issue 11

Soho美食 ISSUE 11 下午的Soho讓人更意想不到?! Why we like Soho better by day 英國人的KTV包箱居然可以送到你家 Raise your lucky voice from Soho to your household 跟我們走一趟Soho發財藏寶路線 Follow us and walk the secret passage to wealth in Soho 不可錯過的 各式各樣 Best read on the Tube! London’s 英國網上訂購「台灣啤酒」50% OFF Promotion code : BBTMAG

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英國人也在瘋台灣的官財板?!倫敦SOHO區最新的美食推薦,盡在Issue 11的Bubble Tea Magazine! Bubble Tea Magazine Issue 11 is out NOW! Grab a copy at any of our distribution points as shown below, and find out why we like SOHO so much more by day! 更多精彩內容: ㊙ 英國終於可以訂台灣啤酒了~隨雜誌附送半價訂購優惠promotion code BBTMAG,一罐都只是1英鎊喔!


Page 1: ISSUE 11




下午的Soho讓人更意想不到?!Why we like Soho better by day

英國人的KTV包箱居然可以送到你家Raise your lucky voice from Soho to your household

跟我們走一趟Soho發財藏寶路線Follow us and walk the secret passage to wealth in Soho


Best readon the Tube!


英國網上訂購「台灣啤酒」50% OFF

Promotion code : BBTMAG

Page 2: ISSUE 11

ISSUE 11 Feb 2015

我們最捧的雜誌團隊Amazing people who made this issue happen...

Managing Director

Sam Chen


Gigi Yutsz

Art Team

Denis WangMay Su


Ben Hennik Gigi Yutsz

Print & Production

Grace Young

Advertising Team

Samuel Chen


Alison TseMarco Wong May Su Muriel HuangRonald Chen

Distribution Points 雜誌發放點: 1.LCC (Elephant & Castle)2.Loon Fung Supermarket (Chinatown branch) 3.Loon Fung Supermarket (Stratford branch)4.Moo Boo Bubble Tea (Bayswater) 5.Moo Boo Bubble Tea (Camden)6.Moo Boo Bubble Tea (Soho) 7.UAL Student Union (Holborn)8.University for the Creative Arts (Kent) 9.Up...T Bubble Tea (Leicester Square) 10.Wong Kei (Chinatown) 11.Yao Yao Cha Bubble Tea (Covent Garden)

Want to advertise with us? Please contact Samuel Chen at [email protected]


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Page 3: ISSUE 11

跟我們一起Run The World做世界!

我們口號是Run The World 做世界

Page 4: ISSUE 11




的Soho可是一個完全不一樣的世界呢? 這一期的Bubble Tea Maga-

zine (BTM) 就帶大家認識一個不一樣的Soho,就算是平常禮拜五晚

自封為Soho King or Queen的你,看完這一期我們介紹的Soho再決


傳說Soho 區的不同角落藏有七個隱密的鼻子(Seven Noses of Soho),而誰可以成功找到七個鼻子並摸到他們的話,就會得到意想不到的財運喔!我們雜誌編輯部的各成員一聽到這一次的任務是找到那七個鼻子,大家都跑了出去找,害我們一整個禮拜都沒人在辦公室!(汗) 不過屁想也知道大家應該是沒成功摸到那七個鼻子啦!不然的話怎麼最後大家都乖乖的上班回到坐位上寫稿編圖? 所以也是好事啦!不然這一刊的雜誌有可能沒辦法如期出刊喔! (笑)

話說回來這幾個鼻子也真的比想像中難找喔!但BTM的編輯部又怎麼忍心我們可愛的讀者們錯過這個發財好機會呢? 只要大家在Google Map上搜索 “Seven Noses of Soho"就會很興奮的看到發財鼻子的藏身點囉!有成功找到鼻子的讀者記得po上FB 炫耀的時候,也不要忘記tag我們 @Bubble Tea Magazine 讓我們落莫找不到鼻子的團隊再一次燃點他們的發財夢! 或是真的有成功摸到七個鼻子的讀者,也歡迎你在本雜誌登全版的廣告眩耀你們已變成倫敦最新出爐的富豪喔!

