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  • 8/9/2019 jezine


    expound /kspand/ - v - to give a detailed explanation of something (He's always

    expounding on what's wrong with the world.)

    recondite /rekndat/ - adj - not known about by many people and difficult to

    understand (We had to work from material that was both complex and recondite.)

    flushed /flt/ - adj - red in the face (You look a bit flushed - are you hot?)

    animated /nmetd/ - adj - full of interest and energy (There was an extremely

    animated discussion on the subject.)

    incandescent /nkndesnt/ - adj - shining extremely bright (The mountain's

    snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.)

    submit /sbmt/ - v - to allow another person or group to have power or authority

    over you, or to accept something unwillingly (We protested about the changes for a

    long time, but in the end we had to submit.)

    trammel /trml/ - n -something impeding activity, progress, or freedom (thought

    roams gracefully free of the trammels of precision.)

    earnestness /nstns/ - n - quality of sincere interest, belief or opinion (We

    admired his earnestness about that topic.)

    fecundity /feknd

    ti/ - n - productive or creative power (fecundity of the mind)

    argumentative /jmenttv/ - adj - often arguing or wanting to argue (Don't

    be so argumentative.)

    plane /plen/ - n - in mathematics, a flat or level surface that continues in all

    directions, ravnina (a topological plane has a concept of a linear path)

    mere /m r/ - adj - used to emphasize that something is not large or important,

    puko, isto (The plane crashed mere minutes after take-off.)

    breadth /bred/ - n - the distance from one side to another, irina (The length of

    this box is twice its breadth.)

    instantaneous /nstntenis/ - adj - happening immediately, without any delay

    (an instantaneous response)

    pensive /pensv/ - adj - thinking in a quiet way, often with a serious expression on

    your face (She became withdrawn and pensive, hardly speaking to anyone.)

    infirmity /nfm

    ti/ - n - illness, especially for long periods or because of old age(an advanced state of infirmity)

  • 8/9/2019 jezine


    incline to/towards sth /nklan/ - phrasal verb - to think that a belief or opinion is

    probably correct (I incline to the view that peace can be achieved.)

    latter /ltr/ - n - the second of two people, things or groups previously mentioned

    (She offered me more money or a car and I chose the latter.)

    intermittent /ntmtnt/ - adj - not happening regularly or continuously;

    stopping and starting repeatedly or with periods in between (intermittent rain)

    spasmodic /spzmdk/ - adj - happening suddenly for short periods of time and

    not in a regular way (He made spasmodic attempts to clean up the house.)

    accession /ksen/ - n - the time when someone starts a position of authority,

    especially a king or queen (1926 was the year of Emperor Hirohito's accession to

    the throne.)

    expound /kspand/ - v - to give a detailed explanation of something (He's always

    expounding on what's wrong with the world.)

    knit /nt/ - v - to join together (The broken bone should begin to knit (together) in

    a few days.)

    lapse into sth /lps/ - phrasal verb - to start speaking or behaving in a less active

    or acceptable way (No one could think of anything more to say, and the meeting

    lapsed into silence.)

    introspective /ntrspektv/ - adj - examining and considering your own ideas,

    thoughts, and feelings, instead of talking to other people about them (She is

    famous for her introspective songs about failed relationships.)

    transitory /trnztri/ - adj - lasting for only a short time (the transitory nature

    of life)

    germ of sth /dm/ - n - a small amount, usually one that develops into something

    large or important (He found the germ of an idea in an old newspaper.)

    vague /ve/ - adj - not clearly expressed, known, described or decided (I do have a

    vague memory of meeting her many years ago.)

    inkling /kl/ - n - a feeling that something is true or likely to happen, although

    you are not certain (I didn't have the slightest inkling that she was unhappy.)

    exclaim /ksklem/ - v - to say or shout something suddenly because of surprise,

    fear, pleasure, etc. ("You can't leave now!" she exclaimed.)

