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  • • Les missions du RJECC:

    • Article 3 1 a): faciliter la coopérationjudiciaire

    • Article 3 1 b): favoriser la bonneapplication des textes communautaires etdes instruments internationaux relatifs à lacoopération judiciaire en matière civile etcommerciale

  • • Les outils à la disposition du point de contact français:

    - le site intranet du RJECC français - les relais dans les juridictions - la réunion des membres français du RJECC

  • -.._.,,_ .1_ ' . . ··- ___, .,.........,f,..,""""' JUSTICE Accf o!R AUX S ITES I NTRAN ETS 11Sites d;;s dir.:ct icns ... CJ )Sit ;;s en r4gicn ... ~ ) . .ci..utr.:s s i tes ... 41:1h1Mj.IJ·11*Nii'i"ff Acce ssib ilitê

    Porta il > rje cc > Pa ge d 'a ccu e il > RESE.AU JUOICI.Ail~E EUR.OPEE!i EN M ATIERE :::!\/ILE ET car1H~ERCI.ALE


    [RJECC/DACS] ( Oeci;Jon 4 70 2001 ]~ [ Oec1sfon 568/ 2 9 modtficatl\le j

    Le réseau judiciaire européen a pour mission de :

    - Favo r ise r la coopér a t ion j u d ic iair e dan s les d omain e s civ il et con1nie r cia l p a r l 'é lin1in a t io n d es o b stacles p ra t iq u e :

    • a u x q u e ls p e u ve n t ê t re confro n tês le:m a g is t ra ts e t p a r u n e d iffu sio n ra p id e d es -conna issan ce : e n m a t iè re d e d ro i t

    -co m \n u n a u ta ire d a n s les cou rs e t t rib u n a u x ;

    - Facilit e r l 'accès des ci t o y e n s à la j u s t ice, d a1'ls le ca d re d e lit ig e s civi ls e t comme rcia u x a ya n t u n e in cid ence t ra n ; f ro n t iè re e n ra iso n d e s p ro b lSm e s p osés p.ar la d ive rsi té d es sys tè m e s j u d icia ires n a t io n a u x d e l'Un io n Euro p Senne ,

    Le Réseau judiciaire européen Civil est conipo sé des " p oints d e contact '' n a t io n aux d ésig né: p a r le: Eta ts m e m b re s, des auto r i t és cen t r a les ch a rg êes d 'appliq u e r le s texte s in te rn a t io n a u x e t co n1mu n a u ta ires , den niagistr a t s de lia ison, d e toute a u t o r i t é j udicrair e o u adniin is t r ativ e a ya n t d e s re:p o n ;ab ilités e n m a t iè.re d e co o p é ra t io n j udicia ire ch•ile e t comme rcia le , d o n t l 'apparte1"1a n ce e:t j u g êe utile p a r le : Eta ts e t d e : o r d r es p r o f e ssion e ls . U -co n ce rn e l e n semble d e s Etats n-ie n1b re s, à l e x ce p t io n du Dan e m a rk , e t es t entr é e n v ig u e u r le ter décnnibre 2002 .

    • Les p o in ts d e co n ta ct ass ure n t u n rô l-: d é d a n s ls Ré seau : i ls fourn isse n t to u te info rma t io n u t ile n o tamme n t p our le p 1Jb lic, fa cilite n t le t ra ite m e n t d e s d e m a n d e s d e coop Sra t io n j u d icia ire n o tamme n t e n ca s d e d ifficul tés , e n t re t ienne n t d e s co n tacts é t ro i t s a vec le s a u to ri tés co n ce rn ées p a r la co o p é ra t io n j u d icia ire e n m a t iè re c i '.lile e t comme rcia l-: .

    • p o u r la Fr a n ce, le " point de contact" e !; t Marie- Caroline CELEYRONBOUILLOT, n1agistrat, ch a rg ée d e m is1; io n a u p rès du ca b in e t d e Io d ire ctio n d e s. a ffa ire s d • ..ile:s e t du Sce a u

  • f5 Intranet Justice - riecc : ROMEIII - Windows Internet E>tplorer

    (;,- & ~ v I~ http:l/intranet.justice.gouv.fr/site/rjecc/index.p~>rubrique=2722 IP Bîng Edition Affichage Favoris OUtils

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    JU ST I C E ~cces-~ ibilité