好啦好啦! 世上沒有免費的午餐,也沒有天掉下來的橫財。SOHO的七個發財鼻子也不是什麼幾千年前仙女下凡留下來的什麼發財神績。其實Seven Noses of Soho是藝術家Rick Buckley ( 用來諷刺英國政府1997年在民眾反對下強制在倫敦各街上安裝了數以千計的CCTV(閉路式攝影機)。由於英文"Nosey" 即八掛的意思,所以Rick Buckley就想到在倫敦各歷史建築物和景點貼上他自己鼻子的倒模,諷刺英國政府無視人民的反對也要八掛大家在做什麼。一開始他安裝了35個鼻子,但後來很多都給政府有關部門發現並拆除了!而補儲下來的主要就是SOHO這幾個鼻子,其中一個說法是因為SOHO的地區政府Westmin-ster的地區法律說明不可以在建築物上塗鴉,但就沒有法律說不可以有雕塑,所以就得以留下來了!



Soho Square

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Since the 17th century Soho has been famous for it's red light district for 200 years, but little do we know that Soho is also the central hub for many individual film making and production compa-nies. So it's not surprising to come across film screenings, art gallary openings and even pop up art installations in Soho. We randomly came across Patrick Murphy's ( “Belonging” in Soho Square commissioned by Walker Gallery for the 2012 Liverpool Biennial, the surreal sight with a number of colourfully painted pigeon sculptures being installed onto lamp post around all corners in Soho Square,as pigeons are often seen as a nuisance and unwanted birds, but who is to judge if the pigeons do or do not belong in the streets? It is Murphy's way of expressing and raising our own feelings of accep-tance and belonging.



而這一次介紹的pop-up藝術就是藝術家Patrick Murphy(一系列叫"Belong-ing"的彩色白鴿雕塑。題材來自白鴿一直被視為英國人眼中的「天空中像過街老鼠的害鳥」(Sky rats),Patrick Murphy覺得大家都對白鴿有一種歧視的心態,但如果白鴿不留連在街上的話牠們又屬於哪裡呢?所以他就決定製作一系列的彩色白鴿雕塑,希望大家反思如果白鴿變了色彩繽紛的話大家可不可以用另一個眼神欣賞一下牠們呢?不過提醒大家這裡的藝術雕塑有很多都是有展出限期的喔!所以想要看的話就要快點出門去Soho Square看囉!

If you think you know London Soho in-side-out from all your partying and blacked out Soho weekends, then think again. This issue's Bubble Tea Magazine (BTM) is determined to flip the way you see Soho up-side-down, from new pop up restaurant, to hidden gems it will get you wanting to go back to Soho during the DAY time even more! Yup, we did say DAY time and we SOHO mean it! Let the (day)light lead the way.

Legend has it that one who finds and touches the secret Seven Noses of Soho will find endless wealth. We kinda believe this myth as our Editorial team failed to find all seven noses and end up back in the office work-ing their butts off in order to complete this issue (ha!) But we know our readers are still keen to be up for this treasure hunting challenge, so we've started you guys off to find the all-mighty precious THREE noses that our team found. And a great helpful tip – of you google “Seven Noses of Soho” you'll actually find the route map that locates where all seven noses are, but believe it or not it isn't as easy as it seems. But by all means, please tag us @Bubble Tea Magazine if you do successfully find the remaining five noses!

Ok fine! We did cheat “a bit” so our first nose isn't in Soho, but that's just because the Seven Noses of Soho is actually a series of artistic installation made by artist Rick Buckley ( who was hoping to create a controversial provoking the number of CCTV cameras installed by the government thoughout London. So that's why you can actually find the noses in different places thoughout London, but nevertheless Soho actually has the most noses left as a lot of them were removed by the authority.

Let's get nose-y in SOHO!

