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  • 8/10/2019 LAW LLB HRM 3yr



    Human resource management

    Human resource management(HRM, or simply HR) is a function in organizations designed tomaximize employee performance in service of their employers strategic objectives.[1]HR is primarily

    concerned with how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies and systems.[2]HR

    departments and units in organizations are typically responsible for a number of activities, including

    employeerecruitment,trainingand development,performance appraisal,and rewarding (e.g., managing

    pay and benefit systems).[3]HR is also concerned withindustrial relations,that is, the balancing of

    organizational practices with regulations arising from collective bargaining and governmental laws.[4]

    HR is a product of thehuman relations movementof the early 20th century, when researchers began

    documenting ways of creating business value through thestrategic managementof the workforce. Thefunction was initially dominated by transactional work, such aspayrollandbenefitsadministration, but

    due toglobalization,company consolidation, technological advancement, and further research, HR now

    focuses on strategic initiatives likemergers and acquisitions,talent management,succession

    planning,industrialandlabor relations,anddiversityandinclusion.

    Instartup companies,HR's duties may be performed by trained professionals. In larger companies, an

    entire functional group is typically dedicated to the discipline, with staff specializing in various HR tasks

    and functional leadership engaging in strategic decision making across thebusiness.To train practitioners

    for the profession, institutions of higher education, professional associations, and companies themselves

    have created programs of study dedicated explicitly to the duties of the function. Academic and

    practitioner organizations likewise seek to engage and further the field of HR, as evidenced by several

    field-specific publications. HR is also a field of research study that is popular within the fields of

    management andindustrial/organizational psychology,with research articles appearing in a number of

    academic journals, including those mentioned later in this article.

    In the current global work environment, most companies focus on loweringemployee turnoverand

    retaining the talent and knowledge held by their workforce. New hiring not only entails a high cost but also

    increases the risk of the newcomer not being able to replace the person who was working in that position

    before. HR departments also strive to offer benefits that will appeal to workers, thus reducing the risk of

    losing knowledge.
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    Antecedent theoretical developments

    HR spawned in the early 20th century and was influenced byFrederick Taylor(1856-1915). Taylor

    explored what he termed "scientific management"(later referred to by others as "Taylorism"), striving to

    improveeconomic efficiencyin manufacturing jobs. He eventually keyed in on one of the principal inputs

    into the manufacturing processlaborsparking inquiry intoworkforce productivity.[5]

    Thehuman relations movementgrew from the research ofElton Mayoand others, whoseHawthorne

    studies(1924-1932) serendipitously documented how stimuli, unrelated to financial compensation and

    working conditions, yielded more productive workers.[6]Contemporaneous work byAbraham

    Maslow,Kurt Lewin,Max Weber(1864-1920),Frederick Herzberg,andDavid McClelland(1917-1998)

    formed the basis for studies in industrial and organizational psychology,organizational

    behaviorandorganizational theory,giving room for an applied discipline.

    Birth and evolution of the discipline

    By the time enough theoretical evidence existed to make a business case for strategic workforce

    management, changes in the business landscape ( laAndrew Carnegie,John Rockefeller) and in public

    policy (a lSidneyandBeatrice Webb,Franklin D. Rooseveltand theNew Deal)had transformed the

    employer-employee relationship, and the discipline was formalized as "industrialandlabor relations". In

    1913, one of the oldest knownprofessional HR associationstheChartered Institute of Personnel and

    Developmentwas founded in England as the Welfare Workers' Association, then changed its name a

    decade later to theInstitute of Industrial Welfare Workers, and again the next decade toInstitute of Labour

    Managementbefore settling upon its current name.[7]Likewise in the United States, the world's first

    institution of higher education dedicated to workplace studiestheSchool of Industrial and Labor

    Relationswas formed atCornell Universityin 1945.[8]

    During the latter half of the 20th century, union membership declined significantly, while workforce

    management continued to expand its influence within organizations. "Industrial and labor relations" began

    being used to refer specifically to issues concerningcollective representation,and many companies began

    referring to the profession as "personnel administration". In 1948, what would later become the largest

    professional HR associationtheSociety for Human Resource Management(SHRM)was founded as

    theAmerican Society for Personnel Administration(ASPA).[9]

    Nearing the 21st century, advances in transportation and communications greatly facilitated workforce

    mobility and collaboration. Corporations began viewing employees as assets rather than as cogs in a

    machine. "Human resources management", consequently, became the dominant term for the functionthe

    ASPA even changing its name to SHRM in 1998.[9]"Human capitalmanagement" is sometimes used

    synonymously with HR, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view of human

    resources; i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization. Likewise,
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    other terms sometimes used to describe the field include "organizational management", "manpower

    management", "talent management", "personnel management", and simply "people management".

