jii monflk ll jri l i looki oufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/03301/00561.pdf · fif > 7...

fIf > 7 I = y a 7 I d- d c rrv- r v 3awg pl In I > v < i < f > V i tf t l fyj Zj Sriff y J vasaiiw = PsldrL- s > > I OCALA EVENING S- IA j ki I Jii + i z i l fYel1IIH 15 No 122 OCALA FLORIDA TUESDAY OCTOBER IS IHf FIlly Cents a Monflk H ZY ll g t I 1 I r Jri ff 4 m FULLER 7 o AYKR 4 FULLER AVER 1t2 DENTAL SURGEONS CMk Over the Mamroe A ChaaWlse Bask > T OCALA FLORIDA t TERMS CASH Y 0 A J i J E CHACE- DJENTAL 1 SURGEON 1 Rooms 9 10 and 11 J j = ecemd Floor Holder Block- Y If OCALA FLORIDA t TERMS CASH t L F BLALOCK L Dental Surgeon ace Sver CtMUMrelaJ Phns 211 Offcehours 8to1ain 1 to 5 pm TERMS CASK I CHAMilS D BOLBERT I D1 i BOMEOPATH1C PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 4 CMice Second I I j 14tL222 Residence 221 t Oftce Hours9 to 12 am 2 tot p m 130 to 830 p m 4i F E McCLANE t rfcyskiaM ail Sargeoi- On ral Practice Cal Made Promptly Night or Day t c clat AtttntiMi to Obstetrics D- lasofWenin r i and Children Otft J omB 322 Holder BuildlhC- BeoondFllojdrt Phones Office No 33S1 Re3dIake No 333- OCALA FLORIDA Ti U fe BLANCHARD COITfttCTQR AND BUILDER v t- IfLANS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION P O Box 4fi OCALA FLA l IdlER MACKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS IMifttktrs and Embalmers D K llolver Alfred E Ow Undertake Flu Caskets a i Burial Robes < All work done by licensed embalm era and fully guaranteed t a T i THERE II A DIFFERENCE IN 1A I r 4 t QpF IP y our nF process Is frpz- sLtPBpfiralure of eight fo ten 4rrp abpyp zerp s as clear as crys l J pure as can tp made W- irgate It tQ lait Iqng er spy FM THFRLUE WAGONS ad Net N Disappointed in Service And Quality Item ice MO PACKING co I rjir TAYLOR Pheao 4 I TilE 1EIIAZ IJLRBfcUHOP boo the Lobfc cf tle Ocala Rowe OVen the very best service of skilled workmen with modem ap1 pUtiu f Strictly unitary Electric fill ITl- ctftilMIal g < Water at All Times vnfoinrt a DKTTK- RICHFOLEYS Mwger j KIDNEY CURE wncwQV- I f of Kidney a- Blwidef 1t dketse that it nd 1 beyond the reach of zne- diMlikS it mt once De- hts 1 L dn riK Dis Diabetes There j Otbiggained by delay- iic1 1 N ad 100 Bottlofi- v F F OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS J i tr i t I t- v l to ti t- c 7 J- l 4 g 1- r l 1- oJ 7 INDIGNATION IS UNIVERSAL- The Summary Execution of Ferrer has Stirred the Progressives All Over the World London Oct 19The red flag was raised in London Sunday afternoon- and a large mob moved upon the Spanish embassy to make a dem- onstration ¬ of its disapproval of the execution of Prof Francisco Ferrer the convicted revolutionist at Barce ¬ lona a few days ago Several bodies of police drove ore the crowds While no blood was shed considerable excitement and uneasi ¬ ness pervaded the neighborhood The groans and hootings were plainly heard in the embassy and at Buck- ingham ¬ palace nearby The trouble began with a mass meeting in Trafalgar Square which was organlaed by several socialist and labor bodies- A black bordered banner was rais- ed ¬ against the Nelson column with big letters that could be read front afar To hell with the murderer Alfonso Ferrers Death Europes Horror- A telegram was read from the Countess or Warwick saying- No words are too strong to express Europes horror at the murder of Ferrer Victor Grayson of Manchester the Socialist member capped the climax of > the speeches by declaring that if the head of every king of Europe was I torn from his body It would not pay J JiflTilt I lion was responsible for whatever might happen in England as a result- of IL He demanded the expulsion of the Spanish ambassador 5 WORDS TO FREEZE THE SOUL YoU son has consumption His- s hopeless These appalling AytrMwe B spoken to Qeo E Blev eas leading merchant of Spring 5JLV C by twV expert doctors JHng specialist Then was- the wonderful power of Dr = New Discovery After th j- Veekjvse vrites Mr Blevcns I waS ia well as ever I would tSII all the money in the worl- dwiarlt i UJ did for my boy Infallible for cough and colds its the safest sur- est cure of desperate lung diseases on earth COc and 1 at all druggists Guarantee satisfaction Trial bottle free FREE MASONS AMONG THE FRIENDSOF FERRER Rome Oct 19All indications point- to the fact that the extremists In Italy are determined to undertake an anticlerical campaign more vigor- ous ¬ even that that in France This is being directed by the Free- Masons whose grand master has is ¬ sued a most violent manifesto in be- half of Ferrer and against the church An international subscription has been opened for the purpose of col- lecting funds to establish In the piazza- of St Peters facing the Vatican Ferrers modern school wjiioh was supppressed In Barcelona BOTH 10YS SAVED Louis Boone a lending merchant of Norway Mich writes Three bottles of FoleyB Honey and Tar absolutely cured my boy of a severe cough and a neighbors boy who was so 111 with- a cold that the doctors gave him up was cured by taking Foleys Honey and Tar Nothing else is as safe and certain of results Sold by all druggists FRENCH WORKMEN DENOUNCE I DEATH OF FERRER Paris Oct 19The antiSpanish