吸引眼球的 彩鳥出沒?!Eyes popping art installation at Soho Square

Soho Square

Page 6: ISSUE 11

南非街頭美食 X台灣官財板大結合





!但如果去吃brunch或English full breakfast也太沒創意了吧

!所以就要跟著我們Bubble Tea Magazine的美食糾察員


chow 小食兔」。

不用擔心!「Bunnychow 小食兔」並不是真的用兔子做的美



任務是要去吃「官財板」,想不到店員解釋「Bunnychow 小



Bunnychow 小食兔

Address:74 Wardour Street,Soho, London W1F 0UQ

Opening Hours : Mon-Wed Thur-Fri Sat Sun


Page 7: ISSUE 11

Amazing new African street flavour at Bunnychow in Soho!

When our Food Hunters Alison and Ronald arrived at Bunnychow they thought it served the Taiwanese famous cuisine called “Tainan Coffin Bread”yup we know it doesn't sound as fancy and delicious as it seems, but really “Tainan Coffin Bread” has so many similari-ties with Bunnychow – famous street food from South Africa! So for Alison and Ronald, this will be a total different exciting take on at Bunnychow.

No one can really walk pass Bunnychow on Wardour Street without noticing the eye catching African street food everyone's munching on. Perfectly baked bread serving as a bowl or container freshly baked “Bunny loafs” everyday, pairing up with five amazingly delicious house flavours, Durban, chakalaka, veggie, piri piri or go adventurous and try their award winning Full English Bunny, all for just a fiver! Did we also mention they serve wings, lamb ribs as sides for just a quid! Now let's see what our Food Hunters Alison and Ronald thinks about Bunnychow.

Full English Bunny - 英式早餐小食兔:Sausage, home cured bacon, button mushrooms, bobotie spiced beans, tomato, bunnychow’s homemade black pudding, fried egg - £4

★ 編輯最愛★★ Editor's Pick ★

Alison TseUniversity College London

在 眾 多 口 味 之 中 , 我 偏 愛 F u l l English的口味,這靈感取自傳統的英式全天早餐。這聰明的做法,一次過結合了多種類型的新鮮食材,不但味道好,而且飽肚, 早餐時間,你只要點一個就完全足夠了!這間小店環境舒適, 價格相宜,是留學生的一個好選擇!

I am pretty pleased with the Full English bunny as it's inspired by the traditional English all-day breakfast. It's both a brilliant and delicious idea that combines types of fresh ingredients within a bunny loaf. I would say it's a “just right” portion for those who wants to have a full yet portable English breakfast. All ingredients matched so well together so I would definitely recommend my friends to come and grab a bunny.

Ronald ChenLondon College of Fashion


Bunnychow uses loaf as a bowl to cram with ingredients and different sauces. When we bite the bunny we can enjoy both tender texture of meats and supple texture of creamy loaf, which is already fused together with the delicious sause.

南非街頭美食 X台灣官財板大結合 Bunnychow 小食兔的由來「Bunnychow 小食兔」的發原地是南非一個叫Durban (德爾班)的城市,Durban 是南非第二大港口城市而在1824年有英軍和英國商人開始進駐當地開發了甘蔗業。但到了1860年因為勞動人口不夠而進駐了很多來自印度的工人去甘蔗農田工作,而聽說當時因為印度工人為了可以方便攜帶咖哩作中飯,而想出了把咖哩放進掘了個洞的大麵包當中,而慢慢成為了當地受歡迎的美食喔!而Soho這一家名「Bunnychow」的餐廳可以說是把這道南非美食加進了很多英式的元素呢!他們其中一道招牌 小食兔更是得了英式早餐創意大獎呢!

Veggie Bunny – 素食小食兔:Cauliflower, chickpea, potato, spicy Durban sauce - £5

Piri Piri Pork Bunny -香辣葡式烤雞小食兔:8 hour pulled pork & Bunny-chow’s Piri Piri sauce - £5

Page 8: ISSUE 11

Located in the hearts of Soho is this inde-pendent cycle shop that not only knows how to make sure you have fun at their various bike workshops, you can also enjoy different blends of high quality coffee while you wait for your ride to be fixed, this little cycle heaven is also a great place for cyclists to meet up. You can keep up to date with their in-store events via their Instagram @soho-bikeslondon, Twitter or Facebook page, talking about all geared up!

