liim d l t 1 r i m e ^ s tdoveiy shot bsla^tfre^k i>t by...

vbLTU&.,8^NUjiBEB,i)8. . PH® iiiii i p l i i Death' of Senators Ladd anc La FaUette Plate- Third Eaity "Cause in Jeopards and;=May AHeet, 192f Gampaira; 'Widow.Maj giUn Wiscnnajn. S p a t. ------------------ ~MXmaON:~Wlii.. Jwno m-TIio lift ot tbo ao*callcd proffrmlvo movomonl throuBhoul Uio Untied Statoa in' In J«opardy u a reault of tbo poMlni; ot 111 lwo leaders, Sonalon L«d(l and La'Follette, .wllhln a niiiglo wock. A euHoUR altuntlon hoa arlsvn hero in WlBCMnaln ^fhlcli probaWy will re- tli Mtfc -BcUc OiM lA FoUctto. widow or tho leader, KolnB lo tlio sou- ale for bla unoxplrcd term—but *uoh a courts will only delay tho tisht for control iif.Uio it4to which in bound to come. . : . Out in North Dakota tbo cbancca of tbo progroMlvM bblUInK ilick own by ■olootlhe-a.auccwiaor Xor Sowalor lAdd ara ;sDrio>iiRlr in doubt BoDUblicans' havu boon worklnc atranuouilr In tbciie two ntaloa nlnco the boBinnlDS of lho pnMldontlal u m - pai«Q for tho e*pr«a purpoao of over-. tbrowInK lho prcsn'aalvwi at lho poiln la usa. Tho. almwil almultaneoiw deatha ot Ladd and Iji I-'ollctto will forco apodal olocUonB wllhln u fi;w montha, at i llmo when tho republt* . can* aro Birongcr tlian they Havo beun In ntccni years. T he BcrloUBncBB ot tbe Bltuallon waa seon In tho aUito* ment laauad by Senator Norria, «en- oraJlsalmo of tbo La Follolto Rroup in congresa ifho urRod "tho death ot our Kroal Icador. moat not-bo takon as any dlBlniejpratlon of our ro"’**;. Leadera wllhln the Ia Follctio lu k a are Iraakly worrifd. Now can- dWatoa for hbi flonalorlal-poat aro b6bbtoi np ovory mlnuto. The bUu- ■Uon to dpacrlbcd by Impartial ob* seiVen u.«ucb tiiat. tbe L». Foll«tlo Bon. itobert Jrr-«hvioualy tho IorIu I choleo bwauBO :o t knowledge -ot hla father'B.affalra and hla own nW U t^ coiild face BUft oppoallloa from Uiofto - ' , '^no hs’^hlu?yotSU*htoi2?» ■lato aa much a* ho^ hiiBbnnd,.lB lho only ono who'can-'unlte the varloua krbupa. Sbo does not dralro to bo a; eandlilaterinit appoalB aro bolni; mado . from erery Bido for her to alop for- ward lo w t* lh« mofcmcnt. wWeU her SIIEPilill HAS; CONimSAIfS Attoraer CUIma That HUUouIrt Uetcr DtmiJjr Denied.^ Olrlnf «erm» to BlUy. bnt Dr. Pftlmaa’s TesUmoity'^ContlmB OitfU. ORWONAl* cSuOT, Cblca«o. June Sl^W lillam -Oarllaf Sbapbord has indirectly cootosaed lo lho mnrdar of Billy HcOllatock. tbo auto ctertwl teAaV in' Itc ariumonta to ths J u t lor Shophord'a conrfcUon. Osorge a Oorman.. first saalaumt . vute'a* attorney, made the charso BB he naumed hia kddreMod, ho aiartad yesterday. * - -This mah 8hepherd.’VOonnan de- clared, ^Md • KUllir conicloDca and tbe .mice 6f Wa' coniclence led him to nuko inerimlnalin* sUlem«iU acalnst hlmsslf. “No, hs B«rac said, *I klllad 0>»r UeCllntock.*. bat he offored alibis aad excoaes and ho fled from town. Thoae war* Indirect confessions of bU Knllt.BBd'yoB ctntltmon shonld keep them, la your minds." Oorrnaa thea contrasted Bh^ hmWi im irW l co»r.^on>" tbs'direct confessions of,*Dr." C. C. ofSphoW sm s wllh the promise that, he was to B»t flOOJKW -aflar smr MeCUn- ■Odnaan XOOT S « •!».. lotMa ' proseenOoa of W lliBa .D. oa the chart* that b# m ard^.^is ■wsaMhy ^wa>d, BiUy . MeCHttloek. Willlaa 15cMt Btewsrt. eWef de- . fraae a U o i w eharRt>« ioAKT te bis a m B ist for ae^QlCUl.^ "If Mr. flhtphsrd-baa-t'UNs « M chtt sad .m rd s^ . Ws •-«*»*«». \ cbla TOld *mp%ibe'■seflwMtoet?. dar-eaati.'' 8t*wrfl . thU cue Biny HeCUstsdc 1m4 * tot . K S 'S S S ' . V .:,' ' ' TDoveiy Shot BSLa^tfre^k I M^or Re Gang,of Lawbreakers.Feai V . - Editor Would -Expose Tl ■IT Grand Jury Ihvestigati I' Mayor Todd Returns to Murder of Editot- Who D KRl^O, Wnnh.. Junr 2<-Tbo po ird llllcal'alluatibn In Koliio bocamc mor "dy ten'ne tnday wHh tlio nnnoiinccmcn )26 A* '!'<><> '’ • <I<-'POH0d mayoi , would rolurn lo thin city anil rcopo: lay tbo fight aHulnat hla oncmlna. Tb • murder Friday nliibl of Thniiiaj' Dnv Nows ajid'^apokpfimnn for the Todi life fncllon, wna tbn cniian of ToiIiI'h re ent entry Inlo th« local polllleal nreni In Todd'B bonchmon nro open In tbon : of charROB that lbe klllliiK, of DovDr) snd WOB .ft pollilcnl murder .nnrl Inilmaii that ho was shot down by iin aiumanli ero becauae ho, Doviry, "knew too nnich.’ re* . Cewllu county otflclajilom ioiIa] tto. dirwteil 8b«rl(( SlHdMmVrr to tm on- |>ioy I^tiku .Mny. Sontllo crlmlnnloKfxt iiob to tnko ebarco of tbo acarch for Do^ for cry’a oiiaoaBln. Mny, wlib «xitrrloiicc« I to aaaliunta. In now In ch»rR>' nr llu cnae, but nn nnnouncdiinii ii I ot Qiako loday ri-Kanlinii bln proKrc.iH li: >wn tbo-'man bunt. Tbo post.political frnyii In iCulao'f hccllo inuhlclpat nftnlm nro lllirily ii ‘‘‘I* (ado Into Inalicnlflaiuco In coiiiparlMDH wilh thnt wblch wlll fnllow Tnihri' 1*^ return, ami biH followrni drclnro ilini ?r|' Ibey will demanil lhal Oovoninr Hurt- iii« appoint a aiHicIal proHuculor nnd “,,1 an extraordinary Bvnnsl Jivry «» «lti J” ' tho fttclB nf thn Dovory iiuiidcr ninl tho political alUmtlnn In KoUo. Thi> dcelare that ibcy havu bivn iihndow. od. tlironlencd nnd Inllinldmcd hy Ibc political ring now In conirol nf lbr ‘*®’ counly and clly atfalra. Dovory, ihey f.?n “ J'- hac} feared oBnnHiilnnllon.. and n ’“•J few hours boforo ho wua klllo<l had ,iwl «no»cd awny from lbe "pen window of a bomo when, ho wna aontp.1. rc- markinff tbat bu wob loo conntilcuouii 1^® a tarfot'where bo won aeatcd. ,io .Dorory'a widow, M ii. ICtlxa Dnv- tu. ery, cbarsen tbnt her biialiand wna aBsaaKlAa(<Kl't))»caw« bo itir^-atcnnd to ,<<<> t-'xpoBO polllleal corrupllon and whblo* fll salo violallona of liquOr' lawa In ^ Keliw. i Clly Is Dltldisl. jfto " The air In Ihbi lltllo city Is 'fraufihl bo- Wilh fioBslblUtiu today. Tho city In the divided'Into t#o'dUtloct campn. A SS Lho n th e r in llltio kroupBion ’stroet cor> nta nom, in public buIldlnEB and bolel I a lobbies and talk In iinderlonin. aban- idn donlnR converaatlon when a ntranuvr sr.: npproachea. . Tlto "Tmld men," np- icr pralsod of Uie Intcndod rrlurn ot thulr agalnat “lbe sanir." Tho "anlla" lopk on tho rotum of tbe depo*o<l mayor SB Ibo alonal for Ibo roopenlns of lho political wounda tboucht healed wllb lbe recall oloctlon of Juno 3. It waa tho killlni; of Doverjr thal threw tho city Into two dlnilnct campa. Until tho nIxht that Dovory waa aa- a . aaaaloalc*!'. political loadom bero M tbousbt tbat tho unplcaaantncan IncU II donl to Todd’a few months aa mayor !.• had died. Todd Jlrn SUrt Probe. , Dovory. in ht* papor, hs/1 cvon adopted, a conciliatory attitude to- ward the now mayor. Nal Smitli. Bu*- *'* Inesa interests and tbe cbambcr of commorco hoped for a.rminlti-d Kelao. Tlien tbo aasassln'B anclciit rcvoWer no IBS it; W h ^ e ] m. mt bo ttr lid llh Ild IB> ' * * 'T m J t W Sriln; : ; : :■ TOIN FALL i>t B y G m iM kers; Deposec eturns io Figt eared That Former Twin Fa Them and Their Lawle.ssnes ;ation ._Asked of Govoi'nor; E to Take Up Fight and Avon »Defended Him. r po- aundlns n fotal bullet erlnlilUR thrm; more Dovory'H- body, ri'oiicncd ihiIIiI ment "junchi.ond otartlcd the fiitlrit cUy . In thn Jiiint fnr tbc murdenir lb< o^n "•» ‘I'-' oloimicnl* Jodny. ’I Ly' Todd mun, tompornrlly lud by Urv. W. 8wlt«er nnd KnsI P. lUiu/'on. i Tmtfi Hnwaon nnnbnncwl Ibnt llicj' 1: n RiiHpfct undor obKt-rvnilon, Inu v roni" publlo nny nr tlio llclnllil Ibo Buaplclmia neulnBt Ibo nun. 'Vory ."A pollilcnl murder, nolhlnc nu mato or leaa." nnnouncud Ilev. .Mr. Swiiz lanln "TbnmnM Dovrry wbh » innriyr ich.“ III*.' cauao ot civic dreoncy nnd sn □day Rovornmitnl. lie wnu Klllod fnr n pm- «f two inollvm. clllwr buca\ia¥ In'; h >Kfat. nftondrd xomu nf tbr linns or I Do^> cauae hr Know tnclii whlcb he tlirci „c,.,l <nrd tn c)i|)OHr." lho .Mnv ANHUiiirH r iin r x f . Ill Whllr thr Todd ....... werr ninki IH In tbcHn chn'rKrs. t'ouni/ CnminlHali. orH ilnmlllnii, IIolhriHik nnd. Cnm lao'n I’Vli held a confrruiivu wllh Sbrr y lo Sludrhnkor and Drputy DiKtrliii ; laon lornuy Qiiinn nnd niitborUnl the n iild’H plo>Tnont of Mr. .Mny, whn pruvlnui Umt bnd lirrn Invllril In.KriHn by Rlior lurt- tjtiidrbnker. Mny Iminrdlntrly in nnd chnrcD of thr InvrHllKatnrii ot t «lft caar. ninl Tlio drlrrllvr In nppnrrnlly L ’hry nKnlnnl u ulone witli. Tint L-vllh-ncr low- wlilch hr ran hnar bin InvintlKiilInn Ibc Ihr iniirdrr Kun. u lii-nvy ciillhrr Cn Ibo revnlvur nf mick-nl mnke. nnd tbu fui Ihry bullet whlclt anutfi^d mil Dnvi-ry'n II id n Wllh hla oiialBtnnla .Mr. .Mny Inimr dow . (Continued oa pnso 3)' f COOLIDGE is: Jftht .SWAMPflCOTT^. Siaaa.. Juiic' 24 y iH Prasinoiit CooUdKO camo hnmo lo I A naUvtf. NoW’. RaBlarid to begin h i' Ihor ■MiSwW '«'^W a!5ifn?oh?^ Tbouft” * cor- arrlvotJ .so oarly In tho morhlOK Qirl Munt have rccajtcd Ibe ciiRloma ian- rlnlhR durlne hla boybnoil i iKtr a Vermont farm, he found n wulcoi np- la* crowd of fellow citiarjia nf ^|ftJ< liulr Bchuaoiu walllntr to Krcrt blm. iSu Prcsldenrond *Mw. • Coolldgo lopk WoBhlnafon, arrived at 8a1<-ni, to lynr mllea from hore nt 7 a. m., atnnda lho time. Whereupon tbry promptly lo vllh on hour ot thrlr vacation tbrtniitb ll necessity of chnmrlnR lo dayllcbl aa Lhal Injra. Clrnr, cool woathrr cnvo .M npa. CoalldRft Iminedlnto nnaumnco that I aa- had aucceaafully evaded tbo he ioro which ^e bad loft lho capital to c ncU cape. . ' ' , ' lyor . -------- : --------------- IX)S ANOni.F.9,.. Juno 24-MuaJ Callahan, local newnlwy, acorcd t ■von Im prm ivo threo rouml linockoiii ovi to- Ruasle Lei^y, Parso. N. D.. Ilch lua- wolKlit; hero last nieht. Dllly l>r of rolle, Ixroy'a IlKbtwelabt stnblo mat lao. 'won’-from Franklo Hnk in tho aom Iver windup. ________________■ ]N |^ny W ere ' yta ^ i^ |y inontiiir-’iiig^wi fh^ fom liim XS; IDAHO,WEDKESDA ■f . iti;iiii itK obv w nX *■ ^ BM ilVAI^UATKI) SOON JQ IIBllU.V, ^ Jtmo 2<.—ilcporlB boru todoy ' anid Amb.iaandor V%\4‘ **‘’*^*ch nt 'I’arlii bnd’ rfcoivcd • rj I ilrthiliii uaMuniiK'va trom ForelRn MlnlBior Ilrlninl tbui Oiogno wnuid bo a%ii(:niilvd alnnK wiUi Uio Ruhr,roilou un Aueital 17. Falls I— am^n reported IrylnR » hnrd to protrnt Ri;rmniiy enter- ; EXi '"K Ibe four-W)wrr weatrrn aocur- <inrv/> I'y PU":!- •thi' Frrncli nannrnnco nt uurly ovaiuAiliiii nt ilio llulir Ih -tnken'na '» rnHrillnin'ry nnivu In nttacl tlij) IUihhIAii prrKSiirc , nl Ilerliu. > irouRli . !______ itliirnl i.os*ix)N'. Jnnr 24,—Oermnny. nccnrdinR. to 'rflliibln Inrormullim Ibrio tnduy. bua nntinuncrd to tbo an- y. Tbo viol Rovornmeia her dutinlir lii- rv. W. (cntlon nt cnterlnR tbe prn'poard nrr four-nnwar a<cnrliy imct nmniii; - i-Tnnec. hAiRHinil, llclRium n1nl ;iSl - \l -------- riDAHaPEASIN FINEtanON !■ ; bad J lirciit- Arr<*niir la Inrrtaord jiml Oullimk f»i IIIr I'rop la l^itrnurnRliiR. nklnit . jioisi:. Idnhoi Jun.- 2i-T br rninil. I ■ ‘I"'' *•'« 60.006 m-rrn nf punii In ,tbr irl Ifi Iil'i'cr Snnku rifcr vnlley la IOO pur , » crni normni. ncdordinu to n rrimit l». by J.lI.'Jacniiaiin, crop rrportrr I '',"|fo r Ibu trilernilllrpnrlnirnt nf auri- I irr oillurr. IndlcnUoiin ai iirriniiil pnlnl Uinl< '■* " .......................... l'"‘'hrln it tiir ~*i Ijint yror'n w U rr Khnrtncr raiiiirdn . iirnvy. io^H l0.]>M Rrmvuni, Ibu reporl aujii. and nnly «,i«iO nrrra were bar- 'loil i» vi'Hlcd. nvoraBlni nixiurn biiabula per y . , ncic. In nortb Ijoiin nl iirriont lhcr«! IViin nenl. of which oiiprnxi- .. iifV. nintely .1,000 acrAi nro conirncu d aerd ' prnii. -A eondltlifci of !iS per cont nor- nmi iirbmlara n>jrld ot elKhlecu buab- ola to thn acmJ On prneilrally. ibu nnmo ncrenRO lait ymr Ibr yield wna t'iovvn biiaboln per aero. CnnninR Pnyrtlu ronnly nru ninnlnlr lo Inuchlbeticr yieiiln thnn In ]U2'i, .Mr. Jacflbip haa tound. Ifai^ vfaltinK and dolivrry lo thn ennnrry M l? of .Iha 170 .aoreai ut cannhii: puns In ill* , (hot auclion hou uilrmdy atnrM . Tbu yluitbi aro ninnhR from ono nnd n iinif to two Innsllo iho nrrr. , »* lw o por^o. ^•1"*Iw n IHw " ^R It ■TAR»'0« IS lum.VKii I.N im ia •Ml**M PUHt., Juno I'i—CicnnInK bntn by icom- KO" prtfvcd a ronlly fnrlbcKi brro on Mnaa- Tiii-adny ntiurnoon when a flru atnrl* e<l lu llcnrya aUiilo porior. Wbrn tin- fWinica were cxUnBUlahcd nnd nn In- viintury won ui;<:n.oi tuo uamaKV, ii waa foiind tbnt a Rood allcr of Iho Bcaaon'a protlla hnil dlaappoarctl In f anioko. Tbo ownor ot Ibo ratflbllab- *, nicnl eatlmated tlml ICOO wpuld covor .vl the loaa. ilenry'a «blno parlor waa ; „V one of tho flniwi In the atale. »» h» The flro alarlcd from a hnt clean- i.««? InB Jnocbino In whlcb Raa waa uaod, 0 M- «Pread rapidly. •!>0fl,000 WOKTII OP JKIVEWIV I.S 8T0LKS o\^r N'RW YORK. Juno 21.—Throo tlchl- ormed bandlla beld up anil bound I’et^ and RORRod two men In Moreua mato. Foldman‘8 JoweJry. Btore on 'Drond- wml- way and eacapod wllh dinnionda and platinum valned at t;o0,000. Trapped Whil( r iaxqirwonirtri from->ClilM^, llL, ti L:;>tote tfae UtUt;>ght oi )regr'atiDd,;. __ D L T 1 3AY, JUNE 24, 1925. 3NMLMBI0. I IS Ii eSED f ON POLAR il ulir nro M acM illan A rctic Expedi- i„y. tion May Refuse to Uarr> Intl Complete Naval Radic 111', Equipment and 1£ So Na^ ard v;il Com m ander Is Forbid- ^ ■. dcMi to M t^ko T rii) by-W -il- --------------b u r . ------------ ----------------- -------------- UASIll.MiTOX, ,l». JliHO 'Jl.-Thr .'lIue.MUInn exi>cdili»ii iiininrtsiunuiily vlll' Inko ou stniidiird nniy ciiuJpmcnt UH>de* \M , ’••'■'■'I l<r .'l«<Trlnry of lho >'avj IDI Miltiur uud pnicH-d from Hyd- '** Jirj', H- Mlthoul delufi John <». Lutiurre, nellnir prc.nldent of . thr .VnllunnI «entrni]ihlc aocloiy ' bnekrn of Iho rxpedillon, told .l|ir i;niled Vnnx today. W,\SlU.\(no.N'. June IM—Secrelnry of lbr Nnvy Wilbur todny ordrrud I**”' i.h'iiirnain ('onimiindrr itlcbord Uyrd. ' '’>* cniifniniiilcr ot lbr iinval nvlnllon du- tiirhnirnt wlili tbr Muc.Mliian' uipedi- Hon. lo land bin plonim nnd peraonnol ul .Sydiiry, N, S., nud Ivnvo thu iiurly if (Toounundir MnrMlllun rrtuiiml lo laho uu nuvoi rndio ocjulpmunt thrro ed n OH WllUur dralrea. i>Qrl Bynl ruplird hy rndIo fmm the Iinr- Pcnry nrkuowledishu; receipl of lbr per mrKtioRr nnd iinyini: that tiie Ilnwdoln iioro wllb Mnr.Mlltnn uliuard imd not yrl •n*i- renelii-d Sydm r. aeed Tiiu nnvy diiportmrnt nnniiunerd It unr- liad nn ciinfcnaion nt |-‘(i>oriH Ibat Mnc- uab. Millnn bnd wired tbo expc'dltlmi wa:i •Ibu returnlnir. WftB Wllliiir'a mraaaRr lo tlyrd followa: "norldu’a apnrk art In bolnK arnt aru you nl,Sydney iiy drairoyer Putnnm. n In rinnea wiil nol niako fllRht away from fai^ viclnlly of hnau ablp unlll apurk aot irry la hiHUlIed to Inaurn communlcntion a In wilb piaiuia ond lo rIvu conipoM beor- Tbu Inua to jdntu-a an orlRinnlly ORreed id n upon. "Intonn MncMlllan nf doparlmeni's ^nn (J^cialiMi wlikii la for purpoao’ nf aafe- lit'd Rimrdlntc pinnvH ond puraonnol. If ~ thvar inatriictlona can uol bo compiled wllb arranRo to Innd planea and per- r — mmnol-w-^ydtrer-fOT-rettffu H i'B ib- ;ifl, Unllod Stolea." A atntemrnt ianued by Ibe navy fin. pnrimcni anid Ibal plana (iRrocd upon , f. by Mne.Miilnn nnd tbr dopartment bo- , forr drpnrlurn caitr<l tor lho uao ot iKitli alnndnnl navnl radio and ahort wRvo cqulpuienV by tho txpwUtlow, condltiona. . . . ' . i„ '“riir ainndnrd nnvy c(|Uipment for 1, 1, Ibo ha«r ablp waa Imnaporlcd lo Wla- cnaari by nnVy tuic but wna left behind wiien tb(frxi>odition,aalied." tho aluto- _- "Tbo drairoyrr Putnam boB Ix'en ■ 'd di'apalchrii fo H)'^lncy wltb 'thu equip- ' mruC In order to ellniinate tbo necox- aliy for tbr exprdlilou lurnlnR bacn to pick It up. , ...; "A dlapaixb Iiaa l>r«n aent tn thc ApNlitlon advlalni: thrm of thla ac- tion. Tlio Pulnoiu will orrlvo at 8yd- iroo noy thla nflrmoon." ' , und ------------------------ •eua Wll.KlCSIlARlli:. Pa. -- Morrir ind- Schlnltrr. Omnho weilrrwelBbt. knock- >nda r I out Pete, Scranton. In tho third round.______________________ ^ ile A s le e p ------------ <^eii ’• train .« m dermQ^ way to laa frtun-. N «r a OD thfl estrm e rigbt, ibe suirab r i M E ^ Knv.\xiA>.K' .MOSS II!' .M iM v\rKi:i: .<?T, I*Ain.. Mlnn., Jinir ::i-Jnbn _ 11. .Mi>»» of .\ll1WHiilii'.-. WlH.. wan I I iintniliiioui'iy noiiilMHicd Joi" (nrni- I I [ dent of Illll Kluuiiln iiiici'iiiiildinii ! I \ for lJ2fi, It WIIH nniimiiii'nl UMlny. J I fiiliowliii: n noinlnnlliit; nii'cilnK wlilrb Inaird iliniuub lanl nli;bi. 2^ Toinonow rirnbm <if ili>' Inirr- I II nollonni tirraiib'iii nnd all oliirr of- U flrrrH will In- lu ld at Dir' ccilivrii- I tlon nudlinrluni. I . MoR.^ tii-. ii .11 inm i. i. nf K|- wnnla fni' thr |>u>il oiinilxT-i.f yniiH na wril UH niTVlni; lu ■•Him' cainic!- lllc.i In tb r orKiiui>:.Hlciii. si EINSTEIN TALKS I; OOVOLUTION (irviil (,'<>rm«(i .SViml^f r<ini»iii»ifs kii 10 .Si'o|ie< I'uar nud 0|i|i<i>i'> .^Iiix/IImk )M Anidi'nilr Vrirdurii. e* (irnpyrlKbl 1'njc l>y I'ullrd ......... . fJ IJKlll.t.V, Junr :;i- I’i.,f,',.,,(ir Al- li- . ben i:inr.triil. wnrld-I.nuvii • for Iihi in tiu'ory ot r<-luilvUv. ii.tUiy Uv«V.<' Ul« ot eulninary hllniri'. iii mi .-m'I uiiIv.’ In- ly irrvli-w witb llio liiilinl l'icr.:i nii ilu' Id Hcopea cnr.r In Trnn.'KM'i' liivolvini; rvoiution. Ilr rniidinuiiiil iniizr.llnu of nrnilonilr frrcdoin. jip.. ,Maklni.' It rlrnr ibai lie Old mil rud ''•'’*■''0 hiu rrinnrliH Hi be- Inn't iirrinl nn Inlerfrronrii In nn Anu'rli';i|: iniii- do- anunbhlr,” tiir profriuor dfirliin-d gdl. unii>bntlciitly.: m«l rrairletion of nr:adriiilr Illi. ,-.y ri'ly benpH coain ot alinm.i upon ilir I,, coinmun{ty whlrh loii'V.ii-'.! ancb hiip- '"rbo rxocL ariuuro.i." in- drrlarcil. "ntny roll tbr world tli.'lr fniln-iIiiiMl." ,l„. Oliirr Oonnnn mc1,'UIInI:i und ilu- l„l„ oIORlnna are eaisorly; ....... - iniiMlmirH from thr Aiurrlriin '•uilinu- ^ tlonol batila froAt." 1 I, Prntraaor SwberK nt tb.' I'nlvrnilty nr. of Kerlln, onu'of Kiiropr'n InuliiiK ibi'olocluna,.told Ibo Uulti-'l I'rchn: "Darwlnlam In itu orlelnni form In n IborouRbly nilmuinilni; nPH'uilfic p„t tbflory. ,,,, "Subioquent ntlempla lo niiply Dar- io,,,' >vinlHm to every flold nt ihoudit nnd 'KulLiiro' oro. In my opinion, nilaink- en and old faabioned. SclvDtlfio thc- ,2,.. nrbm cap bn conirovrrlt^* - only ..oil ihrouKh hard tncia mid cold reaaon." Then'bo coifcludod 'wilh Uio obarr- vallon. mouifpatly aimed directly ai tho cnao of I'rofoaaor ScopwrTh Tenn- If meo: 1,^ 'They cannot he dlaprovwl by re- ini-. movlnR ibclr HxponenlrfrfiiH oftlco." (i)^ xi'CcwntsJAba&n-Von~li«niaiopft, ouoo - aerman .Ambaaaador to-WaahlnKton, 0^ heatedly ronilvmned nil aupprcaaloil ,on of freo api<ech nnd thouRbt. },g. "I am uliaoiuirly oppoaetl lo nny i,( rrnlrictlon. of acnilenilr trrrdom,", hr ort anid, "and lo nli pvnii'cution fur tuu'eli- (<u Ini: of ealabllalird foclH. --U-be.lht'ary-af-irvnliilinn- lu.u'ull aupportcd by nli our kunwicdsu nnd tor lo iRiioro It would bi* to ahow thr 'Ir. intolilKruco of Ibr oalrlch. It ia a Ind Ibrory wblch boa no conneetion wltb to. reilKloD. \ "In tbla connection, I wont to rc- ■CA PUdiole tiio Impreanlon cronteil in In, America by my friend, Frank Ilorrla. 6H. Ibot 1 am a conflnnwl athclat. 1 nni no ancb thinR. I boliovo lu rellKlun and In lla inaplrallon." he -----------------^ ------- JS; Yellowstone Will Hanaie 175,000 Hr TouriftU in 1925 8ALT LAKE CITY, Juno 24.—A . Yeilowitono park aoasoa ot at lesat X7C.OOO v lB lia rs was predicted yes- terday by D- 8. Spencer, gonoral paaienRor oRcnt tor the Oreeon Sbort followlnR his‘return from the formal iwrk openlnc- TVavo! duriOR tho openloK dayB showa a comdandlnR Increaae over that- * for tho samo period ' tast -year, aad best of all, tajB Mr. Spenttr, it. ba* promlao of boldine IhrouRhout the aeason. Should U bold ll Wlir mean the es- tabllahlaR of-a now park racord. iilRh mark lo dale wo* aot In 19M, when a total of HS,MO poople vlaltod tbe reffon. ’U te park m ar h» likened lo the firat day of sprinR. It ta so beauti- ful," declared Mr. Spencor. •‘.Vever before have I seen It so spposllne. Flowers are everywboro and lho late aoowB and rainfall have kopt , the verdure Its Rr««neat. Roada are Qxcolient and tho reccnt improve- opcnlnc days show* » convmudtas ^ movlnR Rradaa and aurfaclnR'are be- ^ ioR Rreatly appreciated." _ | PocateUo U ' Convicted Rape , on His Stej^au^ter POCAT&uJb. June' 24.-OaUty. aa chantsd, was tbt vsrdlct rstamed , Uls. 'Mondar sftenioea In tb* css* of tliB Sute' tb; LoaU C Zatsob. ... ebsrxed vrltb; • ' .stolatoCT ctIbm , artlair-gssaor, larsftB. Us t7-mr> 'i oM Bt*pdaB<bt«r.‘ .Tba cob* , vas i triad todar is’ dWrtet. eoart before Tadn. Robert K. iM Iell. aad th« i vnd(el -«a« rsMhad mftar ftva .mia- i aU s dellbarBtlAt.-. . .•• , « • «R*bm . waa .all^isd ta ban i baaa coBBtttMd .at-Biavar'Dama, t Taraar -praetact. .this eaaatr. M r « ’ M ?Sifriw^^%4*rirtrant*^ * tlite.»»c«ia».aa4>fat«ss4 is i S IDAHO WF.ATHER ^ T ^Ir and conliniiod I •-W(inii tonlBbt and Thurs- f OLD .VOL. xiir: no . t>5.’ p H i r I POIRSIIRS i CHttREDS — ’ Intervention Ajjpcare Likely in China As Conditions ' Grow Woise; American . i\-t Wires U. S. “Con- llu ditions Worse” ; ' Another in China. ll"K t.ONDO.V. Jnu.- : i —Wllb Hrltlah ro- ' )>orin Him tbr i'liln.:iif nllualinn Ih ;;ri>wlnK wcirnc. Ii wbh nnd.Taimid In- i) dny Illill. If It li.riHiK'n uecaHnry, thn Al- |»hv.'|-.h’ tlfiii iil.'ji will |>|. to rrmovo lil'i ^in'lKiKTH lo irtaiy poriH wberr thuy Ul« Ik' ilv{«\jnii-il viHh nnvTlnrs, »nlJ- in- nrii. vnlunir«'ni rorpii nn.i ovallabio llu' irooim. inK Tiir nvniial.l.- troopa Inrlinir n l»ot- lln« tnllon of ibr llrlilab r.iai auirry rep- Iniriit. Ulll Tll" .ini'iitlon of nrllvo Inlcrvontinn 'ii-<l In rbinn woiil.l voino intrr, aa it ia ' \ui- fi'll tK'Oi'HHury flrnl lo 'luaurr -atfaiy .n-it nt nii iiullounlit. bi-cauar they rmKht iir iiiuviirri'd It iiitrrvuuilon woru dn- ' Hb. ntrnyrd prrvlniiKly. ^ . i up- w.\.«illiN(iT0.v. Junr 21-Americon Coninii l.<;ltoy. Wrbbcr, ol Amoy, Cliltia; cttUU'd iho wm« dupurtmenl Vo-' "I. dny Hint the nnil-fnruii;u alluatloR hero biiH nHHumi-d "a sravcr aapect as '”>• a rrnult (if tlie Inalatrncc ot unruly rlrinrnia lo dLuionHiraic on KuiaBB- ,ann." '»>• Tbr torrlKii aciticmcni nt Amoy la ' Mllcd KulunBimo. • I I.ONDCS. June Tbe Brltlab rov- erniiirnl pmmraaoa "ovldimco that iiKrniH of anniher Kovemmont aro foa- trrluK dislurbnncea in China." For- uUn Secretary Auaicn Chamberlain I tohl lho bouao of commons today la aUKWcr lo (lueailoiw. Ilo told onorlier .qaestionor Groat : Rritaln la not contemplotinR appoint- ’ menl of an RiusIa. ' i Amerlcsaa. KbIIbI for PraUetlea. nn- ]|0NQ KONO, Juao S4.>AiB«neaas'' .. lo a man aro onrolllBR la the spoeUt' ,**. eon^ilnbulary hero Id “do thcirhlU~'la UM meetlnR tho BlLuoUoa.cauaad Rrneroi BtrlkO'Or.OhtBriiSr^^,’ •- ,' v Women of Ibo /orelRn colon/ .ara ' aaalailHR an waitresses ta tbe earat;- Wbim boloia ore MrvloR meals cafe- 'll' leria atyio alnco thclr Usual waiters , ' .Sumiiinry nf rondliloaa la Cblaa: ' Wlllle foWlsn rCfmes Including ,,,,1 mnny“ 3UiriTican». aro pourinR into.- - i alrlko-rlddiif itonR Kobr from tba - "" fnrelRn aotticm.nt. Sbamoen, Canton, I,, Brltlab and Indbui troopB are belaC dlapotched to Sliamcon from lIoa» KonR. Thla move. followlnR a claah ycs- terday ot Canton InvolvlnR Chinese atudcnia and DrIlUb marines In whleh ” ' ono Frenchman was kilted nnd sover* ' nl nrlllah wounded sllRhtly, Indicates the British Intend to defend Shamaea wllb arms if necessorr. . II takes, on added slRnlflcaBce la view ot a HotiR Kon* dl«pkt«h TsUt- InR that bcfoVe tho Britbib isarlBSS . a replied to tho Cblneae flre. tbe Brit- ish cobaul hod waraed the Coatoa covcrnmenl that any Chinese attempt _A to enter tbo forelsn eoactaaloa would, “ u t bo forcibly reatlled osd the ROvofB- M. monl held vreaponalble.. .. -• ml At lIonR Kour, tbe additional.Cbi- orl neae wore rcported.RaInR.fhn ttnnral.- • ?ai atrike wbllc AmericBBs wrfre eatoll- ihft InR in tho special eoaaUbBtarr ’ asd forelRB women woro worklnR os wal*- fi* rcaacs In Iho cafes. J,, Special mraaura*. wore taken to t keep tho public works'in operation. Tho Britlah ROvemment wu rc)>ort- - • ™' od prepared to Uke' relentless mea-. * auri-a asalnat any attempted- dlsor>. dor. . • *' • At PekloR. Americans ptsnnod. a. . mecllBR to conalder the sltusUon. .