demonstrations culminated Sunday in meetings and processions in the larg- er ¬ cities of France organized by the socialists and workmens organiza UQHS The organizers laid empphasls on the peaceful character of these dem- onstrations ¬ and although violent speeches were made little disorder is reported- In Paris the government had taken elaborate precautipns to prevent the recurrence of rJottn- gIot women are trouble4 with kid ney cpmplalnt and you know very many serious and even fatal disease result from these neglected kidney troubles If you will take DeWitta Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed you may be confident of good results Try them and see how really pod they are Beware of Imitations plUs that are Intended to deceive you Be sure you get DeWItts Sold by all druggists FREEDOM OF SPEECH- FRUSTRATID IN FILADELPHIA Philadelphia Oct 19Attempts to hold a monster memorial meeting to protest against the recent execution- at Barcelona Spain of Francisco Fer ¬ rer were frustrated In this city last night by the police who refused to allow a large hail near the center of the city to be opened although those- In charge of the proposed meeting had paid the rent in advance and held a lease for the property Balked in their attempt to use the hall the speakers and many of their followers adjourned to the radical library Here they started to get the meeting under way when the police again interfered and compelled them- to leave the building- p R Kjuger tne Jeweler J06Q Vlr glnfaAve In janapplls Jnd I wassp Weak from kJdneF treble thttt I could hardly walk a hundred- feet Four bottles of Foeys Kidney Remedy cleaVed my complexion cured my backache and the Irregularities disappeared and I can now attend to business every day and recommend Foleya Kidney Remedy to all suffer ¬ ers an Jt cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed For sale by all druggists CORD WOOD FOR SALE I will sell 400 to sot cords of best quality wood at Montague station for I 150 a cord at deL Address E Foglestrom Montague Fla w DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED- by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf ¬ ness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucuos lin- ing ¬ of the Eustachian Tube When the tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing- and when it Is entirely closed deaf ¬ ness is the result and unless the in ¬ flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an in ¬ flamed condition of the mucous sur- faces ¬ We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cir ¬ culars free F J Cheney Co To ¬ ledo Ohio Sold by all druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipa- tion ¬ FERRER EULOGIZED IN TAMPA Tampa Fla Oct ISAt a mass meeting of the Centro Asturiano the Spanish organization in Tampa rep ¬ resenting 20000 persons held Sunday afternoon speeches were made and a strong resolution passed protesting against the execution of Francisco Ferrer Dr Ferrer had many per ¬ sonal friends here and some of them spoke at tne mass meeting in the aft ¬ ernoon reviewing his life and eulogiz ¬ ing his high character r > t READ THIS t he Ocala h TT1 Sept 1st 1909I W Texas Wonder of St Plenty of r 4t six years Every bot lldy jI auys a customer for It It Is a gne cure for kidney bladder and rheuoMtlc troubles Geo Ohnmacht Mercfcnnt 60 days treatment In each bottle t WOODMAR FOR RENT GOODWIN BUNGALOW Furnish ¬ ed modern plumbing running water acetylene gas 10 per week ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished runnln water 5 per week BUm VILLATo rent on October vlfT the winter furnished running w modern plumbing acetylene tler month David S Woodrow Holder Block Ocala Fla Vr tfltI and I4TING- I 1 I am prepared to taKe any Job of painting no matter how large or how small 01 how fine the work desired may be I have 4 he material brushes and knowledge to paint and do If right Houses painted nside and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Address P O Box 135 or leave word- at the Star office K W Filiyaw Ocala Fla tt WHY SO WEAK 1 Kidney Troubles May be Sapping Your Life Awayocala People Have Learned This Fact When a healthy man or woman be ¬ gins to run down without apparent cause becomes weak languid de- pressed ¬ suffers backache headache dizzy spells and urinary disorders I kidney weakness may be the cause of it all Keep the kidneys wen and they will keep you well Doans Kid ¬ ney Pills cure sick kidneys and keep thcm well Can Ocala readers de- mand further proof than the follow- ing ¬ statement S E L Moore River street Palatka Fla says I used Doans Kidney Pills and can I say they proved very beneficial My kidneys troubled me for years and I was forced to arise from six to eight times every night on account of the too frequent passages of kidney secretions My back was weak and lame and it was difficult for me to arise from a chair In fact I often had to grasp something for support- In doing so I doctored for several years and used a number of remedies- but without finding any relief until I procured Doans Kidney Pills Since using them I do not have to pass the kidney secretions at night and my back gives me much less trouble I am w