la importancia de donde colocas el really

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    Por Siobhn OConnor (/blog/profesores-ingles/siobhan-oconnor)10/09/2015

    La importancia de dnde colocas el adverbio REALLY en tu ingls

    Hey everyone! Cmo vais esta semana?

    Bien? Yo personalmente llevo toda la semana

    obsesionada con el adverbio really. Parece mentira, pero no lo es soy una nerd total!

    Aqu tenis dos historias cortas: la primera

    sobre Daniel y la segunda sobre Pablo, dos

    chicos espaoles que hace poco se mudaron a

    vivir a Londres.

    A primera vista puede parecer que Daniel y Pablo estn viviendo la misma experiencia en

    Londres, pero no es as!

    A uno de los chicos no le gusta NADA Londres y al otro no le gusta MUCHO. Lee las historias prestando mucha atencin al uso de really.

    Daniel (not really)Daniel moved to London six months ago. Unfortunately, he doesnt really like London. He likes the people but he finds the city a bit too big. He isnt really happy in his job either but on the other hand, he doesnt really have a lot of options back in Spain. He could work with his dad, but

    thats about it! His living arrangements arent really great either.

    His housemates are nice but he cant really afford the rent. He doesnt really want to move to a cheaper neighbourhood because he would be further away from

    work. He recently met a girl in London, Amelia. He thinks

    shes amazing but he doesnt really want to settle down yet.

    Poor Daniel. He doesnt really know what do with his life!


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    Siobhn OConnor(/blog/profesores-


    Una irlandesa con espritu aventurero! Lleva desde 2009 enseando ingls con Vaughan, yhoy en da es coordinadora de la revista Aprende Ingls Tve.

    El objetivo de Siobhn: "Odio que haya gente que diga 'Ufff, el ingls es un rollo!'. Mi objetivo es revolucionar la manera en que la gentepercibe el aprendizaje del ingls para no volver a oralgo as nunca ms!"

    Un detalle interesante sobre Siobhn: es capaz de atravesar una piscina de cincuenta metros de largo... buceando! Toma ya!

  • Pablo (really not)Pablo moved to London six months ago. Unfortunately, he really doesnt like London. He doesnt like the people and he finds the city way too big. He really isnt happy in his job either, but on the other hand, he really doesnt haveany options back in Spain. His living arrangements really arent great either.

    His housemates are terrible and he really cant afford the rent. He really doesnt want to move to a cheaper neighbourhood but, as he really cant afford his current apartment, he would probably have to! He recently met a

    girl in London, Debbie. He thinks shes nice but he really doesnt want to settle down yet.

    Poor Pablo. He really doesnt know what to do with his life!

    Qu tal? Pillaste la diferencia en la actitud de los dos chicos?Te explico:

    A Daniel no le gusta MUCHO Londres, o sea, he doesnt REALLY like London. Por otro lado, a Pablo no lo gusta NADA Londres, he REALLY doesnt like


    Daniel doesnt REALLY like


    Pablo REALLY doesnt like


    Como ves, la posicin de really en una frase negativa puede cambiar por completo el

    significado. Fjate:

    1. Cuando really se coloca despus de not, equivale a no mucho o no muy, etc.

    No entienden del todo. They dont REALLY understand.

    No nos apetece mucho comer pizza. We dont REALLY want pizza.

    Lo siento, no estoy muy segura. Sorry but Im not REALLY sure.

    2. Pero cuando colocamos really delante de not, equivale a nada, de ninguna

    manera, etc.

    No entienden nada. They REALLY dont understand.

    No nos apetece nada comer pizza. We REALLY dont want pizza.

    Lo siento, no estoy nada segura. Sorry but Im REALLY not sure.

    La gente est enfadada porque tiene hambre!

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    Todas las novedades del blog en tu correo( Apntate.

    A) The people are angry because they're hungry!

    B) People is angry because they're hungry!

    C) People are angry because they're hungry!