kaitak terminal

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  • 8/19/2019 Kaitak Terminal



    Case study 2.Ronak bhanushali - 7

     Yokohama international cruise terminal, japan


     The reason why I have chosen this case study is

    1. To understand the relation of the cruise terminal with its surrounding contet2. To understand the !lanning of a terminal.". To study the articulation of a !assenger cruise terminal and a mi of civic

    facilities for the use of citi#ens in one building

    $. The function o%ered is very similar to the ty!e of terminal that I am trying todesign& hence design features can be !icked from this !articular case study.

     'okohama international cruise terminal is designed by architects Mr. AlejandroZaera-Polo and Ms. Farshid Moussavi.

    Floor area: $$&((( m2

    BA!"#$%&':  The brief of the 'okohama International )ort Terminal asked forthe articulation of a !assenger cruise terminal and a mi of civic facilities for theuse of citi#ens in one building. The site had a !ivotal role along the city*s water front

    that& if declared a !ublic s!ace& would !resent 'okohama City with a continuousstructure of o!en !ublic s!aces along the waterfront.

    +o the terminal was designed in such a way that roof of the terminal acted as ano!en !la#a for !ublic and continued with the surface of yamashita !ark as well asakaranega !ark.

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    ()* A#)I(*(+ P*#+P*(I*:

     The !ro,ect starts with what the architects have named as the no-return !ier& withthe ambition to structure the !recinct of the !ier as a uid& uninterru!ted and multi-directional s!ace& rather than a gateway to ows of /ed orientation. 0 series of!rogrammatically s!eci/c interlocking circulation loo!s allow the architects tosubvert the traditional linear and branching structure characteristic of the building.Rather than develo!ing the building as an ob,ect or /gure on the !ier& the !ro,ect is!roduced as an etension of the urban ground& constructed as a systematictransformation of the lines of the circulation diagram into a folded and bifurcatedsurface. These folds !roduce covered surfaces where the di%erent !arts of the

    !rogram can be hosted.


     The relation between the skin and the areas established by the structural folds ofthe surface is one of the most im!ortant arguments of the !ro,ect in that the foldedground distributes the loads through the surfaces themselves& moving themdiagonally to the ground. This structure is also es!ecially adeuate in co!ing withthe lateral forces generated by seismic movements that a%ect the a!aneseto!ogra!hy

  • 8/19/2019 Kaitak Terminal



  • 8/19/2019 Kaitak Terminal



    Location 1-1-4 Kaigandori, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 231-0002, Ja


    #!c!m$!r 2002

    %tructur!& #im!n'ion'

    (wo-'tori!' a$o)! ground and on!-'tory $!"ow ground

    %t!!"-*ram! con'truction

    L!ngth appro+ 430m


    appro+ 1m

    .idth appro+ /0m

    (ota" "oor %pac! appro+ 44,000m2

    (!rmina" aci"iti!'

    a'!m!ntL!)!" Machin! oom

    1't "oor arking

    2nd "oor a''!ng!r(!rmina"

    ntranc! & +it u'!' (a+i'

    Lo$$y5n*ormation Count!(ick!t Count!r, LoCa*! and %hop'


    Cu'tom', 5mmigra6uarantin!

    7'an$a'hi 8a""


    oo* L!)!" oo*top "a9a, :i'itor' #!ck', 7utdoor )!nt "

    !rthing Capacity

    !rth' ; & L!ngth< 40m, #!pth< 12m, ;pron .idth< 20m

    !rth' C & # L!ngth< 40m, #!pth< 10 to 11m, ;pron .idth< 2

    our $oarding $ridg!'

     ;rchit!ct' ;"!=andro >a!ra-o"o & ar'hid Mou''a)i

    "*&*#A I&F$#MA(I$&:

  • 8/19/2019 Kaitak Terminal



    ocation plan:

    First oor plan:

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    +econd oor plan:

  • 8/19/2019 Kaitak Terminal



    #oo/ plan:

    +ection :

    $MP$&*&(+ $F (*#MI&A :

  • 8/19/2019 Kaitak Terminal



    #oo/top Pla0a:

     The roofto! level is an o!en-air !la#a furnished with wooden decks and naturalgrass lawns.