    In popular media

    HR has been depicted in several popular media. On the U.S. television series ofThe Office,HR

    representativeToby Flendersonis sometimes seen as a nag because he constantly reminds coworkers of

    company policies and government regulations.[10]Long-running American comic stripDilbertalso

    frequently portrays sadisticHR policiesthrough characterCatbert,the "evil director of human

    resources".[11]Additionally, an HR manager is the title character in the 2010 Israeli filmThe Human

    Resources Manager,while an HR intern is the protagonist in 1999 French filmRessources humaines.

    Additionally, the BBC sitcomdinnerladiesmain character Philippa is a HR manager.
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    Business function

    Dave Ulrichlists the functions of HR as: aligning HR and business strategy, re-engineering organization

    processes, listening and responding to employees, and managing transformation and change.[12]

    At the macro-level, HR is in charge of overseeing organizationalleadershipandculture.HR also ensures

    compliance withemployment and labor laws,which differ by geography, and often oversees health, safety,

    and security. In circumstances where employees desire and are legally authorized to hold acollective

    bargaining agreement,HR will typically also serve as the company's primary liaison with the employee's

    representatives (usually alabor union). Consequently, HR, usually through representatives, engages

    inlobbyingefforts with governmental agencies (e.g., in the United States, theUnited States Department of

    Laborand theNational Labor Relations Board)to further its priorities.

    To look at Human Resource Management more specifically, it has four basic functions: staffing, training

    and development, motivation and maintenance. Staffing is the recruitment and selection of potential

    employees, done through interviewing, applications, networking, etc. Training and development is the next

    step in a continuous process of training and developing competent and adapted employees. Motivation is

    key to keeping employees highly productive. This function can include employee benefits, performance

    appraisals and rewards. The last function of maintenance involves keeping the employees' commitment

    and loyalty to the organization.

    The discipline may also engage in mobility management, especially pertaining toexpatriates;and it is

    frequently involved in themerger and acquisitionprocess. HR is generally viewed as a support function to

    the business, helping to minimize costs and reduce risk.[13]


    There are half a million HR practitioners in the United States and thousands more worldwide.[14]TheChief

    HR Officeror HR Director is the highest ranking HR executive in most companies and typically reports

    directly to theChief Executive Officerand works with theBoard of DirectorsonCEO succession.[15][16]

    Within companies, HR positions generally fall into one of two categories: generalist and specialist.

    Generalists support employees directly with their questions, grievances, and work on a range of projects

    within the organization. They "may handle all aspects ofhuman resourceswork, and thus require an

    extensive range of knowledge. The responsibilities of human resources generalists can vary widely,

    depending on their employer's needs."[17]Specialists, conversely, work in a specific HR function. Some

    practitioners will spend an entire career as either a generalist or a specialist while others will obtain

    experiences from each and choose a path later. Being an HR manager consistently ranks as one of the best

    jobs, with a #4 ranking byCNN Moneyin 2006 and a #20 ranking by the same organization in 2009, due to

    its pay, personal satisfaction, job security, future growth, and benefit to society.

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    Several universities offer programs of study pertaining to HR and related fields. TheSchool of Industrial

    and Labor RelationsatCornell Universitywas the world's first school for college-level study in HR.[22]It

    continues to offer education at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels; and it operates a joint

    degree program with theSamuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management.Other universities with

    entire colleges dedicated to the study of HR includeMichigan State University,University of

    Minnesota,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,andRenmin University of China.Many colleges

    and universities house departments and institutes related to the field, either within abusiness schoolor in

    another college. Most business schools offer courses in HR, often in their departments of management.

    Professional associations

    There are a number of professional associations, some of which offer training and certification.

    TheSociety for Human Resource Management,which is based in theUnited States,is the largest

    professional association dedicated to HR,[14]with over 250,000 members in 140 countries.[23]It offers a

    suite ofProfessional in Human Resources(PHR) certifications through its HR Certification Institute.

    TheChartered Institute of Personnel and Development,based inEngland,is the oldest professional HR

    association,with its predecessor institution being founded in 1918.

    Several associations also serve niches within HR. TheInstitute of Recruiters(IOR) is a recruitment

    professional association, offering members education, support and training.[24]WorldatWorkfocuses on

    "total rewards" (i.e., compensation, benefits, work life, performance, recognition, and career development),

    offering several certifications and training programs dealing withremunerationandwork-life balance.

    Other niche associations include theAmerican Society for Training & DevelopmentandRecognition

    Professionals International.