pleased with the results I obtained from the use of Doans Kid- ney ¬ Pills and I can recommend them- to trouble any person suffering from kidney For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FopterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the nameDoansandt- ake no other YOUNG MEN WANTED Gevernment Pays from 600 to 1600 a Year No LayOffsFreeS- cholarships are Offered Railway mall clerks postofflce clerks city carriers rural mail car riers wanted Examinations In the vicinity of Ocala soon Short hours salary twice monthly annual vacation and life po- sition ¬ Thousands of appointments are to be made Common education Is all I you need city and country people have equal chance and political In ¬ fluence Is unnecessary Free scholar ¬ ships during October and November- No time to lose Write to Central Schools Dept 1006 Rochester N Y ID RATHER DIE DOCTOR than have my feet cut off said If L Bingham of Prlncevlle 111 Bqt- youll dje frpm gangrene which hfid- ea en away Mght toes if you dont said all dpctofs instead he used Buckeng Arnica Salve till wholly cured Its cures of eczema fever sores boils burns and piles astound the world 25c at all druggists WANTED Men to learn barber trade Few weeks completes Practical experience from start Careful In ¬ structors tools given Diplomas grant- ed ¬ Wages Saturdays positions wait- Ing Wonderful demand for grad- uates ¬ Write for catalogue Moler Barber College New Orleans la FOR RENTBarn and stables first block north of hospital Apply to J H Brooks No 19 North Second t stteet Ocala Fla TRAVELING THROUGH TEXAS- The President is Experiencing the Hospitality of the Great Lone Star Commonwealth- San Antonio Texas Oct I9A military review and reception at Fort Sam Houston and a great public demonstration in Alamo Plaza where the heroes of Texas fought and died constituted President Tafts program yesterday The city was filled with visitors the quaint buildings of the old Spanish city were swathed In bunting and many bands played con ¬ stantly The president left In the afternoon- over the San Antonio and Aransas Pass railroad for Corpus ChristI where he will spend four days on the ranch of his brother From El Paso to San Antonio San Antonio Texas Oct ISThe presidents travels brought him to the far South yesterday After twentyone hours of contin ¬ uous journeying from El Paso he ar- rived ¬ I here at 730 p m and despite- the fact that it was Sunday night was given a cheering welcome After being received by the city of ¬ ficials the president was driven to the hotel with an escort of cavalry- and later in the evening proceeded- to Fort Sam Houston where he as ¬ sisted In the dedication and accepted- on behalf of the government the chapel which has been erected at the famous old army post by the citizens of San Antonio This morning the president helped- to put in place the corner stone of the nearly completed chapel review- ed ¬ the troops stationed at Fort Sam Houston and returning to the city made an outdoor address to the peo- ple ¬ from the grandstand In Alamo Plaza At Del Rb Sanderson and one or two other places the president made brief addresses to the depot throngs which were made up in part of Mex- Icans residents of the community- and farmers who had driven many miles in their best Sundaygoto meeting clothes The president at the Pecos river passed over what is declared to be the highest railway bridge In the world The river runs In a rocky canon 325 feet below the rails The wind was blowing a gale and the en- gineer ¬ of the presidents train ran at- a veritable snails pace over the slen- der ¬ steel structure SWEPT OVER NIAGARA- This terrible calamity often hap ¬ pens because a careless boatman ig ¬ nores the rivers warningsgrowing ripples and faster current Natures warnings are kind The dull pain or ache in the back warns you the kid- neys ¬ need attention If you would es ¬ cape fatal maladies dropsy diabetes- or Brights disease Take Electric Bitters at once and see backache tty and all your best feelings return Af- ter long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back one Jl bottle wholly cured me writes J R Blankcnshlp of Belk Tenn Only SOc a bottle at all druggists EquitableL- ife Assurance Society Of The Uiife States STRONGEST IN THE WORLD MISS FLORIDA CONDON Resident Agent ICE ICEB- uy Ice FrtMi lei Wagss They say but If you will examine carefully the lee which melts so rap Uy you will note that there seems to be holes In It that the center Is what Is called snow Ice which being por- ous ¬ allows It to melt quickly Crystal IceT- he kind we turn out Is as clear and perfect as it Is possible to make Ice and Is the most economical Ice to use Ask the man on the Red Wagon to stop and see you FLORIDA PACKING ft ICE COMPANY nH 5 Plme 5 WE MUST ALL DIE IT IS MY TIME TO DIE YOUR FAIL GARMENTS Wgrk guaranteed and Frleee Right OCALA PRKSSINQ CLUI W F Marlow Pr prie- torMontezmajtarbershop IB ComnectioM With the Hotel Office Skilled worKmen and courteous at- tention ¬ to all Special attention to children ELECTRIC MASSAGE ROT AND COLD WATER R A DETTERlCHProirictor o I LOOKi J r z J < i t 1 This List OverIt Will Take But a MinuteYoii i > ii Might Find Something