kisi-kisi ujian nasional smp/mts tahun...

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 No Kompetensi Indikator 1. READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk caution/notice/warning, greeting card, letter/e-mail, short message, advertisement, announcement, invitation, schedule. Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk procedure. Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk descriptive. Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk recount. Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau pesan moral/tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk narrative. Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk report. 2. WRITING (Menulis) Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk recount/narrative sederhana. Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk descriptive/procedure sederhana. Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat kalimat yang bermakna. Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat untuk membuat paragraf yang padu dan bermakna.

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Page 1: KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN … yang padu dan bermakna. Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. TIPS MENJAWAB SOAL

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.



No Kompetensi Indikator

1. READING (Membaca)

Memahami makna dalam wacana

tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional

maupun esai sederhana berbentuk

deskriptif (descriptive, procedure,

maupun report) dan naratif (narrative

dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan


Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau

informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau

rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif

dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk

caution/notice/warning, greeting card, letter/e-mail, short

message, advertisement, announcement, invitation, schedule.

Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau

informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau

rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif

dalam teks berbentuk procedure.

Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau

informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau

rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif

dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.

Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau

informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau

rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif

dalam teks berbentuk recount.

Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau

informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau

rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau pesan moral/tujuan

komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk narrative.

Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau

informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau

rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif

dalam teks berbentuk report.

2. WRITING (Menulis)

Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis

teks fungsional pendek dan esai

sederhana berbentuk deskriptif

(descriptive, procedure, maupun

report) dan naratif (narrative dan

recount) dalam konteks kehidupan


Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang

bentuk recount/narrative sederhana.

Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang

bentuk descriptive/procedure sederhana.

Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat kalimat

yang bermakna.

Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat untuk membuat

paragraf yang padu dan bermakna.

Page 2: KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN … yang padu dan bermakna. Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. TIPS MENJAWAB SOAL

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.



1. READING (Membaca)

Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk

deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari.


Contoh pertanyaan:

What is the text talk about?

What is the suitable title for the text above?

The text above tells us about…

What does the story tell about?

(Perhatikan kata yang bercetak tebal pada contoh pertanyaan di atas)

Smart solution :

Jika ada judul maka kemungkinan jawabannya adalah judul itu sendiri

Jika tidak ada judul kemungkinan jawabannya adalah kata yang paling sering muncul di dalam teks

(ingat yasmun = yang sering muncul)

Contoh soal:

1. What is the text about?

A. A letter from a teacher

B. A student report

C. A greeting card

D. An email

Kunci jawaban : C

Kata „congratulations‟ merupakan judul teks di atas, sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa teks tersebut

adalah kartu ucapan selamat, yang merupakan salah satu bentuk greeting card.

2. What is the announcement about?

A. A Student Organization

B. An English Speech Contest

C. A National Day Celebration

D. A National Education Day ceremony

Kunci jawaban :D


To : All students of SMP Bahagia Semarang.

To celebrate the National Education Day,Students body will

hold some interesting programs such as English Speech

Contest, Debate, and Class Wall Magazine Competition.

When: May 2, 2012 8 am onwards.

Where: School hall

Registration: Mr.Andi, the coordinator of this program.

Awesome congratulations

To: Ahmad Fikri

For: Being a bright and enthusiastic student in 1/2J. Your bright smile lights up our

classroom everyday. Great work this year Fikri.


Page 3: KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN … yang padu dan bermakna. Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. TIPS MENJAWAB SOAL

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat dilihat pada kalimat pertama, jadi topik dari penguman

tersebut tentang National Education Day Ceremony

3. The text above is a … advertisement.

A. food

B. drink

C. school

D. classroom

Kunci jawaan : A

Kata kunci dalam iklan tersebut adalah “lunch” yang berarti makan siang. Jadi pilihan yang tepat

adalah food ads.

4. What does the text remind us about?

A. Being sure about books

B. Returning library books

C. When to return all library books

D. Where to return the library books

Kunci jawaban : C

Kata kunci “before the end of Term 2”.

Page 4: KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN … yang padu dan bermakna. Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. TIPS MENJAWAB SOAL

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

5. The best title for the text is…

A. a warm, caring person.

B. Michael Jordan.

C. a sports fan.

D. a famous star.

Kunci jawaban : B

Kata “Michael Jordan” disebut di paragraph 1 sebagai topik dari text tersebut sehingga judul yang

paling tepat adalah B.

6. The text mainly describes… of Rafflesia

A. the location

B. the petals

C. the sexual organs

D. physical look

Kunci jawaban : D

Paragraf 1 berisi lokasi, paragraf 2 berisi flowers, paragraf 3 berisi petals. Jadi keseluruhan adalah

physical look.

7. The text above is about….

A. How to make pita bread

B. Making fungus and bread

C. A cooking class demonstration

Cooking and microorganisms

(We learnt that yeast is a fungus and that it is a microorganism)

Today we made Pita bread. We used yeast and flour to make it. We made the

dough and then needed to knead it until it‟s smooth and flat. I moulded and made

it to a love-heart shape. Then we cooked it under the grill for several minutes so

it‟s perfectly cooked. I think my Pita bread is going to be delicious.

By Putri 3/4 E.

Rafflesia can be found in the forests of Malaysia, Southern Thailand, Sumatra and

Java. But, Rafflesia flowers are fairly hard to locate. It is especially difficult to see

them in bloom. Its buds take up to 10 months to develop while its blossom lasts for

just a few days.

Rafflesia has brownish, scale like leaves and fleshy, smelling flowers of various

sizes, from few inches to meter big in diameter. We usually notice its large fleshy

flowers. There is a deep well in the centre of the flowers. The sexual organs are

located beneath the rim of the disk. Male and female flowers are separate.

The reddish brown colors of the petals, sprinkled with white freckles produce

unpleasant stench, similar to rotting flesh. This would attract flies and insects which

help disperse the seeds. Rafflesia isparasite, which means it takes the nutrient out of

its host.

If you are a sports fan, you are sure to know the name Michael Jordan. He

is probably the greatest basketball player the world has ever seen. Although his

career as a player is over, his fame will live on for many years to come.

Michael Jordan certainly looks like a star. He is tall, well-built and

handsome, with friendly brown eyes and a wide grin. He always manages to look

well-dressed, even in his casual clothes or smart suits.

His personality, too, is as outstanding as his playing ability. Michael is a

very determined person. This has made him a successful basketball star. He has

given lots of money and support to charities.

All in all, Michael Jordan is not only a great athlete, but also a warm, caring

person. Is it no wonder that so many boys have dreamed of growing up to be just

like him?

Page 5: KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN … yang padu dan bermakna. Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. TIPS MENJAWAB SOAL

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

D. A biology lesson

Kunci jawaban : A

Ini adalah prosedur pembuatan pita bread yang ditulis oleh seorang siswa.Cirinya adalah

penggunaan time sequence.

8. What‟s possible title for the text?

A. Draw Dragon Dot Eyes

B. Sung-Yow

C. Alive dragons

D. Secret dragons painting

Kunci jawaban : A

Paragraf terakhir menunjukkan maksud cerita ini ditulis yaitu untuk memperkenalkan istilah draw

dragon dot eyes.

9. What does the text tell us about?

A. A pharmacist

B. A drug therapy

C. A medical expert

D. A doctor and surgeon

Jawaban : A

Teks di atas adalah teks report, untuk mengetahui gambaran umum dari teks tersebut dapat

diketahui pada paragraph pertama di awal kalimat. Maka jawabannya adalah A.

Pharmacists are the professionals who dispense medicines to the patients,

as prescribed by the medical expert. In most of the cases, the experienced

pharmacists can even prescribe some better drugs and medicines to the patients.

One of the most important pharmacist job descriptions is the management of

medicines and drugs in health care units and hospitals. The pharmacist job

description also includes assisting the patients, advising the medical experts and

helping the patients by recommending the right medicine.

Some of the job duties of a pharmacist are as follows; give advice and

assist doctors or surgeons in matters relating to dosages and prescriptions to the

patient. Monitor and analyze the health of the patient, with respect to the drugs

that have been given to the patient. Answer the queries of the patients about the

probable side effects and benefits of the drug therapy. Seek immediate help from

the doctor in case the drug shows some side effects on the patient. Recommend

drugs to visitors with minor ailments.

Sung-Yow has a secret. He could paint a picture and make it come alive!

This only happened when the painting was finished. Sung-Yow loved to paint

dragons. He left out their eyes because he didn‟t want them to come alive. In this

way his secret stayed a secret.

The king heard that Sung-Yow was good at painting dragons. He asked

Sung-Yow to paint four dragons on a wall. In three days the painting was almost

finished. The dragons looked like they could jump off the wall. They didn‟t jump

because Sung-Yow had left out their eyes.

People came from far away to see the paintings.

“The dragons look so real,” they said.

“But where are their eyes?” they asked.

“If I dotted the eyes, the dragons would fly away,” said Sung-Yow.

Everyone laughed. No one believed him. Sung-Yow was not happy. This

time he would NOT leave out the eyes. He painted little black dots on two of the


Crash! Crack! the wall split open. Two dragons jumped off the wall. Sung-

Yow went on to become a very famous artist with a very famous secret.

In China when someone adds a finishing touch to a work, people might say

“Draw Dragon Dot Eyes”.

Page 6: KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN … yang padu dan bermakna. Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. TIPS MENJAWAB SOAL

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

10. What does the text above tell us about?

A. It tells about the way to make a mango smoothie.

B. It identifies the problems to make a mango smoothie.

C. It promotes the importance of a mango smoothie.

D. It describes the features of a mango smoothie.

Jawaban : A

Teks tersebut adalah teks procedure, teks tersebut membicara bagaimana cara membuat mango

smoothie hal ini dapat diketahui pada paragraph 1. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A.


Contoh pertanyaan:

What is the purpose of the text?

What is the text written for?

Smart solution :

Teks Deskripsi (isinya menggambarkan manusia,tokoh yang sedang naik daun, hewan,benda,dan

suatu tempat)

Maka kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to describe…(judul teks)/(sesuatu yang digambarkan dalam


Teks Recount (isinya menceritakan pengalaman di masa lalu secara berurutan sesuai waktu kejadian,

menggunakan jenis kalimat past tense)

Maka kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to retell the past event/ to tell the past event.

Teks Narasi (isinya menceritakan sebuah dongeng, teks dimulai dengan kata “Once upon a time, One

day, Once, a long time ago, Menggunakan kalimat Past tense)

Maka kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to entertain the readers or to amuse the readers.

Teks Procedur (isinya menjelaskan bagaimana cara/metode membuat sesuatu,misalkan sebuah resep

membuat makanan)

Maka kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to show how to make…(judul teks).

Teks Report (isinya menggambarkan manusia,hewan,benda dengan lebih detail melalui proses


Maka kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to describe…(judul teks).

Teks pesan singkat kemungkinan jawabannya ada dalam isi pesan

Teks Undangan kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to invite

Teks Pengumuman kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to announce.

Teks iklan kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to promote/to advertise.

Teks surat kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to tell/to inform.

Teks label kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to give detail information.

Teks Greeting Card kemungkinan jawabannya adalah to give warm/to congratulate

This mango smoothie tastes great, is low in fat and will give you a healthy

immune system. Give it a try. A refreshing drink is for all occasions. Appreciate

our Mango Smoothie.

Slice a large ripe mango in half. Cut horizontal and vertical lines across

each of the pieces in a grid effect. Then turn the skin inside out to reveal equal

sized chunks. Slice these chunks off the skin with the knife. Afterwards, pour 250

milliliters of yogurt and 150 milliliters of milk into a blender. Next add the mango,

followed by 8 ice cubes. Put the lid on firmly, and blend until the mixture is

smooth, or the consistency you desire. If the smoothie is too thin, add 1/2 a banana

and blend again. This will also make it sweeter. Finally, pour into a glass, drop in

a couple of straws and serve.

Page 7: KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN … yang padu dan bermakna. Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. TIPS MENJAWAB SOAL

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Contoh soal:

1. Mom writes the text in order to …

A. apologize for not keeping the promise.

B. remindLiz that she has a promise with her.

C. tellLiz that she has to go to the meeting.

D. say that she cannot meet her in the Mall.

Jawaban : A

Tujuan dari pesan singkat tersebut diketaui pada kalimat pertama pada pesan tersebut Sorry honey, I

can’t fulfill my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. Maka jawaban yang tepat A.

2. What is the text written for?

A. To invite somebody to a party

B. To celebrate a wedding anniversary

C. To inform the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen

D. To give direction for Taman Orchid Indah Block 2D

Kunci jawaban: A

Teks tersebut adalah teks undangan, maka tujuan komunikatif dari penulisan teks tersebut adalah A.

3. What is Mr. and Mrs. Anwar Sidiq‟s purpose for sending the card?

A. To congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Burhanudin for their moving into a new house

B. To give warmth and happiness for Mr. and Mrs. Burhanusin‟s house

C. To ask Mr and Mrs. Burhanudin to come to their house

D. To help Mr. and Mrs. Burhanudin build anew house

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Burhanudin

It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.

Congratulations on your new home

May your new place give you ….

Warmth, happiness and lots of joy!

Your sincerely

Mr. and Mrs. Anwar Sidiq

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hansen request the company of

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Brown

on the occasion of their


Wedding Anniversary

on Saturday 28 May at 8. p.m.

Taman Orchid Indah Block 2 D No. 4

Cengkareng Jakarta Barat

R.S.V.P: Windy (02154390231)

To: Liz

Sorry honey, I can‟t keep my promise to go with you to the

Mall tonight. I have to meet Mrs. Cathy at 07.00 PM. Please,

don‟t be angry.




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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Jawaban : A

Teks tersebut adalah greeting card hal diketahui dari pernyataan Congratulations on your new home,

maka tujuan dari penulisan teks tersebut adalah A.

4. What is the purpose of the writer to write the text?

A. To share a bad dream

B. To describe an old woman

C. To retell a frightening experience

D. To advice not to eat before sleeping

Jawaban : C

Teks tersebut adalah teks recount, maka tujuan komunikatif teks tersebut yang tepat adalah C.

5. The writer writes the text in order to …

A. tellblowfish shoes products.

B. share her experience with her friend.

C. explain an international trademark shoes.

I have a close Friend. She is beautiful, attractive and trendy. She always wants to be

a trend setter of the day. She always pays much attention to her appearance.

Recently, she bought a new stylist foot legs from blowfish shoes products. These

shoes really match on her.

Her new blowfish women's shoes are wonderful. When she is walking on those

shoes, all her friends, including me watch and admire that she has the most suitable

shoes on her physical appearance. The style, bright color, and brand represent her as

a smart woman of the day. She really has perfect appearance.

She is really mad on those shoes. She said that the products covered all genders. The

blowfish men's shoes are as elegant as she has. The products provide varieties of

choice. Ballet, casual, boot athletic shoes are designed in attractive way. The

products are international trade mark and become the hottest trend.

