jabatan pelajaran negeri johor · 2019-04-25 · dimensi sebuah silinder pada rajah 1 diukur dengan...

SULIT JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI JOHOR PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA 2011 PHYSICS Kertas 1 September 4531t1 1% jam Satu jam lima belasminit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI$EHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kerfas soalan ini adalah dalamdwibahasa. 2. Soa/an dalam bahasa /nggen'smendahului soalan yang sepadan dalam bahasa Melayu. 3. Calon dikehendakimembaca maklumat di halaman belakang kertassoatan ini. Kertas soalan ini meagandlr:gi 32 halanaa bcrcctak [Lihat sebelah SULIT 4531/'l@ 2011 Hak ciora JpNJ http://edu.joshuatly.com/

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Page 1: JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI JOHOR · 2019-04-25 · Dimensi sebuah silinder pada Rajah 1 diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur yang berlainan. Diameter, Diameter, Diagram 1 ... Rajah





1% jam Satu jam lima belas minit


1. Kerfas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.

2. Soa/an dalam bahasa /nggen's mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalambahasa Melayu.

3. Calon dikehendakimembaca maklumat di halaman belakang kertas soatan ini.

Kertas soalan ini meagandlr:gi 32 halanaa bcrcctak

[Lihat sebelahSULIT4531/'l@ 2011 Hak ciora JpNJ


Page 2: JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI JOHOR · 2019-04-25 · Dimensi sebuah silinder pada Rajah 1 diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur yang berlainan. Diameter, Diameter, Diagram 1 ... Rajah

SULIT 453111

The following information maybe useful. The symbols have their usual meaning.

Maklumat berikut mungkin berfaedah. Simbol-simbol mempunyaimakna yang biasa.

1. o - ' -ut

2. r l=u2+2as

3. s=ut+%a(

4. Momentum = mv

5. F=ma

6. Kinetic energy I Tenaga kinetik = % mf

7 . Gravitational potential energy I Tenaga keu'pap:an'graviti = mghI

8. Elastic potential energy I Tenaga keupayaan kenyal = a Fxz

g. o=L,V

10. Pressure I Tekanan, p = hN

11. Pressure lTekanan, p=+A

12. Heat/ Haba, Q= mc?

13. Heat / Heat, Q= ml

nV14. a- = constant / pemalar


15. E = mc2

16. v=i l "

17. Power, P= el'er8Y


Kuasa, p = tenaga


l l l

18. ^ - l+ lfuv

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19. L= ID

sinizu. n= _

sin r



_- dalam nyatadalam ketara

22. Q=/f

23. V=lR

24. PowerlKuasa,P=tV

2s. N" =v"N, vt,

26. Efficiency I Kecekapan = !l: *rcool"' Iov,

27. g=10ms-2

28. c=3.0x108ms-l


&M@ 2011 Hak cipra JpNJ[Lihat *rfi@h


Page 4: JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI JOHOR · 2019-04-25 · Dimensi sebuah silinder pada Rajah 1 diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur yang berlainan. Diameter, Diameter, Diagram 1 ... Rajah

SULIT 453111

1 Which of the following physical quantities is a derived quantity ?Antara kuantiti fizik berikut yang manakah kuantiti terbitan?

A MassJisim

B WeightBerat

C TimeMasa

D TemperatureSuhu

2 The dimensions of the cylinder in Diagram 1 are measured by using different measuringinstruments.Dimensi sebuah silinder pada Rajah 1 diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur yangberlainan.


Diagram 1Rajah 1

The following readings are obtained:B acaan-b acaan beri kut di pe role h i:

Diameter. DDiameter. D

2.16 cm

Length, IPanianq . I

11.9 cm

Which measuring instruments are most suitable for obtaining the readings?Alat pengukur manakah yang paling sesuai untuk memperolehi bacaan-bacaan itu?

Diameter, DDiameter, D

Length, IPanianq . I

Micrometer screw gaugeTolok skrew mikrometer

Vernier calipersAngkup vernier

Metre rulePembaris meter

Vernier calipersAngkup vernier

Micrometer screw gaugeTolok skrew mikrometer

Spring balanceNeraca spring

Vernier calipersAngkup vernier

Metre rulePembaris meter




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Diagram 2 show the graph of the movement of the car at position O, A, B, C.Rajah 2 menunjukkan graf pergerakan sebuah kereta pada kedudukan O, A, B, C.


Diagram 2Rajah 2


Which part show the car is accelerating?Pada bahagian manakah menunjukkan kereta itu sedang memecut?

Diagram 3 shows a high jumper is falling on a thick mattress.Rajah 3, menunjukkan seorang peserta lompat tinggi sedang jatuh dl afas tilam yangtebal.

Diagram 3Rajah 3

What is the function of the mattress?Apakah fungsitilam itu ?

A To reduce the change in momentum of the high jumper.Mengurangkan perubahan momentum ahli lompat tinggi

B To reduce the time of impact between the high jumper and the mattress.Mengurangkan masa tindakan antara ahli lompat tinggi dengan tilam

C To reduce the impulsive force acting on the high jumper.Mengurangkan daya impuls ke atas ahli lompat tinggi

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Page 6: JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI JOHOR · 2019-04-25 · Dimensi sebuah silinder pada Rajah 1 diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur yang berlainan. Diameter, Diameter, Diagram 1 ... Rajah

SULIT 453111

Diagram 4 shows the path of a ball rolling down a smooth slope.Rajah 4 menunjukkan lintasan sebijibola yang berguling menuruni suatu cerun yanglicin.

Which positions have a maximum gravitational potential energy?Pada kedudukan manakah ia mempunyai tenaga keupayaan gravitiyang maksimum?

Diagram 5 shows two trolleys each of mass 1 kg, before and after collision. The initialvelocity of trolley A and trolley B are 6 m s-1 and 4 m s-l respectively. After collision, bothtrolleys move together.Rajah 5 menunjukkan dua buah troli dengan jisim 1 kg sefiap safu, sebe/um danse/epas perlanggaran. Halaju awal troli A dan troli B masing-masing adatah 6 m s-1 dan4 m s-1. Se/epas pertanggaran, kedua-dua troli bergerak bersama-sama.

6 ms-l

Trolley ATroliA

Plasticinq*Plastisin 4 ms-1

Before collisionSebelum perlanggaran

After collisionSe/epas perlanggaran

Trolley BTroliB

Trolley B Trolley ATroliB Troti A

Diagram 5Rajah 5

What is the velocity of both trolleys after collision?Berapakah halaju kedua-dua troli selepas perlanggaran?

A 1.0 m s-1

B 2.0 m s-1

C 5.0 m s-l

D 10.0 m s-1

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SULIT 4531t1

Diagram 6 shows the displacement-time graph of a moving bicycle.Rajah 6 menunjukkan graf sesaran-masa bagi sebuah basikal yang sedang bergerak.



Diagram 6Rajah 6

Which of the following describes the motion of the bicycle?Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menerangkan pergerakan basikat tersebut?






WX XYUniform velocityHalaiu seraqam

Zero velocityHalaiu sifar

Increasing velocityHalaiu bertambah

Zero velocityHalaiu sifar

Uniform velocityHalaiu seraqam

Decreasing velocityHalaiu berkuranq

Increasing velocityHalaiu bertambah

Decreasing velocityHalaju berkuranq

Diagram 7 shows an astronaut walking on the moon. what can you say about hisinertia?RajahT menunjukkan seorang angkasawan berjatan dipermukaan bulan. Apakah yangdapat anda katakan mengenai inerlianya?

Diagram 7RajahT



UnchangedTidak berubah

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f l r -

SULIT 4531t1


The following item is for safety features in vehicles, exceptItem-item be rikut adalah ciri-ciri kesel amatan dalam ke nderaan kecu al i

A rubber bumperbumper getah

B larger rimrim yang lebih besar

C anti-scatter windscreencermin antiselerak

D Anti-Lock-Breaking System (ABS)Sisfem Brek Anti-Kunci (ABS)

Diagram 8 shows two marbles A and B of different masses is being released at thesame time in a vacuum cylinder.Rajah 8 menunjukkan dua bijiguli A dan guli B yang berlainan jisim diiatuhkan serentakdalam satu silinder.

Marble B Marble A&iiA


Guk B



Diagram BRaiah 8

Which observation is correct?Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar ?

A Marble B will reach at the base earlierGuli B sampai ke dasar tiub lebih awal

B Marble A will reach at the base earlierGuli A sampai ke dasar tiub lebih awal

C Marble A and B will reach at the base at the same timeGuli A dan B sampai ke dasar tiub serentak

D Marble A and B float in the tubeGuli A dan B terapung dalam tiub

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SULIT 4531t1

11 Diagram 9 below shows a load is supported by the arrangement of springs P, Q and R.All the springs and the load are identical.Rajah 9 menunjukkan satu beban digantung pada susunan spring P, Q dan R.Kesemua spring dan beban adalah serupa.

Diagram 9Rajah 9

Which comparison is correct about the extension of P, Q and R?Perbandingan yang manakah betultentang pemanjangan P, Q dan R?

A P--Q=R




Diagram 10 shows the mattress compress more when the boy is standing on it,compared when he is lying.Rajah 10 menunjukkan tilam termampat lebih dalam apabila seorang budak lelaki berdiridi atasnya berbanding apabila ia baring diatasnya.


Diagraml0Rajah 10

This is due to the difference inlni disebabkan oleh perbezaan

A forcedaYa

B weightberat

C pressuretekanan

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13 Diagram 11 show an apparatus used to observe the mercury level when a stopper isremoved out.Rajah 11 menunjukkan radas yang digunahan untuk memerhatikan aras merkuriapabil a pe nyu m bat dita ng g al kan.




Diagram 11Rajah 11

Which observation is correct?Pemerhatian yang manakah adalah benaft


14 Which of the following situations obeys Pascal's principle?Antara sifuasi berikut, yang manakah mematuhiprinsip Pascal?


A The mercury will remain filled in the glass tubeMerkuri akan kekal penuh dalam tiub kaca itu

The mercury column will drop until its length equalto 76 cmTurus merkuri akan turun sehingga tingginya sama dengan 76 cm

The mercury column will drop until its length is half of the length of the glass tubeTurus merkuri akan turun sehingga tingginya menjadi separuh daripada panjangtiub kaca ituThe mercury column will drop until it is at the same levelwith the mercury in thecontainerTurus merkuri akan turun sehingga parasnya sama dengan paras merkuridalambekas




\\ \



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*\ rlt=]



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15 Diagram 12 shows a cross section of a dam.Rajah 12 menunjukkan keratan rentas sebuah empangan.

11 4531t1


[Lihat sebelahSULIT

Diagram 12Rajah 12

What is the pressure exerted by the water at e ?Berapakah tekanan yang dikenakan oteh air pada

The density of water is 1000 kg m-..Ketumpatan air adalah 1000 kg m€.Q?

A 88 000 Pa

B 80 000 Pa

C 78400Pa

D 39 200 Pa

16 Diagram 13 shows a ping-pong bail praced under a stream of water.Rajah 13 menunjukkan sebijibota ping pong diletakkan dibawah aliran air.

Water flowAliran air

Diagram 13Rajah 13

Which explains the above observation?Manakah yang menerangkan pemerhatian diatas?

A Pascal's PrinciplePrinsip Pascal

B Bernoul l i 'sPrinciplePrinsip Bernoulli

C Archimedes' principlePrinsip Archimedes

D Principle of Conservation of MomentumPrinsip Keabadian Momentum

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Ping pong


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r.SULIT 453'l11

17 Diagram 14 shows three cuboids P, Q and R floating on water surface.Rajah 14 menunjukkan tiga kuboid P, Q dan R yang terapung dl afas permukaan air.

