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    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

     Victoria Geenes, Catherine Williamson

     Victoria Geenes, Catherine Williamson,  Maternal and FetalDisease Group, Institute of Reproductive and Developmental

    Biology, Imperial College London, London W12 0NN,

    United Kingdom

     Author contributions: Both authors contributed equally;Geenes V and Williamson C planned the study; Geenes V

    wrote the rst draft of the manuscript which was subsequently

    modied by both authors.

    Correspondence to: Catherine Williamson, Professor,Maternal and Fetal Disease Group, Institute of Reproductive

    and Developmental Biology, Division of Surgery, Oncology,

    Reproductive Biology and Anaesthetics, Faculty of Medicine,

    Imperial College London, Hammersmith Campus, Du Cane

    Road, London W12 0NN,

    United Kingdom. [email protected] 

    Telephone: +44-20-75942197 Fax: +44-20-75942184Received: January 7, 2009 Revised: March 30, 2009

     Accepted: April 6, 2009Published online: May 7, 2009


    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a

    pregnancy-specific l iver disorder ch aracterized

    by maternal pruritus in the third trimester, raised

    serum bile acids and increased rates of adverse fetal

    outcomes. The etiology of ICP is complex and not fully

    understood, but it is likely to result from the cholestatic

    effects of reproductive hormones and their metabolites

    in genetically susceptible women. Equally unclearare the mechanisms by which the fetal complications

    occur. This article reviews the epidemiology, clinical

    features, diagnosis, etiology and management of ICP.

    © 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.

    Key words: Cholestasis; Pregnancy; Pruritus; Bile acid

    Peer reviewer: Andreas Geier, MD, Division of Gastroenterology& Hepatology, Zürich University Hospital, Raemistrasse 100,

    CH-8901 Zürich, Switzerland

    Geenes V, Williamson C. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.

    World J Gastroenterol  2009; 15(17): 2049-2066 Available

    from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/15/2049.asp

    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3748/wjg.15.2049


    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), which is

    also known as obstetric cholestasis, is a liver disease ofpregnancy associated with raised serum bile acids andincreased rates of adverse fetal outcomes.

    ICP was originally described in 1883 by Ahlfeld asrecurrent jaundice in pregnancy that resolved followingdelivery. Pruritus was not mentioned in this report,but in subsequent case reports published in the 1950s,severe pruritus with or without jaundice was reported inconjunction with the condition, in addition to completeresolution following delivery and high recurrence ratesin subsequent pregnancies[1,2].

    Over the years, ICP has also been described as jaundicein pregnancy, recurrent jaundice in pregnancy, idiopathicjaundice of pregnancy, obstetric hepatosis, hepatosisgestationalis or obstetric cholestasis.

    Most authors now agree that ICP should be dened

    as pruritus with onset in pregnancy, which is associated with abnormal liver function in the absence of otherliver disease and which resolves following delivery.


     The incidence of ICP varies widely with geographicallocation and ethnicity (Table 1)[3-27]. It is most common inSouth America, particularly in Chile, where early reportsdescribed an overall incidence of 10%, with higher rates seenin women of Araucanian Indian descent[6]. More recently,this has fallen to approximately 1.5%-4%[28]. The reasons forthis decline are unclear but do not appear to reect changing

    diagnostic criteria which have become more inclusive inrecent studies; while early reports commonly used jaundice

    to diagnose ICP, more recently, any abnormality in liverfunction has been used. Instead, it has been proposed thatthe decline is due to changes in environmental factors, which will be discussed in more detail later in this article. Theincidence of ICP is lower in Europe (approximately 1%)and has been stable for many years.

    ICP is more common in the winter months in Finland,Sweden, Chile and Portugal[23,24]. A higher incidence isseen in twin pregnancies (20%-22%)[10,18] and followingin vitro  fertilization treatment (2.7% vs  0.7%)[29]. Onestudy has suggested that it is more common in womenover the age of 35 years[11]. There is a higher incidence of

    gallstones in both affected women and their families[30,31]

    .Hepatitis C seropositivity has been reported to be a riskfactor for ICP, and may be associated with early onset ofthe condition[15,32]. It has also been suggested that women with ICP have more severe and prolonged emesis, andhigher rates of drug sensitivities[33].

    Online Submissions: wjg.wjgnet.com World J Gastroenterol  2009 May 7; 15(17): [email protected] World Journal of Gastroenterology  ISSN 1007-9327doi:10.3748/wjg.15.2049 © 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.

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    advances and typically resolves within 48 h of delivery.Pruritus is dened as an unpleasant sensation that evokes

    the desire to scratch. It most frequently affects thepalms of the hands and soles of the feet but it can begeneralized or affect other areas of the body. There are no

    associated dermatological features other than excoriationmarks, which may be severe. Many women report thattheir pruritus worsens at night and may become soextreme that it causes insomnia.

     Approximately 80% of affected women present after30 wk of gestation

    [30,34], but ICP has been reported as

    early as 8 wk [23]. The relationship between onset of pruritus and

    development of deranged liver function is not clear. Ithas been reported that itch may be present either priorto or after abnormal liver function is detected [35], and thismay reect the heterogeneous nature of the condition.

    Clinical jaundice is rare, affecting approximately10%-15% of pregnant women with ICP, and if it doesoccur, it tends to be mild with bilirubin levels rarelyexceeding 100 μmol/L. Unlike the pruritus, it does nottypically deteriorate with advancing gestation[36].

    Constitutional symptoms of cholestasis may alsobe present, including anorexia, malaise and abdominalpain. Pale stools and dark urine have been reportedand steatorrhea may occur[37]. Theoretically steatorrheais associated with an increased risk of post-partumhaemorrhage as a result of malabsorption of vitamin K,although there are only a small number of reports of thiscomplication in the literature[38]. Steatorrhea may respondto treatment with pancreatic enzymes.

     There have been some reports of the co-existenceof ICP with other pregnancy-related disorders includingpre-eclampsia[14,39-41], acute fatty liver of pregnancy [30,42],and gestational diabetes[39]. This reflects the etiologicalheterogeneity of the condition and thus it is importantto exclude other causes of hepatic impairment in women who present with cholestasis in pregnancy.

    ICP is not typically associated with ongoing hepaticimpairment after pregnancy and the biochemicalabnormalities normally resolve within 2-8 wk of delivery. There are a few case reports of a more prolonged

    course with biochemical abnormalities lasting up to 34,45 and 82 wk postpartum[43,44]. In women with continuedliver dysfunction it is important to exclude alternativeunderlying diagnoses. In the majority of women,ICP recurs in subsequent pregnancies, but diseaseseverity cannot be predicted by the course in previouspregnancies.

