kala/balge - nigeria · 2020. 9. 12. · 14°40'0"e 14°40'0"e...

14°40'0"E 14°40'0"E 14°20'0"E 14°20'0"E 12°20'0"N 12°20'0"N 12°0'0"N 12°0'0"N 420000 420000 440000 440000 460000 460000 480000 480000 1300000 1300000 1320000 1320000 1340000 1340000 1360000 1360000 GLIDE number: N/A Cameroon Niger Borno Abadam Bama Dikwa Gubio Guzamala Jere Kaga Kala/Balge Konduga Konduga Konduga Kukawa Mafa Magumeri Maiduguri Marte Mobbar Monguno Ngala Nganzai 2 4 1 3 5 ^ Borno Benin Cameroon Niger Chad Nigeria Abuja Cartographic Information 1:130,000 ± Grid: WGS 1984 UTM Zone 33N map coordinate system Full color A1, 300 dpi resolution EMSN-063 assesses changes in cropland in conflict affected areas in Nigeria s Borno state between 2018/2019 and 2007-2010/2013. To estimate the impact of conflict in these inaccessible areas of Nigeria and to estimate the population affected by cropland loss, a crop change detection was performed. The present map shows the results of crop change analysis in the LGA of Kala/Balge. The methodology is based on a previously by World Food Program (WFP) applied study in the Mopti region of Mali. The crop change analysis is based on HR imagery data. The estimated geometric accuracy (RMSE) is 100 m or better, from native positional accuracy of the background satellite image. The estimated thematic accuracy of this product is 85% or better, as it is based on visual interpretation of recognizable items on very high resolution optical imagery. Products elaborated in this Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery Mapping activation are realized to the best of our ability, optimising the available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original sources. No liability concerning the contents or the use thereof is assumed by the producer and by the European Union. Delivery formats are Layered Geospatial PDF and vector (ESRI GDB, GeoJSON). Map produced by GMV and released by IABG mbH(PM). For the latest version of this map and related products visit https://emergency.copernicus.eu/EMSN063 [email protected] © European Union For full Copyright notice visit https://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/ems/cite- copernicus-ems-mapping-portal Legend Tick marks: WGS 84 geographical coordinate system Product N: AOI05KALA/BALGE, P01, v1 Activation ID: EMSN063 Pre-event image: Landsat Legacy - GLS, (acquired between the 02/10/2009 at 09:14 UTC and the 30/10/2010 at 09:10 UTC, GSD 30 m), provided under U.S. Geological Survey, all rights reserved. ASTER L1T, (acquired between the 07/06/2007 at 09:41 UTC and the 19/04/2010 at 09:48 UTC, GSD 15 m), provided under Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), all rights reserved. Landsat 8 (2013), (acquired between the 15/06/2013 at 09:25 UTC and the 14/10/2013 at 09:20 UTC, GSD 30 m), provided under U.S. Geological Survey, all rights reserved. Post-event image: Sentinel-2 A/B (2018), (acquired between the 16/06/2018 at 09:30 UTC and the 14/10/2018 at 09:30 UTC, GSD 10 m), provided under COPERNICUS by the European Union, ESA and European Space Imaging, all rights reserved. Sentinel-2 A/B (2019), (acquired between the 16/06/2019 at 09:30 UTC and the 14/10/2019 at 09:30 UTC, GSD 10 m), provided under COPERNICUS by the European Union, ESA and European Space Imaging, all rights reserved. Population data: World Population © 2020 WorldPop, licensed under Creative Commons Attributions 4.0 International License, http://www.Worldpop.org Base vector layers: OpenStreetMap © OpenStreetMap contributors, Administrative Boundaries © 2017 OCHA Nigeria refined by the producer. 0 5 10 2.5 km Kala/Balge - NIGERIA Crop change detection conflict areas P01 - Overview map 50 km Int. Charter call ID: N/A Map Information Data sources Disclaimer Change in cropland areas (2018/2019 compared to <2010) ! ( Slight decrease ! ( Medium decrease ! ( Significant decrease ! ( Slight increase ! ( Medium increase ! ( Significant increase ! ( No evident change Area of Interest " Main city Main road River, canal Permanent waterbody General information Gulf of Guinea Map Production For each timestamp, a NDVI composite raster layer was created, providing the base for the crop change analysis. For the determination of the crop change, a populated sites dataset was created based on a combination of a number of reference ancillary data improved through visual inspection and manual editing using the freely available Google earth imagery. Each of the populated sites were inspected manually in order to determined the status of crop change, comparing the NDVI-composite layers of <2010 and 2018/2019. The map shows the used "post-event" satellite image of 2018 in RGB, clipped to the AOI-boundary. To provide an overview over all NE Nigeria regions, an ESRI basemap (© Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community) was included as background. The basic topographic features such as main roads, hydrography and main settlements as well as the administrative boundaries shown in the map are derived from public datasets.