That Will InterestYou < F I o iy I f > k National Biscuit Cos goods Cracker Meal loose r f < JF k x j mad In lie packages Oyster Crackers a pound t n > t 1 1 and 5 pound Fruit Cakes 25c packages Nabisco J t f f bi Butler Thins Saltines Oswego Arrowroot Cbmra n fi > H I iQ pagReWa1ersadO1dflmeGIngerWaIers 1 1d1 r < < lie packages Vanilla Wafers Graham Crackers Sugar Cookies Nabisco Waters Butter Thins- Marshmallow I i t < 4 < p > V 1 > Dainties Fig Newtons Arrowroot f f- iST Zwelbaek Saltines Royal Lunch Social and Five v i 1 Oclock Teas Peanut WafersCheeseSandWlef AND A NICE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY CAKES IN BULK rt2 1 4 j EDAM PINEAPPLE AND LIMBURGER CHEESE > 1 f < y ir i iII Our Fall Goods t v of are beginning come mie j will have a more Complete Stock this Winter 14 v m than ever e s > It you are not a customer of the 0 K try us once 1 there Is great satisfaction in trading here Ioryoui J 4 < > l get what you want and get QUALITY GOODS TRY HOLLAND RUSK for the childrens lunch lOc the package k J j 1 > I H O K GROCE < Tf- T HARVEY CLARK Proprietor f < h 2 PHONES 174 J i a JOSEPHS ACADEMY l I LORETTO Near Mandarin FLORIDA C I Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph Young J Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel 9 iRCtual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent Swimming Pool Complete Equipment In Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and tt 2 Recreation Roona j Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIO- RSt i Josephs Academy Loretto Florida p- I t < i DEATH OF A DIPLOMAT William I Buchanan ExMinister to the Argentine Found Dead in a London Street London Oct 19 William I Bu ¬ chanan of Buffalo N Y former American minister to the Argentine Republic and Panama who has been closely identified with several impor ¬ tant American diplomatic missions- met a tragic death last night on a London street He was discovered lying on a side ¬ walk in Park Lane near the Ameri- can ¬ embassy in a dying condition a few minutes before 12 oclock and was carried to St Georges hospital a short distance away Life was extinct when the ambu ¬ lance reached the hospital The cause of death is not known positively but physicians who examined the body state that It resulted apparently from heart disease or apoplexy and that there were no Indications of foul play which was suggested FRESH SEEDS We have In our fresh supply f re- liable garden and flower seeds tot fall planting Tydings ft Co- KOTlUis 1910 state and county occupa- ional licenses will be due and pay- able October 1st 1909 Please give this matter your prompt atten- tion E L Carney Tax Collector Itdlmw Tax Collector- PHOTOGRAPH WANTED Any person who has a specially good photo of a flock of chickens ani ¬ mals or farm crops Is requested to send same at once to the office of S T SIstrunk Ocala for use In Illus- trating a booklet descriptive of Mar- Ion county which will soon be issued by the county commissioners Any good agricultural scene will be con ¬ sidered Prompt action is requested SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE 280aore farm with good buildings two good mules all kinds farm Imple ¬ ments and a lot of feed Plenty good wood and land of the best hammock South of Ocala one mile off splendid hard road This must go at once and the price will suprlse you Apply at once to this office FISH AND OYSTERS Fresh salt and fresh water flah In ¬ side and outside oysters shrimp etc received every day Temporary lo- cation J south of west end of the city market building In small wooden building William Tucker Phone 219 If people with symptoms of kidney- or bladder trouble realize their dan- ger ¬ they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities strengthens and builds up these or ¬ gans and there is no danger of Brights disease or other serious dis ¬ order Do not disregard the early symptoms Sold by all druggists a ROBINSON President v 8 H BLITCH Mavager JO BOOZER AsU i J1- t v < GEO J BLITCH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL ih i of BANKi OCALA FLA s- r t p c J THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK- re the merchants the professional and successful men and woiMft d city the farmers of Se surrounding territory We accommodate all classes Our customers represent theei Mi women who have built and are stll building successful eaternrlMtv s We solicit share of your business f y THE FURNITURE HOUSE 4 OF MclVERIS MacMAY CARRIES A LARGEI MODERN AND COMPLETE STOW r1- OF FURNITUREA- ND 1 HOUSE FURNISHINGS ALL KINDS L The Mly tIDe ii Ceitral FltrMa lit Cipklely Finishes the Iae CarrIts at all Tives lie latefl aid lest ii Firaltare ieefiij ip wift OK ttaes aai M Whit lie Petfle Wart 1 I Als carries Ctaplde List tf liilders aid Ske- Miariware CarrIages Waftis iifiics liness flaMei lte- Utk > I ver or Sleek aideI sir prices fcdtre jw s lUke ytir puthases Yrs tespic- ttiiyMclVER jah iettj MAOKAYj tS Ocala Florida I 1- yW I < i < MONTEZUMA HOTEL 4 Jt r 1 f 1fI GUYWTOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUN- BCwiBcrdal T- Leadla Itkl tales SZ Per lay ecaflKkg4 > f j- rc 5 I- J S Vjf 1 0 b 1 1 k J t = S- dc fI h fi r li Vf i f o