"Don't eat just before going to bed!" my mother used to tell me. "You might get a

nightmare." How right she was. I never believed her until it happened to me.

It was on a night when I felt hungry just as I was about to go to bed. So I made

myself a peanut-butter sandwich and a large cold glass of milk. After consuming

them I went to bed.

Soon I drifted off into a troubled sleep. I dreamt that I was with a group of people

looking for an old woman. I was not sure why we were looking for her but we all

seemed afraid of her. Somehow we had to find her. So there I was,searching high

and low for her in frightful places I had never been before. Sometimes I seemed to

be flying while at other times I seemed unable to move. The whole atmosphere

was one of fear, like a dreadful horror-movie in which I was a victim.

After some searching I entered a darkened room and saw a figure sleeping on a

bed. As I got nearer the figure suddenly threw away the blanket, got up and stared

at me. It was an ugly old woman with shiny golden teeth. She raised her claw-like

fingers and walked towards me.

I wanted to run but was unable to. I tried to scream but found that I could not. In

horror I struggled and struggled to get away from the frightful woman.

The next moment I gave a muffled yell and found myself panting on my bed. My

goodness, what a horrible nightmare it was! For a minute or so I lay on my bed not

daring to close my eyes for fear of falling asleep again and continuing the

nightmare. Then I sat up on my bed until the horrible feeling passed. From then on

I never eat just before going to sleep.

Page 9: KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN … yang padu dan bermakna. Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. TIPS MENJAWAB SOAL

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

D. describe her friend’s style and her new shoes.

Jawaban : D

Teks tersebut adalah teks deskriptif dan dari awal kalimat hingga akhir mendeskripsikan style and

her new shoes, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah D.


What is the main idea of paragraph…?

Smart solution:

Kalimat pertama yang berada di awal paragraph

Contoh soal:

1. What is the main idea of paragraph one?

A. Bees live on every continent.

B. Bees belong to flying insects.

C. Bees produce honey and beeswax.

D. Bees only live with insect-flowering plants.

Kunci Jawaban : B

Kesimpulan dari paragaf 1 adalah menjelaskan tentang bees dan termasuk ke dalam flying insects.

Dear Nan,

We are having a great holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to the

Movie World.

When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the cloud

disappeared. And it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to the Movie World.

The first ride I went on was Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show.

After that I had lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for

the Batman ride.

About one o‟clock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after. We then

went on all the other rides.

It was a top day. See you when you get back.



Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their

role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000

known species of bees in nine recognized families though many are undescribed and the

actual number is probably higher. They are found on every continent except Antarctica,

in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants.

Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that enables them to obtain the

nectar from flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in

males and 12 in females, as is typical for the super family. Bees all have two pairs of

wings, the hind pair being the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste

has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or impossible, but none are


The smallest bee is Trigona minima, a stingless bee whose workers are about

2.1 mm (5/64") long. The largest bee in the world is Megachile pluto, a leafcutter bee

whose females can attain a length of 39 mm (1.5"). Members of the family Halictidae,

or sweat bees, are the most common type of bee in the Northern Hemisphere, though

they are small and often mistaken for wasps or flies.

Page 10: KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL SMP/MTs TAHUN … yang padu dan bermakna. Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd. TIPS MENJAWAB SOAL

Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. The weather in Gold Coast.

B. Police Academy Show.

C. Sam’s activities in the Movie World.

D. A great holiday in the Movie World.

Kunci Jawaban : C

Kesimpulan dari paragraph 3 pada surat di atas adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan Sam di Movie


3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. The writer saw many fish on the sand.

B. The view of the beach was very exciting.

C. The writer liked to see the wave in the sea.

D. Tsunami occurred and destroyed everything.

Kunci jawaban: D

Pembahasan: Pikiran utama pada paragraph ketiga cluenya secara tersurat pada kalimat terakhir,

terjadinya tsunami yang menghancurkan segala-galanya.

4. What‟s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. The scouts set up their tents.

B. The scouts came to the camping site.

C. The scouts prepared everything for camping.

D. The scouts started their activities in camping site.

Kunci jawaban: C

Pembahasan: Pada paragraph 3 menceritakan kegiatan peserta pramuka menyiapkan segala sesuatu

untuk berkemah, maka pikiran utama yang tepat adalah C.

Last weekend the girl scouts and the boy scouts of my school had their first

fun camping outside the school.

They left for Cikoneng at 05. 00 am. After a long and thrilling drive they

arrived at the village and found a good camping site.

“Let’s set up our tents there,” said the leader while pointing at the garden.

Then, they started to work. In a short time the tents were ready and they put a

small flag on the top of each tent. After that, some girl scouts made a fire while

some others cooked their lunch. The boys were busy working. The lunch was

ready at 03.00 and they immediately started to eat. After that, they took a little


At 04.30 pm the leader blew his whistle and all the girl scouts and the boy

scouts gathered around to start their fun camping programs.

It was Sunday morning December 26th

2004. The day that I would never forget

forever. We went to the beach in Meulaboh, Aceh. Many people were there when I


When we were enjoying the beautiful sunrise, suddenly we were shocked by a

violent shake in the ground. Everybody in the beach was panic. We soon realized that

it was a very big earthquake although it struck in a very short time.

After that, we saw the water was going on into the middle of the sea. No

wonder if there were many kinds of fish were left behind on the sand. We all seemed

to be astonished by the view until we realized that there was a huge wave came

towards us and destroyed everything in its way.

I didn‟t realize what had happened until I found myself hanging on a branch of

a tree.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. We can see the surface of the Moon from the Earth.

B. The Sun is the biggest planet in our solar system.

C. An eclipse never happens at New or Full Moon.

D. The Sun and the Moon rotate on the same line.

Kunci jawaban: C

Pembahasan: Pikiran utama pada paragraph 3 yaitu kalimat pertama dari paragraph tersebut.


Contoh pertanyaan:

How, where, when, which, how many, what does, who, why, whom, how long, etc

Smart solution:

Carilah kata/kalimat dalam pertanyaan pada teks, Kemungkinan jawabannya terdapat di bagian sebelum

atau sesudah kalimat pertanyaan.

Contoh soal:

1. Dinda can‟t come to Mira‟s house because…

A. the project has not planned.

B. she has to work in the hospital.

C. her grandma is sick.

D. Dinda must be hospitalized

Kunci jawaban: C

Alasan Dinda tidak dapat datang adalah karena neneknya sakit.

An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when one celestial object

moves into the shadow of another. The term is most often used to describe either

a solar eclipse, when the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface, or a lunar

eclipse, when the Moon moves into the shadow of Earth.

Eclipses may occur when the Earth and Moon are aligned with the Sun,

and the shadow of one body cast by the Sun falls on the other. So at New Moon

(or rather Dark Moon), when the Moon is in conjunction with the Sun, the Moon

may pass in front of the Sun as seen from a narrow region on the surface of the

Earth and cause a solar eclipse. At Full Moon, when the Moon is in opposition

to the Sun, the Moon may pass through the shadow of the Earth, and a lunar

eclipse is visible from the night half of the Earth.

An eclipse does not happen at every New or Full Moon, because the

plane of the orbit of the Moon around the Earth is tilted with respect to the

plane of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun, so as seen from the Earth, when

the Moon is nearest to the Sun (New Moon) or at largest distance (Full Moon),

the three bodies usually are not exactly on the same line.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

2. How many colours does the product offer?

A. One

B. Two

C. Four

D. Six

Kunci jawaban: B

Warna yang tersedia ada dua macam yaitu marble white dan pebble blue.

3. What makes Mahogany becoming increasingly rare?

A. Its size

B. Its exploitation

C. Its quality

D. Its value

Kunci jawaban: B

Yang menyebabkan pohon itu semakin langka adalah karena dieksploitasi.


In the natural rainforest, Mahogany is a very large canopy tree, sometimes reaching

over 150 feet in height, with trunks sometimes more than 6 feet in diameter above a large

basal buttress. It is a generally open-crowned tree, with gray to brownish-red fissured bark.

Mahogany is perhaps the most valuable timber tree in the whole of Latin America and

has been heavily exploited for most of this century. Mahogany is becoming increasingly

rare, and is already extinct in parts of its original range. It is listed as threatened in "Arboles

Maderables en Peligro de Extinción en Costa Rica" and is listed in CITES Appendix III.

Mahogany varies from yellowish, reddish, pinkish, or salmon colored when freshly cut,

to a deep rich red, to reddish brown as the wood matures with age. Mahogany is fine to

medium texture, with uniform to interlocking grain, ranging from straight to wavy or curly.

Irregularities in the grain often produce highly attractive figures such as fiddle back or

mottle. Mahogany polishes to a high luster, with excellent working and finishing

characteristics. It responds well to hand and machine tools, has good nailing and screwing

properties, and turns and carves superbly.

Mahogany is regarded by many as the world's premier wood for fine cabinetry, high-

class furniture, trimming fine boats, pianos and other musical instruments, sculpture, joinery,

turnery, figured and decorative veneer, interior trim, and carving.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

4. What did Steve do when he was fired from Apple?

A. Returning to Atari

B. Founding NeXT

C. Signing an agreement with Disney

D. Producing a series of feature films

Kunci jawaban: B

Setelah diberhentikan dari Apple, steve Jobs mendirikan NeXT.

Long ago, there lived a little boy named Sammy. He was a good boy. He was good in

his studies, obedient to his parents, more intelligent than many other boys in his class and

kind to everyone.

Now there was another boy named Timmy who studied in the same class as Sammy.

Unlike Sammy, he was not good at studies and always liked to play during school hours. He

misbehaved with his parents, bullied his classmates and even ill-treated Sammy.

On his eighth birthday, Sammy got a nice pen as a gift from his parents. He brought it

to school so that he could use it to take down the notes of the lectures that the teachers gave

in class. When Timmy saw it, he felt uneasy. He asked Sammy,

"Hey, where did you get that? Did you buy it?"

"My parents gave it as a birthday gift to me." replied Sammy.

Timmy was overwhelmed with anger and jealousy. His parents never gave him a gift.

He decided to steal Sammy's pen. During recess, when everyone had gone out from the

class, Timmy opened Sammy's bag and took out his pen. Then he hid it inside his bag and

went out.

When Sammy came back and could not find his pen, he informed his class teacher

about it. There was a hunt for the missing pen and the class teacher ordered the class monitor

to search the bag of every children inside the class. The missing pen was soon found out of

Timmy's bag and the furious teacher asked the errant boy,

"Now Timmy, what do you have to say about it?"

Timmy was in tears. He had nothing to say.

Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco, California, to

Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne who gave him up for adoption. He was taken in by Paul and

Clara Jobs, and grew up with them in Mountain View, California.

He attended Homestead High School in Cupertino California and went to Reed

College in Portland Oregon in 1972 but dropped out after only one semester, staying on to

"drop in" on courses that interested him.

He took a job with video game manufacturer Atari to raise enough money for a trip

to India and returned from there a Buddhist.

Back in Cupertino he returned to Atari where his old friend Steve Wozniak was still

working. Wozniak was building his own computer and in 1976 Jobs pre-sold 50 of the as-yet

unmade computers to a local store and managed to buy the components on credit solely on

the strength of the order, enabling them to build the Apple I without any funding at all.

The Apple II followed in 1977 and the company Apple Computer was formed shortly

afterwards. By the time production of the Apple II ended in 1993 it had sold over 6 million


In 1985 Jobs was fired from Apple and immediately founded another computer

company, NeXT.

In the meantime, in 1986, Jobs bought The Computer Graphics Group from

Lucasfilm. The group was responsible for making high-end computer graphics hardware but

under its new name, Pixar, it began to produce innovative computer animations. Their first

title under the Pixar name, Luxo Jr. (1986) won critical and popular acclaim and in 1991

Pixar signed an agreement with Disney, with whom it already had a relationship, to produce

a series of feature films, beginning with Toy Story (1995).

In 1996 Apple bought NeXT and Jobs returned to Apple, becoming its CEO. In

2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and underwent surgery in 2004. Despite

the success of this operation he became increasingly ill and received a liver transplant in

2009. He returned to work after a six month break but eventually resigned his position in

August 2011 after another period of medical leave which began in January 2011. He died on

5 October 2011.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

5. Timmy is Sammy‟s …

A. brother.

B. cousin.

C. nephew.

D. classmate.

Kunci jawaban: D

Timmy adalah teman sekelas Sammy.Hal ini dapat dilihat di paragraph 2.


What we can learn from the story above?

Smart solution:

*Ada di akhir paragraph

*Siswa harus menyimpulkan setelah membaca seluruh teks

Contoh soal:

1. When do the students make the beds and clean the rooms?

A. After they get up

B. Before they do their dawn prayer

C. Before they take a bath

D. Before the morning classes start

Kunci jawaban: D

Para siswa kembali ke kamar untuk membereskan dan membersihkannya sebelum pelajaran pagi

mulai.Informasi ini dapat ditemukan di paragraph 2.

2. What did the writer take home for his mom?

A. Good report from school

B. The photo of the horrible boy

C. The nasty note from Ms. Thomas

D. Punishment letter from the principal

My Worst Mistake

Hi Diary,

I‟ve just had the worst day ever! It all began at morning break. This horrible boy

came over and pushed me for no reason. When I pushed him back I was the one who got

into trouble. I was given a nasty note from Ms Thomas to take home to mom.

Later when mum read the note she blamed me – she wouldn‟t even listen to my

side of things. It‟s not fair. Now I‟m grounded for a month and all I did was stick up for


Still I have learned one thing today – violence won‟t solve my problems but

telling tales just might!

Gontor 5 for Girls

Gontor 5 for Girls is a school located in Kandangan, Pare, Kediri, East Java. On its 4th

age, the institution, inhabited by 529 students and 65 teachers, directed by Mr. H. Agus

Mulyana, S.Ag., always develops and keeps its existence. It is a boarding school. All

students live in dormitories. So, they do everything together.

Students get up early in the morning and do their dawn prayer. Then they take a bath

and have breakfast together. Before the morning classes start, they return to their bedroom to

make the beds and clean the rooms. After school they usually do sports or other

extracurricular activities.

In the evening they have dinner together. Then they prepare themselves for the next

day. Some of them do their homework and others study or read books. Before they go to

bed, they have time to relax. They chat with their friends or read magazines.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Kunci jawaban: C

Yang harus diberikan untuk ibunya adalah note dari Ms. Thomas, seperti yang disebutkan dalam

paragraph pertama kalimat terakhir.

3. Who misses Euis so much?

A. Euis does.

B. Euis‟ friends do.

C. Euis‟ school does.

D. Euis’ friend does.

Kunci jawaban: D

Untuk mendapatkan jawaban pertanyaan ini, kita harus mengecek kebenaran setiap jawaban dengan

informasi yang ada di teks. Dari ke empat informasi itu jawaban D adalah jawaban yang salah atau

incorrect berdasarkan teks. Jadi jawaban soal adalah D.

