kamus indonesia inggris author

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  • 8/18/2019 Kamus Indonesia Inggris Author



    aau ouch! (exclamation of 

    pain), what! (exclamation

    of surprise)

    aba (aba-aba) order,


    abad century, age, era.

    abadi eternal, lasting, enduring.

    abai neglectful.

    abang (Jakarta and some other 

    regions), elder rother,

    (in some regions only)


    abc abese the A"s.

    abdi ser#ant, sla#e.

    abjad alphabet.

    abnormal abnormal.

    abon shredded meat that has

    been boiled and fried.

    aborsi abortus, abortion.

    abrikos apricot.

    absah #alid, legal, legitimate.

    absen absent.

    absensi take attendance.

    absolut absolute.

    absolutisme absolutism.

    absorpsi ($ing., %hys.)


    absten abstain.

    abstrak abstract, summary,

    precis, theoretical.

    abstraksi abstraction.

    absur  absurd, absurd.

    absurditas absurdity.

    abu dust, abu-kayu sawdust,

    ashes. abu-bara cinders.

    abu-blarak (Ja#a)

    cleansing powder (of 

    coconut frond). abu-

    gosok scouring sand

    abu-abu gray.

    ac air conditioning.

    acak disordered, random.

    acak-acak in a hurry, hastily.

    acak-acakan in disorder,


    acapkali repeatedly, fre&uently.

    acar  pickles, salad made with

    raw #egetables mixed

    with spices and a souring


    acara agenda, program, 'udicial

    procedure, 'urisdiction

    acuh care.

    AD Angkatan arat* army

    ground forces, Anggaran

    asar* statutes.

  • 8/18/2019 Kamus Indonesia Inggris Author


    ada there is, are. (oll.) be,

    be present. ha#e, own.

    did (do so-and-so).

    adalah  am, is, are.

    adab courtesy, culture.


    adanya presence, existence,



    adat custom, tradition,

    customary law, manners,

    proper beha#ior.

    adegan scene (in a play).

    adem cool, calm, cold,

    tasteless, flat.

    adhesi adhesion, de#otion,


    adik younger brother or sister 

    or younger cousin, form

    of address to younger 

    brother or sister and

    younger people in

    extended family.

    adil  'ust, fair, e&uitable, legal.

    administrasi administration.administratif   administrati#e.

    admiral admiral.

    adonan batter, dough.

    adu compete, inform, tell on,


    aduh auch! ow! (expression of 


    aduk stir (tea, etc.), mix,

    scramble (eggs).


    adverbial ad#erbial.

    advokat lawyer.

    aerodinamika aerodynamics.

    aeronotika aeronautics.

    afiksasi affixation.

    afiliasi affiliation.

    afinitas affinity.

    afirmasi affirmation.

    agak rather, somewhat,

    approximately, about.

    agaknya it seems, probably

    agama religion.

    agamawan religious person,


    agamawi, agamis religious.

    agar  in order that, in order to.

    agar -agar  k.o. seaweed, gelatin

    made of seaweed.

    agen agency, branch, agent.

    agenda agenda.

    agraria agrarian affairs.

    agregat electric generator,aggregate.

    agresi aggression.

    agresor  aggressor.

    agronomi agronomy.

    agung exalted, high, noble,


    agustus August.

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    ah ah! alas! yachh!

    aha aha!

    ahad one, +unday.

    ahli expert, specialist, skilled,

    highly competent,

    aib shame, disgrace,

    scandal, error, mistake.

    air  water, li&uid.

    ajaib miraculous, astonishing,


    ajak in#ite, challenge.

    ajal predestined hour of 

    death, end

    ajang site, arena.

    ajeg steady, stable, constant.

    ajektif  ad'ecti#e.

    ajudan ad'utant

    akad contract, agreement,



    akademik academic.

    akademikus an academic.

    akademis academic.

    akal mind, intellect, reason,

    intelligence, way, tactics.akan will, about to (particle

    marking future e#ents),

    about, regarding

    akar  root, source.

    akbar  exalted, great, big.

    akhir  end, finish.

    akhiran ($ing.) suffix.

    akhirat the hereafter, the beyond.

    akhirnya final, last.

    akhlak character, morals.

    akibat result, conse&uence.

    akibatnya finally, as a


    akidah belief, faith.

    aklamasi acclamation.

    akomodasi accommodations.



    akpol (Academi epolisian)

    %olice Academy.

    akrab intimate, chummy.

    akreditasi accreditation.

    akronim acronym.

    akselerasi acceleration.

    aksen accent.


    aksi action

    akta official document,

    diploma, certificate.

    aktif  acti#e, energetic, acti#e

    (#erb, etc)

    aktiva (in.) assets.aktivis acti#ist.


    aktor  actor.

    aktris actress.

    aktualisasi actualiation.

    aktualisir  actualie, bring up to


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    aktualitas timeliness, topicality.

    aktuil recent, topical, current

    aku / (familiar, intimate)

    akuarium a&uarium.

    akulturasi acculturation.

    akumulasi accumulation.

    akumulatif accumulati#e.

    akuntan accountan.

    akuntansi accountancy.

    akupungtur   acupuncture.

    akur  agree to do, go along


    akurat accurate, precise, exact.

    akustik acoustics.

    akustis acoustic.

    akut acute, critical (crisis,

    illness, etc.).

    al-qur'an the oran.

    alaihissalam (/slam) 0pon

    him be peace (used after 

    mention of o. of the

    prophets other than 1uh.)

    alaikum'salam (/slam) %eace

    be unto you (said as a

    response to assalamalaikum ).

    alam world, realm, nature,


    alamat address, omen, sign,


    alami natural, concerned with


    alarm alarm, danger signal.

    alas base, foundation, layer,

    lining, con#ering

    alat instrument, tool, de#ice,


    album album.

    alergi allergy, allergic.

    alfabet alphabet.

    alfabetis alphabetical.

    alfatihah (/slam) first chapter of 

    2ur"an recited e#ery

    prayer time and before

    praying for dead (esp. at

    burial), etc.

    algojo executioner, hangman,

    bully, butcher, murderer.

    algoritme algorithm.

    alhamdulillah (/slam) %raise

    be to 3od (us. said in

    thanksgi#ing ).

    alhasil 4e#entually, in the end,

    conse&uently, in sum, the


    aliansi alliance.

    alias i.e., namely, in other words.

    alif  first letter of the Arabic


    alih shift, change position.

    alihbahasa translation.

    alinea paragraph.

    aliran current, trend, ideology

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    alis eyebrow.

    aliyah (/slam) senior high


    aljabar  algebra.

    alkali (hem.) alkali.

    alkisah the story, once upon a


    alkitab the ible.

    alkohol alcohol.

    allah 3od.

    alm. (almarhum) the late, the


    almarhum the deceased, pass


    almarhumah the late, the

    deceased (of women).

    alokasi allocation.

    alternatif  alternati#e.

    aluminium aluminum.

    alumni alumnus, alumna.

    alun wa#e, swell.

    alun-alun town s&uare.

    alunan alunan

    amal deed, work, good deed,

    charityaman peaceful, calm, safe,


    amandel almond, tonsil.

    amandemen amendment.

    amarah ($it.) anger.

    amat #ery, exceedingly

    amatir  amateur.

    ambang threshold, sill

    ambeien hemorrhoids, piles.

    ambek pout, be unwilling to

    mo#e, work, or take part.

    ambek-an tending to sulk.

    ambigu ambiguous.


    ambil take. ambil-alih take o#er.

    ambisi ambition.

    ambisius ambitious.

    ambivalen ambi#alent.

    ambruk collapse (houses,

    buildings). fall down.


    amerika America, American.

    amfibi amphibian (#ehicle,


    amil (/slam) mos&ue official

    who collects the tithe.

    amin amen.

    amis putrid taste or odor of 


    amit-amit 3od forbid!

    amnesti amnesty.

    amonia ammonia.ampela chicken giard.

    amplop en#elope.

    ampun pardon, forgi#eness,


    amputasi amputation.

    amuba amoeba.

    amunisi ammunition.

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    anak child, offspring

    analis analyst, analyer.

    analisa analysis, examination.


    analisir  analye.

    analisis analysis.

    analitik analytic.

    analitikus analyst.

    analitis analytical.

    analog analog.

    analogi analogy.

    anarkhis anarchic, anarchist.

    anarki anarchy.

    anarkisme anarchism.

    anatomi anatomy.

    ancam say s.t. threatening.

    anda you

    andai if 

    andal rely on

    andalan mainstay, security, pledge

    anekdot anecdote.

    angan thought, notion, idea,


    angan-angan  thought, notion,

    idea, fantasy, illusion, daydreaming.

    anggapan opinion, belief,


    anggaran estimate, calculation,


    anggota member, member, limb,

    part, component.

    anggrek orchid.

    angguk nodding of head (to

    indicate agreement or 

    due to doing).

    anggun  neat, hansome. elegant

    anggur  grape, wine.

    angin wind, air 

    angka figure, numeral, digit,

    rate, mark, grade.


    angkasawan  spaceman,


    angkasawati spacewoman, female


    angkat lift, raise, take away,


    angker  eerie (esp. of haunted

    places), (oll.) terrible

    angket in&uiry, poll,


    angklung musical instrument

    consisting of suspended

    bamboo tubes which

    sound when shaken.

    angkuh arrogant, conceitedangkut carry, transport

    angsa goose.

    angsur  little by little, in


    aniaya ill treatment, tyranny,

    oppression, in'ustice.

    animisme animism.

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    animo interest.

    anjing dog

    anjuran proposal, suggestion,

    recommendation, ad#ice

    anomali anomaly.

    anonim anonymous.

    anotasi annotation.

    antagonis antagonist.

    antagonisme antagonism.

    antagonistis antagonistic.

    antar  accompany

    antara between, in, about

    antarbangsa international.

    antariksa (outer) space,

    interplanetary space

    antartika antarctic.

    antena antenna, aerial.

    anti  be opposed to

    antik anti&ue, eccentric, cute

    anting anting-anting, pendant,


    antipati antiphaty.

    antisipasi anticipation.

    antologi anthology.

    antonim antonym.antre stand in line, &ueue up.

    antropolog anthropologist.

    antropologi anthropology.


    antusiasme enthusiasm.

    anyaman  ane work, plaited mats.

