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  • 8/8/2019 letme Anabilim Dal


    letme Anabilim Dal

    Chair for Business Administration

    Lisansst Programlar / Graduate Programs

    letme Yksek Lisans (YL) /MA in Business Administration

    Genel Bilgiler

    letme Blm rencilerini ulusal ve uluslararas rekabeti piyasalara hazrlar ve mkemmellik iin abalar.Blm, ynetim ve sosyal bilimler arasnda disiplinler aras eitimleri destekler. Programdaki derslerden birka;Liderlik Yaklamlar, Deiim ve Dnm Ynetimi, Vizyon Ynetimi, leri Muhasebe Teknikleri, ToplamKalite Ynetimi, Biliim Teknolojileri ve Ynetim, rgt Ynetimi, Finansal Analiz, Bilimsel AratrmaYntemleri ve Karar Alma, Giriimcilik Stratejileri, Stratejik Ynetim, nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi ve YnetimMuhasebesidir.

    General Information

    The Business Administration Department, seeks perfectionism, prepares their students for the international and

    national competitive markets. The department supports interdisciplinary educations between administrative andsocial sciences. Some of the lectures in the program are; Leadership Approaches, Change and Transformation

    Management, Vision Management, Advanced Accounting Techniques, Total Quality Management, InformationTechnologies and Management, Management-Organization, Financial Analysis, Scientific Research Methods

    and Decision Making, Entrepreneurs Strategies, Strategic Management, Human Resources Management andManagerial Accounting.

    Adresler /AddressesAnabilim Dal Bakan /Chairman Do.Dr. Nazan YELKKALAN

    E-posta /E-mail [email protected] Telefon / Telephone +90-0286-335 87 38

    Faks/ Fax +90-0286-335 87 36Posta adresi /Postal Address OM Biga ktisadi ve dari Bilimler Fakltesi,

    Aaky Kamps, Biga / ANAKKALEWeb http://biibf.comu.edu.tr/isletme.htm

    retim Kadrosu /Academic Staff

    Unvan. Ad Soyad / Title. NameSurname

    Ksa zgemi /Short Biography Uzmanlklar /ResearchInterests

    Prof. Dr. Ali [email protected]

    L/BA:Anadolu niv.1986YL/MA:Anadolu niv. 1988D/PhD:Anadolu niv. 1991


    Prof. Dr. Mehmet [email protected]

    L/BA:Anadolu niv. 1972YL/MA:Boazii niv. 1974D/PhD:Anadolu niv. 1978

    letme/ BusinessAdministration

    Prof. Dr.M.Rt GRKAYNAKL/BA:stanbul niv. 1965

    YL/MA:Univ.of Kansas 1970D/PhD:Univ of Kansas 1973



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    Prof. Dr. Engin [email protected]

    L/BA:Anadolu niv.1979YL/MA:Anadolu niv.1980D/PhD:Anadolu niv.1985

    ktisat /Economy

    Do. Dr. Murat [email protected]

    L/BA:stanbul niv.1993YL/MA:Dumlupnar niv.1995D/PhD:stanbul niv.1998


    Do.Dr.Derman KKALTAN L/BA:Marmara ./Anadolu .YL/MA:stanbul niv.D/PhD:stanbul niv.

    Turizm lt./TourismAdminist.

    Do.Dr. Nazan [email protected]

    L/BA:Anadolu niv.1992YL/MA:Anadolu niv.1994D/PhD:Anadolu niv.1999


    Yrd.Do.Dr.Halis [email protected]

    L/BA:Anadolu niv.1986YL/MA:Anadolu niv.1989D/PhD:Anadolu niv.1999


    Yrd. Do.Dr. Mikail [email protected]

    L/BA:Tic.Tur.Yk.r.Okulu.1981YL/MA:nn niv. 1994D/PhD:nn niv.1996


    Yrd. Do.Dr. Ayten [email protected]

    L/BA:Seluk niv.1993YL/MA:Seluk niv. 1996D/PhD:Seluk niv. 2003


    Yrd. Do.Dr. Glgn [email protected]

    L/BA:stanbul niv.1991YL/MA:stanbul niv. 1995D/PhD:stanbul niv. 2003


    Yrd. Do. Dr. Nilsun SARIYERL/BA: nn niv.YL/MA: nn niv.D/PhD: n niv.


    Yrd. Do. Dr. Osman ULUYOLL/BA:Anadolu niv.YL/MA:Anadolu niv.D/PhD:Anadolu niv.


    Yrd. Do. Dr. MehmetMARANGOZ

    L/BA:stanbul nv.YL/MA:Marmara niv.D/PhD:Anadolu niv.


    Yrd. Do. Dr. Umut EROLU

    L/BA:Uluda niv.1997YL/MA:anakkale Onsekiz Martniv. 1999D/PhD:Uluda Univ. 2005


    Yrd. Do. Dr. Nilay YCELL/BA:Anadolu niv.1991YL/MA:Anadolu niv.1995D/PhD:Anadolu niv.1999


    letme Anabilim Dal

    Yksek Lisans Bilimsel Hazrlk ProgramBitirme Koullar / Graduation RequirementsAlnmas gereken en az kredi miktar: 12 /Minimum total credit required:12

    Alnmas gereken en a fazla kredi miktar: 24 /Maximum total credit required:24

    Zorunlu Dersler/ Compulsory CoursesI. YARIYIL (GZ) /I. SEMESTER (FALL) II. YARIYIL (BAHAR) /II. SEMESTER (SPRING)



    Kredi/Credit KOD /CODE


    Kredi / Credit










    L 103 letme Bilimine Giri I

    / Introduction ToBusiness Science I

    2 0 2 5


    letme Bilimine Giri

    II / Introduction toBusiness Science II

    2 0 2 5

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    L107Genel Muhasebe I /General Accounting I

    3 0 3 5L108

    Genel Muhasebe II /General Accounting II

    3 0 3 4


    rgtsel Davran/OrganizationalBehaviour

    2 0 2 4


    letmelerde Problemzme Teknikleri/Problem SolvingTechniques in Business

    3 0 3 4


    Ynetim veOrganizasyon/Management andOrganisation

    3 0 3 4


    nsan KaynaklarYnetimi / HumanResource Management

    2 0 2 4



    L 105 letme Bilimine Giri I ( 2 0 2) : letmecilik Sistemi ( dnyasnn karlat temel sorunlar,Sosyalsorumluluk ve i etii, Giriimcilik ve kk iletmecilik), Ynetim ve Organizasyon (Ynetim, Etkinorganizasyonlarn yaratlmas, letmecilikte beeri ilikiler yaklam), nsan Kaynaklar ve retim (nsan

    kaynaklar ynetimi, Endstriyel ilikiler, retim ynetimi), Pazarlama (Pazarlama ynetimi, rn vefiyatlandrma, Datm stratejileri, Promosyon stratejileri), Finansal Ynetim (Para, banka ve kredi sistemi,Finansal ynetim, Risk ynetimi) Verimlilik Ynetimi, rgt Gelitirme, Kariyer Planlama

    L 105 INTRODUCTON TO BUSNESS SCENCE I ( 5 ): Business administration system(Main problems of the business world,Social responsibility and business ethics, Entrepreneurship and smallenterprises), Management and Organization,Human Resources and Production Management, IndustrialRelationships, Marketing

    L107Genel Muhasebe I (3 0 3) :Muhasebenin temel kavramlarn tanmlama, bilano ve hesaplarn ve dahasonra hesaplama srecini, genel olarak bilinen hesaplama ilkelerini, varlklarn genel kayt kurallarn incelemek

    L107 GENERAL ACCOUNTNG I ( 5 ): Definition of accounting and accounting functions. Accounting

    as an information system , Reporting of financial information ( financial statement, business transactions, basicaccounting aquation, the trial balance), Classifing of financial information ( account and its types, classifing ofaccounts, the ledger, opening and closing accounts, Accounts, account plan and the Turkish Uniform Account plan ), Recording of financial information ( entry systems, entries), Process of accounting that covers anaccounting period ( accounting procedures that covers an accounting period), Basic cocepts of accounting andGenerally Accepted Accounting Principles, General recording rules of assets, Detailed analysis of basic accountsof current assets: cash, chque and deposit account, Securities accounts,Receivable: accounts receivable, notesreceivable, nventories and Recording sales and purchases of inventory for a merchandising firm that coversinventory valuation methods., Other current assets accounts

    L111rgtsel Davran( 2 0 2):rgtsel davran dersi rencilere, davran teorisini ve bu teorininorganizasyonlardaki uygulamalarn takdim etmektedir. Bu balamda rgtsel davran seviyedeincelenecektir: Birey, Grup, Organizasyon. Organizasyonlarda gerekleen davrann, motivasyonun vefaaliyetlerin zmlenmesinin ve anlalmasnn nemi zerinde durmann yannda ynetim ve liderlikuygulamalarnn gereklilii zerinde de durulacaktr. Bu ders katlmclarn; liderlik niteliklerini, karar alma becerilerini, takm almas motivasyon ve iletiim kavramlarn ieren temel ynetsel yeteneklergelitirmelerini salayacaktr.

    L111 Organizational Behaviour ( 4) : Organizational behavior introduces students to the behavioral sciencetheory and application in managing an organization. In this course discuss organizational behavior at 3 levels;organization or macro level, group or mezzo level and person or micro level. We'll examine the importance ofunderstanding the behavior, motivation and actions in the organizations, and focus on the need/relevance ofmanagement and leadership skills in organizations. The course will help you to understand and also to developbasic management skills including communications, motivation, teamwork and group dynamics skills, decision-making abilities, and leadership qualitiesL 219 Ynetim ve Organizasyon(3 0 3): Ynetim, nceden belirlenen ya da sonradan revize edilen amalaraulamak iin planlama, organize etme, kadrolama, yneltme ve denetlemeye ilikin teori, model, yaklam ve

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    ilkelerin maharetle uygulamaya geirilmesi srecidir. Bu derste, ynetim ve organizasyon ile ilgili temelkavramlar ele alnacaktr.

    L219 Management and Organisation ( 4 ) :Management is a process in which theories, models, approachesand principles related to planning, organizing, staffing, motivating and controlling are put into practice skillfullyfor achieving the goals determined in advance or revised afterwards. In this course, main concepts ofmanagement and organization will be discussed.


