lbjlprrl~'r jl$soeljitio~

lj ' I 1 I I ·l-!· - 0 F ' I 'H I •:- ·:·:· (-iRAND : I l ... ·""l:la ·· ···4:Xi ,·· ···>t'. t't: ·· .. -=. C".;t ... ··4::1E.31:1<:: - Jn{ - 'Ct · I ! I 1 ccaa s Prairie County, Ark, Sept .. 24, 1892. J. H. S, \,UEHS, .... .. .. . .... . ...... Hnz.-n, Ark. c:lf'rk, ........ . ........ . St. (;harles, , \rk .

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Page 1: lBJlPrrl~'r jl$SOelJITIO~

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lBJlPrrl~'r jl$SOelJITIO~ : :AE:~- . ··4::1E.31:1<:: - Jn{- -li:E~3Jll"!::::=.JUr:= '·'Ct· -..::::.X~~:tt::_-~r~· -=.4: I

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Prairie County, Ark, Sept .. 24, 1892.

J . H. S,\,UEHS, ~od•~rator, .... .. .. . .... . ...... Hnz.-n, Ark.

~.H. WJU,l.\~8, c:lf'rk, .... .... . ........ . St. (;harles, ,\rk.


St~ttrart, At~.

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· - -OF •.rn E-

GraQd Prairi0 Baptist Association, -Hl~LD Wl'l'H-

Cross Roads Baptic;f Church, Prairie Co., Ark., September 24, 1892.


l'Oil>::-100~ SJ•:Hf!JI1)\.

:\let.:ing !:allt3d to order at. 10 o'clock a. 111. hy ~lo!lerator l'ianclPrfl. ~ong.

PrayPr. by g(der Irwin of ]{pntucl\y. The uext order of bnsinPSS was the int.rnthJ<·tory sr.rmon. wnich w:t~

prettche!l 11,\' F.l!l. 1{. 1<'. l~nnth, ,\Jt!'rnnt<'. Elder Cole, appoint<>c·. lo!•ing ah~<>nt.

:-icriptnre re-ading--Rom. x. :-iong-'•Am 1 a ~oldirr of the ('c•oss," Prayer by l~ld. H!lnth. Song-- "'TiR

I~P.ligion Tha~ c 'an (lj l'f:!,"

,U'TFJ::\00~ SEi<SIOS.

:\feetin:r ealled to Ot"der hy \lodet•ator. ~on\\'-':Come 'l'bon Fnnnt .. " E'k. l'raverby Eld. Davis. Letters were called· ior :~nd read,fl'Otll whidl wasm:tdl• the following role of mes~<engers:

Bellview ChurelJ-H .. J. Tnrner. Sister ~. C. McSwain and H. L TurnN. t:euter Point-\\'. D. RoberRon, ~L P. Cawley, P. B. Ashby anll ll. Y.

~I orris. Big La Gn.~-Dick 111Hl Tht~UPus Parker and Sister nouth. Beulah-L. R. and ~ister Rhodes. Fairmount-G. W. antl M nttie Belcher. New Hope-H. D. Gibson, lsaacRouth and llliss --- (yibson. Oak Grove-W. L. Colt> and W .. J. T,anc:tster. Grand Prairie-Not represented. De Luce-Henry, Abby :.n•l J. H. Pow.,U. Rising Sun-Sister G. N. Boon, A. D. Turner an•! J. C. ltag·an. St. Charlf'f:!-J. N. and Sist~r Worthy. Stuttgart-A. II. Soekland and Sisters FanniE: Gilillaud, IT. B. l >ndiPy. Salem-1. T. Robertson, A .. ) . Barker :tlHl Sister Gay. De Witt-Not represeut.e1i. Hazen-R. L. Davis, II. G. 1\Itller and Ca}vin .Hark.

Page 3: lBJlPrrl~'r jl$SOelJITIO~

-~ --Cross Roads-J. W. Higl.J fill, ,J. T. Hammond and G. T. Tollar. Ple~~6ant Ridg-e-J. '!'.Hoe, .Tames Carr, J. Tl .• Jenkins. !'rooked ('reek, Uayon ?!!~to :md Liberty-Not rept('St>nted. Election of olliccr~. \Yhil<' Brct.bren A. ll. Sot>klanrl. IV. IJ. Hargraves and G, \V. Belcher wer<•

ont prcparinl! thei r r ::port a~ tt<llcrs, the congregation s:lllg "Jesus Lover of 'I~- ~onl."' l'rayer by Elll . Williams, Song: ··How Fir·m a Foundation.'· l'ra,,·er by K JJ. Ashby. :--iong·. t'myer by Bro J)a\-il'. i::iong: •'Jc~;ns Keep ,\le 1\l"ar the Cross.''

