kk program sarjana

CADANGAN PROGRAM AKADEMIK IPTA UNTUK JAWATANKUASA PENDIDIKAN TINGGI (JKPT) KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN Sarjana Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan Masters in Environment and Development Sekolah Sains Sosial Universiti Malaysia Sabah 1. TUJUAN KERTAS Kertas cadangan ini bertujuan untuk memohon pertimbangan daripada pihak Senat Universitri Malaysia Sabah untuk mendapatkan kelulusan penawaran Ijazah Kursus sepenuh masa dan separuh masa Sarjana Sastera (M.A). 2. NAMA PROGRAM Program Sarjana Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan

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Sekolah Sains Sosial

Universiti Malaysia Sabah


Kertas cadangan ini bertujuan untuk memohon pertimbangan daripada pihak Senat Universitri Malaysia Sabah untuk mendapatkan kelulusan penawaran Ijazah Kursus sepenuh masa dan separuh masa Sarjana Sastera (M.A).2. NAMA PROGRAM

Program Sarjana Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan




http://www.sussex.ac.uk/development/1-2-3-2-1.html3. FAKULTI/ SEKOLAH/ PUSAT YANG MEMOHON

Sekolah Sains Sosial, Universiti Malaysia Sabah4. PERINGKAT PENGAJIAN


Sarjana Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan / Masters in Environment and Development6. TAHUN DIMULAKAN


Pengajian adalah terbahagi kepada dua iaitu;i) Sepenuh masa (3 semester)

ii) Separuh masa (5 semester)

Pelajar perlu menentukan lebih awal jenis pengajian yang akan diikuti. Pertukaran jangkamasa pengajian boleh dipertimbangkan deangan syarat semua keperluan kursus khususnya jam kredit dapat dipenuhi.


Kebimbangan tentang impak pembangunan pesat dan kadar penggunaan sumber alam yang terus meningkat telah melanda Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat sejak pertengahan 1970an. Kebimbangan ini disokong dengan faktor-faktor seperti berlakunya ledakan penduduk, fenomena urbanisasi yang semakin dominan serta meningkatnya permintaan keatas sumber semulajadi khususnya bahan api. Selain itu, penggunaan bahan bukan semulajadi untuk tujuan industri telah turut mencemar alam semulajadi menyebabkan sumber semulajadi semakin haus. Perdebatan tentang kemampuan alam semulajadi menampung keperluan (dan perbuatan) manusia semakin mendapat perhatian selepas 1970an tetapi langkah yang signifikan hanya diambil pada tahun 1987, apabila World Commission on Environment and Development yang ditubuhkan PBB pada 1983 mewartakan Tokyo Declaration yang menggariskan lapan dasar ke arah pembangunan mapan. Menjelang 1990an, langkah yang lebih signifikan diambil. Pada tahun 1992, Konference anjuran PBB mengenai Environment and Development di Rio de Janeiro, Brazil telah memusatkan perhatian Dunia ke atas isu kemusnahan hutan dan ancaman kehilangan biodiversity. Konferen PBB di Kyoto, Jepun pada tahun 1997 menarik perhatian Dunia ke atas isu pemanasan global serta desakan agar negara-negara anggota menandatangani deklarasi untuk mengurangkan pelepasan karbon dioksida (Co2) kepada 55%. Gerakan-gerakan pembangunan seperti modenisasi, urbanisasi dan globalisasi telah mengubah landskap hubungan antara manusia dan alam sekitar. Hubungan pada masa ini banyak dicirikan dengan hubungan pengguna dan pengeluar. Hubungan ini bertentangan dengan hubungan co-existence sebagaimana yang disarankan oleh deklarasi-deklarasi tersebut. Pada peringkat unit politik yang lebih kecil, masyarakat setempat juga mempunyai kefahaman hubungan ini yang tersendiri. Bagaimana masyarakat tempatan menterjemahkan hubungan ini dalam usaha mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan semasa akan menjadi fokus penting program ini. Fokus ini selaras dengan perkembangan global kajian alam sekitar dan pembangunan semasa yang menekankan kepentingan keadaan dan pengetahuan insitu dan mengelakkan generalisasi berlebihan agar perubahan benar-benar memberikan faedah positif kepada masyarakat setempat. Menyedari akan kepentingan mengambil kira kepentingan persekitaran dalam isu pembangunan, beberapa universiti di Amerika seperti University of Georgia dan University of Washington untuk menubuhkan program Environmental Anthropology iaitu satu cabang disiplin Sains Sosial yang dikhususkan untuk memfokuskan kegiatan ilmiah ke atas usaha memahami hubungan manusia dan alam sekitar dalam konteks pembangunan dan perubahan sosial abad ke 21. Langkah ini turut diambil oleh beberapa universiti di United Kingdom dan antara yang terawal menubuhkan program ini ialah University of Kent di mana dua jenis ijazah sarja ditawarkan iaitu, Master/Phd in Environmental Anthropology dan Master/PhD in Conservation and Ethnobiology. Oleh itu, kertas cadangan ini disediakan untuk memenuhi tuntutan keperluan dan peluang yang tersedia.