    A largely academic organization that is relevant to HR is theAcademy of Managementthat has an HR

    division. This division is concerned with finding ways to improve the effectiveness of HR.[25]The

    Academy publishes several journals devoted in part to research on HR, includingAcademy of

    Management Journal[26]andAcademy of Management Review,[27]and it hosts an annual meeting.
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    Human resource management is the theory, techniques, methods, and tools for studying the adjustment of

    people and their relations in the organization, connection between work and its relations, matching the

    people and work in order to fully develop human resource management, tap peoples potentials, motivating

    people, promoting the work efficiencies and meeting the organizational objectives. The daily reality and

    the challenges for HR managers in India are truly different from challenges faced in the West. Even though

    the attrition rate is high in India, HR managers are very people-oriented, while their western colleagues are

    far more process and task oriented. HR professional must be proactive with all strategies and action plans

    in order to meet the changing needs of the organization. They must be thorough with the basic functions

    of HR including planning, organizing, leading and controlling human resources. Business environment in

    India is volatile.

    There is boom in terms of opportunities brought forward by globalization. However this is also leading to

    many interventions in terms of restructuring, turnaround, mergers, downsizing, etc. Research has clearly

    shown that the success of these interventions is heavily dependent on managing the people issues in the


    The Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12) had aimed at achieving faster and more inclusive


    Rapid GDP growth, targeted at 9.0 per cent per annum, was regarded necessary for two reasons: first, to

    generate the income and employment opportunities that were needed for improving living standards for the

    bulk of the population; and second, to generate the resources needed for financing social sector

    programmes, aimed at reducing poverty and enabling inclusiveness. HR has a pivotal role to play here. An

    analysis of the main HR problems in India could be done based on the certain challenges that mould the

    contours of the various sub-functions of HR. The attract, motivate and retain mantra that the HR function

    seeks to deliver for the organization are based on these HR sub-functions.

    Workforce Demographics and Diversity


    Employee Engagement and Talent Retention

    Employee Motivation

    Globalization of Business

    Economic and Technological Changes

    Managing Change

    Developing Leadership

    Conflict Management

    Fostering Excellence

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    unrecognized are brought forth and put to productive purposes. Though there is need to check the

    population growth in India, appropriate HR strategies are needed to make use of all idle hands in the

    development & progress of the country.


    Recruitment is a function that requires business perspective, expertise, ability to find and match the best

    potential candidate for the organization, diplomacy, marketing skills (as to sell the position to the

    candidate) and wisdom to align the recruitment processes for the benefit of the organization. The HR

    professionalshandling the recruitment function of the organization- are constantly facing new

    challenges. The biggest challenge for such professionals is to source or recruit the best people or potential

    candidate for the organization.

    In the last few years, the job market has undergone some fundamental changes in terms of technologies,

    sources of recruitment, competition in the market etc. In an already saturated job market, where the

    practices like poaching and raiding are gaining momentum, HR professionals are constantly facing new

    challenges in one of their most important function- recruitment. They have to face and conquer various

    challenges to find the best candidates for their organizations.

    Quality of manpower is another issue needs paying attention to, in India. While millions of graduates and

    post-graduates pass out of Indian universities each year, the actual number of employable talent is severely

    limited. Employers have to adopt innovative modes of recruitment to ensure that it can separate the wheat

    from the chaff.

    The Major Challenges Faced by the HR in Recruitment are

    Adaptability to Globalization The HR professionals are expected and required to keep in tune with the

    changing times, i.e. the changes taking place across the globe. HR should maintain the timeliness of the


    Lack of Motivation Recruitment is considered to be a thankless job. Even if the organization is

    achieving results, HR department or professionals are not thanked for recruiting the right employees andperformers.

    Process Analysis The immediacy and speed of the recruitment process are the main concerns of the HR

    in recruitment. The process should be flexible, adaptive and responsive to the immediate requirements.

    The recruitment process should also be cost effective.

    Strategic Prioritization The emerging new systems are both an opportunity as well as a challenge for

    the HR professionals. Therefore, reviewing staffing needs and prioritizing the tasks to meet the changes in

    the market has become a challenge for the recruitment professionals.

    Talent Hunt: A Key Agenda for CEOs

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    The 14th Annual Global CEO Survey, conducted by PWC, showed positive signs of job growth worldwide

    in the coming years. Tapping the right kind of talent was on the agenda of most CEOs across the globe.

    In fact, as many as 83% of the participating CEOs planned to remodel their people strategy. Topping the

    list of key challenges facing them was limited supply of candidates with the right skills followed by

    challenges for recruiting/ integrating theyounger staff.

