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CIUDAD ENERGÉTICAMENTE INTELIGENTE (CEI) 1 / 28 Informe de orientación de explotación de resultados e internacionalización de proyecto CIUDAD ENERGÉTICAMENTE INTELIGENTE (CEI) Entregable E8.2.

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Informe de orientación de explotación de resultados e internacionalización de proyecto


Entregable E8.2.

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Resumen Este entregable se enmarca dentro del paquete de trabajo PT8 ”Difusión y orientación de explotación de resultados”, que tiene por objeto realizar una metodología activa de orientación continua de los resultados y productos obtenidos hacia la explotación del producto. A este plan activo de explotación se realizará un plan de difusión general de proyecto para transmitir de la mejor manera posible los resultados del proyecto a medios de difusión genéricos, académicos e industriales. También se orientan los resultados del proyecto a la internacionalización de la línea de trabajo y a nuevos futuros diseños y desarrollos que complementen el proyecto.

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Índice de contenido

1. Descripción del proyecto 4

2. Objetivos del documento 5

3. Identificación de líneas de I+D+i 6

3.1 Análisis 2015 ................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Análisis 2016 ................................................................................................. 10

4. Análisis de mercados objetivo 26

5. Productos transferibles 27

5.1 Idea de negocio ............................................................................................. 27

5.2 Oportunidad de mercado: ............................................................................... 28

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1. Descripción del proyecto

El proyecto CEI propone mejorar el estado energético y ambiental de áreas habitadas de las ciudades a través de la correcta gestión de las infraestructuras y recursos que disponen las mismas.

Esta mejora se propone desde el desarrollo de sistemas tecnológicos que permitan controlar los estados energéticos y ambientales de áreas que tiendan a ser optimizadas energéticamente. Habitualmente, y más con la irrupción de las Redes Inteligentes, estas áreas dispondrán de:

1. Nodos de consumo.

2. Nodos de generación y almacenamiento.

3. Nodos de consumo que disponen de recursos de generación y almacenamiento integrados. Nodos Activos.

4. Nodos observables y controlables de la red de distribución de energía.

5. Servicios tecnológicos asociados.

Por tanto el proyecto propone el diseño y desarrollo de un sistema global de gestión inteligente de este tipo de áreas. Los niveles de gestión de los que se compone el sistema CEI propuesto (“Ciudad Energéticamente Inteligente”) son los siguientes:

- Nivel de centro de control energético – ambiental.

- Nivel de aplicaciones distribuidas orientadas a usuarios.

- Nivel de medida y actuación energética – ambiental.

- Nivel de controladores automatizados de campo para mejora energética - ambiental.

El proyecto, además, para lograr un entorno energético y ambiental mejorado, propone, aparte de gestionarlo adecuadamente en cuanto a sus usos energéticos, el diseño y desarrollo de una herramienta integral de mantenimiento avanzado que trabaje en colaboración con los otros sistemas de gestión energética.

Esta herramienta de mantenimiento permitirá:

1. Adelantarse a posibles situaciones anómalas de funcionamiento que hayan podido ser detectadas predictivamente mediante el análisis inteligente de las variables energéticas que rigen su funcionamiento.

2. Asignar adecuadamente los recursos de mantenimiento para las infraestructuras de consumo y recursos implicados en las áreas de gestión.

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2. Objetivos del documento

• Identificar las líneas de I+D+i abiertas en el programa H2020 o en otros programas internacionales en las que sea posible proseguir el desarrollo del sistema de monitorización y gestión energética objeto de este proyecto o de alguno de sus componentes.

• Realizar un análisis de mercados y sectores a los que puedan dirigirse los resultados y productos del proyecto.

• Presentar una propuesta de plan de negocio simplificado para la explotación de dichos resultados.

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3. Identificación de líneas de I+D+i Paralelamente a la ejecución del proyecto CEI, se han ido analizando las posibles líneas I+D+i de programas internacionales compatibles con los desarrollos del proyecto.

