japanese sentence patterns & grammar notes (compiled by the japan foundation)

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A collection of teaching resources for elementary Japanese compiled by the Japan Foundation as one type of support for Japanese language education overseas. It consists of grammar notes, a compilation of sample sentences (with English translations) for basic sentence patterns and important particles of the Japanese language. It could therefore be used by Japanese language learners as useful reference materials.




afrmative Non-past N

negative N


1. I am a high school student.

2. I am not a university student.

7. A: 2 Are you a second-year high school student? B: Yes, I am.

3. I am Nakayama.

8. A: Are you Kimura-san?

4. Nakayama-san is a Japanese.

B: No, I'm not Kimura.

5. 18 Mari-san is 18 years old.

6. A: Is Kimura-san a high school student?

9. A: Are you Kimura-san? B: No, I'm not.

B: Yes, s/he is a high school student.

10. A: Are you Kimura-san?

B: No, I'm Tanaka.

Grammar NotesA. N is afrmative. N negative. is N is interrogative. (Examples 1,2,6) B. You can state N1's name, grade/form, nationality, or age using the patternN1 N2 . (Examples 3~5) C. The Answer to the question N1 N2 can have variations. (Examples 6~10) D. In cases when it is understood what N1 is,N1 is sometimes omitted. (Examples 6~10) E. inN1 andis pronounced as "wa".




11. A: I am Kimura.

B: Are you Kimura-san? A : Yes.

13. A: What did you have to eat this morning? B: I had bread and fruit.

12. A: Where is the dining room? B : It's over there.

14. A: Until what time do you have your part-time job?

B: 4 Until 4 o'clock.

Grammar NotesF. You can conrm what the speaker said by partly repeating what s/he said by saying N . (Example 11) G. When the answers being sought is N and the answers to the question are in the forms , you can reply with N . (Examples 12~14) To the Teacher is a particle. N1 represents the topic, and N2 the explanation about N1. is In the spoken form, N often becomes N . N andN are polite expressions.

Related items S-13 S-06 S-03 N A AN V

Activities 1-4 What is the time? 1-5 What is your favourite thing? 1-6 Introducing Myself




N2: things that N1 likes or dislikes


4. A: Do you like swimming? B: 2. No, I don't. I don't like sports. 5. A: 3. A: What do you like? Tanaka-san, do you like tennis? B: B: I like apples. Yes, I do. 6. A: Which subject do you like? 1. I like music.

B: I like mathematics.

Grammar NotesA. This pattern is used for stating N1's likes and dislikes. (Examples 1~6) B. In the cases when it is understood what N1 and N2 are, N1 N2 are and sometimes omitted. (Examples 3~6) To the Teacher a adjective. is In the spoken form, often becomes. is another way of asking.

Related items S-27 P-23 S-06 N A AN A AN

Activities 1-3 What is your favourite number? 1-5 What is your favourite thing? 1-6 Introducing Myself


P-01 ( and )



1. 2 Mari-san and Kenji-san are second-year high school students.

3. There are a book and a notebook on the desk.

2. I like movies and music.

4. We have soccer training on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Grammar NotesA. used for connecting nouns. (Examples 1~4) is B. Nouns combined with can be used as a single noun in the sentence. (Examples 1~4) To the Teacher a particle. is When connecting sentences, or V form are used.

Related items P-13 P-14 ( and ) ( with )

Activities 1-3 What is your favourite number? 1-5 1-6 What is your favourite thing? Introducing Myself



( point of time )

N: hour, time


1. 7 I get up at half past 7 in the morning.

3. A: What time do you get up?

2. 11 I go to bed at 11 o'clock.

B: 7 I get up at 7 o'clock.

4. I play tennis on Sunday.

Grammar NotesA. indicates the time an action takes place at N. (Examples 1~4) B. N indicating the time could be in terms of hours, days or dates. (Examples 1~4)


5. 6 15 We had a soccer match on the 15th of June. 6. A : When will you play tennis? B: I will play tennis tomorrow.

7. A: What did you do on Saturday?

B: I watched a movie.

8. I travelled during the summer break.

9. We're going to have a party for Kenji-san's birthday


Grammar NotesC. indicates the time an event takes place. (Example 5)


D. Such words as or can be followed by. (Examples 8,9) E. cannot be preceded by words like or the interrogatives. (Example 6) F. There are cases when the days of the week are sometimes not followed by. (Example 7) To the Teacher a particle. is

Related items P-07 P-15 P-18 P-21 P-26 (location) (purpose) (frequency per unit) (goal) (indirect object marker)

Activities 1-7 What time do you get up?




1. 3 3 I am a third-year student. Tanaka-san is a third-year student, too. 2. I like bread. I like rice, too.

Grammar NotesA. indicates that there is the similar object beside N1. (Example 1,2) B. N andare replaced by. (Example 1,2)


1. I do the laundry on Sunday. I do my house cleaning, too.

4. I went to Hokkaido during summer vacation. I also went to Okinawa.

2. The newspaper is in the lobby. There's one in the library, too.


3. 6 6 5 The clock bell rings at 6. It rings at 5 past 6, too.

I play tennis with Tanaka-san every week. Sometimes, I also play with Kimura-san.

6. I received a letter from Nakayama-san. I received one from Tanaka-san, too.


Grammar NotesC. N is replaced by . (Example 3) D. can be attached to the particles . (Examples 4~8) To the Teacher a particle. is In the case that the assumption is shared by common sense or culture, it is not revealed.


Computer games are popular also among adults.

Related items P-23

Activities 1-6 Introducing Myself




3. A: 1. A: Is Nakayama-san a university student? Is studying interesting to you? B: B: Yes, it is. Yes, s/he is. 4. A: 2. A : What time do you get up? Do you like fruits? B: B: 8 No, I don't. I get up at 8.

Grammar NotesA. Placingat the end of the sentence creates interrogative sentences. (Examples 1~4) To the Teacher a particle. is Intonation of interrogative sentences is a rising tone.

Related items P-10

Activities 1-4 1-5 1-7 What is the time? What is your favourite thing? What time do you get up?





1. 5 It's 5 o'clock now.

3. A: What time do you get up?

2. A: What time is it now?

B: 7 I get up at 7.

B: 4 30 It's 4:30.

4. A: What time do you go to bed?

B: 10 I go to bed at half past ten.

Grammar Notes

A. Number + indicates the time. (Examples 1,3) B. The ways of reading :30are . and (Examples 2,4)

C. is used when asking the time. (Examples 2~4)



1Grammar Notes

D. How to say

E. followed by is for saying the time.

Ex. 10 15

7 3 1 To the Teacher Pay attention to the pronunciation for 4:00( ), 7:00( ), and 9:00( ).

Related items V-05 V-07 Number Duration

Activities 1-2 Numbers 1-4 What is the time? 1-7 What time do you get up?




afrmative Non-past V

negative V


1. 7 I get up at 7o'clock every morning.

3. The TV is located near the piano.

2. I go to school every day.

4. A: Is Tanaka-san in the classroom? B: No, s/he isn't.

Grammar NotesA. V is afrmative, negative, and is interrogative. is (Examples 1,4) B. This pattern indicates a present habitual action. (Examples 1,2) C. This pattern indicates the current status/condition. (Examples 3,4) D. In cases when it is understood what N is, N is sometimes omitted. (Examples 2)



5. I won't go to my friend's house tomorrow.

7. A: What will you have?


6. A: Are you going to the swimming pool next Monday?

B: I'll have a sandwich.

B: No, I'm not.

Grammar NotesE. This sentence pattern indicates a future plan or intention. (Examples 5~7)

To the Teacher V a polite expression. is

Related items S-11 S-01 S-06 V N A AN

Activities 2-2 2-4 2-7 2-8 2-9 Do you have a pen? Beside Me. Where is it? Is the book on the desk? There is a bag on the desk.

2-10 My School 2-11 Going, Coming, Returning




: inanimate things N2: location

: living creatures


1. 1 2 The classrooms for the rst year students are in the second oor.

2. The teacher is in the library.

5. A: Is Tanaka-san in the classroom? B: No, s/he isn't.

3. My dog is in the car.

6. A: Where is the dictionary?

4. A: Is the cassette tape on the desk? B: Yes, it is.

B: It is on the table.

7. A: Where is Mari-san's cat?

B: It is in the box.

Example 6


Grammar NotesA. indicates the existence of inanimate things. (Examples 1,4,6) B. indicates the existence of living creatures. (Examples 2,3,5,7) C. This pattern is used for asking or explaining location of inanimate things or living creatures. (Examples 4~7) D. When asking about the location, used. (Examples 6,7) is E. In cases where it is understood what N1 is, is sometimes omitted. (Examples 4~7)


Related items S-05 S-03 P-07 P-23 N N V ( location )

Activities 2-7 2-8 2-10 Where is it? Is the book on the desk? My School




: inanimate things N1: location

: living creatures


1. There is a telephone by the door.

8. A: Who is in the laboratory now?

2. There is a big tree in the park.

3. There is a dog next door.

B: 2 Yamada-sensei and the second year students are there.

4. There is Tanaka-san.

5. A: Is there a swimming pool in Kobayashi-san's school? B: Yes, there is.

9. (When you want to borrow something) A: Do you have a pen? B: Here you are.