Tujuan Program Sarjana Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan diadakan adalah seperti berikut;9.1. Memberikan pengetahuan teori, konsep dan pendekatan tentang hubungan manusia dan alam sekitar9.2. Mendedahkan pelajar kepada pengetahuan indigenous tentang kepelbagaian spesies dan kegunaan flora dan fauna

9.3. Melatih pelajar melakukan penyelidikan saintifik yang setanding dan diikftiraf di peringkat antarabangsa.

Programme Objectives

Identify the contribution that the environment can make to sustainable development.

Describe potential risks to the environment resulting from development activities.

Understand opportunities and risks associated with the many international processes and agreements relating to the environment and sustainable development.

Promote the contribution of knowledge to generate evidence-based policy supporting the environment and sustainable development.

Apply critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge supporting development.

Examine through case studies the nature and effectiveness of development activities.

Apply participatory methods through role play and individual research.

Give students experience of working as individuals and team members.


Program ini amat wajar diadakan berdasarkan dua kumpulan justifikasi berikut;

i) Justifikasi keperluan

ii) Justifikasi peluang

Justifikasi keperluan10.1 Meneroka Pendekatan Pembangunan Yang baru

Sejak sekian lama, banyak negara melihat alam sekitar dan pembangunan adalah dua entiti. Tetapi alam sekitar dan pembangunan bukanlah dua cabaran yang berbeza (World Commision on Enviroment and Development WCED, 1990: 37). Program yang dicadangkan ini menekankan kepentingan memahami isu dan hubungan alam sekitar dan pembangunan selaras dengan saranan WCED dan komitmen Malaysia sebagai salah satu penandatangan deklarasi-deklarasi alam sekitar. 10.2. Memartabatkan pengetahuan indigenous (indigenous knowledge)

Walaupun negara-negara maju telah mencapai tahap kemajuan teknologi yang tinggi, usaha-usaha untuk mengkaji, memelihara dan menggunakan pengetahuan indigenous terus dilakukan. Ini kerana, pengetahuan indigenous adalah satu sumber maklumat yang penting untuk tujuan pengurusan sumber semulajadi yang lebih komprehensif. Program yang dicadangkan ini turut menyokong usaha memartabatkan pengetahuan indigenous ini dalam komponen ethnobiologi di mana pengetahuan bio masyarakat indigenous di Sabah dapat diterokai dengan lebih mendalam dan sistematik. Kepelbagaian etnik di Sabah dan Malaysia amnya akan memberikan peluang seluas-luasnya untuk merealisasikan justifikasi ini.10.3. Pengisian jurang teknologi diantara negara maju dan dunia ketiga