3.1 Análisis 2015 Durante 2015 se avanzó en: (a) la búsqueda, identificación y análisis de los programas y convocatorias de ámbito europeo relacionadas con los resultados esperados en el presente proyecto, y (b) el análisis de los mercados en los que podrían explotarse los resultados de las líneas de trabajo iniciadas en este proyecto. Los principales resultados se resumen a continuación. Por un lado, y con la finalidad de continuar las líneas de trabajo iniciadas en el marco de este proyecto, aumentar su impacto e internacionalización, y avanzar hacia su futura explotación, se fijó como objetivo para 2015 la identificación de una convocatoria europea en la que se puedan alinear las líneas de trabajo emprendidas en CEI. Las más ambiciosas y con perspectivas de un mayor grado de impacto, son las contempladas en el marco del programa H2020, cuyo plan de trabajo 2016-2017 se publicó el 13 de octubre de 2015 tras una serie de borradores preliminares. De este modo, durante 2016 se prepararía y presentaría una propuesta de proyecto que, en caso de aprobarse, empezaría durante 2017 y permitiría dar continuidad a las líneas abiertas en este proyecto. Para ello, durante el último semestre de 2015 se realizó un análisis exhaustivo de los distintos bloques temáticos y las respectivas convocatorias (Liderazgo industrial, Retos sociales: Energía segura limpia y eficiente, Transporte inteligente ecológico e integrado, Acción por el clima, ...). Se presenta a modo de ilustración dos capturas del documento en el que se ha recogido el análisis del Reto Social 3 (Energía) y el 4 (Transporte):

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Ilustración 1. Análisis Reto Social 3 (Energía). Fuente: ITI.

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Ilustración 2. . Análisis Reto Social 4 (Transporte). Fuente: ITI.

De las distintas convocatorias analizadas, se identificaron las siguientes como potencialmente alineadas con el proyecto: Smart and Sustainable Cities (SCC-1-2016-2017), Energy Efficiency (EE-06-2016-2017, EE-07-2016-2017, EE-12-2017, EE-19-2017), Urban Mobility (MG-4.2-2017, MG-4.4-2016, MG-4.5-2016), Green Vehicles (GV-05-2017, GV-08-2017). En paralelo con las actividades anteriores, también se procedió a realizar un análisis de mercado para evaluar la posible explotación futura de los resultados del proyecto. En el marco de este análisis, diversas fuentes coincidían en señalar el papel de las tecnologías inteligentes

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hacia el desarrollo sostenible de las ciudades, lo que está propiciando el aumento de las inversiones en dicha línea, en el marco de lo que se denominan Smart Cities (Ciudades Inteligentes). A nivel mundial, diversos informes de investigación independientes (Frost&Sullivan), valorizaban el aumento de las inversiones en 1386 billones$ para 2020 (CAGR 20.48%), siendo las relacionadas con la Energía Inteligente (Smart Energy) las de mayor crecimiento esperado, con un tamaño de mercado (global) de 248.36 millones de dólares americanos. El mercado europeo representa el 51% de dicho mercado, con Latino-américa y Asia-Pacifico con un CAGR esperado del 39.41% y 38.14% para el periodo 2014-2020. Esto es así porque el 68% de la población europea reside en áreas urbanas (+10.000 habitantes, según Eurostat), y es una proporción que va en aumento a medida que los procesos de urbanización continúan en Europa y a nivel mundial. Un estudio realizado por la Comisión Europea en 2014 arrojó que un 51% de las ciudades analizadas (468 en total) han comenzado a incorporar alguna de las características que definen a las Ciudades Inteligentes (Gobernanza-, Economía-, Movilidad-, Entorno-, Ciudadanía-, Habitabilidad- inteligente). De entre dichas características, la que más se está adoptando a nivel europeo es la de Entorno inteligente, seguida por la Movilidad inteligente, lo cual señala la tendencia futura en los creadores de políticas europeas en cuanto a Ciudades Inteligentes. Por otro lado, a nivel de ciudadanía, numerosos estudios también han identificado un elevado interés en la modernización de los servicios proporcionados en las ciudades y por tanto, futuras oportunidades de negocio. Por ejemplo, en el caso español, un estudio de AMETIC destacó que para el 62% de los ciudadanos españoles, falta más digitalización en los servicios municipales de las ciudades, y en particular (38% encuestados), una mayor inversión en los servicios de Transporte público y accesibilidad. Además, sólo el 13% de los ciudadanos reside en ciudades inteligentes, y la tendencia es a aumentar dicho porcentaje hasta un 51% (según el estudio mencionado anteriormente), lo que evidencia que este mercado tiene un amplio margen de crecimiento para los próximos años. En este sentido, los resultados de CEI permitirán satisfacer las necesidades de ciudadanos y ayuntamientos en cuanto a la mejora energética y ambiental de áreas urbanas de distinto tamaño. Actualmente, los países que lideran las tecnologías de Smart Cities son Alemania, Francia, Reino Unido, Holanda, Noruega, Bélgica, USA y China. Debido al gran tamaño de este mercado, la competencia es grande y muy competitiva, destacando gigantes como IBM, General Electric, ABB, Schneider Electric y Siemens. Sin embargo, debido a la gran segmentación de este mercado (Smart Energy, Smart Homes, Smart Transports, Smart Utilities, etc.) en la actualidad el posicionamiento en dichos segmentos no está dominado por un único actor y pueden posicionarse nuevos competidores (ver figura). Además, con la finalidad de reducir las barreras de entrada a este mercado por parte de las PYMES europeas, la Comisión Europea ha diseñado también una serie de políticas orientadas a incentivar la creación de nuevos modelos de negocio en torno a la eficiencia energética y con la innovación como eje tractor. En el caso español, según el IDAE existen alrededor de 698 empresas dedicadas a servicios energéticos en alumbrado público y que podrían ser receptoras de los resultados esperados en