    Fetal disease There is considerable debate in the li terature aboutthe extent of the ICP-associated fetal risk. Thereare consistent reports of adverse fetal outcomes in

    association with the condition[45,46], although most studiesare not sufciently large to allow accurate quantication

    of the frequency of the complications. Many studieshave tried to correlate maternal serum biochemistry with fetal outcomes and one series reported higher

     Table 1 The reported incidence of ICP in different countries

    and ethnic groups

    Country Prevalence


     Year of





    Australia 0.2 1964-1966 P, J, LFT, PR1 [5]

    Australia 1.5 1968-1970 P, J, LFT, R [8]

    Australia 0.2 1975-1984 P, J, LFT, PR;

    SBA (from 1982)


    Bolivia 9.2 1976 P, J, B, LD [7]

      Aimaras 13.8

      Quechas 4.3

      Caucasians 7.8

      Mixed Indian 7.3

    Canada 0.07 1963-1976 J, P, LFT, LD, R [4]

    Chile 1974-1975 P, J, B, LD[6]

      Aimaras 11.8

      Araucanian 27.6

      Caucasian 15.1

    Chile 4.7 NA P, SBA (10 μmol/L),

    B, LFT


    Chile 6.5 1988-1990 P, LD2 [18]

    China 0.32 1981-1983 J, LFT, B, SBA, LD,




    China 0.05 2003-2005 LFT, SBA

    (11 μmol/L), B, LD


      Hong Kong

    Finland 1.1 1971-1972 P, LFT   [13]

    Finland 0.54 1990-1996 P, LFT, SBA

    (8 μmol/L), LD


    Finland 0.54 1994-1998 P, LFT, SBA

    (8 μmol/L), LD


    France 0.2 1953-1961 P, J, LFT, PR, R   [16]

    France 0.53 1988-1989 LFT, B, SBA

    (6 μmol/L)


    India 0.08 2002-2004 P, LD, LFT   [17]

    Italy 0.96 1996-1999 P, LFT, SBA4 [15]

    Italy 1 1989-1997 P, PR, LFT ± SBA   [20]

    Poland 1.5 NA P, LFT, B, LD [21]

    Portugal 1 NA P, SBA, LFT, B, LD5 [24]

    Sweden 1.5 1971-1974 P, LFT, LD   [23]

      1 1980-1982

    Sweden 1.5 1999-2002 P, SBA (10 μmol/L),

    LFT, LD


    USA 0.32 1997-1999 P, SBA or LFT, PR6 [26]

    USA 5.6 1997-1998 P, SBA (20 μmol/L)  [27]


    UK 0.7 1995-1997 P, SBA (14 μmol/L),

    LFT, LD


      Caucasian 0.62

      Indian 1.24  Pakistani 1.46

    P: Pruritus; J: Jaundice; LFT: Raised AST and/or ALT; SBA: Raised serum

    bile acids [upper limit of normal defined as in the study ( μmol/L)];

    B: Raised bilirubin; PR: Postnatal resolution; LD: Other liver diseases

    excluded; R: Recurrence in subsequent pregnancy; NA: Information not

    available. 1Absence of parenchymal necrosis on liver biopsy; 2Absence

    of fever or malaise, LFT’s only performed if jaundiced, dark urine or

    doubt over diagnosis; 3Absence of hepatomegaly; 4Absence of gallstones;5Increased cholic acid percentage; 6Absence of other hepatic disease

    associated with pregnancy.

    2050 ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol May 7, 2009 Volume 15 Number 17

    CLINICAL FEATURESMaternal disease The most common pres enting symptom of ICP ispruritus that usually presents in the third trimester. Thisbecomes progressively more severe as the pregnancy

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    rates of fetal complications in women with jaundicecompared to those with pruritus alone[38]. Bile acids havebeen repeatedly implicated in the etiology of the fetaldisease, and the sensitivity of bile acids as a predictivemarker of fetal risk has been examined in several studiesinvolving small numbers of cases

    [18,39,47,48]. A recent, more

    denitive study from Sweden reported that there was a

    1%-2% increase in risk of spontaneous preterm labour,asphyxial events (defined as operative delivery due toasphyxia, Apgar score < 7 at 5 min or arterial cord pH

    < 7.05) or meconium staining of the amniotic fluidand/or placenta and membranes for every additionalµmol/L of maternal serum bile acids

    [25]. This study

    also reported no increase in adverse outcomes if thematernal fasting serum bile acids were below 40 μmol/L,

    leading the authors to suggest there is no increased riskto the fetus with mild ICP according to this denition.

     This result was generally consistent with the ndings of

    other smaller studies in Finnish and American Latinapopulations[47-49]  (Figure 1), although the magnitude ofthe effect varied in different studies, possibly relating to variations in management strategy, maternal ethnicityand study design. The reported incidence of eachadverse fetal outcome is shown in Table 2.

    Meconium staining of the amniotic fluid:  Theincidence of meconium staining of amniotic fluid(MSAF) in normal term pregnancies is approximately15% and is considered to be a sign of fetal distress. InICP, MSAF has been reported in 16%-58%[38,39] of all

     Table 2 The incidences of adverse fetal outcomes reported in the literature

    Study period Number of cases(controls)

    Preterm delivery(< 37 wk)

     Abnormal CTG(timing)

     Apgar score ≤ 7(min)

    Meconium staining ofamniotic uid

    PPH (> 500 mL) References

    1951-1983 100 (156) 38% - - - 7%   [12]

      38% U

    1963-1976 42 (42) 39% - - - 19% [4]

      39% S

    1965-1974 56 36% 14% (NS) - 27% 9%   [38]

      36% S 8 B NS

    1971-1972 116 (116) - 19% (labour) 7% (1) 28% -   [13]

      3% LD 3% (5) 7% < 37 wk

      16% B or T 21% > 37 wk

    1971-1974 100 (100) - - 10% (1) 12% -   [23]

    8% (5) NS

    1975-1984 83 44% - - 45% -   [46]

      44% S 10% < 37 wk

      35% > 37 wk

    1979-1981 18 - - - 58.30% 22%   [39]


    1980–1981 117 - 14% (antepartum) 10% (NS) 16.20% -   [48]

      4% (labour) NS

    1988-1990 320 (320) 19% 12.8% (NS) 8% (1) 38% -   [18]

      12% S 2% (5) 13% < 37 wk

      7% I 25% > 37 wk

    1988-1995 79 (792) 14% 2% (NS) None 44% -   [57]

      14% S 2% B NS

    1989-1995 50 60% - - - 2%   [56]

