jahya kemal olympiad

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  • 7/27/2019 Jahya Kemal Olympiad



    Choose the correct answer:1 . T hi s c ake i s n ot . . g ood the cake my mother makes at home.

    A ) m o r e / t h a n B ) s o / t h a t C ) o n /

    a t D) such / that E) as / as2. Af te r one ye ar th e un iv er si ty he ga ve ..

    his studies because his family moved ..another country.A) in / ou t / up B) at / up / to C) fo r / of f / in D ) b y / a w a y /

    i n t o E ) w i t h / o u t / t o w a r d s3. If you .. not to tell anyone else, I you how much I paid for the

    jewelry.A) would promise / wil l be tel l ingB) promised / shall

    tel l C ) p r o m i s e / w i l l t e l l D ) h a d p r o m is e d / t e l l E) have promised / would have told

    4. In recent years, modern farming .. to many parts of the world.A ) e x p a n d e d B ) e x

    p a n d s C ) w i l l b e e x p a n d i n g D) h a s e x p a n d e d E) will have expanded

    5. Primary education from the age of six is in many countries.A ) a b o l i s h e d B ) d e c e i t f u l C ) o b l i g a t o r y D )

    p r i v i l e g e d E ) i n f o r m a l6. Only a mechanic can estimate the true of the damage to the

    car.A ) d e p t h B ) e x t e n t C ) a c c

    e s s D ) a d m i s s i o n E ) e x c e s s7. If human beings come too close to a nest, the birds it

    temporarily.A ) d i s p e r s e B ) o f f e n d C )

    e v a c u a t e D ) s w e e p E )a b a n d o n

    8 . H e w a s f r o m h i s j o b f o r n o t c o m i n g punctuallyevery day at nine oclock.

    A ) d e p r i v e d B ) r e t i r e d C ) p r o m o t ed D ) f r u s t r a t e d E ) d i s m i s s e d

    C h o o s e t h e a n s w e r t h a t b e s t c o m p l e t e s t h e sentence:9.As soon as I phoned her .. .

    A) I would hope to get a telephone call from herB) she had waited at the station forover an hourC) I would have told her what to doD) she was very determined to quit

    her jobE) I apologized for my mistake10. , I decided to get a taxi.

    A) As I had no idea about the identity of the driverB) Realizing I would never geton a bus during this rush hourC) No matter how practical it may seemD) OnceI unde rs tood th at it would ta ke me ve ry few minutes to walk to workE) So

    beautiful was the weather that-----------------------------------------------------------Complete the conversations:11.Eve : How long have you been out of work?Byron: Im not out of work now.

    Ive juststarted a new job.

  • 7/27/2019 Jahya Kemal Olympiad


    Eve: Byron: I answered an advert in the paper.A) Have you had any experience?B) What sort of occupation did you have in

    mind before you started the job?C) How did you find the job?D) Is it a full-time jobin a newspaper?E) How did you lose your previous job?

    12. Thomas: Im hungry, Ill get twohamburgers and a coke. Would youlike somethingto eat?Julia : .Thomas: Oh, how about

    a cup of tea then?Julia : Sure, why not.A) I dont want anything to eatB) That sounds good, I want the same.C) Im afraid Ihavent had anything to drink.D) What do you mean?E) Yes, please. I havent eaten

    anything since yesterday.-----------------------------------------------------------Choose the best option:13.

    You havent been able to study and the teacher asks you a questionthat you cant answer. You giveyour excuse to the teacher apologetically:

    A) Why do you always ask me?B) I wont answer your question. Ask anotherstudent.C) Excuse me, sir. I had a headache and I couldnt study.D) I didnt study. I

    know Im going to fail anyway.E) My father told me not to study, so I didnt.14. You borrowed your sisters camera without her permission and you

    broke it. You try to apologize toher and say that you wi ll get it

    repaired soon, but she criticizes you for taking it without askingand says:

    A) Im terribly sorry; Ill buy you another one soon.B) You should have let me knowbefore borrowing it. Thenit would have been less upsetting for me.C) Dont worry;

    you are always doing the same thing. Imused to it.D) If i t werea good camera , it wouldn t have broken down.E) Why dont you get it

    repaired for yourself and I will buya new one for myself.-----------------------------------------------------------Insert the most suitable

    sentence:15. Long ago the people of the South Seas sailed thePacificOcean in giant canoes. .. . Today these is lands are

    known as Oceania. The 25 000islands in Oceania are very smalland only a few thousand are inhabited.

    A) They traveled great distances and settled on thousandsof islands, includingHawaii.B) However, in 1893 Queen Mary agreed to give up her throne to

    protect her people from overseas threats.C) When people from places all overthe world come to live in the U.S.A. they enrich the nation.D) The culture of the

    island is unique.E) The Queen is remembered today for her braveryandstruggle to keep Hawai i from being taken over by foreign settlers.