Bukan semua teknologi yang dihasilkan adalah sesuai dengan keadaan sosioekonomi dan persekitaran negara ketiga. Jurang perbezaan teknologi ini harus diisi dengan meningkatkan aktiviti penyelidikan, rekabentuk, pembangunan dan peningkatan kapasiti insan di negara-negara ketiga (WCED, 1990: 60). Program yang dicadangkan ini akan mendukung justifikasi ini dengan memberikan penekanan yang istimewa kepada penyelidikan agar faedah optima diperolehi dalam setiap perubahan yang dijalankan. Justifikasi Peluang

10.4. Mengantarabangsakan UMSProgram ini adalah lanjutan daripada usaha sama dengan Department of Anthropology, University of Kent (U.K), Taman-taman Sabah dan UMS. Ini bermakna, dengan menjamin kesinambungan program ini, kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh institusi dalam dan luar negara kepada UMS akan terus terpelihara. Ini akan memberikan satu lagi pentas kepada UMS untuk melonjakkan nama di peringkat antarabangsa.10.5 Peluang Melanjutkan Pelajaran, Pertukaran Staf, Penyelidikan BersamaApabila UMS dapat meneruskan sebuah program pengajian yang diasaskan dan disokong oleh sebuah universiti luar negara, beluang untuk pelajar-pelajar UMS melanjutkan pelajaran ke University of Kent dan mana-mana universiti yang menawarkan program yang sama adalah terbuka luas. Persamaan program juga akan membukan peluang untuk pertukaran staf, fellowship, penyelidikan bersama, seminar dan banyak lagi aktiviti akademik. 10.6.Merealisasikan hasrat UMS ke arah pengajian multidisiplin.

Program ini direka agar pengisiannya adalah sesuai diambil oleh pelajar-pelajar yang berkelulusan ijazah pertama daripada aliran sastera dan sains. Selain daripada menyediakan bekalan pelajar yang ramai, penggabungan ini juga bermakna, pelajar dan pensyarah dari kedua-dua aliran ini akan berpadu tenaga untuk mempastikan matlamat program ini tercapai. Tidak terhad dengan pengajaran, peluang pendekatan multidisiplin juga turut berlaku dalam aktiviti penyelidikan, penulisan dan penerbitan. Pelaksanaan program ini akan merealisasikan hasrat ini dalam erti kata yang sebenar.10.7Peluang meningkatkan prospek kerja pelajar

Pemberian tumpuan kepada isu alam sekitar adalah satu fenomena global. Pelajar-pelajar yang mempunyai ijazah pertama dalam bidang pilihan masing-masing akan mempunyai peluang kerjaya yang lebih cerah dengan memberikan tambah nilai kepada ijazah pertama mereka dengan pengajian yang menekankan alam sekitar. 10 KAJIAN PASARAN DAN ULASAN PAKAR


Jam kredit untuk Program Sarjana ialah 40Aspek pengajianTaught courseMix-modeulasan

Pembahagian jam kreditTaught course lebih daripada 50% dan selebihnya kertas projek50-50%UKM 36 jam kredit6 jam research

Tempoh pengajian

3 hingga 5 semester 4 hingga 6 semester

Bebanan kepada kapasiti semasa

Tambahan 40 jam kredit kepada kakitangan sekolah,Tambahan 20 jam kredit kepada kakitangan sekolah dan beban penyeliaan Justifikasi untuk penambahan kakitangan,


TinggiLebih tinggi

Prospek kerjaya/nilai tambah

MIX Mode Or Taught Course? 11. 1Cadangan KursusSebelum*SekarangJam kreditStatus Kursus

(Audit / bukan audit)

Environmental Anthropology

Landscape and Conservation



Politics, Economy and Environment

Nature product


Environmental law

Product development

Culture Nature in Sabah

Research methode 1 and 2


Academic writing

Field trip


Kursus dalam italic ditawarkan dalam Program Sarjana Konservasi dan Ethnobiology IBTP.MSc Environment and Sustainable Development

A one year post-graduate course in the University of London Introduction

It is now increasingly recognised that environmental concerns are closely linked to the way development theory and practice are conceived and applied. In this context, the concept of sustainable development (SD) has rapidly emerged as an approach similarly advocated and criticised by local and international organisations, broadly described as an envisioning strategy to save the earth for future generations.