    • =>o~il > rjecc > L'a rticle d u mois > RD,. E III

    >L'article du mois

    (le re~lemel"'lt i2e-s 20Hl] ~ VoJ.r la cirwia•re :

    P ublié a u journal o fficiel de l'Union e uropé e nne du 29 décembr-e 2010 , le règ lement ( EU) n° 1259 / 20 10 du 20 décembt"e 2010 , metta nt e n o e uvre la coopé ra t ion re nforcé e dans le do m a ine de la lo i applîcable a u divorce et à la sépa ra t io n de c o rps , e st e ntré e n v ïgue u r le 3 0 déce m bre 2010 . Depuis le 21 juin 2012, il est e ntré en a pplication . l es r è g les d e conflit de lois en m a tïère d e d ivo rce, q u i re lèvaie nt jus q ue là e n Fra nce d e l 'a rticle 309 du code civ il, s 'e n trouve n t profon dé m e n t modif iées. Nicole COCHET, m agis tra t , e n expliq ue les orig ine s e t les princip es.

    Le C o ns e il d e l'Unio n Européenn o: a a d o p t é le 20 décem bre 2010, le rè g le m e nt re la ti-: à la lo i a pplica blo: en m a tiè re de d i ..•o rce et de $é p a ra tio n d o: corps~ d it • Romo: I II ... a p rè s u n a v is favo ra blo: d e l'assem olé e p lS-n iè re d u Pa rle m e nt Euro pée n è u 14 d é ce m o re , offra n t a in s-i u ne he ure use issue à. un dê ::a t enga g~ a u sein è e l'Unio n Europé-:nne de puis 2006.

    Le proj e t d 'ha rmo nisation des rè g les de c onflït s d e lo i a pplicable s a u d iv o rc e e t à la sép a ra tio n d e cot"ps fig u ra it d éjà a u prog ram m e q uinq ue nn a l de la Ha ye (2006- 2010) . A ce titre , la Commis:sio n a va it pu blié le :4 m a rs- 200 5 un livre vo:rt.. puis p ré sen te le 2 1 "4vrie r 20 06 u ne proposition d e rè g lo:m e n t q ui v is a it à m e ttre e n pla ce d o:s règle s =c m m u na uta ire s re lative s à la Ic i a pp lica b le e t à .am é liore r les rè g les de com pé t e nce f ixé.es- p ar le rè g le m e n t Brux e lle s II b is e n m a tiè re m a trimonia l-: .

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    RECH ERCH ER U N E uno-;:::========:::;--. UCHER-CH l -L'I NT RAN ET ( 1 eu s 1-:s s i t ecs :::::J 1 A\l'ANClf

    JU ST I C E .;.c-ce s-sib ilit é

    • ? o rtail > rjecc > Lie n .: u t i l es > ,__ es=oaœ JUC!dai~ europE:.-:n e_.- ur. di::

    >Liens utiles

    ... (RJECC - DACS - ]

    Dans cette r ubrique ont été ra s semblés les prindpa ux s ites u tiles p our le praticien d u d roit q uî doit faire a pplication d'un texte e uro p é e n ou d 'un instru ment int,ernatîonal

    A fin d e faci liter l'accès à ces s ite s ils ont été répertoriés par- nive a u géographique en fonctio n de le u r objet, m ê me s i chacun d 'eux a voca tion à conte nir' d e s info rm ations a u d e là de s o n seul cha m p

    • l e s s ites e u ropéen s- d 'action géographique .

    • Li:.: .:ite .:. fra nça is

    • Le Portail e·Justice eurcpé~n Une s ous-rubrique a été c o ns acrée a u seul lie n vers le p ortail e-.Justice européen a fin d e pe rme ttre à l'utilisateur du s ite français du RJECC d e se re ndre fa cilement s ur ce s ite de référence de l'e s p a ce j ud icia ire e uropéen

    - les s it es int e rn a tio na ux

    - le s s ites européens

    - les s it es fra nçais

    - le Porta il e -Justice e uropéen

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    ..,_.,_._ L'I NT RAN ET [ A\l'ANcll