      60% U

    1989-1997 206 27% - 1% (5) 21% -   [20]

      4% S 5% < 37 wk

      23% I 16% > 37 wk

    1990-1996 91 (16, 818) 14% 20% (labour) 8% (1) 15% -   [11]

      14% U 2% (5) NS

    1999-2001 70 17% - - 14% 17%   [30]

      6% S 4% < 37 wk

      11% I 10% > 37 wk

    1999-2002 690 (44, 792) 12% 7%3   7%3   25% -   [25]

      12% U

    1999-20031 352 38% - - - -   [31]

      16% S

    22% I

    2000-2007 122 4% - 8% (1) 13% 7%   [49]

      4% S 2% (5)

    2003-2005 8 50% - - 62% -   [14]

      50% U NS

    S: Spontaneous preterm labour; I: Iatrogenic preterm labour; U: Unspecied preterm labour; NS: Not specied; B: Bradycardia; T: Tachycardia; LD: Late

    decelerations; PPH: Post-partum hemorrhage; -: Not reported. 1Cases were recruited between 1999 and 2003, but the affected pregnancies had occurred

    from 1986;2Controls in this study had a history of stillbirth in a previous pregnancy;

    3Glantz et al

    [25] report ndings of asphyxial events (dened as operative

    delivery due to abnormal CTG, post-partum umbilical artery pH < 7.05 or Apgar score < 7 at 5 min).

    Geenes V et al . Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy 2051

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    ICP pregnancies with more severe hypercholanemia.However, the same study reported a stillbirth withmaternal serum bile acid levels of 27 μmol/L and thereare additional case reports of stillbirths at 39 wk withbile acids of 15 and 21 μmol/L

    [48,58]. It is not clear howclose to the fetal death these blood specimens weretaken, and maternal serum bile acid level is high in themajority of IUDs reported in the literature [25,47], butthese observations illustrate the difculty encountered by

    clinicians in using biochemical measurements to dictatedelivery strategies for ICP cases.

    Other fndings: Several studies have shown that thereis no increase in the number of small for gestational ageinfants born to women with ICP [18,59]. However, lowermean birth weight has been noted in three studies[4,11,38],although this does not appear to be due to intrauterinegrowth restriction. One study reported an increasedplacental/fetal mass, i.e. larger placentas in ICP



     The diagnosis of ICP is one of exclusion and alternativecauses of hepatic impairment or pruritus should be

    considered before the diagnosis is made.

    Liver function tests (LFTs)Liver function in normal pregnancy: Liver functiondoes not change in normal pregnancy, although it isrecommended that adjusted upper limits of normal areused. The upper limit of the normal reference rangefor serum alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartatetransaminase (AST) should be reduced by 20% [60]  andthe γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) level is reducedby a similar amount in later pregnancy [61]. Total and freebilirubin is also lower during all three trimesters, and

    conjugated bilirubin is lower in the second and thirdtrimesters


    LFTs in ICP: The transaminase enzymes are located within hepatocytes and raised serum levels are thus

    indicative of hepatocellular damage. In ICP, ALT and AST may rise before or after serum bile acids[39,62]. Ofthe two, ALT is thought to be a more sensitive markerof ICP; there is a 2-10-fold increase in serum levels thatis generally more marked than the rise in AST[3,47,62].

    Bilirubin is normal in the majority of ICP cases andis of limited value in diagnosis or follow up. If raised, ittends to be a conjugated hyperbilirubinemia[62].

    GGT has been shown to be ra ised in somestudies[24,56,63]  but is more commonly normal[47]. It hasbeen proposed that elevations in GGT are associated with a greater impairment in other LFTs[63], and thatthey can provide insights into the genetic etiology of thecondition.

     Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels may rise in ICPbut production of large amounts of the placentalisoform render this biochemical marker of limited

    diagnostic value.Glutathione S -transferase alpha (GSTA) is a phaseⅡ detoxication enzyme that is rapidly released into the

    circulation following acute hepatic damage. It is reportedto be a more sensitive and specific marker of hepaticintegrity than standard LFTs[64-66]. A longitudinal studycomparing serum levels from ICP, control and pruritusgravidarum cases demonstrated higher GSTA in ICPat all gestations from 24 wk to term[67]. A recent studyconrmed that GSTA levels are elevated in ICP cases

    [68],and the authors of both studies proposed that it may bea useful tool for early diagnosis of the condition.

    Bile acids: The primary bile acids cholic acid (CA) andchenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) are the end productsof hepatic cholesterol metabolism and represent themajor route for excretion of cholesterol. Followingsynthesis, CA and CDCA are conjugated with taurineor glycine (in a ratio of approximately 1:3) beforeexport across the canalicular membrane to enter thebile. In the terminal ileum and colon, CA and CDCAundergo bacterial modification, mainly deconjugationand 7α-dehydroxylation, to form the secondary bileacids deoxycholic acid (DCA) and lithocholic acid(LCA), respectively. UDCA is a tertiary bile acid as it

    results from bacterial modication followed by hepaticmetabolism. It is normally detectable in trace amounts innormal serum. Bile acids are reabsorbed in the terminalileum and enter the portal vein for transport back to theliver. The enterohepatic circulation is highly efcient and

    95% of all bile acids are reabsorbed. A more detailedaccount of bile acid synthesis, canalicular secretion,sinusoidal uptake and homeostasis is given in a numberof recent reviews[69,70].

    Bile acids in normal pregnancy: In healthy pregnancy,there is a minimal rise in total serum bile acids as

    gestation advances[71,72]

    . Studies in which individual bileacid levels have been measured show that there is nochange in DCA but CDCA doubles by term [73]. Thedata concerning CA are not so conclusive, with somestudies reporting a significant increase in the third











       N  u  m   b  e  r

      o   f  c  a  s  e  s

    25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

    Gestation (wk)

     Active management

    No active management

    Figure 2 Graph showing the timing of IUD associated with ICP[13,18,23,25,31,38,45,47,48,56-58]

    The arrow represents six additional cases of IUD from two series with no

    active management reported as a range of gestational ages at the time of fetal



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    trimester compared to the rst[59,72], and others showing

    no change[73]

    . However, in all studies the level stayed well within the normal range (< 1.5 μmol/L). Perhaps a moreinformative measure is the ratio of the two primary bileacids (CA:CDCA), which is reported to be between 0.68

    and 1.9 at term (38-40 wk)[72,73]

    . The reference range used for total serum bile acids in

    pregnancy varies, but most authors accept an upper limitof normal of between 10 and 14 μmol/L.

