inhabitants' environmental perceptions in the city of rome within the framework for urban...

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Page 1: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere


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Page 2: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 3: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 4: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 5: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 6: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 7: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 8: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 9: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 10: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 11: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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Page 12: Inhabitants' Environmental Perceptions in the City of Rome within the Framework for Urban Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Programme on Man and Biosphere

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