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este proyecto, y si se incorporan empresas relacionadas (fabricantes de componentes, suministradores energéticos, integradores industriales, etc.) la cifra alcanzaría los 17000. De ellas, aproximadamente un 25% son empresas innovadoras según el INE, y por tanto más receptivas a la incorporación de resultados de I+D+i, quedando 4250 empresas a nivel nacional y 400 a nivel de la Comunidad Valenciana. En ellas predomina el efecto tractor y consolidador de la investigación aplicada, junto a gran proyección internacional. Teniendo en cuenta las tendencias mostradas anteriormente en cuanto a volumen y potencial crecimiento del mercado de relacionado con las Smart Cities en Europa, y con un mapa de competidores con presencia mayoritaria de las grandes firmas, es esperable una mayor acogida, por parte de las PYMES, de tecnologías innovadoras que les permitan posicionarse en este mercado. En este sentido, uno de los posibles nichos de mercado explotables por parte del proyecto CEI podría ser la transferencia o licencia de los desarrollos obtenidos en el proyecto a las empresas de Servicios Energéticos y afines.

3.2 Análisis 2016 En el momento de redacción de este informe (julio de 2016) se encuentra abierta la convocatoria 2016-2017 del programa de investigación Horizonte 2020. En la siguiente tabla se recogen las convocatorias previstas en las que a priori sería posible continuar el desarrollo de los resultados del presente proyecto, realizar un piloto o demostrador de los mismos.

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Tópic Fecha apertura

Fecha cierre

Resumen Interés para proyecto CEI


EUB-01-2017 Cloud computing

8/11/16 14/03/17 Development of innovative technologies for next generation cloud infrastructures and services able to cope with the challenges from different application domains in business and societal contexts. The technologies to be developed should aim at future standardization as well as take into account interoperability and data portability.

Horizon H2020 – Competitive low-carbon energy

LCE-01-2016-2017 Next generation innovative technologies enabling smart grids, storage and energy system integration with increasing share of renewables: distribution network

20/09/16 14/02/17 Proposals must target technologies, tools and/or services in one of the following areas:

• Demand-response: tools and technology validation for demand response forecast, profiling, segmentation, load forecasting, innovative and user-friendly services for customers based on smart metering; inclusion of Virtual Power Plant and microgrid as active balancing assets; associated innovative market and business models; secure data handling;

• Intelligent electricity distribution grid: tools for the optimisation of the distribution grid, technologies for autonomous and self-healing grids, energy management and control systems, technologies for advanced power electronics, for enhanced observability, e.g. real-time system awareness; secured communications in the smart grid in particular cyber security and big data analytics.

