, it had for centtheme Innovation + Protection, space that concentrated the most outstanding from the country in innovation and technology matThis event linked the work among Research Centers, Patenting Centers, Educational Institutions, Incubators and Investors, ChambeAssociations and Companies, in search of contributing to consolidation of the technological market and competitiveness of inventresearches and entrepreneurs of our country.

    It was achieved to bring together offerors and demanders of technology, support and science and technology institutions aorganisms granting nancing, among others, counting with experts support and orientation.

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    En qu consisti esta segunda edicin?

    En ser un punto de encuentro de:

    Inventores, investigadores, emprendedores yempresarios que cuentan con desarrollos tecnolgicose innovaciones.

    Servicios de consultora en materia de proteccin dela propiedad industrial.

    Instituciones que trabajan en pro de la competitividadde los emprendedores y de las micro, pequeas ymedianas empresas de Mxico.

    Empresas e instituciones demandantes de solucionesinnovadoras.


    Promover e incrementar las solicitudes y el registrode patentes de mexicanos y, en consecuencia, lograrla comercializacin de los desarrollos tecnolgicospreviamente protegidos.

    A travs de:

    Exhibicin de prototipos y proyectos cientcos ytecnolgicos.

    Programa de conferencias y talleres.

    Pasarelas de proyectos ante inversionistas y pasarelasde proyectos en etapas tempranas de solicitud deregistro.

    Espacios de consultora.

    Eventos internacionales.

    Encuentros con empresas.

    Eventos para jvenes emprendedores.

    In what consisted this second edition?

    In being a meeting point of:

    Inventors, researchers, entrepreneurs and businessmen counting with technological developments andinnovations.

    Consulting services in matter of industrial propertyprotection.

    Institutions working in pro of competitiveness ofentrepreneurs and micro, small and medium companiesof Mexico.

    Companies and institutions demanding innovatingsolutions.


    Promoting and increasing applications and patentsregistration of Mexican and in consequence, to achievemerchandising of previously protected technologicaldevelopments.


    Exhibition of prototypes and scientic and technological


    Conferences and workshops programme.

    Projects walkways before investors and projectswalkways in early stages of the registration application.

    Consulting spaces.

    International events.

    Meetings with companies.

    Events for young entrepreneurs.

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    El da 18 de diciembre se llev a cabo el sorteo de la

    Lotera Nacional con imgenes alusivas a los 20 aos de

    la creacin del Instituto.

    Se emiti una estampilla en conmemoracin del

    vigsimo aniversario, el da 12 de diciembre, en el

    Palacio Postal ubicado en el Centro Histrico de la

    Ciudad de Mxico, donde se realiz la Ce