    As 52% CEOs confessed to the fear of their talent pool being poached by competitors, it becomes evident

    that money was not the only motivation factor for employees switching loyalties; it was important for them

    be engaged emotionally at work too.

    Development of Courses with Huge Employment Potential


    Health Care

    Retail Banking



    IT & communications




    Electrical & Electronics

    Construction Work




    Hotels & Restaurants


    Winning the hearts and minds of talent is of prime importance in the current context. Employees are no

    longer committed to their companies. Their dedication is towards their own professional growth and

    careers. Human Resource Management: A Challenging Scenario in the Indian Context Employee

    engagement means that HR has its eyes and ears close to the ground realities that an employee faces in the


    Issues like work-life balance, fun at work are considered part of the employee experience.

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    Human resource managers are on their toes to strike a balance between employer and employees keeping

    in mind the recent trends in the market. They may find themselves in dire consequences if they are not

    able to handle the human resource challenges efficiently.

    Multinational companies, state-owned enterprises, and private firms are all facing the problem of

    frequent changing leadership and high turnover rate.

    How to select employees, especially the senior managers? Is it a good idea for the state-owned firms to

    have all managers to retire at the age of 60?

    Creativity and innovation by HR function can make a big difference in how an employee can actually be

    attracted, motivated and retained.


    In a market which job-hopping has become the name of the game, keeping the workforce motivated is one

    of the key challenges of HR. Motivation no longer comes from just a lucrative pay package. Nowadays

    companies have to walk that extra mile to make the employee feel special to ensure that he doesnt walk

    out and into the arms of competition.

    Talent segmentation and segregation with performance appraisal and rewards is essential to a good team of

    workers. In essence, as industries evolve, employers have to ensure that apart from the basics of roti,

    kapda and makaan,employees also expect job satisfaction, learning and development facilities.


    Multinational Companies/Organizations have increasingly set up operations for manufacturing and

    services in India, bringing with them HRM practices from all around the world. The importation of new

    management practices has changed the nature of the labor market and the practice of HRM, and will

    potentially have an impact on Indian society.

    These external forces are paralleled by unprecedented economic reform and the enactment of employment

    laws that are changing the nature of organizational forms and management practices within India.

    Outsourcing increases the interaction between HR managers in the West and India. Some insights into the

    common challenges our Indian colleagues face may improve support and collaboration between managers

    in both locations.

    Today's increasingly global, competitive marketplace has driven considerable changes in labor markets,

    and has transformed the practice of Human Resource Management.

    Expanded multinational operations within large companies, combined with increased technology and

    communication capability, have led to vast diffusion of global best practices in HRM.

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    As a global company, the only way to succeed is to develop an effective global human resource

    management system with personnel capable of designing and implementing transnational business


    In most cases firms have historically gone from domestic, to international, to multinational, and finally to

    global operations. At each phase, the approach to human resource management changes significantly along

    with the changes in competitive strategy, company structure, the product or service being marketed, profit

    margin, and expenditure required for research and development.

    It is really a huge challenge to understand the psychology of workforce, retain the best talents of the

    industry, motivate them to perform better and handle diversity while maintaining unity simultaneously,

    especially in countries like India, where it is still evolving. Globalization has resulted in many positive

    developments but it has left many concerns for HR managers. In todays tough world and tight job market,

    coordinating a multicultural or diverse workforce is a real challenge for HR department.


    In every area organizations are getting more and more technologically oriented. Though it is not in the

    main run after the initial debates, preparing the work force to accept technological changes is a major

    challenge. Sectors like banking have undergone revolutionary changes enabled by technology. It is a huge

    challenge to bring in IT and other technology acceptance all levels in organizations. Today, there is a large

    occupational shift from manufacturing and agriculture to service and telecommunications. Job growth

    primarily in IT and healthcare is increasing. Technological shifts and the Internet Growth of information

    technology are creating more virtual employees. HR challenges would be to look for thesuitable

    workforce availability and quality concerns. HR managers must work toward ensuring cultural

    compatibility in mergers.


    Bringing change in organizational processes and procedures, implementing it and then managing it is one

    of the biggest concerns of HR managers. Business environment is so volatile. Technology keeps changing

    every now and then. Upgrading the existing technology and training people for them is a real headache for

    HR department. The success rate of technology change depends how well HRD can handle the change and

    manage people issues in the process.


    It is quite interesting to note that there is less importance given to developing leadership at the

    organizational level. Though leadership is discussed on basis of traits and certain qualities, at an

    organizational level it is more based on knowledge. The challenge is to develop individuals who have

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    performance potential on basis of past record and knowledge based expertise in to business leaders by

    imparting them with the necessary "soft skills".


