ingles tecnico

Unidade 1 – O inglês como língua franca e sua necessidade para o profissional administrador Aula 1 - Língua Franca, você sabe o que é isso? Introdução Oi! Como vai você? Está pronto para começar um estudo muito interessante e importante para você? A partir de hoje vamos iniciar o estudo do inglês técnico, uma disciplina fundamental para o seu desenvolvimento como profissional. Antes da prática do inglês, é indispensável, porém, que você conheça um pouco sobre o processo que tornou a língua inglesa a mais utilizada no mundo dos negócios de hoje. Nesta aula inicial vamos estudar a definição de língua franca através de uma abordagem histórica das primeiras línguas francas e das mudanças linguísticas ocorridas nos últimos tempos, tudo isso com o propósito de mostrar a importância da língua inglesa no mundo globalizado. Objetivos Entender o que é uma língua franca e por que ela é tão importante na sociedade atual, dando exemplos.

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Page 1: Ingles Tecnico

Unidade 1 – O inglês como língua franca e sua necessidade

para o profissional administrador

• Aula 1 -

Língua Franca, você sabe o que é isso?


Oi! Como vai você? Está pronto para começar um estudo muito interessante e importante

para você?

A partir de hoje vamos iniciar o estudo do inglês técnico, uma disciplina fundamental para o

seu desenvolvimento como profissional. Antes da prática do inglês, é indispensável, porém, que você

conheça um pouco sobre o processo que tornou a língua inglesa a mais utilizada no mundo dos

negócios de hoje.

Nesta aula inicial vamos estudar a definição de língua franca através de uma abordagem

histórica das primeiras línguas francas e das mudanças linguísticas ocorridas nos últimos tempos,

tudo isso com o propósito de mostrar a importância da língua inglesa no mundo globalizado.


Entender o que é uma língua franca e por que ela é tão importante na sociedade atual, dando exemplos.

Page 2: Ingles Tecnico

De acordo com o Dicionário On Line de Termos Linguísticos, língua franca é: “Língua de

que se servem os falantes de uma comunidade multilíngue para poderem comunicar entre si.” (AIT,


Para exemplificar essa definição, imagine o seguinte:

• um francês negociando mercadorias com um chinês;

• um italiano em uma entrevista de emprego com um árabe;

• um espanhol dando uma palestra para um alemão.

Como você acha que eles se comunicariam? Por meio de qual código verbal? Ou melhor,

qual idioma seria utilizado nessas conversações? Escolha uma das opções abaixo:

a) Francês

b) Espanhol

c) Italiano

d) Português

e) N.D.A.

Ponto para você, aluno esperto, que marcou a última alternativa! E sabe por quê? Porque o

idioma utilizado no mundo todo, em qualquer tipo de comunicação entre nativos de vários idiomas é


Por ser o idioma adotado em todos os países para a comunicação, seja na área acadêmica ou

profissional, o inglês é de extrema importância. O fenômeno da globalização e a expansão da cultura

americana como potência socioeconômica tem feito o inglês se expandir por todo o mundo. Mas isso

não foi sempre assim, você sabia?

Desde o episódio da Torre de Babel, que relata o

surgimento das línguas com base no mito da construção da

Torre, quando os homens receberam de Deus o castigo de

falarem línguas diferentes para que

FIGURA 1 – A diversidade de idiomas

Fonte: Site DW- World

Page 3: Ingles Tecnico

não se entendessem, deparamos com o problema da comunicação entre pessoas que falam diferentes


Por muito tempo, durante o Império Romano, o grego foi a língua franca do oriente, enquanto

o latim era a língua franca do ocidente. E as duas eram as línguas mais faladas em todo o mundo. Por

volta do século VII, o árabe ocupava o papel de língua franca na maior parte da Ásia, África e em

partes da Oceania, tendo sido utilizado das Filipinas ao Senegal.

Com o passar do tempo, já no século XV, e com as exigências da comunicação para o

comércio entre países com diferentes idiomas e a expansão marítima à época dos descobrimentos,

com destaque para Inglaterra, França, Portugal e Espanha, grandes potências da época, os países

dominantes impunham-se culturalmente sobre os países conquistados. No pacote, óbvio, o domínio

de alguns países sobre outros se exercia também no campo da linguagem.

Durante algum tempo, nos séculos XV e XVI, também o português foi uma língua franca na

África e na Ásia, quando da exploração dos mares da África, América, Ásia e Oceania. Exemplo

claro disso é o nosso português, filho do português de Portugal e ensinado a nós desde os primeiros

anos da colonização pelos primeiros padres jesuítas que aqui aportaram.

Contudo, com a chegada de franceses e ingleses aos portos recém-descobertos pelos

portugueses, a competição terminou com a vitória dos últimos a chegar, logo exercendo seu domínio,

o que culminou também com a substituição do idioma português. Coitado do Colombo, não é? Não

adiantou ter descoberto a América...

Logo em seguida, a língua franca passou a ser o francês, considerado a língua de pessoas

importantes como os aristocratas e diplomatas da Europa a partir do século XVII. Até hoje o francês

ocupa certo lugar de destaque em alguns países que não a França, inclusive emprestando palavras a

outros idiomas (ex.: em português temos o balé, o abajur, o buquê e muitas outras). Também o

alemão foi utilizado especialmente para negócios em grande parte da Europa durante os séculos XIX

e XX.

Porém foi no decorrer da Revolução Industrial, durante a qual se acreditou que as máquinas

viriam a substituir o trabalho dos homens, que o domínio inglês se exerceu sobre o mundo, através

de diversas conquistas geográficas; o idioma inglês foi ensinado pelo mundo afora nas colônias

inglesas, incluindo entre elas uma que viria a se destacar e se tornar referência em termos de

desenvolvimento, poderio econômico, tecnológico e militar, os Estados Unidos.

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Apesar disso, foi só após a Segunda Guerra Mundial que esse domínio se consolidou, assim

como consolidou-se também o idioma da terra do Tio Sam, desbancando o francês. O inglês adquire

então status de língua franca, e as culturas inglesa e norte-americana se fazem conhecidas em todo o

globo. É mole ou quer mais?

Ainda assim, nos dias de hoje, não só o inglês ocupa o papel de língua franca. Vários outros

idiomas são utilizados em outras partes do mundo. Por exemplo: o russo na região da antiga União

Soviética, o Hindi na Índia e o japonês no Japão, entre outros idiomas. Porém a mais utilizada na

comunicação em todo o globo é, de fato, o inglês, principalmente no mundo dos negócios

internacionais e na diplomacia (apesar de não ser a maior em número de falantes nativos).

No mapa abaixo, podemos observar dados do site (FIG. 2) sobre os idiomas mais

falados no mundo e a porcentagem de falantes, o que nos dá uma ideia da diversidade de idiomas e

dos locais onde eles são considerados línguas oficiais (entenda-se por língua oficial o idioma adotado

pelo governo nas esferas legislativa, executiva e judicial). Pode-se observar também no mapa que o

inglês é tido como idioma oficial em 4 dos 5 continentes, enquanto o português aparece com menos


Apesar disso, você sabia que o nosso idioma é o quinto mais falado do mundo? Para sua

informação, além de Portugal e do Brasil, o português também é utilizado em países do continente

africano e da Ásia. Em países como Angola, Moçambique, Timor Leste e Macau (China), o

português é língua oficial, sendo falado ainda em outros países como Andorra e Namíbia, entre


Page 5: Ingles Tecnico

FIGURA. 2 – Os idiomas e porcentagem de falantes no mundo

Fonte: Site Disponível em: Online. Acesso em: 27 maio


Veja na TAB. 1, a seguir, os países onde o português é a língua oficial e a quantidade

estimada de falantes desses países:


Países onde o português é a principal ou uma das línguas oficiais

País Número de falantes

1. Brasil 190 milhões

2. Moçambique 21 milhões

3. Angola 16 milhões

4. Portugal 10 milhões

5. Guiné Bissau 1.5 milhão

6. Timor Leste 1 milhão

7. Guiné Equatorial 0.5 milhão

8. Cabo Verde 0.5 milhão

9. Macau 0.5 milhão

Page 6: Ingles Tecnico

10. São Tomé e Príncipe 157.000

Fonte: Palestra de Jack Scholes, 2009.

A dica já foi dada com relação ao número de falantes nativos do português na TAB. 1. Agora

é a sua vez de tentar combinar os idiomas e a respectiva quantidade de falantes nativos deles. Vamos

lá? Lembre-se de que contam somente as pessoas nascidas e falantes do idioma local.

Atividade – Ligue os idiomas numerados abaixo com a quantidade de seus falantes nativos.

1. Alemão a) 1 bilhão de pessoas

2. Árabe b) 350 milhões de pessoas

3. Bengali c) 340 milhões de pessoas

4. Espanhol d) 300 milhões de pessoas

5. Hindi e) 250 milhões de pessoas

6. Inglês f) 180 milhões de pessoas

7. Japonês g) 170 milhões de pessoas

8. Mandarim h) 145 milhões de pessoas

9. Português i) 120 milhões de pessoas

10. Russo j) 95 milhões de pessoas

Ao terminar essa atividade, consulte as respostas na parte inferior direita desta página.


Pois é... Apesar de muito utilizado na comunicação e de ser uma língua franca, o inglês ocupa

somente a 3ª colocação no ranking dos idiomas com mais falantes nativos, atrás do mandarim e do

espanhol. Você sabe o motivo desse resultado? É simples! Ele se deve ao fato de a população da

China ser a maior do mundo e, quanto ao espanhol, somam-se os nativos da Espanha com os de

vários países da América Latina e outros, justificando o número de falantes dos dois idiomas.

Então, dando continuidade à nossa teoria, temos o inglês em 3º lugar, com 340 milhões de

falantes nativos, ok. Quanto ao outros falantes do idioma, que fazem com que o inglês seja

considerado língua franca, eles podem pertencer a duas outras categorias:

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1- falantes nativos de países onde o inglês é uma das línguas oficiais. Ex.: África do Sul,

Canadá, Austrália, etc., também chamada de ESL – English as a Second Language (Segunda


2- categoria que inclui falantes de países onde o inglês não é adotado como língua oficial.

Ex.: Brasil, França, Chile, etc. denominada EFL – English as a Foreign Language (Língua


Seja como segunda língua ou como língua estrangeira, pelos fatores históricos

culturais e sociais já mencionados nesta aula, podemos então concluir que há falantes

de inglês no mundo todo devido à difusão desse idioma. Portanto, para nos

comunicarmos com pessoas de diversos outros países, o caminho mais simples é,

sem dúvida, o inglês.


Bom, nesta aula vimos, através de números, a quantidade de falantes nativos de inglês no

mundo e os motivos pelos quais o inglês é considerado língua franca e idioma extremamente

utilizado em tempos de globalização. Espero que tenha ficado claro o quão importante esse idioma é

para você e que isso seja um meio de motivação para o seu aprendizado. Nosso lema então será: Fale

inglês e administre o mundo!

Até a próxima!

Ana Célia Lima


Arca Universal, Blog. “Salada de Idiomas.” Disponível em: Online: 08 jul. 2009. Acesso em: 27

maio 2010.

Associação de Informação Tecnológica. Dicionário de Termos Linguísticos. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 maio 2010. “Idiomas no mundo.” Disponível em:

Online. Acesso em: 27 maio 2010.




s: 1 j)

, 2 d

), 3


4 b


5 f)

, 6 c

), 7

i), 8


9 e

) e



Page 8: Ingles Tecnico

Bortoletto, Galaor. “Entenda o que é língua franca.” Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 maio 2010.

DW-World. Inglês: Língua franca no local de trabalho. Disponível em: http://www.dw-,,1813069,00.html Acesso em: 26 maio 2010.

Scholes, Jack. “Native-like fluency.” Palestra de Jack Scholes no auditório da Faculdade Isabela

Hendrix, em Belo Horizonte, em 19 jun. 2009.

Schütz, Ricardo. O Inglês como Língua Internacional. English Made in Brazil

<>. Online. Acesso em: 26 maio 2010.

Schütz, Ricardo. "Monolinguismo, o analfabetismo dos tempos atuais. English Made in Brazil

<>. Online. Acesso em:11 set. 2004.

Unidade 1 – O inglês como língua franca e sua necessidade

ao profissional administrador

• Aula 2 - A importância do Inglês para os Negócios

1 Introdução

Tudo bem contigo? Animada para o nosso Inglês instrumental?


Entender como o inglês pode propiciar uma carreira bem sucedida no trabalho.

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Bom, na pauta da aula de hoje temos a discutir como o inglês é imprescindível ao trabalho do

administrador. Por que saber uma língua virou requisito para conseguir uma oportunidade de

emprego nos dias atuais? É o que vamos ver nesta aula!

Depois de tantos dados vistos na primeira aula legitimando o inglês como língua franca e

como uma das mais faladas em todo o mundo, sendo que é língua oficial em 53 países e tem milhões

de falantes em todo o globo, vamos hoje estudar o status do inglês na sociedade e no mercado de


Há muitos anos observamos muitos pais insistindo e obrigando seus filhos, crianças e

adolescentes, a estudar inglês, muitas vezes em escolas particulares. Por que eles acham que é

importante que os filhos saibam outro idioma? Dê sua opinião abaixo:





Bom, não se tem uma resposta única e correta, uma vez que vários fatores devem ser levados

em consideração, mas uma das possíveis razões está no fato de que, se pararmos para pensar, com o

advento da tecnologia, temos os PCs (personal computers), CDs (compact discs), notebooks, alguns

de nossos aparelhos celulares mais recentes possuem bluetooth (transmissor de dados) e várias

pessoas, adultos, adolescentes, crianças, se comunicam e se expressam através de um blog (diário

virtual) ou web Messenger (tipo de programa pelo qual enviamos e recebemos instant messages ou

mensagens instantâneas, etc., artifícios e utensílios amplamente utilizados em diversas áreas, seja

para trabalho ou lazer.

Por falar em lazer que tal parar um pouco a leitura do nosso livro de inglês e ir dar uma volta

no shopping center para comprar um jeans novo e comer um sandwich ou um hamburger? É

importante ter, no decorrer do dia, algumas horas de folga e diversão, uma vez que o nosso cotidiano

já tem stress o suficiente. Muitas pessoas, mesmo os workaholics (pessoas viciadas em trabalho –

work em inglês) gostam de, após o serviço ou a happy hour, chegar em casa após essa “hora feliz” e

assistir no home theater a um reality show que nem o Big Brother para relaxar, não é verdade?

Você, meu caro aluno, reconhece essas palavras em itálico, não é? Elas não fazem parte do

nosso vocabulário original em português, porém pertencem a uma enorme lista de palavras e

expressões já amplamente utilizadas no nosso cotidiano. Já estamos, de certo modo, familiarizados

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com essas expressões porque elas e muitas outras de origem principalmente inglesa estão presentes

na nossa escola, nas ruas, nas lojas, nos restaurantes e em inúmeros estabelecimentos e lugares,

principalmente no nosso trabalho. Como exemplo disso é só observar as seguintes palavras:

designer, manager, network, merchandising, internet banking, etc.

Podemos encontrar essas palavras nos jornais, em marcas de roupas e itens de vestuário e de

inúmeros objetos e acessórios, em nomes de estabelecimentos e em atividades como o volleyball.

Agora é a sua vez. Para mostrar o quanto essas palavras e expressões vindas do inglês fazem

parte da sua vida, peço que você complete o quadro abaixo com algumas palavras e/ou expressões

estrangeiras (leia-se inglesas) com as quais você frequentemente se depara no seu dia a dia e que não

têm tradução para o português como os exemplos que vimos acima. Caso você não se lembre, faça

uma pequena pesquisa na internet:

Além dos fatores sociais, econômicos e históricos já mencionados aqui, a presença do inglês

em nosso cotidiano deve-se também à abrangência da cultura norte-americana bem como da cultura

britânica em todo o mundo, assim como ao efeito da expansão de muitas empresas multinacionais

impulsionadas principalmente pelo efeito da globalização e da internet (rede internacional de

comunicação), fatos estes que fazem com que informações circulem pelo mundo afora em um curto

prazo de tempo.

Com o advento da tecnologia cada vez mais avançada no mundo globalizado e a grande

possibilidade de conversar, ter notícias e comunicar-se com pessoas de todo e qualquer lugar do

mundo, a língua inglesa vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço e importância também no mundo dos

negócios. O amplo uso deste nosso objeto de estudo este semestre pode ser confirmado através dos

livros publicados nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento humano.

É possível confirmar isso com uma simples visita à biblioteca da escola. Lá você verá que a

grande maioria dos livros científicos de inúmeras áreas é escrita em inglês por ser essa a língua mais


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acessível a grande parte do público leitor. Ricardo Schütz, professor e pesquisador do ensino de

inglês, em um artigo com o título de O Inglês como Língua Internacional (2009, online), afirma que

“[...] há estimativas de que 85% das publicações científicas do mundo; 75% de toda comunicação

internacional por escrito, 80% da informação armazenada em todos os computadores do mundo e

90% do conteúdo da Internet são em inglês”.

Além disso, é cada vez maior o número de empresas e estabelecimentos como escolas e

universidades nas quais é possível presenciar e participar de conferências online, reuniões a distância

nas quais a única ferramenta necessária é um computador conectado à internet. Para o profissional

que já tem fluência em inglês, é possível fazer cursos universitários a distância, até em outros países,

recebendo, ao fim do curso, certificados internacionais de cursos acadêmicos de pós-graduação,

mestrado, doutorado e afins.

Assim como a FEAD, diversas faculdades hoje em dia oferecem a opção de curso a distância,

possibilitando o estudo estando o aluno em qualquer lugar do mundo. É possível também assistirmos

a palestras, seminários e aulas, como você está fazendo hoje, quebrando a barreira de tempo e de

espaço e facilitando a vida de quem tem uma rotina corrida como suponho que seja a sua, não é?

Schütz (2009, online) diz ainda que

Ao assumir este papel de língua global, o inglês torna-se uma das mais importantes ferramentas, tanto acadêmicas quanto profissionais. É hoje inquestionavelmente reconhecido como a língua mais importante a ser adquirida na atual comunidade internacional. Este fato é incontestável e parece ser irreversível. O inglês acabou tornando-se o meio de comunicação por excelência tanto do mundo científico como do mundo de negócios.

Com isso, Schütz reforça sua tese de que o saber uma língua estrangeira é fator contributivo

para a formação escolar e acadêmica, sendo também uma ferramenta bastante útil em todos os

campos de trabalho e que representa o poder de se posicionar e participar ativamente como cidadão

ativo neste nosso mundo globalizado, e estas são características de um indivíduo que fala um

segundo idioma, o que ele considera ser um fator determinante para se obter sucesso pessoal e


A imagem abaixo exemplifica o que Schütz pensa sobre o que o aprendizado do inglês pode

proporcionar nos dias de hoje:

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FIGURA. 1 – Proficiência em inglês

Fonte: SHUTZ, 2009, online.

Voltando ao carro-chefe de nossa aula, é importante observar que, apesar da relevância da

língua falada, nem sempre esta foi o meio de comunicação mais efetivo e importante.

Desde a “invenção” da linguagem para a comunicação, seja através de símbolos gráficos ou

de sons, a invenção da escrita, a partir dos primeiros símbolos gráficos e desenhos na pedra, tem um

status de extrema importância na cultura mundial. No mundo de hoje é fácil comprovar essa

afirmação. Pense bem, o que melhor garante que um contrato seja cumprido em uma transação de


a. Um acordo verbal ou

b. um acordo por escrito?

Apesar de a fala ser muito importante, especialmente para aqueles que a utilizam como

ferramenta de trabalho (vide os políticos, por exemplo), é na escrita que são registrados contratos,

eventos, notícias, leis e tal. Daí vem a importância de se saber ler e escrever.

Assim como até bem pouco tempo atrás os analfabetos eram socialmente excluídos e

menosprezados, hoje temos os analfabetos digitais – aqueles que não sabem lidar com a tecnologia e

utilizar telefones e computadores modernos – que defendem o direito à inclusão digital,

principalmente para famílias de baixa renda.

É com base nisso que acredito podermos associar o status do analfabeto ou do analfabeto

digital ao não saber ou não ter em seu currículo uma segunda língua, pois uma pessoa que não

consegue interagir com pessoas de outras culturas e com valores diferentes também não tem a

habilidade de se expandir socioculturalmente como indivíduo atuante em uma comunidade de


Em seus estudos, Ricardo Shutz (2004) discute o fato de alguém se comunicar através de uma

única língua, denominado por ele monolinguismo, como um tipo de analfabetismo do século XXI,

sendo considerado também fator de exclusão social, uma vez que ter o domínio de outro idioma abre

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portas tanto no mercado de trabalho quanto na vida, em termos de possibilitar comunicação em

qualquer lugar do mundo.

Hoje em dia, em muitas empresas vemos que é cobrado como pré-requisito nas seleções de

emprego ou nas contratações, que as pessoas saibam pelo menos uma língua estrangeira, geralmente

o inglês. Às vezes esse conhecimento de uma língua estrangeira assume caráter eliminatório nessas

seleções. Inclusive os recrutadores mais exigentes demandam fluência em inglês de acordo com o

cargo pretendido pelo candidato.


O objetivo dessa aula foi demonstrar as vantagens de estudar e de saber inglês nos dias de

hoje, uma vez que o status desse idioma, como língua falada no mundo todo, pode ser bastante

favorável nas esferas pessoal, profissional e acadêmica da sua vida. Com isso, caríssimo aluno,

espero que esteja preparado e motivado para começar nossos estudos práticos desse idioma na nossa

próxima aula! Lembre-se, o Inglês será a sua ferramenta para administrar o mundo!

Até breve!


Olhe ao seu redor, no seu caminho para o trabalho ou para a escola. Veja o quanto você está cercado

pela língua inglesa. Faça uma lista, principalmente com palavras das quais você não conheça o

significado e pesquise. Anote todas e faça um caderno de vocabulário. Mantenha-o sempre


Até a próxima!

Ana Célia Lima


Page 14: Ingles Tecnico

Scholes, Jack. “Native-like fluency.” Palestra de Jack Scholes no auditório da Faculdade Isabela

Hendrix, em Belo Horizonte, em 19 jun 2009.

Schütz, Ricardo. "O inglês como língua internacional." English Made in Brazil

<>. Acesso em: 3 jun. 2009.

Schütz, Ricardo. "Monolinguismo, o analfabetismo dos tempos atuais." English Made in Brazil <>. Acesso em: 11 set. 2004.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 3rd Lesson

Saying hi and greeting!


Tomar contato com o uso do inglês em situações cotidianas.

Conhecer as principais saudações e cumprimentos.

Conhecer vocabulário do dia a dia.

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Hello, student! Como vai você?

Fine (+)? So so (+-)? Ok?

Você sabe o que dizemos em inglês ao conhecer pessoas novas? E ao reencontrar velhos

amigos? Ao chegar ao trabalho? Ao entrar numa sala de reunião? E para agradecer ou dizer: - De

nada!? É o que veremos hoje...

Have a nice ☺ class!

Hi! I am Ana Célia and you? What’s your name?

My name is _________________________.

Welcome to English Class!!!


A. ( 2 ) Hello!

Hi! What’s your name?

My name’s Anna. And you?

I’m Phillip! Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you too!

B. ( ) Hi!

Good morning Joana!

Good morning Beth! How are you!

I’m fine, thanks. What about you?

I’m very well! Thank you!

C. ( ) Excuse me!

Can I help you?

Yes, please. Where can we get a taxi?

Over there!

Thank you very much!

You’re welcome!

D. (…) Good afternoon!

Hi, I have a reservation for 3 nights.

What’s your name, please?

My name’s is Julia Robertson.

Just a minute, please. Your room is 263.

Thank you, Sir!


1. Associe as

figuras com as conversations acima. Put a number (1, 2, 3, 4…) in the parenthesis.

Page 16: Ingles Tecnico

Your photo

2. Nas conversations acima temos exemplos de linguagem formal e informal e expressões de

significado equivalente. Preencha o quadro abaixo:



My name’s...

Thank you! What about


Very well!



Para cumprimentar, temos também: good morning até 12h; good afternoon de 12h– 6h

p.m. (after = depois, noon = meio-dia); good evening de 6h p.m. (post-meridian ou após o

meio-dia) em diante. Para se despedir à noite, diga goodnight. O oposto de p.m. é a.m. (anti-

meridian ou antes do meio-dia).


1. Assista ao video legendado (with subtitles) do Site Real English:

2. Complete the sentences below according to the video:

a. Pleased to ________________ you.

b. How ______________ you doing?

c. What’s your ________________?

d. ______________ to meet you two.

e. ________________ name’s Helen.

f. Good to see ______________ guys.

g. ________________ are you?


I am Susan. You are ... We are Brazilian. They are the

Rolling Stones.

He is Bill Gates. She is Angelina

Jolie. It is a computer.

Page 17: Ingles Tecnico

As palavras grifadas nas frases acima são conhecidas como pronomes pessoais ou

personal/subject pronouns e servem para substituir nomes ou substantivos (sujeito). Ex. Angelina

Jolie is an actress. She is very famous (Angelina Jolie = She). Os personal pronouns do inglês são:










• O pronome I é sempre escrito com letra maiúscula;

• I, you, he, she e it são pronomes no singular, sendo que he, she e it são a terceira pessoa do

singular, porém com usos diferentes: he para masculino, she para feminino e it para coisas,

objetos em geral e animais. O plural de he, she ou it é o pronome they.

• Não há diferença entre you no singular e no plural, geralmente o contexto indica o número.

Ex.: You are a (=one) student (singular) e You are students (plural).

1) Use the correct personal pronouns to complete the phrases below.

Example: ___ often reads books. (Lisa) Answer: She often reads books.

a. __________ is in the bank. (Jorge)

b. __________ are on the wall. (the posters)

c. __________ are in front of the TV. (my

mother and I)

d. __________ is green. (the car)

e. __________ is running. (the dog)

f. __________ are in the garden. (the


g. __________ is on his bike. (Tom)

h. __________ is from Bristol. (Victoria)

2) Chose the correct form of am/is/are.

a. It_____________ cold today.

b. I_____________ at home now.

c. They_____________ Korean.

d. She _____________ an actress.

e. My name _____________ Jane.

f. We _____________from Brazil.

g. Mario _____________ OK, thanks.

h. You _____________ 20 years old.

Page 18: Ingles Tecnico

As palavras utilizadas para completar o exercício nº 2 acima são o verbo To Be conjugado no

presente. Esse verbo é muito importante, pois, além de significar ser ou estar, ele tem a função de

auxiliar da língua inglesa e passa as frases para a forma negativa e também para a interrogativa. A

forma mais comum de se usar o verbo to Be é usando contrações, conhecidas também como short

forms ou forma abreviada na qual suprimimos uma letra. Para isso usamos a (‘) apóstrofe.

Para transformarmos uma sentença em negativa, devemos somente acrescentar a palavra not

após o verbo. Vamos colocar isso em prática nas formas afirmativa e negativa das frases seguintes.

Veja os exemplos:

Affirmative form (Short) Negative form Negative form (Short)

I’M at home now. I am NOT at home now. I’M NOT at home now.

You’RE 20 years old. You are NOT 20 years old. You AREN’T 20 years old.

He’S ok. He is NOT ok. He ISN’T ok.

She’S an actress. She is NOT an actress. She ISN’T an actress.

It’S cold today. It is NOT cold today. It ISN’T cold today.

We’RE from Brazil. We are NOT from Brazil. We AREN’T from Brazil.

You’RE students. You are NOT students. You AREN’T students.

They’RE Korean. They are NOT Korean. They AREN’T Korean.

Já para a forma interrogativa, vamos inverter a ordem da forma afirmativa. Sempre que temos

uma pergunta que começa com um auxiliar (AM / IS / ARE), vamos ter duas opções de resposta: Sim

ou não, yes or no, respectivamente. Ex.: Are you from São Paulo? Yes, I am / No, I’m not. Veja os

exemplos abaixo:

Interrogative form ( + ) Short answer ( - ) Short answer

AM I … ? Yes, I AM. No, I’M NOT.


IS HE … ? Yes. HE IS. No, HE ISN’T.

IS SHE … ? Yes, SHE IS. No, SHE ISN’T.

IS IT … ? Yes, IT IS. No, IT ISN’T.

ARE WE … ? Yes, WE ARE. No, WE AREN’T.




Page 19: Ingles Tecnico

• Nos exemplos acima é possível observar que não são usadas as short forms em respostas

curtas afirmativas. Ex.: Yes, You’re.

• Outra opção para a forma negativa é usar he’s not / she’s not / it’s not ao invés de he isn’t /

she isn’t / it isn’t e you’re not / we’re not / they’re not em lugar de you aren’t / we aren’t /

they aren’t. Ambas as formas são corretas.

• Lembre-se de que as perguntas em inglês são feitas com o uso de auxiliares ou com as Wh-

questions no começo das frases. Ex.: What’s your name? Are you from São Paulo?

3) Complete the table with the missing sentences and use the contractions if possible:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I I’m at the office.

You You’re a businessman.

He He isn’t working hard.

She Is she an intelligent person?

It It’s an information desk.

We Are we in the reception?

You You aren’t American.

They Are they the managers?

4) Answers the questions in English. Circle the correct form.

a. Are you from England? - Yes, (I am / I are / I is).

b. Is she a journalist? - Yes, (she am / she are / she is).

c. Are your colleagues at work? - Yes, (they am / they are / they is).

d. Is the telephone ringing? - Yes, (it am / it are / it is).

e. Are we in room 8? - Yes, (we am / we are / we is).

f. Am I a good boss? - Yes, (you am / you are / you is).

5) Finish the answers using the correct forms of to be (am, are, is). Use short forms if


Example: Is he a teacher? - No ____________.

Answer: Is he a teacher? - No, he is not. or No, he isn't. .

a. Are they new here? - No,______________ .

b. Is your office big? - Yes,______________ .

Page 20: Ingles Tecnico

c. Are you from Scotland? - Yes,______________ .

d. Is your car green? - No,______________ .

e. Are the DVDs in this box? - Yes,______________ .

f. Is Henry in his room? - No,______________ .

g. Are you football fans? - Yes,______________ .

h. Is Tom's boss in the kitchen? - Yes,______________ .

i. Are Dan and Sue at home? - No,______________ .

j. Is the computer working? - Yes,______________ .


Em inglês temos sons diferentes do português e que são muito importantes para aprendermos

esse idioma uma vez que a separação de sílabas é feita considerando os sons, e essa divisão é

importante em diversos aspectos da língua inglesa. Você verá que em um dicionário também

encontramos, além das definições de palavras e expressões, a pronúncia, e é para entender como

pronunciar e separar palavras em inglês que vamos estudar os sons.

As vogais são representadas por 20 sons e as consoantes por 24. Um bom website para

verificar a classe gramatical e pronúncia de palavras, caso você não tenha um dicionário de inglês, é:

Hoje veremos os sons de algumas vogais:

/�/ = it, this, is

/�:/ = he, she, me

/��/ = name, they, today

/��/ = hi, nice, my

1) Tente achar nesta aula palavras que têm sons que rimam com os sons acima:





Outra opção de site que pode auxiliar no seu estudo de pronúncia é o site Say Disponível em: Online. Você deve digitar a palavra e

clicar em “Read”.

Ao deparar com uma vogal como /�:/ os dois pontos à frente da vogal mostram que esse é

um som longo, demorado para se pronunciar. As letras que correspondem ao som vão estar sempre

grifadas para que você os associe como nas palavras acima.

Page 21: Ingles Tecnico

Como um exemplo de pronúncia vamos observar a palavra business = /�bǺz.nǺs/. O ponto ou

um traço separa as sílabas e podemos ver que business tem duas; e a apóstrofe (‘) indica qual é a

sílaba tônica ou sílaba forte, que chamamos em inglês de stress. Em inglês, por causa da semelhança

de pronúncia que existe entre algumas palavras, essa sílaba stressed é importante para que não haja

mal-entendidos. Por exemplo, temos o substantivo coffee /�kǤ.fi:/ (café) que tem a pronúncia

parecida com a do verbo cough /kǤf/ (tossir).

2) Where’s the stress? Underline the stressed syllable in these words:

a. airport

b. computer

c. e-mail

d. hotel

e. information

f. internet

g. market

h. station

i. taxi

j. telephone

k. ticket

l. toilet

3) Use the words of exercise above and write C for words related with Communication

and T for words related with Travel. (Use as palavras do exercício acima e escreva C

para as que se relacionam com comunicação e T para as que se relacionam com



Numbers 1 to 1.000

1) Complete with the words in the box: 2) Now, put the number according to

the words:

______ twenty-one

1 one ______ thirty

2 two ______ thirty-seven

3 three ______ forty

4 __________________ ______ forty-two

5 __________________ /����/ ______ fifty

6 Six ______ fifty-three

7 __________________ ______ sixty

8 eight /���/ ______ sixty-four

9 nine /��/ ______ seventy

10 ten ______ seventy-nine

eighteen – eleven – four – five – nineteen

seven – thirteen – twelve – twenty

Page 22: Ingles Tecnico

11 __________________ /�’l�v/ ______ eighty

12 __________________ /�����/ ______ eighty-eight

13 __________________ ______ ninety

14 fourteen ______ ninety-six

15 fifteen /���’��:/ ______ a hundred / one hundred

16 sixteen ______ one hundred and five

17 seventeen ______ two hundred and thirty-seven

18 __________________ ______ a thousand / one thousand

19 __________________ ______ two thousand and ten

20 __________________ /�����/ ______ three thousand

Obs. Ao falarmos números de telefone, endereços ou quarto de hotel, por exemplo, podemos dizer oh

(pronuncia-se ôu) ao invés de zero. E quando houver dois números iguais em sequência, podemos

dizer double antes do número, marcando que ele está em dobro. Ex.: 31 312334400, dizemos three-

one-three-one-two-double three-double four-double oh.

Para porcentagem utilizamos a palavra point. Ex.: 23.45 = twenty-three point four five per

cent. Ao escrever, a virgula (comma) indica milhares. Ex.: 5,678 = five thousand six hundred and


How do you say “tchau” in English?

Bye. Goodbye.

See you later. See you.

Goodnight. See you on Saturday.


Days of the week and months of the year

1) Complete with vowels (a, e, i, o and u). Para isso pesquise em um calendário em inglês

ou na internet. Procure decorar os dias da semana (week).

Days of the week:


T___ ___sd___y






Page 23: Ingles Tecnico

Obs. Em inglês temos os weekdays e o weekend. Em quais dias você trabalha? Esses são os

weekdays. No weekend (geralmente 2 dias) você não trabalha, just relax. Diferente do português,

TODOS os dias da semana são escritos em inglês com letra maiúscula (capital letters).

Months of the year (meses do ano). Faça a mesma pesquisa para os meses do ano (months).

J___n___ ___ry

F___br___ ___ry






___ ___g___st





Page 24: Ingles Tecnico


Nesta aula você estudou bastante vocabulário e expressões utilizadas para cumprimentar as

pessoas, para se apresentar e para iniciar conversações em inglês, bem como vocabulário de

números, dias da semana e meses do ano. Pratique as atividades propostas, mas também utilize a

internet como ferramenta de estudo. Você pode criar seu próprio caderno de vocabulário – que pode

ser virtual – e deve também pesquisar e procurar novos exercícios. Practice makes perfect!

See you soon!

Ana Çélia


Dictionary Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 out.


Page 25: Ingles Tecnico

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 4th Lesson

Have a seat, please!


Good morning, Good afternoon or Good evening!!! How are you?

Nesta aula de hoje vamos trabalhar com vocabulário referente a objetos e apresentações.

I hope you appreciate it! ☺



Compreender palavras e expressões de sala de aula e objetos de trabalho. Aprender como se apresentar e dar informações pessoais.

Page 26: Ingles Tecnico

address - cell - e-mail - from how - phone - postcode student - surname - your

1) Look at the form below:

First name: John

Surname: Smith

Country/ City: USA, Chicago

Student √ Yes No

Age: 27

Address: Washington St. 1030

Postcode: 60606

E-mail address: [email protected]

Phone number: 312 345 6789

Cell phone: 312 9012 3456

2) Complete the questions to get this

information. Use the words in the box:

1. What’s your first name?

2. What’s your _______________?

3. Where are you _______________?

4. Are you a _______________?

5. _______________ old are you?

6. What’s your _______________?

7. What’s your _______________?

8. What’s your _______________ address?

9. What’s your _______________ number?

10. What’s your _______________ phone?


• Usamos o verbo to be para falarmos nossa idade. Ex.: I’m 25, he’s 38, etc..

• Postcode ou zipcode do exercício acima são conhecidos em português como __ __ __.

• Para falarmos nosso e-mail em inglês utizamos a @ (at), o . (dot) e _ (underline).

• Cell phone, cellular phone and mobile phone are synonims.

Pronunciation and Listening

Você conhece o alfabeto em inglês? As letras são as mesmas, mas a pronúncia... quanta





Page 27: Ingles Tecnico

1) Listen and repeat the sounds (Vá ao endereço eletrônico seguinte, ouça e repita tudo que

lá houver para ser repetido. Faça isso quantas vezes forem necessárias para você fixar a

pronúncia correta das palavras):

2) Os sons agora estão agrupados de acordo com a pronúncia. Acrescente à tabela, as

letras que estão faltando:

3) Let’s practice with abbreviations like: CD, DVD, USA, PC, VIP…

4) Circle the letter that doesn’t rhyme:

a. A D J K b. B E P O c. C F S X

d. G I T V e. H L M N


1) Look at the pictures and match the sentences. (Ligue as frases à imagem correspondente)

a) b) c) d)

e) f) g)

/��������/ /����:/ /����/ /��������/ / / /����:/ /����:/

A B F ____ O Q R

____ C L Y ____

J ____ M W

____ E ____







Page 28: Ingles Tecnico

( ) What’s its name? ( ) Sorry. Our telephone is not working!

( ) Your car is new! ( ) My country is the biggest in South America.

( ) What’s his business? ( ) Where are their receptionists?

( ) What’s her name?


Look at the chart:





I my

you your

he his

she her

it its

we our

you your

they their

Let’s practice!

2) Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

_________ name is Luis Alberto. (he her his)

_________ e-mail address is [email protected]. (I my its)

They’re the Moreau’s, _________ surname is French.

_________ house is big and confortable. (her she it)

_________ children are in pre-school. (you he our)

This is my favorite pen. _________ colors are black and green. (it its it’s)

Congratulations! _________ family is so beautiful! (your it’s you)


Page 29: Ingles Tecnico

1) Read the sentences about Belo Horizonte in Brazil.

1-Belo Horizonte is the capital of Minas Gerais.

2-Belo Horizonte is a modern city in Minas Gerais.

3-Belo Horizonte is an important city in the state.

I live in a big town in Minas Gerais. I like there because it’s nice and exciting! The city where

I live is young, it’s just 113 years old. All my family lives and works there: my father is a teacher,

my mother is an architect and my brother is an engineer student.


1) Use o texto acima como exemplo para escrever um texto sobre a cidade onde você mora.







Can you explain the uses of the articles in the sentences above? Ok, I’ll help you!

Indefinite articles Definite articles

A I study in a Law school. (Existem

outras escolas de direito e ele estuda em

uma delas e é a primeira vez que a


An I study in an Administration

school. (Existem outras escolas de

administração e ele estuda em uma

delas, mas aqui o curso inicia-se por som

de vogal)

* We use indefinite articles with jobs.

The The Administration school where

I study is called FEAD. (Só existe uma

escola denominada FEAD e eu já havia

me referido a ela antes).

1) Can you explain the use of articles?

Page 30: Ingles Tecnico

The in sentence 1 ______________________________________________________

A in sentence 2 ________________________________________________________

An in sentence 3 _______________________________________________________

A/a in sentence 4 _____________________________________________________

Observe the examples:

Fonte: Educarede Fonte: Wired Fonte: Minas de ouro Fonte:Paper crave

-What’s this? -What’s that? -What are these? -What are those?

-It’s a radio. -It’s a box. -They are radios. -They are boxes.

Você notou que this e that são pronomes demonstrativos no singular e que these e those são no

plural? Você sabe por que se usa um ou o outro? Temos duas categorias para classificá-los, a saber:

singular/plural e perto/longe do ouvinte (em relação ao objeto).

THIS: singular objeto perto do ouvinte

THESE: plural

Como você classificaria that e those?



Page 31: Ingles Tecnico

Now, look at these words:

Column 1 Column 2

Singular Plural Singular Plural

radio radios box boxes

cd cd’s brush brushes

boy boys bus buses

city cities match matches

• O plural em inglês é formado em sua maioria pela adição da letra –s, como podemos observar

na coluna 1.

