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  • 7/30/2019 Kes 2008 v4 Final


    Petri net-based simulation and analysis of the software

    development process

    Gordan Topic1, Dragan Jevtic2 and Marijan Kunstic2

    1 Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d, Krapinska 45,

    10000 Zagreb, Croatia, [email protected] Faculty of electrical engineering and computing, Unska 3,

    10000 Zagreb, Croatia, [email protected]

    Abstract. This paper explores improvements which can be achieved by

    applying Petri nets to the modeling, simulation and analysis of the software

    development process. The huge complexity of this process, in conjunction with

    the demand for rapid reaction to market pressure, hard limits on time and cost,

    and the fluidity of human resource organization can make it considerably

    difficult to establish a confident software development process. Simulations of

    such processes using Petri net models show considerable benefits with respect

    to real factors such as resource requirements, representation of critical borders,

    the effects of resource deficit, delays in process phases, etc.

    Keywords: software development, process modeling, colored Petri net

    1 Introduction

    Software development is a complex process, which requires precise planning and

    realization to meet specific requests. A large portion of software development belongs

    to the telecommunications sector in which specific software components, which can

    be broadly dispersed, act together to deliver a requested service.

    However, software is like a living being, continuously absorbing good and bad

    characteristics from its creators, particularly the organizational skills and competences

    of the development team. Furthermore, it does not tolerate forced development, e.g.

    urgent delivery. Good and high quality software is a reflection of a competent,

    organized and satisfied team. Thus, it seems reasonable to invest effort into quality

    assurance. At times, a manager must react quickly to satisfy changing marketdemands. However, manufacturing and business processes require an optimal time

    plan, adjusted to specific conditions. It is often necessary to predict the time required

    for software development, together with team proportions, while maintaining high

    quality of the software product. Various methods to discover the process dynamics

    have been proposed mostly based on modeling and simulation. In this paper, we

    present an approach to software development process (SWDP) modelling, simulation

    and analysis using Colored Petri Nets (CPN). Potential benefits lie in process design

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    and analysis, and in organizational improvements prior to the SWDP and during its

    various phases.

    The software development process based on the waterfall model frequently used in

    telecommunication industry is described in section 2. A model of the SWDP realized

    using colored Petri nets, along with a short review of Petri nets is given in section 3.

    Results of simulation experiments and process analysis are elaborated upon in section

    4, followed by a conclusion.

    2 The Software Development Process

    Complex information systems as manufactured goods require a high organizational

    level for software development. In practice, small companies habitually considerdirect writing of program code in their software development. However, real software

    development implies much more and high quality software development requires a

    high level of business organization and sometimes very complex processes of

    software production.

    2.1 Phases of Software Development

    The Waterfall model is document-driven where each step yields artifacts in the form

    of documents. According to the waterfall model of the SWDP [3], a simplified SWDP

    can be defined as a business process consisting of four phases. The first phase is

    analysis. The analysis phase starts with gathering requirements into an input

    document for the SWDP. It consists of an exact definition of the customer or clientrequirements for the requested software. The start of this phase is marked by a

    decision point, or so-called tollgate, labeled as TG0 (Fig. 1).

    Fig. 1. A rough representation of the SWDP depicted in four phases with sub-processes.

    This phase terminates with tollgate TG2, where a major decision must be made

    according to the progress of this phase. The decision can be based on the results of

    requirement analysis, costs estimation and/or a system study, i.e. in sub-processes of

    this phase. If the progress of the SWDP is satisfactory, the next phase, called the

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    design phase, begins. In this phase, the requirements are decomposed and broadly

    analyzed by performing taskplanning, moduledesign, coding and basic testing (fig.

    1). The results are program units, i.e. software modules. The design phase terminates

    by concurrent execution of encoding and basic tests for all software modules. The

    next control point, the Milestone labeled MS3, marks the beginning of the testing

    phase. Software modules have to be tested in a simulated functional environment,

    along with the related hardware, which is commonly developed as a parallel activity

    [1]. Tollgate TG4 marks the start of the delivery phase of the SWDP, which

    encompass different final activities, such as product packing, creating an install

    shield, writing user documentation and quality reporting (Fig. 1). The last part of the

    SWDP is marked by tollgate TG5. The main phases of the SWDP follow the

    arrangement shown in fig. 1 in theory. However, many of these process activities are

    of concurrent nature, i.e. are executed in parallel with various interconnections.

    2.2 Organization, structure and documentation

    The SWDP incorporates a well-organized project structure, which must be skillfully

    managed according to human resource potential. This section describes the

    organization and layered structure of the SWDP, which we modeled, simulated and

    analyzed using the CPN model.

    Three management levels exist in the SWDP hierarchy, each of which provides a

    corresponding document. The highest level of the management structure consists of

    managers who care about the fluent flow of software development. This team is

    comprised of aproject manager and a software quality manager. The project manager

    manages the entire project team and determines the job dynamics according topredefined objectives. The software quality manager is responsible for monitoring and

    predicting the quality of the product, as well as maintaining and improving the

    development process.