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Post on 07-Nov-2020




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Page 1: Kala/Balge - NIGERIA · 2020. 9. 12. · 14°40'0"E 14°40'0"E 14°20'0"E 14°20'0"E 1 2 ° 2 0 ' 0 " N 1 2 ° 2 0 ' " N 1 2 ° 0 ' 0 " N 1 2 ° 0 ' 0 " N 420000 420000 440000 440000
































GLIDE num ber: N/A













Konduga KondugaKonduga
















Cam eroon

Niger Chad


Cartographic Information1:130,000

±Grid: W GS 1984 U TM Z one 33N m ap coordinate system

Full color A1, 300 dpi resolution

EMSN-063 assesses changes in cropland in conflict affected areas in Nigeria’sBorno state between 2018/2019 and 2007-2010/2013. To estim ate the im pact ofconflict in these inaccessible areas of Nigeria and to estim ate the populationaffected by cropland loss, a crop change detection was perform ed.The present m ap shows the results of crop change analysis in the LGA ofKala/Balge. The m ethodology is based on a previously by W orld Food P rogram(W FP ) applied study in the Mopti region of Mali.The crop change analysis is based on H R im agery data. The estim ated geom etricaccuracy (R MSE) is 100 m or better, from native positional accuracy of theback ground satellite im age.The estim ated them atic accuracy of this product is 85% or better, as it is based onvisual interpretation of recognizable item s on very high resolution optical im agery.

P roducts elaborated in this Copernicus EMS R isk and R ecovery Mappingactivation are realized to the best of our ability, optim ising the available data andinform ation. All geographic inform ation has lim itations due to scale, resolution,date and interpretation of the original sources. No liability concerning the contentsor the use thereof is assum ed by the producer and by the European U nion.Delivery form ats are Layered Geospatial P DF and vector (ESR I GDB, GeoJSO N).Map produced by GMV and released by IABG m bH (P M).For the latest version of this m ap and related products visithttps://em ergency.copernicus.eu/EMSN063jrc-em s-risk recoverym [email protected]© European U nionFor full Copyright notice visit https://em ergency.copernicus.eu/m apping/em s/cite-copernicus-em s-m apping-portal

LegendTick m ark s: W GS 84 geographical coordinate system

P roduct N: AO I05KALA/BALGE, P 01, v1Activation ID: EMSN063

P re-event im age: Landsat Legacy - GLS, (acquired between the 02/10/2009 at09:14 U TC and the 30/10/2010 at 09:10 U TC, GSD 30 m), provided under U .S.Geological Survey, all rights reserved. ASTER L1T, (acquired between the07/06/2007 at 09:41 U TC and the 19/04/2010 at 09:48 U TC, GSD 15 m), providedunder Land P rocesses Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), all rightsreserved. Landsat 8 (2013), (acquired between the 15/06/2013 at 09:25 U TC andthe 14/10/2013 at 09:20 U TC, GSD 30 m), provided under U .S. Geological Survey,all rights reserved.P ost-event im age: Sentinel-2 A/B (2018), (acquired between the 16/06/2018 at09:30 U TC and the 14/10/2018 at 09:30 U TC, GSD 10 m), provided underCO P ER NICU S by the European U nion, ESA and European Space Im aging, allrights reserved.Sentinel-2 A/B (2019), (acquired between the 16/06/2019 at 09:30 U TC and the14/10/2019 at 09:30 U TC, GSD 10 m), provided under CO P ER NICU S by theEuropean U nion, ESA and European Space Im aging, all rights reserved.P opulation data: W orld P opulation © 2020 W orldP op, licensed under CreativeCom m ons Attributions 4.0 International License, http://www.W orldpop.orgBase vector layers: O penStreetMap © O penStreetMap contributors, Adm inistrativeBoundaries © 2017 O CH A Nigeria refined by the producer.

0 5 102.5k m

Kala/Balge - NIGERIACrop change detection conflict areas

P 01 - O verview m ap

50k m

Int. Charter call ID: N/A

Map Information

Data sources


Change in cropland areas(2018/2019 compared to <2010)!( Slight decrease!( Medium decrease!( Significant decrease!( Slight increase!( Medium increase!( Significant increase!( No evident change

Area of Interest" Main cityMain roadR iver, canalP erm anent waterbody

General information

Gulf of Guinea

Map ProductionFor each tim estam p, a NDV I com posite raster layer was created, providing thebase for the crop change analysis. For the determ ination of the crop change, apopulated sites dataset was created based on a com bination of a num ber ofreference ancillary data im proved through visual inspection and m anual editingusing the freely available Google earth im agery. Each of the populated sites wereinspected m anually in order to determ ined the status of crop change, com paringthe NDV I-com posite layers of <2010 and 2018/2019.The m ap shows the used "post-event" satellite im age of 2018 in R GB, clipped tothe AO I-boundary. To provide an overview over all NE Nigeria regions, an ESR Ibasem ap (© Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics,CNES/Airbus DS, U SDA, U SGS, AeroGR ID, IGN, and the GIS U ser Com m unity)was included as back ground.The basic topographic features such as m ain roads, hydrography and m ainsettlem ents as well as the adm inistrative boundaries shown in the m ap are derivedfrom public datasets.