    5 plait, tress, braid.

    apa what, which

    apabila ( $it.) when

    apalagi abo#e all, especially,

    e#en less, let alone,

    moreo#er, besides.

    aparat apparatus, appliance,

    instrument, institution,


    aparatur apparatus.

    apartemen apartment.

    apel apple.

    api fire, flame, blae, spirit.

    aplikasi application.

    aposisi apposition.

    apotek pharmacy, dispensary.

    apoteker  pharmacist.

    apresiasi appreciation.

    april  April.

    apung float, buoyed up.

    arah direction, course, aim

    arang charcoal.

    arbei strawberry.

    arbitrase arbitration.

    arca statue, image.

    are 466 s&uare meters.areal acreage.

    aren sugar palm.

    arena arena.

    argometer  fare-meter (e.g. in


    argumen argument, case, plea,


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    argumentasi argumentation.

    ari-ari abdomen, placenta.

    arisan regular social gathering

    whose members

    contribute to and take

    turns at winning an

    aggregate sum of money.

    aristokrasi aristrocracy.

    aristokrat aristocrat.

    arkaisme archaism.

    arkeolog archaeologist.

    arkeologi archaeology

    arkeologis archaeological.

    arloji timepiece, watch.

    armada fleet.

    aroma aroma.

    aromatik aromatic.

    aromatis aromatic.

    arsip archi#es, files.

    arsir  shade in

    arsitek architect.

    arsitektur  architecture.

    artikel article, clause

    artikulasi articulation.

    artikulator  ($ing.) articulator.artileri artillery, ordinance,


    artis artist.

    artistik artistic.

    arum-manis cotton candy.

    arung wade across, across.

    arus current, flow.

    arwah soul, departed spirit.

    asa hope

    asal origin, source, beginning,


    asam sour, acid, k.o. tree,


    asap smoke, fumes, smoked.

    asas basis, principle,

    foundation, base.

    asasi fundamental, basic.

    asbak ashtray.

    asbes asbestos.

    asean (Association of +outh

    7ast Asian 8ations)


    asi (Air +usu /bu) mother"s


    asia  Asia.

    asimetri asymmetry.

    asimetris asyimmetric.

    asimilasi assimilation.

    asin salty, briny.

    asing strange, foreign, odd

    asli  original, genuine, authentic

    asma  4 asthma at looksoriginal but is falsified.

    aspek aspect.

    aspektual aspectual.

    aspirasi aspiration

    asrama  dormitory, hostel,

    residence hall, barracks

    asri harmoniously chic.

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    assalam'alaikum (/slam) %eace

    be unto you (a greeting

    asuh care for, take care of,

    rear, bring up (a child),

    educate, bring up, train,


    asuhan upbringging,rearing,

    education, leadership,


    asumsi assumption.


    asusila immoral.

    asyik passionate

    atas on, upon, on top of,

    upper, abo#e, upstairs,

    o#er (an amount), in


    atase attache.

    atau or.

    ataukah or (in &uestions),


    ateis atheis.

    ateisme atheism.

    atensi attention.

    atlas atlas.atlet athlete.

    atletik athletics.

    atom atom.

    atomisasi atomiation.

    atraksi attraction.

    atribut attribute.

    atributif  ($ing.) attributi#e.

    atur  arrange.

    audiensi audience (with royalty,


    audio-visuil audio#isual.

    audisi audition.

    audit audit.

    aula hall, auditorium.

    aus worn-out, threadbare,

    worn down (of a knife,

    etc. ).

    autobiografi autobiography.

    autopsi autopsy.

    aviasi a#iation.

    awal beginning, initial, first,


    awam common, general, lay,


    awan cloud

    awas careful, watch out

    ayah father 

    ayahanda father (used in letters).

    ayam chiken.

    ayan epilepsyayat (9el.) #erse, ($eg.)

    article, subsection,

    clause, paragraph.

    azab torment, punishment.

    azan (/slam) call to prayer.

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    Bbab chapter (of book),

    sub'ect, topic

    babak stage, phase, (+port)

    round, heat, period.

    babi pig, hog, pork.

    baca mem-baca  read, recite

    or chant (holy text,

    prayer, magic formula,


    bacok a 'ab (with sharp


    badai sudden storm, hurricane,

    typhoon, gale

    badak rhinoceros

    badan body, group, agency,


    badik k.o. small dagger.

    badminton badminton.

    badut clown.

    bagai like, as if 

    bagaimana how, how about it :

    bagan draft, blueprint, design,

    skeleton, frame, chart,


    bagasi baggage, luggage,

    luggage rack

    bagi for, di#ide.

    baginda ;is 1a'esty (for  

    royalty), title of nobility.

    bagus fine, good

    bahagia happy.

    bahan matter, substance,

    material, cloth

    bahari maritime, nautical.

    bahas research, in#estigation,


    bahasa  language

    bahasawan linguist.

    bahaya danger, peril, 'eopardy

    bahkan  in fact, e#en, moreo#er,

    on top of that, on the

    contrary, in fact, indeed.

    bahtera ark, boat, ship.

    bahu shoulder 

    bahwa that.

    bahwasanya ($it.) that, truly,


    baik good, fine, kind.

    baitullah the holy mos&ue in


    baja steel, armor 

    bajaj two-passenger pedicab

    with motor scooter  

    engine.bajak plow, bandit.

    bajik good, wholesome,

    #irtuous (life).

    bajing s&uirrel.

    bajingan scoundrel, gangster,


    baju clothing, apparel.

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    baka eternal, e#erlasting

    bakal future, prospecti#e, in the

    making, shall, will.

    bakar  burn, roasted, bake,


    bakat trace,trail, sign, omen,

    crest, head, talent,

    aptitude, propensity.

    bakau k.o. mangro#e tree.

    bakhil stingy, miserly.

    baki small tray

    bakmi hina noodles (fla#ored

    with meat).

    baksil bacillus.

    bakso hina meatballs

    bakteri bacteria.

    bakteriologi bacteriology.

    bakti homage, de#otion,


    baku standard, basic

    bala troops, army, disaster,


    balai public hall or building

    balairung royal audience hall

    balap race, racing.balas reply, response.

    balatentara troops.

    balet ballet.

    baliho billboard

    balik return, the re#erse side,

    behind, the contrrary,


    balistik  ballistic, ballistics.

    balkon balcony

    ballpoin ballpoint pen.

    balok beam (of wood),

    crossbar, 'oint, girder, bar 

    balon balloon

    balut bandage, dressing,


    bambo bamboo.

    ban tire

    banci effeminate,


    bandang large.

    bandar  harbor, port

    bandara airport.

    bandel   obstinate, stubborn,


    undisciplined, disobedient

    (of children ).

    bandeng k.o. fish, milkfish.

    banderol official price, controlled


    banding e&ui#alent, e&ual,

    consederation, appeal.

    bandit gangster, banditbandul pendulum, hanger.

    bangau white egret, tufted


    bangga rightfully proud.

    bangkai carcass, carrion

    bangkit get up from seated or 

    prone position, come up.

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    bangkrut bangkrupt.

    bangku bench, seat.

    bangsa nation, people, racer 

    bangsal shed, warehouse,

    emergency housing

    bangsawan noble, of  


    bangsawati noblewoman.

    bangun wake up, get up. < rise

    (of dough). = structure,

    form. >. model, type.

    banjar  line, row, series

    banjir  flood, deluge, o#erflow.

    bank bank

    bantahan protest, ob'ection,


    bantai butcher 

    bantal pillow, cushion.

    banteng the wild ox of Ja#a.

    bantu assist.

    banyak  many, much

    banyol  'oke, 'est, gag

    bapa bapak father 

    bara ember, li#e coal, heat,

    warmthbarang   goods, commodity,

    baggage, luggage

    barangkali perhaps,


    barat west, western

    barbar  barbarian.

    barbarisme barbarism.

    barel barrel

    barikade barricade.

    baris row, line, &ueue

    barisan ranks

    barometer  barometer.

    barter  barter.

    baru new, recent, modern,

    fresh, 'ust, only

    barusan (oll.) 'ust, 'ust now.

    basa (hem.) alkali.

    basah wet, soaked, damp, moist

    basi spoiled, stale, out-of-date

    basil bacillus, germ.

    basis basis, principle

    basmi mem-basmi exterminate,

    eradicate, eliminate

    basuh washing.

    bata brick.

    batang stem, stalk, blade (grass).

    5 stick, pole, shaft.

    batas limit, border, confine,

    boundary, limits.

    batin inner, internal, spirityual,

    mind, heart

    batok coconut shellbatu stone, rock

    batuk cough, to cough.

    bau scent, smell, aroma, odor.

    baur  mixed.

    baut bolt

    bawa bring

    bawah under, beneath.

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    bawang onion.

    bayangan   shadow, shade,

    image, reflection,


    bayar mem-bayar  pay, pay for 

    bayi baby, infant.

    bayonet bayonet.

    bazar  fair 

    bea tax, duty, toll, cost,


    beasiswa schoolarship,


    beban load, burden,


    bebas 4 free, unhampered,

    unimpeded. 5 free(d), be

    free. < released,


    bebek  duck

    beberapa some, se#eral.

    bebuyutan senile.

    becak pedicab, tricycle

    becus capable.

    beda difference

    bedah surgical operation.bedak face powder, talcum


    bedil gun, rifle.

    begini thus, like this, well, so.

    begitu like that, so, #ery, how


    bego stupid, imbecilic, idiotic.

    behaviorisme beha#iorism.

    bejana container, #essel,

    receptacle, #ase.

    bekal stock, supplies,


    bekas former (site, wife, etc.),

    ex, former, used,


    beker  alarm clock

    beker'a work, acti#e

    beku froen, congealed,

    coagulated, rigid,

    inflexible, unbending.

    belah crack, gap, cre#ice, half,

    cut in half 

    belajar  study, learn.

    belaka entirely, completely

    belakang back, backside,

    behind, back of 

    belalai trunk, snout

    belalang locust, grasshopper 

    belanda utch

    belang spot, band, stripe, skin


    belanga earthen cooking pot.belanja  shop, expense,

    expenditure, cost

    belantan club, cudgel,


    belantara forest, 'ungle.

    belas mercy, pity

    belasungkawa condolences.

