irgnet&«trk ood§!

^jiiii^jiaiikMSiiiia**"""" » Bish<n> Kyle ami tt»e BUnrtCUild. Bishop rEyls of England, says- the igppiest.^iRJ. lie ever saw W&9 a lii- ^eritn$R>^W <!W#Si .: ftitf fOi aiofi&runiit.Wore &e". spring. 1 r. .flam. <Sraws. asotojft: theirpelts, are •"--- -hteg^Sg in. thfe ^hest. \See t then, inat '-• "yoWfiW&ar&ihgoodeaidaiioiQ; and --- iff ' t h e r e a j ^ a n y ' t h j a onerafnong, ; glvrtheifi&iitt£etraia:6aWday.'U^ \' r 'j$. ihje^|a# gaitt$d ; their- wentea, T it tfeaeasSifiSSySar there is-a -. ana it^ip^^tl^indaige.te a : \ :iaore «eBeroa» .-diee. fBaft- the '**»* - iljB^MfrrexL^^ Iforitf jitftBtei)ief ciat fhr^mesfe ^ex *Jay ^Wring *&* ieiitire #ear*; If ; tfee J W ^ e r fiat&^P ftf ^ # ^ apidre^: «iaeoce-ugonaisy*:""& J t § S # A ^ <*3C ; ahd/eggs with:".» jgpc$sapply>; # ' ^rajaer tan^ #^::va^^evdiet^ ;•-"' : ;^fh ; ^vant^ejt6 : ; BeWfhanfl'. : w % -, A-yery^tfteto^ •••' : C- -. Q>- "---•',\ - »**^S^3SSS«^;- : :-•; V - : -Shi-'2fewjfetsey'-^sps^msiit:Ste- .DJESSASB CW«*0» WITHOUT- MsmrcrNB. . Sujutawc* «ae*«* tl»e Xn«Tiwonieter Iteaeltes 133/° in «ie SHa<!o. v- '^he wintfltiag ofslseep :&e beg^iariL%^ .' . . . . . . She tiapt prayer, seen, -the sari nor afoon nor: at&s, grass; nor trees nor iblrdS nor any o f tjh^sepfeaaafef things which have gladdened your eyes ail 'your life.. More. trying still, she had never seen her own father or mother, yet; she was'the .happiest child of all 'laCth.OT.sam1^ - iShe. was journeying pa the railway IMS day I speak of,. No one she knew "w&sw-itfc'her, n o t a Merict nor a rela- tive fet take- care of her; yet, Enough totstBy hlinfi,she wasqaite happy and content, "TeH'me, n she said to some one near by, "bow many people there are in this car, I am.ft«l{e blind and can sfee nMnihg^?- Andshe was told. ''fAr^yoftnat ^fraid.tptmvel ajpne?" asiced agentiematf.,.. ,-.. .-, '._- , . - ~* : y^^^ih^ ^pliedi ; ' ' I ' ffl» ;not : ftight|^-f.'' : l!jttave : '.toveWe«l1>6f6-r6 Aixd1 trust Jneod* a M people aj'e &U ways^yery good; to-.iSe,"-. '. ^lBai;;-teii;tn%' r said.-the/bishop, "why yoa..are so. happy?" ; . . J^'loWJ'estisv and- he loves me | I.' SongM.; Jesusf and. I f^nChim/' was : fU&\ Wilto](>- tixen.Beg&ft t&, talfc ? to ; r A-VaiuabieBiscoveirroi' suttfytefljUgaf*; J ^ a Ailanababad correspondent of irgne t &«trK tog the sick.- . The hour is early, only ? o'clock, out the .outer doors are all earefuliy '.closed. t6 shut ont' the h.ea,fed. air, and MAcusEXicisipSFJBir nmrnt TJETAjESBiiNSSSD TO O13B0B-.O? M o n e y K e j . • Ltobs, 3<fervotia Deferttty. Lnmb»go, Geniwal golatloa. Dislasos of tie KWaeys. Spinal Dis. I S ToTprtI Direr. Gaiut.SemiDal fiml^loBS, Im-coteBoy. Asthma, Heart JDisease, Dyspep- fiafntaor Kuptaie^ Qatari*,.Piles,.Epilepsy, ^wS^ISyfebJJitypCthoaESfBRATIVE ORcSfiS ooews. Lost Vttality t ^acte oi » ^ S F o r e e W Vigor, WtfStlng Wealuiess. teSali tbose Diseases of a peraonaUBtture, ftoaTwaaesrw oanse, th? continnQte stream of Magnotlsia peimeaUflS ttoough tbe parts •ttinstrtBtote tbeta «> a lieaMiy. action. There «S-J.**v v^ticuta^efpstedlfaaeaten -with »An4.flo^dj - casfe o o t e f fear - I h ^ g a ^ S ^ f W 1 ^; .-•r^:' ; : : nsE ; ; jnerefeect -fey/, silage,;-_-^He; •' • .ftme^B^- &ff60'*gjye;n waife'e;-. same; -•» :|oWo^-Js;|^cejrt^;-a|^,;^te?; ;.- jftom-&# origrMai £pra .gfeiftS; theBIM^ ant.fonnd she •H. - J i«ers at intervals,iasprneiijn?, ,&P* : i tteiB(jreiis^3ah<«r r i8 ^s6^a?Ji|thita^. •-•;' -; C^oneij^^ilferner;ns^d^li^hegn^ -•: ,'\«to 8t;once^vhe|or«3ow^gpie ; ; le^d, , " ^a^^ Jone -ialfsa!^tiheifiine .the fats- ;Were.shooti8^; <Mt^ejhird plot he -;:; n^cBietwrdthe/inaa^^^ tim^, one^|4r<ta| theU^eialxgbi.- - : ing-an^nne third wnen theoafewere -: 8h€»ves? ori^tM'^flia^^plp^-^s^i£Qff '.'.-: poah^SffbEet&e & m ^ 0 ^ r ^ ^ ^ . i;.«h&d;>I6S; O n i trial updn Jaeh r and: T ^;-^r^ipife^C^a^ge'waa gamely i ^Sn^feBrof^;fe^p|z^j)Oor. sojla ja* interyals* : IBxpeaaBiei^ v we*e; .' :ontW0,otiier:pidfew 1 -.•: coflJPJHt«M#te^^^^^W^- V: ...""^'j&^-;oi^fi6- : a|^eeQQft of thecom ;-: : post.afediirerehipeiipdsi ,•-'.:•-'.-:!' .•*;.;'" -;5';: : : ; :-wfcitewwiib3jr:Se»*e^to**»<.. .-••/ ••;. ; ; ' ^ i - « : . j B ^ i M t e r ^ ^ ^ t t f e Jieid ; \aV 0";Hai3hfegdr a&w' Aaolhg^ftqeiJff. ; ^aJe^.#afeorMings^a,^tA#4 l 6 ^: 'r bj^&^t^^ibgeW, haiidingi waffi "" ^i«tewastiv3ii;net onl^presery-ed.; i% '••''- expense ;of patnSng^'^^g : % 6 , >nad"; rpeme# ; :Joifefrae by^ore;^^;SQ ? :i -^yeartfpraetifiei CSrtaMyffiis toiis: is: '•;•:* ttewidea : that Sal-£h^ a^;pearanc%t}* •-'• -'"•: l&ngi&uffolB. : I$ikw^i Ki6%n.#at; •..-;' : ..-linie ,p^e#ni^;"'i^.\;#Qbai->)iEfr.";;flj«f v ; #sa#6feubi€> "b^;feMtt'4f^Bit_4f..;jic(t ~.,»?<- - • jd'yon learn so m^v . H M&eBiWe.'Vfieaek&di- "' :. - T _.. . ••• .:*%iy-teacherased; t6 ieadit to;m%' and: I reme'nibei4ii^ all' 1 eonld," she '8aid>; : - ' ".' - ^Aa^nat >ati'of the, Bible do ygtlatkebe^t?*?'asked;;.t&|bishfepV ;• "f : :*fclike ; ^e-sfory '^iOhtWh life in iheg^spels/^she said f ^hatf .what! l J k » Sbest 3 of ^S }s .the iisl tbiree. ehap^ %r¥bf Kev^ialadn-.??.;; ,.-•.;• . V i & v l s g g^Me/^hiijrn fee bishop read to'nerjas the train'dashed along,' Beyi.20tbv 33st and';32db cbaptersv-^- Ms.; '/'-•:•• '": -.'•.yy^'-:':/' -•'••'..-. ••-: Palling of tlie Womli. Iaeaaocrhoba. CUroaio fttflftrnmatioa and CTceratloti of the Womb, incidental Hemorvlnxsa or Wooding, Painful, Suppressed and ttregitlar Menstrpsvtlon, Bar- renaess, and Chanee o-f Life, t&ls is tae Best A.*plianco and Curative Agent ltnowij. . 3?or ali forms of Female DifficMUeait is. urir surpassed bv anything before mventpd, both asaourattve asent and a? a wurcecf power andvitaiizattctB- - . „ „ .- T , PrfeeO/ eitber Belt vritb Magnetic Insoles, &lff s e a t b y e x p r e s s 0 . 0. E., and- exitmxBation altowed, or,by. mall on receipt of price. In ordering send'measure.of waist, and size of shoes. .Remittances can beraadeln-earrenoy, senttalett.efat-bm-risj5:. •• TneJMaeneton Sftrments ore adaptedtoall aael, ate worn over tne •nndoi' clothing, tnot nlSStiie'body like.tne. many Gaivftwc^nd Etectria attmbug*adyertiged- so extensively). Ind shb#£bS&eu OS at night. 5Miey bold toSrSwERFOREVEB, and are worn at all'seasonsoftBeyeftr, •. •-. .-' - • . ^ e l f r s t a m p X e r t b e " N e w B e p a r t n r e i n MCfd- teal-toSent Without Medicine," with., .thonsanaiog^gstimoniftll.,, ' • - • - • ft -;-^ - . T H E MA.<3iCETlOB A P P i f ANOE COii - 2flg State Street,. Chicago, 111. ' Hote.-r-Send one doto? & posfege ggjnps or- etoeusy- {la letter at.QWtiste) * s « < f ishoe 'usually- -worn;,: and• .1«y..« f^^'QL^S'- aj.-.3aettff -Xasoles; -antTbe ecajvlneed- of-t|«. ' p i j ^ r M?sicr;n£ to oiir other .-aSagnetie-Appli^: .;: -; Posit^elv ho cold feel when i>aas are wOm, o? so :•»«}' r'rtitnde4. '•-.,.•.' .".fttX*-; •' Jaaga«icKidnoy'E^iisSoW by Sforrieon & Moor%'£a'w»He, S.T.. ' •-.•:- " A pretty : way 'to 'haHg: a decdr&ted ;banj0is%;ptiichenillei^ gait o£ fr^ine, tn^.. : at|ag4-%-8aKn\--fl6^ :; bon *&#, baye one Mw'eiose fo the banjo father*. let fthe' ribbon extend ^5bb^e- : il a little and-.nadke• another bo® a trifle^ma^eir;ihan;the first*'. Jomes & Sliimmer'. ^Ja^'BTap'old-'-aJ-^ays- b i s e n t to -the table'.,warm, -for .pinner, I!he. beat methed is to dip thern in. boiling hot -water, ;a&d*lefriii,eta feaia,i?i for a-few mofhehics. . D r y qnieWiy, pile and set •bh; ; the t^bfei "Sm.caps 3'honJd always, be dipped;in hot«?ater befoife-pouring : 'In-th'e;te.aV-.-. '..'-.,•'-. . . . '.:' .- — ••• '': 'io'poIiBb' black.'wal- rtiit anS'ash's ^,MEbjateEf ft-spaFflannet; piotfa with.- kerdseiie-Qii,riib;ihB wood; ^•^•-ii^n^tifon'-wXth^!:very-- so'% fife^Bi "and;dry. fianbeK -ff. this work . -is trnsted'w&btty'to S.haaid it will : ygry. ; likely) iKyg-be;af-aiiccessj for>l,oo. hixtiSt oil; wHi ; bi nsed,: and : that is.far : .worse than to -use ;no oiiM' ajl* . -., •j-Tea;. :G'esifis'"'.^e' J .cdaGiiag in'td ffvbr, 'Orie; seen '^ee^fly.'was _made;out of iaEdsaMe^bits'dx sl|k and; velvei lu'w cerizy pzte&i&oik -design;,, b.ordered.% • fecorddttwisted^Mtki? jp^tber #as : %$• i^e;/^een; ;; pidsh;. ; i$i liped |n ; goId':^and crimso;%-wijbfaafcl Japk^ f 'iiese'-fignresj; wbfle a • t$ird was aiaide '"' ' '' ''" ^nstaW^h#tf^^^^- " ' "'" ' "' ^0^.iMsm» JI^KS^ M^;*aatrlBdJd^evf * "•':. did boards iw$6hj;jj^i^fl^^d^ ; -y-ttBiHfcft very^pelislyei^.bec&Bise. the '-. : 88ifeee. : '"- -1st"- v: Vdry •'-;afley£tt^>; : ; r an4 b«in£''".Ja*paifiaBy decayed ixo^di-; . : . ? tton» xt absoi-blt&dlt of|he .-p^£-M: : : ^^a^%e^t(^gnt mi^e|(p|ripg;s^ : si&t^esafe- before ^ ^ p a i n t 'fglil: ;ni8fe#; .' ;atiy shofe,. Kiii'JSi^;Baiaa'.493na3K/'-ji^; - r : tMatb^ ^vBrihglbe o|d%apdsV*#b - ''agdddeditipfvwfi^wa^ritpj^ .--•|hd oil^ front^^pene&dtijig. ^ei^adaf.tQ-; -, m& .^6atextent^in fect r '£bafi;&•*& 'i .-fjdi|es bat fiffieaf any iadref -to;eby^f :-•!* than wdald ^refjairfefl:;td cover fa : '^b^^d^.featiigd'^ y. .wiffi^tftti ; yet;^he^ "."f ;S?Hli ^keeptbeJbuildKig : .m'goofe «on?- s -;'^fdn.fdr^maiiy ; ye£as^ y^''y-^li'•••''••• '•'-,•-' ^isv'proeesK-isgd 's&B.p&,aiid; sdf ^'.^jfl^pytb^it^w&^rtBy^^^ -:•^ : i»y thosd wio haveold bandings %E ; 2board3fen<^slopaints i'-^-"Vv". : ". ':-1']':- : -•"' ~ 3SieiEe.are niahy- waysr,ic>i- ; make- >; .wbifetva^j,^^^ The;BmeshoaJd^e-8faj3k- ; : ea^feiidf Or iwarlaa,/watej..and; 'the -j Bgai^ ..atrained -through ra cloth, *;a; " ; ^ ^ : guaatt#;d ; f s^l shadld- be pat '"-": intpi the; water, and if a yeiy niee arte ••". -.jfele is de^red^a'few pdi^ds:'qf sjogar: ..; and/ g)x»aad f£c^: ? sfiouJd be. added; ; ,;. :td ;eaeh barret of. IJcJaM-. bsitfdr ..av ; ; wMtewaeli' #a|is; tdbe, atondeeQy- •-•: --iered'^^«p,;we:sh<tednftfctMr&:i£-n^^ \;.-"• e s s a t y to did' 'either^ sth^ai. >or;:ripe yfloar^b^ ; ^tfypr^serye^dwpf^ '• {'' 'fr,-'•'•':•. .... We-tfd not joindsratand ; ; mJaett-ta,;be: gafeed- /by ..dsidg the: \/>%nite^asbV.6*tJei)| ;otf;.bMi j?pa&fcber; . .-.feeaten .boards, ;wli^re -very, -large; -';•-.:jqtttSEdtities M oil--^dd'-,white .lead ^diiid^ ;fee j^^Mfo^Miitip tne. de- VjipBiy^©, ^iEfefreaa: be M e d cheaper . ifeitft,^ ^m^ioMsi |K##ihJB tinifd .bd ;^ite : .:aB : >g#Bd* if nM better, than • Wbiteiead* ' •' ^sS^r^iii.''Iba:'#aft».'-;# Si ffidhaeife (@hnrpn,,v : . Cih^i ; es|oi& %<*« ^ai§:itf:P^^nj ^- W ^ f ^%8 in jspetk fib^ iss?ii- Signal Idj neJptoeS %?^ ; iheit; -^fcne:a*s\ : ii^^and;; ag8% m iQ?? •fepi:io : *«ni -^ieni; :So -^apfearifeoisi th©,. ; Weefe^: affe*'.. wHeh. ^I\ : bi^fe feiaia"abiparf,weie toegte'd.-/ $&& e^ .-fenivwa|:feontinaeSniiiSt.'afQwday»ag&, ; "%djsgiEt nflbody.'haa.; obeyei; : & 'bd% 6i&%dt^V^d^^*'^ : #* dft^he Baiary^'the r&f%' adf -the' f&fc fa; ; "ei^Hng V ^nsiaerSfal&'>ffiSofl«s»sJ : stfrfiTi^.tJie' residents;.-'-/.'.;.-;':;. •,'.. *fssm ' -. j-fcu. ;s-ALE0y. DA X3L- imoi ArelS"ow.Beady For.The: irtwi*^^ m AIOV ©HADES OI*^- .". -. : gnsOToi-".;. 3ays"«iB.eeipfi.e*i r "^Alter:- v^erktag^aJFAese vyears te '-jMrfke-.- i*e.6pl€. .'•^ijn& %s '-fciiMiiks, .-IBfl .^eeoTier- aiid- rfeiiy-4is(»^Bts'tttat-'ne. ; iaoefitft'*h|^ .teicMfc** :" ; ' : - -=..-'•' ;'v ; r-', .-y- : :,.-•';J••••• :..Iod-a£««ir Ar&--ydtu?'^idiieys ^^.- ^ .... ; . A^e-you^rter^dg-^ea^?'; - : ''mahwWbEU'ctu^a.m8&om" ? « W ? * W e f: *c,2fter-Ii*tta not ^6Sted461ive,!'?.J&* : M. u . Bi f (^^yd^s^.<ara«gi».y^a^..CTOTttoma,q r -,... : Ha^d*j5oixiBrigbi5s "J)&ep,pe| . 'SStt'By-Wott-onreffme wiBtt lay -miter "waaauslr liKe - ebalJc and tHblr Uke-Moo'd"." .. - ... '.. •'- • .- *^T- "™? .*" - .pranK W^^-Rxit>(sa»MnSfc. - ^BulfteridgfeoS: Dia'Beties ?'^':.« .TOBniyAySrUstbsmostBuMraBfnlMmeilyl'naTe- v. .-.-.jtaHpifp-CtBallonjilonttpni. Yt. :"• "E^iney-Worebafectroe otehronlo liver Diseases ^ rI g^|^«e.'dolwteBW.-Gpttra : ,ftT. -IfeyowBack IsnadaridadMng'? : -.'Mdit6y,t?6rfe ft-Bottle) .corsa me rhen.1-woaSo -JMa&I.liad te roll; out of .bBfli" v_ •-" ^,„ Save ^btt' EMrteyl ©isease? JiOS-boxJ'^SiiiSi Sedges, •Wflliamatoiro, West Tiu. S«:?BiOJ Ilft : All €£ia$Si8S or. : *^to^v>-W<i!rt~cit6a^''ei^yeTacuaii£a^ jratlctired :\- - l^nree or foar niiles oat East Feint,. Sa*.a.Begfp-*aS^ %e«kS;agpV: :: " A'bfdffief pi wist* wbo hM bdaght iferself a cheap. mediftaJ .irs^ttae,; ^ol^iedreri;to cnrefhV: pa% j B e n t for 5foiBf bmS,eM.QfBweet pota-,;. fes»>;Hd.B«4 ndt ddefored: Mrti'oyer; tiafed ;day^8j.idweydr, b;efdie t&d .-T^: tiettf ;«?ase«>Id;Jtt"dfeatl;^ -J.-v:wMfe- abetfif^^ iiv^g^n-j^^dwn 'fiappeae;a td . bd-' .passing•.'&&& Wad eaHfed ini- l^eft hefiad,"tasted the. 'jfaediekiet •Sfhtcbwasin.' a;galfon Jiig^iid; asked * •'- ^'^^hafediseasferHdl'y^ddctorfdr^" ;«5^%S»safe»;.; -' ; .' ; _.;- .... - "WhatI Who.ever; -feeard of d .man; BMnpgr poll-evil? ^tiki^is.a='lid?Sddis- ;ease>*^ , ,;.v'^." . . . ; lv" " : ~;'.-., ••'- .-.- ; $fi#oiher at oddd dpaned bis book W " p a J ; e ^ d a d .said"i ; - j . ..': :.' ; "jEJ^oiiyod J jU|tndilt fJgM dar> ^ ^Yeev^-said the^loctor/dd Se.tlhui^bV ?dd~thdleavfe^vejCj^^^bat.ihe ; <3teeas'e;Qf . ^aJflfftre nfltfprand^n fes;depdrtf^en;t. . ^~*£iSsiafesde^iMi'meB^forililve .•gfewfc^^;.'"••';v.'". ; ^'- : -;-;;-;"; ••";'.'- "^o^dd JjWdPgasjpedte negro*; -^ fl«sn^be^%dbjDgk i ^d . tamed :ffaa ieayes,:?W da latw4.& : '-i.. 4id^Jti^%^fivdpag9a^o% - -in^'Sffiytis; lev^en 3f -^tieemifc :M-ed: .J^esfc'C-""/.;' "'!?.,--:-/0.. ; ; v < '.'- Are yoti „JhiPy-TC<atf ciwa^ -«_,, -ittB- s«6r 16 yeais ns» o£o T 9 ! ? r ft a ? l ?S !< fih,„™ -at Htsro yo\- - -^ "Kiaiey-Wort iasflowshctter aim aay offisr. IreineiJy Ihavo over naBtlininy'P 100 " 06 '^- -. . . Areiyd-oBflioiisK' . *'<B3an'ey-«Worfrlias'd6aoitto mora good tlioo oSy rofcliBr xenifidy X-iave ever taksn." . I " - * v r ^ f - a ^ J i £ asUowisri-EKJlai!, Oregon. fA«ay<>ti^%orraenSed-.