4. The writer writes the memo because she …

A. needs her children‟s help

B. cannot cook for her family

C. will come home late

D. has to go with her husband

Kunci jawaban: C

Si penulis harus memimpin suatu rapat di tempatnya bekerja sehingga ia baru bisa pulang pada jam

tujuh. Dengan demikian ia menulis memo itu karena ia akan pulang tidak seperti biasanya atau

terlambat. Jadi jawaban yg paling tepat adalah C.

From : Mom

To : All

Dear folks,

Mum„ll be home at seven because I have to chair the staff meeting. Please don‟t

forget to do all your chores. Water the garden, feed the pets, and make your own beds

after the naps.

Please remind Daddy to prepare dinner for us as he promised to fix us grilled snapper

and chicken soup. He‟ll be home early at two today.

Thanks a million and see you all soon.

Much love,


Dear Euis Chantika,

Congratulations on your graduation from the Junior High School. I know how long

and hard you have worked and studied. But, your dedication and perseverance has paid

off, and your parents should be very happy. Besides, they must be very proud of your


I wish you all the best in pursuing your ambitions to study in the best Senior High

School in town. May your dreams come true.

Well done! You will always be my inspiration.

From your friend who misses you so much


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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

5. Dr. Sahali is supposed to come on January 11, 2010 to … the service learning project in action.

A. enable him to watch

B. get a special experience with

C. open the project officially

D. ask questions related to

Kunci jawaban: A

Dari teks terbaca bahwa mengapa Dr. Sahali diminta datang pada hari itu karena ia diharapkan dapat

melihat program yang dilakukan sekolah itu sewaktu sedang berlangsung. Jadi jawaban A adalah

jawaban yang paling tepat.


Similar/the same meaning/synonym/meaning

Contoh soal:

1. What does the underlined word mean?

A. to check in

B. to write the name

C. to enroll

D. to reserve

Kunci jawaban: C

To : the students of grade 9,

Tomorrow is the last day for you to register in the Study Tour to Bali

We wait.

The chief of OSIS


Dear Dr. Hambali Sahali,

We would like to invite you and your staff to visit our school SMP Duta Bangsa,

where we are engaged in an exciting service learning project.

Service-learning is a teaching method that engages our students in solving problems

within their school and communities as an integral part of their academic studies. It is

hoped that students master important curriculum content by making meaningful

connection between what they study and its real-life applications. Besides, students

become more effective citizens through acts of kindness, community stewardship and

civic action. This effort is made possible with support from Learn and Serve America,

a program of the corporation for National and Community Service.

May we suggest that you visit us on January 11, 2010 at 10 o‟clock? This will give

you an opportunity to see our program in action. We have also invited our community

partners, members of the local media, and several families of students whom we serve.

They are eager to talk to you about the importance of investing in service-learning

activities in our local community.

We have enclosed a one page profile of our program for your reference. I will contact

your office within the next two weeks to follow-up on this invitation. Again, we do

hope you can join us on this occasion.

Thank you very much for your consideration.


Andy Sehatapi

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Kata register berarti mendaftar, jadi padanan kata yang sesuai adalah enroll.

2. It is located in the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong. (paragraph 1)

The underlined word is closest in meaning with . . . .

A. included

B. situated

C. kept

D. rebuilt

Kunci jawaban: B

Kata located berarti berlokasi, jadi padanan kata yang sesuai adalah situated yang berati terletak.

3. ….. , he came across a tiger‟s paw tracks. (pr 2)

The underlined word means ….

A. arrived

B. came

C. found

D. finished

Kunci jawaban: C

Kata came across berarti menjumpai/menemukan, jadi padanan kata yang sesuai adalah found.

Some years ago, Mr. Yap Gian Tee, an Indonesian went to a jungle in Sumatera to

hunt for tiger. He stayed for three days in the jungle.

The first day, while wandering in the jungle, he came across a tiger‟s paw tracks.

They were all over the ground. Mr. Yap was very excited. He was sure he would catch

at least a tiger. Then, he set a trap. He dug a hole into the ground and left a chunk of

meat near the hole. Soon, he left the scene.

The next day, he went to check the trap, but there was nothing inside it. But in the

following day, he was surprised. He found a tiger cub in the trap. It was a three- month

old tiger and was toothless. “It was as tame as my cat, why?”. Mr. Yap took it home.

He named it Cleo.

Two months later, he sent Cleo from Sumatera to Singapore. Thus, although Cleo

was born in the jungle in Sumatera, now she lives in the Zoological Garden of

Singapore and becomes one of the most interesting animals there.

One of the most interesting places to visit in Singapore is the bird park. It is

located in the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong. The bird park is about

twelve kilometres from the centre of the city, and it's easy to get there by bus or

by taxi.

It is one of the largest bird park in the world. The bird are kept in large cages,

and there are hundreds of beautiful birds from many different parts of the world,

including penguins, parrots, eagles, and ostriches. There is a large lake in the

park, with a restaurant beside it, and there is also a very large cage which you can

walk inside to get closer looking at the birds.

It takes about two hours to see all the birds. You can walk around the park or

ride on the bus. The best time to visit the park is in the early morning or late

afternoon, when it is cooler.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

4. “ a blessing upon your new dwelling” The underlined word has similar meaning with…

A. family

B. house

C. street

D. room

Kunci jawaban: B

Kata dwelling berarti rumah atau tempat tinggal, jadi padanan kata yang sesuai adalah House.

5. “Slice the banana into chunks” (step 3)

Sunrise Salad


Some strawberries

Some grapes

A banana

A cup of yoghurt

Some mint leaves


A knife

A large bowl

A small bowl


1. Wash the fruit and let them dry on paper towels.

2. Cut the strawberries and grapes in half on two slices.

3. Slice the banana into chunks.

4. Combine all the fruit in a large bowl and mix them.

5. Take three spoonfuls of mixed fruit and put them in a small bowl.

6. Add a bit of yoghurt on top of the fruit salad.

7. Place a small bundle of mint leaves on the yoghurt as a garnish.

8. Sunrise salad is ready to serve.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

The italic word means ….

A. small pieces

B. large amount

C. thick pieces

D. thin pieces

Kunci jawaban: A

Kata chunks berhubungan dengan kata slice yang berarti irislah pisang menjadi chunks, jadi padanan

kata yang sesuai dengan chunks adalah small pieces/potongan kecil-kecil.


Contoh pertanyaan:

The underlined word, refers to…

Kemungkinan jawabannya: Subject atau Object pada kalimat sebelumnya

Contoh soal:

Sung-Yow has a secret. He could paint a picture and make it come alive! This only happened

when the painting was finished. Sung-Yow loved to paint dragons. He left out their eyes because he

didn‟t want them to come alive. In this way his secret stayed a secret.

The king heard that Sung-Yow was good at painting dragons. He asked Sung-Yow to paint four

dragons on a wall. In three days the painting was almost finished. The dragons looked like they could

jump off the wall. They didn‟t jump because Sung-Yow had left out their eyes.

People came from far away to see the paintings.

“The dragons look so real,” they said.

“But where are their eyes?” they asked.

“If I dotted the eyes, the dragons would fly away,” said Sung-Yow.

Everyone laughed. No one believed him. Sung-Yow was not happy. This time he would NOT

leave out the eyes. He painted little black dots on two of the dragons.

Crash! Crack! the wall split open. Two dragons jumped off the wall. Sung-Yow went on to

become a very famous artist with a very famous secret.

In China when someone adds a finishing touch to a work, people might say “Draw Dragon Dot


1. “Their” in “But where are their eyes?”refers to…

A. people.

B. two dragons.

C. four dragons.

D. everyone.

Kunci jawaban: C

Their eyes yg dimaksud adalah keempat dragons yang tidak diberi mata.

2. “… turn to low heat until it is tender.” The word it refers to…

A. heat

B. spice

C. chicken

D. vegetable oil


1 Small chicken, cut into pieces

2 cups fresh coconut milk (or 200 ml thick coconut milk and 200 ml water)

GRINDED SPICES Shallots, garlic, galangal, lemongrass, cumin, salt, pepper, coriander

COOKING DIRECTIONS Boil chicken. Allow 2 cups of broth to remain in the pot.

Fry the grinded spices with 2 spoons of vegetable oil.

Add the spices into the boiled chicken; turn to low heat until it is tender.

Add the coconut milk, stir, continue simmer to enhance flavor.

Serve your white chicken curry while hot.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Kunci jawaban : C

Yang menjadi empuk adalah chicken.

3. “Now they decided to carry the ass on their shoulders.” The word “they” in the sentence refers to…

A. the travelers.

B. the boy and his father.

C. the boy and the ass.

D. the travelers and the ass.

Kunci jawaban: B

Kata they dalam kalimat tersebut merujuk pada anak laki-laki itu dengan ayahnya.

4. “I trust that, when they are older,..”

The underlined word refers to …

Jl. Boulevard Barat Raya Unit 2735

Kelapa Gading

Jakarta 13570

November 10, 2011

Dear Sabrina,

Please let me express my deepest sympathies to you and the children. I was shocked and

shattered when I heard about Frank's horrific accident. I can't even imagine what you

have been going through for the past ten days.

As you know, Frank and I have been colleagues and friends for the past eight years. His

tragic loss leaves a terrible void in our office. He was so well-liked and respected by

everyone who came into contact with him, both colleagues and clients alike. He had

tremendous people skills, and as such, was a role model in our company and the industry

at large. I trust that, when they are older, the children will be made aware of what an

outstanding person Frank was in his professional life.

Sabrina, please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way while you go through this

very difficult period. I will support you in any way that I can should you reach out to


Also, please tell the children how terribly devastated all of us are here at the company

due to their Father's tragic passing.

Sincere sympathy,

Darlene Francis

One day a man was going to market with his son and his ass. They met a couple on

the way.

"Why walk when you have an ass to ride?" called out the husband, "seat the boy on

the ass."

"I would like that," said the boy, "help me up father."

And the father did that willingly.

Soon they met another couple. "How shameful of you!" cried the woman, "let your

father ride, won't he be tired?"

So, the boy got down and the father rode the ass. Again they marched on.

"Poor boy", said the next person they met, "why should the lazy father ride while his

son is walking?"

So, the boy got onto the ass too. As they went on, they met some travelers.

"How cruel of them!" They are up to kill the poor ass." cried one of the travelers.

Hearing this, the father and the son got down. Now they decided to carry the ass on

their shoulders. As they did so, the travelers broke into laughter.

The laughter frightened the ass. It broke free and galloped away.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

A. people.

B. Frank‟s friends.

C. Sabrina’s children.

D. Sabrina and children.

Jawaban: C

Untuk mengetahui rujukan kata they dapat diketahui pada kalimat berikutnya the children will be

made aware of … sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

5. “I've spent much money on a bag and I don't regret it”. The underlined word refers to …the bag.

A. having

B. seeing

C. buying

D. loving

Jawaban: C

Dari kalimat „ … the first time I've spent much money on a bag…”, menunjukan bahwa penulis

menghabiskan banyak uang untuk mendapatkan tas tersebut, dan ia tidak menyesal untuk

membelinya.Maka kata ganti „it’ menggantikan kata „buying’.Jadi jawaban yang tepat C.

2. WRITING (Menulis)

Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif

(descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-


1. Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk recount/narrative/

descriptive/procedure sederhana.

Contoh soal:

Complete the text with appropriate words.

1. A. night

B. morning

C. afternoon

D. midnight

Kunci jawaban : A

Pembahasan :

Kata kunci adalah good night, tucked them into bed. Jadi itu night.

2. A. wiped

B. kissed

It was (1)……in the little cottage in the woods. Snow White

(2)…..each Dwarf good night and tucked them into bed.

“Wait! Wait!” called out Happy before she blew out the candle.

“Please tell us a story!”

“(3) ……,” said Snow White, smiling.

When I just hang out in a mall one day, I saw a very beautiful bag. I love this bag

at the first sight. This was the first time I've spent much money on a bag and I don't

regret it.

The bag is wonderful. It is made of thin but strong leather. The weight is

light and the size keeps it from getting stuffed with junk. It has a long shoulder strap

that I like because it keeps the bag hands-free. Its neutral color is fun and sporty. The

design is simple and well-made.

The bag is very functional. It is the perfect size to carry a cell phone, a

pocket-sized wallet, a small book, a pack of gum, and pens. It also fits well into my

laptop backpack for bike commuting to school. This bag also has more pockets inside

so my small items don't all fall to the bottom. In overall I really satisfy with bag.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

C. smiled

D. touched

Kunci jawaban : B

Pembahasan :

Was menunjukkan past time. kata kunci adalah “tucked” yg menunjukkan bahwa akan tidur. Dan

biasanya sebelum tidur dwarf minta dicium. Jadi jawaban yang sesuai adalah kissed.

3. A. Oh no

B. Good

C. Very well

D. I am sorry

Kunci jawaban : C

Pembahasan :

Kata kunci adalah “smiling” yg menunjukkan bahwa Snow White senang.Jadi ekspresi yang tepat adalah

very well.

4. A. sugar

B. Water

C. Milk

D. salt and pepper

Kunci jawaban: D

Pembahasan :

Kata kunci adalah a dash of yang biasanya digunakan untuk salt and pepper.

5. A. Pour

B. Heat

C. Put

D. Move

Kunci jawaban: A

Pembahasan :

Kata kunci adalah “in mixture”. Kata kerja yang berpreposisi in yaitu pour, put dan move. Tetapi yang

paling cocok dengan prosedur dia tas adalah pour.

6. A. fast

B. Slowly

C. hard

D. calmly

Kunci jawaban: B

Pembahasan :

Jenis kata yang bisa diletakkan setelah verb adalah adverb atau noun.Dari pilihan yang ada cuma

adverb, yang cocok untuk memasak pelan-pelan yaitu slowly.

2. Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat kalimat yang bermakna.

Contoh soal 1:

What is the best arrangements for the following words to become a good sentence?

Will–open–Monday and Wednesday–be–each–afternoons–The Uniform Shop

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. 3-5-1-4-2-6-7

How to scramble eggs

Break eggs into bowl. Add 1 tablespoon milk or cream and a dash of

(4)……….for each egg. Beat well with fork. Heat half tablespoon fat for each

egg in moderately hot skillet. (5)….in mixture and reduce heat. Cook (6)…..,

turning gently as mixture sets at bottom and sides of pan. Avoid constant stirring.

When cooked through but still moist (5 to 8 minutes), serve at once.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

B. 7-1-4-2-5-3-6

C. 5-1-4-2-6-3-7

D. 7-2-1-4-3-6-5

Kunci jawaban: B

Pembahasan :

Subyek selalu kata benda dan yang merupakan kata benda dalam pilihan hanya the uniform shop. Kata open

dalam pilihan adalah adjective, bukan verb.

Contoh soal 2:

the -yesterday - attractive - was - my - life - most - school – day - of

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The best arrangement of the words is….