  • 8/9/2019 jezine


    content /kntent/ - v - to make someone feel happy and satisfied (You're quite

    easily contented, aren't you?)

    account /kant/ - n - a written or spoken description of an event (She gave a

    thrilling account of her life in the jungle.)

    erect /rekt/ - v - to build a building, wall, or other structure (The war memorial

    was erected in 1950.)

    humbug /hmb/ - n - dishonest talk, writing, or behaviour that is intended to

    deceive people (the usual political humbug)

    shuffle /fl / - v - to walk by pulling your feet slowly along the ground rather than

    lifting them (I love shuffling through the fallen leaves.)

    conjurer (also conjuror) /knd rr/ - n - a person who performs magic to

    entertain people (Conjurer performed his trick.)

    unaccountable /nkantbl / - adj - not able to be explained or understood (For

    some unaccountable reason, he keeps his wallet in his underwear drawer.)

    scatter /sktr/ - v - to cover a surface with things that are far apart and in no

    particular arrangement (Scatter the powder around the plants.)

    mantel /mnt

    l/ - n - a shelf above a fireplace (She's got photographs of all hergrandchildren on the mantelpiece.)

    sconce /skns/ - n - a device that is fixed to a wall to hold electric lights or candles

    (The sconce is on the wall.)

    conceive /knsiv/ - v - to imagine something (I think my uncle still conceives of

    me as a four-year-old.)

    adroit /drt/ - adj - very skilful and quick in the way you think or move (an

    adroit reaction)

    askew /skju/ - adj - not straight or level (Isn't that picture slightly askew?)

    singularly /sjlli/ - adv - to an unusual degree (singularly beautiful)

    retort /rtt/ - v - to answer someone quickly in an angry or funny way ("That

    doesn't concern you!" she retorted.)

    interminable /ntmnbl / - adj - continuing for too long and therefore boring or

    annoying (an interminable delay)

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    eddy /edi/ - v - If water, wind, smoke, etc. eddies, it moves fast in a circle (The

    water eddied around in a whirlpool.)

    stupor /stjupr/ - n - a state in which a person is almost unconscious and their

    thoughts are not clear (He was lying under the table in a drunken stupor.)

    stoop /stup/ - v - to bend the top half of the body forward and down (The doorway

    was so low that we had to stoop to go through it.)

    impartial /mp l/ - adj -not supporting any of the sides involved in an argument

    (impartial advice)

    threshold /rehld/ - n - the level or point at which you start to experience

    something, or at which something starts to happen (I have a low/high boredom


    plausible /plzbl / - adj - seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed (a

    plausible explanation)

    queer /kw r/ - adj - strange, unusual, or not expected (What a queer thing to say!)

    incredulous /nkredjls/ - adj - not wanting or not able to believe something, and

    usually showing this (A few incredulous spectators watched on as Paterson,

    ranked 23rd in the world, beat the champion.)

    aloft /lft/ - adv - in the air or in a higher position (We held our glasses aloft.)

    solemn /slm/ - adj - serious and without any humour (a solemn voice)

    whim /wm/ - n - a sudden wish or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably

    explained (We booked the holiday on a whim.)

    deportment /dptmnt/ - n - the way a person walks and stands (to have bad


    detain /dten/ - v - to delay someone for a short length of time (I'm sorry I'm late

    - I was unavoidably detained.)

    ingenious /ndinis/ - adj (of a person) very clever and skilful, or (of a thing)

    cleverly made or planned and involving new ideas and methods (an ingenious


    exposition /ekspzn/ - n - a clear and full explanation of an idea or theory (It

    purports to be an exposition of Catholic social teaching.)