    A system analystis a highly competent person with adequate experience, placed in-

    between the high and low levels of the management hierarchy. His knowledge of

    hardware and software systems must be broad enough to perform sub-process system

    analysis (fig. 1) and to create hardware and software specifications.

    Finally, the lowest level of the management team consists of technical managers,

    which are responsible for the technical characteristics of product realization. These

    include configuration and testing performed by software architects and hardware

    engineers. Their practical knowledge is joined with some special branches depending

    on the needs of the SWDP, such as design, testing, hardware engineering, etc. Their

    activity is mainly focused on the specification of product functionality.After inspecting software documents during the analysis phase, software architects

    create an implementation proposal document, while hardware engineers perform the

    same task on the hardware side. Software and hardware implementations appear in the

    documentation as a specification of its functionalities. The configuration manager

    prepares a configuration plan, while the test manager writes a test plan prerequisite

    for system testing and functionality verification. As mentioned earlier, in each sub-

    process activity, the responsible person creates the specific documentation.

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    3 Software development modeling and simulation using Petri nets

    Modeling business processes provides clear descriptions and better understanding of

    complex processing phenomena. Process modeling and simulation have been

    previously used for various process solution estimations, selection of the most

    suitable cases and resource optimization. A simulation model of the SWDP is an

    approximate description of a real process or a system of processes. In general,

    simulation of a model allows for a quantitative analysis and gives answers to "what-

    if" questions. The SWDP is composed of a large number of interconnected elements,

    where human resources carry out the essential functions. The focus of our simulations

    was the usage of human resources and their relation to process dynamics.

    3.1 A short review of Petri net models

    A Petri net is a mathematical representation of a discrete distributed system. As a

    modeling language, it graphically depicts the structure of a distributed system as a

    directed bipartite graph with annotations. A Petri net consists of places, transitions,

    and directed arcs. Arcs run between places and transitions. Places may contain any

    number of tokens. Execution of Petri nets is non-deterministic, i.e., multiple

    transitions can be enabled at the same time, making Petri nets well-suited for

    modeling the concurrent behavior of distributed systems [2, 5].

    The formal definition of a Petri net describe it as a 5-tuple ( S, T, F, M0, W), where:

    S, TandFare the set of places, transitions, and directed arcs, respectively. Set F is subject to the constraint that no arc may connect two places or two

    transitions, or more formally: F (ST) (TS) M0 : S is an initial marking, where for each places S, there are ns


    W:F+ is a set of arc weights, which assigns to each arcf F somen+ denoting how many tokens are consumed from a place by a transition,

    or alternatively, how many tokens are produced by a transition and put into

    each place.

    Colored Petri nets are a high-level extension of basic Petri nets which support

    hierarchical structuring, timed transition executions, and where every token has a

    value. Token interaction must be defined and associated to each transition. Each token

    can carry a time stamp denoting the time at which the token is ready. A hierarchical

    process structure can be constructed by substitution transitions of so-called sockets

    and ports interconnecting the Petri net on a lower level for that transition. Fusionplaces are level independent. Once created, a fusion place interconnects related Petri

    nets on different levels. These properties annotate CPN as an appropriate model for

    systems in which communication, synchronization and resource sharing are

    fundamental [4].

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    3.2 A CPN model of the development process

    Our CPN model of the SWDP has a hierarchical structure created from a total of 19

    colored Petri nets which are arranged to correspond to the SWDP hierarchy in three

    levels: level 1 is entitled theprocess level, level 2 the sub-processlevel and level 3 the

    operative level (Fig. 2). Each lower level is composed as set of Petri subnets. Subnets

    on level 2 are driven by and connected to their unique substitution transitions from the

    upper level. In reality, the execution of a substitution transition on level 1 activates

    the execution of a subnet on level 2 and then returns to level 1. Analogously, the part

    of the transition set on level 2 is exchanged by subnets from level 3. Generally, each

    substitution transition is based on the Petri net of a lower level. The global

    hierarchical model is illustrated in fig. 2.

    In our SWDP model, we used a timed CPN consisting of 120 places, of which 25

    fusion and 41 socket places. The model contained 74 transitions, of which 18

    substitution transitions were included. The number of simple colors declared was 4: 2

    compound and 2 colors with time dimension. The total number of variables that

    support token movement was 10.

    Fig. 2. An illustration of the applied CPN model structure for the SWDP arranged in three


    The simulation model was constructed to provide information regarding human

    resource allocation, which can be defined as a certain number of team members

    allocated in 9 different project roles. Changing the initial conditions in the CPN

    model corresponds to a change in the number of team members in the SWDP. The

    initial conditions of the simulation model are variables for project specifications,

    human resources, project documentation, auxiliary and time variables for different

    process phases. Many simulations were performed by changing the initial conditions

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    of the CPN model, which manifested in results containing different numbers of

    members in the project team.