Diagram 14Rajah 14

Which of the following is the descending order for the density of object P, Q and R ?Antara yang berikut, manakah ialah ketumpatan objek P, Q dan R dalam urutanmenurun?





18 Diagram 15 shows a hydraulic system. A force, Fr is exerted to the piston X. Crosssectional area of piston Y is larger than piston X.Rajah 15 menunjukkan sebuah sisfem hidraulik. Daya, F1 dikenakan ke atas omboh X.Luas keratan rentas bagi ombohY adalah lebih besar daripada omboh X.

Diagram 15Rajah 15

Which of the following statements is true about the force, F2 exerted on piston Y?Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah benar tentang daya, F2 yang dikenakan keatas ombohY?

A Fz<Ft

B Fz= Fr

c Fz> Ft

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19 More heat energy require to change 1 kg of water at 100"C to steam than to totally melt1 kg of ice becauseLebih banyak haba diperlukan untuk menukarkandaripada meleburkan sepenuhnya 1 kg als kerana

1 kg air pada 100'C kepada stim


A specific heat capacity of w_ater higher than specific heat capacity of ice.Muatan haba tentu air rebih tinggi crari muatan haba tentu ais.

B specific heat capacity of water lower than specific heat capacity of ice.Muatan haba tentu air rebih rendah dari muatan haba teniu ais.

c Specific latent heat of vaporisation of water higher than specific latent heat offusion of ice.Haba pendam tentu pemgewapan air rebih tinggi dari haba pendam tentuperlakuran ais.

D Specific latent heat of vaporisation of water lower than specific latent heat offusion of ice.Haba pendam tentu pemgewapan air tebih rendah dari haba pendam tentuperlakuran ais.

20 Diagram 16 shows 200 gwater with initialtemperature g0 .Ctemperature 30'C.Rajah 16 menunjukkan 200 g air dengan suhu awal gO"c dan 50 g air dengan suhuawal 30 "C.

Diagram 16Rajah 16

what will happen to the final temperature when the water mixed together?Apakah yang akan bertaku kepada suhu akhir apabila air dicampifl

A The temperature achieved thermal equilibriumMe ncap ai s u h u keseim b a ngan te rm ai

B The temperature achieved gO "CMencapai suhu 80 "C

C The temperature achieved less than 30 .CMencapai suhu kurang daripada30"C

D The temperature achieved more than g0 "CMencapai suhu lebih daripada g0 "C

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and 50 g water with initial


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r '


21 Diagram 17 shows a boy holding a sparkling firework.Rajah 17 menunjukkan seorang budak lelaki memegang sebatang bunga api.

14 4531t1

not produce bad bums

menyebabkan lecuran

Diagram 17Rajah 17

The spark from the firework which falls on the boy's hand doesbecause the sparkPercikan bunga api yang jatuh ke atas tangan budak itu tidakyang teruk kerana percikan bunga api

A is at a lower temperatureberada pada suhu yang rendah

B releases light, not heatmembebaskan cahaya, bukan haba

C contains a small amount of heatmengandungi jumlah haba yang sedikit

D has a low specific heat capacitymempunyai muatan haba tentu yang rendah

22 Diagram 1B shows an arrangement of apparatus to investigate the relationship betweenthe volume of air column, V and the temperature, T for a fixed mass of air.Raiah 18 menuniukkan suatu susunan radas untuk mengkaji hubungan antara isipaduturus udara, V dan suhu, T bagi suatu jisim udara yang malar.

metre-rulePembaris setengah meter


Bunsen burnerPenunu bunsen

Diagram 1BRajah 18

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15 4531t1


[Lihat sebelahSULIT

which of the following graphs shows the relationship between V and r, where T istemperature measured in Kelvin?Grqf yang manakah menuniukkan hubunganv denganT, dimanaT iatah suhu dalamunit Kelvin?

Diagram 19 shows the cooling curve of a substance.Rajah 19 menunjukkan lengkung penyejukan suatu bahan.



Diagram 19Rajah 19

At which phase is the substance is in sorid and liquid at the same time?Pada fasa manakah bahan itu dalam keadaan pepejat dan cecair pada masa yangsama?


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SULIT 4531t1

24 Diagram 20 shows two cars, X and Y, travelling in the different directions and passingthrough a sharp bend.Rajah 20 menunjukkan dua buah kereta, X dan Y, sedang bergerak pada arah yangberlainan dan melalui selekoh taiam.

Diagram 20Rajah 20

Which of the following mirrors is the most suitable to be placed at point P so that thedriver of car X can see car Y?Antara yang berikut, jenis cermin yang manakah paling sesual untuk diletakkan padakedudukan P supaya pemandu kereta X boleh melihat kereta Y?

Plane mirrorCermin satah

Concave mirrorCermin cekung

Convex mirrorCermin cembung

L- shape plane mirrorCermin satah bentukL

25 Diagram 21 show a ray of light is directed onto a plane reflector.Determine the correct relationship between the angle of incidence, I and the angle ofreflection, r.Rajah 21 menunjukkan satu sinar cahaya tuju yang ditujukan pada satu pemantul satah.Tentukan hubungan yang betul di antara sudut tuju, i dengan sudut pantulan, r.

Plane reflectorPemantul satah





A i : r

B i>rC i<r

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i \i r \ Reflectedray

\ Srnarpanfulan

Diagram 21Rajah 21



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where should the object be placed in front of a convex lens for it to acts as amagnifying glass? The focal length of the convex lens is f.Di m.anakah satu objek harus diletak di depan satu kanta cembung supaya iabeftindak sebagai kanta pembesar? Jarak fokus kanta cembung iu iaitai r.

A equal to 2fsama dengan 2f

B more than 2flebih daripada 2f

C less than fkurang daripadaf

D between f and 2fantaraf dan2f

Diagram 22, shows a ray, X, is directed into a glass block. The critical angle of the glassis 42. Which direction does the light travels from point y?Raiah 22, menuniukkan sinarX ditujukan ke dalam btok kaca. Sudut genting kaca ialah42. Ke manakah arah sinar merambat dai titiky?

Diagram22Rajah 22

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rSULIT 453111

28 An object is placed 50.0 cm in front of a convex lens. A sharp image is formed on thescreen placed 12.5 cm behind the lens.Satu objek diletakkan 50.0 cm di hadapan sebuah kanta cembung. Satu imei yangtajam dihasilkan di atas skrin yang terletak 12.5 cm di belakang kanta.

What is the focal length of the lens ?Berapakah panjang fokus kanta tersebut?

A 0.1 cm

B 10.0 cm

C 37.5 cm

D 52.5 cm

29 Which of the optical instruments uses total internal reflection principle?Manakah peralatan optikyang menggunakan prinsip pantulan dalam penuh?

A Simple microscopeMikroskop ringkas

B Magnify ing glassKanta pembesar

C AstronomicaltelescoPeTeleskop astronomi

D Prism periscopePeriskop prisma

30 A place where sound waves cannot propagates through would beSuatu tempat di mana gelombang bunyitidak dapat merambat melaluinya adalah

A through a balloon fil led with hydrogenmelalui sebiii belon yang berisi hidrogen

B between two divers under the seaantara dua orang penyelam di dasar laut

C between two astronauts at 10 m apart on the Moon surfaceantara dua orang angkasawan yang terpisah pada jarak 10 m di permukaan Bulan

D from inside a room to a microphone outside the roomdari dalam sebuah bilik ke suatu mikrofon di luar bilik


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31 Diagram 23 shows a water waves move from region X to region Y.naj-an ZS menunjukkan gelombang air merambat dari kawasanX ke kawasanY'

Water wavesGelombang air


Region XKawasanX

Region YKawasanY

Diagram 23Raiah 23

Which of the following statements is correct?Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar?

A The waves move faster in region Y.Gelombang itu bergerak lebih laiu di kawasanY.

The speed of the waves is constant when it moves from region X to region Y.Laju gelombang itu adatah malar apabita bergerak dari kawasan X ke kawasan Y

C The waves have a bigger frequency at region X.Gelombang itu mempunyai frekuensi lebih besar d kawasan X'

D The waves have a higher amplitude at region Y.Gelombang itu mempunyai amplitud lebih tinggi d kawasanY'

g2 Diagram 24 shows microwaves transmitted from a radar to an aeroplane to determinethe distance of the aeroplane from the airport.Rajah 24 menunjukkan gelombang mikro dihantar dari radar ke sebuah pesawat untukmenentukan iarak pesawat itu dari lapangan terbang.

Diagram24Rajah 24

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SULIT 4531t1

Speed of the microwaves is 3 x 108 m s-1 and the reflection of the waves is received5 x 10-a s after the transmission of the signal. What is the distance of the aeroplanefrom the radar ?Laiu gelombang mikro iatah 3 x 108 m s-1 dan pantulan gelombang itu diterima 5 x 10-a sse/epas penghantaran isyarat. Berapakah jarak di antara pesawat itu dari radar ?

A 75km

B 150 km

C 750 km

D 1500 km

33 Diagram 25 sho,,ts the spectrum for electromagnetic waves.Rajah 25 menunjukkan spektrum gelombang elektromagnet.

Gamma raySinar gama J K L Infrared radiation

Sinar inframerah



Radio wavesGelombang


Diagram 25Rajah 25

What is the name of the electromagnetic waves J, K and L ?Apakah nama bagi gelombang elektromagnef J, K dan L?

a X-rays Ultraviolet rays Visible lightSrnar X Sinar ultraungu Cahaya nampak

R X-rays Visible light Ultraviolet raysSrnarX Cahaya nampak Sinar ultraungu

n Ultraviolet rays Visible light X-raysSinar ultraungu Cahaya nampak SrnarX

n Alpha radiation X-rays Ultraviolet raysSinar alfa SrnarX Sinar ultraungu

34 20 coulombs of charge flows past a point in a wire in 5 s.What is the current in the wire?20 couloumb cas mengalir menerusisatu titik dalam seufas dawaidalam masa 5 s.Berapakah arus dalam dawai?

A 0.25 A

B 4.OA

c 7.5A

D 12.5 A


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SULIT 4531t1

35 Diagram 26 shows an electric circuit with contain three identical bulb.Raiah 26 menunjukkan sebuah litar elektrik yang mengandungitiga buah mentol yangserupa.

Diagram 26Rajah 26

Which of the following comparison is correct about the ammeter reading?Diantara berikut yang manakah perbandingan yang betul mengenai bacaanammeter?

A Ar<Az<A,

B Az<As<A,1

c Az<Ar<As

D Ar<As<A 2

36 Which of the following is an ohmic conductor ?Antara yang berikut, yang manakah konduktor ohm?

A ThermistorTermistor

B Bulb FilamentFilamen mentol

C Constantan wireDawaikonstantan

D DiodeDiod

453111@ 2011Hak cipta JpNJ[Lihat sebelah




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37 Diagram 27 shows an electric circuit,,Rajah 27 menunjukkan sebuah litar eleldrik



Diagram2TRaiah 27

Calculate the effective resistance in the circuit.Hitungkan rintangan berkesan datam titar




120 A

The resistance of a metalwire can be reduce byRintangan seufas dawai logam boleh dikurangkan dengan

A increasing its lengthtambahkan panjang dawai

'B increasing its diametertambahkan diameter dawai

C increasing its resistivitytambahkan kerintangan dawai

D increasing its temperaturetambahkan suhu dawai





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Diagram 28 shows a direct current generator. Coil XY rotate at clock-wise direction. aRajah2S menunjukkan sebuah penjana arus ferus. BahagianXY gegelung berputarmengikut arah jam.

Diagram 28F?aja.h 28

Which of the following diagram shows that the position of coil XY does not produceinduced current ?Antara rajah berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan kedudukan XY gegetung yang tidakmenghasilkan arus aruhan ?