    L106 LETME BLMNE GR II ( 2 0 2): letmecilik Sistemi ( dnyasnn karlat temelsorunlar,Sosyal sorumluluk ve i etii, Giriimcilik ve kk iletmecilik), Ynetim ve Organizasyon (Ynetim,Etkin organizasyonlarn yaratlmas, letmecilikte beeri ilikiler yaklam), nsan Kaynaklar ve retim (nsankaynaklar ynetimi, Endstriyel ilikiler, retim ynetimi), Pazarlama (Pazarlama ynetimi, rn vefiyatlandrma, Datm stratejileri, Promosyon stratejileri), Finansal Ynetim (Para, banka ve kredi sistemi,Finansal ynetim, Risk ynetimi) Verimlilik Ynetimi, rgt Gelitirme, Kariyer Planlama

    L106 INTRODUCTON TO BUSNESS SCENCE II ( 5 ): Business administration system(Main

    problems of the business world,Social responsibility and business ethics, Entrepreneurship and smallenterprises), Management and Organization,Human Resources and Production Management, IndustrialRelationships, Marketing

    L104 GENEL MUHASEBE II (3 0 3): Uzun vadeli alacaklar, Mali duran varlklar, Maddi ve Maddiolmayan duran varlklar, Mali yabanc kaynaklar, Ticari ve ticari olmayan yabanc kaynaklar, z kaynaklar,Gelirler, Giderler (7/A ve 7/B seenekleri), Mali raporlar hazrlama, rnek olaylar,Giderler,Dnem sonuilemleri,L104 GENERAL ACCOUNTNG II ( 4 ): Generally accepted accounting principles, the accountingequation and the balance sheet, the account, the double entry system, journal entry, posting to the ledgeraccounts, the trial balance and introduction to basic asset, source, income statement and cost accounts. Accordingto Ministry of Finance monoregularity chart of accounts current asset, noncurrent asset; current liability, longterm liability, stockholdersequity accounts and their subsidiary accounts journalizing and posting

    process as detailed.

    L218 letmelerde Problem zme Teknikleri(3 0 3): Problem zme Teknikleri dersi iletmelerin gncelsorunlarna ynelik olarak zm modelleri zerinde durmaktadr. zellikle iletmelerde problem zmnnkantitatif ve kalitatif adan gsterdii gelimeler incelenerek, katlmclarn problem zm konusundagelimeleri salanmaktadr.L218 Problem Solving Techniques in Business ( 4 ) : This course is concentrated on actual problems andtheir solution models of businesses especially evoluation of qualitative and quantative methods which are usingin problem solving. By this way improving the capabilities of current students is main purpose of this course.

    L318 NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETM( 2 0 2): nsan kaynaklar ynetiminin tanm, nemi, kapsam,amalar ve ilevleri, personel ynetiminden insan kaynaklar ynetimine gei sreci ve arasndaki farklar, insankaynaklar blmnn rgtlenmesi, insan kaynaklar ynetiminde temel ilkeler, insan kaynaklar planlamas ve

    planlamay etkileyen faktrler, i analizi ve i tanmlar, igren bulma ve seme konular bu dersin ieriinioluturmaktadr.

    L318 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ( 4 ) : Human resource management definition, importance,scope, objectives and functions, personnel management, human resources management, the transition processand the differences between the human resources section of the organization, human resource managementprinciples, human resource planning and scheduling factors affecting the business analysis and job descriptions,Employee Find and select the issues that constitute the course content.

    Yksek Lisans Program / MA. Programme

    Bitirme Koullar / Graduation RequirementsAlnmas gereken en az kredi miktar: 21 /Minimum total credit required:21

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    Zorunlu Dersler / Compulsory CoursesI. YARIYIL (GZ) /I. SEMESTER (FALL) II. YARIYIL (BAHAR) /II. SEMESTER (SPRING)



    Kredi / CreditKOD /CODE


    Kredi / Credit
















    EL 501

    Alan Uzmanlk/Field ofspecialization

    5 0 0 5 L 502Alan Uzmanlk/Field

    of specialization5 0 0 5



    3 - 3 3L 504

    Deiim ve DnmYnetimi/Changingand Transforming


    3 - 3 3


    letmelerde StratejikYnetim/StrategicManagement In


    3 - 3 3L 506

    Bilimsel AratrmaTeknikleri/ScientificResearch Methods

    3 - 3 3

    L507Biliim Teknolojileri ve

    Ynetim/IT and


    3 - 3 3L 512

    Seminer (Uluslararasletmecilik)/Seminar-

    Int. Business

    0 2 0 2



    t Accounting

    3 - 3 3

    *: T/T=Teorik/Theoretical, U /A=Uygulama/Application, K/C=Kredi/Credit, E/E=ECTS Kredisi/Credit of ECTS

    Semeli Dersler / Elective Courses



    Kredi/Credit KOD /CODE











    L 508leri letmecilik

    Teknikleri/AdvencedManagement Techniques

    3 - 3 3

    L 513Karar Teorisi / DecisionTheory

    3 - 3 3 L 510leri MuhasebeTeknikleri/ AdvencedAccounting Techniques

    3 - 3 3

    L 519 Finansal Tablolar Analizi/ Financial AccountsAnalysis

    3 - 3 3 L 514Ekonomiye Giri /Introduction to Economics

    3 - 3 3

    L 527 UluslararasPazarlama/InternationalMarketing

    3 - 3 3 L 516nsan KaynaklarYnetimi/HumanResearch Management

    3 - 3 3

    L 517 Lojistik Ynetimi/Logistic Management

    3 - 3 3 L 518Vizyon Ynetimi / VisionManagement

    3 - 3 3

    L 521 Stratejik PazarlamaYnetimi/ StrategicMarketing Management

    3 - 3 3 L 536Sistem Kuram veYaratclk/System theoryand creativity

    3 - 3 3

    L 553OrganizasyonlardaBilgi YnetimiUygulamalar

    2 0 2 4 L 520Giriimcilik ve Yaratclk/ Entrepreneurship andInnovation

    3 - 3 3

    L 524Para ve SermayePiyasalar / Money andCapital Market

    3 - 3 3

    L 526 Maliyet Muhasebesi /Cost Accounting

    3 - 3 3

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    L 528Uluslararas Finans /International Finance

    3 - 3 3

    L 534Tketici Davran/Consumer Behavior

    3 - 3 3

    L 532Pazarlama Aratrmas /Marketing Research

    3 - 3 3

    Tezsiz Yksek Lisans Program / MA. Programme Without ThesisBitirme Koullar / Graduation Requirements

    Alnmas gereken en az kredi miktar: 21 /Minimum total credit required:21

    Zorunlu Dersler / Compulsory Courses




    Kredi / CreditKOD /CODE

    DERSN ADI / COURSEKredi / Credit









    L 531 Stratejik Ynetim /Strategic Management

    3 - 3 3 L 504Deiim ve DnmYnetimi/Changing andTransforming Management

    3 - 3 3

    L 529letme Ynetiminde

    Gncel Konular /Contemporary Topics

    In Management

    3 - 3 3 L 506Bilimsel Aratrma

    Teknikleri / ScientificResearch Methods

    3 - 3 3

    L 515

    Muhasebenin Temel

    Kuramlar / BasicTheories of Account.

    3 - 3 3

    L 503 Liderlik Yaklamlar /Leadership Aproaches

    3 - 3 3

    *: T/T=Teorik/Theoretical, U /A=Uygulama/Application, K/C=Kredi/Credit, E/E=ECTS Kredisi/Credit ofCTS

    Semeli Dersler / Elective Courses



    Kredi/Credit KOD /CODE



















    L 521Statejik PazarlamaYnetimi/StrategicMarketing Management

    3 - 3 3 L 542Giriimcilik/Entrepreneurship

    3 - 3 3

    L 523Global letmeler/GlobalBusinesses

    3 - 3 3 L 516nsan Kaynaklar

    Ynetimi / HumanResearch Management

    3 - 3 3

    L 519Finansal TablolarAnalizi/FinancialAccounts Analysis

    3 - 3 3 L 538Kriz Ynetimi /CrisisManagement

    3 - 3 3

    L 517Lojistik Ynetimi/Logistic Management

    3 - 3 3 L 514rgtselDavran/OrganizationalBehavior

    3 - 3 3

    L 540 Yatrm ProjeleriAnalizi/Investment

    3 - 3 3

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    Projects Analysis

    L 534Tketici Davran /Consumer Behavior

    3 - 3 3

    L 518 Vizyon Ynetimi/VisionManagement

    3 - 3 3

    L 532

    Pazarlama Aratrmas /

    Marketing Research 3 - 3 3

    Zorunlu Dersler / Compulsory Courses




    Kredi / CreditT*T




    L 525 Proje Ynetimi / ProjectManagement 3 0

    3 3

    L 533 Dnem Projesi / TermProject

    0 20 0

    *:T/T =Teorik/Theoretical, U/A=Uygulama/Application, K/C=Kredi/Credit, E/E: ECTS kredisi/Credit of ECTS

    letme Anabilim DalDoktora Bilimsel Hazrlk Program

    Bitirme Koullar / Graduation RequirementsAlnmas gereken en az kredi miktar: 12 /Minimum total credit required:12

    Alnmas gereken en a fazla kredi miktar: 24 /Maximum total credit required:24

    Zorunlu Dersler/ Compulsory Courses



    Kredi/Credit KOD /CODE


    Kredi / Credit










    L 503Liderlik Yaklamlar /Leadership Approaches

    3 0 3 6 L530

    Deiim Ve DnmYnetimi / ChangingAnd Transforming


    3 0 3 6


    letmelerde StratejikYnetim / Strategic

    Management In


    3 0 3 6 L502Bilimsel Aratrma

    Teknikleri / Scientific

    Research Methods

    3 0 3 6

    L507Biliim TeknolojileriVe Ynetim / It And

    Management3 0 3 6 L504

    leri letmecilikTeknikleri / Advenced


    3 0 3 6



    L503L 503LDERLK YAKLAIMLARI( 3 0 3 ): Liderlik kavram, yneticilik kavram, karlatrlmasve bilgi toplumunda liderlie olan gereksinim, genel olarak liderlik yaklamlar, liderlik zellikleri, entelektelliderlik, siyasette liderlik anlay, TKY ve liderlik, dntrc liderlik, liderlik ve ynetim kademeleri ile arkaplan liderlik.

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    L 503 LEADERSHP APPROACHES ( 6 ): The nature of leadership, leader traits and skills, leadershipbehaviour, leader member exchange and followership skills, new trends in leadership research.