'J'lJe tellers then reported: .J. B. Sauder ~:>, tuollerator: \'.G. William~. se<·­r·t>tary; ~- I\ . .Downs, treasurer: tl::, elected to otUc\)~.

n ~iting brethren in,·iteu to seats in the body-Elu~:>. :'II. C. Irwin and .r. I\. l'. Henderson reapotlfll•ll.

Cororespond(•nce ea.! led for. Caroline Associatiou-P. W. Ilullson, ,J. ('. \\' adkins. W. _,.;, Pa<lg:ctt , It. A. I Juneau. Mollie Padgett .. J. !\. Padgett and H. II. \\'all ace.

Currespon•lence fro111 Ct•nlra.l Association. )Ji~sissippi. by ltttcr frolll El\1 1'. -~- Haman; correspondcrwe returned by Jett~r b_v derk.

Corresponding me.•;,;engcr~ to Caroline Association, .1. \\'. Higbtill aud (.;. 'J', Jl:lllllliOll.

i\lount Vernon Asso.:btlon, W. Theo. ~mill1 and J•:ld. \\'. D. llargnt \'!'~-'· ~'nnnt Zion A ssociation. W. Tbeo. Smith.

Delegates to Baptist State t:orn·ention, W. Thf'o. :'mitlr a111l \\'. Ji . flar· gra,·eH

~onthcrn Ba ptist Convention, Eld>'l. I. B.. B. !Ja,·i- and\\'. D. ll:u·gr:t\'C~­

('onllnittec 1>!1 Edu\'ation not bo·lDJ! pre~>ent, 1uc c hair apj.tointed a liP.\\

<·ou11uittee (1:. II. Parker, G. '1'. llamruoud anJ A. II. !:'oeldand) tu report on .\Iunday.

Cnu1111i t.tee 011 He11:.;iou~ Kx.n('ese : :-;, K. Down~. l?. \\'. Beh-her and H. II. Parker, with pastvr and tl ea<·ons of Cros1:< Jl.oa<ls chnrd1.

('ommitt('C on Finan\·e: 11. G. Miller, l'. W. ;\ ,..hb_y anrl (;. W. Belclrcr. J1Pport on .-;unday-sebool, after t!i scu~sion hy W . 'l h('o . .Smith. A. IT. Sock­

land, Hro. Ili!!hlill and I::ld~. i\,. C. Irwin .\\'. 1>. ll a rgraYe and :\.G. \\'ill hnu~.

W<Jl'l aL'Opted as read. Cornmi~tt>e ou preaching reported that Eltl. :'11. _; Irwin pre:lch at nl~ht. On 1110tion adjourned to mc!'t a L 7 p. 111.

SA l'l' I{ 1),\ Y ~;y ~::\' l ~ (;, 7 1'. ~I.

I>reaclting hy Eld . Irwin; t~>xt. John iii.-W. ~oug, "\'Htat a FriE'rHI \\\• llave in J<'Sns." Prayer by 1~1<1. William~.

8:00 p. 111.-llody called to order by tht. ntO<lerator. Motion t·<J rri ctl t ..

('hange tin• e of meetin~-: from ·lth f-:uuda.y in H~·pte111bPr to -Hh t:iunday in O<.:to­ 18!13.

Comulittee on J)re:whi ng 1·eporh·d that tire wl;;Hionary ~ernwn b<' preac1wd ~und1~y at lJ a.m. by Eld. Honth. Eld. Irwin ('OJ\dncl<'<l the Snnda~··l:'thnol

lllllS!' wcetwg,followed b.\· \V. 'l'h<'o. Smith >tn<l A II. l:loekland, ··nd that I(Jd(•i' Williams conduct JH'tt)'l'l' lllfletin!-( at 10 a, 111.

lt was, npoHJUOtion, agreed tha: the llf'Xl- annual mcdiug of the ,\r;soda­tion be held with t!Je Grand Avenue ehnn:h uf ::itun~art.

The following were appointed as a couuuittee on tcmperau\'e: W. 'l'ltt'O. :--imitb, W. C. Luckett and ,J. !\'.Worthy, to report ~londay.

