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  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    Available online

    Biomass and Bioenergy 26 (2004) 361 - 375

    Global potential bioethanol prodution !rom "astedrops

    and rop residues

    #eungdo $im% Brue &' ale

    epartment o! *hemial &ngineering + ,aterials #iene% oom 2527 &ngineering Building% ,ihigan #tate

    .ni/ersity%&ast ansing% , 424-1226% .#

    eei/ed 1 pril 2003 reei/ed in re/ised !orm 31 uly 2003 aepted 5 ugust 2003


    he global annual potential bioethanol prodution !rom the maor rops% orn% barley% oat% rie% "heat% sorghum%and sugarane% is estimated' o a/oid on8its bet"een human !ood use and industrial use o! rops% only the "astedrop% "hih isde0ned as rop lost in distribution% is onsidered as !eedsto9' ignoellulosi biomass suh as rop residues andsugar anebagasse are inluded in !eedsto9 !or produing bioethanol as "ell' here are about 73:; g o!dry "asted rops inthe "orldthat ould potentially produe 4;:1 G year

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    that "e belie/e others "ill 0nd use!ul% !or eample% those "ho are interested in produing biobased produtssuh as latiaid% rather than ethanol% !rom rops and "astes' he paper does not attempt to indiate ho" muh% i!any%o!this "astematerial ould atually be on/erted to bioethanol'D 2003 &lse/ier td' ll rights reser/ed'

    $ey"ords: Biomass energy Bioethanol prodution &5 !uel ignoellulosi biomass #tarh rop

    1' ntrodution

    *orresponding author'&-mail addresses:9imseunEmsu'edu(#' $im)%

    bdaleEegr'msu'edu(B'&' ale)'

    Biomass energy urrently ontributes ; -13> o!theglobal energy supplyFaounting !or 45 10& peryear H1I' Biomass energy inludes both traditionaluses

    0;61-;5348J - see !ront matter D 2003 &lse/ier td' ll rightsreser/ed' doi:10'10168'biombioe'2003'0'002

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    362 #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomassand

    (e'g'% 0ring !or oo9ing and heating) and modernuses(e'g'% produing eletriity and steam% andliKuid bio-!uels)' .se o! biomass energy in modern "ays isesti-mated at 7 & a year% "hile the remainder is intradi-tional uses' Biomass energy is deri/ed !romrene"ableresoures' Aith proper management andtehnologies%biomass !eedsto9s an be produed sustainably'

    &thanol deri/ed !rom biomass% one o! the

    modern!orms o! biomass energy% has the potential tobe asustainable transportation !uel% as "ell as a !ueloy-genate that an replae gasoline H2I' #hapouriet al'H3%4I onluded that the energy ontent o!ethanol"ashigher than the energy reKuired to produeethanol'

    $im and ale H5I also estimated the totalenergyreKuirement !or produing ethanol !rom orngrainat 560 9 ,

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    ergy26 (2004) 361 - 375

    ata soure and data Kuality

    he data !or biomass (e'g'% rop prodution%eld%

    r/ested area% et') are obtained !rom @Matis-s (@M#) HI' /erage /alues !rom 1;;7

    01 are used in this study' #ome nations are-ted to ompare their national data !or rop

    odu-n% a/ailable in their go/ernment "ebsites%th theta presented in @M# !or those some ountries'

    e analysis points out that there are somepari-s bet"een the t"o datasets in some nations% ase-nted in able 1' lthough large unertainties inmetions "ould be epeted% the /alueso/ided byM# are used in this study "ithout anyodi0-tion due to the !ollo"ing reasons: (1) there are

    r-ntly no oial data a/ailable but @M#% (2)

    ould be /ery diult to ollet the data !romeryuntry' &ept !or the ountry o! ,eio andeptrie as a rop% the national data and the @M#

    ta are atually Kuite onsistent% "hen nationalta

    e a/ailable'

    *omposition o! rops and ethanol yield

    able 2 sho"s the omposition o!biomassrbo-drates and lignin) and the !ration o! ropsiduesodued' t also presents the potential ethanolld'rbohydrates% "hih inlude starh% sugar%

    lulose%d hemielluloses% are the main potentialedsto9s

    produing bioethanol' ignin an be used ton-

    erate eletriity and8or steam' *rop residuesare amaor potential !eedsto9 !or bioethanol' @oream-ple% orn sto/er plays an important proetedrole inlignoellulose-based bioethanol prodution H;I'

    &thanol !rom grains is assumed to be produedbythe dry milling proess% in "hih starh ingrain is

    on/erted into detrose% and then ethanol isproduedin !ermentation and separated in distillation'&thanolyield !rom grain is estimated based on itsstarhontent H;I'

    report published by the .# Cationalene"-able &nergy aboratory (C-&) H;I sho"edthat

    2-447 l o!ethanol per one dry ton o!ornsto/erould be produed' &thanol yield inlignoellulosi!eedsto9s is estimated !rom the .#epartmento!&nergy "ebsite% "hih pro/ides Nheoretial&thanol Oield *alulatorP H10I% assuming that ethanol

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375 363

    able 1iCerenes bet"een @M data and national data

    iCerenes bet"een data in @M# and national dataa(>)

    *orn Barley Mat ie Aheat #orghum #ugar ane

    Bra?il n'a'b n'a' n'a' 0'1 '7 n'a' 0';*anada 0'5 0'1 0'1 n'a' 0'0 n'a' n'a'

    ndia 0'6 n'a' n'a' n'a' n'a' n'a' 0'ndonesia 2'7 n'a' n'a' 0'2 n'a' n'a' n'a'