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Page 1: Jii Monflk ll Jri l I LOOKi oufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03301/00561.pdf · fIf > 7 I = y a 7 I d- d c rrv-r v 3awg pl In > v I < i < f > V i tf t l Zj

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> v < i < f > V i tft l fyjZj Sriff y J

vasaiiw= PsldrL-

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Jii+ iz i


fYel1IIH 15 No 122 OCALA FLORIDA TUESDAY OCTOBER IS IHf FIlly Cents a Monflk H ZYll g tI 1 I

r Jri ff 4m FULLER 7 o AYKR



CMk Over the Mamroe A ChaaWlseBask


Y 0 AJ i


1 Rooms 9 10 and 11Jj

= ecemd Floor Holder Block-





LDental Surgeon

ace Sver CtMUMrelaJPhns 211

Offcehours 8to1ain 1 to 5 pmTERMS CASK



4CMice Second I I

j 14tL222Residence

221t Oftce Hours9 to 12 am 2 tot

p m 130 to 830 p m


F E McCLANEt rfcyskiaM ail Sargeoi-

On ral Practice Cal Made PromptlyNight or Day


c clat AtttntiMi to Obstetrics D-

lasofWeninr i

and Children

Otft J omB 322 Holder BuildlhC-BeoondFllojdrt Phones Office No 33S1

Re3dIake No 333-








IMifttktrs and Embalmers

D K llolver Alfred E Ow


Flu Caskets a i Burial Robes< All work done by licensed embalm

era and fully guaranteedt a



I r

4 t

QpF IP y our nF process Is frpz-sLtPBpfiralure of eight fo ten

4rrp abpyp zerp s as clear as crysl J pure as can tp made W-

irgate It tQ lait Iqnger


ad Net N Disappointed in ServiceAnd Quality

Item ice MO PACKING co


Pheao 4 I


boo the Lobfc cf tle OcalaRowe

OVen the very best service ofskilled workmen with modem ap1pUtiu f Strictly unitary Electricfill ITl-


< Water at All Times

vnfoinrt a DKTTK-




I f of Kidney a-

Blwidef1t dketse that it nd1

beyond the reach of zne-diMlikS it mt once De-


L dn riK DisDiabetes There

j Otbiggained by delay-iic11

N ad 100 Bottlofi-vFF OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS

Ji tr

i t I t-

vl to

ti t-

c7 J-

l 4g 1-

rl 1-

oJ 7


The Summary Execution of Ferrerhas Stirred the Progressives

All Over the World

London Oct 19The red flag wasraised in London Sunday afternoon-and a large mob moved upon theSpanish embassy to make a dem-onstration


of its disapproval of theexecution of Prof Francisco Ferrerthe convicted revolutionist at Barce ¬

lona a few days agoSeveral bodies of police drove ore

the crowds While no blood was shedconsiderable excitement and uneasi ¬

ness pervaded the neighborhood Thegroans and hootings were plainlyheard in the embassy and at Buck-ingham


palace nearbyThe trouble began with a mass

meeting in Trafalgar Square whichwas organlaed by several socialistand labor bodies-

A black bordered banner was rais-ed


against the Nelson column withbig letters that could be read frontafar To hell with the murdererAlfonso

Ferrers Death Europes Horror-A telegram was read from the

Countess or Warwick saying-No words are too strong to express

Europes horror at the murder ofFerrer

Victor Grayson of Manchester theSocialist member capped the climaxof


the speeches by declaring that ifthe head of every king of Europe was


torn from his body It would not payJJiflTiltI

lion was responsible for whatevermight happen in England as a result-of IL He demanded the expulsion ofthe Spanish ambassador



YoU son has consumption His-s hopeless These appalling

AytrMwe B spoken to Qeo E Bleveas leading merchant of Spring5JLV C by twV expert doctors

JHng specialist Then was-the wonderful power of Dr

= New Discovery After th j-

Veekjvse vrites Mr Blevcns I

waS ia well as ever I wouldtSII all the money in the worl-dwiarlt


did for my boy Infallible forcough and colds its the safest sur-est cure of desperate lung diseases onearth COc and 1 at all druggistsGuarantee satisfaction Trial bottlefree