10. (When you want to take a look at an item or want to buy one at a shop)

6. A: Is there a dog in the teacher's house? B: No, there isn't.

A: C D Do you have CDs of classical music? B: Yes, we do.

7. A: What is on the roof? B: There is a basketball court on the roof.

Example 7


Grammar NotesA. indicates the existence of inanimate things. (Examples 1,2,5,7) B. indicates the existence of living creatures. (Examples 3,4,6,8) C. This pattern is used for asking or explaining the existing place of inanimate things or living creatures. (Examples 5~8)


D. When asking about an inanimate thing or living creatures,is used whileis used for people. (Examples 7,8) E. A request can be indicated with the pattern .(Examples 9,10) F. In cases when it is understood what N1 is, 1 is sometimes omitted. (Examples 5~8)


11. A: Does anyone have any questions? B: No.

14. A: Sensei, do we have a kanji exam next week?

12. I can't go shopping because I don't have money.

B: Yes, we do. It's on Wednesday.

13. Please hurry up as we don't have time.

15. Yesterday, there was a rock concert at the park.

16. There was a big earthquake in Tokyo.

Grammar NotesG.N indicates the possession. (Examples 11~13) H. N indicates that events or incidents took place. In this case, is used for indicating the place of the event or the incident instead of . ( Examples 14~16) To the Teacher In the sentenceN that expresses a request,is often omitted as in N.

Related items S-04 S-03 P-07 P-22 N N V ( location ) ( subject )

Activities 2-2 2-4 2-9 Do you have a pen? Beside Me There is a bag on the desk




1. My pen is this one.

7. 9 Tomorrow's exam will be from 9:30. 8. A: Whose bag is this? B: That's mine.

2. There is a swimming pool next to the gym.

3. The scissors are on the desk.

4. Kimura-san is next to Tanaka-san.

5. That one (over there) is a mathematics textbook.

9. A: What's the date of that newspaper? B: That is yesterday's paper.

6. A: Where is the room for Japanese? B: 2 It's on the second oor.

10. 100 Can I have three of the one's for 100 yen?

Grammar NotesA. connects a noun with another noun. (Examples 1~9) B. modies N2. (Examples 1~9) C. indicates that N1 is the owner of N2. (Examples 1,8) D. indicates the location. (Examples 2~4) E. indicates that N1 is specic kind of N2. (Examples 5,6,7,9) F. In the cases of C and E, if N2 is identied and understood in context, N2 can be omitted. (Examples 8~10)



11. I am Kimura of Tokyo High School.

13. This is my friend, Tanaka-san.


12. In Japan, we have four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Grammar NotesG.indicates that N1 is afliated with N2. (Example 11) H. This sentence pattern indicates that N1 is an attribute of N2. (Examples 12,13) To the Teacher a particle. is

Related items S-07 S-28 S-37 A AN N N A AN + N V+N

Activities 2-4 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 Beside me Whose is it? Where is it? Is the book on the desk? There is a bag on the desk. My School.



N: destination, direction


1. 8 I come to school at half past 8.

2. 5 Tanaka-san goes home at 5 o'clock.

4. A: What time will you go to school tomorrow?

3. A: Will you go to the park tomorrow?

B: 8 I'll go at 8.

B: No, I won't.

Grammar NotesA. indicates that N is the destination or towards what direction one is moving. (Examples 1~4) B. pronounced as "e". is

To the Teacher a particle. is You can use (point of return) instead of . The following are verbs in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test (JLPT) Level 4 that can be used with .

(to go) (to come) (to return) (to go out) (to go/come

out) (to enter) (to turn)

Related items P-21 (goal)

Activities 2-11 Going, Coming, Returning




N: words indicating location


1. The music room is next to the science room.

2. The teacher is in the canteen.

3. A: Where is the telephone? B: It is over there.

4. There is a piano in Yamada-san's residence.

Grammar NotesA. is used with the verbs or and indicates the place where N2 is located. (Examples 1~4) B. used in the pattern, N1 N2 , also indicates location. (Example 4) To the Teacher a particle. is When N1 is an incident or an event, the particle for the location used for is indicating the place of the incident/event. (cf.P19)


A soccer match will be held at my high school.


A big earthquake occurred in Japan.

Related items P-02 P-15 P-18 P-21 P-26 P-11 ( point of time ) ( purpose ) ( frequency per unit ) ( goal ) ( indirect object marker ) ( location )

Activities 2-4 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 4-5 Beside Me Where is it? Is the book on the desk? There is a bag on the desk. My School Where?



= the speaker

= the listener

[gure 1]

[gure 2]


1. This is a Japanese textbook.

B: These are chopsticks.

2. The Japanese dictionary is that one.

5. A: (Teacher showing a dictionary and its owner is unknown)

3. That is a gymnastic hall.

4. A: (When you don't know how to say it in Japanese)

Whose dictionary is this?

B: That is Nakayama-san's dictionary.

What is that?

6. A: (Holding a bag in one's hand)

Is Kimura-san's bag this one? B: No, that one.

Example 4


7. A: Which is Tanaka-san's eraser? B: That one is.

8. A: What is this poster for? B: This one? This is a poster for a concert.


Example 8

Grammar NotesA. refers to the specied objects. (Examples 1~8) B. When you ask for unidentied things, used. (Examples 7) is C. When the speaker is in a different domain from the listener, are categorized as in gure 1. (Examples 4~7) D. When the speaker is in the same domain as the listener is, are categorized as in gure 2. (Example 8) To the Teacher are demonstratives. Please see Appendix-2 Demonstratives (p.259) for a summary of demonstratives.

Related items V-03 V-04 V-09

Activities 2-5 What is that?



= the speakerN

= the listenerN N




[gure 1]

[gure 2]


1. 2 This room is a classroom for second-year students.

B: That one is Tanaka-san's.

2. That book is mine.

6. (Looking at a photo)

3. Yamada-sensei is that person.

A: Who is this person?

4. (At a classroom during class)

B: That person is Nakayama-san.

A: Sensei, is that kanji read as "go" B: This one? Yes, it is. 5. A: Whose bag is that? B: Which bag?

A: That black one.

Example 6


7. (Showing someone around the school)

A: What is that building?

B: That is the auditorium.


Example 7

Grammar NotesA. refers the specied objects. (Examples 1~7) B. N is used when asking which one is the specied objects. (Example 5) C. When the speaker is in a different domain from the listener, is categorized as in gure 1. (Examples 4,6) D. When the speaker is in the same domain as the listener is, is categorized as in gure 2. (Example 7) To the Teacher are demonstratives. (Examples 1~7) Please see Appendix-2 Demonstratives (p.259) for a summary of demonstratives. Take note of the word order in cases when N is modied with adjectives.

That beautiful woman is Yamamoto-san.

That big bag is mine.

Related items V-02 V-04 V-09

Activities 2-6 Whose is it?



= the speaker = the listener

[gure 1]

[gure 2]


1. (Showing someone around the school)

1 This is a classroom for rst-year students.

2. (Showing someone around the school)

6. A: Excuse me, where is the toilet? B: Over there. A: Thank you.

That is the library.

7. A: Where is the teacher's car? B: Over there.

3. (Showing someone around the school)

That is the ofce. 4. Mari-san's bag is there.

5. There is a teacher over there.

Example 7


8. A: Where is my hat? B: It is there. A: Where is it? B: It's behind you.


Example 8

Grammar NotesA. refer an specied places. (Examples 1~8) B. is used when you ask about unknown places. (Example 6~8) C. When the speaker is in a different domain from the listener, is categorized as in [gure 1]. (Examples 1,2,3,6,7) D. When the speaker is in the same domain as the listener is, is categorized as in [gure 2]. (Example 8) To the Teacher are demonstratives. Please see Appendix-2 Demonstratives (p.259) for a summary of demonstratives.

Related items V-02 V-03 V-09

Activities 2-10 My School




afrmative A( adj) AN( adj) A AN

negative A AN


1. A: Does that ice cream taste good? B: Yes, it does.

4. A: Is that umbrella sturdy?

B: No, it isn't.

2. A: Are Japanese dishes hot and spicy?

B: No, they aren't.

5. A: Is your room tidy? B: No, it isn't.

3. A: Is supermarket big?

B: Yes, it is.

6. A: How is Japanese food? B: It's delicious.

Grammar NotesA. You can describe the nature, characteristics (colour, shape, size, etc) and the condition of N using this sentence pattern. (Examples 3~5) B. You can express the opinion and the impression of the speaker about N. (Examples 1,2,6) C. When you ask for the opinion or the impression about something, the question could be . (Example 6) D. When it is understood in context what N is, can be omitted. (Examples 1~6) E. adjectivehas an exceptional conjugation. afrmative negative


To the Teacher Japanese adjectives fall into two categories. The ones ending with for modifying nouns are called -adjectives(A), and the ones ended with are called -adjectives (AN). Negative forms areA andAN . In the spoken form,AN often changes intoAN . Please note that -adjectives (in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4) are not -adjectives. When asking about the state of things, such as shape or colour, N is used. is never used. So, be sure not give the following example:


A: B: .