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    belati k.o. broad-bladed knife.

    belatung maggot.

    belenggu handcuff , fetter,

    shackle of wood or iron.

    belepotan(oll.) be smeared all

    o#er with s.t., be messy.

    belerang sulphur.

    belgia elgium.

    beli buy.

    belia youth, young.

    beliau he, she.

    belibis k.o. wild duck, the teal.

    belikat scapula, shoulder bone.

    belimbing star fruit, carambola.

    beling porcelain, shards (of 

    glass, platter, etc. ).

    belit coil, cur#e, bend.

    belot turncoat, renegade,


    belukar   thicket, underbrush,


    belulang tough, dray

    belum not yet

    belut eel.

    benah tidy up, clean upbenak marrow, brain, mind

    benalu arboreal parasitic plant,

    epiphyte, parasite,

    sponger, freeloader.

    benang thread, yarn.

    benar  correct, right, honest,

    true. 'ust, honest, sincere,


    bencana disaster, calamity,

    debacle, ha#oc.

    benci hate, dislike, a#ersion.

    bencong (+l.) female



    benda thing, article, inanimate

    ob'ect. ber-benda

    wealthy, rich. mem-

    benda-kan make into


    bendahara treasurer 

    bendera flag

    benderang bright, brilliant.

    bendung  dike, dam.

    bengis cruel, strict, harsh.

    bengkak wollen, puffy, swelling,

    tumor, abscess.

    bengkel workshop, machine

    shop, repair shop,


    bengong daed, stupefiedbenih seed, germ, semen

    bening clear, transparent.

    benjol lump, bump, protruding

    tumor, bruised, swollen.

    bensin gasoline.

    bensol high-octane gasoline for 


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    benteng fortress, bastion,


    bentrok &uarrel, clash.

    bentuk shape, form, type

    benua continent

    bepergian go on a trip, tra#el.

    berabad-abad for centuries.

    berabu dusty.

    berada   be (in a place), well-off,


    beradab  cultured, ci#ilied. 5


    beradaptasi adapt,


    beradu  collide, compete.

    beragama  ha#e a religious

    berahi sexual desire, passion,

    lust, passionate, lustful.

    berair  ha#e water, 'uice (of fruit).

    < a&ueous.

    berakhir  end, become extinct.

    beraksi  be in action, show off,


    beralih  change, shift, mo#e.

    beramal  charitable, generous,pray silently.

    berang   angry, furious, irate,


    berang-berang otter.

    berangkat lea#e, depart,

    set out.

    berani bra#e, courage,


    beranjak mo#e, get up, shift.


    berapi  ha#e fire, be on fire, fiery,


    berarti  mean, be significant,

    meaningful, #aluable,


    beras hulled rice.

    berat hea#y, serious, se#ere,

    hard, difficult

    berbaring  lie down

    berbaris form a line (of  

    trees,etc), march, line up

    berbeda   be diffirent, differ,


    bercak pockmarked, spotted.

    bercelana  wear trousers.

    bercita - cita desire, aspire

    berdalih  seek an excuse,

    e&ui#ocate , &uibble .

    berdampingan contiguous,

    side by side.

    berdandan  dress up, getdressed, decorated,

    made elaborate.

    berdengung wail (of siren,

    forghorn, etc.), drone (of 

    plane), resound,


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    berdesak - desak crowd,


    berdetak beat (of heart).

    berdiri   stand, exist.

    berebut snatch away, take

    away by force, struggle to

    obtain a goal.

    berenang swim.

    berendam  submerged

    beres  in order, well done,

    finished, settled.

    berevolusi e#ol#e.

    bergabung   gather 

    together, colected

    together, merge, fuse.

    bergejolak  flare up (of fire,

    temper, etc.), fluctuate (of 

    prices ).

    bergetar    shake, tremble,

    #ibrate, &ui#er.

    bergizi nutritious, nourishing.

    bergulingan roll, wallow (of 

    se#eral things).

    bergumam mumble,

    suppress (laugh or smile ).

    berguna useful, beneficial.

    berhadapan face, front on,

    be faced with, face to


    berhak ha#e the right (to),

    reser#e the right.

    berhati - hati be careful.

    berhubung connected,


    berhubungan related to s.t.,

    get in touch, be in


    beri gi#e, bestow, offer, put


    beringas hot-tempered, wild,


    beringin banyan tree.

    berinisiative take the

    initiati#e, ha#e initiati#e.

    berisik noisy, tumultuous, uproar,


    berita news (report),

    announcement, report.

    beritahu  inform s.o., report, tell


    berjalan   walk, run (of an

    engine), run, go, work

    berjangka  (be a certain)

    measure, be spaced.

    berjaya  #ictorious, triumphant,

    glorious, successful,doing #ery well.

    berjejal  crowd, 'am, be

     'ampacked (with

    spectators, etc.).

    berjenjang  step by step,

    gradual, in tiers, terraced,

    by ladder.

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    berlebih remain, be left (o#er),


    berlian diamon.

    berliku - liku   winding,

    cur#ing, tortuous (of road,


    bernafsu passionate, lustful,


    bernazar  make a promise of s.t.

    bernilai #aluable, precious.

    berombak  be wa#y

    berontak struggle, wriggle,

    re#olt, rebel.

    berpadanan harmonie, go

    together (e.g. colors), be


    berpakaian get dressed.,

    wearing certain clothes.

    berpaling turn.

    berpangku-tangan do




    berpesta celebrate, ha#e a

    party.berpikir  think.

    berpilin spiral, twist.

    berpisah part, separated.


    berpuasa fast, obser#e the

    fasting period.

    berputar  rotate

    bersahabat be friends,


    bersahajasimple, uncomplicated.

    bersaing compete.

    bersajak  rhyme (of words,

    phrases, stories), be in

    rhyming form, write

    poetry, recite poetry.

    bersama together with,

    herewith, 'oint, collecti#e.

    bersamaan be e&ual to e.o.,

    be in conformity with,

    resembling, similar, do


    bersandar  lean on, (8aut.)

    moor, tie up (ship), be

    dependent on, be based


    bersantap dine (of royalty), ha#e

    a meal (written or formal

    speech ).

    bersatu allied, united.

    bersedia be ready, prepared,

    disposed (to), willing.

    berselera ha#e appetite, feellike, attracti#e,

    appetiing. < ha#e a taste


    berselimut  co#ered o#er,


    berselimutkan co#ered with.

    berselisih  &uarrel, disagree

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    bersemangat enthusiastic,


    bersemarak radiant,


    bersemayam reside, sit (of 


    bersembahyangpray, worship.

    bersemedi meditate.

    bersemi sprout.

    bersenam  do physical exercises,

    stretch (after resting ).

    bersendawa belch.

    bersenggama ha#e coitus.

    bersengketa ha#e a legal


    bersenjatakan. armed with s.t.

    bersentuhan ha#e contact

    with, touching e.o.

    bersepatu shod, wear shoes.

    bersepeda bike.

    berserah surrender.

    berserat fibrous.

    berseri shine, beam.

    bersetru hostile.

    bersetubuh ha#e sexualintercourse.

    bersiaga be on the alert.

    bersiap get ready, get


    bersidang  con#ene, sit in


    bersih clean, neat, innocent,

    pure, net

    bersikap ha#e a certain attitude

    bersilang  crossed

    bersimpati sympathetic.

    bersin sneee.

    bersinar  shine.

    bersisa remain, be left o#er.

    bersitegang perse#ere, be

    stubborn, insist


    bersiul whistle (of people, trains,


    bersolek dress up (of women ).

    berspekulasi speculate,

    con'ecture, undertake a

    risky #enture.

    bersukacita re'oice.

    bersukaria be happy,


    bersumber  ha#e (as) a

    source, be based (on).

    bersumpah swear, take the


    bersyarat conditional.bersyukur   thank 3od, (oll.) be


    bertabrakan collide.

    bertaburan scattered,


    bertahan hold out.

    bertakhta reign.

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    bertakwa pious.

    bertamasya go sight-seeing,

    go on #acation.

    bertambah   increase,

    increasingly, more and



    bertamu #isit, be a guest.

    bertanda marked, labeled,


    bertandang #isit, make a

    social call.

    bertanding   match,

    compete, fight a duel.

    bertanduk horned.

    bertanggungjawab be

    responsible, be liable.

    bertaruh bet, wager 

    bertelur  lay eggs.

    bertempat be (placed),

    located, take place.

    bertemu  meet, match

    bertenaga  powerful, ha#e


    berteori theorie.bertepatan coincide.

    berteriak scream, shout.

    berternak breed.

    bertindak take steps, act.

    bertingkah act, beha#e

    bertitel ha#e a degree, titled.

    bertitik  drip, ha#e a period.


    bertopang lean on, be

    supported on, be in


    bertopeng ha#e or wear a

    mask, put on a front,

    co#er up.

    bertopiwear a hat.

    bertuah lucky, fortunate, bring

    good luck, ha#e magic


    bertualang swarm (of  

    bees), wander, roam,

    tramp around

    bertubi-tubi repeatedly.

    bertubrukan ha#e a collision.

    bertudung be co#ered, use

    a #eil.

    bertuhan belie#e in 3od

    bertukar  change.

    bertulang bony.

    bertumbukan collide, slam

    against e.o.

    bertumpu rest on, ha#e support

    bertunangan engaged,betrothed.

    bertunas sprout, bud.

    beruang bear, ha#e money, be

    well off.

    beruap steam, carbonate


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    berubah change, become


    berujung pointed, culminate in.

    berunding confer, discuss.

    beruntung lucky

    berurutan   in a series,


    berusaha  try, endea#or 

    berwarna colored.

    berwibawa with authority,

    ha#ing an authoritati#e


    berwisata make a tour.

    besar  big, large, huge, great,

    adult, grown, grow up.

    beserta along with, as well as,

    attached (of letters ).

    besi iron.

    besok tomorrow, later on, in the

    future, later 

    besuk #isit (to patient in


    betah stand, endure, like, feel at


    betapa how #ery, as.betis calf (of leg).

    betul right, correct, true, exact,


    biar  let, permit, so that,


    biara monastery, abbey, friary,

    con#ent, nunnery.

    biarawan monk.

    biarawati nun, religious sister.

    bias ray, refraction.

    biasa usual, customary, used

    to, accustomed to,

    ordinary, commonplace,


    biaya expense, free, cost.

    bibel ible.

    bibir  lip

    bibit seed, germ. bibliograf 


    bibliografi bibliography.

    bibliografis bibliographic.

    bicara speak, comment

    bidan midwife.

    bidang area, field, sector 

    bidik aim.

    bijak able, smart, experienced,


    bijaksana wise, astute,

    farsighted. prudent,

    tactful, discreet.

    biji seed, kernel

    bijih ore.biksu uddhist monk.

    biksuniuddhist nun.

    bila when, when, if.

    bilik room, chamber 

    bilingual bilingual.

    bilingualisme bilingualism.

    bilyar  billiards.