[Lihat sebelahSUL}T

Direction of rotation



fnnflo 2011 Hak cipta JpNJ


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SULIT 4531t1

40 Diagram 29 shows the arrangement of apparatus to investigate the strength of anelectromagnet. The current flow is control by the rheostat.Rajah 29 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji kekuatan suatu elektromagnet.Arus yang mengalir dikawal oleh reostat.

Diagram 29Rajah 29

Which of the following variable are correct?Antara pemboleh ubah berikut yang manakah betul?



Soft iron coreIeras besl lembut

Insulated copper wireWayar kuprum beftebat





Number of pin attractedBilangan pin yang ditarik

Number of turnsBilangan lilitan

Number of turnsBilangan lilitan


Number of pin attractedBilangan pin yang ditarik

Number of pin attractedBilangan pin yang ditarik

Number of turnsBilangan lilitan


Number of turnsBilangan lilitan


Soft iron coreIeras besi lembut

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SULIT 453111

41 Diagram 30 shows an apparatus in order to make a relay.Rajah 30 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk membina suatu geganti.

Diagram 30Rajah 30

Which metal should be used to make the core?Manakah logam yang patut digunakan sebagaiteras?

A AluminumAluminium

B CopperKuprum

C Soft ironBesilembut

D SteelKeluli

42 Which of the following will reduce eddy current in a transformer?Antara yang berikut, yang manakah akan mengurangkan arus pusar dalam sebuahtransformer ?

A Use soft iron coreMenggunakan teras besi lembut

B Use laminated iron coreMe nggu n akan teras besi be rl am i na

C Use insulated wire coilMe ngg u n akan gegel u ng daw ai berte bat

D Use large diameter of wire coilMenggunakan gegelung dawai yang berdiameter besar

[Lihat sebelahSULIT


I -

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43 Diagram 31 shows a combination circuit of logic gatesRajah 31 menunjukkan sebuah litar gabungan get logik

Diagram 31Rajah 31

This combination of logic gates is equivalent toGabungan get logic ini adalah setara dengan

A r------------ B-t \--]|___)






Diagram 32 shows a circuit containing bulbs X, Y and Z. Which bulb in the circuit will lightup when switch is on?Rajah 32 menunjukkan satu litar mengandungi mentol-mentolX,Y dan Z. Mentol yangmanakah akan menyala apabila suis dihidupkan.

Diagram 32Rajah 32



Y andZ





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SULIT 4531t1

45 Diagram 33 shows four diodes in full wave rectification circuit connected to a cell, switchS, resistor R and centre-zero galvanometer. The galvanometer pointer is deflected to theright when switch S is turned on.Rajah 33 menunjukkan empat diod di dalam suatu litar rektifikasi penuh gelombangdisambungkan kepada satu se/, suls S, perintang R dan galvanometer sifar-tengah.Penunjuk galvanometer itu terpesong ke sebelah kanan apabila suls S dihidupkan.

Diagram 33Rajah 33

What will happen to the galvanometer pointer if the terminals of the cell is reversed andswitch S is then turned on?Apakah akan terjadi kepada penunjuk galvanometer itu jika terminal-terminal sel itudisongsangkan dan suls S kemudian dihidupkan?

A The galvanometer pointer is deflected to the leftPenunjuk galvanometer itu terpesong ke sebelah kiri

B The galvanometer pointer is not deflectedPenunjuk galvanometer itu tidak terpesong

C The galvanometer pointer is deflected to the rightPenunjuk galvanometer itu terpesong ke sebelah kanan

D The galvanometer pointer oscillates to the left and then to the rightPenunjuk galvanometer itu berayun ke sebelah kanan dan kemudian kesebelahkiri

46 The impurity atom that is doped into silicon to form the n-type semiconductor is a ..Atom asing yang didopkan kedalam silicon untuk membentuk semikonduktor jenis-n ialah

A trivalent atom

B octavalent atom

C pentavalent atom

D divalent atom

[Lihat sebelahSULIT


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Centre-zero galvanometerGalvanometer sifar- tengah


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SULIT 4531t1

47 Diagram 34 shows a circuit consisting of diodes and a bulb. When the switch is on, thebulb does not l ight up.Rajah 34 menunjukkan litar yang mengandungi diod dan mentol. B/a surs dihidupkanmentoltidak menyala

Diagram 34Rajah 34

What should be done to make the bulb l ight up?Apa yang perlu dilakukan supaya mentol menyala?

A Reverse the connection of the diodeSambung diod secara songsang

B lncrease the number of bulbsTambah bilangan mentol

C Connect a resistor in series with the bulbSambungkan perintang secara siri dengan mentol

D Connect one more battery in series with the bulbSambungkan lebih darisatu bateri secara siridengan mentol.

48 The nucleon number of an atom is the number ofBilangan nukleon suatu atom bilangan

A Neutrons in the nucleus.Neutron dalam nukleus

B Protons in the nucleusProton dalam nukleus

C Neutrons and electrons in the nucleusNeutron dan elektron dalam nukleus

D Protons and neutrons in the nucleusProton dan neutron dalam nukleus


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SULIT 29 45311'l

49 In a fission reaction, an atom of U-235 is hit by a fast moving neutron and 200 MeV ofenergy is released. The energy released is in the form ofDalam safu proses pembelahan nucleus, atom U-235 dihentam oleh satu neutronberkelajuan tinggi dan 200 MeV tenaga terhasil dari tindakbalas tersebut .Tenaga yangterhasil adalah dalam bentuk

A nuclear energytenaga nuklear

B heat energytenaga haba

C atom U-235atom U-235

D moving neutronneutron yang bergerak

Diagram 35 shows the path of radioactive rays, S and LRajah 35 menunjukkan lintasan sinaran radioaktif, S dan T.

Paper Aluminium foil LeadKertas Kerajang Plumbum


Diagram 35Rajah 35

Which of the following shows the type of ray S and ray 7?Yang manakah berikut menunjukkan jenis sinar S dan sinarT?


Ray S

rRay f









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PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAANSIJIL PELAJARAN MALAYSIA 2011PHYSICSKertas 2Sept 20112% jamDua jam tiga puluh minit

Ting :





Tuliskan nombor kad pengenalan danangka gifiran anda pada ruang yangdisediakan.

Keftas soalan ini adalah dalamdwibahasa.

Soalan dalam Bahasa Inggerismendahului soalan yang sepadandalam Bahasa Melayu.

Calon dibenarkan meniawabkeseluruhan atau sebahagian soalansama ada dalam Bahasa Inggeis atauBahasa Melayu.

Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumatdi halaman belakang keftas soalan ini.

Kod Pemeriksa

Bahagian SoalanMarkahPenuh



1 4

2 5

3 7

4 7


6 8

7 IU

8 12

B9 20

10 20

c11 20

12 20


Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 32 halaman bercetak

ILihat halaman sebelahSULIT

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SULIT 2 453112

The following information may be useful. The symbols have their usual meaning.Maklumat beikut mungkin beffaedah. Simbol-simbol mempunyai makna yang biasa.

real depth. v-u1. a=


2. f=G+2asI

3. s=uf+ L af2

4. Momentum = rnv

5. F= ma

6. Kinetic energy I Tenaga kinetik

= Tt mrf

7. Gravitational potential energy /

Tenaga keupayaan graviti = mgh

8. Elastic potential energy /

Tenaga keupayaan kenyal =

energy9. Power, P= --::


Kuasa, p= tenagamasa

10.o= L'V

1 1. Pressure I Tekanan, P =

12, Pressure I Tekanan, P= hpg

13. Heat I Haba,Q= mcO

14. Heat I Haba, Q= ml

Dt/15. " = constant I pemalar


to. ,= t , t ismr




l l l-=-+-f t tv

Linear magnification /

Pembesaran linea1 m =

17. n=





20. v=fA

21. A= ID

22. Q=lt

23. E=VQ







Power/ Kuasa, P= lV

I = 10 ms-2



- ,,

Efficiency I KecekapanIV= l--i- x 100%I ov,


30. c=3.0x108ms'1


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SUL|T 3 453112

Section ABahagian A

t60 marksl160 markahl

Answer all questions in this section.Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

I Diagram 1 shows the temperature-time graph for heating of a solid napthalene.Rajah 1 menunjukkan gnf suhu melawan masa bagipemanasan pepeial naftalena.

Temperature / oC

Suhu /oC

Time / sMasa / sDiagram 1

Rajah 1


(a) Complete the sentence below by ticking ( { ) the correct box.Lengkapkan ayat di bawah dengan menanda 1 "1 1 aanm kotak yang betul.

At section BC of the graPh, heat isDi bahagian BC pada graf, haba



Based on Diagram 1, state the melting point of the napthalene'Berdasarkan Rajah 1, nyatakan takat lebur bagi nafralena.


Il mar\11 ma*ahl


11 markl11 markahl

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SULIT 4 483112

(c) Complete the following sentence by underlining the conect phrase in the bracket.Lengkapkan ayat beikut dengan menggariskan frcsa yang betul di dalamkurungan.

At section AB of the graph,the heat involved is

Di bahagian AB, habayang teilibat ialah

the specific heat capacitymuatan haba tentu

tha speciffc latent heathaba pendam tentu

thermal equilibriumkeseimbangan terma

11 madQ11 markahl

(d) Why the temperature remains constant at section BC of the graph ?Mengapa suhu kekal sama di bahagian graf BC ?

11 markl11 ma*ahl

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2 Diagram 2.1 shows a girl swing at a play ground.Diagram 2.2 shows the displacement-time graph of the oscillating swing in Diagram 2.1.

Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan seorang budak perempuan berbuai di sebuah taman permainan.Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan graf sesaran-masa bagi ayunan buaian dalam Rajah 2.1.

Displacement (cm)Sesaran (cm )

Diagram 2.1Rajah 2.1

Time (s)Masa (s)0.2 0.4

Diagram2.2Rajah 2.2

Determine the amplitude of the oscillation in Diagram 2.1.Tentukan amplitud bagi ayunan dalam Rajah 2.1.




11 markl11 matuahl

(b) Complete the statement below by ticking ( {) the correct box.Lengkapkan pemyataan di bawah dengan menandakan ("1) pada petak yang betul.

Based on Diagram 2.2,the oscillation by the swing isBerdasarkan Rajah 2.2, ayunan buaian itu adalah


forced oscillationayunan dipaksa

damped oscillationayunan teflembap

11 markl11 markahl

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sulfr 6 4$1t2(c) State one physical quantity that remains constant in the oscillation stated in 2 (b).Nyatakan satu kuantiti fizik yang matar datam ayunan yang dinyataxa, ii z 1o).''

(d) From the graph in Diagram 2.2,Daripada graf pada Rajah 2.2,

(D determine the period of oscillation, T.tentukan tempoh ayunan, T.

T = . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s

(iD calculate the frequency of oscillation, f.hitungkan frekuensi ayunan, f.

ThermistorPerintang peka haba

Diagram 3

Diagram 3 shows a rransistor used in ", "[:fjrt"

atarm sysrem.Rajah 3 menunjukkan litar beftransistor bagi satu slsfem pengge,ra elektronik .

(a) Name the type of transistor used.Namakan jenis transistor yang digunakan.


11 markl11 markahl

11 mark)11 markahl

[1 mark][1 markah]

[1 mark][1 markah]

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SULIT 7 453112

(b) At room temperature, the resistance of the thermistor is 2 kO. Calculate the potentialdifference between PQ.Nntangan tennistor pada suhu bilik adalah 2 kQ, hitungkan beza keupayaanmerentasiPQ.

B marksl12 markahl

(c) State the relationship between the resistance of the thermistor and temperature.Nyatakan hubungan antara intangan termistor dan suhu.