Rome Oct 19All indications point-to the fact that the extremists InItaly are determined to undertake ananticlerical campaign more vigor-ous


even that that in FranceThis is being directed by the Free-

Masons whose grand master has is ¬

sued a most violent manifesto in be-

half of Ferrer and against the churchAn international subscription has

been opened for the purpose of col-lecting funds to establish In the piazza-of St Peters facing the VaticanFerrers modern school wjiioh wassupppressed In Barcelona

BOTH 10YS SAVEDLouis Boone a lending merchant of

Norway Mich writes Three bottlesof FoleyB Honey and Tar absolutelycured my boy of a severe cough anda neighbors boy who was so 111 with-a cold that the doctors gave him upwas cured by taking Foleys Honeyand Tar Nothing else is as safeand certain of results Sold by alldruggists



Paris Oct 19The antiSpanishdemonstrations culminated Sunday inmeetings and processions in the larg-er


cities of France organized by thesocialists and workmens organizaUQHS

The organizers laid empphasls onthe peaceful character of these dem-onstrations


and although violentspeeches were made little disorder isreported-

In Paris the government had takenelaborate precautipns to prevent therecurrence of rJottn-

gIot women are trouble4 with kidney cpmplalnt and you know verymany serious and even fatal diseaseresult from these neglected kidneytroubles If you will take DeWittaKidney and Bladder Pills as directedyou may be confident of good resultsTry them and see how really podthey are Beware of Imitations plUsthat are Intended to deceive you Besure you get DeWItts Sold by alldruggists


Philadelphia Oct 19Attempts tohold a monster memorial meeting toprotest against the recent execution-at Barcelona Spain of Francisco Fer ¬

rer were frustrated In this city lastnight by the police who refused toallow a large hail near the center ofthe city to be opened although those-In charge of the proposed meetinghad paid the rent in advance andheld a lease for the property

Balked in their attempt to use thehall the speakers and many of theirfollowers adjourned to the radicallibrary Here they started to get themeeting under way when the policeagain interfered and compelled them-to leave the building-

p R Kjuger tne Jeweler J06Q VlrglnfaAve In janapplls Jnd

I wassp Weak from kJdneF treblethttt I could hardly walk a hundred-feet Four bottles of Foeys KidneyRemedy cleaVed my complexion curedmy backache and the Irregularitiesdisappeared and I can now attend tobusiness every day and recommendFoleya Kidney Remedy to all suffer¬

ers an Jt cured me after the doctorsand other remedies had failed Forsale by all druggists


I will sell 400 to sot cords of bestquality wood at Montague station for

I 150 a cord at deL Address EFoglestrom Montague Fla


DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED-by local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portions of the earThere is only one way to cure deaf¬

ness and that is by constitutionalremedies Deafness is caused by aninflamed condition of the mucuos lin-ing


of the Eustachian Tube Whenthe tube is inflamed you have arumbling sound of imperfect hearing-and when it Is entirely closed deaf¬

ness is the result and unless the in ¬

flammation can be taken out and thistube restored to its normal conditionhearing will be destroyed forevernine cases out of ten are caused bycatarrh which is nothing but an in ¬

flamed condition of the mucous sur-faces


We will give One Hundred Dollarsfor any case of deafness caused bycatarrh that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Cure Send for cir¬

culars free F J Cheney Co To ¬

ledo Ohio Sold by all druggists 75cTake Halls Family Pills for constipa-tion



Tampa Fla Oct ISAt a massmeeting of the Centro Asturiano theSpanish organization in Tampa rep¬

resenting 20000 persons held Sundayafternoon speeches were made and astrong resolution passed protestingagainst the execution of FranciscoFerrer Dr Ferrer had many per¬

sonal friends here and some of themspoke at tne mass meeting in the aft¬

ernoon reviewing his life and eulogiz ¬

ing his high characterr


he Ocala h TT1 Sept 1st 1909IW Texas Wonder of StPlenty of r 4t six years Every bot

lldy jI auys a customer for It It Isa gne cure for kidney bladder andrheuoMtlc troubles Geo OhnmachtMercfcnnt 60 days treatment In eachbottle




ed modern plumbing running wateracetylene gas 10 per week

ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnishedrunnln water 5 per week

BUm VILLATo rent on OctobervlfT the winter furnished running

w modern plumbing acetylene

tler monthDavid S Woodrow

Holder Block Ocala FlaVr

tfltI and I4TING-I 1

I am prepared to taKe any Job ofpainting no matter how large or howsmall 01 how fine the work desiredmay be I have 4 he material brushesand knowledge to paint and do Ifright Houses painted nside and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedAddress P O Box 135 or leave word-at the Star office K W FiliyawOcala Fla tt