    L 505 LETMELERDE STRATEJK YNETM( 3 0 3 ): Gnmzde tm iletmeler, gerek kr amalgerekse kr amasz kurulmu olsun, stratejik ynetim srecini, evrelerinde ortaya kan rekabeti gleri

    anlayabilmek ve buna ynelik olarak rekabet stnlkleri gelitirebilmek amacyla tutarl ve sistematik birekilde kullanmaktadrlar. Bu program, rencilerin stratejik ynetim srecini bilinli ve sistematik bir ekildeyrtebilmeleri iin gerekli olan eitimi sunmay amalamaktadr. Program, stratejik ynetim ile ilgili kavram,perspektif ve tekniklerin farkl trdeki iletmelerde nasl uygulanacan gsteren mevcut yerel ve kreselrneklerden oluan zengin bir listeyi de katlmclarnn yararna sunmaktadr.

    L 505 STRATEGC MANAGEMENT IN BUSNESSES ( 6 ) : All of the enterprises at the present, even ifthey are established to get profit or not, process of strategic manegement, to understand competing companiesfound around them and as regards this to the aim of developing competing superiority, they use this with asystematic way. The purpose of this program is to present the education necessary to the students to give themprocess of strategic management and systematic thinking.

    L 507 BLMTEKNOLOJLER VE YNETM( 3 0 3 ): Biliim teknolojisine giri, ilgili kavramlar ve

    tanmlamalar, bilgi teknolojisi ve rgtler, biliim teknolojisindeki gelimelerin ve bilgi kullanmnn bataynetim anlay olmak zere rgt yapsna ynelik oluturduu etkiler, ynetim bilgi sistemleri; kavramlar,ilkeler, tasarm, uygulama, iyiletirme, bilgi teknolojisi ynetimi, biliim teknolojilerindeki yeni eilimler.

    L 507 IT AND MANAGEMENT ( 6 ) : The role of information in organizations and the role of informationsystems as a formal mechanism for the collection and exchange of data and information are studied. Thestrategic and economic impacts of information systems on management processes are explored.


    L 504 DEM VE DNM YNETM( 3 0 3 ): Deiim ve dnm kavramlar, rgtgelitirme ve davran bilimleri ve deiim ynetimi, toplumsal deiim, kresel deiim, teknolojikdeiim ynetimi, yaratclk ynetimi, katlmc ynetim teknikleri, sosyal ve ynetsel mhendislik, ekipynetimi ve deiim ynetimi, kurumsallama ve deimeme ynetimi.

    L 504 CHANGNG AND TRANSFORMNG MANAGEMENT ( 6 ) : Concepts of change andtransformation, organization development, change management, global change, management of technologicchange and team management, Institutionalize.

    506 BLMSEL ARATIRMA TEKNKLER( 3 0 3 ): Problem tanmlama ve aratrma hedeflerini belirleme, aratrmann tasarlanmas, ikincil veri kaynaklarna ulama, kalitatif yntemler, veri toplamayntemleri, veri toplama formlarnn oluturulmas, rnek ktlenin belirlenmesi ve veri analizi yapm.

    L 506 SCENTFC RESEARCH METHODS ( 6 ) : Definition of problem and determination of researchtargets, research planning, arrive at subordinate datum resources, methods, datum collecting methods, formationof datum collecting forms, determination of sample mass and making datum analysis.L 508 LER LETMECLK TEKNKLER( 3 0 3 ): Hzla deien dnyada gelien ynetim teorileri,gelien modern teknikler, downsizing, toplam kalite ynetimi, benchmarking, renen organizasyonlar vedeiim mhendislii gibi konular ileyen bir derstir.

    L 508 ADVENCED MANAGEMENT TECHNQUES ( 6 ) : The course consists of management theories,new developing techniques in management, downsizing, total quality management, benchmarking, learningorganizations and re-engineering related issues.

    Doktora / .DoctorateBitirme Koullar / Graduation Requirements

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    Alnmas gereken en az kredi miktar: 21 /Minimum total credit required:21

    Bu programn temel amac adaylarn akademik kurumlarda eitim ve aratrma alannda yetimelerinisalamaktr. Program Ynetim & Organizasyon, retim & Pazarlama ve Muhasebe & Finans alanlarndasunulmaktadr. Dersler iki yaryl srmektedir. rencilerin derslerini en ge drt yarylda tamamlamalargerekmektedir. Dersleri baar ile tamamlayan renciler yazl ve szl olarakletme Bilimi alannda kapsaml

    bir yeterlilik snavna tabi tutulurlar. Bu snavda baarl olanlar doktora tez aamasna gemi olur. Farklalanlardan gelen renciler, Anabilim Dal Bakanlnn uygun grd, her dnem iin 6-15 saat / krediyksek lisans derslerini almak zorundadrlar. Her renci en az 30 saat / kredi ve seminer hazrlamakzorundadr.

    The main aim of this programme is training candidates for education and research fields of academicorganizations. Field of specialization in the programme are, Management & Organization, Production &Management and Accounting & Finance. Time period of courses is two semesters. Students have to accomplishlessons in maximum four semesters. Students who have accomplished lessons successfully, are examined with acompresenhive written and oral examination in field of Business Science. Sucessful students in the examinationbegin thesis of doctorate. Students from different fields, have to accomplish courses (6-15 credits for each term)of MA Programme that are proposed by chair. Students have to accomplish minumum 30 credits and prepareone seminar.

    Zorunlu Dersler / Compulsory Courses




    Kredi / CreditKOD /CODE

    DERSN ADI / COURSEKredi / Credit









    L 601Alan UzmanlkField of Specialization

    6 0 0 0L602

    Alan UzmanlkField of Specialization

    6 0 0 0

    L 603

    letmelerdeTransformasyonYaklamlar /TransformationApproaches inBusiness

    3 0 3 6

    L 604

    letme AratrmalarndaMetodoloji II / Methods inBusiness Research II

    3 0 3 6

    L 605

    letme BilimiAratrmalarndaMetodoloji I / Methodsin Business ScienceResearch- I

    3 0 3 6

    L 606

    Entelektel Liderlik/Intellectual Leadership

    3 0 3 6

    L 607

    Temel letme BilimiAratrmalar/ Basic

    Business ScienceResearch

    3 0 3 6

    L 608

    Ynetim Psikolojisi/Managerial Psychology

    3 0 3 6

    L610letmecilik Okumalar /Business AdministrationReadings

    3 0 3 6

    L 622Seminer / Seminar 0 2 0 0

    Semeli Dersler (Uzmanlk Alanna Gre) (According to Field of specialization) Selective CoursesYnetim ve Organizasyon, Muhasebe ve Finans, retim ve Pazarlamadan

    (Management and Organization, Accounting and Finance, Production and Marketing)I. YARIYIL (GZ) /I. SEMESTER (FALL) II. YARIYIL (BAHAR) /II. SEMESTER (SPRING)

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    Kredi / CreditKOD /CODE

    DERSN ADI / COURSE Kredi / Credit

    L 609rgt Kuram /Organization Theory

    3 0 3 6L 612

    Global Rekabet Stratejisi/Global CompetitiveStrategies

    3 0 3 6

    L 611Global PazarlamaStratejileri/ GlobalMarketing Strategies

    3 0 3 6L 614

    Karar Teorisi ve Muhasebe/Decision Theory andAcconting

    3 0 3 6

    L 613

    Finansal Pazarlar veKurumlar Kuram/Financial Markets andCompanies Theory

    3 0 3 6

    L 616

    zel Pazarlama Kuramlar /Specail Marketing Theories

    3 0 3 6

    L 615nsan KaynaklarYnetimi / HumanResource Management

    3 0 3 6L624

    stihdam Politikalar /Employment Politics

    3 0 3 6


    Tezli Yksek Lisans /Master of ArtGz Yaryl / Fall Semester

    L 501 Alan Uzmanlk Dersi (5 0 0) : Tez Danmanln yaptmz rencilerin almalar gereken ders,Gerekli konular/ ierikler daha sonra belirlenecektir.

    L 501 Field of Specialization (5 0 0): the course has to be accomplished by students in the stage of thesis,subjects and context of the course will be detemined later.

    L 503 Liderlik Yaklamlar (3 0 3) : Liderlik kavram, yneticilik kavram, karlatrlmas ve bilgitoplumunda liderlie olan gereksinim, genel olarak liderlik yaklamlar, liderlik zellikleri, entelektel liderlik,

    siyasette liderlik anlay, TKY ve liderlik, dntrc liderlik, liderlik ve ynetim kademeleri ile arka planliderlik.

    L 503 L eadership Approaches (3 0 3) : The nature of leadership, leader traits and skills, leadershipbehaviour, leader member exchange and followership skills, new trends in leadership research.

    L 505 letmelerde Stratejik Ynetim (3 0 3) : Stratejik ynetime ilikin genel kavramlar, stratejik ynetimsreci ve aamalar, strateji gelitirme rneklemeleri, rgt misyonu, iletme ve d evre etkileimi, stratejikalternatiflerin analizi, strateji seiminde portfy analizi, stratejik ynetim teknikleri, iletme stratejileri,stratejileri uygulama ve kontrol, strateji gelitirme.

    L 505 Strategic Management at Enterprises (3 0 3) : This course focuses on aligning resources with the

    strategic plan, configuring and integrating the operating processes to support the strategic plan andimplementing change. This course includes the application of learned skills and the testing, distillation and

    integration of insights gained from previous courses and other sources.

    L 507 Biliim Teknolojileri ve Ynetim (3 0 3) : Biliim teknolojisine giri, ilgili kavramlar vetanmlamalar, bilgi teknolojisi ve rgtler, biliim teknolojisindeki gelimelerin ve bilgi kullanmnn bataynetim anlay olmak zere rgt yapsna ynelik oluturduu etkiler, ynetim bilgi sistemleri; kavramlar,ilkeler, tasarm, uygulama, iyiletirme, bilgi teknolojisi ynetimi, biliim teknolojilerindeki yeni eilimler.

    L 507 Information Technologies and Management (3 0 3) : The role of information in organizations and therole of information systems as a formal mechanism for the collection and exchange of data and information are

    studied. The strategic and economic impacts of information systems on management processes are explored.

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    L 509 Ynetim Muhasebesi (3 0 3) : Ynetim muhasebesinin tanm, amac, ilevleri ve konular. Ynetimmuhasebesi konular ile ilgili temel kavramlar. Planlama ilevi ve nemi, planlama arac olarak maliyet-hacim-kar analizleri ve planlama arac olarak btelerin kullanlmas. Kontrol ilevi ve nemi, kontrol arac olarakstandart maliyet sistemi. Esnek bteleme ve genel retim giderlerinin kontrol. Karar alma arac olarakdeiken maliyet sistemi. Sermaye yatrm kararlar ve alternatif seim kararlar. Baar deerlemesi ve baardeerlemesi arac olarak sorumluluk muhasebesi. Geleneksel ynetim muhasebesinin yetersizlikleri ve ynetim

    muhasebesindeki gncel konular.