     The building*s height was ke!t at the lowest !ossible level 314m ma.5 to enhancethe s!ectacular a!!earance of shi!s. Cruise shi!s calling at the Terminal can be

    seen from the mainland& and !assengers on-board can en,oy the unobstructedviews of the )ort and the city.

     The Roofto! )la#a is one of the best locations to en,oy the scenery ofthe'okohama waterfront district.

    $utdoor *vent Pla0a:

     The s!ace near the entrance to the 6sanbashi all can be used as a stage forevents like mini-concerts and dance !erformances& with the surrounding ste!sfunctioning as audience seats.

    isitors 'ecks:6n the roofto!& 8isitors 9ecks are !rovided on both sides for visitors to welcomearriving cruise shi!s or see the !assengers o%.

     The Terminal can concurrently accommodate two 7(&(((-ton cruise vessels& or four"(&(((-ton class vessels.

  • 8/19/2019 Kaitak Terminal



    +unshades 1 Bu2er +tops:

    :ooden board sunshades are !rovided on the roofto! to hel! kee! you cool onsummer days.+mall cylindrical bu%er sto!s are !rovided on the deck oor to mark the areas withthe highest strength which will allow direct access for emergency vehicles.

     The lighting !rovided on the roofto! is designed to be intentionally out of alignmentwith the building& re!resenting the architects; intention to create asymmetricalforms.


    onstruction Materials:

     The non-decorative a!!earance of the structural frame is one of the s!ecial featuresof this building. 0 s!ecial metal s!ray technology is a!!lied to the steel to achieve/re resistance without the need to a!!ly an additional /re!roo/ng coating.6ther construction materials include wood for the ooring 3i!e5 and glass curtainwalls. +teel& wood and glass are what constitute this building.

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    A3out Ipe:

     The oors on the roofto! and the 2nd 2(mm for the interior? "(mm for the general eteriorareas? $4mm for the vehicle !assages5

    +econd oor


     The information desk and check-in counters are located in the $&$((㎡ 

    lobby alongwith a caf@ and seven sho!s. The "4m long check-in counters on either side of theAobby handle the boarding !rocedures and luggage delivery services.

     There are conveyor belts behind the counters to send !assengers; baggage down tothe delivery trucks on the /rst oor.

     The slightly tilted rectangular steel tubes on the two sides are called Bgirders. Theyare the main su!!orting structures of this building. Inside these tubes are the slo!es

    connecting to other oors. Triangular !yramids made of folded steel !lates are!laced over the girders. The !lates act as the su!!ort for the ceiling and the oor.Aight within the Aobby comes from the indirect light of the mercury lam!s on thegirders reected from the ceiling.Dost of the air conditioning in the terminal comes from the oor& not the ceiling.

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    ruise 'ecks

     The fences are folded inwards all along the deck to !rovide room for the connectingboarding bridges. These boarding bridges are reuired to allow the !assengers tosafely board and disembark from the docked shi!s.


    I5 Facilities 6I5 Pla0a7CIE 3Customs& Immigration and Euarantine5 facilities are for those !assengersarriving on foreign cruise shi!s who are reuired to go through the customs&immigration and uarantine !rocedures. The total area is a!!roimately "&(((㎡.

     The conveyor belts !rovided on both sides of the )la#a can send the !assengers;baggage& which has been unloaded from shi!s onto the a!ron on the 1st oor& u! tothe CIE facilities for ins!ection.

     The ins!ection desks& stations& !artitions and all other ins!ection eui!ment in theCIE )la#a are designed to install wheels so that they can be easily rolled intoanother area. This allows the )la#a to be turned into a large event hall when not inuse as an ins!ection area.


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    $san3ashi )all:

     The multi-!ur!ose 6sanbashi all is located at the end of the second oor. Throughthe huge glass wall& you can see vessels coming to and leaving the )ort and en,oy

    the scenery of the bay. :ith a ceiling height of F to Gm and an area of 2&(((㎡

    & the6sanbashi all can be the venue for a variety of events& such as lecture meetings&ehibitions& !arties and weddings.