O>U:>ii>A 1--10 .\, )]. Prayer meetin5, condueted by Elder Williams, \\hO read 1st 'l'i111 .. ii.

l::iong, "Prayer is the :Soul's Sincere Desirr." 11 a.m. The. missionary sermon was then preache d b~ E!der Hou th , fro111

lst 1\:ing, 18-21. All Sl\ng ''A In 1 a :;oldier," ek. After tire sermon a collrt­tion was taken up, amonntiug to $7.50 in cash.

Committee on preaching reported tltat Eltltn· G. G. TIJornas wonltl pn·:wh in the i\1. E, church south, there not being roo111 enough to seat the people in

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-a.-rhf' ehurch. His text was .Jobn \'.-2~. Tbc sermon over, a collection II' as t:tl\en np amounting to $7.01i. making a of $U.56.

Sl'NDAY--H P. M.

Sunday-school ma~s meeting, conducted by 1£lder Irwin; services opened ll\· r<>ading part :!d d.1apter 1st .John. ::>ong. ",Jesus Keep )1e Near the Cross:

(tnestiun: "How can we have permanent Sunday-sciJOols in every ··llun·h ?" .·\. 11. :::loo>kland and Elders Irwin ~111d Thomas; tbe <liscussion eliC'ir­lng :.rreat iutf1'r438t.

•H'.XH~Y-8 P. M.

Preaching by I•:Jdcr A. :\. Leak, of Tennes; Hlver Association, Al~bama. TE>xt, ~~1 Kiugs, v.

)10."10.\Y-R .\. M, Body n•<;onveJH'<i. :-:ion,!!. Prayer by A. H. So<>kland. Minutes of Saturday

an1l :3uJHia~· read an<l adopted. • ·orresponflt>IH'e from si~ter associations not. pr<'~Cnt ,-;atnrrlay calh:d for.

Elders Leak of Alabama anrl 0. U. 0\\·ens from Car<>linc Association wer(~ in\·itE'cl to St!ats as correRpOIHling mes .. enger~.

('ontribntions from chnrche~: J,. C. Swartz, SJ: Big La Gnw. $5; Salcw. f.,r c·lrrk, .")()(~.

EXIWt;TIVE l30,\ HD.

Big· La Grue. n 1-! Barker. His ingSuH. ,J C Rcal!an. lla7.en. T K J:o'linn. Center P<>int, .Jaf. :-iander8. Pleasant Ridge ,J P Kerr. Cross Hoads . • T W f-li~hfill. New llope. II C Gih~r.n. 1-:tnttga,·t, W 'l'heo 1-!mit.h. Gro.od l'rairie. ,J J Al<l<'ri<On. Hatem, Wm Luckett. Bellvue, 11 G Turner. Point De Lnce, II I> Powt>ll. Benlah. I' IJ l[oft'man. Oak GrOH', W T Cole. Fainll<lllnt. (-1-eor.~~:e Belr-her. St. Charh·'· .r ::\ Worthy.

De Witt. Mis~ Lon llallil!urton.

ST.-\XDING eO~Dlf'l"l'EE~.

t)n Echu·.ation: \\'I> llnrgr;cve;:~, II G :\Iiller anu T K "'linn. em Sutl<la.y-sch(jols: A fl ~oeklanu, W W i\ioxley and .r J Alrtct·.son. nnl'uh'ic-ation: 1: F Routh, ,J X W<lrthy and H D Gihson. On Foreign Mi~i<iOnf'.: R F Houst>, I R B Davis ,aotl \\'111 Lnuk~t.t .. On 'J'elll)lerancP.: ]{ H l'a~ker. N C..i Willhuus anl.l •J :-l Bass. on Edu.,ation rt>ported ttnd, ttfter ~>nme Lli~enssion. (Jll llln­

ti(ln. the wor.l "tnust" wa~> stricken out and sub~titut<·rt by the word ' ·should'' ami was then adopted. [Appendix A.]

Heport on pnblkation read aurl adopted withont :~ny t:bange. [~fW llpf.Jt>ll­t!ix B.]

Re]Jnrt on foreilln mi5Hions read and adopte(J. eolledion taken 11p auwunt­iug to $!i.liii; Hazen r·hnrch. $:l.ii0; t.otal, 5>10.1.5. The rt>]Wrt. was a<lopted ,witl• the instruction that the ~"C<·retary forwarl.l the collt>l'tion to Jl A Tnpper, Hi('ll-lllond, Va [t->ee appendix C.]

Heport on trmperane!' rearl and adopted, [:O:ee nppE'n<iix JJ.) Report on tinanee as follows, for Minutes: from Hazen <·hnrd1.