11 markl11 markahl

(d) When a fire occured, what will happen toApabila berlaku kebakaran , apakah yang akan berlaku kepada

(i) Potential difference across QRBeza keupayaan merentasi QR

11 markl11 markl

(i i) Base currentArustapak

11 markl11 markahl

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SULIT I 453112

4 The level of fruit juice in a carton can be checked by using a radioactive source and a'

detector. Diagram + inows cartons of fruit juice being passed between the radioactive

source and t[e detector. The radioactive source that is used emits beta-particles only.

Aras jus buah-buahan di dalam sebuah kotak boleh diperiksa denggn menggunakan

sumber radioaktif dan pengesan. Raiah 4 menuniukkan kotak-kotak yang beisi ius. .-buah-buahan ainantii meiatui sumber radioaktif dan pengesan itu. Sumber radioaktif

yang digunakan mengeluarkan zarah beta sahaja'


l1 markl11 markahl

(b) Name one type of detector suitab|e for the detecting beta-particle?Namakan siiu ienis pengesan yang sesuai untuk mengesan zarah-beta?

11 markl11 markahl

(c) (i) what will happen to the rate-meter reading when a fully-filled carton moves

pass the detector?'iiifin yang akan beilaku kepada bacaan meter kadar apabila sebuah kotak

yLng penun-nerisiius bergerak melintasi pengesan itu?

il ii,it11 markahl

Give one reason for your answer in a(cXi)'Beikan satu sebab bagi iawapan anda pada 4(c)(i)

(i i)

l1 markl11 markahl


Fruit juice carton ^ Radioactive source

K"L:; i;:';;"tubiln", 6/

sumber radioaktir

Conveyor beltPita pengangkut

Rate meterMeter kadar

What is a beta-Particle?Apakah zarah beta?

Diagram 4Rajah 4

Radiation detector

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SULfT e 4531/2

(d) A radioisotope has a half-life of 8 days. Calculate the time taken for the activity of

the radioisotope to decay to j of its original value' t6

Suatu radioisotope mempunyai setengah hayat I hari. Hitungkan masa yang

diambit untuk keaktifan radioisotope itu menyusut ! *rpaaa nilainya yang asal .I6

[3 marks]13 markahl

Diagram 5.1(a) shows a coin is immersed in the distil led water.Diagram 5.1 (b) shows the graph of the real depth against the apparent depth of the distilledwater.Rajah 5.1(a) menunjukkan sekeping syiling ditenggelamkan di dalam air suling.Rajah 5.1(b) menunjukkan graf dalam nyata melawan dalam ketara bagi air suling itu.


=---LReal depth, H/cmDalam nyata H lcm

Diagram 5.1(a)Rajah 5.1(a)

Diagram 5.1(b)Ral'ah 5.1(b)

[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT

Apparent depth, h /cmDalam ketara h lcm

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SULIT t0 4531t2

Diagram 5.2(a) shows the identical coin is immersed in the sea water.Diagram 5.2(b) shows the graph of the real depth against the apparent depth of the seawater.

laigh 5.2(a) menuniukkan sekeping syiling yang serupa ditenggetamkan di datam air iaut.Raiah 5.2(b) menunjukkan graf dalam nyata melawan dalam kitara nagi air taut itu.

IObserver.Pemerhati Real depth, H/cm

Dalam nyata H lcm

Sea waterAir laut

Coin's imagelmej syiling

Diagram 5.2(a)Rajah 5.2(a)

Apparent depth, h /cmDalam ketara h lcm

Diagram 5.2(b)Rajah 5.2(b)

(a) Why does the coin appears closer to the surface of distilled water and seawater?Mengapakah syiling kelihatan dekat dengan permukaan air suling dan air tauo

[1 mark]11 markahl

(b) Observe Diagram 5.1(a)and Diagram 5.2(a).Perhatikan Rajah 5.1(a) dan Rajah 5.2(a).

(i) Compare the apparent depth.Bandingkan dalam ketara.

(i i)

11 markll1 markahl

Compare the density of distilled water and the seawater.Bandingkan ketumpatan air suling dan air laut.

11 markl11 markah)

state the relationship between the density of water and the apparent depth.Nyatakan hubungan antara ketumpatan air dan dalam ketara.

11 markl11 markahl


(i i i)

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453u2SULIT u

(c) pbgervg Diagram S.1(b) and Diagram S.z(b).Perhatikan Rajah 5.1(b) dan Rajah 5.2(b).

o Name the physical quantity represented by the gradient of the real depth -apparent depth graph.Namakan kuantitifizik yang mewakili kecerunan graf dalam nyata-dalam ketaraitu.

[1 na*]11 mail<ahl



(iD Compare the gradient of the graph.Bandingkan kecerun an graf.

11matul11 markahl

state the relationship between apparent depth and the physical quantity in o(c)(i).Nyatakan hubungan di antara dalam ketara dengan *uaniitinzi* iatam's(c)(i)

ll makl11 makahl

what will happen to the image of the coin in Diagram 5.1(a), if the depth of the distilledwater decreases?Apgkah yang akan bedaku kepada imej syiting datam Rajah 5.1(a), jika kedataman airsuling itu dikurangkan?

11 mad<ll'l matuahl

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t2 4531t2Diagram 6.1 shows a ping pong ballcoated with metalpaint oscillates between twometal plates. The metar piates lre connected tb an Exia H,gh-i;il;;]rnr supptywhich produce a strono electric field between ptates wnen the switch is on .Diagram 6.2 shows thi ping pong bail osciilates between two metar prates when thevoltage is increased.

Rajah 6.1 menunjukkan s,ebiji bota ping pong yang disarut dengan cat rogam berayunantara dua plat logam. Plat logam itu aiiamEing kepada sebuah bekatan vottanLampau Tinggi , VLT, yang menghasitkan suati medan etektrik yang kuat antara platapabila suis dihidupkan.Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan bora ping pong itu berayun antara dua prat rogam apabiravoltan ditambahkan.


Metal platePlat logam

t2ms: l

N/Metal platePlat logam

Metal platePIat logam



Diagram 6.1Rajah 6.1


Diagram 6.2Rajah 6.2

What is the meaning of etectric fietd?Apakah maksud medan elektik?


[1 mark)11 markah

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Observe Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2.Perhatikan Rajah 6.1 dan Rajah 6.2.

0 Compare the EHT voltage.Bandingkan voltanVlf .


11 markl[1 matuahl

(ii) Compare the strength of electric field.Bandingkan kekuatan medan elektrik.

11 marl<l11 markahl



Compare the oscil lation velocity of ping pong ball.Bandingkan halaju ayunan bota ping pong.

[1 matu]11 ma*ahl

state the relalionship between the EHT voltage and the strength of electric field.Nyatakan hubungan di antara vottanvLr deigan kekuatan 6edan etektik.

11 markl11 marl<ahl

(v) Relate the strength of electric field with oscillation velocity.Hubungkaitkan kekuatan medan elektrik dengan hataju iyunan.

11 mail<l11 markahl

what will happen to the velocity of the ping pong ball if the distance between twometal plate is increases. Give one reason for your answer.lnakah yang berlaku kepada hataiu bola ping pong iika jarak di antara dua platbeftambah. Nyatakan safu sebab bagijawapan anda.


12 marksl12 markahl

[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT


tl'|Xl1/2 @ 2011 Hak cipta JpNJ


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SULIT t4 453112

7 Diagram 7.1 shows the cross-sectional the hydraulic brake system of the car.najan 2.1 menunjukkan keratan renfas sisfern brek hidraulik bagi sebuah kereta.

Front brakeBrek hadapan

Rear kakeBrek belakang

Master pistonOmboh utama r',\ffi* 'u,* *

grake fluidBendalir brek


Diagram 7.1Rajah 7.1

Name the physics principle involved in this hydraulic system.Namakan pinsip fizik yang terlibat dalam sistem hidraulik ini.

l1 markl11 ma*ahl

(ii) Explain why this brake system is less efficient if there is air bubble trapped in thebrake tube.Terangkan mengapa slsfem brek in kurang berkesan iika terdapat gelembungudara terperangkap di dalam salur brek.

11 markl11 markahl

Mark the direction of piston on front brake cylinder and rear brake cylinder in Diagram7.1 when the brake pedal is pressed'f andakan arah gerakan omboh pada sitinder brek hadapan dan silinder brek belakangpada rajah 7.1 apabila pedat brek ditekan.

11 ma*l11 markahl



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sulfr rs 4SJJ/2(c) A force of 15 N is exerted on the brake pedat. The cross-sectional area of masterpiston, front brake cylinder and rear brake cylinder are S.0 x t Oi ml , olO t< i or,nt'"nA5..5 x 104 m2 respectively.

Satu daya 15 N dikenakan kepada pedal brek. Luas keratan rentas silinder utama.silinder brek hadqnan dan silinder brek betakang adatah s.o x toii, , 6:i);'ic,;;r,dan 5..5 x 1Aa m2 masing-masing.

o calculate the pressure exerted on the oir in the hydrauric brake.Hitungkan tekanan yang beftindak ke atas minyi* datam brek hidraulik itu.

[2 marksl12 markahl

(iD Calculate the force that exerted at each of front brake piston.Hitungkan daya yang dikenakan pada setiap omboh b'rek hadapan.

[2 marksl12 matuahl

Based on Diagram 7.1,Berdasafuan Rajah 7.1,

(D explain the modification to the size of master piston so that the brake systemcan function effectively.terangkan ubahsuaian terhadap saiz omboh utama supaya sl'sfern brek dapatbeffungsi secan berkesan.








III fs3i/2tIIh

12 matusl12 markahl

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@ 2011 Hak Cipta Ji'ilJ


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rSULIT 16 453112

explain why rear brake cylinder on the right and on the left must have samecross-sectional area .terangkan mengapa sitinder brek belakang sebelah kanan dan sebelah kirimesti mempunyai luas keratan rentas yang sama.


11 markl11 markahl

Diagram 8.1 shows the graph of force against extension for three springs, P, Q and R'

Aajlan A.1 menunjukkan-graf daya melawan pemanjangan bagi 3 sping, P, Q dan R.

Force (N)Daya (N)









Diagram 8.1Rajah 8.1

Extension (cm)Pemanjangan (cm)

A law states that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force

applied if the elastic limit of the spring is not exceeded'Name this law.

suatu hukum menyatakan bahawa pemaniangan sebuah spring adalahberkadar langsung dengan daya dikenakan iika had kenyaltidak dilampaui.Nyatakan hukum ini.


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SULIT 17 4531/2

(iD On the graph in Diagram 8.1, mark 'X ' at the elastic limit for spring p and e.Pada graf dalam Rajah 8.1, tandakan'X' pada had kenyal spring p dan e.

11 marklllmatuahl

The spring stores energy when it is extended.Spring itu menyimpan tenaga apabila diregang.

Calculate the energy stored in spring R when its extension is 8.0 cm.Hitung tenaga yang disimpan dalam spring R apabila pemanjangannya E.O cm.

13 matusl13 ma*ahl

Diagram 8.2 shows the baby sleeping in the cradle.Rajah 8.2 di bawah menunjukkan seorang bayi yang sedang tidur di dalam buaian.

Diagram 8.2Rajah 8.2

Table 8.1 shows the characteristics of 3 types of spring K,L and M.Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan ciri-ciri 3 jenis sping, K,L and M.