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Page 1: liim D L T 1 r i M E ^ S TDoveiy Shot BSLa^tfre^k i>t By · vbLTU&.,8^NUjiBEB,i)8. . P H ® i i i i i i p l i i Death' of Senators

vbLTU&.,8 NUjiBEB,i)8. .

P H ®i i i i ii p l i iDeath' of Senators Ladd anc

La FaUette Plate- Third Eaity "Cause in Jeopards and;=May AHeet, 192f Gampaira; 'W idow.M aj giU n Wiscnnajn. S p a t .

------------------~MXmaON:~Wlii.. Jwno m-TIio lifto t tbo ao*callcd p ro ffrm lv o movomonl throuBhoul Uio U ntied Statoa in ' In J«opardy u a reau lt o f tbo poM lni; ot 111 lwo leaders, S o n a lo n L«d(l and L a 'F o lle tte , .w llhln a niiiglo wock.

A euHoUR altuntlon hoa arlsvn hero in WlBCMnaln ^fhlcli probaW y w ill re-

tli Mtfc -BcUc O iM lA FoUctto. widow or tho leader, KolnB lo tlio sou- a le fo r bla unoxplrcd te rm —but *uoh a c o u rts w ill only delay tho t is h t for control iif.Uio it4 to which in bound to come. . : . ■

Out in N orth D akota tbo cbancca of tbo progroM lvM bblUInK i l ic k own by ■olootlhe-a.auccw iaor Xor Sowalor lA dd a ra ;sDrio>iiRlr in do u b t

BoDUblicans' havu boon w orklnc a tra n u o u ilr In tbciie two ntaloa nlnco th e boBinnlDS of lho pnM ldontlal u m - pai«Q for th o e * p r« a purpoao of over-. tbrowInK lho prcsn 'aa lvw i a t lho poiln l a u s a . Tho. alm w il almultaneoiw deatha o t Ladd and Ij i I-'ollctto will forco apodal olocUonB w llhln u fi;w montha, a t i llm o w hen tho republt*

. • can* aro Birongcr tlian they Havo beun In ntccni years. T he BcrloUBncBB ot tbe Bltuallon waa seon In tho aUito* m ent laauad by S ena to r N orria, «en- oraJlsalmo of tb o La Follolto Rroup in congresa ifh o urRod "tho d e a th ot ou r Kroal Icador. m oat no t-b o takon a s any dlBlniejpratlon of o u r ro " ’**;.

Leadera w llh ln the Ia Follctio l u k a a re Ira ak ly w orrifd . Now can- dWatoa fo r hb i f lonalorla l-poat aro b6bb to i np ovory mlnuto. T h e bUu- ■Uon to dpacrlbcd b y Im partia l ob* se iV en u .« u c b tiiat. tbe L». Foll«tlo Bon. ito b e rt J r r-« h v io u a ly tho IorIu I choleo bwauBO :o t know ledge -ot hla father'B .affa lra and hla own n W U t^ c o iild face BUft oppoallloa from Uiofto

- ' , '^ n o hs’^ h lu ? y o tS U * h to i2 ? »

■lato aa much a* ho^ hiiBbnnd,.lB lhoonly ono w ho 'c an - 'u n lte th e varloua krbupa. Sbo does no t dralro to bo a; eandlilaterin it appoalB aro bolni; mado

. from e re ry Bido fo r h e r to alop for­w ard lo w t* lh « mofcm cnt. wWeU her


A tto rae r CUIma T h a t H U U o u Ir t U e tc r D tm iJ j r D en ied .^ O lr ln f «erm » to BlUy. b n t D r. Pftlmaa’s T esU m oity '^C ontlm B OitfU.

ORWONAl* c S u O T , Cblca«o. Ju n e S l ^ W lil l a m - O a r l la f Sbapbord has indirectly cootosaed lo lho m nrdar o f Billy H cO llatock. tbo a u to c te r tw l teAaV i n ' I tc a riu m o n ta to t h s J u t lo r Shophord'a conrfcUon.

O sorge a O o rm an .. f irs t saalaum t . v u te 'a * a tto rney , m ade th e ch arso

BB h e na u m ed h ia kddreM od, ho a iartad yesterday. * - •

-T h is m ah 8hepherd.’V O onnan de­clared, ^M d • KUllir conicloDca and tbe .m ice 6f W a' coniclence led him to nuk o inerim lnalin* sU le m « iU aca ln st hlm sslf.

“No, h s B«rac sa id , *I klllad 0> » r UeCllntock.*. b a t h e offored alib is a a d excoaes and ho fled from tow n. T hoae war* Ind irec t confessions of b U K nllt.B Bd'yoB c tn tltm o n shonld keep them , la you r minds."

Oorrnaa th e a con tra sted B h ^ hm W i im irW l c o » r .^ o n > " tb s 'd i r e c t confessions o f ,* D r ." C. C . o fS p h o Ws m s w llh th e prom ise th a t, h e w as to B»t flOOJKW -afla r s m r MeCUn-


XO OT S « • ! » . . lo tM a ' proseenOoa of W lliB a .D.

oa the chart* that b# m a r d ^ . ^ i s ■wsaMhy ^wa>d, BiUy . MeCHttloek. W illlaa 15cMt Btewsrt. eW ef de-

. fraae a U o iw eharRt>« ioAKT te bis a m B is t for ae^QlCUl.^

" If Mr. f lh tp h s r d - b a a - t 'U N s « M c h t t sad . m r d s ^ . W s •-« * » * « » .

\ cbla T O ld * m p % ib e '■ se f lw M to e t? . da r-eaati.'' 8 t* w rfl

. thU cue B iny H eC U s tsd c 1m 4 * to t

. K S ' S S S '

. ■ V.:,' ' ' •

T D o v e iy Shot B S L a ^ tfre^ k I M ^ o r R e

G ang,of Lawbreakers.Feai V . - Editor Would -Expose Tl ■IT Grand Jury Ihvestigati I ' Mayor Todd Returns to

Murder of Editot- Who D

K R l^ O , Wnnh.. J u n r 2< -T b o po ird llllca l'a llua tibn In Koliio bocamc mor "dy ten'ne tnday wHh tlio nnnoiinccmcn ) 2 6 A* '!'<><>'’• <I<-'POH0d mayoi, would ro lurn lo thin c ity anil rcopo: lay tbo fig h t aHulnat hla oncmlna. Tb

• m urder F riday n liibl o f Thniiiaj' Dnv

Nows ajid'^apokpfimnn fo r the Todi life fncllon, wna tbn cniian of ToiIiI'h re e n t e n try Inlo th« local pollllea l nreni

In Todd'B bonchmon nro open In tbon : o f charROB th a t lbe klllliiK, o f DovDr) snd WOB .ft pollilcnl m urder .nnrl Inilmaii

th a t ho w as sho t down by iin aiumanli ero becauae ho, D oviry, "knew too nnich.’ re* . C ew llu county otflclajilom ioiIa] tto . d irw te il 8b«rl(( SlHdMmVrr to tm on - |>ioy I^tiku .Mny. Sontllo crlmlnnloKfxt iiob to tnko ebarco of tbo acarch for Do^ for c ry ’a oiiaoaBln. Mny, w lib «xitrrloiicc« I to a a a liu n ta . In now In ch»rR>' n r llu

cnae, b u t nn nnnou n cd iin ii ii I o t Qiako loday ri-Kanlinii bln proKrc.iH li: >wn tbo-'m an bunt.

Tbo p o st.p o litic a l frnyii In iCulao'f hccllo inuhlclpat nftn lm nro lllirily ii

‘‘‘I* (ado In to Inalicnlflaiuco In coiiiparlMDH w ilh th n t wblch wlll fnllow Tnihri'

1*^ re tu rn , ami biH fo llow rn i d rclnro ilini ?r|' Ibey w ill demanil lh a l O ovoninr Hurt- iii« appo in t a aiHicIal proHuculor nnd “ ,,1 a n e x traord inary Bvnnsl Jivry «» «lti J ” ' tho fttclB nf thn Dovory iiu iidcr ninl

tho politica l alUmtlnn In KoUo. Thi> dcelare tha t ibcy havu b ivn iihndow. od. tlironlencd nnd Inllinldmcd hy Ibc political ring now In conirol nf lbr

‘*®’ counly and c lly a tfa lra. Dovory, ihey f.?n “ J'- hac} feared oBnnHiilnnllon.. and n ’“ •J few h o u rs boforo ho wua klllo<l had ,iwl «no»cd aw ny from lb e "pen window

o f a bomo w hen, ho wna aontp.1. rc- markinff tb a t bu wob loo conntilcuouii

1 ® a ta r fo t 'w h e re bo won aeatcd., io .D oro ry 'a widow, M ii. ICtlxa Dnv- tu . e ry , cbarsen tb n t h e r biialiand wna

aBsaaKlAa(<Kl't))»caw« bo itir^-atcnnd to ,<<<> t-'xpoBO pollllea l co rrup llon and whblo* f l l sa lo violallona of liq u O r ' lawa In ^ Keliw.

i • Clly I s D ltld is l. jfto " T he a ir In Ihbi lltllo c ity Is 'fraufihl bo- Wilh fioBslblU tiu today. Tho c ity In the d iv id ed 'In to t# o 'd U t lo c t campn. A

SSLho n t h e r in llltio kroupBion ’s tro e t cor>nta nom , in public buIldlnEB and bolelI a lobbies a n d ta lk In iinderlon in . aban- idn donlnR converaatlon w hen a n tranuvr sr.: npproachea. . T lto "Tmld m en," np- ic r pralsod o f Uie Intcndod r r lu rn o t thulr

agalna t “ lbe sanir." T ho "an lla" lopk on tho ro tu m of tbe depo*o<l mayor SB Ibo a lonal fo r Ibo roopenlns of lho political wounda tbouch t healed wllb lbe recall oloctlon of Ju n o 3.

I t w aa tho k illlni; of Doverjr tha l th rew tho c ity Into tw o dln ilnct campa. U ntil tho nIxh t th a t Dovory waa aa-

a . aaaaloalc*!'. political loadom bero M tb o u sb t tb a t tho unplcaaantncan IncUI I donl to Todd’a few m onths aa mayor !.• had died.

Todd J lrn S U r t P robe., Dovory. in ht* papor, hs/1 cvon

adopted, a conciliatory a ttitude to- w ard th e now m ayor. N al Sm itli. Bu*-

* '* Inesa in te rests and tb e cbam bcr of commorco hoped fo r a .rm inlti-d Kelao.

Tlien tbo aasassln'B anclciit rcvoW er no —IBS

it; W h ^ e ]m.m t ■ ■

bo •





IB> '

* ■

* 'T m J t W S r i l n ;

: ; : :■ TOIN FALL

i>t B y G m i M kers; Deposec eturns io F igteared That Former Twin Fa Them and Their Lawle.ssnes

;ation ._Asked of Govoi'nor; E to Take Up Fight and Avon »Defended Him.

r po- aundlns n fotal bullet erlnlilUR thrm; more Dovory'H- body, ri'oiicncd ihiIIiI m ent " ju n ch i.o n d o ta rtlcd the fiitlrit cUy

. In thn Jiiin t fn r tbc m urdenir lb< o ^ n "•» ‘I '- ' oloimicnl* Jodny. ’I L y ' Todd mun, tom pornrlly lud by Urv.

W. 8w lt«e r nnd KnsI P. lUiu/'on. i

Tmtfi Hnwaon nnnbnncwl Ibnt llicj' 1: n RiiHpfct undor obKt-rvnilon, Inu v

roni" publlo nny nr tlio llclnllilIbo Buaplclmia neulnBt Ibo nun.