    3.3 Process modeling and data gathering

    Modeling and simulation using the CPN model can, in general, be used for process

    learning, performance improvement and cost reduction in the SWDP. Our simulations

    were focused on the optimization of human resources subject to certain financial and

    time constraints.

    The most complicated part of process modeling is gathering the data needed for the

    simulation. Our data sources were derived and collected from project documentation,

    quality measuring results, observation and measurements of process activities, and

    from own experiences as project team members from other parallel or finished

    projects. The project and time plans, role, and process description documents can

    provide enough information for fundamental estimation. However, additional

    information must be collected and extracted from quality measurement records and

    through empirical approaches.

    4 Results of simulation experiments

    As mentioned earlier, documentation in the SWDP was used for transferring

    knowledge from an idea to a real software product. The SWDP described in this

    paper, operates with 22 different project documents. The expected benefit of our

    simulation was to discover the time and cost function for the modeled processregarding human resource usage, which we consider the most important factor in the

    SWDP. The target was to determine the bordering cases for which project

    requirements could be satisfactorily managed. The SWDP was defined as a project

    with the following limitations:

    - Project duration for the SWDP could not exceed 2.000 hours, i. e. approximatelyone year.

    - The cost could not exceed a value of 40.000 man/hours, with minimum usage ofhuman resources.

    Process modeling and simulation were performed by CPNtools [4]. Initial values of

    the variables in the CPN represented team members corresponding to the number of

    designers and testers in the development team. A hundred separate simulations were

    performed with various initial input variables for designers and testers. The total

    number of members in the entire development team was defined as the sum of the

    designers, testers and other members that were recognized as essential to the team. All

    simulations resulted in a prediction of the amount of time needed for project duration

    and the effective time interval needed for software product development.

    The graphs in fig. 3 show the relation between project duration, the number of

    designers and testers, and the cost obtained via simulation. The graph on the left

    shows the solution space in which various numbers of team members could complete

    the project in the proposed time period. Considering the cost criteria, i.e. a maximum

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    of 40.000 man/hours, significantly cuts the surface area and additionally restricts the

    number of project team members (represented by the white areas on both diagrams in

    Fig. 3). The acceptable parts of the surfaces in the graphs with respect to the defined

    project conditions are shown in white. The optimal number of members was found for

    the given structure of the SWDP. Namely, the optimal team consisted of 25 members,

    i. e. 9 designers, 9 testers and 7 mandatory members, such as quality managers, which

    appear in big projects.

    Fig. 3. The graph on the left shows project duration, while the graph on the right shows cost

    estimation, both in relation to the number of designers and testers in the development team.

    Such a team could develop the requested software product effectively during 1511 hand with minimal cost of 37 775 man/hours. Based on this result, team member load

    was calculated for all process roles, depicted in fig. 4. According to the graph,

    designers consume the largest part of total development time (691,7 hours/man),

    followed by testers (600,4 hours/man).

    Fig. 4. Human resource time spent for different roles in the SWDP.

    The dynamics of time consumption over the SWDP phases is depicted in fig.5. It

    shows the time distribution from phase to phase, where the increment between phases

    represents amount of time used (Fig. 5). The most time, in this case, was spent in the

    testing phase.

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    Fig. 5. The diagram of time spent over process phases.

    Additional simulations were performed in which the basic SWDP model was

    extended to represent tandem projects in order to utilize human resources in periods

    when human resources were without tasks in the current SWDP. It proved beneficial

    for total cost saving and increased job effectiveness. The optimal solutions for the

    SWDP applied to two parallel projects with the same human resources resulted in up

    to 24% reductions of cost and development time. However, they increased single

    development time for both projects.

    5 Conclusion

    Any business process can be realized and verified with an equivalent Petri net model.

    Thus, decision-making and management can be additionally supported with

    simulation and analysis of such models for SWDP pre-planning and, moreover,during its phases. The main obstacle in process modeling is finding apposite data in

    advance, which may well represent the process entities for which existing

    requirements have to meet available resources. This can be, for example, the amount

    of time needed for an expert to solve the problem. On the other hand, the simulation

    results provide various allocations of SWDP resources, which decision-makers and

    management could consider as relevant selections for the observed SWDP.


    1. W. E. Perry, Effective Methods for Software Testing, Third Edition, Published by John

    Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.2. J. Desel and G. Juhs, "What Is a Petri Net? Informal Answers for the Informed Reader",

    Hartmut Ehrig et al. (Eds.): Unifying Petri Nets, LNCS 2128, pp. 1-25, 2001.

    3. I. Jacobson, G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, The Unified Software Development Process,

    Addison-Wesley, 1999.

    4. K. Jensen, Coloured Petri Nets Basic Concepts, Analysis Methods and Practical Use

    Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Springer, 1996.

    5. J. L. Peterson, Petri net theory and the modeling of systems, Prentice-Hall, 1981.