journal für reproduktionsmedizin und endokrinologie · mammalian cloning and its discussion on...

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Page 1: Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie · Mammalian Cloning and its Discussion on Applications in Medicine K. Illmensee This review article summarizes the current state


Krause & Pachernegg GmbH, Verlag für Medizin und Wirtschaft, A-3003 Gablitz

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Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie– Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology –

Andrologie • Embryologie & Biologie • Endokrinologie • Ethik & Recht • Genetik Gynäkologie • Kontrazeption • Psychosomatik • Reproduktionsmedizin • Urologie

Indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica/Scopus mit Autoren- und Stichwortsuche

Mammalian Cloning and its Discussion on Applications

in Medicine

Illmensee K

J. Reproduktionsmed. Endokrinol 2007; 4 (1), 6-16

Page 2: Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie · Mammalian Cloning and its Discussion on Applications in Medicine K. Illmensee This review article summarizes the current state


Mammalian Cloning and its Discussionon Applications in Medicine

K. Illmensee

This review article summarizes the current state of the art concerning mammalian cloning and embryo biotechnology with its far-reaching conse-quences for multiple applications in reproductive and therapeutic medicine. It presents updated information on basic research to further theunderstanding of nuclear and cytoplasmic interactions required for genomic alterations from adult to embryo gene expression during cloning. Riskfactors for reproductive cloning have been included for serious considerations. This article contains most recent developments in the field ofinterspecies cloning for embryonic stem (ES) cell research, human embryo cloning for reproductive purposes and for establishing patient-specificES cells for future autologous transplantation. It also describes novel attempts for embryo splitting with its various implications for assisted repro-duction, embryo cryopreservation, ES cell production, embryo sexing and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).

Predictive progress and prognostic views for mammalian cloning and patient benefits have been outlined for the near future. Furthermore,social and ethical issues concerning mammalian cloning have been discussed in reference to public opinion poll (APART) or ethics committeeguidelines (ASRM).

Key words: somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), reproductive, therapeutic and interspecies cloning, embryonic stem (ES) cells,embryo splitting, PCR and DNA analysis.

Säuger-Klonen – Diskussion hinsichtlich der medizinischen Applikation. Dieser Übersichtsartikel faßt den gegenwärtigen Stand der Erkenntnisseauf dem Gebiet von Säuger-Klonen und Embryo-Biotechnologie mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen für zahlreiche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten inder reproduktiven und therapeutischen Medizin zusammen. Er beinhaltet aktuelle Information zur weiteren Erkenntnis über Kern- und Zytoplas-ma-Wechselwirkungen, die für genomische Veränderungen von der adulten zur embryonalen Genexpression beim Klonen von fundamentalerBedeutung sind. Risikofaktoren beim reproduktiven Klonen werden in Betracht gezogen. Dieser Artikel befaßt sich mit neuen Entwicklungen aufdem Gebiet von Interspecies-Klonen für embryonale (ES) Stammzellenforschung, von humanem Embryo-Klonen für die Reproduktion und zurEtablierung von patientenspezifischen ES-Zellen für zukünftige autologe Transplantation. Neue Ansätze für Embryo-Teilung mit verschiedenenImplikationen für die assistierte Reproduktion, Embryo-Kryokonservierung, ES-Zellproduktion, Embryo-Geschlechtsbestimmung und Präimplanta-tions-Gendiagnostik (PGD) werden aktuell zusammengefaßt.

Prädiktiver Fortschritt und prognostischer Ausblick von Säuger-Klonen und Patientenbenefit werden für die nahe Zukunft aufgezeigt. Bezüg-lich sozialer und ethischer Überlegungen zum Säuger-Klonen sind öffentliche Umfragen (APART) und Ethik-Kommissions-Richtlinien (ASRM) miteinbezogen worden. J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2007; 4 (1): 6–16.

Schlüsselwörter: somatischer Zellkern-Transfer (SCNT), reproduktives, therapeutisches und Interspecies-Klonen, embryonale (ES)Stammzellen, Embryoteilung, PCR- und DNA-Analyse

Received: October 30, 2006; accepted after revision: February 8, 2007From the Andrology Institute of America, Lexington, Kentucky, USACorrespondence: Prof. Dr. Karl Illmensee, Andrology Institute of America,PO Box 23777, Lexington, Kentucky 40523, USA

The term “clone” originates from the Greek expressionfor multiplication of genomically identical cells by

non-sexual reproduction. In mammals, cloning requiresoocytes, since so far, these germ cells represent a devel-opmental stage to ensure the origin of mammalian life.The nuclear genome can be removed from these cells,thus being “enucleated” by microsurgical procedure.What remains is a “cytoplast” into which the nucleusfrom an embryonic or adult cell could be transferred viafusion and activation methods. Such cloning procedurevia somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) can be achievedseveral times by creating multiple, genomically identicalsiblings. SCNT-reconstructed oocytes with donor-cell ge-nomes can be cultured in vitro for several days. The re-sulting cloned embryos can be transferred into the uterusof surrogate females giving birth to offspring which aregenomically identical with the original donor-cell nuclei,but mainly are different concerning their mitochondrial(mt) DNA.