Horizon H2020 –

LCE-31-2016-2017 Social


29/11/2016 (FIRST

Proposals should address one, or a combination, of the following issues (a comparative perspective, with case studies or data from at

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Competitive low-carbon energy

Sciences and Humanities Support for the Energy Union

STAGE) least three European Union Member States or Associated Countries, will be considered an advantage):

• Socioeconomic incentive structures that encourage or discourage energy-responsible behaviour;

• Political, institutional, and organizational frameworks that condition and structure citizen participation, including questions of inclusiveness, gender, democracy, organizational formats and business models.

Horizon H2020 – Competitive low-carbon energy

LCE-35-2017 Joint Actions towards the demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions



CSA: Proposals should aim at coordinating the research and demonstration efforts of the participating Member States, Associated Countries and Regions in the areas and challenges targeted in the 'Renewable Energy Technologies' sections of the Competitive Low-Carbon Energy (LCE) call.

Proposals should pool the necessary financial resources from participating national or regional research programmes with a view to implementing a joint call for proposals resulting in grants to third parties with EU co-funding in this area. Proposers are encouraged to implement other joint activities, including additional joint calls without EU co-funding.

Participation of legal entities from third countries is encouraged in the joint call as well as in additional joint activities, on the basis of common interest and mutual benefit.

Horizon H2020 – Greening the economy

SC5-01-2016-2017 Exploiting the added value of climate services

8/11/16 7/03/17 From climate service concepts to piloting and proof-of-concept This action addresses areas where climate services show potential for being developed. Increasing the added value of climate services relies on matching the demand for services and the competences in the field. However, the availability of data, information and services does not

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always correspond to users' needs. Within a co-designed process, there is a need to develop future applications in the most promising fields and to mobilise end-user communities where demonstration projects are not yet feasible. This action should co-design (involving both suppliers/purveyors and users) pilot applications that support the proof-of-concept phase of climate services with high added-value in potential markets. The action should create case studies to address methodological issues, develop the user/provider interface, and test the relevance of climate services with a view to co-designing demonstration projects with the end-users at a later stage.

Horizon H2020 Internet of Things

IoT-03-2017 R&I on IoT integration and platforms

8/12/16 25/04/17 The future design of the Internet of Things applications will depend crucially on the development of sophisticated platform architectures for smart objects, embedded intelligence, and smart networks. Most of the today's IoT systems are however mainly focused on sensors, whereas in the future actuation and smart behaviour will be the key points. Research driven by ambitious use cases and benefiting from innovation areas in components, systems, networking and web technologies needs to be carried out to respond to the ever increasing needs of future IoT systems in terms of scalability, heterogeneity, complexity and dynamicity. IoT platforms should be open and easy-to-use to support third party innovation Scope: Architectures, concepts, methods and tools for open IoT platforms integrating evolving sensing, actuating, energy harvesting, networking

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and interface technologies. Platforms should provide connectivity and intelligence, actuation and control features, linkage to modular and ad-hoc cloud services, Data analytics and open APIs as well as semantic interoperability across use cases and conflict resolution. The work may also address the emergence of an open Web of Things like environment with search capabilities, so that "thing events" can be published, consumed, aggregated, filtered, re-published and searched for. Platforms should be compatible with existing international developments addressing object identity management, discovery services, virtualisation of objects, devices and infrastructures and trusted IoT approaches. Proposed research and innovation should take advantage of previous work and build on existing platforms, such as FIWARE, CRYSTAL or SOFIA, if appropriate. IoT security and privacy. Advanced concepts for end-to-end security in highly distributed, heterogeneous and dynamic IoT environments. Approaches must be holistic and include identification and authentication, data protection and prevention against cyber-attacks at the device and system levels. They should address relevant security and privacy elements such as confidentiality, user data awareness and control, integrity, resilience and authorisation. Proposals should address above mentioned topics, verification and testing, and identify the added value of the proposed approach specific to IoT in comparison to generic solutions. They are expected to include two or more usage scenarios to demonstrate the practicality of the approach.