     The phenomenon of asymptomatic hypercholanemiaof pregnancy (AHP) has recently been reported. AHPis dened as raised serum bile acids in pregnancy in the

    absence of symptoms and other biochemical markers ofICP[74]. Specically, they describe a change in the prolesof serum bile acids in women with AHP with increasedCA and relatively unchanged CDCA levels. AHP isreported to affect approximately 10% of the pregnant

    population, and 2%-3% of women with AHP during thesecond trimester subsequently develop ICP.More recently, Castaño et al [75]  reported that AHP

    affects 40% of pregnant women in Argentina and thatthe pregnancy outcome is similar to that of normalpregnancies, suggesting that mild hypercholanemiamay fall within the biochemical spectrum of normalpregnancy.

    Bile acids in ICP:  Serum bile acid measurement isnow considered to be the most suitable biochemicalmarker for both the diagnosis and monitoring ofICP [76], with the cholic acid level[59] or the CA:CDCAratio proposed as being the most sensitive indicator forthe early diagnosis of the condition

    [24,62]. Levels of the

    secondary bile acid DCA also rise[73], although to a lesserextent, and indicate impairment of the enterohepaticcirculation.

     There are reports in the literature of elevations inserum bile acids as high as 100 times the upper limit ofnormal[73,77].

    In addition, maternal cholestasis results in elevatedlevels of bile acids in the fetal circulation and a reversalin the normal feto-maternal transplacental bile acidgradient[39,78,79].

     There is as yet no consensus on whether a rise inserum bile acids precedes the onset of symptoms. Thereare reports of women with elevated serum bile acidsprior to the onset of symptoms or the appearance ofother biochemical abnormalities[62]. Equally, there isno agreement on whether serum bile acids should bemeasured in the fasted or post-prandial state. In ICP,consumption of a standard test meal causes a moredramatic and prolonged post-prandial rise in serumbile acids, particularly CA, than in control women,suggesting that the use of a standard test meal mayhelp to distinguish mild forms of the disease from

    normal[80,81]. However, this approach would be costly andtime-consuming if used in routine obstetric practice.

     The biliary bile acid profile is also altered in ICP. Although CA remains the predominant bile acid, theproportion is greatly increased, with a consequent

    reduction in the proportion of CDCA. DCA is markedlydiminished, suggesting a signicant impairment of the

    enterohepatic circulation in ICP[82].

    Other serum biochemistry 

    Lipids: Cross-sectional studies have reported derangedlipid profiles in association with ICP [34,83,84] , and ina prospective longitudinal study LDL cholesterol,apolipoprotein B-100 and total cholesterol concentrations were found to be elevated

    [85]. However, it should be

    noted that this study was performed in a group ofpatients who were not fasted at the time of samplecollection.

    Glucose: One study has shown that ICP is associated with impaired glucose tolerance. Although there was nodifference in fasting glucose levels between cases and

    controls, both the 2 h post-prandial glucose and oralglucose tolerance tests were higher in ICP[21]


    Clotting: One study reported a prolonged prothrombintime in 20% of patients [12]. However this is notconsistent with the author’s experience. In 65 ICP cases with raised serum bile acids managed in our hospitalfrom 1996-2003, there were none with an abnormalclotting prole.

    Other biochemical markers investigated in ICP aresummarized in Table 3[86-100].

    Urine Ana lysis of the urine from women with ICP showsan increased excretion of total bile acids, with a 10-to 100-fold increase in CA and CDCA, but decreasedexcretion of DCA and LCA. The reduced excretion ofthe secondary bile acids supports the hypothesis thata canalicular defect is a primary feature of ICP, and isconsistent with an impaired enterohepatic circulation. The bi le acid profil e shows a sh if t from glyc ine totaurine conjugation and an increased proportion ofsulfated species [101]. In a longitudinal study of two

     women, the rst detectable change in urinary bile acids

     was the appearance of tetrahydroxylated species, which

    are known products of CA metabolism. This changeoccurred before the rise in total bile acid excretion[102].

    Liver/gallbladder ultrasound scanGallstones are reported in 13% of women with ICP[31]. While it is likely that affected women have increasedsusceptibility to cholelithiasis, there have been no robuststudies of ICP cases and controls, and pregnancyitself is also associated with an increased incidence ofasymptomatic gallstones[103,104]. First-degree relatives ofaffected women also have higher rates of cholelithiasis(26% of relatives of 227 ICP cases compared to 9%

    of 234 controls, P   < 0.001, c2 ) (unpublished data ,C. Williamson).

    In ICP, the intrahepatic bile ducts appear normal,but the fasting and ejection volumes of the gallbladderare greater, possibly predisposing these women to the

    2054 ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/R World J Gastroenterol May 7, 2009 Volume 15 Number 17

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    formation of gallstones[105-107]. However, ICP has beendescribed in women with previous cholecystectomy 


    suggesting that the presence of gallstones is notcausative of ICP.

    Liver biopsy Several studies have reported that there is normal liverstructure with no evidence of liver cell damage and onlymildly dilated bile ducts, bile stasis in canaliculi, bileplugs and mild portal tract inammation in liver biopsiesfrom women with ICP [5,109]. Electron microscopyndings show generally well-preserved architecture with

    dilated bile capillaries, distorted microvilli and granulardeposits (bile thrombi)[5,109].


     The etiology of ICP is complex and not fully understood.Evidence from ICP pedigrees suggests that there is agenetic component to the disease

    [110], and the relative

    risk for parous sisters of affected women is 12[9,111]

    .Insights into the genetic etiology come from studies ofthe familial cholestasis syndromes progressive familialcholestasis (PFIC) and benign recurrent cholestasis(BRIC). These autosomal recessive syndromes are causedby homozygous mutations in the genes encoding biliarytransport proteins, and case reports have described ICPin the heterozygous mothers of affected children.