Related items S-12 S-07 S-01 S-03 A AN A AN N N V

Activities 3-5 3-7 3-8 Adjective Bingo Is it new? What kind of shop is it?





1. That store has new computers.

7. A: What kind of movie is it?

2. There is a kind shop keeper in that department store.

B: It's an old Japanese movie.

8. A: C D What kind of CD will you buy?

3. I'll buy some sweets.

B: C D I'll buy a CD with quiet music.

4. I watch interesting movies. 5. A: What kind of bag is it?

9. A: Which shoes will you buy?

B: I'll buy the black ones.

B: It's a sturdy bag.

10. A: What kind of music do you like?

6. A: What kind of food is ?

B: I like quiet music.

B: It's a sweet snack.

Grammar NotesA. A AN modies N. (Examples 1~8) B. A AN denes N by showing N's nature or characteristics such as colour, shape, size and so on. (Examples 1~8) C. When asking about N's nature or characteristics, you can ask with N. (Examples 5,6,7,8,10) D. In cases when it is understood what N, modied byA AN is, can be used instead of N. (Examples 9,10)


To the Teacher Japanese adjectives fall into two categories. The ones ending with modifying nouns for are called -adjectives(A), and the ones ended with are called -adjectives (AN). In cases when two or more words are used to modify a noun, take note of the words in relation to the modications.

For example, in in example 7, modies and

modies. In C D in example 8,modiesand


modiesC D .

Related items S-06 P-05 S-28 S-37 A AN N A AN+N V+N

Activities 3-5 3-6 3-9 Adjective Bingo What sort of bag is it? What do you want?




N: the object which the speaker wants


1. A: I'll take this one/This one, please. B: Certainly.

5. A: (During dinner at a friend's place)

2. A: 8 Excuse me, can I have eight red roses?

Excuse me, could I have water, please? B: Sure.

B: 1200 Here you are. That will be 1200 yen. 3. A: Can I have a hamburger and a salad, please? B: Sure.

6. A: (At the tourist bureau)

4. A: Excuse me, can I have two colas?

Excuse me, could I have a map of this town? B: Sure, here you are.

B: Two colas, right?

Grammar NotesA. N is used for shopping. (Examples 1,2) B. N is used for ordering something in a restaurant. (Examples 3,4) C. N is used when the speaker politely asks the listener for something which is for the benet of the speaker. (Examples 5,6)



7. Sensei, may I have a handout of the homework?

8. Sensei, can I have a conversation tape?


Grammar NotesD. N is used to ask for something that the speaker wants to get and which the speaker has a right to request. (Examples 7,8)

To the Teacher When shopping or ordering in a restaurant, is sometimes omitted. N indicates the object. (See p.38) N is used in a situation or in the context or the relationship in which someone obviously has right to ask for something. So, be careful when choosing the situation or the context for practice. For conversations between the students and the teacher in the classroom, it would be advisable to use only N in order to avoid confusion.

Related items S-16 P-08 V ( direct object marker)

Activities 3-2 3-4 How many do you want? At the Hamburger Shop




N: the object which the speaker wants to have


1. I want a computer now.

2. A: What do you want for your birthday?

B: Let me see. I want a new bicycle.

3. (Looking at a catalogue) A: Which one do you want? B: I want this one and that one.

4. A: Do you want a car? B: No, I don't.

Grammar NotesA. is treated like an adjective. The conjugation is the same as other adjectives. B. This sentence pattern expresses the speaker's desire to have something. (Examples 1~4)

C. You can ask the listener's wish with the form N . (Examples 2~4) D. In cases when it is understood what N is, N can be omitted. (Example 4)


To the Teacher This sentence pattern cannot express the wishes of the listener and the third person. It is rude to ask N to elders and one's superiors. You can express what you want and can ask for something with the formN . In this case, what you want should not be something special, and the person whom you ask it from is someone who is expected to be able to provide what you want.



Excuse me, I'd like to have some white paper.



Here you are.

2 A:

Well, I'd like to have a red ballpoint pen.


Here you are.

When what you want is an object,N is used, and if what you seek is a form of action, V is used.

Related items S-06 S-34 A AN V

Activities 3-9 What do you want?



(direct object marker)

N: the object of action V


1. I eat a hamburger.

5. A: What will you eat?

2. Tanaka-san drinks cola.

B: I'll have a sandwich.

3. C D I buy a CD.

6. A: Will you watch a movie tomorrow?

4. 3 I buy three stamps.

B: No, I won't.

Grammar Notes

A. is used with verbs that express action such as and indicates that N is the object of the action.Examples 1~6 B. is pronounced as "o".


To the Teacher is a particle. In the case ofN ( verbs), N is also acceptable unless the noun accompanied by is not in the same sentence. verbs in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4 are as follows:

Correct usage

Incorrect usage


inN is (direct object marker)(See p.34)

Please give me three of these cakes.

Related items P-19 P-20 (point of detachment) (route)

Activities 3-2 3-3 3-4 How many do you want? I'll have a hamburger, please At the Hamburger Shop



(price per unit)(1)

:price N:words displaying the number and quantity (2)

N1: words displaying range


1. While shopping

2. (While shopping)


Can I have three chocolate cakes and ve cheese cakes please?

A: How much?

B: 500 They are 500 yen for three.

B: 2800 Here you are, That will be 2800 yen altogether.

Grammar NotesA. in the structure chart1indicates that N is the number or the quantity that serves as the measure for calculating an amount. (Examples 1,2)



3. Three of us went to the swimming pool

4. The exams will nish tomorrow.

5. Mt Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.


Grammar NotesB. in the structure chart (2) shows that N1 is limited to the situation or range. (Examples 3~5)

To the Teacher is a particle.

If the number that serves as the unit of measure is1such as 100 , is not used.

Related items P-11 P-17 P-27 V-06 (location) (means/ingredients) (cause/reason) Counters

Activities 3-4 At the Hamburger Shop




1. A: Are the dishes in restaurant good? B: Yes, they are.

4. (At a restaurant) A: A sandwich and a juice please? B: A sandwich and a juice, right?

2. A: 5. A: Did you use a new computer? This is Tanaka-san's wallet, right? B: B: No. No, it's not. A: 6. A: It's handy. This is a Japanese newspaper, isn't it? 3. A: B:

The bus is leaving soon. Let's get on quickly. B: Sure.

No, that's a Chinese newspaper.

Grammar NotesA. andare attached to the end of a sentence.Examples 1~6 B. is used when the speaker provides the listener with information that s/he does not know about. Examples 1,2,3,5,6 C. is used for conrming whether the information or awareness of the speaker is the same as the listener's one.Examples 4~6



7. A: Donuts of that shop are delicious, aren't they? B: Yes, they are.

8. A: It was an interesting movie, wasn't it? B: It sure was.


Grammar NotesD. is used to show the speaker agrees with the listener, or is for asking for the assent of the listener. (Examples 7,8) To the Teacher andare particles.

Related items P-04

Activities 3-3 3-4 3-8 5-4 Ill have a hamburger, please. At the Hamburger Shop What sort of shop is it? It was delicious.




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000


To the Teacher Units more than 10,000 are as follows. 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000

10,000 10,000,000 100,000,000are read as respectively. 1,000is calledas well. The numbers4 7and9have two different ways of reading. Deciding which reading to be use depends on what kind of object is to be counted. Please see V-01 Time (p.12), V-06 counters (p.46), Appendix-5 Counters (P.268). Please note that the pronunciation of some numbers change (printed in oblique letters in the chart) Take note of common mistakes such as: 10 100


Related items V-01 V-06 V-07 Time Counters Duration

Activities 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 How much is it? How many do you want? Ill have a hamburger, please At the Hamburger Shop




: number

: counters


1. 5 There are ve umbrellas over there.

7. There are two banks in front of the station.

2. I'll buy ve cakes.

These are bank and bank.

3. ( When ordeing )

8. A: How many handkerchiefs are there?

Three hamburgers please.

B: 3 There are three. 9. A: How much is this ball-point pen?

4. (When ordering)

Can I have two spaghettis?

B: 100 That's 100 yen.

5. 10 3 I'll buy ten stamps and three postcards.

10. A: How many colas did you buy?

6. 2 1 There are two dictionaries and a magazine on the teacher's desk.

B: 6 I bought six. 11. A: How many balls do we have? B: 15 We have 15.


Grammar NotesA. number countersindicates quantity. B. Deciding which counter to use depends on the shape or the qualities of the objects to be counted.


C. Things to be counted and the number are placed in the following order. (Examples 1~10)

D. The way of countingis different from other counters. Numbers greater than 10 are counted as .Examples 3,4,11 To the Teacher When asking the amount of quantity,can be used instead of

the interrogatives , etc. Please note that particles should not be placed after counters. Be careful of the word order when expressing the number and the object to be counted. For example, be aware avoid saying . 3 Pay attention to the changes in pronunciation of some numbers and counters. See Appendix-5 Countersp.268. Teachers are advised to teach only the necessary counters.