'Vory ." A pollilcnl m urder, nolhlnc nu mato o r leaa." nnnouncud Ilev. .Mr. Swiiz lanln "TbnmnM Dovrry wbh » innriyr ich.“ III*.' cauao o t civic dreoncy nnd sn □day Rovornmitnl. l ie wnu Klllod fnr n pm- «f tw o inollvm . clllw r buca\ia¥ In'; h

>Kfat. n ftondrd xomu nf tb r linns or I Do^> cauae h r Know tnclii whlcb he tlirci „c,.,l < nrd tn c)i|)OHr."

lho .Mnv ANHUiiirH riin rx f.Ill W hllr th r Todd ....... w err ninki

IH In tbcHn chn'rKrs. t 'o u n i/ CnminlHali.orH ilnm llln ii, IIolhriHik nnd. Cnm

lao'n I’Vli held a confrruiivu w llh Sbrr y lo S ludrhnkor and D rputy DiKtrliii ; laon lornuy Qiiinn nnd niitborU nl the n iild’H plo>Tnont o f Mr. .Mny, whn pruvlnui Umt bnd lir rn Invllril In.KriHn by Rlior lurt- tjtiidrbnker. Mny Iminrdlntrly in nnd chnrcD of th r InvrHllKatnrii o t t «lft caar.ninl Tlio d r lr r l l v r In nppnrrnlly

L’hry nKnlnnl u ulone witli. Tint L-vllh-ncr low- wlilch h r ra n hnar bin InvintlKiilInn

Ibc Ih r in iird rr Kun. u lii-nvy ciillhrr Cn Ibo revnlvur nf mick-nl mnke. nnd tbu fui

Ih ry bulle t w hlclt anutfi^d m il Dnvi-ry'n II id n W llh h la oiialBtnnla .Mr. .Mny Inimr

dow . (C ontinued oa pnso 3 ) '

f COOLIDGE is:Jftht .SWAMPflCOTT^. Siaaa.. Juiic' 24 y iH Prasino iit CooUdKO camo hnmo lo I

A naUvtf. NoW’. RaBlarid to begin h i'

Ihor ■MiSwW '« '^W a!5 ifn?oh?^ Tbouft” * co r- arrlvotJ .so oa rly In tho morhlOK Qirl Munt h av e rccajtcd Ibe ciiRloma ia n - h o iir .n f rlnlhR du rln e hla boybnoil i iK tr a V erm ont farm , he found n wulcoi np- la * crow d o f fellow citiarjia nf |ftJ<

liulr B chuaoiu w alllntr to K rcrt blm.

iS u P rc s ld e n ro n d *Mw. • Coolldgo lopk WoBhlnafon, a rrived a t 8a1<-ni, to lynr mllea from hore n t 7 a . m., a tnnda lho tim e. W hereupon tb ry prom ptly lo

vllh on h o u r o t th r l r vacation tbrtniitb ll n ecessity of chnmrlnR lo day llcb l aa

Lhal Injra. C lrn r, cool w oathrr cnvo .M npa. CoalldRft Iminedlnto nnaumnco tha t I aa- had aucceaafu lly evaded tbo he

ioro which ^ e bad loft lho cap ita l to c ncU cape. . ' ' , 'lyor . -------- :---------------

IX)S ANOni.F.9,.. Juno 24-M uaJ C allahan, local newnlwy, acorcd t

■von Im p rm iv o th reo rouml linockoiii ovi to - Ruasle L ei^y , P a rso . N. D.. Ilch

lua- wolKlit; h e r o la s t n ieh t. Dllly l>r of rolle , Ix ro y 'a IlKbtwelabt stnblo mat

lao. 'w on’-from F rank lo H nk in tho aom Iver w indup. ________________■

] N | ^ n y W e r e '

y t a ^ i ^ | y inontiiir-’iiig^wi

fh ^ f o m


■ f . i t i ; i i i i i t K o b v w n X *■ ^ BM ilVAI^UATKI) SOON

J Q IIBllU.V, ^ Jtm o 2<.—ilcporlB boru todoy ' anid Amb.iaandor

V % \4 ‘ **‘’* *ch n t ' I ’arlii bnd’ rfcoivcd • r j I ilrthiliii uaMuniiK'va trom ForelRn

MlnlBior Ilrlninl tb u i O io g n o wnuid bo a%ii(:niilvd alnnK wiUi Uio R u h r ,ro ilo u un Aueital 17.

Falls I —a m ^ n reported IrylnR

» hnrd to p ro trn t Ri;rmniiy enter- ; E X i '"K Ibe four-W)wrr w eatrrn aocur- <inrv/> I 'y PU":!- •thi' Frrncli nannrnnco

n t uurly ovaiuAiliiii n t ilio llulir Ih - tn k e n 'n a '» rnHrillnin'ry nnivu In n ttacl tlij) IUihhIAii prrKSiirc

, nl Ilerliu. >irouRli . !______itliirnl i.os*ix)N'. Jn n r 24,—Oermnny.

nccnrdinR. to 'rflliib ln Inrormullim Ib rio tnduy. bua nntinuncrd to tbo an-

y. Tbo viol Rovornmeia her dutin lir lii- rv. W. (cntlon n t cnterlnR tbe prn'poard

n r r four-nnw ar a<cnrliy imct nmniii; - i-Tnnec. hAiRHinil, llclRium n1nl

;i Sl - \l --------riDAHaPEASIN

FINEtanON!■; bad J

lirciit- Arr<*niir la In rr ta o rd jiml Oullimk f»i IIIr I 'ro p la l^itrnurnRliiR.

nklnit . j io i s i : . Idnhoi Jun.- 2 i - T b r rninil.I ■ ‘I" ' ' *•'« 60.006 m-rrn nf punii In ,tbr

ir l Ifi Iil'i'c r Snnku r if c r vnlley la IOO pur , » c rn i norm ni. ncdordinu to n rrim it l».

by J.lI.'Jacn iia iin , crop r rp o r tr r I ' ' , " | f o r Ibu tr ile rn i lllrp n r ln irn t n f auri- I irr o i l lu rr . IndlcnUoiin ai iirriniiil pnlnl

Uinl< '■* " .......................... l '" ‘'hrlnit t i i r ~*iIjin t y ro r'n w U rr Khnrtncr raiiiirdn . iirnvy. io^H l0.]>M Rrmvuni, Ibu reporl

aujii. and nnly «,i«iO n r rra w ere bar- 'loil i» vi'Hlcd. nvoraB lni nixiurn biiabula per y . , nc ic. In no rtb I jo iin nl iirr ion t lhcr«! IViin n e n l . o f which oiiprnxi-.. iifV. nintely .1,000 acrAi nro conirncu d aerd ' prnii. -A eondltlifci of !iS per cont nor-

nmi iirbmlara n > jr ld ot elKhlecu buab- ola to thn a c m J On p rn eilra lly . ibu nnmo ncrenRO la i t y m r Ib r yield wna t'iovvn biiaboln p e r aero.

CnnninR Pnyrtlu ron n ly nru n inn ln lr lo Inuchlbeticr yieiiln thnn In ]U2'i, .Mr. J a c f lb ip haa tound. Ifai^ vfaltinK and dolivrry lo thn ennnrry

M l ? of .Iha 170 .aoreai u t cannhii: puns In i l l * , (ho t auclion hou uilrm dy a tn rM . Tbu

yluitbi a ro n in n h R from ono nnd n • iinif to tw o In n s llo iho n r r r . ,

»* lwo p o r ^ o .

^•1"* I w n IH w "R It ■ T A R » '0 « IS lum .V K ii I.N i m i a

•Ml**M PU H t., Ju n o I 'i—CicnnInK bntn by icom- KO" prtfvcd a ronlly fnrlbcKi b rro on Mnaa- Tiii-adny n tiurnoon when a flru atnrl* ’ e<l lu llc n r y a aUiilo porior. W brn tin-

fWinica w ere cxUnBUlahcd nnd nn In- viintury won u i;< :n .o i tuo uamaKV, ii waa foiind tbnt a Rood a llcr o f Iho Bcaaon'a p ro tlla hnil dlaappoarctl In

f anioko. Tbo ow nor o t Ibo ratflbllab- *, n icn l eatlm ated tlm l ICOO wpuld covor

. v l the loaa. ilen ry 'a «blno pa rlo r waa ; „ V one of tho flniwi In the atale.»» h» T h e flro alarlcd from a hn t clean- i.««? InB Jnocbino In w hlcb Raa waa uaod,

0 M- «Pread rapidly.


o \^ r N'RW YORK. Juno 21.—Throo tlchl- o rm ed bandlla be ld up anil bound

I’et^ and RORRod two men In Moreua mato. Foldm an‘8 JoweJry. Btore on 'Drond- w ml- w ay and eacapod w llh dinnionda

and pla tinum valned a t t ;o 0,000.

T ra p p ed W h il(

r iaxqirwonirtri from->ClilM^, llL , t i L :;> to te tfae U tU t ;b o r ln . t t > g h t oi ) re g r 'a t iD d ,; . __

D L T 13AY, JUNE 24, 1925.

3NMLMBI0. I IS Ii eSED f ON POLAR i lulir

nroM a c M i l l a n A r c t i c E x p e d i -

i„y. t i o n M a y R e f u s e t o U a r r > Intl C o m p l e t e N a v a l R a d i c 111', E q u i p m e n t a n d 1£ S o N a^ ard v ; i l C o m m a n d e r I s F o r b i d - ^ ■ . dcMi t o M t^k o T r i i ) b y - W -i l - --------------b u r . ------------ ----------------- --------------

UASIll.MiTOX, ,l» . JliHO 'J l . - T h r .'lIue.MUInn exi>cdili»ii iiininrtsiunuiily v l l l ' Inko ou stniidiird n n iy ciiuJpm cnt UH>de*

\M , ’••'■'■'I l<r .'l«<Trlnry of lho > 'av j ID I M iltiur uud pnicH-d from Hyd- '* * Jirj', H - M lthoul de lufi Jo h n

<». Lutiurre, nellnir prc.nldent of . th r .VnllunnI «entrni]ihlc aocloiy' b n e k rn of Iho rxpedillon, told

. l | i r i;niled V n n x today.

W ,\SlU .\(no.N '. Ju n e IM—S ecrelnry of lb r Nnvy W ilbur todny ordrrud

I**” ' i.h 'iiirnain ( 'onim iindrr itlcbord Uyrd. ' ' ’>* cniifniniiilcr o t lb r iinval nvlnllon du-

tiirhn irn t wlili tb r Muc.Mliian' u iped i- Hon. lo land bin plonim nnd peraonnol u l .Sydiiry, N, S., nud Ivnvo thu iiurly if (Toounundir MnrMlllun rrtuiim l lo laho uu nuvoi rndio ocjulpmunt th rro

ed n OH WllUur dralrea. i>Qrl B ynl ruplird hy rndIo fm m the Iinr- Pcnry nrkuowledishu; receipl o f lb r per mrKtioRr nnd iinyini: th a t tiie Ilnwdoln

iioro w llb Mnr.Mlltnn uliuard imd n o t y r l •n*i- renelii-d Sydm r.aeed Tiiu nnvy diiportm rnt nnniiunerd It unr- liad nn ciinfcnaion n t |-‘(i>oriH Ibat Mnc- uab. Millnn bnd wired tbo expc'dltlmi wa:i •Ibu returnlnir.WftB Wllliiir'a mraaaRr lo tlyrd followa:

■ " n o r ld u ’a apnrk a r t In bolnK a rn t aru you n l,Sydney iiy d rairoye r Putnnm .

n In r in n ea wiil no l niako fllRht aw ay from fa i^ v iclnlly of hnau ablp un lll apurk aot i r r y la hiHUlIed to Inaurn communlcntion a In w ilb piaiuia ond lo rIvu conipoM beor- Tbu Inua to jdntu-a an orlRinnlly ORreed id n upon. • •

" In to n n MncMlllan nf doparlm eni's ^ n n (J^cialiMi wlikii la for purpoao’ nf aafe- l it 'd Rimrdlntc pinnvH ond puraonnol. If

~ thvar inatriictlona can uo l bo compiled w llb arranRo to Innd planea and per-

r — mm nol-w -^ y d tre r-fO T -re ttf fu H i 'B ib- ;if l , Unllod Stolea."

A atn tem rnt ianued by Ibe navy fin. pnrim cni anid Ibal plana (iRrocd upon

, f. by Mne.Miilnn nnd tb r dopartm ent bo- , fo rr d rpn rlu rn caitr<l to r lho uao ot

iKitli a lnndnnl navnl radio and ahort wRvo cqulpuienV by tho txpwUtlow,

condltiona. . . . ' .i„ ' “r i i r ainndnrd nnvy c(|Uipment for

1, 1, Ibo ha«r ablp waa Im naporlcd lo Wla- ‘ cnaari by nnVy tuic but wna left behind

wiien tb(frxi>odition,aalied." tho aluto-

_- "Tbo d ra iro y rr Putnam boB Ix'en ■ 'd di'apalchrii fo H)'^lncy w ltb 'thu equip-

' mruC In order to ellniinate tbo necox- aliy fo r tb r exprdlilou lurnlnR bacn to pick It up. ,

. . . ; "A dlapaixb Iiaa l>r«n aen t tn thc A pN litlon advlalni: th rm of th la ac­tion. Tlio Pulnoiu will orrlvo a t 8yd-

iroo noy thla nflrm oon." ' ,und ------------------------•eua W ll.KlCSIlARlli:. Pa. - - M orrir ind- S ch ln ltrr . Omnho w eilrrw elBbt. knock- >nda r I ou t Pete , Scran ton . In tho

th ird round.______________________ ^

i l e A s l e e p


< ^ e i i ’• t r a i n . « m d e r m Q ^ w a y t o l a a f r tu n - . N « r

a OD thfl e s trm e rigb t, ibe s u i r a b

r i M E ^Knv.\xiA >.K xti.M i.N .vn :'

.MOSS II! ' .M iM v \rK i:i:

.<?T, I*Ain.. Mlnn., Jinir : : i - J n b n _ 11. .Mi>»» of .\ll1WHiilii'.-. WlH.. wanI I iintniliiioui'iy noiiilMHicd Joi" (nrni-

I I [ dent o f Illll K luuiiln iiiici'iiiiildinii ! I \ for lJ2fi, It WIIH nniimiiii'nl UMlny. J I fiiliowliii: n noinlnnlliit; nii'cilnK

wlilrb Inaird iliniuub lanl nli;bi.2 ^ Toinonow r irn b m <if ili>' In irr- I I I nollonni tirraiib'iii nnd all o liirr of- U flrrrH will In- lu ld at Dir' ccilivrii- I tlon nudlinrluni.I . MoR. tii-. ii .11 inm i. i. nf K|-

wnnla fni' th r |>u>il oiinilxT-i.f yniiH na w ril UH niTVlni; lu ■•Him' cainic!- lllc.i In tb r orKiiui>:.Hlciii.


(irviil (,'<>rm«(i .SViml^f r<ini»iii»ifs kii 10 .Si'o|ie< I 'uar nud 0|i|i<i>i'> .^Iiix/IImk )M A nidi'nilr Vrirdurii.

e* (irnpyrlKbl 1'njc l>y I 'u llrd ......... .fJ IJKlll.t.V, Ju n r :;i- I’i.,f,',.,,(ir Al­li- . b e n i:inr.triil. w nrld-I.nuvii • for Iihi in tiu 'ory o t r<-luilvUv. ii.tUiy Uv«V.<' Ul« ot eulninary h lln iri'. iii mi .-m 'IuiiIv.’ In­ly irrvli-w w itb llio lii ilin l l'icr.:i nii ilu ' Id Hcopea cnr.r In Trnn.'KM'i' liivolvini;

rvoiution. I l r rniidinuiiiil iniizr.llnu of nrnilonilr frrcdoin.

jip.. ,Maklni.' It r l rn r ibai lie Old mil rud ''• '’*■''0 hiu rrinnrliH Hi be- Inn't iir r in l

nn Inlerfrronrii In nn A n u 'rli ';i |: iniii- do- anunbhlr,” tiir p rofriuor dfirliin-d gdl. unii>bntlciitly.:m«l rra ir le tion of nr:adriiilr Illi.,- .y ri'ly benpH coain o t alinm.i upon ilir

I,, coinmun{ty w hlrh loii'V.ii-'.! ancb hiip-

'" rbo rxocL ariuuro.i." in- drrlarcil. "ntny roll tb r world tli .'lr fniln-iIiiiMl."

,l„ . O liirr Oonnnn mc1,'UIInI:i und ilu -l„l„ oIORlnna a re eaisorly; .......-

iniiMlmirH from th r A iurrlriin '•uilinu- ^ tlonol ba tila froAt."1 I, P rn traaor Sw berK n t tb .' I 'n lv rn ilty n r . o f Kerlln, o n u 'o f Kiiropr'n InuliiiK

ib i'o locluna,.told Ibo Uulti-'l I'rchn: "Darwlnlam In itu orlelnni form In

n IborouRbly nilm uinilni; nPH'uilfic p„t tbflory.,,,, "Subioquent n tlem pla lo niiply D ar­io,,,' >vinlHm to every flold n t ihoud it nnd

'KulLiiro' oro. In my opinion, nilaink- en and o ld faabioned. SclvDtlfio thc-

,2 ,.. nrbm cap bn con irov rrlt^* - only ..oil ihrouKh hard tncia mid cold reaaon."

T h en 'b o coifcludod 'w ilh Uio obarr- vallon. m ouifpatly aimed direc tly ai tho cnao o f I'rofoaaor ScopwrTh Tenn-

If m e o :1, ^ 'T h e y cannot h e dlaprovwl by re- ini-. movlnR ibc lr HxponenlrfrfiiH oftlco." (i)^ xi'CcwntsJAba&n-Von~li«niaiopft, ouoo

- a e rm an .Ambaaaador to-W aahlnKton, 0^ heatedly ronilvmned n il aupprcaaloil ,on of freo api<ech nnd thouRbt.},g. " I am uliaoiuirly oppoaetl lo nny i,( rrn lric tlon . of acnilenilr trrrdom ," , h r

o r t anid, "and lo n li pvnii'cution fur tuu'eli- (<u Ini: of ealabllalird foclH.

- -U -b e .lh t 'a ry -a f - irv n liilin n - lu .u 'u ll aupportcd by nli ou r kunwicdsu nnd

tor lo iRiioro It would bi* to ahow th r 'Ir . intolilKruco of Ib r oalrlch. I t ia a Ind Ibrory wblch boa no conneetion w ltb to . reilKloD. \

" In tbla connection, I w ont to rc- ■CA PUdiole tiio Impreanlon cronteil in In , A merica by m y friend, F rank Ilo rrla . 6H. Ibot 1 am a conflnnw l athcla t. 1 nni

no ancb thinR. I boliovo lu rellKlun and In lla inaplrallon."

he ----------------- -------JS; Y ellow stone W ill

H a n a ie 175,000 H r TouriftU in 1925

8ALT LAKE CITY, Juno 24.—A . Y eilow itono p a rk aoasoa o t a t le sa t

X7C.OOO vlBliars w as p red ic te d yes- te rday by D- 8. Spencer, gonoral paaienRor oRcnt to r the Oreeon S bo rt followlnR h i s ‘re tu rn from th e form al iw rk openlnc- TVavo! duriOR tho openloK dayB showa a comdandlnR Increaae over that- * for tho samo period ' ta s t -y e a r, a ad best o f a ll, ta jB M r. S p e n ttr , it. ba* promlao

■ of bo ld ine IhrouRhout the aeason. Should U bold ll W lir mean the es- tabllahlaR o f - a now p a rk racord. iilRh m ark lo dale wo* aot In 19M, when a to ta l o f HS,MO poople vlaltod tb e reffon .

’U te pa rk m a r h» likened lo the fira t day of sprinR. It ta so beauti­fu l," declared Mr. Spencor. •‘.Vever before have I seen It so spposllne. Flow ers a re everywboro and lho la te aoowB and ra in fa ll have kop t , the verdure Its Rr««neat. Roada a re Qxcolient and tho reccn t im prove- opcnlnc days show* » co n v m u d tas movlnR Rradaa and aurfac lnR 'are be- ioR Rreatly apprecia ted ." _ |

PocateUo U ' Convicted R ap e , on H is S t e j ^ a u ^ te r

PO CAT&uJb. Ju n e ' 24 .-O aU ty . aa chan tsd , w as t b t v s rd lc t r s ta m e d , U ls . 'M ondar s f te n io e a In tb * css* o f tliB S u t e ' tb; L oaU C Zatsob.

... eb srxed v r l tb ; • ' .stolatoCT ctIb m , a r t l a i r - g s s a o r , la rs ftB . U s t7 - m r > 'i oM Bt*pdaB<bt«r.‘ .T ba cob* , v a s i tr ia d to d a r i s ’ d W rte t. e o a r t before T a d n . R obert K . iM I e l l . a ad th« i v n d (e l -« a « rsM had m ftar ftva .m ia- i a U s dellbarBtlAt.-. . .•• ,

« • «R*b m . w aa .a l l^ is d t a b a n i baaa coB B tttM d .a t - B ia v a r 'D a m a , tT a r a a r -praetact. . th is e a a a tr . M r «

’ M ? S if r iw ^ ^ % 4 * r ir tr a n t* ^ *t l i t e .» »c«i a » . a a 4 >fat«ss4 i s i


^ I r and conliniiod I • -W(inii tonlBbt and T hurs- f

O L D .V O L. x i i r : n o . t>5.’

p H i rI POIRSIIRS i CHttREDS— ’ Intervention Ajjpcare Likely

in China As Conditions ' Grow W oise; Am erican . i\-t W ires U. S. “Con-llu ditions W orse” ; ' A nother

in China.

ll"K t.ONDO.V. Jnu.- : i —Wllb Hrltlah ro- ' )>orin Him tb r i'liln.:iif nllualinn Ih

;;ri>wlnK wcirnc. Ii wbh nnd.Taimid In- i) dny Illill. If It li.riHiK'n uecaHnry, thn Al- |» hv.'|-.h’ tlfiii iil.'ji will |>|. to rrmovo lil'i ^in'lKiKTH lo ir ta iy poriH w berr thuy Ul« Ik' ilv{«\jnii-il viHh nnvTlnrs, »nlJ-in- nrii. vnlunir«'ni rorpii nn.i ovallabio llu ' irooim.inK T iir nvniial.l.- troopa Inrlinir n l»ot-

lln« tnllon of ib r llrlilab r.iai au irry rep- Iniriit.

Ulll Tll" .ini'iitlon of n rllvo Inlcrvontinn 'ii-<l In rb in n woiil.l voino in trr , aa i t ia ' \u i- fi'll tK'Oi'HHury flrnl lo 'lu a u rr -a tfa iy .n-it n t n ii iiullounlit. bi-cauar they rmKht

iir iiiuviirri'd It iiitrrvuuilon woru dn- ' Hb. ntrnyrd prrvlniiKly. . i

up- w .\.«illiN(iT0.v. J u n r 21-A m ericon Coninii l.<;ltoy. W rbbcr, o l Amoy, Cliltia; cttUU'd iho w m « dupurtm enl Vo-'

"I. dny Hint the nnil-fnruii;u alluatloR hero biiH nHHumi-d "a s rav c r aapect as

'” >• a rrnu lt (if tlie Inalatrncc o t unru ly rlr in rn ia lo dLuionHiraic on KuiaBB- ,ann."

'»>• T b r torrlKii aciticm cni n t Amoy la ' M llcd KulunBimo. •

I I.ONDCS. June Tbe Brltlab rov- e rn iiirn l pmmraaoa "ovldimco th a t iiKrniH of ann iher Kovemmont aro foa- trrluK dislurbnncea in China." F o r- uU n Secre tary A uaicn Chamberlain

I tohl lho bouao of commons today la aUKWcr lo (lueailoiw.

I lo told onorlier .qaestionor Groat : R rita ln la n o t contemplotinR appoint- ’

m enl o f an om R iusIa. ' iA m erlcsaa. KbIIbI fo r PraU etlea.

nn- ] |0N Q KONO, Ju a o S4.>AiB«neaas' '. . lo a man a ro onrolllBR la the spoeU t',**. eon^ilnbulary hero Id “do thc irh lU ~ 'la UM meetlnR tho BlLuoUoa.cauaad

Rrneroi BtrlkO 'Or.OhtBriiSr^^,’ •- , ' v Women of Ibo /orelR n co lon / .a ra '

aaalailHR an w aitresses ta tbe earat;- Wbim boloia ore MrvloR m eals cafe­

'l l ' le ria atyio alnco th c lr Usual w aiters , '

.Sumiiinry n f rondliloaa la Cblaa: '„ W lllle foWlsn rCfm es Including

,,,,1 mnny“ 3UiriTican». a ro pourinR into.- - i alrlko-rlddiif itonR K o b r from tb a -

" " fnrelRn aotticm .nt. Sbamoen, Canton,I,, B rltlab and Indbui troopB a re be laC

dlapotched to Sliamcon from lIo a» KonR.