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    bilyet ticket.

    bilyun trillion.

    bimasakti 1ilky @ay.

    bimbang worried, anxious,

    hesitate, be dubiouse

    about, #acillate.

    binar  bright. #ery bright.

    binaraga body building.

    binaragawan body builder.

    binaragawati woman body


    binasa destroyed, wiped out.

    binatang animal.

    binatu laundryman.

    biner  binary.

    bingkai  brim, rim, fringe, edge,


    bingkisan   gift, present,

    sou#enir, parcel,


    bingung confused, bewildered,

    flustered, disoriented,

    unsure of direction

    bintang star.

    bintik spot, stain.biografi biography.

    biokimia biochemistry.

    biokimiawan biochemist.

    biokimiawi biochemical.

    biola #iolin.

    biologi biology.

    bioskop mo#ie theater, cinema.

    bir  beer.

    biri-biri sheep

    biro office, bureau.

    birokrasi bureaucracy.

    birokrat bureaucrat.

    birokratis bureaucratic.

    birokratisasi bureaucratiation.

    biru blue

    bis bus.

    bisa be able, can, could,

    poison, poisononous.

    bisik whisper 

    biskuit  cracker 

    bisnis business.

    bistek bistik rump steak,

    roast beef, beefsteak.

    bisu dumb, mute, &uiet,


    bisul boil, abscess, ulcer,


    bit beet.

    bius drugs.

    blangko form to be filled in

    blok bolt, roll, block, street

    blockblokade blockade..

    blokir  blockade, obstruct, freee

    (account), stop (check ).

    bloknot note pad.

    bobot hea#y, weight, hea#iness,

    integrity, &uality (of 

    literature, persons, etc.).

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    bocah kid (of prepuberty age).

    bocor  leak, leak, be leaky

    bohong lie, falsehood,


    boikot boycott.

    bokong buttocks

    boksit bauxite.

    bola ball, globe

    boleh be permitted, may, be

    able, can.

    bolpen, bolpoint ballpoint pen.

    bom bomb

    bombastis bombastic.

    bon check, bill, alliance,


    bonbon candy.

    boneka doll, puppet

    bongkar  take apart.

    bor  drill, brace and bit.

    boraks borax.

    borok ulcer, boil, sore, ulcerous,

    mangy, itchy, bad, rotten.

    boros wasteful. extra#agant,


    bosan bored, tired of, fed up.botak bald (headed).

    botani botany.

    botanikus botanist.

    botol bottle

    brankas safe, strongbox.

    britania raya 3reat ritain.

    brosur brochure.

    brutal #ery #iolent, brutal. 5

    impudent, insolent.

    bruto gross.

    buah fruit

    bual bubbling o#er, boasting,

    big talk, bragging.

    buang throw (away).

    buas 4 wild (of animals,

    natural phenomena). 5

    cruel-hearted, ruthless.

    buat do, make, for, in order to.

    buaya crocodile, alligator, #illain,

    scoundrel, bounder.

    bubar  disperse, scatter, (1il.)

    all out ! ismissed !

    bubuk powder 

    bubur  porridge, gruel, mush.

    budak ser#ant, sla#e

    budaya culture, practice.

    budha uddha.

    budhis uddhist.


    budi  mind, reason, right

    thinking, character,

    sensibleness, budidayaculti#ation.

    budiman wise, prudent,


    bugil completely naked.

    bujang   single, unmarried,


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    buka open, breaking of fast,

    food consumed at

    breaking of fast.

    bukan not, no (negates nouns,

    pronouns or nominal


    buking booking, pre#iously

    arranged reser#ation.

    bukit hill, mountain.

    bukti proof, e#idence.

    buku 4. book. 5. 4) knuckle,

     'oint. 5) knot.

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    busuk 4 putrid, rotten, spoiled,

    decomposed, putrefied. 5

    low, depra#ed, corupt,


    busur  archer"s bow, arch, arc.

    buta blind, sightless, unseeing,

    blank, forgetful,


    butik bouti&ue.

    butir  grain, granule, pellet

    butuh need, necessity

    butut worn out.

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    cebol dwarf.

    cebong tadpole.

    cebur men-cebur  splash, 'ump,

    plunge, splash down (of 


    cedera be flawed, defecti#e,


    cegah prohibition.

    cegat men-cegat  hail (taxi),

    flag down, way lay, hold


    ceguk gulp.

    cegukan (oll.) hiccup.

    cek (in.) check, examine,

    check out

    cekal stalwart, gallant.

    ceking thin, slender, wasted,

    frugal, economical.

    ceko ech.

    cekoslowakia echoslo#akia.

    cekung  sunken (of cheeks),


    celah gap, space, fissure, rift,


    celaka misfortune, bad luck,unlucky, dammit!, darn it !

    celana trousers, pants.

    celetuk say s.t. abruptly.

    celoteh empty talk.

    cemar  dirty, soiled, filthy

    cemara casuarina tree.

    cemas  worried, disturbed,



    cemburu  'ealous, en#ious.

    cemeti whip.

    cenayang medium, spiritualist.

    cendana yellow sandalwood.

    cendawan  mushroom,

    toadstool, fungus,

    mildew, mold.

    cendekia learned, educated,

    cle#er, shrewd.

    cendekiawan  an intellectual, the

    educated (class ).

    cenderamata sou#enir 

    cenderawasih bird of paradise.

    cenderung inclined, lean,

    disposed, sloping,


    cengang surprised,


    cengeng whine, be a crybaby,

    sni#el, terful, sentimental,

    o#erly emotional.

    cengkam grip, s&ueee, hold.men-cengkam 4 seie,

    grasp, gripping,

    tenacious, engrossing.

    cengkerama chat, talk.

    cengkih clo#e

    cengkir  half-ripe coconut.

    . < hired thug, hit-man.

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    centil co&uettish.

    cepat fast, speedy, &uick.

    cerah bright and clear, sharp (of 

    a photo ).

    cerai di#orce, separate.

    ceramah extracurricular lecture,

    talk, speech, talkati#e,

    communicati#e, sociable.

    cerdas intelligent, educated,

    shrewd, cle#er, mentally


    cerdik smart, cle#er, bright

    cerek kettle

    cerewet fussy, finicky, hard to

    please, sharp-tongued.

    ceri cherry.

    ceria 4. 4) pure, clean,

    cleaned. 5) cloudless.

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    contoh   specimen, sample,

    model, pattern, design,


    copet pickpocket.

    corak design, motif, pattern,

    color. < stripe (of flag). =

    type, from. > feature,

    characteristic, color.

    coreng scratch, streak, smear.

    cuci wash.

    cucu grandchild.

    cuil chunk, chipped

    cuka #inegar.

    cukup enough, sufficient,


    cukur  raor, sha#er, tonsure.

    cula rhinoceros horn.

    cuma only, merely

    cumbu  flattery, sweet talk

    cumi-cumi s&uid

    curam steep, precipitous, sheer,

    abrupt (cliff, abyss, etc.).

    curang dishonest, fraudulent,


    curi steal, surreptitious.

    curiga suspicious, distrusful.

    cuti lea#e, furlough.

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    Dd-" ( diploma satu) o.-year

    diploma program.

    d-# ( diploma dua) two-year

    diploma program.

    d-$ ( diploma tiga) three-year

    diploma program.

    dada chest, thorax, bosom.

    dadah wa#e goodbye, bye-bye.

    dadak men-dadak sudden.

    dadar  omelette.

    dadu dice, cube

    daerah  territory, area, region

    daftar  list, roster 

    daging meat, flesh.

    dagu chin.

    dahaga thirst

    dahak phlegm, sputum.

    dahan bough, branch.

    dahi forehead, brow.

    dahulu ( $it.) pre#ious.

    dakwa charge, accusation,


    dalam  interior, inside, in,

    within, deep, thoughtful,

    serious, deep.

    dalang narrator and puppeteer of 

    traditional shadow plays,

    mastermind, power

    behind the scenes.

    dalih excuse, pretext.

    damai peace, tran&uility.

    dampak impact. bump into,

    collide with.

    damping close, near.

    contiguous, side by side.

    dana donation. 5 fund.

    danau lake.

    dandan grooming, personal


    dangkal shallow

    dansa @estern-style dance.

    dapat can, be able, may

    dapur  kitchen, galley

    darah blood.

    darat land, shore

    dari from

    daripada from, than, better than.


    dasar  base, foundation, basis.

    dasawarsa  decade, decennial.

    dasi necktie.

    daster  house dress, lounging


    datang  come, arri#e.datar  flat, le#el, smooth

    daulat ($it.) 4 good fortune

    daun leaf 

    daur  cycle (of years

    daya power, energy, capacity,

    effort, trick, ruse

    dayung oar, pedal (bicycle ).