-nyi&..HtesS i OUR RFEWJPRi©ES AU.E K/OW- - ;'..EJl.T«-4ai;-JEVS3R. BlE^dSt'El.., itlie wlMows^ardsha'de'd* Draw tho ; cartaing asidd and took oat, .The grass in. the yard is.bamedbro^n. The limestone road passing in front 'of the (t eodipoand? ? is painfal iq look upon in the dazzling light, and.'yoa east yoor eyes With a sense of relief dp to the beantifoi tamarind! trees with their wealth of exqaisit foliage. Now a puff of wind sets not only th«j Ifay^s quivering, but puts in motion a eioud of fine white dust, aad st-nds it inspitefa! guests against the win- do w-pan«3. Your eyes aro blinded, for it rushes in through every crevice, and yon are glad to tarn year gez« inward. We rise witb the dawn at this sea- son of the .year. We drove out yes- terday morning soon after the ma 9pp'oare>? above the horizon, bat it? heat was even, then so fierce that U'e recoiled from, its touch, and careMJy closed the dodrs of the bos like con- veyance on the. sunny side. Carri- ages , passed as . beariag . pale ; : faced iadies and little children with' cheeks pitifully blanched by tfafi cruel- heat. Sitting., on .the. broad. verandas of -aana^df. the. bnngalows ; w e r e iV.raily parties, gatfiered about small tables, refreshing themselves w-;:'u, »;a»i kiwi tea,Vila wMc'a .thedayia fiidfe'fei- yariably- begins—the ?eal forankfast being serve-3 id a l&lei' hour, when outdoor duties are ataa ent^.. : . . . ' -By'8 orio *Mo.ek £Me ; fcrea£ b e a t at' this seasou drives', within dodis ail EaropeaijS not epiapellad by- stress of direnmstanees to' remain abroad. When; the mefciary stands as .new, at 117° in the shade and Ht° in thn sun, even the natives oi the conntry dread exposure to its power, and the streets are almost deserted at midday. -. Tbe^ few travelers yentarlng abroad have their faees.muffled to sh'at .oufc.-the scorching wind, just as in nortnern latitudes a like means is ejnpioyed. as a protection against the piercing Gobi- I^or Earopeans,. iife : witbin doors is hia<5s comparatively com^ fortable by olosing all the otiter doors after the early morning, and keep- ing in motion a kind of a large fan snsppnded from" the Ceiling. Th*-re are also other .devices for reducing the heat Such care is nec- essary, wot for comfort merely, but even for the preservation of life, and no moresavor3 of iusary than the introduction of stoves and grates and fiwaaces into your dweliiBga in the bitter eoid of northern winter,' At this, season thoiie Europeans whoseemploymenfsand whose means. will permit each an indalgphce flf-e to the r«eaatains, <ind . delsghtfdl it certainly. l< to exs-'baas-) this stifling heat and pratfience-ladeQ air /or coal and health-giving breia-v. la this heat f v^n a»i/oafs suffer mucii^ .and valuable hufis^a and dogs' are some- time s sent to ihd hills to remain rtw- irtg the heated term.. In dae of -our daffies I recently saw this* menf;.'^Valuable "horses' and ^ther animals neediag. a hill climate daring thehot season can be aceomraodated on a, farm near Jtfaini Tal.''' _; '.. :Fortb0sdwbdmustyemaJri on the plains dor ingtbls eseessiye heift *lhp i^eefieeia a 'great, .relief. Ws.are .no.longef. dependent. «poE t ArEM.a -fdrdatiea.sup-piy,.'as^ ,<>f ttm large cliffs ice faeteies .have been m- febHsbed, ttos'bringitfg: tbe- taxnry' within the reach of persons of- yery modest Ineomea Many of the na- 'tives'1i.av6'learned to esteem, the nse ofled' s grateful additioH to their, coni fort. In an adv^rCisemeat of&ne. of om* great eeiap-ini&a having faecO- rfe 'a t AnaT»ii%thad,. liueknow and Agra we Had th'H addressed fe M g h ^ eaate xtative^: " We'iayitaiiispection of'any of oar xtjctoriea by "oar- native. friends,:-sW that' fliey'may see for" themselves ihat'Uj© ieeis manafae- -. tared wl th. ail ,"dds ..regard -to easfe,- ' and. that' dotbing' is.' done.! to. offend the. most piej..udic.ed..'?; Beeently. a : fere in'Bossbay destroyed A large ice factory, and bad the. breHd.-supply r beensuddenlyc«t. off there would- not have been.n greater odt-ery. than was-raised »t-thd prospect of an -ice famine. JPeoaa, Madras,: Allah'aba- had' and oilier eitifS. werfe asked by telegram to ; send the safwrers,. and- .promptly responded to the call. " ' ood§! for tt,e . ri t...ui' i.vnr nfft.!»< in L,.i«vsne. we >JD01K rmO&s, S3HQ. aduueiS r! luvf Itic !i j s T t W r O M M A I H of M Oar assortment of Gentleman's tmd fjadie's- P 3 « Q ^lihae 3 u i i S l i n n n v n ore'ef a'SUr p e r i o r (jim'-Sty- tu<$ file fft^est «ytes. We f 1118 SJMUeS &#& MLPPSITS -lmveanthe latGBt-a«Yi»is-.jes'ii;> La'J.ies'Kn&ber'ia id Ran«h^. . Owe 'arse sales !»fjd faculties tor bajtog 8;oods f>1, the lowest cash orle'es, • enable n s t o tfe-ifi «T»v*v.«5 ' f i he\ri-&',¥- »•'«" nny oflior place in the wnunty, We neyeir attempt to WW AiS8«i >UiiB^,|nSl hamimg the people by a'd^ertisihgr to sell atoost. "Wesellata reasonable profit and sire uetlw bargains on New Oloan Goods tha,h caSt be hadatsneh ad- vertlsirig places on old style; siiop worn articles. We invite an examination of oaf goods and prfcus. J*wraal and KepubUoaa blocS, ,• . - . . - " ' ,SKmtffa3^ ; ii«Sf,. ' - . JOJ^rES.&.SSrNiTSB - -IS. TO THE FROHTWITE A- %'m I •«!ft S.A.SIXBDEV", Real Estate, Insurance and General Business Agency. EEAL ESTATE FOR SAJLfH OR EXCHANGE. JN8UUAN0E. I represent the following arst-olass com- panies : LIVERPOOL & LONDON A GLOBE, GJEBMANIA, LAKOASHIBJE, umosft & oirizjEuNS, QUEEF, I M P E R I A L , GON3CJDS5ENJTAL, ".' LONDON <t.EANGASJBaE.E, . . QLEN'S.B;ALL3,. BSOENIX, LONDON ASS&RANOE, AND TSAVELEBS. X J UfS& AeCIDBNT - INgHBANOB-GOSIPANY. RAILB011> PICKETS Sol4toany-nart6ftn> ' " '.- w.ESTERW,COUflfTR*, ' . -'. 'Solarto and'from, .-..-. JPOREie:SrC©II|gTIlJISS' .. AB-bhespas-any o't'iS"li'i»e,. • '. : -. -. Office ik Journal &. TtspiMkswt, JShelb, a A.HIXBUKY'. Lo« viUe.N. S. JUST ARBIVED 3? -Aa>~ ^Vftvester Friteh 9 * & THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OP <primg smilings Of all Kinds and Grraoespver Bho??^ in Lewis County, My Store is Smt Orammed Pull Greats' Fupaiskiag Goods, Mats, Caps, and He&dy-l^ade CIotiling, Of every Description Kind and Quality that can be Found in any City. MY OIJBTOM BEPARTMEKT Is Overflowing With Work, bat any Body Wishing CUSTOM Work of any Kind will Fmd it to Their Advantage to Call on . BQSflOE BLOCK, S, F S T T C I I , LOWVIL3LK, N. Y. OF ALL GRADES AND DBSCKiE'TIOlNf, AEE THE BEST^'SATTHIS NEW YORK MAKE3ST AiTFOBBS ra ovk riMmmmo DEPARTMENT WE HAVE A GRAM> eooD . SHOWLNOOF The liijKgest ana Mobt Beautiful Line of CarpeteEver Seen in Lewis Ckrnnty will be Fouud at the Stoie of ... m©em%^ . " Steam.&aiaf .SSJU; ..... mre&t ... hilars, *^c,, &myim LARGEST AND FINJSST LINE OF . ETEE BSOUlGfiT INTO LEVvrS COUNTY OIJB O0ST<M: ; BBPAETMENT ..; Wm deter in, a iaore flouiisMng cdnflition. Be sure and call before purchasing elsewhere. .-'...---.. ,' ^ • LowvWte, April 1st, mk •.. , • ' WM. LENNOX.. The Subscribers wenld give notice to the people of Lewis county, that, they iaave ali the appnrfenanees ana maclslnery for the maaniaetnre of SASfiL BLINDS' BOOBS,. BBA13BSIS 'KotrLitasGS, &Q„ &o„ Aiaoatt sapplythemwithanytnlng iit th4ir •Une on terms to compete with any other shop; , jguilders will fln<i the : mouialngs ftnl^hed n tb.e bestmannerj mA at .prices that.-will <Mve them from 25 to 50 per eent, o'/taikmi woiiea. sy nsa& : miivrins, Piaalisfr BIstoftKig, .' and any other wort: & eonneetioa. with th business performed to the moat com£let sailsfaotioai-. '.- •.••'.• Oiirahop is supplied- with, the best class of machinery, and the most eaBipeterit w.orfe- meUi Ail kinds of Paneiand Olanboard Saw- ing, ss well as Oii-oular a n d Seroll" Salylng. done on ehort notice. ' .-'•-.• Turned and Fiated Banisters and Newell Posts constantly oh hand, or maile to.ojcder, •JBaxaing ofallitin.dsexefjntBdfn goodisi^Je Successors of ^8 & EITOH. miW PATTBRNS,HANDSOME COLORS^BEAUTIFUL WS&IQytf l\ BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTBT BRUS- SELS d A LhWOOL TWO & THREE PLY INGRAIN ' -'. .. . A t Pi ir s i o Sleet anj" anil silt Compatit; ju it Hornj i «• A^iwari" mro OLD STOCK. All iNew Good? nntltit?,lea,and :•;•:;•• ' LOWBE PRICES Than for the last 20 years. Parties W^1J!M- C-irj^ts thii, Spring Should not Fail to Ei.'.um ou* Stock and Price '\-> we Feoi Confident w* can Please. We are AL-o Shovlna- its- Five a Line of PRESS G-OOBS AH3> TRIMMINGS As any House in Town and G-uaraiue>* *-> Sell T-he-ra as Low as the •k-1 We buy for Cash and Sell foi Cash and < 3T. ,n aad Will Make Priv^s RED HOT HMW-SKDS,-- iSI^M'SfeAfef -SliaiUEY: % 'C0.l?«che?ter I .N,Y.;:Chfcago,-Il! i •A /Sl?1>J'f : I^CJ-*a'ited. for Tlie- Lives of j3LVJfJiiN -LDall fee Presidents of tne -TJV S. The largest, nandsomest/best booK ever, solctfor less tbantwice-onrprice. The fastest selling bojalcln Aineriea. .Immense agents ?AU intelligent people Want It. Any one epu become a successful ftgeat. Terms free. HATj^Et* BOOK 06...Portland, Maine. K3EEP OOOXi I WE 3DBF* .eO-MPETiriOW! "Host people are as anions to buy.goods *-jbeap as tbey are to Keep cool nowadays,.and .it's quite seasonable to 'mention tlielaet thatwefceepafoliline of ftajiips. I.s»tesTtts< .-s^J-^ji^ A oqmbtoftt&B.'of ike fiaest ^taterials endorsed, by trie besi iGlaeinfste 'ai.belsg not oaty Hd,rniles& but Beneiielai. It if Colorless, Odoile^ ^Tdstelesis. . Beans l l rait' f .a|;4'.sa'v-ing of.5(1 pef eeni in-Btigarj, arnd ia. work/ .,'••.'•... . ••"•" ...•.:•-.-'.,'•'' •.'• •.-.--•"• -" • V It ailds' to.tfee. Seeping {jualiiiespfmMk. : : . _ + •- Jt^mafes-^preser%ingVait.forvB#fer, rjreyenting.ilie forma- •i&k ofButric^Aeiajand & •''K^fceep'^-Gidai sWee'tj .by. tbe-,"addition_of a box. to ©acb 45 ga%paeaski'.';..-. ,'..': : - .'."; .,.-.'..'.-...'-". ."•'• - • "•."' ••:•••'/ _.',"' '.--: •:-•• : ~*—jeo:Et 'e.-aJj'S 3B"sr—- . . . ;: \ -;M6fti^ll/BtJ#i- ^ SOI,;'::. ^fe will not Only Ttfeet aDy competition but v,ill Challenge it. We Have no Pool'Debts and Have our Cash or our Goods, Cash Buyers -will find it for Their Intel est to Give us a Call and we WJII Save Them Money. Our Stock Will be Found Complete in jtll all its Branches and Com- *""•- prises a Full Line of Blaei: and CMored Silk?, Summer Silks, Y-elvets, Satins- CASHMERES, ALL WOOL TEECOTS ANDTAFTy"-LANE, SUITINGS, BOTH IMPORTED ANL> AMERICAN 3fANUFACTUEE,]SroyELTY BRE33 GOODS, DEE3S TEIMMINGS, NOTIONS. GLOVES, COKSETS, DOMES- TICS OF ALL KINDS, S BAWLS, LACE CURTAINS And Everything Peiraining to a Fiist Class Dry Gcods Store. Also a Complete Line of HBADY MADE GLOTHING GEEAT EAKGAINS. FITCH <fc GOWDY. THE SUMMER TRADE! G -Will oifei some extia bargains In- MEJ'8, YOUTHS AND BOYS' HEADY MADE CLOTHINGS, AT HIS. StaHiff,;vHalSv JLfbrary an«l Brae&et: Lamps. Lamp FIxtares, &c-. . iflHB ,-;" JT THE DOia BLOCK. RISSlOCJl?: OF fais, Oaps and O-snts 9 raarnisliin^ Goods, Is lai-ei and more complete tnan ever before r.t" wbiie arucaidially invited, to esamine Ins stoelc at>a prrets. * J. MTBIt.B »i^Ulock, Lowvlllo, N. ~X. Bmdu Warranted JlecoraieiL.andPLaiii China JJinner and Tba Sets;, Pecorated CJiauibei' Sets.' I SEAI.L.HAVE'OtfE.BEST ATTENTION. JOHN E. HABEREK. t3EO. J. HABERER. s f ©me r.i_wjts g±y^ u p to. I A r e y©m Hhmw--. *'. '.. t.Si>iicjL£y^ Art.i I &:ttl«ttU^;--~-—-v.v—,-i:-.-. HfcrKteffiJlaleotaiWesfcBfttMtaine.. - -Ladies.-^ "EWat-y-Werf«nr«I me pt.peculiar.taroliKia-oi 'SWCTOI yeioa sfauuiini!'. 'Hatty frfoiids n|o aadjisate* K ybu.--woiitd^aBisl^Digease 'i. . 'arid #dfai gealtn y Tage - ICSBNE^-WORT ; fHt-BtOOD CtEANSER;. i A Pare Family Medicine tli'at Never Intoxi- cates.- Jf yon are a Jawyer, m-inister or business man exhausted by mental strain or anxious care&'db.notf.aJieintosica'tingstlmniants.bnt nse Parker's Tonic, HISCOX & CO., i-es Wiffiam Street, ?tew York. 5'nc. aiid'S? "siz«s, at ail u l i!aiers in itte.diuines. Great saving In buying doilar s4ae'. 15W! 'PABfcEB'S TONIO Koki b, Morrtwu A Mpore, .- .LowviiJte, Lc wis cwinty, N. Y. vf Ef"!sii on Rats" deal's oat Rata, Mice. Iqe. - "Bough nu Corn?," for Corns, Bun- Ions, 15e." •'« T' ; iu j..—i<i''. "ft'tlU 1 Health lie- newer" restores health and vigor,eures dyspepsia, <&e. §1. "Rough on Tootbache,'' instant re- lief, ,l-5c, Ladies who would retain .freshness and vivacity doa't fail to try "Wells' Health Reuewer." "Buehu-paiba," great .kidney and urinary core. Fiies. roaebes, ants, bed-bng.^t, rats, mice, cleared out by "Rough ou Rats.' 7 15e. Kidney Wortb.:^oliffit)yj4o«ison&>Ioore . Eowg-IHe^-Lewls. connf^, H> Y. /^/^iT ; ''F\' fo *' tiie ' - W - S r M n g ' e i a s a „ . . S e n d 1&. v3r\j/JLii/cents.foa- postage, ATXA we..- w i l l maQ yon", free*: ^ royal, yalua.ble box-ofSam- ple goods that wUl-pst you in the way of mak- ing mof^moneyln-a-few days than'yon evef thonght.possfbleat any btutiness. Capital not -reSnlred; W6 will startyoWYott can WOHE all the time orin-spare, time only* Tb'e work is ..naiverijally adaftted to both aei«ie | },.yoang.a.nd old^Yojt eah easily earn fi'om -SO cen;ts feS5 •evesy eveilng.'Tliatatl wKowaa$w'orfe.may -te«£*ae Biislaeaai weariafee tta#..nrrtnrallelea offer ', to:all.who tixe not well satisfied we-wi 11 *endSitopay-'foir'the troiibie of writing ns, S'nll psrtieiilass,. directions;, etc;, sent free. Fortunes wai be those who give tueif. wlisie. ttmetattoe Worls,- Great success absoltrtely S'flrei Don't<felayv SfArt nowv Ad- dress i 3 *lKSc>S:ifcC&.,-pe)etiand,Maiise. . Bilesiaof some': eteKcaije sna^ev^Ith l^w Sharns tODaatch,ftre reviyea. ; SSOjft p o u n d s < M H » ^ ^KJP*J fo* Babbltt-Metsil, for sale at tlie '. ;- "'•' .' >?t^.. " TIMB8 oJB«e, "Rough on Coughs," troches, 15c; 'licjuidi Mo. For children, slow in- development, puuy and deiieate, use"Wella' Health Rfenewer.