    JUSTICE Ac-ces~ibilitê

    • Les -nembr~ du RJEC ivil d e ta CC e t d es CA ( 26 n o v em ::ire 2009j

    • Les magi~trats de l ia ison • Br oc hure de présentation >>lire la suite

    • Le s i nstan ces et autori tê s

    ( 2'5 n o v em b re 200 9 ) • Gu ide p r ati que à l'usage des membres du RJECC

    > >lir.: la ~uite

    LLLLLL 9 1ntranet local [Ili · J '!-,. 100% • 4 »_,,.@_~6 M=icr=o=soft~~=utlo--ok __=· ·I" ... ~.,',.,l"ic~r=osol_t==P""'-er__Poin__t -__[J. _ ..]..__,.!!!i .....M_icr_ os_of_t_w_or_ d ____,_~"-In-t_rane__t Jus_ t_ic_e_i'_Port_ a_il_ .. _.,Il,~ Intranet Justice - rje... L~S'=,~.lltJ---~-~--0 ·-""-~-lIP---1 7-:54_.....,,


  • f4MN+@11;4;14;1mg@&M;+iiif@bi·'•11.1;;ttftMfiiJi.111;J.iftM§Wü@MhlMIM!.li§IC: Cl& IID ,....,IP,,__Bin_g_________ P •v http:/[lntranet.justice.gouv.fr/site/rjecc/index.phpm.t.rique=l938&ssrubrique=l 943

    Edition ~gc F.:avoris Outib

    Favoris 1~ ..__HCCH (2) _ HCCH ~ Hotmail ~ Débuter rjecc > Com p o : füon du RJECC > Le s m em ;::.r e.s du RJECivil d~ la CC e t d es CA. > Le.~ :mbre-s =1..1 fi.J E::C d ;: 1.: :::,,,... :;-: :::~3tl:>r. e t d€:- s : ·:iui:.: a.r.p:-1

    >Les membres du RJEClvll de la cc et des CA [19 .s; o""t ;:010}

    :: c:_ o:t oes .:-• l :..::: m agist rats: d e lia ison

    • l es in stances e t a u torités [RJECC]


    . Jurisprudence C.e"s m embres du ~JE on t è tê d oésignê: au sei n d e la Cour d e Cassat ion e t è es Cours

    Actions du RJECC d 'P.po e l p our fa cilit e r la coop ér a tien jud icia ire e n mati~re civil: e t cc mm e.r.:i al e e t p our


    . assis ter les p e i nts- d e contact d a ns- la réali::atîo n d e leur,: m issi on s .

    Le site Internet Les m agist ra ts a i nsi d ê signés on t p eur fonction d e : ~- r.lu RJERil

    a ) facilite r les conta cts au sei n d e la Cour d an s l e d om a in e d e la coop é ra t ion ci '.'ile L'Atlas


    . - b ) fournir tou te i n form a t ion n~cessaire à la benne co op oira:tion j udicia ir e entre les

    Eta ts m embre .: d a ns le re ssort d e la Cou r Liens utiles

    c) rec..ne rche r d e::.- so lu t ion s aux ê i':Ticultés qu i ;:e u vo:n t se p r ésen te r à l'c cca.sion d'u n e d em ande d e co o ;;ié ra t ion judiciaire

    ": CJUE d ) o riente r les m a g istra ts d e leur C our ve rs la so lu t ion eu l'au torité la p lu s .ap p rop riée

    :. à sav cîr n o tam m e nt : L ·article du mois

    • vo:rs le p o i nt d e con ta ct.. .:: i la d ifficu lt é n e p eut ét~ tra itée au niv e.au d e l a ": Actualité Euro;J'!léenne Cou r d'Ap~I,

    Follli!tions dans les Cours cfacipel • v e r:: le .:. in.:"len c.e : e t e utori t é.:. déjê d'é.:.i g,n é e : p e r l e.:. e cle .:. c.c mrnu n e u t e ire .:. "•· eu les în.s:trum en ts intem atic n au x con cernant la co o ç.-ir-a t ic n j udicia ire .