    HR managers should know how to handle employee-employer and employee-employee conflicts without

    hurting their feelings. Although it is almost impossible to avoid conflicts among people still handling them

    tactfully can help HR managers to resolve the issues. They should be able to listen to each party, decide

    and communicate to them in a convincing manner in order to avoid future conflicts.


    A companys plan for how it will match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunitiesand threats in order to maintain a competitive advantage. A SWOT analysis determines the organizations

    Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats.

    The Use of a SWOT Chart (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) to Compile and Organize the

    Process of Identifying Company HRs Strategic Challenges include the need to support corporate

    productivity and performance improvement efforts and also HR must be more involved in designing not

    just executingthe companys strategic plan.


    India has witnessed a revolution in the field of Human Resource; it has gone from being just a support

    function to being a strategic partner in the growth of businesses. It has transformed itself being merely

    Personnel Managementmaintain records and ensure statutory compliances, while doing the bare

    minimum to keep employee satisfaction on an even keel to being an integrated part of the corporate

    machinery. The HR function of 21st century India has made a transition from being behind-the scenes

    support appendage to becoming the critical differentiator in business. Rapid globalization has made

    companies realize people are the key to growth, the only strategic resource that any enterprise truly needs.This has led to companies routinely using their innovative HR practices as their USP (Unique Selling

    Proposition) to keep up with the times in the wake of a rapidly changing labor landscape. Companies now

    recognize that a Highly engaged employee the key to success, across business sectors.

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    Job analysis

    Job analysis(also known as Work analysis[1])is a family of procedures to identify the content of a

    job in terms of activities involved and attributes or job requirements needed to perform the activities.

    Job analysis provide information to organizations which helps to determine which employees are best

    fit for specific jobs. Through job analysis, the analyst needs to understand what the important tasks of

    the job are, how they are carried out, and the necessary human qualities needed to complete the job

    successfully. The process of job analysis involves the analyst describing the duties of the incumbent,

    then the nature and conditions of work, and finally some basic qualifications. After this, the job

    analyst has completed a form called ajob psychograph, which displays the mental requirements of thejob.[2]The measure of a sound job analysis is a valid task list. This list contains the functional or duty

    areas of a position, the related tasks, and the basic training recommendations. Subject matter experts

    (incumbents) and supervisors for the position being analyzed need to validate this final list in order to

    validate the job analysis.[3]Job analysis is crucial for first, helping individuals develop their careers,

    and also for helping organizations develop their employees in order to maximize talent. The outcomes

    of job analysis are key influences in designing learning, developing performance interventions, and

    improving processes.[4]The application of job analysis techniques makes the implicit assumption that

    information about a job as it presently exists may be used to develop programs to recruit, select, train,

    and appraise people for the job as it will exist in the future.[5]

    Job analysts are typically industrial-organizational (I-O) psychologists or human resource officers

    who have been trained by, and are acting under the supervision of an I-O psychologist. One of the

    first I-O psychologists to introduce job analysis was Morris Viteles. In 1922, he used job analysis in

    order to select employees for a trolley car company. Viteles' techniques could then be applied to any

    other area of employment using the same process.[6]Job analysis was also conceptualized by two of

    the founders of I-O psychology,Frederick Winslow TaylorandLillian Moller Gilbrethin the early

    20th century.[1] Since then, experts have presented many different systems to accomplish job analysis

    that have become increasingly detailed over the decades. However, evidence shows that the root

    purpose of job analysis, understanding the behavioral requirements of work, has not changed in over

    85 years.[7]
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    One of the main purposes of conducting job analysis is to prepare job descriptions and job

    specifications which in turn helps hire the right quality of workforce into an organization. The general

    purpose of job analysis is to document the requirements of a job and the work performed. Job andtask

    analysisis performed as a basis for later improvements, including: definition of a job domain;

    description of a job; development ofperformance appraisals,personnel selection,selection systems,

    promotion criteria, training needs assessment, legal defense of selection processes, and compensation

    plans.[8]The human performance improvement industry uses job analysis to make sure training and

    development activities are focused and effective.[3]In the fields ofhuman resources(HR)

    andindustrial psychology,job analysis is often used to gather information for use in personnel

    selection, training, classification, and/or compensation.[9]

    Industrial psychologists use job analysis to determine the physical requirements of a job to determine

    whether an individual who has suffered some diminished capacity is capable of performing the job

    with, or without, some accommodation. Edwin Flieshman, Ph.D. is credited with determining the

    underlying factors of human physical fitness.[10]Professionals developingcertificationexamsuse job

    analysis (often called something slightly different, such as "task analysis" or "work analysis") to

    determine the elements of the domain which must be sampled in order to create a content valid exam.