    Candidate genes The most extensively studied candidate gene in ICPis  ABCB4, which encodes the multidrug resistanceprotein 3, a oppase that transports phosphatidylcholine

    from the inner to the outer leaflet of the hepatocytecanalicular membrane[112-114]. Homozygous mutationsresult in a spectrum of phenotypes that include PFICtype 3[115] and cholelithiasis[116]. ICP-associated variants

     were rst described in a case report published in 1999,in which the mother of a child with PFIC type 3 wasfound to have a heterozygous single nucleotide deletion(1712delT). She and ve of her female relatives had a

    history of ICP[117]. However, a second study screening57 Finnish cases for this mutation concluded that itdoes not play a signicant role in the etiology of ICP in

    this population[118]. Subsequent to this, there have been12 different genetic variants and four splicing mutationsin ABCB4 reported in ICP cases[119-126]. The rst ABCB4 mutations were described in patients with elevated serumGGT levels, a biochemical phenotype that is also found

    in PFIC type 3, and not in types 1 and 2. However,some recent studies have described  ABCB4 variants inICP patients with normal GGT

    [120,126]. A recent study has

    also described an  ABCB4 haplotype which is associated with the “severe” phenotype of serum bile acids >40 μmol/L

    [127].Homozygous mutations in the familial intrahepatic

    cholestasis one gene (FIC1, ATP8B1 ) cause PFIC type 1and BRIC. The function of the FIC1 protein is disputed,but it is hypothesized to be an aminophospholipidtranslocase which transports phosphatidylserine fromthe canaliculus into the hepatocyte, thus maintaining

    membrane asymmetry and the function of the otherbiliary transporters embedded within the membrane. Variation in FIC1 occurs in a small number of ICP cases,although the functional consequences are currently notknown[128,129].

     Table 3 Additional biochemical markers that have been investigated in relation to ICP

     Number of cases(controls)

    Gestation Parameter investigated Main fndings References

    76 NR Serum human placental lactogen and AFP ↑ hPL, no difference in AFP [88]

    68 37-38/40 Pregnancy specic b-1-glycoprotein ↓ Levels[89]

    76 (150) T3 Prolactin ↑ Prolactin from 33 wk [94]

    10 (288) T3 Placental protein 10 ↓ Placental protein 10 in ICP-negatively

    correlated with AST and SBA


    NR T3 + PN Serum copper and zinc ↑ Copper in ICP [91]

    No difference in zinc

    NR T3 Serum 25(OH)D, 24, 25(OH)D, 1, 25(OH)D, total protein,

    calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and alkaline phosphatase

    25(OH)D initially higher in patients than

    controls, but decreased by delivery


    No change in any other parameter

    12 (12) T3 Serum selenium and glutathione peroxidase ↓ Selenium in ICP [90]

    ↓ Glutathione peroxidase activity

    33 (5680) T2 Serum AFP and hCG No differences [87]

    26 (13) NR Thyroid hormones ↓ T3[93]

    21 (98) T3 Serum selenium, zinc and copper ↓ Selenium in ICP [96]

    ↑ (Double) copper in ICP

    No difference in zinc

    72 (30) T3 Renal function tests: uric acid, urea, potassium, sodium,creatinine

    ↑ Uric acid and creatinine [97]

    22 (21) NR Maternal-fetal mixed lymphocyte reaction ↓ Transformation rate of lymphocytes [86]

    24 (1148) T3 Serum AFP and b-hCG No differences[95]

    30 (30) T3 Serum neopterin and soluble interleukin 2 receptor (sIL-2R) ↑ Neopterin and sIL-2R [99]

    58 (42) T3 Alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (α-HBDH) activity ↑ α-HBDH[100]

    NR: Not reported; T3: Third trimester; T2: Second trimester; PN: Postnatal.

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    Genetic variation in the bile salt export pump(BSEP), encoded by  ABCB11  has also been reportedin ICP. BSEP is located exclusively in the hepatocytecanalicular membrane and is the primary export pumpfor bile acids. Homozygous mutations in  ABCB11  are

    associated with PFIC type 2. Two studies investigatedthe role of ABCB11 variation in Finnish ICP cases. Onestudy reported that single nucleotide polymorphismsin exons 28 and 19 were susceptibility loci for ICP [130].However, a subsequent study in a larger number of cases

     with a more diverse ethnic background failed to conrm

    these findings, suggesting that ICP is a geneticallyheterogeneous disease[131]. Further evidence for geneticheterogeneity was provided by a study of 16 individualsfrom two affected Finnish families. Segregationof haplotypes and multipoint linkage analysis ofmicrosatellite markers in ABCB11, ABCB4 and ATP8B1 

    excluded genetic variation in these genes from playinga role in the etiology of ICP[132]. Other BSEP variantsreported to be associated with ICP include N591S andthe V444A polymorphism[123,126,133]. The latter of these variants is particularly interesting as it is also reportedto be a susceptibility factor for estrogen-inducedcholestasis

    [133]. A recent UK study demonstrated that

    two common PFIC2-associated mutations (E279G andD482G) and N591S are present as heterozygous variantsin a small proportion of ICP cases. This study of 491Caucasian ICP cases and 261 controls also demonstratedthat the V444A allele is a signicant risk locus for ICP in

    this population[134].Genetic variation has also been reported in another

    biliary transporter, ABCC2 , which encodes the multidrugresistance related protein 2 (MRP2). MRP2 exportsorganic anions including bilirubin into the bile. A studyfrom South America has suggested that a polymorphismin exon 28 is associated with ICP[135].

     The farnesoid X receptor encoded by NR1H4 is theprincipal bile acid receptor and is responsible for theregulation of bile acid synthesis and transport within theliver. A recent study has described four heterozygous variants within FXR that are associated with ICP, threeof which were shown to have functional effects[136].

     A variety of other genetic loci have been investigatedin ICP cases and the reader is referred to a recent reviewfor full details of all studies to date[111].

    Inuence of hormones

    Several studies provide evidence that reproductivehormones play a role in the etiology of ICP. The diseaseis more common in multiple than singleton pregnancies(20.9% vs  4.7% in one study)[10], and the symptoms mayrecur in a subgroup of affected women when taking thecombined oral contraceptive pill[31]. In addition, most women present with symptoms of ICP in the third

    trimester when estrogen and progesterone levels arehighest.

    Most studies have focussed on estrogen rather thanprogesterone. In clinical studies, administration ofethinylestradiol to both men and women results in a

    decreased clearance of sulfobromophthalein, and thisis further reduced in women with a personal historyof ICP and their male relatives [137]. Further more,administration of the depot estrogen, ethinylestradiolpropanolsulphonate to 20 healthy women significantly

    increased the total serum bile acid concentration, andin particular, the proportion of taurine conjugates[138].In vitro  studies have demonstrated that the cholestaticestrogen metabolite, 17-b-estradiol glucuronide,transinhibits the BSEP following excretion into the bilecanaliculus by MRP2

    [139]. Supporting this hypothesis,

    administration of 17-b-estradiol glucuronide to ratscauses endocytic internalization of BSEP in an MRP2(Mrp2; Abcc2)-dependent manner[140]. Estrogen alsoimpairs the expression and/or function of, BSEP andMRP2 in rodent studies[141-143].