    .~ Réunions

    . - RJECC \'e rs le m a g istra t d e liaison~ n o tam m en t s i ce lu i- ci est d éj à saisi de l'a ffa iro:,

    • ver s un m em b re désig n é d an .:: u n e autre Cour, s ' il n 'es.t pa: en m esure de Cour de cassation

    .. d on n e r su it e à la d em a no e d e coop ération,

    Droit des consommateurs e ) contribue r à la m ise à j our cf~s in form a t ion s co ncernan t la cocpêra t ion judk.ia ire en mati~re ch-île e t comm ercia le , nota mment :


    • en as.s:u rant la d iffusion d e la Jurisp rud en ce e t d es in strumen ts- concernés commu n iq ué s n o tam m en t p a r le: poi nts d e contact~

    • en m e tta nt à la d i: posîticn d es autr.:s: m embre s du Ré.ss au tou t.: i n form a t ion u t ili: : textes, commen ta i res, id entif ica tion d e s bonne.s p ra t iques,

    i ) p .srticip e r aux r éu n ion s d e5 m em b res du Rés.eau

    g ) e ntc urager le.s m embres d e leur Cour à s u ivre des forma t ion s en vu~ d 'u n e m e illeu re conna issan ce des actes commu n a Lita ire s, des sy st èm es j u rid iqu e s e t j1u i iri.;:; ir .:. o:;_ ri o=-= ;=u fT.:.:; Ft.:= t~ m .:.:nh r .:.:;,

  • • Les magistrats de liaison:

    - liste des magistrats de liaison français à l’étranger

    - liste des magistrats de liaison étrangers en France

  • f4MNl@lii#ii§iii%ii,fjft,ii4J§@M!i4Ji§,IMN?MM@M@IM!.!i§ ~& v IID http:/{lntranet.justice.gouv.fr/site/rjecc/index.php>nbrique=l938&ssrubrique=l944 j,>-> Bing Fichier Edition ~gc F.:ivoris Outib

    ~ Favoris 1~ , HCCH (2) _ HCCH ~ Hotmail ~ Débuter

  • • De : CELEYRON Marie-CarolineEnvoyé : vendredi 28 septembre 2012 22:48À : 'Magdalena.BObjet : RE: Address investigation, EJN-A 27/12

    • Dear Magdalena,• There is no administrative way to find out the adress of a person whose adress is unknown.• But if the former adress is known, the person may be served according to the provision of article 659 of the Civil procedure

    code which provide:• Where the person upon whom the process must be served does not have any known domici le, residence or place of employment, the bailiff will draw

    minutes in which he will narrate in detail the steps he has taken to look for the addressee of the process.• On the same day, or no later than the first following working day, under penalty of nullity, the bailiff will transmit to the addressee, at the last known

    address, by a registered letter with the advice of delivery slip sought, a copy of the minutes to which is annexed a copy of the process which is thesubject-matter of the service.

    • On the same day, the bailiff will inform the addressee, by an ordinary letter, of th e formality carried out.• The provisions of this Article will apply to service of a process upon a corporate entity that has no premise known at the place indicated as its head

    office in the Commerce and Companies Register.• That means that a valid servic e can be made in addressing an huissier de justice in France, the one competent for the only known adress, who will

    check if it has been the former adress of the person.• Best regards• Marie-Caroline• Marie-Caroline Celeyron-Bouillot, magistrat Chargée de mission, point de contact du réseau judiciaire européen en matière civile et commerciale

    Direction des affaires civiles et du sceau Ministère de la Justice et des Libertés 13, place Vendôme - 75042 Paris cedex 01• -----Message d'origine----• Envoyé : mardi 4 septembre 2012 15:23• À : CELEYRON Marie-Caroline• Objet : Address investigation, EJN-A 27/12• Dear Marie-Caroline,• I would be very thankful if you could assist me in the following matter:• The Local court (Amtsgericht) in Duisburg would like to serve judicial documents within a divorce proceeding to the husband who lives in France. The

    problem is that the current address of the husband is not known. His old address was:• M r • chez 95400 Villiers-Le-Bel• Mr is born on 19/11/1968.• Would you be so kind and attend to this matter? Do you see a possibility how to find out Mr Ekue's current address? (It's a pity that this fact sheet is

    not published so far!).• Thanking you in advance for your cooperation!• Kind regards• Magdalena• ______________________________________• Dr. Magdalena • Referentin des Referats III 2• Rechtshilfe und Europäisches Justizielles Netz in Zivil- und Handelssachen; Opferentschädigung• Bundesamt für Justiz• Adenauerallee 99 - 103• 53113 Bonn

  • • Dear Magdalena, • I am sorry for the delay for dealing with this request but I am snowed under with work, due to reduction of posts in

    offices in the Ministry of Justice. • I forwarded your request to the Baillifs National Chamber. • I hope it will be more successfull that with our other files of which I will try to cope with once again before the end of

    the month... • Kind regards • Marie-Caroline • Marie-Caroline Celeyron-Bouillot, magistrat Chargée de mission, point de contact du réseau judiciaire européen en

    matière civile et commerciale Direction des affaires civiles et du sceau Ministère de la Justice et des Libertés 13, place Vendôme - 75042 Paris cedex 01