Horizon EEB-05-2017: 10-09-16 19-01-17 Research should address in-depth analysis and subsequent improvement

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H2020 - Call for Energy Efficient Buildings

Development of near zero energy building renovation

of the renovation process, including innovative technical elements/products/processes aiming to improve the decision-making, and should be based on a collaborative multi-value multi-stakeholder exercise. Methodology, guidelines and effective operational tools are needed to ease the selection between renovation scenarios. The analysis should take into account life cycle assessment, life cycle costing, indoor environment quality, as well as user behaviour and acceptance. Research should lead to innovative concepts for a systemic approach to retrofitting which integrates the most promising cost-effective technologies and materials, in order to reduce heat losses through the building envelope and also the energy consumption by ventilation and other energy distribution systems, while increasing the share of renewable energy in buildings. The new tools will help revalorisation of existing buildings in the long term, including the energy performance of the building as a factor of the total property value. This should be reflected in the definition of innovative business models where all relevant actors are involved, including public authorities and investors. Proposals should aim at maximizing the capacity of replication of the developed concepts and methods for integrated sustainable renovation. Large-scale market uptake should be addressed, for example by targeting buildings with similar use conditions and/or comparable blocks of buildings or districts in need for renovation. Proposals should show clear evidence of technical and financial viability

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of the solution through their application on real case demonstrations. Activities are expected to focus on Technology Readiness Levels 5 to 7 and to be centred around TRL 6. This topic addresses cross-KET activities.

Horizon H2020 - Call for Energy Efficient Buildings

EEB-06-2017: Development of near zero energy building renovation

20-09-16 19-01-17 Proposals should develop advanced innovative high-density hybrid energy storage devices, targeting the efficient use and further increase of renewable energy in the built environment, and demonstrating its value in terms of flexibility in the energy systems. They should address both electrical and thermal applications and able to reach a rapid release. Such hybrid approaches encompass different aspects, which may be addressed separately or coherently: high efficiency conversion and storage of surplus renewable electricity into heat; multifunctional use in both heating and cooling applications at different temperature grades; different time scales, e.g. in seasonal storage of high temperature solar heat and peak-shaving in lower temperature heat–pump applications. Research and innovation activities should address: electricity applications, where the technologies covered may include batteries, flywheels and capacitors suitable for applications in the power range of several tens of KW to 1 MW as well as other technologies related to storage of large-scale power needed for district areas. thermal applications, where these hybrid solutions should develop the

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high efficiency conversion and storage of surplus renewable electricity into heat. The hybrid system should take into account the optimal integration of various potential heat storage media. Therefore, preference will be given to systems that exploit chemisorption or physisorption technologies (solid/ liquid) and/or latent heat (PCM). The innovation part of the project should include the possibility that energy systems may be connected, and of merging energy from different sources, e.g. renewable electricity combined preferably with electric storage and heat, industrial waste heat, heat grids, ground systems. Proposals are expected to cover the various aspects of the overall system, such as design, storage materials, interfaces with various components and auxiliaries (heat exchangers, reactor etc) and include monitoring and control of the overall technologies/ components (BEMS). Proposals should preferably include demonstration pilots for both residential and district connected buildings in at least two different climatic regions. They also need to integrate strategies for optimal interaction with the energy grid, and assess the value of this integration in view of flexibility in the energy system.

H2020 - Call for Energy Efficient Buildings

EEB-07-2017 Integration of energy harvesting at building and district level

20-09-16 19-01-17 Proposals should aim at maximising the harvesting of renewable energy (for heating, cooling, electricity, domestic hot water, etc.) at building and district scale (e.g. exploiting large renewable energy source installations and heating and cooling networks). Research results should contribute to drastic energy saving and CO2 emission reduction while enabling massive replication in low zero energy buildings and energy self-sufficient districts. the focus is on a cost-effective and easy installation in a wide

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variety of buildings and surroundings. Buildings are connected with various entities like suppliers and distribution system operators through different networks (internet, smart meter linked to the grid, energy storage systems, electric vehicles, etc.). Therefore, proposals should take into account an appropriate integration of monitoring and control systems for the developed solutions, combining, where relevant, additional functionalities such as safety and security. Proposals should be flexible enough to cope with different designs and architectural concepts, with components being especially shaped and integrating different material combinations (such as glass, pre-casted elements, membranes). The modular dimension is important to allow a cost-effective and easy installation in a wide variety of buildings and processing practices. Proposals should enable a reduction of maintenance and operation costs, in particular when many sensors and actuators are cost-effectively distributed throughout the envelope. Applicability in different geographical areas is important. Clear evidence of technical and economic viability should be provided by validating and demonstrating the proposed adaptable envelope in real case retrofitting projects.