Soho Bikes說自己是Soho區唯一一家腳踏車咖啡店,我們BTM美食糾察隊當然要出動親自品嚐一下他們的咖啡是不是跟腳踏車一樣專業喔!果然咖啡師Steph是出乎意料的對咖啡非常的了解,也看得出Steph真的花了很多心思去調配每一杯作品。現在就請我們三位美食糾察隊員Marco, Muriel和May來跟大家評薦一下Soho Bikes的幾款招牌咖啡吧!

If you think Soho bikes is more serious about their bikes then their coffee then you ought to think again! Their experienced barista Steph surely knows how to stir up the best locally-roasted Ozone coffee. Let's see what Marco, Muriel and May has to say about their Sunday afternoon at Soho bikes.

Address:26 Berwick Street, Soho W1F 8RG

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri Sat Sun


來到SOHO區的第3個Check Point了!如




Bikes。目前Soho Bikes是Soho區唯一




聽他說原來在倫敦的英國人也只是因為這年倫敦舉辦奧運,還有Tour De France的單車活動才越來越多英國人用腳踏車代步喔!也難怪倫敦的腳踏車配套和支援都沒有好像德國柏林,或是阿姆斯特丹等歐洲城市完善。所以Nick建議大家如果一開始在倫敦騎車,應該先上TFL的網站了解一下不用騎在大馬路的小路路線,還有送了給我們讀者以下幾個挑選合適自己腳踏車的tips喔!

Whether you're a newbee who has just hit the road on your first ride or a cycling guru, Soho bikes has everything you need from Bern Unlimited helmets to Santa Cruz bicycles. Nick, one of the partners and creative brain behind Soho Bikes gave Bubble Tea Magazine Food Hunters Marco, Muriel and May a quick crash course on how to pick the perfect first bike and also what to be aware of if they are to start cycling in London.

A cycle store aka cafe like no other in the hearts of Soho.




1.選車頭的掌控手柄:新的車手要選比較高或是不用灣腰都可以掌控的手柄款式。平常大家看到專業單車選手趴著騎車,他們的掌控手柄很多都是U字型,這樣就可以減低身體與風的磨擦力增加速度。可是新手要那麼快幹什麼?! 安全還是最重要的喔!



如果大家想要跟Nick學習更多有關腳踏車的技巧,或是你們也想學習如果修理自己的腳踏車,就要上http://soho-b ikes .co .uk報名參加他們的Workshop喔!

Page 9: ISSUE 11

一進來soho bikes咖啡店,就給那熟悉的咖啡香味吸引了。店門口的兩輛裝飾腳踏車(果然價值連城lol),展示了店主對腳踏車的熱情。話說回來,咖啡品質和咖啡師的蒸餾技巧無法挑剔,才會泡出具果香而且酸而不澀的咖啡。特別喜歡店家的cappucino,牛奶和咖啡比例適宜,咖啡師更拉出了一朵典雅的花,咖啡的香氣和那甘苦的味道使cappucino整體質感特具層次。不只是價錢合理,而且叫人放鬆的環境和高品質的咖啡絕對大大提高了咖啡店的CP值!有空的話不妨多走一步路,試一下獨立咖啡店的手藝吧!

An astounding blend of coffee and bikes - Soho Bikes has surely done it right. Situated on Berwick Street, the aroma of artisan Uganda-originated coffee surely added colour to a laidback afternoon. As a big fan of cappucino, they've obviously got a nice proportion of milk and coffee, finish-ing off with an elegant latte art flower. Reasonably priced, plus an eye-opening glimpse to the world of bikes, this is just a perfect destination to spend your weekend

我曾經試過Old street的另一家,同樣都是以販售腳踏車周邊商品這類型的複合型咖啡店。為了替讀者們測試店員的咖啡沖製技巧,這次來到Soho Bikes我選擇了比較需要咖啡師技巧的V60沖法。於是點了這一款來自Ethiopia的耶加雪菲(Yirgacheffe),入口即有強烈的水果酸味。不過若是等待咖啡放涼後,原本的強烈果酸將會大幅降低,取而代之的是甜度頗高的後味。此款為重烘焙咖啡(deep roast),相當適合需要立即醒腦的朋友們。"Soho Bikes London" 位於市中心鬧中取靜的位置,附近也有相當多知名的店家。入門即見挑高的空間,幾張長桌及椅子併排,相當適合坐下來悠閒的工作。被櫃台後面看似酷酷的女店員嚇到了嗎?她其實相當友善,對於咖啡製品的問題也來者不拒哦。