Kidney Troubles May be SappingYour Life Awayocala People

Have Learned This FactWhen a healthy man or woman be ¬

gins to run down without apparentcause becomes weak languid de-pressed


suffers backache headachedizzy spells and urinary disorders

I kidney weakness may be the causeof it all Keep the kidneys wen andthey will keep you well Doans Kid ¬

ney Pills cure sick kidneys and keepthcm well Can Ocala readers de-mand further proof than the follow-ing


statement S E L Moore Riverstreet Palatka Fla says

I used Doans Kidney Pills and canI say they proved very beneficial Mykidneys troubled me for years and Iwas forced to arise from six to eighttimes every night on account of thetoo frequent passages of kidneysecretions My back was weakand lame and it was difficult for meto arise from a chair In fact I oftenhad to grasp something for support-In doing so I doctored for severalyears and used a number of remedies-but without finding any relief until Iprocured Doans Kidney Pills Sinceusing them I do not have to pass thekidney secretions at night and myback gives me much less trouble Iam w pleased with the results Iobtained from the use of Doans Kid-ney


Pills and I can recommend them-totrouble

any person suffering from kidney

For sale by all dealers Price 50cents FopterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the nameDoansandt-ake no other


Gevernment Pays from 600 to 1600a Year No LayOffsFreeS-

cholarships are OfferedRailway mall clerks postofflce

clerks city carriers rural mail carriers wanted

Examinations In the vicinity ofOcala soon Short hours salary twicemonthly annual vacation and life po-


Thousands of appointments are tobe made Common education Is all I

you need city and country peoplehave equal chance and political In ¬

fluence Is unnecessary Free scholar ¬

ships during October and November-No time to lose Write to CentralSchools Dept 1006 Rochester N Y

ID RATHER DIE DOCTORthan have my feet cut off said If LBingham of Prlncevlle 111 Bqt-youll dje frpm gangrene which hfid-

ea en away Mght toes if you dontsaid all dpctofs instead he usedBuckeng Arnica Salve till whollycured Its cures of eczema feversores boils burns and piles astoundthe world 25c at all druggists

WANTED Men to learn barbertrade Few weeks completes Practicalexperience from start Careful In ¬

structors tools given Diplomas grant-ed


Wages Saturdays positions wait-Ing Wonderful demand for grad-uates


Write for catalogue MolerBarber College New Orleans la

FOR RENTBarn and stables firstblock north of hospital Apply to JH Brooks No 19 North Second

t stteet Ocala Fla


The President is Experiencing the

Hospitality of the Great Lone

Star Commonwealth-

San Antonio Texas Oct I9Amilitary review and reception at FortSam Houston and a great publicdemonstration in Alamo Plaza wherethe heroes of Texas fought and diedconstituted President Tafts programyesterday The city was filled withvisitors the quaint buildings of theold Spanish city were swathed Inbunting and many bands played con ¬

stantlyThe president left In the afternoon-

over the San Antonio and AransasPass railroad for Corpus ChristIwhere he will spend four days on theranch of his brother

From El Paso to San AntonioSan Antonio Texas Oct ISThe

presidents travels brought him to thefar South yesterday

After twentyone hours of contin ¬

uous journeying from El Paso he ar-rived

¬ I

here at 730 p m and despite-the fact that it was Sunday night wasgiven a cheering welcome

After being received by the city of¬

ficials the president was driven tothe hotel with an escort of cavalry-and later in the evening proceeded-to Fort Sam Houston where he as ¬

sisted In the dedication and accepted-on behalf of the government thechapel which has been erected at thefamous old army post by the citizensof San Antonio

This morning the president helped-to put in place the corner stone ofthe nearly completed chapel review-ed


the troops stationed at Fort SamHouston and returning to the citymade an outdoor address to the peo-ple


from the grandstand In AlamoPlaza

At Del Rb Sanderson and one ortwo other places the president madebrief addresses to the depot throngswhich were made up in part of Mex-Icans residents of the community-and farmers who had driven manymiles in their best Sundaygotomeeting clothes

The president at the Pecos riverpassed over what is declared to bethe highest railway bridge In theworld The river runs In a rockycanon 325 feet below the rails Thewind was blowing a gale and the en-gineer


of the presidents train ran at-a veritable snails pace over the slen-der


steel structure


This terrible calamity often hap ¬

pens because a careless boatman ig ¬

nores the rivers warningsgrowingripples and faster current Natureswarnings are kind The dull pain orache in the back warns you the kid-neys


need attention If you would es ¬

cape fatal maladies dropsy diabetes-or Brights disease Take ElectricBitters at once and see backache ttyand all your best feelings return Af-

ter long suffering from weak kidneysand lame back one Jl bottle whollycured me writes J R Blankcnshlpof Belk Tenn Only SOc a bottle at alldruggists


ife Assurance Society

Of The Uiife States



Resident Agent


uy Ice FrtMi lei Wagss

They say but If you will examinecarefully the lee which melts so rapUy you will note that there seems tobe holes In It that the center Is whatIs called snow Ice which being por-


allows It to melt quickly

Crystal IceT-

he kind we turn out Is as clearand perfect as it Is possible to makeIce and Is the most economical Ice

to use Ask the man on the RedWagon to stop and see you



nH 5 Plme 5



Wgrk guaranteed and Frleee RightOCALA PRKSSINQ CLUIW F Marlow Pr prie-


IB ComnectioM With the Hotel Office

Skilled worKmen and courteous at-


to all Special attention tochildren



R A DETTERlCHProirictor








This List OverIt Will Take But a MinuteYoii i > iiMight Find Something That Will InterestYou




iyI f> k

National Biscuit Cos goods Cracker Meal loose r f


JF k x j

mad In lie packages Oyster Crackers a pound tn > t


1 and 5 pound Fruit Cakes 25c packages Nabisco J t f f biButler Thins Saltines Oswego Arrowroot Cbmra n fi