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    debat debate, discussion.

    debet debit.

    debit rate of flow, discharge (of 


    debitor debtor.

    debu dust, grit.

    dedaunan foliage, lea#es.

    dedikasi dedication.

    deduksi deduction.

    deduktif  deducti#e.

    defensif  defensi#e.

    definisi  definition.

    definitif  definiti#e.

    defisiensi   deficiency.

    defisit deficit.

    deflasi deflation.

    defleksi deflection.

    deformasi  deformation.

    degenerasi degeneration.

    degradasi degradation.

    dehidrasi dehydration.

    dekan dean

    dekat near, close by

    deklarasi declaration

    dekor  decor.dekorasi decoration, decor 

    delima pomegranate.

    demam fe#er, fe#erish

    demi for the sake of 

    demikian such, thus

    demiliterisasi demilitariation.

    demobilisasi demobiliation.

    demograf demographer.

    demografi demography.

    demografis demographic.

    demokrasi democracy.

    demokrat democrat.

    demokratis democratic.

    demokratisasi democratiation.

    demonstarsi  demonstration,


    demoralisasi demoraliation.

    dempet stuck together.

    denah sketch, blueprint, ground


    denda fine.

    dendam, re#erenge, #engeance,

    grudge, resentment

    dendeng  'erked meat.

    dengan  with, accompanying, by,

    by means of.

    dengar hear.

    dengki en#y, spite.

    dengkur  snore, snoring

    denotasi denotation.

    densitas density.

    denyut   throb, beat.deodoran deodorant.

    depak a kick

    depan front, ahead

    departemen ministry

    deportasi deportation.

    depresiasi  (in.) depreciation.

    deputi deputy.

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    derajat degree, rank, le#el

    deras swift

    derek crane

    deret row, line, series.

    derita suffering.

    derma alms, donation. pen-

    derma donor.

    dermaga &uay, pier.

    dermatalog dermatologist.

    dermatologi dermatology.

    dermawan donor,


    desa #illage.

    desember ecember.

    desentralisir  decentralie.

    desersi desertion.

    desimal  decimal

    desinfeksi disinfectant.

    desintegrasi disintegration.

    deskriptif descripti#e.

    destruksi destruction.

    destruktif destructi#e.

    detasemen  (1il.) detachment.

    deteksi  detection, disco#ery.

    detektif   detecti#e.detektor  detector.

    deterjen detergent.

    determinan determinant.

    determinasi  determination,


    detik second (unit of time),


    detonator detonator.

    devaluasi ( in.) de#aluation.


    devisa  foreign exchange.

    dewa god, idol.

    dewan council, board.

    dewasa  adult, of age


    dewi godless

    di  in, at, on, upon

    dia he, she, it.

    diabet diabetes

    diagnostik diagnostic

    diakritis diacritical

    dialek dialect.

    dialog dialogue.

    diam silent, &uiet, idle

    diameter  diameter.

    diare diarrhea.

    didik educate, bring up, raise

    (children ).

    didikan  education, upbringing,

    pupil, product of a certain

    teacher, alumnus.

    diet diet.diferensiasi differentiation.

    difraksi diffraction.

    difteri diphtheria.

    diftong  diphthong.

    difusi diffusion.

    digital digital.

    dikau you.

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    dikit little, small.

    dikotomi dichotomy.

    diktator  dictator 

    dikte diction.

    dilema dilemma.

    dimensi dimension.

    dinamik dynamic.

    dinamika dynamics.

    dinamis dynamic.

    dinamisator  dynamist.

    dinamisme dynamism.

    dinamit dynamite.

    dinamo dynamo.

    dinasti dynasty.

    dinding  interior wall, partition

    dingin cold.

    dini early.

    dioksid dioksida dioxide.

    diorama diorama.

    diosis diocese.

    dipan di#an, sofa.

    diploma diploma, certificate.


    diplomat diplomat.

    direksi management,administration.

    direktorat  directorate,

    department, di#ision.

    direktori directory.

    direktur  director, headmaster.

    dirgantara sky, upper


    diri self 

    dirigen musical director,


    dirut managing director.

    disain design, pattern.

    disainer  fashion designer.

    disentri dysentery.

    disertasi dissertation.

    disharmoni disharmony.

    disiden dissident.

    disiplin discipline.

    disipliner disciplinary.

    disket floppy disc.

    diskontinuitas discontinuity.

    diskonto discount.

    diskotek  discothe&ue

    diskredit discredit.

    diskrepansi discrepancy.

    diskriminasi discrimination.

    diskriminatif  discriminatory.

    diskualifikasi dis&ualification.


    disorganisasi disorganiation.


    dispensasi  dispensationdisproporsi disproportion.

    distorsi distortion.

    distribusi distribution.

    ditjen (irektorat Jendral)

    irectorate 3eneral.

    diversifikasi di#ersification.

    dividen di#idend.

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    doa (do"a) prayer.

    dogma dogma.

    dogmatis dogmatic.

    dokter  doctor, physician

    doktor holder of doctorate.

    doktoral doctoral studies.


    dokumen document.

    dokumentasi documentation.

    dolar  dollar, the 0+ currency

    dolfin dolphin.

    domba  sheep

    domestik domestic.

    dominan dominant.

    dominasi domination.

    domino dominoes.

    domisili ($eg.) domicile.

    dompet wallet

    donasi donation.

    donat doughnut.

    donatur  donor, benefactor.

    dongeng fairy tale, legend

    donor  donor.

    dorong  men-dorong push,

    moti#ate, pro#ide theimpetus, urge.

    dosa sin.

    dosen lecturer

    dosis (1ed.) dose.

    dot nipple, pacifier 

    draft draft (of plan, etc.).

    drainase drainage.

    drama drama.

    dramatis dramatic.

    dramatisasi men-


    dramatie, make into a


    drastis drastic.

    drum drum

    drumband  marching band.

    dual duel.

    dualisme dualism.

    dubur  anus.

    duda widower.

    duduk sit, state, situation, li#e,

    dwell, reside

    duet duet.

    duga guess, estimate.

    duit money.

    dukun indigenous medical

    practitioner, shaman.

    dukung men-dukung  support,

    dulu formerly, pre#iously, first,

    before, prior 

    dungu dull-witted, mentally slow

    dunia world, (io.) kingdomduniawi worldly, secular.

    dupa incense.

    duplikasi duplication

    duplikat duplicate, carbon copy.

    durhaka rebellious,


    duri thorn, burr, spine

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    durian durian fruit and tree.

    durjana ($it.) e#il, wicked.

    dusta lie, falsehood

    dusun   ($it.) orchard, #illage far 

    from urban areas.

    duta ambassador.

    dwibahasa bilingual.

    dwiguna dual-purpose.

    dwihuruf  ($ing.) digraph.

    dwimakna ambiguous.

    dwiwarna the /ndonesian flag,

    the 9ed and @hite.

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    %ebi dried shrimps.

    ebonit ebonite.

    ecer  retail, price of a single


    edar   turn, re#ol#e, circle (of

    flying plane), circulate (of

    money, etc. ).

    edisi edition (of book, etc.).

    edit edit (manuscript, etc.).

    editor  editor (of manuscript,


    edukasi education.

    edukatif   educati#e, instructi#e.

    efectivitas effecti#eness.

    efek effect.

    efektif  effecti#e.

    efisien efficient.

    efisiensi efficiency.

    egois egoist, egoistic.

    egoisme egoism.

    egoistis egoistic.

    egosentris egocentric.

    egosentrisme egocentricity.

    eh ugh, inter'ection

    expressing disgust.

    eja spell.

    ejakulasi e'aculation of semen.

    ejek mock, ridicule, make fun


    ekologi ecology.

    ekologis ecological.

    ekonometri econometrics.

    ekonomi economics, economy,

    household management.


    ekor  tail

    ekosistem ecosystem.

    eksekusi execution, carrying

    out, putting to death.

    eksentrik eccentric.

    eksistensi existence.

    eksistensialisme  existentialism.

    eksklusif  exclusi#e, excluded,


    eksklusivisme exclusi#ism.

    ekskutif  executi#e.

    eksodus exodus, mass

    migration out of a place.

    eksogami exogamy.

    eksogen exogenous.

    eksotik exotic.

    ekspansi expansion (of territory,

    gas, etc.).

    ekspansif expansi#e.

    ekspansionis expansionist,


    ekspedisi shipping, forwarding,

    expedition, 'aunt,

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    ekspeditur  shipping agent.

    eksperimen experiment.

    eksperimental experimental.



    eksplisit explicit.

    eksploitasi  de#elopment,

    working, exploitation,

    use, operation.

    eksplorasi exploration.

    eksplosif  explosi#e.

    eksponen   (1ath.) exponent,

    exponent (of idea, theory,

    etc. ).

    ekspor export.

    eksportir  exporter.

    ekspos  expose, re#eal, unco#er.

    ekspresi expressi#eness,


    ekspresif expressi#e.

    ekstrakuliluler  extracurricular.

    ekstrm extreme.

    elaborasi elaboration.

    elang hawk, eagle or any large

    bird of prey.elektroda (%hys.) electrode.



    elektrolisa electrolysis.

    elektrolit electrolyte.

    elektrolitis electrolytic.

    elektromagnit electromagnet.

    elektron electron.

    elektronik electronic, electronics.

    elektronika electronics.

    elemen element

    eliminasi eliminate.

    elips ellipse.

    elit elite.

    elok beautiful, lo#ely, good.

    elpiji (li&uid propane gas) li&uid

    propane gas.

    emansipasi emancipation.

    emas gold.

    embargo embargo.

    embarkasi embarkation.

    ember  pail, bucket.

    embun dew, condensed #apor,


    emigran emigrant.

    emigrasi emigration.

    emirat emirate.

    emisi emission

    emosi emotion, emotional

    empang (fish) pond

    empat four.

    empedu gall, bile.empirisisme empiricism.

    enak nice, tasty, delicious,

    pleasant, well.

    enam six.

    encok rheumatic, stiff 

    energi energy.