    When a job analysis is conducted for the purpose of valuing the job (i.e., determining the appropriate

    compensation for incumbents) this is called "job evaluation."

    Job analysis aims to answer questions such as:

    Why does the job exist?

    What physical and mental activities does the worker undertake?

    When is the job to be performed?

    Where is the job to be performed?

    How does the worker do the job?

    What qualifications are needed to perform the job?


    As stated before, the purpose of job analysis is to combine the task demands of a job with our

    knowledge of human attributes and produce a theory of behavior for the job in question. There are

    two ways to approach building that theory, meaning there are two different approaches to job

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    Task-oriented procedures focus on the actual activities involved in performing work.[8]This procedure

    takes into consideration work duties, responsibilities, and functions. The job analyst then develops

    task statements which clearly state the tasks that are performed with great detail. After creating task

    statements, job analysts rate the tasks on scales indicating importance, difficulty, frequency, and

    consequences of error. Based on these ratings, a greater sense of understanding of a job can be

    attained.[12]Task analysis,such as cognitively oriented task analysis (COTA), are techniques used to

    describe job expertise. For example, the job analysts may tour the job site and observe workers

    performing their jobs. During the tour the analyst may collect materials that directly or indirectly

    indicate required skills (duty statements, instructions, safety manuals, quality charts, etc.).[9]

    Functional job analysis(FJA)[13]is a classic example of a task-oriented technique. Developed by Fine

    and Cronshaw in 1944, work elements are scored in terms of relatedness to data (06), people (08),

    and things (06), with lower scores representing greater complexity. Incumbents, consideredsubject

    matter experts(SMEs), are relied upon, usually in a panel, to report elements of their work to the job

    analyst. Using incumbent reports, the analyst uses Fine's terminology to compile statements reflecting

    the work being performed in terms of data, people, and things. TheDictionary of Occupational

    Titlesuses elements of the FJA in defining jobs.[12]


    Worker-oriented procedures aim to examine the human attributes needed to perform the jobsuccessfully.

    [8]These human attributes have been commonly classified into four

    categories: knowledge,skills, abilities, and other characteristics(KSAO).Knowledgeis the

    information people need in order to perform the job. Skillsare the proficiencies needed to perform

    each task.Abilitiesare the attributes that are relatively stable over time.Other characteristicsare all

    other attributes, usually personality factors.[12]The KSAOs required for a job are inferred from the

    most frequently-occurring, important tasks. In a worker-oriented job analysis, the skills are inferred

    from tasks and the skills are rated directly in terms of importance of frequency. This often results in

    data that immediately imply the important KSAOs. However, it can be hard for SMEs to rate skills


    The Fleishman Job Analysis System (F-JAS) developed byEdwin A. Fleishmanrepresents a worker-

    oriented approach. Fleishman factor-analyzed large data sets to discover a common, minimum set of

    KSAOs across different jobs. His system of 73 specific scales measure three broad areas: Cognitive

    (Verbal Abilities; Idea Generation & Reasoning Abilities; Quantitative Abilities; Memory; Perceptual

    Abilities; Spatial Abilities; and Attentiveness), Psychomotor (Fine Manipulative Abilities; Control

    Movement Abilities; and Reaction Time and Speed Abilities), and Physical (Physical Strength
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    Abilities; Endurance; Flexibility, Balance, and Coordination; Visual Abilities; and Auditory and

    Speech Abilities).

    JobScan is a measurement instrument which defines the personality dynamics within a specific type

    of job.[14]By collecting PDPProScan Surveyresults of actual performers and results of job dynamics

    analysis surveys completed by knowledgeable people related to a specific job, JobScan provides a

    suggested ideal job model for that position. Although it does not evaluate the intellect or experience

    necessary to accomplish a task, it does deal with the personality of the type of work itself.


    For the job of a snow-cat operator at a ski slope, a work or task-oriented job analysis might include

    this statement: Operates Bombardier Sno-cat, usually at night, to smooth out snow rutted by skiers

    and snowboard riders and new snow that has fallen. On the other hand, a worker-oriented job analysis

    might include this statement: Evaluates terrain, snow depth, and snow condition and chooses the

    correct setting for the depth of the snow cat, as well as the number of passes necessary on a given ski


    Job analysis methods have evolved using both task-oriented and worker-oriented approaches. Since

    the end result of both approaches is a statement of KSAOs, neither can be considered the "correct"

    way to conduct job analysis. Because worker-oriented job analyses tend to provide more generalized

    human behavior and behavior patterns and are less tied to the technological parts of a job, they

    produce data more useful for developing training programs and giving feed back to employees in theform of performance appraisal information. Also, the volatility that exists in the typical workplace of

    today can make specific task statements less valuable in isolation. For these reasons, employers are

    significantly more likely to use worker-oriented approaches to job analysis today than they were in the


    Knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs)

    Regardless of which approach to job analysis is taken, the next step in the process is to identify the

    attributesthe KSAOs that an incumbent needs for either performing the tasks at hand or executingthe human behaviors described in the job analysis.[15]

    Knowledge: "A collection of discrete but related facts and information about a particular

    domain...acquired through formal education or training, or accumulated through specific


    Skill: "A practiced act"

    Ability: "The stable capacity to engage in a specific behavior"

    Other characteristics: "Personality variables, interests, training, and experiences"[15]
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    Finally, once the appropriate KSAOs are identified, tests and other assessment techniques can be

    chosen to measure those KSAOs. Over the years, experts have presented several different systems and

    methods to accomplish job analysis. Many forms of systems are no longer in use, but those systems

    that still exist have become increasingly detailed over the decades with a greater concentration on

    tasks and less concentration on human attributes. That trend, however, has reversed in recent years for

    the better. Newer methods and systems have brought I-O psychology back to an examination of

    the behavioralaspects of work.[7]

    There are several ways to conduct a job analysis, including: interviews with incumbents and

    supervisors, work sampling,[5] the repertory grid technique,[6]questionnaires(structured, open-ended,

    or both), observation, critical incident investigations,[7] hierarchical task analysis,[8] and gathering

    background information such as duty statements or classification specifications. In job analyses

    conducted by HR professionals, it is common to use more than one of these methods.[3] Traditional

    job analysis methods of analysis can be laborious and time consuming, and there is always a tendency

    on the part of management to over analyze some jobs and under analyze some others. These

    traditional job analysis methods include: one-on-one interviewing; behavioral event interviews; phone

    interviews; surveys; work assessments; Developing a Curriculum (DACUM); job analysis

    worksheets; observations and procedural review.[16]Job analysis at the speed of reality. Amherst,

    Mass.: HRD Press. All of these methods can be used to gather information for job analysis. The

    DACUM process developed in the late 1960s has been viewed as the fastest method used, but it can

    still can take two or three days to obtain a validated task list.

    1. Observation: This was the first method of job analysis used by I-O psychologists. The

    process involves simply watching incumbents perform their jobs and taking notes. Sometimes

    they ask questions while watching, and commonly they even perform job tasks themselves.

    Near the end of World War II, Morris Viteles studied the job of navigator on a submarine. He

    attempted to steer the submarine toward Bermuda. After multiple misses by over 100 miles in

    one direction or another, one officer suggested that Viteles raise the periscope, look forclouds, and steer toward them since clouds tend to form above or near land masses. The

    vessel reached Bermuda shortly after that suggestion. The more jobs one seriously observes,

    the better one's understanding becomes of both the jobs in question and work in general.

    2. Interviews: It is essential to supplement observation by talking with incumbents. These

    interviews are most effective when structured with a specific set of questions based on

    observations, other analyses of the types of jobs in question, or prior discussions with human

    resources representatives, trainers, or managers knowledgeable about jobs.
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    3. Critical incidents and work diaries: The critical incident technique asks subject matter

    experts to identify critical aspects of behavior or performance in a particular job that led to

    success or failure. For example, the supervisor of an electric utility repairman might report

    that in a very time-pressing project, the repairman failed to check a blueprint and as a result

    cut a line, causing a massive power loss. In fact, this is what happened in Los Angeles in

    September 2005 when half the city lost power over a period of 12 hours. The second method,

    a work diary, asks workers and/or supervisors to keep a log of activities over a prescribed

    period of time. They may be asked to simply write down what they were doing at 15 minutes

    after the hour for each hour of the work day. Or, they may list everything they have done up

    to a break.

    4. Questionnaires and surveys: Expert incumbents or supervisors often respond to

    questionnaires or surveys as a part of job analysis. These questionnaires include taskstatements in the form of worker behaviors. Subject matter experts are asked to rate each

    statement form their experience on a number of different dimensions like importance to

    overall job success, frequency performance and whether the task must be performed on the

    first day of work or can be learned gradually on the job. Questionnaires also ask incumbents

    to rate the importance of KSAOs for performing tasks, and may ask the subject matter experts

    to rate work context. Unlike the results of observations and interviews, the questionnaire

    responses can be statistically analyzed to provide a more objective record of the components

    of the job. To a greater and greater extent, these questionnaires and surveys are being

    administered online to incumbents.