• Por outro lado, na coluna 2, temos algumas exceções. Em palavras que terminam em s, x, sh e

ch, acrescenta-se –es. Por fim, as palavras que terminam em y, como boy e city?

boy boys city cities

-y precedido por vogal -y precedido por consoante

2) Practice, make the sentences below plural.

a. The radio and the television are broken. __________________________________________

b. I have a big box to put in the bus trunk. ________________________________________

c. The pretty girl likes her beautiful toy. __________________________________________

• Remember: adjectives don’t have a plural form!

3) Now, match the office/classroom objects to the pictures and write the plural form.

(1) backpack _____________

(2) bin __________________

(3) board ________________ ( ) ( ) ( )

(4) book _________________

(5) calculator _____________

(6) chair _________________ ( ) ( ) ( )

(7) computer desk _________

(8) eraser ________________

(9) marker _______________ ( ) ( ) ( )

Page 32: Ingles Tecnico

(10) paper clip ____________

(11) pen _________________

(12) pencil _______________ ( ) ( ) ( )

(13) secretary _____________

(14) stapler _______________

(15) table ________________ ( ) ( ) ( )


1) Read the text below and write the correct

information about John:

First name: _________________________

Last name: _________________________

Place of work: ________________________

Job: ________________________________

Age: ________________________________

Marital status: ________________________

Wife’s name: ____________ Job: _________

Girl’s name: _____________ Age: ________

Boy’s name: _____________ Age: ________


1) Now, write your own profile:

Hi! My name is James Johnson but my friends

call me Jimmy. I’m 40 years old and I’m a

manager in New York. I work for a big

company and I sometimes travel to other

cities. I’m married to a Brazilian girl named

Elisa. She’s a teacher, and we have 2 kids.

This is my family. These are my two kids.

Their names are Louisa and Victor. Louisa is

12 and Victor is 9. Nice to meet you!

Page 33: Ingles Tecnico


Hoje você viu como são dadas informações pessoais e também aprendeu a descrever objetos

através do uso de artigos, adjetivos de posse, pronomes demonstrativos e aprendeu o gênero de

alguns substantivos em inglês. Uma vez que você viu como se apresentar em inglês, faça um teste!

Converse com alguém que sabe inglês e coloque em prática os diálogos da nossa aula. Vale a pena

tentar! É importante que no seu tempo livre você se mantenha em contato com a língua inglesa e faça

exercícios relativos à matéria. Se sentir dificuldade, peça ao seu tutor sugestões de atividades extras,

pois é praticando que se aprende! Think about it!

Bye, bye!!!

Ana Célia Lima

Viviany Gomes Pontes

Meninas, o que vocês acham de fazer um glossário ao final de cada aula com as palavras novas,

principalmente aquelas que entram nos comandos dos exercícios? Por exemplo: below, match, own,

profile, etc. (Em ordem alfabética, é claro.)


National Grid For Learning . The alphabet. Online. Disponível em: http://www.ngfl- Acesso em: 12 set. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

Page 34: Ingles Tecnico

• 5th Lesson

Activities & Hobbies


Hi! How are you?

Hoje vamos falar sobre você, seus costumes, hábitos... O que você faz no seu dia a dia? Onde

trabalha? Onde mora? O que faz em seu tempo livre? Esses são os tópicos sobre os quais

aprenderemos bastante nesta aula!

Let’s go!



Aprender como dar pequenas informações sobre hábitos, atividades e hobbies, utilizando expressões e verbos em contextos do cotidiano.

Page 35: Ingles Tecnico

Meu prezado aluno, tente ler o texto seguinte, ainda que você sinta dificuldades para fazê-lo. É muito importante que você tente. Você ficará surpreso com o que vai descobrir a respeito de você mesmo! Assim espero ...! Women and Children in Poverty - Global Conventions On The Rights Of Women And Children, Progress Toward International Goals, The Feminization Of Poverty “Women are poorer than men because they are often denied equal rights and opportunities, lack access to assets, and do not have the same entitlements as men. They also carry the burden of reproductive and care work and represent the majority of unpaid labour.” —United Nations Development Program, Gender and Poverty Reduction “The quality of a child's life depends on decisions made every day in households, communities and in the halls of government…. As children go, so go nations. It's that simple.” —UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy. Virtually all groups that study poverty—from international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank to small local charities—agree that the most effective way to reduce it is to improve the social, economic, and political situation of women and, by extension, children. Women's levels of health, education and security reflect those of their families. When a mother suffers the effects of poverty, future generations of her family do as well, creating a cycle of impoverishment from which it is very difficult to escape.

Fonte: Library Index Website, 2010.

E então, leu tudo? Está surpreso com a quantidade de palavras que você achava que não conhecia,

mas que conseguiu reconhecer muito bem? Agora vamos analisar o que você entendeu.

• Ao se deparar com textos como este, você descobrirá que várias palavras são parecidas com

palavras em português. Ex.: information. Essas palavras são chamadas de cognatos.

Identifique também números e nomes próprios, eles ajudam na compreensão do texto.

1) Underline the cognate words in the text above.

(Sublinhe as palavras cognatas no texto acima)

2) Associe as palavras aos respectivos significados:

a. poverty n. (line 1) ( ) ativo, bens, posses;

b. rights n. (line 1) ( ) caridades, beneficência;

c. goals n. (line 2) ( ) direitos;

d. entitlements n. (line 2) ( ) direitos adquiridos, benefícios;

e. denied v. (line 4) ( ) fardo, carga, peso;

f. assets n. (line 5) ( ) lares, domicílios;

g. burden n. (line 5) ( ) melhorar;

h. unpaid labour adj + n. (line 6) ( ) negado, recusado;




Page 36: Ingles Tecnico

i. households n. (line 8) ( ) níveis;

j. charities n. (line 11) ( ) objetivos;

k. improve v. (line 11) ( ) pobreza;

l. levels n. (line 12) ( ) trabalho não-remunerado.


Irregular plurals

3) No texto acima, temos alguns substantivos que têm o plural irregular (sem s no final). Complete a tabela ao lado:



Activities e Hobbies

4) Match the pictures to the activities listed below:

a. ( ) Cook a meal

b. ( ) Do a martial art

c. ( ) Drink coffee

d. ( ) Drive a car

e. ( ) Eat fast food 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

f. ( ) Go to the cinema

g. ( ) Have a sandwich

h. ( ) Listen to music

i. ( ) Live in an apartment 6. 7. 8. 9.

j. ( ) Meet friends

k. ( ) Play chess

l. ( ) Play the guitar

m. ( ) Read a book 10. 11. 12. 13.

n. ( ) Ride a bike

o. ( ) Sleep

p. ( ) Smoke

q. ( ) Study languages 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

r. ( ) Surf the Internet

s. ( ) Take photos

Singular Plural child


/��/ men



woman /���/

Page 37: Ingles Tecnico

t. ( ) Take the dog for a walk

u. ( ) Talk on the phone 19. 20. 21. 22.

v. ( ) Travel

w. ( ) Walk

x. ( ) Watch TV

y. ( ) Wear glasses

z. ( ) Work in an bank 23. 24. 25. 26.

5) Use the activities listed above to make four sentences about you (positive and negative).


(+) I drive a car. ( - ) I don’t smoke.

(+) __________________________________

(+) __________________________________

(-) __________________________________

(-) ___________________________________


As frases formadas acima descrevem ações no tempo presente, atividades rotineiras ou

verdades incondicionais. Ex.: Brazilian people love soccer! Cats don’t like dogs.

• Para conjugar verbos no Present Simple, utilizamos os pronomes + verbos e verbos auxiliares

somente para frases negativas e interrogativas (do / does / don’t / doesn’t).

• Usamos os auxiliares does e doesn’t na 3ª. pessoa do singular: he, she e it.

Veja abaixo a conjugação do verbo to work (trabalhar) nas formas afirmativa e negativa:

• Repare que na terceira pessoa do singular, forma afirmativa, acrescentamos S ao verbo.

• Na forma negativa, acrescentamos ES ao auxiliar (doesn’t) e o verbo fica na forma infinitiva.

Affirmative Negative

I work in the office. I don’t work in the office.

You work in the office. You don’t work in the office.

He works in the office. He doesn’t work in the office.

She works in the office. She doesn’t work in the office.

It works in the office. It doesn’t work in the office.

We work in the office. We don’t work in the office.

You work in the office. You don’t work in the office.

They work in the office. They don’t work in the office.

Page 38: Ingles Tecnico

Na forma afirmativa, colocamos s na maioria dos verbos, porém temos exceções à regra.


• Acrescentamos ES a verbos terminados em SH, SS, CH, X, Z e O. Ex.: He watches TV.

• Tiramos o Y e acrescentamos IES a verbos terminados em Y, precedidos por consoante. Ex.:

She studies Spanish.

• O verbo TO HAVE na 3ª pessoa do singular é irregular, usamos a palavra HAS. Ex.: He has

a new job.

1) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (use os verbos que estão entre

parênteses em cada frase):

Page 39: Ingles Tecnico

a. I ___________________ (meet) my friends on

the weekend.

b. She ___________________ (study) every day.

c. Our teacher ___________________ (like)


d. He ___________________ (read) comics.

e. Chris ___________________ (sing) in a band.

f. My brothers ___________________ (play)

basketball professionally.

g. We ___________________ (watch) TV on


h. Andy and John ___________________ (like)


i. They ___________________ (help) their


j. The children ___________________ (speak)


k. I ___________________ (live) in a small


l. She ___________________ (speak) four


m. Jane is a teacher. She ___________________

(teach) French.

n. The food in Japan is expensive. It

___________________ (cost) a lot to live


o. His job is great because he

___________________ (meet) a lot of people.

p. We both ___________________ (listen) to

the radio in the morning.

q. The shops in England ___________________

(open) at 9:00 in the morning.

r. Jackie ___________________ (have) two

children now.

s. Mr. Smith ___________________ (smoke) too

much. He always has a cigarette.

t. When the phone ___________________

(ring), please answer it.

Page 40: Ingles Tecnico

2) Use does and doesn’t to make the sentences below negative.

a. My workmates ___________________ travel much.

b. Mr. Hill ___________________ live in New York. He lives in Boston.

c. We are new here. We ___________________ know him.

d. Dave speaks English, French, and German, but he ___________________ speak Italian.

e. They ___________________ sell that brand anymore.

f. I have a television, but I ___________________ watch it often.

g. We live close to the sea, but we ___________________ go often.

h. You ___________________ ride your bike every weekend.

i. They___________________ eat meat. They are vegetarian.

j. She ___________________ work abroad. She works in Brazil.

k. I ___________________ have any brothers or sisters.

l. Companies ___________________ like disorganized people.

Para fazer perguntas em inglês, sempre vamos precisar de verbos auxiliares. Na aula de hoje,

sobre o Present Simple, vamos ver como se usam DO e DOES para perguntas.

• Podem também ser feitas perguntas com a negativa (DOESN’T / DON’T), mas com a função

de conferir uma informação. Ex.: Don’t you study English?

• Sempre que uma pergunta começar com um auxiliar (am / is / are / do / does), teremos uma

short answer, com o mesmo auxiliar. Ex.: Do you like the Beatles? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

• Lembre-se da ordem para perguntas ASI (Auxiliar + Sujeito + Infinitivo). Ex.: Does he

drive? E da ordem QUASI (Question word [what, where, who, how, etc.] + Auxiliar +

Sujeito + Infinitivo). Ex.: Where do you work? Esse tipo de pergunta exige respostas

específicas. Ex.: I work in a hotel.

1. Questions without question words in the Simple Present

Auxiliary Subject Verb Complement Yes/No Subject Auxiliary (+ n't)

Yes, I do. Do you read the news?

No, I don't.

Yes, he does. Does Peter live in a house?

No, he doesn't.

2. Questions with question words in the Simple Present

Page 41: Ingles Tecnico

Question word Auxiliary Subject Verb Complement Answer

What do you do in your free time? I play games on my computer.

Where does your mother go shopping? She goes to the department store.

Who do you live with? I live with my parents and a sister.

Let’s do some exercises!

1) Answer the questions about yourself:

a. Do you drive to work?


b. Do you have a big family?


c. Do you watch TV on Sundays?


d. Do you practice sports?


e. Do you use a computer at work?


f. Do you like your job?


2) Fill in the blanks to make questions.

a) ______________you______________mineral water? (to drink)

b) ______________your teacher______________your homework? (to check)

c) ______________they______________in the old house? (to live)

d) ______________your parents______________TV in the afternoon? (to watch)

e) ______________your grandmother______________the phone? (to answer)

3) Arrange the words below and form questions.

a. she / to collect / stickers -________________________________________________

b. they / to play / a game -_________________________________________________

c. you / to be / from Paris -________________________________________________

d. the pupils / to wear / school uniforms -_____________________________________

e. you / to go / to the cinema -______________________________________________

f. she / to have / friends -__________________________________________________

g. he / to read / books -____________________________________________________

Page 42: Ingles Tecnico


Vowel Sounds

/�/ = bed, men

/�/ = bad, man

/�:/ = do, you

/�/ = clock, job

• Não há regras para a pronúncia dos sons em inglês. Assim, nem sempre que houver duas

letras em sequência, mas em palavras diferentes, o som será o mesmo.

1) Circle the different word according to the vowel sound:

a. have help negative teacher

b. are bank thanks sandwich

c. food school sports two

d. cost hobby old shopping

Page 43: Ingles Tecnico

Verifique sempre a pronúncia de novas palavras no dicionário! Use um dos sites abaixo

para verificar a pronúncia dessas palavras:





1) Complete the questions according to the answers:

a. Where ____________________________________________ ?

I live in Belo Horizonte. The capital city of Minas Gerais.

b. Who __________________________________________ with?

I live with my wife and my three children.

c. Do _______________________________________ apartment?

No, I don’t. I live in a house.

d. What ______________________________________ free time?

We watch TV, we go to the cinema or listen to music.

e. Does _________________________________________ cook?

Yes, she does. She cooks every day.

f. Do ______________________________________ the Internet?

Yes, they do. They love it!

Reading Comprehension

1) Read the text in the beginning of the lesson and answer the questions about it:

a. Do women and men have equal rights?


b. Do women represent the majority of unpaid labour?


c. Who are the groups who study poverty?

Page 44: Ingles Tecnico


d. What situations of women and children have to be improved?


Summary (Resumo)

Vimos nesta aula como falar sobre atividades rotineiras e hobbies, bem como sobre atividades de

lazer. Também aprendemos os plurais irregulares de certas palavras do inglês. Além de tudo isso,

você viu um dos tempos verbais mais importantes e utilizados em inglês: o Simple Present. Se você

ainda tiver dificuldades, estude mais sob a orientação do seu tutor e nunca deixe de fazer os

exercícios propostos. Nossas aulas sempre lhe fornecerão a base, o suporte para tudo que você ainda

irá aprender. Bons estudos e até nosso próximo encontro!

See you next class!


Dictionary Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010.

Library Index. Women and Children in Poverty - Global Conventions On The Rights Of Women

And Children, Progress Toward International Goals, The Feminization Of Poverty. Online.

Disponível em: Acesso

em: 19 set. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 out.


Page 45: Ingles Tecnico

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 6th Lesson



Hello! How are things?

Já falamos sobre o que você faz no seu tempo livre e sobre atividades de lazer. Na aula de

hoje, vamos estudar várias profissões, bem como as pessoas que integram as nossas famílias, ou seja,

nossos parentes.

Enjoy it!


Aprender a usar os artigos definidos e indefinidos associados a profissões.

Compreender como se usa o possessive –s quando referido a pessoas da família e relações de parentesco.

Page 46: Ingles Tecnico

Do you like your job?

How do you relax after work?

How many hours do you work?

What do you do?

What don’t you like about your job?

Where do you work?


1) The following sentences are answers to four questions. Use the Present Simple to write

these questions.

__________________________________________________ I’m a teacher.

__________________________________________________ I work in a school.

__________________________________________________ I work … hours a day.

. _____________________________ Yes, I do. I like it a lot


2) Look at the photo of this woman.

What’s her job? Can you guess?

Ms. Rachel Lee, a ____________________

1) Read the interview and complete it

using the questions in the box below:

1. What do you do?

R: I am a human resources manager.

2. ______________________________________________________________

R: I work in a big company and I select people to work for my company.

3. ______________________________________________________________

R: Yes, I do. I like it a lot! My job is very interesting and I meet many people all day.

4. ______________________________________________________________

R: I have regular work hours. 8 hours a day, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

5. ______________________________________________________________

R: Humm. I don’t like it because sometimes it is a bit stressful. It’s a big responsibility to hire


6. ______________________________________________________________

Page 47: Ingles Tecnico

R: I listen to music in the car on my way home or I go to a bar to meet my friends or I go to the

cinema to relax.

3) Complete the label under Rachel’s photo with her job.


1) Do you know the name of these jobs in English? Match them.

a. b. c. d. e.

( ) architect ( ) detective ( ) footballer ( ) journalist ( ) pilot

2) Label the pictures.

1. Accountant

2. Builder

3. Businessman

4. Cashier

5. Chef

6. Dentist

7. Doctor

8. Driver (bus / taxi)

9. Electrician

10. Engineer

11. Factory worker

12. Farmer

13. Flight attendant

14. Judge

15. Lawyer

16. Maid

17. Mechanic

18. Musician

19. News presenter

20. Nurse

21. Painter

22. Photographer

23. Police officer

24. Politician

25. Receptionist

26. Salesperson

27. Tailor

28. Travel agent

29. Vet

30. Waiter

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________ 5. ______________

Page 48: Ingles Tecnico

6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. ______________ 9. ______________ 10. ______________

11. _____________ 12. ______________ 13. ______________ 14. ______________ 15. ______________

16. _____________ 17. ______________ 18. ______________ 19. ______________ 20. ______________

21. _____________ 22. ______________ 23. ______________ 24. ______________ 25. ______________

26. _____________ 27. ______________ 28. ______________ 29. ______________ 30. ______________


What do you do?

I’m a doctor. I’m in the office / taxi.

I’m an electrician. I work for a mining company. I’m at work / school / home.

I’m unemployed. I work in a factory. I’m on the bus.

I’m retired. I’m at university.

• Sempre utilizamos os artigos para falar de nossas profissões. Ex.: I’m a teacher. He’s an

engineer. Lembre-se: an é usado antes de palavras iniciadas por vogais; e a antes de palavras

iniciadas por consoantes (sempre no singular). Para profissões no plural, dizemos: They’re

Page 49: Ingles Tecnico

dentists. Portanto, não se usa artigo indefinido antes de palavras no plural, certo? Assim: She

is a doctor; They’re doctors.


1) Observe the vowel sounds below:





/� /












2) Add the jobs to the columns above according to the vowel sounds.

Accountant Clerk Farmer Judge

Where’s the stress? Find and underline the stressed syllable of the words below. Check with

a dictionary if necessary.



















� Use o website ou o

para conferir a pronúncia das palavras dos exercícios acima.

Speaking & Writing

1) Underline the expression that is correct about your job.

I work …

Page 50: Ingles Tecnico

a. inside

b. outside

c. in an office

d. at home

e. in a factory

f. in a hospital

g. in a company

I work in the … I work with …

a. morning a. my hands

b. afternoon b. a computer

c. evening c. other people

I …

a. have special qualifications

b. speak languages

c. get a lot of money

d. drive

e. write letters or e-mails

f. wear a uniform

2) Now it’s your turn talk about your job! Write seven sentences about it!

• _____________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________

• _____________________________________________________________

3) What’s your mother’s job? Is she a housewife? And what’s your father’s job? Write a

sentence to answer these questions.



• That is my parents’ house.

• It’s Sally’s family.

Page 51: Ingles Tecnico

• She’s Bill Clinton’s daughter.

1) Match the pictures to the sentences above.

2) What’s the relationship between Bill e Chelsea Clinton?


3) Observe the family tree below:

Fonte: Website 2010

4) Look at the family tree and complete the sentences about the Simpsons family with

words from the box.

Grandmother Grandfather Grandmother Grandfather

Uncle Aunt

Brother Me Sister Cousin

aunt - brother - daughters father grandparents - husband - mother - nephew niece - parents - sisters - son - uncle - wife

[m1] Comentário: Colocar a


Page 52: Ingles Tecnico

a. Homer and Marge Simpson are _____________ and _____________, respectively. They are

Bart, Lisa and Maggie’s _____________, or _____________ and _____________.

b. Bart is Homer and Marge’s _____________. Lisa and Maggie are their _____________.

c. Bart is Lisa and Maggie’s _____________. Lisa and Maggie are Bart’s _____________

d. Ling is Patty’s _____________. Bart is Selma’s _____________.

e. Herb is Bart’s _____________. Patty is Maggie’s _____________.

f. Abraham, Mona, Clancy and Jackie are the children’s _____________.

• Em inglês, sogro, sogra, cunhado e cunhada, são, respectivamente: father-in-law, mother-in-

law, brother-in-law e sister-in-law.

5) Who are they? Look at the Simpsons family tree and write the answers. Remember to

use ‘s.

a. Mona = She’s _______________________

b. Clancy = He’s _______________________

c. Herb = He’s _________________________

d. Selma = She’s _______________________

Page 53: Ingles Tecnico

6) Now, draw your family tree in your notebook. Include the names of people and their



Por acaso você já viu um tal João’s bar? E o dono do bar era um certo senhor João, correto?

Em inglês, o Genetive Case é formado pela adição do apóstrofo (‘) e s ao substantivo, no qual ‘s é

acrescentada ao nome do dono do objeto de posse, ou seja, o João, dono do bar. Para outras posses

podemos dizer, por exemplo: Mary’s car. Peter’s dog. E lemos da direita para a esquerda: Carro de

Mary. Cachorro de Peter.

• Para palavras que terminam em plural com s, exemplo friends’, acrescentamos somente a

apóstrofe e pronunciamos o –s ao falar. Ex.: My friends’ house. Quando o possuidor for um

nome próprio terminado em s, usa-se apóstrofo (‘) e pode-se usar o s ou não. Ex: The book of

Cris. -> Cris’ book ou Cris’s book.

• Quando houver dois ou mais possuidores e apenas uma coisa a ser possuída, usa-se apóstrofo

(‘) apenas no último dos possuidores. Ex: The book of John and Mary. -> John and Mary’s

book. Se houver dois possuidores e mais de uma coisa a ser possuída, usa-se apóstrofo nos

dois possuidores. Ex: The books of John and Mary-> John’s and Mary’s books.

• Usamos esta forma possessiva apenas para pessoas e animais. Ex: The Book of John ->

John’s book. Não utilizamos ‘s como posse para coisas. Ex.: the end of the film, não the film’s

end. Quando o possuidor não for nem uma pessoa, nem um animal, não se usa ‘s, usa-se of.

Ex: The top of mountain. Ou pode-se colocar o possuidor antes do possuído. Ex: The

mountain top.

• Usamos também a apóstrofe para falar de nossos relatives (parentes em português) e de

nossos parents (falso cognato que parece significar parente, mas significa “pais”). Ex. My

mother’s sister is my aunt.

• Preste bastante atenção nas frases que possuem ‘s, pois esse símbolo pode significar posse

(Ben's computer) ou o verbo to Be na 3ª pessoa (Ben's British=Ben é britânico).

Page 54: Ingles Tecnico

1) Can you see what is the use of ‘s in the text below? Write V for verb to be and G for

genitive case.

This is a photo of Anna, her husband and her children. Her husband's name is Frank. He's an

engineer. Her daughter's name is Sarah. She's 19 and she's a student. Sarah's boyfriend is an

accountant. His name is Jeremy.

2) Write apostrophe 's into the gaps.

Example: I met _______ sister yesterday. (Mandy)

Answer: I met Mandy's sister yesterday.

a) This is ___________________ book. (Gabriel)

b) Let's go to the___________________. (Johnsons)

c) The___________________ room is here. (children)

d) ___________________ sister is twenty years old. (John)

e) ___________________ and___________________ bags have green stickers. (Susan - Steve)

f) ___________________ shoes are on the first floor. (men)

g) My___________________ car is not expensive. (parents)

h) ___________________ CD player is new. (Louis)

i) This is the___________________ bike. (girl)

j) These are the___________________ pencils. (teachers)


Hoje foi dia de falar sobre trabalho e família, assuntos importantes até mesmo para uma

entrevista de emprego. Esse novo vocabulário acrescido da matéria sobre o Genitive Case pode

ajudar você a se comunicar em diversas situações. Lembre-se sempre: só o aprendizado das aulas não

é suficiente para que você aprenda e fale inglês efetivamente. Pratique, esteja em contato com esse

idioma para que a atividade de escutar se torne uma constante. Primeiro a gente ouve, depois

Page 55: Ingles Tecnico

aprende e por último produz. Vá ao cinema no fim de semana, assista a um filme ou preste atenção a

uma música para treinar seus ouvidos. Esse é seu homework de hoje!

Have fun!!!

Ana Célia Lima


Dictionary Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago, 2010.

English Exercises. The Simpsons Family Tree. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago, 2010. Listen online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 7th Lesson

Routine, routine!

Page 56: Ingles Tecnico


Hello, dear student! Is everything ok?

Em mais uma etapa em prol do seu desenvolvimento em inglês, vamos aprender a qualificar

pessoas e objetos e a falar as horas. Vamos abordar também pronúncia e vocabulário aprendendo

novas expressões, além do Present Simple Tense para atividades rotineiras.

Let’s talk about your routine!


1) Read the conversations and underline seven adjectives in the sentences below. (Lembre-

se de que os adjetivos são as palavras que qualificam pessoas, coisas etc.)

A. John: - What do you think of Steve Jobs?

Bob: - I think he’s a great businessman but he’s a strange person.

John: - Yes, I agree, but I like him anyway. He’s very talented.

B. John: - What do you think of Madonna?

Mary: - I think she’s terrible!

John: - I think she’s quite pretty and a very good singer.

C. John: - What do you think of Mick Jagger?

Louis: - He’s not so young and he gets dressed like a teenager, sometimes.

2) Now, find the opposite of the adjectives of the previous exercise in the box below:


Aprender a falar sobre atividades cotidianas.

Compreender as horas em inglês. Usar adjetivos nas frases, verificando a pronúncia dos sons das vogais, além de novas expressões.

Page 57: Ingles Tecnico


1) Match the colors and shapes below, like the exemplo.

black blue brown green gray orange pink red yellow

losangle square circle triangle rectangle

2) See the list of opposites below and make 10 expressions using adjectives + nouns:

Big Small

Cheap U$ 45.00



Safe Dangerous

Dirty Clean

Dry Wet

Easy Difficult

Empty Full

Fast Slow

Fat Thin

amazing - awful - bad - normal

old - ugly - untalented

Page 58: Ingles Tecnico





Long Short





Tall & Short

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________

4. ____________________________

5. ____________________________

6. ____________________________

7. ____________________________

8. ____________________________

9. ____________________________

10. ____________________________


Os adjetivos têm a função de dar qualidade aos nomes – em inglês nouns – ou seja, os

substantivos. Diferente do português é importante observar que:

• os adjetivos em inglês não têm plural. Ex.: new companies / black computers;

• os adjetivos em inglês também diferem do português por anteceder o substantivo. Veja os

exemplos acima em português: novas empresas / computadores pretos, ou seja, a ordem é

inversa. Observe, portanto, que, em português, os adjetivos podem vir tanto antes quanto

depois dos nomes. Em inglês vêm sempre antes deles.

1) Check the expressions from the previous exercise.

2) Now, make comments about the pictures using very (muito), quite (bastante) and not very

(não muito). Use the adjectives in the box.

fair cheap beautiful punctual expensive busy unfair ugly

Page 59: Ingles Tecnico

a b c d

It costs $1.200,00. He’s always late. This is ugly Betty. It’s big but a poor continent.


b) __________________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________________



1) Observe the pictures.

a) b) c) d) e)

f) g) h) i) j)

2) Now, match the pictures to the routines below .

( ) have dinner

( ) have breakfast

( ) have lunch

( ) take a shower

( ) wake up

( ) go to work

( ) go to bed

( ) go to the gym

( ) come back home

( ) watch TV

Page 60: Ingles Tecnico

3) Complete Sally’s routine with the expressions above .

On weekdays, I ______________________ at about six o’clock. First, I

__________________ - a cup of coffee, a banana, cornflakes, and toast. At

about seven o’clock I _________________ by bus. I work in a music store

in Brooklyn. I love it! The store opens at eight. I work all morning and then I

_____________________ at midday – a sandwich in a café. The store closes at five o’clock, and I

____________________. In the evening I __________________ to make some exercises. I really

worry about my health! When I get home, at nine, I __________________and get in my pijamas and

________________with my family. We love watching soap operas. At eleven o’clock I

__________________ and I have sweet dreams.


1) Read the sentences about the text.

Sally wakes up at six in the morning. She works in a music store and the store closes at five. She

watches TV with her family at night.

Você notou que, quando a Sally relatava sua rotina, os verbos eram diferentes?

I wake up at six.

She wakes up at six.

Pois é, um dos usos mais comuns do Simple Present é para falar de atos e atividades

rotineiras ou que se repetem em um determinado espaço de tempo. Observe os quadros abaixo:


You He

We She


wake up


wakes up

Page 61: Ingles Tecnico

To make the negative, we use do or does + not.


You He

We She


don’t (do not) wake up


doesn’t (does not) wake up

To make the interrogative, we also use do or does.


you he

we she



wake up at 6?



wake up at 7?

2) Complete the questions and answers.

a) Do you go to the gym? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

b) Does she wake up late? Yes, she does. No, he doesn’t.

c) Do you go to work by bus? Yes,_________. No, _________.

d) _______ your mother watch TV? Yes,_________. No, _________.

e) _______ you worry about your health? Yes,_________. No, _________.

f) _______ she love her job? Yes,________. No, _________.

3) Underline the affirmative or negative form to make true sentences.

a) I work/ don’t work ten hours a day.

b) My co-workers go/ don’t go to the gym.

c) My boss travels/ doesn’t travel a lot.

d) I drive/ don’t drive to work.

e) My secretary uses/ doesn’t use the computer a lot.

4) Unscramble the words to make questions and answer them. Follow the example:

Example: you/ speak Spanish? Do you speak Spanish?

_No, I don’t.___________________________________________________________

Page 62: Ingles Tecnico

a) travel/ Denise/ a lot __________________________________


b) you and Mike/ a lot of/ jobs / have _____________________________


c) your company/ a website/ have ___________________________




1) Look at the clocks:

Canada (morning) Brazil(morning) London (afternoon)

Do you know how to answer to the question “what time is it?”

2) So, tell the time in the three clocks above.

Clock 1: It’s_______________________________________________________________

Clock 2: _________________________________________________________________

Clock 3: _________________________________________________________________

Speaking & Pronunciation

1) Try to say the time:

a) 8:15 b)9:30 c) 10:45 d)11:00

Page 63: Ingles Tecnico

Temos quatro quartos na figura acima. Você concorda que em 8:15 passou-se 1/4 de hora; em 9:30 passou metade da hora; em 10:45 falta um quarto para a próxima hora? Assim, temos:

American pronunciation British pronunciation

8:15- It’s a quarter after eight. 8:15- It’s a quarter past eight.

9:30- It’s nine thirty. 9:30- It’s half past nine.

10:45- It’s a quarter to eleven. 10:45- It’s a quarter to eleven.

11:00- It’s eleven o’clock. 11:00-It’s eleven o’clock.

Observe the other examples:

8:05- It’s five after eight. 8:05- It’s five past eight.

9:20- It’s twenty after nine. 9:20- It’s twenty past nine.

Em inglês, quando se passa da metade da hora, dizemos que faltam x minutos para a próxima hora. Assim, temos na língua falada na América do Norte e na Inglaterra, o seguinte:

8:35- It’s twenty-five to nine. 9:40- It’s twenty to ten

10:50-It’s ten to eleven. 11:55- It’s five to twelve.

Além do A.M. e do P.M. – anti-meridien e post-meridien – temos outras maneiras de dizer 12:00 (twelve o’clock): midday (in the afternoon) e midnight (in the morning).

2) Practice:


________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Page 64: Ingles Tecnico


_______________ __________________ __________________ ___________________


1) Now, that you know how to tell the time, to use adjective and routine verbs, write a

small composition about your own daily routine (include times of the day if possible).














Vimos na aula de hoje como dar qualidade aos nomes (substantivos) e falar de nossos hábitos

e atividades diárias, tópicos que podem ser importantes para uma entrevista de emprego ou para

elogiar um colega de trabalho e para comunicar-se efetivamente em inglês em diversos contextos.

Espero que você esteja gostando e aprendendo com as aulas, pois este é o nosso objetivo: fazer com

que você aprenda inglês, de forma que essa língua o ajude a ser bem sucedido em sua carreira. Não

se esqueça de pedir ao seu tutor dicas de atividades; peça também que ele esclareça todas as suas


Page 65: Ingles Tecnico

Bye bye!

Ana Célia Lima

Viviany Gomes Pontes


Dictionary Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23

out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 8th Lesson

I have a meeting every Monday morning!

Page 66: Ingles Tecnico


Hi!!! How are things?

Hoje vamos utilizar em nossa aula advérbios, preposições e expressões de tempo com a

finalidade de dar mais detalhes sobre os nossos horários ou Schedule. Temos também vocabulário e

pronúncia para que você pratique mais essas novas estruturas.

Let’s start!

Reading & Reading Comprehension

Mary's hobbies and interests

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

Mary has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early, so she can run before work. She doesn't

often have time to ski, but she occasionally goes on Saturdays during the winter. Mary often rides a horse at a

stable near her home. She sometimes goes after work, but she usually goes horseback riding on Sundays. She

loves music. She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She

doesn't have much extra money, so she rarely goes to concerts in the city. She seldom watches TV because

she likes doing things outside. She usually goes to the gym if it's raining outside. She isn't often alone because

she has a lot of friends. She occasionally does something alone, but she usually does her activities with one of

her friends. She's a happy woman!

Fonte: Website

1) Answer the questions below about the text “Mary’s hobbies and Interests”.

a. Why does she usually get up early?

She gets up early to run before work.

She gets up early to go to work.

She gets up early to have breakfast.


Aprender como falar sobre atividades cotidianas e a frequência com que elas acontecem

através do uso de advérbios, preposições e expressões de tempo.

Page 67: Ingles Tecnico

b. How often does she ski?

She often skis.

She occasionally skis in winter.

She rarely skis in winter.

c. Does she ride a horse?

She rides a horse every day.

She often rides a horse.

She never rides a horse.

d. When doe she usually go horseback riding?

She usually goes horseback riding after work.

She usually goes horseback riding on Saturdays.

She usually goes horseback riding on Sundays.

e. What kind of music does she like doing?

Playing the violin


Playing the piano

f. How often does she go to concerts?

Every Sunday



g. How often does she watch TV?

She usually watches TV every night.

She seldom watches TV.

She never watches TV.

h. What does she usually do if it's raining?

She goes outside.

She goes to the gym.

She calls friends.

i. How often is she alone?

She is often alone.

She isn't often alone.

She is usually alone.

j. How often does she do something alone?

She never does something alone.

She occasionally does something alone.

She always does something alone.


Always 1) Complete the chart with the words

_________________ in the box below:




Hardly Ever / Seldom / Rarely


As palavras acima são advérbios de frequência. Observe as frases seguintes:

I always come to work on time.

They are seldom home when we call.

He usually eats breakfast at this time.







Page 68: Ingles Tecnico

A função desses advérbios muitas vezes é responder à pergunta “How often...?” (com qual

frequência...?) e eles são utilizados antes dos verbos principais – a única exceção é com o verbo To

Be (veja o segundo exemplo acima). Com os advérbios seldom, rarely, hardly ever e never usamos

sempre verbos na forma afirmativa.

2) Underline all the adverbs of frequency in the text about Mary.

3) Put the adverbs of frequency in the brackets ( ) in the correct places.

a. The weather is bad in November. (always)

b. It rains in California. (never)

c. Peter doesn't get up before seven. (usually)

d. They do not play tennis on Sundays. (always)

e. Mary watches TV. (hardly ever)

f. My sister drives to work with a friend. (usually) She drives alone. (never)

g. Carlos is an excellent student. He goes to class. (always)

4) Unscramble these sentences (Reorganize as frases seguintes).

Example: get always up you 7.00 at. - You always get up at 7.00.

a. sometimes at We restaurant a eat. ______________________________________________

b. happy always Shane is. _____________________________________________________

c. doesn't always She take a taxi. ________________________________________________

d. often listens music Tom to. __________________________________________________

e. is Paul never late. __________________________________________________________

f. Sally to sometimes gym goes the. _____________________________________________

g. Dad cook sometimes dinner. _________________________________________________

h. you do often study English? _________________________________________________


1) Complete the time expressions below:

sixty seconds = a m__ __ __ __ __ sixty minutes = an h__ __ __

Page 69: Ingles Tecnico

twenty-four hours = a d __ __

seven days = a w__ __ __

four weeks = a m__ __ __ __

twelve months = a y__ __ __

2) Observe the dialogue:

A: Do you always carry a briefcase?

B: (Yes,) I usually do. / No, I usually don’t. / No, I rarely do. /No, I hardly ever do.

• Other frequency adverbs and expressions are:

Every day/week/month/year

Once a day/week/month/year

Twice a day/week/month/year

Three times a day/week/month/year

Four times a day/week/month/year

• These expressions are used at the beginning and end of sentences, not before main verbs.

3) Answer the questions about yourself using the time expressions above:

a. How often do you eat in a restaurant? ____________________________________________ b. How often are you late for work? ________________________________________________ c. How often do you have meetings? _______________________________________________ d. How often do you carry a briefcase? _____________________________________________ e. How often do you travel on business? ____________________________________________ f. How often do you visit your clients? _____________________________________________ g. How often do you work late? ___________________________________________________ h. How often do you work at weekends? ____________________________________________


The Date

1) Match the pictures to the words below:

_____ the autumn /


_____ Christmas

_____ Easter

_____ New Year

_____ spring

_____ summer

_____ winter

Page 70: Ingles Tecnico

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

2) Complete the months of the year with vowels. Remember to use CAPITAL LETTERS

in the beginning.

a. J__n__ __ry

b. F__br__ __ry

c. M__rch

d. __pr__l

e. M__y

f. J__n__

g. J__l__

h. __ __g__st

i. S__pt__mb__r

j. __ct__b__r

k. N__v__mb__r

l. D__c__mb__r

3) Ordinal numbers. Complete with words and numbers.

1st = first

2nd = ______________

___ = third

___ = fourth

5th = ______________

6th = ______________

___ = seventh

___ = eighth

___ = ninth

10th = ______________

11th = ______________

___ = twelfth

13th = ______________

14th = ______________

___ = fifteenth

___ = sixteenth

___ = seventeenth

18th = ______________

___ = nineteenth

___ = twentieth

___ = twenty-first

22nd = ______________

23rd = ______________

24th = ______________

___ = twenty-fifth

___ = twenty-sixth

27th = ______________

28th = ______________

___ = twenty-ninth

30th = ______________

31st = ______________

• Most of the ordinal numbers are formed by number + th and they are used to say the dates.

What’s the date today? Today is 24/10 = the twenty-fourth of October OR October the

Page 71: Ingles Tecnico

twenty-fourth. In English it’s also possible to say the month before the day 10/24. (A

maioria dos números ordinais é formada pelo número + th e eles são usados para dizer as

datas. Qual é a data de hoje? Hoje são 24/10 = vinte e quatro de outubro. Observe que em

inglês existem os dois sistemas exemplificados acima. Também é possível dizer o mês antes

do dia. Ex.: 10/24).


1) Complete the sentences with the prepositions of time AT, IN and ON.

a. My birthday is _____ May.

b. My brother's birthday is _____ the 5th of November.

c. Let's meet _____ six o'clock.

d. I love to go shopping _____Christmas time.

e. We often get up early ______ the morning.

f. What do you do _____ the afternoon?

g. Do you always dream _____ night?

h. What do you normally do _____ Friday nights?

i. We usually go to the movies _____ the evening.

2) Take a look at the chart below and check your answers.


the morning Monday two o’ clock

the afternoon Friday afternoon midday, midnight

the evening the twenty-second of April lunchtime, dinnertime

December, January… February the 28th night

the summer, the spring… my birthday the weekend

1888, 1994, 2005… New Years Day Christmas, Easter, New Years

We use:

IN for long periods of time (parts of the day, months, seasons and years): in April - in 1986 - in

the winter - in the 19th century - in the 1970s - in the morning(s) / in the afternoon(s) / in the

evening(s) (but don’t say in the night, say at night.