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H2020 - Call for Energy Efficient Buildings

EEB-08-2017 New business models for energy-efficient buildings through adaptable refurbishment solutions

20-09-16 19-01-17 Activities should focus on the benchmark and the assessment of innovative business models, evaluating different refurbishment packages enabling the selection of the most attractive and efficient ones for different building types (residential/District Heating Cooling connected) and climatic conditions, taking the maximum advantage of user behaviour and geo-clustering. Adequate assessment tools and the methodological challenges facing analyses addressing the issue of comprehensive analytical approaches in order to inform business decisions in this respect need to be discussed. Life cycle models as input to the decision making process in the feasibility phase of the renovation project also need to be considered. Proposals need to assess different highly resource-efficient business models for refurbishing buildings including the assessment of the possibilities provided by public procurement of innovative solutions, appropriate combinations of public and private funding, or only private funding. These concepts need to be developed taking into account the building owners, the socio-economic impacts, and the current EU crisis. Proposals should also develop effective methods for steering and governance especially paying attention to the local scale, including the variety of actions by cities and municipalities that can define obligations or encourage voluntary actions. In particular the business models developed should support the preparation of innovation-related public building procurements by local/regional/national authorities or at European level, taking into account the needs of the public sector with regard to high-performance buildings (new or retrofitted ones). The business models should cover the complete cycle as from the design phase of the building: decentralised energy generation technologies,

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integration, installation, commissioning, operation, servicing and maintenance, etc. In this framework, activities should cover business model design and optimisation, market and customer segmentation approaches for decentralised energy generation, consumer behaviour and decision driver research for optimising business model structures, supply chain and concept delivery optimisation, new earning models and financing mechanisms. In addition, proposers should also seek solutions to increase participation of stakeholders, considering methods to engage end users living in the buildings/neighbourhood and methods to increase the interest and commitment of building owners and market partners. Socio-economic impacts of refurbishment should be taken into account considering the possibly drastic effects of high renovation costs on house owners and tenants, and seeking possible solutions to reduce costs, as well as addressing the needed commitment by users to energy efficiency after renovation. Clear evidence of technical, environmental and economic viability should be provided. The possibility to engage municipalities planning to integrate renewable energy sources in the built environment could be an added value.

Horizon H2020 Smart ans Sustainable Cities

SCC-1-2016-2017 Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects

4-10-16 14-02-17 Lighthouse cities develop and test integrated innovative solutions at large scale (at least district size). These lighthouse cities should become the most advanced cities in Europe and act as exemplars for their region by paving the way for replication of these solutions, adapted to different sizes and local conditions. They are fully committed to implement their Sustainable Energy Actions Plans approved by the Covenant of Mayors initiative. Links with the broader Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategies in the framework of the European Structural and Investment Funds should be sought as well as the funds available for the upscaling and replication of the projects (in particular ESIF). A city can be

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funded as a lighthouse city only once under Horizon2020. Technologies should exist already or be very near-to-market (technological readiness levels TRL 7 and more, see part G of the General Annexes). The innovation is in the advanced combination of these technologies and the accompanying business models that enable deployment at large scale. An important focus of this call is on replication of solutions: Follower cities are defined as cities that have not yet acquired the full technical competence to become a lighthouse city; however they shall be fully involved in the project from the beginning and have within the project enough committed resources to deliver a replication plan of most (if not all) the solutions developed within the project. Proof of long term commitment of follower cities to replicate validated solutions will be part of the evaluation. They shall replicate relevant measures within a few years after the end of the project (to do so they could use ESIF). Follower cities shall study the lighthouse cities’ solutions and – as part of the project and in a clearly structured and budgeted work plan – plan how best to implement the successfully demonstrated solutions in their city. Replication can also benefit from active knowledge transfer through e.g. active mentoring or staff exchange between cities. The proposals should address a well-balanced combination of smart homes, smart energy and ICT systems and electric vehicles. The projects should cover: A larger district of buildings (old or new or mixed and ideally nearly zero or low energy). These districts shall be adapted to the different sizes of the cities and the local conditions. Each building shall become smart, i.e. featuring the latest generation ICT, smart meters, smart appliances,