^' ' "Rough on Dentist" Tootli Power. Try it. 15c. ' Nervous Weakuess,D,yspepHla,Sexual Pebllity cured by "Wells' Health Re- newer.'-' $1. ; Mother Swan's Worm SyruiV for re- Yerishness, worms, constipation ; taste- less. 25. ' . v Stinging, hritation, all Kidney uud Urinary Cfjuipiaiiits oured by "Baehu*"-fl Night sweats, fever, chtltn, malaria, dyspepsia,cured by " Weila' Health Its- newer.". . My husband (writes a tody) Is three times tlie iaan slaee UHiog. "Wells' Health Renewer." . - If'you are falling, broben, worn out and nervous, use "Wells' Health Re- newei'." $1. Prevalence of Kidney complaint in America; "Buehu-paiba" is a ijulck complete core; $i, Why Basrbyis mm SJninarriejI. However much nervoa young, rnan mhat possess before he can ask a young lacly to hecome bis wife,, it certainly, requires more . for-hina ' to worlr iiimseif up to tne point where he can unblushingly asfe her father, for his consent in the matter. One night last summer Bagby was draw- ing near the abode of, his .affianced when he beheld her fsfaer in the yanf. What better opportunity couhj ever prwent itself? With a tfambling stepaaU a giddy hrala heap.proacherj to within ten feat of where the old gentleman was sitting, and gasped:. "Please sir, 5 The person utltire-sed made no response. If a ituce-pump Of forty-faorae power h.i-.r hcvn tn- jeeting blood into his head,it couUi j f, 1 not have been worse. He moved for- ward about two..inches. "Please, sir., !-_][—» This was as far an h« got,for b' .ti^m- opraerl to teas thiek aa an arctic overshoe. The obi gtmtie- tean did not seem to UIOVT O miisolo. Bagby moistfined his favortd lijw with his tongue, and then began where loft off: "I love yo—." He could pro- ceed no fiirther. Composing himself a little,with a desperateeffort,he began at the beginning : ''Ple-ase tit, I love your daughter, and—." This was about one-third of what bo had io say, but it seemed far l&w, there was so mueh remaining. It wa<? n o w g e t t i n g quite dart. The old man's indifffr- ence made Bughy more desperate.aud he determined to finish what.Jho had to s«y, come life or death. "Please, sir, I love your daughter, and I wish to make her nay wife. Do you give ] your consent?"and with tho-qtienU<Hi' he rushed forwardand throw hh»aelf on his kneei b^lore the old g^ntU'Ertan. Just then came a-gu^t of wind,aud tm> old geatlcman, who. proved tr» be a gc;uecn'?/ plicwl (hx-rc to frighti-ntlie jobins, fail oyer'on Bagby and tipped him into the mud. Bigby ia still uu- mairied.—Bow BeUw. Let it beforeyel* remembered tfaat-ihe '- m Is the best and shortest rowte to and from Ghi- cago and (3.'-nncil BlolIS (Omaha), and that it is prefejn'ed by all well pastrd'trayeiefs When passing to op from. mmm mm momi '• Arid the fce&t way. : todo thi3-ls »y nsing - KELLIf & CG.'S ; w m COATING, tkuimnmAmmwmm It slao operates, the best ronte and tbe short line-between (Meago and.Si TauJ and MinneapoHs. . ^ MiUv.-infeco LaCrossie, Sparta, Madiri.jn. Fort Howard, i fireen Pay,) Wis., Winomi.Ojrat- omu.-!. Maiiis:ati>, Minn.; Cedar Rapids, T L B S Mouun. city Aie^nn, CtHtuou, Stsir- s l i a l u o w a , fiTO-a,-F-reer-<rr, E l g i n , Roekfoi-.l III., are anion: V4&.&) h^'it' «f.*V> '.">•• •-»• A«ir»nK.£i few oi- rhe- raioi.-i'i>n» r-'ii-''"- •-•!' - j ppMortt y enji.'--e-i »y t-',..- j>atr. ,j. • , i "-his m * l) are.Usl)AYt;i>ACHF;^» wiiea m* tijc 8a«f I that Buma-n art and iucetini-tv can ^v...-.m.; lis PALATUb gEKEWHu y.iKi, ««»u art; mpr!el«nf-conifoii.itn'iiol'ij-i^t.'f; its I'Ai^At'i: DBAWiNM ItOOja OA.P!-. wliicbare unsur- passed by »u.\; *md-its '-VUlt-ly c< l<-!>r!U>'il NOffiPH-TlESTEliS 1)1X1.\€f CAJI8, fbe like of Tv-iach art not situ by n,uy other rosMlany wheiv. In short, it is'iw'lwttlrui IT' is THE BSsT Eat'Il'i'-EU IiUA.i> IN 'llli-, WttBLfc ' . , ' - All iHiliUsof interest .Voith, N'orthwent aua We"tof CWrsgo, hushu"-; onfrfc-s stimiiuT r^urts ana noted .hnntuiR g.nd fi«oinsscronmis are aeewsibfc hv ttit< various branches of lhl> road. "'' - It own 1 ! and conir.oIs over 500U miles ut roud aud has oven' I«i» pas'senser conductors contin- ually caring for,a--.- miillons of patrons. Asicyour tiofep.t agent fur tickets via this roaie AWBTAEEHONEOTI1ER.A.U leading ticketa^&nisKrti, them.- It costs ho more to troiVel'oa tnt$ ronte, tBatgtves.first-rtass.80- coramddations.than it. does to go by the poor- ly equipped romls. For rftaps, deBeriptiv.e circulars aDd sum- merresc-rt papers or othi»r inf-irrrin-tion not obtainable at yohr local tictet affieo, write to the Gen'l Pass* Agent, C & N..-W. Kaihrfty. 27 eow, yl CHICAaO, ILL. THE. W W VILLE TIMES, 'THE PAPER. The Only Bel table I'rptoetioh for Freserplng js^fcgj^ •-' the Shingle Roofs of v aaa4,'CSi L.A3SPHEE& STEVENS, First door aorth of Kellogg House. -BABQ-AENBII BARGAINS!! -Df- afOTES <Ss X-3IJLS^23^V^^H;E —AX- Sfi/3/?aiveeiiatli'ome, -, pay. JpOUaisolntely snre, iSforlsfc. Capital no reghlred.. Header, if yqu. want -business ,a which persons of either" sex, young- and old, can mafc'e great-pay all the Ome they Work, with absoi-utecertaln-ty, -write, for particnlars, to H. HfntisTT & Go. .fortIan4 afalne.-. .. ' The action of PETTIT'S AMERICAN COtJGH. CURE is »p6n the entire system, the -various glniids to their nornial action, aglow of warmth seems to pass through the .chilled cir. dilation, tt«i pulse becomes- natural and regular,. •tlie skin less fcot.andfe«risa, and the ctougli less:. -urgent. ' a P- SjweHlner Houses, B»rns, CSsareaes, Etc., And making them Fireproor against Sparfes and (7!nders from Chimneys aad Burning Buildings. '. ' Opr Elaatic Watei^roof Ge msaijforTli'Esofe,- '-..•:.>.:• •• ••'•> \".v!Mn^' iu t.%e far W e a r a n d Stf-rpj-.iiii: i.f J,>-:\!rs. It i« -warranted not to. Cracfe or Scale, as it Expands and Contiacts. by Heat and Cold. Tlie pnmtle'orK of tho Jtoof Coating are al> plvinra tlv povpriii-j: to ma'iiy 'buildings in .'/l Hi'.Mtt. ilooi-viil,'. Wlierever Messrs ICetlev A t'o. liave w.irbpil the coat In", has etven f),f i«Kt <jf :^ttiHf.iftion. It i.s c o m p o s e d 01 lri';:vdlp...>l« noted f<jr t h e i r preservative quiiUtkii. PHOPEETY OWNEES iSrhu have huildingb enve^ed with tin or shin- gle roofs should consult wi tb the proprietors Of theltoof Coatii!g. In the next few weeks operations will be commenced at Lowyiile. Orders promptly attended to. Slwl don't das. o a jSLsra: Sheitt ooa's irov--lty Fai;m Hai-^t ^ at HE. O. ^.SEIX»ri 3 S. Emai-uno it for yom&elf. BUIIBERS HAEBWAEE, ETC —.XX— 231. O. ABEII'S- i P P I THOUGHT BAIGB, Best In the World st rE*?-" -^t^dg^ WHO ES U^ACOUAffcTTG '«"(TK TfiC eEOat?APKV OF TH5S OOUWTRY, WIU. w SEE BV SXAWltmiid THIS MAP, THAT THE fersons having a tfoutilesome cough which breaks their vest at night, will find by tafiingadose of l-'ETTI.T-S AMERICAN COUGH CURE up- on going to bed, they will have a sound unbroTieri •rest. For children it is invaluable. For sale by alt druggists. If taken in time it will cure Con- sumption. .- ., . ' _i_^ . PETTIT'S AMERICAN COUGH OUTRE. Is . the finest made, and is equal in rmentto PETTIT'S 1 E Y E SALVE, which K conceded ti-.e iu, use,. •, Our treatise on. Consamptian free. Address * H O W A R D BKOS.,FK£i«,.-viA,.>i. V. ! J—JPWMOlJiMli I 1 —•— I .mi Ml IIIM •Hill !'•• in ' Ml i IIPI mil in i m in i| n i ; Soldby H^J-ace.; Bn9h...£ Son, Lowyiile. S> S".; MHCATEAm EEJ^LEWOmsL Those languid, tlresouie sensations,.cati** ing you to i'eel seareeiy able to be on^oitr feet, that constant dothi tliftt is'. rdiiKihg- the bltiom frcm your <-1HM-1.?, thai eontinr ual strain on your vital forces, i-eiider- Ing yon irritublu and fivtftti, aire wibily -re^ •moved by use of thi.t inar\elous remedy, PETTIT'S iSl-OWI) -PUKIW'BK. Urt'puiur- Ities and obsU-uctiou^ oi" jou>: 6j!> are- once, ~whiie the fecial eaubua of perjoiiit-al pain are pci-Bjaiicntly re- moved.. None receive as much benetit, or are so profoundly .grateful in rucummencl- ing; PiLTTrr's BLOob PUKJJ.-JJSK as women. n T^ "°" ^i 1 !" c a p e i l S £ ^ S ^ i i i i i _ / _ i P Cliippiwaji^U ^KCvOaJ'oinii I Jfontzpj deo _ ~_ 7 . _ ,><L JJf2rri'-iii«£>J?^v._^ -^^- 3T?VE^j iif ^«" IK* Crtesa -fl MAtm-MAWAMl A beneii'eial tlressingrf AS:^-"j^ i3§gS8BBi. proferred to similar art-1 ©•^lA-Sr-^^^sSa. -icles because of its purf-i B fi '^$^WfiyW^ U-and richperfunic. Itf •M1^$0$S$& & fS. ? ' - 4 «w<l"i-es tefciraj-Hair I hil.JiS4ftl»r ,. ^ M 9 S t J l * EootSflal Color & j PETTIT'S BLOOIi I'I'-ltJFtHH is tijtial in merit to P.ETTIT'S RYE SALVE which is conceded best in tlie Wi.ilJ. lOll SALh. BY No man is'fitforGod's service who is not willing to do'little things. The people who are always waiting for an opportunity to do .some great things never accomplish anythiag,—2?, Jb. . "*.fi*> Pr~'V*» , » Far.mors,.Bu.sthe';s >l«-*n. or. imj'.ojo wishing -~r.ShouW appir to-*-~ A: )arg0 ntiiiibe^ of the best; Gompftiiiee xex^ m$^ mm WV* vents lijametruti and,* wiinj; of the hair., :*Oc.A,£!iHiscoxA- Co,, W. Ks . '*(t'. I1H t f.-'ivr COJIU in rli=brt«ss, i'eUcfller| , nty K fmg. No otfor tttf it. Re suro--yon-g«.t JFLOliKS- jj [ lo'M Cuh'sroe, sliraatur*oi thzcax &'Co.,Jf..Y^o» every 6 ;- Ltbuj. '2t> an.-I 7? s-U-,- nt tirtf'.rgrstirfltid deaJgra Iu POrfuroeg. iti i i>>i i w>imiaicBa»*»awW>a«tJ»»tw^ Sold by.Horace Bush &?on, LowviUe,N... It, ' Parker's Hair Balsam And FiorestonOoton . ' Pokl by Morrison & Moorej . . LowviXle, fjeivis cottoty, Jr. Y«.- > l> IJ'-C2»T t *" t -i i ,r,?IS sweeping hy,goand l_\>XUk*X dare before you die. something; ryisHt,'- an>! sVii>liuri» !"avi- behind to conquer time, SHft a-weefr i ^ y o n r o w n t o w n . $5outfit free. No risk. Ewry-tliijug.apw,- Capitalnot- pijutwl. We wf'l inrnisb you everything. MUJJV are making fortunes. Ladieainatee as much ttmeD, aitd boys-and girls make great f ey all the time, write,for partlenbtrs to EL, CaJletf*Cfc,.EorHa]iafc3aajuiw . . "D t -A T I V f T J i Agenls wanted for a n - , jj i J AJLIMIJ thentie edition Of his Irfe i Published at AngmiKi. his home Largest,; handsomest, cheapest and b.'Rt. By the re* i nowned historian-and hif.gripber. Col. ( on- i well, whose I'fe of (lartielxi, iintuisUed by us., outsold tlie t"u<" ty others bs iri.UjU. U u l * e l U . every book ever published in this wond;j m'ahyrageuts are selling fifty daily. Agents j aremaklngformnes. \I! new hegirnRrssue- J cesKful; grand chance for thcro. 8«.a0 made by a -lady agent the first day. -Terms west liberal.:. Particulars free. Better send & cents for postage, etc., on. free outfit, now ieady. including large prospectus book,«nd save valuable ti too. ..- -. >- AI.I..KK <6 To- A'ignsta, Maine. ; "TfilE USEFUL COMPANION." . OcaltU, wealtb & Happiness. UoW taSreunrmid-Retain Them.. Boles and advlee from the experience oi eight eminent physicians, omlsevensneeess- rffll bHSiness men. A tveasnry of the most valnaWe Information, Price 60 cents,. Mailed. postp^a<>ftxe£@ptoM6e. ^^ggstemjnai J; '™ Iftylor.Bro«.,Pttb,i»oolie8terjJsr,Y; J (PKI'CACSO, BOOK ISLAND & PACIFIC R P Y, Beins the cieat Ccnwa! tire, affortJs to travelers, by reason 6f its unrivaled eeo- graphieal position, the shortest: and oest route between the East, Northeast an* Southeast, and the West, Northwest and Southwest. It is I lteraii> and strict'! true, that irs connections are alt of the principal linos: cf road between tho Atlantic and the Pacific. By its main line and btanshas it reaches Chicago, Jollet, Peoria, Ottawa* La Salle, Oeneseo, WSolme and Rock Island, In Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, t/ifashlnston, Keokuk, Knoxvli'e, Qskaloosa, FairReid, Des Moines, West Ljber^r, lowaClS, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlan, Cuthrle Center and Council Bluffs, in lowa; Callatm, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchison In Kansas, a n d t h e hundreds of cities, villages and towns Intermediate. The , gfi O!EAT R0OC ISLAND ROUTE," As It is familiarly called? offers to travelers ali the advantages and comforts Incident to a smooth track, safe bridges, Union Depots at ali connecting points, Fast Si-presc 1 rails, composed of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED; WELi. HEATED, FINELY UPrtOLOTERCD and ELEGANT DAY COACHES j a tine of the 3WOST MACS'aSFJCSMT HORTOH RSCS.HJISO CKASR CARS ever built; PULLMAN'S latest designed and handsomest PAi-ACE SLEEPING CARS, and DININGI CARS that are acknowledged by press and people to Be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and in whleh superior meals are served to travelers Af the low rate or StjVEMTY-Flve CE=MTS EACH. « THREE TKA5&S each way bet.veon CHICAGO a n d t he MISSOURI RIVER, TWO TRAILS each way betfSen CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL, Via the famous . ALBERT LEA ROUTE, January I, 1882,a new line, will be opened, via Seneca and- Kankakee, between flewport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate points. All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Trains. " For moredetailed information, see Maps and Folders, which may be obtained,aa well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada, oral R. it. CABLE, £. ST. JOHN- VKwPresM; * Oen'l Manager, «*»'» T'fc't A *BM*T ««% ->r*\ CHIOACO* ' ^m^ jf Wte '• : ^ ::.•£?