Page 72: Ingles Tecnico

ON for specific periods of time (days of the week and dates): on March 12th, on the 20th of June,

on Wednesday(s) - on Tuesday morning(s) - on Sunday afternoon(s) - on Saturday night(s) - on

Christmas Day (but at Christmas).

AT for times: at 5 o’clock - at 11.45 - at midnight - at lunchtime. And we also use it with time

expressions like: at night - at Christmas - at the moment - at the same time - at weekends - at the age


3) Time to practice! Choose the correct prepositions to complete the gaps in the sentences.

a. Jane’s flight arrives ______ January 26th ______ 2 o'clock ______ the afternoon.

b. Shops in Brazil are usually open ______ lunchtime.

c. Michael has lunch with his clients this Friday ______ noon.

d. ______ December 31st many people drink champagne. It's tradition to

kiss the one you love ______ midnight.

e. Traditionally, British people drink tea ______ 5:00 PM.

f. In Spain people often have a siesta ______ the afternoon.

g. The hills in Italy are covered with flowers ______ the spring.

h. We meet at the coffee shop ______ 9:30 ______ the morning every Thursday.

i. In the USA, they celebrate the Independence Day ______ July 4th.

j. It snows here every year ______ December. We always go outside and play in the snow ______ Christmas



Em inglês temos alguns sons bem diferentes do português e vamos abordá-los em nossa aula.

É o som do TH de quando dizemos “thank you”, por exemplo. Esse som tem duas formas de

pronúncia, representados pelos símbolos fonéticos / �/ (unvoiced – sem vibração das cordas vocais)

como na palavra third e /� / que ocorre, por exemplo, em they (voiced – com vibração das cordas

vocais). Todas as vezes em que tivermos essas duas letras juntas em uma palavra, temos a pronúncia

de um dos dois sons citados acima, obrigatoriamente. Esse som é produzido com a língua entre os


1) Copie e cole os links em seu navegador, ouça e repita as palavras:

Page 73: Ingles Tecnico

/ �/ Thursday thirteenth birthday th ink thanks thirteenth.___ birthday.____ think._____ thanks.

/� / th is the other their with mother the._____ other._____ their._____ with._____ mother.

2) Now, listen and repeat the sentences below:

a. Thu. 13 - Thursday the thirteenth. (

b. 6/12 - The twelfth of June. (

c. 10/23 - The twenty-third of October. (


d. 3/15/1999 – The fifteenth of March, nineteen ninety-nine


e. 1/20/2008 – The twentieth of January, two thousand and eight


3) Where’s the stress in the months of the year? Underline the stressed syllable.

a. January

b. February

c. March

d. April

e. May

f. June

g. July

h. August

i. September

j. October

k. November

l. December

Page 74: Ingles Tecnico

4) Which 5 months are NOT stressed on

the first syllable?


1) Answer the questions and remember to use the time expressions:

When do you usually…?

Study ___________________________________

Work ___________________________________

See all your family ________________________

Listen to the radio _________________________

Do housework ____________________________

Go to the beach ___________________________

Go shopping _____________________________

Go on vacation ___________________________

Watch TV _______________________________

Relax ___________________________________

What time do you normally?

Start work _______________________________

Finish work ______________________________

Get up __________________________________

Have lunch ______________________________

Have dinner ______________________________

Go to work ______________________________

Go to school _____________________________

Go to bed _______________________________

Have breakfast ___________________________

Wake up ________________________________

Page 75: Ingles Tecnico


1) Write a text about your favorite time of day, day of the week, month, season and public holiday. Use dates and time expressions.

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Hoje, nesta aula, estudamos as expressões de tempo e vocabulário para falarmos de nossas

atividades e da frequência com que elas ocorrem. Também estudamos as preposições de tempo in , at

e on. Todas essas palavras e expressões são relevantes. Você consegue perceber que aos poucos seu

vocabulário está crescendo? Pratique esse novo vocabulário. Anote as palavras novas e as que são

mais úteis em seu campo de trabalho. Tudo isso será de grande auxilio na hora de falar inglês. Bons

estudos e até a próxima!

See you soon!

Ana Célia Lima


Beare, Kenneth. Website. Mary’s Hobbies and Interests. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23

out. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Page 76: Ingles Tecnico

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 9th Lesson

Yes, I can!


Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! How are you?

Hoje em nossa aula vamos aprender a usar expressões e verbos para falar de algo muito

importante para você ser bem sucedido: suas habilidades. Além disso, vamos ver também estruturas

usadas para você expressar suas opiniões, preferências e falar do que você gosta e do que não gosta.

Let’s get it started!


Entender e usar estruturas próprias de falas sobre as suas habilidades bem como sobres suas

preferências e gostos.

Page 77: Ingles Tecnico


5) Read the dialogues.

a. - Can you play the piano?

- Yes, a little. How about you?

- No, I can't, but I can play the guitar.

b. - Can you cook?

- Not really. I can make toast and pasta, that's all.

- Everyone can make toast!

- Well, can you cook?

- Yes, I can. I can cook delicious fish and


- Wow, that's great.

c. - So what can you do?

- I can draw, and I can paint really well too. I can

also speak English and Korean. How about you?

- I can play chess and I can write computer

programs. I can also speak Spanish.

- Excellent!

6) Practice the dialogues. Copy and paste the dialogues at the website Then, listen and repeat the dialogues.


1) Label the pictures below with the underlined expressions from the dialogues above.

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

2) Which of these activities CAN you do? ________________________________________


Page 78: Ingles Tecnico


• Usamos Can e Can’t para falar de coisas que conseguimos fazer ou que temos habilidade

para fazer. Ex.: I can write a text but I can’t type (digitar) it.

• Can é um verbo auxiliar modal do inglês que, além de utilizarmos para falar de habilidades,

usamos também para formar frases negativas e fazer perguntas. Ex.: I can’t drive. Can you

drive? Observe que não dizemos I can to drive, e sim, I can drive.

• Can e Can’t têm também outras funções: a de expressar possibilidade ou de fazer pedidos.

Ex.: I can help you tomorrow. (possibilidade)

Can you open the window, please? Can you tell me the time? (pedido)

• Os verbos modais não mudam de acordo com as pessoas (I, he, we, they...). Veja a

conjugação de can nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, abaixo:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I can plan a meeting. I can’t plan a meeting. Can I plan a meeting?

You can plan a meeting. You can’t plan a meeting. Can you plan a meeting?

He can plan a meeting. He can’t plan a meeting. Can he plan a meeting?

She can plan a meeting. She can’t plan a meeting. Can she plan a meeting?

It can plan a meeting. It can’t plan a meeting. Can it plan a meeting?

We can plan a meeting. We can’t plan a meeting. Can we plan a meeting?

You can plan a meeting. You can’t plan a meeting. Can you plan a meeting?

They can plan a meeting. They can’t plan a meeting. Can they plan a meeting?

• Now, observe the short answers:

Yes, I can.

Yes, you can.

Yes, he can.

Yes, she can.

Yes, it can.

Yes, we can.

Yes, you can.

Yes, they can.

No, I can’t.

No, you can’t.

No, he can’t.

No, she can’t.

No, it can’t.

No, we can’t.

No, you can’t.

No, they can’t.

Page 79: Ingles Tecnico

1) Make 4 negative sentences with the verb can according to the pictures below using the

expressions in the box:

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. You ____________________________________________

2. You ____________________________________________

3. You ____________________________________________

4. You ____________________________________________

2) Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

a. She can’t _______________ Italian. ( ) speak ( ) to speak

b. _______________ he play chess? ( ) Do ( ) Can

c. Can you help me? Sorry, I _______________ . ( ) don’t ( ) can’t

d. _______________ I see the doctor tomorrow? ( ) Can ( ) Does

e. Can she swim? Yes, she _______________ . ( ) can’t ( ) can

f. I_______________ go out tonight. I'm busy. ( ) can’t ( ) can

g. Can you_______________ to the cinema tonight? ( ) to go ( ) go

h. You_______________ park here. It's no parking. ( ) can’t ( ) don’t

i. I_______________ play football, but not basketball. ( ) can ( ) don’t

j. _______________ I park my car here? ( ) Can ( ) Do

k. Where? I_______________ see him. ( ) doesn’t ( ) can’t

l. _______________ you help me with my homework? ( ) Can ( ) Does

m. Jim makes great food. He_______________cook really well.

( ) can ( ) can’t





Page 80: Ingles Tecnico



É notória e persistente a dificuldade que estudantes brasileiros de ESL têm em distinguir as formas afirmativa

e negativa do verbo CAN. O segredo é que a diferença está mais no ritmo da frase do que na pronúncia do / t /.

Da mesma forma que nas frases afirmativas e negativas com o verbo TO BE, o verbo CAN quase desaparece

quando pronunciado numa frase afirmativa, tornando-se um simples apêndice atônico do verbo (ao contrário

do que ocorre em português com o verbo poder ou conseguir). Na sua forma negativa, o CAN'T sobressai em

relação ao resto da frase”. Exemplo:

Escute aqui a frase acima.

Fonte: English Made in Brazil (Online).

Como vimos acima, só colocamos stress no verbo can em perguntas começadas com “can” e

em respostas curtas afirmativas, ao passo que can’t é sempre pronunciado com stress.


Verb phrases

Verb phrases ou expressões verbais são expressões nas quais temos verbos + substantivos,

adjetivos ou preposições com significados específicos de acordo com um determinado contexto.

Vamos aprender algumas delas?

Buy (a newspaper / a ticket)

Call / phone (a company)

Dance (ballet / the tango)

Find (some money)

Give (someone a discount)

Hear (a noise)

Help (someone)

Look for (your car keys)

Meet (a friend / a client)

Ride (a bike / a horse)

See (a film)

Sing (a song)

Swim (everyday)

Take (your umbrella)

Talk (to someone)

Tell (a secret)

Travel (by bus / by plane)

Turn on / off (the computer)

Page 81: Ingles Tecnico

Wait for (a taxi / someone) Walk (home / to work)

1) Find the meaning of the verb phrases above. Use a dictionary or ask your tutor.



What do you like doing?

- In my free time I like swimming, traveling, going out with my friends, staying home with my

family… What about you?

- I love going to the cinema, listening to music and going shopping, but I don’t like driving in

big cities and I hate waking up early on weekdays.


No exemplo acima, temos duas pessoas conversando sobre suas preferências. Como estão

conjugados os verbos após as expressões destacadas? like, love, don’t like e hate?

1) Reescreva-as abaixo:

☺ 1. ___________________________________________________________________________

� 2. ___________________________________________________________________________

☺☺ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________

�� 4. ___________________________________________________________________________

Após os verbos destacados acima, utilizamos o verbo no gerúndio. Assim como dizemos em

português os sufixos ANDO, ENDO, INDO como em estudANDO, comENDO, sorrINDO. Em

inglês, acrescentamos o sufixo ING aos verbos, o que forma studyING, eatING, SmilING. Em alguns

casos devemos fazer modificações nos verbos. É o caso de verbos terminados em –e e de verbos de

uma só sílaba formados por consoante + vogal + consoante. Veja os exemplos abaixo:

Get = getting

Drive = driving

Run = running

Live = living

Page 82: Ingles Tecnico

Swim = swimming Make = making

2) Now, write the ING form of the verbs below:

Buy =

Call =

Cook =

Dance =

Draw =

Find =

Give =

Hear =

Help =

Look for =

Meet =

Paint =

Phone =

Play =

Read =

Ride =

See =

Sing =

Smoke =

Swim =

Take =

Talk =

Tell =

Travel =

Turn on / off =

Wait for =

Walk =

Write =

Page 83: Ingles Tecnico

3) Write about Susan’s likes and dislikes using the expressions in the box below:

a. She likes watching TV. _______________________________________________________ b. __________________________________________________________________________ c. __________________________________________________________________________ d. __________________________________________________________________________ e. __________________________________________________________________________ f. __________________________________________________________________________ g. __________________________________________________________________________ h. __________________________________________________________________________

4) Choose the correct answer. Use the words in the box.

a. I_______________ playing football. It's fantastic.

b. Susan likes_______________ stories.

c. We hate_______________ for clothes.

d. I like dancing, but I_______________ singing.

e. I love_______________ my friends in Italy.

f. Stephen_______________ studying, but he likes reading.

5) Put the words in the correct order to form phrases.

a. Mike doing likes housework. __________________________________________________

b. hates exercise. Carla doing ____________________________________________________

c. like swimming don't winter. I the in _____________________________________________

d. My mum like cooking. doesn't _________________________________________________

e. love weekend. the They going cinema the to at _____________________________________

f. I to work morning. going Monday hate on ________________________________________


☺ watching TV, reading the newspaper

� going to the market, taking photos

☺☺ going shopping, listening to music

�� cooking, exercising







Page 84: Ingles Tecnico

Utilizando as verb phrases que você já aprendeu até o momento, escreva um pequeno parágrafo

sobre as suas preferências no seu tempo livre e sobre o que você gosta ou não de fazer. Use os verbos

like, don’t like, love e hate para expressar seus gostos.









Na aula de hoje falamos mais de você, suas habilidades, seus gostos... Tudo isso com o

propósito de desenvolver seu vocabulário com novas palavras e expressões para facilitar a sua

interação com o mundo. Em todas as aulas aprendemos pronúncia para que você fale e seja

compreendido pelo interlocutor. A pronúncia é fator determinante no aprendizado do inglês uma vez

que as alterações mais sutis fazem grande diferença para quem ouve. Caso você tenha dificuldade,

peça ao seu tutor dicas de sites, consulte dicionários e a internet, fontes inesgotáveis de informação.

A pesquisa ajuda na progressão do seu conhecimento.

Thank you very much!

Ana Célia Lima


English made in Brazil. Diferença entre can e can’t. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 01 nov. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

Page 85: Ingles Tecnico

• 10th Lesson

This briefcase is mine!


Hey! How are things?

Hoje vamos falar de mim, de você, deles... Tudo isso utilizando os pronomes em inglês

conhecidos por nós como pronomes oblíquos (object pronouns) e os pronomes possessivos

(possessive pronouns).

Let’s have some fun!


1) Read the text about Cathy.

About (1) me


Conhecer, praticando através de exercícios, os pronomes do inglês: object pronouns e

possessive pronouns.

Aprender a pronúncia correta dos sons de algumas vogais.

Page 86: Ingles Tecnico

My name’s Cathy, and that’s (2) me in the picture.

I’m 26, I’m a Scorpio, and I’m single.

I work for a big company. It’s a good job, but I don’t like (3) it. I prefer

being outside.

I have one brother, He’s 23. I love (4) him, but we’re very different. He has a girlfriend. She’s

beautiful, but my parents don’t like (5) her.

We live at home with our parents. We have a sister, but she doesn’t live with (6) us. She’s married

and she has two children. We see (7) them on weekends.

I listen to all kinds of music, but my favorite is jazz. I play the saxophone, but I don’t play (8) it very

well. I’m not very sporty but I like dancing. I have a lot of friends, and I go out with (9) them every

weekend. What about (10) you?


Provavelmente você não sabe como as palavras numeradas são chamadas, mas com certeza

você entende a função delas. Elas são chamadas object pronouns e têm a função de substituir

substantivos em frases. Ex.: She meets Alice. She invites her to her house.

Observe que na segunda frase substituímos Alice por her.

• Os object pronouns também são usados após verbos e preposições. Ex.: See you tomorrow.

Listen to me! (após o verbo see e a preposição to).

Compare na tabela abaixo os subject pronouns (ou pronomes do sujeito: I, he, you, they, etc.)

e os object pronouns (ou pronomes oblíquos – do objeto – me, him, you, them, etc.):

Subject pronouns Object pronouns

I me

you you

he him

she her

it it

we us

they them

Page 87: Ingles Tecnico

Os object pronouns são o objeto na frase. Assim, no trecho: “She’s beautiful, but my parents

don’t like (5) her”, Her substitui his girlfriend (objeto do verbo gostar) que foi citado anteriormente.

É errado dizer My parents don’t like she, pois, “My parents” é o sujeito da frase e “his

girlfriend” é o objeto.

Let’s practice!

1) Complete the sentences with the object pronouns.

a) I don’t like the Doors. Do you like _________________?

b) I don’t like Justin Bieber. Do you like ______________?

c) I don´t like to listen to jazz. Do you like _____________?

d) I don’t like Maria Betânia. Do you like ______________?

e) I don’t like Spice Girls. Do you like _______________?

f) I don’t like winter. Do you like ______________?

2) Rewrite the sentences and substitute for object pronouns.

a) Tell Lucy she needs to finish this report today._______________________________

b) My son loves his job. __________________________________________________

c) Peter likes his strict boss. _______________________________________________

d) My driver drives many cars. ___________________________________________

e) Talk to me and to the manager if you need help. _____________________________


1) Write 2 names in the squares below:

Famous actors

Famous actresses

TV programmes

Pop groups

Page 88: Ingles Tecnico

2) Make 8 questions and answers about the people, programmes and groups.

What do you think of (Tarcisio Meira)?

He/she/it’s OK / great / terrible.

They’re OK / great / terrible.

I don’t know him / her / it / them.

a) __________________________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________________________

e) __________________________________________________________________________

f) __________________________________________________________________________

g) __________________________________________________________________________

h) __________________________________________________________________________


1) Read the sentences below.

• That’s my car. That car is mine.

Qual a diferença entre as palavras sublinhadas nas frases acima? Veja ainda essas outras


Tell Lucy that car is my car.

I have my bag and she has her bag.

We need a ticket and he needs his ticket too.

She has her money and we have our money.

My brothers’ names are the same as their mother’s name.

like him

don't like her

love it


hate them

Page 89: Ingles Tecnico

Você notou a repetição dos substantivos nas frases acima? Será que existe uma maneira de

dizer o que se pretende sem essa repetição? A resposta é SIM! Veja a solução:

Tell Lucy that car is mine.

I have my bag and she has hers.

We need a ticket and he needs his.

She has her money and we have ours.

My mother’s name is the same as theirs.

Viu só? Esses termos grifados são chamados Possessive Pronouns. Eles substituem os

substantivos que, geralmente, já foram mencionados anteriormente. As expressões com os possessive

pronouns sempre substituem uma expressão com um possessive adjective + noun. Ex.: It’s her car.

It’s hers (her car = hers).

Possessive Pronouns Possessive adjectives

mine my

yours your

his his

hers her

its* its

ours our

theirs their

* Apesar de existir, o pronome ITS raramente é usado.

• A diferença é que os possessive adjectives qualificam substantivos (ex.: my house, your

office, etc.), enquanto os pronomes substituem essas expressões. Ex.: A - Whose book is it? Is

it yours (your book)? B - Yes, it is.

• O possessive pronoun nunca é usado antes de um substantivo, pois sua função é substituí-lo.

Outra forma de indicar posse pode ser feita pela construção one of + possessive pronoun.

Eg: A friend of yours (one of your friends) is here.

Vamos praticar!

Page 90: Ingles Tecnico

1) Finish the sentences with a possessive pronoun.

a) It’s your money. It’s ______________

b) It’s our car. It’s _________________

c) They’re your books. They’re ______________

d) It’s his laptop. It’s ________________

e) It’s their documents. It’s _________________

f) It’s her briefcase. It’s ____________________

g) They’re our mobiles. They’re __________________

2) Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

a) ( ) Mia left_________ notebook on the bus.

(1) hers (2) her (3) him

b) ( ) My brother has __________ own car.

(1) he (2) him (3) his

c) ( ) This was not my fault. It was ___________.

(1) your (2) her (3) yours

d) She calls you and ________ everyday.

(1) mine (2) him (3) his

e) This is my document. That one is __________.

(1) mine (2) theirs (3) her


Vowel sounds - /����:/ / / // / /

Book /b k/

Cook /� �/

Good / �/

Yours /!����:�"/

Sporty /������:���:/


/�’�����:� /

No / /

Home /# �/


/’����� /

Brother /’$����/

Parents /’�����/

Children /’������/

Page 91: Ingles Tecnico

1) Practice the words and repeat them after the website .

2) Observe the pronunciation of the possessive pronouns below:

3) Rhyming words – Match the possessive pronouns to the words in the second box

according to the rhymes:


1) Now write a text about like the Cathy’s.























Page 92: Ingles Tecnico

Estudamos os pronomes na aula de hoje, pronomes que conhecemos como oblíquos e

pronomes que indicam posse em inglês. Por serem parecidos com outra estrutura do inglês que já

vimos anteriormente na aula 4, os possessive adjectives, é importante que a diferença entre essas

estruturas tenha ficado clara e, principalmente, que você pratique sempre e de novo tudo que

aprender nas aulas. Pesquise e faça exercícios; peça também a orientação de seu tutor para tirar todas

as suas dúvidas.

Faça bom proveito dessas aulas, pois elas foram pensadas de modo a auxiliar você em seu

processo de aprendizado. Pratique também a pronúncia em inglês!

Don’t forget! Practice makes perfect!

See you soon!

Ana Célia Lima

Viviany Gomes Pontes


Dictionary Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

Page 93: Ingles Tecnico

• 11th Lesson

Who was Juscelino Kubitschek?


Hello! How are you?

Na aula de hoje vamos falar do que já passou, através de expressões de tempo e de verbos;

vamos aprender e praticar o uso de estruturas para falar do passado em inglês.

Come with me! (Venha comigo)


7) Personalities Quiz – Choose a, b or c.

• Who was Juscelino Kubitschek?

a. a politician b. a singer c. a sportsman

• Who was Leonardo DaVinci?

a. a dancer b. a painter c. a singer

• Who was Ayrton Senna?

a. a taxi driver b. a F1 driver c. a pilot of boeings

Aims (Objetivos)

• Praticar o tempo passado dos verbos em inglês

através de frases e vocabulário com expressões

referentes ao passado.

• Entender como funcionam os verbos regulares do

inglês e a pronúncia diferenciada do –ed ao final dos

verbos. regulares.

Page 94: Ingles Tecnico

• Who was Albert Einstein?

a. a musician b. an artist c. a scientist

• Who was Monteiro Lobato?

a. a composer b. a pianist c. a writer

• Who was Santos Dumont?

a. a driver b. an inventor c. a poet


Word Formation

Muitas palavras em inglês são formadas por derivação, de verbos, substantivos, etc. No

exercício acima, temos várias palavras que designam atividades ou profissões formadas a partir de

substantivos e verbos e às quais são acrescentados os sufixos –er, -or, -ian e -ist.

1) Complete a tabela abaixo com as profissões do quiz do exercício anterior de acordo com a


-er -or -ian -ist

Footballer Doctor Technician Psychologist


1) Read the sentences below.

• Talking about today

+ He is in a meeting this afternoon.

? Do you like to travel on business?

- She doesn’t have free time during the week.

• Talking about yesterday

Page 95: Ingles Tecnico

Como será que ficam as sentenças acima no tempo passado? Você deve estar se perguntando

o que muda... Para começar, temos em inglês o que chamamos de verbos regulares, e os verbos work,

travel nas frases acima são desse grupo de verbos. Mas o que dizer do verbo is em “He is in a

meeting this afternoon”? Ele também é um verbo regular? O verbo to be tem a sua particularidade

em todos os tempos verbais, portanto no passado também. Vamos ver por partes.

Verb To Be

Present simple Past simple

I am I was

You are You were

He is He was

She is She was

It is It was

We are We were

They are They were

Então, observe a frase do exemplo nas formas presente e passado:

He is in a meeting this afternoon. He was in a meeting yesterday afternoon.

Observe agora as formas negativa e interrogativa do verbo To Be no passado:

Negatives: He wasn’t(was not) in a meeting yesterday afternoon/You weren’t (were not) in a

meeting yesterday afternoon.

Questions: Was he….?/ Were you…?

Short answers: Yes, I/ he/ she/ it was or Yes, you/ we/ they were.

No, I/ he/ she/ it wasn’t or No, you/ we/ they weren’t.

Os demais verbos são classificados em regulares e irregulares. Vamos ver agora a conjugação

do verbo regular “work”:

Present simple Past simple

I work I worked

Page 96: Ingles Tecnico

You work You worked

He works He worked

She works She worked

It works It worked

We work We worked

They work They worked

Viu como é simples? Os verbos não mudam de acordo com os pronomes como acontece no

tempo verbal Simple Present. Observe o exemplo abaixo:

I work a lot every day. I worked a lot yesterday. (qualquer pessoa, singular ou plural, vai

ser sempre a mesma coisa: terminação em ed)

O que dizer das negativas e interrogativas dos verbos de ação? Ora, também é muito simples:

aqui precisamos de um verbo auxiliar que, no tempo passado, é o did para todas as pessoas.


I didn’t (did not) work a lot yesterday

You didn’t (did not) work …

He didn’t (did not) work …

She didn’t (did not) work …

It didn’t (did not) work …

We didn’t (did not) work …

They didn’t (did not) work


Did I work? Yes, you did/ No, you didn’t.

Did you work? Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t.

Did he work? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

Did she work? Yes, she did/No, she didn’t

Did it work? Yes, it did/ No, it didn’t.

Did we work? Yes, we did/ No, we didn’t.

Did they work? Yes, they did/No they didn’t.

Page 97: Ingles Tecnico

Até aqui você deve ter percebido que, para fazer o passado dos verbos regulares, acrescenta-

se –ed. No entanto na negativa e na interrogativa em que usamos o auxiliar did não repetimos essa

terminação, ou seja, o verbo volta para o infinitivo. Fácil, não é?

• É importante lembrar também que só acrescentamos ED aos verbos regulares em frases

afirmativas no passado. Observe:

I worked a lot yesterday.

I didn’t work a lot yesterday.

Did you work a lot yesterday?

Para acrescentarmos ED aos verbos, temos que seguir algumas regras. Preste atenção:

• Em caso de verbos regulares de uma só sílaba, que terminem em consoante + vogal +

consoante, repetimos a última letra e acrescentamos ED. Ex.: stop – stopped;

• já em caso de verbos que terminam em E, acrescentamos apenas a letra D. Ex.: move –


• para os verbos regulares que terminam em Y, precedidos de consoante, tiramos a letra y e

acrescentamos IED. Ex.: study – studied.

Let’s practice!

2) Here you have a list of regular verbs. Add ED to put them in the past simple.

live answer accept

like ask add

approve arrive attach

cry calculate communicate

disappear dress disagree

end explain play

request intend balance

manage miss need

pretend carry succeed

Page 98: Ingles Tecnico

3) Write 5 positive sentences in the simple past with verbs you learned in this lesson.

a. __________________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________________

d. __________________________________________________________________________

e. __________________________________________________________________________

4) Turn the sentences below in negative and interrogative. Be careful with the verb to Be!

a) He answered the phone call from Miami.

( -) ______________________________________________________________________________

( ?) _____________________________________________________________________________

b) They called their boss to know about the meeting.

( -) ______________________________________________________________________________

( ?) _____________________________________________________________________________

c) We lived in London last year because of Fabio’s job.

( -) ______________________________________________________________________________

( ?) _____________________________________________________________________________

d) John was a successful manager before he retired.

( -) ______________________________________________________________________________

( ?) _____________________________________________________________________________

e) You were my first partner in the company.

( -) ______________________________________________________________________________

( ?) _____________________________________________________________________________

f) Luis wanted to open a new bank account.

( -) ______________________________________________________________________________

( ?) _____________________________________________________________________________

g) Harry was a trainee when he started to work here.

( -) ______________________________________________________________________________

( ?) _____________________________________________________________________________


Page 99: Ingles Tecnico

Time expressions

I lived in São Paulo when I was 5.

I accepted to work there for four years.

I wanted to travel to China two years ago.

Yesterday evening I waited for your call.

She graduated in 2000.

Other expressions

This morning, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, last Tuesday, last summer, last year...

• We can say yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon and yesterday evening, BUT yesterday

night doesn’t exist. We say last night. (Muito “bacana” essa dica, não é?)

1) Fill in the sentences with a time expression:

a) I was born in Africa ___________ 1970.

b) My boss moved back to Brazil ____________ he got married.

c) He lived in Bristol ____________ three years.

d) I graduated four years ___________.

e) __________ week I got a promotion.

f) We accepted the new partner ___________ evening.

g) I didn't go home___________ weekend because some friends were here.

h) I played tennis every day ___________ I was a teenager.

i) I was at the cinema with my friends ___________ Saturday.


-ED ending

Há três formas de pronunciar o som do ED /��������/, /����/ or /����/. Observe o quadro abaixo:

Se o verbo terminar em verbo*: examplo pronúncia Sílaba

Page 100: Ingles Tecnico

um desses sons: com -ed: do -ed: extra?


(sem voz) /t/ want wanted


(com voz) /d/ end ended

/��������/ sim

/p/ hope hoped

/f/ laugh laughed

/s/ dress dressed

/sh/ wash washed

/tch/ watch watched


/k/ like liked


play played

allow allowed voiced

Todos os


sons… disappear disappeared



*significa que suas cordas vocais vibram quando diz o som.

**significa que suas cordas vocais não vibram.

• O som do E na terminação ED só é pronunciado quando o último som do verbo no infinitivo

é /����/ ou /����/. Ex.: decide /��������’����������������/ sendo a pronúncia do passado decided


• Note que o som é que é importante, não a letra final. Para ter certeza, consulte sempre a

pronúncia do verbo no infinitivo (utilize o site e

verifique se o som final é de /����/ ou /����/, isto é, se é voiced ou unvoiced.

1) Clique no link abaixo e assista ao video sobre os voiced e unvoiced sons no passado. Com

essa atividade você saberá o que significa em termos de som cada um desses sinais, ok?

Page 101: Ingles Tecnico


Hoje falamos do que já passou, isto é, de como se faz o passado dos verbos em geral. As

estruturas estudadas hoje podem auxiliar quando você falar de suas atividades anteriores, do que fez

no passado e assim por diante. Espero que você estude através das atividades aqui propostas e não se

esqueça de trazer suas dúvidas para os chats e fóruns. Esclarecê-las só depende de você. Faça sua

parte. Pratique o novo vocabulário com as expressões de tempo e principalmente a pronúncia dos

sons dos verbos no passado. Estarei aqui quando você precisar, bem como seu professor tutor.

Enjoy your study!

Ana Célia Lima

Viviany Gomes Pontes


Dictionary Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Past Simple Regular Verb Endings. Disponível em Acesso em: 12 nov. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 12th Lesson

Page 102: Ingles Tecnico

Where did you go for your last holiday?


HI, dear student! What’s up?

Em nossa aula de hoje, vamos abordar o passado por meio de acontecimentos históricos (ou

não) usando o tempo verbal do inglês que conta com verbos regulares e irregulares.. O seu passado e

o passado do mundo são importantes para o nosso presente. Para isso, vamos contar com uma aula

repleta de gramática, vocabulário e pronúncia!

Enjoy it! Practice it!


8) Que verbos utilizamos com cada uma dessas expressões? Você se lembra? Alguns já

foram nosso objeto de estudo. Com alguns deles usamos go, have ou get. Coloque cada

um dos verbos na coluna correta. Depois, confira suas respostas em um dicionário.


a newspaper (=buy)

a taxi / bus / train (=take)

an e-mail / letter (=receive)


home (=arrive)


Estudar o Simple Past dos verbos em inglês.

Conhecer mais alguns verbos e acrescentar alguns vowel sounds à nossa lista.

Page 103: Ingles Tecnico

to a restaurant (=arrive)



away (for the weekend)

by bus

for a walk

home (by bus / car)

out (on Friday night)


to a restaurant

to bed (early / late)

to church / to mosque

to the beach


breakfast / lunch / dinner

a car

a drink

a good time

a sandwich

a shower

9) Practice the expressions above. Copy and paste the dialogues at the website Then, listen and repeat.

• Você sabe a diferença entre as expressões go home e get home? Escreva aqui:



3) Paula and David live in São Paulo and they are talking about David’s night out. Read

the dialogue and practice it.

Paula: Did you go out last night?

David: Yes, I did. What about you? Did you have fun?

Paula: No I didn’t. I had a test this morning so I stayed home to study last night.

David: I went out for a boys night out with my friends.

Paula: Hmmm. Good! Where did you go?

David: We went to a bar and after the bar we went to a friend’s house for a party.

Paula: Wow! It seems like you had a lot of fun!

David: Yes, we did. We talked and drank and it was very nice!

Paula: What did you have to eat and drink?

David: Well, at the beach bar we drank beer and after the party we had some sandwiches.

Paula: And how did you go home?

David: Oh, we took a taxi.

Page 104: Ingles Tecnico

Paula: Very good idea! Did you get home very late?

David: No, I didn’t. I got home at about 1 p.m.

Paula: So, did you have a good time?

David: Yes, I did. It was great! But now I feel a bit tired and I want to go to bed again.


1) Quais as 2 palavras que se repetem nas questões sublinhadas acima?


2) Qual a diferença entre as questões abaixo? Escreva as respostas das duas perguntas.

Where did you go? Did you have a good time?



Como vimos na aula anterior, usamos o Simple Past para falar de atividades ou ações

terminadas. Ainda nesta unidade, vamos revisar o que já aprendemos e acrescentar os verbos

irregulares do inglês. Veja a conjugação do verbo irregular “get” (no sentido de chegar) no passado:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I got home late. I didn’t get home late. Did I get home late?

You got home late. You didn’t get home late. Did you get home late?

He got home late. He didn’t get home late. Did he get home late?

She got home late. She didn’t get home late. Did she get home late?

It got home late. It didn’t get home late. Did it get home late?

We got home late. We didn’t get home late. Did we get home late?

You got home late. You didn’t get home late. Did you get home late?

They got home late. They didn’t get home late. Did they get home late?

• Observe agora as short answers:

Yes, I did.

Yes, you did.

Yes, he did.

Yes, she did.

Yes, it did.

Yes, we did.

Yes, you did.

Yes, they did.

No, I didn’t.

No, you didn’t.

Page 105: Ingles Tecnico

No, he didn’t.

No, she didn’t.

No, it didn’t.

No, we didn’t.

No, you didn’t.

No, they didn’t.

Como você pode ver, frases negativas e interrogativas exigem o auxiliar DID(N’T), e, após o

auxiliar, usamos o verbo no infinitivo uma vez que o auxiliar já demonstra que a frase está no tempo

passado, assim como as frases afirmativas demandam o uso dos verbos no passado, sejam eles

regulares ou não.

• Sempre que precisar, consulte a lista de verbos irregulares no final do livro ou um dicionário.

Os verbos que não constam nessa lista, provavelmente são regulares e devem ser acrescidos

de (I)ED de acordo com a terminação.

• Lembre-se sempre da seguinte ordem para perguntas em inglês, tanto no presente quanto no


ASI = auxiliar + sujeito + infinitivo (verbo)

Did you have a good time?

Did you get home late?


QUASI = pronome interrogativo + auxiliar + sujeito + infinitivo (verbo)

How did you go home?

What time did you get home?

• O verbo can, que estudamos na aula 9, é um verbo modal utilizado também para formar

perguntas e frases negativas e é conjugado no passado em inglês da seguinte forma:

+ - ?

I could swim when I was 5. I couldn’t swim when I was 5. Could I swim when I was 5?

3) Encontre e circule os verbos abaixo na conversation do início da aula e os reescreva:

Drink = ______________________

Have = ______________________

Take = ______________________

Go = ________________________

Page 106: Ingles Tecnico

4) Complete the sentences below with the simple past of the verbs in the box (consulte a

lista de verbos a que já me referi):

a. She _________________ us all the information we asked for.

b. I _________________ a very good time at the trade fair (feira de negócios).

c. I _________________ very nervous before my exam yesterday.

d. He _________________ to Paris by train.

e. I _________________ about it in the newspaper.

f. A woman came into the shop and _________________ five hats.

5) Teresa went on a business trip. Write questions using the words given (remember to use


Example: where / the hotel / was = Where was the hotel?_______________

a. Where / she / went = ________________________________________________

b. How long / she / stayed / there = _______________________________________

c. If / the food / was / good = ____________________________________________

d. If / she / went / by plane = ____________________________________________

6) Fill in the blanks with the past form of the verbs in parenthesis.

a. My sister (make) __________________ a birthday cake for me last week.

b. My friends (drive) __________________ to Los Angeles two weeks ago.

c. Elizabeth (take) __________________ some flowers to her mother last Saturday.

d. Last week my aunt (have) __________________ a baby.

e. The child (drink) __________________ some milk last night.

f. My teacher (buy) __________________ some new books last month.

7) Put the verbs into the correct form to complete the text about Simon’s holiday.

Last year I (spend) __________________ my holiday in Ireland. It (be) __________________ great.

I (travel) __________________ around by car with two friends and we (visit) __________________

lots of interesting places. In the evenings we usually (go) to a pub. One night we even (learn)


Page 107: Ingles Tecnico

__________________ some Irish dances. We (be) __________________ very lucky with the

weather. It (not / rain) __________________ a lot. But we (see) __________________ some

beautiful rainbows. Where (spend / you) __________________ your last holiday?

8) Find the regular verb in each line and write it into the gap.

Example: say, lose, dance, sing - dance__

a) read, feel, play, see -________________

b) listen, do, go, make -________________

c) know, help, say, think -________________

d) like, write, forget, eat -________________

e) take, bring, cut, clean -________________

f) watch, be, have, meet -________________

g) put, buy, cook, teach -________________

h) catch, find, answer, lose -______________

i) want, tell, win, sit -________________

j) sell, build, drink, open -________________



1) Circle the correct answer:

1. She served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. She was the first

woman in her position in the UK.

Hanna Suchocka Elisabeth Domitien Margaret Thatcher Edith Cresson

2. She was the first African American woman to become The United States Secretary of State. Her

name comes from Italian.

Miriam A. Ferguson Madeleine Albright Patience Sewell Latting Condoleezza Rice

3. Who was the inventor of dynamite?

The Chinese Georg Friedrich


Alfred Nobel Joseph Wilbrand

Page 108: Ingles Tecnico

4. Who were the three musketeers in Alexandre Dumas's novel by the same name.

Athos, Portos,


Portos, d'Artagnan,


Athos, Portos, Aramis Aramis, d'Artagnan,


5. Which war began in 1914?

Spanish-American war Russo-Japanese war World War II World War I

6. What Italian Renaissance artist painted the Sistine Chapel?

Claude Monet Leonardo Da Vinci Vincent Van Gogh Michelangelo

7. This pharmacist invented Coca Cola.

Frank Robinson James Russell Doctor John Pemberton Viktor Schauberger

8. Which company made the first commercial portable cell phone in 1983?

Samsung Nokia Att Motorola

Fonte: Adaptado do site


Vowel Sounds – Diphthongs /��������/ /����/ /����/ / /

/��������/ /����/ /����/ / /*

boy year where tourist

* Esse som não é muito comum.

1. Put the words below in the chart according to the vowel sounds. Check the

pronunciation at the website










Page 109: Ingles Tecnico




Page 110: Ingles Tecnico


1) Utilizando os verbos no passado estudados nesta aula de hoje, gostaria que você

escrevesse um texto contando sobre suas últimas férias. Para isso, você deve estruturar

o seu texto de modo que responda às seguintes perguntas:

- Where did you go? (to the beach, to the countryside,…)

- Who did you go with? (with your friends, family…)

- How did you go? (by car, by bus, by train, by plane…)

- What did you do?

- How long did you stay there? (2 days, a weekend, 3 weeks, a month…)

- Did you have a good time?

What did you do for your last holiday?














Page 111: Ingles Tecnico


Que tal a aula de hoje? Muitas descobertas e seu vocabulário crescendo? Hoje falamos de

verbos regulares e irregulares. Sim, os verbos irregulares são muitos e não os aprendemos em um

piscar de olhos. Aprender requer dedicação. Espero que você aproveite esse novo conhecimento não

apenas de modo teórico; anote as novas palavras e expressões que você encontra, pois só depende de

você estudar de modo a desenvolver suas habilidades linguísticas através dos tópicos que são

ensinados durante as aulas.

Basta querer! Bons estudos!

Bye bye!

Ana Célia Lima


123 Trivia Quizzes. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 01

nov. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 13th Lesson

Page 112: Ingles Tecnico

Shopping for furniture


Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Hoje temos muita coisa nova para estudar! Gramática, vocabulário e pronúncia de novas

palavras relacionadas a casas, móveis e demais objetos de decoração.

Let’s go!


1. Complete the boxes in the picture below with the names:



Conhecer uma nova estrutura, There to be, no presente e no passado.

Conhecer vocabulário referente a móveis e as preposições indicadoras de lugar.

Treinar os sons das consoantes do inglês.

