international eg best practice workshop 国际小煤矿环境治理最佳实践 26 th september...

1 International EG Best practice Workshop 国国国国国国国国国国国国国 26 th September 2013 Eur Ing Norman W Jackson CEng, FIMMM John Clarkson MRSC. C.Chem, MSc International Consultants Strengthening EG in SCM Industry in Shaanxi Province, China 国国国 国国国国国国国 西

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Strengthening EG in SCM Industry in Shaanxi Province, China 加强陕西小煤矿治理项目. International EG Best practice Workshop 国际小煤矿环境治理最佳实践 26 th September 2013 Eur Ing Norman W Jackson CEng, FIMMM John Clarkson MRSC. C.Chem, MSc International Consultants. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: International EG Best practice Workshop 国际小煤矿环境治理最佳实践 26 th  September 2013


International EG Best practice Workshop


26th September 2013Eur Ing Norman W Jackson CEng, FIMMM

John Clarkson MRSC. C.Chem, MScInternational Consultants

Strengthening EG in SCM Industry in Shaanxi Province, China 加强陕西小煤矿治理项目

Page 2: International EG Best practice Workshop 国际小煤矿环境治理最佳实践 26 th  September 2013

Understanding Environmental Governance了解环境治理Environmental governance is a concept in political ecology or

environmental policy related to defining the elements needed to achieve sustainability. 环境治理是就生态或环保政策方面,为实现可持续发展所需要的元素的一个定义。

Natural resources and the environment should be seen as a global public good, belonging to the specific category of goods that are divided up when they are shared. 自然和环境资源,应该被看作是一个全球性、人类共享的资源。而我们目前在环境治理方面所取得的成效与上述要求相距甚远。本项目的目的是改变 / 扭转目前人们对环境治理的片面认识

environmental governance as it currently stands is far from meeting one or more of these imperatives 目前环境治理的状况远没有达到这些认知中任意一个要求。

The Purpose of this project is to reverse the current trend这次培训项目就是希望能够扭转这种趋势。2

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Best Practice最佳实践


China 2002China 2002Heilongjiang ProvinceHeilongjiang Province

Hegang Mineral Bureau Nanshan CollieryHegang Mineral Bureau Nanshan Colliery2002 年中国黑龙江省鹤岗煤矿局南山煤矿

Chile1996 Chile1996 19961996 年智利 年智利

A Small Artisan MineA Small Artisan Mine小宝石矿小宝石矿

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The Commitment政府的责任Once National Governments have agreed and adopted the EU

legislation the various companies introduce their individually responses to meet the financial and legislative processes and this is translated into the various company policies. 在欧洲,一旦各国政府已同意并通过了欧盟的立法,各公司将会各自就立法的制定,制定相关的企业环保政策。

In Europe of course there is a wide variation in attitude and compliance however best practice is the committed aim.

当然在欧洲也有持不同意见的公司,但是他们都会按照立法的要求,承担相应的责任与承诺。 There are good and there are some not so good 承诺有好有坏。


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Typical Coal Company Policy典型的煤炭企业环境治理策略Minimise pollution and comply with environmental legislation, and any

agreements with external organisations in order to comply with ISO 14001.

为了减少排污及环境达标,比如 ISO 14001 或其他环保标准。 Maintain certification of environmental management systems to

international standards at all mines, and progress certification in other areas of the business.

保证所有煤矿所获得的环境管理体系认证达到国际标准,并争取在其他业务领域获得认证。 Set and regularly review objectives and targets to achieve continual

improvement in environmental performance, including a reduction in the use of natural resources.

设定环保达标目标和指标,通过定期评估来不断的提高煤矿的环保业绩,包括减少自然资源的消耗。 Applicable to both Surface and Underground Mines环境治理策略在露天煤矿和地下煤矿同样适用 5

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Typical Coal Company Policy典型的煤炭企业环境治理策略Use the principles of sustainable development to design new projects

and restore completed sites to include long-term environmental or community benefits.