A central concern of the course is to equip participants with a critical understanding of the SD debate and practice, unveiling the political, social and economic forces underlying environmental conflicts and exploring concrete approaches to address their causes. The course adopts an international comparative perspective, exploring the specific conditions for intervention in different contexts from all over the world.

Objectives of the course

The course looks at conventional approaches in development planning, and the environmental conflicts generated by them, with specific reference to the context of developing countries. It contrasts these approaches with the need for long-term environmental sustainability and social justice and examines concrete attempts to incorporate a deeper awareness of these goals into development policy making, planning and management.

By critically examining the theory and practice of environment and sustainable development at the international, national and urban levels in a variety of contexts, the course seeks to provide participants with an understanding of the processes generating social and environmental change and with the skills and abilities to respond to such changes. The course retains the DPU's long-standing preoccupation with planning for action. Its approach is critical, analytical and comparative so that it leads to discovery and exploration by participants.

Course structure

The course is structured so that 75% of the taught components of the course (90 credits) are devoted to the core subjects of the environment and sustainable development and 25% (30 credits) to an option from a range of modules on offer. The core course modules provide the theoretical and methodological components of the course while the specialist module allows students to examine different approaches and problems in accordance with their own particular interests.

The course consists of reading, essay writing, and individual and group project work, in the context of lectures, seminars, workshops, case study analysis, and field trips within the UK and abroad. Student performance is assessed through course work, examinations, and a dissertation report.

Academic year

The course extends over one calendar year of full time study from the commencement of the academic year in September. There are four terms in an academic year. The first two teaching terms (from October to March) consist of lectures, seminars, personal tutorials, workshops and assessment of student performance. The Third and Fourth terms (from April to June and June to early-September respectively) are dedicated to an overseas field trip and the preparation and writing up of the dissertation report.

The dissertation report

In addition to the taught and fieldwork components, the course entails the preparation of an individual report (60 credits) on a topic selected by the student.

Core Modules

THE POLITICAL ECOLOGY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE (BENVES01)This module provides a comprehensive review of the contemporary debate on development and environmental sustainability and equips participants with a critical understanding of environmental conflicts, and of various approaches to environmental governance, the policy process, the mechanisms and the key agents involved.The first part of this module is building up an in-depth understanding of the current and historical debates on development and environmental sustainability, and the assumptions deeply ingrained within Western development paradigms. It examines the politics and discourses on sustainable development, exploring their environmental implications for the countries of the North and South. A significant aspect is to place the environmental and sustainable debate into an international political economy perspective.The second part is dedicated to the critical analysis of socio-environmental conflicts, their roots and potential approaches to their resolution, with specific reference to the Third World. It looks at the way in which environmental concerns are institutionalised in the policy process, contrasting the role, power and practices of different actors and institutions. Students explore and examine the assumptions, potentials and flaws of different approaches to the institutionalisation of environmental concerns through the application of a variety of policy instruments and institutional designs.

On completion students will:

have a critical understanding of the assumptions ingrained within western development paradigms;

be able to examine the environmental implications of these paradigms for the countries of North and South;

have a critical understanding of the current debates on development and environmental sustainability;

have a critical understanding of the field of political ecology and the articulation between environmentalism, political culture and social organization;

be able to understand how environmental concerns are socially constructed and institutionalized in the policy process;

have an understanding of various approaches to environmental governance, policy making and of environmental policy instruments.back to top

URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT IN DEVELOPMENT (BENVES02)This module seeks to identify environmental problems in urban areas and their underlying causes and how to go about applying environmental planning and management to solve these problems to move towards sustainable development.The first part of the module surveys urban environmental problems in an integrated way together with a wider view of the sustainability of urban development. It provides an understanding of a range of urban environmental problems at different levels and how they affect health and local ecosystems. Participants examine practical experiences in identifying environmental problems and their underlying causes at the local level, focusing on issues related to water supply, sanitation and garbage; environment and health and the social and spatial distribution of environmental risk among others. The second part analyses the potentials and limitations of environmental planning and management (EPM) strategies and techniques to deal with environmental problems. It evaluates concrete experiences, exploring a range of tools and techniques available to steer urban EPM towards sustainability. It further focuses on the role of different stakeholders and institutions involved in defining and implementing Local Agenda 21.