Related items V-05 V-07 Number Duration

Activities 3-2 3-3 3-4 How many do you want? Ill have a hamburger, please At the Hamburger Shop





1. I don't go to the library so often.

3. My room is not so spacious. 4. I don't like cake very much.

2. A: Do you watch the news on TV every morning? B: No, I don't watch it very often.

Grammar NotesA. V indicates that an action is not done frequently. (Examples 1, 2) B. A and AN indicates that the level or quality is not very high. (Examples 3, 4)



5. A: Did you get tired yesterday?

B: No, not so much.

7. A: Did you understand the lesson? B: No, I didn't understand it very well.

6. A: Was the train crowded yesterday?

8. B: We don't have many tall buildings in the town where I live. No, not so much.


Grammar NotesC. V indicates that an action is not done frequently. (Examples 5~8) To the Teacher In spoken form, sometimes becomes. Take note of the conjugation of adjectives as in A .

Related items S-43 S-23 negative interrogatives + negative

Activities 4-4 Always, sometimes, hardly ever 4-9 Crossword Puzzles



( location )

N: the place where action V takes place



I have lunch at a restaurant.

3. A: Where do you usually play tennis?

2. A: Where do you buy shoes?

B: I play tennis at the tennis court in school.

B: I buy them at a department store.

4. 9 3 We have classes at school from 9 to 3.

5. There was an earthquake in Osaka.

Grammar Notes

A. is used with verbs indicating action such as , and indicates that N is where the action takes place. (Examples 1~3) B. is used with verbs such as, and indicates that N is the place where an event or an incident occurs. (Examples 4,5)



6. We won yesterday's match.

7. 100 I got a perfect score/ 100 points in the kanji exam.

Grammar NotesC. indicates the time when an action is carried out. (Examples 6,7) To the Teacher is a particle.


Related items S-06 P-05 S-37 S-28 A AN V+N N A AN + N

Activities 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-9 7-5 Where? Tanaka's day A Typical Week in Ito's week Crossword Puzzles Where?



N1: Starting time or position N2: End time or position


1. I go to school from Monday to Friday.

4. A: When do we have the exams?

2. 6 8 I have a part-time job from half past 6 to half past 8.

B: 10 15 From the 10th to15th.

3. A: What time does the baseball match begin?

5. A: What time do we have Japanese class?

B: 10 11 From 10:30 to 11:30.

B: 10 It will begin at 10.

Grammar NotesA. indicates that N1 is the starting point if N1 is a word that expresses time. (Examples 1~5) B. indicates that N2 is the ending if N2 is a word that expresses time. (Examples 1,2,4,5) C. It is not necessary to use bothN andN . (Example 3)



6. I take a bus from home to school.

7. A: How much does it cost to go from here to Tokyo station?

B: 210 210 yen. 8. 5 10

4Example 6

Today I studied from page 5 up to page 10.

Grammar NotesD. indicates that N1 is the beginning of the range if N1 is a word that expresses location. (Examples 6~8) E. indicates that N2 is the end of the range if N2 is a word that expresses location. (Examples 6~8) To the Teacher andare particles.

Related items P-25 P-28 ( reason )

Activities 4-7 7-5 7-6 7-8 A Typical Week in Ito's Life Where? From home to school What is the best tour to take?



( and )


1. I read comics and magazines on Sundays.

2. I eat bread, egg, and so on.

4. I shop at department stores and supermarkets.

3. In my room I have things like a desk, a bed and a TV.

5. There are postboxes in front of post ofces or near stations.

Grammar NotesA. This sentence pattern can connect several nouns together. (Examples 1~5) B. is used for showing a number of relevant items as examples, and implies that other relevant items exist. (Examples 1~5) C. The nouns joined bycan be used as a single noun in the sentence. (Examples 1~5) D. This sentence pattern can be used in the formN1 N2 . (Examples 2,3)

To the Teacher is a particle. The difference of withis in whether all of the relevant items are to be mentioned or not. Be aware thatis used for people, not.

Related items P-01 ( and )

Activities 4-6 Tanaka's Day




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ?


1. 2 I practice the piano for two hours every day.

2. A: How many hours do you sleep every day?

5. A: 10 Let's have a break for 10 minutes. B: Sure.

6. A: How long do you study everyday?

B: 8 I sleep for about 8 hours.

B: 1 About an hour. 7. A: How long will it take?

3. 7 1 I have supper around 7 o'clock everyday. Then, I watch TV for about half an hour.

B: 5 It takes about 5 minutes.

4. 20 It takes 20 minutes to get to school from my house.


Grammar Notes

A. andexpresses the duration of time. (Examples 1~7) B. When asking for the duration of time, can be used in place of

. (Examples 6,7) and

C. is used more often than.(Example 3) To the Teacher

andare counters.

There are times whenmay also be expressed as.

10 10 I rest for 10 minutes.


cannot be used together with.

1 15 I practice for an hour and 15 minutes.

Please note that the pronunciation of some numbers change (printed in oblique letters in the chart)

Related items V-05 V-01 V-08 Number Time

Activities 4-3 I have about seven hour's sleep 4-6 4-7 Tanaka's Day A Typical Week in Ito's Life



: Duration

: Hour

: Amount of money

: Quantity


1. A: About how many hours do you sleep every day?

4. A: Around what time do you usually go home?

B: 8 I sleep for about 8 hours.

B: 6 I go home around 6 o'clock.

2. A: How much money do you have in your wallet?

5. 7 I wake up around 7 o'clock.

B: 3000 (I have) About 3000 yen.

3. A: C D Around how many CDs do you have?

B: 30 About 30.

Grammar NotesA. indicates an approximate duration, price and amount. (Examples 1~3) B. indicates an approximate time. (Examples 4,5) C. is attached after the time. However, it can be omitted in the case of the time (Examples 5) D. Interrogatives asking for the duration, amount of money or quantity can be followed by , and interrogatives asking for the time can be followed by. (Examples 1~4)



6. 3 Cherry blossoms bloom around March.

7. 1980 The number of cars has increased since about 1980.

Grammar Notes


E. can be preceded by . (Examples 6, 7) To the Teacher

They cannot be used with time expressions such as . The numbers followed byorare normally numbers that do not include

smaller units such as 1000 .

Related items V-01 V-06 V-07 Time Counters Duration

Activities 4-2 4-3 My Day I have about seven hour's sleep 4-6 4-7 Tanaka's Day A Typical Week in Ito's Life




afrmative Non-past Past V V

negative V V


1. I watched a movie yesterday.

2. A: What did you do on Sunday?

4. A: Did you nish the exam? B: Yes, I did.

B: I cleaned my room.

5. A: Did you close the door?

3. A: Did you study Japanese last night? B: No, I didn't.

B: Yes, I did.

Grammar NotesA. This sentence pattern expresses a past action. (Examples 1~3) B. This sentence pattern expresses that an action has been completed. (Examples 4,5) C. In cases when it is understood what N1 is,N1 is sometimes omitted. (Examples 2~5)



6. There was a big tree near the gate of the school long time ago.

7. We had a dog when I was a child.

Grammar NotesD. This sentence pattern indicates a condition or the state of things in the past. (Examples 6,7)

To the Teacher As V often indicates that the action has been completed with, it should be taught before teaching .


A: Have you had lunch? B: No, I haven't.

Related items S-03 S-12 S-13 V A AN N

Activities 5-2 5-4 5-5 5-6 Did you watch television? It was delicious The Holidays Letters




adjective afrmative Non-past Past A A negative A A

adjective afrmative Non-past Past AN AN negative AN AN


1. This bag was expensive.

5. A: Did you enjoy the trip?

2. The park was very quiet.

B: Yes, I enjoyed it very much.

3. I met Tanaka-san the day before yesterday. S/he wasn't looking very good.

6. A: How was Hokkaido?

B: It was very cold.

4. The food at the party wasn't good.

7. A: How was the movie yesterday? B: It wasn't very interesting.


Grammar NotesA. The sentence pattern is used to express the nature or the characteristics of N. (Example 1) B. This sentence pattern indicates a condition or the state of things in the past. (Examples 2,3,6) C. We can state the speaker's opinion or impression about an event or an incident in the past. (Examples 4,5,7) D. We can ask the about a condition or a state of things in the past with the pattern N . (Example 6) E. We can ask for opinions or impressions about the past asking with the patternN . (Example 7) F. The conjugation of the the adjectiveis exceptional. afrmative Non-past Past negative


To the Teacher Japanese adjectives are categorized into two kinds. Those ending with are called adjectives(A), and those ending withare called adjectives (AN). In the spoken form,AN often becomesAN . For the negative forms, there are alsoA andAN . Be sure not to confuse the adjectives (in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4) as adjectives.

Related items S-06 S-11 S-13 A AN V N

Activities 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 Was it fun? It was delicious The Holidays Letters




afrmative Non-past Past AN AN

negative AN AN


1. It was ne yesterday.

2. This was a park a long time ago.

4. Yesterday's lunch wasn't onigiri.

3. 1970 My father was a principal at a junior high school until 1970.

5. A: Did you have a day-off the day before yesterday?

B: No, I didn't.

Grammar NotesA. N2 provides a description about the past of N1. (Examples 1~5) B. When it is understood in context what N is, can be omitted. (Example 5) To the Teacher In the spoken form,N often takes the formN . N andN are polite expressions.