Reproductive Cloning in Animals

Reproductive cloning in mammals can be traced back to1981 when cloning experiments were successfully per-formed in mice using embryonic cell nuclei from the in-ner cell mass (ICM) of blastocysts for their transplantationinto enucleated egg cells [1]. At that time, this achieve-

ment sparked a worldwide dispute with arguments forand against cloning. In 1984, further experiments oncloning mice with embryonic cells as nuclear donorsgave negative results. For this reason, the authors arguedagainst the feasibility of cloning mammals via nucleartransplantation, concluded that “the cloning of mammalsby simple nuclear transfer is biologically impossible” andhypothesized that “the inability of cell nuclei from thesestages (i. e., preimplantation) to support development re-flects rapid loss of totipotency” [2]. These negative find-ings influenced profoundly and stagnated temporarilyfurther progress in the field of reproductive cloning.“Many people were deterred by this statement from pur-suing mammalian cloning further” [3]. In the meantimeand under different cloning conditions, Japanese rese-archers clearly documented that, indeed, ICM cell nucleiare suitable to promote full-term development of clonedmice [4]. In 1986, cloning technology was successfullyestablished in farm animals and cloned sheep werecreated from embryonic cell nuclei transferred intoenucleated oocytes [5]. During the next 10 years, cloningtechnology was further developed and extended tothe pig [6], goat [7], bovine [8] and rhesus monkey [9],but always using embryonic cells as nuclear donors forcloning.

In 1997, for the first time, adult donor cells were employedfor successful cloning of the sheep “Dolly” [10]. Sub-sequently in 1998, eight calves were cloned from adultcells of a single donor animal [11]. Analogously, clonedmice were created via SCNT using adult ovarian cumuluscells as nuclear donors [12]. In 2000, for the first time,cloned calves were produced from adult fibroblast cellsafter their long-term culture in vitro [13]. Several cloned

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calves of female and male genotype were also generatedfrom a variety of different adult cell types [14]. In addi-tion, cloning technology has recently been extended andapplied to domestic animals such as the cat [15] and dog[16]. Most importantly, reproductive cloning has beenconsidered as a potential conservation strategy for main-taining endangered species and rescuing them from ex-tinction [17].

Concerning primate cloning with adult somatic donorcells, and particularly relevant for the rhesus monkeymodel, American researchers recently reported thefailure to obtain pregnancy from such primate-clonedembryos [18]. From their observations they concludedthat “primate NT (nuclear transfer) appears to be chal-lenged by stricter molecular requirements for mitoticspindle assembly than in other mammals” [18]. Sincethere is no further detailed information on plausible in-trinsic biological or species-specific factors responsiblefor these negative findings on rhesus monkey cloning,reasonable conclusions should not be currently drawnand extrapolated to other primates.

The current success rates (between 2 to 20 %) for obtain-ing adult mammalian clones derived from SCNT withadult donor cells remain rather limited. Several still un-known cellular mechanisms that may contribute to suchlow success rates in reproductive cloning are under in-tense scientific analysis. Some of the key investigationsfocus on nucleocytoplasmic interactions and repro-gramming of the transferred somatic cell nucleus by thecytoplasm of the recipient oocyte [19], chromatinremodelling of the somatic nucleus by oocyte factors[20], rebuilding of telomere length of somatic chromo-somes [21] or cell-cycle coordination between nucleusand cytoplasm during the cloning procedure [22]. Clon-ing efficiency may be further improved by increasing bio-logical uniformity between recipient oocytes and donorcells and by establishing selection techniques for func-tional reprogramming of the nuclear donor cell genome[23]. It was reported that following removal of differentamounts of cytoplasm during enucleation of bovine oo-cytes, the volume of extracted ooplasm approximatelyequivalent to the volume of the somatic donor cells gavethe best cloning results [24]. It was also shown that embryo-nic and somatic donor-cell nuclei used for SCNT in enuc-leated bovine oocytes require a different ooplasmic envi-ronment for organic reprogramming, most likely due totheir different cell cycles and differentiation profiles [25].Similarly, different treatments for oocyte activation seemto significantly influence the outcome of SCNT [25, 26].

