learning to read greek with hercules - leer griego con hércules

Learning Greek with Heracles searching for the labours of hercules 3rd Short-term student exchange

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Learning Greek with Heraclessearching for the labours of hercules3rd Short-term student exchange

This is the greek alphabet:Capital letters


Hello!This is the first word to learn. Lets have a look to the letters.


It is the first word of the alphabet. It is easy to read.

Another vowel easy to read

Iota represents the sound [i].

CC Kyle Flood

Ea was a mythological island, the home of the sorceress Circe. In Homer's Odyssey, Circe was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs. She invited Odysseus' crew to a feast of familiar food, but using her magical potions, she turned them all into swine.

Ea was

Lets complete the word with two consonants:

Hello!rho, [r][r] chi, [H]

Lets read some words with different combinations :

Rhea , is the Titaness daughter of the earth goddess Gaia and the sky god Uranus, and sister and wife to Chronos. She is the mother of the Olympian goddesses and gods

LetterName Sound Ancient Modern alpha, [a] [a][a] beta, [b][v] gamma, [][] ~ [] delta, [d][] epsilon, [e][e]

Maybe we should start from the very beginning.Lets have a look at the alphabet letters in groups of five.

Abba, an originally Aramaic form borrowed into the Greek Old Testament as a name. It means Father!

CC Hctor Milla

any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity

NameSound Ancient Modern zeta, [ds][z] eta, [][i] theta, [t][] iota, [i][i] kappa, [k][k]

Hb (/hibi/is the goddess of youth.She is the daughter of Zeus and Hera.Hebe was the cupbearer for the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus, serving their nectar and ambrosia, until she was married to Heracles.

Jacques Louis Dubois - Hebe

Herakles received Hebe in marriage upon his ascension to Olympos, a wedding which reconciled the hero with Hebe's mother Hera.Heracles & Hebe, Athenian red-figure pyxisC5th B.C., University of Pennsylvania Museum


Hera Campana. Marble, Roman copy of an hellenistic original, 2nd century AD (?)

is the wife and one of three sisters of Zeus in Greek mythology. Her chief function was as the goddess of women and marriage. The cow, lion and the peacock were considered sacred to her. Hera's mother is Rhea and her father Chronus.Hera is the stepmother and enemy of Heracles, who was named "Hera-famous"in her honor.

(Argia) '(She) of Argos is one of her epithets.

CC Mary Pardyova


Eurystheus ordered Hercules to retrieve the Belt of Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons as his ninth labour. One of the Amazons was called THEBE

Iota represents the sound [i]. We have seen it before

Erytheia, the "red island" of the sunset.

Heracles was required to travel to Erytheia, in order to obtain the Cattle of Geryon ( ) as his tenth labour. On the way there, he crossed the Libyan desert and became so frustrated at the heat that he shot an arrow at Helios, the Sun. Helios "in admiration of his courage" gave Heracles the golden chariot he used to sail across the sea from west to east each night. Heracles used it to reach Erytheia, Late Greek writers identified Erytheia with southern Spain.

CC Malingering

Hercules between vice and virtue, Emmanuel Benner.

KAKIA was thespirit(daimona) of vice and moral badness. She was depicted as a vain, plump and heavily made-up woman dressed in revealing clothes. Her opposite number wasArete(Virtue). The goddesses of virtue and vice. When Heracles was a young man they offered him a choice in life and he chose the path of valour.

CC Mary Harrsch

was theTitanwho held up the sky. Herakles sought his assistance in his quest to recover the Apples of the Hesperides. He slew the Drakon which tormented the Titan and took upon himself the weight of the heavens, while Atlas recovered the apples for him. Subsequently Herakles tricked the Titan into retaking the heavens upon his shoulders.

Lee Lawrie's colossal bronze Atlas, Rockefeller Center, New York.

Mosaic depicting the madness of Heracles ,3rd-4th century CE (National Archaeology Museum of Lisbon, Portugal).

When Hercules grew up and had become a great warrior, he married Megara. They had two children. Hercules and Megara were very happy, but life didn't turn out for them the way it does in the movie. Hera sent a fit of madness to Hercules that put him into such a rage,that he murdered Megara and the children. When Hercules regained his senses and saw the horrible thing that he had done, he asked the god Apollo to rid him of this pollution. Apollo commanded the hero to do certain tasks as a punishment for his wrongs, so that the evil might be cleansed from his spirit.

