les travaux domestiques french iii. bell work (le 12 mars) make a list of words in french that are...


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Page 1: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores


French III

Page 2: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores


Make a list of words in

French that are associated

with household chores.

Page 3: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores


Name chores that are completed around

the house

Name objects used to complete chores

Describe where/when chores are


Use IL FAUT/IL NE FAUT PAS at the next


Page 4: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores


Les Adjectifs – adjectives

Propre – clean (no dirt)

Sale – dirty/filthy

Rangé – neat/tidy/organized/well arranged

En désordre – messy/disorganized

Page 5: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores


Faire le ménage – to do chores/housework

Faire le lit – to make the bed

Faire la lessive – to do laundry

Faire le linge – to do laundry

Faire la cuisine – to cook

Faire cuire – to cook or to bake

Page 6: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

Faire la vaisselle – to do the dishes

Faire du jardinage – to do yard work or gardening

Faire les courses – to run errands

Ranger – to put away, to arrange to organize, to

tidy up

Nettoyer – to clean

Passer l'aspirateur – to vacuum

Epousseter – to dust

Enlever la poussière- to dust

Page 7: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

Astiquer – to polish (furniture, wood)

Polir – to polish (silverware, gold, silver)

Sécher - to dry

Repasser – to iron

Plier – to fold

Mettre la table – to set the table (get table and chairs


Mettre le couvert – to set the table (silverware and


Débarrasser – to clear off

Page 8: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

Couper – to cut

Laver – to wash

Eplucher - to peel

Vider – to empty

Remplir – to fill

Essuyer – to wipe

Balayer – to sweep

Page 9: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

Sortir (le chien, la poubelle) – to take out

(dog, trash)

Arroser - to water

Planter – to plant

Tondre - to mow

Tailler – to trim

Page 10: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

Pelleter – to shovel

Ratisser – to rake

S'occuper (une personne, un animal) – to take care


(person, animal)

Promener (le chien) – to walk (the dog)

Donner à manger (une personne, un animal) – to


(person, animal)

Nourrir (une personne, un animal) – to feed

(person, animal)

Page 11: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

LES OBJET – OBJECTS Un couteau – a knife

Un chiffon – a rag

Une éponge – a sponge

Un balai – a broom

Une balayette – a small hand broom/brush

Un balai à laver – a mop

Un ramasse-poussière – a dust pan

Page 12: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

Un plumeau – a feather duster

Un aspirateur – a vacuum cleaner

Une poudre à récurer – cleaning solution

Une liquide vaisselle – dish soap

Un lave-vaisselle - dishwasher

Un détergent – laundry detergent

Un lave-linge – washing machine

Un sèche-linge – dryer

Page 13: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

Un fer à repasser – iron

Une planche à repasser – ironing board

Une corde à linge – clothes line

Une épingle à linge/ une pince à linge – clothes pin

Une tondeuse –lawnmower

Un sécateur – hedge trimmers/clippers

Une pelle – a shovel

Un râteau – a rake

Un tuyau d'arrosage- a hose

Un arrosoir – a watering can

Page 14: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

La Maison (dedans, à l’intérieur) – the house (inside)

La cuisine – the kitchen

Le living – the family room

Le salon – the living room (formal)

La salle à manger – the dinning room

La chambre (à coucher) – the bedroom

La salle de bains – the bathroom (full, bathtub, sink, shower)

Le WC/la toilette – ½ bath (toilet and sink, only)

La cave – the cellar

Le sous-sol – the basement

La buanderie – the laundry room

Le grenier- the attic

Page 15: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

Le sol – the floor

Le tapis – the rug (area rug)

La moquette – the carpet (wall to wall)

Le meuble – furniture

Les vitres – windows (small)

Les fenêtres windows (large)

Le lavabo- bathroom sink

L’évier – kitchen sink

Page 16: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

La baignoire – bathtub

Les ordures – trash/garbage

Les déchets- trash/garbage

La poubelle – trashcan

La corbeille – wastepaper basket

L’argenterie – silverware

Le verre – drinking glass

La glace/le miroir – mirror

Page 17: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores

La Maison (dehors, à l’extérieur) – the house


Le garage – the garage

La voiture - the car

Le jardin – the garden/yard

La pelouse – the lawn

Le gazon – the lawn

L’herbe – the grass

Les arbustes – bushes/shrubs

Les feuilles- leaves

Page 18: LES TRAVAUX DOMESTIQUES French III. BELL WORK (LE 12 MARS)  Make a list of words in French that are associated with household chores


La souffleuse à neige –


Souffler la neige – to