    5apan n'a' 0'0 n'a' 24'; 0'0 n'a' n'a'

    $orea 0'1 n'a' n'a' 34'1 n'a' n'a' n'a',eio 1'6 24'7 33'5 26'6 0'7 5'5 n'a'=hilippines 0'0 n'a' n'a' n'a' n'a' n'a' 12';.$ n'a' 0'1 0'1 n'a' 0'1 n'a' n'a'

    .# 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'4 0'1 0'1 0'0

    aata in @M#Fdata in national database QR data in national database'

    b Cot a/ailable'

    able 2*omposition o!rops (based on dry mass) H10-14I

    esidue8rop ry matter (>) ignin (>) *arbohydrates &thanol yield

    ratio (>) ( 9g

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    364 #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomassand

    ,ore than ;0> o!orn sto/er in the .nited#tatesis le!t in the 0elds' ess than 1> o! ornsto/er isolleted !or industrial proessing% and about5> isbaled !or animal !eed and bedding H17I'.tili?ationo! rop residues !or animal !eed and bedding isnotta9en into aount in this study beause it istoo lo"%although the utili?ation !ration may /ary"ith the

    geographi region'

    5' @uel eonomy

    &thanol is used as an alternati/e /ehile!uel% !oreample% as &5Fa miture o!5> ethanol and15>o!gasoline by /olume' he !uel eonomy in amidsi?e

    passenger /ehile is 11 l 100 9m o!global prodution' he highest yieldoursin $u"ait% 16:5 dry ,g ha o!globalprodution'n !ria and *entral meria% most orn isused !orhuman !ood% "hile animal !eed is the maoruse o!

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    ergy26 (2004) 361 - 375

    rn in the other regions (see able3)' bout>global prodution is lost as "aste' ording

    M#% "aste is de0ned as rop lost in thearall stages bet"een the !arm and the householdelring handling% storage% and transport' Aasteheble and inedible parts o!the ommodity that

    urser the ommodity has entered the household and

    eantities lost during proessing are notnsidered'

    us% the "asted rop is a logisti "aste' hehests rate ours in *entral meria% a/eraginger ;> oSts orn prodution'

    1'2' =otential bioethanol prodution !romrnbout 5> o!orn in the "orld is "asted'astedrn ould be !ully utili?ed as !eedsto9 !or

    odu-g bioethanol% then ;:3 G o!bioethanol ould

    produed% thereby replaing 6:7 Ggasoline i!oethanol is used as an alternati/e /ehile !uel%5'@urthermore% i!bioethanol is produed usingern dry milling proess% in "hih ;22 g o!drys-ersT dried grains and solubles (G#) per 9g

    hanol is produed as a oprodut% about 11o!

    G# are a/ailable !or animal !eed and replae 13

    orn used as animal !eed H 2I' !"e suppose thateplaed orn due to G# is utili?ed inoduingethanol% then another 5:1 G o!bioethanol

    Kui/-nt to 3:7 G o!gasoline used in a midsi?e

    ssen-r ar !ueled by &5) ould be produed' hestedrn ould redue around 0';3> o!globalsoline

    onsumption annually (10:3 G o!gasoline)'*orn sto/er% the rop residue in the orn0eld% is

    pro-dued at a rate o!1 dry 9g per dry 9g o!orn grain' 60> ground o/er reKuires 2:7 ,g o!orn sto/erper hetare H1;I' .nder this pratie% about203:6 g o! dry orn sto/er are globallya/ailable% potentially re-sulting in about 5:6 G o!bioethanol' hepotential amount o!bioethanol deri/ed !rom ornsto/er ould replae 42:1 G o!gasoline used in

    a midsi?e pas-senger /ehile !ueled by &5% or about 3'> o!"orld annual gasoline onsumption'

    ignin-rih !ermentation residues aregeneratedduring orn sto/er-based proessing to bioethanolH;I'hese residues an be used as !eedsto9 !orgenerat-ing eletriity and steam' he eienyo!generating

    eletriity !rom biomass in an integratedgasi0ationombined yles po"er plant is about 32>%and theeieny o!generating steam is 51> H20I' !all the

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375 365

    able o!orn grain

    @eed #eed Aaste @ood @ood Mther uses

    (>) (>) (>) manu!ature (>) (>) (>)

    !ria 24'27 1'40 '61 1'3 63'43 0';2sia 60'50 1'47 7'14 3'41 24'33 3'16&urope 7;'21 0'5 2'51 7'23 6'6 3'51Corth meria 75'3 0'27 0'14 1'55 1';; 3'67*entral meria 2;'56 1'77 ;'4; 4'1 54'71 0'2;Meania 72';6 0'2 3'16 0'52 1'04 5'04#outh meria 71';; 0';4 '55 1'23 15'10 2'1;Aorld 64'20 0';6 4'60 '60 1'67 2';7

    able 4 6'2' Barley

    egional eletriity and steam produed !rom utili?ation o!orn sto/er6'2'1' Global situation

    &letriity #team(Ah) (=)

