internationales rechtsinformatik symposion 26.-28. …00000000-7cf9-d419-ffff...semantic and social...

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  • IRIS 2009





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    English Version

    Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion 26.-28. Februar 2009, Salzburg

    Universität Salzburg, Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät (Toskanatrakt), Churfürststr. 1, 5020 Salzburg

    Das Internationale Rechtsinformatik Symposion IRIS findet 2009 bereits zum zwölften Mal statt und hat sich als größte und bedeutendste wissenschaftliche Tagung in Österreich und Mitteleuropa auf dem Gebiet der Rechtsinformatik einen festen Platz erobert. Der Schwerpunkt der Tagung liegt im Informationsaustausch der führenden österreichischen aber auch internationalen Rechtsinformatiker/innen über die rechtsdogmatischen, technischen, wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und philosophischen Fragestellungen des Rechts in der Wissensgesellschaft. Die nächste Tagung steht unter dem Generalthema Semantic and Social Web Die IRIS Konferenz ist bekannt für ihre interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung als auch die Einbeziehung der Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft. Folgende Workshops sind vorgesehen (tw angefragt): Workshops

    E-Government: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Traunmüller, Ao. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Erich Schweighofer

    E-Justiz: Dr. Martin Schneider

    E-Taxation und FinanzOnline: Ministerialrat Josef Makolm, Dipl.-Ing. Gerti Orthofer

    Manz (1 von 3) [10.11.2008 13:37:47]

  • IRIS 2009

    E-Procurement: Ministerialrat Josef Makolm, MMag. Claudia Bachkönig

    Wissensbasiertes Prozessmanagement in Verwaltungsnetzwerken: Dipl.-Kffr. (FH) Angela Dovifat, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Maria Wimmer, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ralf Klischewski

    E-Democracy: Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexander Prosser [Website] [Call for Papers]

    Juristische Informatiksysteme: Senior Lecturer Burkhard Schafer [Call for Papers]

    Anwendungen: Dr. Doris Liebwald

    Rechtsinformation und e-Publishing: Ao. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Erich Schweighofer, Ministerialrat Albrecht Berger

    e-Commerce: RA Dr. Stefan Eder, RA Dr. Wolfgang Freund, Prof. Dr. Gerald Spindler

    Telekommunikationsrecht: Directeur-adjoint Robert Queck

    Datenschutz: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Jahnel

    Urheberrecht: Prof. DDr. Walter Blocher, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Wiebe

    e-Learning: Dr. Thomas Menzel, Executive Director Anthony Antoine

    Theorie der Rechtsinformatik, IT-Recht (Allgemeiner Teil): Ao. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Erich Schweighofer

    Rechtstheorie: Prof. Dr. Dunnar Duttge, Univ.-Doz. Dr. Lorenz Schulz, ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michaela Strasser

    Rechtsvisualisierung: Dr. Colette R. Brunschwig

    Science Fiction und Utopien: Dr. Peter Lechner, Dr. Peter Parycek

    Suchtechnologien für Juristen: Franz Kummer (2 von 3) [10.11.2008 13:37:47] Informatik-Systeme.pdf

  • IRIS 2009

    LEFIS (LEgal Framework for the Information Society) Workshop Legal and technological questions of the Information Society: Prof. Dr. Fernando Galindo, Ao. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Erich Schweighofer

    IT-Sicherheitsrecht: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Heckmann [Call for Papers]

    Geschichte der Rechtsinformatik: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herbert Fiedler, Dr. Michael Bohne

    DGRI Workshop: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Wiebe

    Bei Interesse an einem Vortrag wird gebeten, im Rahmen Ihrer möglichst frühzeitigen Anmeldung über das Konferenzmanagementsystem MyRevew einen Vorschlag samt kurzem Abstract abzugeben (ein Paper ist erst für die Publikation erforderlich!). Zusätzlich können Sie mit Prof. Schweighofer oder Prof. Lachmayer per Email Kontakt aufzunehmen. Erich Schweighofer, Friedrich Lachmayer (3 von 3) [10.11.2008 13:37:47] for PaperIRIS2009ITSicherheitsrecht.pdf [email protected]: [email protected]:[email protected]

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    New International Diploma in Mental Health Law and Human Rights is currently on offer.

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  • International Academy of Law and Mental Health

    Version Française

    The 31st Congress of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health will be held from June 28th - July 4th, 2009.


    About the AcademyThe IALMH is founded on the belief that issues arising from the interaction of law and mental health can best be addressed through multidisciplinary and cross-national approaches, drawing on law, the health professions, the social sciences, and the humanities.