T hla move. followlnR a claah ycs- te rday o t Canton InvolvlnR Chinese a tudcnia and DrIlUb m arines In whleh

” ' ono F renchm an w as kilted nnd sover* ' nl n rlllah wounded sllRhtly, Indicates the British Intend to defend Shamaea w llb a rm s if necessorr.. II ta k e s , on added slRnlflcaBce la

view o t a HotiR K on* dl«pkt«h TsUt- InR th a t bcfoVe tho Britbib isarlBSS .

a replied to tho Cblneae flre. tbe B rit­ish cobaul hod w araed the Coatoa c ovcrnm enl th a t any Chinese a ttem pt

_A to e n te r tbo fo re lsn eoactaaloa would, “ u t bo forcibly rea tlled o sd the ROvofB- M . m onl held vreaponalble.. . . -•m l A t lIonR Kour, tbe additional.C bi- o rl neae w ore rcported.RaInR.fhn t t n n r a l . - • ?ai a trike wbllc AmericBBs wrfre ea to ll- ihft InR in tho special eoaaU bB tarr ’ a s d

forelRB women woro worklnR os wal*- f i* rcaacs In Iho cafes.J,, Special m raaura*. w ore taken to t

keep tho public w orks 'in operation.T ho Britlah ROvemment w u rc)>ort- - •

™ ' od prepared to U k e ' relen tless m ea-. * auri-a a sa lna t any attem pted- d lso r> . dor. . ■ • *' •

A t PekloR. A m ericans ptsnnod. a . . mecllBR to conalder the sltusUon. .

Page 2: liim D L T 1 r i M E ^ S TDoveiy Shot BSLa^tfre^k i>t By · vbLTU&.,8^NUjiBEB,i)8. . P H ® i i i i i i p l i i Death' of Senators

1 SO CIEV.“ i i n n i i t l W cnlc—T ho AJiilson

nuo Social club h«!ld tho lr i p icnic fo r the mamlH'rs nml fam ilies a t Itio linirio o f Mr. nm Carl FrlnJt-Tui*«nlay m 'nliiR . WM n full otloniJnncv. Wlili vrcatlior. an abtindnnco nf soixl <0 cal and a «o»<l proRrani ihl voted onu o t lho mont viijoynlilc th e club liOH ulvrn. Thc cnfctcir: l ie r /w h ich Included a ll lhi> difll

. . of tho Hciuion,' rniin njirlnu clJ (o nlrawbt-rrlcii and cruam. wiu

wl nt Hlx o'clock. OuldiKir fiaiin niuidc fiimliiljc'd c;ntcTtnlnm<.-iit d a rk w hen llio pa rty innvirl ilic road to ihv liorno'of .Mr. nm

; • T . Dui-rlR wlioru a muiilcal iirunder tho diroctioii of .Mth. \ Sm ith wnn c lrcn . T he firn t n

i wan a BORK ■>/ tho ntiinil cirinWUH followcil iiy iliP HlnKli

, . ■•Ainerka" b y .th e lioyH. Ruvi-ml■ r ! liPfM worn Kivi-u by a Hoxli.ttu

’ of W. 0 . a in llh , a i a r l r s«umann. Carl.K rluk, H. O, Kuyk. (liiy T iin ic r und O rlo WilliBn

------------------------- r in ai~ noI6~l.y ' UtiUi llntKUcmBli^ iii-rluB of charad iti nrmnKcil i>y

Marlon IlauimonH w as iiri-aily cd. 'rAmerica Ihv Uonullfiil” ani

' c r Bcioctlona woro nunK by n Iu ua rte t. Tho pro sram clo««l

‘ the Run slnRlne “QmkI NlRht. I..C

ToMilay I.Dnrlifon—Mrs. C BchwartK was bm itcss to thc Tii L uncheon cllib a t be r liomo or

• BiHHit. A doliclou* fo u rro iira o 1 eon wa* served a l onu thirty , hnautiruliy appointed (ahlo wiu

•' te rrd w llh n larRo bowl o t Contf, Ilvllfl In lavondor nnd yullow nnd

.. t ta i candio Hllchs held yellow I' . w ith lavender nhadon. T he nu trrt ' and plac« cnrds tu rllio r cmphi

lho color nolo, n r ld e e followci• V • luncheon and .Mm; Holfrlcht, ii

•• ' flf tho' Qliib' held hl»;li "coru niulJ e ff , Huhl low. .Mrs. I*arkur w

' '«( r.u<-st of tbo club.

• ,'IIonorinB SUt4T—Mm. C. n . / enlenained TuuHdny ovunlni; fo sii((er. MIm Im ia linRhain. Tliu part of tlte ovonlnR wan spi'ul i

, n a tato rlum a fto r which n del. liuffel suppor w as. cnJoyiHl nl

; • A dam s home. T horo w rro 12 »' p re s e n t MIsb D asham Iqft (his i

in s fo r h e r homu In Uca Mninc; w horo sho will Join a pn rty nnd New Y ork, N la n r a ^'bIIb, and

. < • '• po ln ia of In terest in Ihe cast.

‘ ' ' F o r a i n . n ip l r r —Mr*. LoroiJann lnga. en terta ined w ith a do

'. lul:1cejislDRtoa. T uesday alterr. i coitipllroenUTT to M rs. M .o . It

• ' ; w bo la vtsltlnK hora from LonRET m ‘ rosea wero u s e d 'lo doeorat

! room s and a d a Jn tr color acb<iyellow a n d w blte w aa carried lo th e refresbm eoU .''iT hoso presen Bidoa th e xuesl o f ' bonor w ei^ dam ea P ra n k H ow am on.'P . W.

• bury. K . J . Flncb, K m o si W|ilt!«. Ulnkelackur. A. i l . Purrow . and A rth u r >V. O atrom o t Duhl.

~ BdJEWSU U H U fjune 24.—By a major!

m ore than! 2 to 1. Ihe tlropol to pe rm it the opcnlnx of m

’ p ic turo houBeB on 6uodax wai fea ted he re yesterdny a fton a i campaiRn. Tho vo le a oo<l a x a ln it and I K fo r ek tc idinii privliesfl to Iho c lly conncU to i pe rm its to lho show s to run. Oi oraanlBnlloDS arounil- the c lly ed resolutions a ca ln s i Iho pi

W ord haa heon recrivptl her Mre. P. EvelPth th a t M rs. Ch Y ip c s t who. a fte r a rcKtdenc 1C y e n n in Huhl, had mnveil yean* bko Io Snn Bernflntlno, ka il diod there . M rs. 0 . N. I a ' sinter, w ho resiiies In nuh l, jr ith her when she died. 9he Ib

. aurvlvod by Mrs. 13. Q. O rr, nft s ls ler , who lives hore.

T l tn ^ W ent Ad<t._______ _

P i m p l e

Y o a w lB U startled b o w qolek lj tborougU y y o u can atop akin et

Uooa and beautU r your com . .' p U x lo a w lt h S .S .S . d i m p l e s aro Uu» f in t ftJn s

. X iloticea tn another person’s 'Jt ta toe often en ie i in t u n i i j n e n t I t la d n a froia w bat i t se< tb a ontsUa. r lm plca are e a iy tc Tid of. More red-eaUa! That t o '

mean clM r. pure, r ich blood. / loean d e a n niddy. lovabla plcxSou. Tber » « a n nerve Tw

' jMcaaae aH yoar serv es ar* 'ie< jo n r blood. They maan freedom ever ftom p lm p W f r o a black

2 S - J S a ^ & u » T S a ,h asstad . nn*dow B feellnc. b lo e d w ^ ara tba'BM St Inpei thin g l a tba w oslk to eacb of 8 ^ v m aid N lh r * In boll them for ye o t S & S . baa beeo ks

§ £ t “t i ^ * a a ^ t 5 S ^ . ' i t s *d c te a l iBcrwUanti ara pavely v

( U i h . ■


S / . . ' ■ ' '

' irwo '

^ B M L Yion Ay'6- ■ b, u..ii«i r,


nnd Mrf. i ' ’H uir-'IjyV Ile»t FestuT here «K.\l' uU

Ih i<l.r«l 1 Wl:f wiV. •;VmT«a-"'5i"ri<k1 ihinKH JMrV.i*'' '7 ''»Ihls WUR • I »«'>«■• ............ii...vetilH (linM cr.1 najH ithl Savin,

NKW YOIW—»#ideilcncli'ti . J J’ . w«w«rt-*.tan» c ^ e h k k ri. • f I’;! jj;

i?'d ncrn.tM I>. Lop** 0r«lminnd Mrs. ■

I niitnber v *[

"I ; z : I % r;li'H IlrilK- 10;0ti I’. M.—8i«ra'« OirhNliK

s ; j 4 i f t w p iw .Mrt.., : ■'*- uiS'u-uiSr' “ly Mljoy* . l-.-il.-OiTWipoliH ItuUs 1

i ' - s .. i.A(iicH." • fl.To JiJo'fSrKf'

0 . ■ A. • . n:M K Mi-IlrtiJw o J ll .B m TiiuNdny i ijjj {;■ *{'—

. “ u S ' IfT. TI» : . . . n. W jr^ ssr ts* .im«rl.ury

r , . ' S • : 1 t 5 r P S 4 * &

» « im « is :s ! 1! B : = s s s iK s r s „ 'i a ;nml .Mrs. w ir, m o jin cL n a A —eai

" t o r ; ^:ir'“ a rdellclqiiR • . . . ,V^~h.2K!JS?*SSJi,.PS

t s k ? i T d 3 ? S i ® "z k “,

S f• - _________ • ••IK Beach.

§ 1 BURLEYNEWS)i^ Mon- ' — —'rc* B W C E ^ I d a h o , Juno 24—Ci

A jro rtfj; .atr ,- Biirher is condiicdw tn weed campalKU In C assia couni;

r»w. J>yc tlirociion of lhe couniy‘ m lssloners who under lho siaK

^ ' have declared Ihls county a w en? t r i c t County A senl' Darliur is.J in s tho various affected diHirlcti

(orlty of commlHslonpr in each d lslrlc i In■nnliliinn ln»T'mforcwl. If the farm ers nr

m oiinn ‘aklnic caro o t liiclr w erds, thowas do- fnlsaioncr Is hsvini; a* cruw ot- p u l to w ork to oxlonninnloM "30 *«<'•>* " Cniuiila-lhistlc, Mndi.__. ,~i.A KuMlan knapp weed nnd th c lUii10 Rrant ‘=*"‘fR'““ VI<' aRulnat th c inxeK ot

tj^™ nsr- Jian sn* I'lcnle 'I'lanncil.p lnn. r ia r is Iiavo ix'tin iiindc for n

here by p irn lc fo r n il tnniliicx of lh<> C C harles ( 'oun ty and lhe Mlnldokn (Nninly

enco of SOS ciiihs n t Iho Mlnldokn dnm •d th reo J u ly 15. «oui« prom inent np. 10 Cnl., I*'-' secured for tlm oceanloi . ’p a v is . commidco in ehnrKo Ih no thl, w as p rese n i piepnri-d (o say who « Ib nlB« '^*•1 200 peoplr. nrenftolher P<^t®d a l th is affair. A prjicriin

sp o rts of varinuM kinds wlii In Joyed durinK the day wllh a h d inne r a l noon.

introduction of POfcelBln.W hen due hiird purccliiiii.wns

. hrouKht to Kur«i|M,> fnm i the Pnr : ill the K iftw iith century. It wm Ku'nltHl with ndnilriition llm t ntH'

.. Ill nlmoRi ii)nwc,.n.vcK»<-1 of pore*4 tielnc voliuxl uicirc tiinu one <if i0 Kximnnlliinr}- v lriiici weni ntlclli1 3 |o this 'sunlurlnl. miionc Hn-'m llu

n-vcnlinB the |>t<*«en(i* of |H>l»ni lin-nliins or hy In-flnt: its tmiisluci Tlio physldnn of the A rriiduku S nilllnn vf Austria Ihoucht it ni i>cyond N'Hef Mint lliu T urks th u«c th is prevlcnia chins dnily (o <:

^ 4 ^ w nter nnd Mierltet. Miiiiy pu wero hajtnrdiii hy lho iearnisl n« I omtposltlOM mill mnde of prepnrD

ik ly a a d ---------------------n e ru p - A new spaper n t lo en ter yonr I oo>* ti a fUU ae place ro-- your adver

n e n t

MOM’N .POP .r Co BCt • __________to w b a t I ( B s vimm

S d S iVli'Si •I. T bey ‘ H i 'l T ----------• eom- ' \f t 5 •

M w er, 1 \u

ackbead ^ V fn a a n d % f S /

? i IIportant H

o f ti*.' . 1 ^ / ^ r nU ' a s /

S S r i' iI ts BO-

B e r t V .__________________B dne



ivinif T im e) iSiSo R o‘i4 2 » "

M S - * j : s s T - S s r f f i r ®

K t,.,. i i i i ^ s 5 f e « r

SS lii?""* ’ tS iw 5‘. OrelK-iu!

^ (E aste ra SU ndard and C_ DayUgbt Savin* Time)

^U inuuiim l g.QQ

I rehctlrs. e.Qo V 1 i i i - e u 5 iS ‘o iS « i5 ? ‘*

DUm. l l iM y !V ,~ th )tX r.^p> tnm .

i ! ; ! S r : « 'S ^ S : S i;J8 E:

Sss:' ISS

m . . .

(Rltu. 10:00 »wbIb* s l Hoo

i ' -p = - a E j B ^ ? g r „

ys Husband “"d Yi—Connty jiiicllnk a .....luniy un-n ly Com* .iialo lawwor<i d ls- \

is. v isit-ricts nnd I

t IB liMV’ “ fc no l l/IBiitho com-

o t menle nuch (IImi wer<l. Y G f ^ / / / / / / ^ ^ B tm K Sm .m■ NAUlt' Ih N on liic

My husband !s so economlo ,.,1. w e can have bu t one bolb burrr n a room a t a tim e. I know I'mM. C ^ lh l W in J - M rs . J . W. W.inly Knn- ^ H A T DDKS VOtril HUS».\N* dnm on

Hpcnkvr ________________inlon hut

i £ ' i i m l A N N O U N C E M E N T

/ 'h e *i'n^ W omen's I 'o ri'isn .Mis:A hniikei socli'ly nf tiie Mi-thndixt chun

n n r l In the ciiurfh pnrlors a i . : Tiiiirvdny nfierni>nn. Miss Ktti

In. will Imve c iiarce of lho procriwiis first .Moliol Youlic the enlcrlal

' " f ; i F inds W hat She V nm.mnt- L o o l d l l g

[loroi-Inlniif c o ld : 'f-'®'' • " " t I hattclhiite<l w llll,m y stom ach. I trl, ,1, . , erythliiR w ithoul re lief b u l aft

. -I"*® "f W onderful rI knew 1 hn<l obtained whnt

»iuo-nry. f„r and I locku Muxi- full course of Irenlm ont U [ nlinust log „n four y«-ars nuw and : » should never nny i« ln s o r b (o drink nlnce." 11 is n simple. h« Cuesses prejinratlim Ihnl removes tl

ni) Icr IIS (nrrhui murux from the inl imrotlon. trncl. nnd ullnys the Inflam

which cnuHoii prnrllenlly all . ach. liver nnd iiitem inal b1:

J f home jn r lu d ln f r oppm illrllls. On* dverUae- wlii n iiiv lnre nr money refun

n il driiR slores.

iMMtrvTY ) ^ / f w M f lS C A T - fy


V *

l ^ O G M Mn.^Kl S:»n p. M.--nu<lr llnar. .

m.-ii*l. lOiW I', ii.— J*ai Scaoptr. '

!dSi.. (C m ira l tUsndanl Time)


=:,.r.Y5i£;iisriK . . . i o i i i i i S i S s E - , '■

r “

.(UeonUJn Standard U m e) '

s s '- V

n '^ " I (Padfle Coast Standard TlBie) . -

p ? '" .

“S '

Imm. .n icM nA T s » n « n »Tj;iio>rti.

L-*; £'Tafc'sy~sr~-“ ~ '" - ““

■ ' •' — r I'V TJIM X SlfiTRRSVARKW I f A f pj.KAKKi> m r n i io x o r TT l i e tilVKK TO. TM'IN PJ■T F H Mcmhera o t th e ..PyUilan Rl

r ? he re a ro srca0y..p lea4cd.over th " U ■ ' lecllon Af Mm. a .JH U Jildred o(

* c ily OS new bead n t fbo o rn n ix >\ fo r tbo a lato a t ibe .convM tlor

/ / l l \ l Oolso, from wblch aho and Mr i / { \ \ ' Hurvoy CoQk haun returned.' I. I l l V Wllnon, form erly of th is c lly and ■ i l l illl o t Boise, aa chaRCellor commaod n ll i l U _ iliP-K ^P- lodge Uipre. Is given r f l l t l fof ” iuch o f 'th e hQccMi In enlet iftM i l '"R I'oti! ihe Pytbinna and Py I I I 1 11 S iste rs du rlns th e ir stay In the |11|U ||I lial. Tho next |;ran^^nffeclln'lc

lurnlnir InI’m iwln£ ^ i ,A T . - » ! I E DAT OULT

AN'D DO! V a n d e v i l l e R o a d S h cFIT E BIO k e f s '

J MacDoaold oad- SulUv&i S i i t « n '

I Direct ftom th*' prpheMissionary . „lurch will Oomcdjr. Singing, Dantjiaat 3:30 on . Oamron and OaairoBKttn iiiiey Oowdv and HuCkiwan>Kram and Jimmy SorI«- - - • WUUi U d W iffli

W a s —P ealn re T le la r» > -t 7 ir iL L IA V PAIKBAHK8 U

l g - r o r EVA nOTAX inhad tu t- ! 'T H E f a t a l h i b t a e etr ied e » - A J l l r D ra n a of H yateiy ia fte r ooe »om anc«i

I Remedy . SU K SniffS COXBDT.nt 1 had “ Stretehlag the ftn th '^

ook (he ^ 0 B » I* of F »

d‘ l “ ha*« ' ’" S ib ioa tins O rjiae n * Orcbealm

™th e la - P O P E Z L L T A lfO E H in te stln tl CO U W T B Y S T O R E


“ n i i m 'r ; .

funded'’*^" HUftTED TTOJU5"

jH n r s weoNQ X 'W T B is g i i5 d c * iT OUSA? J i r Y 6F TSTES VJAtKCO J

\ RiSKT IMTO OA - XBftS » 8 S V. tfnxHEfj MuM^

Ki* Mw Bk 'l l t j i K

• I

TWffl FALLS DD A IL Y T IM E S : ■^ • m o i i i * 81VAKS0S .TOW.

” . '

i‘.' , .

__________ - G l o r i a - S w a n f lo n - a n d - ^M ■ ( P a r a m o u a t P i o t i

3 | . O forla Sw anson, p la y ln s tbo

ovor before. You w ill aeo bo r i ihrlllinK aa nover befora In thla i P ranco axaln st a baokcround o t :

»>•. lom orrow and Priday a t tho Idab «. a lre tonlRbt wHI receive, na aoui

medalllooB, pcarlQ i O lorla 'a .p rofl Uuns-Oono ’ a re In ovory. respect perform ance. 8o d o n 't mloa ll.

to Qronirovine. Mr. and .Mrs. ui4 »W oodhead ' and Mcsdame.’i A.

O'R ollly and L. I t. Wlloon enlurl I , wl Mesdnmes Kldrcd nnd Cook■•' ’ ■ Injt tho lr a tay In tho uupltal.

* . IHL A. J . VOSTKR, Foot Specif ____ ,« 8 ahoabone S t West

Joe-K Says:S% ' j \ h op lom iK t >H n ir3 ' . E h , w hnU

t ' I d a

s ..

OR . i PAI.L9

Slatani ^r tho ao* • "l o r t h i s 'anIutltiD { ,Itlon al

Mrs. I).• ■ ft- /X ^ n r f l J W *and.noiflandor of ‘ X i l l l l l A S L -nutJSialll. -__________y i l l l P « ^^nletlaln- 1r ^ r ' A . V » j

Pythian J L - Iy>o cap- A

alt Roes . \ .AOOtSH lUKOB ■i l i t l LtA»V f l

r i f v n »«t»isT> f . l

^ \ /li ULT \g u a m m a l\ U V

I h o w V e ^ - g j

iv&n JMp h e iu n

id n g f A \jn . y i vran •

u d .

7 *«aJ S S A l ltb*>

** '


T l* » \ v C ^Bry by




[.;m |^ .;^JU D A 3ni,SA X 8>G K X K ' AT Ii»A

W ^ m :t^ a n « lc k ^ ^ M ttd 4 n - a - s c d ie - £ r o m 3 t u r c ' 'M a d . a z a o S a n « G e n e '

tbo m ost celobrated o f a ll Pronch roles

or dancln s.'. dow nlnc , tnim icklos, lovlri lla Korgcoua Param ount production, tllmed o t royal palaces and m ro a r t trcaaurcii. todi dabo 'U ieatro. And lho f irs t JOO a t tho ih w uvenJrs o t Ihls moroentoua pic ture, me,l ro fl ia . ' The matinco porformaces o t “.Mador >ect a s b rillian t and e laborate as lho evonii ;i. _______. . ■ • •

“ “ R . i i c t i . F ^ t h t / n i i . < u ' William Qoffa,' one uf the Judsea v

iondemDed Ktn« O ia rie s .l to dei ok Ilur- (g,no to Now Bnfland a fte r tho re t«

lion of the monareliy in Busiand, i , look, pa rt In tlie iDdinn w arfare

F cInlU t w etiem M auachusetu .


1 in n u w lio is doiiij,' v b ry w ell u m l 1

i l l T l i a ) MB S Z a a - . - . . g

^ K l o r i /^ 7 jn fe y l W T \ \

? 3 R f " W / i I(11® ct RV \\iW ^^ j

• . r

; “ Prem ibe play ^ TIllree ted by Leo ace r


CHASED IT ) ^ D K T B MaIT K A Ta J \ ------------- ( c* r-R v**w <<CKT Jr' P“ " V TORWNNB

M .c: K

-yW I * B w ll

, T O D N ’E S D 'A T , J C X E 24 , ]0 2 5 . '

^ P E R S O N A L S i

; William O tia. i ^ t te n o n , a ''la w y o r of Canyon C ity ,'O ro ., la vU lU n* the home of W .. 'I t . WorroH, . i

. ' J . H . O o lt 'a n d O ta rle t B iilla i*ar« back from » Ia ilo ;Hol, 8prin*»r, •, . Mrs. J . P . C ow anibaa , r « ts n ie d 'to

;. Blaekfoot a f te r a -v ls it-w l tb b a r-a ia - l«r. Mra. C harles H a r t ' :

Mrs. H . O. M ilner i t .b a c k from , AtlanUc. Ik.i (o W hich placo ib o waaN called b y .tb o lllneaa o f b e r m other B which term inated In deatb: .< M iu Florence C osto llo ibas lU r te dl | ' ns ft momber of th e David O ordon J r Joacs party , for a v is i t to tho O ri-

3 • : Mrs. JoBop.h a asp o ^ ’H ' axpMlod to Pi • nrrlvo tom orro# to . Join b e r bus- ^ baud. Of', a eaper, who Is'-aaaociatod£ wllh Dr. P . Snook. . '1 . Mrs. P. ^ s e l h a r d t came in today b from a i ic n s o to v is i t b e r d a u |b to r,

Mrs.- A. Kncfel.. Mrs. A nna' W esonor o t. Itnskin,> ’ Keb., a rrived today, accompanied by

hor' und o and a u n t 'M r. . and M rs. * Ksrl ilu h l of> Kidd, Neb., to a ttend

tho funeral o t he r falhor, W illiam K* -Kluendor o f Clovor.« ----------- Cathorino—Pence—of—P a y e U e -a n d

H arriet H ina o t BoIbo a ro vIslUnu Mi'll,'P. I t W alker of Tw in Falls ,

f S ~ Illl. « .o » .iOVlHR,ned in H U to r y o t L a e a

. Lace was Qrat m^de In tbe 81?:teentb etniury. Ueforo th a t tim e tbe .’term '*<» described such ortlclM aa cords,

vfloins ■’■"TC"' ot Piniied und,tw U tod(breads, used not only lo fatten sboea,

— — sleeves aud c o r t t u to ie ther, bo t alao Id a 4ecorallve m anner to braid t t»

a t u ha1r nnd lo wlod around hata. .L ater (CS who It was used aa a tr iu iu lo c tor coa- • death, tumea. ■/ .restore. ____nd. and LH511T TKHTINCJfare la This. In tlto la s t week wo sha ll te s t

llRlils. TcslInK tim e, 0 to 10 p. tn. . every evenlnir. Lind Automobile Co.