    !ria F Fsia 15'0 6'1&urope 12'7 72'7Corth meria 5;'2 33;'6*entral meria F FMeania 0'1 0'6#outh meria 3'2 1'3Aorld ;0'2 517'3

    lignin remains in the bioethanol residue% ornsto/er utili?ation ould generate both ;0:2Ah o!eletri-ity and 517 = o!steam' he eletriity that ouldbe produed !rom lignin-rih !ermentationresidues !rom orn sto/er ethanol plant iseKui/alent to 0'7> o! total global eletriitygeneration' able4 illustrates eletriity andsteam generated !rom lignin-rih orn sto/er

    !ermentation residues' !ria and *entralmeria do not ha/e orn sto/er a/ailable!or on-/ersion to bioethanol due to lo" orn yieldand the o/erriding need to pre/ent erosion'

    able5sho"s the regional potential bioethanolpro-dution !rom "asted orn grain and ornsto/er' n-nually% 73 G o!bioethanol are a/ailable !rom"asted

    orn and orn sto/er% replaing 52:4 Go!gasolineper year% "hih is eKui/alent to about 4'7>o!the"orld annual gasoline onsumption' Corthmeria

    an produe o/er 35 G o!bioethanoli!"asted orngrain and orn sto/er are !ully utili?ed as!eedsto9s!or bioethanol'

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    he annual prodution o!dry barley in the "orldrages about 124 g' &urope (62>)% sia>)% and Corth meria (14>) are the maordution regions' he !ration o! barleyution in the other regions is less than 5>' he

    ey yield ranges !rom 0'74 to 2: dry ,g ha o!barley in the "orld% 3 :7 g% is

    "aste' !"asted barley ould be !ully utili?ed to

    due bioethanol% then 1:5 G o!bioethanold

    produed globally% replaing 1:1 G o!gasoline

    nol is used as &5 !uel !or a midsi?esengerle'

    urthermore% G#% a oprodut in barley dry

    ng to ethanol% ould replae barley grain that

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    366 #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375

    able 5egional potential bioethanol prodution !rom "asted orn grain and orn sto/er

    =otential bioethanol prodution (G)

    @rom "asted @rom grain

    grain replaed by G#

    !ria 1'40 0'77sia 4'41 2'41&urope 0'71 0'3;Corth meria 0'14 0'0*entral meria 0'7 0'42Meania 0'01 0'004#outh meria 1'6 1'01Aorld ;'3 5'0

    a &thanol is used as !uel in &5 !or a midsi?e passengerar'

    able o!barley grain

    @eed #eed Aaste

    (>) (>) (>)

    !ria 30'20 6'; 5'77sia 54'1 5';3 6'73&urope 75'1; ;'52 2'5;

    Corth meria 74';; 3'4 0'04*entral meria 2;'07 1'3 2'22Meania 7'47 5'50 3'0#outh meria 11'03 2'7 3'35Aorld 66'74 7'54 3'3;

    used !or animal !eed' #ine the in!ormation onG#!rom barley dry milling is urrentlyuna/ailable% orndry milling data are used instead% and 1 dry

    9g o!G# !rom barley dry milling is assumed toreplae1 9g o!dry barley grain in the mar9et' hisassump-tion is applied to all the rops in this study'he totalamount o!G# !rom barley dry milling is 2'4dryg i!"asted barley grain is utili?ed by drymilling'

    bout 2:4 g o!dry barley grain are sa/eddue toG# and ould produe 0:;6 Go!bioethanol'Uene% the "asted barley grain an produeglobally

    about 1: G o!bioethanol'he 60> ground o/er "ith rop residue is

    assumed to reKuire 1:7 ,g per hetareo!barley residues%"hih is an eKui/alent Kuantity in "heat andoats H1;I'!ter pro/iding the 60> ground o/er% about1 G o!

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    om orn otal bioethanol Gasoline/er (G) eKui/alenta (G)

    2'17 1'56

    75 16'6 11';23 ;'32 6'7

    4 3'7 27'1'21 0'7

    07 0'0 0'06

    07 4';4 3'556 73'0 52'4

    @ood @ood Mther usesmanu!ature (>) (>) (>)

    12'14 44'57 0'34

    1;';1 ;'70 3'5511'05 1'3 0'27

    20'4; 0';3 0'0765'11 1';0 0'33

    12'77 0'15 0'0373'6; 7'2; 1'5

    15';; 5'32 1'03

    thanol ould be a/ailable !rom barley stra"

    e2)' ll the lignin in barley stra" is assumed

    ain in the !ermentation residues% and ould gener-both 12:5 Ah o!eletriity and 71 :5 = o!steam'/erall barley ould produe 20:6 G o!bioethanola year i!"asted grain and barley stra" are utili?ed'

    bioethanol !rom barley potentially replaes>obal gasoline onsumption "ithout ta9ingey

    m other appliations' &urope itsel! oulddue

    G o!bioethanol !rom "asted barley and barley"' Very little "asted barley grain is a/ailable

    thanol in Corth meria' Uo"e/er% there is a goodortunity to utili?e barley stra" as !eedsto9

    duing bioethanol in Corth meria' heonalential bioethanol prodution !rom barley is"nable7'

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375 367

    able 7egional potential bioethanol prodution !rom "asted barley grain and barley stra"

    =otential bioethanol prodution (G)

    @rom "asted @rom grain @rom barley otal bioethanol Gasolinegrain replaed by G# stra" (G) eKui/alent (G)