  • 8/9/2019 jezine


    plight /plat/ - n - an unpleasant condition, especially a serious, sad, or difficult

    one (the plight of the poor)

    ghastly /stli/ - adj - unpleasant and shocking (Today's newspaper gives all the

    ghastly details of the murder.)

    haggard /h d/ - adj - looking ill or tired, often with dark skin under the eyes

    (He'd been drinking the night before and was looking a bit haggard.)

    drawn /drn/ - adj - (usually of the face) very tired and showing suffering (She

    looked pale and drawn after her ordeal.)

    mutton /mtn/ - n - the meat from an adult sheep eaten as food (That mutton

    was delicious)

    tattered /ttd/ - adj - (especially of cloth or paper) badly torn (The flag was

    tattered and threadbare.)

    detest /dtest/ - v - to hate someone or something very much (I detest any kind of


    fervent /fvnt/ - adj - characterized by intense emotion (a fervent supporter of

    the communist party)

    eke sth out /ik/ - phrasal verb - to use something slowly or carefully because youonly have a small amount of it (There wasn't much food left, but we just managed

    to eke it out.)

    inquire (UK also enquire) /nkwa r/ - v - to ask for information (Shall I inquire

    about the price of tickets?)

    resort to sth /rzt/ - phrasal verb - to do something that you do not want to do

    because you cannot find any other way of achieving something (I had to resort to

    violence/threats to get my money.)

    heaping /hip/ - adj - large (For less than $5, you get a sandwich, a heaping

    helping of fries, and a soft drink.)

    ridicule /rdkjul/ - n - unkind words or actions that make someone or something

    look stupid (She was treated with scorn and ridicule by her colleagues when she

    applied for the job.)

    irreverent /revrnt/ - adj - not showing the expected respect for official,

    important, or holy things (an irreverent comment)

  • 8/9/2019 jezine


    sheer / r/ - adj - used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a

    quality or feeling is (The suggestion is sheer nonsense.)

    attentive / - adj - listening carefully (an attentive audience)

    cease /sis/ - to stop something (Whether the protests will cease remains to be


    reel /r l/ - v - to walk, moving from side to side, looking like you are going to fall

    (At closing time he reeled out of the bar and fell down on the pavement.)

    hazy /hezi/ - adj - describes air or weather that is not clear, especially because of

    heat (hazy sunshine)

    grip /rp/ - v - to hold very tightly (The baby gripped my finger with her tiny


    traverse /trvs/ - v - to move or travel through an area (Stanley traversed the

    continent from west to east.)

    switchback /swtbk/ - n - a path, road, or railway that forms very sharp bends

    from one direction to almost the opposite direction as it goes up and down steep

    slopes (She felt sick after travelling on that switchback.)

    headlong /hed.l/ - adj - with great speed or without thinking (The car skiddedand plunged headlong over the cliff.)

    anticipation /ntspen/ - n - a feeling of excitement about something that is

    going to happen in the near future (As with most pleasures, it's not so much the

    experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable.)

    imminent /mnnt/ - adj - coming or likely to happen very soon (imminent


    pace /pes/ - n - the speed at which someone or something moves, or with whichsomething happens or changes (a fast pace)

    scaffolding /skfld/ - n - a structure of metal poles and wooden boards put

    against a building for workers to stand on when they want to reach the higher

    parts of the building, skela (Scaffolding has been erected around the tower and

    repair work will start next week.)

    succession /sksen/ - n - a number of similar events or people that happen, exist,

    etc. after each other (A succession of scandals and revelations has underminedthe government over the past year.)

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    luminous /lumns/ - adj - producing or reflecting bright light especially in the

    dark (luminous clothing)

    fluctuate /flktjuet/ - v - to change, especially continuously and between one level

    or thing and another (Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season.)

    poignant /pnjnt/ - adj - causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness (The

    photograph awakens poignant memories of happier days.)

    exhilaration /zlren/ - n - excitement and happiness

    rudimentary /rudmentri/ - adj - basic (Her knowledge is still only


    elusive /lusv/ - adj - difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember (The

    answers to these questions remain as elusive as ever.)

    wintry /wntri/ - adj - typical of winter (It looks like this wintry weather is here to


    interstice /ntsts/ -n - a very small crack or space (The wall was old and

    crumbling with plants growing in the interstices between the bricks.)

    profound /prfand/ - adj - felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way

    (His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.)

    gust /st/ - n - a sudden strong wind (A sudden gust of wind blew his umbrella

    inside out.)

    colossal /klsl/ - adj - extremely large (In the centre of the hall stood a colossal

    wooden statue, decorated in ivory and gold.)