    However, progesterone may play an even greater

    role in the pathogenesis of ICP. Bacq et al 


     observedthat administration of natural progestin to women with threatened preterm labour resulted in ICP in 11of the 12 women treated. This nding was conrmed

    by two subsequent studies [56,145]. Although totalprogesterone does not rise in comparison to normalpregnancies, the profile of metabolites is considerablydifferent. An excess of monosulfated and disulfated(in particular 3α  and 5α ) isomers has been reportedin the serum and urine of women with ICP, and thismay reflect impaired excretion of these metabolites atthe canalicular membrane, or abnormal synthesis[146,147].Studies of umbilical cord serum have also shown thatdisulfated progesterone metabolites are increased in thefetal compartment of affected pregnancies compared with normal pregnancies. Moreover, the level of steroidsulfates synthesized by the fetus, e.g. 16α-hydroxydeh-ydroepiandrosterone sulfate are decreased, suggestingthat maternal cholestasis is associated with impaired fetalsteroid synthesis[148].

     There are few in vitro studies that have investigated themechanism of progesterone metabolite induced cholestasis.One study has shown that sulfated progesteronemetabolites, but not progesterone itself, cause reduced bileflow in the rat[149]. The same authors demonstrated that

    these metabolites inhibit BSEP-mediated bile acid efux in Xenopus  oocytes.

    Environmental factorsSelenium:  Serum levels of selenium usually decrease with advancing ge stat ion, but normal serum levelsare maintained if dietary intake is adequate[96]. Dietaryselenium intake is lower in Finland and Chile, andserum levels have been shown to be reduced in women wi th IC P com par ed to pr egn an t con tro ls in bo thcountries[90,96]. Glutathione peroxidase is a powerfulantioxidant that is dependent on selenium. Estrogens

    and bile acids cause oxidative stress, and it has beenproposed that reduced serum selenium levels maycontribute to the etiology of ICP and may also providean explanation for the geographic variation in theprevalence of the condition.

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    Seasonal variation: The incidence of ICP peaks inthe winter months in Scandinavia and Chile, suggestinga possible association with an environmental trigger.Interestingly, serum selenium levels have also beenreported to be significantly higher in the summer than



    Infection: There is an increased incidence of hepatitisC infection in women with ICP, and one study hasreported that affected women develop cholestasis atearlier gestations

    [32]. There have also been reports of

    an increased incidence of urinary tract infection andpyelonephritis in the early stages of pregnancy than incontrols[13].

    Drug cholestasis:  Johnston et al [4]  reported higherrates of drug sensitivities among the ICP population,

    especially to antibiotics. There may be overlappingetiological factors that influence susceptibility to ICPand drug-induced cholestasis. For example, the V444Aallele of BSEP that confers increased risk for ICP is alsofound more commonly in individuals with drug-inducedcholestasis


    Leaky gut: Increased gut permeability as measured bythe urinary lactulose/mannitol ratio (L/M) has beenreported in a subgroup of ICP patients (five of the20 women in the study), and the authors postulate thatthis may participate in the pathogenesis of the conditionby enhancing the absorption of bacterial endotoxins[151].

    However, levels of anti-lipopolysaccharide antibodies andpro-inflammatory cytokines [tumor necrosis factor-α,interleukin (IL)-1b, IL-6 and IL-10] were measured andno significant differences were shown, suggesting thatthis may not be the case. It should also be noted that theabnormal excretion of lactulose and mannitol persistedfor up to 2 years in four of the ve women identied,

    and thus it is possible that a leaky gut is a permanentabnormality in these women rather than a result of ICP.

    Pruritus: The itch associated with ICP is often themost troubling symptom for affected women. It has

    been speculated that it is due to accumulation of bileacids in the interstitial uid of the skin. However, serum

    bile acid levels do not correlate well with maternalsymptoms and, while application of bile acids to blisterbases or intradermal injection of bile acids results inpruritus[152,153], absolute concentrations of bile acids in theskin do not correlate well with the sensation of itch[154].Furthermore, some studies have reported pruritusbefore the onset of biochemical abnormalities[35]. Thesefindings suggest that an alternative compound actsas a pruritogen in this and possibly other forms ofcholestatic liver disease. Candidates include reproductive

    hormone metabolites, and a recent study has reportedthat serum sulfated progesterone metabolites werereduced following treatment with UDCA, concurrently with a reduction of pruritus

    [155]. Interestingly, a

    5-hydroxytrytamine 3 receptor agonist has been reported

    to rapidly reduce pruritus in both ICP and other liverdiseases, raising the possibility that serotonin is involvedin the etiology of pruritus[156,157].


     The etiology of the fetal complications associated withICP is poorly understood, but is thought to relate to anincreased ux of bile acids into the fetal circulation, as

    indicated by elevated levels in amniotic uid, cord serum

    and meconium. In vitro  studies of isolated placental vesicles have shown that vectorial transfer of bile acidsfrom fetus to mother is impaired in ICP, and that this isspecifically the result of decreased efficiency of ATP-independent transport

    [158,159]. Taken together, these

    ndings suggest that bile acids accumulate in the fetal

    compartment and thus are likely to exacerbate fetalrisk. Furthermore, a recent study of fetal outcomes inICP has shown that the risk of adverse fetal outcomesincreases with increasing levels of maternal serum bileacids


    MSAF Evidence for the involvement of bile acids in theetiology of MSAF comes from studies of fetal sheepinfused with CA, in which 100% of the treated lambs were born with MSAF

    [160]. The mechanism by which

    bile acids cause this effect is not clear from this study:the lambs did not show any signs of fetal distress.However, bile acids are known to cause an increase in

    colonic motility [161,162] and this is a possible explanation. Alternatively, the bile acids may cause fetal distress andsubsequent meconium passage.

    CTG abnormalitiesIndividual neonatal rat cardiomyocytes treated withtaurocholic acid show a decrease in the rate ofcontraction, which is reversible. Furthermore, cells in anetwork lose their ability to beat synchronously after theaddition of taurocholic acid and have abnormal calciumdynamics, suggesting that elevated levels of bile acidsin ICP may be responsible for the CTG abnormalities



    Spontaneous preterm labour Rodent studies have shown that the non-pregnant ratmyometrium displays a dose-dependent increase incontractility in response to CA[164], and sheep infused wi th th is bi le ac id have an in cr ea sed in cidence ofspontaneous preterm labour[160]. Furthermore, it hasbeen suggested that the myometrium of ICP patientsmay be more responsive to the effects of oxytocin



    Bile acid aspiration or accumulation within the fetalcirculation is thought to be responsible for the increasedincidence of RDS seen in association with ICP. In animalmodels, bile acids have been shown to cause severechemical pneumonitis and pulmonary edema [167,168].