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smart energy management, smart use of the thermal mass; smart management of cooling (where applicable) etc. and capitalizing also on synergies between these single components). A larger number of smart buildings shall create a smarter district through intensive interaction between the buildings for increased synergies and decreased costs. Smart interaction of different energy systems at districts level going far beyond classical electricity grids management only: smart management of electricity, heat, cold, gas or other grid systems (including water) with smart solutions for storage including the intelligent use of the thermal mass of buildings that exploit synergies between these urban grids in order to increase efficiency and reduce energy costs. Integration with and/or consolidation of low carbon ICT systems at district level (communication networks, computing facilities, data centres). Electromobility (in line with Directive 2014/94): smart EV charging (grid to vehicle and vehicle to grid) while ensuring a positive impact on the whole energy system from a technical and economic point of view. Attention should be given to locally weak or old grids. Each lighthouse city should: Significantly improve energy efficiency: Innovative integration of existing buildings with new buildings (especially in areas of mixed use such as university campuses, innovation districts, etc.). Incorporate RES based to a large degree on a high level of local resources (including waste heat, electricity and/or heat storage), high shares of self-consumption. The active participation of consumers (e.g. use of aggregators) must be demonstrated. Integrate electricity fuelling infrastructure for electric vehicle fleets for public transport or private transport or logistics or freight distribution. The positive/negative impact of the deployment of high numbers of vehicles on the electricity grid must be assessed (costs of the recharging

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infrastructure and the vehicles are not eligible). ICT solutions for improved planning management, control and maintenance of physical urban infrastructures and operational technologies in buildings, energy and transport, and that enable better services for individuals and businesses. Prove interoperability between software modules to allow an effective management of components and information flows. To this end, and to ensure adaptability as new user requirements and technologies evolve, urban ICT platforms must be based on open specifications, including the data structures and APIs. Concerns about security, privacy and confidentiality need to be tackled. Develop innovative Business Models to demonstrate that both technical and financial risks are low enough for large scale investments in all cities: large or small, rich or poor, and irrespective of location. Deployment plans for the lighthouse cities and quick replication in the follower cities and potentially other cities shall be submitted (and will be part of the evaluation). Each project should: Address concrete urban challenges identified by the respective urban authorities. Include partners from industry, public authorities, research communities and small and medium-sized enterprises. Have a performance monitoring which lasts for a period of at least 2 years. Have a convincing replication and investment plan for each lighthouse city and each follower city that describes (a)what the partners in each city will do in order to ensure a large scale replication in their city after the successful end of the project and (b) where the funding will come

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from (in particular whether ESIF would be used). The replication plans are compulsory and are part of the evaluation. The investment plans shall show that after successful demonstration private capital can take over further investments at low technical and financial risks so that the economically weakest regions and cities of all sizes become attractive for investors. Have a consortium with clearly defined structure roles and responsibilities for all involved entities. The different actions in each city and between all cities (6 or more) must show excellent synergies. The added value of this cooperation versus each city alone must be clearly described. Have a well-balanced geographical coverage between lighthouse and follower cities. Commit to scientific and technical requirements to support reliability and sustainability: Open data and interoperability are necessary conditions to allow for ease of innovation for improved replicability and economies of scale, and so that solutions can be extended and lock-in of customers to specific solutions and/or vendors can be avoided. Contribute to common long term data collection systems, measurement and disclosure methodology, in order to facilitate a common footprint calculation methodology and other metrics (especially for energy saving; CO2 reductions, financial savings, number of jobs created, environmental impact etc.). All projects will foresee a work package for cooperation with other selected projects on business models and legal, regulatory and other market barriers (foresee about 2 % to 3% of the requested funds for inter-project cooperation). Incorporate all performance data into the Smart Cities Information System database (SCIS)[1] and cooperate with CITYKEYS, the support action selected in the 2014 call for performance measurement across sectors. Use a robust and viable monitoring protocol, also valid after the end of

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the project so that future data can easily be introduced into the SCIS. Each project must: Be realised in 3 new lighthouse cities that are situated in different EU Member states or associated countries. Involve at least 3 follower cities from at least 3 different EU Member states or associated countries (that are different also from the countries of the lighthouse cities of the project). Each lighthouse city must: Have Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP), positively evaluated by the Covenant of Mayors (please attach proof in Annex).