基于可持续发展的原则,来设计新的项目,并恢复关闭的煤矿,包括长期的环境恢复和社区安置等工作。 Provide access to contact us about environmental issues, and give a

prompt response. 提供咨询有关环境问题的通道,并针对咨询给予迅速回应 Ensure this policy is communicated to all employees, contractors and

suppliers. 保证煤矿的环保策略传达给所有的员工,合作商和供应商 Encourage the efficient use of coal with minimum emissions. 鼓励有效用煤,减少排放Maximise the use of other natural resources recovered with the coal. 充分发挥煤炭与其他自然资源回收利用


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Mines Operate with an Environmental Management System环境管理体系下的煤矿运营

EMS assists organisations in identifying their environmental impacts and aspects and how these may affect its stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, neighbours, employees and regulators.

EMS 协助企业了解其运营过程中对环境、及其他相关者,比如客户、供应商、邻居、员工、及监管机构的影响Many of the mines operate within ISO 14001

provides an organisation with a structured approach to planning, implementing and managing.

许多在经营中采用 ISO14001 的煤矿,将为其煤矿设立一整套煤矿规划、建立及运营的管理结构。7

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Benefits of Environmental Management System EMS采用环境管理体系的优点 Provide cost savings through the reduction of waste and more

efficient usage of natural resources (water, oil, gas, etc)通过减少浪费和更有效地利用自然资源(水,油,气等),来节约成本 Tighten production processes, yielding better efficiency, and

reduce the risk of incidents调整生产流程,提高生产效率,减少发生事故的风险 Improve internal communications and morale – often leading

to sound environmental solutions suggested by staff, who are the ultimate owners of the business processes提高企业内部信息沟通及员工士气——工作人员(企业的主人)积极的为改善环境业绩献计献策


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Benefits of Environmental Management System EMS采用环境管理体系的优点Ensure that the organisation is better placed to avoid future fines and

penalties from not meeting environmental legislation确保企业不会因为环保问题为达标而受到处罚。Reduce insurance costs through demonstrating better risk management通过有效的风险管理降低保险金。 Lead to a better public perception of the organisation, competitive

advantage and improved sales opportunities提高企业的公众感知力和竞争力,提高销售机会。 Lead to better community awareness of the impact of your activities on

local residents (noise, smell, dust, vibration, etc) and how you are working to minimise any negative impacts.


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Compliance in UK英国环境达标体系The Main Interested Bodies主要负责单位:The Coal Mines Operators煤矿运行商Health and Safety Executive. (Mines Inspectorate)煤矿健康和安全署(煤矿监察)The Coal Authority. 煤炭管理局 Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)能源和气候变化署( DECC )Local Authorities and Local Communities.当地政府与社区机构


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The Coal Mines Operating systems煤矿运营系统The individual mines are required by legislation and directives

on best practice to operate in a safe and environmentally acceptable manner. These instructions establish the levels of dust, mine air qualities and noise limits which must be met.

煤矿必须按照立法,严格执行煤矿运营最佳实践,以保证煤矿在认可的安全与环保的状况下开采与运营。最佳实践将设立一套严格的指标,比如粉尘、矿区空气质量、噪音等指标,并要求所有煤矿严格执行。 Accurate measurements and recording form key elements in

the process. Harmful equipment and materials is prohibited and workforce equipped with personal protection equipment suitable for the various operations.

在执行过程中,精确的测量与纪录是确保煤矿在认可的安全与环保的状况下开采与运营的关键要素。有害的设备及原材料被严格禁止,矿工会配备合适的个人防护装备。 11

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The Coal Mines Operating systems煤矿运营系统Management and officials duties include statutory

responsibility in this respect and they carry out their duties by inspection and audits.

管理人员必须履行法律责任,对煤矿的安全与环保工作进行检查和审计。 The workforce are encouraged to participate and in the UK

worker inspections form part of the process. 鼓励矿工积极参加“英国工人监察”来监督企业的安全与环保工作


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The Coal Mines Operating systems煤矿运营系统Mine water and subsidence are treated with equal

importance and compensation for any surface damage is inherent in the system and mining layouts are designed to minimise the effects.

矿井水与地面下沉被视为具有同等的重要性,赔偿所有的地表损失是环境治理系统不可缺 少的部分,矿山布局设计充分考虑了如何对环境影响降低到最低。 With regard to mine water quantities and qualities are

measured and surface discharges subject to consent agreements with the environment agency. Where necessary treatment measures are incorporated.