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    Furthermore, intra-tracheal injection of bile acids inrabbits resulted in atelectasis, eosinophilic infiltrationand formation of hyaline membrane, which could bereversed by the administration of surfactant [169]. It hastherefore been hypothesized that elevated levels of bile

    acids in the fetal circulation cause a reversal of the actionof phospholipase A2, thereby causing the degradationof phosphatidylcholine and a lack of surfactant


    Interestingly, administration of intra-tracheal surfactantto two of the infants reported in a recent series resultedin some improvement in their condition[53].


     The me ch an isms cau sing su dd en IUD ar e po or lyunderstood. At autopsy, the majority of the stillbornbabies are of normal weight and have no signs ofchronic utero-placental insufficiency, but do havesigns of acute anoxia[38]. However, several studies havereported non-specific morphological changes in theplacenta, including increased syncytial knot formationand villous edema, which are suggestive of hypoxicinsults [47,170,171]. These findings are comparable to themorphological appearance of placentas from a rodentmodel of ICP, which is also associated with increasedplacental oxidative stress


     As previously discussed, there is MSAF in up to100% of ICP-associated stillbirths. Studies of meconiumfrom healthy pregnancies has shown that it penetratesdeep into placental and umbilical cord tissue in lessthan 3 h [173], and can cause vasoconstriction of the

    placental and umbilical vessels. The mechanism is notknown, but heat-inactivated meconium did not inducean effect in one study [174], suggesting that a peptideor prostaglandin produces the effect. In ICP, themeconium contains significantly elevated levels of bileacids (13.5 ± 5.1 μmol/g vs   2.0 ± 0.5 μmol/g)

    [175], and

    as bile acids are known to cause vasoconstriction of theplacental chorionic vessels

    [176], it is possible that placental

     vasoconstriction is a mechanism that contributes to therisk of IUD in ICP.


     The aims of management are to reduce symptoms andbiochemical abnormalities in the mother and to reducethe risk of fetal distress, preterm delivery and suddenfetal death.

    Fetal monitoring 

     There are several case reports of normal CTG and/or normal fetal movements in the hours precedingfetal loss[18,48,177,178]. Thus, the general consensus is thatthese forms of fetal surveillance do not prevent IUD.However, they may be reassuring to women with ICPand the clinicians responsible for their care at the time

    they are performed. One study reported good fetal andneonatal outcomes with a policy of routine amnioscopyat 36 wk to assess amniotic fluid color in addition tostandard monitoring for fetal wellbeing [20]. However, this

    approach may be considered overly invasive by manyobstetricians.

    Elective delivery 

    Some studies have reported good outcomes with a policy

    of induction of labour at 37 or 38 wk gestation[20,46]

    . Manyclinicians in the UK have adopted this practice as the IUDsappear to cluster at later gestations (Figure 2). Howeverthere have been very few reports of the gestational weekat which the IUD occurs, nor have there been any largeprospective studies of whether drug treatment or earlydelivery prevents adverse fetal outcomes.

    DrugsUDCA: UDCA is a naturally occurring hydrophilic bileacid that constitutes < 3% of the physiological bile acidpool in humans. It has been used with positive effects in

    the management of primary biliary cirrhosis and othercholestatic disorders for several years, and is gainingpopularity as a treatment for ICP. There is evidence thatUDCA stimulates biliary secretion by post-transcriptionalregulation of BSEP and the alternative exporters MRP4and MRP3. In addition, it has antiapoptotic effects andhas been shown to reduce the mitochondrial membranepermeability to ions and cytochrome c expression[179,180].Finally, UDCA lowers serum levels of ethinyl-estradiol17b-glucuronide, a major cholestatic metabolite ofestrogen.

     The fi rst reported use of UDCA in ICP was by

    Palma et al 


      in 1992. In an uncontrolled series ofeight cases, UDCA was prescribed at a dose of 1 g/deither continuously for 20 d or for two 20-d periodsinterrupted by a 14-d drug-free period. Both groupshad a significant improvement in serum biochemistryand symptoms after 20 d treatment, but relapse wasseen after the rst week of the drug-free period in the

    latter group. Subsequently, UDCA was used to treatthree patients with recurrent ICP, all of whom had rapidsymptomatic and biochemical improvements with noadverse fetal outcomes[45]. This was followed by threesmall randomized, controlled trials (maximum of eightpatients in each arm), the first of which showed that20 d of UDCA treatment (600 mg/d) resulted in asignicant reduction of pruritus and LFTs, including bile

    acids, compared to baseline[182]. One other study failed toshow any reduction in pruritus compared with placebo,and the nal one showed a reduction that did not reach

    statistical signicance because of the small numbers of

     women treated[183,184]. In both studies, UDCA causeda significant reduction in serum transaminases andbilirubin compared to placebo. One study also showeda significant reduction in serum bile acids[183]. Therehave been several additional case series demonstratingthat UDCA treatment results in clinical and biochemical

    improvement in ICP[26,185-188].More recently, a randomized placebo-controlled trial

    comparing the efcacy of UDCA and dexamethasone

    therapy in ICP reported that UDCA, but not dexa-

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    methasone, signicantly reduced ALT and bilirubin in

    all women treated. Furthermore, there was a signicant

    reduction of pruritus and bile acids in women withserum bile acid levels exceeding 40 μmol/L at inclu-sion[189].

    Studies examining the bile acid pool compositionhave shown that, in addition to a reduction in the serumbile acid concentration, treatment with UDCA results ina normalization of the CA:CDCA and glycine:taurineratios[190], and a reduction in urinary excretion of sulfatedprogesterone metabolites, which the authors propose isassociated with a concurrent reduction in pruritus[155].

     There have been no reports of fetal morbidity ormortality resulting from UDCA treatment, althoughno study has had sufficiently large numbers to allowthis to be fully evaluated. However, UDCA treatmenthas been shown to reduce the bile acid level in cord



    , amniotic uid


      and colostrum


    , andit reduced cord blood bilirubin levels in one study [194]. As prev ious ly di scus sed, the level of bi le ac ids inmeconium is considerably elevated in ICP, and this is notinuenced by treatment with UDCA

    [175]. However, thismay be because bile acids had already accumulated in themeconium prior to UDCA treatment. It is likely that, ifUDCA reduces the maternal serum bile acid level, andthus placental transfer of bile acids, then there shouldbe a corresponding reduction in the level in meconiumfrom the time of treatment.

    Finally, UDCA has been shown to correct theimpaired bile acid transfer kinetics observed in ICPplacentas[159]  and to reverse the morphological changesseen in the placentas of a rodent model of ICP

    [195]. In

    addition, placental MRP2 protein and mRNA expression were significant ly increased in patients treated withUDCA compared to controls[194]. UDCA also protectscardiomyocytes from bile acid-induced arrhythmias in anin vitro model[196].