> HI iQ

pagReWa1ersadO1dflmeGIngerWaIers 1 1d1 r< <

lie packages Vanilla Wafers Graham CrackersSugar Cookies Nabisco Waters Butter Thins-Marshmallow

I i t< 4< p >V 1>Dainties Fig Newtons Arrowroot f f-


Zwelbaek Saltines Royal Lunch Social and Five v i1

Oclock Teas Peanut WafersCheeseSandWlefAND A NICE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY CAKES IN BULK rt2 14







Our Fall Goods t v ofare beginning come mie j

will have a more Complete Stock this Winter14 v m

than ever es >

It you are not a customer of the 0 K try us once 1

there Is great satisfaction in trading here Ioryoui J 4< > l

get what you want and get QUALITY GOODSTRY HOLLAND RUSK for the childrens lunch lOc the package k J


1 > I H



HARVEY CLARK Proprietor f<

h2 PHONES 174 J i






Boarding School for Boys Conducted by the Sisters of St Joseph Young JBoys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel 9iRCtual Moral and Social Lines Healthy Location Magnificent SwimmingPool Complete Equipment In Schoolrooms Dormitories Dining Hall and tt 2

Recreation Roona j

Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIO-


Josephs Academy Loretto Florida p-

I t < i


William I Buchanan ExMinister tothe Argentine Found Dead in a

London Street

London Oct 19 William I Bu ¬

chanan of Buffalo N Y formerAmerican minister to the ArgentineRepublic and Panama who has beenclosely identified with several impor ¬

tant American diplomatic missions-met a tragic death last night on aLondon street

He was discovered lying on a side ¬

walk in Park Lane near the Ameri-can


embassy in a dying condition afew minutes before 12 oclock andwas carried to St Georges hospital ashort distance away

Life was extinct when the ambu ¬

lance reached the hospital The causeof death is not known positively butphysicians who examined the bodystate that It resulted apparently fromheart disease or apoplexy and thatthere were no Indications of foul playwhich was suggested


We have In our fresh supply f re-

liable garden and flower seeds tot fallplanting Tydings ft Co-


1910 state and county occupa-ional licenses will be due and pay-

able October 1st 1909 Pleasegive this matter your prompt atten-tion E L Carney

Tax CollectorItdlmw Tax Collector-


Any person who has a speciallygood photo of a flock of chickens ani ¬

mals or farm crops Is requested tosend same at once to the office of ST SIstrunk Ocala for use In Illus-trating a booklet descriptive of Mar-Ion county which will soon be issuedby the county commissioners Anygood agricultural scene will be con ¬

sidered Prompt action is requested


280aore farm with good buildingstwo good mules all kinds farm Imple ¬

ments and a lot of feed Plenty goodwood and land of the best hammockSouth of Ocala one mile off splendidhard road This must go at once andthe price will suprlse you Apply atonce to this office


Fresh salt and fresh water flah In ¬

side and outside oysters shrimp etcreceived every day Temporary lo-


south of west end of the citymarket building In small woodenbuilding William Tucker Phone 219

If people with symptoms of kidney-or bladder trouble realize their dan-ger


they would without loss of timecommence taking Foleys KidneyRemedy This great remedy stopsthe pain and the irregularitiesstrengthens and builds up these or¬

gans and there is no danger ofBrights disease or other serious dis ¬

order Do not disregard the earlysymptoms Sold by all druggists

a ROBINSON Presidentv

8 H BLITCH Mavager JO BOOZER AsU i J1-






i of





c J


re the merchants the professional and successful men and woiMft dcity the farmers of Se surrounding territoryWe accommodate all classes Our customers represent theei Mi

women who have built and are stll building successful eaternrlMtvs

We solicit share of your business f








HOUSE FURNISHINGS ALL KINDSLThe Mly tIDe ii Ceitral FltrMa lit Cipklely

Finishes the Iae CarrIts at all Tives lie latefl aidlest ii Firaltare ieefiij ip wift OK ttaes aai MWhit lie Petfle Wart

1 IAls carries Ctaplde List tf liilders aid Ske-

Miariware CarrIages Waftis iifiics liness flaMei lte-



ver or Sleek aideI sir prices fcdtre jw s

lUke ytir puthases Yrs tespic-




Ocala Florida I





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