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4. Análisis de mercados objetivo El mercado al que se dirige el sistema de monitorización y gestión desarrollado en el proyecto CEI es el urbanístico e inmobiliario. Dado que su funcionalidad consiste en la medida y control de los diversos elementos de generación, almacenamiento y consumo energético existentes en el edificios de viviendas y oficinas, sean de obra nueva o rehabilitadas, diversos actores pueden resultar bien clientes potenciales, bien prescriptores del sistema, como por ejemplo :

- Promotores urbanísticos - Empresas constructoras - Estudios de arquitectura - Mantenedores de instalaciones eléctricas/energéticas - Ingenierías - Empresas de servicios energéticos - Administraciones públicas en general, y ayuntamientos en particular - Comunidades vecinales

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5. Productos transferibles

5.1 Idea de negocio

• Descripción de la idea y su estado de desarrollo. Los productos desarrollados durante el proyecto CEI (Ciudades Energéticamente Inteligentes), aunque constituyen un sistema completo, tienen un carácter modular y escalable, siendo posible la utilización de algunos de ellos como productos independientes. Así se distingue entre distintos productos para los distintos niveles de implementación: Nivel de edificio: Controlador energético: es un sistema de monitorización basado en un PC industrial que centraliza la información sobre el consumo, generación y almacenamiento de los distintos elementos de un edificio. Está equipado con algoritmia que permite la predicción de flujos energéticos (generación distribuida, consumos de calefacción, luz, etc.) a un horizonte de x horas, su monitorización en tiempo real, y la identificación de problemas que requieran una operación de mantenimiento. Nivel de microred/distrito Centro de control energético-ambiental: localizado en un servidor ubicado en uno de los edificios del distrito, realiza la gestión de la microrred constituida por los distintos edificios que constituyen un distrito. Su función es, a partir de la información recibida de los controladores energéticos, realizar un balance energético óptimo de la microrred. Nivel de ciudad A este nivel, el proyecto ha desarrollado un sistema en la nube que monitoriza y gestiona los flujos energéticos de varios distritos de la ciudad, permitiendo el acceso mediante web a la información relevante para los distintos usuarios del sistema, estableciendo perfiles de consumidor, mantenedor y administrador. A la fecha de redacción de este informe, el sistema se está desarrollando al nivel descrito. Está prevista su expansión y desarrollo futuro incorporando módulos que permitan una gestión energética más activa (gestión de la demanda energética, gestión de almacenamiento a distintos niveles, integración de recarga de vehículo eléctrico, …)

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5.2 Oportunidad de mercado:

• Análisis DAFO.

Análisis de los Factores Externos Análisis de los Factores Internos


• El artículo 9 de la Directiva 2010/31/UE– Eficiencia Energética de Edificios obligará a que todos los edificios nuevos sean nZEBs a partir de 2020, y los de la administración pública desde 2018.

• Los costes crecientes dela energía favorecen las inversiones en su gestión inteligente.


• Capacidad de adaptación del producto a las evoluciones de la técnica y a las necesidades particulares de cada usuario.

• Amplia experiencia en Smart meters

• Amplia experiencia en auditorías energéticas y sistemas de gestión.


• Existen en el mercado diversos productos de características similares, alguno de empresas consolidadas en el mercado.

• Crisis económica general, y del sector inmobiliario en particular.

• Normativa nacional sobre generación renovable y sobre almacenamiento energético “poco amistosa” (Real Decreto 900/2015, de 9 de octubre, por el que se regulan las condiciones administrativas, técnicas y económicas de las modalidades de suministro de energía eléctrica con autoconsumo y de producción con autoconsumo)

Debilidades • Escasa experiencia en el sector a nivel

comercial. • Coordinación compleja entre equipos de

desarrollo de diferentes organizaciones. • Algunas funcionalidades aún escasamente