Related items S-01 S-11 S-12 N V A AN

Activities 5-4 5-6 It was delicious Letters





1. A: Let's go home together. B: Sure.

3. A: How about having lunch together?

B: Sure. Let's have lunch together.


2. Now, let's sing.

4. A: How about going to the swimming pool?

B: That's a good idea. Let's go.

Grammar Notes

A. V can be made by taking outfromV like. B. This sentence pattern is used for inviting someone to do something together. (Examples 1,2) C. This sentence pattern is used when accepting an invitation. (Examples 3,4) To the Teacher This sentence pattern is used for expressing the speaker's wish. V might sound slightly pushy as it only makes the speaker's intention known without asking the sentiments of the listener. Therefore, this is best asked if the possibility of the listener's acceptance of the invitation is high. By comparison,V and,V is more polite than because the speaker is asking the listener's feelings. V can be used for instructions.

(When the teacher begins the lesson) Let's begin. It is best to teach the formV as an answer to an invitation, together with the teaching ofV .

Related items V-03 V V-15 V

Activities 5-7 Would you like to go to the movies? 5-8 Invitations





1. A: Why don't we go home together?

B: Yes, shall we?

2. A: How about going skating?

B: That's a good idea. Let's go.

4. A: Do you want to come to my house tomorrow? B: Thanks for the invitation, but I won't be available tomorrow.

3. A: Do you want to play tennis Saturday afternoon?

5. A: Do you want to go see a movie? B: Sorry but I will have a part-time job.

B: Saturday? Sorry, I'm not free on Saturday.

Grammar Notes

A. V can be made by taking outfromV like . B. This sentence pattern is used for inviting someone to do something together. (Examples 1~5) C. When accepting invitations, the answers are as follows: (Examples 1,2) V V Yes. Let's V Yeah. Let's V

V That's a good idea. Let's V D. When declining invitations, the answers are as follows:

= a bit (It is a bit inconvenient for me.)

I'm sorry, (give the reason)


To the Teacher V is used to ask the listener whether s/he intends to perform an action which the speaker mentions. This is more polite than the expressionV which reveals only the speaker's feeling. The expression for acceptance and refusal is not fixed. Therefore, teachers should introduce a variety of patterns.

Related items S-14 S-03 V V

Activities 5-7 Would you like to go to the movies? 5-8 5-9 Invitations Posters




( with )

N: a person or people with whom one does action V


1. I went to a department store with Tanaka-san.

4. I talked with a friend of mine over the phone. 5. A: With whom did you play tennis?

2. I took a trip with my family during the summer holiday.

B: I played with Tanaka-san.

3. I watched a movie with Sato-san last week.

Grammar NotesA. indicates that N is the partner in doing something. (Examples 1~5) B. When asking who the partner is,is used. (Example 5) To the Teacher is a particle. can be replaced with . However, it is not applicable to cases that

always needs a partner and which cannot be done by oneself, such as .

Nakayama-san married Yamamoto-san.

I fought junior high school students with friends of mine. (= My friends and I fought with junior high school students.)


Related items P-01 ( and )

Activities 5-5 5-6 5-7 The Holidays Letters Would you like to go to the movies? 5-9 Posters




( purpose )

: Hour N: purpose of movement V1: an action which serves as the purpose of movement V


1. 5. A: My father will go shopping at a department Where are you going? store tomorrow. B: I'm going to the park. 2.

Tanaka-san came to study in my country.

3. I'm going to see a basketball game next week.

A: What are you going there for?

B: To play basketball.

4. I'll go home to get a thing that I left behind.

Grammar Notes

A. V1 can be made by taking out fromV as in . B. indicates that N and V1 are movements with purposes. (Examples 1~5) C. If N or the place where the action indicated by V1 is taken, i.e. the destination of movement is expressed, the particle used. (Examples 1,2,4) is

D. Asking what one's purpose can be expressed with V . (Example 5)


To the Teacher is a particle. N should be nouns related to the action. List of nouns in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4:

name of sports etc. V2 should be a verb which expresses movement. List of verbs in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4:

The destination is also the place where the action is taken. However, be sure not to use the particle .

5Related items P-02 P-07 P-18 P-21 P-26 (point of time) (location) (frequency per unit) (goal) ( indirect object marker) 5-8 5-9 Activities 5-5 5-6 5-7 The Holidays Letters Would you like to go to the movies? Invitations Posters





4. 1. A: How do you nd Japanese? B: Whereas I drink cola, Tanaka-san drinks It is difcult, but interesting. juice.

2. Although Hayashi-san often talks with his/her friends on the phone, s/he doesn't really do so with his/her family members.

5. I had a lot of exams, but I didn't feel tired.

3. Whereas Tanaka-san plays tennis, Kimura-san doesn't.

Grammar NotesA. connects S1 and S2. B. InS1 S2, indicates that S1 and S2 are in contrast to each other. (Examples 1~5)



6. A: Sensei, I would like to use the gymnasium next Saturday. May I? B: Sure.

9. (On the phone)

7. I watched a new movie yesterday. It was interesting.

A: This is Kobayashi of Tokyo senior high school. May I please speak to Kenji-san? B: Certainly.

8. I have many hobbies, but I now like computer games best.

10. (On the phone) A: Is Kenji-san in? B: Kenji is not here now. A: Well, I'll call him later.


Grammar NotesC. S1 is a supplementary explanation to S2, and it can be introductory remarks . (Examples 6~9) D. You can give a turn to the listener by omitting S2. (Example 10) To the Teacher is a particle. In cases when N1 and N2 are the same,N1 may be omitted. Also, in cases when it is understood what N1 is,N1 is sometimes omitted. In the spoken form, oris used for connecting sentences instead of

Related items P-22 P-25 ( subject ) ( reason )

Activities 5-6 8-6 11-3 Letters Telephoning Interview





1. 15 Please look at page15.

4. Could you please explain it one more time?

2. Please listen to the conversation in the tape.

3. Please write down the answer.

5. A: Excuse me. Could you please open the window? B: Sure.

Grammar NotesA. V is used for politely giving instructions or orders. (Examples 1~3) B. V is used for requesting something to be benecial to the speaker in a polite manner. (Examples 4,5)

To the Teacher When you want to limit the agents of the action, this can be indicated by adding.

Female students, please stand up.

Second year students, please come to school at 8 tomorrow. V is a form of question whether the listener accepts a request or not.


Related items C-01 S-29 S-08 V form (V ) V N

Activities 6-2 6-3 6-4 9-2 9-5 I am the teacher Please could you? Please write your name Please do not use a pen Take care of yourself






1. A: May I have lunch in the classroom? B: Yes.

B: Yes, go ahead.

2. A: Can I go to the playground now? B: Yes, you can.

4. A: Can I borrow a word processor? B: I'm sorry, but (I don't think that's possible).

3. A: May I borrow this?

5. A: Can I go out? B: No.

Grammar NotesA. V is used for asking permission from the listener. (Examples 1~5) B. When you allow something to be done after being asked, the replies are as follows. (Examples 1~3) Yes. Yes, you can/may. Yes, go ahead.

C. When you don't allow something to be done, the replies are as follows. (Examples 4,5) No. I'm sorry, but.


To the Teacher stronglyare worded refusals and are often used in cases where something is not allowed based on rules or laws.

A: May I look in the dictionary?

B: No. Please don't . V is an item in the syllabus of the Japanese Prociency Test Level 3. V is an expression for giving permission.

You may look at the answer now.

It is better to focus on this expression of asking permission for classroom practice.

Related items C-01 S-54 V form (V ) V

Activities 6-5 Where is it?






1. 4. Tanaka-san wrote his/her name politely. Please clean up the room.

2. Let's study quietly.

5. Please write bigger.

3. The teacher spoke a bit fast.

6. Please gather quickly.

Grammar NotesA. A andAN modify V. (Examples 1~6) For modifying nouns adjectives(A) adjectives(AN) N N For modifying verbs V V

B. Adverbs express the appearance of an action. (Examples 1~3) C. Adverbs express the appearance as a result of an action. (Examples 4~6)

To the Teacher A AN inA AN V is the adverbial usage of an adjective. Take note of the conjunction of the adjective in A V .

Related items S-39 S-06 S-07 A AN N A AN A AN N

Activities 6-2 6-4 I am the teacher Please write your name




1. A: Have you already memorized kanjis?

B: Yes, I have.

2. A: Have you already written down the answer? B: No, I haven't.

Grammar NotesA. indicates that an action has been completed. (Examples 1,2) B. indicates that an action was not completed. (Examples 2)



3. A: Do you still have any? B: No, it's all gone.

6. A: Is Nakayama-san's elder brother already a university student?

4. A: Is the teacher still in the classroom? B: Yes, s/he is.

B: No, he is still a high school student.

5. A: Is it still hot?

B: No. It's gotten cooler.

Grammar NotesC. indicates that the expected change did not happen and the condition is same as it was. (Examples 3~6) D. indicates that a change has occurred and the condition has changed. (Examples 3,5,6)


To the Teacher is used as an answer in cases where an action has not been completed yet. This can be replaced with V . (Example 2) Sometimes, it is used for stating whether someone has experienced something based on an assumption. Be careful not to show examples that make the students confused with the usage for the completion of an action.