I have tried the similar type of shop which served both bicycle repair service and provide coffee. For the "Soho Bikes London", I chose V60 to challenge the skill of the barista. The bean I tried today is from Yirgacheffe in Ethiopia. The strong flavour with a rich fruity first taste, then the representation of acidity is quite impressive for me. I will suggest anyone who loves deep roast coffee to try this one. The friendly staffs in "Soho Bikes London" also have a deep knowledge of their beans. The main contributor of the bean here is from the Ozone. But we got the update news is that the "house-roast" bean is coming in the near future. So, have a try to this cozy place.

Join 英國學生雜誌 Bubble Tea Magazine for free coffee!! 今天跟BTM探訪在Soho的SohoBike, 這間特色咖啡廳,不但可以品嘗專業的手沖咖啡,也是Soho區唯一的Bike shop! 等待愛車保養或修理的時刻,喝杯咖啡小憩一番,多愜意。除了溫順誘人的Flat white搭配雅緻的拉花, 今天也大膽嘗試menu上的"Orans-tretto"(一旁特地寫著"don't ask, just try"),有了出乎意料的驚喜--活潑而酸甜的氣泡果汁結合咖啡!?竟然像是春天一樣美麗的滋味!粉橘泡泡與咖啡香氣搭配的完美無缺,頓時讓人感覺花都開好了!! 熱愛美食的朋友,別忘了持續關注BTM"倫敦美食糾察員"的系列活動,一起走訪倫敦好味道!!

I always enjoyed reading Bubble Tea Magazine (BTM), the places they review are always amazing. So I was really exciting when I was given the chance to become one of their Food Hunters at Soho Bikes this issue. It's a cosy little shop where you can relax with a cup of high quality coffee while you wait for your bike to be fixed. The Flat White here has a delicate touch of caffeine blending perfectly with the latte art. If you want to be as adventurous like I was, go for the “Don't ask, Just try” on their secret menu! I won't give too much away for this mysterious blend, but trust me you won't be disappointed!

Flat White £ 2.5 Ozone Coffee “Hodson blend”

V60 filter 3.5Ozone “Finca San Luis” FarmCosta Rican Single Origin

Address:26 Berwick Street, Soho W1F 8RG

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri Sat Sun

Address:26 Berwick Street, Soho W1F 8RG

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri Sat Sun


Marco WongKing's College London

Muriel HuangBirkbeck University of London

May SuFreelance Designer

Page 10: ISSUE 11

來Soho Lucky Voice感受一下英國式的KTV吧!大家一定沒想到在Lucky Voice唱英國式的KTV不只有自己的包箱,更可以有8000多首歌線上點播服務在家

舉辦KTV派對喔!怪不得自2005年Lucky Voice今年已經要慶祝他們成立十周年,就連名模Kate Moss、

One Direction的Harry Styles、Sir Paul McCartney和Prince Harry都是他們的客人喔!

K歌排行榜 Top 3 songs:Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’Bon Jovi – Livin’ On A PrayerCarly Rae Jepsen – Call Me Maybe

預約訂房 To book:Either call 02074393660, email [email protected] or go on the website

SOHO分店價目表 Prices for Soho are: Sunday to Wednesday - £6/hourThursday – before 10pm - £8.50, after 10pm £11Friday – Saturday – before 8pm - £8.50, after 8pm - £11

The Soho bar has been open for business since 2005 and we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary in June – very exciting. We’ve had numerous celebs through our doors including Chris Martin, Kate Moss, Harry Styles, Sir Paul McCartney and Prince Harry.