A. 2–4–5–8–6–10–1–3–7–9

B. 2–4–1–7–3–9–10–5–8–6

C. 5–6–4–1–7–3–8–9–10–2

D. 5–8–6–2–4–1–7–3–10–9

Kunci jawaban: B


Susunan kata yang paling tepat adalah “Yesterday was the most attractive day of my school life”.

Contoh soal 3:

Forty – let – minutes – for – the chicken – in – the seasoning – marinate – about

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 2-5-1-3-8-9-6-7-4

B. 2-5-8-6-7-4-9-1-3

C. 2-8-5-7-6-9-4-1-3

D. 2-6-5-8-4-7-9-3-1

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan :

Kalimatyang hendak disusun berbentuk kalimat perintah. Berdasarkan arti kata-kata yang ada di kalimat itu

jelas susunan kata yang paling bermakna adalah jawaban B.

3. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraf yang benar

Contoh Soal 1 :

Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.

1. In the end, the crow had no more cake because of her foolishness

2. The crow was so proud to hear this

3. One day a hungry fox was walking alone in the jungle

4. As soon as she opened her beak, the cake fell down

5. The crow had a piece of cake on her beak

6. The cunning Fox caught the cake happily and the rain away

7. Then she started to open her beak to sing for the fox

8. “Oh…..beautiful Crow! You‟re the best singer I‟ve known in the world. I really want to hear your

melodious voice. Please…. Sing me a song now!”

9. He saw a Crow perch on a branch of a tree.

A. 3 – 5 – 2 – 8 – 4 – 9 – 1 – 7 – 6

B. 3 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 2 – 9 – 4 – 1 – 6

C. 3 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 9 – 7 – 6 – 4 – 1

D. 3 – 9 – 5 – 8 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 1


1. Siswa harus bisa menentukan jenis teks beserta langkah retorikanya

Teks tersebut adalah teks narrative sesuai ciri-ciri berikut:

Langkah Retorika Ciri Kalimat

Orientation Once

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Once upon a time

One day

A long time ago

One night

Complication -

Resolution In the end

At last


2. Siswa harus bisa mengidentifikasi kalimat awal dan kalimat akhir

Kalimat awal adalah nomor 3:

One day a hungry fox was walking alone in the jungle

Kalimat terakhir adalah nomor 1:

In the end, the crow had no more cake because of her foolishness

Pilihan jawaban 50:50 antara C dan D

Kalimat ke-2 yang paling tepat adalah nomor 9

Jadi jawabannya adalah D

Contoh Soal 2 :

Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.

1. We left our house at about 5 o‟clock in the morning. We took a taxi to the railway station.

2. Finally our train came. All of us rushed to get on the train.

3. Last Lebaran, my family and I went to our hometown. We decided to take a train because it is more


4. It took about 5 to 7 hours to get to our hometown. We enjoyed our journey.

5. We took the carriage no. 3 according to our tickets.

6. But our train was late for about fifteen minutes, so we had to wait a bit longer

7. After finding our seats, we sat comfortably.

8. We arrived at the station at six. Our train would leave at 6.40

E. 3 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7

F. 3 – 4 – 5 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 7

G. 3 – 1 – 8 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 4

H. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 1 – 6


1. Siswa harus bisa menentukan jenis teks dan langkah retorikanya

Teks tersebut adalah teks recount sesuai ciri-ciri berikut:

Langkah Retorika Ciri kalimat ada kata-kata berikut

Orientation Last Sunday, Monday, …

Last Holiday

Last Lebaran

Last Year

Complication -

Resolution Happily



Dissapoint, worst


2. Siswa harus bisa mengidentifikasi kalimat awal dan akhir

Kalimat awal adalah nomor 3:

Last Lebaran, my family and I went to our hometown. We decided to take a train because it is more


Kalimat terakhir adalah nomor 4:

It took about 5 to 7 hours to get to our hometown. We enjoyed our journey.

Jadi jawabannya adalah C

Contoh Soal 3:

Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

1. First, you must pass a short written examination.

2. Second, you must send and receive international Morse Code

3. Finally, you will get the license

4. Do you know how to obstain a station and operator‟s license?

5. It tests your knowledge of operating regulations and simple radio theory

6. And you must prove that you can‟t send and receive it five words per minute

A. 4 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 3

B. 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 3

C. 4 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 3

D. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 3


1. Siswa harus bisa menentukan jenis teks beserta langkah retorika

Langkah Retorika Ciri kalimat ada kata-kata berikut

Goal Ada nama benda, makanan dll

Ada kata tentang membuat sesuatu

Material Bahan-bahan

Steps First


Next, then

Finally, at the end, at last

2. Siswa harus bisa mengidentifikasi kalimat awal dan akhir

Kalimat awal adalah nomor 4:

Do you know how to obstain a station and operator’s license?

Kalimat terakhir adalah nomor 3:

Finally, you will get the license

Kalimat kedua dan ketiga adalah nomor 1 dan 2:

First, you must pass a short written examination.

Second, you must send and receive international Morse Code

Jadi jawabannya adalah A

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

LATIHAN UN 2014/2015


Read the text and answer the question

1. .

What does the caution mean?

A. The riders must reduce the speed

B. The riders can ride the motorbike fast

C. The riders must stop in front of school

D. In fifteen minutes the riders must arrive at school

2. .

The sign means that we must cross the street ….

A. carelessly

B. slowly

C. carefully

D. busily

Text for number 3 and 4.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.



congratulates the following students on their

success to be our best ten students

in the first tryout of the final examination

for academic year 2010-2011

Indrawan (9Z)

Kaleb Yohanes (9Z)

Regina Bunga F (9X)

Indiana Shinta (9X)

Suryadi (9W)

Amirul Haviz (9A)

Dwi Puspitasari (9D)

Rima Mustafa (9B)

Ruth Unesti S (9A)

We‟re proud of you

Keep on learning and

be good student models for others


Joyo Diningrat

3. The headmaster is very glad with the top ten students‟ achievement at the first tryout of the final

examination because they have … in it.

A. won

B. succeeded

C. done

D. joined

4. “We‟re proud of you”. The underlined word has the closest meaning to ….

A. arrogant

B. overconfident

C. pleased

D. good

Text for number 5 to 6.

5. Where does Nina ask Monica to meet?

A. In the Cinema

B. At Mc Donald Cijantung

C. At Nina‟s house

D. At Monica‟s house

6. When will Monica and Nina probably meet?

A. In the morning.

B. In the night.

C. At midnight time.

D. In the afternoon.

Text for number 7 and 8.

To : Monica

I‟m going to go cinema this afternoon.

If you want to join me, please meet me at Mc Donald

Cijantung at 4:15 p.m.


Good fruits come from a good tree


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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

7. Why does David hold the party? Because he …

A. opens the restaurant.

B. graduates from the company.

C. shares his success.

D. makes a party for his retirement.

8. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform David‟s special day.

B. To invite David’s friend to come at his party.

C. To announce David‟s retirement.

D. To share David‟s experience.

Text for number 9 and 10.

9. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To inform the new baby born.

B. To inform Mary‟s pregnancy.

C. To call Jordan Tessa.

D. To ask Mary‟s friends come.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

10. We are proud to announce the birth of our daughter. The word We refers to ….

A. Jordan and the writer

B. Jordan and Marry

C. Mary and John

D. Jordan and John

Read the text and answer question number 11 – 12

11. How often can we enjoy special lunch and dinner at Canyon Vista Restaurant?

A. Every time

B. Every morning

C. Every night

D. Everyday

12. How long does the restaurant open on Wednesday?

A. 1 hour

B. 4 hours

C. 8 hours

D. 12 hours

Read the text and answer the questions 13-14.

13. This medicine is in the form of....

A. tablets

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

B. capsules

C. syrup

D. powder

14. Perindopril Erbumine is manufactured by Lupin Limited Goa 403 722 INDIA.

What is the synonym of the underlined word?

A. sold.

B. produced.

C. bought.

D. assembled.

Read this letter and answer the questions 15-16.

15. What does the text tell us about?

A. Jeny could not come to the dinner party because her brother got an accident.

B. Jeny invited Linda to join the dinner party and enjoyed the lovely evening.

C. Linda promised Jeny to come to the dinner party but she got an accident.

D. Linda apologized to Jeny for not coming to the dinner party.

16. Who got an accident?

A. My brother did.

B. Jeny’s brother did.

C. Linda‟s brother did.

D. Linda and Jeny‟s brother did.

Answer the question 17-19 based on this text.

17. When was Borobudur temple built?

A. In the 6th century.

B. In the 7th century.

C. In the 9th century.

D. In the 19th century.

18. What is the main idea of pargraph 2?


The Borobudur Temple Compounds is a ninth century Buddhist temple complex. It was

built on several levels around a natural hill.

Borobudur is built as a single large stupa, and when viewed from above takes the form of

a giant tantric Buddhist mandala, simultaneously representing the Buddhist cosmology and

the nature of mind. The foundation is a square. It has nine platforms, of which the lower six

are square and the upper three are circular. The upper platform features seventy-two small

stupas surrounding one large central stupa. Each stupa is bell-shaped and pierced by

numerous decorative openings. Statues of the Buddha sit inside the pierced enclosures.

The site was rediscovered in the 19th century, and restored in the early 20th. In 1973 a

major renovation took place that was funded by UNESCO.

Two smaller Buddhist temples, Pawan and Mendut, are part of the designated area too.

Dear Linda

I hope you know me well enough to realize that I would never have missed your dinner party

without a very good reason. As I was leaving for your house I got a phone call informing me

that my brother was involved in an accident. He was taken to the emergency room and my only

thought at the time was to be with him.

The very good news is that he was not badly hurt and will fully recover.

I would much rather have been at your dinner party. I‟m sure it was a lovely evening.

I hope to see you again sometime soon.



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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

A. The time when Borobudur was built.

B. The shape of Borobudur when viewed from above.

C. The foundation and the nine platforms of Borobudur.

D. The time when Borobudur was rediscovered and restored.

19. It has nine platforms....(paragraph 2 line 3)

What does the underlined word refer to?

A. The foundation.

B. The temple.

C. The stupa.

D. Borobudur.

Questions number 20 – 22 are based on this text.

My Pets

We have three family pets: a dog, a cat, and a tortoise.

The dog‟s name is Nero. He is big golden Labrador. He is beautiful. He has big brown eyes and a long

tail. He is very friendly dog, but he is sometimes a little stupid. Dogs are expensive to keep but they are fun

to play with.

Our cat is named Martha. She is quite young, but she is not a kitten. She is very pretty. She has black

and white fur and green eyes. She‟s smart, too and very clean.

The tortoise‟s name is Rocky. He has short, fat legs, a long neck, and a very hard shell. He is also very

old and slow. He‟s ugly and dirty, but I like him.

20. What do the family call the dog?

A. Rocky

B. Labrador

C. Martha

D. Nero

21. What does the text tell about?

A. Kinds of pets.

B. Kinds of animals.

C. The writer’s family pets.

D. The names of the family pets.

22. Rocky is the name of ....

A. The owner

B. The dog

C. The cat

D. The tortoise


23. What place did the writer and his family visit on the second day?

A. Solo.

B. Taman jurug.

C. Tawangmangu.

D. Kasunanan Palace.

24. What did the writer and his family do on Wednesday evening? They …

A. had shopping at Klewer Market and Solo Grand Mall.

B. saw many kinds of historical heritage of the palace.

My family and I went on a recreation to Solo. We went there on Monday by car. We stayed at

grandparents‟ house.

On Tuesday we interested went to Tawangmangu we enjoyed the scenic view with its

waterfall and ate lunch there. We had traditional foods like gudangan, tempe bacem, fried fish and

fried chicken. Then we continued our trip to Taman Jurug.

The next day we went to Kasunanan Palace. We saw many kinds of historical heritage of the

palace. After that we had shopping at Klewer Market and Solo Grand Mall. I bought some souvenirs

for my cousins. In the evening we went sightseeing the town.

On Thursday morning we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home. I really enjoyed

my holiday it was fun

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

C. bought some souvenirs for the writer‟s cousins.

D. went sightseeing the town.

25. “In the evening we went sightseeing the town.” The underlined word is closely in meaning with … .

A. going around.

B. having dinner.

C. going shopping.

D. watching a movie.

26. “On Thursday morning we said goodbye… .” The word we refers to … .

A. The writer

B. The writer‟ s parents

C. The writer and his family

D. The writer and his grandparents


27. How could the scorpion cross the river?

A. Swimming

B. Rapping on the water

C. Walking through the river

D. Riding on the tortoise’s back

28. “…I will carry you safely over." What does the word you refer to?

A. The writer

B. The reader

C. The tortoise

D. The scorpion

29. What can we learn from the text?

A. Don‟t listen to your friend‟s advice.

B. We should always help our friends.

C. Never trust anybody easily.

D. Don‟t give help to others.

30. What is the character of the scorpion?

A. Honest and care

B. Sly and ungrateful

C. Truthful and smart

D. Helpful and friendly


The Scorpion and the Tortoise

A scorpion and a tortoise became such fast friends that they took a vow that they would never

separate. So when it happened that one of them was obliged to leave his native land, the other

promised to go with him. They had traveled only a short distance when they came to a wide river.

The scorpion was now greatly troubled.

"Alas," he said, "you, my friend, can easily swim, but how can a poor scorpion like me ever get

across this stream?"

"Never fear," replied the tortoise; "only place yourself squarely on my broad back and I will carry

you safely over."

No sooner was the scorpion settled on the tortoise's broad back, than the tortoise crawled into the

water and began to swim. Halfway across he was startled by a strange rapping on his back, which

made him ask the scorpion what he was doing.

"Doing?" answered the scorpion. "I am whetting my sting to see if it is possible to pierce your hard


"Ungrateful friend," responded the tortoise, "it is well that I have it in my power both to save myself

and to punish you as you deserve." And straightway he sank his back below the surface and shook

off the scorpion into the water.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

31. Where did the parakeet birds live? They lived in the … .

A. farm

B. forest

C. village

D. rice field

32. “He does not want to fly to the sky …” The underlined word refers to … .

A. The parakeet king

B. The hunter

C. The parakeet

D. The bird

33. The following statements are the moral value of the text, except…

A. A leader should protect its people.

B. Cooperation can solve the problems.

C. Smart thinking is needed in critical condition.

D. Saving ourselves is the prior thing we should do.


The Parakeet King (A folktale from Nangroe Aceh Darussalam)

In the jungle of Aceh, parakeet birds lived peacefully with their wise king. However, now

their peaceful life is disturbed. A hunter goes into their jungle and plans to catch them.

It's a beautiful morning. The parakeets and their king perch on a branch of tree. They do not

know that the hunter is hiding. The hunter wants to catch the parakeets with his net.

The hunter throws his net towards the parakeets. Some parakeets and the parakeet king are

caught under the net. The parakeets are scared but the parakeet king tells them what to do.