    5. Position Analysis Questionnaire: The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) is a well-

    known job analysis instrument. Although it is labeled a questionnaire, the PAQ is actually

    designed to be completed by a trained job analyst who interviews the SMEs (e.g., job

    incumbents and their supervisors).[2] The PAQ was designed to measure job component

    validity of attributes presented in aptitude tests. Job component validity is the relationship

    between test scores and skills required for good job performance. There are 195 behavior-

    related statements in the PAQ divided into six major sections: information input, mental

    process, work output, relationships with others, job context, and other job characteristics.

    6. Checklists: Checklists are also used as a job analysis method, specifically with areas like the

    Air Force. In the checklist method, the incumbent checks the tasks he or she performs from a

    list of task statements that describe the job. The checklist is preceded by some sort of job

    analysis and is usually followed by the development of work activity compilations or job

    descriptions. The scope of task statements listed depends upon the judgment of the checklist

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    Six steps

    1. Decide how to use the information since this will determine the data to collect and how to

    collect it. Some data collection techniques such as interviewing the employee and asking what

    the job entails are good for writing job descriptions and selecting employees for the job. Other

    techniques like the position analysis questionnaire do not provide qualitative information for

    job descriptions. Rather, they provide numerical ratings for each job and can be used to

    compare jobs for compensation purposes.[18]

    2. Review appropriate background information like organization charts, process charts, and job

    descriptions. Organization chartsshow the organization-wide work division, how the job in

    question relates to other jobs, and where the job fits in the overall organization. The chart

    should show the title of each position and, through connecting lines, show reports to whom

    and with whom the job incumbent communicates. Aprocess chartprovides a more detailed

    picture of the work flow. In its simplest, most organic form, a process chart shows the flow of

    inputs to and outputs from the job being analyzed. Finally, the existing job description (if

    there is one) usually provides a starting point for building the revised job description.

    3. Select representative positions. This is because there may be too many similar jobs to analyze.

    For example, it is usually unnecessary to analyze jobs of 200 assembly workers when a

    sample of 10 jobs will be sufficient.


    Actually analyze the job by collecting data on job activities, necessary employee behaviorsand actions, working conditions, and human traits and abilities required to perform the job.

    For this step, one or more than one methods of job analysis may be needed

    5. Verify the job analysis information with the worker performing the job and with his or her

    immediate supervisor. This will help confirm that the information is factually correct and

    complete. This review can also help gain the employee's acceptance of the job analysis data

    and conclusions by giving that person a chance to review and modify descriptions of the job


    6. Develop a job description and job specification. These are two tangible products of the job

    analysis process. Thejob descriptionis a written statement that describes the activities and

    responsibilities of the job as well as its important features such as working conditions and

    safety hazards. Thejob specificationsummarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and

    background required for completing a certain job. These two may be completely separate or

    in the same document.[18]
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    Uses of information

    1. Recruitment and selection: Job analysis provides information about what the job entails and

    what human characteristics are required in order to perform these activities. This information,

    in the form of job descriptions and specifications, helps management officials decide what

    sort of people they need to recruit and hire and select.

    2. Compensation: Job analysis information is crucial for estimating the value of each job and its

    appropriate compensation. Compensation (salary and bonus) usually depends on the job's

    required skill and education level, safety hazards, degree of responsibility, etc. -- all factors

    which can be assessed through job analysis. Also, many employers group jobs into classes.

    Job analysis provides the information to determine the relative worth of each job and its

    appropriate class.

    3. Performance appraisal: A performance appraisal compares each employee's actual

    performance with his or her performance standards. Managers use job analysis to determine

    the job's specific activities and performance standards.

    4. Training: The job description should show the activities and skills, and therefore training,

    that the job requires

    5. Discovering unassigned duties: Job Analysis can also help reveal unassigned duties. For

    example, a company's production manager says an employee is responsible for ten duties,

    such as production scheduling and raw material purchasing. Missing, however, is any

    reference to managing raw material inventories. On further study, it is revealed that none of

    the other manufacturing employees are responsible for inventory management, either. From

    review of other jobs like these, it is clear that someone should be managing raw material

    inventories. Therefore, an essential unassigned duty has been revealed.

    6. EEO compliance: Job analysis plays a large role in EEO compliance. United States Federal

    Agencies' Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection stipulate that job analysis is a

    necessary step in validating all major personnel activities. For example, employers must beable to show that their selection criteria and job performance are actually related. Doing this

    requires knowing what the job entails, which in turn requires job analysis.[18]

    Additional purposes: In addition to the 6 purposes above, Ash and Levine[19]listed determining

    KSAOs needed for promotion, determiningworkplace hazardsto make jobs safer,

    jobclassification,job description,designing the