Table 8.1Jadual8.1



[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT


Spring constantPemalar sprino

Density / kg m-3Ketumpatan /kg m-3

Elastic limit / NHad kenval / N

K LowRendah

4700 20

L Hightinaoi

7860 48

M Hightinooi

2920 50


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Based on Table 8'1 state suitable characteristics of the spring so that it can be used tomake a cradle oscillates at suitable frequency.Berdasarkan Jaduat 8.1, nyatakan ciri-cii yang sesuai bagi spring itu untukmenghasilkan buaian yang dapat berayun pada frekuensi yang

"""r"):Give reason for suitability of the characteristicsBeikan sebab untuk kesesuaran ciri-ciri itu.

(i) Extension of springPemanjangan spring


B marksl12 markahl

(i i) DensityKetumpatan


B marks)12 markahl

(i i i) Elastic limitHad kenyal


12 marksl[2 markah]

Determine the most suitable spring that can to be used to make the cradle.Pilih spring yang paling sesuai untuk membuat buaian itu.

11 marl<l11 markahl


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SULIT 4531/2

Section BBahagian B

[20 marks]120 markahl

Answer any one question from this sectionJawab mana-mana satu soalan daipada bahagian ini

I (a) Diagram 9.1 shows two frying pans M and N that are made of different material withdifferent specific heat capacity, are used to boil the same volume of water.Diagram 9.2 shows the time taken for the water to boil. When boiling, the frying pan andthe water are in thermal equilibrium.I Assume frying pan M and frying pan N are of the same size and same thickness ]

Rajah 9.1 menunjukkan dua kuali M dan N yang diperbuat daipada bahan yangberbeza, dengan muatan haba tentu yang berbeza, digunakan untuk mendidihEan airyang sama isipadu.Raiah 9.2 menunjukkan masa yang digunakan untuk mendidihkan air. Ketika airmendidih, kuali dan air berada dalam keseimbangan terma.IAnggap saiz dan ketebalan bagi kuali M dan kuali N adatah sama ]


Frying pan M made of aluminiumwith specific heat capacity of900 Jkg- ' "C- 'Kuali M diperbuat dai aluminrumdengan muatan haba tentugoo Jko-'oc'l

Water boils after 10 minutesAir nendidih se/epas 10 minit

Frying pan N made of iron withspecific heat capacitv of452 Jkg-1 oC-1

Kuali N diperbuat dai besidengan muatan haba tentu452 Jkg-I oc'1

Diagram 9.1Rajah 9.1

Water boils after 5 minutesAir mendidih selepas 5 minit

Frying pan NKuali N

Diagram 9.2Rajah 9.2

(i) What is the meaning of thermal equilibrium ?Apakah maksud keseimbangan terma ?

11 markl11 markahl

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SULIT 20 453112

(ii) Using Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the specific heat capacity of thetryind pan , the time taken for the water to boil and the change in temperature.R;hte the specific heat capacity of the frying pan with the time taken for thewater to boil.Make a deduction regarding the relationship between the specific heat capacity ofthe frying pan and the rate of change in temperature of the frying pan'

lS markslMenggunakan Rajah 9.1 dan Raiah 9.2, bandingkan muatan haba tentu kuali ,m""Z-y"ng aiamm obh air untuk mendidih dan perubahan dalam kenaikan suhu'Uunuig*iitkan muatan haba tentu kuati dengan masa yang diambil oleh airuntuk mendidih.Buat kesimpulan tentang hubungan antara muatan haba tentu kuali dengankadar kenaikan suhu bigi kuali.- 15 ma*ahl

(b) The amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram water by 1oC in

the frying pan M and frying pan N are Qr and Qz respectively'Jumtah haba yang aipie1iian untuk meningkatkan suhu 1 kitogram air sebanyak loC

bagi kuati M dan kuali N adalah masing-masing Qr dan Qz '

(i) Compare Q1 and Qz .Give one reason for this answer.Bandingkan q, dan Qz.Beri satu sebab bagiiawaPan ini.

(ii) Using Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, name two types of heat that are involved

durin-g neallng and boiling' 12 markslBerdisarkan-Raiah 9.1-dan Raiah 9.2, namakan dua ienis haba yang terliba!ketika pemanasan dan pendidihan. 12 markahi

12 marksl

12 markahl

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(c) Diagram 9.3 shows the cross-section of a pressure cooker.Rajah 9.3 menunjukkan keratan rentas sebuah peiuk tekanan


Pressure released valvelnjap pelepas tekanan

Leakage of steamKebocoran stim



Base of the potDasar periuk Diagram 9.3

Rajah 9.3

(i) material used for the base of the pot.bahan yang digunakan untuk dasar periuk.

(iD material used for the handle of the pot.bahan yang digunakan untuk pemegang peiuk.

(iiD thickness of the wall of the pot.ketebalan di ndi ng pe ri u k.

(iv) safety of the pressure cooker.kesel a mata n peiu k tekana n.

(v) way to prevent leakage of steam.cara untuk mencegah kebocoran stim.


RimMulut periuk

Wall of the potDinding periuk

You are required to give some suggestions to design a pressure cooker which can cookfood in a shorter time. Using the knowledge on heat, pressure and the properties ofmaterials, explain the suggestions based on the following aspects :

Anda dikehendaki membei beberapa cadangan untuk mereka bentuk sebuah periuktekanan yang boleh memasak makanan dalam masa yang lebih singkat.Menggunakan pengetahuan tentang haba, tekanan dan sifat-sifat banan, terangkancad anga n itu be rdasarkan aspe k-aspek berikut :

12 marksl12 markahl

12 ma*sl12 markahl

[2 marks][2 markahl

12 marksl12 markahl

[2 marks]12 markahl

[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT


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12V +Thick copper wlreDawai kuqumtebal

Permanent magnetMagnetkekal

Diagram 10.1Raiah 10.1

Diagram 10'2Rajah 10'2

Whentheswitchison,theinteract ionbetweenthemagneticf ie|dandthecurrent inthewire

ff#.ij:ff 3ii?JloL}Z'o;"eraksi di antara medan masnet densan arus di datam dawai

me nghasilkan medan lastik'

SULIT 22 453112

l0Diagraml0. landDiagramlo2showa.thickcopperwireBCwhichisfreetorotateaboutthe rings A and D. tnJwire BC hangs freely between the poles of a strong permanent


Rajahl0'1danRajah10_'2mentnjukkan'seutasdawaitebalBC.yangbolehberayunbebasantara gelung n azi o. Dawai BC tergurtiig- bitu" antara kutub sebuah magnet kekal

yang kuat'

(a) (i) Hffi i::;,:,1:t:7ai::'";#,"n medan tastitQ

11 markl11 markahl




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Diagram 10.3Rajah 10.3

Explain how the motor is able to rotate.Terangkan bagaimana motor itu boleh berputar.

23 4531/2

(iD Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2, compare the voltage of powersupply, the deflection of the ammeter pointer and the ang6 ofdeffection of copper wire. 13 markslMenggunakan Rajah 10.1 dan Rajah 10.2, bandingkan voltan bekalai kuasa,

'pesongan penunjuk ammeter dan sudut pesongan dawai kuprum.

[3 markahl

(b) State the relationship betweenNyatakan hubungan di antara

(D voltage of power supply and strength of catapult field.bekalan kuasa dengan kekuatan medan lastik.

[1 mark]11 markahl

(ii) strength of catapult field and angle of deflection of copper wire. [1 marks]kekuatan medan lastik dengan sudut pesongan dawai kuprum. ll ma*ail

(c) Diagram 10.3 shows a direct current motor.Rajah 10.3 menunjukkan sebuah motor arus terus.

14 ma*sl14 markahl

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(d)Astudent isaskedtobui |datransformertorunal2Vdirectcurrentmotorbasedonthe components given in Diagram 10'4'

seorang prl)jir-Jixrnendaklm9mbina' sebuah transformer untuk menghidupkan

s e b u a h r "ri,:;

; ;; ;'i; ii J t z" v o " ra

" t a rka n ke p ad a ko m po ne n - ko m p o n e n v a n s

diberikan dalam Raiah 10'4"

240 V a.c Power suPPlYBekatan kuasa 24OV a u lnsulated coPPer wlre

Dawai ku\rum beftebat

,r'i,,i:nir:Ir:,, { &; _1:,j,:'ifui'rt' WC-shaped coreTeras berhentuk C

Diagram 10'4Raiah 10'4

Usingtheknowledgeofatransformer,descr ibehowtobui|dthetransformertorunthe12 V d.c motor. Your

""i"nltion thould include the following aspects :

Mensgunakan p"rg"ti;)ii''i;;i";s transroriir -iiraiian

bagaimana membina

transformer itu untux menghidupkan motor u-'i tz V' Penerangan anda pelu- ierangkumi asPek'asPek berikut :

(i\ tvoe of transformer used\'/ -iiinis transformer yang digunakan

(ii) ,VO" o, core usedienis teras digunakan

(iii) the ratio of number of turns in primary coil to the number of turns in

secondary coilnisbah nn"i"g')' lititan pada gegelung primer kepada bilangan lilitan

gegelung sekunder

(iv) the electronic component that should be connected to the output of the

ffi##Y:?i ktronikyans pertu disambunskan kepada output gegetuns


(v) the method of increasing the efficiency of the transformer

kaedah ,lingx"tx"n iecekapan transformer itu' [10 marks]

110 markahl

SULIT453112 @2010 Hak ciPta JPNJ


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Answer any one question from this section.Jawab mana'mana satu soalan daipada bahagian ini'

11 Diagram 11.1 shows the student used a slide projector to display a large sharp image

on the screen.iajah 11.1 menuniukkan seorang pelaiar telah menggunakan proiektor slaid untuk

menayangkan satu imei taiam yang besar di atas skin'


Section CBahagian C

[20 marks]120 matuahl


11 matulll matuahl

11 matulllmarkahl

12 matusl12 markahl

12 marksll2 markahl

ILihat halaman sebelahSULIT



Diagram 11.1Rajah 11.1

What is meant bY focal length?Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan paniang fokus?

Based on Diagram 11.1, calculate:Berdasarkan Raiah 11 .1 , hitungkan'.

0 the l inear magnification of the image' M.pembesaran linear imei, M

(ii) the focal length of lens, fpanjang fokus kanta, f

(iiD the power of the lens, Pkuasa kanta, P

Explain why a piece of paper burns when placed under a convex lens aimedtoward hot sun rays. 14 mafuslierangkan

^engip" sehelai kertas terbakar apabila diletakkan di bawah sebuah

t<iinia-cemnung-yang dihalakan kepada cahaya matahari yang teik'14 ma*ahi

Diagram 11 .2 shows four simple compound microscopes, J, K, L and M with

different specifications.io,

"r" required to determine the most suitable simple compound microscopes

to examine a small sPecimen.najii ll.2 menuniukkan empat mikroskop maimuk ringkas, J, K, L dan M

dengan spesifikasi Yang berbeza'Ania dikehendaki intuk menentukan mikroskop maimuk ringkas yang paling

sesuai untuk memeriksa safu speslrnen kecil.




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Diagram 11.2Raiah 11.2





> (fo+ f")Distance between twolensesJarak antara dua

Specimen StageTapak spesimen


Distance between twolensesJarak antara dua kanta

EyepieceKanta mata

Objective lensKanta obiek


Distance between two

Jarak antara dua kanta

fo< tl < 2foPosition of the sPecimenKedudukan sPesimen


Distance between twolensesJarak antara dua kanta


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12 ma*sl12 matuahl

l2 ma*sl12 markahl

12 marksl12 makahl

12 marksl12 maftahl

Study the specification of the four simple compound micrOscopes based on thefollowing aspects:Kaji spesifikasi keempat-em pat mikroskop m ajmuk ringkas be rdasarkanaspek-aspek beikut:

(i) Power of eyepieceKuasa kanta mata

(iv) Position of the specimenKedudukan spesimen

Power of objective lensKuasa kanta obiek

Distance between eyepiece and objective lensJarak antara kanta mata dan kanta obiek

Explain the suitabili$ of each aspect and then determine the most suitablemicroscope.Give a reason for your choice. 12 markslTerangkan kesesuaian setiap aspek dan seterusnya tentukan mikroskop yangpaling sesuai.Bert sebab untuk Pilihan anda. 12 markahl

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10 20 30Diagram 12.1Rajah 12.1

Time (day)Masa (hari)

Time (day)Masa (hari)


llmarki11 markahl

12 Diagram 12.1 and Diagram 12.2 show the radioactivity graph for two different radioactive

sources, X and Y'Rajah 12.1 dan Raiah 12.2 menuniukkan graf radioaktiviti bagi dua sumber radioaktif

yang berlainan , X dan Y.