    Each year, the IALMH holds an International Congress on Law and Mental Health, bringing together the international community of researchers, academics, practitioners and professionals in the field whose wide-ranging perspectives provide for a comprehensive look at important law and mental health issues.

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  • Abstracts of the XXXIst International Congress on Law and Mental Health Résumés du XXXIe Congrès International

    de droit et de santé mentale

    David N. Weisstub Chair/Président

    Université de Montréal Institut Philippe Pinel,

    Montréal, Canada

    New York University Law School June 29 - July 4, 2009

    Under the auspices of/Sous l’égide de International Academy of Law and Mental Health

    Académie Internationale de Droit et de Santé Mentale

    International Scientific Committee Comité Scientifique International

    David N. Weisstub, Chair Université de Montréal Institut Philippe Pinel

    Aurea Alcalde Karel Oei Henrik Anckarsäter George Palermo

    Wendy Austin Michael Perlin Harold Bursztajn Maurice Preter

    Julio Arboleda-Florez Enrique Sepulveda John Douard Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan

    Roberto Catanesi Jose Taborda Thomas Gutheil Thomas Wenzel Leonard Kaplan Bruce Winick Norbert Konrad George Woods

    Danielle Laudy The editorial assistance of Nina Marie Fusco, Lisa Filgiano & Elisha Cohn is gratefully acknowledged.

  • 53.2. Criminal Predators and What to Do about Them: Popular Imperatives from Screen-based Reality Richard K. Sherwin, New York Law School ([email protected]) The images on film, television, and computer screens help to shape and inform not only popular perceptions of what criminal predators look like and how recidivist behavior may be “scientifically identified” and “treated”; they also provide the grammar (or visual code) that we use, mostly unconsciously, to see and judge with. For example, viewers of fMRIs fill in the meaning of what they see by importing to the screen culturally assimilated expectations based on past viewings of comparable screen images and other images they deem relevant to the interpretive task. Whether the source of previous viewings is a feature film (such as Minority Report) or a popular television series (such as “24” or “CSI”) as opposed to a non-fictional source does not necessarily detract from, and may even enhance, the viewer’s belief in the truth value of the image in question. Similarly, judgmental biases concerning the medicalization of criminality, the putative objectivity of visual scientific data, and the felt imperative to control “viral” elements, such as sexual predators, may be traced to popular cultural sources in visual mass media. Enhanced visual literacy will help sort through the complex interpenetration of law and images on the screen. 53.3. 139. Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Audio/Visual/Cinematic Ways of Communicating about Law 139.1. Enhancing Client Well-Being: Integrating Audio-Visual Jurisprudence and Therapeutic Jurisprudence Colette R. Brunschwig, University of Zurich ([email protected]) The past few years have seen advances and increasing interest in two fields of scholarship, teaching, and practice: therapeutic jurisprudence and so-called “audio-visual jurisprudence.” Audio-visual jurisprudence and therapeutic jurisprudence are emerging as neighboring fields, and their relationship is starting to play a major role because their integration could enhance the potential of each to reach its aims. Thus audio-visual jurisprudence alone lacks a sophisticated framework for justifying psychological wellbeing as an important goal of audio-visualizing the law, and therapeutic justice alone lacks elaborate audio-visual know-how as regards producing, analyzing, and evaluating legal or legally relevant information. Neither the relationship between audio-visual jurisprudence and therapeutic jurisprudence nor their interfaces have been adequately examined to date. Consequently, there has been scant discussion about the ways in which they might (cross-) fertilize each other. This talk adopts a comparative and exemplary approach in an attempt to integrate audio-visual jurisprudence and therapeutic jurisprudence. It considers various key questions: what is the relationship between audiovisual jurisprudence and therapeutic jurisprudence? Which interfaces exist between audio-visual jurisprudence and therapeutic jurisprudence? Which similar questions and common aims exist between audio-visual jurisprudence and therapeutic jurisprudence? How might they complement one another? 350