:-iiHtt<r :\Iorris,, $1; from IJnen <·hurch, for f•)l'Cign ruia~inn~. s;;:.:,o. Adopu•cl a;; I'Pacl.

iteport of Exe<"ntive Board re:td and adoptP.d. [See appendix E.] .\lotion to ~>nspend rules; can-iecl. Treasurer's report adopted, (Ap. Jt'l ..\fotioo to recom;idcr the E>stablishing of day or mePti ng; canied. ~lotion to change time of meeting from .tth :-lunlluy in October to ::-ia t ur­

clay before the :ltJ f'mH.lay in October, l~BH; <:arrit>d. )loved that Ehler DaviB prcaeh thf) next introductory ser111on. Elc.ler Will­

iams, alternate; eanie<l.

Page 5: lBJlPrrl~'r jl$SOelJITIO~


)loved that Elder Ilargra\'es JH'E'aCh t.ltc annual mi>•~i(•n:ll'Y "l'''lllotl. \l'itlt Elder llouth, alternate.

~JO:"l>A \ '-JlV K:" l:\G .;~:sSIO:oi.

Body reassembled. Song: ·'Amazing Grace .. , l'ra~·er by El<lf'l' Cnn·pn~ Contribution then taken up fer Sisler Morri~. ca!lh :i'l:!; i:\ale111 ('hJIIt"h t!Jco~

pledged '$::l . .J.O; Cross Hoa<ls church $~an~ J I !\orr ::;1, making $7 -!0 ple<lg•·• . for missions.

RESOLUTIONS. Hesolvetl, That any brother i•r sister, besides tho~<E' :\ppointe•l. :lltendiug­

atJ;r sister association with whom we correspond are heJelJ.Y 1eque~ted to ac-t a~ correaponden t for us.

· ResolvNl, that we tender to the 11 E nhurch, soul!1, onr thanks f'<>r the n. f' oftbeir bouse of worship on Sun< lay.

Resolved, That the thanks of this bod,v are hereby tendtJred Cro•s no all, e.bnrcb and citizens generally for the kind ami hospitable mnllnt't' in whi<;ll they entertained ms; tbatwc sh:lll always remembe1· our a8Socbt ion>< wirll them as among the happiest moments of uur lil'es. i{(:,;;_~pctfnlly ;;nhtuittl'd

· \V. 'l'tlllO. ~~11'111.

The parting address was then made by the moderator, which w,ts ver.1· impressive. All sang •·Children oftbe Heavenly King," and tbe pa.r~in<; h •nl was given, thns closing one of the most ba.rmoni('lus sessions ever held within our bounds. J. B. :-:A:o.Dims. l\lod.

N. G. WrLLt.\u.;, Clerk. REPORT OX ~UN !U Y H'HOUL ::l.

Your corumi ~tee on :::lunda.r scbooh; would respectfully beg lca1·e t•l i'llh· mit the following report:--Obsen·ation and I:'Xperience teache~< n!< that t!:.• church, the ca.use of r eligion an' ' tile woral charactet· of a ,:d u nani~.'· ha1· .. nos'trongerintluenceforgood th11n a PtroH't·.I<I.Y <..:·•r-:m·~;tJ· Jl Sntlll:t~' ~ehool. \V'e use the term ''properly condnt'totl" a<ll'iSt'dly, f,,r "''' lll'tH' kn.,wn ·nu­duy schools that were no ndvantage to tlH: •·au.,;e or rt-lillion or Jllt•ralitl. Much-we utigut almost sav. that the whole intl.:eucP of ~tH.:h a :;;.:h•I•Jl , ftl• weal or woe. depends upon the ;-,nperintendent. lie i8 tile head. aild ><honiJ be "many gifte•'," llis po~ition i;; co e<)nalm re-ponsillil ity and gravit; with the minister. '\'Ve are not sure that his iutluenee is not even greater. lie i~ the teacher, leader and EXE.\ll'Um of onr li ttlc ones, who fon11 their ide;~s of the Christian's walk and conduct from his. lie preparE'S the >oil npon wbieh the minister scattereth the seed. If t.l1e ground he not p1·opcrly th~ seed falletb upon waste places and die without fruit. How 1nan.r, alas, should we not say how n:w of our Sunday school :oillp~>rintendeuts rea!Jzr· t.he fuarful fact'? D<tY after day-week in and out-the chil..Jren watch hi111 antl fort11 their ideas of right and wrong by his eonduct, HR lila}' he a fine talkPr-gift· e<i in praytr, have thorough Jmowlpdge of the Bible and )'€'t be a l~~.mentablc failure as a Superintendent. The ~·• nda~' school, properly oni<:eretl :lllol con­ducted. is secont.l only to tbe pulpit in intlnence for goo•l. As tu the qnalitica· tions necessary for etliciency as :;uperintendent ot' a .:lunday suhool. Were­spectfully suggest that he should carry with blm, every day in the week, tlw remembcra.nee of his grave and r€'Sponsible position. Bearing in mind rtiWu)~ that the eyes afour Savior's pt:Ls are upon him. 'l'bat they are as wax. upon whoF\e minds and heart& iutpressionfl of childhood are deep and lastin~ for goucl or eviL That as be teach•·~ on i:innda.r so should hu practice during til~ ;l.f;:er days of the week. If he is 1lippa11t, fri\'Olous and careless in bis daily walk and conversation, be will inoculate his pupils with the same moral Doison. lie should remember that he i:; more observed anll i1nitated b~· the children, than the minister, because he is 1uet with by them in tbe dail\' walks of Lfe, wl1ile the: pn:acber is not so frequently brou~I.Jt in contact with them. Your comiuittee, in conclu~ion, would earnestly recom111end thfit our churc.l.Jes do more for Sunday schools. Re@pt., W. TuF.o. 8m111.