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Page 1: irgnet&«trK ood§!

^ji i i i^j ia i ikMSii i ia**""""

» Bish<n> K y l e a m i t t»e B U n r t C U i l d .

Bishop rEyls of England, says- the igpp ies t . ^ iRJ . l ie ever saw W&9 a lii-

^ e r i t n $ R > ^ W <!W#Si .: ftitf fOi aiofi&runiit .Wore &e". spring.1

r. . f l a m . <Sraws. asotojft: t he i rpe l t s , a r e •"--- -hteg^Sg in. thfe ^hest. \See t t h e n , ina t '-• "yoWfiW&ar&ihgoodeaidaiioiQ; a n d --- iff ' t h e r e a j ^ a n y ' t h j a o n e r a f n o n g ,

; g l v r t h e i f i & i i t t £ e t r a i a : 6 a W d a y . ' U ^ \'r'j$. i h j e ^ | a # gaitt$d ; their- wentea ,

T i t t f e a e a s S i f i S S y S a r there is-a

-. a n a i t ^ i p ^ ^ t l ^ i n d a i g e . t e a : \ : iaore «eBeroa» .-diee. fBaft- t h e '**»* - i l j B ^ M f r r e x L ^ ^

I for i t f jitftBtei)ief ciat f h r ^ m e s f e ^ex *Jay ^Wring *&* ieiitire #ear*; I f ; tfee J W ^ e r fiat&^P ftf ^ # ^ a p i d r e ^ : «iaeoce-ugonaisy*:""& J t § S # A ^ <*3C; ahd/eggs with:".» jgpc$sapply>; #

' ^ r a j a e r tan^ # ^ : : v a ^ ^ e v d i e t ^ ;•-"': ; ^ f h ; ^ v a n t ^ e j t 6 : ; BeWfhanfl'. : w % -, A - y e r y ^ t f t e t o ^ •••'

:C- -. Q>- "---•'',\ - »**^S^3SSS«^;-::-•;

V -: -Sh i - ' 2 fewj fe t sey ' -^sps^msi i t :S te -

. D J E S S A S B C W « * 0 »

W I T H O U T - MsmrcrNB. .