  • 139.2. Therapeutic Jurisprudence as Screen-based Reality Richard K. Sherwin, New York Law School ([email protected]) This presentation explores the impact on therapeutic jurisprudence of screen-based reality inside the courtroom. Consider, for example, the way computer-generated re-enactments of accidents and crimes may affect viewers as well as the parties involved. Do they risk activating a victim’s trauma? Do they cause emotional responses that inevitably, albeit unconsciously, influence jurors and take them beyond the proper bounds of demonstrative evidence? Or consider how virtual (screen-based) participation in the legal process—whether an initial appearance, expert testimony, virtual representation, or a “canned” trial played before a live jury—affects the perception of reality and the deliberation process. How does the lack of certain sensory inputs affect perceptions of reality or the production of fantasy or the dynamics of transference? Do viewers compensate for sensory deficits on the screen by filling in with associations to other screen-based perceptions, affects, memories, and expectations? Or consider to what extent real legal issues may be shaped and informed by the screen aesthetics of genre, plot, and character type. Do images of law on the screen take on the life of the screen they inhabit? These are the sorts of issues therapeutic jurisprudence must address in the current era of digital audiovisuality. 139.3. Audiovisual Communication and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Cognitive and Social Psychological Dimensions Neal Feigenson, Quinnipiac University School of Law ([email protected]) The effects of audiovisual communications on the emotional and psychological wellbeing of participants in the legal system are likely to be highly complex, depending on not only the legal and interpersonal contexts in which the communication occurs, but also on the nature of the medium and the particular content and formal features of the communication. This presentation hypothesizes that the therapeutic effects of specific audiovisual communications in law, when they can be discerned, will often be ambivalent, possibly psychologically adaptive for one participant but not for others, or for the same participant in one respect but not others, and/or may point to tensions between therapeutic outcomes and other laudable goals of the justice system. This presentation explores this hypothesis through examples of specific legal audiovisual communications in civil and criminal cases; the analysis is necessarily speculative but is also grounded where possible in relevant cognitive and social psychological research as well as research on visual and media effects. 351 139.4. How Therapeutic Jurisprudence can use Visual/Auditory/Cinematic Ways of Communicating About Law Bruce J. Winick, University of Miami School of Law ([email protected]) An emerging field of legal studies focuses on visual/auditory/cinematic ways of communicating about law. This session brings together leading scholars in the field to examine its overlap with therapeutic jurisprudence. It explores ways in which therapeutic jurisprudence can effectively use the insights and approaches that this emerging field presents. Therapeutic jurisprudence is an interdisciplinary field of legal scholarship and law reform that is concerned with law's impact on emotional well-being. Among other things, it is concerned with settlement of civil disputes and offender rehabilitation. There

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  • are interesting opportunities for using visual/auditory/cinematic ways of communicating about law to help clients and participants in judicial proceedings better understand legal concepts. From a cognitive psychology perspective, how clients, lawyers, and judges understand legal concepts dictates their behavior. There has been insufficient attention to the cognitive distortions about law that these legal consumers and actors might suffer from, and about how various modes of communication might be used to facilitate cognitive restructuring and more adaptive and effective responses to legal problems and situations. Increasing the ability of lawyers, judges, and clients to visualize and better understand legal and therapeutic jurisprudence concepts can only improve their functioning, effective participation in the legal process, and psychological well-being. This presentation analyzes the overlap between therapeutic jurisprudence and this emerging field, and offers examples of how it can be effectively used.

  • International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridiqueEditor-in-Chief: Anne Wagner

    ISSN: 0952-8059 (print version) ISSN: 1572-8722 (electronic version) Journal no. 11196 Springer Netherlands Online version available

    Society | Description | Editorial Board

    SocietyThe International Journal for the Semiotics of Law is published on behalf of the International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law (IRSL). IRSL held its first annual meeting in 2002 after the merger of two pre-existing organisations (International Association for the Semiotics of Law and Round Table for Law and Semiotics), but with different emphases in their theoretical approaches: the Greimasian and Peircean schools.

    IRSL is a forum which aims at developing international multi-disciplinary networks, at contributing to the teaching and research of the semiotics of law and at promoting any action susceptible to enhance the notoriety and the recognition of our discipline. IRSL meets on a yearly basis in Europe and in the Americas alternatively to discuss thematic issues relating to Semiotics and Law around a round table.

    Semiotics of LawSemiotics of Law is the website associated with the International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law and with The International Journal for the Semiotics of Law.

    7th INTERNATIONAL ROUNDTABLE FOR THE SEMIOTICS OF LAW 1-4 July 2008 Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Boulogne-sur-Mer Cedex

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  • Duncker & Humblot - Boehme-Neßler, Volker - Unscharfes Recht.

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    Boehme-Neßler, VolkerUnscharfes Recht.Überlegungen zur Relativierung des Rechts in der digitalisierten Welt.800 S.

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    ISBN 978-3-428-12938-6

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    Erschienen in der Schriftenreihe Schriftenreihe zur Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstatsachenforschung (1 von 3) [10.11.2008 13:50:09]

  • Duncker & Humblot - Boehme-Neßler, Volker - Unscharfes Recht.