Page 113: Ingles Tecnico

2. Do you live in a big house? How many rooms does it have? 7? 8? 9? …?


3. Look at the pictures below. Can you label the rooms? Use the words in the box:

1. ____________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. ___________________________

4. ____________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. ___________________________

4. Where are these objects from? Write BA for BATHROOM, BE for BEDROOM, D for



Page 114: Ingles Tecnico

1. Armchair ( ) 2. Fireplace ( ) 3. Lamp ( )

4. Desk ( ) 5. Plant ( ) 6. Sofa ( )

7. Shower ( ) 8. Picture ( ) 9. Mirror ( )

10. Bed ( ) 11. Bath ( ) 12. Shelves ( )

13. Sink ( ) 14. Clock ( ) 15. Light ( )

Page 115: Ingles Tecnico

16. Cupboard ( ) 17. Cooker ( ) 18. Floor ( )

19. Toilet ( ) 20. Fridge ( ) 21. Carpet ( )



O verbo THERE + TO BE corresponde ao nosso haver ou existir e o utilizamos para falar do que

existe em um determinado espaço, por exemplo: There is a sofa in the living room. Para a forma do

verbo no singular, presente, vamos usar there is (affirmative) – ex.: there’s a car in the garage ou

there isn’t (negative ) – ex.: there isn’t a computer in the study room); para fazer perguntas, você já

sabe, invertemos a ordem. Ex.: Is there a television in your kitchen?

Como você pode observar pelo exemplo acima, podemos contrair “there + is” em frases

afirmativas (there’s), porém não podemos contrair a forma there are, usada para o plural. Ex.: There

are two dogs in the garden. There aren’t clouds in the sky today. Are there plants in your house? E

para respostas curtas vamos usar as mesmas estruturas. Observe: Is there a hospital in your street?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Ou para o plural: Are there many stores near your house? Yes, there

are. / No, there aren’t.

1) Make 5 (+) sentences to describe the picture below using THERE IS / THERE ARE:

a. _______________________


b. _______________________


c. _______________________


d. _______________________

Page 116: Ingles Tecnico


e. _______________________


2) What isn’t there in your street? Make 4 negative sentences.

Example: There isn’t a bank in my street.

a. _________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________

3) Answer the questions about yourself. Use: Yes, there is / no, there isn’t / yes, there are /

no, there aren’t.

a. Are there two chairs in your bedroom? __________________________________________

b. Is there a television in your living room? _________________________________________

c. Is there a bus stop in your street? _______________________________________________

d. Are there pets in your house? __________________________________________________

e. Is there a computer in your bedroom? ___________________________________________

f. Are there flowers in your kitchen? ______________________________________________



Assim como usamos o verbo There to be para falar de coisas que existem, também o

utilizamos para falar do que já existiu. Para usá-lo no passado, substituímos is e are por was e were,

respectivamente. Fazemos o mesmo para respostas curtas, porém there was e there were servem para

falar do passado, e geralmente são acompanhados de expressões de tempo. Ex.:

( + ) There was a good film on TV yesterday.

( - ) There weren’t many people at the conference last Friday.

( ? ) Were there parking spaces at the shopping mall on Sunday?

Let’s do exercises!

4) Complete the sentences below with the correct form of There to BE in the Past.

Page 117: Ingles Tecnico

Ex.: How many people were there in the office yesterday?

a. _______________ a woman... no, wait: _______________ two women and three men.

b. - _______________ any problems with the new car this morning?

- No, the new car works perfectly.

c. It was really hard to find the way to Rose's house. _______________ any signs on the street

showing which way to go!

d. - So, did you go to New York last week? - No, I tried to book a flight but_______________ any seats left. e. - Can you help me find a copy of this book? - I'm not sure we have it anymore. _____________one on that shelf last week... Hmm, it's been sold. f. ___________________ a new student in your class yesterday?


Consonant Sounds /����/ /����/ /$$$$/ /����/






K itchen











Page 118: Ingles Tecnico

1) Find two more words with the consonant sounds above and complete the spaces.

• Assim como em português, algumas letras do inglês são chamadas silent, ou seja, elas não são

pronunciadas. Isso acontece com a palavra hora em português (hour em inglês).

• Sempre consulte um dicionário e verifique a pronúncia das palavras. Dicionário Online:


Prepositions of place (Preposições que indicam lugar)

1) Observe as figuras à esquerda e utilize as preposições de lugar para completar as frases

sobre o living room abaixo:


Up Down Out of Into

In On Under Over

Next to Across Along

Page 119: Ingles Tecnico


2) Use as preposições acima e faça frases descrevendo a posição de 2 objetos ao seu redor.




1) Look at the picture Vincent’s Bedroom at Arles by Vincent Van Gogh and make sentences using THERE + TO BE and prepositions:

a. ___________________________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________________________

c. ___________________________________________________________________________

d. ___________________________________________________________________________

Page 120: Ingles Tecnico

e. ___________________________________________________________________________

f. ___________________________________________________________________________

g. ___________________________________________________________________________


Hoje falamos do que existe, e você aprendeu a descrever um ambiente e seus móveis e

demais objetos que o compõem. Além disso, você viu como precisar a localização desses objetos

através das preposições de lugar. Outra coisa nova foram os sons das consoantes, o que vamos

estudar um por um até o final do curso. Isso vai auxiliá-lo no reconhecimento das diferenças de sons

entre a língua inglesa e o português com que você já está acostumado. Como você pode perceber, aos

poucos, com o passar das aulas, seu vocabulário aumenta e você descobre mais coisas novas sobre a

língua inglesa. O que sempre recomendo ao final de nossas aulas é a prática; sem prática não há

aprendizado. Busque aprender e colabore para que isso aconteça de forma efetiva. Estude!

See you soon!

Ana Célia Lima


Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010.

English Prepositions of place. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 nov. 2010. . Photos Gabriel HL. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 nov. 2010.

Page 121: Ingles Tecnico

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 14th Lesson

Where’s the post office?


Hi! It’s time to study!!!

Nesta aula vamos aprender um novo tempo verbal, além de expressões verbais e nomes de

lugares para aumentar o seu vocabulário. Temos ainda a pronúncia de um som muito peculiar do

present continuous.

Let’s start!?


Aprender a falar do que está acontecendo através do present continuous.

Verificar a diferença entre este e o present simple.

Conhecer novas expressões verbais, nomes de lugares, estabelecimentos comerciais e a

pronúncia do som do –ing.

Page 122: Ingles Tecnico


1) Read the sentences below:

He works from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Excuse me, do you speak English?

What does she do in your company?

Most people learn time is money.

I go to São Paulo once a week.

Compare the sentences above with these new sentences.

He is working overtime this week.

Listen to those people. What language are they speaking?

What are you doing in your day by day?

Maria is learning English in Britain at the moment.

I’m going to an important meeting now.


What’s different?

Você deve se lembrar de que os verbos das frases do primeiro grupo estão no Present Simple

e ele é usado para falar sobre coisas de rotina ou que se repetem no tempo (vimos isso na aula 5). Já

o tempo verbal dos verbos que compõem as frases do segundo grupo nós o chamamos de Present

Continuous e ele é usado, geralmente, quando

• a ação ocorre no momento ou perto do momento da fala;

• a ação não é terminada, ou seja, está em progresso;

• se quer referir a um futuro próximo.

Tom and Ann are talking in a café:

TOM: I’m reading an interesting book at the moment.

Page 123: Ingles Tecnico

ANN: Lend me it when you finish reading!

Tom não está lendo o livro no momento da fala. Ele começou a ler o livro, mas ainda não


Some more examples:

-Catherine wants to work in Italy, so she is learning Italian (but she isn’t learning exactly at the time

of speaking).

-Some friends of mine are starting their own business. They hope it’s finished before 2011.

• A estrutura do present continuous consiste no uso do verbo to be (am / is / are) + verbos com a

terminação –ing, que significa o gerúndio da língua inglesa. Observe a conjugação do verbo



I am working.

You are working.

He is working.

She is working.

It is working.

We are working.

They are working.


I’m not working.

You aren’t working.

He isn’t working.

She isn’t working.

It isn’t working.

We aren’t working.

They aren’t working.


Am I working?

Are you working?

Is he working?

Is she working?

Is it working?

Are we working?

Are they working?

Facílimo, não é mesmo?

• Existem regras para acrescentarmos - ing aos verbos. São as seguintes:

- Em caso de verbos terminados na letra –e, tiramos a letra –e e acrescentamos –ing. Ex.: live –


- em caso de verbos de apenas uma sílaba, terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobramos

a última letra e acrescentamos –ing. Ex.: stop – stopped;

- para todos os outros verbos, com outras terminações, acrescenta-se –ing ao verbo. Ex.: walk –


• Quando usamos o Present Continuous para falar de coisas que estão acontecendo,

frequentemente temos as expressões de tempo hoje (today), esta semana (this week), este mês

(this month), etc.

-You’re working hard today.

- Is Mr. Brown travelling on business this month?

Page 124: Ingles Tecnico

• Usamos o Present Continuous também para falar sobre mudanças:

-The population of the world is rising very fast. (not “rises”)

- Is your English getting better? (not “does your English get better”)

Other uses:

-I always check my e-mails. (confiro sempre, todo dia, etc.)

-I’m always checking my e-mails. (confiro o tempo todo, mais vezes do que é necessário)

-You always watch TV. You love to watch the news.

-You are always watching TV. You should do something more active.

• IMPORTANT: The following verbs are not normally used in continuous verbs.


1) Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct the verbs that are wrong.

a) The water boils. Can you turn it off? Wrong: is boiling.

b) Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. _______________________________________

c) Look! That man tries to save the file in his computer. __________________________

d)Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? __________________________

e) The boss travels to Miami every week. _______________________________________

f) I must go home now. It gets late. ____________________________________________

g) I usually drive to work. ___________________________________________________

h)‘Hurry up! It’s time to leave the office.’ ‘Ok, I come. ____________________________

2) Put the verb in the correct form, present simple or present continuous.

a) Julia is very good at languages. She _______________(speak) four languages very well.

b) ___________________ (listen) to the news everyday?

c) The Apple computers _____________________ (get better) day by day.

d) ‘How is your English?’ ‘Not bad. It __________________(improve) slowly.

e) Ron is in London at the moment. He ___________________(stay) at the Park Hotel.

Like love hate want need prefer

Know realize suppose mean understand seem

Believe remember belong contain consist depend

Page 125: Ingles Tecnico

f) My employees ______________ in Bristol. They have shared a house there for a long time.

g) Sonia __________________ (look) for a place to live near her office.

3) Write about something you always do and you are always doing with the verbs below.

a) It’s always raining when I try to play soccer._________________________________

b) ____________________________________________________________________












1) Match the pictures to the nouns.

( ) baker’s

( ) bus stop

( ) butcher’s

( ) church

( ) department store

( ) drugstore 1. 2. 3. 4.

( ) bridge

( ) gas station

( ) museum

( ) parking lot

( ) police station 5. 6. 7. 8.

( ) post office

( ) river

lose spend leave rain do break use think forget start go

Page 126: Ingles Tecnico

( ) sports center

( ) square

( ) train station

( ) travel agent 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16.



English exercise "Present continuous OR Present simple?"

1) Read and complete the text with the appropriate verb tenses:

“My name _______________ (to be) Peter; l _______________ (to live) in the suburbs of Boston

with my family. Most people _______________ (to believe) we _______________ (to be) rich

because we _______________ (to live) in a big house. But our family _______________ (to seem) to

be like any other one. Have a look:

Maggy, my wife, _______________ (to like) cooking. She _______________ (to enjoy) being in the

kitchen with her friends. At the moment she _______________ (to make) a cake and you can't talk to


What really _______________ (to worry) her is our daughter who _______________ (to prefer) to

chat in front of her computer instead of cooking with her. Like many teenagers, Jenny

_______________ (to think) it _______________ (to be) easier to get advice from someone you

_______________ (not + to go to) see later. It's 5 pm. Paul, my son, _______________ (to play)

basketball in the garden and I _______________ (to watch) TV, I _______________ (to wait) for

this delicious cake that Maggy _______________ (to cook) . I told you, a family as yours.” (Peter)

Page 127: Ingles Tecnico



-ING Sound

O som da pronúncia do gerúndio em inglês, formado pela terminação –ing, é muito peculiar,

representado pelo símbolo /%%%%/. Esse símbolo traduz, na maioria das vezes, o som das letras i+n

seguidas das letras k ou g. Esse som é recorrente no present continuous por causa da terminação dos


1) Circule as palavras abaixo que não possuem o som /%%%%/. Lembre-se de consultar a

pronúncia em um dicionário! (Sugestão:













Page 128: Ingles Tecnico

2) Pratique os verbos no present continuous que você aprendeu nesta aula no site


2) Write about the things you are doing these days. Ex.: I am studying English. ___________________________________________________________________________








3) Complete the answers using the present continuous and the verb phrases given.

a. What is she doing at the travel agent’s? She is ………………………………………………..

(book a ticket).

b. What is he doing at the post office? He is ……………………………………………………...

(send a letter).

c. What are they doing at the drugstore? They are ..........................................................................

(buy some medicine).

d. What is she doing at the bus station? She is ……………………………………………………

(wait for her cousin).

e. What is Mark doing at the department store? He is ……………………………………………

(buy Christmas gifts).

f. What is Lisa doing at the museum? She is …………………………………………………….

(work). She is a tour guide.

g. What are they doing at the gas station? They are ........................................................................

(fill in their car).

Page 129: Ingles Tecnico

h. What are Claire and Susan doing at the square? They are ……………………………………

……………….. (take a walk).


Na aula de hoje o tema foi o seu presente, o que você tem feito recentemente. Estudamos o

present continuous e você percebeu a diferença entre os dois tempos verbais Present continuous x

Present Simple (que você tem estudado a partir da aula 5). Além disso, vimos um novo vocabulário

que diz respeito a lugares na cidade e estabelecimentos comerciais. Você aprendeu ainda expressões

com verbos no gerúndio e verbos que não são usados no gerúndio, em inglês. Espero que faça bom

proveito da gramática, vocabulário e pronúncia contidos nesta aula.

Remember that practice makes perfect!

Let’s go study?

Ana Célia Lima


Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010. Present Continuous or Present Simple? Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

12 dez. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

Page 130: Ingles Tecnico

• 15th Lesson

How much coffee and water do you drink a day?


Hello! How are you?

Hoje é dia de estudar inglês! Novas estruturas gramaticais, novas palavras e a pronúncia de

novos sons da língua inglesa esperam por você nesta aula.

Enjoy your class!

Speaking & Reading

1) Read the conversations below:

Talking about coffee


Conhecer novas palavras e um novo vocabulário que inclui comida, bebida e

substantivos contáveis e incontáveis de modo geral.

Conhecer os quantifiers do inglês, palavras muito importantes para falarmos de


Aprimorar a pronúncia de mais alguns sons das consoantes.

Page 131: Ingles Tecnico

A: How much coffee do you drink?

B: About 8 cups a day.

A: That's too much!

B: How many cups of coffee do you drink?

A: No more than 2 cups a day.

B: That's not enough.

Talking about water

A: How much water do you drink?

B: About a glass.

A: That's not enough.

B: How many glasses of water do you drink?

A: At least 8 glasses a day.

B: That's too much.

8 cups of coffee is unhealthy*. 8 glasses of water is healthy**. Coffee is usually recommended by

doctors (2 cups maximum) and water is always recommended by doctors (8-12 glasses is the

recommended standard).

*Unhealthy = it’s not good for you. Não é saudável para você.

**Healthy = it’s good for you. É saudável para você.

Agora, responda à seguinte pergunta:

2) How much water do you drink a day? How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?




1) Write B for Breakfast, S for Snack (lanche), L for Lunch and D for Dinner.

1. Pineapple ( ) 2. Sugar ( ) 3. Sweetening ( ) 4. Lettuce ( )

Page 132: Ingles Tecnico

5. Rice ( ) 6. Bananas ( ) 7. Potatoes ( )

8. Chocolate ( ) 9. Cookies ( ) 10. Cake ( ) 11. Candies ( )

12. Coffee ( ) 13. Meat ( ) 14. Pork ( ) 15. Ice cream ( )

16. Onion ( ) 17. Carrot ( ) 18. Cereal ( )

19. Tea ( ) 20. Mushroom ( ) 21. Cracker ( ) 22. Peas

23. Hamburger ( ) 24. Beans ( ) 25. Chicken ( )

Page 133: Ingles Tecnico

26. Jam ( ) 27. Yogurt ( ) 28. Orange juice ( ) 29. Milk ( )

30. Lemmon ( ) 31. Spaghetti ( ) 32. Apples ( ) 33. Butter ( )

34. Passion fruit ( ) 35. Strawberry ( ) 36. Oil ( ) 37. Garlic ( )

38. Eggs ( ) 39. Bread ( ) 40. Fish ( )

41. Peach ( ) 42. French fries ( ) 43. Ham ( ) 44. Cheese ( )

45. Fruit salad ( ) 46. Salad ( ) 47. Tomato ( ) 48. Toast ( )


Page 134: Ingles Tecnico

Em inglês, os substantivos são divididos em contáveis e incontáveis (countable and

uncountable nouns). Os contáveis são os substantivos que têm forma no plural e podem ser contados.

Ex.: apples, potatoes, cookies….

Já os substantivos incontáveis não possuem plural e servem para porções ou coisas que não

podem ser contadas. Ex.: one rice, two rices; não contamos arroz, então o certo é dizer Rice, sem


Caso você queira dizer que tem uma quantidade específica daquela porção, você vai usar as

medidas ou falar do recipiente e isso sim, pode ser contado. Ex.: a / one kilo of coffee, two kilos of

meat, three glasses of water, etc. Entendeu direitinho?

• Em alguns dicionários você pode consultar se o substantivo é contável ou incontável, as

palavras possuem os símbolos [C] para countable nouns, e [U] para uncountable nouns.

• Em certos casos, dependendo da expressão utilizada, o substantivo pode ser contável e

incontável. Ex.: ice cream [U] – não sabemos a quantidade, ice cream cone (casquinha de

sorvete) [C].

• Substantivos abstratos são incontáveis.

• Você pode usar a/an antes de countable nouns apenas no singular.

• Você não pode usar a/an antes de um uncountable noun. Ao invés disso, você deve usar a

medida e assim a palavra se torna countable. Ex.: A grain of sand, a block of ice, a lot of


As seguintes palavras são incontáveis em inglês, mas geralmente contáveis em português:

Information Advice

Weather Equipment

News Medicine

Hair Furniture

Fruit Vacation

Music Bread

Por serem incontáveis, é comum que, com essas palavras, para que se dê uma ideia de plural,

usemos expressões como a piece of, a bar of, a pint of, a liter of, a glass of, a can of, etc. Se assim

acontecer, lembre-se de que essas expressões têm plural:

Ex: Would you like a piece of cheese? I have some pieces of advice for you. She bought two bars of soap in the market.

Page 135: Ingles Tecnico

Se uma palavra é incontável, o verbo que a acompanha deve estar obrigatoriamente no


The news is amazing. The weather is nice today. The information was given last night.

Let’s practice?!?!

5) Label the food pictures (above) in the vocabulary exercise [C] or [U], countable or

uncountable according to the picture (se você não souber a quantidade certa, ou não puder

numerar a quantidade no plural, o substantivo é incontável).

6) Countable or Uncountable? Some of the following sentences contain mistakes. Find the

mistakes and correct them.

1. How many money do you have in the bank?

2. How many dollars do you get for 1000 Euros?

3. My brother is lonely because he has only little friends.

4. We have a little time left so we need to hurry.

5. I read his message many times and I don’t understand it.

6. How many times does it take to go from London to New York?

7. There are not many furniture in this room so there is lots of space.

8. I bought two clothes this weekend, a jacket and a little pants.

9. We had very little bad weather this year.

10. The news about the company’s profits were very bad.



Já vimos que um substantivo em inglês pode ser contável ou incontável. Dependendo dessa

característica, certas palavras poderão ou não acompanhá-lo. Os quantifiers são quantificadores,

adjetivos, pronomes e artigos que usamos para qualificar os substantivos em termos de quantidade.

Veja a tabela seguinte:

Page 136: Ingles Tecnico

Countable Uncountable

A/an -

Any (of) Any

Some Some

Few/ a few Little/ a little

(How) many (How) much

A lot of/ lots of A lot of/ lots of

Observe os exemplos a seguir:

Would you like an apple? I need some new shoes. Would you like some tea? I have few/a few friends. How much money do you have? How many girlfriends does he have? I got a lot of/ lots of presents. Let´s make a lot of/ lots of money.

Fonte: Blog Dicas e Regras de Inglês

• Usamos some para quantidades indefinidas ou desconhecidas apenas em frases positivas ou

para oferecer ou pedir algo. Ex.: I have some money at the bank. Can I have some water?

• Any é usado em frases interrogativas ou negativas. Ex.: I don’t have any free time during the

week. Do you need any help?

Vamos utilizar novamente as perguntas do começo desta aula para observarmos o uso dos


How much water do you drink a day? How much coffee do you drink a day?

Uncountable nouns

• Full answers

+ I drink a lot of water.

+ I drink quite a lot of coffee.

- I don’t drink much water.

- I don’t drink any coffee.

• Short answers

+ A lot (muito)

+ Quite a lot (bastante).

- Not much (não muito).

- None (nenhum, nada).

Page 137: Ingles Tecnico

Countable nouns

How many candies do you eat a day? How many hamburgers do you eat a day?

• Full answers

+ I eat a lot of hamburgers.

+ I eat quite a lot of candies.

- I don’t eat many candies.

- I don’t eat any hamburgers.

• Short answers

+ A lot.

+ Quite a lot.

- Not many.

- None.

It’s time to exercise!

1) Choose the correct quantifier (much, any, many, lots of, a lot, little, a little).

a. They had __________________ homework in mathematics.

b. How __________________ time do you need to finish the work?

c. There are too __________________ students in the library.

d. Did you visit __________________ foreign country?

e. Although he's very ill, he didn't take __________________ medicine.

f. __________________ people know as much about linguistics as John does.

g. They say __________________ medicine is a dangerous thing.

h. He's having __________________ of trouble passing his driving test.

i. I spend __________________ of my time reading novels.

j. He knows __________________ English.

2) Complete the questions using how much / how many:

__________________ lemonade have we got? Not much.

__________________ bottles are there? Three.

__________________ meat is there? We have got two steaks.

__________________ bananas have we got? We haven’t got any.

__________________ sugar have we got? Enough.

__________________ bread have we got? Some.

__________________ bikes are there in the garden? Two.

Page 138: Ingles Tecnico

__________________ milk have we got? About one and a half litre.

__________________ years is this wine old? It’s 22 years old.


MEASURES (medidas)

1 inch (in) = 1 polegada = 2,54 centímetros;

1 foot (ft) = 1 pé = 30,48 centímetros;

1 yard (yd) = 1 jarda = 91 centímetros;

1 mile* = 1 milha = 1.609 quilômetros;

1 league = 1 légua = 4.828 milhas.

1 libra (lb) = 0,454gramas

1 once (oz) = 28,35 gramas

1 cup ( xícara) = 0,2371 litros

1 gallon (gal) = 3.7851 litros

Page 139: Ingles Tecnico


Vamos aproveitar o novo vocabulário desta aula para estudar a pronúncia de alguns sons.


/ / /####/ /����/ /����/

glass healthy dinner sugar

1) Complete the table above with words from the box.






Passion fruit



2) Add two more words from this lesson to each column. Use a dictionary.

( Check with your tutor and practice the

pronunciation at


Na aula de hoje estudamos um novo vocabulário referente a comida, bebida e refeições por

meio de substantivos contáveis e incontáveis em inglês. Além disso, ainda vimos os quantifiers,

usados para falar de quantidades e número de substantivos, plural ou singular. Vimos também novas

expressões e palavras que não têm plural e como utilizá-las. A pronúncia também teve destaque na

aula de hoje, com novos sons de consoantes. Nosso objetivo neste curso é fazer com que você

entenda e pratique a língua inglesa no seu ambiente de trabalho. Não se esqueça de tirar suas dúvidas

e de estudar tudo de novo para que você aprenda bem! Seu aprendizado depende de seu esforço!

See you next class!!!

Page 140: Ingles Tecnico

Ana Célia Lima


Blog Dicas e Regras de Inglês (postado por Nara). Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dez.


Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 15th Lesson

How much coffee and water do you drink a day?


Conhecer novas palavras e um novo vocabulário que inclui comida, bebida e

substantivos contáveis e incontáveis de modo geral.

Conhecer os quantifiers do inglês, palavras muito importantes para falarmos de


Aprimorar a pronúncia de mais alguns sons das consoantes.

Page 141: Ingles Tecnico


Hello! How are you?

Hoje é dia de estudar inglês! Novas estruturas gramaticais, novas palavras e a pronúncia de

novos sons da língua inglesa esperam por você nesta aula.

Enjoy your class!

Speaking & Reading

3) Read the conversations below:

Talking about coffee

A: How much coffee do you drink?

B: About 8 cups a day.

A: That's too much!

B: How many cups of coffee do you drink?

A: No more than 2 cups a day.

B: That's not enough.

Talking about water

A: How much water do you drink?

B: About a glass.

A: That's not enough.

B: How many glasses of water do you drink?

A: At least 8 glasses a day.

B: That's too much.

8 cups of coffee is unhealthy*. 8 glasses of water is healthy**. Coffee is usually recommended by

doctors (2 cups maximum) and water is always recommended by doctors (8-12 glasses is the

recommended standard).

*Unhealthy = it’s not good for you. Não é saudável para você.

**Healthy = it’s good for you. É saudável para você.

Agora, responda à seguinte pergunta:

4) How much water do you drink a day? How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?

Page 142: Ingles Tecnico




2) Write B for Breakfast, S for Snack (lanche), L for Lunch and D for Dinner.

1. Pineapple ( ) 2. Sugar ( ) 3. Sweetening ( ) 4. Lettuce ( )

5. Rice ( ) 6. Bananas ( ) 7. Potatoes ( )

8. Chocolate ( ) 9. Cookies ( ) 10. Cake ( ) 11. Candies ( )

12. Coffee ( ) 13. Meat ( ) 14. Pork ( ) 15. Ice cream ( )

Page 143: Ingles Tecnico

16. Onion ( ) 17. Carrot ( ) 18. Cereal ( )

19. Tea ( ) 20. Mushroom ( ) 21. Cracker ( ) 22. Peas

23. Hamburger ( ) 24. Beans ( ) 25. Chicken ( )

26. Jam ( ) 27. Yogurt ( ) 28. Orange juice ( ) 29. Milk ( )

30. Lemmon ( ) 31. Spaghetti ( ) 32. Apples ( ) 33. Butter ( )

34. Passion fruit ( ) 35. Strawberry ( ) 36. Oil ( ) 37. Garlic ( )

Page 144: Ingles Tecnico

38. Eggs ( ) 39. Bread ( ) 40. Fish ( )

41. Peach ( ) 42. French fries ( ) 43. Ham ( ) 44. Cheese ( )

45. Fruit salad ( ) 46. Salad ( ) 47. Tomato ( ) 48. Toast ( )


Em inglês, os substantivos são divididos em contáveis e incontáveis (countable and

uncountable nouns). Os contáveis são os substantivos que têm forma no plural e podem ser contados.

Ex.: apples, potatoes, cookies….

Já os substantivos incontáveis não possuem plural e servem para porções ou coisas que não

podem ser contadas. Ex.: one rice, two rices; não contamos arroz, então o certo é dizer Rice, sem


Caso você queira dizer que tem uma quantidade específica daquela porção, você vai usar as

medidas ou falar do recipiente e isso sim, pode ser contado. Ex.: a / one kilo of coffee, two kilos of

meat, three glasses of water, etc. Entendeu direitinho?

• Em alguns dicionários você pode consultar se o substantivo é contável ou incontável, as

palavras possuem os símbolos [C] para countable nouns, e [U] para uncountable nouns.

• Em certos casos, dependendo da expressão utilizada, o substantivo pode ser contável e

incontável. Ex.: ice cream [U] – não sabemos a quantidade, ice cream cone (casquinha de

sorvete) [C].

• Substantivos abstratos são incontáveis.

• Você pode usar a/an antes de countable nouns apenas no singular.

Page 145: Ingles Tecnico

• Você não pode usar a/an antes de um uncountable noun. Ao invés disso, você deve usar a

medida e assim a palavra se torna countable. Ex.: A grain of sand, a block of ice, a lot of


As seguintes palavras são incontáveis em inglês, mas geralmente contáveis em português:

Information Advice

Weather Equipment

News Medicine

Hair Furniture

Fruit Vacation

Music Bread

Por serem incontáveis, é comum que, com essas palavras, para que se dê uma ideia de plural,

usemos expressões como a piece of, a bar of, a pint of, a liter of, a glass of, a can of, etc. Se assim

acontecer, lembre-se de que essas expressões têm plural:

Ex: Would you like a piece of cheese? I have some pieces of advice for you. She bought two bars of soap in the market.

Se uma palavra é incontável, o verbo que a acompanha deve estar obrigatoriamente no


The news is amazing. The weather is nice today. The information was given last night.

Let’s practice?!?!

7) Label the food pictures (above) in the vocabulary exercise [C] or [U], countable or

uncountable according to the picture (se você não souber a quantidade certa, ou não puder

numerar a quantidade no plural, o substantivo é incontável).

8) Countable or Uncountable? Some of the following sentences contain mistakes. Find the

mistakes and correct them.

1. How many money do you have in the bank?

2. How many dollars do you get for 1000 Euros?

3. My brother is lonely because he has only little friends.

4. We have a little time left so we need to hurry.

Page 146: Ingles Tecnico

5. I read his message many times and I don’t understand it.

6. How many times does it take to go from London to New York?

7. There are not many furniture in this room so there is lots of space.

8. I bought two clothes this weekend, a jacket and a little pants.

9. We had very little bad weather this year.

10. The news about the company’s profits were very bad.



Já vimos que um substantivo em inglês pode ser contável ou incontável. Dependendo dessa

característica, certas palavras poderão ou não acompanhá-lo. Os quantifiers são quantificadores,

adjetivos, pronomes e artigos que usamos para qualificar os substantivos em termos de quantidade.

Veja a tabela seguinte:

Countable Uncountable

A/an -

Any (of) Any

Some Some

Few/ a few Little/ a little

(How) many (How) much

A lot of/ lots of A lot of/ lots of

Observe os exemplos a seguir:

Would you like an apple? I need some new shoes. Would you like some tea? I have few/a few friends. How much money do you have? How many girlfriends does he have? I got a lot of/ lots of presents. Let´s make a lot of/ lots of money.

Fonte: Blog Dicas e Regras de Inglês

• Usamos some para quantidades indefinidas ou desconhecidas apenas em frases positivas ou

para oferecer ou pedir algo. Ex.: I have some money at the bank. Can I have some water?

• Any é usado em frases interrogativas ou negativas. Ex.: I don’t have any free time during the

week. Do you need any help?

Page 147: Ingles Tecnico

Vamos utilizar novamente as perguntas do começo desta aula para observarmos o uso dos


How much water do you drink a day? How much coffee do you drink a day?

Uncountable nouns

• Full answers

+ I drink a lot of water.

+ I drink quite a lot of coffee.

- I don’t drink much water.

- I don’t drink any coffee.

• Short answers

+ A lot (muito)

+ Quite a lot (bastante).

- Not much (não muito).

- None (nenhum, nada).

Countable nouns

How many candies do you eat a day? How many hamburgers do you eat a day?

• Full answers

+ I eat a lot of hamburgers.

+ I eat quite a lot of candies.

- I don’t eat many candies.

- I don’t eat any hamburgers.

• Short answers

+ A lot.

+ Quite a lot.

- Not many.

- None.

It’s time to exercise!

3) Choose the correct quantifier (much, any, many, lots of, a lot, little, a little).

a. They had __________________ homework in mathematics.

b. How __________________ time do you need to finish the work?

c. There are too __________________ students in the library.

d. Did you visit __________________ foreign country?

e. Although he's very ill, he didn't take __________________ medicine.

Page 148: Ingles Tecnico

f. __________________ people know as much about linguistics as John does.

g. They say __________________ medicine is a dangerous thing.

h. He's having __________________ of trouble passing his driving test.

i. I spend __________________ of my time reading novels.

j. He knows __________________ English.

4) Complete the questions using how much / how many:

__________________ lemonade have we got? Not much.

__________________ bottles are there? Three.

__________________ meat is there? We have got two steaks.

__________________ bananas have we got? We haven’t got any.

__________________ sugar have we got? Enough.

__________________ bread have we got? Some.

__________________ bikes are there in the garden? Two.

__________________ milk have we got? About one and a half litre.

__________________ years is this wine old? It’s 22 years old.


MEASURES (medidas)

1 inch (in) = 1 polegada = 2,54 centímetros;

1 foot (ft) = 1 pé = 30,48 centímetros;

1 yard (yd) = 1 jarda = 91 centímetros;

1 mile* = 1 milha = 1.609 quilômetros;

1 league = 1 légua = 4.828 milhas.

1 libra (lb) = 0,454gramas

1 once (oz) = 28,35 gramas

1 cup ( xícara) = 0,2371 litros

1 gallon (gal) = 3.7851 litros

Page 149: Ingles Tecnico


Vamos aproveitar o novo vocabulário desta aula para estudar a pronúncia de alguns sons.


/ / /####/ /����/ /����/

glass healthy dinner sugar

3) Complete the table above with words from the box.






Passion fruit



4) Add two more words from this lesson to each column. Use a dictionary.

( Check with your tutor and practice the

pronunciation at


Na aula de hoje estudamos um novo vocabulário referente a comida, bebida e refeições por

meio de substantivos contáveis e incontáveis em inglês. Além disso, ainda vimos os quantifiers,

usados para falar de quantidades e número de substantivos, plural ou singular. Vimos também novas

expressões e palavras que não têm plural e como utilizá-las. A pronúncia também teve destaque na

aula de hoje, com novos sons de consoantes. Nosso objetivo neste curso é fazer com que você

entenda e pratique a língua inglesa no seu ambiente de trabalho. Não se esqueça de tirar suas dúvidas

e de estudar tudo de novo para que você aprenda bem! Seu aprendizado depende de seu esforço!

See you next class!!!

Ana Célia Lima

Page 150: Ingles Tecnico


Blog Dicas e Regras de Inglês (postado por Nara). Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dez.


Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 16th Lesson

Are you going to get a new passport?

Introduction Aim

Aprender como usar os verbos em inglês no tempo futuro.

Page 151: Ingles Tecnico

Hi! What’s up?

Está na hora de praticar e aprender mais sobre a língua inglesa, não é mesmo? Hoje vamos

prever o futuro, fazer planos e falar de você e suas metas, tudo isso usando uma nova estrutura

gramatical e acrescentando novas palavras ao seu vocabulário.

It’s time to study!


1) Read a part of the letter Ronald Smith wrote to his secretary about his holiday in

California. He is an important businessman on vacation!

“This place is magic! Yesterday I visited the

dolphins in the middle of the ocean. Then I watched a

show with whales.

Tomorrow I’m going to climb a mountain and

I’m going to try bungee jumping. I hope I don’t get

hurt! The day after tomorrow I’m going to sail with my

new friends and we’re going to visit a desert island on

the north coast. We’re going to stay there all day long,

sunbathing and swimming… isn’t it great? I’m in


Reading comprehension

1. Is he talking about…? (More than one option is possible.)

a. the past b. the present c. the future

2. Is he enjoying his vacation?


3. Find three plans he makes for “tomorrow”.

Page 152: Ingles Tecnico




O que são as expressões sublinhadas na carta acima? Você compreende a função delas nesse




Usamos estruturas como as grifadas no texto acima quando temos um plano já definido sobre

o futuro antes da fala, como nos exemplos retirados da carta de Ronald:

- I’m going to climb a mountain tomorrow.

- I’m going to try bungee jumping.

Se quisermos falar sobre Ronald Smith, podemos dizer:

- He’s going to sail with his friends.

- They’re going to visit a desert island.

Ou seja, a estrutura é feita com o verbo to be + going to + verbo principal no infinitivo, sendo que

a única variação se dá no verbo to be e no verbo principal, que muda de acordo com o que é falado.

Affirmative Negative

I am

You are

He is

She is going to visit another country.

It is

We are

They are

I’m not

You aren’t

She isn’t

He isn’t going to visit another country.

It isn’t

We aren’t

They aren’t

Você já sabe como formamos a estrutura negativa e a interrogativa, não é? Claro que sim!

São formadas da mesma maneira que fazemos com todas as estruturas com o verbo to be.

Page 153: Ingles Tecnico

Am I Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.

Are you Yes, I am . / No, I’m not.

Is she Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

Is he going to visit another country? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

Is it Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Are we Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.

Are they Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Também utilizamos going to para fazer previsões e falar de coisas que achamos que vão

acontecer, geralmente com base em algum indício. Ex.:

- It’s going to rain tonight! (The clouds are dark.)

- I think I’m going to be sick. (I feel terrible now.)

• Como going to é uma estrutura usada para falar do futuro, vamos associá-la a certas

expressões de tempo como: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, next year, next



1) Write a question with going to for each situation.

Example: Your friend won some money in the lottery yesterday. You ask:

(what/ do with it?) What are you going to do with it?____________________________

a) Your friend is going to have a job interview tomorrow afternoon. You ask:

(what/ wear?) ___________________________________________________________

b) Your friend bought a new computer last month. You ask:

(where/ put it?) _________________________________________________________

c) Your friend decided to have a party tomorrow night. You ask?

(who/ invite?)__________________________________________________________

2) Use your prediction skills and say what’s going to happen next in these situations.

Example: Emma is driving. There is very little gas left in the tank. The nearest gas station is 30

miles from there. (run out) She’s going to run out of gas._____________________

a) There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. (rain) It ______________________________________


Page 154: Ingles Tecnico

b) It is 8:30 a.m. Jack is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8:45 but the journey takes 30

minutes. (late) He _________________________________________________________________

c) A man is holding a big box and he can’t see where he’s walking. There is a hole in front of him.

(fall) He _________________________________________________________________________

3) Ronald Smith is going to travel to Italy on business for a week. Check his schedule

below and write sentences with going to.

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8 a.m.

to 10 a.m.

Opening ceremony

Meeting with staff

Visit Rome Meeting with the president

Conference Free Free

12 p.m.

Free Lunch with staff

Free Japanese restaurant

Free Visit Venice


2 p.m. to

4 p.m.

Speech at convention center

Meeting with the president

Speech at convention center

Visit the Vatican city

Meeting with the president


6 p.m. 8 p.m.

Dinner with the staff

Dinner with president

Dinner with the staff

Dinner at the hotel

Dinner with the staff

Free Free

10 p.m. Sleep early Walk around

Go downtown

Farewell party

Pack my luggage

Go to the airport


4) Write about each day of Mr. Smith’s business trip (at least 2 activities). Don’t forget to

use the GOING + TO structure!

On Monday he is __________________________________________________________________


On Tuesday he is __________________________________________________________________


On Wednesday he is ________________________________________________________________


On Thursday he is _________________________________________________________________


On Friday he is ____________________________________________________________________


On Sunday he is ___________________________________________________________________



Page 155: Ingles Tecnico

At the airport

1) Match the words in column A with the definitions in column B.

a) duty free shop. ( ) the place where your passport is checked.

b) check-in desk ( ) the moment when a plane starts flying.

c) take off ( ) the place where you can buy things at good prices.

d) baggage claim ( ) the bags or hand luggage you keep with you inside the plane

e) immigration control ( ) the place where you have your tickets checked.

f) carry-on luggage ( ) the place where you have your baggage back when you

arrive at your destination.

2) Answer the questions about you.

a) What time are you going to get up tomorrow?


b) What are you going to wear tomorrow?


c) What are you going to do at home tonight?


d) What are you going to eat for dinner?


e) Where are you going to go for your next holiday?


f) When are you going to travel on business?



Holidays - Leisure


Page 156: Ingles Tecnico

go camping go fishing do extreme sports

visit monuments go to a shopping center go jogging


play chess/cards surf/chat on the internet send/receive e-mails

take a nap play the drums go bowling

(a musical instrument)

1) Make plans about your next weekend with going to. Choose some outdoor and indoor

activities you would like to do.









Page 157: Ingles Tecnico



1) Dê uma olhada lá do lado de fora de sua janela e tente responder: “What’s the weather


Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it snowy? Is it cloudy?

• A terceira opção: “It’s snowy” é pouco provável na maior parte do Brasil. E aí, conseguiu

responder à pergunta? Veja mais algumas formas:

It’s windy. It’s stormy. It’s cold. It’s hot.