A: Have you already tried the new computer game? B: Yes, I have. For practicing the use ofindicating completion/incompletion, it is recommended to use V as in example 2.

Related items S-11 V

Activities 6-2 I am the teacher


C-01 Group 1

V form (V )

V form V form Group 2

Group 3

V dictionary form (V ) V form Group 1 Group 2

Group 3


To the Teacher V form (V )is one form of verb conjugation. V form (V )is treated as follows.


Please stand up. Could you say it again? May I be absent from school tomorrow?




Kobayashi-san is wearing a blue shirt.

5 6 I got up at 6 and went jogging.

6 I brush my teeth after breakfast.


It is written in the letter.

The verbs that become are only . It is difcult to distinguish verbs in group 1 and "-imasu/-iru" verbs in group 2 based on this form. As the number of the verbs in group 2 is limited, it is recommended to have students memorize the verbs in group 2 to avoid confusion. Verbs in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4:


Related items C-02 V form (V )

Activities 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 form Bingo I am the teacher Please could you? Please write your name Where is it?




N: means, ingredients


1. 4. Sensei wrote the answer with red chalk. We can draw pictures using the computer.

2. A: 5. A: How do you come to school, Mari-san? Do you eat onigiri with chopsticks?

B: I come by train.

B: No, we eat it by hand.

3. A: 6. A: Sensei, what does this word mean? How will you send that luggage?

B: Please look it up the dictionary.

B: I'll send it by airmail.

Grammar NotesA. indicates that N is a means or an instrument for doing V. (Examples 1~6)

B. When asking what means or instruments were used to do something, is used. (Examples 2,6)



7. Let's make sandwiches with eggs and vegetables.

8. We can make juice from fruit.

9. A: What is that doll made of?

B: This is made of paper.

Grammar NotesC. indicates that N are the ingredients used for making something. (Examples 7~9)

D. When asking what the ingredients are, is used. (Example 9) To the Teacher is a particle.


. is sometimes replaced by

Related items P-09 P-11 P-27 (price per unit) (location) (cause/reason)

Activities 6-2 6-3 6-4 7-5 7-6 7-8 9-8 I am the teacher Please could you? Please write your name Where? From home to school What is the best tour to take? Let's Cook



(frequency per unit)

N: duration

: frequency

: duration


1. 1 3 I clean three times a week.

5. 1 1 I swim for an hour a day.

2. 1 1 6. 1 2 We have a medical check-up once a year. I practice the piano two hours a day.

3. 2 We have Japanese exams once every two weeks.

4. 1 3 We have exams three times a term/ semester.

Grammar NotesA. indicates that N is the duration that serves as basis for measuring frequency or duration. (Examples 1~6) B. N timesindicates the frequency within a certain period. (Examples 1~4) C. N durationindicates the duration of an action or an event over a certain period. (Examples 5,6) To the Teacher is a particle.


Related items P-02 P-07 P-15 P-21 P-26 (point of time) (location) (purpose) (goal) ( indirect object marker)

Activities 6-7 School Timetable






1. I've been to Japan.

2. I've eaten tempura.

4. A: Have you ever seen sumo? B: Yes, I have.

3. A: Have you been to Disneyland? B: No, I haven't.

5. A: I haven't climbed Mt. Fuji.

B: Then, let's go together next time.

Grammar NotesA. We can state whether someone has experienced doing V by using this sentence pattern. (Examples 1~5) B. In cases when it is understood what V is, V is sometimes omitted. (Examples 3,4)


To the Teacher The difference between andV . V Objective description of an action in the past An action in the past as an experience An action being non-habitual Uniqueness of an action


no no

I have had Japanese tea.

I have had tea. In the sentence patternV , the following words are not applicable. Words indicating immediate past: yesterday, the day before yesterday etc. Words indicating the exact time which do not show the range of time: ~ o'clock, year 19XX etc. V is an item in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 3. Attention to the limitation of use should be paid for the practice.


Related items S-11 C-02 V V form (V )

Activities 7-2 7-4 Unusual Experiences Let's go on a trip!





3. 1. I played tennis and went swimming during I often watch movies and go swimming pool my summer vacation. together with friends.

2. My brother reads books and watches TV on Sundays.

Grammar Notes

A. The form ofV can be made by adding toV form in as . B. This sentence pattern is used for showing examples of actions. This implies that there are another relevant actions. (Examples 1~3)



4. I go back and forth from Tokyo to Osaka by plane.

5. It rains off and on.

Grammar NotesC. This sentence pattern indicates that two conditions or actions are interchangeably repeated. (Examples 4,5)

Related items C-02 S-03 V form (V ) V

Activities 7-3 7-4 Travel Memories Let's go on a trip!




Interrogatives + positive

: interrogatives


1. A: Did you go somewhere during the winter vacation ?

3. A: Someone is over there.

B: Yes. I went to Hokkaido.

B: Noticing someone

2. A: Why don't we eat something?

Oh, that's Tanaka-san.

B: OK. Let's have something.

4. A: There is something over there. B: What? Where?

Grammar NotesA. interrogatives + indicates an unspecied object, time or location. (Examples 1~4) B. Particles are preceded by interrogatives + . (Example 1) C. Wheninterrogatives + is used as a word accompanied by (subject)(See p.104) or (object)(See p.38), (subject)and (object)may be omitted. (Examples 2~4) To the Teacher The object forinterrogatives + can be narrowed down by addingN + N A AN + Nafter interrogatives + .


I want to drink something cold.

2 Let's go to see a movie some time whenever you're free. The usage ofinis different. In some cases, and are not omitted. However, to keep the students from getting confused, it is best not to teach this at this point.

Related items S-23 Interrogatives + negative

Activities 7-3 Travel Memories



Interrogatives + negative


1. A: Is anybody there? B: No, no one is here.

2. As I didn't have any money, I didn't buy anything.

3. A: Did you go somewhere during the vacation? B: No, I didn't go anywhere.

4. A: Did you see anybody?

B: No, I didn't see anybody.


Grammar NotesA. This sentence pattern is used when totally negating the target, time or place. (Examples 1~4) B. Particles are placed between interrogatives and. (Examples 3,4) C. Wheninterrogatives + is used as a word accompanied by (subject)(See p.104) or (object)(See p.38), (subject)and (object)are omitted. (Examples 1,2) To the Teacher is introduced as an adverb that expresses frequency in this book, so it will not be introduced here.

Related items S-22 S-10 S-43 Interrogatives + positive negative negative

Activities 7-3 Travel Memories


C-02 Group 1

V form (V )

V form V form Group 2

Group 3

V dictionary form (V ) V form Group 1 Group 2

Group 3


V form V form Group 1 Group 2

Group 3

To the Teacher V form (V )is one form of verb conjugation. V form (V )is used as follows.

1 I have been to Kyoto.

2 I do my homework after having breakfast.


3 The movie I saw yesterday wasn't very interesting.

4 I think Kimura-san didn't go on a trip as s/he is ill.

5 Tanaka-san might have gone home. V form (V )is placed at the end of the sentence and is used as plain form. It is difcult to distinguish verbs in group 1 and "-imasu/-iru" verbs in group 2 based on this form. As the number of the verbs in group 2 is limited, it is recommended to have students memorize the verbs in group 2 to avoid confusion. Verbs in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4:

Related items C-01 V form (V ) C-05 Plain form ( )

Activities 7-1 If you can tell me what it is, I'll give it to you 7-2 Unusual Experiences 7-3 Travel Memories 7-4 Let's go on a trip



(point of detachment)

N: words expressing location and point


1. 7 I leave home at 7 every morning.

3. I got off the plane at Narita Airport and went to the hotel by taxi.

2. I get off the bus in front of the station.

Example 2

Grammar NotesA. indicates that N is the starting point. (Examples 1~3) To the Teacher is a particle. The verbs indicating in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4

which can be used with are and .

Related items P-08 P-20 (direct object marker) (route)

Activities 7-5 7-6 Where? From home to school




N: words expressing location and point


1. This bus passes in front of Tokyo University and goes to Tokyo Station.

3. Please walk on the right side of the road.

4. Please turn left at the third corner.

2. A: Did you cross the long bridge?

B: Yes. I crossed the bridge and went to the island.


Grammar NotesA. indicates that N is a passing point when expressing movement. (Example 1) B. indicates that N is a route when expressing movement. (Examples 2~4) To the Teacher is a particle. The verbs indicating movement in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4 which can be used with are as follows:

Related items P-08 P-19 (direct object marker) (point of detachment)

Activities 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 Where? From home to school Where is the station? What is the best tour to take?



(goal )

N: words expressing location and point


1. I get on a bus in front of the station.

2. Please put the luggage there.

3. A: Have you tried hot springs? B: No, I haven't.

4. A: JAL001 What time does JAL ight number 001 arrive at the airport?

Example 1

B: 8 It will arrive at the airport at 8 in the evening.

5. 8 I went home at 8 yesterday.

6. Nakayama-san climbed a mountain.

Grammar NotesA. indicates that N is the goal of the action. (Examples 1~6)


To the Teacher is a particle. may sometimes be replaced by.