    !ria 0'07 0'05 F 0'12 0'0sia 0'50 0'32 0'61 1'44 1'03&urope 0'2 0'53 13'7 15'1 10'Corth meria 0'003 0'002 3'06 3'06 2'20*entral meria 0'005 0'003 0'05 0'06 0'04Meania 0'0 0'05 0'60 0'73 0'52#outh meria 0'02 0'01 0'0; 0'12 0'0;Aorld 1'50 0';6 1'1 20'6 14'

    able .ses o!oat grain

    @eed #eed Aaste @ood @ood Mther uses

    (>) (>) (>) manu!ature (>) (>) (>)

    !ria 3;'4 '07 2'7 0'02 4;'2; 0'00sia 66';0 7'5 5'6; 0'00 1;'52 0'03&urope 72';5 17'61 2'75 0'00 6'56 0'13Corth meria 75';0 5'47 0'21 0'00 1'42 0'00*entral meria 72'41 1'14 0'73 0'00 25'71 0'00Meania ;1'01 5'71 0'11 0'00 3'11 0'06#outh meria 44'5 16'75 4'6; 0'00 33'; 0'00

    Aorld 72'77 13'5 2'27 0'00 11'2; 0'0;

    6'3' Mats as "aste' he highest loss rate is in sia (6>) and#outh meria (5>)'

    6'3'1' Global situationhe annual prodution o!dry oats in the"orld

    is 24:2 g' he maor prodution regionsare

    &urope (64>)% Corth meria (21>)% andMeania(5>)' he yield in most regions ranges!rom 1'4to 2:1 dry ,g ha (0:6 g) o!global oatsprodution is lost

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    2' =otential bioethanol prodution !rom oathe utili?ation o!"asted oat grain oulddue, o!bioethanol% replaing 161 , o!gasolinen ethanol is used in &5' ry millingasted ould produe 1:5 dry 9g o!G# per 9g o!

    anol as a oprodut% replaing oat used !or

    !eed' ,ore than a Kuarter million tons o!

    ; g) an be replaed by G#' he utili?a-o! G# !rom oat dry milling to animal

    dd produe another 160 , o!bioethanol're- "asted oat grain ould produe 34 ,

    thanol'omplying "ith the 60> ground o/eruire-t% 11 g o!oat stra" is globally a/ailable%

    hd produe 2: G o!bioethanol' @urthermore%

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    36 #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375

    able ;egional potential bioethanol prodution !rom "asted oat grain and oat stra"

    =otential bioethanol prodution (G)

    @rom "asted @rom grain

    grain replaed by G#

    !ria 0'001 0'001sia 0'03 0'02&urope 0'17 0'12Corth meria 0'004 0'003*entral meria 0'0002 0'0002Meania 0'001 0'0004#outh meria 0'02 0'01Aorld 0'23 0'16

    able o!rie grain

    @eed #eed Aaste

    (>) (>) (>)

    !ria 1'41 2'32 7'17sia 2'71 3'05 4'55&urope 6'53 2'36 0'2

    Corth meria 0'00 3'1 12'15*entral meria 0'73 1'23 4'11Meania 0'05 2'31 2'06#outh meria 2'05 2'75 '35Aorld 2'62 2';; 4'2

    lignin-rih !ermentation residues ouldgenerate3:5 Ah o!eletriity and 1; : = o!steam'

    he utili?ation o!"asted oat grain and oatstra"ould produe about 3:16 G o!bioethanol%replaing2:27 G o!gasoline "hen bioethanol is used as

    &5!uel' &urope ould produe about 2 G o!bioethanol%"hih is more than hal!the potentialbioethanol pro-dution !rom the utili?ation o! "asted oatgrain andoat sto/er' he regional potential bioethanolprodu-tion !rom oat grain "astes and oat stra" issho"n in


    6'4' ie

    6'4'1' Global situation

    he annual global prodution o!dry rieis about 526 g' sia is the primaryprodution region "ith o/er ;0> o!globalprodution and the largest

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    @rom oat otal bioethanol Gasolinestra" (G) eKui/alent (G)

    F 0'002 0'0020'07 0'12 0'01'7; 2'0 1'50

    0'73 0'74 0'530'00; 0'01 0'007

    0'12 0'12 0'0;

    0'06 0'0; 0'062'7 3'16 2'27

    @ood @ood Mther usesmanu!ature (>) (>) (>)

    0'4 6'67 1';40'6 '5 0'16

    0'34 7'40 2'55

    12'31 66'7 5'573'; ;'66 0'31'73 ;2'71 1'14

    3'00 3'1 0'660' '35 0'33

    ested area !or rie% 1:4 ,m2' he rie yieldsia is 3:5 dry ,g ha

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375 36;

    able 11egional potential bioethanol prodution !rom "asted rie grain and rie stra"

    =otential bioethanol prodution (G)

    @rom "asted @rom grain @rom rie otal bioethanol Gasolinegrain replaed by G# stra" (G) eKui/alent (G)

    !rom "asted grain

    !ria 0'52 0'1; 5'6 6'57 4'72sia 10'5 3'7 16' 201'2 144'5&urope 0'01 0'004 1'10 1'11 0'0Corth meria 0'46 0'17 3'06 3'6; 2'65*entral meria 0'04 0'01 0'77 0'3 0'5;Meania 0'01 0'004 0'47 0'4; 0'35#outh meria 0'6 0'25 6'5 7'51 5'3;Aorld 12'3 4'5 204'6 221'4 15;

    ould produe 0' dry 9g o!G# per 9g o!ethanol produer o!"heat "ith about 1> o!global pro-as a oprodut% replaing rie grain used !oranimal!eed' bout ;:3 g o!rie "ould be a/ailabledue to the utili?ation o!G# and ouldprodue 4 :5 G o! bioethanol' here!ore% "astedrie grain ould produe 16: G o!bioethanol'