Research has also focused on possible biological effectsof mitochondrial contributions from both cell types (oo-cyte and donor cell) to cloned mammals. Since such re-constructed oocytes can transmit both oocyte-specificand donor cell-specific mtDNA to cloned offspring, trans-mission of two different populations of mtDNA couldhave biological consequences to offspring developmentand survival [27]. In sheep, mtDNA only from the reci-pient-oocyte type but not from the donor-cell type couldbe detected in cloned offspring, leading to mitochondrialhomoplasmy [28]. In cattle, on the other hand, donorcell-specific mtDNA contributions between 0,4 to 4 %were found in healthy cloned calves, demonstrating thatmitochondrial heteroplasmy is not necessarily preventingnormal clonal development [29]. In a recent study usingadult ovarian cumulus cells as nuclear donors for SCNT,

some cloned healthy calves exhibited considerable mito-chondrial heteroplasmy with 4 to 60 % mtDNA from thedonor-cell type [30].

Risk Factors for Animal Cloning

In livestock, culture conditions have been shown to pro-foundly influence the development of normal (IVF) andcloned embryos during growth in vitro. After their intrau-terine transfer, some of them developed into large-sizedfetuses giving rise to large offspring (LO) [31, 32]. This LOsyndrome [33] as well as other organic anomalies andpostnatal malformations have turned out to be of majorconcern for farm animal IVF and cloning [34]. Scottishresearchers reported that sheep fetuses with the LO syn-drome, when compared with normal fetuses, expressedlow levels of IGF2R, a multifunctional protein that is alsoinvolved in fetal organogenesis. This low protein expres-sion is concomitantly associated with reduced methyla-tion of the corresponding gene locus [35]. It has been ar-gued that epigenetic changes in DNA methylation duringembryogenesis could be responsible for the observed de-velopmental defects. American researchers have recentlyshown that in artiodactyls (i. e. sheep, goat, cattle, pig)only the maternally inherited allele for the IGF2R genelocus is expressed, whereas in primates both paternalalleles remain active, most likely as a result of evolution-ary processes [36]. Such species-specific differences ingenomic imprinting may explain to some extent the ob-served differences in embryo culture between artiodac-tyls and primates. Whereas in farm animals a large pro-portion of in-vitro cultured embryos (irrespective of IVF-or clonally-derived) develop into abnormal fetuses andoffspring, a significantly elevated percentage of malfor-mations has not been observed in human assisted repro-duction when compared to new-born from normal con-ception.

Several risk factors for reproductive cloning have beendiscussed and proposed for intensive investigation [37].Not only epigenetic alterations in methylation of genes,but possibly also point mutations and changes in thestructure of chromosomes can be envisaged as critical[38]. Unpredictable processes and multiple factors in-volved in DNA methylation, chromatin remodelling, ge-nomic imprinting, telomere-size alteration of chromo-somal ends and epigenetic inheritance profoundly influ-ence nuclear reprogramming and the outcome of animalcloning [39]. In the sheep system, cloning research deal-ing with the investigation on chromosomal telomere sizeof different late-passage cultured cell lines has shownthat re-established cell lines from cloned fetuses andsheep exposed the same telomere size and proliferativecapacity as the original cell lines used for SCNT cloning.The authors therefore concluded that the proliferativelifespan is conserved after nuclear transfer and suggestedthat these are genetically determined properties inherentto the somatic cell genome [40]. In the cattle system, onthe other hand, restoration of full lengths of chromo-somal telomeres was documented in cloned calves de-rived from early-passage-cultured SCNT-donor cells [41].This discrepancy may have its origin in the use of late-passage versus early-passage cell lines for SCNT in sheepand cattle, respectively. Japanese researchers reportedthat remarkable differences in telomere lengths can beobserved among cloned cattle derived from different do-nor cell lines [42]. Further cloning experiments on this

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subject of telomeric extension and restoration by expos-ing donor-cell nuclei to the telomerase pool of recipientoocytes are therefore desirable to advance our know-ledge about aging and rejuvenating processes in culturedSCNT-donor cells and cloned animals.

As another issue of concern for reproductive cloning ithas been pointed out that the short period of time for so-matic donor-cell nuclei to be properly reprogrammed incytoplasm of recipient oocytes may not be sufficientenough to initiate and promote normal embryogenesis.Cloning efficiency in goat [43] and cattle [44] can beimproved by exposing donor nuclei from early cells(blastomeres) of a cloned embryo again to the cytoplasmof recipient oocytes during a second recloning step, thusprolongating the exposure time for genomic remodelling.By applying such serial (double) cloning techniques,Zhang and Li [43] reported the birth of 45 healthy goatsoriginating from 141 double-cloned embryos and docu-mented an impressive improvement via double cloningwhen compared to the still poor results obtained via con-ventional cloning.