"Relax. I have a plan. We all pretend to be dead. When the hunter lifts the net up, we fly fast

to the sky," advise the parakeet king. The hunter goes to his net. He is upset! He thinks all

the parakeets are dead.

"Oh no! I can't sell dead birds to people." He then lifts the net up. Not long after that, the

parakeets free themselves and fly to the sky. But the parakeet king is still trapped. He does

not want to fly to the sky until the parakeets are free.

The hunter is surprised when he sees the parakeets are flying. He sees there is one parakeet

left in the net.

He moves quickly. "Gotcha!" he catches the parakeet king.

And then the hunter goes home. He puts the parakeet king in a birdcage.

In the jungle, all the parakeets are sad because their king is locked in a birdcage. They set a

plan to free their king. All the parakeets fly to the hunter's house. With their beaks, the

parakeets peck the birdcage. Slow but sure, the birdcage is destroyed. Then the parakeet

king can free himself. “Thank you. You all are very kind to me. Without your help, I'm still

trapped in this birdcage, "says the parakeet king.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

34. The birds body is so light because …

A. Its bones are hollow.

B. It has beak with no teeth.

C. It has feather.

D. It has wings.

35. Birds need to eat a lot to … .

A. supply food for many different species of birds

B. keep their body temperature and produce more energy

C. compare with their body

D. make them fly

36. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. The habitat of birds.

B. The houses of birds.

C. The parts of birds.

D. The kinds of birds.

37. “…on stony seashores,....” What is the meaning of the underlined word?

A. beach

B. desert

C. continent

D. river banks

Text for No: 38-40

38. The text is aimed at explaining how to… .

Avocado Juice

You‟ll need:

1 avocado(ripe)

500 ml cold milk

250 ml cold water

150 grams sugar

3 - 5 drops vanilla essence


1. Peel the avocado and remove seed.

2. Put the pulp of the avocado along with the sugar in a blender and blend well.

3. Add the milk, water and vanilla essence and blend for 1 minute.

4. Garnish and serve chilled.


Birds are a group of animals called vertebrates, or animals with backbones. They form

the class Aves.

They are warm-blooded and lay eggs. Their bodies are covered with feathers and they

have wings. Their bones are hollow. This makes them lighter and allows many of them to fly.

Birds have two legs usually covered with scales (small, flat hard plates which over-lap in the

same way as feathers). They have a hard beak with no teeth. Because birds keep a high body

temperature, they use lots of energy. So, they need to eat a lot of food compared with their

weight. More than 9000 different species of birds are known.

Birds are found on every continent of the world. Birds of different types can live in

freezing cold environments, and others can live in hot desserts. Birds live in forests, in

grasslands, on cliff faces, in river banks, on stony sea shores, down mine shafts and in the

grooves of houses.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

A. peel avocado

B. drink avocado juice

C. make avocado juice

D. serve avocado juice

39. What do we do after putting the pulp in a blender?

A. blend the pulp.

B. add the milk.

C. add vanilla.

D. serve the juice.

40. Garnish and serve chilled. The Underlined word can be best replaced by… .

A. furnish

B. make

C. wash

D. decorate

Text for no: 41-43

How to Charge Your Cell Phone

Cell phones don't have unlimited batteries that will keep it running for weeks and years before needing a

charge. If you use your phone once or twice a day, it is likely you will need to charge it after about a week

of use.

Things You'll Need


Cell Phone

Electrical Outlet


1. Find a charger that fits your cell phone. They usually come with the phone. If you have lost yours,

see if you have another one that works with your phone or go to the place you bought the phone and see

about getting a new one.

2. Check the battery on your phone. If it's four or three bars, you don't need to charge it. But once it is

down to two, one, or even no bars of power, it needs to be charged.

3. Plug your charger into an outlet and slid the smaller part into your phone. Do not just shove it in,

as this could damage the phone.

4. If your phone doesn't beep or pop up with a message, check the battery. It should be flashing if

your phone is charging or a different color.

5. Leave your phone to charge for two hours.

41. What does the text tell us about? It explains about how … .

A. to use a cell phone

B. to charge a cell phone

C. to plug the charger

D. to check the battery

42. How can we know that our cell phone needs to be charged?

A. The bars down to two or no bars.

B. The light turns bright.

C. The cell phone doesn‟t beef.

D. It is flashing.

43. What should you check if your phone doesn‟t beep a message?

A. the charger.

B. the screen.

C. the battery.

D. the phone.

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44. Arrange these jumbled words into a good notice

surface – not – touch – do hot

1 2 3 4 5

A. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 5

B. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 5

C. 4 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 1

D. 4 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 1

45. Arrange these jumbled words into a good caution!

reach – keep – from – out – children – of - the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A. 2-4-6-1-3-7-5

B. 2-4-6-1-5-3-7

C. 4-6-2-5-3-1-7

D. 6-2-3-4-1-5-7

46. Arrange the sentences into a meaningful narrative text!

1. Finally, the fox took it and ran away.

2. Long time ago there was a cow.

3. Suddenly, the fox came up and ask for her cheese.

4. Then, the fox said that she had beautiful voice.

5. One day she had a big piece of cheese.

6. At the moment she opened her beak, the cheese fell over.

7. However, she did not give it to the fox.

8. After that, the crow sang a song.

A. 2-5-3-7-4-6-8-1

B. 2-5-3-7-4-8-6-1

C. 2-5-7-3-4-6-8-1

D. 2-5-7-3-6-4-8-1

47. Arrange the following sentences to make good paragraph

( 1 ). One day Beep-peep had a walk alone.

( 2 ). He lived with his parents on a tree.

( 3 ). Once upon a time, there was a little bee named Beep-peep.

( 4 ). Fortunately, there was a grasshopper who would take Beep-peep home.

( 5 ). Suddenly, he stopped and realized that he did not know where he was.

A. 3 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 4

B. 3 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 4

C. 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 4

D. 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 4

Read the text carefully to answer Questions number 48 - 50!


Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal ….(48) a bill like duckbill. Platypus is a native

Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia. Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45

cm and covered with a thick and wooly layer of….(49) . Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus‟

eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light.

Platypus lives in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually digs burrows in the streams or river banks.

The burrows are blocked with soil to …(50) it from intruders and flooding in the other hand, male platypus does

not need any burrow to stay.


A. having

B. had

C. have

D. has

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A. fur

B. feather

C. hair

D. skin


A. cover

B. save

C. protect

D. keep

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

LATIHAN UN 2014/2015


The text is for questions 1.

1. What does the caution mean?

A. We may not protect our foot .

B. We shouldn‟t use foot protection.

C. We have to use foot protection .

D. We can clean the machine during the operation.

Text for question no 2

2. The warning above remind us…

A. Not to drink medicine.

B. To avoid medication.

C. To obey doctor‟s prescriptions.

D. To cure headache.

3. The word “severe” in the above text can be best replaced by… .

A. extreme.

B. several.

C. extra.

D. very.

Text for questions 4 – 5

4. The text above … .

A. expresses his pleasure on Romy‟s achievement

B. invite Romy to attend a special school activity

C. informs Romy on his ambitions to be the best

Dear Romy,

Congratulations on your graduation from the Junior High School.

I know how long and hard you have worked and studied. But, your

dedication and perseverance has paid off, and your parents should be very

happy. Besides, they must be very proud of your achievement.

I wish you all the best in pursuing your ambitions to study in the

best Senior High School in town. May your dreams come true.

Well done! You will always be my inspiration.

From your friend who misses you so much


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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

D. reminds Romy of his good attitude in learning

5. From the text above we know that…

A. Romy will have final exam.

B. Romy will be a senior high school student.

C. Romy‟s parents were very disappointed.

D. Romy is preparing final examination.

The text is for question no 6-7

6. Who has just passed away?

A. Jack‟s father.

B. Bram‟s friend.

C. Nita‟s father.

D. Writer‟s father

7. From the text we know that ….

A. Bram is hospitalized.

B. Nita will be an orphan.

C. Jack‟s father has just died.

D. Bram will inform the bad news to others.

Text for questions 8-9

8. How long will the party be held?

A. One hour

B. Two hours

C. Three hours

D. Four hours

9. The text is written … a dinner party

A. to announce students to have

B. to invite students to go to

C. to inform students to hold to

D. to force students to go to

Hi friends, we are having a


On Wednesday August 15 in class 9A at seven

o‟clock until nine o‟clock. All students of 9A are

supposed to join. Bring one or two friends and wear

your funniest cloth to make the party fun.

Class captain

Bram …. I just got a bad news. As you know Nita‟s father is hospitalized and he passed

away last night. Please forward to other friends.




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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Text for questions 10-11

10. What is the announcement about?

A. new products

B. jewelries

C. fashions

D. gifts

11. What can we buy from Grace Fashion and Art?

A. Necklace

B. Book

C. Gas stove

D. Invitation card

The text is for questions 12-13

12. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform about Brook‟s coffee

B. To persuade the reader to consume a certain product.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

C. To ask the reader to sell coffee

D. To tell the reader not to drink coffee.

13. How can we enjoy the sample of the product?

A. We must go to Japan to buy it.

B. We can buy it in the supermarket.

C. Order it and pay delivery cost.

D. Order online and pay the cost via transfer.

The text is for questions 14-15

14. Which statement is true according to the text?

A. This product can be consumed freely.

B. It can reduce serious skin irritation.

C. It‟s harmful to be consumed.

D. It is Forbidden to shake before use.

15. The word “relief “ has similar meaning with ….

A. reflect

B. reduce

C. reproduce

D. remaind

The text is for questions 16-17

16. What does Rina express in her letter?

A. to show Hesti‟s birthday.

B. to express her happiness on Hesti‟s birthday.

C. her apology because of her forget.

D. to invite Hesti on her birthday celebration.

Dear Rina

I never thought I would let something as important to

me as your birthday slip by. Unlike you and I must be

getting old and forgetful. I hope that you had a pleasant

day filled with enjoyment and delight.

My only consolidation for this is that I will have many

more opportunities in the future to help you celebrate your

special days.

I would like to take you to dinner when you have a free

night to make up for my mistake. Call me with a time and

where you would like to go.



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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

17. Instead of her fault, what will Rina do? She will ….

A. help Hesti to celebrate her birthday.

B. have dinner at Hesti‟s house.

C. invite Hesti to have dinner with her.

D. call her to make a party.

The text is for questions 18-20

Gelora Sriwijaya Stadium also known as Jakabaring Stadium, is a multi-

purpose stadium located in Jakabaring Sport City complex in Palembang, South

Sumatra, Indonesia. It is currently used mostly for football matches.

The stadium holds 40,000 spectators. The construction began in 2001 and

finished in 2004 to host the Palembang 2004 National Games. It is the fourth

largest stadium in Indonesia, after Gelora Bung Karno in Jakarta, Palaran

stadium in Samarinda and Gelora Bung Tomo Stadium in Surabaya.

The stadium initially named as Jakabaring stadium after the location of the

stadium in southern outskirt of Palembang. However later the stadium was renamed "Gelora Sriwijaya", to

honor and celebrate the 7th-13

th century Indonesian empire of Srivijaya.

18. Why is the stadium also called Jakabaring Stadium? Because…

A. it‟s the name of the king of Sriwijaya.

B. it is a new stadium.

C. It is a historical stadium.

D. it is the name of the complex.

19. How long was the stadium build?

A. One year.

B. Two years.

C. Three years.

D. Four years.

20. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?

A. The stadium is not only for football match.

B. The stadium was firstly used to hold PON.

C. It can accommodate 40.000 spectators.

D. It‟s the only biggest stadium in Indonesia.

The text is for questions 21-23

Boaz Theofilius Erwin Solossa (born March 16, 1986) is an Indonesian footballer. His

brother,Ortizan, is also a footballer. Boas plays at Persipura while Ortizan plays at Persija.

They met in a match at the 2005 Liga Indonesia final, where Persipura beat Persija 3-2. He

is known by his high leveled dribbling technique and his accuracy when send a crossing or

short-passing by his left-foot. However, his finishing isn't so good.

Nevertheless, Boas was unable to perform for Persipura for almost 6 months due to an

incident where he and his Persipura teammates assaulted a referee officiating one of

Persipura matches in the 2004-2005 season. During the time he was out of action, many

considered his skills to drop and his prospect wasted. This resulted in the Indonesian

national team manager Peter Withe crossing his name off the team list from the national team in 2006. He also

has a bad reputation due to his alcoholism, which also contributed to his decline in form over the past year

although Boas stated that he is trying his best to quit and gain back his place in the Indonesian national team.

21. What is the specific skill of Boaz based on the text?

A. Running speed

B. Heading accuracy

C. Defending power as a center back

D. Left-foot short passing

22. Why did national team manager delete Boaz as one of the national team players? Because…

A. He didn‟t like Boaz.

B. Boaz got serious injure.

C. Boaz performance was down.

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D. Boaz moved to another club.

23. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Boaz is a football player.

B. Boaz and his brother Ortizan.

C. Boaz and his football team.

D. Boaz specific skill and performance.

The text is for questions 24-25

Residents of Mesuji district, in Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra, have difficulty moving forward without

recalling the brutal killing of seven people, three of whom were beheaded, in April in a land dispute between

local people and a plantation company.

The plantation camp of PT Sumber Wangi Alam (SWA), where the crimes reportedly happened, was found

to be deserted on Tuesday after all of the company‟s workers had resigned for security reasons and severe

psychological trauma.

Dozens of houses for the workers and their families were left in ruins as new workers preferred to return to

their homes in nearby villages located outside the plantation due to security concerns.

24. What is the text about?

A. Social crash in Mesuji district.

B. Description about people live hood in Mesuji .

C. Description about a plantation company.

D. How residents of Mesuji fought again PT SWA.

25. Why did some workers severe psychological trauma? Because…

A. They were forced by the managements.

B. The crimes had happened frequently.

C. The security always attacks them gradually.

D. The camp was far from the settlements.

The text is for questions 26-27

I had a bad experience when I did shopping because of the shop assistant‟s fault. However, the security

officer of the shop really embarrassed me. He accused me of stealing a pair of blue jeans.

That was a Sunday afternoon. I went to a fashion shop with my friends. I chose a pair of blue jeans to buy

and paid for them at the cashier. Unfortunately, the shop assistant was careless. She forgot to take the censor

clip on the blue jeans. So, when I left the shop, the detector beeped. The security officer shouted at me,” Hey,

you! Stop!” Then, he took me to the manager‟s room.

After examining, the security officer and the manager realized that it was not my fault. They said they were

very sorry about what had happened. Finally, the manager asked me to take one piece of clothing for free.

26. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To entertain the reader.

B. To describe something.

C. To retell past events.

D. To describe something is done through a sequence of steps.

27. Who did steal a pair of blue jeans in the shop?

A. The writer

B. The security officer

C. Shop assistant

D. no one

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

The following text is for questions number 28 to 31

Folklore from West Sumatra

Pak Belalang was famous. He had a magic book that could tell everything. He always learned something

every time he read the magic book.