1(1 lin.4 (>vcr>’tlt in i; (u>miug liis w ay ,

Now Bb S ' Today <

b \v . ■


f ^ c b d a r m

§cm sffe /te‘. 1 1 ERE is th« picturo

- Gloria Sw anion idado -in France—th e one e v n r - body b a t boea ta lk in g abont.

A m ag n ific ra t prodoe- . tion of t iio .fo m o iu rom an­

tic comedy.

. W th G loria in h e r great- c ft comedy-love role, a a d a anpportlng com pany o f re .Downed P re a c h a rtiit* .

>y TIelortea Sarrfen a ad E m lle V ereaa fe r e m t - S e r e e n pU y by F o re st t ia lse y

o le: R e ^ la r P r ice i *"

— By y a y lo r8*N laGKT MUfA-tUE 3--------- ^

VJITH THE STBW6 5 ,INCB NOW I >no*rr y « ^ C oo tc ^


Page 3: liim D L T 1 r i M E ^ S TDoveiy Shot BSLa^tfre^k i>t By · vbLTU&.,8^NUjiBEB,i)8. . P H ® i i i i i i p l i i Death' of Senators

W l i T S ^"'• ■• Off — : 1

Investigation Is Started By New York Boxing Com­mission Into Charges Of­ficials Are Bouglit and nrt

— F ighta^i^ced^-------^f R y . im f m Y L. FARIlBLIi.) ° 'j '

** n e w ; .YORK,' Juno 2-..-»Slorlcr,' C Ions In clrculuUoii, th n t a power* '' fui RombllDK r ln s b m l’ booQ buying .

' oruclnlg nnit f ix in s t ls U ts .ln Now , Y ^ r k , 'a r e 1)olD'g InvosilsBluil q u io t - . , . ,

' ly b / tlio' Now Y ork boxing domtnlo- rBlOtl. ~ py

Thft ruhtoni! galnoi) g ro u n ir w hen j S<rolty Itronloltb, nia 'nasor o( Ktil K aplani ^ ^OAdiorwufKbt champion, g

suaponilod u n til )io can prov6 jjrc tIuit-boxISB- la MOL n il on Uio aiiinro lnuUow,t;YorVi o r ro irn c t hla cbnrKO r th a t I t la n o t anto (or a cltamplon t<cl to (Ight In Now Y ork; vln

Ho la 8D|4 ,Ui ^ v o (old Uio com- tnltBton . th a t tbo rifclit d tir(qe_ eho te slhorw elgh t .oltm tnntlon tournii* . . n idnt tolwooQ . K ap ln ti. and Danny . K ram or w as “iBi Uio ba s" fo r K m -

. niar>’-nnd KopUftV-croascil niltho sm a rt monoy In Kow Yorlc by _ k bocklns o u l lho favorllo.

.T h« commlMtoR fluspo»nJc«l^ blni u h l l l ' ho preson la proof oC hin charges. • '

. lAKinanl nad W n lh rr lU n l O m ft. J""

.Ucnny Ivoonord sa id nori'ral yoftfs , f ‘ nRo Uint Ke^jlia no t llko lo dofonil ‘V" h is llghtwolRht chiiinproiuihlp in N'ow York flw) M Jcke/ W nlkor ndmitlpd 1" ' ho « llsllkod^,^^!iO t hiu weUerwclghl

;Sor m any s to rie s w cro KoIng around ' beroro tho re c e n t. Qlbbona>Tnnnoy -

- ttsU l Wiot X lb b o n s couldn’t w in Uial Eddio K ano, GibbGns'- nianngar. ii WOTt. to Uio . comnHMlon .*«na aakeil tfin t »5ortnln .o ffic ia ls b i U ken off , t | i o n t i r o f e i ig jw c » ,n { i j^ a c n ( jh L - T T ho commiaslon lin»-.Uo<m looking f '" ‘ fo r aomo ono fam ilia r ' w llh Uie •“ game upon w hom -lho nQiio«6f couhl,«>n be applied. MonlolUi wns Uio .f lra t Am one to coma r ig h t o u t n l lh a baro culi

' 'M d open chargo nnd Uie commla* ItM «Ioa w ont t f |o r h im . hpp;-lf MontoiUi U lka thero tnay bo (ho

• laicrcsU ng defolopm enla. , gin,— • siiy

Coast League g

S a il U k o ----------------------------7 16 '2 ‘hn■ItaUorlrs: G eary nnd A sn rw ; s c r

Plorcy, lliilvcy, and Cook. T ciers. ‘ —

'' .A t.V o m o n : U .II .B .

V o m o n ------------------------ :------ C 7 3nsU prlM : HoUinKfworih and llon -

sr]i ; D arfM l ond W hlincy.

■ A tO aljJaud ; • u . i r . i : .

............ : !B stlo rlcs: .P lu m m e r and li. Bald­

w in ; K aiser. D elaney nnd Uylcr.

:'Al Sacrem cnto : IL IL U .

s „ S o ”j = = = = : r s ;«Bnttertes:-- W rlBhl, G laxnor nnd ICn- .

al^ ; KottUng nnd M. fihca.

no^v/Kux i,K.\inni»% o r a s h r . C ards—18.

. ►nsrtnotU Clil)*—IS.-Tlfeasol. VarikrtM—JC. ., W illiam s, Drowns-^B.^

•>Cobb, - n ie r* —10. jto b e rto oo. D w w os—10.

ASKOL'XCKMKM' ' i'Tbera w ill bo » plo social a t PIpoji*

a t l Vlow School T hu rsday cvcnlnff. tba U th fo r th e bonodt oC tho Knull a>«ibal Heam._______________________

/ I p u r B d b V f ^ SAYS

. ’’ W R R A a o -o ttA J^ iT A .V GOOD»>USE

'. W .SBX 8 fiOMEfWUa'lVUcr ‘ v ^ B S B e s ^ w m i i B h T s i ;

v u i » 4 M W 6 « m M f t - 6 0 ' ;

•I. : ' AS A PMMUQ. I [ PLAfiE V M Ct kSOUiA -i ’ :

■ f . H A v tf iw D o p as .ta jA w

VEDNKSDAT, JUira 2i, 1925. ‘


AaiEBlCAN L E A O n i i r '• ■ .' n.

Now ' Y ork ’ — i-™ --------- 000 06fl-0W asM iujton — iW

I to tt^ ries: io n c s and S c b u n ^ Qg- ' den nnd Itucl. ' ^

, • ' R .U .B . balHoslon ----- 4 8 2 tilln iiln .li‘lphin ________ :-------- C I t 8 An

HttUflrtos; Khnike antl I’icfulcli; Q rny-and Cochrane. '. Th

T«.id h it hom or f irs t Otb.. AnGarlyio h it hom or f lm t 8Ui, - ' «vt

>-ATIOSAT, LKAUl'R ' ' '

A t Ncht Y ork : . I I ih i l . R A oklyn^-----------------------------3 ^0 1

nn lib ric s: G rim es nnd T aylor; Tiir Grccnrioid ond Snydrr.

KriMh h it hom or Jniit C»r. , 7-Jnc.knon h it hom er Iniil u t 2nd. | ' '

A l ISoston: IL II .b . Ph iladclph lu —,y— ______ _ 10 M 1 ^

Datloricn: iic iin and wn'i'on: Cuo;i- cy hnd 0-Noiii. f,*!*:

P rlborg h l l hoincr tl r s l 8lh. “ ^j

Socond game— Hnd Slh. 11. ®L,Brookb-n _____________ 030 231 0 0 -aNew Y o r k ___000 «00 0 0 -0 .

Ontipri'cH: Otiiiomo and D I'horrj-; , S Nenr, W fsnor, Dean and Gowdy, Do- vino. . • ®'“|

Foum ior. h ll hom or f ir s t Clh. ,------------------:------- 0-C

” ' liio C niCA G O -rllol' rjim ii'ta*. Ihroo bw

ciisbinn M illard chinniiiiin. halt bocn Aii suspondod by tho nntlonal th ree cumIi-lon h llllnrd IcaKiio to r one yenr. Can* . ncfnx's susponnion In Uu'i outcome ot hiB conduct In n mnich wllh Wlllle l!o|>i)o here . Cniincfiuc. n tir r IcmiuK fo tiio iinlidiiie w izard nlashcd tbo lopof thc tah lo w ith hftt poclcct hniri.-. si»(caiisiiiK Hoppo 10 re fu se lu coiillniic j k tin-Ihu m atch. 'ji,|

• —— —— i,uO■ B ats Breed in Cave. • fov.

I n 'n m ountuia iicnr Montnlhnn, f.u- «hosou.' riijllpp lou l»luiidii,^ iiiiro is n or IIn^'O cnvcrti. w liii miiiiy brni)rhio)t ;onlrlmmlwrs. nn(l n 'ceiitinl.dw nu 200 tviit parIn height, portom ling tho mnuntntn milw p, from which, In Doconibvr inst, ah .isAmcrlcnn ofllcec »nw Iwuu n solid wn'column o f tints, wlilch flew rupldty, ba In Mn0| fn rl3 -fnh i«aH , illi'*'; i tr tRiiptnrliis over 0 ’ moimtnin hingu In " tho direction of Manila, without b Singh) h a t linviiit;. le ft tlio column. t snys tiio .'O irlstlnn Sclonco KloiiUor.Amcrlcnn 'ciisincvni sintlniiod thnrc qqlold Uiu offlccr thn t the (lislit o t iha mg

snmo Hum cnch «hiy dtirlni: two Vcnrk ™Pn>m o lh c r sourccs It was ienmed u r ,tluit lho iihenoincnoii luid heen ob- louBcn-otl fo r n t least 30 ycnnv • Tea:

E V E R E T T T R U E ^ ~

T tlA T , I S A D iFFErREW T W •A N C M T l J ^ t V O tP F E R e M *

• D i F F e R E w r r - ^ ? - - X d F ^ e . fS a v , v tD y m a k e r -

S iC K tti • j ^ ; j L

' f T ^Y s»c»

| ^ W 4 ! i k S ^ j W p l a c c m


OnhJw lying t n m Dcelo h r 7 lo J. 6 Score. |„

. .-----------nuiUjlTi*. Juno 24.—Hurley’s hnito

ball leam su ttcred Ihe' f irs t doti'ni; tills seiison. n l - lho hand* of thc ; Amcrlcnn Fnlls- Icam Sundny .itliir- i1 ;ioon l;i Ibe ftnjoo n l Ihc IochI pjirk. n .The acoro wos 9 10 9. in tnvor o t . Amorlcnn Foils. Dolh tcnmit w ore; evenly iimtchud. tl. Oflkley.- Defeats Declo Trnm . ;-O nk ley« bull team doteoted lho ii .Declo toam Sunday a tlernoon n t s Declo i)y ft scoro n f '7 Jo 6, Bolh IcnniH pinyed .oxcelleni ba ll, run- n nliig n~ eloao score thrnnghoui. A o

I FiffhU and Fightera ] a'

P lII I .A n n i .rn iA —^anny Krnmer, . Philadolphln ri'n tbenvrliibt, won n 10 rnund drclslon from DOhby Cnreln. □ntUmoi'o. .Mike IlAlieorlno. Jun io r llRhlwelsht ehnmplon ami liniie Ituih o f rhl]n<]rlph]n. fousht a ten rowiii I] draw . •

NRW VOUJv-KinK Solonion, Jon . i Isb hfavywelgiit. w on.n 10 rouml dr- eluUin from Ad Slone, I’liliadeliiliio llKhlwtili;iit. nob DiiwHon* n i'cn i llnhl henvywoigiil, knorked ou t Mnrlln' O’Orsdy. California beovywciBhl in tho firs t rnund.

- H ealthy Pulse. - .Tho Iwniiiig vf ihu-piilHO imlicnlcfl ' •

Iho stnlv <if thv iivnllh, und lliu luim- biT of Units varies necunlliii: In ui:e.An hifnnl's imino MU io tin.- mln* nu i;.lh iit of n clilld of huvini. SU; an - Rdiilt ui> |o sixty yi'iirs <if n«e would Imvu a (lUUi- lioiitlnK <0 to lliu luliiulu;01 Miveniy, 00 lii-uir nnnld bu i-r<Ml homing. I t nn mhilt'K imlxo in t- s(s(M In hcuOnir moru (hun TO tltnes ]ior mlnnt<-, dIsonKU mny bu lotikod for. 'i1ils quiekvnliig Indkiiifs tlm t lho body Is feeillnc on its6it, thn t iluire Is fever or iiiflnmmnUon oninuwiivre. As tho nnmlier of beats rl*es, tho chnnci^s or’ iiiiprovcment decrense ., A luilso re- innliihiB uvet 70 for mtinlhs, necom- ponlcifby n 'couch .'ts a phtcilcally cer- lalil InUlcnilotk of tunsrtroiibiu. Thera Is no nowi to w orry If >-onr iiulso ' w avers huiwwsn 00 nnd 70 ; you cnn ' ba Jnst n i. lu-nltby oc thu luivcr Og- W H » a t th a ^ jg h ajv .. .--v-. • ‘ j i j

Suffer in C aptivity \8omo wild fthhnals nro so frulful In ,

eaptlvlty iho l Uielr lives a re shortened <na terla ily .' Tills la truu o t fosus and |mcpkaya. a o M a n ts and' snakes do i

Uy, bu t nro stronely lncllne<l to long ■; Uvea In nny envlrnnmcnt. .T he mor- jlallty nmong wild animals In sooloe- tTeal parka in very biiili. t

-B y C ondo •

A A A tT e R ., M R .. F R I S B Y — 1 t*:MT ^ A X T - J T R . . e

X H F F C fS tT N 'r’ T H A T 1.L V -------- 1■I I - ■ n

_. _ ~ Z - R

■t^ E K e n T ' : ? —

IfekL ” ■ •• ~ I . ^

m m : g g a . i«B ^0 mD O N 'T B e H E V e . i t ! — ■ilJCK. 'PeO PC E. A R .E 2N O T . . ' .S A S S Y . JJ* - S

■TTi-----^ • - fe

s a i l s ' :Dt.pai for. YOXn^S i v . m s b e ' a r . m p d i i C ^


w & m br W a t c h i i i g ' i h e JI S c o r e b o a r d B

’ Y estenlny 'a horo—Dili nnRwoil. hit- tini: in n pinch lu tho nlnili. douiilod nnd drovu lu - lw o of lho riins Ihnl

O’«avo tljo''AthIci)e« .a 3 jo ? vJrJi>ry I ovor tin- Red Sox. Quinn «h«t out tiu- I A thletics fo r cIkIii Innlnin.

J ■ —t; Freil M nrberry. Wniihinulon'ii s ta r c ;eli<'f pitcher.'fiinnod Ulibo Kiitli ' In • Uio I'lKblh InnlnK wiUi llio bason flllod . aud the Yonkeo!i lout 8 to 1.t . ' ------- i Jobn McGrnw fool; ncilvo eiinruc of

I tbu Ginnis fo r iliu. tli:il tlmo kIuuu jM ny I nnd tho olininplonH illvlib'<l n •

0 double bonder wlUi thu Itoiilnii. lloili scorcs w oie 8' in C. •

1 Cnri Mnys liinrtA hlii flm t nppoar- - anno of tho suni^uii nnd wnn > l>;iiii>d k ou t' u t lho box. Illo Cubs bcatlliK ibu

; T he r i i l l s look Imih ends of n cb>n- iilo bonder w ilb thu Hiuvoh, 7 iii

I and a / o 7., .

I ll ■; T rainer o f Boxers.[ . Gives Diet H ints

. To ICId.Ilownnl of Oiicngo and his new system "ot tralnlnc and enndillon-

. Inc. S n jm y Man- I ■ ' doll. ■ tha preseot

lightweight boxing \ i f f - ■ ' chumiAon o t lho

' world, gives 0 great ‘deni o f thc credit for Ills moieorle

I ' Blnrdom InV c .? ;a M B w lB ih o worid o f piigll- N a t i B S l k * iMin.-When JIan.lell

^ H ' f l l Btnrtpd flglii- TInc. he was imoii, Unii wonk nnd undovrl- sen

( ■ H B i l o p e d , bu t a fte r slm l u r n l n i f iilm ielt stni

S *** llow ard It temH w n “ short nndW d A . Umo befora he took con

! » f if l • tbo decision from of , J m .W , . / - S l d T esrls o f Now on , 1 U York Ihnt resulted vali, - ■ j H " in lilm'bolng recos- clo«

' n itcd aa tha bo tfof ihollshtw elrht*.

, Sammy M andill. Uoward-a syilem, Is u n lq u a .ln tba t —

: tt w orks no honUhlp on Iho slh ieta ‘ ; wbo Is In training. . Dnllko the ays-

toms thn t hava' hcetr u ied to r yenra,Uils promlneni -and nuccowful irnlnor ; ‘o f inen’ tia iiis >;oA‘dItIontag more d f a ' ^ r t pleasuro than a d l^ u ttc fu l necessity. —» Initend of dunund lng thn lh is men « a l only cortaln tiilogs he ndvises them lo ca t w hat they w an t und wlieu they want If na long os It Is cooked In a proiKtr manner, i l r . llownrd, in a r ^ n t In*

•4«fvlew on-tha n b jn f t nf rtlP tjni1.con-____ _41Uon, m id . In p a r t : *'Veara ago It wos B task, nnd an Dnplensnai ene, fo r.s bo rer or a w resiltr to train for a bout becausa ho wa.s fo rcca . to- llleraliy Btor^-e him self wanted to eat s(<Mk« and fhops Bt*^ll tim es. I r*- member tho t wbea 1 was tn ln ln g for n natch .' I was s o : truly tIrM i t steaks th a t I choketl evet^ time th a t ota one bu l It w as'stenk or nothing. I sd- vise my men to-{liet o t a ll tlmea bu t ll ts perfectly possible for tbem to diet nnd. o t the sama time, -to e n jo r the ir food, i ly only •don-f Is tho oao re­garding tho e stlhg o t'sucb -com bina ­tions aa frrsti milk snd cheese, aad fru i t WlUl c re n m .-In t a c t I adrocoie thc u so -o f evnpomted milk cnUrely.

' Vegetables aro One and tho more tbal • thb Othlelo eats the bettor he wlll be for It. raftry . of certain ktada. surti as bomemoae pie*. «ke4 nnd cookies, If Bade correctly, and wilh pora butter, cjnporated mlllc and para lard, are very benefldaL Blows and bolla are

'-Ideal/- Takm a a .a wholu any food 'With a few.exceptions, U all rlEbt U , propuly. «<K :oiI oBd eaten withoui

gorging.” . . ’ , ,And ona hos bn t lo look o t U ow srd

wbo Is 'th e .m o s t religious nser of h it oxvn s y a te ^ to rcollxe. th s t I t Is a suc<ceaa. ' . , ______

• “ G i^ B a tti* * .’'T ha actual ia st battlo fought tn

England wns tb a t a t 'Sedgemoer, foughi: on Ju ly U ICSS, between tho lasuTfienta. .Ic4l'1}r tha dnbe o f ilon* m oath. «fiA »hq tfW p* o f JfJo* .Tane«

.ilonm ou th 's Xorca being c n t to pieces. T ha la s t ba ttia fought tn . U rvat B rita jn w a r I b a t o f Cnltoden, s ix n lle* tn>m Javemeaa, Seoiland, fought op April 3IL 1740. ttetween tha follower* o f r r in c * Cbarila. Um S ttiart pretender aod (be tb rre* o t thq c n w n led by tb e 'doho o t Comber*Und. tn>a, U ti» . won.

i i M i s l i MThis is week , we shall lights. •T esd^ t i i n o 9 . t o 1 0


SCHOOL DA1 u e o o e*»‘ IT » I

- te«ot CM WcXO 'lT w

UM «o o ^ -w c bat-^ I 6 0 T i t !

^ Srwea.


r^gK . .1 z (

C H o a a K

P a rfee ttd T im e Keeping ,)TJio hnsiB of rccktinlne sfnndnrd Iuk (

Ume u l tbo Cnlled .Sinii-,t nuvut <>l>- >>1 iiscn-am o ' l« transit oli«or\'iiilim «'f tbc | li'ivcslnii.. The ubwrviUory. Iiiih lUroo ' standard clocks riinnliie hi a oon»innileutpcruturo vault, oloi-irlra^ly wmmd ‘ ' J nnd Healed to liopp tho- a ir |)rc.t.uri!comnnnt. M eridian oln-lo obKon-iitli-mi 1 ^of seloclod slam a re iiiUni n*giiliirly „„.n|on clear nights and fm m ihono '>hi>or< ^vallon* tho «imirH uf the Hinn'lard hliiclocks nra detcniiln'od nnd ciirn.‘<.-ii-d. noi

. . giorlD O riiltV .SHOI' I jy ■'C.m

(Continued from paito 1) laru

Inloiy plunKOd into iho cnso. bu t do- nuin cllncd to m shc any comnieut on the <>iu]r posHlbiinics of nuccusn. ' ,iuino

"I m ny fail. I liavc uo t vury much fatil toM -ork on.” uald tlic iii»iuwlio-*iuiu ib | i A rthu r Covvll. nsiroloidcnl niurdcn-i', cut

. D d d b{

I l s p o p u lo r i y o u t o n s i d e

F i v o a d u l t g e n u i n e c o i p o w e r - p l a n

- e t^ u i p tn c n t o f t h c iin is ] n o d c p n r t u ! a c t i n g p r a c i


. ■ M a g e lPbono HO-

•AYS 1

NW Mr >T- — '{ou CWT W3lDlT|* • 'feuR. f lw c e tis

y ^ S U P R'SHT l r m T ^ = =* - OFF ff 1 J f S f H W c T

VO) h n u t eoi I on

<» Ibo Kailowii, "AKnlii. I hiivo » tool- hodyUK fJm( / nIucIJ ¥‘'<■‘■‘■0*1. 'f fi.'ivc <■)«•« r- IJ.-trn•d u|i oniios on lofii ovhloiioo lhan I Tnmvo In ibiK cnno. Unlll 1 b:ivi- ri'aoli- lm; li•ll Itio jmlnl w lioro I oau roaoh om tif ihind Iny iuy hnndn on ibo >;ullt>- iiutii, ToiUl: will nmUo no iiunouni-irminiii lo- (,ul i;iii-dlnK m y iir(i;;rcmi." t-blni

■IMirrj .S cnJcrs Jli-W.All Kolwi. Tod<i nnd aftll-T.Mld.

iw-iiliod w llh cxixo inncy ibo ro lumif IlH ox-iiiiiyor. Totid Ih iioIoiI tor ^lill liiVc of liio druiimtlo. nnd it fn f lml Ibotiuiii tiint ho will mlsn tiio op- Klorlunlly lit inaiie h is ro lurn lo tiic V Iiconc or hlH fornioi- trliiiniibH a s spcc- l lnru lnr aa poHSlhlo, ' I n

l-'uiiornl Horvicos fo r tli'o mu'rdoh^l J l nnn woro held lodny a t thu i:pincoptil'liuroh. A Inrr.o duio,"ailon <if trlends. ^ 1uiNOi-lftten and tolbiw era of Iho Tochi t f'action nllondod lbe norvlrcs. but lit- , ^lb' ri-tvri.'Ucc wjui m a tlo .to Iho ixdltl- Uee■•nl uspectH o f Dov<ry‘tt rfrath. Tlio IST

= ® — : ----------

s b B r d t h eC D A C H

ority is thoroughly understood wl ider lliese facts:

lit passengers are accommodated comfort. Dodge B ro th ers standi lant, chassis and unde^'slung spri It are Coach features. Observat nish, fittings and design' will revi tu re from ^ o t^ c Brothers mbst'i actice in these departments.

t03 f. 0. b, D elroll—J1310 dcUrcrcd

el A utom obile Com panyHO-Ml. . Twin Folia, Idaho.