矿水的数量和质量都会被监控,地面排污必须得到当地政府环保部门的批示。如果有必要,煤矿必须建立废水治理标准。 13

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The Coal Mines Operating systems煤矿运营系统Methane gas is captured by underground

drainage systems and where possible utilised for generation. This is not always possible in the small mines due to lack of resources. 瓦斯通过地下排放系统收集,如果可行,将用于发电。由于小煤矿资源有限,瓦斯的收集多数情况下不太可能。


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Mines Inspectorate煤矿监察Key Element in Compliance Process

在英国煤矿环境达标中起主导作用 Their main input is ensuring the underground operations are carried in accordance

with the legislation and directives.

引入这些标准旨在确保煤矿的运营符合相关的法令法规。 They carry out this duty by regular visits and inspections. They have power to

suspend operations and also instigate prosecutions for breaches. 通过定期走访和检查履行监管职能。有权要求煤矿暂停运营,并举报其违法行为。They are heavily reliant on Mine operators ensuring that their systems are working

correctly. The recent mine disaster in Wales where prosecutions are pending is illustrative the EU practice is not infallible.时刻注意煤矿运营商,确保其系统运作正常。威尔士举报措施仍未完全落实。其新近发生的矿难说明欧洲的实践并非是完美的。


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The Coal Authority煤炭管理局Established in 1995 as part of Privatisation

Process 成立于 1995 年,是私有化进程的一部分 Set up by National Government to manage

the Coal Industry政府设立,管理煤炭行业


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Main Functions of The Coal Authority煤炭管理机构的主要职能The CA is the main repository for mine plans and other

information and provides mining reports on request煤炭管理局的主要职能是提出煤矿计划及其他信息,并按要求提交采矿报告。Inspect mine entries. 监管煤矿企业 In response to a series of recent incidents the CA has

instigated a proactive approach to the dangers posed by old mine shafts.

为对近期的各项事件作出回应,煤炭管理局已对老旧的煤矿井采取了积极有效的措施。Issue licences and permits providing access to coal strata. 发放煤炭行业许可证。


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Main Functions of The Coal Authority煤炭管理机构的主要职能The licences are conditional on acceptable owners and are

revocable 许可证的发放有着明确的条件,且可撤回。Provide mining reports and property search services.提供开采报告和物业查询服务


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Main Functions of The Coal Authority煤炭管理机构的主要职能Protect the public and the environment in coal mining

areas. 保护矿区的公众利益和环境。 Manage the effects of past coal mining in order to

promote public safety and safeguard the landscape. The main vehicle for managing this aspect is the signed Memorandum of Understanding that exists with the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)

有效管理废旧煤矿,维护公众安全 and 保护地面景观 主要方式是与能源和气候变化署( DECC )签订谅解备忘录。 Respond to statutory planning consultations.积极回应规定的规划磋商.


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Main Functions of The Coal Authority煤炭管理机构的主要职能A statutory consultee on planning applications in

coalfield areas regarding the public safety risks associated with coal and coal workings.

规定的有关矿区规划实施的讨论设计到煤矿和煤矿开采所带来的公共安全风险。Administer coal mining subsidence damage claims.管理矿井下沉危害赔偿金。This applies to damage caused by historic workings and

current operations where applicable. 该项资金用于修复由于历史开采和现有开采导致的地面下沉。


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Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)能源和气候变化署

In respect to this project the main item of interest

is the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) operated jointly with the CA.

在该项目方面,其主要职能是与煤炭管理局一起签订谅解备忘录。 This is a signed and agreed policy document and

is working well in practise该谅解备忘录是签署生效的政策性文件,在实践中发挥了积极作用。


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Principal Aims of MOU谅解备忘录的主要目的prevent any significant new pollution of controlled waters from outbreaks of

minewater from abandoned coal mines.避免已控水源受到废弃矿井泄漏的矿井水的污染。enhance the environment by reducing pollution of controlled water from existing

discharges from abandoned coal mines in the ownership of the Coal Authority.改善生态环境,降低煤炭管理局旗下的废弃矿井中泄漏的矿井水对已控水源的污染。provide a coherent framework to bring together the available resources of the two

organisations and develop an action plan to fulfil objectives.提供统一的框架,协调两机构可用资源,制订有效行动方案,实现既定目标。ensure, so far as their duties and powers allow, that operators consider and deal

responsibly with potential pollution in respect of closure of licensed coal mines在其职责和权力范围内,确保运营商考虑并承担其责任,有效的处置由关停煤矿可能引起的污染。further the understanding of the processes involved in minewater rebound and

sustainable prevention and treatment of pollution from minewaters. 进一步了解矿井水回流过程,持续预防并处理矿井水引起的污染。