    L 509 Managerial Accounting (3 0 3) : Key terms, cost behaviors and analysis, profit planning, decisionmaking and using of accounting information, flexible budget and control of overall costs. Decisions making as a

    tool variable costing, standard costing and control. Capital investment decisions. Traditional cost systems and

    contemporary costing approaches.

    L 513 Karar Teorisi (3 0 3): Karar teorisi, belirlilik, belirsizlik ve risk ortamnda karar kriterleri, dorusalprogramlamaya ilikin kavramlar ve zm teknikleri, simpleks metodu, ulatrma modelleri, PERT-CPM, oyunteorisi, karar aalar, bekleme modelleri, simulasyon.

    L 513 Decision Theory (3 0 3) : Decision theory. Fundamentals of decision theory. Linear programming.Graphical solution to a linear programming problem. The simplex method of a linear programming problem.

    Transportation technique. A network technique and critical path analysis. Inventory models. Waiting lines andqueue theory.

    L 519 Finansal Tablolar Analizi (3 0 3) : Mali analizin tanm, gereklilii, eitleri ve teknikleri. Temel malitablolarn bileenleri ve temel mali tablolarn analize hazrlanmas. Karlatrmal mali tablolar analizi teknii,kullanm alan, uygulamas ve bulgularn analizi ve yorumu, yzde metodu ile analiz teknii, kullanm alan,uygulanmas ve bulgularn analiz ve yorumu, trend analizi teknii, kullanm alan, uygulanmas ve bulgularnanalizi ve yorumu, oran analiz teknii, kullanm alan, uygulanmas ve bulgularn analiz ve yorumu, fon kavram,fonlarn ak analizi ve tekniinin kullanm alan, fon akm tablosunun hazrlanmas ve yorumu, net almasermayesinde deiim tablosunun hazrlanmas ve yorumu, nakit akm tablosunun hazrlanmas ve yorumu.

    L 519 Financial Statement Analysis (3 0 3) :Balance sheet and income statement, cash flow statement, fundflow statement, definitions of profit distribution statement, arrangement of cash flow statement and fund flow

    statement, preparation of cash flow statement and fund flow statement, analysis of cash flow statement and fundflow statement.

    L 527 Uluslararas Pazarlama (3 0 3) : Pazarlamayla ilgili olarak temel kavramlar, tanmlamalar,uluslararas ekonomi ve ticaret teorilerinden sonular karlmas, uluslar aras pazarlara giri yntemleri,btnleme nedenleri, pazarlamada rnlerle, fiyatlarla, datmla ilgili kararlar, pazarlama evresi, uluslar araspazarlamada tutundurma ile ilgili kararlar, pazarlama teslim ve deme trleri.

    L 527 International Marketing (3 0 3) :Fundamentals of Global Marketing, Local Marketing in Mature andEmerging Markets. Global Management; Globalizing Marketing, Products and Services, Pricing, Distribution,Advertising, Promotion, Direct Marketing and Personal Selling. Organizing for Global Marketing, The Future

    of Global Marketing. Applications; Foreign Trade Applications.

    L.517 Lojistik Ynetimi (3 0 3) : Gnmzn deien ve gelien mteri isteklerinin en etkin ve verimli birekilde karlanabilmesi, tedarik, retim ve datm sistemlerinde yapsal deiiklere gidilmesini gerektirmitir.Etkin bir Tedarik Zinciri Ynetimi Sistemi kurmak, kaynaklar en etkin bir biimde kullanmak, verimliliiartrmak, maliyetleri azaltmak, planl, hzl ve esnek bir tedarik, retim ve datm gerekletirmek lojistikyneticilerinin balca hedefleri arasndadr. Bu konuda dnya ve lkemizde ok eitli teknoloji, sistem veyntemler kullanlmaya balanmtr.

    L.517 Lojistic Management (3 0 3): Develop an understanding of the role of logistics in a market-orientedsociety and undertake up to date topics and discussions on contemporary logistics issues: Examine the majorfunctions of logistics. Provide an opportunity for comprehensive analysis and discussion of key contemporaryissues and problems in logistics. Examine the details of planning and control processes in logistics management.

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    L. 521 Stratejik Pazarlama Ynetimi (3 0 3) : Startejik Pazarlama Ynetimi Prosesi-Pazarlama StratejileriOluturma-Makro evresel Faktrlerin ncelenmesi-Endstri ve Rakip Analizi-Firma Kaynaklarnn ve Rekabet-lerinin Belirlenmesi-Strateji ve Rekabet Avantaj-Strateji ve Rekavet Avantaj-Stratejilerin RekabetDurumuna Uyarlanmas-rn eitlendireme ve Rekabet Avantaj -Stratejik birlikleri. StratejilerinUygulanmas: Firma Kaynaklarn oluturulmas ve Organizasyonun Yaplandrlmas-Stratejilerin Uygulanmas:Bte, Politikalar ve En yi Uygulamalar. Stratejilerin Yugulanmas: Destek Sistemleri ve dller

    L. 521 The Strategic Marketing Management (3 0 3) : The Strategic Marketing Management Process-TheMarketing Strategy Making Tasks. Analysis of Macro-Environmental Factors-Industry and CompetitiveAnalysis-Evaluating Company Resources and Competitive Capabilities-Strategy and Competitive Advantage.Strategy and Competitive Advantage-Matching Strategy to Competitive Situation-Strategy and CompetitiveAdvantage in Diversified Companies-Strategic Alliances - Joint Ventures. Implementing Strategy: BuildingResource Capabilities and Structuring the Organization. Implementing Strategy: Budget, Policies, Best Practices-Implementing Strategy: Support Systems and Rewards

    L 535 Organizasyonlarda Bilgi Ynetimi UygulamalarHemen btn dnr ve aratrmaclarn zerinde hem fikir olduklar zere. Bilgitoplumunda en nemli retim girdisi olarak Bilgi ne kmaktadr. Bilginin hayatn hemenher alannda giderek daha fazla nem kazanmasna paralel olarak zellikle ynetimkademelerine aday olanlarn; organizasyonlarn bilgi aklarn belirlemeleri gereksinenleregerekli bilgileri tam zamannda ve gerekli olduu nispette tedarik etmeleri srdrlebilirrekabet stnl ve nihayet baar elde etmenin n koulu haline gelmitir.Bu nedenle ynetim alannda biimsel eitim talep edenlerin evleviyetle donanmas gereken

    becerilerin, organizasyonel bilginin ynetimine ilikin katlmclarn beceri kazanmasnaynelik katk sunulacaktr.

    L 535 Knowledge Management Pratices in OrganizationKnowledge is the key faktor of organization in the knowledge society to achieve sustainable

    competitive advantage. For these aim managers who want to be succesful, should alsodetermine the knowledge gap of organization and provide required knowledge in requiredtime to required persons.Therefore, it will be not wrong to say that, who want to obtain formal education in themanagement field must also focus on organizational knowledge management.Firstly a theoretical framework for this course will be provided and then some support to the

    participants will be provided to gain some skills on knowledge management in organization.

    Tezli Yksek Lisans /Master of ArtBahar Yaryl /Spring Semester

    L 502 Alan Uzmanlk (5 0 0) : Tez Danmanln yaptmz rencilerin almalar gereken ders, Gereklikonular/ ierikler daha sonra belirlenecektir.

    L 502 Field of Specialization (5 0 0): the course has to be accomplished by students in the stage of thesis,subjects and context of the course will be detemined later.

    L 504 Deiim ve Dnm Ynetimi (3 0 3) : Deiim ve dnm kavramlar, rgt gelitirme ve davranbilimleri ve deiim ynetimi, toplumsal deiim, kresel deiim, teknolojik deiim ynetimi, yaratclkynetimi, katlmc ynetim teknikleri, sosyal ve ynetsel mhendislik, ekip ynetimi ve deiim ynetimi,kurumsallama ve deimeme ynetimi.

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    L 504 Change and Transformation Management (3 0 3) : Concepts of change and transformation,organization development, change management, global change, management of technologic change and teammanagement, Institutionalize.

    L 506 Bilimsel Aratrma Teknikleri (3 0 3) : Bilim, bilimsel bilgi, bilimlerin snflandrlmas ve sosyal

    bilimler, fiziksel ve sosyal bilimler arasndaki yntem farkllklar, bilimsel paradigmalar, bilimsel dnceyntemleri (tmdengelim, tmevarm, hipotez, soyutlama, teori, yasa), aratrma trleri, veri toplama teknikleri,bir bilimsel aratrmann basamaklar (konu seme, snflandrma, hipotez kurma, kaynak toplama, okuma, notalma, yazma) konular dersin ieriini oluturmaktadr.

    L 506 Scientific Research Techniques (3 0 3): Science and scientific approach. The selection of researchtopic. Literature review and hypothesis development. Research universe and sampling. Data in scientific


    L 508 leri letmecilik Teknikleri (3 0 3) : Ynetim ve rgt teorileri, iletmecilikte gelien modernteknikler; Downsizing, Toplam Kalite Ynetimi, Benchmarking, renen Organizasyonlar, Sfr Hiyerari,Deiim Mhendislii, ebeke ve Sanal Organizasyonlar.

    L 508 Advanced Business Administration Techniques (3 0 3) : Management and organization theories, newdeveloping techniques in management; Downsizing, Total Quality Management, Benchmarking, learningorganizations, Re-engineering etc.

    L 512 Seminer (Uluslararas letmecilik) (0 2 0): Uluslar aras iletme sahas, ulusal ve ok ulusluiletmeler, uluslararas iletmelerin kar karya olduu snrlayc evresel artlar, kltrel, ekonomik, siyasal,yasal ve kurumsal unsurlar, uluslar aras iletmecilik faaliyetlerinde stratejiler ve ilevsel ynler. Uluslar arasirketlerde karar alma ve denetim, retim, pazarlama, vb.