B K f f •‘ j r ^ T T y i H m l

r,. ^ .

^ O T \ \ w B i

•"to 7 CTM W

p l ■ :

I n Sm

I ■>ody of Uio di'nil mnn wlll bo aen t t o ----- -j.-irr-jij. WH.. fn r hiirJaJ. ^

'I'll llio iinlnioroHli-d obsrrviir, com* ni; llllo K ciro hnd scokinc; knowieilRO if ihi-.oauta-i tlf tlu ' Hpill hclween the . . I'oiltl nmt nnll-Toiid fi)i-oos, Is poureil ,ul II tin:;: (Illo o t diipltcliy, political -btcaiiory. ocirrupiinn and g ra tt . Bx- - I'uiiio liii'ioi'neiis m a tkc Ihcso <11** ■umilons.-—Tho O resonian.



ted in indard spring vation revealjstcx - •


■ Ssr^''

■ ■ B G r ■ ■■ ■■

R m T-VB f f l l / l m H l i ' •

i M l s y -v- k

* (tHBM '

Page 4: liim D L T 1 r i M E ^ S TDoveiy Shot BSLa^tfre^k i>t By · vbLTU&.,8^NUjiBEB,i)8. . P H ® i i i i i i p l i i Death' of Senators

■ f .f 6 u k ; i . ^ ■

TWIN FALLS I). S t w x B raalns BxM pt SB

I . • V - Compiinj,,'.Twla 1' . _____ t f - ........................'

’ <' . XDMrM M tlM Twiii

,^vjGbvemorvMo6r|^,has -tera iiieetwg{at tKe BEb^pot.iti

ii can patch its 'sp lit I t is .a con II some respects an anachronism i . emmfent. Some day ^ e 70,00(

. K licify "wiU be thrown upon this ( jtitudons and they-will be mode

-------- - ^ P n w fT th a t^ ^ e n ia n d - lo idoes-ndtalwa^^^^Boise has just now all the elenie l.v p ^ IIeU n g w d nvaUiig the i Jere>:l^lliB affair iri Kanisas Cit> \?ord hw been printed about i t

. tell. when street talk > ill ju . ‘'■'■ prMds.

, A,survey• ' I '^n tiy :made. under, th'e directior

: ;;^sipner,of A report o . ■•^^(mi^ting of ith

^3i'eld;at C• '^G eo i^ F;- Zook, specialist in hij ':"'^au of; eduction; was chaipna

• “"sion.,'" ' '

' '.y.,. I t has been ra ^ e r widely pi iAw fdrsterilization 'of insane di

; ‘ toVbe put mto effect That s7i( ;pinch o r two o f good iodized sal :e^^ tobed .by ,the law will be ca

;■ of th

r ' a E: - v/vC^bfiib^ta, s te ia ll^ of a single

: ilj,etiwnple,reasoh;^^ ;-^ :^ ^ b 'h ew la m 8 » ax ^ ^ pie(

? ^ l^ c a l le ^ a t io f i^ '^ ^> CM be steriiized without a boarc

board membeiB are fa r separate(• V money. ,'Ahd.?there isn’t any.

_ . ‘.- a n d .see-aboutat.-^------- ------ :—


■ ■ The murder of Thomas.4. D V'. litz Coimty News, should serve t

. > partisahs, whose bickerings and , nave induced the crime. It is,■ Editor Dovery's unknown assailo

irom another motive, but until t •t is known, together with his reaj , vestigating officials and the pub! i\ ing the theoiy that recent rancon I: Kelso provided thc dark insnin; ' blot is this!

■ That Dovery was slain a t t] enemies of any-standing or impc is altogether improbable that th<

' ever suggested to them so foul ai Yet society ia .8^)rinklcd, and moi

M imagine, with individuals of in with border-landers- and semi-n- partisan discussion or, campaign responsible citizens, no matter h would yet be essentially nolitica

g»jto be determined b^ the ballot t ■ f ably would take sinister shape in

ible zealo t The theory that. Edil J bv Buch a man and from stich m

absurd.J This is a sad lesson for Kei3 another and less salutary couree• did n o t A t one stroke itrevcale r i)ess and rancor and enmity, th I- ^against neighbor, lead on to tei I *principle may have been involve4 Kelso, whatever of personal am] i btake, this tragic ]>enalty proves t Wen worth the candle.J £ Yes, the Jdllin^ of Editor P(• pu tisan as any, will clear the t i will t ^ d to m ate the contendinj 3 c l ^ l i i ^ t Butp—and this they l ^ ^ f f h t Iwve been'^verted had a


D Aft Y TIMESSnodv ^ U>* TU ^ Pi&ilHUns I J ^ , . Id*ho.'

«e* u S«eoBd Glut ia tu r> ,a Aprti la, Mia. _ •

le to.attend a board of trus- ; .insane.asylum—to see if he . onstitutional board, and in 1 in this day of cabinet gov- )00-watt searchlight of pub- lis 'and otiier charitable in- idem ized dn---------------------- Tb

for the'TOorbM'and" yellow ^1 the papers is the fact that uo: lients df a hot scandal, fair- fil e unsavory . Jack . Cudahy- * ity 18 years ago, and not ai t But of cou r^ you never jump into the front .page In

, V ' 'thilT«t'Tenncssee'was re- ion of the. Federal C om m it ^ t of'the survey 'was made al /ollege*!A^ciaUpii recently Jolle^e, J ^ f e ^ n City/ Dr. i higher education of the - bu- * j nan of the survey commis- *'p

uttI—. . an(

printed that the new Idaho dnd.feebl9 minded is soon i

sTiouW be absorbed with a ^ « l t . The board of eugenics “ called'together before long. £52 heads of the charitabie.ih- the pubjic' health seirice. JK w h d le ^ e operations uponI m atter of iact,’-th6re may :le,person-within a year,'.for 5 rlooked in the freatirient of iece of humanitarian, socio- ied' lib ^propria^ion. -Kbne obi ird hearing and action. The “® ted. Each would cost some

But the board will meet vtti

■ «on

I, KELSO EDITOR- IM |Dovery, editor of the Cow- wm

e to open the ej^es of Kelso *** id bitterness are believed to rock s, of course, possible that iiant committed the murder 1 the identity of the slayei ti jason for having'killed, in- 80m jblic are justified in retain- orous i)oiitical conditions in ami iration. W hat a shameful

. the instigation of political portance is not assumed. It thc quarrel they carried on ^ and crimintil an expedient •>»>

lore liberally than often w<i *'2! imperfect mental bgjancc. nmt -maniacs. Thus a heated “a fn which, tb thc view- of all r how bitter th d r opinions, -j cal in character, something nim t alone, could and conceiv- in thc mind of an irrespons- i« .i ditor Dovery was murtlcretl ai motive, is fa r from being

M :lelso. I t might have taken ^ se for its instruction, but it 5,1,) aled this truth—that bitter- the setting of neighbor terrible things Whatever ved in the political fight in oor« mbition or purpose-sWas at es thu game never to have ^

er ItPovery, himself as bitter a i atmosphere a t Kelso. It m m ing factions see things in.a ey will long remember—it a mor6 tolerant spirit pre- tund

■ . • ;

. TJI ihp I

<hi.t■ ■ mat M I

i z m i * F n * C Tth^

E—■■■ '■■■■ ' * l« ■

l ie a tiMuUtn!.. n su ll c re a tti^ , '/i thlDBMt iDd fatt poveiir. f

Ttiti)b-WM tntelllKonee-ta ttie . b m d '■ iwdCT., t m J w i . £

kempU’dnrk c o r l i , '^ p i e t t r for ■ffefr - Uon.lD tl)* a o b lle llp t n d a 't t r r lb l* b bunger: foe lovo ta t t i t wtiote lttU« ' fnco." •

For four d v i , / ‘tuhd-rDBalnc" a t ■ hor'tuoUMr ■ald,'‘( tu > tir i .« e n t to t b t d c tn ro n ; .Th6‘ W«mJ*Wp Hponed wHii v troplcit ipM d. M tb t t th a ne«d no ; t tn ifc h '< o ^ h a r< n ia rf7 ‘iioW, but.ftMujd w t l ebmlnir to me*t her. p t t r iB f around c tb li 'fcotrider.. w a te U n f , f ro n tB at a v a n ta ^ 'p o ln t . 'X ;.■ 'W fato'.abt'beld.M t b a r a ra a .to .tb o .>■ ehUd. th n a ^ taa t' i» o tlisea fae' hnd K e p n « ,J« ip lh r ta to flw^i , .btdc . Io Idallrioua ila d ac a t; «U11«Vtba n ^ t a ,e b » lt.'fa « t M end, b r tb i t m and ..Iraltbtf'., tb'.'i^bia': taere tf - ebnrjp; ' f a i r a td 'o o 'h e r 't a t f c '’ ' . . . ,«

B ut o a 'iiie iJ l tth 'co ld a o d o r troubla ■.yi waa In th e a ta o tp b tr* . - hi■fSonrij ctln 'e 'w lth 'drooplng head and ft a 'p u A tr o f >ocTOw’lD b lta in a ll bro«% b

•m r . '.« B a l* a 'th e ‘ 0 a tt» f -wltb m r li Uttle m a n r aal4 tha vlrl.. imeelInK I) and bol)ll{if b in o l t '- to ,aean b ln b; Miflrehlnglr. *TcU 'NaD ce.8onnr. TChat hi t i u r

And Soonr. dlMolTad la teara upon m tbe iDitant, btdtoc bla face In N aaee’a ic n e ck .' , . ‘ ' n

“I - I b f r - " b a blecooihed. “ tft-i-to ai te l i - O m n d -^ a -U e . A 'u w f u l Ual d< A ad Brand. b * - b a tc f a U arl" : h! • “B t foond ro n r b o n e ’t tm e k t doxrn *

tlw .c an ro n a n d - h t aaked m t I f 1 ij( t a w - t n r - t n r ona • i tn in f t ,”- i w epi ' t b t cblld. ' . . r t - ' : u

K ance i t t* d o m and took .U it.bctr'tn ai b«r;i<«i^, ;• - s ' , I a. Tlte tB las w a i com las to a climax. ;« 8 b t » a t mtddUng w ith . tooeoaV a fl: p rtrat* bo tln tfa . o t tb a t a b t W li aure; bolb from iw r^v^k r^ tW D lq» ;«afl'b er w o b U itt^ w aralag, and n a rb a alie bM » no right to d o te , bu t h*r aweee m oalb \ t aM It/wlf Into f to b l» rD 'I ln aa .aa ahe m teU lo am ootbtnt t h t I title he/id. damp tl w tth the ardom of IU ow ser'a remorac: gi

to n ir . ■‘'and let N ance rock ron llict cltbU." _ . ' ' ' 01

S h e 'tu ck c il her lieelt g ander her ■■th lfha end. holding Ibe i'hlld In lhe iHcomforinble-lap ibua formed, b c n n to *aw ar her bixljr back nnd forth ro r all >i tbe vo rld aa If aiie a a t la a cuablonelirocker. '"i

w h a t I t there about a' rocklns wMn- li aa wllil a ciiilil'i head on h e r breastlo aooihe tbo aorron-a nf ilie world? U

T he awnrlne motion aoon checked Sonnr'a aolia and ih e fell lo ainclns to him. addins her m ice to .the mjnlrrl-oua rotcca of the canron In tlie Hit *• onil fall of an otd camp-raeetlni: hfrnti broushl forth trom he r mernorlca of MiMnurL Aod 'p re te n t lr , when Itaapell hnd aoothed th e tumulL ahe tiratted him np and fed him cooklea '«made for ihe.occailon. a a u p ir r h rltn 'It e re r Ihere waa one. »

Dlrlc. too. waa not a r m e to thta -■■hameful reduction, h it pale erea ' ' tiowtnc wllh dMire.

**TelI me. Sonnr." aald N ance.."doet «Rrand cook f<i( roaf*’ «

‘‘Sare.* aald .the child. **aiire/t>e doet, w^ul he'a ftfltie a ll day and w* f e t awfni e<tiuncrr ‘fore he cotnea a t nlshl.** ri,

"I ahould Iblnk Bot** thniicht 5 anee h< crlmlr. "two meal* a d a r t W hea allttla child ahould e a t w hene te r It'a d, buniTT, to «row I Thia precloua Brandla aboot due fnr an InT eattp tlon .” , tg

Alnud ahe aald:“Soonr. I’m Bolnt to a ta r w ltb TOO *61

111 d a r—and t'm coInc to w ait and oi ^ nraUd.“

The bor waa almoat aetiaat a t tbla r■talemeni. and It waa p lain froth the nilitrraa he ahowed th a t I t w aa on pro- {ti redented. - <

**If rotl- do.** he aald m lierab tr. ht*ma;he nram i will tak* me aw ar. tliifBln and—and I’ll o e re r ne t ro n a n r ta

Ilui N nntv had o ther plana and ahe g ihook her h e a d . '' h«T hst tras a lo relr dajr. I t waa w a r »

rr than naaal. a lnre aum m er w aa atep- „ )lnic dow» the at<ip«« o f th e loaetj „ illia,. and th e a trance lr assorted trto n DIM Slone' canfon rn joxed It (o tb e . . ■nil. ■ ' • t t

T h«7 explored fa r np th e tu rrow leBIe. the child 'boldine to t b t l irrB c2< land and akippinf happllr. tb e eoni* q , lartns bealde them. « atep to t b t le ft, m w o Slept 10 tb e rear. . ,

T h e j watched Ibe tro o t waTinc tn ~ he anntlt pools a t noon, aad waSed la I riffle-to (Ir.d lM ttu irle«^nder rocka „ ha t N tnc* ml«ht abow Roenr the Ilar yp Teatnrra which hntit aoch t wrmder- da til Iilile honae of iDdnltesimal ailckt md n o r ta r .

Hat aa th e aun dropped over tow ani he we«t and Ihe abnilnwa deepened n the xreni ro rte . N ance besan toeH Ih* lonetlof^^ tbe eoit) Kllf«ee* __b f Bppceaalon o f Ihe ttBpeofkied WSI- Iw w * .

The rslcea a e n e d to n l j * Ibelf ■oea, to tiecuno laenaHAs. Morv and T Met abe rA llte d -wbat It .nnist mean t t t a t child left sipae In th.* 'w n ra a ’ r

J a ThltBrantf^Sril^Bowr^^nslljIw.k coltf-blydea^itlS^^maat i -ro.ft, Sonay,,lijt*a.ilm.. lleTcSddTptf t b o :.« ac tlr '- t^^ f3 ^ ‘..'.. I. i -B dt'w bat'^ 'rU ^an 'crald b tf^ ^ <' ; ^Slle'be^d ilitch |llido ttin faer,ift^I arm'i a t abt tfalii''dbd'pott.i derod tbe p r b b le ^ ^ h t did.not kaow ,' • i wbat'tbe l n t « d e ^ ; i a r t t h t ' f i ic ^ ,b'li^';bBi'‘of orie.'tbtnc 'iisa I w t i cerlti'ji-ifPij-nrtrt •:no~7Ja.nn;ijn'! ■

c^rtdlt). lem u ..‘:la(Ie«<i. wliat m . mra*; . ; atrooi: tblii*‘ lt; w V l o l e v t ' r eWW . . .'alone, l a - S l o ^ t ^ k t B r m ^ l o o i b ' i o . .lli ilea .to :iB ^ l^ 4 iia .vo lM ^ ; .tia c b lil .a n d J ta c i^ ^

bdw-tbee% lid<had^t'latb*^:btttt - . ■ Inithett'few'/iHotMBrt-^ovihaBr^ .- ir her arm i had about .bliB. Sbe bad Riadt 'b ti; .a n a e her own- blgb. handedir—ptrhnpt.withotit reatbit

Sbe wai- tblstd ncrof tbMe tblnct ___w heiL^hb-colllt'.birked. tbnrplr’ and. leaped aw a/. In''wti<j(ime. Nimce fionc n auHle4'.BtaBCQ'0Ti>r ber-ahouldor— aa'd'^l^t‘te .ib K iC e ^ alldlac tbo bor down b^ dt^ hM V ^ a atin tUU: about.h it r n a M * t |M » S ^ 1 ■ 5/ . K

frtt; V -lT o rtta a lm n ' bjr ;'bi«.‘j>bUd,'. ^ u>rowot^ip?i^& ot.ttU^ S l^dM a i^nf«S^S3|Knt ia'tane^:«r6rat .for;'w««r^i8<Aiar'a^>'b1at w u

liMta; ;B'at')fanWM«>--tHa«i<lni(^

■ s r a s i f i i s t e w s f f s swhich SteKnne aoJif *to OonWr«. -«we la \ aeemed nlnUo tor'tii# rnnri, who. wort: U thm.'BO'perfecllr bott tber flttad.blm Uln once. . Mra,

chln-atrnp'run la a Im t'a lld e . a pairof durk cret bored jat® NaBce*t ub. 1"",■mlllnt;. .A Verr d ftit'faw , almoat lar • , illiia la cieaa-cul f e a ^ .a a d 'c o n lo u r .wllh i^ reased llpalitfil ttla .n o fir llt. ; “ ffl'tnpleied the plctnrt.i

The newcomer dl^.not tpeak, bnt x b t4lw>d iiold(ns the bit o f ■ baodaome, takeliupe. l>lack horae. year

**)tmnd r irulied , the bor, *Vh. murUranill'* v' Thei

Al that namo Kanet AlUaoa fouiid orrbrier tonpje. Tl

“I'vo ,heen wnltlnf far roti.** ahe at I«ni» calmlr. “I'm claid rou*Tt come.** attei

- v e a r he aald In u Blapilarlr deep. Kf»o<weet rolce. , R

Tbnt voice diiconnrted Nance npon a ' tthe inalanl. stole antnt of her Are. ao * t t '•o ' l ^ k . She had'.beea< readr to R<arkle lilm on' the ttane at once, to Hir<Isht, If neceftMirr. »1th t flood of ret- ^ t* /in*, ned proteaia ojrtlnat bla treat-•nent of Snniijr- Di

Koi». aoddenlr. at^t^fcU a vaftSt Ineatenae of having ln tr^ ed ..o f ntd dllox !>• > wllb anotber'a %iralnk'*':Bat abt w taaot one to back dow ilirom anr rtfht- " r ,eoni atand-and So#a;|^'-e»oat,' f u ojrl|;heoua la trerr a ca tt.4 t t te m td 'U 01 ber. . 1

So ahe cated ateadnrlnto th t dircct W. .dtrk erea atfQ nodded‘4ed d « n r. ' „ .

“Yet—I am.** ahe r«p^tt<I. •*|.r-iriat C. U lk lo ron.- . JJ

The. man dropped tb t rtia over th t. ^black*t b t a J u d cam* terward t tt ep q

, ■•Qnlle^al llf r e x p ^ ie t* * bft i«ld . a aalllns. a a > fe '^ m o v tf'b ta ,b a t tad Ui raa hta brown h n c in tbrodfh tb t Sale thick blaek balr that itood up front u t d BItTh it sw etled forebeadThft been « long 2 ^ tlm t tiBct ta r w oo o B -b u wanted to j m i talk to n t-th .- S o o n r r taeai

a U U l k f ; t « ^ Braad r . tbe cried tb t child e t s ^ ; . ‘‘tad tb *—: dor holda B t 00 her I t p r w it

At tbe prpfouad aw t la ih t ta u h U K voice th t aian't fact grew qnlcklj > grave. . . “ *

“W t mnat be p r* tir .f i> goat u 1 ? « vagaboad tr b t aald.' * t ta t n tk ta s t ^ tbtBk what t woman'a lo r t n u f m tta folio to a ehUd. 'Ton btvij b tta t t T tGod. drappe^ M « f <|bt WBt to Stn*’ Qbbi ar. U l t ADitoa. aad’T eogbt to tbtak 01>. roa.** • '« ■ • S t w

'“Whr—r o tt-r o o k»#w wbo i t a r . *£•»; crted the gtH, oatooadad. . , “ S

“Certalalr. Aod I'know bow long re«i*vt beew coqtlng b tr t to Ib t ctB- jiggp Tpa. 1 know wtter«*r«a Ut®. t o ^ - dowp on the ilata b r 'tb t ttrer." ' door

itb i alow, a n n ted « a f lt - t t ber tvt: t r o f devt/'ilhvom Bian w at engagtng. t t Ib O dlaariDed Ka»«N m a«t ber feet.m oe. tad tb tn teer an In 'm d*.