    Co rie stra" must be le!t on the 0eld topre-

    /ent erosion' hus% rie stra" ould be!ully uti-li?ed% resulting in 731 g o!rie stra" !rom"hih 205 G o!bioethanol ould beprodued' @urther-more% lignin-rih !ermentation residue ouldgenerate 123 Ah o!eletriity and 70 =o!steam'

    Globally% "asted rie grain and rie stra"ouldprodue 221 G o!bioethanol% replaing 15;

    G o!gasoline (about 14'3> o!global gasolineonsump-tion)' sia has the greatest potential% 200G o!ethanol !rom "asted rie grain and riestra"' he regional potential bioethanolprodution is sho"n inable11'

    6'5' Aheat

    6'5'1' Global situationhe annual global prodution o!dry

    "heat isabout 52; g' sia (43>) and &urope(32>) are

    the primary prodution regions' Corthmeria isthe third largest prodution region "ith15> o!global "heat prodution' Oield o!"heatranges!rom 1'7 to 4:1 dry ,g ha

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    tion at an a/erage yield o!3 :4 dry ,g ha o!global prodution) is used !oran !ood' bout 17> o! global prodution is


    animal !eed% but the !ration o! "heat used

    mal !eed in &urope% Corth meria% andania/er 25>' bout 20 g o!dry "heat (4> o!global

    ution) is lost as "aste' bout 10 g o!dry "heatia ends up in the "aste stream' he uses o!"heatllustrated in able12'

    2' =otential bioethanol prodution !romathe utili?ation o!"asted "heat ould produe

    G o!bioethanol% replaing 5 :0 G o!gasolinen ethanol is used in &5 !or a midsi?e passengerle' Aheat dry milling "ould produe 1'4 dryo!G# per 9g o!ethanol as a oprodut%a-"heat grain used !or animal !eed' bout 10:o!"heat "ould be replaed by G#%lting in 4:4 G o!bioethanol' here!ore% "asted

    at grain ould produe 11:3 G o!bioethanol'nder the 60> ground o/er pratie% aboutg o!"heat stra" ould be a/ailable globallyould produe 104 G o!bioethanol' @urther-

    e% lignin-rih !ermentation residues oulderate 122 Ah o!eletriity and 6; =eam'

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    370 #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375

    able o!"heat grain

    @eed #eed Aaste @ood @ood Mther uses

    (>) (>) (>) manu!ature (>) (>) (>)

    !ria 4'6 2'26 5'71 0'1 5'7 1'30sia 4'34 5'46 4'50 0'64 4'31 0'74&urope 3'7 '13 2'44 1'60 46'72 2'33Corth meria 2'6; '07 0'03 0'00 62'7 0'42*entral meria 7';5 0';5 '07 0'00 73'0 ;';5Meania 42'00 '2; 4'02 3'07 2'1; 14'44#outh meria 4'35 3'73 5'11 0'00 6'0 0'01Aorld 16'72 6'11 3'72 0'4 71'13 1'4

    able 13egional potential bioethanol prodution !rom "asted "heat grain and "heat stra"

    =otential bioethanol prodution (G)

    @rom "asted @rom grain @rom "heat otal bioethanol Gasolinegrain replaed by G# stra" (G) eKui/alent (G)

    !rom "asted grain

    !ria 0'34 0'21 1'57 2'11 1'52sia 4'16 2'62 42'6 4;'32 35'42&urope 1'66 1'04 3'; 41'55 2;'4

    Corth meria 0'01 0'006 14'7 14'6 10'54*entral meria 0'10 0'06 0'2 0'; 0'70Meania 0'33 0'21 2'51 3'05 2'1;

    #outh meria 0'37 0'23 2'7 3'47 2'4;Aorld 6';5 4'3 103' 115'2 2'71

    Aasted "heat grain and "heat stra" ould pro- prodution)' he yield o!sorghum ranges !romdue globally 115 G o!bioethanol% replaing 3Go!gasoline in an &5 midsi?e passenger/ehile% or

    about 7'5> o!global gasoline onsumption' siaand&urope ha/e the potential !or produing o/er40 Go!ethanol !rom "asted "heat grain and "heatstra"'he regional potential bioethanol prodution issho"nin able13'

    6'6' #orghum

    6'6'1' Global situationhe annual global prodution o!dry

    sorghum is about 53 g' !ria (33>) is theprimary pro-dution region% and Corth meria is the

    seondlargest prodution region (23> o!globalsorghum

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    o 3:7 dry ,g ha o!global sorghum

    dution) at a yield o!3 :7 dry ,g ha)

    human !ood (40>)' n !ria and sia%r

    > o! sorghum is used !or human !ood' n the

    rons% most sorghum is used !or animal !eed' here

    o use o! sorghum !or human !ood in &urope

    th meria' bout 3 g o!dry sorghum (2 g

    a)% eKui/alent to 6> o! sorghum prodution%

    as "aste' he uses o!sorghum are illustrated


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    #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375 371

    able o!sorghum grain

    @eed #eed Aaste @ood @ood Mther uses

    (>) (>) (>) manu!ature (>) (>) (>)

