kaarisaa takaful application form individual...

Ayady Takaful (C-43/84), H.Orchid, 1st floor, Ameeru Ahmed Magu, Male’, 20095, Maldives [email protected] ayady.mv +960 301 8000 +960 331 0300 Policy no. Form no. ެވެއެނޭހެޖްނަވަކްއަ ދާސިއަ ފްށަރުތި އަމަނެޖްއިހެޖަމަ ހްށަތޮގޭ ދިދަ. އެވެންނިނުފްނުކި މީނާމްނި ންނުނިދު ނިއާމުނި ދްލުފާކަ ތްށަކަތާސިދާޙި މްތާރަފިރެ ވެގުތާރާމި އްޖޭރަވަ ކުރުތި އްތާރަ ފޭޅު އްށަޔްއު ކިއަގުތާރާމި އިރާފަޔި ވެގީތްނަފުދެ މިދަ އިދު ކOwner - Explosion - Riot and Strike - Malicious Damage - Aircraft - Bursting or overfowing of watertanks, apparatus or pipes - Impact Damage by road vehicles - Burglary cover Additional Perils Coverage for these additional perils is subject to Company’s discretion and additional contribution charge Tenant SME (Small Medium Enterprises) KAARISAA TAKAFUL APPLICATION FORM INDIVIDUAL ADD-ON Covers CORPORATE/ GOVERNMENT ްމޯ ފޭދެ އްށައްލުފާކަ ތާސިރާ ކMale Female Occupation Contact no. Fax Email Permanent address / Office Postal address Date of birth House/Building name ID no. Registry no. Contact name Name Company Nature of business ާރިއާ ދެގާފީޒަ ވުރަބްނަ ނެނޭޅު ގްސްކެ ފްލޭމީ އްސެރްޑެ އްސީފޮ / އްސެރްޑެ އީމިއާ ދްސެރްޑެ އާރުކްޓްސޯ ޕްޚީރާ ތްނަފު އްނެހިރި ފްނެހްނަ އުރަބްނަ ނީިއަ އުރަބްނަ ނީރްޓްސިޖަ ރްނަ ނެގާހީ މޭޅު ގްނަ ނީނެޕްމޮ ކްތަވާ ބެގީރާފަޔި ވRoad District Atoll,Island Postal Code Mortgagee: Risk name: Location of risk: Nature of Business: Period of Takaful: Specification of property and sums to be covered Building (MVR/USD) Building(s) including Permanent Fixtures and Fittings Plant and Machinery Removal of Debris Stock and Materials in Trade Furniture 1 2 3 4 5 Item Property Sum covered Others ( Please specify ) Total Sum to be covered

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Post on 20-Feb-2020




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Page 1: KAARISAA TAKAFUL APPLICATION FORM INDIVIDUAL …ndmc.gov.mv/assets/Uploads/Kaarisaa-Takaful-Form.pdf · to appoint AYADY TAKAFUL to manage and invest the Fund according to Islamic

Ayady Takaful (C-43/84), H.Orchid, 1st floor, Ameeru Ahmed Magu, Male’, 20095, Maldives [email protected] ayady.mv+960 301 8000 +960 331 0300

Policy no.

Proposal no.

Policy no.

Form no.

Policy no.

Form no.

މިޙާދިސާތަކަށް ތަކާފުލް ދިނުމާއި ނުދިނުން ނިންމާނީ މިކުންފުނިންނެވެ. އަދި ދޭގޮތަށް ހަމަޖެހިއްޖެނަމަ އިތުރަށް ފައިސާ ދައްކަވަންޖެހޭނެއެވެ

އިމާރާތުގެ ވެރިފަރާތް

އިތުރު ކަވަރޭޖް

އިމާރާތުގައި ކުއްޔަށް އުޅޭ ފަރާތް ކުދި އަދި މެދުފަންތީގެ ވިޔަފާރިOwner

- Explosion- Riot and Strike- Malicious Damage- Aircraft- Bursting or overfowing of watertanks, apparatus or pipes- Impact Damage by road vehicles- Burglary cover

Additional Perils

Coverage for these additional perils is subject to Company’s discretion and additional contribution charge

Tenant SME (Small Medium Enterprises)



ADD-ON Covers


ކާރިސާ ތަކާފުލްއަށް އެދޭ ފޯމް

Male Female


Contact no. Fax Email

Permanent address / Offi ce

Postal address

Date of birth

House/Building name

ID no. Registry no.