It was a beautiful evening. Pak belalang had some guests. Suddenly he asked his son to get him the magic

book. He wanted to show his magic ability to the guests.

After reading the magic book, he said, "I think there is a mouse in the trap. His son immediately went to the

kitchen and took the mousetrap. Pak Belalang was right! There was a mouse caught in the trap. The guests were

surprised. They were Belalang's magic book. After all the guests went home, Pak Belalang laughed.

"Ha...ha...ha... I fooled them. They didn't know I had put a mouse trap. Ha...ha...ha..." Yes, Pak Belalang was a

liar. He actually did not have a magic book. It was just an ordinary book. He lied because he wanted to be


One day, the king called Pak Belalang to the palace to find the missing jewelry. The king gave him seven

days to find it. Pak Belalang knew that if he could not find the jewelry, he would be punished. He would go to

jail. Pak Belalang went to every place to find the jewelry. On the seventh day he still could not find them. So, he

held a farewell dinner with his family.

Pak Belalang said to his wife, "Please make some pancakes." When the first pancake was ready, Pak Belalang

said, "This one is yellow. Please make another." When the second one is ready, he said, "This is too brown,

make me another one." Within every pancake, pak Belalang said too dark, too fat, too thin, and so on.

Meanwhile, pak Belalang did not know that some thieves were hiding under his house. Those were the thieves

who stole the king's jewelry. The thieves wanted to know what Pak Belalang would say about them. When they

heard the words yellow, brown, dark, fat, thin, they become frightened because each of them were yellow,

brown, dark fat and thin. A moment later, the seven thieves knocked on his door. They cried, "Please help us,

Pak Belalang! We will return the jewllery. We promise not to steal anymore!"

Pak Belalang then brought the jewelry to the palace. The king was so happy and gave him great gifts. Pak

Belalang was so thankful. He promised himself lying not to lie anymore. Next time he wouldn't be lucky. He

could be punished for his wrong doing.

28. What kind of thing that the king wanted Pak Belalang to find?

A. Pancake

B. Jewelry

C. Story book

D. Magic book

29. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. Pak Belalang was a lier.

B. Pak Belalang cought a mouse.

C. Pak Belalang asked his wife too make pancake.

D. Pak Belalang Found the thieves.

30. “Please help us” (paragraph 4) The underlined word refers to…

A. Pak belalang and his wife.

B. Pak belalang, his wife and his son.

C. The seven thieves.

D. The king and the princes

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

31. What is the moral value that we can learn from the story?

A. Lying can bring luckiness.

B. True friends are hard to find.

C. A true love will never die.

D. A bad thing will finally reveal in the end.

The following text is for questions number 32 to 34

A long time ago, there was a poor farmer. He lived in a small bamboo hut near his rice field.

One day he wanted to catch some fish for his set on the dinner. Just as he caught a big and fresh fish, he heard a

voice, “ Please, don‟t kill me . If you let me into your rice field, you will have your dinner on your dining table


“ No problem “, said the farmer. When the farmer when home, he was surprised his dinner was already set on

the table and suddenly there was a beautiful girl besides him. Thank for your help. I was a fish you got

yesterday. “ Would you marry me ? “ Asked the girl. Yes, of course “ replied the farmer. But on once conditions

never tell our children that I was face once.

After one year, they have a son. Samosir was naughty to his father. A years later, the mother asked the Samosir

to bring lunch for his father. Because of hunger, he at the meal. His father was angry. You want be a good boy

coz you a son of fish. They cried and to his mother. The mother went to the rice field and said angrily. “ You

have broken your promise and suddenly a big tide came and engulfed the village. The flood made a deep vast.

People called it Lake Toba.

32. The boy ate his father‟s meal because …

A. He is very naughty.

B. His mother asked him to eat.

C. His father was angry to him.

D. He felt very hungry.

33. “ You wont‟t a good boy ... “. The bold type word refer to …

A. Samosir.

B. The girl.

C. The farmer.

D. The fish.

34. According to the story, what is actually Lake Toba?

A. A large sea

B. A huge tide

C. A river bank

D. A deep vast

This text is for Questions 35-37

A stuntman has a very exciting and interesting life. He or she gets to do everything and anything that is too

dangerous for the actor/actress. The biggest problem with a stuntman career is that the work is not always there.

If you have the connections, being a stuntman is a great adventurous career.

A stuntman's earnings are determined by several factors. As a beginner, you most likely won't make the money

that you expect, but once you have experience and have a good reputation, you can sometimes name your price.

Salaries can range as low as $5,000 to $70,000 and more per year. Remember stunt people do the more

adventurous parts of the movie, but no one sees you.

A stunt person goes where ever the movie industry goes and the movie industry goes everywhere. You may

have to work from 4 AM to 10 or 11 PM and then get up at four again the next morning. A stunt person's work

is done in all types of weather and is most likely done outside. There are generally more men than women in the

business and by the age of 40, you are usually too old to do stunt work.

The easiest way to become a stunt person is to bypass the education and just grow up with stunt work. It is

common for stunt work knowledge and skills to be handed down from one generation to the next. Not every

person is capable of being in the stunt business. It takes lots of courage, guts, and ambition. Some skills are

taught at stunt schools in places like California and Florida that you could enter to learn from professionals.

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35. What is a stuntman?

A. A profession that demands training.

B. A job that leads someone to popular star.

C. Someone who trains actress/actor for dangerous scene.

D. Someone who replaces actress/actor for dangerous scene.

36. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

It is about ………of a stuntman.

A. the earnings

B. the working condition

C. the education and training

D. the exciting and interesting life

37. It takes lots of courage, guts, and ambition.

The boldtyped word has the synonym as the word …..

A. cowardice

B. bravery

C. power

D. skill

This text is for Questions 38-40

How to Make Iced Coffee

Things You'll Need

Pitcher or carafe

Dark-roasted coffee grounds


Coffee maker


10- to 12-oz. glass



Tall plastic cups


1. Brew a pot of fresh coffee using 2 tablespoons of dark-roasted ground coffee per cup.

2. Transfer the hot coffee to a carafe or pitcher.

3. Let the coffee stand at room temperature for 3 to 5 hours, or refrigerate it until cold, about 1 1/2 to 3 hours.

4. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.

5. Pour the chilled coffee into the glass.

6. Stir the coffee to equalize its temperature. Add milk if you like.

38. How many materials are needed to make an iced coffee?

A. six

B. seven

C. eight

D. nine

39. What should we do to the coffee before pouring it into the glass?

A. Stir the coffee to equalize its temperature

B. Add milk if we like.

C. Let the coffee stand at room temperature for 3 to 5 hours

D. Add a little sugar to get it sweet.

40. “…or refrigerate it until cold.” The underlined word has the same meaning as…

A. Keep hot

B. Keep cold

C. Generate

D. Make solid

Read the text to answer questions number 41 to 43

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

The Hole Game

To play the hole game you need: Two players, one marble per person, a hole on the ground, a line to start


Steps to play:

First, check whether the marbles are good or not and whether they are in the same size.

Then, dig a hole on the ground and draw a line in a fair distance away from the hole.

Next, each player carefully throws his or her marble towards the hole

The player whose marbles is the closest to the hole tries to flick his or her opponent‟s marble into the

hole. The person who can flick the both marbles ( his/hers and the opponent‟s ) to the hole wins the game.

He/She will keep both marbles.

41. What will the player do after checking the marbles?

A. Dig a hole on the ground

B. Throw the marbles to the hole

C. Draw a line in a fair distance

D. Flick the marbles

42. Who is the winner of the game ? The player who…

A. Can flick the fewest marbles into the hole

B. Flick her opponent marbles into the hole

C. can flick the most marbles into the hole

D. can hide the marbles

43. The person who can flick the both marbles…

What does the underlined word word mean ?

A. hit

B. Throw

C. brush

D. draw

44. teacher – she – position – a – as – an – seeking – English – is

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The best order is ....

A. 2 – 9 – 7 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 1

B. 2 – 9 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 4 – 1 – 3

C. 6 – 8 – 1 – 9 – 5 - 4 – 7 – 3 – 2

D. 5 – 6 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 7 – 4 – 3

45. Arrange the jumbled sentences to make a good paragraph!

1) The bus was not very crowded.

2) I went there by bus. It left at eight in the morning.

3) The bus reached Jakarta at nine.

4) Last holiday I visited my uncle in Jakarta.

5) Besides, the driver drove it carefully.

6) I waited for my uncle to pick me up.

7) Arriving in Jakarta, I phoned my uncle

A. 4 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 2 – 3

B. 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 7 – 6

C. 4 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 6

D. 4 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 6

For number 46-47 Fill in the blanks with suitable words!

A small plane (46)… into a house Sunday afternoon, killing the pilot and destroying half of the home. The

family inside the house escaped without injury. The single-engine airplane crashed about 5:30 p.m. The pilot,

the only one in the plane, was trying to make an (47)… landing at the airport.

46. A. crashed

B. flew

C. run

D. taken off

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

47. A. smooth

B. legal

C. force

D. emergency

For number 48-50 Fill in the blanks with suitable words!

Lawang Sewu is a very (48)… place in Semarang. Lawang Sewu is famous for (49)… and windows. The

building has numerous long winding corridors which open out to the offices on one side of the office and the

other end of the building on the other hand. The place was actually (50)… as the main colonial office for the

Dutch and was then taken over by the Japanese government.


A. Well known

B. big

C. high

D. good


A. The floor

B. The tower

C. the doors

D. the gate


A. found

B. built

C. restored

D. made

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

LATIHAN UN 2014/2015


The text is for questions number 1-2.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

a. Invite the scout association to go to picnic

b. Ask all students to join the picnics

c. Announce the registration for the Study Tour Program

d. Inform the school activity for the holiday

2. How many days will the camping take place?

a. Two days

b. Three days

c. Four days

d. Five days

The text is for question number 3 to 6

School Announcement

To: All students of eight

In order to fulfill our School Study Tour Program, we are going to go Picnic to Bali at 14th – 16


June 2012 for next holiday.

The contribution is Rp. 450.000,. those who want to join the activity, please contact Mr. Basuki.

Registration will be opened starting from 5th August 2012.

For further information, please contact the committee

John Smith

Chair person

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

3. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To ask someone to attend a marriage reception

b. To invite someone to watch a marriage vow

c. To give information about someone‟s marriage

d. To inform someone about a marriage party

4. What does the inviter prefer as the souvenir?

a. An envelope

b. A present

c. A gift

d. An envelope gift

5. “Request the honor of your presence at the marriage reception of their children”. The underlined word can

be replaced by ….

a. Ask

b. Give

c. Find

d. Remind

6. “Your presence is a present in itself; however, if you feel the need to provide……..” What does the “you”

refer to?

a. Inviter

b. Reader

c. Attendant

d. Wedding organizer

Text for question number 7 to 9

7. How many tablets does the package contain?

a. 250

Aspirin 225 Aspirin Tablets, 200 mg Uses: temporarily relieves minor aches and pains due to:

Headache * backache

Muscular * toothache

Common cold * minor pain of arthritis SEE CARTON FOR COMPLETE INFROMATION

There is no long distance about love, it always finds a way to bring hearts together no matter

how many miles there are between them.

Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lin and

Mr. dan Mrs. Rosalia Taher

Request the honor of your presence at the marriage reception of their children

Teddy Ashoka


Ersalina Taher

On Saturday, the 11th

of April 2012

At 11.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.

At flowery Tower Hall

Marriage Vow


09.00 a.m.

At Jasmine room

Your presence is a present in itself; however, if you feel the need to provide a souvenir, an

envelope gift is appreciated.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

b. 225

c. 200

d. 150

8. “Uses: temporarily relieves minor aches and pains…” What does the underlined word mean?

a. For short time only

b. For very long time

c. In a very limited time

d. Now and forever

9. What should you do to know further information about this medicine?

a. Call the doctor

b. Visit the manufacture

c. Use the tablets immediately

d. Read the information on the carton

Text for questions number 10 to 11

10. What is the purpose of the text?

a. express the writer‟s dissatisfaction

b. show everyone that Sarifa is very happy

c. congratulate Sarifa being the best participant

d. ask Sarifa to congratulate her friend

11. “You deserve much more than congrats for achieving such remarkable result to be best participant….”

The underlined word has the similar meaning with?

a. The runner up

b. The winner

c. The looser

d. The second champ

Text for questions number 12 to 13

12. Who is the announcement for?

a. The representative of each class

b. The principal

c. The chairman

d. All the students

13. “Don‟t miss the challenge” What does “challenge” mean?

a. The contest

Attention please!

To commemorate the Indonesian Independence Day, the school will hold a singing contest.

The songs are National ones. Each class has to send its representative to join the contest.

Don‟t miss the challenge. Do your best. Big prize are provided.


Mr. Bryan

Dear Sarifa You deserve much more than congrats for achieving such remarkable result to be best participant in English Speech contest among Junior High School students 2011

Congratulate Love Luthfy

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

b. The prize

c. The commemoration

d. The announcement

Text for question number 14 -16

14. What service is not given free for a charge?

a. Breakfast

b. Beautiful scenery

c. Horse riding

d. Food and drink at restaurant.

15. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To promote the restaurant at Malang

b. To sell apple garden in Malang

c. To ask for horse riding in Malang

d. To advertise the hotel in Malang

16. What does “free for charge” mean?

a. high price

b. without paying

c. low price

d. having discount

Text for question number 17 to 18

Look at this caution below!

17. When do you usually find this caution?

a. In the morning

b. In the afternoon

c. In the wet season

d. In the dry season

18. What does the caution mean?

a. You may not pass the street

b. The street is not save to be used

c. You must be careful due to the street

d. You must change the channel of the street

Highland Hotel

Breakfast is provided, free for charge. We also have special discounts on of drink

in our restaurant. For all registered guests. On top of that, there is a fifty percent discount

for children below 12 at our restaurant. We are located close to the apple garden and

butterfly farm. You can also see the sunset and the sunrise from your room. Children

would also be entitled to free horse riding lesson every morning.

Rp. 330,000,00,- per night.



Reservation : (0341) 7121000

Email : [email protected]

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Text for question number 19 to 22

Gregory is my beautiful Persian cat. He walks with pride and grace, performing a dance of disdain as he

slowly lifts and lowers each paw with the delicacy of a ballet dancer. His pride, however, does not extend to his

appearance, for he spends most of his time indoors watching television and growing fat. He enjoys TV

commercials, especially those for Meow Mix and 9 Lives. His familiarity with cat food commercials has led

him to reject generic brands of cat food in favor for only the most expensive brands.

Gregory is a finicky about visitors as he is about what he eats, befriending some and repelling others.

He may snuggle up against your ankle, begging to be petted, or he may imitate a skunk and stain your favorite

trousers. Gregory does not do this to establish his territory, as many cat experts think, but to humiliate me

because he is jealous of my friends.