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Local Authorities Role煤炭管理局的角色Minerals Plan开矿规划 The Plan sets out the detailed local planning policies and proposals that will

guide future mineral development within its jurisdiction and provides the framework for minerals planning throughout a stated period of time. They authorise planning applications within strict agreed guidelines

规划要详细列出本地的规划政策和方案,在管辖范围内指导采矿,在规划有效期内提供开矿规划的框架。 根据已确定的指导意见,他们授权规划的实施。The Development Plan发展规划 The Minerals Local Plan, is only one of a number of planning documents which

together provide the Development Plan for the district other relevant plans are typically Waste Disposal Local Plan.


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Local Authorities Role本地主管机构角色Monitoring and review监管和审核 The Plan covers a stated period and regular monitoring and review ensures that remains up

to date. Where necessary, formal alterations may be adopted before the end of the Plan period.

规划划定了有效时间、监管和审核细则,确保有效更新。必要时,会在规划有效期前作出变更。Environmental appraisal of the Plan规划的环境评估The policies and proposals of the Minerals Local Plan are subject to environmental appraisal

during their preparation and revised as necessary.制订本地开矿规划的政策和方案须参考环境评估。Plans are available to Interested Parties including Public this is essential for community

involvement.规划须覆盖各利益相关方,包括公众。这是社会参与的必要条件。 Regeneration 场地生态恢复The local governments have a major role in conjunction with national government when areas

of major regeneration initiatives are required as a result of closures在由煤矿关闭而进行的生态恢复时,地方政府机构发挥了重要作用,连接国家政府。


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General Public, Pressure Groups Etc.公众、施压团体等

These bodies are absolute keys in eliminating problems in the following areas 这些是消除以下问题的关键 The Exploration of possible resources可能资源的开发The Planning Stage 规划阶段The Development 发展The Operating Life 运营期限Proposal of closure 关停提案Closure process 关停过程Environmental Impacts, Gas, Water and Subsidence环境影响,气体、水、下沉Aftercare and site regeneration 矿区治理和生态恢


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A Mine Closure Plan煤矿关停方案 An essential feature in eliminating environmental

problems resulting from mining activity is a comprehensive mine closure plan. Over time UK has formulated strategies for dealing with these and can be summarised as follows

一份全面的煤矿关停计划须考虑如何消除由采矿活动而引发的环境问题。英国曾出台过处置相关问题的政策,可总结如下: Planning for closure should be incorporated into the mine project life

cycle at the earliest possible stage to ensure that: 关停计划应尽早纳入到煤矿煤矿项目的运营周期计划内,确保:


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Considerations考虑Future public health and safety are not

compromised;未危及到公众的健康和安全;Environmental resources are not subject to further

physical and chemical deterioration;环境资源不会受到未来物理和化学变化带来的危害The after-use of the site is beneficial and sustainable

in the long term; and矿区的再利用具有经济价值,并可长期持续;Any adverse socio-economic impacts are minimised.并且将所有不利于社会经济的影响降至最低;


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Considerations考虑The assumption is that the owners propose to abandon the mine safely, cost

effectively in an environmentally acceptable manner. 煤矿主以环境可以接受的方式安全、经济的废弃矿井。 Abandoned mines are usually perceived as liabilities. But often, abandoned sites

have actual or potential added value.废弃的煤矿通常被认为已经没有运营价值。然而,废弃的煤矿却有着真实的或潜在的附加值。The site often may have high value as redevelopment for industrial, commercial,

amenity or even domestic use. 这些煤矿所在地因为可用于工业、商业或住宅的再开发而具有较高价值。Service connections of water, sewerage, electricity, telecommunications, road and

rail are usually in place and there is often easy access to main highways.供水、排水、电力、通讯、公路及铁路等往往已经就位,并且邻近高速公路。In addition to possible uncontrolled emission of contaminated mine water, the

greatest single long term liability is often the migration of gases to the surface in an uncontrolled and unpredictable way.