Contact name

Name Company

Nature of businessވަޒީފާގެ ދާއިރާ

ގުޅޭނެ ނަންބަރު ފެކްސް އީމޭލް

ދާއިމީ އެޑްރެސް / އޮފީސް އެޑްރެސް

ޕޯސްޓްކުރާ އެޑްރެސް

އުފަން ތާރީޚް ފިރިހެން އަންހެން

އައި.ޑީ ނަންބަރު ރަޖިސްޓްރީ ނަންބަރު

ގުޅޭ މީހާގެ ނަން

ނަން ކޮމްޕެނީ

ވިޔަފާރީގެ ބާވަތް

Road District Atoll,IslandPostal Code

Declaration: I/We agree to participate in this Takaful scheme based on the principle of Ta’awun and to pay the contribution on the basis of TABARRU (donation) for the purpose of helping each other participants who have suffered a fi nancial loss due to any of the covered event (s). Based on this contribution, I/we are also entitled to the Takaful cover subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. I/We further agree that my/our contribution be credited into the Participant Risk Fund (PRF) and to appoint AYADY TAKAFUL to manage and invest the Fund according to Islamic Shariah. I/We also permit AYADY TAKAFUL to make payment for claims/Takaful bene-fi ts, provisions and reserves based on the guidelines and policies laid by the authorities, and to pay a WAKALAH (agent) fee at the rate of 30% of the contribution to AYADY TAKAFUL. I/We further agree that the money in the PRF shall be invested by AYADY TAKAFUL, and if the return from the investment exceeds 1.2%, the additional return or excess shall be retained and credited to AYADY TAKAFUL under the principle of PERFORMANCE FEE (Ujrah). Additionally, I/We authorize AYADY TAKAFUL to distribute Net Surplus of the PRF at the end of the year (if any) among the participants. I/We understand that this Takaful Certifi cate will not be enforced unless this proposal has been accepted by AYADY TAKAFUL.


Risk name:

Location of risk:

Nature of Business:

Period of Takaful:

Specification of property and sums to be covered

Building (MVR/USD)

Building(s) including Permanent Fixtures and Fittings

Plant and Machinery

Removal of Debris

Stock and Materials in Trade







Item Property Sum covered

Others ( Please specify )

Total Sum to be covered

Page 2: KAARISAA TAKAFUL APPLICATION FORM INDIVIDUAL …ndmc.gov.mv/assets/Uploads/Kaarisaa-Takaful-Form.pdf · to appoint AYADY TAKAFUL to manage and invest the Fund according to Islamic

Ayady Takaful (C-43/84), H.Orchid, 1st floor, Ameeru Ahmed Magu, Male’, 20095, Maldives [email protected] ayady.mv+960 301 8000 +960 331 0300

Policy no.

Proposal no.

Policy no.

Form no.

Of what material are the following constructed?

How many stories high, including the ground floor, are the premises?

Preferred Bank account number to transfer yearly Surplus

How are the premises lighted?

Bank Name Account Name Account Number

How long have you conducted business at the premises?


You are to disclose in the application form, fully and faithfully all the facts which you know or ought to know, otherwise the certificate issued here under maybe void.