On completion students will:

have a comprehensive understanding of the range of environmental problems in cities and how they affect human health and local ecosystems;

be able to develop approaches for the resolution of these problems within the broader political economy of urban regions and the societies within which they are placed;

understand the current and potential role of community organizations, NGOs, governments and international agencies in addressing environmental problems in urban regions;

be able to critically engage with the processes and procedures of environmental planning and management strategies and techniques.

ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN PRACTICE (BENVES03)This module creates an opportunity for students to be exposed to real life planned interventions mainly in the field of urban and regional EPM. At the same time it helps the participants to develop their analytical and evaluative capacity and strengthen their professional skills.This is a composite module that runs over three terms. It consists of four principal elements as follows:

Themed workshopsThese activities provide participants with an opportunity to apply ideas, skills and knowledge to "real-life" situations.

Case study evaluation This exercise is structured around the implementation of urban EPM. Participants are asked to evaluate local planned interventions, allowing them to gather and process first hand information for their assessment.

Overseas field trip in the 3rd termThe overseas fieldtrip provides an opportunity to put into practice the knowledge, approaches and tools acquired during the course into a real context. The field visit, undertaken in recent years in North Africa, West Africa and Southern Europe, is preceded by individual and group preparation activities (including lectures, private reading of case material, group discussion and seminars), and followed by group discussions and presentations, and finally the production of a group report.

Series of skills development seminarsThis seminar series runs throughout the first three terms and helps to build up participants academic and professional skills, including sessions on prospective career paths.

On completion students will: have acquired a methodology for diagnosis and strategy development in order to a address complex set of challenges;

have built up essential academic and professional skills;

have gained a better appreciation of the development contexts in both developed and developing countries by having been exposed to real life situations;

be able to critically assess and respond to the planning approaches examined throughout the course.

back to topOptional Modules

A number of 30-credit options are currently available to students enrolled in the ESD programme. These include:

URBAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTUED offers two specialist options. The first specialist option (BENVUE01) is designed to demonstrate the application of economic concepts and theories to urbanisation and urban development. It also examines the broad international and national contexts for these processes and the respective role of the key stakeholders. The second specialist option (BENVUE02) is designed to demonstrate the application of economic criteria to the management of the city economy. It examines the key components of the city economy, their internal and external dynamics and the related theoretical and practical issues. It also provides training in the analysis of structural changes in the city economy and in formulating and evaluating city development strategies.

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PRACTICE Two modules can be chosen as options. The first option (BENVSD01) introduces social development and the social agenda with specific emphasis on understanding and planning for socially sensitive development through an examination of diversity, including gender; social inclusion; socially sensitive policy formulation, design of indicators and social impact assessment. The concept of participation as a way of ensuring socially sensitive development is critiqued and a number of participatory methodologies and tools, used at different stages of development interventions, are examined and practiced. Students undertake two practical assignments in London Boroughs; one as part of the Tools in Action component and the other a more substantial piece of work undertaking a social impact assessment. The second option (BENVSD02) is a critique of key development paradigms; liberalism/neo-liberalism; Marxism; reformism and theories of underdevelopment. It specifically addresses the role that the various paradigms have assigned to government (state), market and civil society and how the key societal concerns of social justice, efficiency in the allocation of scarce resources, freedom and security are met (or not met). The theme of poverty, as a manifestation of inequalities at both the national and international levels, is developed. Causes of poverty, poverty assessment and governmental and donor anti-poverty policies are discussed, as well as the roles of civil society and the market.

DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING Three of the DAP modules currently on offer may be chosen as options. The first option (BENVAP01) introduces basic notions of development management and administration, state, market and bureaucracy and the role of NGOs in the development process. It places national development in the context of the international division of labour and examines alternatives to hegemonic development practices. It critically reviews the recent history of international aid, particularly its implications for poverty reduction, growth and equity. The national dimensions of development are also critically explored, particularly in terms of a range of development trends and interventions such as national and regional development planning and key aspects of local, metropolitan and regional development.

In the second option (BENVAP02) the first part reviews the historical evolution of development theories and examines the relationship between theory and development policy in practice. The second part addresses the issues of rural social relations, food security, rural, urban and peri-urban land, agricultural production & distribution, and rural resource management that underlie any successful development strategy.

In the third option (BENVAP03) the first part reviews the historical evolution of development theories and examines the relationship between theory and development policy in practice. The second part provides a systematic analysis of the notions of industrialisation and infrastructure building as key elements in initiating and sustaining national, regional and local development.

BUILDING AND URBAN DESIGN FOR DEVELOPMENTThis option explores the form, formation and functioning of cities in order to gain an understanding of the shape, size and structure of cities especially in the context of developing countries. It traces the influence of historical, physical, natural and cultural aspects as well as that of economic and administrative forces on the origins and spatial development of cites. It reviews urban design theories and evaluates their ability to explain and understand cities. It develops an understanding of the workings of cities, showing how the various aspects interact in multiple and complex ways to provide the underlying structure and form of urban areas. It also explores how areas of cities can be transformed and regenerated, revitalised, upgraded and/or conserved, as may be appropriate. It develops a model for responsive intervention and approaches to the development of participatory dialogue and discussion to identify stakeholder positions. The possibilities and potentials of the local area are assessed and evaluated through the use of tools of rapid urban analysis. These are brought together and used to develop win-win strategies that maximise the opportunity of each stakeholder to meet their objectives through multi-objective strategies.

URBAN DEVELOPMENT PLANNINGThree of the UDP modules currently on offer can be chosen as options. The first option (BENVUP01) explores the economic, social and physical transformation and restructuring of cities in the wider context of development and globalisation. In assessing the challenges this poses for urban development planning, the roles and relations of actors in civil society, the public and private sectors are examined in theory and practice. The institutional and organisation frameworks in which they operate are reviewed, while investigating access to and control over financial, human and physical resources in the context of contemporary urban development planning practice. The second option (BENVUP02) explores strategic action in urban development policy, planning and management which recognizes social justice in cities. In this light, it reviews the evolution of urban development interventions and define the theoretical and methodological challenges which face contemporary urban development in different parts of the world. To this end, it also assesses a range of cases of urban development practice, drawing out their contribution to the current debates on strategic action towards social justice in urban development policy, planning and management. Finally, it explores the implications of these debates for problem diagnosis, participation, organizational development and public learning in strategic urban action. A third option (BENVUP04) examines gender relations in the socio-economic, political and environmental processes in the development of human settlements. In doing so, it highlights the intersection of gender with other social relations, examining diversity and difference in human settlements. In assessing the challenge this poses for urban development planning, the institutionalisation of gender equality in policy, planning and management of human settlements are explored. Gender relations in a range of development sectors are assessed and the conditions for gender mainstreaming in these sectors discussed.

http://www.ucl.ac.uk/dpu/courses/esd.htm#structureSchool of GeoScience, University of Edinburgh

Programme Structure for Diploma/MSc for Environment and Development

The programme starts in September each year and lasts nine months (for the Diploma) and twelve months (for the MSc). The programme consists of:

a taught component during the Autumn and Spring Semesters (September to April);

a 4 month individual research project, written up as a dissertation (May to August).

Taught Component

The taught component consists of six courses of lectures: two compulsory courses in Autumn Semester and one in the Spring Semester.

Environment and Development

International Development

Society and Development

The additional three courses are selected from a wide range offered within related MSc programmes. The following courses are recommended:

African Studies: Theoretical and Conceptual Underpinnings

Applications in Ecological Economics

Contemporary African Issues and Debates

Culture, Ethics and Environment

Environmental Impact Assessment

Forests and Environment

Foundations in Ecological Economics

International Environmental Law

Land Use - Environment Interactions

Participation in Policy and Planning

Project Appraisal

Rural Development

Waste Reduction and Recycling

Each course is usually assessed by coursework (50% of marks) and written examination (50% of marks) however there are some exceptions to this rule, such as Society and Development which is assessed 100% by coursework. An oral examination may also be held.