    • -----Message d'origine----• De : • Envoyé : mardi 11 septembre 2012 17:37 • À : CELEYRON Marie-Caroline • Cc : • Objet : EJN - problems of service / bailiffs, EJN-A 28/12 • Dear Marie-Caroline, • today I've got another EJN query concerning the well-know problem relating to the service of documents by means of

    a bailiff. I would be thankful if you could attend to this matter: • The bailiff (SCP ) demanded an amount of 167.57 Euros for the service. The Regional court in Berlin

    authorized only a payment of 50,00 Euros with reference to the information in the European Judicial Atlas. • As you know, according to the French declaration to article 11 of the European Regulation on the service of

    documents, the single fee is fixed at 50,00 Euros. Please, could you be so kind and bring this regulation to the bailiff'sattention?

    • Thanking you in advance for your assistance! • Best regards • Magdalena • ______________________________________ • Dr. Magdalena

  • • Dear Marie-Caroline, • I have a request within the cooperation of EJN today as regards the information on foreign law and I would be very

    thankful if you could attend to this matter. • There is a pending procedure before the Regional Court in Munich and the competent judge would like to know if the

    service of judicial documents could be fulfilled in France by handing them in at the bailiff/ at the bailiff´s residence. • According to the fact sheet "service of documents" in France the documents must be handed in the tawn hall if the

    bailiff, after having checked on the reality of the addressee´s domicile or residende, has found no one able or willing to accept the documents.

    • In the concerned case it is necessary to serve the judicial document to the defendant who is resident in France. The service by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt was not successful. This is why the service was effectedby handing the documents in at the bailiff. Please find attached the minutes of this service in the French language.

    • The German judge supposes that this kind of service is effective, because he is of the opinion that the French bailiff has acted according to law (the bailiff is the one who knows the relevant French provisions). But persuant to Art. 19 of the Regulation on the service of documents the German judge has to check the matter himself. Therefore he would be verythankful (me too) if you could assist in this matter and provide us with the requesting information on the French law.

    • Thanking you in advance for your cooperation! • Kind regards • Magdalena • ______________________________________ • Dr. Magdalena • Referentin des Referats III 2 • Rechtshilfe und Europäisches Justizielles Netz in Zivil- und Handelssachen; Opferentschädigung • Bundesamt für Justiz • Adenauerallee 99 - 103 • 53113 Bonn • E-Mail: • Internet: www.bundesjustizamt.de


  • • Dear Magdalena, • I forwarded your request about the service of document sent to SCP Estival Bureau to the National order of the

    bailiff. • I will come back to you as soon as I will receive any information on this file. • For the other case, I am going to check. • Best regards • Marie-Caroline • -----Message d'origine----• De : • Envoyé : lundi 9 janvier 2012 15:49 • À : CELEYRON Marie-Caroline • Objet : Service of documents by S.C.P. ….., EJN-A 49/11 • Dear Marie-Caroline, • first of all, I wish you a happy new year - luck, health and success! • Back to business, I have another request within the cooperation of EJN with regard to the service of documents

    from the German Regional Court (Landgericht) in Berlin according to Regulation (EC) no 1393/2007. I would begrateful if you could attend to this matter.

    • The request for service of documents dated on 05/07/2011 was sent to the bailiff S.C.P. ……. in order to effect the service. The fee was paid into the bailiff´s account.

    • The problem is that it was inadvertently stated under point 6.3.2. of the request that a translation into the French language has been added. According to this statement the bailiff asked the German court to send him the translation. But, as pointed out, a translation doesn´t exist and the German court is of the opinion that there is no need for a translation.

    • Therefore, the German court would be very thankful if you could get in touch with the bailiff and explain to him thatthere is no translation in this case and that point 6.3.2. of the request was marked by mistake. Therefore the bailiffis able to effect the service (without the translation). Furthermore, please could you find out how the proceedingsare progressing?

    • Thanking you very much for your assistance! • Kind regards • Magdalena • P.S. The German Regional Court in Berlin also asked if you have any information concerning the outstanding

    requests (see attachment)?

    Leere Seite