journey through italy at basilico · ) t oñi : " t Ó Û n ) t Ú0p5 p/ þ ¶oñi Ób¡ ÷ n...

ة؎،俱椚 آغכדծ؎ ة،ךぐ㖑倯俱椚ד䊡ծ آغ ז ךכד׀欽䠐կ 4 ״♧䎃鸐 ג׃ծ⚥鿇ծ⽂鿇ծ⻌鿇ծꨄ䃊 ة؎ה،♧ワկ俱椚ד⡤꿀ぐ㖑㚖ך暴䗙 ׃կBuon viaggio! Tasting the different regions of Italy is what Basilico will be offering starting this spring. You can travel around Central, South, North and the islands of Italy enjoying the characteristics of each region from their distinct cuisine. Buon viaggio! Journey Through Italy at Basilico 9/1 - 11/30 9/1 - 11/30 Lunch ɹ1 1:30 - 14:00 (ɾɾ Sat, Sun and Public Holidays - 14:30) Dinner ɹ 17:30 - 21:30 ( ɾ Fri and Sat) 17:30 - 21:00 ( Sun) * ɾՐఆ ٳ( ) Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, except for Public Holidays B1F ة؎،俱椚 آغ Italian Trattoria 'Basilico’ آغ דծ偆؎ ة، ⱖ溪؎כ٦דآ յ猧ն ة؎ ⻌، North Italy - Autunno ة؎⻌،כծ، ךأف㿊腞ךח⡘縧׃ծ ث٦ ةغװؤ٦⢪欽׃慬⾨ זך俱椚װ撞鴥俱椚굸גתկ תծ㕂㞮חג㢳ծꦄ䱸ג׃㕂✼ח俱椚ך䕦갟「גהגתկ ؋٥ تةأ خכخծ הث٦ הؤ خךخ湱䚍䫙纇דկ The Alps are located in Northern Italy, and in the mountains the most notable ingredients are butter and cheese. Stewing and braising are the favored cooking methods. For example, Valle D’Aosta features a combination of melted cheese and cutlets that go wonderfully together! The surrounding countries of France, Switzerland and Austria all play a big influence on this cuisine as well.

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Post on 07-Apr-2020




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Buon viaggio!

Tasting the different regions of Italy is what Basilico will be offering starting this spring. You can travel

around Central, South, North and the islands of Italy enjoying the characteristics of each region from their

distinct cuisine. Buon viaggio!

Journey Through Italy at Basilico

9/1 - 11/309/1 - 11/30

Lunch  1 1:30 - 14:00 (土・日・祝 Sat, Sun and Public Holidays - 14:30)

Dinner  17:30 - 21:30 (金・土 Fri and Sat) 17:30 - 21:00 (日 Sun)

*月 ・火曜日定休 ( 祝祭日除く) Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, except for Public Holidays

B1F Italian Trattoria 'Basilico’

North Italy - Autunno

The Alps are located in Northern Italy, and in the mountains the most notable

ingredients are butter and cheese. Stewing and braising are the favored cooking

methods. For example, Valle D’Aosta features a combination of melted cheese and

cutlets that go wonderfully together! The surrounding countries of France, Switzerland

and Austria all play a big influence on this cuisine as well.