    !ria 6';0 2'01 13'02 5'21 72'76 0'11sia 32'2; 2'21 4';4 0'00 60'52 0'04&urope ;'76 0'53 0'71 0'00 0'00 0'00Corth meria 6'0 0'30 0'00 ;' 3'03 0'00*entral meria ;4'5 0'3 2'1; 0'00 2'5 0'00Meania ;7'71 0'3; 0'04 0'11 1'75 0'00#outh meria ;5'0; 0'6; 4'21 0'00 0'00 0'00Aorld 4;'10 1'3; 6'11 3'20 40'15 0'05

    able 15

    egional potential bioethanol prodution !rom "asted sorghum grain and sorghum stra"=otential bioethanol prodution (G)

    @rom "asted @rom grain @rom sorghum otal bioethanol Gasolinegrain replaed by G# stra" (G) eKui/alent (G)

    !ria 1'01 0'55 F 1'55 1'12sia 0'24 0'13 F 0'37 0'27&urope 0'002 0'001 0'10 0'10 0'071

    Corth meria F F 1'; 1'; 1'35*entral meria 0'06 0'03 0'31 0'40 0'2;Meania 0'0003 0'0001 0'0; 0'0; 0'06

    #outh meria 0'0 0'04 0'41 0'53 0'3Aorld 1'3; 0'75 2'7; 4';3 3'54

    6'6'2' =otential bioethanol prodution !rom 3:5 G o!gasoline in an &5 midsi?e passenger /e-sorghum

    he utili?ation o!"asted sorghum grainould pro-/ide 1:4 G o!bioethanol% replaing 1 Go!gaso-line' #orghum dry milling ould produe 1:2dry 9g o!G# per 9g o!ethanol as aoprodut !rom "aste sorghum' bout 1:7 go!sorghum "ould be sa/ed by G#% therebyproduing another 752 , o!bioethanol'here!ore% the "asted sorghum grain ouldprodue 2:1 G o!bioethanol'

    @or sorghum stra"% 60> ground o/erreKuires at least 2:7 ,g o!rop residues perhetare H 1;I'.nder these praties% 10:3 g o!sorghumstra""ould be globally a/ailable and ould produe2: G o!bioethanol' @urthermore% lignin-rih

    !ermentation residues ould generate 3:7Ah o!eletriity and 21 = o!superheatedsteam'

    Aasted sorghum grain and sorghum stra"ould produe 4:; G o!bioethanol globally%


  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    e% or about 0'3> o!the global gasoline onsump- here is no bioethanol a/ailable !romhum" in !ria beause the lo" yield reKuires that

    " be le!t in the 0eld to onser/e soil' he regional

    ential bioethanol prodution is sho"n in able

    #ugar ane

    1' Global situationhe annual global prodution o!dry ut sugar anear ontent: 55> dry basis) is about 32 g'

    >) is the primary prodution region% andtheria is the seond largest prodution region%

    ng 110 g o!sugar ane (34>)' he annual yieldy sugar ane ranges !rom 14 to 22 ,g ha

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    372 #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375

    able o!sugar ane

    @eed #eed Aaste @ood @ood Mther uses

    (>) (>) (>) manu!ature (>) (>) (>)

    !ria 0'14 2'02 2'12 ;'43 4'44 1'5sia 3'14 4'6 1'13 6'1; 4'57 0'30&urope 0'1 0'00 0'00 7';0 0'00 11';2Corth meria 0'00 5'37 0'00 ;4'62 0'00 0'00*entral meria 1'0 0'25 1'06 ;5'40 0'05 1'45Meania 0'00 0'00 0'00 ;;';; 0'01 0'00#outh meria 0'; 0'00 0'6 ;7'3 0'27 0'24Aorld 1';1 2'35 0';7 ;1' 2'40 0'4

    able 17

    egional potential bioethanol prodution !rom "asted sugar ane and sugar ane bagasse

    =otential bioethanol prodution (G)

    @rom "asted @rom bagasse otal bioethanol Gasolinesugar ane (G) eKui/alent (G)

    !ria 0'23 3'33 3'56 2'56sia 0'2 21'3 22'1 15';&urope F 0'004 0'004 0'003Corth meria F 1'31 1'31 0';4*entral meria 0'1 5'46 5'64 4'05Meania 0'0001 1'4 1'4 1'32#outh meria 0'37 1'1 1'5 13'3Aorld 1'5; 51'3 52'; 3'0

    highest yield ours in =eru% "hih produes moreused in !ood manu!ature (produing about 120 gthan 32 ,g o!dry sugar ane per hetare'

    @ood manu!aturing is the maor use o! sugarane%onsuming about ;2> o!sugar ane (a yield o!4009go!sugar per dry ton o!sugar ane)' he!ration o!

    other uses suh as animal !eed% human !ood%and soon% is less than 3> ' bout 3 g o!dry sugarane inthe "orld beomes "aste' Uo"e/er% there is no"astedsugar ane in Corth meria% Meania% and&urope'he uses o!sugar ane are illustrated in able 16'

    6'7'2' =otential bioethanol prodution!rom sugar ane

    Aasted sugar ane ould produe 1:6 G o!bioethanol% replaing 1:1 G o!gasoline "henethanolis used in &5 !uel' #ugar ane bagasse is a

    oprod-ut in sugar ane !ood manu!ature% andthe yield o!bagasse is about 0'6 dry 9g per 1 dry 9go!sugar ane

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    gar)' Globally about 10 g o!dry sugar aneasse is produed and an be utili?ed andd produe about 51 G o!bioethanol'hermore%n-rih !ermentation residues !rom bagassederate 103 Ah o!eletriity and 5;3 = o!steam'asted sugar ane and sugar ane bagasse ouldue globally about 53 G o!bioethanol% replaing