Cloning in Reproductive Medicine

Whether complex and far-reaching embryobiotechno-logy (fig. 1) will be partially and successfully applied inhuman reproductive medicine depends on scientificprogress and social acceptance [45]. In 2001, an opinionpoll among medical practitioners and members of APART(international association of assisted reproductive tech-nology centers) revealed that three quarters of themwould be willing to provide human cloning for patientsin clinically indicated cases [46]. Zavos and co-workersreported on a cloned human embryo for reproductivepurposes via heterologous SCNT using an enucleatedhuman oocyte that was fused with an adult ovariangranulosa cell from a donor patient [47]. This cloned em-bryo developed to the 4-cell stage and was subsequentlytransferred into the patient’s uterus, but hCG levelsshowed a negative result for pregnancy [48].

Throughout the world, human reproductive cloning hasagain sparked a dispute for and against its application inmedicine [49, 50]. Some crucial questions concerningreproductive cloning have already been answered in theanimal model systems, but other imperfections linked toreproductive SCNT remain to be solved [51]. Some of thecentral questions focus onethical issues and the im-pact on society and family.Reproductive cloning maybe envisaged for infertilecouples with a male partnertotally devoid of any germcells. For these couples, itcould be desirable to con-ceive a child with the genesof at least one partner, ifthey have strict reservationsabout using donor gametes.In such cases, “reproductiveSCNT would meet an infer-tile couple’s desire to par-ticipate biologically in thedevelopment of a new hu-man being” [52]. Other im-

portant questions relevant to reproductive SCNT areclosely linked to yet unsolved imperfections and risk fac-tors in cloning procedures. We also share proper respectsto these biological and medical concerns. A currentlynegative position on possible applications of reproduc-tive SCNT in humans is intimately and most likely con-nected to the limiting cloning results obtained in farmanimals. Rhind and co-workers [53] proposed that fur-ther insights into the biological mechanisms and im-provement of SCNT technologies are required as essen-tial prerequisites so that, eventually, reproductive cloningcan be safely applied in humans.

Recently, we transferred a cloned human embryo for aninfertile couple [48]. The male patient was suffering fromazoospermia and complete inability to produce spermdue to non-descended (cryptorchid) testicles. The couplewas provided with full explanation of all the proceduresto be performed and only after having obtained their con-sent and being approved by the Institutional ReviewBoard (IRB) of REPROGEN Ltd., SCNT procedures werecarried out. Skin tissue was harvested from the infertilehusband and was allowed to grow in vitro to establishprimary fibroblast cultures. Following hormonal hyper-stimulation of the patient’s wife and oocyte retrieval,three collected oocytes were used for SCNT and fusedwith the male patient’s fibroblast cells. One resultingcloned embryo developed further in culture for 60 hourspost-SCNT and reached the 4-cell stage. It was composedof four equally-sized blastomeres showing regular cyto-plasmic morphology with very few tiny fragments at thesite of microsurgical operation. This embryo was ap-proximately 12 hrs behind the regular time schedule ofembryos obtained from IVF or ICSI procedures. This mayhave resulted from initial adaptation of the somatic cellnucleus within the cytoplasm of such SCNT-reconstruc-ted oocyte that can lead to delayed nuclear reprogramm-ing during initial embryogenesis of cloned embryos [54].Based upon its high morphological quality, the clonedembryo was subsequently transferred into the patient’suterus without applying any invasive testing. Moreover,the couple did not wish to pursue any invasive analysesthat could damage the embryo because of their own reli-gious beliefs. The patient’s luteal phase was supportedvia progesterone injections for two weeks following em-bryo transfer, after which the blood β-hCG levels showeda negative pregnancy result [48]. Even though no preg-nancy was established in this case, we showed and docu-mented for the first time that human reproduction via

polar body transfernuclear and cytoplasmictransplantationreproductive cloninggene transfergerm line therapy


embryo splittingmultiple cloningembryo aggregationchimerasreproductive cloning


embryo divisoncloning twinscell transferchimerasstem cellstherapeutic cloningpharmaceutical cloningPGD

Figure 1: Biotechnology on mammalian embryos at various stages of preimplantation development withmultiple applications in reproductive and therapeutic medicine.

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SCNT and transfer of human cloned embryos may even-tually be possible in the future for patients who have noother alternative options for procreating their own off-spring.

Interspecies Bioassay forReproductive Embryocloning

For future applications in reproductive cloning, it will bevery important to further advance in our understandinghow to rejuvenate and reprogram human adult cells bymodern bioengineering. In this context, we recently start-ed a novel approach using adult human ovarian granu-losa cells and skin fibroblasts for SCNT into enucleatedbovine oocytes to test and extend the efficiency ofinterspecies-specific SCNT with the aim to establish a se-ries of bioassays for different types of human nuclear do-nor cells. The bovine oocyte is an excellent and highlyefficient model as it provides adequate parameters forSCNT [55]. Our recent results point out that SCNT proce-dures with enucleated bovine oocytes fused with adulthuman cells are feasible and can yield appreciable suc-cess rates of embryo development [56].