    L 512 Seminar (International Business) (0 2 0): The aim of the course is to reach advanced understandingof an optional issue in International Management. Decisions, production and marketing of international


    L 510 leri Muhasebe Teknikleri (3 0 3) : Muhasebenin tanm, nemi ve ilevleri, muhasebe bilgisi ile ilgilitaraflar, muhasebe bilgi sisteminin rettii mali tablolar ve bileenleri. Muhasebe hesap kavram, trleri vetekdzen hesap plan, muhasebe kayt aralar ve kullanlan belgeler. Muhasebe sreci; muhasebenin temelkavramlar, genel kabul grm muhasebe ilkeleri ve muhasebe standartlar. Dnen ve duran varlklarla ilgilimali nitelikli ilemler ve bunlarn kaydedilmesi. Yabanc kaynaklar ve z kaynaklarla ilgili mali nitelikli ilemlerve bunlarn kaydedilmesi. Gelir ve gider unsurlar ile ilgili ilemler ve bunlarn kaydedilmesi. Dnem sonuilemleri ve temel mali tablolarn dzenlenmesi.

    L 510 Advanced Accounting Tecniques (3 0 3) :Generally accepted accounting principles, the accountingequation and the balance sheet, the account, the double entry system, journal entry, posting to the ledgeraccounts, the trial balance and introduction to basic asset, source, income statement and cost accounts.

    According to Ministry of Finance monoregularity chart of accounts current asset, noncurrent asset; currentliability, long term liability, stockholdersequity accounts and their subsidiary accounts journalizing and posting

    process as detailed.

    L 514 Ekonomiye Giri (3 0 3) : Ekonomi bilimi, arz ve talep kavramlar, arz ve talep esneklii, piyasatrleri, fiyat oluumu, milli gelir hesaplama yntemleri, temel makro ekonomik sorunlar, amalar ve politikalar,modern makro ekonomi, para politikalar, enflasyon, isizlik.

    L 514 Introduction to Economics (3 0 3) : The subjects, framework, basic concepts and problems ofeconomics, basic economic systems, factors of production, theories of consumer and producer behavior, price

    mechanism and market structures, theories of perfect and imperfect competition, National Income andemployment, Distribution of Income and Factor Allocations, The theory of Fiscal Policy and Banking, Public

    Economics, budget and the place of government in Economics, International Trade.

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    L 516 nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi (3 0 3) : nsan kaynaklar ynetimi, amac ve ilevleri, insan kaynaklarynetimini etkileyen evresel faktrler, i analizleri ve i dizayn, insan kaynaklar planlamas, insan kaynaklartemin ve seimi, insan kaynaklar ynetiminde eitim ve gelitirme, performans deerlendirme, kariyerplanlama, iletmelerde cret ynetimi, i deerleme kavram ve yntemleri, insan kaynaklar ynetiminde igvenlii ve ii sal, alanlarn i ortamna uyumlatrlmas, bireysel ve toplu dzeyde ii-iverenilikileri, insan kaynaklar bilgi sistemleri.

    L 516 Human Resources Management (3 0 3) : History and Content of Human Resource Management, Job Analysis, Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation, Training and Development,Performance Appraisal, Career Development, Wage and Salary Administration, Health and Security, New

    Developments in HRM.

    L 518 Vizyon Ynetimi (3 0 3) : Vizyon sahibi olan, vizyonu ile belirsizlikler ve risklerle dolu geleceigrebilen ve dnebilen ve gelecee yn verebilen bir ok kii, lider, iletme, kurum ve lke dnyayla birlikteyol almakta ve onun ynn izebilmektedir. Bu ders ile amalanan; yksek lisan rencilerinin, vizyon kavramve liderlik, vizyon, misyon, strateji ve amalar arasnda iliki kurabilme, vizyon gelitirme ve uygulama sreci vevizyon ynetimi ile btnleik stratejik ynetim uygulamalar konularnda bilimsel aratrma yetenekleriningelitirilmesi ve konuya ynelik bilgi sahibi olmalar amalanmaktadr.

    L 518 Vision Management (3 0 3) : The course aimed to strengthen students visioning and strategicplanning competency, as well as to enable them to carry out futures-oriented planning and effective program

    management. For a broader knowledge on strategic planning, using management and planning models,participants were oriented on the steps and processes involved in strategic planning. They were taught the

    techniques in creative visualization and were introduced to paradigm shifting to achieve creativity andinnovativeness.

    L 520 Giriimcilik ve Yaratclk (3 0 3) : Giriimcilik ve yaratclk dersi, ile amalanan, rencilerindnme, sorgulama ve retim yeteneklerinin gelitirilerek pratik hayatta uygulanabilirliini salamaktr.Bylece, derslerde teorinin yan sra arlkl olarak proje gelitirme ve bir iletme kurarak bymesini salamak,pazar payn arttrmak vb. gibi iletmecilik konularna yer verilecektir.

    L 520 Enterpreneurship and Creativity (3 0 3) : Besides theory,students will work on exercises that cover

    creating a corporation, corporate development and sustaining market share, development projects and establishbusinesses etc.

    L 524 Para ve Sermaye Piyasalar (3 0 3) : Finansal sistemin ekonomideki rol, finansal varlklar, para vefinansal ilemler, para piyasalarnn zellikleri, sermaye piyasalarnn zellikleri, finansal kurumlar, bankaclk,ticari bankalar, yatrm bankalar, sigorta irketleri, menkul kymet borsalar, devlet ve finansal piyasalar,finansal piyasalar ve faiz oranlar, uluslararas finansal sistem, trev piyasalar.

    L 524 Money and Capital Markets (3 0 3) : Money market and banking, credit market, interaction betweenmoney and capital markets. Analysis of the nature and operations of modern money and capital markets. Howthe markets work and what instruments are used. The foreign exchange and money markets, the bond markets,

    the equity markets and the derivatives markets are covered

    L 526 Maliyet Muhasebesi (3 0 3) : Maliyetin tanm, maliyetin gidere dnmn belirleyen kurallar,maliyet muhasebesi bilgi sistemi ve tek dzen muhasebe sistemi, maliyetlerin snflandrlmas, maliyethesaplama sistemleri, hammadde ve malzeme, iilik maliyetleri, genel retim maliyetleri, gider merkezleri,sipari maliyet sistemi, safha maliyet sistemi, ortak ve yan rn maliyetlerinin hesaplanmas, deiken ve tammaliyet sistemi.

    L 526 Cost Accounting (3 0 3) : Cost concepts, material costs, labor costs, manufacturing overhead cost,operational expenses, cost accounting systems, job costing, process costing, joint and by-product costing.

    Variable costing and absorption costing.

    L 528 Uluslararas Finans (3 0 3) : Uluslar aras bankaclk, uluslar aras bankaclk ilemleri ve faaliyetleri,Euro piyasalar, lke riski, sendikasyon kredileri, ECU tahvil piyasalar, serbest blgeler ve ky bankacl,francasing, venture capital.

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    L 528 International Finance (3 0 3) : International monetary system, international monetary found andinternational liquidity, balance of payments, foreign exchange markets, basic parity conditions, exchange ratetheories, derivative markets, hedging, international money markets, international portfolio investments,

    financing of foreign trade, direct foreign investments, international banking.

    L 532 Pazarlama Aratrmas (3 0 3) : Pazarlarn, retici kurum ve kurulularn analiz, sentez, ve

    entegrasyon ile retim ve istihdama ynelik altrlmas, i ve d pazarlarn retim, tketim ve performansyaplarnn incelenmesi ve firmalarn ihracatlarnn arttrlarak d demeler dengesinin lkeler boyutununsalanmas, pazarlama elamanlarnn fiziksel, rgtsel ve finansal boyutlarnn insan kaynaklarnaendekslenmesi.

    L 532 Marketing Research (3 0 3) : An examination of marketing information needs and resources includingthe collection and dissemination of primary and secondary data. Problem definition, research design, sampling

    techniques, data collection and analysis. An overview of methods of measuring consumer reactions to projectcharacteristics, effectiveness of advertising, and other promotional devices.

    L. 536 Sistem Kuram ve Yaratclk (3 0 3): Derste sistem kuramnn tarihi sre ierisindeki geliimi vegnmzde iletmeler asndan kullanmnn nemi, ugulamalar ve etkin bir sistemin gelitirilmesi ve

    iletilmesi konular inecelenmekedir.

    L 536 System Theory and Creativity (3 0 3): Subjects analyzed in this course, improvement of systemtheory in time, the importance and applications of the theory for business, improving and managing an effectivesystem.

    L. 534 Tketici Davranlar (3 0 3): Derste ilenecek konular yledir; tketici davranlarn etkileyenfaktrler, farkl kltrlerdeki tketici davranlar, pazarlama stratejilerinin oluturulmasndaki rol. Projealmalar ve vaka almalar ile rnekler incelenecektir.

    L. 534 Consumer Behaviours (3 0 3): This course aims to develop a better understanding of the activities ofpeople as consumers and its strategic implications for marketers. Consumer Behavior is much more than justbuying of things; it also embraces the study of how having (or not having) things affects our lives and the waywe feel about ourselves and about each other.

    The structure of the course develops from micro to macro, starting with issues related to the individual consumer,analyzing how the individual receives information from his or her environment, interprets this information, anduses it to form individual attitudes both about products and oneself. Then, the lectures expand towards theunderstanding of the behaviors of people in large groups in their social setting, analyzing marketings impact onmass culture.

    The lectures are enriched with case study presentations and individual assignments that integrate the theoreticalunderstandings of consumer behavior with real-life events.


    Tezsiz Yksek Lisans /Master of Art

    Gz Yaryl / Fall Semester

    L 531 Stratejik Ynetim (3 0 3) : Gnmzde tm iletmeler, gerek kr amal gerekse kr amaszkurulmu olsun, stratejik ynetim srecini, evrelerinde ortaya kan rekabeti gleri anlayabilmek ve bunaynelik olarak rekabet stnlkleri gelitirebilmek amacyla tutarl ve sistematik bir ekilde kullanmaktadrlar.Bu program, rencilerin stratejik ynetim srecini bilinli ve sistematik bir ekilde yrtebilmeleri iin gerekliolan eitimi sunmay amalamaktadr. Program, stratejik ynetim ile ilgili kavram, perspektif ve tekniklerin

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    farkl trdeki iletmelerde nasl uygulanacan gsteren mevcut yerel ve kresel rneklerden oluan zengin birlisteyi de katlmclarnn yararna sunmaktadr.

    L 531 Strategic Management (3 0 3) : All of the enterprises at the present, even if they are established to getprofit or not, process of strategic manegement, to understand competing companies found around them and as

    regards this to the aim of developing competing superiority, they use this with a systematic way. The purpose of

    this program is to present the education necessary to the students to give them process of strategic managementand systematic thinking.