She was the wife of Amphitryon.She is, however, better known as the mother of Heracles whose father was the god Zeus. While Amphitryon was at war, Zeus visited Alcmene disguised as Amphitryon. Extending one night into three, Zeus slept with Alcmene , thereby conceiving Heracles. When Amphitryon finally returned to Thebes, Alcmene told him that he had come the night before and slept with her; he learned from Tiresias what Zeus had done.

ERYX was a king of the Sicilian town of Eryx, a son of either the god Poseidon or Aphrodite and the hero Boutes. When Herakles was herding the cattle of Geryon across the island, he stole the finest bull from the herd and challenged the hero to a wrestling or boxing match when he came to fetch it. Eryx lost his life in the contest.

(Iolaus )was son of Iphicles and Heracles nephew and he helped Hercules in some of the Labours.

LetterName Sound Ancient modern pi, [p][p] rho, [r][r] /sigma, [s][s] tau, [t][t] upsilon, [y] [y][i]

Detail of The Twelve Labours mosaic (3rd century). National Archeological Museum, Madrid

The nymphs of the evening and golden light of sunset. The Garden of the Hesperides is Hera's orchard in the west(near the Atlas mountains in North Africa), They were entrusted with the care of the tree of the golden apples which was first presented to the goddess Hera by Gaia (Earth) on her wedding day. They were assisted in their task by a hundred-headed guardian drakon named Ladon. Herakles was sent to fetch the apples as his Eleventh Labour , and upon slaying the serpent, stole the precious fruit.

The Garden of the Hesperides by Frederick, Lord Leighton, 1892.

Edmund Dulac, Herakles and Deyanira, 1935

Deianira was a wife of Heracles and, in late Classical accounts, his unwitting murderer, killing him with the poisoned Shirt of Nessus.

Abduction (Nessus and Deianeira), Pablo Picasso

Nessus was a centaur, who carried Deianeira across the river Evenus, but, wishing to run away with her, he was slot by Heracles with a poisoned arrow, which afterwards became the cause of Heracles' own death. The dying centaur called Deianeira out to take his blood with her, as it was a sure means for preserving the love of her husband.

The Death of the Centaur Nessus, Luca Giordano, Prado Museum

Heracles was sent to capture the bull by Eurystheus as his seventh task. He sailed to Crete, whereupon the King, Minos, gave him permission to take the bull away as it had been wreaking havoc on Crete.Heracles captured the bull, and then shipped it to Eurystheus in Tiryns. The bull later broke loose and wandered into Marathon, becoming known as the "Marathonian Bull".

Detail of The Twelve Labours mosaic (3rd century). National Archeological Museum, Madrid

Granted rule of the Argolid by Zeus through Hera's trickery. Cousin of Heracles who assigned him his Labors,on the orders of the Delphic oracle and as a punishment for killing his wife and children in a fit of madness. In art Eurystheus is depicted as a coward, hiding fearfully in a great jar when Heracles delivers e.g. the Erymanthian boar.

LetterNameSound Ancient Modern

phi, [p][f] chi, [k][x] ~ [] psi, [ps][ps] omega, [][o]

Iphicles The half maternal twin brother of Heracles, being the son of Alcmene and her human husband Amphitryon, whereas Heracles was her son by Zeus.

Iphicles Saved from a Serpent by his Brother Hercules

AKELOIOS (or Achelous) was aRiver-Godof Aitolia in central Greece. He was often represented as the god of fresh water. He once competed with Herakles in a contest for the hand of the Aitolian princess Deianeira. In their wrestling contest, Herakles tore of the god's horn, out of which was made a cornucopia or horn of plenty.

psychomachyconflict of the soul

After killing his music tutor Linus with a lyre, Hercules was sent to take care of cattle on a mountain by Amphitryon.

Here, according to an allegorical parable, "The Choice of Heracles", invented by the sophist Prodicus (ca. 400 BCE), he was visited by two nymphs - Pleasure and Virtue - who offered him a choice between a pleasant and easy life or a severe but glorious life. he chose the latter.

Herakles Between Virtue And ViceEmmanuel Michel Benner

Heracles was required to travel to Erytheia, in Southern Spain in order to obtain the Cattle of Geryon ( ) as his tenth labour. Geryon was a giant with one body and three heads

Thanks to Ana Ovando, because her method to read Greek easily has been a great help for this presentation

Mercedes Casuso Quesada

Departamento de Griego

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