___ OB. tr r» B t Oaattaatd).

■ UhltiT b t be tt w a r to B A V TMT ow a W »

a t n I t to l t d etbtra aboM I t -

TIM ES'-,.

in c w a a t^ wjmxBX. <

' 86;mueb:to that Itprobtbljr^l& ^'^f^ . be':'eoiigretalonaUr;.:.lnvettlgatoafi^:!S •B*n,:wlal*r,-;:^»kafa‘ toflati^^

. 'ou |.|bt'tm all«r*ftr.. .r.-.;i->*v*‘y l 0 ’} 2

, ;- |b t t u d ^ r y \ : - .V-:' -i;’ .-i', 5

. ^ I X f . Yotln»a«.f;dtaBl^«f. tb t ; ; ' .<( - :V .v‘ j«ooBt(7^.>:W g::tnBiperta.j.'> '.-I

-r ' swaneWee'Ti5^~etb*H55wiT<iiil-:. .. ak

t r ta . taH ra t« 'n to ,'. .^ « ts i « i ' t t t tbatilt «m ld ia n > ta .b * t( t r i ,v <»'

' If t h t ; |^ 'P a u |- : i^ \ '4 e o t - ih l« . . 'r t n i butlt'.i^lapoaaM .ad.!' ia

■ - » b « ;w tt abtwr.toihtppto.' ' . t a. M' . • :rTo'‘m«*t If*-eott'.lt'itwi t * t t ^ /• tbi

'.'.‘t tr r for tht rood to ’b tv t a tbrt«.i i <fi ''^(nt.(rtflle.'ovtr'{l«'B)*w'ttat.*vilBtf ' ">'

•, ■.•'...■■•.r-.'.c:*--.;-*’'•ya.'v.'- .• ••: « (q n H B ,'a i^ :tb t .p u id t ' I t ,• ' 1 : p tr t^ ir ? p h ta .- , '. 'u , . i* i . « " . r . r S

V .^.0ptl«ilBg>'.nMtlV9r'■K- B . ' - WI Bjrhim. coneltdr.'and'.JioMtaltljr . .V qc

. -puia U.VOapreated.tgrlcBlton.'-. .. . ■ 'i : ‘He.addt. *On w *flltm n U rotdt cor

tgrleuUurtrproducti fOm a m u ^ ' . * ' larter'proportloi) or the total ton* " gn . M>* ihAn'on fotda iervlng’otbtr M i

tfcllons of Iht countrr'.” Cat


.K N U LL;-^oorge--14110010' It-Q i4 to Fi ik k .a t tb ii U n e . Moci

■Ur. , t n d ’Wrt. C s»ptt-«n lar- UonU latd. :ia ' ^on er.liot' Ur;'' aad ; H ^ w tt l Fiiuslc; B«nato&''m^:rrlday-; m BiD jr. otbt U lt 'guttU ' toeluded:;;'Ml«i*T;,yttBia rope M o r m .i 'U lit* 'H aiior1t .' M tal,VPatil to - t Salrd;^-'Kt&nitK,'vRuwbrtIir.S''MlM OalilUlldrtd.,«outtM.> Ulta.H tltD .-H oiBH ' Mtoh,r-Ur. *;a&a^Ur^ .Frank HouttoB. Woll Mr.v/aadNUrt;^8«ott^BIUwarth.-.'Mt; and' aad -Mt«.- A . a -^ rictoT rJlr^ 'aB dain . P la t Rar' Ut>ih.‘ tbo-oT oalag.'w ta tp b a l tb t la p ltr iag rook. a w

U r. aad Mr*. . J . Colbert enter* Ulnod a t . dinaer ‘ Buadar Mr. aad JP> Ura. R . K. A ltzaadtr tad toa.M arlt.- « > « W r».,Alivanrtai-nf K an aaa-tad -tw n ^ dang^tert, U lt t ' U r ^ A ltzaadtr aad Mrs. l^tvtbghn. Ur; th d M n . Mi P. W. N tt lt tbd U rt. A. XL BeaL -, «»<>

T h t r t . w ill be a . p it to d a l - t P leu an t V ltw tebool Thuitdtjr tv t- Blag , for Uie benefit of tb t iK n a ll bataball ttaai, to par for tqalpm tot. ” “ Tbtro haa betn qnito an laU rtat takea In th t commnaltr ttara tbla rear, nnd l l U dtalrod that (b t com- munltr w ill patronlu Ihla .aoclaL '"O Thero will be quartette m otlo. B r - “*1* errbodr coma. ’ ' »

The chlldren‘1 dar program given (t th t B ap tld cburcb w m largoir oven attended, aod a good program waa gfvoa. i Mr

Rov. Our ■ W.. Jonea * and faiBlir U ln are vhlltng In. Knull. Rev. Jonoa ^ ||(! waa' a former paator hero. - ; • r Th

Rov. and U rt. W. J . Agee and ton dar^ Harold le tl Uondar for SeatUo for ooldi a two week! trip to tttend a Bap- the tiat conrcrtillon. .• Nnw

I - . . . •, ■ t^pwDur a halftim e and apend tbe tavr t o ^

Inea for other necoaalU ^ Fboiie 1027. • Tb D. K. A iiw - bon .uilM'-.-- NOTICE OP SRKBirriB'*'BALB OP


W. A. Rabcock. Plalntlft. iva. . iB>

C. A. Roblnaon. A n u P. Rob&aoa. hta tb t 1 wife; P. a Spencer and Ida :M. char Spencer, bla wife: Corer Spencer: temp W illiam -atvelOBd'and U a r j r 'A . to .a Cloveland. hla wlfei J. A. Kae(w. ] Emma E. Clouebek aad H.- W . prtt* aoucbtk . b tr boa^btad. D tftnd talt. g iu i Under aad b r vlHtu ot aa Order of i<n

Sale w ad Decree of PM«cloture ’ia> laed out of lb« Dlatrict Conrt o t tbe Slerentb Jndfclal Otetrfet o f (be Staft Jf Idaho, in tad to r Uit Couaty of ‘“ wT rwla fWla. doitd th t l l tb dor ot loat. l a u . wbtrtlB t b t Plalatlft abo rt aeatlontd obtalntd a ’deette-agalaat Ibe D tftadaaa b tr tia o a - tb t U tb U r S Jn a t. U t#, %btob ^ d ,dtcrot t u e a - tb t tald loth day of ‘ Jo a t. ists. rteordtd ta Jodgateat Book T tn It pagt BW of tald Dlatrict Conrt; t ua M o aaad td to t t n all that c trta la loC Tlte*. o r 'p t r e ^ o( laad t i ts f t td la ttao 'O eaty ot Twta Palltv Btatt of n U i idabA. aad bouadtd aad dtteribed u ^Noi

^ ■ r S J % « 5 S ? ^ r or tbo s o o t n t u i w u j jBOTttr 0<H.aEM )ot SteUon Tw ttv t la t1>

btr ttoap p trttia lag .- . d a y ’IPabUe BoUot i t h trtb r kI««b: That A t;

A U lt lOtb d a r o t JbU . 1M& a t tb t M . loor o t 1:00 o* e lo ^ .P -3 L (MoBatalB> Wido riibt) o f ta ld day. a t tb t C ^ t troet carrr loor oC tb t Conrt Kobm U U t O ooa. ifbtU y o t Twta T alla. S la tt of Tdabo, r WlU u r t a obtdltBco to tald Ordtr ot S a lt r o a l lad D e m t o f PorMlotorfc aeU t t e y n ibort detem»ed prop tr ty 'to oatlaty ntlatlfTa Decree w ttb lalaraot tb tt* - a . togetbtr. wttb a ll eotta tbat faar^ jxru tfi or taay aceriN; to tb t blgbeat ddd£r for eaab, u w fo l a o a e y oC-tbo

I t s . J-.-FIUTKR;M D.ptrtT.

: ; s

l ^ iS 5 ! K J S lS » 5 ! K S ': “T-I f i to tp t i^ -a ^ btrd'ttaatt.” ; / . newi

' agal:

! ■ tbep

;i»a tw w :.w M .;a » g ^ ^ .,t ia d tr .^ ^ .^ . had'

ooS^uit;.Tanratd iloaoM la- ' • ?!;;! : 2 j J $ » ? . .W M * t o d t a » i ; d t ^ I [""P

. ' • • e‘ ' hold i i l i p r a m - w u 'tb trt.'a better 4 o *


- .' .A .'te :sb « i«tlreadt Bttd-ftkr ’ ' klrtd! .aeltber.'foei^aor.'crlUelBm oily:

sr::i:“*r *:"'*“ *. a> . *X>a' the eontrary. tber will aid have greaUrOB ellinlnating bo«h-br M endly'. cooperation • wltb Iha earner." ,

IlLEltNEWS i;■ ■■■•., ■ ■ • • • ad to —— b e r t

FlIiB R . June Si.—Mr. aad Jdrt. algna toort and daughter.Oraoe returned name donday tv th la g 'r 'atUr. a tbroe aerve r ttk t .TaeaUoa': Ib .X a i -Angelea and' tlgna >tber-'-iulata‘ la? CallforBta. They origli ■eported : that' Idabo'.-lookod .'-beUer rtet ii 0 ' t h « Uiaa.,0T9r / a » ' t h t beat In ^ tb e jtU tdnla:, w at to n ttb U g f l e r e t . n e d . .

Mlaa Rhtta. UcDoboagh. W ttlty Volblalb, Otcll :J0hiii0b. Olea Tetla Mpy, ad' Moraa ^obntba motored; to tbe *nWa, >laei Suadayl-.T hty aU,'.lnncl>, neja'. ««>• b t bor acoul eabid; aiid a ll ealortd I wonderful irJp up wharo It w u “ ®.* ool thatTlie Klwaala aad Rf%ry club* o f •“» «

^ler. Twin W lia and Luhl w ill hold ®j , Dicalo to the fair gorunda T b urt-a ? oveiilag;------ ^ "■-----------------^Mr. and Mra. H. B.' HammerQUlft “ 5?"

nd aoa returned BtU rday evening fter a dellghttni IHp to Loa An- !?{?; lelee. Thpy retaroed br w ar «t •ortlaad and ttopped over a coupio if dart for the roae fetUval. Ura. . n le lle aoughnour and Unclo. ra u o ^ leom accompanied tbera home; ou,Qr

Mr. and Mrt. Oeorge -Tucker aro Qig. bo parenta o f a baby bor. Thoy Afreet itve named him George Jr. thla i

f t u l UetwelJcp. Thelma • Oreen- jy jn rood. Harry R oh a n d . B l l ^ Ar- jrosiei lour took aupper and ipent^Winday here' venlng fhihlog and boat riding a l hero tlear Lakea. JulyMrt. J . L Greenwood ■ w ill tn ler- . \ .

lln tbe Waahlngton club and their r M blldren Thuraday atiem ooa. ' ■The Campflro glrto relumed Mob- .M

ay a tu r enjorlng tbe plouu ro ot . ■ otdobr life a few n l le t .b a c k ot ■ ■ tie P la tt la the Bboaboae Btaln. ■. ■ low Uiat Uier tro .b om e again, U ity " aptct;to, get bu iy an d ,b av t a cook ^ • )od u l t ‘aoon. ,Tbe U d lea ’ Aid of Uie Baptlat Lm b .

hurcb .pottponed tbelr .cooked food Qjl a J t-^ r c m -la jt Satahlay. .aatll - a ln _ il it«P date. 8.

H A fflW S SC A fjSB M A ^ apeelal. m ttU ag ot a ™

It Boy GoouU w ill tM, h tld a t U it } bareb on Wednetday -BTtatag to » p l t t o plaa't tor tb t aumaitr aad ' • ■arrange for th t ourfptng tript. t& BawJty. aootu tzooaU vt, w ill be * r ttea l to aaalat la ptrttcU ag th t Iaaa. - • - 2PL*Traacea SpoJtr aad w ltt w bo r t- " )bUy pni^battd Uit P iovo tt prop- _ _ rty la w t Haaaen h a r t a o r td • »WB frtwi Tw la ra lla . '•*'Kra. Hlllegaa vlalted w llb ber aoa ad lam llr, w ho r tt ld t a t t r th t win .falla. Satarday.K tllh BmlUi It Tlalilag at th t

Mnt ot bU U th tr. B. H . Smith. . , tat o f towa.T b t W oata 't C oow nalty oooacll n i a t t t la r tfa la r t t t t loa a t tb t larcb parlort oa TbBrtdty atUr* ooa. B teb lady -wtU aaaw tr to ^ lU daU by. g ivlag a carrtat t r ta t.S M F n m S i. b n l l m « X t t . J .. R a il aad wbo a ’ f t v -ytara age Brii u priadpal o t Ult B a a ttb ad ioo lt. ^

T litU a r -tr Ult b o a t of-K T, aad r*. HtIL ' - ' - r mW1)llt StapaoB It r ld l« ' fh ' r £ t i r J ” aU tad t a r w hkh b t p v c l M ^ oAo ly ’l u t w ttk .A t-U M t p t d t l t ltetlaa ; b tld la « .-b lgb . tchooi bvOdlag- oa laat . ' id a ttd tr Um bead ' l t t a t 'Cafltd tJ . M TT.-Tbt «M tU ea T otaa,on ad .to bttbor tha. board o t tnM oeo'tboald Tg aa t x t r a ^ a n o o n m it . fo r - tb t m alac; d l i t t y S q yia .‘ .cai I ltd l y ■

■ P U B U C . i y R U A v

braUoa 'thif: ;year^ .t a d ; i c h e t ^ '-.litibould .bavo' put'^ortrUid.iMaabt^ag oBtU J a ir :M ./t6 tp b t:irr t< a '.< ^ th a t moycbo :aIlvright'la^-irt«h;vAt(t;.;Aaa - nolhlag ’ to^do- wttb'-ldabot- JT ;baTO htard U lit iKo.TltBdi^doainod to*pu^. llab aay aueb.artidetlproleiU ag^U it pulUng'ott 0f;.tb«

I bavo ’acvijf' fotm d'ithetitW w newapaper -which; ,u k et..^ a : aland agolast free exprottloa .of .'-Uiought tad, 'oplDlona. ..Therefore;^- I . .lhlBk , tbero m u il bo ,tomelhJng w ittB g,^ .th '.Uiete artlelet -'or elae, Uik e d it o r ; ,^ htd a e h u n ot boa il'tad : io i^ ln gto ’coiirt .tavorN oiiv-.M n >5d Itor.:a /.-w twhero. youttun d ,'> .w beU w 'yp« » mICO p e r .« a t- , /o /‘tho;peoplt;M d-5o-.- .Hove la lho:coIobraUo^ o f lt ft .W J r th ,<oriw betheryoU vhaTteoojoN up-hero » r ro n U lhbvw ltb.aa ld(ui/0 t /£ e lp in g . the'Aronnoa\ebureb ■to-g«t. «''M tBr..Sold la oiir --Dear 01d-Idhba*^-What lo w e -cate about .wboii Ui,o,-MonnMa letUed In; U ta h .W o - aro; Intorwled \B teaching ou r chlldron. phW i^ ap, ind to love Uio'nag and .the d ay Uiat noant ao much, to; orcrr ':Anerlcan. .KTo do nol Bgrco.wllb.thoBo^jrho wiah :o:(i«|obraU Uio' 21th, o t July .Inileaat )f the, 4th..- 1 . bear aon te -fo lW -a y . iv e ll^ o eaa't afford,'M:«eIebTatt the

noBoy fonfJrowocta.ajtB^-Wd/Ianoa:

nib UlO' fight or olBo.tho .p toilo. hero vlil Ihlnkvyou aro -a id etd v o n t'/a a difrald to etprota. yonr oplnlpa*M youlavo Uji Ibe p u t ...... .. .

'(HAROLD: 0 .. P A T T O N .^■ B ^ JIoi'a 'J lep lr^ A b o t ifc ^ ,

.The Tlniet h u -n o l-ro h u o d to pub- lah arlictet l«i-IU .public foctuB rp- lardlng the m atter, bu t did la il tt that he pam ^ ofitb o contrlbuthr. bt;,tlgi>* id to me n r tl afUclo..' 'Wbllo ajbutp.« r o t - -

iome ot th^J wrl'ter, Ithe /M pw ^ . ^

irtglaallJ/.tuhmluod^MS^alB^^.**!!^ t e t :r o ^ U i^ ,o n : th trU;i^ '

led,' aa :6ral :'*taf taittit; froiiiVtfi^Mp- OB wha rtlu m td-> ilb .'tbo.vnodlfiM -

lo a / % ? « M > ' b o l l M « Ulkt^;,.ttt ' rrtieriii(lannderilodd<th«t|at#Miw>«C ' he cbtmber o f ’ .comm trpt, itbougb • bat fbct alono would-BOt;baTO. r t r - ulled In Inalataace M 'tb t.tlga i^ u ro f tbt'.wrlter ot the .arUclt btlag at> iched; ll .h a t b e c n ^ r e p o a to d lr a t^

iThTimhtr T r f ■***■* "" ccount ot an agreojjitar #llh ;,aelgb- .. ortBg towna. thero-would b t u o .c tf- brallon hero July i thla year. •T b t , etermlnatlon o t ’tbe.L.. D.>& to b ^ d It celebrailon here teem t l o , ,^ t o oUilng to do .with tba l ;aatttr. ■ Tha .. D. S. sieeUng ia to be entertained <n the aame b u U u gaU ierlnn ot Iher organlcatloaa, rellgloua-or t«e* > liar. mneUng btre. Tho relaUoat be- weea Uila c lly u d Bubl In regard to hla matter are Indlcatod pretty, cltar- r la tho aiatmntDt o f T . . C. MortdJUi etlerday InvUlng all- .to' celbbrato . ere ' aad pledging Buhra attaadabee ' ero not oaly OQ July 24,.192S. bul oa uly 4, w e . .. ■ . . . • ’ ■

Deed: ■ K: a"-Mnrpby; to^B ?■ i^ .■^ oaa. t l . loU S>10. blook 'S;v41ter.Qnlt claim deed: H . IL Jobatoa

A - B l l i l e ' n i ^ / t r ' W W ^

THB M fflC r O P-TO D J-W lft 'J t^ '<oi ilk t .m to throt. tb a t pnpa tm k ilqalty, aad patteth by tb t traoagrt^ lea ^ ' th e n ^ r t f b it b tr tta ttt

. . B t drilgbteth ta . B B im .t .V . tt «U1 havt eoBMattoB a p te oii^b* rm ■obdniroar blqaU tott a a d ; ^ rOt c tt t in tb tlr ilu T lato tb« « « t h « .C (h t ^ tt^ -U lcth .TiU. w , .

IB. JL J . YOSTBB, ' P ^ , 8»«daiiat.XSS ShotbontiSC^Tf c t t : ; - ' -■

■ C r y s ^ ' S p r m ^ ^

K t a d a y ; L i» i; t r t i> i* » in a t i t l yB r i ^ ' o t a i a i m ' - j ^ i M r i p N M \

O v t a i m ^ S S ^ n S S i r ^ . i n ■meOSS B ^ S j U S c ^ ^ .


Page 5: liim D L T 1 r i M E ^ S TDoveiy Shot BSLa^tfre^k i>t By · vbLTU&.,8^NUjiBEB,i)8. . P H ® i i i i i i p l i i Death' of Senators

'. ' : {;;^g^ p p ^ ^ | g | a:PO R T B H frV rrH & M ; U w r « n . p<^ ~ <adiF^Boot>‘Bt<iw>________________

0 - g ' U i M . ^ r CIM lo o k a io tilt f ^ d SrW b r r ‘ Cliatea

‘ B W B SU B T .'fJbftSW B B l^—A l t o r ^

b O tA U ;)‘'> BBOB 'I t W A X B I N ^' ,M ran, .Pftp.- .'-UO^tad: St: 'B u

-'W « ':a lM ream r. aew .-ihoM ,' / ' .

,C K 02m » 'T B lilS IB ll.. COM Piirp ■P]|0B< ;><y. ..stprai* .lad cratlm ;

>bmGB(».a;;TiuN6mt * btoi• l u o ) ^ : d l^

.VARBBRO aiUN araR ft STOIUa_ 4 - .:--------- :0 0 ;-8 U )r« |« > -« iu l- :ip M U l-w n o i

■' « t tp ia a ti to Oij>foni!». Htoa> i<

; . - . •Chiropractpjr* -, • .■ : /J )B .-a ''a : .W Y A T O ■

/,.* •*- ■- C b J w ' .181 ard AW. No..: o m o Phon* it

Dlt. BOLA 0. SA.'WTBa / ; ,Oat*op»Uilo'PJiy»ldiB-

■ ■.' .. • • Rainti. A .Roof mg';:' ., . r ! ( r M a x B U ~ s c a j M r ^

j ‘ l)!()JI.em O M M )O D fi01fD TS H om e-iuda |ipu (n r..;M o(lier‘i D onil

a u t ahopu,, a<fl gnd .^vro n a Dorth.

'. : S L U f X i i t a o B s i s• J I n t / d u i MddI#,.ihone* «t

■ ' ■ .. J ___ • ■...

, . O T B C lX L IST -D r;'.W m .'D . R m BoJd«....a09.,..Nexi dQor .10 OoWe

" :i5555^Bw ® i5B555!

:Si5®jSiEi3?5»3SoN^n o s i

A ,♦ • .ooib*,;<mt r»ttto--ypdr •pd«trj . . '.0 p « i '8«(brday 'a lc ii( i uaUI. 1

,b-clocfc'', Ctoi; PBdenrooa.

-------------- ' ----- y ‘

•• '; ’8 . a 'H u u 7 ^• . . ; ,to:]r««T*':'ExpeHene«<- '

PfcO B »:m j.; g ' 0.-B03C 101.

■ ■ ’ ■■. 'j.VTypiawriters: Wa H U ''«B U ,nen t •tm, Tix '«m.

• : ' t u l u i a . s t T w in y>u«.

Fpr Sal^MlsceHaneouS T B A V B ^ re s , 1 mlM cast. 11

-ftRMMnUi o t H uuen. .

- .tt^ jfcw W tR prtoo* .wfcfl»'- tiH y }<fl

■■'''■'•nii in T a L 'C■: m *8k»w m » i a n

/ T i - r a o a a x i m ^

.rMM, TtBM . u d .pVMBUli; BM t C

' " « 5 r o 3 5 ^ ^ » 5 h w g w ! 7 t i A i «' Udt, fpttaA. btbr cu

Co. PboM 401

. ' ^ : W r ^ S ^ V i c n w u i w i 'n b w a i •p ^ d t a ^ :« H « * n m

lias.'''- ' ',/-• • *' -.'■. ■•

n i ; ® p i Ge w ‘CO L u*«-H i

7 ^ • -•• TMNT.’ t O O ^ S> " r • • •*r>4e o n c ' W tt

C O M C -nene..*liow. , .. .Vrrvy !"

:: . ' e J 1 3B*.'roR-d i ^ . , --------- — ■:------

AOB ---------------------------;„•■ • •____.L—

I «7 For Sale-Miscellaneou• POU SA L B^iled <urrnnlB, - Ju«

K right for jell. Pbono ;b17}U.2 £ i -PO Il '& AUS^Pto chprrlM , 2o'iK

lb .o n t r w . 8ttl. 4Ui BVtnuo w wL — O ur.8cralch.IiNM Hl;for hon« l i i lh

b est >h (own nnd. tbo prlco In rljtli ■MA Wo M i r e r tn taff. M b. ' i;«inxiw B ro nSu * s upp ly 06 . ,yhoh6 .:8. • Ipcr. FO tt- SALE->Soc(lohai b ookcuo

d lnlD f le t and Othor houiobold ruro t u ^ ‘'4ia flth avonuo n o r th .’ -

' FO tl'8 A L & >-R tpocbarrl(h ..3elb . o „ . lr«e.- •■* m l l« weol. l .m tlo louUi, », 'Q(n« ja i io .w H t Georxo LlDcotn.

C horry tim o .a t Bluo I^akcn Hanc rlK h t'now aod for -Jioxt ten day i u

- , e x tra Jow price on plo' cbo.-rlp: *1 W holesale prieea on 1000 Ib. lotn o

CYer IW c, for le ss amouota 2c. Pui ohaaors (o (um lsh own boxoa nnd plc m i l , T lek e t m oner ra /und i^ an put

Ray* e b a n n o t 16 w orth, o^ ovoK W lll d< >)den live r sam e a t T w in I 'a lls o r Joroih

a t . i d j ie r pound. ; ^

>UBd. : POR S A L B ^ ln s l e 's p r ln ic wasoi i . '« e sn iu b la fo r sardser.< MS 2nd : wesi ;'« rd ^ b n t fW W ; .'' . , •

: Spoelal-aufar eured-undked-bami :«y^ wbbtQ S8o*'ib.-^:Ba«b b a a cu&ruteec

StarOitjC Biyjft M a f b e t i . ; - - -

.y . For Kent : ;

; S j ' . ^ R R B N T ^ ' room tu n i i s ^

“ oaat**^*” *' ***” ■ *****’

------ . FOR R^NT—A}) biodB Of boujioj____ TT -r, n«ui.rt. 11* M«tw w. Ph a« .