Activity (s,1)Al4iviti (s-')s



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I f i' ' :- ':],i,-i-;-i;".:.::.; : :'.i..:.,:: :.. r i : - : - : i " r - ! :

Source YSumber Y



Diagram 12.2Raiah 12'2

What is the meaning of radioactivity?Apa kah m a ks u d ke radi oa ktifa n?

(b)( i )UsingDiagraml2, landDiagraml2'2,comparetheshapeofthegraphandthe time taien for the activity to be harved for the two sources'

13 marksl

MenggunakanRaiahl2'1dan12'2'bandingkanbent'ukgrafdanmasayangdiambit uiiit, uxlirn meniadi sepaiuh nilai asa!bagi kedua-dua sumber.

13 markahl

453112 @ 2o1o Hak cipta JPNJSULIT


Page 58: JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI JOHOR · 2019-04-25 · Dimensi sebuah silinder pada Rajah 1 diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur yang berlainan. Diameter, Diameter, Diagram 1 ... Rajah


Name the relevant physics concept involved.Namakan konsep fizik yang be*aitan.

[1 matul11 matuahl

[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT



2e 453112

State the relationship between the fraction of the remaining radioactiveelements and the number of time taken for the activity to become halved.

Nyatakan hubungan antara pecahan unsur radioaktif yang teftintt"fi#Z!)bilangan masa yang diambil untuk aktiviti menjadi separuh. 11 mafuahl

(c) Diagram 12.3 shows a leak that occurred in an underground water pipeRajah 12.3 menunjukkan suatu kebocoran yang berlaku pada suatu paip air bawahtanah.

Water pipe

Diagram 12.3Rajah 12.3

Explain how a radioactive source can be used to detect the location of the leakage14 matusl

Jetaskan bagaimana suatu sumber radioatdif boteh digunakan untuk mengesankebocoran itu. 14 ma*ahl

tlGllr:l @2ott Hak cipta JPNJ


Page 59: JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI JOHOR · 2019-04-25 · Dimensi sebuah silinder pada Rajah 1 diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur yang berlainan. Diameter, Diameter, Diagram 1 ... Rajah



(d) Table 12.1 shows the characteristics of four radioactive sources

Explain tre suitaoiiiii Ji'"*,ii"r'"i"cteristic of the radioactive source that can be

used to detect leakage in water pipes'

Give a reason for Your choice'

Jaduat 12.1 menuniukkan ciri-ciri empat sumber radioaktif'

Terangkan x""r,iii"' setiap ciri su'nei iaio"ftr'dZ:i::tllfn^sumber radioaktif

yang paling sesuai digunakan untuk mengesan kebocoran patp atr''Beri

sebab untuk Pilihan anda'


Characterlsuc oT ratrlu'turrvE o!

Ciri-cii sumber radioaktif

State of matterKeadaan iirim



Type of radiationJenis sinaran

Half-lifeSeparuh haY,

Xenon-1 33Xenon-l33




5 davs5 hai





'+v uayJ

140 hari




GammaGama 15



HighI tnoQl


o yeat;

5 tahun

Table 12'1Jadual 12'1

[10 marks]110 markahl



453112 @ 2o1o Hak cipta JPNJSULIT


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PHYSICSKertas 3Sept.20111%jam




Satu jam tiga puluh minit


.1 Tulis nomhor kad pengenalan danangka giliran anda pada ruangyang disediakan.

Kertas soatan ini adatah dalamdwibahasa.

Soa/an di bahagian atas dalambahasa lnggeris. Soalan di bahagianbawah yang sepadan dalam bahasaMelayu.

C alon dibenarkan menjawa bkeseluruhan atau sebahagian soalansama ada dalam bahasa lnggerisatau bahasa Melayu.

C a lo n d ike hend a ki mem ba camaklumat di halaman 2 atau 3.

Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa

Kod Pemeriksa:

Bahagian Soalan MarkahPenuh


A1 16

2 12

B3 12

4 12



Kertas soalan ini mengandungi {5 halaman bercetak dan t halaman tidak bercetak

Lihat halaman sebelah

453213 @zott ua*cipta JPNJ SULIThttp://edu.joshuatly.com/

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Section ABahagian A

128 marks I 28 markahl

Ansrapr all questions in this section.Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini'

An experiment is carried out to investigate the relationship between the dropped mass'm and

the thickness of the aluminium sheet, 7. fne slotted mass at the height, h = 0'5 m is drop on a

pi""" of aluminium 56se1'f taced on a. wooden plank. The thickness of the aluminium sheet' f 'after the impact is measureO using micrometer screw gauge' The apparatus is set up as shown

in the diagram 1.1'

Satu eksperimen diialankan untuk mengkaii lubungln d! aTtVy ikiy ylng diia.tuh\an'7t-dan,

iiii1"tin kepingan "triiriui,

i. Suituiisim berstot dijatuhkan dari ketinggian, h = 0'5 m ke

iiri iipngin ,iimintui yang diletakJ<an.di atas sekeping papa.n .k1Vu. ' Ketebalan kepingan

aluminium, x, se/epas iip,rF iri aiu*.u, dengan menggunakan tolok skru mikrometer' Susunan

i"J"" "L"i,"

rtnen' ini ditiniukkan seperti dalam Raiah 1'1'

The actualthickness, I' is obtain by using equation'

Ketebalan sebenar, T, diperolehi dari persamaan,

T=t-e where e is zero error.di mana e ialah ralat sifar.

453'f tg @zott Hak cipta.tPMSULIThttp://edu.joshuatly.com/

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Diagram 1.21 Rajah 1.2

Diagram 1.2 shows the zero error,e, on the micrometer screw gauge.Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan ralat sifar,e, pada tolok skru mikrometer.

(a) Determine the zero error,e.Tentukan ralat sifar, e.

Diagram 1 .3 shows the reading of the thickness of the aluminium sheet , f, when the slotled massused is 2009.Rajah 1.3 menunjul<kan bacaan jejari,r, apabila jisim berslot yang digunakan ialah 2009.


10: i : , . . . - .

Mass = 200 g

t = &!.! mm

f = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mm

Diagram 1.3 I Rajah 1.3

The procedure of measurement is repeated with different slotted mass, ,tt = 3009, 4009, 5009 and6009. The corresponding readings of micrometer screw gauge are shown in Diagram 1;4, 1.5, 1.6,and 1.7.Prosedur pengukuran ini diutang dengan iisim berslot yang berlainan, m = 3009, 4009, 5Ng dan6009. Bacaan tolok skru mikrometer yang sepadan ditunjul4<an dalam Raiah 1.4, L5, 1.6, dan L7.


11 markl11 markahl

[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT

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Mass = 800 g

t =. . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .mm

7 =' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mm

Diagram 1.4 | Rajah 1.4

Mass = 400 g

f = . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . .mm

T = ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mm

Diagram 1,5 | Rajah 1.5

Mass = 500 g

t= . . . . . . . . . . .mm

r = . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .mm

Diagram 1.6 | Rajah 1.6

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SULIT 4531/3

Diagram 1.7 I Rajah 1.7

(b)For the experiment descrjbed on page 2,3 and 4 identify:Bagi eksperimen yang ditercngkan dihataman 2,1dan'A Renat pasti:

(i) The maniputated variabte,P em fuleh ubah di ma n ipula si ka n,

11 narhl11 maftahl

( i i ) The responding variable,Pem boleh ubah beryerc k balas,

11 markl11 narkahl

(iii) A constant variabte.S atu pem boleh ubah di ma la ftan.

11 markl11 markahl

[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT

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Based on Diagrams 1.3,1.4,1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 on pages 3,4 and 5, determine the'thickness of the aluminium sheet, t, for the corresponding slofted mass.

BerdasarkanRajah1.3,1.4, 1.5, 1.6 dan1.T dihalaman3,4danS,tentukanketehatanl<epingan aluminium , t , yang sepadan dengan jisim berslot,m

For each vdlue of ,m n)culate the fore, F, exerted on the aluminium sheet usirg theequation :

Bagi sefiap riilai rn hitungkan daya, F , yang dikenakan ke atas kepingan alumhitmtmenggunaka n persa ma an:


where 9=10ms'2

Tabufate your results for F, t and r, for every value ol m in the space below.

Jadualkan keputusan anda bagi F, t and r, hagisetiap nilai tn pada ruang dibawah.

[6 marks]16 markahl

(d) On the graph paper on page 7, plot a graph of f against F.Pada l<eftas gfaf di halaman 7, lukiskan graf T nelawan F.

(e) Based on your graph, state the relationship betuBen T and F.Berdasarkan graf anda, nyatakan hubungan antara T dan F.

[5 mar&sl15 markahl

l'l nar*l11 nartahl


,t53{/3 @:zozt Hak apto nuJ SULIThttp://edu.joshuatly.com/

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* '* i ' i r : ' : r


'!*l :':'r-' i ; .-: --t-ri i^r,: '1":- - - f i i ? l . . t - i i

.1..:.)....;..'1 1- | - l

..t..,.;....:...1-'.- i -i't-r' ' i " " : - i - i


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J_l : : -l--r-:-:" ''1": -r

t*,-: .. ;....i.... t.... :,...i''i' 1 : 1-!-:l : ,

l.-.r-j.,,:.,,,i..l . - ; | ;

i :



' ; - i -a

, . - . : . ii :...1. ..1 I r ' i

' " ' f l ; : i l

ffi ,.,....1....:.....:.."+-!-! -i

i.......:....:::j"r:::t i )

- -1: lJ 'i: t

- i - i *1

: t :

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, - - . i l- - , I : t I

"i-+- |

;.^:,.. :i, ,.. .L



1 i r I-i-r-'ii - -'-; --1-l' " i ' i " i " !, 1'


Graph of f against F I Graf T melawan F4531/3

[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT

453113 @zott Hokcipta JpNJhttp://edu.joshuatly.com/

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8suLtT 4531/3

2 A students carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the magnetic force'-

F and the current, icarrying'by a 5.0 cm length conductor, The conductor is placed between the

poles of a strong U-shaPed magnet'The results of this expeiiment are shown in the graph of F against I in Diagram 2'1'

Seorang pelaiar menjatankan eksperimen untuk menyiasat hubungan antara daya magnet' F'

dan ais, I , lang dibawa oleh kondut<tor dengan paniang 5'0 em. Konduldor itu diletakkan

diantara kutib iagnet yang kuat berhentuk U'kiputusan tagi eisie;iein iniaituniukkan dalam graf F melawan t sebagaimana dalam Raiah

2.1. I

(a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2'1; l:Berdasarkan graf datam Raiah 2.1; I

(i) \Mrat will happen to F, as I increases'Apakah yang akan herlaku kepada F, apabila I bertambah'

(iD Determine the value of F when I = 1'1 A

Show on the graph, how you determine the value of F'

Tentukan nilaiF aPabila I = 1.1 A.Tiniukkan pada iraf, hagaimana anda menenfukan nilaiF'

11 markl11 markahl

[3 marks]13 markahl

p = . . . . . .