I go to school. The verbs which can be used with in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4 are as follows;

Related items P-02 P-07 P-15 P-18 P-26 P-06 (point of time) (location) (purpose) (frequency per unit) (indirect object marker)

Activities 7-2 7-5 7-6 7-8 Unusual Experiences Where? From home to school What is the best tour to take?






1. Kobayashi-san is now reading a book in the library .

5. A: How long have you been studying Japanese?

2. A: Oh, Tanaka-san is walking.

B: I've been studying since last year.

B: (Noticing Tanaka-san and calling him/her.)

6. Yamamoto-san lives in Tokyo.

7. Tanaka-san is wearing glasses.


3. A: What is Tanaka-san doing now?

8. Kobayashi-san is standing in front of the gym.

B: S/he is having a meal.

9. A: Do you know Yamada-sensei ?

4. I jog every morning.

B: No, I don't.

Grammar NotesA. This sentence pattern indicates continuity of an action. (Examples 1~3) B. This sentence pattern indicates a present habitual practice. (Examples 4,5) C. This sentence pattern indicates that the result of an action that has been continued. (Examples 6~9)



10. A: Do you have a Japanese dictionary?

B: I'm sorry, I'm using it now.

11. A: Can I talk to Kimura-san?

B: Kimura-san is on the phone now.

Grammar Notes

D. You can usefor turning something down. For example, example 10 implies that s/he has a dictionary, but s/he can't lend it because s/he is using it while example 11 relays the meaning that Kimura-san cannot come to the phone. (Examples 10,11)

To the Teacher

also conveys the meaning of being in a destination or as a result of the subject's movement.

A: Hello, is Mari-san there?


B: No, she's gone shopping.

. (Example 9) Please note that the negative form of is

Related items C-01 S-41 S-03 S-11 V form (V ) V V V

Activities 8-4 8-5 Which person is it? A part-time job




V: dictionary form


1. My hobbies are collecting stamps and reading books.

3. It is fun to study foreign languages.

2. I like playing video games with friends.

Grammar NotesA. attaches to the dictionary form of verbs and transforms it into a nominal form. B. V , like nouns, can become a component of a sentence. (Examples 1~3) C. V inV can accompany N N N . (Examples 1~3)

to make cakes

I make cakes

to swim in the sea

I swim in the sea

to write letters to friends To the Teacher

I write letters to friends

is in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 3.

Related items C-03 S-26 S-69 V dictionary form (V ) V N (nominalization)

Activities 8-2 8-3 What is your hobby? What do you do with your friends?


C-03 Group 1

V dictionary form (V ) Group 2

Group 3

To the Teacher V dictionary formis one form of verb conjugation . V dictionary formis used as follows:

1 My hobby is taking pictures.

2 I can write kanji.

3 I have breakfast before going to the school.

4 This is the sandwich I'll have for lunch today.


5 I think Yan-san understands Japanese

6 I take the train when I go to the school.

7 It will be ne tomorrow. As this form is used for indexing dictionaries, this is called the dictionary form. TheV dictionary formis located at the end of the sentence and may be used as a plain form. It is difcult to distinguish verbs in group 1 and "-imasu/-iru" verbs in group 2 based on this form. As the number of the verbs in group 2 is limited, it is recommended to have students memorize the verbs in group 2 to avoid confusion Verbs in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4:

Related items C-05 Plain form ( ) Activities 8-1 8-2 8-3 Dictionary form practice What is your hobby? What do you do with your friends?





1. 4 Cherry blossoms bloom in April.

6. A: Who are coming to the party?

2. It snows a lot in winter.

3. There is a telephone in my room.

B: Kobayashi-san and his/her friend(s) are coming.

4. Students are practicing soccer on the play ground.

7. A: Which subjects are interesting?

B: Social science and mathematics are interesting to me.

5. Yan-san will make a speech in Japanese tomorrow.

8. A: Who is Tanaka-san?

B: The person next to Kimura-san.

Grammar NotesA. indicates that N1 is the subject of the sentence. (Examples 1~8) B. shows the subject of an action, existence or condition. (Examples 1~8) C. is used for expressing phenomena, incidents and conditions. (Examples 1~5) D. When the subject part is the information being sought, is used for the answer. (Examples 6~8)


To the Teacher is a particle. In cases where the part of the subject is subject to comparison and when the subject becomes the topic, is used instead of . is used for giving information which the speaker thinks the listener does not know.

A: Tanaka-san will come tomorrow. B: I see.

Related items P-16 (conjunctive)

Activities 8-5 8-6 8-7 A part-time job Telephoning The Japanese School System





1. My home is in Tokyo.

7. I live with my parents, while my brother lives by himself.

2. Cherry blossoms are beautiful.

3. A: What is Tanaka-san like?

8. I like dogs, but I don't like cats.

B: She is a beautiful person.

4. A: Is there a dictionary on the desk?

9. I play tennis with Yoshida-san, but not with Tanaka-san.

B: No. there isn't. There's no dictionary (here).

10. I've already written a letter to Tanaka-san.

5. A: Have you read this book?

11. 10 It takes 10 minutes on foot from the station.

B: Yes, I've read that book.

12. There is a TV in my room.

6. A: What is your job?

B: I'm teaching Japanese at senior high school.


Grammar NotesA. indicates that N1 is the topic of the sentence. (Examples 1~6, 10,11,12) B. is used for stating N in comparison to other things. (Examples 7~9) C. cannot be used with interrogatives. D. can be used with other particles. (Examples 9~12) N N N N E. is pronounced as "wa". To the Teacher is a particle. can be used a number of times in a sentence.

I stayed at home yesterday.

used for expressing the subject cannot be used in subordinate clauses etcand noun modifying clauses, AN NV N A . expressed as the topic can be attributed to information already shared by the speaker and the listener.

A: I saw Yamamoto-san yesterday. B: Did you?


A: Yamamoto-san was with Tanaka-san.

Related items P-03

Activities 8-5 8-7 A part-time job The Japanese School System




1. 100 Excuse me. Could you lend me just 100 yen?

5. 3 Only the third year students participated in the game.

2. 10 Let's have a break just for 10 minutes.

6. We study only hiragana.

3. Only Hayashi-san didn't come.

7. Please don't use anything but a dictionary.

4. I bought only juice.

Grammar NotesA. is preceded by N indicating the object, degree, range and/or quantity, and limits and emphasizes these qualities. (Examples 1~7) B. The ending of the sentence can be both positive and negative. (Examples 3,4) C. When is used with particles , it is followed by these particles. andmay be omitted. (Examples 5~7)


To the Teacher is a particle. When is used with particles , it can be preceded or followed by the particle.


The teacher speaks only in Japanese.


Only that shop has this one.

Related items S-43 negative

Activities 8-5 A part-time job






1. Tomorrow is Sunday, so I won't go to school.

6. As doctors even have to work at night, their lives are hard.

2. Yesterday was a holiday, so school was closed.

7. A: As the rain stopped, let's go out. B: Sure.

3. I caught a cold, so I won't swim.

4. I'm all right now, so please don't worry.

8. A: How did you know my telephone number?

B: Because I heard it from Kobayashi-san.

5. As I took a medicine, I'm all right now.


Grammar NotesA. connects S1, which ends with the conjugationto S2. (Examples 1~7) B. indicates that S1 is the reason for what S2 expresses. (Examples 1~7) C. When asking the reason, S2 is used.Example 8 D. In cases when it is understood what S2 expresses, S2 is sometimes omitted. Example 8 E. N2 can be placed at the beginning of a sentence.Example 3

To the Teacher is a particle. In answer to questions which seek a reason or explanation,plain form can also be used.

A: Is Tanaka-san also coming tomorrow?

B: No, s/he won't. A: Why?


B: Because s/he is ill. The sentence ending of S1 can also take on the plain form In cases when N1and N2 are the same,N1 may be omitted. Also, in cases when it is understood what N1 and N2 are,N1 and/orN2 may be omitted. Compared towhich is also used for stating a reason, is used for presenting the reason based on the speaker's subjective judgement. If you want to state the reason indirectly or with (more) respect, is recommended. Please note that is in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 3.

Related items P-12 P-27 P-29 S-30 S-31 (cause/reason) A AN N VV

Activities 8-5 A part-time job





1. 2 5 Second-year students can use the gym from 5 o'clock.

4. 200 Nakayama-san can swim 200 meters.

2. You can't practice basketball today.

5. 50 I can write 50 kanji characters.

6. A: Can Nakayama-san drive? 3. A: B: No, s/he can't. Can I make an overseas phone call with that phone? B: Yes, you can.

Grammar NotesA.V is an action which N1 can perform. (Examples 1,2,4,5) B. N is the noun which appears in "N" as inN verb.Examples 3,6 C. This sentence pattern indicates that it is possible to do N orV . Examples 1~3 D. This sentence pattern indicates that the speaker has the ability to do N orV . Examples 4~6 E. In cases when it is understood what N andV are, N andV may be omitted. (Examples 3,6


To the Teacher is the potential form of. In this pattern only volitional verbs can be used. The following non-volitional verbs cannot be used.

(These verbs are in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4) Apart from verb, it is also possible to use the formN . The following are examples in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4.

V is an item in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 3.