Based upon our experience with such interspecies bio-assay, we tested fibroblast cells derived from skin biopsyof the male patient suffering fromazoospermia and testicular crypt-orchism to reveal their embryoniccapacity for SCNT procedures [48].Enucleated bovine oocytes wereinjected subzonally with singlefibroblast cells from the male pa-tient. Such bovine oocyte-fibro-blast constructs were fused electri-cally and activated chemically andthen cultured in vitro for severaldays. Interspecies-cloned embryosdeveloped and reached variousstages of preimplantation. Theseinterspecies embryos were ana-lysed individually for the presenceof human genomic DNA, humanand bovine mtDNA using species-specific microsatellite markers forgenomic DNA and species-spe-cific primers for mtDNA. The PCRdata revealed that human genomicDNA was present together withhuman and bovine mtDNA in theinterspecies embryos. Based uponthese results we could demonstratethat adult fibroblast cells from theinfertile male patient were capableof initiating and promoting em-bryonic development. These fibro-blast cells were also successfullyemployed in SCNT using oocytesfrom the infertile patient’s wife[48]. The interspecies bioassay willenable us to primarily examine,evaluate and explore the develop-mental potential of various humanadult somatic cells in their useful-ness as possible nuclear donorcells for reproductive and thera-peutic embryo cloning.

Embryonic Stem Cells forFuture Therapeutic Applications

A few years ago, American and Australian researchersmanaged to successfully culture embryonic cells from5 to 6 day-old human preimplantation embryos andprimordial germ cells from 5 to 9 week-old humanembryos in suitable nutritional media [57, 58]. Embryo-nic stem (ES) cells and primordial germ (PG) cells remaindiploid and maintain their embryonic and proliferativecharacteristics over many cell divisions in culture. EScells are derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) of cultur-ed human blastocysts produced by in-vitro fertilizationfor clinical purposes in assisted reproduction and donat-ed by patients. Human ES cell lines can be established byselecting and expanding individual ICM colonies of uni-form and undifferentiated morphology. Human ES cellsexpress alkaline phosphatase and several cell surfacemarkers including stage-specific antigens characteristicfor embryonic and undifferentiated cells. In addition, hu-man ES cells synthesize a high level of telomerase that isrequired for adding telomeric repeats to chromosomalends and for maintaining the mitotic activity of cells. So-matic cells usually show a low level of telomerase, containshortened telomeres after prolonged culture in vitro and fi-nally terminate their proliferative division but can extendtheir lifespan when telomerase is added to aged cells [59].

Figure 2: Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) for establishing embryonic stem (ES) cells in therapeuticmedicine.

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Although human ES cell lines were not established clo-nally from individual ICM cells but rather from morpho-logically homogeneous cell populations, they consistentlyexpressed various biochemical markers unique to EScells. When these cells started to pile up under crowdedculture conditions, they spontaneously differentiated intomorphologically different cell types. When human EScells where transplanted to immune-suppressed SCIDmice, they developed teratomas that contained a varietyof differentiated tissues and clusters of undifferentiatedstem cells, so-called embryonal carcinoma cells [60].Since these cells can generate tumors it will be importantto focus research on how to direct and channel thesestem cells into benign precursor cells for various cell line-ages. Cellular bioengineering on ES cells will tremen-dously help to provide particular precursor cells for spe-cific organ therapy [61]. In the non-human primate sys-tem, ES cells from rhesus monkey blastocysts were suc-cessfully established in vitro and showed similar mor-phological, biochemical and developmental features ashuman ES cells [62]. It was proposed to utilize thesemonkey ES cells as a model system to investigate humandifferentiation and to develop therapeutic cloning strate-gies for human diseases.

Human embryo-derived ES cells may be employed forfuture therapeutic purposes to reconstitute or repair de-fective organ systems since they are capable of differen-tiating into a variety of tissues and possess a large regen-erative potential [63]. First therapeutic applications con-cerning this subject have recently been attempted usinghuman ES cells for treatment of patients with degenera-tive diseases [64, 65]. Human ES cell therapy can bemade applicable to repair damaged heart tissue in pa-tients with myocardial infarction and heart failure [66]. Inthe near future, patients suffering from Parkinson’s dis-

ease [67] or diabetes [68] may also be treated success-fully with human ES cells that have been channelled tosynthesize organ-specific gene products such as dop-amine or insulin, respectively. Therapeutic treatmentsusing human ES cells with airway-epithelial development-al potential should also soon be envisaged for patientswith pulmonary diseases including cystic fibrosis andbronchiolitis [69].

With respect to human therapeutic cloning by means ofdeveloping cloned embryos in assisted reproduction, anovel discipline of biotechnology dedicated to stem-celltherapy in regenerative medicine for a variety of human dis-eases will emerge for the benefit of patients’ health. Oursociety will have to set up the proper scientific, legal andethical rules concerning human cloning with its multipleapplications and far-reaching consequences in medicine.

