jaap verheul: de 5 belangrijkste presidenten

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Vijf Amerikaanse presidenten die een

verschil maakten

Jaap Verheul

Great Presidents?

Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt en Lincoln

Volgens historici

1 Abraham Lincoln R

2 Franklin D. Roosevelt D

3 George Washington Indep

4 Theodore Roosevelt R

5 Thomas Jefferson Dem-Rep

6 Harry S. Truman D6 Harry S. Truman D

7 Woodrow Wilson D

8 Dwight D. Eisenhower R

9 John F. Kennedy D

10 Ronald Reagan R

Bron: New York Times 2013

Volgens historici

1 Abraham Lincoln R

2 Franklin D. Roosevelt D

3 George Washington Indep

4 Theodore Roosevelt R

5 Thomas Jefferson Dem-Rep

6 Harry S. Truman D6 Harry S. Truman D

7 Woodrow Wilson D

8 Dwight D. Eisenhower R

9 John F. Kennedy D

10 Ronald Reagan R

Bron: New York Times 201317 Barack Obama D

20 Bill Clinton D

34 George W. Bush R

Welke criteria?

"There are presidents who could be considered both failures and great or near great (for example, Nixon). (Alan Brinkley)

"How can one evaluate such an idiosyncratic president, so brilliant and so morally lacking? (James MacGregor Burns, over Nixon)MacGregor Burns, over Nixon)

"No one has a right to grade a Presidenteven poor James Buchananwho has not sat in his chair, examined the mail and information that came across his desk, and learned why he made his decisions. (JFK)

Volgens het Amerikaanse publiek

Who do you regard as the greatest United States president?

1 Ronald Reagan (19%) R

2 Abraham Lincoln (14%) R

3 Bill Clinton (13%) D

4 John F. Kennedy (11%) D

5 George Washington (10%) R

6 Franklin D. Roosevelt (8%) D

7 Barack Obama (5%) D

8 Theodore Roosevelt (3%) D

9 Harry Truman (3%) R

10 George W. Bush (2%) D

Bron: Gallup Poll 2011

Transformatieve presidenten


het presidentschap

relatie tussen burger en overheid

rol van de VS in de wereld

1. Thomas Jefferson

2. Abraham Lincoln

3. Woodrow Wilson

4. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

5. Richard Nixon


De anti-president

Thomas Jefferson

1743-1826 (4 juli)

Grootgrondbezitter en slavenhouder (Virginia)

Intellectueel, Intellectueel, Renaissance Man

Auteur Declaration of Independence (1776)

3e President 1801-1809

De onafhankelijkheidsverklaring (1776)


All men are created equal

American Creed

they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness

natuurrechten natuurrechten

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed


Staatkundige erfenis Verlichting

Doel: burger beschermen tegen overheid

Sacraal document

Grondwet (1787)

Eerste partijsysteem

Federalist Anti-Federalist (Dem


Hamilton Jefferson

Implied powers, broad


Strict constuction

Federaal gezag States rights

Industrie Agrarisch

Noord-Oosten Virginia + Z + W

Better sort Meaner sort

Pro-Engels Pro-Frans

President Jefferson

Verovering Witte Huis op John Adams

Bescheiden presidentschap

We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists

Slavernij: einde internationale slavenhandel(1807)(1807)


Empire of Liberty (1780)

Eerste Barbarijse Oorlog (1801-1805)

Louisiana Purchase (1803)


Verder lezen


De president die de staten verenigde

Abraham Lincoln


Illinois, log cabin, rail splitter, advocaat

Whig Party in Illinois (1832) en US House (1846)(1846)

1854 Republican Party

1858 campagne Senaat

A house divided againstitself cannot stand

1860 eerste Republikeinse president

President Lincoln


Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog (1861-1865)

Emancipation Procamation(1863)(1863)

Ford Theatre 14 April 1865

Great Emancipator?

Abraham Lincoln en slavernij

I would save the Union, if I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing could save it by freeing some and leaving others I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union. (1862)

First Inaugural address (1861)

I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists.

the Union of these States is perpetual.

I shall take care that the laws of the Union be I shall take care that the laws of the Union be faithfully executed in all the States.

my rightful masters, the American people This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it.