މި އެޕްލިކޭޝަން އަމަލުކުރެވެން ފެށޭނީ، ކުންފުނިން އެޕްލިކޭޝަން ބަލައިގަތުމުންނެވެ

މި އެޕްލިކޭޝަން ފޯރމުގައިވާ ހުރިހާ މައުލޫމާތަކީ ތިޔަފަރާތަށް އިނގިފައިވާ އަދި އިނގެންޖެހޭ މައުލޫމާތަށް ބިނާކޮށް ފުރިހަމަކަމާއި ތެދުވެރިކަމައިއެކު ދީފައިވާ މައުލޫމާތަށް ވާންވާނެއެވެ. މިނޫން ގޮތަކަށް މައުލޫމާތުހިމަނާފައިވާނަމަ، މި އެޕްލިކޭޝަން ދޫކުރެވޭ ސެޓްފިކެޓްއާއި ބާތިލް ސެޓްފިކެޓްކަށެވެ

External walls Roof Floors

If yes, Please describe below in detail the nearby premises to the right, left and back ( e.g. distance, residents and the materi-als in which external wall, roofs, etc. are made of)





Rate: Agent’s Name:Contribution:Office use only

Is there any other Insurance / Takaful on the same property in force with us or any other company?


Has any company or insurer ever declined to insure you or your property, imposed special terms or cancelled or refused to renew your insurance?

Are there any other occupants of the premises?

Are the premises attached to or near any other premises?

Are any hazardous goods, including petrol, kerosene, rubber, copra, matches or joss sticks, used or stored?

Male Female


Contact no. Fax Email

Permanent address / Offi ce

Postal address

Date of birth

House/Building name

ID no. Registry no.

Contact name

Name Company

Nature of businessވަޒީފާގެ ދާއިރާ

ގުޅޭނެ ނަންބަރު ފެކްސް އީމޭލް

ދާއިމީ އެޑްރެސް / އޮފީސް އެޑްރެސް

ޕޯސްޓްކުރާ އެޑްރެސް

އުފަން ތާރީޚް ފިރިހެން އަންހެން

އައި.ޑީ ނަންބަރު ރަޖިސްޓްރީ ނަންބަރު

ގުޅޭ މީހާގެ ނަން

ނަން ކޮމްޕެނީ

ވިޔަފާރީގެ ބާވަތް

Road District Atoll,IslandPostal Code

Declaration: I/We agree to participate in this Takaful scheme based on the principle of Ta’awun and to pay the contribution on the basis of TABARRU (donation) for the purpose of helping each other participants who have suffered a fi nancial loss due to any of the covered event (s). Based on this contribution, I/we are also entitled to the Takaful cover subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. I/We further agree that my/our contribution be credited into the Participant Risk Fund (PRF) and to appoint AYADY TAKAFUL to manage and invest the Fund according to Islamic Shariah. I/We also permit AYADY TAKAFUL to make payment for claims/Takaful bene-fi ts, provisions and reserves based on the guidelines and policies laid by the authorities, and to pay a WAKALAH (agent) fee at the rate of 30% of the contribution to AYADY TAKAFUL. I/We further agree that the money in the PRF shall be invested by AYADY TAKAFUL, and if the return from the investment exceeds 1.2%, the additional return or excess shall be retained and credited to AYADY TAKAFUL under the principle of PERFORMANCE FEE (Ujrah). Additionally, I/We authorize AYADY TAKAFUL to distribute Net Surplus of the PRF at the end of the year (if any) among the participants. I/We understand that this Takaful Certifi cate will not be enforced unless this proposal has been accepted by AYADY TAKAFUL.