2) Find what’s the weather like at this moment in São Paulo (Brazil), Houston (USA) and

Melbourne (Australia).








Consonant sounds

Page 158: Ingles Tecnico

Bem, meu caro aluno. Agora vamos estudar mais alguns sons das consoantes. Lembre-se de

usar um dicionário, como o, online.

5) Complete the table with words from the box below.









/����/ /����/ /����/ /!!!!/

very rain swimming year

/����/ /����/ /����/ /!!!!/

6) Add two more words from this lesson to each column. Check and practice the

pronunciation at


1) Congratulations! A new airline company offered you plane tickets for a trip abroad for

5 days on your next holiday! All you have to do is to fill in the form below and decide

where to go. Tick (����) your choices!

1 a ( ) go to the beach b ( ) go to the countryside c ( ) go to the mountains

2 a ( ) in January b ( ) in July c ( ) other

3 a ( ) in the summer b ( ) in the winter c ( ) any

4 a ( ) at a hotel b ( ) at a hostel c ( ) at a campsite

5 a ( ) go with your friends b ( ) go with your husband / wife c ( ) go with your parents

2) Now, you have to write an e-mail to the airline company with your choices and wait for

their answer! Answer the questions according to the options you ticked (����) above.

Page 159: Ingles Tecnico

• Where are you going to go?

• When are you going to go?

• Where are you going to stay?

• Who are you going to go with?

Page 160: Ingles Tecnico

I’m going to_______________________________________________________________________










Gostou de falar sobre seus planos para o futuro e sobre suas futuras férias? Pois é, mas, antes

das férias escolares, você ainda tem muito o que estudar. Apenas passamos da metade do curso.

Temos ainda mais 14 aulas nas quais você vai desenvolver, além de gramática, vocabulário e

pronúncia. Vamos desenvolver também sua capacidade de se comunicar e negociar em inglês. Hoje

falamos de planos e previsões, vimos novas expressões ligadas ao seu lazer e a pronúncia de mais

alguns sons das consoantes. Que tal, para praticar o conteúdo da aula de hoje, você mandar um e-

mail para o seu tutor falando de seus objetivos e metas como aluno e como profissional? Esse é um

método muito eficaz de colocar em prática e fixar a nova matéria de hoje!

Keep on studying!!! Bye bye!

Ana Célia Lima

Viviane Gomes Pontes


Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Page 161: Ingles Tecnico

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

( ) Houston, USA

• 17th Lesson

( ) Melbourne, Australia

Which one is the biggest?

( ) São Paulo, Brazil


Hey! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

É hora do inglês! Hoje temos muita coisa nova para estudar! Gramática, vocabulário e

pronúncia sempre fazem parte de nossas aulas e têm a função de ajudá-lo a desenvolver suas

competências linguísticas no aprendizado de inglês.


Compreender como funcionam os adjetivos nos graus comparativo e superlativo.

Enriquecer o vocabulário relacionado a adjetivos de personalidade.

Treinar os sons de outras consoantes.

Page 162: Ingles Tecnico

Have a nice class!


1) Read the text below.

a. b.

c. d.

I can run one hundred meters in one minute. I can complete a forty-kilometer marathon in five hours. I’m not a professional athlete but I’m faster than most of them.

Do you think I am fat? I’m not. I am stronger than all my friends. When I was younger, around twelve, I could carry my nine-year-old brother in my hands.

I’ve been practicing physical exercises since I was five. I was five when I could ride a bike. I’m fifteen now and I’m fitter than all my friends.

My alarm clock goes off at 6 a.m., but I wake up at seven. It takes me two hours to get dressed in the morning. When my friends and I eat a three-course dinner they are finished with dessert before I am done with my appetizers. I am slower than everyone I know.

Page 163: Ingles Tecnico

Reading comprehension

2) Answer according to the texts:

a. Which text describes a strong and fat man? ____

b. Which text describes a fit and sporty man? ____

c. Which text describes a lazy and slow man? ____

d. Which text describes a fast runner? ____

3) Em qual dos textos o personagem não se compara com seus amigos? ____



Observe as seguintes palavras: faster, stronger, younger, fitter, slower. O que elas têm em

comum além da terminação -er?

Elas são os adjetivos: fast, strong, young, fit, slow.

Mas para que serve a terminação -er seguida do than?

Juntas elas fazem a forma comparativa do adjetivo. Veja outros exemplos:

- I am smaller than my sister. - She is older than her husband.

• Usamos a forma comparativa de um adjetivo + than para estabelecer uma comparação entre

dois lugares, pessoas, animais, coisas, etc. Ex.:

- Tokyo is bigger than Madrid. - Paul is taller than Mark.

• Para formar o grau comparativo de adjetivos de uma sílaba, acrescente -er ao adjetivo. Se o

adjetivo terminar em –e, acrescente apenas –r. Ex.:

- London is larger than New York. - Mike is faster than Ben.

• Para formar o comparativo de adjetivos longos (duas sílabas ou mais), acrescente a palavra

more antes do adjetivo. Ex.:

- Frank is more romantic than Peter. - A car is more expensive than a bike.

Page 164: Ingles Tecnico

• Quando um adjetivo de uma sílaba terminar em consoante + vogal + consoante (CVC), nós

dobramos a última consoante e acrescentamos –er. Ex.:

- Rio is hot but Dubai is hotter (than Rio). - Julie is thin but Maria is thinner (than Julie).

• Quando um adjetivo de duas sílabas terminar em –y, troque o –y por –i e acrescente –er.

- Frank is happier than Peter. - Roger is busier than Carl.

• Good, bad e far têm formas comparativas irregulares. Veja:

- Sue is better (good) than Sally.

- Michael is worse (bad) than Paul.

- This beach is farther (far) than I thought.


1) Complete the sentences using a comparative form and the adjectives in the box.

a) Rio is big but Mexico city is _____________ than Rio.

b) Robert is ________than Mary. He has millions of dollars at the bank and she doesn’t.

c) This restaurant is good but the other one is _______________.

d) My car is __________________ than yours. (My car: $90 mi- Yours: $75 mi)

e) This computer is very bad but the one we had before was _______________.

f) It’s ________________ to send an e-mail than to write an letter to our boss.

g) My dog is _____________ than yours. He always obeys me when I give him orders.

h) We need someone ______________ than George to carry all those boxes.

i) New York is _____________ than Mumbai.

2) Give the comparative forms of the adjectives below:

a) thin _________________ b) old __________________

c) fat___________________ d) handsome __________________

e) lucky _________________ f) cold ______________________

g) important ________________ h) good __________________

Intelligent good strong populated bad rich expensive hot easy

Page 165: Ingles Tecnico

i) bad _____________________ j) far_____________________

3) Write 4 sentences using the comparatives.







1) Read the following examples:

I’m better at mathematics than my brother. I’m the best at maths in my work.

His boss is younger than him . He’s the youngest in the office.

Tina is more intelligent than my secretary. Tina is the most intelligent girl at university.

John is busier than his boss. John is the busiest worker in his company.

• Usamos a forma superlativa de um adjetivo para comparar um lugar, pessoa, animal ou coisa,

etc. com o restante do grupo. Ex.:

- Rio and Paris are big cities, but I believe Mexico City is the biggest city in the world (comparando

Mexico às outras cidades do mundo).

Agora é sua vez! Analise os exemplos acima e estabeleça a diferença entre as formas

comparativa e superlativa dos adjetivos e tente descobrir as regras!

Ponto para você que descobriu que as regras se parecem com a do comparativo dos adjetivos!

Com a exceção de que não acrescentamos –er ou –ier e sim –est ou –iest.

Page 166: Ingles Tecnico

• Lembre-se de que, como comparamos uma pessoa ou coisa a um grupo, usamos o artigo the.

Ex.: the best, the strongest, the fastest, the busiest, the most interesting. Observe mais


- London is the largest city in England. - Mike is the fastest runner in the race.

- Rio is one of the hottest cities in Brazil. - Russia is the biggest country in Europe.

- São Paulo is the noisiest city in Brazil. - This is the easiest job I’ve ever taken.

• Para formar o superlativo de adjetivos longos (duas ou mais sílabas), acrescente the most

antes do adjetivo. Ex.:

- Frank is the most important manager here.

- Planes are the most expensive vehicles.

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• Good, bad e far têm formas comparativas irregulares.

Sue is the best (good) co-worker in the company.

Michael is the worst (bad) employer here.

This city is the farthest (far) that I’ve ever visited.


1) Fill in the gaps with superlative forms of the adjectives in the box.

a. The sun is the __________________star in the sky.

b. I laughed a lot last night at the meeting. David is the _________________ co-worker we have.

c. I don’t have a lot of money, so I am going to buy the _______________ house I can find.

d. The _________________ sport in Brazil is definitely soccer.

e. Where did you get that book? Did you know it is the ______________ book about economy?

f. Joseph traveled from Miami to Russia last year by plane. That was the _______________ ride he


g. The bank that is ______________ to our house is 10 kilometers away.

h. That airline company has the ________________ planes I ever seen. There are 800 seats there!

i. My boss’ chair is the ______________ chair I ever sit in. It’s really confortable!

j. The street I drove to work on this morning is the _______________ street in my town.

2) Read about these cities.

____ Madrid

Population: A little more than 3 million people.

Size: 230 square miles.

Transportation: Madrid’s Barajas Airport is about 15 miles away from the city center.

Climate: In the summer, Madrid reaches 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

__________________________ Chicago


Page 168: Ingles Tecnico

Population: 3 million people.

Size: 250 square miles.

Transportation: Chicago’s O’hare Airport is about 20 miles away from the city center.

Climate: In the summer, Chicago reaches 80 degrees Fahrenheit.


Population: 12 million people.

Size: 600 square miles.

Transportation: Tokyo’s International Airport is about 40 miles away from the city center.

Climate: In the summer, Tokyo reaches 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Rio de Janeiro

Population: 8 million people.

Size: 500 square miles.

Transportation: Rio de Janeiro’s Galeão Airport is about 10 miles away from the city center.

Climate: In the summer, Rio de Janeiro reaches 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

a) Compare Chicago and Tokyo.




b) Compare Rio, Madrid and Chicago.






Agora veremos alguns adjetivos para descrever pessoas, o que vai enriquecer seu vocabulário.

Algumas palavras são parecidas com o português, mas, caso tenha dúvidas, consulte um dicionário.

Sugestão: Dicionário Michaelis Online

Page 169: Ingles Tecnico

Positive Personality Adjectives

cheerful kind responsible

cooperative lovely silly

dynamic lucky successful

enthusiastic modern talented

fair peaceful unusual

faithful pleasant warm

friendly punctual wise

generous proud willing

hilarious receptive

Negative Personality Adjectives

afraid embarrassed nervous

ambiguous forgetful strange

angry hungry selfish

annoyed jealous snobbish

ashamed lazy tired

anxious lonely upset

careless mean weak

clumsy naive worried


• Para saber sobre a personalidade de alguém, geralmente usamos a pergunta: “What’s she/he

like?” Ex.: -What’s Mr. Smith like?

- He’s very smart, punctual and enthusiastic!

• Quando utilizamos a pergunta: “What does he/she look like?” queremos nos referir à

aparência da pessoa. Ex.: -What does Mr. Smith like?

-He’s very tall, young and handsome!


Page 170: Ingles Tecnico

1) Match the columns.

a) generous ( ) she does not give attention to what she is doing

b) jealous ( ) she believes things too easily and does not have enough experience.

c) kind ( )she wants what other people have. She doesn’t like others to succeed.

d) lazy ( ) she’s nice, gentle and helpful

e) mean ( ) she doesn’t like to work or exercise. She’s happy doing nothing.

f) careless ( ) she doesn’t like spending money, specially on other people.

g) naïve ( ) she likes to give presents and to help other people.

2) Let’s talk about you!

a. Who is the most intelligent person in your family? _________________________________

b. Who is the most boring workmate you know? _____________________________________

c. Who is the tallest person in your family? _________________________________________

d. Who is the busiest person at work? _____________________________________________


Vamos aproveitar o novo vocabulário desta aula, principalmente de adjetivos, para estudar a

pronúncia de mais alguns sons das consoantes? Let’s go!

/����/ /����/ /""""/

����at s����rong la""""y

1) Complete the table above with one word from this lesson according to the consonant


2) Circle the word with the consonant sound that doesn’t rhyme.

����at ����ast love physical

s����rong important populated tall

la""""y busy dessert expensive

Page 171: Ingles Tecnico

• Use a dictionary ( Check with your tutor and

practice the pronunciation at


Nosso objetivo é transmitir o conhecimento básico e imprescindível para que você se

comunique, leia e entenda a língua inglesa tão necessária para o seu sucesso no mercado de trabalho.

Hoje vimos uma matéria importante, que lhe permite comparar, de formas diferentes, pessoas, coisas

e lugares. Vimos também um vocabulário de adjetivos de personalidade e na parte de pronúncia

vimos outros sons de consoantes. Faça os exercícios desta aula e pratique falando sobre as pessoas

que você conhece. Estabeleça comparações no seu ambiente familiar ou de trabalho. Esse será o seu


See you!!!

Ana Célia Lima

Viviane Gomes Pontes


Dicionário Michaelis. Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 13 nov. 2010.

Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

Page 172: Ingles Tecnico

• 18th Lesson

Would you like another cup of coffee?


Hello! How are you, dear student?

Que tal estudarmos um pouco de gramática, vocabulário e pronúncia da língua inglesa?

Temos muito a aprender com a aula de hoje!

It’s time! Are you ready?


1) Read the dialogues below:


Entender os usos do verbo “to like” em duas estruturas e funções diferentes.

Conhecer alguns advérbios em inglês e como eles são usados.

Treinar a pronúncia de novos sons das consoantes segundo o alfabeto fonético


Oh! I would like to go there someday too…

I like going to Salvador for the Carnival.

Page 173: Ingles Tecnico



c. d.

Você pôde observar o que essas pessoas pensam e ler o que falam. Você notou que elas

usaram o verbo like de 2 diferentes formas para exprimir um desejo ou expressar de que gostam?


a. I like going to Salvador.

b. He would like to go to Salvador or He’d like to go to Salvador.

Qual (ou quais) das expressões expressa(m) um desejo?

Qual (ou quais) das expressões representa(m) um gosto ou preferência?


Like x Would like

We like getting to know different

places riding our bikes.

I’d like to be like my parents...

Page 174: Ingles Tecnico

Usamos a expressão would like quando queremos exprimir um desejo ou plano. Você reparou

qual a forma dos verbos após a expressão would like? Observe os exemplos acima.

• Quando usamos would like, devemos usar em seguida verbos no infinitivo. Ex.: I really

would like to travel on my next holiday.

• Would é frequentemente reduzido para ‘d na forma falada. Ex.: She’d like to buy a new car

next year.

Outros exemplos:

-What kind of food do you like? (expressa verdades, preferências pessoais)

-I like ice cream and bananas.

-I like Chinese food.

What kind of food would you like?

(expressa a possibilidade de escolher ou de oferecer algo)

I would like Italian food. (Eu prefereria comida italiana)

• Veja a diferença entre as duas formas de fazer perguntas usando o verbo like e would like:

Does he like going to Salvador? -Yes, he does.

- No, he doesn’t.

Would you like to go to Salvador? - Yes, I would.

- No, I wouldn’t.

• Note que não precisamos usar “s” na terceira pessoa do singular quando usamos would. Ex.:

He would like to go to Salvador. He would likes to go to Salvador.

Viu a diferença entre as duas formas? Em uma falamos do presente, de preferências em geral;

na outra falamos de situações que podem ou não acontecer no futuro, intenções e desejos.

Hora de praticar!


1) Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of like or would like.

Page 175: Ingles Tecnico

a) He _____________________ soda with his lunch every day.

b) She _____________________ working overtime once a week.

c) He _____________________ to travel on his next vacation.

d) _____________________ to see that project now?

e) We _____________________ working together. We do it every day.

f) What _____________________ to do now?

2) Fill in the words to complete the sentences using "would like or wouldn't like".

a) You want to do something with your friend tonight. You ask: What _____________________ to

do tonight?

b) You are expressing how much you want to go to Paris. You say: I _____________________ to go

to Paris. I _____________________ to go to Rome.

c) You don't like working as a waiter. You say: I _____________________ to work as a waiter again

in the future.

d) You offer your friend a sandwich. You ask: _____________________ a sandwich?



Você estudou previamente (aulas 7 e 17) alguns adjetivos em inglês. E na aula 8 vimos

alguns advérbios de frequência. Você sabe a diferença entre as funções de adjetivos e de advérbios?

Veja nos exemplos abaixo a diferença entre bad e badly:

a. I am a bad driver.

b. I drive badly.

Bom, a função de um adjetivo é dar uma qualidade a um nome (substantivo); já o advérbio

qualifica uma ação (expressa pelo verbo). Agora que você já sabe, identifique nos exemplos acima o

adjetivo e o advérbio.

A maioria dos advérbios de modo (que indicam como uma ação é feita ou como ela acontece)

termina em –ly, como em beautifully (beautiful), carefully (careful). No entanto alguns advérbios são

irregulares e apresentam a mesma forma do adjetivo. É o caso de fast e hard. A grande exceção, mas

Page 176: Ingles Tecnico

que também se encaixa na categoria de advérbio irregular, é o adjetivo good que se transforma no

advérbio well. Assim temos:

He’s a fast runner. (adjective) / He runs fast. (adverb)

Sally is a hard worker. (adjective) / Sally works hard. (adverb)

She is a good (adjective) manager. / She manages the company well (adverb).


1) Read the text about Alfie and Joey.

Alfie and Joey are mechanics. Alfie has a

good job. He works hard every day. He also

works fast. Alfie has a new car. It’s a fast

car, and it runs well. Joey’s doesn’t have a

good business. He is a slow worker, and he

works only on Mondays. His car was in a bad

accident and runs badly. It’s a very hard

job. He works slowly. Alfie works hard, and

Joey hardly works.

Reading comprehension

1) Answer the questions using the adjectives and adverbs above.

a) Does Alfie have a bad job? No, he doesn’t. He has a good job._________________________

b) Is Alfie a bad worker? ____________________________________________________________

c) Does Alfie work slowly every day? _________________________________________________

d) Is Alfie’s car slow? ______________________________________________________________

e) Does Alfie’s car run badly? _______________________________________________________

f) Does Joey have a good business? ___________________________________________________

g) Is Joey a fast worker? __________________________________________________________

h) Does Joey’s car run well? _______________________________________________________

i) Is Joey’s job easy? _____________________________________________________________

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j) Does Joey work fast? ___________________________________________________________

k) Does Alfie work slowly? ________________________________________________________

2) Class Discussion: Practice answering and asking questions below with your friends.

Share the answers with your tutor.

a) How do you work? _______________________________________________________________

b) How do you cook? _______________________________________________________________

c) How do you swim? _______________________________________________________________

d) What kind of student are you? ______________________________________________________

e) How do you dance? ______________________________________________________________

f) What kind of car do you like? _______________________________________________________

3) Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

Example: My English teacher speaks too fastly fast, so I can’t understand him.

a) Kate drives careful because she doesn’t want to have an accident.

b) Brian came to work lately today.

c) The boss spoke angry with my co-worker today.

d) Chris and Danny can do this job very good.

4) Fill in the words in brackets with adjective or adverb.

a) He reads a book _______________. (quick)

b) He is a ______________ driver. (careful)

c) My secretary speaks ____________ (loud)

d) It was a _____________ (boring) meeting yesterday.

e) Jin speaks Chinese _____________. (fluent)

f) The women work ____________. (hard)

g) Eric likes to sing ____________ songs. (sad)


Common Adverbs

Suggestion Box (adverbs only)

Badly – beautifully – dangerously – fast – hard – lazily – safely – slowly – well

Page 178: Ingles Tecnico

Adverbs of time (When?)








right now

last night

this morning

next week








. . . ago

Adverbs of place (Where?)

• Observação: Não use “to” com esses advérbios.



over there









Adverbs of manner (How?)

• Observação: Nos adjetivos terminados em y troca-se o y pelo i e são acrescentadas as letras –

ily. Ex.: easy – easily.
















Adverbs of frequency (How often?)







every day

once in a while

once a week

twice a day


Page 179: Ingles Tecnico

5) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverbs (check the lists above). More than one

answer is possible:

5.1) Adverbs of time

a) I shall go to Delhi ________________

b) We have ________________ booked the tickets.

c) The flight was ________________ .

d) Miss Kitty arrived ________________ . She missed the bus.

e) We went to the post-office ________________ .

5.2) Adverbs of place

f) Petit stood ________________the company for two hours.

g) Come ________________ and sit with me.

h) King went ________________ because he was sick.

i) John took his boss _______________ to buy some coffee to the office.

5.3) Adverbs of manner

j) Mrs. Kity works _________________.

k) I need to wear a raincoat because it’s raining _______________.

l) Dr. Brum listens to the patients _________________.

m) Let’s have a break________________.

5.4) Adverbs of frequency

n) She _____________ arrives late at work.

o) Mr. Brown goes to New York______________

p) Oh no! My chauffer had a car crash ______________

q) I______________ have lunch at noon.


Consonant Sounds /����/ /����/ //

Page 180: Ingles Tecnico

Os sons que vamos estudar na aula de hoje são muito usados também na língua portuguesa,

com exceção do som de /����/ (que é mais “pronunciado”). Vamos utilizar palavras que vimos na aula

de hoje, principalmente adjetivos e advérbios.

Let’s start?!?

/����/ /����/ //

like tomorrow next

7) Complete the table above with words from the box.







8) Add two more words from this lesson to each column. Use a dictionary

( Check with your tutor and practice the

pronunciation of adverbs and adjectives at


Hoje foi dia de conhecer uma nova estrutura gramatical, a expressão would like em contraste

com o verbo to like, e de estudar advérbios. Agora você aprendeu a discernir um advérbio de um

adjetivo, certo? Esperamos que você pratique essas novas estruturas e o vocabulário, pois eles são

muito importantes para desenvolver e otimizar o seu aprendizado, em especial a pronúncia,

extremamente relevante para você que quer se comunicar com o mundo.

Enjoy your study!

Good bye!!!

Page 181: Ingles Tecnico

Ana Célia Lima

Viviane Gomes Pontes


Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 19th Lesson

Have you ever traveled abroad?


Compreender como funciona um novo tempo verbal chamado Present Perfect.

Contrastar o uso do Present Perfect com o uso do Past Simple, já estudado.

Enriquecer o vocabulário com novas palavras e alguns particípios de verbos.

Conhecer novos sons de consoantes em inglês.

Page 182: Ingles Tecnico


Hi! Are you OK?

Na aula de hoje vamos estudar um novo tempo verbal e temos novos verbos a aprender, desta

vez no particípio, além de gramática e vocabulário. Temos ainda a pronúncia de sons muito

importantes na língua inglesa!

Shall we start?


1) Take a look at the sentences below.

a. Jane lost her car key last week (veja que ela sabe quando perdeu a


b. Tom is looking for his car key. He can’t find it.

He has lost his car key (ele a perdeu, mas não sabe precisar quando e ainda não

pôde encontrá-la).

No caso de Jane, usamos o Past Simple para explicar o fato, uma ação terminada, e temos um

tempo definido. Já no caso de Tom, não sabemos quando ocorreu, por isso usamos o Present Perfect,

que estudaremos a partir de agora.

A estrutura do Present Perfect consiste em juntar o verbo to have no presente (have / has) +

verbo principal no particípio. Lembrando que o particípio em português é indicado pela terminação

-ado(a), -ido. Ex: estudado, trabalhado, partido, comido. A função desse tempo verbal é:

Page 183: Ingles Tecnico

• falar sobre algo que aconteceu num tempo não especificado no passado e que ainda tem

algum efeito no tempo presente:

- Tom has lost his car key.

• falar sobre o resultado presente de uma ação no passado:

-Why can’t Tom go to the party?

- Because he has lost his car key.

• d






formação nova geralmente relacionada ao presente:

- I have lost my job. (E agora não tenho emprego.)

- Jane has found her car key. (Ela está com a chave agora.)

• falar de algo que começou no passado e continua por um período de tempo até o presente:

- Tom and his family have lived in the same house for 15 years. (Eles se mudaram 15 anos atrás e

permanecem lá até os dias de hoje.)

- She has worked for the same company since 1998.

- My brothers have played with the same band for 10 years.

Lembre-se desta formula:

No tempo verbal present perfect o verbo auxiliar é o verbo have / has. Isso quer dizer que, ao

invés de usar doesn’t ou don’t para a forma negativa, vamos usar haven’t / hasn’t, assim como para

fazer perguntas. Veja:

Present Perfect = have/has + past participle of the main verb

Page 184: Ingles Tecnico

- Have you lived here for a long time?

- No, I haven’t. I have lived here for only three months.

- Yes, I have. I have lived here since I was born.

• Lembre-se de que usamos have para os pronomes pessoais I / you / we / they; e has para os

pronomes he / she / it.

Já o particípio passado tem formas variadas. Se os verbos são regulares, a terminação é a

mesma do Past simple (ou seja, acrescenta-se –ed aos verbos – veja as regras na aula 11); caso os

verbos sejam irregulares, devemos consultar uma lista de verbos. Observe os exemplos:

- The police have arrested two robbers of the bank.

- Have you seen that new Leonardo DiCaprio film?

- They haven’t found a new job yet.

Importante: A diferença entre o Past Simple e o Present Perfect é que no past simple temos

ações terminadas e o uso do auxiliar did, enquanto no present perfect falamos de ações que ainda têm

efeito no presente e usamos have ou has como auxiliares. Além disso, o tempo quando a ação

aconteceu não é importante no present perfect; já no past simple usamos: yesterday, last week, etc.

para demarcar quando a coisa aconteceu.

Utilizados principalmente no Past simple e no Present perfect, aqui temos uma lista de verbos

irregulares no presente, passado e particípio para que você estude. Os demais verbos provavelmente

serão regulares – terminam em – (i)ed. Veja:

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

be was, were been

become became become

begin began begun

break broke broken

bring brought brought

build built built

buy bought bought

choose chose chosen

come came come

cut cut cut

do did done

drink drank drunk

[m2] Comentário: Aqui não

seria “has”? Não, mesmo caso de

family. My family are very glad to

meet you.

Page 185: Ingles Tecnico

drive drove driven

eat ate eaten

fall fell fallen

feel felt felt

fight fought fought

find found found

forget forgot forgotten

get got got

give gave given

go went gone

have had had

hear heard heard

keep kept kept

know knew known

leave left left

lose lost lost

make made made

mean meant meant

meet met met

pay paid paid

put put put

read read /red/ read /red/

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

ride rode ridden

run ran run

say said said

see saw seen

sell sold sold

show showed shown

sleep slept slept

speak spoke spoken

spend spent spent

swim swam swum

take took taken

teach taught taught

think thought thought

understand understood understood

wake woke waken

wear wore worn

win won won

Page 186: Ingles Tecnico

write wrote written


1) Read the situations and complete the sentences. Choose one of the following verbs and

put the past participles given.

Example: Mike was looking for his wallet. He has found his wallet.__________

a) Linda has problems with her car. It_________________________________ .

b) My office has new computers. My boss_____________________________ them recently.

c) This is Tom’s first time in Europe. He has never _____________________ there before.

d) Louise loves shrimp. She has just_________________________________ some in a restaurant.

e) They are having a big party now. They_____________________________ a lot of friends.

2) Choose, circle and write the correct words or phrases.

a) Peter __________________ a meeting yesterday. (has/ has had/ had)

b)They _______________ the car. It looks new again. (have cleaned/ cleaned/has cleaned)

c) Last year we _________________ to Italy. (went/ goed/ has gone)

d) John and Peggy ________________ the project. Now they can have a break.

(has finished/ have finished/ finished)

e) They _______________ each other at a party two weeks ago. (have met/meeted/ met)

f) I’m sorry but I ________________ to bring the documents for you this morning. (forgot/forget/

have forgotten)


Have you ever…?

Essa pergunta é muito usada para introduzir conversas e para questionar sobre experiências

de vida até o presente momento. Uma vez que se obtém a resposta positiva, é possível dar

Be Break Buy Eat Find Meet

(Been) (Broken) (Bought) (Eaten) (Found) (Met)

Page 187: Ingles Tecnico

continuidade ao assunto usando o passado simples (com o auxiliar did), pois vai ser mencionado o

tempo definido logo em seguida.

- Have you ever been to London?

-Yes, I have.

- When did you go there?

- I went there two years ago.

-I have never eaten Indian food.

-Really? Have you ever eaten Brazilian food?

-Oh, yes, I have.

-Where did you eat it?

- I ate it last Christmas.

Page 188: Ingles Tecnico

• Observe que, quando usamos o advérbio never, o verbo auxiliar (have ou has) é mantido na

forma positiva uma vez que never é um advérbio de negação.


1) Make questions about life experiences and then ask a partner. Look for the past

participles you need in a list of irregular verbs. Remember the regular verbs end in –ed.

Example: (ever/ ride/horse) Have you ever ridden a horse?______________________

a) (ever/ be/to California) ________________________________________________

b) (ever/run/ a marathon) ________________________________________________

c) (ever/ speak/ to a famous person) ________________________________________

d) (always/live/ in this town)______________________________________________

e) (most beautiful place/ ever/ visit) What____________________________________

2) Make questions according to the answers with: Have you/ they ever..., Has she/ he


a)____________________________________Yes, I've been to Paris twice.

b) ____________________________________No ,they have never studied French.

c) ____________________________________Yes, I've visited the Art Museum many times.

d)____________________________________Yes, Paula has tried sushi once or twice.

e) ____________________________________No, she has never been to New York.

f) ____________________________________Yes, my parents have come to Los Angeles three


Already, just and yet

Leia as frases abaixo:

- My colleagues have already understood the new rules in the office.

- They have already done what you asked them to.

• Already (“já” em português) é usado em frases afirmativas entre o auxiliar e o verbo


- He has just arrived home.

- I have just finished my homework.

Page 189: Ingles Tecnico

• Usamos just com o Present Perfect em frases afirmativas entre o verbo auxiliar e o verbo

principal com a função de falar sobre atividades completadas ou acontecidas recentemente.

- Have you finished the report yet?

- I haven’t been to the supermarket yet.

• A palavra “yet” é usada sempre ao final de frases interrogativas e negativas, sendo que “yet”

usado na interrogativa tem o significado de “já”; na forma negativa “yet” significa “ainda”

em português.

3) Complete the sentences in column ‘B’. Use the verbs in brackets + just, already, yet.

Example: Would you like something to do? No, thanks. I’ve just finished a report now. (just/ finish)

b) Do you know where my secretary is? Yes, I __________________________her. (just/ see)

c) What time are you leaving home? I ________________________________. (already/leave)

d) What is the news today? I don’t know. I_____________________.

(not/watch TV/yet)

e) Are your relatives with you? Yes, they__________________________. (just/arrive)

Gone (to) and been (to)

Veja a diferença entre os verbos been e gone (verbos to be e to go, respectivamente) no

present perfect:

- Tim is travelling on business. He has gone to Ireland. (Ele está lá agora ou a caminho.)

- My boss is in Brazil again. He has been to Switzerland. (Ele já esteve lá, mas retornou.)

Time expressions + Present Perfect / Past Simple

Usamos o Present Perfect Simple com today, this morning, this evening, etc. quando estes

períodos de tempo ainda não terminaram no momento da fala. Assim:

- I’ve begun a new project this week.

- Have you had enough time for yourself this year?

- We haven’t called him today.

- It hasn’t rained a lot this summer.

For, since, ago

Page 190: Ingles Tecnico

• We use for + a period of time. Ex.: Minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, a long/short time, etc.

I have been ill for five days.

I have worked overtime for hours.

• We use since + a word that expresses a definite point in time. Ex.: Friday, last March, I was a

child, etc.

He has been in London since Monday.

He has been living in London since 2003.

• We use ago to say before now or duration + ago. Ago is generally used with the Past simple,

I started my therapy two years ago. (= two years before now)

‘When did he go out?’ ‘Ten minutes ago.’ (= ten minutes before now)

4) Complete with since, ago or for.

a) We studied French ______________ 10 years.

b) They have worked here _______________ they were at college.

c) We have known each other ______________ a long time.

d) We started this book 5 months ________________.

e) Thy have tried to win the lottery ______________ years.

f) Leslie has gone to Ohio on business _______________ 1982.

g) Melissa arrived at the office an hour ______________.

h) Two days _____________ we decided to change our strategy.


1) Answer the questions below:

a. Where have you lived? __________________________________________________

b. How long have you lived there? ___________________________________________

c. Have you ever been a volunteer? __________________________________________

d. Have you ever traveled abroad? ___________________________________________

e. Where have you worked? ________________________________________________

f. How long have you worked there? _________________________________________

2) Write a small paragraph talking about your general experience using the answers from

the previous exercise:

Page 191: Ingles Tecnico









Vamos estudar a pronúncia de mais alguns sons das consoantes? Let’s start!?!

3) Circle the word with the consonant sound that doesn’t rhyme.

/��������/ child fish question watch

/&&&&/* televi����ion please revision usually

/����&&&&/ just college get January

/&&&&/* Som não muito comum.

• Use a dictionary ( Check with your tutor and

practice the pronunciation at


Na aula de hoje você conheceu um novo tempo verbal, parecido com o Past Simple, que

você já viu nas aulas 11 e 12, porém com suas peculiaridades: o Present Perfect. Você aprendeu a

diferenciar esses dois tempos verbais e as expressões que são comumente utilizadas com cada um

deles. Agora que você já sabe tudo isso, é hora de praticar, falar, em inglês, de suas experiências e

atividades exercidas até o momento. Hoje estudamos também os últimos sons de consoantes que

você ainda não conhecia. Pratique, pesquise e tire suas dúvidas sobre o que não entendeu. A próxima

aula será uma revisão de toda a gramática, vocabulário e pronúncia que vimos até hoje! Faça uma

revisão das aulas da segunda unidade de nosso livro e prepare-se para perguntar o que não está claro

para você. Bons estudos!

See you next class!

Page 192: Ingles Tecnico

Good bye!!!

Ana Célia Lima

Viviane Gomes Pontes


Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 2 – Estruturas Morfo-léxico-sintáticas

English Basic Level

• 20th Lesson



Revisar os principais tópicos de gramática, vocabulário e pronúncia estudados e que

compreendem as estruturas morfo-léxico-sintáticas da língua inglesa.

Page 193: Ingles Tecnico


Hello! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Hoje terminamos mais uma etapa de nossas aulas. Até aqui estudamos gramática, vocabulário

e pronúncia, que fazem parte do conhecimento básico que você deve ter para ler e se comunicar em

inglês, o que, segundo nossa ementa, você vai fazer a partir das próximas aulas. Aproveite para tirar

todas as suas dúvidas!

Time to revise!!! Let’s go?


Temos três verbos muito importantes na língua inglesa, os verbos auxiliares To Be, To Do e

To Have, cada um deles tem sua importância para determinados tempos verbais. Relembre:

To Be = AM (NOT), IS(N’T), ARE(N’T) (present) [ser, estar]

WAS(N’T), WERE(N’T) (past)

• O verbo to be é usado como auxiliar principalmente no present continuous (am / is / are +

verb + -ing) – aula 14. Ex.: I’m studying. He isn’t reading.Are we working? etc.

• É usado também para fazer definições e falar das horas – aulas 3, 4, 5, 6 e 7. She’s a waiter.

Are they domestic animals? It’s nine o’clock.

• Usamos THERE + IS(N’T) / ARE(N’T, que tem o significado de haver, existir – no presente.

* Não usamos there am. No passado, essa estrutura se transforma em THERE + WAS(N’T) /

WERE(N’T) com a mesma função – aula 13. Ex.: There is a new film at the cinema. Was

there a microwave in your kitchen?

• Com a estrutura GOING TO também usamos o verbo to be como auxiliar – aula 16. Assim:

She is going to move house next week. They aren’t going to buy a new car.

To Do = DO(N’T), DOES(N’T) (present)

DID(N’T) (past)

Page 194: Ingles Tecnico

• O verbo to do é usado como auxiliar principalmente no present simple nas formas negativa e

interrogativa, acompanhado de verbos principais no infinitivo (I / you / we / they + do / don’t

– he / she / it + does / doesn’t) – aulas 5 e 7. Ex.: She doesn’t like fast food. Do you live near

the office? etc.

• DID(N’T) são usados na forma passada seguidos de verbos no infinitivo. Só usamos os

verbos no passado na forma afirmativa – aulas 11, 12 e 19. Ex.: Did you go on holiday last

year? She didn’t like his new apartment. You waited for 12 hours before travelling. He won a

marathon last Sunday. Lembre-se de que, quando usamos auxiliaries, no caso did e didn’t, os

verbos voltam para o infinitivo no presente.

To Have = HAVE(N’T), HAS(N’T) (present perfect)

• O verbo to have é usado como auxiliar no present perfect nas formas negativa e interrogativa

acompanhado de verbos principais no particípio deles [I / you / we / they + have(n’t) – he /

she / it + has(n’t)] – aulas 19. Ex.: We haven’t been to Canada. Has your boss gone to the

bank yet? etc.

Agora que já revisamos as estruturas dos tempos verbais estudados, vamos rever as funções


• Present simple = expressa rotina, hábitos e generalizações ou fatos verdadeiros sobre algo;

• present continuous = expressa ações acontecendo no momento ou em um futuro próximo;

• there to be = fala do que há, existe ou do que houve, existia em um determinado local;

• going to = expressa planos ou previsões sobre o futuro;

• past simple = fala de ações terminadas no passado;

• present perfect = refere-se a experiências de vida até o momento e ações iniciadas no

passado, mas que ainda têm efeito no tempo presente.

Pronouns & Adjectives

Personal pronouns Object pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

I Me My Mine

You You Your Yours

He Him His His

She Her Her Hers

It It Its Its

Page 195: Ingles Tecnico

We Us Our Ours

They Them Their Theirs

• Personal pronouns = também chamados de subject pronouns porque funcionam como o

sujeito das frases. Temos para singular: I (1ª pessoa) /you (2ª pessoa) /he /she /it (3ª pessoa); e

plural: we (1ª pessoa)/ you (2ª pessoa)/ they (3ª pessoa) – aula 3. Ex.: Michael is a lawyer. He

is a successful businessman.

• Object pronouns = são usados para se referir ao sujeito, ou aos pronomes do sujeito – aula

10. Ex.: I don’t like him. Listen to me!

• Possessive adjectives = são os adjetivos de posse, sempre acompanhados de um substantivo –

aula 4. Ex.: My job. Our car. Its name.

• Possessive pronouns = esses pronomes substituem geralmente expressões com adjetivos

possessivos e ocorrem na maioria das vezes ao final das expressões. Ex.: -Is that your coat?

-No, it’s hers. Mine is black.

*Para falar da posse de objetos ou parentesco, podemos usar ‘s. Ex.: They’re Silvia’s daughters. That

is Robert’s new motorbike.

Articles , Demonstrative Pronouns & Prepositions of time

• Definite article = the é usado tanto para o singular quanto para o plural para falar de algo que já foi mencionado antes ou que é conhecido – aula 4. Ex.: The door is open (você sabe a qual porta se refere).

• Indefinite article = a / an são usados somente no singular, para se referir a um objeto ou pessoa qualquer, que não foi mencionado ou especificado – aulas 4 e 6. Ex.: He is an engineer. It’s a very big house.

• This / these Indicam pessoa ou coisa que está próxima de quem fala, no singular e no plural, respectivamente – aula 4. Ex.: This is a book. These are some grammar topics.

• That / those Serve para mostrar uma pessoa ou coisa que está longe de quem fala, no singular e no plural, respectivamente – aula 4. Ex.: That is Mr. Johnson’s wife.Those are the boys who work in the sales department.

• IN para períodos longos de tempo (partes do dia, meses, estações do ano e anos) – aula 8. Ex,:

in March, in 1994, in the summer, etc. Never say in the night, but say at night.

• ON para períodos de tempo específicos (dias da semana e datas) – aula 8. Ex.: on September

11th, on the 4th of July, on Christmas Day (but at Christmas).

Page 196: Ingles Tecnico

• AT para horas e algumas expressões de tempo – aula 8. Ex.: at 7 o’clock, at midday - at

bedtime e também: at the moment, at the same time, at weekends, etc.

Can & Can’t – aula 9

Can e can’t são verbos modais; eles não se flexionam e podem ser usados para formar frases

negativas e interrogativas assim como os auxiliares. A diferença entre eles é que “can” expressa,

possibilidade, permissão ou habilidade. Ex.: I can swim very well. Can you open the window, please?