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    enggan reluctant, a#erse,


    engkol   crank (of machine),


    engsel hinge, (9.9.) switch.

    ensiklopedi encyclopedia.

    enteng light, easy, mild

    enyah go away, get out.

    epidemi epidemic.

    epidemiologi epidemiology.

    epigrafi epigraphy.

    epik epic.

    epilepsi epilepsy.

    episentrum epicenter.

    episode episode.

    epistemologi epistemology.

    epos epic.

    era era.

    erang groaning, moaning from


    erat tight, firm

    eropa 7urope, 7uropean.

    erosi erosion.

    erotik eroticism, erotic.

    erotis erotic.es ice

    esa  single, one.

    esei essay.

    esens essence, odor, scent.

    esensi essence, &uintessence,


    eskalasi escalation.

    eslandia /celand.

    esok tomorrow, the next day.

    estetika aesthetics.

    estetis aesthetic.

    etika ethics.

    etiket eti&uette.

    etimologi etymology.

    etiologi etiology.

    etis ethical.

    etnis ethnic.

    etnisitas ethnicity.

    etnografi ethnography.

    etnolinguistik ethno


    etnologi ethnology.

    etnologis ethnological.

    etos ethos, ethics.

    evakuasi e#acuation.

    evaluasi e#aluation.

    evolusi  e#olution.

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    &fabel fable.

    fabrikasi manufacture, product.

    faedah use, benefit, profit.

    faham see %A;A1.

    failasuf see /$+0.

    failit see A/B.

    fajar  dawn.

    fakir  poor, destitute, indigent

    fakta fact.

    faktor  factor, element

    faktual factual.

    faktur  in#oice.

    fakultas school of a uni#ersity,


    falsafah, falsafat philosophy

    falsafi philosophical.

    famili   relati#e, family.

    familier   accustomed, used to


    fanatisme fanaticism.

    fantasi  fantasy, illusion, fancy,


    fantastis fantastic.

    fardhu, fardu obligatory

    farmakologi pharmacology.

    farmasi pharmacy, drugstore.

    fase phase.

    faset facet.

    fasih fluent

    fasis fascist.

    fasisme facism.

    fatal fatal.

    fatalis fatalist.

    fatalisme fatalism.

    favorit fa#orite.

    februari ebruary.

    federal federal.

    federalis federalist.

    federalisme federalism.

    federalistis federalistic.

    federasi federation.

    feminin feminine

    feminisme feminism.

    fenomena  phenomenon.

    feodal feudal.

    feodalisme feudalism.

    feodalistis feudalistic.

    feri ferry.

    fermentasi fermentation.

    fertilitas fertility.


    figur  figure, shape

    fiksi fiction.

    fiktif  fictitious.

    filantrop philanthropist.

    filantropi philanthropy.

    filantropis philantrophical.

    filateli philately.

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    filatelis   philatelist.

    film film, mo#ie.

    filolog philologist.

    filologi philology.

    filologis philological.

    filosofi philosophy.

    filosofis philosophical.

    filsuf  philosopher.

    filum (iol.) phylum.

    final (+port) finals.

    finalis finalist.

    finlandia inland.

    firaun (fir"aun) pharaoh

    firdaus paradise.

    firma firm, company, enterprise.

    firman saying, decree (di#ing or 


    fisik physical.

    fisika physics.

    fisiografi physiography.


    fisiologi physiology.


    fiskal fiscal, exit-tax receipt.

    fitnah slander, calumny.fitri pure, natural.

    fitting light cocket, fixture.

    flanel flanel.

    flat apartment.

    fleksibel flexible.

    fleksibilitas flexibility.

    flu influena, a cold.

    fluktuasi fluctuation.

    fokus focus (of lens, of  


    fondasi foundation.

    fonem ($ing.) phoneme.

    fonemik   ($ing.) phonemics.

    fonemis  ($ing.) phonemic.

    fonetik  ($ing.) phonetics.

    fonetis  ($ing.) phonetic.

    fonologi   ($ing.) phonology.

    fonologis ($ing.) phonological.

    formal formal.

    formalitas  formality.

    formasi formation

    format format, form.

    formulasi formulation.

    formulir  form, declaration,


    forum forum, open discussion.

    fosfat phosphate.

    fosfor  phosphorus.

    fosil fossil.

    foto photograph, picture.

    fotografer photographer.

    fotografi photography.fotokopi photocopy

    fotosintesis  (iol.)


    fragmen  fragment.

    fragmentaris fragmentary.

    fraksi faction, section

    frasa frase  ($ing.) phrase.

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    fregat frigate.

    frekuensifrekwensi  fre&uency.

    friksi friction.

    fruktosa fructose.

    frustrasi frustration, frustrated.

    fungisida fungicide.

    fungsi function, office, 'ob,




    fungsionalisme functionalism.

    fusi (%hys.) fusion, coalition.

    futurolog futurologist.

    futurologi futurology.

    futurologis futurological.


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    gadai pawning, fiduciary

    gadang  large, big

    gading  elephant tusk, i#ory

    gadis girl, maiden, #irgin.

    gaduh noisy, boisterous, rowdy,


    gaduk arrogant, conceited.

    gadungan  fake, bogus,


    gaet hook, snare

    gagah strong, brawny, muscular,

    handsome, dashing,

    heroic, bra#e, dauntless.

    gagak ra#en, crow.

    gagal fail.

    gagang handle, stem, stalk

    gagap tammer, stutter 

    gagas ha#e an idea.

    gagasan idea, concept.

    gagu mute, dumb, empty-

    minded, #oid of ideas.

    gaib mysterious, in#isible,

    hidden, inscrutable,

    disappear, #anish, in


    gairah passion, strong desire.

    gajah elephant

    gaji wage, salary.

    galak fierce, #icious


    galau hubbub, confusion.

    gali dig (hole, well, mine,


    galon gallon.

    gamang ner#ouse, afraid, feel

    diy from heights.

    gambar    picture, drawing,


    gambut  peat moss, turf.

    gampang easy.

    gampar  stike, slap.

    gamparan  slap, stroke.

    ganas sa#age, ferocious, #icious

    gandum  wheat, wheat flour.

    gang alley, narrow street,

    corridor, passageway

    ganggang  algae, seaweed

    ganja hemp plant, hashish,


    ganjar  reward.

    ganjaran reward, 'ust deserts,

    punishment, retribution.

    ganjil   une#en, odd (of  

    numbers), &ueer, odd,abnormal.

    ganteng handsome, dashing.

    ganti substitute, replacement,

    change (name, clothes,

    etc.), o#er (of radio


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    gantung meng-gantung hang

    (a person), hang up


    gapai ber-an, meng-(5), reach

    for, extend the hand for,

    grasp after, achie#e,


    gapura gate, gateway, portal.

    garam salt, experience,

    effecti#eness (in idioms).

    garansi guarantee, warrant.

    garap meng-garap work on.

    garasi garage.

    garda guard.

    gardu guardhouse

    garing dry and crispy, crunchy

    garis line. frontier, border,

    boundaries, bounds.

    garpu fork.

    gasolin gasoline.

    gatal itch, itchiness, irritation.

    gaun gown, @edding dress.

    gaung echo, re#erberation

    gawang gate, goal posts

    gawat critical, serious, gra#e,dangerous, risky, bad,


    gaya energy, force, style, form,


    gedung building

    gegabah rash, reckless, hasty.

    gejala symptom, indication,


    gejolak  flaming, fire, fluctuation

    (in prices ).

    geladak deck

    geladi rehearsal.

    gelagapan  stutter, stammer,

    confused, flustered,

    upsed, losing direction

    gelagat  sign, indication,

    symptom, attitude.

    gelak laughter, laugh, chortle.

    gelandangan #agrant,

    homeless drifter.

    gelang bracelet

    gelap dark, unclear, obscure

    gelar  title, academic title,

    degree, alias

    gelas glass

    geledah search

    gelegar  beam, girder, 'oint. 5.

    thundering, rumbling,

    sound of cannon.

    gelembung bubble

    geletik meng-geletik twitch,s&uirm, throb, beat (of 

    o."s heart).

    geli amused, tickled, ticklish.

    gelimang ber-gelimang be

    soiled, smeared, co#ered

    with s.t. wet. gelimang-

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    an shallow pools of li&uid,

    mud, etc.

    gelincir  meng-gelincir slip,


    gelinding wheel.

    gelisah4 ner#ous, on edge,

    restless. 5 worried,


    gelitik tickle, tickling, stimulus,

    incitement, inducement.

    gelombang  wa#e

    gemar  be fond of, delight in.

    gemas annoyed, put out,

    irritated, passionate, with


    gembala shepherd, herdsman

    gembira glad, happy, cheerful.

    gembok padlock.

    gemerlap shining, gleaming,

    sparkling brightly.

    gemerusuk rustle.

    gemetar  tremble. gemetar-an

    trembling, tremor.

    gemilang brilliant, shining,

    bright.gempa gempa-bumi earth&uake

    gempita loud

    gempur  attack and destroy,

    demolish (an argument,

    idea, etc.)

    gempuran attack, assault,

    charge, onslaught.

    gemuk fat, corpulent, obese

    gemulai  supple, pliant, swaying

    (of lea#es in wind, etc. ).

    gemuruh   thundering,

    cannonading, camorous,


    genap exactly enough, whole,

    e#en (numbers)

    gencar unceasing, incessant,


    gencat stopped, suspended,


    generasi generation.

    generatif  ($ing.) generati#e.

    generator generator.

    genetika genetics.

    genggam handful, clutch, hold in

    o."s grasp, grasp, grip,


    gengsi collateral relati#e,


    genial genial.

    genit firtatious, #ain.

    gentar  #ibrate (of plucked

    string), &ui#er, tremble(with fear), fear.

    gentayangan meander, roam,


    genteng roof-tile

    geodesi geodesy.

    geofisik geophysical.

    geofisika geophysics.