Sujutawc* « a e * « * t l»e X n « T i w o n i e t e r I t e a e l t e s 133/° in « i e SHa<!o.

v- ' ^ h e wintflt iag o f s l s e e p

:&e beg^iariL%^ . ' . . . . . . S h e tiapt prayer, seen, - the sari nor

afoon n o r : a t&s, grass; n o r trees n o r iblrdS nor any o f tjh^sepfeaaafef th ings which h a v e gladdened y o u r eyes ail 'your life.. More. t ry ing sti l l , s h e h a d never seen h e r own father or mother , yet; she was ' the .happiest child of all

'laCth.OT.sam1^ -iShe. was journeying p a the ra i lway

I M S d a y I speak of,. N o one she k n e w "w&sw-itfc'her, no t a Merict nor a rela­t ive fet take- care of h e r ; yet , Enough totstBy hlinfi,she wasqa i t e happy and content ,

" T e H ' m e , n s h e said to some one near by , " b o w m a n y people there a re in this car, I am.ft«l{e blind and can sfee nMnihg^?- A n d s h e was told.

' ' fAr^yoftnat ^fraid.tptmvel ajpne?" asiced agent iematf . , . . ,-.. .-, ' . _ - , . -~*:y^^^ih^ ^ p l i e d i ; ' ' I ' ffl» ;not :

ftight|^-f.'':l!jttave:'.toveWe«l1>6f6-r6 Aixd1 t rust J n e o d * a M people aj'e &U ways^yery good; to-.iSe,"-. ' . ^lBai;;-teii; tn%' r sa id . - the /b i shop , " w h y yoa..are so. h a p p y ? " ; . . J^ ' loWJ'es t isv and- h e loves m e | I.' SongM.; Jesusf and. I f ^ n C h i m / ' was

: fU&\ Wilto](>- tixen.Beg&ft t&, talfc?to;r

A-VaiuabieBiscoveirroi' suttfytefljUgaf*; J ^ a Ai lanababad correspondent of

irgnet&«trK tog the sick.- . The hour is ear ly , only ? o'clock,

out t h e .outer doors are all earefuliy '.closed. t6 shut ont' t h e h.ea,fed. air , and

MAcusEXicisipSFJBir nmrnt TJETAjESBiiNSSSD TO O13B0B-.O? M o n e y Kej . •

L t o b s , 3<fervotia Deferttty. L n m b » g o , Geniwal

go la t loa . Dis lasos of t i e K W a e y s . S p i n a l D i s . I S ToTprtI Direr . Gaiut.SemiDal fiml^loBS, Im-coteBoy. A s t h m a , H e a r t JDisease, D y s p e p -

fiafntaor K u p t a i e ^ Qatar i* , .P i les , .Epi lepsy ,

^ w S ^ I S y f e b J J i t y p C t h o a E S f B R A T I V E O R c S f i S o o e w s . L o s t V t t a l i t y t ^ a c t e o i » ^ S F o r e e W Vigor , WtfStlng Wea lu i e s s . teSali t bose Diseases of a p e r a o n a U B t t u r e , ftoaTwaaesrw oanse, t h ? c o n t i n n Q t e s t r e a m of Magno t l s i a peimeaUflS t t o o u g h t b e p a r t s • t t ins t r tBtote tbe ta «> a l ieaMiy. ac t ion . T h e r e


v ^ t i c u t a ^ e f p s t e d l f a a e a t e n -with » A n 4 . f l o ^ d j

- casfe o o t e f fear - I h ^ g a ^ S ^ f W 1 ^ ; .-•r^:';:

:nsE;; jnerefeect -fey/, silage,;-_-^He; •' • .ftme^B^- &f f60'*gjye;n waife'e;-. same;

- • » : | o W o ^ - J s ; | ^ c e j r t ^ ; - a | ^ , ; ^ t e ? ; ;.- jftom-&# origrMai £pra .gfeiftS;

t h e B I M ^ an t . fonnd s h e

•H. -

J i«ers a t i n t e r v a l s , i a s p r n e i i j n ? , ,&P*:

i tteiB(jreiis^3ah<«rri8 ^s6^a?Ji | thi ta^. •-•;' -; C ^ o n e i j ^ ^ i l f e r n e r ; n s ^ d ^ l i ^ h e g n ^ -•: , ' \ « t o 8t ;once^vhe|or«3ow^gpie ;;le^d,

, " a^^ Jone -ialfsa!^tiheifiine . the fats-• ;Were . shoo t i8^ ; <Mt^ejhird p lo t h e -;:; n^cBietwrdthe/inaa^^^

t i m ^ , o n e ^ | 4 r < t a | t h e U ^ e i a l x g b i . -- : i n g - a n ^ n n e th i rd w n e n theoa fewere

-: 8h€»ves? ori tM' flia plp - s i£Qff '.'.-: poah^SffbEet&e & m ^ 0 ^ r ^ ^ ^ . i;.«h&d;>I6S; O n i t r i a l u p d n Jaehr and: T ^ ; - ^ r ^ i p i f e ^ C ^ a ^ g e ' w a a g a m e l y

i ^ S n ^ f e B r o f ^ ; f e ^ p | z ^ j ) O o r . soj la ja* in te rya l s* : IBxpeaaBiei^vwe*e;

. ' :ontW0,otiier:pidfew 1 -.•: c o f l J P J H t « M # t e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W ^ -V: ...""^'j&^-;oi^fi6- :a|^eeQQft of t h e c o m

;-: :post.afediirerehipeiipdsi ,• -'.:•-'.-:!' .•*;.;'"

-;5';: :: ; :-wfcitewwiib3jr:Se»*e^to**»<.. .-••/

••;. ; ; ' ^ i - « : . j B ^ i M t e r ^ ^ ^ t t f e J ie id ; \aV • 0";Hai3hfegdr a & w ' A a o l h g ^ f t q e i J f f .

; ^ a J e ^ . # a f e o r M i n g s ^ a , ^ t A # 4 l 6 ^ : 'r bj^&^t^^ibgeW, h a i i d i n g i waffi

"" ^i«tewastiv3ii;net onl^presery-ed.; i%

'••''- expense ;of p a t n S n g ^ ' ^ ^ g : % 6 , >nad"; rpeme#;:Joifefrae b y ^ o r e ; ^ ^ ; S Q

?:i -^yeartfpraetifiei CSrtaMyff i is toi is: is: '•;•:* ttewidea: t h a t Sal-£h^ a^;pearanc%t}*

•-'• -'"•: l&ngi&uffolB. :I$ikw^i K i 6 % n . # a t ; •..-;':..-linie ,p^e#ni^;"'i^.\;#Qbai->)iEfr.";;flj«f v; #sa#6feubi€> "b ;feMtt'4f Bit_4f..;jic(t

• ~. ,»?<- - •

jd 'yon learn so m^v .H

M&eBiWe.'Vfieaek&di- "' : . -T_.. . ••• .:*%iy-teacherased; t6 i e a d i t to;m%' and: I reme'nibei4ii^ all ' 1 eonld ," she '8aid>; : - ' ". ' -

^ A a ^ n a t >a t i ' o f the, Bible do ygtlatkebe^t?*?'asked;;.t&|bishfepV ;• "f::*fclike; ^e - s fo ry '^iOhtWh life i n i h e g ^ s p e l s / ^ s h e said f hatf . w h a t ! lJk» Sbest3 of ^ S }s .the i i s l tbiree. ehap^ % r ¥ b f Kev^ialadn-.??.;; , . - • . ; • . V i & v l s g g ^ M e / ^ h i i j r n fee bishop read to'nerjas t h e train'dashed along, ' Beyi.20tbv 33st and';32db cbaptersv-^-Ms.; '/'-•:•• '": - . ' • . y y ^ ' - : ' : / ' -•'••'..-. ••-:

P a l l i n g of t l ie W o m l i . Iaeaaocrhoba. CUroaio ft tf lf trnmatioa a n d CTceratloti of t h e W o m b , i n c i d e n t a l Hemorvlnxsa o r Wood ing , Pa infu l , Suppressed a n d ttregitlar Menstrpsvtlon, Bar-r e n a e s s , a n d Chanee o-f Life, t&ls i s t a e Best A.*plianco a n d C u r a t i v e Agen t l t nowi j . .

3?or a l i f o r m s of F e m a l e DifficMUeait is. urir su rpassed b v a n y t h i n g before m v e n t p d , b o t h a s a o u r a t t v e a s e n t a n d a? a w u r c e c f power andvi ta i i za t tc tB- - . „ „ .- T ,

P r f e e O / e i tbe r Be l t vr i tb Magne t i c Inso le s , &lff s e a t b y expres s 0 . 0 . E . , and- exitmxBation al towed, o r , b y . m a l l o n rece ip t of pr ice . I n orde r ing send 'measu re .o f wa i s t , a n d s ize of shoes . .Remit tances c a n b e r a a d e l n - e a r r e n o y , sent ta le t t .e fa t -bm-r is j5 : . • •

TneJMaene ton S f t rmen t s ore a d a p t e d to a l l a a e l , a t e w o r n o v e r t n e •nndoi' c lo th ing , t n o t n l S S t i i e ' b o d y l ike. tne. m a n y G a i v f t w c ^ n d E t e c t r i a a t tmbug*adyer t iged- so ex tens ive ly) . I n d s h b # £ b S & e u OS a t n i g h t . 5Miey bold toSrSwERFOREVEB, a n d a r e w o r n a t a l l ' s ea sonso f tBeye f t r , •. •-. .-' - • .

^ e l f r s t a m p X e r t b e " N e w B e p a r t n r e i n MCfd-t e a l - t o S e n t W i t h o u t Med ic ine , " with., . t h o n s a n a i o g ^ g s t i m o n i f t l l . , , ' • - • - • ft-;-^ - .

T H E MA.<3iCETlOB A P P i f ANOE COii -• 2flg S t a t e Street,. Chicago, 111.

' Hote.-r-Send o n e d o t o ? & posfege g g j n p s or-e t o e u s y - { la l e t t e r a t .QWt i s t e ) * s « < f ishoe 'usually- -worn;,: and• .1«y..« f ^ ^ ' Q L ^ S ' -aj.-.3aettff -Xasoles; -an tTbe ecajvlneed- o f - t | « .

' p i j ^ r M?sicr;n£ to oiir o t h e r .-aSagnetie-Appli^: . ; : -; P o s i t ^ e l v h o cold feel w h e n i>aas a r e wOm, o? so :•»«}' r ' r t i tnde4. ' • - . , . • . ' .".fttX*-; •' J a a g a « i c K i d n o y ' E ^ i i s S o W b y Sforrieon & M o o r % ' £ a ' w » H e , S . T . . ' • - . • : -

" A pre t ty : w a y 'to 'haHg: a decdr&ted ; b a n j 0 i s % ; p t i i c h e n i l l e i ^ gait o£ fr^ine, tn^..:at|ag4-%-8aKn\--fl6^:;

bon *&#, b a y e • one Mw'e io se fo t h e banjo father*. l e t fthe' r ibbon extend

^5bb^e-:il a l i t t le and-.nadke• ano the r bo® a tr if le^ma^eir; ihan;the first*'.

Jomes & Sliimmer'.

^Ja^'BTap'old-'-aJ-^ays- b i s e n t to -the table'.,warm, -for .p inner , I!he. beat methed is to d ip thern in. boi l ing hot -water, ;a&d*lefriii,eta feaia,i?i for a-few mofhehics. . D r y qnieWiy, p i le and set •bh;; the t^bfei "Sm.caps 3'honJd always, b e dipped; in hot«?ater befoife-pouring

:'In-th'e;te.aV-.-. '..'-.,•'-. . . . ' . : ' .- — •••

'': 'io'poIiBb' black.'wal-rtiit anS'ash's ^,MEbjateEf ft-spaFflannet; piotfa with.- kerdseiie-Qii,riib;ihB wood; ^•^•- i i^n^t i fon ' -wXth^! :very-- so '% fife^Bi "and;dry. fianbeK -ff. this work . -is t rns ted 'w&bt ty ' to S.haaid i t wi l l : ygry. ;likely) iKyg-be;af-aiiccessj for>l,oo. hixtiSt oil; wHi ; b i nsed,: and : tha t is.far:

.worse than to -use ;no o i i M ' ajl* • . -., •

•j-Tea;. :G'esifis'"'.^e'J.cdaGiiag in'td ffvbr, 'Orie; seen '^ee^f ly . 'was _made;out of iaEdsaMe bits'dx sl|k and; velvei lu'w cerizypzte&i&oik -design;,, b.ordered.% • fecorddttwisted^Mtki? j p ^ t b e r # a s :

%$• i ^ e ; / ^ e e n ; ; ; p i d s h ; . ; i $ i l iped | n ;goId':^and crimso;%-wijbfaafcl J a p k ^ • f 'iiese'-fignresj; wbfle a • t $ i rd was aiaide

'"' ' '' ''" ^ n s t a W ^ h # t f ^ ^ ^ ^ - " ' " ' " ' "'


J I ^ K S ^ M ^ ; * a a t r l B d J d ^ e v f * "•':. d i d boards i w $ 6 h j ; j j ^ i ^ f l ^ ^ d ^ ; -y-ttBiHfcft very^pelislyei^.bec&Bise. the '-.: 88ifeee.:'"- -1st"-v: Vdry •'-;afley£tt^>;:;ran4

b«in£' '" .Ja*paif iaBy decayed ixo^di-; .:. ?tton» xt ab so i -b l t&d l t o f | he . - p^£ -M:

:: ^ ^ a ^ % e ^ t ( ^ g n t m i ^ e | ( p | r i p g ; s ^ :

si&t^esafe- before ^ ^ p a i n t 'fglil: ;ni8fe#; .' ;atiy shofe,. Kiii'JSi^;Baiaa'.493na3K/'-ji^; -r: t M a t b ^ ^ v B r i h g l b e o | d % a p d s V * # b

- ' ' a g d d d e d i t i p f v w f i ^ w a ^ r i t p j ^ .--•|hd oil^ front^^pene&dtijig. ^ei^adaf.tQ-; -, m& . ^ 6 a t e x t e n t ^ i n fectr'£bafi;&•*& 'i .-fjdi|es b a t fiffieaf a n y iadref -to;eby^f

:-•!* t h a n wda ld ^refjairfefl:;td cover fa:

' ^ b ^ ^ d ^ . f e a t i i g d ' ^ y. . w i f f i ^ t f t t i ; y e t ; ^ h e ^ "."f ;S?Hli ^keeptbeJbuildKig:.m'goofe «on?-s -; '^fdn.fdr^maiiy ;ye£as^y^''y-^li'•••' '••• '•'-,•-' ^ isv 'proeesK-isgd 's&B.p&,aiid; sdf ^ ' . ^ j f l ^ p y t b ^ i t ^ w & ^ r t B y ^ ^ ^

-:•^:i»y thosd w i o h a v e o l d b a n d i n g s % E ;

2board3fen<^slopaints i'- -"Vv".:".':-1']':-:-•"' ~ 3SieiEe.are niahy- waysr,ic>i-;make->; .wbifetva^j,^^^ The;BmeshoaJd^e-8faj3k-; : e a ^ f e i i d f Or iwarlaa,/watej..and; ' t he -j B g a i ^ ..atrained -through ra cloth, *;a; " ; ^ ^ : guaat t# ;d ; f s ^ l shadld- be p a t

'"-": intpi the; water , a n d if a y e i y niee a r t e ••". -.jfele is de^red^a ' few pdi^ds: 'qf sjogar: ..; and/ g)x»aad f£c^:?sfiouJd be . added; ;,;. :td ;eaeh b a r r e t of. IJcJaM-. bsitfdr ..av ; ; wMtewael i ' # a | i s ; tdbe , a t o n d e e Q y -

•-•: --iered'^^«p,;we:sh<tednftfctMr&:i£-n^^ \;.-"• essaty to did' 'e i ther^sth^ai . >or;:ripe • y f l o a r ^ b ^ ; ^ t f y p r ^ s e r y e ^ d w p f ^ '• {'' 'fr,-'•'•':•.