I can’t help you, sorry.

Like & Would Like

Quando usamos os verbos like, love, don’t like e hate para falar de nossos gostos e

preferências, os verbos que vêm na sequência terminam em gerúndio (–ing) – aula 9. Ex.: I like

surfing the internet. Lisa hates doing housework. They don’t like working at weekends. We love

eating out at restaurants.

Já a expressão would like é usada para falar de desejos para o futuro, após usarmos would

like, o verbo que vem em seguida vem no infinitivo com “ to” – aulas 9 e 18. Ex.: He would like to be

a good dentist. They would like to live in a bigger apartment.

Some / Any / (How) much / (How) many – aula 15

• Some = frases afirmativas para falar de quantidades incertas ou para oferecer algo. Would you

like some water? I’d like to have some free time to travel.

• Any = frases negativas e interrogativas. Ex.: She doesn’t have any free time. Is there any

cheese in the fridge?

• (How) much = usado com substantivos incontáveis. Ex.: How much noise is there in your

city? Not much. I don’t have much money at the bank.

• (How) many = usado com substantivos contáveis. Ex.: How many children do they have?

There are many cars in the streets nowadays.

Adjectives & Adverbs

Page 197: Ingles Tecnico

A diferença entre adjetivos e advérbios é que adjetivos qualificam substantivos e os advérbios

qualificam ações, ou têm funções de expressar dúvida, negação, frequência, etc.

• Adjectives = aparecem sempre antes dos substantivos e não têm plural – aula 7. Ex.: new

office, tall buildings, young child. Os adjetivos têm grau comparativo e superlativo:

• Comparative adjectives = para fazer comparações entre um ou mais elementos, usamos os

adjetivos na forma comparativa + “than” [do que]– aula 17. Big = bigger (no adjetivo de

uma sílaba que termina em consoante + vogal + consoante – a última letra é repetida e

acrescenta-se –er); small = smaller (acrescenta-se–er); easy = easier (adjetivos terminados

em –y precedidos de consoante, tiramos o –y e acrescentamos –ier); interesting = more

interesting (adjetivos de duas ou mais sílabas usamos more / less + adjetivo). Adjetivos que

não seguem essas regras: bad = worse, good = better, far = farther.

• Superlative adjectives = para comparar um elemento com um grupo de elementos, usamos

“ the” [o / a / os / as]+ os adjetivos na forma superlativa – aula 17. Fat = fattest (adjetivo de

uma sílaba que termina em consoante + vogal + consoante – a última letra é repetida e

acrescenta-se –est); new = newest (acrescenta-se–est); preety = prettiest (adjetivos

terminados em –y precedidos de consoante, tiramos o –y e acrescentamos –iest); important =

the most important (adjetivos de duas ou mais sílabas usamos the most / least + adjetivo).

Adjetivos que não seguem essas regras: bad = worst, good = best, far = farthest.

• Adverbs = existem advérbios de modo (calmly, aggressively – acrescenta-se –ly ao adjetivo),

de tempo (yesterday, now, tomorrow), de frequência (always, never, often, sometimes), etc.

Eles têm função e qualificam ações, geralmente – aula 18. Advérbios irregulares: good =

well, hard = hard, fast = fast.


1) Circle the word that is different.


Brazil China French The USA

a. Cooker Footballer Lawyer Teacher

b. Brother Father Mother Uncle

c. Angry Hungry Tall Tired

d. Always Often Sometimes Today

e. Been Bought Saw Wrote

Page 198: Ingles Tecnico

f. Cooked Heard Studied Walked

g. Chair Desk Kitchen Sofa

h. Bank Drugstore Gas station Square

i. Beans Carrots Coffee Rice

j. Badly Hard Love Well

2) Write the next word:

Example: two, three, four____

a. Fifty, forty, ______________

b. Monday, Tuesday, ______________

c. Second, third, ______________

d. Tenth, twentieth, ______________

e. Morning, afternoon, ______________

f. Twice, three times, ______________

g. Second, minute, ______________

h. Autumn, winter, ______________

i. April, May, ______________

j. Last week, this week, ______________

3) Answer the questions:

Example: What’s the opposite of new? Old____

a. What’s the eighth month of the year? _______________________________________

b. Who’s your father’s brother? _____________________________________________

c. In which room do you have a sofa? ________________________________________

d. What’s the opposite of cheap? ____________________________________________

e. What’s the past tense of buy? _____________________________________________

f. Where can you buy tickets and book a holiday? ______________________________

g. What language do they speak in France? ____________________________________

h. Who is the person who cares for patients in a hospital? _________________________

i. What’s the opposite of hate? ______________________________________________

j. What’s the synonym of shy? ______________________________________________

4) Complete the verbs.

Example: play__ football

a. G_________ married

b. H_________ lunch

c. G_________ shopping

d. D_________ homework

e. M_________ a noise

f. T_________ photos

g. T_________ on your mobile phone

h. G_________ someone a present

i. P_________ the guitar

j. W_________ for the plane

Page 199: Ingles Tecnico

5) What can you see? Label the pictures.

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

6) Complete the sentences with a preposition.

a. Giovani’s Italian. He’s __________ Napoli.

b. Brazilian men often talk _________ football.

c. My sister’s _________ college. She studies engineering.

d. How often do you listen _________ the radio?

e. What time did you wake _________ this morning?

f. Is there a TV _________ your dining room?

g. I don’t drink a lot _________ alcohol.

h. How long did you wait _________ the train?

i. Their office is next _________ my apartment.

j. Have you even been _________ London?


Vamos agora rever a pronúncia dos sons das vogais e consoantes segundo o IPA.

Vowel Sounds

Page 200: Ingles Tecnico

Vogais com som curto (short vowels)

Vogais com som longo (long vowels)

Ditongos (diphthongs)

/����/ = I t /����''''/ = me /����/ = man /����''''/ = car

/����/ = clock /����''''/ = tomorrow / / = book /����''''/ = you

// = children /((((''''/ = university /����/ = men /����/ = bus

/��������/ = name / / = home /��������/ = hi /���� / = about

/��������/ = boy /����/ = year /����/ = chair / / = tourist*

Consonant Sounds

Vozeadas (voiced consonants)

Desvozeadas (unvoiced consonants)

/����/ = plant /$$$$/ = bathroom /����/ = kitchen / / = glass

/����/ = fat /����/ = travel /����/ = tall /����/ = dinner

� �: � �:

� �: �:

(: � �

�� �� �

�� � �

� $ �

� � � �

� " � &

) � �� �&

� � � !

� % #

Page 201: Ingles Tecnico

/����/ = chess /""""/ = busy /����/ = sugar /&&&&/ = television

/))))/ = bir thday /����/ = mother /��������/ = question /����&&&&/ = January

/����/ = like /����/ = rain /����/ = shower /!!!!/ = yesterday

/����/ = morning // = next /%%%%/ = meeting /####/ = healthy

1) Use a dictionary ( Check with your tutor and

practice the pronunciation at

2) Where’s the stress. Underline the stressed syllable in the words below:

a. American

b. Afternoon

c. Thirteen

d. Breakfast

e. July

f. Musician

g. Between

h. Bathroom

i. Tomorrow

j. Pronunciation

k. Sunglasses

l. Magazine

m. Chocolate

n. Umbrella

o. Receptionist

p. Grandmother

q. Dangerous

r. Museum

s. Supermarket

t. Newspaper

Page 202: Ingles Tecnico


Hoje revisamos a maior parte dos tópicos que você viu até agora em termos de gramática,

vocabulário e pronúncia. Com isso, nosso objetivo é que, a partir desta aula, você já esteja pronto

para ler e se comunicar em inglês com mais facilidade. Mas é preciso ainda que você estude, pratique

e tire todas as suas dúvidas. A partir da próxima aula, vamos ler textos, diálogos e vídeos sobre

situações cotidianas para que você desenvolva suas habilidades de leitura e conversação.

See you soon!

Ana Célia Lima


Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010.

Unidade 3 – Compreensão auditiva e leitura

para comunicação em língua inglesa

English Basic Level

• 21st Lesson

Page 203: Ingles Tecnico

At the airport


Hi there! How are things?

Na aula de hoje vamos abordar uma situação específica como meio de preparar você para

uma viagem de negócios. O nosso tema de hoje é: At the airport!

Enjoy it!



travel agency - agência de viagem

flight reservation - reserva de voo

hotel reservation - reserva de hotel

visa - visto de entrada

air ticket - passagem aérea

airplane ticket - passagem aérea

flight ticket - passagem aérea

one-way ticket - passagem só de ida

round-trip ticket - passagem de ida e volta

airport - aeroporto

airline - companhia aérea

departure - partida

arrival - chegada

rest room - banheiro, toilete

airline counter - balcão da linha aérea

check in (a flight, a hotel) - despachar a


Entender diálogos, vídeos e textos que possam auxiliar em uma viagem de negócios, no

caso, em um aeroporto.

Page 204: Ingles Tecnico

bagagem e receber o cartão de embarque;

registrar-se em um hotel

check out (hotel) - fechar as contas

baggage - bagagem

luggage - bagagem

suitcase - mala

briefcase - maleta de mão

hand baggage - bagagem de mão

carry-on bag - bagagem de mão

boarding pass - cartão de embarque

baggage ticket - ticket da bagagem

lost baggage - bagagem extraviada

gate - portão

Disembarkation Card - cartão de

desembarque, documento exigido por alguns

países e distribuído no avião

Arrival/Departure Record - documento de

registro de chegada e partida, semelhante ao

anterior e também normalmente distribuído no


Customs Declaration - documento de

declaração à alfândega

Accompanied Baggage Declaration -

documento de declaração à alfândega

semelhante ao anterior.

immigration control - contrôle de imigração

immigration officer - fiscal de imigração

baggage claim area - área de recebimento de


conveyor - esteira transportadora da bagagem

customs - alfândega

go through customs - passar pela alfândega

customs officer - fiscal alfandegário, oficial

da receita federal

lockers (available at hotels, airports, train

stations and bus terminals) - armários

chaveados para guardar malas


airport limousine - microônibus que faz

transporte entre aeroporto e hotéis

shuttle bus - ônibus que circula entre

diferentes terminais nos grandes aeroportos


Listening, Speaking & Watching

At the Airport

Before you travel with us through this unit, watch this video with some information about

flights and vocabulary we are going to use!

Enjoy this amazing video!

Page 205: Ingles Tecnico

1) Read and complete the dialogue below between the C (check-in attendant) and P

(passenger). Use the words in the box below:

C: Next please. May I see your _______________, please?

P: Yes, of course. There you are.

C: Thank you. Fight ____________ to Houston.

P: Yep!

C: Alright. How many suitcases do you have?

P: I’ve got three suitcases and two carry-ons.

C: Did you ____________ them yourself, Mr. Smith?

P: Yes, I did. I packed them this morning.

C: And where did you leave your _____________ just after you packed them?

P: I left them in the hotel hallway.

C: Have you already checked if anybody opened your bags after you packed them?

P: Not yet, but I don’t think anybody touched them.

C: Are you sure? These are just the ______________ procedures, sir.

P: I still don’t understand why you have so many questions.

C: Just a few more questions.

P: Go ahead.

C: Are any of the articles on this list in your ________________?

P: Let me see. Firearms… fireworks… lighters… matches. No, no, no.

C: Good. Everything is all right. Could you put your suitcase on the scales please?

P: Yes, of course.

C: It’s six kilos ______________. That’ll cost US$10.95, sir.

P: Oh, wow. That’s expensive. Anyway, there you go.

Aisle Bags Flight Luggage MA307 Overweight

Pack Scheduled Security Suitcase Tickets

Page 206: Ingles Tecnico

C: All right. One ______________ seat. Your seat number is 16D. The flight is

_________________ to depart on time. Here are your _______________ pass.

P: Thank you.

C: You’re welcome. Have a good __________________.

Reading Comprehension

1) Answer the questions:

a) How many suitcases did the passenger have?


b) How overweight was Mr. Smith’s suitcase?


c) Where did Mr. Smith have to put the suitcase?


d) What are the objects that Mr. Smith can’t take in the flight?


e) Does he have these objects in his luggage?


f) What do you call these objects in Portuguese?


Listening, Speaking & Oral Comprehension

Immigration and Customs

Page 207: Ingles Tecnico

Do you know this place at the pictures? It’s called Customs

Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting and safeguarding

customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods including animals, personal effects and

hazardous (dangerous) items in and out of a country.



1) Listen to a conversation in the Customs in the link: http://www.esl- and answer the questions at the website. Check with

your tutor and colleagues.

2) After you finish these questions, go back to the listening activity for this vocabulary

exercise and practice your speaking skills and/or use the Internet to find more

information about this topic.

a) Please be sure to collect your __________________, including any small electronic devices

and clothing, before you get off the plane.

( ) mail ( ) belongings ( ) luggage

b) Could you open your ______________? Our x-ray machine shows that you might have a

small knife and bottle inside . . . things you can't take on the plane.

( ) wallet ( ) pocket ( ) luggage

c) What is the _______________ of your visit to the US? Business or pleasure?

( ) design ( ) purpose ( ) meaning

d) Where will you be _____________ during your week-long vacation? In a hotel downtown?

You can find some great accommodations there.

( ) staying ( ) renting ( )shopping

e) I will _______________ several business meetings while in the US. We will be reviewing the

future plans of our companies.

( ) attend ( )discuss ( ) test

3) Listen to the conversation one more time and fill in the gaps.

Customs Officer: Next. Uh, your _______________, please.

Woman: Okay.

Page 208: Ingles Tecnico

Customs Officer: Uh, what is the purpose of your _______________?

Woman: I'm here to _______________ a teaching convention for the first part of my trip, and then I

plan on touring the capital for a few days.

Customs Officer: And where will you be staying?

Woman: I'll be staying in a room at a hotel _______________ for the entire week.

Customs Officer: And uh, what do you have in your _______________?

Woman: Uh, well, just, just my _______________ belongings, um . . . clothes, a few books, and a

CD player.

Customs Officer: Okay. Uh, please open your bag.

Woman: Sure.

Customs Officer: Okay . . . Everything's fine. [Great]. Uh, by the way, is this your first visit to the


Woman: Well, yes and no. Actually, I was born here when my _______________ were working in

the capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back _______________ then.

Customs Officer: Well, _______________ your trip.

Woman: Thanks.

4) Discussion. Ask your partner(s) the following questions. Remember to ask follow up wh-

questions, use your imagination!

a) Have you ever flown? Where did you go the first time? __________________________________

b) Do you like flying? Why / Why not? _________________________________________________

c) Have you ever flown business class? _________________________________________________

d) Do you think it's good value? _______________________________________________________

e) What is the best / worst airline you've flown? Why? _____________________________________


1) Match the sentences to the answers in the 2 conversations. :

Checking In

(A = attendant, B = passenger)

1. A: Good morning. Can I have your ticket,


2. A: Thank you. Would you like smoking

or non-smoking?

Page 209: Ingles Tecnico

3. A: Would you like a window or an aisle


4. A: Do you have any baggage?

5. A: Here's your boarding pass. Have a

nice flight.

( ) B: An aisle seat, please.

( ) B: Here you are.

( ) B: Non-smoking, please.

( ) B: Thank you.

( ) B: Yes, this suitcase and this carry-on bag.

Passport Control

(A = attendant, B = passenger)

1. Good morning. Can I see your passport?

2. Thank you very much. Are you a tourist

or on business?

3. That's fine. Have a pleasant stay.

( ) B: I'm a tourist.

( ) B: Thank you.

( ) B: Here you are.

Page 210: Ingles Tecnico


2) Complete the sentences about the airport. The first letters are given.

a. A trip on an airplane is called a f_____________.

b. A flight within one country is called a d_____________ flight.

c. A flight between different countries is called an i_____________ flight.

d. The letters and numbers which identify an airplane making a specific flight are called a

f_____________ n_____________.

e. Ordering a seat to be held for you on the day you want to travel is called making a


f. A printed piece of paper which allows you to travel on an airplane is a t_____________.

g. The first thing to do at the airport is c_____________ i_____________, which means to

register as a passenger for a flight.

h. A document which identifies you as a citizen of a certain country and which allows you to

travel to other countries is called a p_____________.

i. A stamp in your passport which allows you to travel to another country is called a


j. A seat next to the window in an airplane is called a w_____________ s_____________.

k. A seat next to the passage between the rows of seats in an airplane is called an

a_____________ s_____________.

l. The suitcases and bags which contain your belongings are called b_____________.

m. A bag which you carry with you on the airplane is called a c_____________ bag.

n. A small ticket with printed numbers that identify your baggage is called a baggage

c_____________ c_____________.

o. A printed card which allows you to get on an airplane is called a b_____________


p. A door which leads from the airport building into an airplane is called a g_____________.

q. The area where you pick up your baggage after a flight is called b_____________


Page 211: Ingles Tecnico


Reading & Reading Comprehension

So you aren't really sure about what happens if you arrive late at the airport or if the weather keeps you from

flying. It's time to get to know some of the myths and confusion surrounding air travel.

Top myths of air travel

1. You will be compensated if your flight cancels - If it is a mechanical issue, crew is unavailable, or some

other reason where the airline is at fault, compensation is definitely a possibility! (…) the airline does not owe

you compensation - no hotel, meals, transportation, etc.. (...)

2. If you miss your flight you will be booked on the next one out - Not necessarily, and not necessarily for

free. It depends on why you missed your flight. (…) If you are connecting and your flight in was late, an

airline may have already protected you on the next flight (…). But if you just showed up late at the airport, the

airline is in no way obligated to put you on the next flight, or any flight without charging you a fee.

3. When a flight is cancelled because of something beyond an airline's control they will book you on the next

available flight. This does not mean the next flight out, but the next one that has space on it. (…) If space isn't

available on the next flight you can certainly request to standby and take your chances.

4. Flights hold for people who check in late - Not a chance, unless you own or run the airline. (…) So if you

check in late, get yourself to the gate!

5. If your flight cancels you will be booked on the next available flight regardless of airline - Not so if you are

on a low cost airline, and it is more difficult to get this to happen now that tickets are usually electronic.

6. If an airline goes bankrupt you will be protected on another airline, or be able to get your money back –

(…) You may or may not get a refund eventually from an airline that has stopped operating completely.(…)

you may be accommodated, most often on a space-available basis.

7. It's okay to bring lighters in your carry-on luggage - Say bye-bye to your Bic if you try this, although

Page 212: Ingles Tecnico

airports in the US now generally permit lighters through airport security.

8. If you make a group booking, with your family, or a travel companion, you will be seated together – (…) If

you can book your seat numbers in advance then things will usually work out, but if not don't panic. The gate

agent will try and get those seats together and you can also ask the flight attendant to help you.

Fonte:Adaptado de

1) Circle the words which are similar to Portuguese – cognates. Read the text again.

2) Check all the words you don’t know in a dictionary

( and practice the pronunciation at


Na aula de hoje vimos diálogos, vídeos e situações referentes ao tópico “At the airport”. Não

se preocupe se você não conhece um aeroporto ou nunca viajou de avião. Quando chegar o

momento, você estará preparado, uma vez que estudou e aprendeu nesta aula. Não se esqueça de

pesquisar, ver mais vídeos e diálogos. Abaixo deixo algumas sugestões de atividades para você fazer

em casa, como “extra practice”:




Ana Célia Lima

Viviane Gomes Pontes

REFERÊNCIAS Air travel – Top 10 myths about Air travel and Airports. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010.

Page 213: Ingles Tecnico

Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010. Beginner dialogues – At the airport. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. Immigrations and customs. Online. Disponível em: http://www.esl- Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010. Vocabulary for travelling. Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010.

• Extra video

Oxford University Press Website. Everyday English – At the airport. Online. Disponível em:

e06/. Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010.

Unidade 3 – Compreensão auditiva e leitura

para compreensão e comunicação em língua inglesa

English Basic Level

• 22nd Lesson

Page 214: Ingles Tecnico

On a plane


Hello! How are you?

A aula de hoje tem como tema as viagens de avião. O que acontece após o embarque? Você

vai descobrir nesta aula, porque estaremos On a plane!

Have a nice class!

Reading & Reading Comprehension

• Text I

Interview with a Business Traveller

Interviewer: Good morning Sir. I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may.

Jack: Well, I'm waiting to catch my flight so I guess I can answer a few questions.

Interviewer: Thank you, Sir. First of all, how often do you travel?

Jack: I travel about twice a month.

Interviewer: Where are you flying to on this trip?

Jack: I'm flying to Austin, Texas.

Interviewer: … and where did you fly on your last trip?

Jack: I flew to Portland, Oregon. I've already been there three times!


Entender novo vocabulário em textos e diálogos sobre viagens de avião ou situações

que ocorrem durante uma viagem, seja ela doméstica ou internacional.

Page 215: Ingles Tecnico

Interviewer: Really! Do you enjoy travelling for business?

Jack: Yes, although I prefer staying in the office.

Interviewer: What do you like most about travelling?

Jack: I like visiting new cities and trying out new food.

Interviewer: Is there anywhere you would like to visit that you haven't visited yet?

Jack: Yes, I'd like to go to Hawaii! I love going to the beach!

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time today.

Jack: You're welcome. My pleasure.

1) Check your understanding with this multiple choice comprehension quiz, tick ( ���� )

the correct answer:

a. Jack is waiting to catch a flight.

( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say

b. Jack travels twice a month.

( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say

c. Jack especially likes going to Portland.

( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say

d. Jack is flying to Oregon.

( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say

e. Jack flew to Portland for his last trip.

( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say

f. Jack has already been to Portland four


( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say

g. Jack likes eating in good restaurants.

( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say

h. Jack would like to visit Hawaii.

( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say

i. Jack doesn't enjoy travelling for business.

( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say

j. Jack likes visiting new cities and meeting

new people.

( ) True ( ) False ( ) Doesn't say


• Text II

What to Wear and Carry on a Plane Trip

Flying in Style and Comfort

By Susan Breslow Sardone, Guide

Page 216: Ingles Tecnico

Dress comfortably, but in style.

(…) With all of the checkpoints people must go through to get from the terminal to the plane to their

destination — check-in, security, passport control, customs, immigration — it’s smart to dress

comfortably and in a way that won’t cause a delay for you or your fellow plane passengers. (…)

The following tips can help you decide how to dress and otherwise prepare for your next plane trip:

Dress in Layers (…)

S-t-r-e-t-c-h (…)

Avoid Heavy Metal (…)

Wear Slip-On Shoes (…)

Manage Your Electronics (…)

Minimize Liquids (…)


1) Circle the words which are similar to Portuguese – cognates. Read the text again.

2) Check all the words you don’t know in a dictionary

( and practice the pronunciation at

3) Write a paragraph about the reasons why the author gives this tips for what to wear

and carry on a plane travel.


Listening, Reading & Speaking

Page 217: Ingles Tecnico

1) Read along with the audio recording. The listening track is available at:

When I go on vacation, I usually travel by plane. In the past, I used to book a flight with a

travel agency, but now, I tend to search online for good deals on plane tickets. Finding the best

price on plane tickets is probably the most important consideration, but the departure time, the

number of layovers, and the length of flight are also important factors. Making plane reservations

online is pretty easy to do, but don't forget that you still have to pay certain fees and taxes that go

along with the price of the ticket. Finally, keep in mind that you might have to pay a cancellation fee

if you decide to change your flight plans or cancel your flight.

2) Answer the question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of reserving plane

tickets online verses working with a travel agent?





3) What are the most important points you look for when choosing an airline for your next

flight? Rank the following points from the most (1) to least important (7): price,

destination, length of flight, on-time record, meals, comfort and seating, and customer







On a plane

1) Listen to the conversation at by pressing the

“Play Audio” button .

2) Read and review the Vocabulary and the sample sentences.

Page 218: Ingles Tecnico

Captain: Hello everyone, this is the captain speaking, and I want to welcome you to Flight 18 bound

for Seattle. Our flight time today is 2 hours and 14 minutes, and we will be flying at an average

altitude of 29,000 feet. The local time in Seattle is a quarter to twelve (11:45), and the current

weather is sunny, but there is a chance of rain later in the day. We will be arriving at Gate 13, and we

will be announcing connecting flights on our approach to the Seattle airport.

On behalf of Sky Airlines and the crew, I want to wish you an enjoyable stay in the Seattle area or at

your final destination. Sit back and enjoy the flight.

• Key Vocabulary

bound (adjective): going to or heading for

- The plane is bound for London with stops in Atlanta and New York City.

feet (noun): 12 inches or 0.3 meters

- The flight attendant was only few feet away when I got her attention.

announce (verb): give information

- We need to wait at the gate until they announce our flight.

connecting flight (noun): when you arrive at the airport, your next plane is there to get on so you can continue

your trip

- We didn't arrive in time to catch our connecting flight.

crew (noun): all of the people who work together on a ship, train, or plane

- The plane's crew were very friendly and helpful.

destination (noun): the place you are going to

- What is your final destination on this trip?

altitude (noun): height

- This plane flies at an altitude of 31,000 feet..

approach (noun, also a verb): nearing or coming to - The plane is approaching the airport.

- It started to snow very heavily as the airplane started its approach to the airport.


1) Complete the sentences using the words from the box below. Check in a dictionary.

At the airport : Attention please, British Airways announce the _____________________________

of flight BA 362 to London Heathrow. Would passengers to London go to

Page 219: Ingles Tecnico

_____________________________ number 7 for immediate _____________________________ ?

Please _____________________________ embarkation cards.

On the plane: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of Captain Andrew and his

_____________________________ , welcome on board this British Airways Boeing 737. I

apologize for the _____________________________ , but we will be

_____________________________ very shortly. Some information about the flight:

Our flight _____________________________ to London will be two hours and twenty-five minutes.

We will be flying at the _____________________________ of 30,000 feet, and our

_____________________________ will be 500 miles per hour. We hope you have a pleasant flight.

The flight attendant: In a moment we will be _____________________________ at London

Heathrow where the weather is fine and sunny. Please make sure that your seatbelt is

_____________________________ , your seat is in the _____________________________ position

and your table is _____________________________ away.


Page 220: Ingles Tecnico


2) Fill in the sentences using the verbs in the box:

a. We____________________ (now, fly) at an altitude of 7500 metres.

b. You____________________ (buy) newspapers at the newsstand.

c. The passengers____________________ (board) the plane at the moment.

d. The steward can't bring you a newspaper: he____________________ (serve) lunch.

e. Passengers usually____________________ (wait) for their flight in the departure lounge.

f. The plane____________________ off (take) an hour late.

3) Now, complete the sentences below with the best answer:

1. The ___________ will be serving food and beverages after the plane reaches its cruising altitude.

A. flight attendants B. pilots C. security officers

2. After the plane lands, you can pick up your luggage at the ______________.

A. boarding area B. baggage claim area C. overhead compartment

3. If the cabin loses pressure during flight, you should put on your _____________ so you can

breathe comfortably.

A. seat belt B. life jacket C. oxygen mask

Quiz – On a Plane

A person who serves passengers on an airplane is a f_____________ a_____________.

The passage between the rows of seats is called an a_____________.

are boarding are now flying buy took is serving wait

Page 221: Ingles Tecnico

A s_____________ b_____________ is a strap worn as a belt to prevent you from being thrown out

of your seat.

An a_____________ is a small bar next to the seat which is used to support your arms while you are


A c_____________ b_____________ is a button on the armrest which is pushed when you want to

call a flight attendant.

Another button on the armrest is for the small light above your seat. This light is called a

r_____________ l_____________.

The o_____________ b_____________ are small compartments used for storing baggage above the


A w_____________ s_____________ is a flat panel used to prevent light from entering the window.

The pilot may say, "Please prepare for t_____________ o_____________."; this means that the

airplane will soon leave the ground and rise into the sky.

Small rooms on the airplane which have toilets and sinks are called _____________.

If there is a v_____________ sign on the door, the lavatory is empty.

If there is an o_____________ sign on the door, someone is in the lavatory

A form on which you provide information about the contents of your baggage is a c_____________

d_____________ form.

A form on which you write your name, address, and travel plans in a foreign country is an

i_____________ f_____________.

L_____________ is when the airplane goes down and reaches the ground again after a flight.

Page 222: Ingles Tecnico

• Check your answers with a colleague or with your tutor.



Na aula de hoje falamos de aviões, tripulação, embarque e desembarque, situações que

ocorrem em uma viagem de avião, de modo geral. Espero que você se prepare através desse novo

vocabulário, faça os exercícios propostos e busque sempre mais. Pesquise na internet vídeos e sites

que sejam de seu interesse sobre o assunto. Como “extra practice” hoje, deixo mais dois links com

um quiz sobre aviões da BBC e um exercício no qual uma aeromoça fala sobre seu trabalho. Bons





See you!

Ana Célia Lima

REFERÊNCIAS Flying – What to wear. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010. On an Airplane. Online. Disponível em:

airplane.html. Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010. Travel – Making plane reservations. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010.

Dictionary Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 15 ago. 2010.

Page 223: Ingles Tecnico Beginner reading skills – A business travel. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010. Plane – Travel on Sky Airlines. Online. Disponível em: http://www.esl- Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010. Listen online. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

23 out. 2010. Exercise – On the plane. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

31 dez. 2010.

• Extra videos Quiz – Planes. Online. Disponível em:;quiz=1134_

planes. Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010. . Job – Katrina talks about her job. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010.

Unidade 3 – Compreensão auditiva e leitura

para comunicação em língua inglesa

English Basic Level

Page 224: Ingles Tecnico

• 23rd Lesson

At the hotel


Hey! How are you?

O tema de nossa aula hoje é: At a hotel! Você vai aprender vocabulário referente a esse tema,

além de textos, vídeos e diálogos.

Are you ready?!


Staying in a Hotel

daily rate - diária

porter - carregador de bagagem, porteiro

chambermaid - camareira

tip - gorgeta

tipping - dar gorgeta

lobby - saguão de entrada


Conhecer estruturas frasais e vocabulário sobre hotéis, estadia, staff do hotel etc., com o

intuito de preparar você para suas viagens de negócio como futuro businessman.

Page 225: Ingles Tecnico

front desk - recepção

voucher - comprovante de reserva e pagamento da estadia

guest - hóspede

single room - quarto de solteiro

double room - quarto de casal

credit card - cartão de crédito

safe-deposit box - cofre

extra charge - custo adicional

key - chave

key card - chave de cartão

local call - chamada telefônica local

long-distance call - chamada longa-distância

international phone call - ligação internacional

station-to-station - ligação telefônica normal

person-to-person - ligação um pouco mais cara mas que se paga apenas no caso de se conseguir contato com

a pessoa desejada

collect call - ligação a cobrar

room service - serviço de quarto

minibar - frigobar

vending machine - máquinas de vender bebidas, etc.

swimming pool - piscina

city tour - passeio turístico pela cidade

city map - mapa da cidade

mall - shopping, centro comercial

youth hostel - albergue da juventude (excelentes na Europa)

tourist office - departamento de atendimento ao turista

1) Before you are our guest in this unit, learn some vocabulary below and watch this video:

Page 226: Ingles Tecnico

Types of Accommodations

bed and breakfast





youth hostel

2) Try to find photos of this kind of accommodation on the Internet. If you don’t

understand, consult a dictionary or ask your tutor.

3) If you're traveling on a budget (when you can’t spend a lot of money) and you want to

meet other young people like you, you can consider staying at a _______________.

a) ( ) youth hostel

b) ( ) hotel

c) ( ) resort


cable TV

check in / check out

hot tub

indoor / outdoor heated pool

kitchen / kitchenette


queen-size bed / king-size



room rates

sitting area

Page 227: Ingles Tecnico

4) What are the most important amenities for you? Rank from the most important (1) to

the least important ( 11).

Hotel expressions

book a hotel

call the front desk

cancel a reservation

make a reservation

order room service

call the belboy / bellhop

5) Do you always ask the bellboy for some help? What services do you usually ask in a






1) Match the columns to make a dialogue between a receptionist and a guest. After you

finish, use some of the phrases to have a conversation with a partner.

Check in

Guest Receptionist

1) Good morning. I’d like to check in. a) ( ) Pardon me. Can you spell your

last name, please?

2) My reservation is under James Novarsik. b) ( ) I’ll call the bellhop, sir. He’ll

be here in a minute.

3) It’s N.OV.A.R.S.I.K.. c) ( ) Do you have a reservation?

4) Try my company. It’s kisravon Computers. d) ( )Yes, there it is. The confirmation

number is 873946.

5) Can you park the car for me? e) ( ) Sorry, but we don’t have a

Page 228: Ingles Tecnico

reservation under your name.

6) Alright. Can you help me with my f) ( )Of course, sir. We provide

baggage? paid parking for guests.

At the reception desk

Receptionist Guest

1) What kind of room would you like, a) ( ) Non Smoking. Is there a

sir/madam? restaurant/ swimming pool/ a

sauna in the hotel?

2) Would you like a single room or a b) ( ) Can I have a room with a view

a double room? of the mountains?

3) Would you like a smoking or non- c) ( ) Thank you very much. Have a

smoking room? nice day.

4) The restaurant is on the first floor. d) ( )What floor is my room on?

5) Your room number is 709. It’s on the e) ( ) Could you please send my

seventh floor. luggage to my room?

6) Sure. We’ll send it right up. f) ( ) I’d like a single room, please.

In his/her room

Receptionist Guest

1) (on the telephone)Andrew. May I a) ( ) Sure, thanks a lot.

help you?

2) Someone will be right up. b) ( ) Can you send a chambermaid,


3) I can make the call for you if c) ( ) Also, can I request a wake-up

you like. call for tomorrow morning at 7?

4) Oh, I’m very sorry. I will send d) ( ) Can you tell me how to make a

the maintenance man up for you. long distance call?

5) Sure, have a good night, sir. e) ( ) Oh, by the way, the lights

aren’t working in my room.

Page 229: Ingles Tecnico

Can you send somebody up here?

Check out

Receptionist Guest

1) Good morning, sir. Are you ready a) ( )Can you call a taxi for me?

to check out?

2) Sure. What is your room number? b) ( ) My luggage is still in my room.

Could you send someone to get it?

3) Your minibar and telephone calls are c) ( ) 709. Here’s your key. Can you

included in your bill, sir/madam. calculate my bill please?

4) How would you like to pay? d) ( ) What forms of payment do you


5) The taxi will meet you in front of the e) ( ) I’d like to pay in credit card.

hotel entrance. Can you make a receipt for me?

6) Here you are. Sign here please. f) ( ) Have a nice day!

Listening, Reading & Speaking

1) Listen to a man making a reservation in a hotel and answer the questions at the website:

2) Choose the best word to fill in the spaces from the dialogue you’ve just listened to:

2.1 Do you have any rooms with a _______________ where I can prepare basic meals?

a) ( ) cooking b) ( ) kitchenette c) ( ) suite

2.2 This hotel is one of the best in the city, and the employees try to roll out the __________ carpet

for special guests.

Page 230: Ingles Tecnico

a) ( ) red b) ( ) blue c) ( ) green

2.3 This hotel is one of the best in the city, and the employees try to roll out the __________ carpet

for special guests.

a) ( ) cheap b) ( ) reasonable c) ( ) expensive

2.4 Let me ______________ to see if we have any rooms available.

a) ( ) test b) ( ) view c) ( ) check

2.5 I'd like to ______________ a hotel room for April 21st.

a) ( ) buy b) ( ) scheduled c) ( ) reserve

3) Work in pairs. Students A will be the guest, students B will be the receptionist. Use the

prompts below.



Hi! I’ve booked a single room in the name of ……

I have a reservation. My name is ………..

Hi! Do you have any vacancies? I need a twin room for 2 nights.

What is the price of a single room?

Is breakfast included?

What is the check-out time?

Is there the Internet here?

Is the reception open 24 hours a day?

Can I have a wake-up call? Can you please wake me up at 7 o’clock?

Is there room service?

Is there a bank near here?


Good morning.

Sorry, what’s your name? How do you spell it? How do you pronounce it?

Just a moment, I’ll look it up. ……… Ah, here it is.

Can you fill in this form, please?

Sign here, please.

Can I have your passport, please?

Page 231: Ingles Tecnico

Here is your key card. You’re in room no. 26 on the second floor.

The lift is at the end of the corridor.

You can take anything from the mini bar, we will put it on your bill.

You can use our restaurant, the TV room, the indoor swimming pool, or our laundry service.

Breakfast is served from 8:30 to 11:30.

4) Do you know what do these words mean? Look them up and choose the best answer.

4.1What’s a valet?

a) ( ) an employee who controls the way people are used and money is spent.

b) ( ) an employee of a restaurant or hotel, who puts your car in a parking space for you.

c) ( ) serves meals to people in a hotel restaurant.

4.2 What’s a chambermaid?

a) ( ) a woman whose job is to clean and tidy hotel bedrooms

b) ( ) a woman who cooks in the hotel kitchen.

c) ( ) a woman who gives information in the hotel.

4.3 What’s a concierge?

a) ( ) a person who is invited to visit someone's home or attend a particular social occasion.

b) ( ) someone whose job is to help people plan trips and make travel arrangements.

c) ( ) an employee whose job is to assist guests by booking tours, making theatre and restaurant

reservations, etc.

Reading & Reading Comprehension

Tipping Etiquette

*Tip is the money you give a waiter, for example, when the service in a restaurant is good.

The Secrets Behind Tipping Etiquette at Hotels

By Charlyn Keating Chisholm, Guide

(…) Here's a general tipping guide to follow whenever you travel. Remember, tipping more or less is

at your discretion and should be guided by the quality of service you receive. Use this tipping guide

to give you an idea of the appropriate tipping ranges.

Page 232: Ingles Tecnico

• Drivers

Courtesy Shuttle Driver -- $1-$2 per person, or $4-$5 per party

Taxi or Limousine Driver -- 15-20% of the total fare

Tipping drivers extra is expected if they handle your bags (tipping about $1-$2 per bag). (…)

• Checking In

Porter/Doorman -- $1-$2 per bag they help you with (more if it is very heavy). Tiping is not required for just

opening a door (a smile and thank you is always appreciated).

Bell Staff -- $1-$2 per bag if they bring the bags to your room. If they prepare your room and show you

around, tipping $5-$10 should cover everything (including the bags).

• In Your Room

Room Service -- In most hotels, a gratuity of 12-15% is already included in the price of your order (check the

menu). Tipping extra is OK, particularly if the person delivering the order takes extra care to set up your meal.


Maids/Housekeeping Staff -- A wide range is acceptable here, depending on the level of extra service and

hotel level, but generally from $1-$5 per night. It is best to do your tipping daily, since you might have

different people cleaning your room. (…)

Maintenance/Service People -- For fixing something that was broken, or bringing something that was

missing, tipping is not required.

Delivery of Special Items -- For a special request (like an extra blanket), $2 for one item, or $1 each for more

than one item.

• Coming and Going

Doorman -- $1-$2 for calling a cab; extra if he covers you with an umbrella in the rain (...)

Valet Parking -- $1-$2 to the attendant giving back your car. Tipping when they park the car is optional.

• Dining Out

Waitstaff -- 15-20% of the bill, excluding tax and expensive wine. Many restaurants automatically add a 15%

gratuity for parties of six or more, so check the menu. You can add another 5% for exceptional service.

Wine Steward/Sommelier -- If they help you choose a bottle of wine (or choose it for you), 10-20% of the

wine bill only. (…)

Buffet Servers -- $1-$2 per person dining.

• In the Lounge

Bartender/Cocktail Waitress -- 10-15% of the total tab.

• Special Services

(…) Hotel Staff -- If they set up something special for you (for your anniversary), tip at the end of your stay.

• Leisure Time

Hair Stylists -- 15% of the total bill. If someone else shampoo'd your hair, leave them $2-$5.

Manicurist -- 10-15% of the total bill.

Page 233: Ingles Tecnico

Massage Therapist -- 15-20% of the total bill.

Swimming Pool Attendant -- Tipping is not required, unless you request extra service (…)

Fonte: adapted from

1) Look at the cognates in the text and underline them. Now, circle all the numbers (they

are very important, especially in this text) and read the text again.

2) Can you remember?

a. How much you should tip a the maintenance people who fix something that was broken in

your room? ________________

b. How much you should tip the bell staff if they carry two of your bags? ________________

c. How much you should pay a doorman if they call you a taxi? ________________

d. How much you should tip the bartender? ________________


Hoje falamos da sua estadia, do seu conforto, das pessoas que o cercam geralmente quando

você viaja. Falamos também de situações que, se você ainda não viveu, viverá em breve, a trabalho.

Espero que tenha aproveitado a aula e que faça as atividades propostas. Por falar nisso, hoje você

tem mais um link para abrir no seu computador e verificar sua compreensão do conteúdo estudado na

aula de hoje!