    G o!gasoline in an &5 midsi?e passenger /e-e% or about 3'4> o!the global gasoline

    sump-sia an produe about 22 G o!bioethanol' he

    onal potential bioethanol prodution is sho"n



    bout 73:; g out 2:1 =g o!dry grains plus ane

    ar is lost during logisti proesses:dling%

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomassand

    storage% and transport' #i perent o!totalsorghumprodution is lost% the highest among anybiomassonsidered in this study' n ontrast% only 1>o!totalsugar ane prodution is "asted' ,ost "astedbiomassomes !rom rie% orn% and "heat% assho"n inable 1' sia has 45 g o!"asted biomass'bout1:4 =g out o!2 :1 =g o!the maor dry ropresidues

    are a/ailable to produe bioethanol' he!ration o!rop residue olleted under the 60> groundo/erpratie /aries "ith the region' n !ria% the!ra-tion o!most rop residues olletable is lessthan30> beause oLo" yields' n other regions%theolletable !ration o! most rop residues is

    o/er20>' nluding dry sugar ane bagasse (11g)%the total dry lignoellulosi residuea/ailable isabout 1:5 =g'

    bout 4;1 G o!bioethanol might be pro-dued !rom the "asted rops and theirassoi-ated lignoellulosi ra" materials% about 16timeshigher than the urrent "orld ethanolprodution(31 G)'*rop residues are responsible !or ;0> o!thetotal potential bioethanol prodution' hepotentialbioethanol prodution an replae 353 Go!gaso-line% "hih is eKui/alent to 32> o!the totalgasoline

    able 1

    Bioenergy26 (2004) 361 - 375 373

    "orld"ide onsumption% "hen bioethanol isused in &5 !or a midsi?e passenger /ehile'

    sia% "hih an produe 2;1 G

    o!bioethanol%is the largest potential produer o!bioethanol'iestra" (17 G) is the most a/ailable!eedsto9 insia' he net largest !eedsto9s in sia are"heatstra" (42:6 G) and sugar ane bagasse (21:3G)'he net largest potential produero!bioethanolin the "orld is &urope (6;:2 G)% in "hihmostbioethanol omes !rom "heat stra"' *ornsto/er(3:4 G) is the main !eedsto9 !orbioethanol inCorth meria' hese Kuantities aresummari?ed inable1;'

    @urthermore% 45 Ah o!eletriity (about3'6>o!"orld eletriity prodution) and 2 :6 &o!steam

    are also generated !rom burning lignin-rih!ermen-tation residues% a oprodut o!bioethanol made!romrop residues and sugar ane bagasse' ,ostpotentialeletriity and steam prodution omes !romburning!ermentation residues in the utili?ation o! "heatstra"'&letriity generated by these residues ould

    redueeletriity produed !rom a !ossil !uel burningpo"erplant' #team ould be used "ithin the ethanolplant or eported !or a distrit heating system'

    Wuantities o!"asted rop and lignoellulosi biomass potentially a/ailable !or bioethanol

    !ria sia &urope Corth *entral Meania #outh #ubtotalmeria meria meria

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    Aasted rop (g)*orn 3'12 ;'2 1'57 0'30 1'74 0'01 4'13 20'70Barley 0'17 1'23 2'01 0'01 0'01 0'1; 0'04 3'66Mat 0'004 0'06 0'43 0'01 0'001 0'001 0'05 0'55

    ie 1'0 21'6 0'02 0';6 0'0 0'02 1'41 25'44Aheat 0'3 10'2 4'0; 0'02 0'24 0'2 0';1 17'20#orghum 2'27 0'54 0'004 0'00 0'13 0'001 0'1 3'12

    #ugar ane 0'46 1'64 0'00 0'00 0'36 0'00 0'74 3'20

    #ubtotal 7';4 45'43 '13 1'30 2'56 1'05 7'45 73'6

    ignoellulosi biomass (g)*orn sto/er 0'00 33';0 2'61 133'66 0'00 0'24 7'20 203'62Barley stra" 0'00 1';7 44'24 ;'5 0'16 1';3 0'2; 5'45

    Mat stra" 0'00 0'27 6'3 2'0 0'03 0'47 0'21 10'62ie stra" 20';3 667'5; 3';2 10';5 2'77 1'6 23'51 731'34Aheat stra" 5'34 145'20 132'5; 50'05 2'7; '57 ;'0 354'35#orghum stra" 0'00 0'00 0'35 6';7 1'16 0'32 1'52 10'32Bagasse 11'73 74' 0'01 4'62 1;'23 6'4; 63'77 10'73

    #ubtotal 3'00 ;23'2 216'56 21';0 26'14 1;'70 106'30 154;'42

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    374 #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomass and Bioenergy26 (2004)361- 375

    able 1;=otential bioethanol prodution

    !ria sia &urope Corth *entral Meania #outh #ubtotal

    meria meria meria

    @rom "aste rop (G)*orn 2'17 6'2 1'0; 0'21 1'21 0'01 2'7 14'4Barley 0'12 0'3 1'35 0'005 0'01 0'13 0'03 2'46Mat 0'002 0'04 0'30 0'01 0'0004 0'001 0'03 0'3

    ie 0'71 14'4 0'02 0'63 0'05 0'02 0';3 16'Aheat 0'55 6'7 2'70 0'02 0'16 0'54 0'60 11'3#orghum 1'55 0'37 0'003 F 0'0; 0'0004 0'12 2'14#ugar ane 0'23 0'2 F F 0'1 0'0001 0'37 1'5;#ubtotal () 5'33 30'1 5'45 0'7 1'70 0'70 4';5 4;'1