ބަޔާން: އަހަރެން/އަހަރެމެން އެއްބަސް މިވަނީ ”ތަޢާވުން“ ގެ އަސާސް ތަކުގެ މައްޗަށް ބިނާވެފައިވާ އާންމު ތަކާފުލް ސްކީމެއްގައި ބައިވެރިވުމުގެ ގޮތުން ’ތަބައްރުޢު‘ (ހިލޭ އެހީ) ގެ އުސޫލުގެ މަތިން ފައިސާ ދެއްކުމަށެވެ.އެއްބަސްވުމުގައި ތަކާފުލް ފޯރުކޮށްދެވޭނީ އެހީތެރިކަން ދަށުން ނިޒާމުގެ މި ނިޒާމެކެވެ. އެހީތެރިވެވޭ އަނެކަކަށް އެކަކު ފޫބެއްދުމަށްޓަކައި ގެއްލުމެއް މާލީ ލިބޭ އެންމެންނަށްމެ، ބައިވެރިވާ ދަށުން ނިޒާމުގެ މި މިއީ ޖަމާކުރުމަށް އަށް) (ޕީ.އާރ.އެފް ފަންޑަށް އެހީވާ ބައިވެރިންނަށް ފައިސާ ދައްކާ ބައިވެރިވުމަށް ސްކީމްގައި ތަކާފުލް މި ފޫބައްދާށެވެ. ގެއްލުމެއް މާލީ ލިބޭ މެދުވެރިވެގެން ޙާލަތެއް ފަދަ ބަޔާންވެފައިވާ ނޑައެޅި ކަ ރުހި ޤަބޫލުވަމެވެ. އަދި މި ފައިސާއިން ބައިވެރިންނަށް އެހީވުމާއި ޤަވާއިދުތަކުގެ ދަށުން ކުރަންޖެހޭ އެހެނިހެން ޚަރަދުތައް ކުރުމުގެ ހުއްދަ އަޔާދީ ތަކާފުލްއަށް ދެމެވެ. އަދި އިސްލާމީ ޝަރީޢާތް ހުއްދަކުރާ މަގުން މި ފަންޑުގެ ފައިސާ އިންވެސްޓްކުރުމަށް އަޔާދީ ތަކާފުލް އައްޔަންކުރަމެވެ. މި މުޢާމަލާތްތައް ކުރުމުން ލިބެންވާ ވަކީލުގެ ފީގެ ގޮތުގައި %30 (ތިރީސް އިންސައްތަ) އަޔާދީ ތަކާފުލްއަށް ދިނުމަށްވެސް އެއްބަސްވަމެވެ. އަދި އެހީވާ ފަންޑަށް ޖަމާވާ ފައިސާ އިންވެސްޓްކޮށްގެން ލިބޭ ފައިދާ %1.2 (އެކެއް ޕޮއިންޓް ދޭއް އިންސައްތަ) އަށް ވުރެ އިތުރުވާނަމަ، އިތުރުވާބައި އުޖޫރައިގެ ގޮތުގައި އަޔާދީ ތަކާފުލްއަށް ޖަމާކުރުމަށް އެއްބަސްވެމެވެ.ބެހުމަށް މެދުގައި ބައިވެރިންގެ ފަންޑުގެ މަތިން އުސޫލުގެ ނޑައެޅިފައިވާ ކަ އެފައިދާ އިތުރުވާނަމަ، ފައިދާއެއް ނޑައި ކަ ޚަރަދުތައް ގައި އެފް) (ޕީ.އާރ. ފަންޑު އެހީވާ ބައިވެރިންނަށް ނިމޭއިރު އަހަރު އިތުރުން މީގެ ޤަބޫލުކުރަމެވެ.ދ އަހަރެން/އަހަރެމެން ކަމަށް ނުފެށޭނެ ކުރަން ޢަމަލު އެއްބަސްވުމަށް މެނުވީ ކުރުމުން ޤަބޫލް ފުރިހަމައަށް ބަލައި ފަރާތުން ތަކާފުލްގެ އަޔާދީ އެއްބަސްވުން މި އަދި ހުއްދަދެމެވެ. ތަކާފުލްއަށް އަޔާދީ

Documents required with the Application Form:

Business Permit Owner’s ID. Card/ Company’s registration copy

Land Registration Copy Content/ Stock List (if applicable)itekwt EhejcnwLwawSuh ukea iaWmOf

Ipok egiawdcauh egumurukirWfwyiv Ipok IrwTcsijer egInufcnuk / uDWk.ID.iawa egutWrwfirev

Ipok IrcTcsijwr egutWrWmia uTcsil egulwdum