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\Ve, your committee on Education, respectfully report that the necessit-y of a higher and •nore- thourough education is essential to tue upbui!dingof th~ "hnrch of Christ in our midst, aga;n forces itself upon the consideration of t.his Associ:\tion.

2. \V e realize that our ministry. ouf deacons. our Sunday school super­intendents and teachers, should study more. rn order to be able to d0 tb1s, our ministry must be better paid, our Sunday schvols mnst havt1 a better al­lowanee, our superintendents, teachers and scholars must have the full sup­purl of every Baptist in thiF a11sociation. and all other christians.

:1. We would earnestly recommend tlJat every church In this a~>sociation begin t.hE> present year by striving to put new life into the Habbuth school; pay t.heir pastor promptly and last, but not least .• fnrnish onr Exeenti\·e board ~nt:. tieient money to employ one or two first. class missionaries for home work, that t-he people also, ~"Y secure a fuller exposition uf the word of God.

-l. 'J hat we earnestly recommend our Oua<·hatn college and our Central Female Haptir:;t Cnlleg·e. at Con way, to the flaptist stndent as a prover place to secure that learning so much needed.



Your e•>Hamittee no publication woulll report that for our people to l>e familiar with our denominational work, should, first of all, familiarize them­~ehe~< with the Bible. Then the Arkansas Baptist, be'ie\·ing it to be in everv 1\'U~ worthy of our patronage We would also ·recommend that the people of <IIJr association take the Baptist Heview, pnblisllefl at Stuttgart. believeing that an a:ssociatioual organ will greatly enhance onr associational work. For nur:-lnnday ~<choolliterature, we recommend the Kind Words series and the publLations of the American Baptist Publicatin society.


"C" FOl?EIGN m'lSIO~S.

I. R. B. DAVIS. ll. L. DAVIS.

We. your crmmittee on foreign missions would l'cpon that Christ was a Foreil!n mis!lionary and if any man have not the spirit of Christ be is none of Hi;;. CbriRt say~: .. As my Father sent me, even so send [ you. Go ye into all the wor•d and preach the gospel to every creature." "'l'hey that call on the n:une of the Lt;~r..d sb•tll be l!aved.'' How, then, shall they call on him in whom they huye not be-lieved, and how shall tlley l>elieve in him of whom they ba\'e not heard, and how shall they bear without a preacher, and how ~h:Lll t.hey pread1 except they be sent?" Now, as it takes means to accom1>· lisb ends, we would recommend that each church in this association collect ten •:ents pe~ capita. and that the same be sent t.o board of our assoclntion to be forwarded to H. A. 'l'upper, Richmond, Va. And we would further recom­uaend that. a collection be taken now and forwarded :11> above.