. . . . We-tfd n o t joindsratand tnat . thdre. is ; ; mJaett-ta,;be: gafeed- / b y ..dsidg t he : \ />%nite^asbV.6*tJei ) | ;otf;.bMi j?pa&fcber; . .-.feeaten .boards, ;wl i^re -very, -large; -';•-.:jqtttSEdtities M oil--^dd'-,white . l e a d

^diiid^ ;fee j^^Mfo^Miitip t n e . de-VjipBiy^©, ^iEfefreaa: be M e d cheaper . ifeitft, ^m^ioMsi |K##ihJB tinifd .bd ;^ite :.:aB :>g#Bd* i f n M better, t h a n

• Wbiteiead* '

•' ^sS^r^iii.''Iba:'#aft».'-;# Si ffidhaeife (@hnrpn,,v:. Cih^i;es|oi& %<*« ^ai§:i tf :P^^nj ^ - W ^ f ^ % 8 i n jspetk fib^ iss?ii- Signal Idj neJptoeS % ? ^ ; iheit;

- ^ f c n e : a * s \ : i i ^ ^ a n d ; ; ag8% m iQ?? •fepi:io: * « n i -^ieni; :So -^apfearifeoisi th©,.; Weefe^: affe*'.. wHeh. ^ I \ : b i ^ f e feiaia"abiparf,weie toegte'd.-/ $&& e ^ .-fenivwa|:feontinaeSniiiSt.'afQwday»ag&,; "%djsgiEt nflbody.'haa.; obeyei; : & 'bd% 6 i & % d t ^ V ^ d ^ ^ * ' ^ : # * dft^he Baiary^ ' the r&f%' adf -the' f&fc fa;; "ei^Hng V ^nsiaerSfal&'>ffiSofl«s»sJ:

stfrfiTi^.tJie' residents;.- '-/. ' .;.-; ':;. •,'..

*fssm ' -. j - f c u . • •

;s-ALE0y. DA

X3L- imoi ArelS"ow.Beady For .The:

irtwi*^^ — m AIOV ©HADES OI*^-

.". -.:gnsOToi-".;. 3ays"«iB.eeipfi.e*ir"^Alter:-v^erktag^aJFAese vyears te '-jMrfke-.- i*e.6pl€. .'•^ijn& %s '-fciiMiiks, .-IBfl .^eeoTier- aiid-rfeiiy-4is(»^Bts'tttat-'ne.;iaoefitft'*h|^

• .teicMfc** :" ; ' :- -=..-'•' ; ' v ; r - ' , .-y-::,.-•';J•••••

: . . Iod-a£««ir .

Ar&--ydtu? '^ id i ieys ^^.-^....

•; . A ^ e - y o u ^ r t e r ^ d g - ^ e a ^ ? ' ; -:''mahwWbEU'ctu^a.m8&om" ? « W ? * W e f :

*c,2fter-Ii*tta not ^6Sted461ive,!'?.J&*:M. u . Bi

f (^^yd^s^.<ara«gi».y^a^..CTOTttoma,qr -,...: H a ^ d * j 5 o i x i B r i g b i 5 s "J)&ep,pe| . 'SStt'By-Wott-onreffme wiBtt lay -miter "waaauslr liKe-ebalJc and tHblr Uke-Moo'd"." . . - ... '.. •'-

• .- *^T- "™? .*" - .pranK W^^-Rxit>(sa»MnSfc. - ^BulfteridgfeoS: Dia'Beties ?' ':.«

.TOBniyAySrUstbsmostBuMraBfnlMmeilyl'naTe-v. .-.-.jtaHpifp-CtBallonjilonttpni. Yt.

:"• "E^iney-Worebafectroe otehronlo l iver Diseases ^ r I g ^ | ^ « e . ' d o l w t e B W . - G p t t r a : , f t T .

- I f e y o w B a c k I s n a d a r i d a d M n g ' ? : -.'Mdit6y,t?6rfe ft-Bottle) .corsa me rhen.1-woaSo -JMa&I.liad t e roll; out of .bBfli" v_ •-" ^ , „

S a v e ^ b t t ' E M r t e y l © i s e a s e ?

JiOS-boxJ'^SiiiSi Sedges, •Wflliamatoiro, West Tiu.

S « : ? B i O J

I l f t : A l l € £ i a $ S i 8 S o r .

:*^to^v>-W<i!rt~cit6a^''ei^yeTacuaii£a^ jratlctired

: \ -

- l ^ n r e e or foar ni i les o a t E a s t Feint , . Sa*.a.Begfp-*aS^ • %e«kS;agpV:::" A'bfdffief p i wist* w b o • h M bdaght i fersel f a cheap. mediftaJ .irs^ttae,; ^o l^ iedre r i ; to cnrefhV: pa% j B e n t for 5foiBf bmS,eM.QfBweet pota-,;. fes»>;Hd.B«4 n d t ddefored: Mrt i 'oyer ; tiafed ;day^8j.idweydr, b;efdie t&d .-T^: tiettf ;«?ase«>Id;Jtt"dfeatl;^ -J.-v:wMfe-abetfif ^ i i v ^ g ^ n - j ^ ^ d w n 'fiappeae;a t d . bd-' .passing•.'&&& Wad eaHfed ini-l ^ e f t hef iad," tas ted t h e . 'jfaediekiet •Sfhtcbwasin.' a;galfon Jiig^iid; asked * •'- ^ '^^hafediseasferHdl 'y^ddctorfdr^"

; « 5 ^ % S » s a f e » ; . ; - ' ; . ' ; _.;-.... - " W h a t I Who.ever; -feeard of d .man;

BMnpgr poll-evil? ^tiki^is.a='lid?Sddis-;ease>*^ , ,;.v'^." . . . ; l v " ":~;'.-., ••'- .-.-; $ f i#o ihe r a t oddd dpaned b i s book W " p a J ; e ^ d a d .said"i ; - j . • . . ' :

:.'; " jEJ^o i iyod J jU | tnd i l t f J g M d a r > ^ ^Yeev^-said the^loctor/dd Se.tlhui^bV ?dd~thdleavfe^vejCj^^^bat.ihe;<3teeas'e;Qf . ^aJflfftre nfltfprand^n fes;depdrtf^en;t. . ^~*£iSsiafesde^iMi'meB^forililve .•gfewfc^^;. '"•• ' ;v. '" . ;^'- :-;-; ;-;"; ••";'.'-

" ^ o ^ d d J j W d P g a s j p e d t e negro*; - ^ fl«sn^be^%dbjDgki^d . t a m e d :ffaa i eayes , : ?W d a latw4.& : '-i.. 4 i d ^ J t i ^ % ^ f i v d p a g 9 a ^ o %

- -in^'Sffiytis; lev^en 3f-^tieemifc :M-ed: .J^esfc'C-""/.;' "'!?.,--:-/0.. ; ;v •<'.'-

A r e y o t i „JhiPy-TC<atf ciwa^ - « _ , ,

-ittB- s«6r 16 yeais ns» o£oT9!?rfta?l?S!<fih,„™ -at

H t s r o y o \ - - - "Kiaiey-Wort i a s flows hctter a i m aay offisr.

IreineiJy Ihavo over naBtlininy'P100"06 '^- -.

. . Areiyd-oBflioiisK' . *'<B3an'ey-«Worfrlias'd6aoitto mora good tlioo oSy

rofcliBr xenifidy X-iave ever taksn." . • I " - * vr^f- a ^ J i £ asUowisri-EKJlai!, Oregon. fA«ay<>ti^%orraenSed-.-nyi&..HtesSi

O U R RFEWJPRi©ES AU.E K/OW-- ;'..EJl.T«-4ai;-JEVS3R. BlE^dSt'El..,

itlie wlMows^ardsha'de'd* Draw tho ;cartaing asidd and took oa t , .The grass in . t he yard i s . b a m e d b r o ^ n . The limestone road passing in front 'of the ( teodipoand?? is painfal iq look upon in t h e dazzling light, and. 'yoa east yoor eyes With a sense of relief dp to t h e beantifoi tamarind! t rees wi th their weal th of exqaisi t foliage. Now a puff of wind sets not only th«j Ifay^s quivering, but puts in motion a eioud of fine whi te dust, aad st-nds it inspi tefa! guests against the win -do w-pan«3. Your eyes aro blinded, for it rushes in through every crevice, and yon a re glad to tarn yea r gez« inward .

W e rise wi tb t h e dawn a t th i s sea­son of the .year. W e drove out y e s ­terday morn ing soon after t h e m a 9pp'oare>? above t h e horizon, b a t it? heat was even, then so fierce tha t U'e recoiled from, i t s touch, and careMJy closed the dodrs of t h e b o s l ike con­veyance on t h e . sunny side. Carr i ­ages , passed a s . bear iag . pale;: faced iadies and little children with' cheeks pitifully blanched b y tfafi cruel- heat . Sitting., on .the. broad. verandas of -aana^df. the. bnngalows ; we re iV.raily parties, gatfiered about smal l tables, refreshing themselves w-;:'u, »;a»i kiwi t e a , V i l a wMc'a . t h e d a y i a fiidfe'fei-yariably- begins—the ?eal forankfast being serve-3 id a l&lei' hour, when outdoor duties are a t a a en t^ . . : . . . ' -By'8 o r i o *Mo.ek £Me;fcrea£ bea t at' this seasou drives', within dodis ail EaropeaijS not epiapellad by- stress of direnmstanees to' remain abroad. When; the mefciary stands as .new, a t 117° in the shade and H t ° in thn sun, even the nat ives oi the conntry dread exposure t o i t s power, and t h e streets a re almost deserted a t midday . -. Tbe^ few travelers yen ta r lng abroad have the i r faees.muffled to sh'at .oufc.-the scorching wind, ju s t as in nor tnern latitudes a l ike means is ejnpioyed. as a protection against the piercing Gobi- I^or Earopeans,. i i f e : wi tb in doors is hia<5s comparatively com^ fortable by olosing all t h e otiter doors after the early morning , a n d keep­ing in motion a kind of a large fan snsppnded from" the Ceiling. Th*-re are also other .devices for reducing the h e a t Such care is nec­essary, wot for comfort merely , bu t even for the preservation of life, a n d no moresavor3 of i u s a r y than t he introduction of stoves and grates and fiwaaces into your dweliiBga i n t h e bit ter eoid of northern winter , '

A t this, season thoiie Europeans whoseemploymenfsand whose means. wi l l pe rmi t each an indalgphce flf-e to the r«eaata ins , <ind . delsghtfdl it certainly. l< to exs-'baas-) this stifling heat and pratfience-ladeQ a i r /or coal and health-giving breia-v. l a this heat f v^n a»i/oafs suffer mucii^ .and va luab le hufis^a and dogs ' are some­time s sent t o ihd hills to remain rtw-irtg t h e heated term.. I n dae of -our daffies I recently saw this* menf; . '^Valuable "horses' and ^ ther animals neediag. a hil l cl imate d a r i n g t h e h o t season can be aceomraodated on a, farm near Jtfaini Tal.' ' ' _; '.. :Fo r tb0sdwbdmus tyemaJ r i on the plains do r i ng tb l s eseessiye heift *lhp

i ^ e e f i e e i a a 'grea t , .relief. W s . a r e .no.longef. dependent. «poE t A r E M . a -fdrdatiea.sup-piy,. 'as^ ,<>f ttm l a rge cliffs i c e f ae te i e s .have been m-febHsbed, t tos 'bringitfg: tbe- t a x n r y ' within the reach of persons of- yery modest Ineomea Many of t h e na-'tives'1i.av6'learned to esteem, the nse of led ' s grateful additioH to their, coni fort. I n an adv^rCisemeat of&ne. of om* grea t eeiap-ini&a h a v i n g faecO-r f e 'at AnaT»ii%thad,. l iueknow and A g r a we Had th'H addressed fe M g h

^ eaate xtative^: " We' iayi ta i i ispect ion of'any of oa r xtjctoriea by "oar- native. friends,:-sW that ' fliey'may see for" themselves ihat'Uj© i e e i s manafae-

-. ta red wl th. ai l ,"dds . . regard -to easfe,-' and. that ' dotbing' i s . ' done.! to. offend the. most piej..udic.ed..'?; Beeent ly. a

: fere in 'Bossbay des t royed A large ice factory, and b a d the. breHd.-supply

r b e e n s u d d e n l y c « t . off t h e r e would-not have been.n greater odt-ery. than was-raised »t-thd prospect of an -ice famine. JPeoaa, Madras,: Allah'aba-had' and oilier eitifS. werfe asked by telegram t o ; send the safwrers,. and- .promptly responded to t h e call. " '

ood§! for tt,e . ri t...ui' i.vnr nfft.!»< in L,.i«vsne. we >JD01K rmO&s, S3HQ. a d u u e i S r! l u v f Itic !i j s T t W r O M MAIH of M

O a r assortment of G e n t l e m a n ' s tmd fjadie's- P 3 « Q ^ l i h a e 3 u i i S l i n n n v n ore 'e f a'SUr per ior (jim'-Sty- tu<$ file fft^est « y t e s . W e f 1 1 1 8 S J M U e S & # & M L P P S I T S - l m v e a n t h e latGBt-a«Yi»is-.jes'ii;> La'J.ies'Kn&ber'ia id R a n « h ^ . .