Extra practice


See you next class!

Ana Célia Lima

Viviane Gomes Pontes


Page 234: Ingles Tecnico Hotel secrets – Tipping etiquette. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011. Hotel – Hotel Reservations. Online. Disponível em: http://esl- Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010. Vocabulary for travelling. Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. English for hotel and tourism – Checking into a hotel. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010.

• Extra video Travel – At the Hotel. Online. Disponível em: http://www.esl- Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011.

Unidade 3 – Compreensão auditiva e leitura

para comunicação em língua inglesa

English Basic Level

• 24th Lesson

Page 235: Ingles Tecnico

In a Shop


Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Independente da hora do dia, essa é uma boa hora para aprender inglês! Hoje vamos falar de

gastos e vamos ver diálogos, textos e também um vídeo para ilustrar o tema de nossa aula.

Let’s start?!?


Places - Shops and Stores

Here are the principal definitions of each word with an example sentence using the target word in context.

Shop = a place which sells various goods; store Janet went out quickly to get some things at the shop.

baker's a shop which sells bread and pastries Could you go to the baker's and get two loaves of whole-wheat bread?

butcher's a shop which sells various types of meat I went to the butcher's and bought a few steaks.

department store

a large store which sells a number of items located in various departments

There are a number of department stores located at the mall in the suburbs.

dry cleaner's a shop which cleans clothes Can you take these trousers down to the dry cleaner's?

fishmonger's a shop which sells fish (British English) Why don't we go get some salmon at the fishmonger's for dinner tonight?

fish-shop a shop which sells fish; fishmonger's Oh, look at that fresh fish in the fish-shop's window!


Aprender como fazer compras em inglês.

Page 236: Ingles Tecnico

greengrocer's a shop which sells fruit and vegetables (British English)

I went out to get some fresh vegetables at the greengrocer's.

grocer's a shop which sells various food items Jack has just gone out to get some things at the grocer's.

ironmonger's a shop which sells materials and equipment for building (British English)

I bought a new hammer at the ironmonger's.

hardware store

a shop which sells materials and equipment for building (American English)

I need to get some paint at the hardware store before I can begin redecorating the apartment.

stationer's a shop which sells paper, pens and pencils and other writing materials (British English)

She bought three pens and some envelopes at the stationer's.

sweetshop a shop which sells candies and various sweet goods (British English)

I bought a half-pound of chocolates at the sweetshop.

tobacconist's a shop which sells tobacco goods such as cigarettes and cigars

He picked up three packs of cigarettes at the tobacconist's on his way to work.

1) Before you do your shopping, watch this video about some kinds of stores:

Words related to the action of buying…

Page 237: Ingles Tecnico

• Words that describe the items they want to purchase: some bread, some milk, etc.

• Where can I find . . .?

• I’m looking for . . .

• Do you have . . . ?

If you want to go shopping there are a number of things you have to consider. If you would

like to find a bargain you should make sure to go to a sale. The only problem with a sale is that it is

sometimes hard to exchange something once you buy it. Many stores also refuse to give a refund on

anything you have bought. If you are looking for clothes, make sure to try them on, check the size to

make sure that it is a good fit. Another good idea is to look at the tag and label to see instructions for

washing, etc. It's always a good idea to also ask the shop assistant for advice. Finally, when you go to

the cashier you can usually pay by credit card or check if you don't have the cash. Never forget to get

the receipt!

Listening, Reading & Speaking

1) Read and listen about Wal-Mart at this link:

2) Match the columns and get the meaning of the words below.

a) bargain ( ) a piece of paper or material fastened to an

object that gives information about it.

b) sale ( ) a document that you get from someone showing

that you have given them money or goods.

c) refund ( ) an event or period of time during which a store

reduces the prices of some of its goods.

d) tag ( ) money that was yours that you get again

e) receipt ( ) something you buy that costs much less than

Page 238: Ingles Tecnico


3) Shopping Online or at local department stores is an activity many people enjoy. How

often do you go shopping for the following items and where do you buy them: clothing,

gifts for friends and family, music, DVD movies, electronics? Name places and discuss

with a friend.










4) Listen to the dialogue at the website

And answer the questions there.

5) Listen again and fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.

Man: Hi young _______________.How may I help you?

Girl: Well, . . . yeah. I'm _______________for a Father's Day's gift.

Man: Okay. How about _______________your father a new wallet?

Girl: Hmm. How much is that wallet?

Man: Huh . . . which one?

Girl: The __________________one.

Man: Oh. It's only $40.95.

Girl: Huh? That's too ________________for me. Do you have a cheaper one?

Man: Hmm. How about this brown leather one?

Girl: Umm. . . I don't think my father will like the ______________on the outside, and it doesn't

have a _________________to put pictures.

6) Do the task below according to the prompts in parenthesis and the examples.

Page 239: Ingles Tecnico

(A) (money) for (something)

• What do you think is cheap?

(1) Ten dollars for a shirt is cheap.


• What do you think is expensive?



• What do you think is a reasonable price to pay for a pair of shoes?


• What do you think is a reasonable price to pay for a dinner with a date?


(B) be (adjective)+er than,

• Make three comparative sentences using some of the following adjectives in the box:

(1) Fish is healthier than beef or pork.



(C) be more (adjective) than

• Make three sentences using some of the following adjectives:

cheap healthy roomy tight high low

spicy cozy safe fast big

delicious filling important powerful reliable affordable

environmentally friendly durable compact comfortable

Page 240: Ingles Tecnico

(1) Compact cars are more environmentally friendly than gas guzzlers.



7) Have a conversation with a partner or write your answers about the questions below.

About how much did you spend on presents last year?

About how much do you usually spend each day?

Are you a price conscious shopper?

Are you good at saving money?

Are you saving money to buy something? If so, what are you planning to buy?

How much will it cost?

How much longer will you need to save before you can buy it?

Do banks pay a higher percent of interest here or in your country?

Do you compare prices at different stores when you shop?

Do you enjoy shopping?

Do you ever buy second-hand things? ("used things")

Reading & Reading Comprehension

In a Shop

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

1) Match the columns to complete the conversation.

Shopping for a Sweater

(A = shop assistant, B = customer)

A: Can I help you?

A: What size are you?

A: How about this one?

A: Certainly, there's the changing rooms

over there.

A: How does it fit?

A: Yes, here you are.

A: OK, how would you like to pay?

A: Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and

American Express.

A: Thank you. Have a nice day!

( ) B: I'm an extra large.

( ) B: It's too large. Do you have a

larger one? (smallest?)

Page 241: Ingles Tecnico

( ) B: Do you take credit cards?

( ) B: OK, here's my Visa.

( ) B: Thank you.

( ) B: Thank you, goodbye.

( ) B: Thank you. I'll have it, please.

( ) B: Yes, I'm looking for a sweater.

( ) B: Yes, that's nice. Can I try it


Page 242: Ingles Tecnico

Key Vocabulary

Can I help you? size - extra small, small, medium, large, extra large

Can I try it (them) on? How does it fit?

changing rooms How would you like to pay?

credit cards


A Typical Shop Worker's Desk

2) Here is the story with ten words missing. Choose one these ten words below to fit into

the correct gap.

Shop workers probably have the ______________desks of all. The desks of shop workers are used

for a number of purposes. They often have a computer and a_____________to take care of

paper_____________, but they also use their desk as a place to lay their various____________as

they work at their different tasks. In many_____________shops, you will also be surprised at

how____________a shop worker's desk is! Shop workers have to do a variety

of______________tasks that often involve greasy equipment. Of course, the grease from the tools

and the_____________dirty the desk as the shop worker sits down to do a report or make a

telephone call. Shop_____________usually don't clean their desk too often as they know that the

desks will just get dirty the next time they_____________to have a cup of coffee.



Hoje falamos de compras. Você gostou do assunto? Ainda temos muito o que estudar,

discutir, aprender... Esperamos que, com muita dedicação e motivação, você persevere nos estudos,

physical telephone workers untidiest work

dirty tools machine equipment sit down

Page 243: Ingles Tecnico

mesmo após o término desta aula. Para incentivar e promover a sua curiosidade é que deixo dois

links de atividades relacionadas ao nosso tema da aula de hoje.

Enjoy it!!

Extra practice



See you soon!

Ana Célia Lima

Viviane Gomes Pontes

REFERÊNCIAS English as 2nd Language – A Typical Shop Worker’s Desk. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. English as 2nd Language – In a Shop. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. English as 2nd Language – Places, Shops and Stores. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez.

2010. Shopping – Shopping for the Day. Online. Disponível em: http://www.esl- Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010. Places – Walmart (American Mosaic 2009). Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010.

Page 244: Ingles Tecnico Let’s go shopping. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010.

• Extra links English as 2nd Language – Places, Shops and Stores. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez.

2010. Shopping centers – Malls and Department Stores. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 dez. 2010.

Unidade 3 – Compreensão auditiva e leitura

para comunicação em língua inglesa

English Basic Level

• 25th Lesson

In the Street

Page 245: Ingles Tecnico


Hello! Are you fine?

Hoje vamos falar sobre como não ficar perdido e como perguntar as direções na rua, em

inglês. Temos muito o que estudar nesta aula e você vai aprender a dar localizações e a perguntar

para chegar aonde quer ir.

Are you ready to start? So, let’s go!


Preposition Use - in / at / on - prepositions of place

By Kenneth Beare, Guide


Use 'in' with spaces:

in a room / in a building

in a garden / in a park

Use 'in' with bodies of water:

in the water

in the sea

in a river

Use 'in' with lines:

in a row / in a line

in a queue


Use 'at' with places:

at the bus-stop

at the door

at the cinema

at the end of the street

Use 'at' with places on a page:

at the top of the page

at the bottom of the page

Use 'at' in groups of people:

at the back of the class

at the front of the class


Use 'on' with surfaces:

on the ceiling / on the wall / on

the floor

on the table

Use 'on' with small islands:

I stayed on Maui.

Use 'on' with directions:

on the left

on the right

straight on


Conhecer como são indicadas as direções em inglês.

Page 246: Ingles Tecnico


In / at / on the corner

We say 'in the corner of a room', but 'at the corner (or 'on the corner') of a street'

In / at / on the front

We say 'in the front / in the back' of a car

We say 'at the front / at the back' of buildings / groups of people

We say 'on the front / on the back' of a piece of paper

1) Now that you have studied the use of on / at / in as a preposition of place, try the follow-

up quiz to test your understanding at

2) Test your understanding, watch this video at Youtube .

3) Put the words in the box into the blank spaces below:

• Directions by street name and nearby landmarks:

A: You look _________________. Can I help?

B: Yeah. I’m __________________ for the Caprice Theater. Do you know ______________ it is?

A: It’s on the _________________ of Elm Street and 22nd Avenue. It’s ______________ to the Art

Gallery. You can’t _________________ it.

• Directions by Subway or Bus:

A: Excuse me. Can I trouble you for a _____________?

B: Sure. What’s wrong?

A: I’m lost. Do you know _________ to get ________ the Stadium?

across how looking lost miss moment

off on take to transfer way

where next corner down exit far

front left your

Page 247: Ingles Tecnico

B: The easiest _________ to get there is probably by subway. Just ___________ the Central Line to

Broadway Station. ______________ to the Green Line and Get __________ at Harbour Station. If

you go out ___________ number four it should be right in ____________ of you.

• Directions by Foot or Car:

A: Can I get to the Harlton Hotel from here _____________ foot?

B: Sure. It’s not that ______________. Just go ______________ 4th Avenue to Main Street. Turn

______________ on Main. It should be on ______________ right. It’s _______________ from the



4) Look at the picture of the Town map below and give directions to the places, eliciting

street and corner street and what it is next to or across from. REMEMBER, you are on

the corner of Second Avenue and Forest Street:

a. The jewelry store ____________________________________________________________


b. The bar ____________________________________________________________________


c. The police station ____________________________________________________________


d. The toy store ________________________________________________________________


e. The movie theater ____________________________________________________________


f. The sporting goods store ______________________________________________________


Page 248: Ingles Tecnico


Listening & Reading

1) Take a look at the map below.

2) Now, go to the website play the

listening and complete the sentences with the words missing. Then, mark the sentences

true or false.

a. The hotel is next to the _____________.

( ) True ( ) False

b. The zoo is ____________ the police station.

Page 249: Ingles Tecnico

( ) True ( ) False

c. The __________ is between the post office and the supermarket.

( ) True ( ) False

d. The bowling alley is on _________ Street.

( ) True ( ) False

e. The _______________ corner of ________ Street and ________ Street.

( ) True ( ) False

f. ______________ front of ________________.

( ) True ( ) False

g. ______________________________________________.

( ) True ( ) False

h. ______________________________________________.

( ) True ( ) False

i. ______________________________________________.

( ) True ( ) False

j. ____________________________________________.

( ) True False

3) To practice a little bit more, go to the website

Directions.htm, play the “listen” button and try to find the corr ect place in the map.

Reading & Reading Comprehension

Business English - Directions to a Meeting

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

Text I

Directions to a Meeting

Mark: Linda, do you know how to get to Daniels Co.? I've never been there before.

Heather: Are you driving or taking the subway?

Mark: The subway.

Heather: Right. Take the no. 9 from West 72nd street. Get off at Times Square and change to the

Page 250: Ingles Tecnico

shuttle. Go across town and get off at Grand Central station. Go above ground and walk north on

Park Avenue.

Mark: Just a moment, let me write this down!

Heather: Take the no. 9 from West 72nd street. Get off at Times Square and change to the shuttle.

Got it?

Mark: Yes, thanks. Now, once I get to Times Square, which train do I take?

Heather: Change to the shuttle. Go across town and get off at Grand Central station. Go above

ground and walk north on Park Avenue.

Mark: Can you repeat that?

Heather: Change to the shuttle. Go across town and get off at Grand Central station. Go above

ground and walk north on Park Avenue.

Mark: Thanks Heather. How long does it take?

Heather: It takes about a half an hour. When is your meeting?

Mark: It's at nine. I'll leave at eight-thirty.

Heather: That's a busy time of day. You should leave at eight.

Mark: OK. Thanks, Heather.

Heather: No problem.

Key Vocabulary

to get to somewhere

to take the subway

to change to another train

to go across town

to get off

to go above ground

to walk north / south / west / east

to take time

a busy time of day

Page 251: Ingles Tecnico


1) Check your understanding of the text above at :

Reading Dialogue: Directions to the Museum

Text II

(On the street corner)

Tourist: Excuse me, can you help me? I'm lost!

Person: Certainly, where would you like to go?

Tourist: I'd like to go to the museum, but I can't find it. Is it far?

Person: No, not really. It's about a 5 minute walk.

Tourist: Maybe I should call a taxi ...

Person: No, no. It's very easy. Really. (pointing) I can give you directions.

Tourist: Thank you. That's very kind of you.

Person: Not at all. ... Now, go along this street to the traffic lights. Do you see them?

Tourist: Yes, I can see them.

Person: Right, at the traffic lights, turn left into Queen Mary Avenue.

Tourist: Queen Mary Avenue.

Person: Right. Go straight on. Take the second left and enter Museum Drive.

Tourist: OK. Queen Mary Avenue, straight on and then the third left, Museum Drive.

Person: No, it's the SECOND left.

Tourist: Ah, right. The second street on my left.

Person: Right. Just follow Museum Drive and the museum is at the end of the road.

Tourist: Great. Thanks again for your help.

Person: Not at all.


2) Check your understanding of the text above at :

Page 252: Ingles Tecnico


Na aula de hoje você aprendeu a não se perder, se precisar de se comunicar em inglês,

principalmente com a ajuda de um mapa. Você também viu algumas preposições necessárias para

pedir e dar direções. Recomendo a você mais dois links para que leia, entenda e estude essa matéria.

Practice makes perfect!

Extra practice





Ana Célia Lima

REFERÊNCIAS Games – Directions. Online. Disponível em:

Directions.htm. Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011. Giving Directions. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011. English as 2nd Language – Prepositions of Place. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. English as 2nd Language – Quiz on Prepositions. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010.

Page 253: Ingles Tecnico English as 2nd Language – Business Reading, Directions to a Meeting. Online.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. English as 2nd Language – Quiz on Directions to a Meeting. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. English as 2nd Language – Reading, Directions to the Museum. Online. Disponível

em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. English as 2nd Language – Quiz on Directions to the Museum. Online. Disponível

em: Acesso em: 30 dez. 2010. Travel – sightseeing. Online. Disponível em:

sightseeing-1.htm. Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011. Giving Directions. Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011. Giving directions in English. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011.

• Extra links Learning English – How to ask directions. Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011. English as 2nd Language – Conversation, Asking Directions. Online. Disponível

em: Acesso em: 03 jan.


Page 254: Ingles Tecnico

Unidade 3 – Compreensão auditiva e leitura

para comunicação em língua inglesa

English Basic Level

• 26th Lesson

At the restaurant


Hi! Is everything ok with you?

Pense no seu restaurante e no seu prato favorito... Pensou? Agora você vai estudar e praticar

como se comunicar em um restaurante e fazer esse pedido a um garçom!

Enjoy this class!



Aprender estruturas frasais e vocabulário mais usados em um restaurante: como pedir

um prato ou a conta.

Page 255: Ingles Tecnico

1) To order a meal in a restaurant you need some vocabulary. Watch, listen to this video

and repeat the words at

2) Look at the useful words to use in a conversation at a restaurant below:

• Places to Eat Out

Bistro Fast Food Restaurant

Hotel Restaurant Pub

Restaurant Snack Bar

• Parts of a Menu

1st Appetizers/Entrees/Hors D'oeuvres Soups /Starters 2nd Main Courses (Meat/Fish/Vegetarian) 3rd Desserts

Beverages (Drinks in general, coffee etc.) Wine/Drinks List (sometimes on a separate menu)

Booking a table At the Restaurant Ordering

I'd like to book (reserve) a table for two at 8.30 pm, please. I'd like to book a table for a party of four at 9 pm, please. I'd like to book a table for four at 7 in the name of Smith, please. Could I have a table by (next to) the window, please? Could I have a non-smoking table, please? Could I have a table away from the toilets, please? Could you make sure it's a quiet table, please?

Good evening, the name is Smith. I have a table booked for four. Do you have the menu in Portuguese/Spanish ..., please? Do you have a high chair for young children, please? Could we have a table over there, please? I'm sorry but I asked for a table by the window. Could we have an extra chair, please?

I'd like .............., please. For starters I'll have the … and for the main course I'd like the … Could I have chips instead of baked potatoes, please? What is the house special today? Is there anything you would recommend? Could I see the wine menu, please? I'll have a bottle of the …. I'll have a glass of house red/white, please. Which wine would you recommend?

Complaining During &After the Meal Paying

Page 256: Ingles Tecnico

Excuse me, but my soup is cold. Excuse me, we've been waiting for over half an hour for our drinks. I'm sorry but I ordered a side salad not the vegetables. Excuse me this steak is over done, I ordered rare. I'm afraid this wine tastes corked. Excuse me this wine isn't chilled properly.

Could we have some more bread, please? Do you have a pepper mill? Could I have some dressing / sauce, please? Could you pass me the salt, please? That was delicious. My compliments to the chef.

Could I have the bill, please? Do you take Credit Card / check? We'd like separate bills, please. Is service included? No, please. This is on me. (When you want to pay for everyone.)

3) Match the two columns and order the dialogue:

Ordering a Meal

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

(A = waiter, B = customer)

A: Hi. How are you doing this afternoon?

A: Certainly, here you are.

A: Grilled tuna and cheese.

A: Would you like something to drink?

A: Thank you. (returning with the food) Here

you are. Enjoy your meal!

A: Can I get you anything else?

A: That'll be $6.75.

A: Thank you! Have a good day!

( ) B: Bye.

( ) B: Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu,


( ) B: Here you are. Keep the change!

( ) B: No, thanks. I'd like the check (bill -

UK English), please.

( ) B: Thank you.

( ) B: Thank you. What's today's special?

( ) B: That sounds good. I'll have that.

( ) B: Yes, I'd like a coke.

Key Vocabulary

Can I see a menu?

Here you are

Enjoy your meal!

Would you like ...

Can I get you anything else?

I'd like the check (bill - UK English), please.

Page 257: Ingles Tecnico

That'll be $6.75.

Have a good day!

Page 258: Ingles Tecnico

Adaptado de:

Listening & Reading

1) Watch this video at

Then, practice the sentences by repeating.

2) Read the dialogue below:

Ordering at a Restaurant

Waitress: Hi, welcome to our restaurant.

Customer: Thank you very much.

Waitress: How many people are there?

Customer: Just the one.

Waitress: Just one person, ok. Smoking or non-smoking?

Customer: Non-smoking, please.

Waitress: Come along and have a seat right here.

Customer: Thanks.

Waitress: Here are your menus and a glass of water.

Waitress: Can I get you something to drink?

Customer: Mmm I was wondering about this wine actually. What’s your house wine?

Waitress: Our house wine is this red wine right here and it’s 10 dollars.

Customer: Oh, I think I’ll have a glass of that actually.

Waitress: Just a glass?

Customer: How much is it for a bottle?

Waitress: 10 dollars.

Customer: Oh sorry. Yeah I’ll have a bottle then, thanks.

Waitress: Can I take your order for an appetiser?

Customer: Mmm I quite like the look of several of these. Now the melon, does that come with

anything else?

Waitress: The melon? It just comes with some garnish, but it’s pretty much just plain melon with

garnish and some whipped cream.

Page 259: Ingles Tecnico

Customer: What would you recommend?

Waitress: Well, I really recommend the fries. They’re quite good and they come with cheese and

tomatoes and some chile on top.

Customer: Oh, they sound nice. Ok, I’ll have those, thanks.

Waitress: Are you ready to order your meal?

Customer: Yes, I think I’m ready now. I think I’ll have this vegetable goulash.

Can you tell me, is it vegetarian?

Waitress: It is, actually. It’s all vegetarian but it does come with cheese.

Customer: Oh, that’s ok, I eat cheese. Do I get any with it?

Waitress: It comes with a side order of rice or potatoes.

Customer: I’d like rice, please.

Waitress: Ok.

Waitress: Did you enjoy your meal?

Customer: It was delicious, thank you.

Waitress: Can I get you anything else?

Customer: Oh, I’d like to look at the desert menu, please. Mm, these all look nice. Oh, I think I must

go for this chocolate cake here.

Waitress: Chocolate cake. Very good choice. That’s our most popular dish.

Customer: Could I get cream with it, please?

Waitress: Would you like custard or whipped cream?

Customer: Whipped cream, please.

Waitress: Coming right up.

Customer: Could I have the bill, please?

Waitress: Certainly. Here you go.

Customer: Mmm 30 dollars. Oh, that’s ok, that’s not too bad.

Waitress: Thank you for coming.

Customer: Ok, no problem.

Waitress: Bye, come again!

Customer: Bye!

3) Now, listen to the same dialogue at

Restaurant.html and practice the sentences.

Page 260: Ingles Tecnico

Reading & Reading Comprehension

Ordering Food in a Restaurant

One of the most important tasks in English is ordering food when you go to a restaurant.

There are basic forms and questions, as well food vocabulary that you can use in places where people

speak English.

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

1) Take a look at this Menu:


Chicken Soup $2.50

Salad $3.25

Sandwiches - Main Course

Ham and cheese $3.50

Tuna $3.00

Vegetarian $4.00

Grilled Cheese $2.50

Piece of Pizza $2.50

Cheeseburger $4.50

Hamburger deluxe $5.00

Spaghetti $5.50


Coffee $1.25

Tea $1.25

Soft Drinks - Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, etc. $1.75

Page 261: Ingles Tecnico

2) Choose from the Menu above and decide what you would like in this restaurant. Write

your options for Starters, Main Course and Drinks:






3) Read this dialogue:

Waiter: Hello, can I help you?

Kim: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch.

Waiter: Would you like a starter?

Kim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please.

Waiter: And what would you like for a main course?

Kim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Kim: Yes, I'd like a glass of coke, please.

Waiter... After Kim has her lunch.: Can I bring you anything else?

Kim: No, thank you. Just the bill.

Waiter: Certainly.

Kim:I don't have my glasses. How much is the lunch?

Waiter: That's $6.75.

Kim: Here you are. Thank you very much.

Waiter: You're welcome. Have a good day.

Kim: Thank you, the same to you.

• Notice how the waiter asks: What would you like? and Kim responds: I'd like ...

"Would like" is the polite form used when asking and requesting.

4) Fill in the gaps with the correct word. Do NOT look at the text above!

Waiter: Hello, Can I _______________ you?

Kim: Yes, _______________ to have some lunch.

Page 262: Ingles Tecnico

Waiter: _______________ a starter?

Kim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, _______________.

Waiter: And what_______________ for a main course?

Kim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich.

Waiter: Would you like_______________ to drink?

Kim: Yes, I'd like a glass of coke, please.

Waiter... After Kim has her lunch.: Can I bring you anything else?

Kim: No, thank you. Just the_______________.

Waiter: Certainly.

Kim:I don't have my glasses. _______________ is the lunch?

Waiter: That's $6.75.

Kim: _______________. Thank you very much.

Waiter: You're_______________. Have a good day.

Kim: Thank you, the_______________.

Adaptado de:

My Favorite Restaurant

I like to eat out and I go to a (1)___________ for dinner twice a week. I (2)__________ with my

husband, Bill.

Our (3)___________ restaurant is an Indian restaurant in Cleveland Street in Surry Hills. It is not

very big (4)___________ it is always busy. There are only a (5)___________ tables in the restaurant

and there is a white (6)___________ on each table. There is also a vase with (7)___________

flowers on each table. There are plants in the (8)___________. We usually (9)___________ hot

curries and eat them with rice. The food is (10)___________ so we enjoy it very much. The service

is (11)___________ and friendly.

Bill and I always have a (12)___________ evening at our favorite restaurant.

• These are the words to choose from:

5) Choose the right word from the list to fill in the gaps.


Page 263: Ingles Tecnico

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

I really hate ______________. I prefer to go to a good ______________that serves everything,

including the ______________, using the best ______________. Sometimes, I like to

______________ something that I have tried at home. First, I look up the ______________in the

______________and then I cook the ______________. Next, I go to the restaurant, and when the

______________comes to my table I ask for the ______________and order what I have already

cooked at home! Sometimes, I like to go out for a ______________. You can have a drink in either a

______________or a ______________, which are usually nicer. At the end of the evening, it's time

to ask for the ______________and, usually, if the ______________has been good, it's a good idea to

leave a 15%-20% tip.

Adaptado de:


Hoje vimos como você deve se comportar em um restaurante, como fazer pedidos e

comunicar-se com os garçons e pessoas nesses ambientes. Coloque em prática os diálogos, veja os

vídeos e pesquise mais. Para ajudá-lo a desenvolver esse vocabulário da aula de hoje, você vai ler e

estudar através dos dois links que deixo como seu homework.

Enjoy your time to study!

Extra practice





Page 264: Ingles Tecnico

See you!

Ana Célia Lima


Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – At a Restaurant. Online.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 03

jan. 2011.

Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – Food and Restaurants.

Online. Disponível em:

Restaurants.htm. Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011.

Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – Ordering Food in a

Restaurant. Online. Disponível em: Acesso

em: 03 jan. 2011. At the Restaurant – Akane Restaurant. Online. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011. English Vocabulary – Restaurant. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011.

• Extra links Learning English – 10 Days in Manchester. Online. Disponível em: Acesso

em: 03 jan. 2011.

Davis, Randall ( website). Ordering at a Restaurant. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 jan. 2011.

Page 265: Ingles Tecnico

Unidade 4 – Uso do Inglês como Ferramenta de Negociação

Business English

• 27th Lesson

Writing a letter / e-mail

Formality x Informality


Hello! Are you all right?

In this lesson we are going to practice and develop your business writing skills in English. I

hope you appreciate it!

Have a great class!


In this lesson we are going to read and study business writing.

Page 266: Ingles Tecnico



Useful phrases

• Salutation Dear Mr Brown Dear Ms White Dear Sir(s) Dear Madam Dear Sir or Madam Gentlemen

• Starting We are (I am) writing to inform you that ... to confirm ... to request ... to enquire about... I am contacting you for the following reason. I recently read/heard about . . . and would like to know . . . Having seen your advertisement in ... , I would like to ... I would be interested in (obtaining/receiving) ... I received your address from ... and would like to ... I am writing to tell you about ...

• Referring to previous contact Thank you for your letter of March 15 ... Thank you for contacting us. In reply to your request ... Thank you for your letter regarding ... With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday ... Further to our meeting last week ... It was a pleasure meeting you in London last month. I enjoyed having lunch with you last week in Tokyo. I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed on Tuesday . . .

• Making a request We would appreciate it if you would ... I would be grateful if you could... Could you please send me . . . Could you possibly tell us/let us have...

In addition, I would like to receive ... It would be helpful if you could send us ... I am interested in (obtaining/receiving...) I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. Please, let me know what action you propose to take…

• Offering help We would be happy to ... Would you like us to ... We are quite willing to ... Our company would be pleased to ...

• Giving good news We are pleased to announce that ... I am delighted to inform you that ... You will be pleased to learn that ...

• Giving bad news We regret to inform you that ... I'm afraid it would not be possible to ... Unfortunately we cannot/we are unable to ... After careful consideration we have decided (not) to ...

• Complaining I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ... I am writing to complain about ... Please note that the goods we ordered on (date) have not yet arrived. We regret to inform you that our order n°--- is now considerably overdue. I would like to query the transport charges which seem unusually high.

• Apologizing We are sorry for the delay in replying ... I regret any inconvenience caused

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I would like to apologize for (the delay/the inconvenience) ... Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience.

• Orders Thank you for your quotation of ... We are pleased to place an order with your company for ... We would like to cancel our order n°... Please confirm receipt of our order. I am pleased to acknowledge receipt of your order n°... Your order will be processed as quickly as possible. It will take about (three) weeks to process your order. We can guarantee delivery before ... Unfortunately these articles are no longer available/are out of stock.

• Prices Please, send us your price list. You will find enclosed our most recent catalogue and price list. Please, note that our prices are subject to change without notice. We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation. We can make you a firm offer of ... Our terms of payment are as follows:

• Referring to payment Our records show that we have not yet received payment of ... According to our records ... Please, send payment as soon as possible. You will receive a credit note for the sum of ...

• Enclosing documents I am enclosing ...

Please, find enclosed ... You will find enclosed ...

• Closing remarks If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know. If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you require more information ... For further details ... Thank you for taking this into consideration. Thank you for your help. We hope you are happy with this arrangement. We hope you can settle this matter to our satisfaction.

• Referring to future business We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future. We would be (very) pleased to do business with your company. I would be happy to have an opportunity to work with your firm.

• Referring to future contact I look forward to seeing you next week. Looking forward to hearing from you. " " to receiving your comments. I look forward to meeting you on the 15th I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.

• Ending business letters Sincerely, } Yours sincerely, } (for all customers/clients) Sincerely yours, } Regards, (for those you already know and/or with whom you already have a working relationship)

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Reading & Practice

Why to Study Business English?

There is almost no argument that the English language has become the international language

for communication around the globe. When we specifically examine the workings of the world of

business, we see that it too, is becoming globalized, as corporations and business ventures are

constantly striving to expand and break through into global markets and dispersing company centers


The result is that employees and executives alike, now have to work hard to improve their

Business English in order to increase the success rates on that next major business deal and to be able

to confidently interact with people in work settings, which are gradually becoming more culturally

and linguistically diverse. English is the key to overcoming such diversity.

Business Writing

Writing has always been an essential part of doing business, as any proposal, agreement or

contract must always be given in writing so as to make it formal and valid, in the name of both

proper business conduct and for legal purposes. Often, we think of software for business finances,

business plans, or project management before considering software for business writing and

communication. It is a well-known fact that the best work opportunities are reserved for candidates

with the best Business English skills, of which writing is increasingly important. At the website you can try your business writing skills and

improve your writing.

* (Há uma ferramenta no canto direito, na parte do meio da tela, onde você pode escrever o

seu texto e o software o corrige automaticamente.)

Sample Letter

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

Here is a sample letter using some of the forms you have seen at the vocabulary:

Ken's Cheese House 34 Chatley Avenue Seattle, WA 98765


Page 269: Ingles Tecnico

Fax: Email: [email protected]

October 23, 2006

Fred Flintstone Sales Manager Cheese Specialists Inc. 456 Rubble Road Rockville, IL

Dear Mr. Flintstone

With reference to our telephone conversation today, I am writing to confirm your order for: 120 x Cheddar Deluxe Ref. No. 856

The order will be shipped within three days via UPS and should arrive at your store in about 10 days.

Please, contact us again if we can help in any way.

Yours sincerely,

Kenneth Beare Director of Ken's Cheese House


1) Number the parts of a letter in the correct order, according to the sample letter above:

a. Salutation _____

b. Signature _____

c. Date _____

d. Receiver’s address _____

e. Complimentary close _____

f. Body of the letter _____

g. Letterhead / sender’s address _____

Page 270: Ingles Tecnico

2) Now that you know the vocabulary to use and that you have an example of a letter,

choose a topic and write a formal business letter. Send it by e-mail to your tutor.


5 Tips for Better Business Emails

Nowadays, people exchange business emails more than they do business letters. However,

writing business emails leaves room for some questions. For example, should you write in a formal

business tone or in a casual tone? If you want to know how to write better business emails, then read

these five tips:

1. Provide an informative and short subject line

The subject line is important because it alerts your reader as to what your email is about, so

make sure you write a short but informative subject line. Never write a long sentence as your subject

line; a few words describing your email content or purpose will do. And never leave the subject line

blank either.

2. Make your email brief and get straight to the point

You don’t need to write a novel. Long emails can be boring to read. Just write a brief and

concise text explaining your purpose. If you need to elicit a response from your reader, formulate

questions that need short answers like “yes” and “no” (this questions start with auxiliaries like do,

have, is, was, did, can, etc.).

3. Write in a conversational tone

Business emails can have a conversational tone that is less formal than a normal business

letter. However, be careful not to make your tone too casual or too familiar. You should also write in

proper business English as much as possible.

4. Limit your use of emoticons

Some business emails may allow the use of emoticons, but this is usually done when the

people exchanging emails have already established a business relationship. Generally, you should

limit or avoid the use of emoticons because they will make your email look unprofessional. Using

emoticons in your cover letter as you apply for a job, for example, is unacceptable.

Page 271: Ingles Tecnico

5. Proofread your email and run a spell check and grammar check

Check if your email has grammatical and typographical errors. If you have a hard time

writing business English, try WhiteSmoke's Business English version program to help you.


How to write an email

Emails are generally shorter than letters. As they are often written quickly, in response to a

request or question, they may contain only a few lines. Informal English, abbreviations, and absence

of standard salutations are common when you write emails.

• Emails may contain the following elements:

- Subject line = This shows the reader the exact subject of the email

- (Salutation) = This is optional. Some people start with "Hi", others with the first name "Clare",

or others with no name or salutation at all.

- Reason for writing

- Main point

- (Closing) = There are a variety of closing phrases, such as "Cheers" or "Thanks". These are

also optional.

How to write better emails

1. Use a descriptive subject line. Don’t write "Urgent"; write "Meeting at 10am about pay rise".

Use a subject line each time you reply to an email, to avoid subject lines starting Re: or R:R:

Be careful to avoid writing general subject lines, such as "Hello" or "Hi", as some email providers

automatically delete these as spam.

2. Keep your emails short. Try to keep to only one point in each email. If necessary, you can send

more emails on different points. If you write a descriptive subject line for each email, it's easier for

your reader to understand the content of your email. (…)

3. Write simple, direct English. This is especially important if you're writing to someone whose first

language is not English. Here are some ways of writing simple English:

- use active forms, not passive forms;

- write short sentences, not long ones;

- use common words, not technical or jargon words if your reader is not in the same field as you.

Page 272: Ingles Tecnico

4. Make sure your reader knows what to do next. Help your reader act on your email. For example, if

you want your reader to find some information for you, write "Please can you find me the sales

figures for 2009" instead of the vaguer "I'm going to need the sales figures for 2009".

5. Reduce the amount of email you send:

- make a phone call rather than write an email. This is particularly effective if you only want a quick

piece of information;

- only send an email to the people who need to see it. Don't automatically click "reply to all" if only

one or two people need to read your message;

- don't take part in chain emails (when you have to forward something on to five of your best friends,

for example);

- don't reply to spam.

6. Don't send heavy attachments. If possible, send a zip file, or give web addresses where your reader

can find information.

7. Be careful what you write in your email. Try to make your emails informative and polite, and use

a neutral tone. Remember that your reader could forward your email to other people, so only write

what you would be happy for other people to read. (No gossip, no personal comments, no

confidential information and no ambiguous English such as sarcastic humour.)

Avoid using emoticons and smilies in business emails, or too many exclamation marks.

8. Check your email before you send it. Use a spell check to eliminate spelling mistakes. Read your

email aloud to check for grammar and punctuation errors. Ask yourself these questions:

"Is this clear?"

"Does my reader know what to do next?"

"Is this polite?"

There are a number of ways to start the email. In many cases, you can copy the sender and

use the same greeting, but if you are the one to write first, here are some possible greetings:

- Friends and colleagues = "Hi" is informal, and you can use it for friends and colleagues. You can

also use "Hello" or "Hello + first name" if you know the person well.

- For acquaintances = Use "Dear Mr. Jones" / "Dear Ms Jones" if you know the name of the person.

Like with letters, use Ms instead of Miss or Mrs.

- Formal emails = If you don't know the name of the person, you can write "Dear Sir", "Dear

Madam" or "Dear Sir / Madam".

- Writing to a group of people = If you are writing to a group of people, you could use a collective

noun: "Dear customers", "Dear partners". If you are writing to a group of people who work in the

same company or department, you could write "Dear All", "Dear colleagues", or "Hello everyone".

Page 273: Ingles Tecnico

- Writing to a group of bosses in your company = Here you could write "Dear Managers", "Dear

Directors" or "Dear Board members".

- No greeting = Often in companies, you write quick emails to colleagues. Using email in this way is

almost like using the telephone. In these situations, you don't need to write any greeting or name, but

just start the message.

Starting your email

Your first sentence should tell the reader what your email is about. Here are four of the most

common reasons for writing an email, along with some sentences you can use to start:

1. Replying to a previous email = Thanks for the information. / Thanks for your phone call. / Thanks

for getting me the figures.

2. Giving brief updates = Just a quick note to tell you… / Just a quick note to let you know… / Just

to update you on…

3. Referring to an attachment = Take a look at the attached file. / Have a quick look at the file I've

attached about… Thought you might find the attached interesting.

4. Changing plans = Sorry, but I can't make the meeting tomorrow. / Sorry, but I won't be able to

meet you next week. / Sorry, but something has come up and I can't meet you for lunch.

Your first sentence should only have one theme. For example, your reason for writing may be

to ask for help, or to share some information, or to ask a question. Your first sentence for these

different situations could be: "Have you got a few minutes to help me with…?" / "Just wanted to let

you know…" / "Regarding X, can you tell me if…?"

If you have more than one reason for writing, give each reason its own paragraph. It doesn't

matter if your paragraph is only one line long. In fact, the extra space helps your reader to understand

you have more than one reason for writing, and that each reason is different from the other.

Sample email writing

Hi, Sandra,

Just wanted to let you know we got the project! They're signing tomorrow, so we should be starting

the planning next week.

Regarding your presentation to them last year, do you still have the powerpoint files?


3) Now that you know some tips for writing business emails, go to the website read the explanations and the

Page 274: Ingles Tecnico

examples and write a formal email to a director of a company and an informal email to

a workmate. Send both emails for your tutor to check.


Nesta aula toda redigida em inglês abordamos a linguagem formal e informal que pode ser

utilizada em contextos diferentes no ambiente de trabalho. Você estudou, através da leitura de

exemplos e da solução de alguns exercícios, como escrever cartas e e-mails.

Dúvidas sobre uma palavra ou outra do vocabulário podem surgir. Caso aconteça, lembre-se

de comunicar ao seu tutor e também de consultar o dicionário, seu melhor amigo (aproveite e

consulte a pronúncia também!). Estude, pratique, faça as atividades. Como homework você vai testar

seu conhecimento sobre as linguagens formal e informal no site

See you! Goodbye!

Ana Célia Lima


Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – Guide to Basic Business

Letters. Online. Disponível em: Acesso

em: 04 jan. 2011.

Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – Business English Level Test.

Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 04

jan. 2011. Business Writing Skills – How to Write an Email. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 04

jan. 2011. 5 Tips for Better Business Emails. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 jan. 2011.