Plenty to offer in the rooms – over 8000 songs to choose from and a ‘thirsty button’ to get a waiter/ress to come and take a drinks order. For those that feel they need a bit of ‘dutch courage’ before they take to the mic we have a bar to enjoy and also the option of having a cocktail masterclass!


大家想不想跟著 Bubble Tea Magazine到倫敦各式各樣餐廳參加免費品嚐會呢?【參加要求】1. 住在倫敦,或可以自費到倫敦2. 喜歡把自己吃喝玩樂的照片和大家分享3. 可以當場寫50-100字的中英美食評語 【符合以上條件嗎?就趕快把你的】(1)個人聯絡資料(2)三張生活照(3)大學名字或公司名字?(4)每個禮拜哪天、什麼時段可以參加? 標題「倫敦美食糾察隊」傳到[email protected]給我們喔! _____________________________________

For brands who want to advertise with Bubble Tea Magazine, please contact Samuel Chen at [email protected] subject “Ad is coming from --your company name"

Page 11: ISSUE 11

★ 編輯最愛★味噌銀鱈魚:吃進嘴裡入口即化,甜甜的味噌襯托出甘美的銀鱈魚。

★ Editor's Pick ★ Bubble Tea Mag Editor's pick! DOZO's Gindara Saikyomiso is very sweet and the sauce blends beautifully with the flavour of the fish.

★ 主廚推薦★ 火焱壽司:新鮮食材用噴火槍稍微碳烤過,吃起來有點煙燻味襯托出食材的甘甜。

★ Chef's Pick ★ If you're not a big fan of sashimi then DOZO's Aburi Sushi will be perfect for you to have a taste of the wow-ness of “grilled sashimi” sushi!

龍卷:壽司裡包著多汁的明蝦,外面包著 軟 厚 的 酪 梨 。 吃 起 來 超 級 清 爽 ! (£18.80 )

DOZO really presents their Japanese cuisine with an innovative touch with their Dragon Maki, containing amazing combination of jumbp prawn, aspara-gus, avocade, tobiko, ikura, eel sauce and mayonnise.


DOZO's Chef's pick House Tonkotsu Ramen, blending Japanese barbecue pork in a secret reciped Pork Bone soup

來Soho Lucky Voice感受一下英國式的KTV吧!

Soho精緻日本料理 DOZO

說到倫敦,什麼都貴!沒什麼錢的留學生或打工度假的辛苦人,在英國能省則省。尤其出去外面吃,我們更是捨不得! 但偶而也會想出去吃一點高級料理犒賞犒賞一下自己。 讀者的心聲我們BTM團隊聽到了! 這次Sam老大與大型少女double G 將介紹一家身藏在SOHO 的精緻日本料理 DOZO。 在熱情的服務生帶位坐下後,我們翻開照片拍的美美的菜單發現很多道菜是在其它日本料理店點不到的。所以點了超多道菜,很快的餐桌上就放滿了一盤盤的美食了!

DOZO 位於SOHO 區的Old Compton Street上。店裡佈置成高級和室風,Sam老大前腳才剛踏進去, doubleG 就趕緊把Sam老大拉住說「好像看起來很貴,我們吃得起嗎?」 Sam老大沉穩的說「安啦!聽說這家餐廳很受留學生的歡迎,在South Kensington 的分店時常爆滿。有時候沒訂位還可能吃不到呢!」

“DOZO” means “Please”or very often as “Please come in”in Japanese, so it's not hard to notice how friendly and welcoming DOZO Japanese Restaurant is. Tucked away in the hearts of Soho you may easily walk past this Japanese restaurant without knowing how much you've missed out. Let Bubble Tea Magazine Editors Sam and Gigi lead the way into DOZO Japanese Restau-rant – a restaurant & cocktail bar which outstands itself by serving exquisite Japa-nese cuisines, pairing its unique taste of Japan with contemporary décor, innovative dishes and cocktail bar experience – DOZO.

Fine dining Japanese Restaurant in the Heart of SOHO – DOZO

Address:32 Old Compton Street, Soho, London W1D 4TP

Opening Hours : Mon-Wed Thur-Fri Sat Sun


Page 12: ISSUE 11

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