    @rom lignoellulosi biomass (G)*orn sto/er F ;'75 '23 3'4 F 0'07 2'07 5'6

    Barley stra" F 0'61 13'7 3'06 0'05 0'60 0'0; 1'1Mat stra" F 0'07 1'7; 0'73 0'00; 0'12 0'06 2'7ie stra" 5'6 16' 1'10 3'06 0'77 0'47 6'5 204'6Aheat stra" 1'57 42'6 3'; 14'7 0'2 2'51 2'7 103'#orghum stra" F F 0'10 1'; 0'31 0'0; 0'41 2'7;Bagasse 3'33 21'3 0'004 1'31 5'46 1'4 1'1 51'3

    #ubtotal (B) 10' 261'0 63' 63'2 7'42 5'70 30'2 442'0otal (XB) 16'1 2;1'1 6;'2 64'0 ;'12 6'3; 35'1 4;1'1

    ' *onlusions ha/e surplus biomass and no problems "ith !ood se-

    urity' #oietal response to the utili?ation o!biomassesults indiate that rie stra" is potentiallythe

    most !a/orable !eedsto9% and the net most!a/or-able ra" materials are "heat stra"% ornsto/er% andsugar ane bagasse in terms o!the Kuantityo!biomassa/ailable' hese !our !eedsto9s an produe41 G

    o!bioethanol' he most !a/orable area is sia%"hihan produe 2;1 G o!bioethanol beauseo!biomassa/ailability'

    n this study% only biomass a/ailability isin/esti-gated to e/aluate the !easibility o! biomassutili?ation!or bioethanol' he !easibility o! biomassutili?ation!or bioethanol and other biobased industrial

    prod-uts also inludes !ators suh as "hihbiomass toutili?e and "here to build a biore0nery'eisions

    might be based on the !ollo"ing riteria%amongothers:

    '1' Biomass a/ailabilityissue

    Biomass a/ailability is a primary !ator' !a/or-able region !or biobased industrialproduts should

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    iobased industrial produts is also a !ator' #omeeties may be relutant to use e/en "aste rops !or

    strial produts i!they belie/e that someho" !oodures are diminished' he biomass a/ailability is-is a global matter beause !ood seurity is a

    al priority' Uo"e/er% "hen only the rop residues

    onsidered% biomass a/ailability tends to beome

    al matter'

    &onomi issue

    obased produts% inluding ethanol% must be madeompetiti/e osts' Mther"ise% there "ill be no

    !or the biobased produts e/en though they

    e !rom rene"able resoures' &onomi

    ors%eample land a/ailability% labor% taation%ies% proessing osts% and transportation%

    eiallydeli/ered ost o!the biomass !eedsto9% are impor-' Uene% the eonomi issues are primarilylers'

  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale


    #' $im% B'&' ale 8 Biomassand

    '3' &n/ironmental issue

    Mne o!the potential merits o!biobasedprod-uts is the utili?ation o!rene"able resouresin-stead o!non-rene"able resoures' Uo"e/er%spe-i0 rop prodution praties may redue ore/eno/er"helm this potential bene0t' @oreample% aproper balane bet"een the rop yield andthe ap-

    pliation rate o!agrohemials is needed'Mtheren/ironmental issues in the agriulturaloperation%suh as soil erosion% soil organi matter trends%"a-ter and ground"ater use% should also be!ully re-/ie"ed' hese en/ironmental issues tend to beloalmatters'

    his study in/estigated the potential !orutili?ationo! "asted biomass and lignoellulosi!eedsto9s !orbioethanol' he lignoellulosi !eedsto9s ha/emuhmore !a/orable utili?ation potential !orbiobasedindustrial produts beause o!their Kuantityandompetiti/e prie' @urthermore% lignoellulosesangenerate eletriity and steam% "hih an be usedin abiore0nery and also eported into the po"er grid'm-portantly% lignoellulosi !eedsto9s do notinter!ere"ith !ood seurity' Uo"e/er% !ailitating theutili?a-tion oLignoellulosi materials reKuirestremendouseCorts in ahie/ing a high ethanol yield%

    establishingin!rastruture !or the olletion system% inreasingthethermal eieny o!generating eletriity andsteam%

    and so on'egarding the data Kuality o!@M#% some

    na-tions may ha/e a large gap bet"een /alues in theirna-tional database and the data in @M#% assho"nin able 1' ehnology !or utili?ing "astedrop% de-0ned as rop lost in the distribution% as a ra"

    material!or biobased produt "ill depend strongly onregionalonditions% e'g'% limate% storage !aility%eieny o!transportation'


    H1I .nited Cations e/elopment =rogramme' Aorldenergy

    assessment' .nited Cations e/elopment=rogramme'Ce" Oor9% 2000'

    H2I Aang ,' Greet 1'5Ftransportation !uel-ylemodel'

    llinois: rgonne Cational aboratory% 2000' /ailabathttp:88greet'anl'go/8publiations'html'

    H3I #hapouri U% ueld % Grabos9i ,#' &stimating thenet

    energy balane o!orn ethanol' griultural &onomieport721' Aashington% *: .# epartment o!griulture%1;;5'
  • 8/10/2019 Kim Dan Dale