(iii) Calculate the gradient, m, of the graph'

Showon the graph, how you determine m'Hitungkan kecerunan, m, hagigraf.Tuniikkan pada graf, bagaimana ande menenfukan m'

[3 marks] i13 markahl \

453{/3 @izott ttak cipta tPut SULIThttp://edu.joshuatly.com/

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0 0.6 0.8 1.0Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1


1.2 1.4 u A

[Lihat halaman sebelah



0.2 0.4

N Graph of F against | | Graf F melawan !r-;t L::- " t - t t - i - i - : ' ! '

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4531/3 @zorl Hqk cipto tpNJ


Page 69: JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI JOHOR · 2019-04-25 · Dimensi sebuah silinder pada Rajah 1 diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur yang berlainan. Diameter, Diameter, Diagram 1 ... Rajah

10suLtr 45s1/3

($ The gradient, m of the graph is given by the formula m = 0.5 B, where B is the strength of themagnetic field. Using the value of m from 2(a)(iiD, calculate the magnitude of B.Keeerunan, m bagi graf diberi oleh formula, m = 0.5 B, di mana B adatah kekuatan medanmagnet Dengan menggunakan nilaim dariZ(a)(iii), hitungkan nitai bagiB.

12. marksl12 markahl

(c) This experiment is repeated by using the stronger magnet.Eksperimen ini diulang dengan menggunakan magnet yang tebih kuat.

(D Wrat happen to the gradient of the graph, m?Apakah yang berlaku kepada kecerunan grat m?

11 mar\11 narkahl

(iD Give one reason for the answer in 2(cXi)Berikan satu sebab bagijawapan di 2(c)(i)

11 na*l11 markahl

(d) State one precaution that should be taken to improve the accuracy of the readings in thisexperiment.Nyatakan satu langkah berjaga - jaga yang perlu diambil untuk memperbaiki ketepatanbacaan dalam eksperimen ini.

11 narklJ1 markahl

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Section BBahagian B

[12 narksl112 markahl

Ansuer any one question.Jawab mana-mana satu soalan.

The time suggested to ansurer this section is 30 minutes.Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab bahagian ini iatah 30 minit.


3 Diagram 3.1 shovre a seashore fisherman use a raooden box boat alike to move on a muddyground while picking shells, Diagram 3.2 shows the same fisherman uaalks on the muddy groundbarefooted while dragging the wooden box. lt is notice that the fisherrmn's foot is sinking'1n themud whib r,llalking on it.Raial?'1 menuniukkan seorang nelayan pantaiyang menggunakan kotak kayu sepertisampanuntuk bergerak di atas permukaan lumpursel7ras.r mencari siput. Rajah S.Z menuniu**annelayan tersebut berjalan berkaki ayam di atas permukaan lumpur sambit menarik iotaktersebut. Didapati bahawa kakinetayan itu terbenam ke dalam lumprJrsel?rasa berjalan,

[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT


-*"--' s-*?p*,1s {r ffisram5:l


. - - - - : . ' - - ' : ' - - .


. ,#DiA,"rE- Rajah3.2


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12suLlr 4531/3

Based on the information and observation above:Berdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian di atas:

(a) State one suitable inference.Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai.

11 markl11 narkahl

(b) State one suitable hypothesis,Nyatakan satu hipotes'ts yang sesuai.

11 markl11 markahl

(c) With the use of apparatus such as slotted mass, plasticine and other apparatus, describe anexperiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).Dengan mengunakan alat radas sepeftijisim berslot, plastisin dan lain-lain radas, terangkansatu rangka ekspeimen untuk menyiasaf hrpofesis yang anda nyatakan di 3(b).

In your description, state clearly the following;Datam penerangan anda sila nyata dengan ielas perkara-perkara berikut

(i) Aim of the experiment.Tujuan eksperimen.

(iD Variables in the experiment.Pem bolehu ba h dala m eksPerimen.

(iiD List of apparatus and materials.Senarai radas dan behan.

(iv) Arrangement of the apparatus.Susunan radas.

(v) The procedure of the experiment which include the nrethod of controlling themanipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable.Prasedur eksperimen termasuk kaedah mengawal pembole;h ubah dimanipulasikandan kaedah mengukur pemboleh ubah bergerak balas"

(vi) The rnray you u,rculd tabulate the data.Cara anda akan meniadualkan data'

(viD The way you raould analyze the data.Cara anda akan menganalisis data'

[10 marks]UA markahl

4531/3 @zott Hakcipta JPtrJ SULIT


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.E'4531t34 The diagram below shows a bulb that has been light up for a long time. Diagram 4.1 shows

the condition of bulb at 7,00 pm while Diagram 4.2 shows the condition ot the Outo at 9.00 pmthe next day. Despite the changes in temperature of the bulb, it is also notice that the bulbbecomes dimmer.Raiah di bawah m.enuniukkan sebiii mentolyang dinyatakan datam jangka masa yang lama.Raiah 4.1 menuniukkan keadaan mentolterseiut pida pukulT.ao malam semeitara-Rajah4.2 menuniukkan keaja,an mentolyang sama pada pukut9.0a mahm keesokan harinya.se/ain daripada perubahan suhu men{ot, didapatijuga kecerahainya

";;;i; ;'"hp'

1 t \Temperature of the bulb : 40"C

Suhu mentol:4OoC

Diagram 4.1 | Rajah 4.1

Temperature of the bulb:gOoCSuhu mentol.'90oC

Diagram 4.2 | Rajah 4.2

Based on the situation above.Berdasarkan situasi di atas,

(a) State one suitable inference.Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai

| 1 mart<l11 markahl

(b) State one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated.Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuaidan boteh disrbsif.

| 1 markl11 markahl

(c) With the use of apparatus such as thermometer, ammeter, resistor wire and othersapparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).Dengan menggunakan radas sepefti termometer, ammeter, dawai perintang dan radaslain, terangkan safu ekspeimen untuk menyiasaf hipofesis yang dinyataxai ai +p1.

In your description, state clearly the following;Dalam penerangan anda jelaskan perkara berikut

(D Aim of the experiment,Tujuan ekspeimen,

(iD Variables in the experiment,Pembolehubah yang terlibat dalam eksperimen,

(iiD List of apparatus and materials,Senarai radas dan bahan.

[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT

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Arrangement of the apparatus,S{/sanen rcdas,

The procedure of the experirrent, wl,rich includes the method'of controlting themanipulated variable ahd the method of measurjng the responding variabie,Procedur el<sperimen termasuk keedafi mengawat penboilehubih dimasiputasid a n ka e.d a h m engakur pem bol e h u b a h bergera k,ba I a s.

The way to tabulate the data,Carc untuk menjadualkan data,

The uay to analyse the data.'Cafa urrtu4 menganalisis data.

[10 marksl110 ma*ah!


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SULIT4s31l1(PP)FizikKertas ISeptember20tl





Kertas 1


- i5 i i r i

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 2 halaman bercetak.

lL inat scDer: i . i lSULIT


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453LtL ;

No Answer No Answer No Answer No Answer No Answer1 B 1l B 2l C 31 A 4l C7 D L2 C 22 A 32 A 42 B3 A 13 B 23 C 33 A 43 A4 C t4 C 24 C 34 B 44 CJ A t5 B 25 A 35 B 45 C6 C t6 B 26 C 36 C 46 C7 A t7 D 27 B 37 A 47 A8 C 18 C 28 B 38 B 48 D9 B t9 C 29 D 39 D 49 Al0 C 20 A 30 C 40 A 50 D

4531t1 SULIT


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PhysicsKertas 2Sept 2011




Kertas 2


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Marking Script

Section A

Question 1 :

Question Mark Description Total Mark(a) M1 Tlck { at'absorbed' 1(b) M1 78 0C 1(c) M1 Underline the specifie heatlapactU 1(d) M1 State the reason conectly :

Heat supplied is used to overcome the forces ofattraction between molecules ll breakthe bondsbetween the molecules 1

Total Mark 4

Question 2:

Question 3 :

Question Mark Description Total Mark(a) M1 a= 72

2// 0.6 m 1

(b) M1 Tick { at'damped oscillation' 1(c) M1 Freouencv // oeriod 1(d) (i) M1 T=0.4s 1

(ii) M1 Answerwith correct unit :f = 1 l l2.5Hz


Total Mad< 5

Question Mark Description Total Mark(a) M1 npn 1(b) M1 2X6

2+ 1O

2M2 Answer with correct unit :

=1V(c) M1 When the temperature increases, the resistance

decreases[Reject . The temperature inversely proportionalto theresisfancel


(d) ( i) M1 Increasez( i i ) I M1 l lncrease

Total Mark o


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Quest ion 4:

Question 5:

Question Mark Description Total Mark(a) M1 Fast moving electrons with high energy ll electron ll


(b) M1 Geiqer-Muller // G-M tube 1(c) (i) M1 Decreases / becomes lower

2(ii) M1 Some of the beta-particles that are blocked by the juice

in the carton cannot reach the detec'tor(d) M1 Shows the formation of 1/16.


r l l-+4816

M2 State time = 4fYzM3 Answer = 32 davs

Total mark 7

Question Mark Description Total Mark(a) M'l Refradion of lioht 1(b) (i) M1 Apparent depth in Diagram 5.1(a) I distilled water is

longer (than that in DiaEram 5.2(a) / sea water)


(ii) M1 Density of seawater is higher than distilled water I viceversa

fiii) M1 Densitv increase. apparent depth decrease(c) (i) M1 Refractive index

2(ii) M1 Gradient of the graph in Diagram 5.2(b) is bigger (than

that in Diasram 5.1(b))(d) M1 When apparent depth decreases, refractive index

increases //Apparent depth is inversely proportionaltorefractive index 1

(e) M1 The coin appears more closer to the surface //apparent depth decreased 1

Total mark I


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Question 6 :

Question 7:

Question Mark Description Total Mark(a) M1 ls a region in which an electric charge will experience

force ll reqion of electrical force,|

(b) (i) M1 EHTvoltage in Diagram 6.1 < Diaqram6.2


(ii) M1 The strength of electric field in Diagram G.1 < Diagram6.2

(iii) M1 The oscillation velocity in Diaqram 6.1 < Diaoram 6.2(iv) M1 When the EHT voltage increases, the strength of

electric field increases // the EHT voltage is directlyproportional to the strensth of electric field

(v) M1 When the strength of electric field increases, theoscillation velocity increases // the strength of electricfield is directly proportionalto the oscillation velocitv

(c) M1 Velocity of oscillation increases2M2 Strength of electric field increases

Total mark 8

Question Mark Description Total Mark(a) (i) M1 Pascal 1

fii) M1 Transmission of pressure is slonrer / less effective 1(b) M1 Mark correct direction :

Foa*td,e Rqtre8,ekr@& Brd(6*U




B.atatu*tS6'da& b'rr{



(c) (i) M1 Conect substitution into formula :p=E



zM2 Answer with correct unit .= 30000 // 3 x 104 N m-2


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( i i ) M1 Correct substitution into formula .F=PA



M2 Answer with correct unit :=18N

(d) ( i) M1 State the modification correctly :Decrease the size of master piston 2

M2 State the reason correctly :(Smaller force is needed) to produce hiqh pressure

(ii) M1 &ate the rcason conectly :Piston exert same (magnitude o0 force on both wheel 1

Total Maik 10

Question 8 :

Question Mark Description Total Mark(a) (i) M1 Hooke I

fii) M1 Mark a cross on line P and Q correctlv 1(b) M1 Sfrow intnpolation line at 8.0 cm and vertical line at



M2 Show cored substitution intofomula E = t/z Fx=%(60't (8) tt %(60) (0.0S)

M3 Ansrer with conect unit :=240Ncm l l 2.4J I l 2.4Nm

(c) (0 M1 High spring constant2M2 Spring is stiffer ll can withstand biqqer torce lweioht

(ii) M1 Low density2M2 The spring is lighter ll easv to carry

(iii) M1 High elastic limit

2M2 The spring can withstand biggerforce /weight ll Not

easily to break ll Lons lastinq(d) M1 M is chosen 1

Total Mark 12


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Section B

Question 9 :

Question Mark Description TotalMark

(a) (i) M1 Net flow of heat is zero lltrying pan and water have sametemperature ll rate of heat flow between two obiects is the same I

(ii) M1 Specific heat capacity of M is hiqher than N


M2 Time taken for water to boil in M is lonqer than NM3 Change in temperature is sameM4 When the specific heat capacitv is hiqher. time to boil is lonqerM5 When the speciflc heat capacity higher, the rate of drange in

temperature is smaller(b) (D M1 Qr is qreater than Q,.