Page 275: Ingles Tecnico Business Writing. Online. Disponível em:

writing.html. Acesso em: 04 jan. 2011. How to Write a Business Email. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 jan. 2011.

Unidade 4 – Uso do Inglês como Ferramenta de Negociação

Business English

• 28th Lesson

Talking on the Phone

Leaving and Taking Messages


Our aim is to prepare you to talk about business and solve problems on the telephone.

Page 276: Ingles Tecnico


Hello! How are things?

In this lesson we are approaching phone talks, how to leave and take a message in an

answering machine, how to talk on the phone in business contexts and so on.

Are you ready? It’s time to go!

Tips and Vocabulary

Telephone Tips

• Speak slowly and clearly

Listening to someone speaking in a second language over the telephone can be very

challenging because you cannot see the person you are trying to hear. However, it may be even more

difficult for the person you are talking with to understand you. You may not realize that your

pronunciation isn't clear because your teacher and students know and understand you. Pay special

attention to "r's" and "l's" or "b's" and "v's" when you are on the phone. If you are nervous about

using the phone in English, you may notice yourself speaking very quickly. Practice or write down

what you are going to say (…).

• Make sure you understand the other speaker

Don't pretend to understand (não finja entender) everything you hear over the telephone.

Even native speakers ask each other to repeat and confirm information from time to time. This is

especially important if you are taking a message for someone else. (…) Don't be afraid to remind the

person to slow down more than once. Keep your telephone in an area that is away from other noise

distractions such as a radio or television.

• Practice with a friend

Ask another student to practice talking on the phone with you. You might choose one night a

week and take turns phoning each other at a certain time. Try to talk for at least fifteen minutes. You

can talk socially, or role play different scenarios in a business environment. (…)

Page 277: Ingles Tecnico

• Use businesses and recordings

There are many ways to get free telephone English practice. After business hours, you can

call and listen to recorded messages. Write down what you hear the first time, and then call back and

check if your notes are precise. (…) Make sure you have a pen handy so that you can repeat the

information and check your comprehension.

• Learn telephone etiquette (manners)

The way that you speak to your best friend on the phone is very different to the way you

should speak to someone in a business setting. Many ESL speakers make the mistake of being too

direct on the telephone. It is possible that the person on the other line will think that you are being

rude on purpose if you don't use formal language in certain situations. Sometimes just one word such

as "could" or "may" is necessary in order to sound polite. (…) Take the time to learn how to answer

the phone and say goodbye in a polite manner, as well as all the various ways one can start and end a

conversation casually.

• Practice dates and numbers

It only takes a short time to memorize English Phonetic Spelling, but it is something that you

will be able to use in any country. You should also practice saying dates and numbers aloud. (…)

Talking on the telephone can be difficult for a couple of reasons. First of all, you can't

see the person you're talking to, so you can't see his or her body language and "read" his or her face.

Talking on the phone also requires its own special set of words and phrases. Here’s a helpful

reference chart that will help you speak on the telephone phone with confidence in business and

personal situations. We hope you'll find this helpful.


Introducing yourself. Phrases to use when you place the call.

When calling a general number: - May I speak with Marina Smith? - Hello, this is John Block calling for Marina Smith. - Is Marina Smith in? (informal) When the person answers the call directly: - Hi Marina, it’s John calling. (informal) - Good afternoon, Marina. This is John Block from ABC company calling. - Hi, it's Gerry from the dentist's office here.

Page 278: Ingles Tecnico

Answering the phone. There are many different ways to answer your phone.

For calls to your direct line: - Hello? (informal) - Good morning, this is Marina. - Good afternoon, XYZ firm. How may I help you? - XYZ firm, Marina speaking. - Thank you for calling Boyz Autobody. Jody speaking. How can I help you? - Doctor's office. For calls to your direct line, when the person asks for you by name: - Speaking (caller says: “Is Marina there?” and Marina replies: “speaking”). - This is she / this is he (caller says: “Is Marina in?” and Marina replies “This is she”). *The person answering says this if the caller does not recognize their voice. For calls to a general number: - Thank you for calling XYZ. How may I direct your call?

Connecting someone. When you answer the phone and it is for somebody else.

- Is Fred in? (informal) - Is Jackson there, please? (informal) - Can I talk to your sister? (informal) - May I speak with Mr. Green, please? - Would the doctor be in/available?

When you need to put somebody on hold

- Jim is on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold? - I’m sorry, I have a call on my other line. Can you please hold? - Please hold and I’ll put you through. - Let me see if Jim is available. - One moment, please. - Hang on a minute. (informal) - Just a sec. I'll get him. (informal) For customer service calls - All of our operators are currently busy. Please stand by for the next available operator. - One minute, I’ll transfer you now.

When you don’t understand the caller - Could you please repeat that? - I’m sorry, I didn’t catch what you just said. - Can you please speak a little more slowly? - Can you please speak a little louder? - Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection.

Clarifying what your caller says

- Can you please spell that for me? - How do you spell your last name? - And that company name again was, JAQ Industries? - Let me repeat your information to make sure I got it right. - Would you mind spelling that for me?

Page 279: Ingles Tecnico

- Did you say 555 Charles St.? - You said your name was John, right?

Taking a message for someone

- Sammy's not in. Who's this? (informal) - I'm sorry, John’s not here at the moment. Can I take a message? - John is in a meeting at the moment. May I ask who’s calling? - John is at lunch. Would you like to leave a message? - John has left for the day. Would you like to be put through to his voice mail? - I'll let him know you called. - I'll make sure she gets the message.

Leaving a message for someone - Please tell him that Susan called and ask him to call me back. My number is 999-343-3423. - Please ask him to call Susan when he gets in. He already has my number. - He’s not in? Please put me through to his voice mail. - When do you expect him back in the office? - I need to speak with him on an urgent matter. Please have him call me as soon as he gets in. - Yes, can you tell him his wife called, please. - Thanks, could you ask him to call Brian when he gets in? - Thanks. My number is 222-3456, extension 12.

Ending a conversation - It’s been great talking with you. I’ve got a meeting now so I better run. - Thanks for calling. I’ll speak with you again soon. - I’ve got another call coming in. Good talking to you. - It’s 5 o’clock already. I better let you go. - Well, I guess I better get going. Talk to you soon. - Thanks for calling. Bye for now. - I'm afraid that's my other line. I'll talk to you again soon. Bye.


Leaving a voice mail - Hello, this is Marina Smith calling to follow-up regarding your order with XYZ company. Can you please call me back at 999-344-3344. - Hello, this is John Block from ABC. I’m calling regarding the upcoming conference in Miami. I’ll try you again later. - Hi, it’s Marina. Please call me back when you get a minute. (informal) - Hey Mikako. It's Yuka. Call me! (informal) - Hello, this is Ricardo calling for Luke. Could you please return my call as soon as possible? My number is 334-5689. Thank you. - Hello, Maxwell. This is Marina from the doctor's office

Page 280: Ingles Tecnico

Recording a voice mail message on your machine

- Hello, you’ve reached Marina Smith at XYZ company. I’m sorry I’m not available to take your call. Please leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can. Thank you. - Hello, you’ve reached John Block at ABC. I will be out of the office all day. I will be checking my voice mail from time to time and will return all urgent calls. Thank you. - Hi, this is Elizabeth. I'm sorry, I'm not available to take your call at this time. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. If you’re going on vacation - Hello, this is Marina Smith at the XYZ company. I will be on vacation from Friday, May 12 through Monday, May 22. Please, leave a message, and I’ll call you back when I return. Thank you.

Phrases for cell phone calls The fading signal - I’m sorry, I’m losing you. Can you call me back? - I can barely hear you. Let me call you back on my other phone. - We’re breaking up. I’m having trouble hearing you. Let me call you back later. The lost call - Hi, it’s Marina again. Apparently we got cut off. - Hi, it’s John again. Sorry I lost you. My cell phone dropped the signal.

SPELLING OUT NAMES OVER THE PHONE. Often you will need to spell something out over the telephone, such as a last name. It will help your listener is you offer words for each letter. Give words or names that are very common for each letter.

- My last name is Czarnek. C as in cat, Z as in zebra, A as in apple, R as in Robert, N as in Nancy, e as in egg, K as in king. - My registration number is 459N4AF. That’s 459, N as in Nancy, 4 A as in Apple, F as in Frank.


Reading, Listening & Speaking

1) Take a look at the two examples of phone calls below:

Page 281: Ingles Tecnico

Phone Call 1

— Hi, can I speak to Martin, please?

— Sorry, he’s out at the moment.

Can I take a message?

— Can you tell him that Natasha called?

— OK, Natasha. I’ll let him know when he

gets back.

Phone Call 2

— Hello?

— Hi, is that Tanya? It’s Amy here.

— Hi, Amy! Sorry, the battery on my

mobile is about to run out.

Can you call me on the landline?

— Sure, what’s the number?

— It’s 258 440.

(= two five eight, double four oh)

Finishing an informal call


— OK, then. So I’ll see you next Saturday

at 7 o’clock. I’m looking forward to it.

— Yeah, me too. See you on Saturday,

then. Thanks for calling.

— No problem. Bye!


— Right, then, I’ll find out how much the

tickets cost and get back to you.

— Thanks, that would be great. Speak to

you later. Bye!

— Good morning, could I speak to Dr.

McSweeney, please?

— Yes, of course. May I ask who’s calling?

— It’s Nigel Briggs.

— OK, just a moment, please.

I’ll put you through.

— Hello, Mr. Briggs? I’m afraid she’s on the

other line at the moment.

Shall I ask her to call you back?

— No, that’s OK. I’ll phone again later.

Thank you. Goodbye.

— Good morning, this is Helen Randall.

Could I talk to Simon Hooper, please?

— I’m afraid he’s away from his desk

at the moment. Would you like to leave

a message?

— Yes, please. Could you ask him to call

me when he gets back? My number is...

2) Which call is:

a. Formal?______

b. Informal? ______[m3] Comentário: Os dois

telefonemas se misturaram na

página. Tentei separar de novo.

Será que está correto? Verifique,

por favor.

Page 282: Ingles Tecnico

3) There are a number of phrases and idioms that are only used when telephoning. Let's

first take a look at an example dialogue: Here are the most common:

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

Operator: Hello, Frank and Brothers, How can I help you? _Answering the phone_

Peter: This is Peter Jackson. Can I have extension 3421? ___________________

Operator: Certainly, hold on a minute, I'll put you through... ___________________

Frank: Bob Peterson's office, Frank speaking. ___________________

Peter: This is Peter Jackson calling, is Bob in? ___________________

Frank: I'm afraid he's out at the moment. Can I take a message? ___________________

Peter: Yes, Could you ask him to call me at. I need to talk to him about the Nuovo line, it's urgent.


Frank: Could you repeat the number please? ___________________

Peter: Yes, that's, and this is Peter Jackson. ___________________

Frank: Thank you, Mr. Jackson, I'll make sure Bob gets this asap. ___________________

Peter: Thanks, bye. ___________________

Frank: Bye.

4) Use the spaces in the phone conversation above to name the parts of the dialogue

according to the chart with vocabulary. There’s an example.

5) Put the phone conversation below in the correct order. Use numbers.

____ Bye.

____ Hello.

____ Do you know when she'll be back?

____ O.K. I'll give her the message.

____ Hello. May I speak to Sara?

____ Thanks. Good-bye.

____ Yes, ask her to call Sylvia. My number is 377-6194.

____ No, I don't. Would you like to leave a message?

Page 283: Ingles Tecnico

____ I'm sorry, she's not home now.

Adapted from:

Business Phone Call - Interactive Practice

6) Now, we are going to follow a weblink for you to listen and practice your “phone skills”.

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation,

become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the

audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for

Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause

between each sentence is too fast for you. The links is:

Dialogue 1

A: "Hello? This is Steve."

B: "Hi Steve, this is Mary from ABC Company. I'm returning your call."

A: "Hi Mary. How are you doing?"

B: "I'm doing great, thanks."

A: "Thanks for returning my call. I couldn't figure out why the ending balance on fiscal year 2003

didn't match the beginning balance on of 2004."

B: "When I checked, it was matching. How much is the difference?"

A: "The amount is exactly $42,000."

B: "Oh. I know what the problem is. We opened another bank account at the end of fiscal year 2003.

I might not have included the new bank statements when I sent over the information."

A: "That makes sense. I'm just glad it wasn't out of my miscalculation. Can you send over the

statements? I should be done by end of day since everything looks good."

B: "Sure. I'll fax them to you immediately. Is 555-123-4567 the number I should fax it to?"

A: "Yes. That is the correct number."

B: "I'll do it right now."

A: "Thank you for your help."

B: "I should have sent them over to you the first time. I apologize for that."

A: "No problem."

Page 284: Ingles Tecnico

B: "Thank you."

A: "Thank you. Bye."

Dialogue 2

A: "Hello, ABC Company."

B: "Hi, this is Janet from Consult R Us. May I speak with Alex, please?"

A: "He's in a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message?"

B: "Yes. Can you have Alex call me back when he is available? My name again is Janet, and he can

reach me at 555-987-6543."

A: "It's Janet at 555-987-6543. Can I tell him what this is regarding?"

B: "He sent over a fax, and the last page didn't print out. I will need for him to resend the fax to me."

A: "I'll let him know."

B: "Thank you."

A: "Thank you for calling ABC."

B: "Good bye."

A: "Bye."

Dialogue 3

A: "Microsoft, this is Steve."

B: "Hi, Steve, this is Richard from Third Hand Testing. I'm calling in regards to the MSN

assignment. Do you have a minute to answer a couple of questions?"

A: "Sure. What can I help you with?"

B: "We originally agreed on 5 testing procedures, but our program manager received a mail

indicating 4 testing procedures. Is 4 the correct number?"

A: "Yes, it is. We found that we can do the last one here."

B: "Great. Does the timeline change because we reduced one of the testing procedures?"

A: "We don't have to change the timeline. Our original timeframe was very aggressive."

B: "That makes our job a little easier."

A: "Do you have any other questions?"

B: "No. That's all I had. Thanks for your time."

A: "No problem."

B: "Ok. Good bye."

Page 285: Ingles Tecnico

A: "Bye."


Na aula de hoje você viu, por meio de vários exemplos, como falar e como se comportar ao

telefone em inglês. Espero que sirva como aprendizado e base para o seu estudo. Além disso, para

que você pratique mais um pouco, deixo o link de um Quiz onde você vai testar o seu conhecimento

sobre phone conversations. Faça os exercícios, pesquise e se informe sobre os tópicos aqui

abordados. Este será seu homework.


See you!

Ana Célia Lima

REFERÊNCIAS Learning English – Telephone Challenge. Online. Disponível em:

e.shtml. Acesso em: 05 jan. 2011.

Beare, Kenneth. ( website). English as 2nd Language – Business Speaking Skills,

Telephone Vocabulary. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 jan. 2011. Business English - Telephone. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 jan. 2011. Lesson practice Vocabulary – Business Phone Call, Interactive Practice. Online.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 jan.


Page 286: Ingles Tecnico

Unidade 4 – Uso do Inglês como Ferramenta de Negociação

Business English

• 29th Lesson

In a Meeting

Talking about projects


Hello! How are you doing?

It’s time to talk about meetings! Do you like them? They often have the purpose of solving

problems. So, let’s study this vocabulary and get some new information!

Let’s start!



Learning about meetings. We are going to see dialogues and situations in this context.

Page 287: Ingles Tecnico

1) First of all you are going to watch a video about meetings with some new vocabulary

and information. Watch it at .

2) Now that you have seen the video, answer:

a. What types of meetings do you usually attend? ______________________________________


b. What’s the role of the chairperson?

- before the meeting: _______________________________________________________________


- during the meeting: _______________________________________________________________


- after the meeting: ________________________________________________________________


Useful English Phrases for Participating in a Business Meeting

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

• Opening the Meeting

Good morning/afternoon, everyone.

If we are all here, let's

. . . get started (OR)

… start the meeting. (OR)

. . . start.

• Welcoming and Introducing


Please, join me in welcoming (name of


We're pleased to welcome (name of


It's a pleasure to welcome (name of


Page 288: Ingles Tecnico

I'd like to introduce (name of participant)

I don't think you've met (name of participant)

• Stating the Principal Objectives of a


We're here today to

Our aim is to ...

I've called this meeting in order to ...

By the end of this meeting, I'd like to have ...

• Giving Apologies for Someone Who

is Absent

I'm afraid.., (name of participant) can't be with

us today. She is in...

I have received apologies for the absence of

(name of participant), who is in (place).

• Reading the Minutes (Notes) of the

Last Meeting

First, let's go over the report from the last

meeting, which was held on (date)

Here are the minutes from our last meeting,

which was on (date)

• Dealing with Recent Developments

Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ project is


Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along?

John, have you completed the report on the

new accounting package?

Has everyone received a copy of the Tate

Foundation report on current marketing


• Moving Forward

So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss,

let's move on to today's agenda.

Shall we get down to business?

Is there any other business?

If there are no further developments, I'd like to

move on to today's topic.

• Introducing the Agenda

Have you all received a copy of the agenda?

There are three items on the agenda. First,

shall we take the points in this order?

If you don't mind, I'd like to ... go in order


Skip item 1 and move on to item 3

I suggest we take item 2 last.

• Allocating Roles (secretary,


(name of participant) has agreed to take the


(name of participant) has kindly agreed to give

us a report on this matter.

(name of participant) will lead point 1, (name

of participant) point 2, and (name of

participant) point 3. (name of participant),

would you mind taking notes today?

• Agreeing on the Ground Rules for

the Meeting

(contributions, timing, decision-making, etc.)

Page 289: Ingles Tecnico

We will hear a short report on each point first,

followed by a discussion round the table.

I suggest we go round the table first.

The meeting is due to finish at...

We'll have to keep each item to ten minutes.

Otherwise we'll never get through.

We may need to vote on item 5, if we can't get

a unanimous decision.

• Introducing the First Item on the


So, let's start with

Shall we start with. .

So, the first item on the agenda is

Pete, would you like to kick off?

Martin, would you like to introduce this item?

• Closing an Item

I think that covers the first item.

Shall we leave that item?

If nobody has anything else to add,

• Next Item

Let's move onto the next item

The next item on the agenda is

Now we come to the question of.

• Giving Control to the Next


I'd like to hand over to Mark, who is going to

lead the next point.

Right, Dorothy, over to you.

• Summarizing

Before we close, let me just summarize the

main points.

To sum up, ...

In brief,

Shall I go over the main points?

• Finishing Up

Right, it looks as though we've covered the

main items.

Is there any other business?

• Suggesting and Agreeing on Time,

Date and Place for the Next Meeting

Can we fix the next meeting, please?

So, the next meeting will be on... (day), the . . .

(date) of.. . (month) at...

What about the following Wednesday? How is


So, see you all then.

• Thanking Participants for Attending

I'd like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for

coming over from London.

Thank you all for attending.

Thanks for your participation.

• Closing the Meeting

The meeting is closed.

I declare the meeting closed.



Page 290: Ingles Tecnico

More Useful Meeting Phrases

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

• Interrupting

May I have a word?

If I may, I think...

Excuse me for interrupting.

May I come in here?

• Giving Opinions

I (really) feel that...

In my opinion...

The way I see things...

If you ask me,... I tend to think that...

• Asking for Opinions

Do you (really) think that... ?

(name of participant) can we get your input?

How do you feel about...?

• Commenting on Other Opinions

I never thought about it that way before.

Good point!

I get your point.

I see what you mean.

• Agreeing with Other Opinions


That's (exactly) the way I feel.

I have to agree with (name of participant).

• Disagreeing with Other Opinions

Up to a point I agree with you, but...

(I'm afraid) I can't agree

• Advising and Suggesting

We should...

Why don't you...?

How/What about...

I suggest/recommend that...

• Clarifying

Have I made that clear?

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Let me put this another way...

I'd just like to repeat that...

• Requesting Information

I'd like you to...

Would you mind... I wonder if you could...

• Asking for Repetition

I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that,


I missed that. Could you say it again, please?

Could you run that by me one more time?

• Asking for Clarification

I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you

are getting at.

Could you explain to me how that is going to


I don't see what you mean. Could we have

some more details, please?

Page 291: Ingles Tecnico

• Asking for Verification

Do you mean that...?

Is it true that...?

• Asking for Spelling

Would you mind spelling that for me, please?

• Asking for Contributions for Other


What do you think about this proposal?

Would you like to add anything, (name of


Has anyone else got anything to contribute?

Are there any more comments?

• Correcting Information

Sorry, that's not quite right.

I'm afraid you don't understand what I'm


That's not quite what I had in mind.

That's not what I meant.

• Keeping the Meeting on Time

Well, that seems to be all the time we have


Please be brief.

I'm afraid we've run out of time.

I'm afraid that's outside the scope of this


Let's get back on track, why don't we?

That's not really why we're here today.

Why don't we return to the main focus of

today's meeting.

We'll have to leave that to another time.

We're beginning to lose sight of the main


Keep to the point, please.

I think we'd better leave that for another


Are we ready to make a decision?


Reading & Listening



If you are interrupting or disagreeing with people, it is even more

important to be polite: your views are more likely to be respected if you

present them in a professional and non-confrontational (non-argumentative)

way. There are several ways to make what you say sound more polite and less confrontational.

Page 292: Ingles Tecnico

• Use 'can' or 'could'.

'Sean, can I just ask you…?' or 'If you could go through them in order…' Both expressions above are

more polite than simply saying 'I want to know…' or 'Go through them in order…'

• Use 'would like'

'…I'd like to be with other editors…' or 'I would like to be able to show her drawings…' This

sounds much more polite than 'I want…'

• Say 'sorry'

'I'm sorry, but I really strongly disagree…' or 'Sorry to hold the meeting up'. This is a very common

way to 'soften' what you say. By saying sorry you are not really apologizing for what you say - using

'sorry' is telling the listener: 'I'm going to say or do something you might not like, so please don’t get


• Use 'just'

'I just wanted to see…' or 'Sean, can I just ask you…?'. The word 'just' gives the listener a message

that you are not asking them to deal with something difficult or time-consuming; that it is not going

to be a problem.

Use 'I think' or 'I feel'

'I do feel quite strongly that we're

bringing this out too soon…' or 'I don’t

think we’ve got any choice…'. These

phrases have the effect of softening

what they are saying, by presenting their ideas as opinions, not orders or instructions.

• Acknowledge people

'Ok ay everybody, ….' '…as you can see…' or 'Yeah Sean, ….' It's important to acknowledge the

other people in the meeting, by using their names, or words like 'you', 'we', 'everybody', 'my

Page 293: Ingles Tecnico

colleagues' etc. If you don’t use these words and expressions, you may give people the impression

that you are rather detached and/or authoritarian.

Preparing for meetings

Participating in meetings which are conducted in a foreign language can be nerve-wracking –

people may speak very quickly, they may use words that you do not understand, they may have

strong accents, or they may talk about topics which are outside your area of expertise.

All these factors can make meetings difficult, but if you prepare for meetings by studying the

agenda, researching the topics that are likely to be discussed, and preparing vocabulary that you

think you might need during the meeting, you will feel more confident and your performance in the

meeting will be better.

Adapted from:

1) Read the General Statements about Meetings below:

"I have to go. I have a meeting I'm late for."

"I have to go to a meeting now. I'll talk to you later."

"I forgot about my 1:00 meeting. I don't have much time for lunch."

"I'll finish the feedback form after my meeting."

"I'll be in meetings all day today."

"I have five meetings today, so I won't have time to help you with this now. Let's set up a time for


"The meeting went an hour over."

"The meeting was canceled."

"The meeting started 15 minutes late."

"George didn't arrive to the meeting on time."

"We finished late because John had problems with his computer during the presentation portion of

the meeting."

"Are you going to the company meeting next week?"

"Can you set up a meeting for our brainstorm session?"

"My calendar looks pretty clear on Thursday. Set up a meeting for that day."

Page 294: Ingles Tecnico

2) Now, go to , click on the

sentences and repeat them.

3) Practice more by clicking on the “Audio” Button at

agenda.shtml and listen to the conversation. After your finish reading and listening, take

the quiz at the end of the page.

Reading & Reading Comprehension

1) Read this conversation about a meeting.

Tomorrow's Meeting

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

Alice: We're having a meeting tomorrow. Can you make it?

Kevin: When is it taking place?

Alice: We're planning on 10 o'clock. Is that OK?

Kevin: Yes, that'll be fine.

Alice: We're going to go over last quarter's sales figures.

Kevin: Good. I have some input I'd like to make.

Alice: Frank is also going to make some suggestions on improving the bottom line.

Kevin: That'll be interesting. He's got keen insights.

Alice: Yes, he's going to outline some new sales strategies.

Kevin: Is Alan attending?

Alice: No, he's flying to San Francisco and won't be able to make it.

Kevin: Oh well, maybe He'll phone in.

Key vocabulary*: If you don’t understand, look up these words in a dictionary or check with

your tutor.

to make a meeting

to take place

sales figures


bottom line



to phone in

Adapted from:

[m4] Comentário: Não seria

conveniente colocar a tradução

dessas palavras-chave?

Page 295: Ingles Tecnico

2) Now, don’t look at the conversation above, try to remember and answer these multiple

choice questions:

a. When is the meeting?

( ) Next Monday at 10

( )Tomorrow at 10

( ) This afternoon

b. What's the subject of the meeting?

( ) The San Francisco accounts

( ) Last quarter's sales figures

( ) This year's budget

c. What type of suggestions will Frank


( ) Improving research

( ) Improving the bottom line

( ) Sales on the east coast

d. What is Frank going to outline?

( ) Keen insights

( ) New sales strategies

( ) San Francisco partners

e. Who isn't going to attend?

( ) Kevin

( ) Frank

( ) Alan

Page 296: Ingles Tecnico


Na aula de hoje tivemos como tema as reuniões, mas em inglês. Você viu

vocabulário com o qual você já deve estar acostumado a lidar em português, porém de

uma forma diferente. Você analisou exemplos de frases e de diálogos em conversas

entre empresários no ambiente de trabalho. Com esses exemplos, é preciso que você

pratique, converse com um amigo, vizinho, parente, com softwares de computador, pela

internet, enfim, ferramentas não faltam! O seu homework de hoje está no site: no qual você

vai ouvir uma conversation e responder a perguntas sobre essa atividade de listening.

Have a nice time studying!

See you next class!

Ana Célia Lima

REFERÊNCIAS Learning English – Meetings, Agenda Setting. Online. Disponível em:

ngs/1agenda.shtml. Acesso em 13 jan. 2011. Learning English – Meetings, Language Expert. Online. Disponível em:

ngs/expert.shtml . Acesso em 13 jan. 2011.

Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – Tomorrow’s

Meeting. Online. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 07 jan. 2011.

Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – Useful English

Phrases for Participating in a Business Meeting. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 07 jan. 2011.

Page 297: Ingles Tecnico

Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – Useful Phrases

for Running a Business Meeting. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 07 jan. 2011. Business Briefing. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em:

07 jan. 2011. Business English Lessons – General Statements. Online. Disponível

em: Acesso em: 07 jan.

2011. Business English Meetings 1. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 07 jan. 2011.

Unidade 4 – Uso do Inglês como Ferramenta de Negociação

Business English

• 30th Lesson

Applying for a Job

Page 298: Ingles Tecnico

A Job Interview


Hello, my dear student! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!

This lesson is very important for your future as a business (wo)man. You will

learn how to apply for a position in a company in English.

Good luck!



Assessment Evaluation of one's abilities

Apply Submit an application for a job or position

Background Education - qualifications - experience

Bonus Additional payment to an employee as an incentive or reward

Curriculum Vitae

Summary of one's education and experience to date; résumé

Dismiss Discharge from employment; (to fire, to sack, to let go)

Employee Person who works for a firm or company

Employer Person or firm who employs people

Fire To dismiss from a job.

Fringe benefits Advantages offered in addition to salary (life insurance, retirement scheme, company car, etc.). Also called "perks", abbreviation for perquisites.

Interview Oral examination of an applicant for employment


Preparing for a very important

business situation, an appliance for a job.

Page 299: Ingles Tecnico

Make redundant

Dismiss for economic reasons

Maternity leave Period of absence for a female employee when having a baby

Notice Advance warning of intention to leave one's job - to give or hand in one's resignation

Personnel People who work for a firm or company (employees)

Personnel officer

Manager responsible for recruitment, training and welfare of personnel (employees)

Promotion Advancement in rank or position in the company

Prospects Opportunities for success or promotion in a career

Recruit Look for and hire personnel

Resign Leave a job voluntarily

Retire Leave employment because of age

Sick leave Absence because of illness - to be on sick leave

Staff People who work for a firm or department; employees

Strength Strong characteristic or particular ability

Strike To go on strike: to stop working in protest against something

Take on Employ or hire

Trainee Person being trained for a job e.g. a trainee salesman

Training course

A course of study to prepare for a job e.g. a computer course

Unemployment benefits

Payments made by the state to an unemployed person

Vacancy A position to be filled

Weakness A lack of ability or a shortcoming in character


Preparation for an interview is essential. The list of questions below is designed

to serve as a guide so that you are not taken by surprise!

1 Tell me about yourself.

2 How would you describe yourself? (character/personality)

3 What are your strengths/weaknesses?

4 Are you married? Single? Do you have a partner?

5 What do you do in your free time? What are your hobbies? / Do you have any hobbies?

6 Why are you interested in working for our company? Why do you want to work for this company?

7 What type of position do you think you are suited for / would suit you?

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8 How would you describe the position we have to offer?

9 What aspects of the position are you most / least interested in?

10 What would you like to find in this job that you didn't have in your previous job?

11 How do you think you could develop the position? What would be your strategy to develop the position?

12 What have you got to offer us? What could you contribute to our company?

13 Why do you want to leave your present job? Why do you want to change jobs?

14 What were you responsible for? What did your job involve?

15 What do you think you gained by working in your last job?

16 What do you think of your (last) boss?


What are your salary requirements? How much would you hope to earn in this position? How much do you think you should be offered for this position? What salary would you expect (to be offered) for this position?

18 Have you received any offers of a job?

19 Why have you had to look for a job for so long? Why have you been looking for a job for so long? Why did it take you so long to find a new job?

20 How do you feel about your future in the profession?

21 Have you had any failures? / What failures have you had? Have you had any negative experiences?

22 What sort of obstacles have you come across/encountered in your work?

23 If you had to recruit colleagues, what qualities would you look for?

24 Would you be willing to relocate/to move to another part of the country/ to work abroad? Did you have to travel abroad in your last job?

25 Don't you think you have too much experience/you are over-qualified for this job?

26 How long do you think you would stay with us? If we offered you the job, how long would you expect to stay with us?

27 Which do you prefer: to work alone or in a team? Do you prefer working alone or with other people as part of a team?

28 Do you know how to manage a team? Are you capable of leading a team? Do you think you have the ability to be a team leader?

29 Why should I recruit you? How could you persuade me to recruit you?

30 Do you have any comments to make, or questions to ask?

Reading, Listening & Watching

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1) First of all, watch this video at the website ‘Many Things’ with some

vocabulary and tips for a job interview :

2) Now that you know some new words for a job interview, read the following

text about job interview questions and answers with comments and tips to

help you.

Common Interview Questions

By Kenneth Beare, Guide

• First Impressions

The first impression you make on the interviewer can decide the rest of the

interview. It is important that you introduce yourself, shake hands, and be friendly and

polite. The first question is often a "breaking the ice" type of question. 'Breaking the ice'

is an important way to begin the job interview, but it shouldn't take too long. Generally,

job interviewers will break the ice to help you feel comfortable. Make sure to give

positive, but not too detailed answers to these 'ice breakers'. Don't be surprised if the

interviewer asks you something like:

- How are you today?

- Did you have any trouble finding us?

- Isn't this great weather we're having?

This type of question is common because the interviewer wants to put you at

ease (help you relax). The best way to respond is in a short, friendly manner without

going into too much detail. Here are some examples correct responses:

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Interviewer: How are you today?

You: I'm fine, thank you. And you?


Interviewer: Did you have any trouble finding us?

You: No, the office isn't too difficult to find.

OR Interviewer: Isn't this great weather we're having?

You: Yes, it's wonderful. I love this time of year. (…)

• Referrals

Sometimes, you may have found about a job opportunity through a referral. If

this is the case, make sure to use the referral to your best advantage by mentioning it at

the beginning of the interview.

Comments: Mention the name of the referral at the beginning of the interview. Ideally,

this should be done when asked about how you found the job opening. Provide the name

of the referral. Don't go into too much detail about the relationship, unless asked. Give

the name of the referral only once. Don't continue to repeat the name during the

interview. Don't assume the job interviewer knows the person you are mentioning.

• Getting Down to Business

Once the pleasant beginnings have finished, it's time to begin the real interview.

Here are a number of the most common questions that are asked during the interview.

There is an example of excellent replies given for each question. Following the

examples, you will find a comment describing the type of question and important things

to remember when answering that type of question.

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself.

Candidate: I was born and raised in Milan, Italy. I attended the University of Milan and

received my master's degree in Economics. I have worked for 12 years as a financial

consultant in Milan for various companies including Rossi Consultants, Quasar

Insurance and Sardi and Sons. I enjoy playing tennis in my free time and learning


(…) Comment: This question is meant as an introduction. Do not focus too specifically

on any one area. The above question will often be used to help the interviewer choose

what h/she would like to ask next. While it is important to give an overall impression of

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who you are, make sure to concentrate on work related experience. (…) Work

experience is more important than education in most English speaking countries.

Interviewer: What type of position are you looking for?

Candidate: I'm interested in an entry level (beginning) position. (…)

Comment: You should be willing to take an entry level position in an English speaking

company as most of these companies expect non-nationals to begin with such a position.

In the United States, most companies provide many opportunities for growth, so don't

be afraid to start from the beginning!

Interviewer: Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?

Candidate: I am more interested in a full-time position. However, I would also consider

a part-time position.

Comment: Make sure to leave open as many possibilities as possible. Say you are

willing to take any job, once the job has been offered you can always refuse if the job

does not interest you.

Interviewer: Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?

Candidate: I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I

completed a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database. I

then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client.

The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities

that I formulated on a quarterly basis.

Comment: Notice the amount of detail necessary when you are talking about your

experience. One of the most common mistakes made by foreigners when discussing their

former employment is to speak too generally. The employer wants to know exactly what

you did and how you did it; the more detail you can give the more the interviewer knows

that you understand the type of work. Remember to vary your vocabulary when talking

about your responsibilities. Also, do not begin every sentence with "I".

Interviewer: What is your greatest strength?

Candidate: I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline (a time by which the

work must be finished), I can focus on the task at hand (current project) and structure

my work schedule well. I remember one week when I had to get 6 new customer reports

out by Friday at 5. I finished all the reports ahead of time without having to work


Candidate: I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice.

One afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome (difficult) customer who

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felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both

my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together. (…)

Comment: This is not the time to be modest! Be confident and always give examples.

Examples show that you are not only repeating words you have learned, but actually do

possess that strength.

Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?

Candidate: I am overzealous (work too hard) and become nervous when my co-workers

are not pulling their weight (doing their job). However, I am aware of this problem, and

before I say anything to anyone, I ask myself why the colleague is having difficulties.

Candidate: I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied.

However, I began setting time-limits for myself If I noticed this happening.

Comment: This is a difficult question. You need to mention a weakness that is actually a

strength. Make sure that you always mention how you try to improve the weakness.

Interviewer: Why do you want to work for Smith and Sons?

Candidate: After following your firms progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that

Smith and Sons are becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be part of

the team.

Candidate: I am impressed by the quality of your products. I am sure that I would be a

convincing salesman because I truly believe that the Atomizer is the best product on the

market today.

Comment: Prepare yourself for this question by becoming informed about the company.

The more detail you can give, the better you show the interviewer that you understand

the company.

Interviewer: When can you begin?

Candidate: Immediately.

Candidate: As soon as you would like me to begin.

Comment: Show your willingness to work!

• Language

Relating your job experience and how it relates to the specific job for which you

are applying are the two most important tasks during any job interview. Make sure to

use lots of descriptive verbs and adjectives to describe your responsibilities.

Comment: Take some time to prepare descriptive sentences concerning your

responsibilities. Use a dictionary to improve your vocabulary selection.

Page 305: Ingles Tecnico

The above questions represent some of the most basic questions asked on any

job interview in English. Probably the most important aspect of interviewing in English

is giving detail. As a speaker of English as a second language, you might be shy about

saying complicated things. However, this is absolutely necessary as the employer is

looking for an employee who knows his or her job. If you provide detail, the interviewer

will know that you feel comfortable in that job. Don't worry about making mistakes in

English. It is much better to make simple grammar mistakes and provide detailed

information about your experience than to say grammatically perfect sentences without

any real content!

Adapted from:

3) This is another video for you to watch in order to be prepared for a job

interview in English:

4) Now that you've reviewed some basic interviewing technique, open this link

Comprehension.htm in a new window and listen a few times to the job

interview listening selection. If you have difficulties understanding, go to

the next page to see a transcription of the job interview.

5) Read the transcript of the listening conversation

Page 306: Ingles Tecnico

Interviewer (Ms Hanford): (opens door, shakes hands) Good morning…

Job Applicant (Mr. Anderson): Good morning, Joe Anderson, it's a pleasure to meet you

Ms Hanford.

Hanford: How do you do? Please take a seat. (Joe sits) It's quite the rainy day outside,

isn't it?

Anderson: Yes, luckily, you have a nice underground parking lot that helped me avoid

the worst of it. I must say this is an impressive building.

Hanford: Thank you, we like working here... Now, let's see. You've come to interview

for the position of e-commerce manager, haven't you?

Anderson: Yes, Peter Smith encouraged me to apply, and I think I'd be ideal for the


Hanford: Oh. Peter… he's a great sysadmin, we like him a lot … Let's go over your

resume. Could you begin by telling me about your qualifications?

Anderson: Certainly. I've been working as the regional assistant director of marketing at

Simpco Northwest for the past year.

Hanford: And what did you do before that?

Anderson: Before that, I was a Simpco local branch manager in Tacoma.

Hanford: Well, I see you have done well at Simpco. Can you give me some more detail

about your responsibilities as assistant director?

Anderson: Yes, I've been in charge of in-house personnel training for our Internet

customer service reps over the past six months.

Hanford: Can you tell me a little bit about what you've been doing in your training?

Anderson: We've been working on improving customer satisfaction through an

innovative e-commerce solution which provides real-time chat service help to visitors to

the site.

Hanford: Interesting. Is there anything in particular you feel would be useful here at

Sanders Co.?

Anderson: I understand that you have been expanding your e-commerce to include

social networking features.

Hanford: Yes, that's correct.

Anderson: I think that my experience in customer relations via the Internet in real-time

puts me in the unique position of understanding what works and what doesn't.

Hanford: Yes, that does sound useful. What difficulties and challenges do you think we

might run into?

Page 307: Ingles Tecnico

Anderson: Well, I think we'll continue to see consumers spend more of the shopping

dollars online. I've been studying how sales directly relate to customer satisfaction with

online services.

Hanford: Would you mind giving me a bit more detail on that?

Anderson: Sure ... if customers aren't satisfied with the service they receive online, they

won't come back. It's much easier to lose customers online. That's why you need to

make sure that you get it right the first time round.

Hanford: I can see you've learnt quite a lot in the short time you've been working in e-


Anderson: Yes, it's an exciting field to be working in …

6) Finally, click on this link

20listening.htm, listen to a business English job interview by clicking on the

“play” button and then answer the questions in the website.


Hoje tivemos nossa última aula, e quantas matérias estudamos neste semestre,

não? Algumas foram mais fáceis, outras mais complicadas... Na aula de hoje

encerramos um ciclo, e você chegou à etapa final do curso, na qual falamos sobre uma

entrevista de emprego em inglês. Espero que coloque em prática tudo que você leu, viu

e ouviu durante todas as nossas aulas. Por fim, espero ter colaborado com o seu

aprendizado e com sua formação profissional. O resto depende de você!

Make it worth and have a very successful career!

Bye bye!

Ana Célia Lima


Page 308: Ingles Tecnico

Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – Example Job

Interview Questions. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan.


Beare, Kenneth ( website). English as 2nd Language – Job Interviewing

Example, Listening Comprehension. Online. Disponível em:

Comprehension.htm. Acesso em: 10 jan. 2011. Business English – Job Interview Listening. Online.

Disponível em:

ing.htm. Acesso em: 11 jan. 2011. ESL Videos – Job Interview. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jan. 2011. Job Interviewing Tips for English Learners. Online. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jan. 2011.