Owe 'arse sales !»fjd facu l t ies tor b a j t o g 8;oods f>1, t h e lowest c a s h orle'es, • e n a b l e n s t o tfe-ifi «T»v*v.«5 ' fihe\ri-&',¥- »•'«" n n y oflior p lace i n the wnunty, W e neyeir a t t e m p t t o W W A i S 8 « i >UiiB^, |nSl h a m i m g t h e p e o p l e b y a'd^ertisihgr t o sell a t o o s t . " W e s e l l a t a reasonable profit a n d s i r e u e t l w b a r g a i n s o n N e w Oloan Goods tha,h caSt b e h a d a t s n e h a d -vertlsirig places on old style; siiop worn a r t ic les . W e inv i t e a n e x a m i n a t i o n of o a f g o o d s and prfcus. J*wraal a n d KepubUoaa b locS, ,• . • • - • . . - " '

,SKmtffa3^ ; i i«Sf, . ' - . J O J ^ r E S . & . S S r N i T S B -


%'m I •«!ft

S.A.SIXBDEV", R e a l E s t a t e , I n s u r a n c e a n d

G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s A g e n c y .


JN8UUAN0E. I r ep re sen t t h e fo l lowing a r s t -o lass com­

pan ie s :


umosft & oirizjEuNS, Q U E E F ,


. Q L E N ' S . B ; A L L 3 , . B S O E N I X ,


- • I N g H B A N O B - G O S I P A N Y .

RAILB011> PICKETS Sol4toany-nart6ftn> ' " '.-

w . E S T E R W , C O U f l f T R * , ' . -'.

'So lar to and ' f rom, . - . . - .

JPOREie :SrC©II |gTI l J ISS ' . . AB-bhespas-any o't'iS"li'i»e,. • '. :-. -.

Office ik Journal &. TtspiMkswt, JShelb, a A.HIXBUKY' . L o « v i U e . N . S.



^Vftvester Friteh9*



<primg smilings Of all K i n d s and Grraoespver Bho??^ in Lewis County ,

M y Store is Smt Orammed Pu l l

Greats' Fupaiskiag Goods, Mats, Caps, and

He&dy-l^ade CIotiling, Of every Description Kind and Qual i ty tha t can be Found in a n y Ci ty .

M Y OIJBTOM B E P A R T M E K T I s Overflowing W i t h Work, ba t any Body Wishing CUSTOM W o r k

of any K i n d will F m d i t t o Their Advantage to Call on . BQSflOE BLOCK, S, FSTTCII , LOWVIL3LK, N. Y .




The liijKgest ana Mobt Beautiful Line of CarpeteEver Seen in Lewis Ckrnnty will be Fouud at the Stoie of

... m©em%^ .

" Steam.&aiaf .SSJU;.....

mre&t . . . hilars, *^c, ,



OIJB O0ST<M:;BBPAETMENT ..; Wm deter in, a iaore flouiisMng cdnflition. Be sure and call before purchasing elsewhere. . - ' . . . - - - . . ,' ^

• LowvWte, April 1st, mk •.. , • ' WM. LENNOX..

T h e Subsc r ibe r s w e n l d g i v e n o t i c e t o t h e people of L e w i s c o u n t y , t h a t , t h e y iaave a l i t h e a p p n r f e n a n e e s a n a mac l s lne ry for t h e m a a n i a e t n r e of

SASfiL BLINDS' BOOBS,. BBA13BSIS 'KotrLitasGS, &Q„ &o„

A i a o a t t s a p p l y t h e m w i t h a n y t n l n g i i t t h 4 i r •Une o n t e r m s t o c o m p e t e w i t h a n y o t h e r shop ; ,

jgu i lde r s w i l l fln<i t h e : m o u i a l n g s f tn l^hed n tb.e b e s t m a n n e r j mA a t .pr ices t h a t . - w i l l

<Mve them from 25 to 50 per eent,

• o'/taikmi woiiea. sy nsa&

: miivrins, Piaalisfr BIstoftKig, .'

and any other wort: & eonneetioa. with th business performed to the moat com£let sailsfaotioai-. '.- • •.••'.•

Oiirahop is supplied- with, the best class of machinery, and the most eaBipeterit w.orfe-m e U i •

A i l k i n d s of P a n e i a n d O l a n b o a r d S a w ­i n g , ss w e l l a s Oii-oular a n d S e r o l l " Sa ly lng . d o n e o n e h o r t n o t i c e . ' . - ' • - . • • T u r n e d a n d F i a t e d B a n i s t e r s a n d N e w e l l

Pos t s c o n s t a n t l y o h h a n d , o r m a i l e to.ojcder, •JBaxaing o f a l l i t i n . d s e x e f j n t B d f n goodis i^Je

Successors of



' -'. .. . A t Pi ir s io Sleet anj" anil silt Compatit; ju it Hornj i «• A^iwari"

• mro OLD STOCK. All iNew Good? nntl tit?,lea, and

:•;•:;•• ' L O W B E P R I C E S Than for t h e last 20 years. Par t ies W ^ 1 J ! M - C-irj^ts thii, Spring Should no t

Fa i l to E i . ' . u m ou* Stock and Price • '\-> we Feoi Confident w* can Please. We are AL-o Shovlna- its- Five a Line of

P R E S S G-OOBS AH3> TRIMMINGS As any House in Town and G-uaraiue>* *-> Sell T-he-ra as Low as the


• We buy for Cash and Sell foi Cash and < 3T.

,n aad Will Make Priv^s


HMW-SKDS,--i S I ^ M ' S f e A f e f -SliaiUEY: % 'C0.l?«che?terI.N,Y.;:Chfcago,-Il!i

•A / S l ? 1 > J ' f : I ^ C J - * a ' i t e d . for Tlie- L ive s of j 3 L V J f J i i N - L D a l l fee P r e s i d e n t s of t n e -TJV S. T h e la rges t , n a n d s o m e s t / b e s t booK ever , solctfor less t b a n t w i c e - o n r p r i c e . T h e fastest se l l ing bojalcln A i n e r i e a . . I m m e n s e profl ts . to. a g e n t s ?AU i n t e l l i g e n t people Want I t . A n y o n e epu b e c o m e a successful ftgeat. T e r m s free. HATj^Et* B O O K 0 6 . . . P o r t l a n d , M a i n e .


W E 3 D B F * . e O - M P E T i r i O W !

" H o s t peop le a r e a s a n i o n s t o buy.goods *-jbeap a s t b e y a r e t o Keep cool nowadays , . and . i t ' s q u i t e s e a s o n a b l e t o ' m e n t i o n t l i e l a e t t h a t w e f c e e p a f o l i l i n e of

ftajiips. I .s»tesTtts< •

. - s ^ J - ^ j i ^

A oqmbtoftt&B.'of ike fiaest ^taterials endorsed, by trie besi iGlaeinfste 'ai.belsg not oaty Hd,rniles& but Beneiielai.

It if Colorless, Odoile^ Tdstelesis. .

Beans llrait'f.a|;4'.sa'v-ing of.5(1 pef eeni in-Btigarj, arnd ia. work/ .,'••.'•... .••"•" ...•.:•-.-'.,'•'' •.'• •.-.--•"• -" •

V I t ailds' to.tfee. Seeping {jualiiiespfmMk. :: . _ + •- Jt^mafes-^preser%ingVait.forvB#fer, rjreyenting.ilie forma-•i&k ofButric^Aeiajand & • •''K fceep' -Gidai sWee'tj .by. tbe-,"addition_of a box. to ©acb 45 ga%paeaski'.';..-. , ' . . ' : :- .'."; .,.-.'..'.-...'-". ."•'• - • "•."'

••:•••'/ • _.',"' '.--: •:-••:~*—jeo:Et ' e . - a J j ' S 3 B " s r — - . . . ;: \ -;M6fti ll/BtJ#i- SOI,;'::.

^fe will not Only Ttfeet aDy competition but v,ill Challenge it. We Have no Pool'Debts and Have our Cash or our Goods, Cash Buyers -will find it for

Their Intel est to Give us a Call and we WJII Save Them Money. Our Stock Will be Found Complete in jtll all i ts Branches and Com- *""•-

prises a Full Line of

Blaei: and CMored Silk?, Summer Silks, Y-elvets, Satins-CASHMERES, A L L WOOL TEECOTS A N D T A F T y " - L A N E ,

S U I T I N G S , B O T H IMPORTED ANL> A M E R I C A N 3f A N U F A C T U E E , ] S r o y E L T Y B R E 3 3 GOODS, D E E 3 S


And Everything Peiraining to a Fi i s t Class Dry Gcods Store. Also a Complete L ine of




-Wi l l oifei s o m e e x t i a b a r g a i n s I n -


StaHiff,;vHalSv JLfbrary a n « l

B r a e & e t : L a m p s .

L a m p F I x t a r e s , &c-.

. iflHB , - ; " J T T H E D O i a BLOCK. RISSlOCJl?: O F

fais, Oaps and O-snts9 raarnisliin^ Goods, Is l a i - e i a n d m o r e comple te t n a n ever before r . t " w b i i e a r u c a i d i a l l y invi ted,

t o e s a m i n e Ins stoelc at>a p r r e t s .

* J . M T B I t . B »i^Ulock, Lowvl l lo , N . ~X.

Bmdu Warranted

JlecoraieiL.andPLaiii China JJinner and Tba Sets;, Pecorated CJiauibei' Sets.'

I S E A I . L . H A V E ' O t f E . B E S T A T T E N T I O N .

J O H N E . H A B E R E K . t3EO. J . H A B E R E R .

s f ©me

r.i_wjts g±y^ u p to. I A r e y©m Hhmw--. *'. '.. t.Si>iicjL£y^ Art.i I &:ttl«ttU^;--~-—-v.v—,-i:-.-. • HfcrKteffiJlaleotaiWesfcBfttMtaine..

- - L a d i e s . - ^ "EWat-y-Werf«nr«I me pt.peculiar.taroliKia-oi

'SWCTOI yeioa sfauuiini!'. 'Hatty frfoiids n|o aadjisate*

K y b u . - - w o i i t d ^ a B i s l ^ D i g e a s e 'i. . 'ar id #dfai g e a l t n y T a g e -


A P a r e F a m i l y Medic ine tli'at Neve r I n t o x i ­cates.-

J f y o n a r e a Jawyer , m-inister o r bus ines s m a n exhaus ted by m e n t a l s t r a i n or a n x i o u s ca re&'db .no t f . aJ ie in tos ica ' t ings t lmnian t s .bn t nse P a r k e r ' s Ton ic ,

HISCOX & CO., i-es Wiffiam Street, ?tew York.

5'nc. aiid'S? "siz«s, a t a i l uli!aiers i n itte.diuines. Grea t s av ing In buy ing do i la r s4ae'. 15W!

' P A B f c E B ' S TONIO Koki b, Morrtwu A Mpore , .- .LowviiJte, Lc wis c w i n t y , N . Y.

vfEf"!sii on Rats" deal's oat Rata, Mice. Iqe. -

"Bough nu Corn?," for Corns, Bun-Ions, 15e." •'«

T' ;iu j..—i<i''. "ft ' t lU1 Health lie-newer" restores health and vigor,eures dyspepsia, <&e. §1.

"Rough on Tootbache,' ' instant re­lief, ,l-5c,

Ladies who would retain .freshness and vivacity doa ' t fail to try "Wells ' Health Reuewer."

"Buehu-paiba," great .kidney and urinary core.

Fiies. roaebes, ants, bed-bng.^t, rats, mice, cleared out by "Rough ou Rats.'7


K i d n e y W o r t b . : ^ o l i f f i t ) y j 4 o « i s o n & > I o o r e . Eowg-IHe^-Lewls. connf^, H> Y.

/ ^ / ^ i T ; ' ' F \ ' f o * ' t i i e ' - W - S r M n g ' e iasa„ . .Send 1&. v 3 r \ j / J L i i / c e n t s . f o a - pos tage , ATXA we..- wi l l m a Q yon", free*: r o y a l , yalua.ble box-ofSam­p le g o o d s t h a t wUl-pst y o u in t h e w a y of m a k ­i n g m o f ^ m o n e y l n - a - f e w d a y s t h a n ' y o n evef t h o n g h t . p o s s f b l e a t a n y btut iness . Capi ta l n o t -reSnlred; W 6 w i l l s t a r t y o W Y o t t c a n WOHE a l l t h e t i m e o r i n - s p a r e , t i m e only* Tb'e w o r k i s

..naiverijally adaft ted to b o t h aei«ie |},.yoang.a.nd o ld^Yoj t e ah eas i ly e a r n fi'om -SO cen;ts feS5 •evesy e v e i l n g . ' T l i a t a t l wKowaa$w'or fe .may -te«£*ae Biislaeaai weariafee t t a# . .n r r tn ra l l e l ea offer', to:all.who tixe n o t we l l satisfied we-wi 11 * e n d S i t o p a y - ' f o i r ' t h e t ro i ib ie of w r i t i n g n s , S'nll p s r t i e i i l a s s , . directions;, e t c ; , s e n t free. F o r t u n e s w a i b e i n a d s . b y t h o s e w h o g i v e tueif . wl is ie . t t m e t a t t o e Worls,- G r e a t success absol t r te ly S'flrei Don' t<felayv SfArt nowv A d ­d re s s i3*lKSc>S:ifcC&.,-pe)etiand,Maiise. .

Bilesiaof some': eteKcaije s n a ^ e v ^ I t h l ^ w Sharns tODaatch,ftre rev iyea .

; SSOjft p o u n d s < M H » ^ ^KJP*J fo*

B a b b l t t - M e t s i l , f o r s a l e a t t l i e ' . ;- "'•' . ' > ? t ^ . . "

T I M B 8 o J B « e ,

"Rough on Coughs," troches, 15c; 'licjuidi Mo.

For children, slow in- development, puuy and deiieate, use"Wella ' Health Rfenewer.^' ' "Rough on Dentist" Tootli Power.

Try it. 15c. ' Nervous Weakuess,D,yspepHla,Sexual

Pebllity cured by "Wells ' Health Re-newer.'-' $1. ; Mother Swan's Worm SyruiV for re-Yerishness, worms, constipation ; taste­less. 25. ' . v

Stinging, hritation, all Kidney uud Urinary Cfjuipiaiiits oured by "Baehu*"-fl

Night sweats, fever, chtltn, malaria, dyspepsia,cured by " Weila' Health I t s -newer.". . My husband (writes a tody) Is three t imes tlie iaan slaee UHiog. "Wells ' Heal th Renewer." . -

If'you are falling, broben, worn out and nervous, use "Wells ' Health Re-newei'." $1.

Prevalence of Kidney complaint in America ; "Buehu-paiba" is a ijulck complete core; $i,

W h y B a s r b y i s mm S J n i n a r r i e j I .