    L 529 letme Ynetiminde Gncel Konular (3 0 3) : Post-modern, ada-gncel kavram ve uygulamalaraynelik olarak bu programda TKY anlay, d kaynaklardan yararlanma (outsourcing), temel yetenek (corecompetence), deiim mhendislii, ebeke organizasyonlar, kyaslama (benchmarking) gibi konulardarencinin gerekli bilgi ve ilgili konularla gncel sorunlar arasnda iliki kurabilme yeteneiningelitirilebilmesi amalanmaktadr.

    L 529 Contemporary Subjects In Business Administration (3 0 3) : The general purpose for the students is toenlarge their talents for solving and relating daily problems. Post modern, contemporary-daily concepts andapplications, TQM, outsourcing, core competence, network organizations, benchmarking.

    L 515 Muhasebenin Temel Kuramlar (3 0 3) : letme ve muhasebe, bilano ve mali ilemler, gelir tablosu,mali tablolar iin bilgi toplamada hesap, muhasebede kayt aralar, muhasebenin temel kavramlar ve genelkabul grm muhasebe ilkeleri, muhasebe dnemi bandaki ilemler, muhasebe sreci, mal alm satmilemlerinin aralkl envanter ynetimi ne gre kayd, aralkl envanter ynetimi uygulanmas, mal alm satmilemlerinin devaml envanter ynetimi ne gre kayd, devaml envanter ynetimi uygulamalar, dnem sonukaytlar ve dnem sonucunun saptanmas ve dnem sonu mali tablolarn dzenlenmesi, muhasebe dnemineilikin bir uygulama.

    L 515 Basic Theories of Account (3 0 3) :Business and accountancy, balance and financial process, incomeSchedule, calculation of information for income Schedule, registyration tools in accountancy, basic concepts ofaccountancy and approved accountancy principles, process at the beginning of accountancy period,

    accountancy process, registration of goods trade process according to periodic inventory management,periodic inventory management applications.

    L 519 Finansal Tablolar Analizi (3 0 3) : Mali analizin tanm, gereklilii, eitleri ve teknikleri. Temel malitablolarn bileenleri ve temel mali tablolarn analize hazrlanmas, karlatrmal mali tablolar analizi teknii,kullanm alan, uygulamas ve bulgularn analizi ve yorumu, yzde metodu ile analiz teknii, kullanm alan,uygulanmas ve bulgularn analiz ve yorumu, trend analizi teknii, kullanm alan, uygulanmas ve bulgularnanalizi ve yorumu, oran analiz teknii, kullanm alan, uygulanmas ve bulgularn analiz ve yorumu, fon kavram,fonlarn ak analizi ve fonlarn ak analizi tekniinin kullanm alan, fon akm tablosunun hazrlanmas veyorumu, net alma sermayesinde deiim tablosunun hazrlanmas ve yorumu, nakit akm tablosununhazrlanmas ve yorumu.

    L 519 Financial Statements Analysis (3 0 3) : Definition of financial analysis, necessity, kinds andtechniques. Basic financial schedules components and getting ready for analysis of basic financial schedules,comperative financial schedules analysis technique, usage field, application and analysis and comment of

    findings, analysis technique with percantage method, usage field, application and analysis and comment offindings, rate analysis technique, usage field, application and analysis and comment of findings, fund concept,

    flow analysis of funds and flow analysis technique of funds usage area, preparing of fund flow Schedule andcomment, preparing and comment of clear(net) work capital alteration Schedule, prepare and comment of cash

    flow Schedule.

    L 503 Liderlik Yaklamlar (3 0 3) : Liderlik kavram, yneticilik kavram, karlatrlmas ve bilgitoplumunda liderlie olan gereksinim, genel olarak liderlik yaklamlar, liderlik zellikleri, entelektel liderlik,siyasette liderlik anlay, TKY ve liderlik, dntrc liderlik, liderlik ve ynetim kademeleri ve arka planliderlik konular irdelenmektedir.

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    L 503 Leadership Approaches (3 0 3) : Leadership concept, management concept, comparison and thenecessity of leadership in information society, leadership approaches in general, qualifications of leadership ,intellectual leadership, leadership understanding in diplomacy, TQM and leadership , transformational

    leadership, leadership and management steps leadership topics.

    L. 521 Stratejik Pazarlama Ynetimi (3 0 3): Startejik Pazarlama Ynetimi Prosesi-Pazarlama Stratejileri

    Oluturma-Makro evresel Faktrlerin ncelenmesi-Endstri ve Rakip Analizi-Firma Kaynaklarnn ve Rekabet-lerinin Belirlenmesi-Strateji ve Rekabet Avantaj-Strateji ve Rekavet Avantaj-Stratejilerin RekabetDurumuna Uyarlanmas-rn eitlendireme ve Rekabet Avantaj -Stratejik birlikleri. StratejilerinUygulanmas: Firma Kaynaklarn oluturulmas ve Organizasyonun Yaplandrlmas-Stratejilerin Uygulanmas:Bte, Politikalar ve En yi Uygulamalar. Stratejilerin Yugulanmas: Destek Sistemleri ve dller

    L. 521 The Strategic Marketing Management (3 0 3): The Strategic Marketing Management Process-TheMarketing Strategy Making Tasks. Analysis of Macro-Environmental Factors-Industry and CompetitiveAnalysis-Evaluating Company Resources and Competitive Capabilities-Strategy and Competitive Advantage.Strategy and Competitive Advantage-Matching Strategy to Competitive Situation-Strategy and CompetitiveAdvantage in Diversified Companies-Strategic Alliances - Joint Ventures. Implementing Strategy: BuildingResource Capabilities and Structuring the Organization. Implementing Strategy: Budget, Policies, Best Practices-

    Implementing Strategy: Support Systems and Rewards

    L. 523 Global letmeler (3 0 3): Uluslar tesi, uluslar st gibi isimlerle de anlan globalleme olgusu,teknoloji ve iletiim alanndaki ba dndrc, hzl gelimeler nedeniyle nemli deiimlere neden olmaktadr.Globallemenin etkiledii alanlardan birisi hi kukusuz iletmelerdir.

    L. 523Global Businesses (3 0 3): Globalization which is also named as transnational and supranational, withthe advances in technology and communication will causes considerable changes. One of the areas that areaffected by globalization is naturally

    L. 517 Lojistik Ynetimi (3 0 3) : Gnmzn deien ve gelien mteri isteklerinin en etkin ve verimli birekilde karlanabilmesi, tedarik, retim ve datm sistemlerinde yapsal deiiklere gidilmesini gerektirmitir.

    Etkin bir Tedarik Zinciri Ynetimi Sistemi kurmak, kaynaklar en etkin bir biimde kullanmak, verimliliiartrmak, maliyetleri azaltmak, planl, hzl ve esnek bir tedarik, retim ve datm gerekletirmek lojistikyneticilerinin balca hedefleri arasndadr. Bu konuda dnya ve lkemizde ok eitli teknoloji, sistem veyntemler kullanlmaya balanmtr.

    L. 517 Lojistic Management (3 0 3): Develop an understanding of the role of logistics in a market-orientedsociety and undertake up to date topics and discussions on contemporary logistics issues: Examine the majorfunctions of logistics. Provide an opportunity for comprehensive analysis and discussion of key contemporaryissues and problems in logistics. Examine the details of planning and control processes in logistics management.

    Tezsiz Yksek Lisans /Master of ArtBahar Yaryl /Spring Semester

    L 542Giriimcilik (3 0 3) : Giriim, giriimci ve giriimcilik kavramlar. Giriimci ve profesyonel yneticiarasndaki benzerlik ve farklar. Giriimcinin iletme baarsndaki rol ve nemi. Giriimcilik ve kk-orta boyiletmecilii n plana karan eilimler ve kreselleme. Dnyada ve lkemizde giriimcilik ve KOBler, yenifikirler ve bulular. Giriim riskleri ve risk sermayesi. Uygulamalardan rnekler.

    L 542 Entrepreneurship (3 0 3) :Enterprise, entrepreneur and entrepreneurship concepts. Similarity anddifferences between entrepreneur and Professional management. The importance and the role ofentrepreneurship for the management success. The role of the entrepreneur in business success.

    L 516 nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi (3 0 3) : dnyasnn yeni kurallar insan kaynaklar ynetiminin naslbir kimlie brnmesini gerektiriyor? nsan kaynaklar yneticisi tepe ynetiminin nasl vazgeilmez bir yesiolabilir? Tepe ynetimi ve organizasyonun, insan kaynaklar ynetiminden beklentileri nelerdir? nsankaynaklar departman kar merkezi olabilir mi? gibi sorularla Trkiye ve dnyada stratejik insan kaynaklar

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    ynetiminin interaktif, gncel, pratik, proaktif ve gereki ynleri tartlacaktr. nsan kaynaklar son yllardabyk bir deiim geirmi ve geirmekte olan bir disiplindir. Bu nedenle de zerinde tartlmas gereken,yantlanmas gereken ok soru bulunmaktadr. Tm bu soru ve konular global erevede ele alnarak derslerilenmektedir.

    L 516 Human Resource Management (3 0 3) : What kind of an identification should human resources

    management have in business worlds new rules? How can a human resources manager be a fixed member ofthe top management? What are the expectations of the top management and organization from human resources

    management? Can human resources departmant be a profit centre? With those kind of questions in Turkey andin the world, the direction of interactive, daily pratical, proactive and realistic of human resources will be


    L 506 Bilimsel Aratrma Teknikleri (3 0 3) : Problem tanmlama ve aratrma hedeflerini belirleme,aratrmann tasarlanmas, ikincil veri kaynaklarna ulama, kalitatif yntemler, veri toplama yntemleri, veritoplama formlarnn oluturulmas, rnek ktlenin belirlenmesi ve veri analizi yapm.

    L 506 Social Sciencetific Research Methods (3 0 3) : Definition of problem and determination of researchtargets, research planning, arrive at subordinate datum resources, methods, datum collecting methods,formation of datum collecting forms, determination of sample mass and making datum analysis.

    L 538 Kriz Ynetimi (3 0 3) : Kriz kavram ve trleri, krizlere kar alnacak nlemler, krizlere karplanlama, rgtleme, ynetme ve kontrol ilevleri, kriz takmlar ve kriz ynetimi.

    L 538 Crisis Management (3 0 3) : Crisis conseption and assortments, precautions against crisis, plansagainst crisis, organize, directing and inspecting, crisis teams and crisis management.