Embryo Cloning forHuman Embryonic Stem Cells

Therapeutic cloning with the aid of assisted reproductivetechnologies (ART) for the extraction and expansion ofhuman ES cells will open up novel and quite contro-versial applications for transplantation medicine [70]. EScell research may be performed by utilizing donated pre-implantation embryos from IVF and ICSI programs or bycreating cloned embryos via SCNT from patients’ somaticcells into enucleated oocytes (fig. 2). The latter conceptwould offer a unique opportunity to establish patient-specific stem cells for regenerative therapy.

Cibelli and co-workers reported SCNT procedures inhumans in the context of future therapeutic cloning [71].Using skin fibroblasts and ovarian cumulus cells as nu-

clear donor types and human enu-cleated oocytes as SCNT recipients,they obtained two abnormal em-bryos that stopped developmentat the 4-cell and 6-cell stage, re-spectively. At this early embryonicstage, however, stem cells cannotyet be isolated under current bio-technology procedures. Embryoshave to be capable of developingto the blastocyst stage, which is anecessary prerequisite for stem-cellisolation.

American researchers were suc-cessful in establishing non-humanprimate ES cells derived from par-thenogenetically developing em-bryos [72, 73]. These undifferen-tiated stem cells can proliferate invitro and are able to differentiateinto a number of different celltypes. Under in-vivo conditions bytransplanting them into immuno-deficient mice, these primate EScells can also form a variety of dif-ferent tissues, as judged from theirspecific morphological featuresand biochemical expression mark-ers. For future medical applica-tions in humans, the authors pro-posed that parthenogenetically de-

Figure 3: Interspecies SCNT. (A) Enucleation of bovine oocyte at metaphase II; (B) Selection ofadult human donor cell; (C) Injection of adult human donor cell into the perivitelline space. (D)Human donor cell attached to the enucleated bovine oocyte.

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rived human ES cells may be useful for female therapywith the advantage of bypassing the production of clonedembryos via SCNT procedures.

Interspecies Embryo Cloningfor Embryonic Stem Cells

Chinese researchers reported successful interspeciesSCNT using enucleated rabbit oocytes fused with hu-man adult fibroblast cells. From the developing cloned

embryos they established in-vitro cultures of interspecies-derived ES cells. These interspecies ES cells could alsodevelop into different tissue- and organ-specific cell clus-ters [74]. They also documented very clearly by DNAgenotyping and cytogenetic karyotyping that the SCNTembryos and ES cells had originated from the genomicDNA of the human fibroblast donor cells. However, theauthors did not present data on mitochondrial (mt)DNAheteroplasmy in the interspecies embryos originatingconjointly from rabbit and human cytoplasm. The pro-mising perspectives are that such interspecies embryos

may serve as potential source forstem cell research. Future extensiveinvestigations will be required todiscover the embryonic capacity ofhuman adult somatic cells in inter-species SCNT and their ability tocreate ES cells to be tested for theirpossible applications in therapeuticmedicine.

Bovine oocytes were successfullyemployed in interspecies SCNT us-ing adult fibroblast cells from pig,sheep, rat and rhesus monkey asnuclear donor types [75]. Develop-ment of cloned interspecies em-bryos was observed up to the blas-tocyst stage. No investigations atthe molecular level have been re-ported to document the embryos’genomic origin from the particulardonor cell types. American resear-chers reported interspecies SCNTusing bovine oocytes and humanlymphocytes or oral mucosal epi-thelial cells for cloning [76]. How-ever, their data were presented

Figure 5: Human genomic DNA sequence analysis of interspecies-cloned embryo and human adult fibroblast donor cells used for SCNT. IdenticalDNA sequence profiles concerning peak positions are detectable for interspecies embryo (A) and human donor cells (B). Some variations in peaklevels result from different sample analysis. Three chromosomal microsatellite probes were used for PCR amplification. FGA (chromosome 4q28),D21S11 (chromosome 21), D13S317 (chromosome 13q22–31). A standard marker (ABI Applied Biosystem ROX Reference Dye) served as internalcontrol. For further details see [78].

Figure 4: Interspecies-SCNT preimplantation embryos derived from human granulosa cells fusedwith enucleated bovine oocytes. Cleavage embryos (A) and blastocysts (C) derived from SCNT.Parthenogenetically developed cleavage embryos (B) and hatching blastocysts (D) as controls.

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briefly in a review on mammalian SCNT without provid-ing specific information about fusion and activation ofthe bovine oocytes or characteristics of the human so-matic donor cells, nor presenting any documentation ofthe obtained embryos to furnish proof for their originfrom the donor cells’ genome. In another more recentreport, cytogenetic and molecular analyses of interspeciesSCNT embryos derived from human cord fibroblasts fusedwith enucleated bovine oocytes clearly documentedtheir genomic origin from the human donor cell nuclei[77].

