is air duct sanitizing worth it in 2021?

1/5 February 26, 2021 Is Air Duct Sanitizing Worth It In 2021?

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Managing a property can be quite challenging, mainly due to the many electrical appliances to care for. One of the main applications is Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioner system, which works day and night.


Page 1: Is Air Duct Sanitizing Worth It In 2021?


February 26, 2021

Is Air Duct Sanitizing Worth It In 2021?

Page 2: Is Air Duct Sanitizing Worth It In 2021?


Page 3: Is Air Duct Sanitizing Worth It In 2021?


Managing a property can be quite challenging, mainly due to the many electrical

appliances to care for. One of the main applications is Heating Ventilation and Air

Conditioner system, which works day and night. As a homeowner, you must understand

that an HVAC unit is more than just heating and cooling. It has sensitive ductwork that

determines the functioning of the entire system. In this pandemic era, air ducts will

gather dirt and debris and infectious diseases like coronavirus. So, before allocating a

budget to heating and cooling system cleaning, you must know that is air duct

sanitizing worth it in 2021?

What Does Cleaning the Ductwork Mean?

Before knowing this, it is better to have an understanding of what HVAC ductwork

cleaning is. It is the process that removes dust, dirt, debris, pet remains, and germs from

the vents.

To do this, experts use brushes, power vacuums, and special sanitizers. If the task is

professionally done, the system will be clean, germ-free, and efficient like new. As a

homeowner, you must know that regular cleaning of ductwork is crucial as it ensures

system efficiency and house members’ wellbeing. If you live in Georgia, you must look for

referrals for reliable service providersfor Air Duct Sanitizing in Burford.

Benefits of Regularly Cleaning the Ductwork

It is highly recommended by experts to regularly get your heating and cooling systems

cleaned by a professional. Some of the great benefits of hiring a good service for Air Duct

Cleaning in Buford include:

System Efficiency As a homeowner, you must know that your heater and air

conditioner work all day. And if its ducts are blocked, it will have to use more energy to

heat or cool the air and disperse it out. If you care for system maintenance, it will reduce

its burden and help efficient functioning.

Indoor Air Quality

It is a truth that cleaning the vents purifies the air emitted from the system. Good indoor

air quality gives a pleasant and fresh feeling. The reason is that the vents efficiently trap

the dust and emit clean air. So, it would help if you regularly cleaned your ducts to enjoy

good air quality.

Clean Surrounding

As you enjoy the fresh air after cleaning the ducts, you will also observe less dust is

emitted from the system. It means that your furniture and other items in the room will be

less dusty. So, it is a great advantage. Dust also causes health issues like sneezing,

allergies, skin irritation, breathing problems, and much more.

Cost Saving

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When you clean your system regularly, you can save big. You not only safeguard your

health but also cut down the repair and maintenance costs. While clean ducts improve the

efficiency of your system, it consumes less energy. Hence, you will enjoy not only the

benefits of a lifelong HVAC system but also fewer energy bills.

Hazards of Not Cleaning the Ductwork

Regular vent cleaning not only provides valuable benefits but also saves you from

significant hazards associated with it. Some of the issues that may bother you if your ducts

are clogged or contaminated include:

Damage to Respiratory System

As per the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a dirty environment

can be a source of severe health risks. Dust particles and pollen can damage a person’s

lungs with the same effect as smoking.

So, the best way to avoid damage to your respiratory tract is to take necessary

precautions. Timely ductwork cleaning and sanitization can effectively improve the air

quality and save you from health issues.

Allergy Reactions

The ductwork of a heater or air conditioner works to trap dust particles before emitting

them to the external environment. So, if it gets overloaded, you will be exposed to dust,

dirt, germs, and infections. It may cause allergic reactions and discomfort in sensitive



Asthmatic people are susceptible to even minute changes in the environment. Dust

particles and pollen can hinder their normal breathing. Heaters and air conditioners can

play a significant role in the wellbeing of asthmatic individuals. To ensure such people’s

health and safety, regular ductwork cleaning by a professional is the best solution.

Is Ductwork Sanitization Worth It in 2021?

After analyzing the risks and benefits associated with air duct sanitization, you can judge

its worth. In 2021, when a pandemic threatens us, we should be extra careful. So, now

ductwork disinfection and cleaning cannot be ignored in any way.

As coronavirus is spreadable through air and physical contact, we must know that the

HVAC system can be a significant source. When the disease-ridden air when recirculates,

it can infect many. So, as responsible individuals, you must look for reliable Ductwork

Sanitizing services. Experienced technicians will visit your home, inspect the vents, and

thoroughly clean it. It is the best way to safeguard your health and safety in these

challenging times.

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Before deciding to apply Do-It-Yourself cleaning methods for ductwork sanitization, you

must understand that this task is complicated. It requires special training, equipment,

tools, and chemicals for safe and satisfactory results.

How is Ductwork Disinfection and Cleaning a Complicated Task?

Cleaning and sanitizing ductworks is not an easy task. It requires you to access

problematic areas, use professional tools and dangerous chemicals. Some of the functions

that only professional can perform include:

Working in Roof space

Roof spaces and attics are unsafe areas of a building to work. If you do not have the right

tools and equipment, then you are risking yourself. Some of the dangers you need to avoid

include overheating during the hot season, slipping or falling off the ceiling, damaging

yourself through sharp edges, and hurting yourself with nails or duct edges.

Special Tools Required for the Task

Apart from the risks, only professionals have access to state-of-the-art machinery

required to perform the cleaning task. Some of the necessary equipment for safety and

efficiency include power vacuums, expert brushes, respirators, and bodysuits.