Please note that the expressions andhave a different usage. Be careful during drills as not many verbs can be used with this pattern.

Related items C-03 S-25 S-52 V dictionary form (V ) V V (potential)

Activities 9-6 9-7 Test of Sporting Ability A Health Check






1. Tanaka-san has long hair.

6. A: Do you have a headache?

2. Tanaka-san is tall.

B: No, I don't.

3. Nakayama-san is strong.

7. A: Tanaka-san, are you all right?

4. My cat has beautiful eyes.

B: I feel a bit sick.

5. My throat felt sore since yesterday.

Grammar NotesA. N2 A AN is a description of N1. B. This sentence pattern is used for stating the qualities or characteristics of human beings or living things.Examples 1~4. C. This sentence pattern is used for stating the physical condition of human beings or living things.Examples 5~7 D. In cases when it is understood what N1 is,N1 may be omitted.Examples 6,7



8. This town has narrow roads.

9. This picture's colours are beautiful.

12. Tanaka-san is good at basketball.

10. This camera is easy to use.

13. I'm poor at singing.

11. C D That store sells reasonable priced CDs.

14. I'm good at playing the piano.

Grammar NotesE. This sentence pattern is used for stating the qualities, condition and characteristics of things or places. Examples 8~11 F. This sentence pattern is used for expressing one's strong point or if one is "good" or "poor" at something. However, the speaker cannot useto refer to him/herself.

In place of, it is better to use .Examples 12~14 To the Teacher In cases when the qualities, characteristics and physical condition are mentioned, N2 should be a part of N1. For example, this would include parts of body, distinct attributes and so on. The difference betweenN1 N2 A AN andN1 N2 A AN . N1 N2 A AN subject usage

N1 N2 A AN N1 N2 Description of characteristics of N2

N1 Precise description about N1


Tanaka-san has long hair. In cases when N1is a person, be careful when using adjectives which may carry negative

meaning such as (dirty)or (dark). Also, take note of nuances in the meaning of adjectives within different cultures.

Related items S-02 S-06 N A AN

Activities 9-4 9-5 10-2 The Alian Take care of yourself Who is it?



N A AN + N


1. Tanaka-san is a woman with long hair.

2. Kuro is a dog that likes sh.

4. I'd like to go skiing with someone who is good at skiing.

3. That tall person is my teacher.

5. I was given a book with beautiful pictures for my birthday.

Grammar NotesA. The patternN1 A ANmodies N2.Examples 1~5 B. This pattern becomes a component of a sentence as a noun.Examples 1~5 To the Teacher is sometimes used instead ofinN1 .

Tanaka-san is a woman with long hair.

InA AN N, AAN can take the negative or past plain form. However, it is advisable to not use these together during drills.

1 Do you have food which is not so spicy?

2 What was the most interesting thing about Japan?

Related items P-05 S-06 A AN S-07 A AN N S-27 N A AN S-37 V+N

Activities 9-7 A Health Check 10-2 Who is it?




V : V form +


1. Don't drink coffee.

3. Don't use a dictionary during exam.

2. Don't take a bath today.

4. A: Don't forget your homework. B: Certainly.

Grammar Notes

A. V can be made by addingtoV formas in . B. This is used when instructing someone not to do something.Examples 1~4

To the Teacher In the case of giving instructions, it should be in the context of a relationship where it is expected that the listener will follow or obey the instructions of the speaker. For example, a doctor and a patient, the teacher and students in the classroom, a receptionist and a customer. It can express a speaker's firm request. In this case, there are no limitations to its application in terms of relationships such as the one mentioned above.


Please don't turn off the switch as we are using the computers. During role play drills, take careful note of the relationship between characters.

Related items C-04 S-06 V form (V ) A AN

Activities 9-2 9-5 Please do not use a pen Take care of yourself


C-04 Group 1

V form (V )

V form V form Group 2

Group 3

V dictionary form(V ) V form Group 1 Group 2

Group 3


To the Teacher V formis one form of verb conjugation. V formis used as follows.

1 Please don't eat hot and spicy food.

2 For those who (still) do not understand, please ask sensei.

3 I think Yamada-san won't be coming today.


Please turn the lights off whenever you are not using the classroom.

5 It won't rain tomorrow. This may be placed at the end of a sentence, and used in the plain form. Take note of the conjugations of the verbs in group 1, that becomein the formandinV dictionary form.

Please note that it does not become

It is difcult to distinguish verbs in group 1 and "-imasu/-iru" verbs in group 2 based on this form. As the number of the verbs in group 2 is limited, it is advisable to have students memorize the verbs in group 2 to avoid confusion. Verbs in the syllabus of the Japanese Language Prociency Test Level 4:

Related items C-05 Plain form ( )

Activities 9-1 9-5 form quiz Take care of yourself








1. The big and black bag is mine.

8. A: These are good glasses, aren't they?

2. Yesterday, I bought a small and handy camera.

B: Yes. They are light and tough.

3. I want to marry a kind and gentle person.

9. Kimura-san likes sports and is good at tennis.

10. Kawakami-san's father is a doctor and a professor.

4. The lively and cheerful teacher is Yamada-sensei.

5. This is Professor Kawakami of Tokyo University who is also a medical doctor.

11. Tanaka-san is tall and Kobayashi-san is short.

6. A: Which building is Sakura Manshion?

B: 5 (Sakura Manshon is) the ve story brown building there.

12. Kimura-san is good at tennis and Kobayashi-san is good at soccer.



7. This ower is small and red.

Tanaka-san's father is a lawyer and Kawakami-san's father is a professor.


Grammar NotesA. You can connect two or more nouns/ adjectives to modify N. (Examples 1~6)

B. You can connect two or more sentences with the formA AN N . (Examples 7~13)

To the Teacher Words with negative connotations cannot be connected to the ones with positive connotations. For connecting negative ones and positive ones, (conjunctive)is used.

These socks are strong and inexpensive.

These socks are strong, but expensive. The following is also a type of connection used.A AN N




Tanaka-san has large eyes and wears glasses.

A AN N indicates the cause or the reason for the followingA AN N Vin some cases.


1 This book is difcult to understand as it is written with a lot of kanji.

2 I could not go to the school due to high fever.

Related items S-31 VV

Activities 10-1 10-2 10-5 What is round and red? Who is it? Please write to me





1. I'll meet a friend of mine at the station and go to the concert together with him/her tomorrow.

4. (While teaching how to make origami)

Fold it into two, and cut with scissors.

2. A: Can you tell me your plans for tomorrow? B: 7

5. Let's sit down and have lunch over there.

6. I go to school on foot everyday.

8 I'll get up at 7, have breakfast at the canteen, and practice from 8.

7. I study Japanese by listening to tapes.

3. I want to go to Japan and watch sumo.

Grammar NotesA. V can connect two or more sentences.Examples 1~7

B. Regardless the form of V etc formcan be made.Examples 1~7 V C. This sentence pattern is used for stating the sequence of actions. In this case, the agent of the two actions should be the same person. Examples 1~4 D. This sentence pattern is used for stating the condition when an action is taken. In this case, the agent of the two actions should be the same person.Example 5 E. This sentence pattern expresses methods or means used to carry out the action. In this case, the agent of the two actions should be the same person.Examples 6,7



9. During the summer vacation, Nakayama-san dived in the sea and Yamamoto-san climbed a mountain.

Tanaka-san lives in Tokyo and Yamamoto-san lives in Osaka.

11. We couldn't play baseball as it rained.


12. School was closed as a big typhoon came.

Grammar NotesF. This sentence pattern is used for stating actions taken by more than two people, for stating a condition or two or more incidents.Examples 9,10 G.V1 expresses the cause and V2 shows the effect inV1 V2 . Examples 11,12 To the Teacher Difference between V and V V actions in sequence parallel actions a number of successive sentences clarity of context

V up to 2 sentences


Tanaka-san came, and then Kimura-san left.

After Tanaka-san came, Kimura-san left. Difference betweenV andreason expressing cause and effect. V clarity of context objectivity



I can't get in as the bus is crowded.

I don't want to get in the bus because it's crowded. Be careful not to useto connect sentences. Related items C-01 V form (V ) S-30 A AN N S-33 V S-32 V Activities 10-4 Plans for Sunday 10-7 How do you do things?





1. 3. I went to school without taking bringing my Tanaka-san didn't go to school and stayed lunchbox. at home. 4. Please answer without looking at the book. 2.

Let's take the bus instead of the train today.

Grammar Notes

A. V can be made by addingtoV formas in B. V1 indicates that the action V1 is not taken but V2 is taken instead. Examples 1,2 C. V1 indicates the condition when the action V2 is takenExamples 3,4 To the Teacher V is form ofV form. Whether a sentence will indicate a condition or not depends on the semantic relationship between V1 and V2.

Examples where V1 and V2 take different subjects such as

will not be not introduced here.

Related items C-04 S-31 V form (V ) VV

Activities 10-7 How do you do things?





1. Sato-san works part-time after school is over.

6. Yamamoto-san gave explanations after drawing a map.

2. We had a match after the rain stopped.

3. Let's start dinner after Kobayashi-san comes.


After Tanaka-san made a speech, Nakayama-san made his.

5. Tanaka-san goes to bed after