19. What does the text tell you about

a. The writer‟s cat, Gregory

b. A growing cat

c. Persian cats

d. A ballet dancer

20. What does the second paragraph tell you about?

a. Why Gregory like your favorite trousers

b. What Gregory like to do to visitor

c. Why Gregory is jealous of the water friends

d. How Gregory be have when visitors come

21. What does the cat Gregory mostly like to do at home

a. Sleeping

b. Eating any food

c. Dancing

d. Watching TV

22. “Gregory is as finicky about visitors….. repelling others”. What does “finicky” mean ………

a. Attentive

b. Attractive

c. Particular

d. Common

The text for question number 23 to 26

Camping is one of activity that my family loves very much. All my family just loved the nice atmosphere of the

camping site. We just want the life with no traffic which it means no noise sometimes. The twittering of birds

and the sound of the wind blowing are the things we would like to enjoy. We usually go camping at the end of

the months.

Last month we went camping in the mountainous area. My father‟s colleague recommended this camping site.

We fell in love with this place at the first sight. It is really a nice spot for the tent. Arriving at the campsite, we

were busy with our own duties. After my father struggled hard to put up the tent this afternoon, my mom

brought some food for dinner. Everything was in place for a great family camping trip. We slept soundly in tent

under a sparkling night sky, and woke up early because of the chattering monkeys. No hustle or bustle. This

dark morning was very quiet with the soft light of lanterns. We had a nice chat inside the warm tents.

After breakfast- just delicious home-cooked food- we hiked to the Crater Lake. It was a great place. We were at

peace with nature, a perfect place to slow down and recharge. We walked (for the surefooted) around the rim of

the crater. Hidden on the shores of a deep volcanic lake, the crater offered lovely views the plains. This camping

activity was the most memorable back-to-nature experience I ever have!

23. What did the writer hear early in the morning?

a. The blowing of the wind

b. The chattering of monkeys

c. The laughing of the family

d. The twittering of the birds

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

24. From the text above, we know that the writer‟s family is bored with…..

a. Country side

b. Village life

c. Rural area

d. City life

25. “It was a great place” (last paragraph) refer to …..

a. The Crater lake

b. Deep volcanic lake

c. The rim of the crater

d. Delicious home-cooked food

26. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To discuss about camping activity

b. To retell the camping experience

c. To describe a beauty of the Crater Lake

d. To inform peaceful atmosphere of the mountainous area

Text for question number 27

27. From the message above, we know that ……

a. The students can submit the assignment before holiday

b. The message is for all the students in school

c. The message is directed for the students of 9a

d. The even semester is started at 3 January 2012

Text for question number 28 to 30

To: Antony (chair person of 9a) 17/12/2011

Please forward to others. Due to the long holiday for

odd semester, all students must take the assignment, to

be done at home. Submit it at 4th January 2012, a day

after schooling day in the even semester.


Mr. Steven

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

28. What kind of book does the writer like?

a. Sport

b. Comedy

c. Grammar

d. Technician

29. What is the writer‟s intention?

a. To tell the his interest

b. To get a new friend

c. To describe his school

d. To introduce his family

30. What does the letter tell us mostly about?

a. Mavis‟ family

b. Kaise himself

c. Mavis‟ interest

d. Kaise‟s new friend

Text for question number 31 to 33

How to Plant Oranges

First : Select the seeds

Second : Let them grow to 15 to 20 cm in the seed bed

Third : Prepare holes of 0,5 m and 45 – 50 cm deep

Fourth : Put some fertilizer in the holes

Fifth : Plant the growing seeds in the holes

Sixth : Give some fertilizer three times a year

31. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe orange plants

b. To inform how the oranges grow

c. To tell steps how to plan oranges

d. To tell how the plant produce fruit

32. What should we do before planting the growing seeds?

495 west village way

Suite 975

New York, New York


January, 17th


Mavis Jamieson

880 West 60th


Suite 1850

London, England


Dear Mavis

I do hope this letter finds you in the best of health and cheer. I really want to be a

friend like you who is a rarity in these times.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Kaise and I live in New York. I am a male and I

am 11 years old. I live in a house with my parents and 2 brothers. They are Danyl and Daudy.

I go to Heckmondwike grammar school. My favorite part about school is reading. I love to

read especially books about comedy. I like to play sport like football and basketball. When I

grow up I want to be a technician.

What is it like your town? What do you do for fun? Please tell me about yourself. Do

you have access to e-mail

I hope to hear from you soon.



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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

a. Let the seeds grow in the seed bed

b. Put some fertilizer in the holes

c. Prepare the holes

d. Select the seeds

33. “Let them grow to 15 to 20 cm in the seed bed”.

What does the word “them” refer to?

a. Fertilizer

b. Holes

c. Seeds

d. Oranges

Text for question number 34 to 36

The Girl and the Toad

Once there lived a kind and gentle maiden in remote Korean village. She was very poor and barely managed to

make a living for herself and her old mother, whom she had to care for all alone.

One day the girl was in the kitchen, scooping up freshly-cooked rice and putting it in a large bowl to carry to

the dinner table. Suddenly a toad appeared in the kitchen as if from nowhere. It crawled over the floor,

shivering, and dragged its body to where the girl was standing. Then it jumped heavily onto the kitchen hearth.

On the hearth were a few grains of rice the girl had spilled while emptying the pot. The toad hungrily ate up the


“My, you must really be hungry. And you look cold, too,” the girl said. “Here, have some more rice. And why

don‟t you stay right here on the warm hearth?”

She spilled about half a ladleful of rice out on the hearth. The toad looked up the girl in gratitude and

gobbled up that rice too, all the while wriggling his puffy throat.

Well, you can imagine that from that day on, the toad made his home there on the warm kitchen hearth

and would eat rice out of the girl‟s hands. This way of life continued day after, until a whole year had passed.

By this time the toad had grown into a huge creature.

34. Where did the story happen?

a. In the pot

b. In a rice field

c. In the garden

d. In a remote Korean village

35. Who came one day when the girl was in the kitchen?

a. A toad

b. A snake

c. A villager

d. Her mother

36. “My, you must really be hungry. And you look cold, too,” the girl said.

From the sentence, we know that the girl showed her ….

a. Compliment

b. Enjoyment

c. Agreement

d. Astonishment

Text for question number 37 to 38

Dear Anisa

You are cordially invited to come to our farewell party that

will be held on:

Day/Date : Saturday, 7 June 2012

Time : 7.00 p.m.

Place : Richard‟s house

Costume : Free and tidy

Best wishes

All students of 9 a

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

37. When will the farewell party be done?

a. In the morning

b. In the afternoon

c. In the evening

d. At the mid-night

38. What is the similar meaning with “cordially”?

a. Respect

b. Esteem

c. Warmly

d. Hopefully

Text for question number 39 to 42

A galaxy is collection of stars and other astronomical bodies, including planets, comets and asteroids, held

together by gravity.

There are many different physical forms and measurements of galaxies. These include the spiral, barrel-

spiral and elliptical. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is approximately 100,000 light years in width and

contains over billion stars.

The centre of galaxies can contain many young, very hot stars as well as older stars. Swirling clouds that

have been energized by magnetic forces also exist in the centre.

At this point in time, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the universe. Astronomers are, however,

learning more and more about them every day.

Adapted from text types in English 3, Macmillan Education Australia PTY LTD

39. What is the text about?

a. Galaxy

b. Planet

c. Gravity

d. Astronomer

40. From the text, we know that …….

a. There is no gravity works in galaxy

b. The universe is unlimited in size

c. Scientist know the number of galaxies

d. Stars are held together by magnetic force

41. What can we find in the centre of the galaxy?

a. Stars

b. Planets

c. Comets

d. Asteroids

42. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. A galaxy only contains billions of stars

b. Milky Way is extremely large and wide

c. Galaxies come in different shapes and size

d. The form of our galaxy is spiral and elliptical

Text for question number 46 to 48

Patrick never did his homework. “too boring”, he said. He played basketball and basketball instead. His

teacher told him, “Patrick! Do your homework or you won‟t learn a thing.” And it‟s true, sometimes he did feel

like a dig-a-ling. But what could he do? He hated homework.

Then one day, his cat was playing with a little doll and he grabbed it away. To his surprise, it wasn‟t a doll at

all, but a man of the tiniest size. He had a little wool shirt with old fashioned trousers and a high tall hat much

like a witch‟s. he yelled, “Save me! Don‟t give me back to that cat. I‟ll grant you a wish, I promise you that.”

Patrick couldn‟t believe how lucky he was! Here was the answer to all of his problems. So he said, “Only if you

do all my homework until the end of the semester, that‟s 35days. If you do a good enough job, I could even get


The little man‟s face wrinkled like a dishcloth thrown in the hamper. He kicked his legs and pursued his lips,

“Oh, am I cursed! But I will do it.”

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

And true to his word, that little elf began to do Patrick‟s homework. Except there was one glitch. The elf didn‟t

always know what to do and needed help. “Help me! Help me!” He‟d say. And Patrick would have to help – in

whatever way.

“I don‟t know this word,” the elf squeezed while reading Patrick‟s homework. “Get me a dictionary. No, what‟s

even better. Look up the word and sound it out by each letter.”

When it came to Math, Patrick was out of luck. “What are times tables?” the elf shrieked. “We elves

never need that. And addition and subtraction and division and fractions. Here, sit down beside me, you simply

must guide me.”

Elves knew nothing of human history, to them it‟s a mystery. So the little elf, already a shouter, just got louder.

“Go to the library, I need books. More and more books. And you can help me red them, too.”

As a matter of fact, every day in every way that little elf was a nag! Patrick was working harder than ever and it

was a drag! He was staying up nights, had never felt so weary, and was going to school with his eyes puffed and


Finally, the last day of school arrived and the elf was free to go. Since there was no more homework, he

quietly and slyly slipped out the back door.

Patrick got his A‟s and his classmates were amazed. His teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his

parents? They wondered that had happened to Patrick. He was now the model kid: cleaned his room, did his

chores, was cheerful, never rude, like he had developed a whole new attitude.

You see, in the end Patrick still thought he‟d made that tiny man do all his homework. But I‟ll share a secret,

just between you and me. It wasn‟t elf; Patrick had done it himself!

43. What did Patrick think of homework?

a. Exiting

b. Tempting

c. Caring

d. Boring

44. “I‟ll grant you a wish, ……”(paragraph 2). The underlined word means …..

a. To make somebody happy

b. To give somebody what they ask for

c. To let somebody take your properties

d. To put somebody in trouble

45. What happened at the end of the semester?

a. Patrick‟s parents were upset

b. Patrick became a model kid

c. The elf cursed Patrick into a slave

d. The teachers did not let Patrick pass the exam

Fill the blank of the paragraph

Hotel is a place that provides lodging, food, and other services to the public. The hotel business is an

important industry in many countries, especially in those attracting a large tourist trade. Hotels can be classified

according to location, …46….. and services offered, and clientele served.

The transient hotel is always located within city boundaries. The target of this kind of hotel is people who

..47…. For business or pleasure. …48… provides many facilities. In addition to accommodations, they include

for automobiles, recreation facilities, food and beverage services, and retail shop.

46. a. Beverages

b. Facilities

c. Rooms

d. Foods

47. a. Visit

b. Stay

c. Travel

d. Come

48. a. Those

b. They

c. We

d. It

49. Arrange these words into good sentence

use – for – Don‟t – water – unsafe – and – cooking – this – drinking

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

a. 3 – 1 – 8 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 9 – 6 – 7

b. 3 – 1 – 8 – 4 – 5 – 9 – 2 – 6 – 7

c. 3 – 7 – 6 – 9 – 8 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 1

d. 8 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 9 – 2 – 6 – 7 – 5

50. Arrange this sentences into a good paragraph

1. He lived with his parents on a high tree

2. Suddenly, he stopped and realized that he lost in the jungle

3. Once upon a time, there was a little bird named cutealang

4. Luckily, there was a kind butterfly who took him home

5. One day cutealang played alone in the jungle

a. 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 4

b. 3 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 4

c. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 1

d. 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 1

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

LATIHAN UN 2014/2015


1. Read this notice!

It means that ….

A. you may always lock the door after you get out from the room

B. you should open the door before you enter or get out the room

C. you must always close the door again after you enter or get out the room

D. you are not allowed to enter nor get out the room

Text for questions number 2 – 3

2. Where does Susan the most probably stay?

A. In the same home with Tommy.

B. Somewhere far from Tommy.

C. Somewhere near to Tommy.

D. In the Tommy‟s school

3. What does Susan send the card for?

A. For congratulating Tommy‟s promotion

B. For showing a care to Tommy

C. For congratulating Tommy‟s success in final test.

D. For congratulating Tommy‟s English subject.

Text for questions number 4 – 5

4. What should Shirley not do when her Mom is going out?


I won‟t be home until late. Grandpa is in the hospital.

Lunch is on the table. Help yourself.

Wash the dishes.

Water the plants in front of the garden.





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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

A. Cook for lunch

B. Have lunch

C. Wash the dishes

D. Water the plants

5. Where did Shirley‟s Mom most probably go out to?

A. To market

B. To the hospital

C. To post office

D. To a bank

Text for questions number 6 – 7

6. How long will the party take place?

A. 2 hours

B. 3 hours

C. 5 hours

D. 8 hours

7. What is the purpose of the text?

A. to show happiness for Nada's plan

B. to invite a friend to a birthday party

C. to give information about a birthday party

D. to confirm a birthday party to a friend

Text for questions number 8 and 9.

8. From the text we know that….

A. All of the students must join the Study Tour

B. Eddo waits for the study tour to Bali

C. The students can have registration today

D. Tomorrow will be the study tour to Bali

9. What does the phrase “look forward” mean?

A. to continue

B. to remember

C. to stay

D. to wait

Text for questions number 10 and 11.

To: the students of grade IX,

Tomorrow is the last day for you to register in the Study Tour to Bali

We look forward.

The chief of OSIS


Dear Nada,

Let's have fun at my 10th birthday party. Please come to my

house on Sunday, June 7th, 2009. The party starts at 3 p.m.,

end at 5 p.m. It's all over. I won't be happy without your


Your friend, Bella

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

10. When is the best time to visit the bird park?

A. early in the morning

B. in the afternoon

C. late at night

D. at midnight

11. It is located in the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong. (Paragraph 1)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . . .

A. included

B. situated

C. allocated

D. integrated

Text for questions number 12 to 13.

12. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. We should use it on the upper body.

B. We should use it everyday.

C. We should use it after bath.

D. Only men should use it.

13. What does the word “flammable” mean?

A. Burn easily

B. Get dry easily

C. Dangerous for health

D. Dangerous for smoking people

Text for questions number 14 to 16.

West Scent

Power cologne for men.

Spray on upper body after bath.

Caution :


Do not use near fire

One of the most interesting places to visit in Singapore is the bird park. It is located in

the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong. The bird park is about twelve kilometres from

the centre of the city, and it's easy to get there by bus or by taxi.