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    geofisikawan geophysicist.

    geografi geography.

    geografis geographycal.

    geokimia geochemistry.

    geologi geology.

    geologis geological.

    geologiwan geologist.

    geometri geometry.

    geometris  geometrical.

    geopolitik  geopolitics.

    geopolitis  geopolitical.

    geotermis geothermic.

    geraham molar.

    gerai meng-gerai dig,

    exca#ate, small stand or 


    gerak   mo#ement, twitch, 'erk

    (of eyelid, shoulder, etc.,

    often regarded as an


    gerayang 4. meng-gerayang 4)

    craw (of insects, snakes,

    etc.). 5) scratch the

    head). 5. ( Jakarta)

    meng-gerayang grope,esp. probe stealthily (in

    order to steal ).

    gerbang dishe#eled (of hair),

    gate, esp. ceremonial


    gerbong railway coach.

    gereja church, (oll.) church


    gergaji saw.

    gerhana eclipse

    gerigi serration, a serries of 


    gerimis drile.

    germo pimp, procurer, panderer.

    germut meng-germut-i crowd,

    swarm around.

    gerobak cart, wagon

    gerombol assemble, collect.

    gerombolan group, bunch,

    cluster, gang, band (of 

    thie#es, etc. ).

    gersang dry, barren

    gertak snarl, snapping, threaten.

    gerutu rough, coarse (of 

    texture), say s.t. in


    gesa  in a hurry, in haste.

    gesek rub, scrape.

    gesekan rubbing, friction,

    stringed instrument.

    gesit nimble, adroit, agile,skillful.

    getah sap, latex, resin

    getar  tremble, ($ing.) trill.

    getaran#ibration, &ui#er, shi#er,

    pulsation, fre&uency.

    giat energetic, acti#e.

    gigi tooth.

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    gigih perse#ering.

    gigit bite s.t.

    gila insane, cray

    gilir  alternate, pass through

    cycles, take turns.

    giliran turn, shift, ser#e (in


    gimnastik  gymnastics.

    gincu lipstick.

    ginjal kidney.

    gips gypsum

    gir  gear wheel, cogwheel (of 

    car, bicycle, etc.)

    girang glad, happy.

    gitar  guitar.

    gitaris guitarist.

    gizi nutrient.

    gletser glacier.

    global global, o#erall, broad.

    glondongan (oll.)

    unprocessed timber.

    glosarium( $ing.) glossary.

    glukosa glucose.

    goblok stupid.

    goda meng-goda tempt,plague, tease, torment.

    goda-an temptation.

    godog,godok s.t. boiled.

    gokart go-cart.

    gol goal, score, point.

    golf  golf

    golongan  group, class .

    gombal empty, false.

    goncang shake, shaky, swaying,

    unstable, changeable.

    gontai slow.

    goreng   fried, meng-goreng fry.

    gores   scratch.

    gorila gorilla.

    gosip gossip

    gosok-gigi  (oll.) toothbrush.

    gosong  sandbar 

    got gutter, drain.

    grafis graphic.

    grafit graphite.

    gram gram.

    gramatika($ing.) grammar.

    granat grenade.

    granit granite.

    gratifikasi bonus

    gratis free

    gravitasi (%hys.) gra#ity.

    grosir  wholesaler, distributor.

    grup group.

    gua ca#e, grotto

    gubernur  go#ernor.

    guci porcelain or earthenware 'ug.

    gudang warehouse,

    storehouse, storeroom,


    gugat a shock, 'erk, 'olt. meng-

    gugat shake, rock s.t.

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    gugatan   accustion, ($eg.) suit,

    claim, criticism.

    gugup panickly, ner#ouse, 'ittery.


    ner#ousness, 'umpiness.

    penggugup a ner#ous


    gugur  fall (of lea#es, hair, etc.)

    gugus group, cluster.

    gula sugar 

    gulai k.o. curry.

    gulat ber-gulat wrestle e.o.


    guling ber-guling 4 roll. 5 sleep

    with a bolster.

    gulir  ber-gulir mo#e, roll on,


    gulita dark.

    gulma weeds.

    gulung   roll. 5 coil (of rope).

    peng-gulung roller.

    gumul  wrestle, struggle.

    guna use, purpose, for, in order 


    gundu marble.

    gundukan heap, pile.

    gundul  bald, bare

    gunting   scissors, shears,


    guntur thunder.

    gunung mountain .

    gurau a 'oke, prank.

    gurita octopus

    guru teacher.

    gurun wasteland, desert.

    gusar  angry.

    gusi gums.

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    (habis finished, used up,

    completed, through,


    hadap across (the street), side,

    facing in a certain


    hadapan front

    hadiah prie, reward, gift

    hadir  be present.

    hadirin those present, audience.

    hafal know by heart, memories,

    know s.t. #ery well.

    haid menstruation.

    hajar  meng-ha'ar beat up,

    thrash soundly. ha'ar-an

    beating, thrashing.

    hajat wish, desire, intent,


    haji (/slam) o. who has made

    the pilgrimage to 1ecca,

    title and term of address

    for such a pilgrim.

    hak right, rightful authority,

    heel (of shoe).

    hakekathakikat  truth, reality,


    hakiki true, real, authentic.

    hakim  'udge. meng-hakim-i

    pass 'udgment on, 'udge

    s.t. epartmen-

    kehakiman 1inistry of 


    hal  matter, thing, case,

    concerning, gal#anied

    sheet iron.

    halal (/slam) allowed,

    permitted, rightfull, legal.

    halaman yard (of a house),

    premises, page (of 

    book ).

    halangan hindrance, obstacle.

    halilintar   flash of lightning,


    haluan   (8aut.) bow, prow,

    direction, foremost


    halus refined, cultured,

    sensiti#e, soft, delicate,

    smooth (of skin, cloth,

    etc.), small

    halusinasi hallucination.

    hama plant disease, pest,

    infection, pest, scourge

    hamba sla#e, ser#ant

    hambar  tasteless, flat, insipid,

    #apid, trite.

    hambat checked, blocked.

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    hambatan  obstacle, obstruction,

    barrier, fence, wall

    hamburger  k.o. sandwich

    hamil pregnant, pregnancy.

    meng-i, meng-kan

    impregnate, make


    hampa empty, without result.

    hamparan  rug, carpet, spread

    out area.

    hampir near, close, almost.

    hampir-an #icinity,


    hancur   shattered, smashed,


    handuk towel.

    hangat warm.

    hanggar  airplain hangar 

    hangus burnt, scorched,


    hantam fight, scuffle, collide

    with, infringe on.

    hantamanblow, smack, punch.

    hantu ghost, e#il, spirit.

    hanya  only, only, howe#er.hanyut washed away, drift, drift,

    wander, lose o.s. (in

    re#eries, etc. ).

    hapus completely remo#e, clean

    s.t., wipe off  

    (blackboard ).

    haram (/slam) forbidden,

    proscribed, (oll.) on no

    account, under no

    circumstances. 8e#er!

    (an exclamation of strong


    hardik say s.t. sharply, snarl.

    hardikan rebuke,scolding, harsh


    harfiah literal, word for word.

    harga price, cost, #alue.

    hari day. se-hari-hari e#ery


    harian daily, daily newspaper.

    harimau tiger.

    harta property, wealth.

    hartawan wealthy person,

    person of means.

    harum fragrant, aromatic,

    fragnance, aroma.

    harus ha#e to, must, (/slam)

    permitted by religion,

    neither sinful nor  

    meritorious, e.g. eating,

    bathing, etc.hasil yield, crop, product,

    result, outcome, output.


    hasrat longing, desir,

    propensity, berhasratC

    desire, wish.

    hasut incite, goad, stir up.

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    hasutan instigation,

    pro#ocation, fomentation,

    agitation (for ci#il rights,

    etc. ).

    hati li#er, seat of emotions,

    (rd.) heart.

    haus thirsty, thirst, thirstiness.

    hawa-nafsu carnal desire,


    hayati biological, #ital.

    hebat unusually intensi#e



    intelligence, #iolence,


    heboh  commotion, uproar, fuss,

    row, stir, sensational.

    helikopter  helicopter.

    helm motorcycle helmet, hard


    hemat  'udgment, obser#ation,

    thrifty, economical, thrift.

    hendak wish (to do s.t.), intend,

    be going to, be about to.

    hendak-nya be desirablethat, should.

    hening clear, silent, &uiet.

    henti stopping, stoppage.

    henti-an ($ing.) stop.

    heran surprised, amaed,


    hias ber-hias be decorated,

    adorned, dress o.s.,

    groom o.s.

    hibah be&uest, grant (from

    foundation, etc.).

    hibernasi hibernation.

    hibrida hybrid.

    hibur  4 comfort, cheer up,

    di#ert. 5 entertain.

    hiburan 4 consolation, solace,

    comfort. 5 entertainment.

    hidang meng-hidang-kan 4

    ser#e (food, drink). 5

    present (entertainment,


    hidrogen hydrogen.

    hidung nose.

    hidup be ali#e, li#e, life, fresh,

    (oll.) run, go, esp. of 

    machines, long li#e!

    hijau green, #erdant,


    hilang be lost, #anish, pass

    away, die.

    himpunan  association, club,collection, compilation.

    hinaan insult, indignity, affront,

    taunt, gibe .

    hingga until, up to. ber-hingga

    limited, finite.

    hinggap perch, alight, attack (of 

    disease, infection, etc. ).