R. F. Houn1, Chairman. H. II. P.HKJo:R. J. W. Ht1111FJJ,, Com.


Yonr committee on temperance would respectfully beg leave to submit the following report:-'l'emperance Is certainly one of the most important 'lnestions that has. or will come before this associatlor, for consideration. Jt 'honld be thA prime ohjeet of every Christ\ an in tile world. and especially is it 1h11 tlnry ,)f the g-reat Baptist brot.berhood of Grand Prairie association to pla<"t> t.fwwseh·es squarely on re<:ord as bein~ unalterably oppose!) to intempe1·-

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anN'. TIJey slwuld put forth their energy and bl'st effortF; to crush out., wit.h unr<'ienting band, t.he sale of stron~ daink-whiskcy, whose history is out> of blood . tear~. misery, ruin, and finally tleath. It is an evident fact that man.~ l>rig·ht and happy homes . generous natures and brilli:u1t minds havt: ltPf'U

ansh<•<l by it!' use. Misery. woe and destruction naturely foliow. It i;; h~>yood question one of the woes of all woes, an<l the bit.tercst t'llrJ;t·

of all c·nrsc~;. It bas, and is still doing more than all other devicel; comhinf:'d to spread destruction over our l>risrht Amerie:tn land.

In view of these deploralJie facts. it behooves us th come boldly to t h1· front, without fear or fliVOritism, and t:~ke a stand for right and momlity. ln­tempt>rance is not only spreading its destructi\·e influence over our socict~·. hut. i.l' blighting influence is felt, tn the church.

We recommend to the churches of this Association that. thev aid in til<' agitation ot' the Temperance cause and our pt'eM,h mo~e about it. If we 1ll'~ire to be bet.ter, happier anJ more useful wbile upon earth. we would !\ay; vote temperance. and Jive temt>erate lives in Al.l. things and we will loc n blessNI people. and God, the Father of us all, will be glorified.

P.espectfully, W . 'l'r11-o. SmTH . •


. 1, . \om· Executive Boan.l 1vould report as follows: We had j\ meetin~ flur­iilg tl1e last. sebsion of thiP Associat.ion and agreed to continue Brot11er lluure ,u,t; poerty church, as formerly clllployed, until the next regular n of th~ board. Tbe second meetlug was lleld at !:it.uttgart No,·ember 28, 18!Jl. At this' meeting Brother Hou:~e was continued at Liberty church. It was a~rePfl ,tq ,pa\· Beulah church S2.l'i0 per month and Grand Prairie chur ch $2 per month . It' was voted that no claims against the board would be bonorcd;bereafter uu· less theY he ill writiu~ and endorsed. by the church.

Brother X G Williams' worl< for the Year i;. as Follows : TraYeled il41 ' iuile~; JH'Cacbed- ··n · se1 mon~: reeei ved u.•· ·letter. 2; by statement. 1, total. H; hflloasrcceive,lfllrhisservicesat Renlah, $1i.50,and the board is stil l lint· ::;;, o•1 hi.~ ;:~nieef<

·''t<: lrler Houth waf' eurployed ro ~npply Graml Prairie church; traveled 3:i0 1uile!< preached 11 sermGns and ma<le e igilt trips. The board ha» paid him, in f1rll . S2~.

Your boanl i's ti'nable to rl'port the work of Brother House. The boartl ·h;l~ paid ~~lder Leak $5 for as~il!tin~ t•:lder William s in meeting at Beulah . . ·. We would furtbcr repo t that tb~re has not bee n tbat interest or good ac-1\·mtalm~hed that would have resulted if a regular mi;;sionar.v h;td been pla.c<>d '\ n the tiel!l . And we wnnld recommerul that. the Assocbtion go to ·work to take in the entire !Jonncl:s for Christ and tl1e Baptist. Respectfull,1· s uhmittect. J . B. ~.L:sJn;ns,Mod.

By cash ballancc

'· ,, .. .. :· o~f' .. .. o: ...

111 1 •

'· '"

'Paid ont .. .. ,,

" '• .. J

.. " '·

W . 'l'm:o. l:l~li1'H, Clerk .

"I<'" THK\SUlUm•s tn:POR'I'.

(lak Grove Clnm:h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . :::5tu•.t,1Zart \;lJUrth, for· tiister )1orrl~:~ , .... ..... . Center Point ( 'h urcu . . . . ............... , . .... . llazen Church ................... .......... . For :\iinutel' ....... .. ......... .. ...... ...... . For Foreign Mi,;sions . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . For Sister Morrh; .. ....... . ..... .... ........ .


To B. F. Hon~o ........ . .............. . ToR. 1•'. Routh ..... _ .. . ......... ' ....... ... . ''l'o B. F. House . . . . . . .......... . .. · · · · · · · To R. F. Houth . . . . . ............ . ......... - .. 'ToN. G. William~ ......................... . To M. A . Leak ............................. . 'J'o)linutes ................................. . To Foreign Missions ... ............ .......... . To Sister )!orris ..... ... .. ........... .... ... .


s 75.68 -t :;o

3.(;11, l.i5. 1.110.