The mystic chords of memory, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

Gettysburg Address (1863)

Four score and seven years ago a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created all men are created equal.

a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

14th Amendement (1868)

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. [Citizen Clause]

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States [Privileges or Immunities Clause]

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law [Due Process Clause]


"There was a time a few years ago when the United States was spoken of in the plural number. Men said 'the United States are' 'the United States have' 'the United States were.' But the war changed all that.

The surrender of Mr. Davis and Gen. Lee meant a The surrender of Mr. Davis and Gen. Lee meant a transition from the plural to the singular.

The Washington Post, 24 april 1887.


De internationale idealist

Woodrow Wilson


Politicoloog (historicus)

President van Princeton University (1902-10)

Gouverneur New Jersey (1911-13). (1911-13).

Democraat, Progressive Movement

28e President (1913-21)

Nobelprijs (1919)

Birth of a Nation (1915)

President Wilson

Progressieve wetgeving

Internationaal idealisme

Deelname aan WWI to make the world safe for democracy.democracy.

14 Points (1918)

Vrijhandel, openbarediplomatie, democratie, zelfbeschikkingsrecht

Volkenbond (1919)

Grand Stategies?

Walter Rusell Mead, Special Providence (2002):

four powerful, but competing political traditions

Isolationist (unilateralist)

Internationalist (multilateralist)(unilateralist) (multilateralist)

Idealist Jeffersonian Wilsonian

Realist Jacksonian Hamiltonian



De sociale president

Franklin Delano Roosevelt



Onderminstermarine (1913-20)marine (1913-20)

Gouverneur New York 1929-32

32e President (1939-1945)

Partijleider Roosevelt

Radicale transformatie partijsysteem

Democraten worden partij van grote overheid

Gesteund door industrie, banken en verzekeraars,

vakbonden en arbeiders, etnische minderheden, boeren, vakbonden en arbeiders, etnische minderheden, boeren,

intellectuelen en het Zuiden

New Deal Coalition tot 1968



President Roosevelt

Radicale transformatie van overheid

President als luisterende leider, in crisis en oorlog

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Communiceert via nieuwe media (radio)

New Deal: New Deal:

Noodhulp en werkverschaffing

Financile herstructurering (SEC)

Sociale wetgeving (sociale verzekeringen, maximale werkweek, minimumloon, vakbonden)

Ruime interpretatie van de Grondwet

Overheid wordt verantwoordelijk voor economie en sociale zekerheid

Fireside Chats

Erfenis FDR

Nieuwe koers Democraten

Belang van burgerrechten en New Deal liberalism

President als leider van een grote en ambitieuze overheid

Presidentschap belangrijker dan Congres Presidentschap belangrijker dan Congres

Voorzetting buitenlandse ambities Wilsonianism

US als mondiale grootmacht

Multilateralisme en Globalism


Atlantic Charter (1941)

United Nations (1945)

Human Rights (1948)

Definition of genocide (1948)

Bretton Woods (1944) Bretton Woods (1944)


World Bank

GATT (1948) World Trade Organization

In short: United States invented multilateralism

Set universal standards

Sense of mission


Imperiaal presidentschap

Richard M. Nixon



Afgevaardigde en Senator (1947-53)Senator (1947-53)


37e president (1969-1974)

Partijleider Nixon

Soutern strategy

Silent majority(1969)

President Nixon

Opening met China (1972)

Detente Sovjetunie(1972-73)(1972-73)


Midden Oosten

Latijns Amerika

Nixon Doctrine

De drievoudige crisis

Economische crisis

Loslaten gouden standaard (1971), einde Bretton Woods

Oliecrisis (1973)

Einde van de beheersbare groei

Vietnam Vietnam

Vietnamisering, wapenstilstand (1973)

Grenzen mondiale superioriteit

War Powers Act (1973)

Einde imperial presidency


Politieke vertrouwenscrisis

Media worden vierde macht


Argwaan tegen politiek

Politieke mobilisatie van Christelijk rechts

Religieus fundamentalisme


Third Great Awakening Third Great Awakening

Culture Wars: tegen counterculture jaren zestig

Politieke polarisatie, einde bipartisanism

Populistisch Republikanisme

Ronald Reagan

Tea Party

Donald Trump

Abraham Obama

Ron English

Thank you!