However much ne rvoa young, rnan mhat possess before he can ask a young lacly to hecome bis wife,, i t certainly, requires m o r e . for-hina ' t o worlr iiimseif u p to tne point where he can unblushingly asfe her father, for his consent in t h e mat ter . One night last summer Bagby was d r a w ­ing near t h e abode of, his .affianced when he beheld her fsfaer i n t h e yanf. W h a t better opportuni ty couhj ever prwent itself? Wi th a t fambling s tepaaU a g iddy hrala heap.proacherj to wi thin ten feat of where the old gent leman was si t t ing, and gasped: . "Please sir,5 T h e person utltire-sed made no response. If a i tuce-pump Of forty-faorae power h.i-.r hcvn tn-jeeting blood into his head , i t couUi j f,1

not have been worse. H e moved for­ward about two..inches. "Please , sir., !-_][—» This was as far an h« got,for b' • .ti^m- opraerl t o teas thiek aa an arctic overshoe. The obi gtmtie-tean did not seem to UIOVT O miisolo. Bagby moistfined his favortd lijw with his tongue, and then began where h« loft off: " I love yo—." H e could pro­ceed no fiirther. Composing himself a li t t le,with a desperateeffort,he began at the beginning : ''Ple-ase tit, I love your daughter , and—." This was about one-third of what bo had io say, but i t seemed far l&w, there was so mueh remaining. I t wa<? now get t ing quite d a r t . The old m a n ' s indifffr-ence made Bughy more desperate.aud he determined to finish what.Jho h a d to s«y, come life or death . "Please, sir, I love your daughter , and I wish to m a k e her nay wife. Do you give

] your consen t ? "and with tho-qtienU<Hi' he rushed forwardand throw hh»aelf on his kneei b^lore the old g^ntU'Ertan. Ju s t then came a-gu^t of wind,aud tm> old geat lcman, who. proved tr» be a gc;uecn'?/ plicwl (hx-rc to frighti-ntlie jobins, fail oyer'on Bagby and t ipped h im into the mud. B i g b y ia still uu-mairied.—Bow BeUw.

L e t i t beforeyel* r e m e m b e r e d tfaat-ihe '-

m I s t h e bes t a n d shor tes t rowte t o a n d from Ghi-cago a n d (3.'-nncil BlolIS (Omaha) , a n d t h a t i t i s prefejn'ed b y a l l w e l l pas t rd ' t r aye ie f s When pass ing t o op from.

mmm mm momi '• Ar id t h e fce&t way. : todo thi3-ls »y n s i n g

- KELLIf & CG.'S ;

w m


tkuimnmAmmwmm It slao operates, the best ronte and tbe short

line-between (Meago and.Si TauJ and

MinneapoHs. . ^ MiUv.-infeco LaCrossie, S p a r t a , Madiri.jn. For t Howard , i f i reen Pay, ) Wis . , W i n o m i . O j r a t -omu.-!. Maiiis:ati>, Minn . ; Cedar Rapids , T L B S Mouun . Wehi . rw c i t y Aie^nn, CtHtuou, Stsir-s l i a l u o w a , fiTO-a,-F-reer-<rr, E lg in , Roekfoi-.l III., a r e a n i o n : V4&.&) h^'it' «f.*V> '.">•• •-»•

A«ir»nK.£i few oi- rhe- raioi.-i'i>n» r-'ii-''"- •-•!' • -j ppMortt y enji.'--e-i »y t-',..- j>atr. , j . • , i "-his m * l)

are.Usl)AYt;i>ACHF;^» w i i e a m * tijc 8 a « f I t h a t Buma-n a r t a n d iucetini-tv can ^v...-.m.; l is

P A L A T U b g E K E W H u y . i K i , « « » u a r t ; mpr!el«nf-conifoii.itn'iiol'ij-i^t.'f; i ts I 'Ai^At ' i : D B A W i N M ItOOja OA.P!-. w l i i c b a r e u n s u r ­passed by »u.\; *md-its '-VUlt-ly c< l<-!>r!U>'il

NOffiPH-TlESTEliS 1)1X1.\€f CAJI8, fbe l ike of Tv-iach ar t not situ by n,uy o the r rosMlany wheiv . I n short , it i s ' i w ' l w t t l r u i IT' i s T H E B S s T E a t ' I l ' i ' - E U IiUA.i> IN ' l l l i - , W t t B L f c ' . , ' • -

All iHiliUsof in teres t .Voith, N'orthwent a u a W e " t o f CWrsgo, hushu" - ; onfrfc-s s t imiiuT r ^ u r t s a n a noted .hnntuiR g.nd fi«oinsscronmis a r e aeewsibfc hv ttit< v a r ious b r a n c h e s of lhl> road . "'' -

I t own1! a n d conir.oIs over 500U mi les u t roud a u d h a s oven' I«i» pas'senser conduc to r s c o n t i n ­ua l ly c a r i n g for,a--.- m i i l l ons of pa t rons .

A s i c y o u r tiofep.t a g e n t fur t ickets via t h i s r o a i e A W B T A E E H O N E O T I 1 E R . A . U lead ing t icketa^&nisKrt i , t hem. - I t costs ho more t o troiVel'oa tnt$ ron t e , tBatgtves.f irs t-r tass .80-coramdda t ions . than it. does t o g o b y t h e poor ­l y equipped romls.

F o r rftaps, deBeriptiv.e c i rculars aDd s u m -merresc - r t papers o r othi»r inf-irrrin-tion no t ob ta inab le a t y o h r local t i c t e t affieo, w r i t e t o t h e

Gen'l Pass* Agent, C & N..-W. Kaihrfty. 27 eow, y l C H I C A a O , I L L .


' T H E P A P E R .

T h e Only Bel table I ' rp toet ioh for F r e s e r p l n g • js^fcgj^ •-' t h e Sh ing le Roofs of

vaaa4,'CSi L.A3SPHEE& S T E V E N S ,

F i r s t door a o r t h of Kel logg H o u s e .


a f O T E S <Ss X-3IJLS^23^V^^H;E —AX-

Sf i /3 / ?a ivee i i a t l i ' ome , -, p a y . J p O U a i s o l n t e l y sn re , iSforlsfc. C a p i t a l n o regh l red . . Header , i f y q u . w a n t -bus iness , a w h i c h p e r s o n s of e i the r " s e x , y o u n g - a n d o ld , can mafc'e g r e a t - p a y a l l t h e O m e t h e y Work, w i t h absoi-utecertaln-ty, -write, for p a r t i c n l a r s , t o H . H f n t i s T T & Go. . f o r t I a n 4 a fa lne . - . . .

' T h e action of P E T T I T ' S A M E R I C A N COtJGH. C U R E is »p6n the entire system, the -various glniids to their nornial action, a g l o w of warmth seems to pass through the .chilled cir. dilation, tt«i pulse becomes- natural and regular , . •tlie skin less fcot.andfe«risa, and the ctougli less:. -urgent. '


P- S j w e H l n e r H o u s e s , B » r n s , C S s a r e a e s , E t c . ,

And m a k i n g t h e m F i r e p r o o r a g a i n s t Sparfes a n d (7!nders from C h i m n e y s a a d B u r n i n g Bu i ld ings . '. '

Opr Elaatic Watei roof Ge msaijforTli'Esofe,-

' - . . • : .>. :• •• ••'•> \ " .v !Mn^ ' iu t.%e far W e a r a n d Stf-rpj-.iiii: i.f J,>-:\!rs.

It i« -warranted n o t to. Cracfe o r S c a l e , a s i t E x p a n d s a n d Contiacts . by H e a t a n d Cold.

Tlie pnmt le 'o rK of tho Jtoof Coa t ing a r e a l > plvinra t l v povpriii-j: t o ma' i iy 'bu i ld ings i n . ' / l Hi'.Mtt. ilooi-viil, ' . Wl ie rever Messrs ICetlev A t 'o . l iave w.irbpil t h e coat In" , h a s e tven f),f i«Kt <jf :^ttiHf.iftion. I t i.s composed 01 lri';:vdlp...>l« no t ed f<jr t h e i r p r e s e r v a t i v e quiiUtkii .

PHOPEETY OWNEES iSrhu h a v e hui ldingb enve^ed w i t h t in o r s h i n ­gle roofs should c o n s u l t wi t b t h e p r o p r i e t o r s Of t h e l t o o f Coatii!g.

In t h e n e x t f ew w e e k s o p e r a t i o n s wi l l b e commenced a t L o w y i i l e . Orders p r o m p t l y a t t ended to. S l w l d o n ' t das.

oa jSLsra: Sheitt ooa's irov--lty Fai;m Hai-^t at

HE. O . ^ . S E I X » r i 3 S . E m a i - u n o i t for yom&elf.

B U I I B E R S H A E B W A E E , E T C —.XX—


Best I n t h e W o r l d s t

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fersons having a tfoutilesome cough which breaks their vest at night, will find by tafiingadose of l-'ETTI.T-S AMERICAN COUGH CURE up­on going to bed, they will have a sound unbroTieri •rest. For children it is invaluable. For sale by alt druggists. If taken in time it will cure Con­sumption. .- . , . ' _ i_^ .

P E T T I T ' S A M E R I C A N COUGH OUTRE. Is . the finest made, and is equal in rmentto P E T T I T ' S 1 E Y E S A L V E , which K conceded ti-.e iu, use,. •, Our treatise on. Consamptian free. Address *

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S o l d b y H^J-ace.; Bn9h...£ S o n , Lowyi i le . S> S".;

MHCATEAm EEJ^LEWOmsL T h o s e l a n g u i d , t l r e sou ie sensa t ions , . ca t i** i n g y o u t o i'eel s e a r e e i y a b l e to b e o n ^ o i t r fee t , t h a t c o n s t a n t d o t h i tliftt is'. rdiiKihg-t h e bltiom frcm y o u r <-1HM-1.?, t h a i e o n t i n r u a l s t r a i n o n y o u r v i t a l fo rces , i-eiider-I n g y o n i r r i t ub lu a n d fivtftt i , aire wibily -re^ •moved by u s e of thi . t i n a r \ e l o u s r e m e d y , PETTIT'S iSl-OWI) -PUKIW'BK. U r t ' p u i u r -I t i e s a n d obsU-uctiou^ oi" jou>: 6j!> are-r e l i e v e d . a t o n c e , ~whiie t h e f e c i a l eaubua of perjoiiit-al p a i n a r e pci-Bjaiicntly r e ­moved.. N o n e r ece ive a s m u c h benet i t , o r a r e s o p r o f o u n d l y .gra teful i n rucummencl-ing; PiLTTrr 's B L O o b P U K J J . - J J S K a s w o m e n .

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N o man is' fit for God's service who is not willing to do'l i t t le things. The people who are always wait ing for a n opportuni ty to do .some great th ings never accomplish anythiag,—2?, Jb.

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(PKI'CACSO, BOOK ISLAND & PACIFIC RPY, B e i n s t h e c i e a t C c n w a ! t i r e , affortJs t o t r a v e l e r s , by r e a s o n 6f i t s unr iva led e e o -g r a p h i e a l pos i t i on , t h e s h o r t e s t : a n d o e s t r o u t e b e t w e e n t h e E a s t , N o r t h e a s t a n * S o u t h e a s t , a n d t h e W e s t , N o r t h w e s t a n d S o u t h w e s t .

I t i s I lteraii> a n d s t r i c t ' ! t r u e , t h a t i r s c o n n e c t i o n s a r e a l t o f t h e p r inc ipa l l inos: c f r o a d b e t w e e n t h o At l an t i c a n d t h e Pac i f i c .

By i t s m a i n l ine a n d b t a n s h a s i t r e a c h e s C h i c a g o , J o l l e t , P e o r i a , O t t a w a * L a S a l l e , O e n e s e o , WSolme a n d Rock I s l a n d , In I l l i no i s ; D a v e n p o r t , M u s c a t i n e , t / i f ash lns ton , Keokuk , Knoxvli 'e, Q s k a l o o s a , FairReid, D e s M o i n e s , W e s t Ljber^r, l o w a C l S , A t l an t i c , Avoca , A u d u b o n , H a r l a n , C u t h r l e C e n t e r a n d Counc i l Bluffs, in l o w a ; C a l l a t m , T r e n t o n , C a m e r o n a n d K a n s a s City, in M i s s o u r i , a n d L e a v e n ­w o r t h a n d Atch i son In K a n s a s , a n d t h e h u n d r e d s o f c i t i e s , v i l lages a n d t o w n s I n t e r m e d i a t e . T h e , gfiO!EAT R0OC ISLAND ROUTE," As It is familiarly cal led? offers t o t r a v e l e r s a l i t h e a d v a n t a g e s a n d c o m f o r t s Inc iden t t o a s m o o t h t r a c k , s a f e b r i d g e s , Union D e p o t s a t a l i c o n n e c t i n g p o i n t s , F a s t Si-presc 1 r a i l s , c o m p o s e d of COMMODIOUS, WELL VENTILATED; W E L i . HEATED, FINELY UPrtOLOTERCD a n d ELEGANT DAY COACHES j a t ine of t h e 3WOST MACS'aSFJCSMT HORTOH RSCS.HJISO CKASR CARS ever b u i l t ; P U L L M A N ' S l a t e s t d e s i g n e d a n d h a n d s o m e s t PAi-ACE SLEEPING CARS, a n d DININGI CARS t h a t a r e a c k n o w l e d g e d by p r e s s a n d p e o p l e t o Be t h e FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN T H E COUNTRY, a n d in whleh s u p e r i o r m e a l s a r e s e rved t o t r a v e l e r s Af t h e low r a t e or St jVEMTY-Flve CE=MTS EACH.

« THREE TKA5&S e a c h way be t .veon CHICAGO a n d t h e MISSOURI RIVER, T W O TRAILS e a c h way b e t f S e n CHICAGO a n d MINNEAPOLIS a n d S T . PAUL,

Via t h e f a m o u s .

ALBERT LEA ROUTE, J a n u a r y I , 1 8 8 2 , a new line, will b e o p e n e d , via S e n e c a and- K a n k a k e e , b e t w e e n

f l e w p o r t N e w s , R i c h m o n d , C i n c i n n a t i , I n d i a n a p o l i s a n d La F a y e t t e , a n d Counc i l Bluffs , S t . P a u l , Minneapo l i s a n d i n t e r m e d i a t e p o i n t s .

All T h r o u g h P a s s e n g e r s c a r r i e d o n F a s t E x p r e s s T r a i n s . " F o r m o r e d e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n , s e e M a p s a n d F o l d e r s , which m a y b e o b t a i n e d , a a

well a s T i c k e t s , a t al l pr incipal T i c k e t Offices in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d C a n a d a , o r a l

R. i t . CABLE, £ . ST. JOHN-VKwPresM; * Oen'l Manager, «*»'» T'fc't A *BM*T « « %

->r*\ CHIOACO*

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