2 1.70. lll.lii. 1.00.


4.25. 111.00. 7.00. (i.OO.

22.50. 5.00.

21.70. lO.Iii. 1.00.


Balance in Treasury S25.78. S. K. Dowl\s, 'frE'as.urer

Page 8: lBJlPrrl~'r jl$SOelJITIO~


01-{D] :4 OF BUSTNESS. 1. Called to order b' tlw lloderator to bear the Introductory Sermon. after

which the Association rP.-assembled with tbe Moderator an•! Clerk in their seats.

:.!. Letters re:td and dele~ates enrolled. :1. Petitionarv Letters called for . . f. The election of officers for the ensuing year . . ). Call for Correspondc11ce. c;, Invitation to visiting brethren to sPats in the Body. 7. C'ommittees appointed. (LJ Cotu!llittt>c on Jo;ducation. (2.) Cotntuitte~ on

Sabbath Schools. (:l.) Committee on Finance. <*·)Committee on .l<'orelgn Mis~>ions. (i\.) l'ommittee on Publication. (6.) on Rell~ion!> l<:xerdses. ·

:-:. Corupl~te C~rrl spondence and ) 1 essengers with Sister Association~; and the :-.tate Convention.

!1. Report:; from Standing Committee~; . 10. Contributio.nsar~<l plt·dges from Cbnrches receh·ed. : 1!. Hesolntion.H and Propositions received. 1:!. Report t'rolll Executive Board. 13. Det.f?rmining Tillle and Placf? for holding next Annual ~[eeting. 1~. Trensurer's Report. · 15. ExecntiYe Bo11rd appointed. IH: HepQrt.s from Te mporary Committees. 1 i . . ·\ ppointment of hrl't.11!'en to J>reaeh the I nt.roductory and Missionary

->ermont;. J;o; Heading of :\linutcs. 1!1 Partin!! Address by tho ~Iocicrat.or •

. ,·,:

··~;./"""· ··

Page 9: lBJlPrrl~'r jl$SOelJITIO~

h>t•f('8fl' I fleet'~ I T. C, :1 :E I ; •j • ~- 1· ~

Churd•c• ~ICF<l'Dl:l.''" '"'''"" ••o.-t Ollkc f:lctlcs l'oo;t Ulllce Is· :§l-e i g: 1~ ;~ -~ :t ~ 1. ] J)uys of Meeting

!-~ £ g'~ l ';: ~ : ... :~ '= ~ r -~ - ~ c,.o."='~~i~~~ l 'i ·:s ._ ~a.. :_o l ~ :.:S :~ ::d ~ ~ ·:: 1;. ·~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r-

~1 g i.aGrue- -~ R. H . ~Tt~ac~deu• Polfker .. .. _. ......... ::-:-,·!''""rnrke~ .. j"'t. Clutrh:•--:::-.Tj . . -


. _.,· :;•; ., -~f"' :--I .. •-:-:----1• .. 1 100.00,2.~~ ~~-~-lijt Suuday--

. t uttgart .... .. A. II. Sut~ l.:1~t lfl W. Tbeo. <imlth . . .. .. R. T,. Colr.... ... tll!!Kart .. II. 'i. Dntllcy. ~LU!Ig~n . . ... t; ll - .. ,I , · · I · .. · 1 · .... · · · l. (i() ~:. ,_,0-d--&·; ·

4·th .. S·


0· d· A\,:

ll.z .. u .. .. ... .. I( .0. )IIller ... .. ................ .. ... w. D. Hargr.tvca .. IIRZCII .. .. . ,R. L . l>&\'i ..... ,HH•.('O ........ ... i ' :! .. ... :l .. , a• :!~ 1 ta I I 1011.00 l.~ I ,. , -~~ lem ..... .. .. ~ J . F. Ro bioso11 .\ . J . RArkcr 1<' Ill. Luckett H. F. Hou-.:· .. .... 'luen . .... J . T. R••lolnw n lc"'I'Oe ... ... 5 1 .. .. 1 .. . ·J ·{I.. tai l~ .. I 75.00 l.~ I :1~l~nndd s8u11D11ddtla~ IO•ing Suu .... J. l! Ra~tan Sister G. N. Boou ...... .. .... n . F. House . ..... . •Uazcn ... W. F. Keaton .. \'In let .. . ...... 1 I .. ... , .. .. '1. .... 1 .... , . .. ... . ·1 l.OO u • ,