    "lass urtain 8alls:

     The interior s!ace is se!arated from the cruise decks with glass curtain walls madeof 1Hmm-thick tem!ered glass.

     The glass curtain walls are /rmly /ed at the bottom but not at the to! to avoidim!acts against the steel frame during an earthuake. They tilt slightly outward at Hdegree on the 'amashita +ide and 1 degree on the +hinko +ide.


    8isitors to the Terminal largely include locals& who might choose to rela in theAobby after en,oying the s!ectacular view over the )ort& or watch cruise shi!scoming and going through the glass walls.

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    +hops and #estaurants

     There are seven sho!s o%ering a variety of souvenirs and goods featuring 'okohamaand a!an& a relaing caf@restaurant with an ocean view& and a full-edgedrestaurant with a !anoramic night view of the !ort at the end of the Terminal.

    FI#+( F$$#


     There are no stairs inside the building 3ece!t for audience seat ste!s at the6utdoor Jvent )la#a5. In this barrier-free environment you may use the ram!s tomove between all levels& or the elevators to travel between the 1st and 2nd oors.Ram!s built along the girders serve both as the structural frame and !assageways.

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     There are three elevators inside the Aobby and two in the 6sanbashi all. Theelevators in the Aobby are glass boes with no elevator shafts. :ith the hydraulicsystem& they are o!erated through e!ansion and contraction of a su!!orting shaft

    at the bottom. 3This mechanical o!eration can be viewed in the )arking on the 1stoor.5

     The s!ecial /lm a!!lied on the glass from the middle down gives the frost glasse%ect when viewed from a !articular angle.


     The /rst oor is dedicated for !arking a!!roimately $(( standard-si#ed !assengercars& including 2G s!aces that can accommodate coaches.+ituated at the heart of 'okohama& the Terminal is o!en 2$ hours to welcome non-!assenger visitors.

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    1. The Terminal can accommodate u! to four A60 2((-meter classvessels or two "((-meter class vessels at the same time.

    2. The height of the building is designed to allow !assengers tocomfortably get on and o% vessels& but at the same time ithovers on the hori#on so as not to interru!t the view of the )ort.

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     The roofto! is gently curved as if it was symboli#ing rollingwaves.

    ". The oors of the second oor and roofto! are /nished with woodto give a feeling of a shi!;s deck. The wood used here is a

    =ra#ilian wood called I!e& which has ecellent strength anddurability as well as a s!eci/c gravity greater than that of water. The roofto! also has natural grass lawns. This way& the Terminalis designed to serve as a working !ier as well as an en,oyableand relaing !ark-like !ublic facility for 'okohama residents.

    $. The building is steel framed& consisting of main beams 3girders5on the two sides and a triangular !yramid 3folded !lates5 systemto su!!ort the roof and oors. This results in a massive column-less interior s!ace& with eternal walls all made with tem!eredglass. In short& wood& steel and glass are what constitute the


    4. The building has no stairs to create a barrier-free environment. This means that visitors can move comfortably between the twolevels using ram!s and elevators. The glass-walled elevators areo!erated hydraulically& a technology hardly em!loyed in oroutside a!an. This eliminated the need for an elevator machineroom on the roofto! which therefore avoided disfeaturing thewave-like roofto! curves and im!airing the green !arkatmos!here.

    F. 0s the !ier !ro,ects into the sea& visitors coming from the landwould usually have to walk to the end of the !ier and return allthe way back again towards the land to leave the !ier. Kiventhis& the Terminal has diverse !assages for better navigabilitybased on the conce!t of serving as a citi#ens; !ark.

    $&%+I$& :

     There are several as!ects that I would like to incor!orate from this case

    study into my own design& and they are the following>1. Creating a barrier free environment2. 0rticulation of a !assenger cruise terminal and a mi of civic facilities in one

    building.". Dassive column-less interior s!ace.$. Roofto! with natural grass lawns.

  • 8/19/2019 Kaitak Terminal