It is one of the largest bird parks in the world. The bird are kept in large cages, and there

are hundreds of beautiful birds from many different parts of the world, including penguins,

parrots, eagles, and ostriches. There is a large lake in the park, with a restaurant beside it, and

there is also a very large cage which you can walk inside to get closer looking at the birds.

It takes about two hours to see all the birds. You can walk around the park or ride on the

bus. The best time to visit the park is in the early morning or late afternoon, when it is cooler.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

14. What is Green Community?

A. An activity at school.

B. An extra – curricular activity.

C. An activity to stop global warming

D. A community to save the Earth.

15. From the text we know that …

A. The writer is a busy person.

B. The writer‟s uncle does not know her activities.

C. The writer does not know how to plant a tree.

D. Joining the community is boring.

16. “… so far I have joined some activities at school.”(Paragraph 2)

What does the underlined word mean?

A. continued

B. participated

C. returned

D. ordered

Text for questions number 17—19.

The Jackson Family

Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he lives and works in Denpasar. He teaches English

at SMP 8. He is a very good teacher. His students like him. His wife is an Indonesian. She comes

from Medan. They have one son and one daughter. The children go to a primary school.

Mr. Jackson‟s house is made of wood. It has five rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, a living

room and two bedrooms. The Jacksons have a house maid to help Mrs. Jackson to do the house

work. The maid comes from Bantul.

17. How many people are there in Mr.Jackson‟s family?

A. five

B. four

C. three

D. two

18. Mr. Jackson‟s house is made of wood.

The sentence means ….

A. Mr. Jackson is a carpenter

B. Mr. Jackson likes to collect wood

C. The materials of Mr. Jackson‟s house are from wood

D. There are a lot of woods in Mr. Jackson‟s house.

19. Mr. Jackson‟s house has some rooms, except …

A. a living room

B. a bed room

C. a bathroom

D. a private room

Text for questions number 20-22

Dear Uncle, How is your day? I hope you always have happy days. Uncle, you know, so far I have joined some activities at school. And now I have a new activity. I join Green Community. It is a community that works to save the Earth. Our daily event that is arranged at least once a month is planting trees. Through the letter, I enclosed my photograph when I was doing the activity. You can see that I can plant a tree. Thanks to the senior who has guided me how to plant a tree well. Uncle, I’m really happy to be part of it. I really want to save our planet from global warming. Well, that’s all for now, Uncle. See you Love, Dea

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

20. What does the text tell us about?

A. How to make a blender.

B. How to use a blender.

C. How to use a refrigerator.

D. How to operate a mixer.

21. What do we do when we want to add something in the blender?

A. Open the lid.

B. Open the small closure on the lid.

C. Plug in the cable.

D. Place the container on the motor housing.

22. When do we plug the cable in?

A. Before placing the container on the motor housing.

B. Before putting the lid on.

C. After placing the container on the motor housing.

D. After pressing the switch on.

Text for questions number 23-25

Last week Budi‟s schoolmates went camping. Budi did not join them because the camping was only for class 2.

He is still in class 1.

The campsite was in a village near Kaliurang. It was about 10 kms south of Mount Merapi. There was a stream

with clean water nearby. And the air was cool and fresh. It was really a good place for camping.

All the students of class 2 had to take part in the camping. Only those who were sick could stay at home. Some

teachers also took part in the camping activity.

The camping activity lasted for two days. The weather was good during the camping. Everybody had their own

usefull experience. They all enjoyed the camping.

23. What is the most suitable title for the text above?

A. Kaliurang Village.

B. Budi‟s Schoolmates.

C. Going Camping.

D. Muont Merapi.

24. The main topic of paragraph 2 is ....

A. the campsite

B. the location of the camp

C. the condition of the camp

D. the weather at the campsite

25. “Budi did not join them because ...”(paragraph 1)

The underlined word means ....

A. accompany

B. find

C. seek

D. follow

How to operate a blender

Make sure the switch is off.

Place ingredients into the blender container. Add some water if needed.

Put the lid on.

Place the container on the motor housing.

Plug in the cable.

Select one of two speed buttons as required. Use PULSE switch for precision


When adding ingredients or seasonings, remove the small lid for adding things in

the middle

of the blender lid.

After grinding, press the switch off.

Unplug the cable.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Text for questions number 26-29


Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella. She lived with her step sisters. They were very bossy. She

had to do all the housework.

One day an invitation to the hall came to the family. Her stepsisters would not let her go. Cinderella was sad.

The stepsisters went to the hall without her.

Fortunately, the fairy Godmother came and helped her to get into the hall. At the hall, Cinderella danced with

the prince. The prince fell in love with her and then he married her. They lived happily ever after.

26. What should a girl do when she lived with her stepsisters?

A. She had to do all the housework.

B. She went to the hall

C. She fell in love with the prince

D. She danced with the prince

27. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ....

A. They lived happily ever after.

B. The prince fell in the love with her and then he married her.

C. Cinderella danced with the prince.

D. Godmother came and helped her.

28. What does the word housework mean?

A. Housekeeping

B. Warehouse

C. House assignments

D. Storehouse

29. What is the moral value of the story?

A. We must be nice to other people.

B. We have to control our life.

C. We must go everywhere.

D. We must be patient to live.

Text for questions number 30-33

Carnivorous Plants

Carnivorous plants, such as the sundew and the Venus-flytrap, are generally found in humid areas where

there is an inadequate supply of nitrogen in the soil. In order to survive, these plants have developed

mechanisms to trap insects within their foliage. They have digestive fluids to obtain the necessary nitrogen from

the insects.

These plants trap the insects in a variety of ways. The sundew has sticky hair on its leaves; when an insect

lands on these leaves, it gets caught up in the sticky hairs, and the leaf wraps itself around the insect.

The leaves of the Venus-flytrap function more likely a trap, snapping suddenly and forcefully shut around

an insect.

30. The text mostly tells us about the way carnivorous plants..................

A. survive.

B. grow.

C. wrap insects.

D. attack insects.

31. What the carnivorous plants do to survive?

A. Develop their growth.

B. Develop mechanism to trap insects within their foliage.

C. Use digestive fluids.

D. Obtain necessary nitrogen.

32. Carnivorous plants have digestive fluids to obtain the necessary nitrogen from the insects.

What is the synonym of the underlined phrase?

A. to protect.

B. to get.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

C. to select.

D. to bake.

33. What is the purpose of the text?

A. Persuade readers to visit the areas of carnivorous plants.

B. Inform readers about the important of carnivorous plants.

C. Describe about how carnivorous plants survive.

D. Present a very useful information.

Text for questions number 34-36

The Museum ( Bayt ) of Holy Quran is one of great Holi Quran Museum in the world. It is situated in

Indonesian Mini Park, Jakarta.The museum is built in 1996. This museum is a very huge building designed by

Ahmad Nu‟man.The building covers two hectare areas.

There are some collection of Holy Quran.Even the biggest Holy Quran in the world is there too. Its

width is about 1,5 metres and its length is 2 meter.There is also the oldest KitabHoly Quran, that is called La

Lino. It is written by Bima Palace at 1731 to 1748.

There is a mushaf Holy qur „an written by Abdul malik and Hayatullah. These writers studied at

Kalibeber, Wonosobo, Central Java. They needed 14 month to make hand writing . They started on the sixteen

of oktober 1991 and finished on the seventh of Desember 1991

(Adapted from Hidayatullah Magazine)

34. According to the text, who designed the building of Museum Holy Quran ?

A. Abdul Malik

B. Hayatullah

C. Ahmad Nu‟man

D. Mushaf

35. It is written by Bima Palace. The word written has the similar meaning with….


B. studied



36. From the text we can conclude that….

A. The museum of Holy Qur‟an is a place for collection of Holy Qur „an

B. The museum is a place to write Holy Qur an

C. The museum is the oldest museum

D The museum is designed in Wonosobo

Text for questions number 37-39

How to play a quarted card game

You need:

A set of quarted card

Three participant


1. First, find a set of quarted card that you and your friend really fond of for example Little Krisna, Upin

and Ipin

2. Then, shake the card randomly

3. After that distribute the card to all the participant in the same number

4. Next,the first participant must collect his card that is the same

5. If he does not have the same card, he can ask his opponent

6. Then, the opponent will do the same, if doesn‟t have any, he can ask his friend too

7. Try to collect the same card as many as possible

8. The last, the person who get the most same card will be the winner.

37. What must we do after we shake the card?

A. find the card

B. distribute the card

C. ask the opponent

D. collect the same card

38. The person who will win the game is the one who.......

A. gets the most same card

B. shakes the card

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

C. has the same number

D. has the card

39. Your friend is really fond of for example;Little Krisna, Upin and ipin. The word Fond of has the similar

meaning with….

A. dislike

B. hate

C. enjoy

D. find

Text for questions number 40-43

The Good Stepmother

Once upon a time, there lived an old witch. She was very cruel and like eating people.

One day, the witch caught two boys, Hansel and Gretel . The old witch locked Hansel in cage and set

Gretel to clean the house. She planed to eat them both. Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let

them go.

Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was thinking of them. She missed them a lot . Then, she was

beginning to wish that she had never tried to get rid of the children. “ I must find them, “ she said and set off

into the forest.

Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry

from thirst,she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped trough the window.Her heart

cried out when she saw the two children.

She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the

oven when the stepmother gave her an algmighty push.

The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut door.

“Children, I have come to save you , “ she said ,hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful thing. Let me take

you home and we become a family again. They returned to their home and the stepmother become the best

mother anyone could wish to have , and of course they lived happily ever after.

40. The story is about a stepmother who...

A. cried every night

B. planned to eat her children

C. tried to run away from a witch

D. saved her children from a witch

41. “....and of course they lived happily ever after “ (last paragraph)

What does the word “they“ refer to ?

A. Hansel and Gretel

B. Hansel,Gretel and their stepmother

C. Hansel and the stepmother

D. Hansel,Gretel and the witch

42. Which statement is true about the stepmother?

A. She was the witch friend

B. She loved her stepchildren

C. She hit the witch with a broom

D. she visited the witch to see her children

43. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Not all stepmothers treat her children badly

B. We have to be careful to a stranger

C. A witch is always bad

D. A stepmother always hates her stepchidren

For questions 44 to 46 choose the best words to complete the text.


Most fish use their side, back, and tail fins for swimming. Fins are movable, fanlike parts. A fish (44) …

through the water by swinging its tail fins back and forth. A fish uses its other fins to steer and to stop.

Sometimes the other fins also help it go fast through the water.

Most fishes have bodies shaped like a torpedo. Their bodies are pointed at (45)…and at the tail. This

streamlined body helps fish speed through water. Sailfish can swim as fast as 70 miles per hour (110 kilometers

per hour).

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

Some fish have unusual shapes. Rays have flat, disc-shaped bodies. Large fins like wings go out from a

ray‟s head. To swim, rays flap the fins. Most fish also have swim bladders.( 46 )... fill their swim bladders with

air. Their air-filled swim blandders act like life jackets. They keep the fish from sinking to the bottom.

44. A. are moving

B. move

C. moved

D. moves

45. A. The header

B. A head

C. the head

D. The heading

46. A. Them

B. They

C. Theirs

D. That

47. Rearrange the following jumbled words into a good sentence!

Writing – I am – to express – at once – my disappointment – about – the train – service

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 2–1–6–4–5–7–8–3

B. 2–1–4–3–5–6–7–8

C. 2–1–4–5–3–6–7–8

D. 2–1–3–4–5–6–7–8

48. Arrange these words into a good sentence!

sister – about – arguing – My – and – something – are – brother

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 4-1-5-8-7-6-2-3

B. 4-8-5-1-3-6-2-7

C. 4-1-5-8-7-6-2-3

D. 4-8-5-1-7-3-2-6

49. 1. Last holiday I visited my uncle in Jakarta.

2. The bus was not very crowded.

3. I went there by bus. It left at eight in the morning.

4. The bus reached Jakarta at nine.

5. Besides the driver drove it carefully.

6. Arriving in Jakarta, I phoned my uncle.

7. I waited for my uncle to pick me up.

The best arrangement to make a good text is…

A. 4-6-5-1-7-2-3

B. 4-3-5-6-7-2-1

C. 1-3-2-5-4-6-7

D. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

50. Rearrange the jumbled sentences to make a good paragraph!

1. All students and teachers were happy.

2. We started our day off with sport competitions.

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

3. Last August my school celebrated the Independent day.

4. We had some performances and competitions.

5. The committee announced the winner

6. On the next day we had some dancing and singing performances.

The correct arrangement is………..

A. 3-4-2-6-5-1

B. 3-5-4-2-6-1

C. 3-2-4-6-5-1

D. 3-6-4-2-5-1


LATIHAN UN 2014/2015



1 A 11 B 21 C 31 B 41 B

2 C 12 D 22 D 32 A 42 A

3 B 13 B 23 C 33 D 43 C

4 C 14 A 24 D 34 D 44 C

5 B 15 B 25 A 35 A 45 A

6 D 16 B 26 C 36 B 46 B

7 D 17 C 27 D 37 A 47 A

8 B 18 B 28 D 38 C 48 D

9 A 19 A 29 C 39 B 49 D

10 C 20 D 30 B 40 D 50 C

LATIHAN UN 2014/2015



1 C 11 A 21 D 31 D 41 A

2 C 12 B 22 C 32 D 42 C

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Compiled by Hartono, S.Pd.

3 A 13 C 23 D 33 A 43 A

4 A 14 C 24 A 34 D 44 A

5 B 15 B 25 B 35 D 45 B

6 C 16 C 26 C 36 B 46 A

7 B 17 C 27 D 37 B 47 D

8 B 18 D 28 B 38 D 48 A

9 B 19 D 29 A 39 C 49 C

10 A 20 D 30 C 40 B 50 B

LATIHAN UN 2014/2015


1 C 11 B 21 D 31 C 41 A

2 B 12 D 22 A 32 B 42 C

3 B 13 A 23 B 33 C 43 D

4 D 14 D 24 D 34 D 44 B

5 A 15 D 25 A 35 A 45 B

6 C 16 B 26 B 36 D 46 C

7 B 17 C 27 C 37 C 47 B

8 A 18 C 28 C 38 C 48 D

9 D 19 A 29 A 39 A 49 A

10 C 20 B 30 B 40 D 50 A

LATIHAN UN 2014/2015


1 C 11 B 21 B 31 B 41 B

2 B 12 B 22 C 32 B 42 B

3 C 13 A 23 C 33 C 43 A

4 A 14 A 24 B 34 C 44 D

5 B 15 A 25 D 35 D 45 C

6 A 16 B 26 A 36 A 46 B

7 B 17 B 27 B 37 B 47 D

8 C 18 C 28 C 38 C 48 D

9 D 19 D 29 A 39 C 49 C

10 A 20 B 30 A 40 D 50 A