In our interspecies SCNT studies [48, 56, 78], humanovarian granulosa cells obtained from IVF programs andfibroblast cells derived from skin biopsies were delibera-tely chosen as donor cells for fusion with enucleatedbovine oocytes (fig. 3). The rationale for selecting theseadult cell types was based on various cloning reports indifferent mammalian species that these cells seem to becurrently the most efficient adult donor cells for SCNTprocedures [14, 55, 79]. Our series of interspecies clon-ing with human granulosa cells and fibroblasts resulted inappreciable success rates of 31.3 % and 29.3 % of em-bryonic development up to the blastocyst stage (fig. 4).

In order to properly document that the human donor cellnuclei were capable of initiating and promoting embryo-nic development noted in our studies, the interspecies-cloned embryos were analysed at the molecular level byspecies-specific microsatellite DNA and mtDNA usingPCR and DNA technology (these investigations were car-

ried out at the Department of Molecular Biology, Veteri-nary Institute of the University of Göttingen, Germany).The detection of specific genomic microsatellites is amarker for the presence of genomic DNA of the cor-responding species. Moreover, it also determines the spe-cific genotype of the individual and therefore goes toprove the origin and stability of the donor cell nuclei incloned embryos (fig. 5). The absence of PCR products ori-ginating from bovine genomic microsatellites in theseinterspecies embryos indicated that the bovine oocyteswere efficiently depleted of their nuclear genome follow-ing microsurgical enucleation for SCNT. In these inter-species-cloned embryos, human mtDNA together withbovine mtDNA was detected which clearly proves thatmitochondria from the fused human donor cells werecarried over to the enucleated bovine oocytes. The result-ing interspecies embryos can therefore be considered asheteroplasmic for mtDNA (fig. 6). In our bovine-humaninterspecies SCNT, human-specific mtDNA was still de-tectable up to the blastocyst stage, similar to what hasbeen reported for interspecies blastocysts derived fromrabbit-monkey SCNT [80]. Such variability in the persist-ence of donor cell-specific mtDNA in interspecies SCNTembryos needs further investigation. Viable presence andreplicative ability of donor cell-specific mtDNA has beenclearly documented in the bovine system by revealing asignificant mitochondrial heteroplasmy in cloned adultcattle [29, 30]. Possible mixing and recombination of dif-ferent mtDNA populations in heteroplasmic cloned ani-mals have been discussed in the context of assisted repro-duction and embryo biotechnology [81].

Figure 6: DNA sequenceanalysis of human andbovine mitochondrial (mt)DNA. From human donorcells and interspecies-cloned embryo (blasto-cyst). For detection ofhuman and bovinemtDNA, species-specificprimers were used thatamplify parts of the mtD-loop region, respectively.The amplicons weresequenced using internalprimers and productsseparated on an ABI3100.(A) Human mtD-loopregion (position 16191-16239; GeneBank acc. no.AY275537) that wasamplified from the humandonor cells. (B) HumanmtD-loop region obtainedfrom interspecies-clonedembryo. Both mtDNAsequences show identicalprofiles. (C) Bovine mtDNAsequence from interspecies-cloned embryo obtainedby using bovine mtDNAprimers for PCR amplifica-tion of mtD-loop region(position 306 to 359;GeneBank acc. no.AF499248). For furtherdetails see [78].

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Cloning Via Embryo Splitting

Mammalian embryo splitting and isolation of blasto-meres for the creation of genomically identical twins ormultiples have seen a long-standing history and have ad-vanced over the past decades to a variety of applicationsin veterinary and human medicine (fig. 7).

In sheep, by splitting early embryos via blastomerebiopsy and transferring them in utero, 36 % of split em-bryos developed to term [82]. In cattle, Canadian re-searchers reported successful embryo splitting at the 4-cell stage [83]. From two embryos split into four pairsthat were transferred into four heifers, four identicalcalves were delivered at term pregnancy. Also in cattle,Japanese researchers could show for the first time thatfrozen-thawed twin embryos after time-separated transferin utero gave rise to monozygotic calves of different ages[84]. When embryo splitting was applied to nonhuman

primates, surprisingly low twinning results were reportedfor rhesus monkey. Embryo splitting at the 8-cell stageinto quadruplets, each containing two cells, resulted onlyin 1 % blastocyst formation [85]. From 13 transfers inutero with quadruplet-derived blastocysts, four pregnan-cies could be established from which one healthy femalewas born originating from a quarter of a biopsied 8-cellembryo. Similarly, embryo twinning in rhesus monkeywas attempted by blastomere separation at the 2-cell and4-cell stage [86]. Transfer in utero of 44 embryos (22 pairsof twin embryos) led to seven chemical pregnancies, in-cluding two twin pregnancies. However, none of themresulted in term birth of monozygotic twins.

