islam_qa_en_1966 (1)

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  • 7/30/2019 islam_qa_en_1966 (1)


  • 7/30/2019 islam_qa_en_1966 (1)


    W hat is the hair that it is perm issible to rem ove and the hair that it is not perm issible to rem ove?

    w hich includes the eyebrow s. The action of rem oving the hair of the

    eyebrow s is called al-nam as. It is also forbidden to rem ove the hair of

    the beard.

    The evidence for that is the hadeeth of

    A bd-A llaah ibn M as ood (m ay A llaah be pleased w ith him ) w ho said: I heard

    the M essenger of A llaah (peace and blessings of A llaah be upon

    him ) say: A llaah has cursed the w om an w ho does tattoos and the one w ho

    has them done, the w om an w ho plucks eyebrow s (al-naam isah) and the

    one w ho has it done (al-m utanam m isah), and the one w ho files her teeth for

    the purpose of beauty, altering the creation of A llaah.

    (N arrated by al-B ukhaari, 5931; M uslim ,


    A nd it w as narrated that A bd-A llaah ibn U m ar said: I heard the M essenger

    of A llaah

    (peace and blessings of A llaah be upon him ) say: B e different from the

    m ushrikeen: let your beards grow and trim your m oustaches.

    (N arrated by al-B ukhaari, 5892; M uslim , 259)

    al-N aw aw i (m ay A llaah have m ercy on him )


    The naam isah is the w om an w ho rem oves

    hair from the face and the m utanam m isah is the one w ho asks to have that

    done. This action is haraam , unless a w om an develops a beard orm oustache, in w hich case it is not haraam to rem ove it, rather that is

    m ustahabb in our view .

    S harh al-N aw aw i li S aheeh M uslim ,


    3 H air concerning w hich the texts are silent and do not say w hether it is to

    be rem oved orleft as it is, such as hair on the legs, hands, cheeks or forehead.

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  • 7/30/2019 islam_qa_en_1966 (1)


    W hat is the hair that it is perm issible to rem ove and the hair that it is not perm issible to rem ove?

    There is som e difference of scholarly opinion

    concerning this.

    S om e said that it is not perm issible to

    rem ove it, because rem oving it im plies changing the creation of A llaah, as

    A llaah tells us that the S haytaan said:

    and indeed I w ill order them to change

    the nature created by A llaah [al-N isa 4:119 interpretation of the m eaning]

    S om e said that this is one of the things concerning w hich nothing w as said,so the ruling is

    that it is allow ed. It is perm issible to leave it or to rem ove it, because

    w hatever is not m entioned in the Q uraan or S unnah is perm issible.

    This w as the view favoured by the scholars of

    the S tanding C om m ittee and by S haykh Ibn U thaym een. S ee Fataaw a

    al-M arah al-M uslim ah, 3/879

    It says in Fataaw a al-Lajnah al-D aa im ah:


    There is no sin on a w om an if she rem oves hair on her upper lip, thighs,

    calves and arm s. This is not part of the tanam m us

    (plucking) that is forbidden.

    (Fataaw a al-Lajnah

    al-D aa im ah, 5/194, 195)


    The C om m ittee w as asked:

    W hat is the Islam ic ruling on plucking the hair betw een the eyebrow s?

    They replied:

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    W hat is the hair that it is perm issible to rem ove and the hair that it is not perm issible to rem ove?

    It is perm issible to pluck

    it, because it is not part of the eyebrow s.

    (Fataaw a al-Lajnah

    al-D aa im ah, 5/197)

    The S tanding C om m ittee w as asked:

    W hat is the ruling on a w om an rem oving hair

    from her body?

    They replied:

    It is perm issible for her to do that, apart from the hair of the eyebrow s and

    head. It is not

    perm issible for her to rem ove the hair of her head or to rem ove any part of

    the eyebrow s, w hether by shaving or any other m eans.

    Fataaw a al-Lajnah al-D aa im ah,5/194

    W e should com m ent on the questioners w ords

    I know that plucking the eyebrow s is haraam and rem oving facial hair is


    A s for plucking the eyebrow s, this is haraam

    and is a m ajor sin, because the P rophet (peace and blessings of A llaah beupon him ) cursed those w ho do it.

    B ut as for rem oving facial hair, there is a

    difference of opinion am ong the scholars as to w hether it is perm issible to

    rem ove it. This is based on their various understandings of the w ord

    al-nam as.

    S om e scholars said that al-nam as m eansrem oving any facial hair, and they did not lim it it to the eyebrow s. O thers

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  • 7/30/2019 islam_qa_en_1966 (1)


    W hat is the hair that it is perm issible to rem ove and the hair that it is not perm issible to rem ove?

    w ere of the view that al-nam as refers to rem oving the hair of

    the eyebrow s only. This w as the view favoured by the S tanding C om m ittee

    as is clear from the fatw as quoted above.

    It says in Fataaw a al-Lajnah al-D aa im ah:

    A l-nam as m eans

    plucking the hair of the eyebrow s, w hich is not perm issible because the

    P rophet (peace and blessings of A llaah be upon him ) cursed the w om an

    w ho plucks eyebrow s (al-naam isah) and the one w ho has it done

    (al-m utanam m isah).

    Fataaw a al-Lajnah al-D aa im ah, 5/195

    A nd A llaah know s best.

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