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    ia he, she, it, yes.

    ialah is, are

    iba pity, compassion

    ibadah, ibadat act of de#otion,

    religious ser#ice.

    ibarat  like, simile, metaphor.

    iblis de#il, +atan.

    ibu mother 

    idap meng-idap ail, be ill o#er 

    a long period, contract.

    ide idea.

    ideal ideal.

    idealis idealist.

    idealisasi idealiation.

    idealisir  meng-idealisir 


    idealisme idealism.

    idealistis idealistic.

    idem idem, same as what went


    identifikasi identification.

    identifisir meng-identifisir 


    identik identical.

    identitas  identity, identification.

    ideologi ideology.

    ideologis ideological.

    idiom idiom.

    idiomatis idiomatic.

    idola popular idol.

    igau meng-igau talk in o."s

    sleep, be delirious, ra#e.

    ihsan good deeds, charity.

    ijasah, ijazah diploma,

    certificate to practice a

    profession. ber-i'aah

    licensed, certified.

    ikal curl, lock, curly, wa#y.

    ikan fish. ikan-asin salted

    fish. ikan-buntal puffer 

    fish. ikan-cuik steamed,

    salted fish. ikan-hiu

    shark. ikan-lele

    freshwater catfish ikan-

    lumba-lumab dolphin.

    ikan-mas goldfish, carp.

    ikan-'ulung-'ulung garfish.

    ikansalamDsalem salmon.

    ikat string, cord to tie, bunch,

    bundle, sheaf, band,

    method of tie-dying

    material being wo#en.

    ikhlas sincere, with all o."s heart

    and soul.

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    ikhtiar  initiati#e, free choice,

    decision. < course,

    means of action.

    ikhtisar   summary, recapitulation,

    synopsis, abstract,


    iklan ad#ertisement.

    iklim climate

    ikonis iconic.

    ikonografi iconography.

    ikrar  promise, pledge,

    declaration of intent.

    ikut follow, go along,

    participate, 'oin (in), also

    do, stay with s.o. in his or 

    her house

    ilham 4 di#ine inspiration. 5

    inspiration, brainstorm.

    illustratif  illustrati#e.

    ilmiah scientific.

    ilmiawan scientist, scholar.

    ilmu knowledge, science,

    branch of science. ber-

    ilmu learned, erudite,

    scholarly.ilusi illusion. ber-ilusi ha#e


    ilustrasi illustration.

    imaginatif   imaginati#e.

    imajinasi imagination.

    imajiner  imaginary.

    iman faith, belief, creed,

    confidence, belief in s.t.

    ber-iman faithful,


    imbang balance, match, e&ual.

    imbau appeal.

    imbuh supplement, extra, ($ing.)


    imigran immigrant.

    imigrasi   immigration, ureau

    of immigration.

    iming meng-(iming-iming)

    tantalie, entice. meng-

    iming-kan use s.t. to


    imitasi imitation.

    imlek hina calendar, hina

    8ew ear.

    imobilitas immobility.

    impak  impact.

    imperalis imperialist.

    imperatif  imperati#e.

    imperialisme imperialism.

    imperialistis imperialistic.

    imperium empire.impersonalitas impersonality,

    impersonal character.

    implemen implement, tool.

    implementasi implementation.

    implikasi implication.

    implisir  implicate, imply.


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    impor  import. meng-impor 

    import, bring in. peng-

    impor importer.

    importir  importer.

    impoten impotent.

    impotensi impotence.

    impresi impression.

    impresif  impressi#e.

    impresionis /mpressionist.

    improvisasi impro#isation.



    impuls impulse.

    impulsif  impulsi#e.

    imun (1ed) immune.

    imunisasi (1ed) immuniation.

    imunitas (1ed.) immunity.

    imunologi(1ed.) immunology.

    inap meng-inap spend the

    night, stay o#ernight.

    inaugurasi inauguration.

    incar  drill, borer.

    incaran aim (of gun, etc.),

    target, thing aimed at.

    inci inch.

    indah meng-indah-kan heed,

    pay attention to. per-

    indah-an appreciation,

    interest, beautiful,

    attracti#e, handsome,

    precious, #aluable.

    memer-indah beautify.

    ke-indah-an beauty.

    indekos rent room and board.

    ha#e s.o. rent a room s.w.

    indeks index

    indeksasi (7con.) indexing.

    inden pi#ot, partially prepaid.

    independen independent.

    indian  American /ndian.

    indikasi indication, suspicion

    indikator  indicator.

    individu an indi#idual.

    individual indi#idual.

    individualisasi indi#idualiation.

    individualisme indi#idualism.

    individualistis indi#idualistic.

    individualitas indi#iduality.

    indonesia   /ndonesia,

    /ndonesian, /ndonesianlanguage.

    induk mother (us. only for 

    animals), chief, main,


    induksiinduction. induce.

    induktif  inducti#e.

    indulgensi indulgence.

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    industri industry. industry,

    industrial affairs.

    industrialis industrialist.

    industrialisasi industrialiation.

    inefisiensi inefficiency.

    infanteri infantry.

    infeksi infection.

    influensa influena.

    informan informant, source.

    informasi information. meng-

    informasi inform s.o.

    informatif  informati#e.

    informil informal. ke-informil-an


    infrastruktur  infrastructure.

    infusi infusion.

    ingat remember, recall,

    attenti#e, careful. < plan,


    ingatan memory,

    remembrance, thought,

    idea, notion, purpose.

    inggeris 7ngland, 7nglish. ke-


     Anglicied.ingin wish, desire. ke-ingin-

    tahuan curiosity.

    ingkar  reluctant, refuse, fail to

    keep o."s word.

    ingus nasal mucus, snot.

    ingusan   runny-nosed,


    inhalasi inhalation.

    inheren inherent.


    ini this, these, now.

    inisial initial, initials.

    inisiasi inisiation. meng-inisiasi-

    kan inisiate.

    inisiatif initiati#e.

    injak step on.

    injeksi (1ed.) in'ection.

    inkaso payment, collection,

    cashing of a check.

    inklaring banking clearance.

    inklinasi inclination.

    inklusif   inclusi#e.

    inovasi inno#ation.

    inovatif  inno#ati#e.

    insang fish gills.

    insani human.

    insektisida insecticide.

    inseminasi insemination.

    insentif  incenti#e.

    insersi insertion.


    insinyur  engineer. ke-insinyur-an engineering.

    inspeksi inspectorate,


    inspektorat inspectorate.

    inspektur inspector.

    inspirasi inspiration. meng-

    inspirasi-kan inspire.

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    instalasi installation

    instansi   instance, institute,


    insting instinct.

    institut institute.

    instruksi instruction, directi#e,


    instruktur instructor.

    instrumen instrument.

    instrumental instrumental.

    instrumentasi instrumentation.

    intai meng-intai spy on, watch


    intan diamond.

    integraitas integrity.

    integral integral.

    integrasi integration.

    integratif  integrati#e.

    intel intelligence (ser#ice),

    intelligence agent,

    informer, agent


    intelek intellect.

    intelektual intellectual.

    intelektualisme intelectuallism.intelektuil intellectual.

    inteligensi  intelligence.

    intelijen intelligence, intelligent,

    intelligence ser#ice.

    intens intense.

    intensi intention.

    intensif  intensi#e. meng-

    intensif-kan intensify.

    intensifikasi intensification.

    intensitas   intensity.

    interaksi interaction. ber-

    interaksi interact.

    interferensi interference.

    interim interim.

    interjeksi inter'ection.

    intern internal, domestic

    internasional international.





    interpretasi interpretation.


    interpret, construe.

    interupsi interruption. meng-

    interupsi interrupt.


    interviu inter#iew.

    inti kernel, nucleus, gist,

    core, contents

    intim intimate, close (friend,etc.).

    intimidasi intimidation. meng-

    intimidasi intimidate.

    intip spy on, peng-intip-an

    spying, sur#eillance.

    intoleran intolerant.

    intonasi intonation.

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    intransitif ( $ing.) intransiti#e.

    intrik intrigue, conspiracy, plot.

    meng-intrik engage in


    introduksi introduction.

    introspeksi introspection.

    intuisi intuition.

    intuitif  intuiti#e.

    invasi in#asion.

    inventaris in#entory

    inventarisasi stock taking.

    in#entory, take stock.

    inversi in#ersion.

    investasi (in.) in#estment.

    meng-in#estasi (kan)


    investigasi in#estigation.

    investor  in#estor.

    invitasi in#itation

    ionisasi (hem.) ioniation.

    ipa (/lmu %engethuan Alam)

    natural sciences.

    ipar  brother, sister, or cousin-


    ips /lmu %engetahuan+osial* social


    irasional  irrational.

    irelevan irrele#ant.

    irigasi irrigation. meng-irigasi-

    kan irrigate.

    iring accompany, escort, go


    irit economical, frugal. meng,

    meng-kan economie on,


    iritasi irritation.

    ironi irony.

    ironis ironic.

    isap meng-isap suck, smoke,

    absorb (li&uid).

    isapan s.t inhaled or sucked .

    iseng amuse, casually,


    isi  contents, #olume, capacity,


    islam /slam.


    isolasi isolation, isolate.

    isolir  meng-isolir-kan isolate

    isotop (hem.) isotope.

    istana palace, castle. ber-istana

    dwell in a palace.

    istiadat  custom, tradition. meng-

    istiadat-kan institute s.t.

    as a custom.istilah technical term. per-istilah-

    an terminology.

    istimewa special, extraordinary,

    special, better than


    istiqlal liberty, freedom,


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    istirahat rest, pause, break,

    intermission, recess.

    istri wife, married woman.

    ber-istri ha#e a wife, be

    married ( of a man).

    isu issue, problem, rumors.

    isyarat sign, signal.

    itik 4. duck. 5. meng-itik-air 

    liur make s.o. drool for 

    s.t., stimulate a desire to

    eat s.t.

    itu that, those, the, there

    iuran contribution, subscription,

    le#y, premium (insurance,

    etc.), dues.

    izin  permission, permit, license,


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    * jabat ber-'abat (an) tangan

    shake hands.

     jabatan  position, post.

     jadi become, get, so,

    therefore, thus, hence.

     jadinya outcome, conse&uently .

     jadwal schedule, table, list.

     jaga wake up, guard,

    watchman, preser#e

     jagal butcher, slaughterer. pe-

     'agal-an abatoir,


     jagat world. se-'agat uni#ersal,


     jago cock, rooster, gamecock,

    champion, athlete

     jagung  corn, maie

     jahanam   hell, (Eul.) a strong


     jahat bad, wicked,