' " Witt .. . . _ .. . . Le tter ............. .. ....... _ .............. R. F. Routh .. .. .. Ftllrm~ntnL n. f:oftey .. _. .. DeWitt .. .. .. .. .. 1 ..... 1 .... 1 1 \1 , IIJ, .. , 1


.. .... .. .. .... .. , 19 4tb Ruoday l' lt>l\&&llt Rodge J. '1'. Rowel JAmes Kerr .. . .......... .. .... J. K . I' Hender. ou llllrf'l8\'ll!c 6. \\ . Jcnkm. fllll't'Usvllle . .. :! .. ~ I I! -~ --1 : . .'6, 181 .. ,.. .. .... :!0 ·H 3rd Sunday : :•oss, R ,a<l• ... J .. W.Jii~thlillJ,T. Hftmman&G. :. TolarW.D. Hargraves .. \ Ha1. ~11 ..... J. T_. Ramm~n Hickory Plain•! ~ .. : .. ,~ .. .. 1 . ..

1 ............ _I."-'\ ~"Jar~l ~~~ ··day

~ ut.e I oiut ... Jc.,. H~yer 11. '1: . Morrl• .~, A8hb) .. .. .. .. B. F. l!ouse .. . ... J_lnzc" .... J. " : ~JcMuhn Hnz~n ... .. .... ,, ;1 I .. ': ll . , ·; ...... , . . ~~~·~ UO I 118 4th ~unday . 1 Cbarh!l .. .. J. N. \\orthy ltuol dl•ter llortby ..... .. ... R. L. Cole ......... ,h tntlgart .. . \ . C. Baa• .... St. Charlco .. . .. l 2 .. , .. . - .. .. ~~ 11>

1 .. 1 1->.o.; I 00 I 2.12n<l &-llh ::innda)·

' •an<t Prairie. Lt>tter und Pa,tor .... ...... .. . .......... R. F. Routh . .. .. . l"nirmoun1 .1. J . Alde rson. Almyrn .... .. ...... .. .. '


2 .. .. I .. --I 1 ........ lO 2nd Sunday ~-,.!rmnunt . ... G. W. Belcher and Luther <_ :11r.t .... ... 11. P. Honse . .. ...


Hazen .... \\' . B. Harville ~·atrinount .. .. . ; 1.. .. .. .. .. M Iii .. ..........


• 15 ~14th ::und11y I' 10~ DeLuce. Henry Abott an.: Harry Rowel ... ... . .. . N. G. WillialJUl .... ~t. C:bnrle~ .\bott Powell De l.uce .. .. .... 2 1 II .. ~ ;, .. I :!1 :~; .. I. _ .. .. .. .. t .. ;o ;,r, 2nd bunday 11:•k Grove .. ... \\'. L. Cole J. 0 . Hamilton & G. w. 11 . A' , Honse . ..... llazen .. .. . IV. r •. Cole .... Hamilton .. .. ...... .... I ~ .. \ l<il :JOj.. .. ... .. . ...... 46 ........ ... ..... . :"•·w Hope . . .. H. IJ. I;Jhoon :nul flht<>r Mary Gll>liOn ..• . R. F. Routh . . .... ,Fotlrmount Klmer )!non .. Hagler · ........ 7 .. .. .. It 14 11 .. 1

. . .. I .. ..... -- 1 2.00 I 87 Srd :Sundlly Bc·aulah ...... . J . R. Hnucb SJ,tl'r Clara Roou·h .. .... .... N. G. Williams .. . l:'l. l 'h~trle' P. n . Pnffmau !';tllelt .. .. .. .. :! I .. .. .. .. :> i J .. 1 ...... .. . , 1.00 12 3rd f uuday lldlvuc . . .. . .. Lette r aud 1-'Mtor .. . .... .. ...... ... .... . !'. u. Williams ...

1H. \; boulo.:> L. w. 1'11dgett. ~;tlll:l .... ..... ,' 1 I :;1 ~ .. 1 :!\1 1 .. .. , ..

1 ..

1. . . .. . .. 1.00 ~>i t4th Sunday

....... .. ... . , .................... ... ................ ·1 ...... .. ... ...... , . ... .. ............. . .. .. ! G';~n ; .- ·;.;,i~-~ --· . i;:i12b!'9!4 1:! fiii 1i i;1t9:1i"ilf. nov'Ni1$1~.:~> -~~ ..... . ......... .. -------- --- - -- ------ ------ ---- - --- ------~- --