2M2 M has higher specific heat capacity.( i i) M1 Heating : Specific heat capacitv

LM2 Boilinq : Specific latent heat of vaoourisation(c)


Suggestion Explanation

M1 Material with low specifi cheat capacity

Temperature increases faster /heat up easily / good heatconductor

M3 Material with high specificheat capacity

M4 Temperdure increases slower /doe nd heat up easily // goodheat insulator

M5 Thick wall M6 withstand hiqhM7 With pressure released

valveM8 Release extra high pressure


rubber strip below the M10 Produce air tight space inpressure cooker // prevent indecreasing of pressure in thecooker

Total Mark 20

Quest ion'10


Page 82: JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI JOHOR · 2019-04-25 · Dimensi sebuah silinder pada Rajah 1 diukur dengan menggunakan alat pengukur yang berlainan. Diameter, Diameter, Diagram 1 ... Rajah

Question Mark Description TotalMark

(a) (i) M1 Resultant field produced by interaction between two magneticfield / unbalance maqnetic field I

(ii) M1 In Diagram 10.1, voltage of power supply is smaller I less ll viceversa


M2 In Diagram 10.1, angle of deflection of ammeter is smaller / lessll vice versa

M3 ln Diagram 10.1, angle of deflection of copper wire is smaller 1less // vice versa

(b) (D M1 When the voltage of power supply increases, the strength ofcatapult field increases // voltage of power supply is directtyproportional to the strenqth of catapult field 1

(ii) M1 \Mren the strength of catapult field increases, the angle ofdeflection of copper wire increases // skength of catapult field isdirectly proportional to the angle of deflection of copper wire 1

(c) M1 Current flow in the ccil oroduce maonetic field


M2 Magnetic field produced by the coil interact with the magneticfield of the permanent maqnet

M3 A catapult field is producedM4 Two forces in opposite direc'tion produced in a coil


I Maximum 1A marksl

Aspect Explanation / ReasonM1 Step down transformer M2 To reduce the voltaqeM3 Use soft iron core M4 Easy to magnetised and

demaqnetisedM5 Shows corrcct ratio:

Np=Vp =240 I 20NsVs12 1

l l Ns =\r /s=12= INp Vp 240 20

// Np : Ns = 240 : 12l l 2O:1/ / Ns : NP = 12 :240 l l 1 :2O

M6 To reduce 24OV to 12V

M7 Diode is connected to theoutput

M8 To convert alternating currentoutout to direct current

M9 Compact the turns tight /closer to each other // Windthe secondary coil andprimary coil overlaopinq

M10 To avoid the (magnetic) fluxleakage

M11 Use laminated soft iron core M12 To reduce eddv current

Total Mark 2A

Section C


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Question 11 :

Question Mark Description TotalMark

(a) {i) M1 Distance between opticat centre and focal point 1(ii) M1 Correct substitution into formula or conect answer.

M= Iu


i l3[Rey'ecf answer with unitl


(b) (i) M1 Conect substitution into formula :1_l+l

f uv

l l l_=- +_f20 60

2M2 Anslarcr with conect unit:

f = 15 cm //0.15 m(ii) M1 P=100/f


2M2 Answer with conect unit :

= 6-67D(c) M1 Parallel light rays from the hot sun at infinity pass through a

convex lens // labelled diaqram


M2 Light rays are focused after passing through the lens // labelleddiagram

M3 Light rays are converged onto a very small area called the focalpoint of the lens

M4 At the point, the intensity of light is great (and the light energy)causes an increases in temperature. When the spot on the paperbecome hot enough, the paper start to burn lllight energychange to heat energv


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Aspect Explanation / ReasonM1 Power of eyepiece :

Low powerM2 Focal length is longer /i

eyepiece must be more longerfocal length than obiective lens

M3 Power of objective lens :High power

M4 Focal length is shorter //Objective lens must be morepowerful lens than eyepiece //Objective lens must be moreshorter focal length thaneyepiece

M5 Distance betweenlenses: >fo+f.

M6 To produce bigger image fromthe eyepiece // to increase themaqnification

M7 Position of the specimen :fo<u<ff"

M8 To produce real, inverted andmagnified imaEe

M9 The most suitable ismicroscope M

M10 Focal length of eyepiece islonger than objective lens,distance between lenses isgreaterthan (fo + f"), and theposiUon of the specimen isbetreen f" and 2 f.

Total Mark

Quest ion 12:


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Question Mark Description TotalMark

(a) M1 Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of an unstablenucleus by emission of energetic radiations


(b) ( t ) M1 Both source X and source Y have their activity decreasedexponentially with same initial activity of 80 s-'// both have curveshaoe


M2 Based on both graphs, the activity is halved at equal time interval// both activities reduce with time

M3 The time taken for the activity to be halved is longer in source Xthan in source Y

(ii) M1 The fraction of the remaining radioactive element decreased asthe number of time taken for the activity to become halved isincreased 1

(iii) M1 Half-life llT% 1(c) M1 A radioactive source is mixed with water flowinq throuoh the oioe


M2 A detector is placed above qround alonq the pipeM3 The radioactive emission from the source penetrate through the

groundM4 The section of the pipe with the highest radioactive detected is

the location of the leakaqe(d)

Aspect Explanation / ReasonM1 Type of radioactive is liquid M2 Easily mix with water/ easily

flow throuqh the pipeM3 High penetrating power M4 Can penetrate through the

oroundM5 Gamma rav M6 Hiqh penetratinq powerM7 Shorter half life M8 Allows enough time to be

detected // does not stay toolonq in the water // more safe

M9 Sodium-24 is chosen M10 because it is in liquid form ,has high penetrating power,emits gamma ray and hasshorter half life

10Total Mark 20


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PHYSICSKertas 3Peraturan PemarkahanOgos/Sept 2011


A4531/3 (PP)



Peraturan pemarkahan ini SULIT dan Hak Gipta Jabatan PelajaranNegeriJohor.Kegunaannya khusus untuk pemeriksa yang berkenaan sahaja.Sebarang maklumat dalam peraturan pemerkahan ini tidak bolehdimaklumkan kepada sesiapa. Peraturan pemarkahan ini tidak bolehdikeluarkan dalam apa-apa bentuk media.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 6 halaman bercetak dan 2 halaman tidak bercetak

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I State the zerro error'

0.03 mm (w/o unit)

(i) I State the correct manipulated variable

MasslForce / weight l/ m llF

(iD I State the correct responding variable

Thickness // r

(iii) I State one fixed variable correctly

Height/ltype of material sheet // density of aluminium sheet

6 Tabulate m,F,tandT

Give a tick(/l based on the following:






o Columns of m, F, t,and T /

o Correct unitsfor m, F, t,otd T r'

o All values of t correct r'

o AA vahes of T consistent to 2 d.p. ,/

o AII values of F correct to I d.p. ,/

c All values of t and T consistent to 2 d.p. /

Note for F : Accept e.c.f. from D and E

Total marks : 6

mle FAI Umm T/mm200 2.0 4.15 4.12300 3.0 3.74 3.71400 4.0 3.25 3.22500 5.0 2.64 2.61600 6.0 1.90 1.87

J I)raw correctly a graph of Zagainst F

Give a tick (/; based on the following:

A c Tatthey-axis, Fatthex-axis ,/

B o Correct units at both axes ./

C o Uniform scale at both axes ,/

D e 5 points plotted correctly ././

[Note : 3 or 4 points plotted correctly : /]

E o Best straight line ,/

F o Minimum size of graph 5 x 4 big squares '/



I (a)

(Big square :2 cmx2 cm)(From the origin to the last point)


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Number of / Marks7/ 5

5-6 / 43-4 { a)2{ 2I { I

State the correct relationship based on the straight line drawn

For a straight line with negative gradient passing with y-axis interception,

Thickness is increase linearly to force

o Position of eye must be perpendicular to the scale of the micrometer screw gaugeto avoid parallax error

o Avoid over tightening the aluminium sheet by using the rachet.


No. Marking criteriaMark

Sub Total2(aXi) State the changes correctl5r

- increases I I(ii) State the value Of Fwithin the acceptalle range

- show graphical extrapolation correctly- show horZontal line ftomthe graph to the F-axis- stale the value within 43.0 N- with unit and lpnore decimal places



b(r) cafculate the gradientrmrarnil state the value of m within the acceptablerange- Draw sufficienfly large triangle > 4 sq x 4 sq- Correct substitution (follow candidate's tiangle)- State the value / answer with correct unit.

_ 43-0l . l -0

:39.09 N A-r




(iD Calculate the value of B, by using gradient and state the value of zrwithin the acceptable range





c (i)


State the effect correctlvincreasesState the reason

Magnetic flux increases//force increases//stronger catapult field/lstrength ofmapxretic fi eld increase



(c) State one correct precautions- The eye must be perpendicular to the scale of the ammeter to avoid

parallax error.- Conductor must be perfectly perpendicular to the magnetic field- Remove oxide coatine ofthe conductor


Total l2

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3(a) The oressure depends on area I mark{b} When the area increases, the pressure decreases 1 mark(cXi l To investiqate the relationship between the area and pressure 1 mark( i i ) Manipulated variable

Responding variableFixed variable

areapressuremass/fo rce/wei s hUheig nt

t mark1 markI mark

( i i i ) Slotted mass, round metal(coin), plasticine, ruler, 1 mark(iv)





I mark

(v) 1. The area of round metal is calculated and mark as Ar.

100 g of slotted mass is hang from a height of 50 cm and release, so thatitwill drop on round metal. The round metal will make a dent on theplasticine.2. The depth,d of the dent is measured using metre rule.3. Repeat stOp 'l and 2 using different area oJ round metal, ie A2, AB, A4and A.;

I mark

I mark{ mark


, , Area.A Depth,dArArA'3A.As

l 'mark



I mark

Total a)2 marksb)l0 marks


4 4631t3

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[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT



The resistance dependslepends on the temperature

1 mark

When the temperature incrcurrent decrease

I mark

(cXi) To investigate the relationstemperature

I mark

( i i) Manipulated variableResponding variableFixed variable

temperatureresistance / currentlength lltype of material// cross section area

{ mark1 mark1 mark

(i i i) Battery / DC power supplyammeter, Bunsen burner

1 mark

(iv) batteries


Resistor wire

1 mark

(v) 1. Set the temperature by heating ttre wite2. Read and record the reading of voltmeter and ammeter. Theresistance is calculated using equation R = V/1.3. Repeat step 1 and 2 using 60 oG, z0 oc, 80 oc and 90 oG of differenttemperature.

I mark

I mark

1 mark(vi)

Temperature /oG Resistance /ohm5060708090

1 mark

(vi i)


1 mark

Total a)2 marksb)l0 marks


453',113 http://edu.joshuatly.com/