Human embryo splitting so far has been reported only ongenetically abnormal embryos [87]. Polyploid embryosderived from IVF cycles, destined to be discarded and do-nated for research, were split at the 2- to 8-cell stage. Of48 twin embryos originating from 17 abnormal polyploid

embryos, some developed to the32-cell stage. However, none ofthese nonviable split embryosdeveloped beyond this stage andwere subsequently discarded. Ina commentary referring to theseexperiments and to embryo splitt-ing in general, Jones, Edwardsand Seidel [88] acknowledgedthe merits of these attempts forfuture applications in reproduc-tive medicine. Human embryosplitting can be envisaged forpatients enrolled in IVF programsand could serve the needs of in-fertile couples by increasing thenumber of embryos available forimmediate or subsequent trans-fer in utero and by offering pre-implantation genetic diagnosis(PGD) or embryo sexing. In futureapplications, it may also be envi-saged that early embryos, aftersplitting into twin embryos, willprovide a unique opportunity toimplant one embryo in uteroand to cryopreserve the mono-zygotic twin embryo for futurepurposes (see fig. 7).

Before considering possible ap-plications of human embryosplitting in ART, the aims of ourcurrent studies were to developand establish the relevant techni-ques for safe, efficient blasto-mere biopsy for embryo splittingon mouse embryos at variousstages of preimplantation (fig. 8).Also, we aimed to investigateand determine the effect of bla-stomere biopsy per se on the de-velopmental potential of splitembryos under in-vitro cultureconditions up to the blastocyststage [89].We found that there isa high success rate (about 75 %)for obtaining twin blastocystsfrom 2-cell and 4-cell split em-

Figure 8: Blastomere biopsy from 2-cell and 4-cell mouse donor embryos (A and C) and blastomerereinjection into empty zona pellucida recipients (B and D).

Figure 7: Splitting of early embryos (twinning) for various applications in reproductive and therapeuticmedicine.

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Figure 9: Hatching blastocysts derived from mouse embryo splitting at the 2-cell (A and B) and 4-cell(C and D) stage. Donor blastocysts on the left and recipient blastocysts on the right.

bryos (fig. 9). Development oftwin blastocysts derived from 6-cell split embryos was reduced(about 65 %) and was even lessefficient for 8-cell embryo split-ting (about 35 %). The morpho-logical quality of twin blasto-cysts derived from 2-cell and 4-cell embryo splitting was clearlysuperior to the ones obtainedfrom 6-cell and, in particular,from 8-cell embryo splitting. Suchregression in morphogenetic po-tential has been reported onmouse embryos derived from 8-cell blastomeres [90].

From our comparative studieson mouse embryo splitting weconclude that for future applica-tions of human embryo splitt-ing in ART, 2-cell and 4-cellstage twinning seems to be themost promising approach [91].In sheep [82], cattle [83], andmouse [90], blastomeres biop-sied from 2-cell and 4-cell embryos have been shown tobe totipotent and can give rise to healthy offspring, in-cluding twins and multiples.

More than a decade ago, the merits of embryo splittingwere acknowledged as a valuable future application inreproductive medicine [88]. Embryo splitting in ART maybe applicable and considered for those patients termed as“low responders” with only a few oocytes being usuallyrecovered after hormonal stimulation and available forIVF or ICSI. Embryo splitting should increase the likeli-hood for obtaining a pregnancy since more embryoscould be made available for transfer in utero. For coupleswith several embryos produced during one IVF cycle,embryo splitting may provide additional embryos forsubsequent transfers without having to go through an-other retrieval cycle. Since identical twins are often bornindependently of ART and develop to perfectly normalhuman beings, the birth of twins as a result of embryosplitting should not be of major concern, neither ethicallynor socially speaking. As a matter of fact, twinning hap-pens unintentionally as a by-product of transferring mul-tiple embryos in IVF cycles for infertile couples. As longas a couple is fully informed about the consequences oftwinning outcome, there appears to be no concern abouttransferring two embryos in utero with the same genomewith the hope of producing a pregnancy. In a report onembryo splitting as a modality for infertility treatmentfrom the Ethics Committee of the American Society for Re-productive Medicine [92], it was stated that “concerns thatembryo splitting could lead to more than one child bornwith identical genomes is a more realistic possibility if em-bryo splitting is clinically successful, but still is not a suffi-cient reason to discourage research in the technique“ and„since embryo splitting has the potential to improve the effi-cacy of IVF treatments for infertility, research to investigatethe technique is ethically acceptable” [92]. According tothese recommendations, our splitting biopsy procedure asdeveloped in the mouse model can be considered as a safeand efficient technique for future splitting of human em-bryos with its multiple applications in reproductive andtherapeutic medicine.


This work was supported by REPROGEN Ltd., Limassol3100, Cyprus. The author is grateful to Dr. J. Ulmer forpreparing the manuscript and to T. Jenewein for preparingthe illustrations.

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