    Bandnummer RR 89


    Unscharfes Recht Rechtsvisualisierung Recht /Digitalisierung Rechtstheorie


    Rechtssoziologie Rechtstheorie

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    Titeln von Boehme-Neßler, Volker


    Einleitung: Von der digitalen Welt zum digitalisierten Recht - 1. Teil: Zusammenhänge: A. Technik, Kultur, Recht - B. Kulturtechnik und Recht - das Beispiel der Schrift: Sprache und Denken: die Sapir-Whorf-Hypothese - Von der oralen zur literalen Kultur - Vom gesprochenen zum geschriebenen Recht - 2. Teil: Digitalisierung des Rechts: A. Facetten der Digitalisierung: Digitalisierung als technologisches und kulturelles Phänomen - Der kulturelle Kern der Digitalisierung - B. Ubiquität und Recht: Digitalisierung: Entgrenzung und Ubiquität - Recht und Grenzen - Das Ende der (geografischen) Grenzen? - Das Ende des Staates? - Das Ende des Rechts? - Globalisierung und Gateways als Antwort auf die Entgrenzung - C. Multimedialität und Recht: Multimedia - Bilder und visuelle Kommunikation - Recht und Bilder: visuelle Rechtskommunikation - Assoziativität, Unschärfe, Streubreite: Die Steuerung visueller Rechtskommunikation - Die Auslegung visueller Rechtskommunikation - Recht als Theater? Probleme des inszenierten Rechts - Die Wort-Bild-Balance im visualisierten Recht - D. Virtualität und Recht: Begriffsgeschichte der Virtualität - Die Logik der Virtualität - Virtualisierung des Rechts I: Immaterialisierung - Virtualisierung des Rechts II: Zeitlosigkeit - E. Vernetzung und Recht: Vernetzung als Paradigma - Digitalisierung und Vernetzung - Netze: Arten und Grundstruktur - Charakteristika von Netzwerken - Das Recht als Netz: Elemente. Eigenschaften. Folgen - 3. Teil: Unscharfes Recht: Rolle und Bedeutung des Rechts im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung: A. Recht plus X: zur "Relativitätstheorie" des Rechts: Relativierung des Rechts in der digitalen Bukowina - Recht plus X: transrechtliche Kooperationen als Kompensation - B. Unscharfes Recht: Schärfe und Unschärfe im Recht - Auf dem Weg zum unscharfen Recht - Literatur- und Sachwortverzeichnis (2 von 3) [10.11.2008 13:50:09]

  • Duncker & Humblot - Boehme-Neßler, Volker - Unscharfes Recht.

    Zum Buch

    Der Siegeszug der Digital-Technologie setzt sich unvermindert fort und ergreift immer neue Bereiche des Lebens. Neue Technologien verändern die Welt: Was bedeutet die Digitalisierung also für das Recht? Das ist die Kernfrage, welcher der Verfasser nachgeht.

    Der Autor arbeitet fünf Charakteristika von kultureller Digitalisierung heraus: Entgrenzung, Bilderflut, Immaterialisierung, Zeitlosigkeit und Vernetzung. Damit kontrastiert sie das Recht und das rechtliche Denken. Es wird klar, dass zwei Welten aufeinander treffen, die kaum unterschiedlicher sein könnten. Denn das Recht ist eher von Grenzziehungen, Bilderskepsis, fester Verkörperung, exakter Zeitbestimmung und kausalen, sukzessiven Gedankengängen und Argumentationsketten geprägt.

    Die Konfrontation mit der Digitalisierung verändert das Recht tief greifend. In der Summe wird das Recht unschärfer. Und was genauso wichtig ist: Es wird relativiert. Andere Bereiche der Gesellschaft übernehmen verstärkt Ordnungs- und Steuerungsfunktionen neben und an Stelle des Rechts. Beides ist eine Herausforderung für die Rechtspolitik, für die Dogmatik und die Rechtstheorie. In seiner Studie entwickelt der Verfasser erste Ansatzpunkte zu einer Dogmatik und Rechtstheorie des unscharfen Rechts.

    © 1998-2008 Duncker & Humblot GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Letzte Aktualisierung: 2008-Nov-06 Webmaster (3 von 3) [10.11.2008 13:50:09]

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    IRIS 2009

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    AbstractsInternational Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internat...springer.comInternational Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internat...

    Duncker & Humbolt - Boehme-Neßler, Volker - Unscharfes Recht.www.duncker-humblot.deDuncker & Humblot - Boehme-Neßler, Volker - Unscharfes Recht.

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