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Pre-closure Considerations预关停考虑The UK Mine Closure Plan comprises a List

of some 21 headings considered important.英国的煤矿关停计划中含有一个清单,列有 21条首要考虑事项。Site Specifics may dictate others and the

following slide depicts a few typical points 不同场地也有着不同的要求。下面的几页讲解中将和大家分享一下典型要点。


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Typical Questions典型问题What notifications, data, plans, records, precautions, approvals, standards,

etc., does the controlling regulatory authority require prior to and subsequent to any mine abandonment? Can these all be provided?

废弃一个煤矿之前和之后,需要向监管部门提交什么申报书、数据、计划、数据、预防措施、审批手续、标准等?所有的这些都需要提交吗? Is there a recognised code of practice which would normally apply to the

procedure for mine abandonment?是否有认可的实施规范,可用于申请煤矿废弃手续?What is the projected area and extent of subsidence from abandoned

workings and are these such as to require preventive action?矿区面积有多大?废弃矿区出现地面下沉的范围有多大?是否需要采取预防性措施?What is the projected water make from the abandoned workings and where

will this water migrate in future?废弃区域的水量有多少?计划未来将这些水转移到何处?If the migration were to form flooded workings would these threaten any

ongoing or future mining or other activity?如果转移这些水而在作业区形成透水,是否会威胁到进行中或未来的采矿或其他工作? 30

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Management of Abandonment废弃管理Abandonment of a mine should be treated as a project. It is a

discrete activity having a beginning and an end and should be managed to the three criteria of quality, cost and time. It would be sensible to appoint a Project Manager and to prepare a full analysis of the project content

煤矿的废弃应放置在项目的高度。这是一项有始有终的工作,应该以质量、成本和时间三项标准作为管理依据。指定项目经理并对项目进行全面的分析准备是明智的。The project prospectus should identify the necessary

engineering and technical skills to design and supervise the work, and the skills and labour force to discharge the work.


Page 32: International EG Best practice Workshop 国际小煤矿环境治理最佳实践 26 th  September 2013

Shaft Treatment矿井处理The arguments for and against filling shafts often depend on professional opinion and are

usually site specific.是否回填矿井的讨论往往依据专业的评判,各矿有各自的特点。Where shafts are filled, the shaft fill material will inevitably slump over a period so that the

supposed support from fill material may not actually be present. What is vital is that the shaft capping is correctly designed and sited (ideally at rock head level) and that its integrity does not depend on the shaft walls, whether the shaft is filled or not.

在需要回填的矿井中,填料不可避免地会有一个下陷的过程,因此假设的来自填料的支撑是不存在的。井帽设计合理、放置准确是至关重要的(理想位置是在硬岩层面上)。同样重要的是,井帽的整体性并不取决于井壁,无论矿井是否回填。An unfilled shaft is almost certain to provide a route for the pressure release of gas from

the abandoned workings. Where gas make is predicted to be significant it may be the best way of controlling the problem to leave the shaft empty, and build a structurally sound cap with a connection to a vent stack. However, gas problems are considered potentially hazardous and, if not treated correctly at the abandonment design stage, a long term costly liability.


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Possible Phases of Abandonment供参考的废弃程序Salvage any Equipment 移出所有设备 Prepare and strip Shafts for filling准备回填At the Surface disconnect services and complete demolitions终止服务合同,完成建筑拆除Deposit all plans and reports计划和报告存档Secure new or revised effluent points保护新的或检查已有溢流点


Page 34: International EG Best practice Workshop 国际小煤矿环境治理最佳实践 26 th  September 2013

Aftercare of Site矿区的恢复 The owners need to be clear about any long term aftercare

responsibilities for the site or the wider liabilities for the abandoned mine. These will vary according to the regulatory regime in place but are likely to relate to land management and security in the short term until the site is sold or returned to an owner or public authority, and to effluents and subsidence in the medium and longer term. The mine owner needs to be fully aware of all liabilities and put in place the management and technical facilities to meet his responsibilities.


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Typical Examples of response to environmental problems.应对环境问题的典型案例Mine Water Treatment Scheme矿井水处置方案Methane Drainage Scheme瓦斯排放方案Site Regeneration矿区生态恢复Response to substantial closures关停方案


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Page 37: International EG Best practice Workshop 国际小煤矿环境治理最佳实践 26 th  September 2013