    L 514 rgtsel Davran (3 0 3): Bu alan, ynetim danman veya genel ynetici konumunda olmak isteyen,kurumsal planlama, insan kaynaklar ve rgtsel deiim alanlarnda almay hedefleyen rencilere yneliktir.Derslerde, rnek olay analizleri, grup almalar ile irketlerde st dzey yneticilerin yaptklar ziyaretler yeralmaktadr. rgtsel davran, rgt kltr, rgtsel deiim ve rgt gelitirme, ekip almas, karar verme veproblem zme, psikoteknik uygulamalar, ergonomi, renen rgtler, mzakere teknikleri, rgtsel stres,nderlik teorileri, rgtsel g kavram, motivasyon ve motivasyon teorileri.

    L 514 Organizational Behaviour (3 0 3) : The study field is open to students who want to become and work asmanagement advisors or in general management positions, institutional planning, human resources and

    organizational transformation fields. The lessons concern sample event analysis, group studies and visits ofhigher managers. Organizational behaviour, organization culture, organizational changing and organization

    improvement, team work, decision, solving problem, psychotechnic applications, learning organizations,consultation techniques, organizational stres, leadership theories, organizational power concept, motivation and

    motivation theories.

    L 540 Yatrm Projeleri Analizi (3 0 3) : Yatrm ve sermaye btelemesi kavramlar ve ilgili tanmlamalar,yatrm projelerinin deerlendirilmesinin iletmeler asndan nemi, sermaye yatrm eitleri, parann zamandeeri, belirlilik ve risk altnda yatrm projelerini deerlendirme teknikleri, yatrmlarla ilgili hukuki, iktisadi,teknik ve mali ynden yaplan almalar.

    L 540 Analysis of Investment Projects Management (3 0 3) : Concepts of investment and capital budget anddefinitions, the importance of investment Projects evalution dealing with business, capital investment sorts, timevalue of the money, determination and evaluation techniques of investment projects under risk, studies of legal,

    economical, technique and financial investments.

    L 504 Deiim ve Dnm Ynetimi (3 0 3): Deiim ve dnm kavramlar, rgt gelitirme ve deiimynetimi, davran bilimleri ve deiim ynetimi, toplumsal deiim, kresel deiim, teknolojik deiimynetimi, yaratclk ynetimi, katlmc ynetim teknikleri, sosyal ve ynetsel mhendislik, ekip ynetimi vedeiim ynetimi, kurumsallama ve deimeme ynetimi esas alnr.

    L 504 Management of Change and Transformation (3 0 3) : Change and transformation concepts,organization improve and transformation management, behavioural science and transformation management, social change , global change, technologic change management, creativity management, participative

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    management technics, social and managerial engineering, team management and change management,

    institutionalize and stabilize management are essential.

    L 518 Vizyon Ynetimi (3 0 3) : Vizyon sahibi olan, vizyonu ile belirsizlikler ve risklerle dolu geleceigrebilen ve dnebilen ve gelecee yn verebilen bir ok kii, lider, iletme, kurum ve lke dnyayla birlikteyol almakta ve onun ynn izebilmektedir. Bu dersin amac; yksek lisans rencilerinin, vizyon kavram ve

    liderlik, vizyon, misyon, strateji ve amalar arasnda iliki kurabilme, vizyon gelitirme ve uygulama sreci vevizyon ynetimi ile btnleik stratejik ynetim uygulamalar konularnda bilimsel aratrma yetenekleriningelitirilmesi ve konuya ynelik bilgi sahibi olmalar amalanmaktadr.

    L 518 Vision Management (3 0 3) : The course aimed to strengthen students visioning and strategicplanning competency, as well as to enable them to carry out futures-oriented planning and effective programmanagement. For a broader knowledge on strategic planning, using management and planning models,

    participants were oriented on the steps and processes involved in strategic planning. They were taught thetechniques in creative visualization and were introduced to paradigm shifting to achieve creativity and


    L 534 Tketici Davran (3 0 3): Derste ilenecek konular yledir; tketici davranlarn etkileyenfaktrler, farkl kltrlerdeki tketici davranlar, pazarlama stratejilerinin oluturulmasndaki rol. Proje

    almalar ve vaka almalar ile rnekler incelenecektir.

    L. 534 Consumer Behaviours (3 0 3): This course aims to develop a better understanding of the activities ofpeople as consumers and its strategic implications for marketers. Consumer Behavior is much more than justbuying of things; it also embraces the study of how having (or not having) things affects our lives and the waywe feel about ourselves and about each other.

    The structure of the course develops from micro to macro, starting with issues related to the individual consumer,analyzing how the individual receives information from his or her environment, interprets this information, and

    uses it to form individual attitudes both about products and oneself. Then, the lectures expand towards theunderstanding of the behaviors of people in large groups in their social setting, analyzing marketings impact on

    mass culture.

    L 532 Pazarlama Aratrmas (3 0 3) : Pazarlarn, retici kurum ve kurulularn analiz, sentez, veentegrasyon ile retim ve istihdama ynelik altrlmas, i ve d pazarlarn retim, tketim ve performansyaplarnn incelenmesi ve firmalarn ihracatlarnn arttrlarak d demeler dengesinin lkeler boyutununsalanmas, pazarlama elamanlarnn fiziksel, rgtsel ve finansal boyutlarnn insan kaynaklarnaendekslenmesi.

    L 532 Marketing Research (3 0 3) : An examination of marketing information needs and resources includingthe collection and dissemination of primary and secondary data. Problem definition, research design, sampling

    techniques, data collection and analysis. An overview of methods of measuring consumer reactions to projectcharacteristics, effectiveness of advertising, and other promotional devices.

    Tezsiz Yksek Lisans /Master of ArtGz Yaryl / Fall Semester

    L 533 Dnem Projesi (0 2 0) : Dersin danman retim yesi ile rencinin ortaklaa belirledikleri biraratrma konusu zerinde yksek lisans rencileri alma yaparak, dnem sonu projesini sunmaktadrlar.

    L 533 Term Project I (R&D Management) (0 2 0) : Supervisor and students designate a research topic incollaboration and students present the chosen topic as a term end project.

    L 525 Proje Ynetimi (3 0 3) : Bu derste arlkl olarak proje ynetiminden bahsedilerek temel kavramlarzerinde durulmaktadr. Eitim dili, ak, konu detaylar ve rneklerde ANSInin Proje Ynetimi Standardolarak kabul ettii ve u anda tm dnyada gittike yaygnlaarak uygulanan PMImetodolojisi temel alnmtr.

    L 525 Project Managemet (3 0 3): In this lesson especially project management is mentioned and basicconcepts are covered. Education language, flow, topic details and the examples are accepted as projectmanagement tandarts, methodology is approved as essential at the moment in the worldwide.

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    L 601 Alan Uzmanlk Dersi (6 0 0) : Tez Danmanln yaptmz rencilerin almalar gereken ders,Gerekli konular/ ierikler daha sonra belirlenecektir.

    L 601 Field of Specialization (6 0 0): the course has to be accomplished by students in the stage of thesis,subjects and context of the course will be detemined later.

    L 603 letmelerde Transformasyon Yaklamlar (3 0 3) Dersin amac iletmelerde isel ve dsaldinamiklerle meydana gelen transformasyonun incelenmesidir. Dersin ierii transformasyon yaklamlar vekurumlar erevesinde yaplan grgl almalar kapsamaktadr.

    IL 603 Transformation Approaches in Business (3 0 3 )The aim of this course analyzing transformation in business occured by internal and external dynamics. The course involves transformation approaches andobjective studies as part of organizations.

    L 605 letme Bilimi Aratrmalarnda Metodoloji I (3 0 3) Bilimsel aratrmac iin ne bir teorik inanca

    kr krne balanmak ne de metodolojik bir prensibe sadk kalmak nemli olmaldr, bunu yapt zamanbilime gzlerini kapatm olur. Tm teorik formlasyonlar ve aratrma yntemleri bu amaca ne kadar hizmetettikleri dorultusunda deerlendirilmelidir. Sadece bir metod veya teknik kullanan, deneysel veya teorik, bilimadamndan saknn. nk o, problem odakl olmaktan ziyade yntem odakl bir izgiyi benimsemitir. Yntemodakl bilim adam, engellenmi demektir; problem odakl adam ise en azndan hedefe zgrceyrmektedir.Bilimsel aratrma sadece veri toplama ve analiz etmek demek deildir. Aratrmann geerlilik vegvenilirliine de dikkat edilmelidir. Peki ya bulgularn genellenebilirlii? Dersin temel amac katlmclaraakademik aratrma etii kazandrma ve onlarn aratrma metotlarna intibakn salamaktr. Bilimsel aratrmanedir? Aratrma stratejileri nelerdir? Bu stratejilerin gl ve zayf ynleri nelerdir? Doalc aratrmalar,laboratuar almalar, anket ve mlakatlar, lekler Bunlardan hangisi aratrma amacnza ve setiiniz vezmlemek istediiniz probleme uygundur. Genelleme yapabilme, geerlilik ve gvenilirlik asndan aratrmave almann tasarm byk bir neme sahiptir.

    L 605 Methods in Business Science Research I (3 0 3) Neither commitment to a theoretical belief norallegiance to a methodological principle should become so important to the scientific researcher that he blindshimself to the proper subject matter of science. Every theoretical formulation and every method of research mustbe evaluated in terms of its contribution toward achieving this goal. Beware of the man of one method or oneinstrument, either experimental or theoretical. He tends to become method-oriented rather than problem-oriented.The method-oriented man is shackled; the problem-oriented man is at least reaching freely toward what is mostimportant. Scientific research is not a collecting data and statistical analysis procedure. You have to be aware ofreliability and validity of the study. And what about the generability of the findings. The main aim of the courseis to give students an academic research ethic and penetrate them to the research metodologies. What is scientificresearch? What are the research strategies? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Naturalistic studies,Laboratory studies, Field studies, Surveys and Interviews, scales. Which of them is fit for your research aimand your research question which you want to find a way to dispose of. Its very important how you design yourstudy and research for generability, reliability and validity.

    L 607 Temel letme Bilimi Aratrmalar (3 0 3) letmelerin temel fonksiyonlar zerine gnmze kadaryaplm ulusal ve uluslararas dzeyde aratrmalar bu dersin kapsamnda incelenmektedir.

    L 607 Basic Business Science Researchs (3 0 3) All national and international researchs about basicfunctions of business up untill today are analyzed in context of the course.