     There are very few side effects reported with UDCAtreatment. At higher doses women may complain ofgastrointestinal upset and diarrhea, but this is rare.

    Dexamethasone:  Dexamethasone inhibits placental

    estrogen synthesis by reducing secretion of theprecursor, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, from the fetaladrenal glands[197,198]. An early observational study of10 affected women from Finland suggested a benecial

    effect with reduced serum estriol and estradiol levelsand symptomatic improvement in all cases. In additionliver biochemistry, including the serum bile acid level, was improved and symptoms did not recur on cessationof treatment[199]. However, this was not supported bysubsequent studies[189,200,201].

    In addition to the conflicting reports of efficacy,there are concerns over safety. Dexamethasone has

    been widely used to promote fetal lung maturity and isreported to be safe in this context. However, it crossesthe placenta easily, and animal and human data suggestthat repeated high doses are associated with decreasedbirth weight[202] and abnormal neuronal development[203].

    Rifampicin: Although there are no published studiesreporting the use of rifampicin in ICP, it has been used with good results in several other liver diseases, includinggallstones and primary biliary cirrhosis

    [204-206]. In these

    studies treatment with rifampicin resulted in signicant

    decreases in serum levels of transaminases and total bileacids, as well as an improvement in pruritus, suggestingthat it might also be useful in the treatment of ICP. Arecent study investigating the molecular mechanism by which rifampicin works has shown that it enhances bileacid detoxication, an effect that is complementary to

    the up-regulation of bile acid export induced by UDCA,suggesting that the two drugs used in combination maybe more effective than monotherapy [204]. The authorsare aware of several ICP cases that have not respondedto monotherapy with UDCA, but have responded tocombined treatment with rifampicin and UDCA.

     Vitamin K: ICP is associated with a risk of malabsorptionof fat soluble vitamins due to reduced enterohepaticcirculation of bile acids and subsequent reduction ofuptake in the terminal ileum. Therefore many cliniciansopt to treat women with oral vitamin K to guard againstthe theoretical risk of fetal antepartum and maternal intra-or postpartum hemorrhage. However, there have been nostudies to support or refute this practice.

    Others: S-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) is theprincipal methyl group donor involved in the synthesisof phosphatidylcholine, and therefore, it inuences the

    composition and fluidity of hepatic membranes andhence biliary excretion of hormone metabolites

    [207]. It

    reverses estrogen-induced impairment of bile flow inrats[208-210]. Furthermore, in a human study of estrogen-induced cholestasis in women with a history of ICP,SAMe was shown to prevent ethinylestradiol-inducedelevations in AST/ALT, bile acids and bilirubin[211]. Earlystudies of SAMe in the treatment of ICP reported thatit improved both symptoms and biochemistry 

    [212, 213], and

    these ndings were conrmed by a subsequent placebo

    controlled study in which 15 women were treated withhigh dose SAMe (800 mg/d iv)[214]. However, a double-

    blind, placebo-controlled trial showed no improvementin symptoms or biochemistry following treatment with SAMe[215]. Finally, the efcacy of SAMe has beencompared to that of UDCA, combination therapy withUDCA and SAMe, and placebo in one study [183]. Womentreated with SAMe had a larger reduction in pruritusscore and biochemical parameters than women in theplacebo group, but this was not as large in the UDCAgroup. Furthermore, treatment with a combination ofUDCA and SAMe was more effective than SAMe alonein reducing bile acid levels. Some patients have reportedproblems with peripheral veins following prolonged

    intravenous administration [215]. No other adversematernal or fetal effects have been reported and SAMeseems to be well tolerated.

    Cholestyramine is an anion exchange resin which actsby binding bile acids in the gut, thereby inhibiting the

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    enterohepatic circulation and increasing fecal excretionof bile acids. There have been several studies suggestingthat cholestyramine is effective at reducing pruritus inICP[216,217]. However, it has no effect on serum bile acidlevels or other biochemical markers of cholestasis [216].

    Furthermore, it may reduce the intestinal absorption offat-soluble vitamins, thus depleting the levels of vitaminK and increasing the risk of hemorrhage for the motherand fetus[218]. Cholestyramine is therefore no longerconsidered a rst-line therapy for ICP.

    Guar gum is a dietary fiber that acts in a similarmanner to cholestyramine. One small study hasreported the use of guar gum in the treatment of ICPand reported no effect on serum bile acids or bilirubinand only a minimal reduction in pruritus score [219].Subsequently, a randomized controlled trial has shownthat guar gum is no more effective than placebo inimproving pruritus or reducing serum bile acids


    Peroral activated charcoal has been shown to reduceserum bile acids in seven of nine women treated inone study. However, there was no improvement insymptoms[221].

     Topical trea tment wi th aqueous cream with 2%menthol is of value in the relief of pruritus, but doesnot improve biochemical abnormalities.


    Most women have no lasting hepatic damage, butICP recurs in the majority of cases, with variations in

    intensity in subsequent pregnancies[10,222]. Recurrence isless likely following multiple pregnancy. Women with ahistory of ICP may also develop symptoms if taking thecombined oral contraceptive pill or in the second half ofthe menstrual cycle

    [31]. Long-term follow-up studies have

    shown an increased risk of gallstones, non-alcoholiccirrhosis and pancreatitis, hepatitis C and autoimmunehepatitis



    ICP is a relatively common cause of hepatic impairment

    in pregnancy. It has a complex etiology with genetic,endocrine and environmental components. ICP causesmaternal pruritus with impaired liver function and raisedserum bile acids. The maternal cholestasis is transient with postnata l resolution, although affected womenhave increased rates of hepatobiliary disorders in laterlife. ICP is associated with adverse fetal outcomes. Therisk of meconium-stained liquor, fetal asphyxia andspontaneous preterm delivery is greater in pregnancies with more marked elevations in maternal serum bileacid levels. The condition is also associated withIUD. The most effective pharmacological therapy for

    improvement of maternal symptoms and biochemicalabnormalities is UDCA, and this has also been shown toreduce placental abnormalities and to improve placentalbile acid transport in in vitro studies. Fetal outcomesare improved with a variety of strategies of active

    management, although the most effective interventionhas not currently been established. A common practiceis induction of labour at 37-38 wk of gestation with theaim of reducing the risk of IUD as many deaths occurat later gestations. Large therapeutic trials are required to

    establish which specic drug treatments or managementstrategies are effective at reducing the rates of adversefetal outcomes.


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