Each student conducts an individual research project on a subject chosen in consultation with the Programme Director. Every effort is made to accommodate student's own interests when defining research projects. There will also be opportunities to carry out projects in collaboration with external organisations, giving students experience of working as part of a team. The breadth of topics is illustrated by the list of previous MSc Environment and Development dissertations (pdf file).

MSc candidates submit a dissertation of no more than 15,000 words by mid-August.


The programme provides a suitable qualification for students seeking environmental roles within international and national development agencies, or in environment/development-focused NGOs. The student's choice of courses and dissertation project can be used to tailor the degree towards their chosen career path.

http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/postgraduate/MSc/mscprogrammes/envdev/ 11.6 Sinopsis Kursus dan Senarai Rujukan 11.7 Penilaian/Pemarkahan program pengurusan peperiksaan

Penilaian dan pemarkahan adalah mengikut manual peraturan peperiksaan Universiti Malaysia Sabah.


Enrolmen jangkaan pelajar dalam tempoh lima tahun bermula sesi 2008/2009 adalah seperti berikut:








13.1 Memiliki Ijazah pertama dari UMS atau mana-mana institusi pengajian tinggi awam atau swasta yang diikhtirafkan oleh Senat Universiti.13.2 Mempunyai CGPA tidak kurang daripada 2.713.3 Keutamaan diberikan kepada pelajar yang pernah membuat latihan ilmiah dan projek penyelidikan di peringkat Ijazah Pertama14 IMPLIKASI KAKITANGAN, FIZIKAL DAN KEWANGAN

14.1 Implikasi kakitangan: 14.2 Implikasi Fizikal:14.2 Implikasi Kewangan



Kursus sarjana pengurusan persekitaran Pasca- skrg di ss dan kemanusiaan17 PERBANDINGAN DENGAN UNIVERSITI LUAR NEGARA

University of Kent (UKC) menjalankan kursus yang serupa,malah sebahagian besar modul pengajaran adalah dengan ehsan UKC. Walau bagaimanapun, bahan-bahan pengajaran berasaskan penyelidikan tempatan akan digunakan secara berperingkat-peringkat untuk membina kekuatan dan keunikan kursus ini.Intitusi pengajian berikut juga turut menawarkan kursus yang hampir sama;

1. Department of Anthropology and Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), University of Kent, MSc Conservation and Tourism, MSc Conservation Biology, http://www.kent.ac.uk/studying/postgrad/subjects/conservation.html2. Natural History Museum, Obafemi Awolowo University,Ile - Ife, Nigeria Masters in Conservation Scieence (MCS) http://www.oauife.edu.ng/research/nhm/mcs.pdf3. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology, Graduate School of Arts and Science, University of Columbia, USA. M.A in Conservation Biology http://www.columbia.edu/cu/gsas/departments/conservation-biology/department.html4. Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (CEEC) 5. http://www.uea.ac.uk/ceec/18 KEAHLIAN DAN ULASAN LEMBAGA PENGAJIAN TERHADAP PROGRAM YANG DIPOHON

Ahli Keahlian Lembaga Pengajian

1. Prof. Dr Gary Martin University of Kent

2. Datuk Laurentius AmbuPengarah, Jabatan Hidupan Liar Sabah

3. Datuk Sintiong GaletPengarah Muzium Sabah

4. Datuk Lamri Ali

Pengarah Taman-taman Sabah

5. Datuk Sue JayasuriaSEPA (NGO)Ulasan Lembaga Pengajian19 TARIKH PROGRAM DILULUSKAN

a) Lembaga Pengajian : b) Prasiswazah

: b) Senat : c) Lembaga Pengarah Universiti (LPU) : 20 KESIMPULAN