  • 7/27/2019 Jahya Kemal Olympiad


  • 7/27/2019 Jahya Kemal Olympiad




    1 6 . I n f a c t , t h e s p i d e r i s a g r e a t e n g i n e e r . . . In a li fe t im e a si ng le sp ide r wi ll produceseveral kilometers of it. They use it to catchfo od. They use i t

    to wrap the i r egg s. And many spiders use it as a lifeline, whichstops them from falling.

    A) Sp id er s pr od uc e si lk o f st re ng th , bu t on ly 0 .0 05 millimetersthick.B) Take the spider web for example, it is so common and can be found in

    every garden.C) It also bites and its bite is poisonous.D) It is valuable to manbecause it eats large amounts of insects.E) The radials of the web are connected

    between the baselines and the centre of theweb.-----------------------------------------------------------

    I n c o m e i n t h e U. S. i s d i s t r i bu t e d un eq u a l l y . Although theU.S. is considered to be a middle-

    classso ci et y, th e po or es t of th e co un tr y ea rn on ly 5 percentof the income whi le the richest earn 44 percent of the income. In

    1998, 11 percent of U.S. ad ul ts an d 21 pe rce ntof U .S. chi ldren were at po ve rt y le ve ls . Ma ny o f th es e peop l e l a ck t he educ atio n nece ssary to hol d down a job in this technological society. Prices for necessities like foodand housing have

    increased more rapidly thanthe mi n i mu m w ag e . Co ns eq ue nt ly , t he po or ha ve becomepoorer in te rms of their abil ity to pay for these necessities.17. The

    main topic of the passage is the . .A) rich living in the U.S.B) poverty of poor childrenC) unequal distribution of incomein the U.S.D) reason why the government provides food for the poorE) ideal life of

    American citizens18. According to the passage, being well-educated isessential to

    .A) find a good jobB) improve the understanding of societyC) overcome the problems

    of the environmentD) get food and shelterE) distribute the incomeevenly-----------------------------------------------------------Choose the best sentence to complete the

    dialogue:19. Ann: ..Brian: No, thats not necessary!A) Could you bring some more material?B) Can you help me?C) Shall I pack yoursuitcase?D) Do you have any problem?E) Is my partial success important for you?

    20. A: .B: Two miles downstream.A) Couldnt it be built near here?B) How long does it take to get there?C) The rockformation here is suitable, isnt it?D) Do you think it is a long way from London to

    Leeds?E) Where will the new bridge beconstructed?-----------------------------------------------------------

    Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the text:Cuba has greatpotential resources, both agriculturaland mineral, but its mainly(21) that (22).. . The island is in normal years the

    worlds largest producer of sugar, (23) . only bythe Russian Federation. When Cast ro came to power, Cuban

    sugar accounted for about one-fifth of world product ion and one-thi rd of wo r ld exp orts. The climate and (24) of the soil of

  • 7/27/2019 Jahya Kemal Olympiad


    Cuba are verywell suited for sugar-cane, and the island was (25).. source of supply to the United States.21.

    A) one B) the further C) the formerD ) l a t e s t E ) t h e l a t e r22.

    A ) w a s d e v e l o p e d B ) h a s b e e n d e v e l o p e d C) have developed D) hasdevelopedE) have been developed

    23.A) rivalled B) rivaling C) was rivalledD ) h a s r i v a l e d E ) r i v a l s

    24.A ) m a n y B ) m u c h C ) t h e n u m b e r

    D ) n o n e E ) p l e n t y25.

    A ) t h e n e a r e s t B ) m o r e C ) n e a r e r D) much more near E)the most-----------------------------------------------------------

    Find the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given inbold:26. I l eft her a note last time in case she thought someone

    had pinched her watch.A) I l ef t he r a no te l as t t im e so th at s he wo ul d th in k someone had

    pinched her watch.B) So as to avoid misunderstanding, I left her a notelast time saying that someone had pinched her watch.C) A note left by me lasttime could have prevented her from thinking that someone had pinched her

    watch.D) If only I had left her a note last time, then she wouldntthink someone hadpinched her watch.E) I left her a note last time, otherwise she might

    have thought someone had pinched her watch.27. To me, the weather never seems as bad abroad as it does at home.A) For me nowhere abroad is the weather more pleasant than it is at home.B)The weather always seems better abroad than its at home to me.C) I dontexpect the weather to be worse abroad than at home.D) When compared tothe pleasant weather abroad the weather at home seems quite better to me.E)

    Everywhere Ive been, the weather doesnt seem any better than its at home.2

  • 7/27/2019 Jahya Kemal Olympiad


  • 7/27/2019 Jahya Kemal Olympiad


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