    L 609 rgt Kuram (3 0 3): Resmi rgt, rgt dinamikleri ve etkinlikleri, rgtsel geliim ve deiimleribu dersin kapsamnda incelenecektir.

    L.609 Organizational Theory (3 0 3): The purpose of this course is to introduce students to theories and

    concepts that are useful in understanding organizations. The management of organizations is viewed asinvolving choices between different courses of action, which are constrained by those, which have already been

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    made. Thus, the prime requirement of effective management is the ability to analyze the organization and thenfind ways to improve the way it works to increase organizational effectiveness.

    L 611 Global Pazarlama Stratejileri (3 0 3) : Pazarlamayla ilgili olarak temel kavramlar, tanmlamalar,uluslararas ekonomi ve ticaret teorilerinden sonular karlmas, uluslar aras pazarlara giri yntemleri,btnleme nedenleri, pazarlamada rnlerle, fiyatlarla, datmla ilgili kararlar, pazarlama evresi, uluslar aras

    pazarlamada tutundurma ile ilgili kararlar, pazarlama teslim ve deme trleri. Uluslararas pazarlara giri kararkriterleri ve uluslararas pazarlara giri ekilleri, Ekonomi, kltr gibi uluslararas evre faktrleri, Uluslararaspazarlama stratejileri, Deiik lke koullarnda gerekleen pazarlama uygulamalar bu dersin kapsamndaincelenecektir

    L 611 Global Marketing Strategies (3 0 3) :Fundamentals of Global Marketing, Local Marketing in Matureand Emerging Markets. Global Management; Globalizing Marketing, Products and Services, Pricing,

    Distribution, Advertising, Promotion, Direct Marketing and Personal Selling. Organizing for Global Marketing,The Future of Global Marketing. Applications; Foreign Trade Applications.

    As a result of this course, students will* Understand the global marketing environment.* Understand the concepts, tools and theories that are required in order to analyze the global market.

    * Be able to develop global marketing strategies and plans.* Understand how governments and legal systems affect international business.* Investigate the social and ethical roles of business in todays global society.

    L 613 Finansal Pazarlar ve Kurumlar Kuram (3 0 3)Kurumsal finansman, finansman piyasalar, aralar vekurumlar, yatrm, portfy analizi ve uluslar aras finans alannda eitli konularn irdelenmesi ve zmlenmesi;Trkiye ortamnda ada kuramn snanmas; deikenlerin davrann anlamak ve strateji oluturmak iinfinansal modeller gelitirmek.

    ISL 613 Financial Markets and Companies Theory (3 0 3)Corporate finance, Financial market, financialinstrument and organizations, investment, portfolio analyze and analyzing different subjects in internationalfinance; examining contemproray theory in Turkey, undestanding behavior of variables and improving financialmodels to form strategy.

    L.615 nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi (3 0 3): Personel ynetimi ve alan ilikileri, ie alm ve eitim, iveren-alan ilikileri, cretlendirme ve ek denekler ve i deerleme kavramlar bu dersin kapsamnda ilenecektir.

    L. 615 Human Resource Management (3 0 3): Human resource assets must be strategically managed tocompete in a global and changing environment. Emphases are placed on understanding organizationdevelopment and change; workforce diversity; labor relations; the design and structure of compensation andreward systems; recruitment, selection, retention, and separation of employees; and legal and regulatorycompliance. Developing human resources is also examined including employee training, education, anddevelopment. During the course, you will be taking the role of the instructor and will be teaching class all theprimary concepts involved in this course. This means that you should do the readings, think about the issues, andbe prepared to lead lectures. As instructor of this course, my primary role is to facilitate the learning process.Aside from the lectures, we will also spend a great deal of time in class discussing ideas, participating inexercises, and practicing the skills necessary to perform well in this class and beyond. Teams will design thelectures; but every individual will prepare an article for the course about the subject chosen from a list ofsubjects, which will be provided to you at the beginning of the semester.

    L 602 Alan Uzmanlk Dersi (6 0 0) : Tez Danmanln yaptmz rencilerin almalar gereken ders,Gerekli konular/ ierikler daha sonra belirlenecektir.

    L 602 Field of Specialization (6 0 0): the course has to be accomplished by students in the stage of thesis,subjects and context of the course will be detemined later.

    L 604 letme Bilimi Aratrmalarnda Metodoloji II (3 0 3) Dersin temel amac SSCIda yer alanyaynlardaki bilimsel aratrma yapma ve yaynlama srecine katlmclarn penetrasyonun salanmasdr. Bu

    makaleleri en nde gelen bilimsel yaynlarda yer almalarn salayan faktrler nelerdir?. Balklar, literatrleri,aratrma sorular, hipotezleri, geerlilik ve gvenilirlikleri, veri toplama ve analiz yntemleri mi ya da aratrmatasarmlar ve bulgularn sunumlar m?. SSCIda yaynlanma potansiyeli olan bir alma nasl tasarlanr?. Bu

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    noktadan hareketle Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly gibi atf etkisi yksekdergilerde, son yllarda yaynlanan makalelerdeki aratrma ve veri toplama analiz prosedrlerini dersi alandoktor adaylar analzi ederek modelleyeceklerdir. Dier bir ama ise SPSS, Amos and Lisrel gibi veri analizprogramlarna katlmclarn intibaknn salanmasdr. Tm katlmclar Metot I ve II dersleri sresince SSCI yada alan indeksinde yaynlanma potansiyeli olan bir makale hazrlamakla ykmldr.

    L 604 Methods in Business Science Research II (3 0 3) The main aim of the course is to penetrate whotakes Method II to the sicentific research and publishing procedures where you observe in the articles which theypublished in the SSCI. What are their values make them to be an article where you can reach through SSCI in ascientific journal. Their titles, literatures, research questions, hypothesises, data collecting methods, reliabilityand validity, data analysis methods, findings or their design and effective offers with tables and diagrams andfigures. How you can designe a study which can be have a potential to be publish in the SSCI. From that pointpdh candidates who take this course have to analysis recent articles and studies which are published in thescientific journals that have a high impact factors like Academy of Management Journal, Administrative ScienceQuarterly etc. about their research and data collecting and data analysis procedures. And also another aim is topenetrate candidates to the data analysis machines like SPSS, Amos and Lisrel. All students have to prepare anarticle which have a potential to be publish in a scientific journal on SSCI or other scientific field indexes whilethey are taking the courses Method I and Method II.

    L 606 Entelektel Liderlik (3 0 3) Liderlik trlerinden biri olan Entelektel liderin zellikleri, dier liderliktrlerinden farkllklar ve gnmzde konuya ilikin grler ve yaklamlarn irdelenmesi dersin ieriinioluturmaktadr.

    ISL606 Intellectual Leadership (3 0 3) One of leadersship models, intellectual leaders characteristics,differneces from other leader models, todays ideas and approaches about this subjcet form the context of thiscourse.

    L 608 Ynetim Psikolojisi (3 0 3): nsan faktr ynetimde temel olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu derstesosyal faktrlerin kiilerin davranlarn nasl etkiledii ilenmektedir. lenen konular nyarglarn neden vesonular, affetme, mutluluk, depresyon, bireyselcilik, toplumsallk, cinsiyet, zlme, ikna etme, gruplar,

    retkenlik, farkllklar ve atmadr. Bu alanlarn ynetim bak ile incelenmesi bu dersin kapsamndadr.

    L.608 Managerial Psychology (3 0 3): The discipline of behavioral sciences focuses on the dynamics ofindividuals behaviors. As you strengthen your knowledge about behavioral sciences, you will hopefully developan appreciation for the complexity of social life (i.e. things are not always as they seem). You will also come tosee that individual behavior may not be so individual, and you will recognize the dynamics of social influence.

    L 610 letmecilik Okumalar (3 0 3) letme bilimi alannda ynlendirilmi okuma paralar. Her birdoktora rencisinin zel ilgisine ynelik konularda denetim altnda aratrma ve yazma.

    ISL 610 Business Administration Readings (3 0 3) Reading text are oriented to field of business science.Research and writing subjects about special interest of each doctorate students under audit

    L 612 Global Rekabet Stratejisi (3 0 3): letmelerin yerel pazarlardan global pazarlara alrken, global pazarlarda varlklarn srdrmeleri ve srdrlebilir rekabet stnl kazanmalarnda tercih ettikleristratejilerin incelenmesi ve rnek olaylar zerinden stratejilerin deerlendirilmesi bu dersin ieriinioluturmaktadr.

    L 612 Global Competitive Strategy (3 0 3): Analyzing strategies that are preferred by business when theyare entering global markets from local markets to maintain existence and provide sustainable competitiveadvantage for themselves

    L 614 Karar Teorisi ve Muhasebe (3 0 3) etmelerde muhasebe ve finansman ilevlerinin etkin bir ekildeyerine getirilmesinde karar teorisinin kullanm; karar probleminin modellenmesi ve zmlenmesi bu dersinieriini oluturmaktadr.

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    ISL 614 Decision Theory and Accounting (3 0 3) using decision theory for effective accounting and financefunctions in businness, modelling and analysing decision problem form the course

    L 616 zel Pazarlama Kuramlar (3 0 3): Ders, kii ve yer pazarlamas konusunda kuramlarn, modellerinve konuya ilikin aratrmalarn irdelenmesini amalamaktdr.

    ISL616 Special Marketing Theories (3 0 3):The course aims analyzing theories, models ande research aboutperson and place marketing.

    L 624 stihdam Politikalar (3 0 3):stihdamn nemi ve fonksiyonlar, istihdam politikalar, cretinbelirlenmesi ve ekonomik kriterler, istihdam ve cretler arasndaki iliki ve analiz edilmesi gibi konular budersin ieriini oluturur.

    L 624 Employment Politics (3 0 3): Concept of employment and its importance and its functions andemployment policies, determining of wage and economic criterian, concept of employment, relatio.

    L 622 Seminer (0 2 0):Post-modern, ada-gncel kavram ve uygulamalara ynelik olarak bu programdaTKY anlay, d kaynaklardan yararlanma (outsourcing), temel yetenek (core competence), deiimmhendislii, ebeke organizasyonlar, kyaslama (benchmarking) gibi konularda rencinin gerekli bilgi ve ilgili

    konularla gncel sorunlar arasnda iliki kurabilme yeteneinin gelitirilebilmesi amalanmak.

    L 622 Seminar (0 2 0):The general purpose for the students is to enlarge their talents for solving and relatingdaily problems. Post modern, contemporary-daily concepts and applications, TQM, outsourcing, corecompetence, network organizations, benchmarking.