^ . FOR R E N T -P u m lsb ed llBht bouse .- : keeplBK'room s and sa raxs. 1928 Cl

. ' avenue eM .t Pbona-744W. •• . -

------ TOB B E N r -Q a ep m c r o o w . . 88■ 6tb aym tio a a a t ' , < / S '

F O ^ R E ara^ o d e ra 4 room bo n alow . Phono ISOTW. _________

SOR 8ALB OR^FOR-RGNT-Rasl V— daat roomily bousi. S2S .CUkeaft‘

l u T a n l f b ^ b oasakaep litf''«9« it> BeBta. Oasla Home, 408'Ualn A m

----- W aat P k o o a m . 'ir t f ■■ . ’.•■•. •'

) u t X 0& R B N T .-> t n c a y jB iia la b :^ ap u tm au , raasoitabla.'. BobkbIoi Apa. Ith atTMt and eaeoad • m a

- i— . r ; ^ X K \:

““ : . 'Situation: W .^ted ; i~ t f t t a c a n b a r ^ 'W 'w t t b e s house

keep iac of any kind o r w lil w ork to 2 ^ teXaooCneia. A ddraaa B. M , care o> S j T t o « ------------■ ■ ^ .■ .■ ■ ■ - ■ .iW . 'W A iraK I> >-W eK «r.iM boar. Oal

____ m . -■ - • : . -

layestbck a n d ^ o u lS^ _ » R . pjO & iQ io lea W 5*

8nd aTanae weat.* Pboaa 770 ._ VOR S ^ ^ T w o ^ mUlc .cew i b«(- r b c a e W R U . . . .

r f t n '’fiftfin -tn ififi* ‘r * iw ii. b . j ” m M r .B i X ’trn S r tU M .

!.M :TOBiftlT Ifl ilHinmnm aroaw tar B t o ^ - U n

1 2 2 B r R lU M y; B<»«ac«...M abo;. r

t a a t "r^tSTMS^SaSSTw ■)•M M w teat-. n a n * n « X ' :

B Foi;^Sal^-A^ihobilei

3W.IWL. _ M • ' • r^rrw

GUPFATHER' ' . - ' 'I ’ ' .'. ’ ,C ■ • ; / : v

k c k t 'j: ik ^ 'N )o « > t u tK e - , S t a I | M i

c o w - r r W ^ ' - • T ’ if il- w f t iLg.;K ITTV • / " ^ | .

M E O W i ^

Wb . ‘ .

P y |

ous For Sale-E^al Estal. ' FO R 6A U 3-^M odeA 0 room bo

w ith :«ara*oi' Phono S52W.

« B ‘aALB-46 scw dah r Cana < <0 aere ordbard land. Pboae S17B1

r i h o ‘ FO R SALB OR TlcAOB-lCO ae riabL ia so u tb o u to ra K anaas In o il <

trJcI. id th 20 room bouse and f- . h a ra s aaQ Bheda. U a d is a o t le a

------- fo r gaa a n d o il. W ill trado fo r giraaes, Idabo fa n a . Addreas XYZ. leare Himi* Tlmea. •

------- -.aX>KSAl.S-Twtft»eawB«aBdaejb. ot> forty m»ea northwest :o t fiiliiii b, 'A Uontaaa. aear Broadviow. 9 u m

aad oil srospeotlac In Tidnlty. ] ward corlett. Jo lle t .111.

S ^ It’ B A L B -S lock ranch of acros 0 m iles naulliwont o f RORcn

p jp . A ddress A . L. R.. carc Times.

P« . ■' liosfc and Foundromo L O ST -sJuno 23. ia Twin F U ls____ road to J e ro m e ,,v ia Hansen bridason brown sh e ll r im a lasses in brown 1 5 ^ 7 ib w case , WoU/y Box .2W. Joroi

Idabo. • « ■' . .• "T o sm rB e lw o o n , T w |n ' F » lls 'i Buhl one black bos< w t. ITS lbs. J w ard. - J .A . Flynn, Tw lo Falls . Phi

____ 7BSW. y . . :■• • . :

2 _ ..•'ToJCrade ' .I????. ;-JaitTllADBTsPi9r.ll«blcj;i»rH,Qi lL I ; n o b lfa -« , good rubbera. good, cot Sabed Hon. A anap. Phono 644.

n a v e good e teb iy , will trade ____ buslnesa o r residence •property. F .

S l Money to Loan

:____ u q dayi f n u data o( appUcatka.. 888 A. Hobteaeo.. , .- ■ .___ _ six P ar eeat—11 yoa naT* a ninn^ (arm aad -waat to borrow oa i t wj

^ - 58. Twin Falls; Idaba MpNBT TO 'LAANrrFaRU. (

^ .WjUted-Mlscellaneo. W A N T B D - :^ CMb Of . l n

zd ±£sss!riin i,^ '^ » 7,^ o M io a « a o u in m o i m i n . .

^ ,. T to M y m t A d i 0 . 1 . HMMlti.-...C-I :'i ^ ^ --------1-------— - 1 .

r s £ 1 Q i n " o i J R W A V

-i“ • • ■ 'VT OM'AOq*, . . , e & ’W ’F fK r .i^ o k

tf” . '• GOSMltsjWa.^ -W d U E i? FA H B ?jjn setKi-n^'.^w

- TV CHeSTFAU-OO'7 ~ ■ J X S R ^ A M IC K A M Itry J- \OOWMOMHlSi.

-lewa. ' aJ iA . - •-•■ I B M

- -


WIN PA1X5 ■ UAiLY.triM.lii

c M b »’u u T * .K e» t Ho w t t •V .w siA te / / J l uiUU TM.HK W TH6- O^e.

Oiks ov, Inr'k Fcwum ScnvKr. Inc. ' r*WiJ

---------- --.V. M.U.V. . . v ' ' ■■-------- -------- -ate .WapTfed^Miscellaneoui

--------- ‘. ' ud- '-' r - 'i ■----------:------------------ 1*"»“ •« W A N T E D -B oef catllo. J . A. Fiyaa

______ Phone 763W.,: ’___________________

n » a °^ L0OT-i?3‘eftm of l>ucluil<ln liorBcs • black auine and ta il with lialtcm on

■ftcrea from;.a^a<lc H ot Sprlngn. Pliotiti 720.

i • W A N T E D -T o liuy used Ford. Wllleased pay cdab. M ust bo cheap. Plioni r good 8Q1W.'.* '‘ ■: •- •’

W A N T B D i-^eavy .lo l hoRS a t lb« — r - 8tBr-OroceTyi,ft MnrkeU Pbone 033.

l ^ n ! W A t iT B D ^ t oae« to r eaab. aae^

' . . W A N T E D -T o buy lioirfl; also sb o —TTT ropalrto r. TwJn Blioe Biiopt 300 Phone 338. . cerson. —.. " ■ — "

WANTBD—T o b e a r from ow aer 0 ~ f n m o r unimprovoil land fo r aalo. (

K . H aw lay; .l^ idw ln , .Wls.

--------- WANTBD—Poultry o t al) kinds. Tcil l s o r p r ic e a . ' H . C. H un te r. Pbooe 90SW. irldgc. ' . . . ' . —- '

T r ^ i . H e l g W a n t e d .

--------- M areeilo -and bob euri. 7CC by ex-and p e r t .P o r t la a a 'p p o m to r . . ,W o rk al

I. Re* hours. -i43 'B U r avonuo ooaU Phom Pboae 1844W.-. ,v .v . •

_M 2M .W ANTtD to r b e u o U v e work B zperlenee in n e c e s a a » , \ " W rite '. 3 G aa o r.- fo m rf^ G O T t'O e te c l lT e ,- ,181 S t. L ^ » M o > . : •

« a 4 l^ ffcSoAhousew oork on j^ancb.i llau iro Robt Brose. 6 . m pc^l'adu tb ' n a nsen..

F . K . .W ANTBD^Men.. womcn” *ell sua r--------- aatoeid a ilk hosie ry d irec t to w earer

. beauU ful good#,- xasbfoaed and ful

1 7 ^ Ibwer tbaoi ato ri)^ . Sell onty. Wo pa: E“ i* every day. In ^ rn a t lo n aJ Sllk Uoaiei;Z “ = s2 s!5 sS ffil________^ «»^-3»£sas?s»s«ass

f t*5»v. ■ ' r . .- : • . : \\': c w o«in. I.-..■• ■ R ^ Tlm ea W an t A da..

I tin M A k i.u S tiQ b W '

. TU.s ;r iF - ita M .s iiV -N w ^ .e n sE e o c u

& £A M W E

IJ Aku

a i H p

H r ^

m r '

n i~*"^ I ( — \■ • I TH^■ra Tv

B R i i i i r inu a 'J fO T IC K TO C R m m i i a o f ' m r u


lyaa In tl>r n i i t r i e t ,C onrt of Ihn Untied Mlntfs fu r Ihu- ijualbi-m Itln lric t

■:— of Jdjibt^ ,raca. . •• --------- .I on, I d Ibo M atter oC Idaho H ardw aro ’A '■•0. Im iilem vnt Coinpany, a corporation. ~ B ankrupt. ,

T o ibo crod lio rs c l Id ab o ^ la rd w aro f t Im plem ent Company, a corporation,

- .- o f Twin I'lill*. County of Twirt I'n iis, <hi. and d ia irlc t aforesaid, bank rup t:

« , I^otlce la horoby given: T b a l on the i L _ 21st Uny of Novcmbor. 1922. thu sa |d

Idaho H ardw are f t Im plom unl Com ' fhUa pany, a co rpo ration ,'w as du ly adjud'.

teated bapkrupl, and th a t J . D. Bam< iia rl w as duly appointed tru sieo on

shoe tbe SCth day o f January , 1023. of the liiop. M «eo o l aaid h a n k n p t; Umt aaid

iruntco. liBfi filed his potltlon hercein "— T wbcrvln ho praya tha t,iio m ay bo au* •r « (boritcd to sell tiic said proporiy of

u HBid ban k ru p t al- prlvato sa le : tliat said p roperty conalsts of th e old a c .

' t o p <:ounlj( nnd no tes hold by sa id trus* W loc.

W iilcb said petlUon will bo brought on fo r.l ie a rin g on lbe 3rd day of

. . Ju ly . 1026. a l tho offico of said reforce in (b e 'T w in FkOa Bank and T m t

> ex* Company building In'Tw ln ^ I s , S tate a ll of Tdalio,- a t lwo o'c lodc la -ibo aftor-

hono noon thereof,' a t w bleb time* tb e ered* • ito rs o f sa id b a n k ru p t'an d . any olbor

— InlefM tod persons m ay a ttend and vork. p resen t any roeaon w hy sa id sale ft ' 3 . ahould no t bo bad a t p rivate aale and

>86. why an order sbould no l be mado ac­cordingly.> D ated Ju n o - 2 8 .1 0 « r ----------------

n o M • • ■• - a c m ^ - K T N W c r . .•' Referee in BApkruptcy.

MOTICE TO CR E D nO B S »ror: ' .

fuH E t f t a t o W a J t o r .Josffpb D oaa. De­

a l ^ algned. Roy F . Dean, adm lnla trator of the e state o f W alter Joseph D ean, de*

— ~ ceased, to tho creditors of and a ii per- sons having clalm a a sa ln a t th o aa|d deeeaaed, to .e x h ib it them w ith - tbo

^ neceiiM T voucben , w ithin (en m onths Ii.m2 a fte r th e f irs t publication of thla no- I M d tlce. to tbo aaid adm in istra tor, a t tbe . m r (aw offices o l BfMOlI f t B ird, la tba * City and County of flooding. S tate of J in Idaho. thU being tba placo fU ed for . 44. tbo iranaactlon of tbe buaineaa of aald *H2? estate.

' 5 ^ .'D ated A pril 71b, 1026.‘t l S l ROY F . DEAN.ijjW A dm inistrator

A« . a . . r a < m « . t .worth 'looB M m r 1. n « w r ovorlook.d—In ■ ttil*

— B y W i l l i a i M

I U >JO W ,gkM«T5i& T U ’ \ ■- r t 9 o u © u £ . ! \ .•R J6M U K 0fe«i O jO E ^ iS T b O QnCi 6 R E I S £ / V n yjEAiviTGcrr \ \OWJFF M u g a |u ^ . ) \ - ^9 0 » A E M o n E IRA6S J V l I

BY GEORGEAN* THKT ‘s I ( CO^HT n e c o t ^T W V T ^>V#lPeO— jrrraLn-i-•»*

t h e ^ u :i

" DAHYMARItiedr ic t * ‘ * *■


>’ft . ' ’ —Ion. CHICAOO. Juno 24 ,-O ra ln .fu t­

u res (Inlylied w lililn a frncilon of a re (bo .bottom on tliu Clilciigo Board lon, of Trailo toduy. Corn liid in tbo lila, w eakness b u t w as nu t Uio m arket

loader.I m . W heat'o streng th came early , bas-

od on sUorU nctlvlllm ami hlRbor cabloa, noL unllko yenlerday. haw* ovor. the odfance was em sed In lalo crom W dn,.

t h . C om lo st lls pnly support to laid h ighe r price* w ban w bual tu rned voll) w ta k . Conditions, liotli in -nctnal aU ' g rain and tlto crop nre bcarlih .’ of Oata toUowed o ther g rains lo a :l>at low er flnlnh. A ggrosstve suppo rt ac- woa lacking.

A good deal o f sommlRlson houio selling weakened provlilonB.

'* " Opon. High. Low. .a o n o .WHBAT—

’f ” Ju ly ___ 1BG14 IBS 1C4% m MS f i S^pl ------164% .160% 163% • 163%

Doc. ------ ICO 168 166. f66%re j; CORN— . ^ihor J u l y ____10Tt“ 402% l5 3 . .and 8eP t 100% 107 103% 103% la le Dec. ----- 89% 89% 88% 8S%iand ' OATS— . ' Jac- Ju ly 48% 48% 47% ” 4 7 ^

S e p t ___ 4B% 49% 47% 48 i• . D «> .-™ -61% , Cl% 60% M% / ' U t D - • ■ ' ■ I

Ju ly ___ _ 1703 ,1706, • 109S 1095RIBS— ■ I

Jifly Nominal 1K7 D e. ■ RYS=:.‘

J u l y ------108% 108% io a % .io o % <

r of ■de* CHICAOO LIVESTOCK.t t f . ■ .anC A O O , Juno 24.—l i o n — Ro* laid ceipta. 18,000: ■ maricet active to tbe s teadyt -top. 813.06; bu lk of aaies, Iths tlS .80O ia.00 : heavy w eight, medium no- choice, 813018 .66 ;. medium weight, tb e medium choice, 812.86018.06; ligb t tb e welKht. eoa im m cbolco, fl8 .40O ia.e0 ;I Of l ig h t lights, common cboico. 111 JO O lo r 13.40: pack ing bogs, smooth, 812 0 ■aid 1S.40: pkcklng-hogs. rough, 811.S0O

1?: siaugtater. p igs, medium eholce, 81130013.

Cattle—S tee rs , ilOO pounds up, ■tor choice and prim e, *11.76012.40;, good — ' 810.86012: medium, .19.16011 :• ateera ^ choice and prim e, tl8018.4O : good, b ia 811018: m edium . |8 .7 6 0 l l : c o m -

. m oo, |« .2£08 .7 li: h e lfe ra . good and — choice, 8 8 J6 0 1 U B ; common me*

dium , 1609.86; cows,, good ' and ebolca, I840O 9.8S ; . common and

* B M Iam . I 4 4 8 0 8 .U : - c anasra and c n lU ra , 9 9 0 tM : c a l m , eoll eboic^

' f l O l t S S : n e d lm n choice. 14.600 ' 8.1S: t ^ e r a ad a iocker catUe. 16.40

08.8S;.Bbeep—e u a t i i t e r sbeep and lam ba

' , |1 < J 6 0 1 4 .U ; ' lam bs, m e d ian , 84 pouada dow n. IK 0 1 4 .S S : a ril-tfom * n e a , aU .Tralgbta. 840T-76: caaners.

. a ad e a tla ,. » U 0O 4.

M ,P O R T U M O l O r* . J n a e 84^-Cat*

t l e - a a e a l p u : * S 0 ; t o a a e t n a r k e t a taa d y ; i;gta«m,v ‘n e d laa i.- I808.SC: oommon,; M JO O l; eaaaara. o a d eat^ ta n . - H W O « 4 0 : h e u w i . , m adiam a a d . e e s a m . '‘»M (O t'.S 0 ; b eat eawa. BN dlsm and-eom m aa.'; S i . n o ? : « a s - M » a a d o i t t e r v e a a a a n a a d b e te c a a ..



. . •'■ r - ; n r a ^ , ,

GEM’MANUS. '>^H . -•i.M c . M ^ c c , i e . o»Ohi'T EAO T w O ^ E «s.iO ^ • - * « - . •

i — ‘ ' ' ■■ZH ’ •; ■

I Y E R S ^ : S

MET REPORTS |I e ra $ 7 0 9 ; lambs, 812010; ewea,

f.t :8 i .. *

rut- . CHIOAOO CASH QEAI!f, of CHICAOO; June 24.—C ash g ra in

ard whom—No. 2* hard. fl.03% O l.«4% ; tho No. 3 hard , |1.01% , , k e l C o n i-N o . 2 yellow. |1 .0 7 % ^ ii l« ;.

No. 3 yellow. ILOOcOl.07.%: ,K o. as- 4 yollow. 11.06%: No. 6 - yellow , bor »,1.04%! No. 0 yellow. J l .0 3 % ;. No. iw - s m ix e d . '1.0701.07%'; No. 3 m lxM , a lo 11.0001.00% : No. 4 mixed. |1 .0 b% ;

No. 0 mixed, |1 ,02% : N o . '3 w hlU ,(o 81,0801.08% : 0. 3 W hlU. 81.06% O

ned 1.07; No. 4 while |1 .0 6 O t0 6 % V 't: . ' nal C am -N o . 3 while, 47% 048% e:

No. 4 white, .47%c; standsrda,-..44% a © «K c. • - ■••

w rt BarIoy*>800!>Oc.Bye—No. .4, 81. • . /. 1T lm o lhy -80J608 ,26 . .C lover-|21 .28 02 9 . . : •

;g% TWIN FALLS ' : :,. .. aiARKETS f

» * f e ^ 1 , -*■“» .. ..

1095 ^ I B . . a . - • • Inarfhm>«: h»nch

1K 7 IPeppera. Ib. : '• '

RO* ! { 2 v " ' . ' " - ' - V'T T T g * '. V-

M?SgS'.uo,»' . ;■ ■ -...a;; ':

>■« fisgy ■" ... ■ -u • •. n o B C C * ," ';

Page 6: liim D L T 1 r i M E ^ S TDoveiy Shot BSLa^tfre^k i>t By · vbLTU&.,8^NUjiBEB,i)8. . P H ® i i i i i i p l i i Death' of Senators


O re g o n In v e s to r I s M u c h Im *

p r e s s e d b y E x p o r ta f r o m T h is

. C i ty a n d T r a c t ; P r a s e s T b o l

T im e s f o r B a la n c e d N e w s ; W a s

B e c e n tlr S t a te T r e a s u r e r o f

W e b f o o t l a n d .

' T h a t llio r'-|)<>rtn n f nliliniiontf ci( KOoCn from Twill Tulin a ro tin . liuKt Ju ,iho wjiHiurii i-oiiiiiry -wim iliu

, a tatem ent iiiiiilo la-ro tminy by Jur>‘ fe n o n Myera of I’ortlniiil, iIlr«Ttnr*

monibor o f tho ((nuucu cu iu iiiluw ." o r" tlio 'O rc « o n “T^1fir Tniiirniiob com­

pany. who Ih horn w ith It- C. Scliiiii* VolKC. 'rM tIn K n in irh 't Afiin.

ORor 11. M. MiiHRer, In rvfttinl (o ' lowiB. Ho IB muLh jilcnaoil w lih llio counlry.

“I aU n ^ n n t lo conipllm cnt you on J'our papor,” ho naltl io n T im es

' reproaoniatlTO, I fintt I t lio ltcr tlmn nny puIiIIrIioiI- In nny othor _ _ c lly of tlifn Klic. o r .In rR o r . in ' Ihn

’Want. T lib (elcerhph ond li>cnl nown ^ a re woll hiilnncuU und tho m a rk e t b

, reportn aro fitlo. H’T re to n t land vatiiOB nro . roanon- K

Able nnd tlio fitturo look* hriRht. W . flbw ovor. keop land from >mluR ton %

■Hlffh. IO th n l Invostofii comlnR In ’ 'en iijloo lc Iho HlluatInn o*or a n d tiR- |Ti

UN o u t 10* por c n n t” Sliui*'-!Mr. Wyorji n« hln flrnl nnm o In- o |ic r 4Jcoies Ifl fl dom ocrat, l ln rv(lr«d iiolu

l u . ' f l t a l o ' .trMuiiiror o f Oroitnn itix • f i r s t o f IhiB y e a r lo doroio hlm nolf y i | to huslnoM . . • WUH

: G re a t N orthern . M ay IZr / T a k e Bowe S tre e t . !n;

R ailro ad S ystem viMIhh

T lia l th e O ront N orlliprn htm fin- Hniii a lly c lo icd tho deal foh th e TioU*? and

. n tn e t- ra llw a y flyntain, o f w hich iho rc Ix>wi JiBW hoen rum orn 'Bom o tlm o Ih lh«" wooc

• rep o r t brouffht hack from (hn ntiii«eap lta l hy O scar .'Wonacott. whn. w ith Mn

■ ‘ b la wlfo. iflthack n fle r npcndlntr (hi* harit w e«k«40d..llrtro.‘ I t la nald ' tbn*. Iho clojtn nyatem w ill bo (akon over J u ly 1S. u{ih T h e O roat N orthern han been m n n ln c n il <1 a sa rv o y a lonir tlio line o f lh o oh l T hor p ro p o n d rou to of tb ^ n n r ih nnd frm li

' M iilb 'ro Jlroail w hich O overnnr A hix- nnrln ' a n d e r w aa ae«'kini; to pu t over durlii): w in . h la le n n of offJcs. T he pa««lblllty^ of

tb e extension of th a t 'l ln n lo th in c lly it« u 4 on B ou^ . hOJi iKicn.dlHOUHnod for sooil a lo n r timo and snrveyn w iti> inailc rw in Ihroaith Ihln rn iin lry hy lho Illl l nyx- wond tem y ^ r s a ^ . l l In Bnhl. wli«

' A lb ion M an Dies ~ from A u t» W reck J™.'

BIJIU-HY. Juno Von DoomiABbor ^of Albion died he ro M onday ihcrnin lgb t of In ttrn iil In ju rlm ri'colTcd „ ,„ t iIn nn autnniobllo nccldi'n l ou Uio |„ f ,Durley-Albloii road Krldny i i IrIK. KnhtiT)io c a r (urnod over lu lu n b a r p it n ,.v .and pinnrd Mr. AHhrr u n ilrr IL IU- Kiiniw aa (aken to Ibo honpllnl and In irr Hicin,

' died. - Ho iQAVrn it wifn nud i-lctitchildren, ru n e ra l wa* b .l.l tJil" Klii aflom oon. Ho wa« r.3 ycar/i n t urc. fiine-n

------------------------------------------- held 1Boise’s Boy B and . jJ,; ,'"

to H ave B ig C am p "f < >'--------- •

BOTSK, Juno i t .—IlolKf’d Imyn’ < . baud, an orRanltallnn w lili lir . pl.iy- loK tncnibera and n Hrum u ia jor, n il ^aivui betw een (he oceB n t C nml H yonrn. baa derided to havr> n nuuim rr cam p o f ll» own In lhe lilll-i and to flnanct* It In purl. A iiiinRtri'l imrli nbow tn to he civen V'rliliiy ulRht m -'r 'ti by lh e '> ’n«iicalerii ntul bldti fnlr ti> i . i i r f i rccelve n l;irc«' ppir(iii;ii!<’.

--------- --------------- . W.MT he I'u licil Pl.ili'n tiiipiillc•« lotir no

flfllin of, n iln a 'n (lK .ir.'il.".. .. t lir tr.

•A c lear tnoon<i« froni. .\ri5 , i

S p e c i a lTH U R SD A Y — FR ID A Y — ' iSA TU R D A Y — ^

-A n -asso i'tm cn f ofliadies’ S4.0Q Pumps 1 __

;at half price— ' „$2.00 I 0

M en ’s -B lack o r \ >''' Brown Kid Oxfords . or High Shoes— P

$4.00 . ‘ftMoray Shoe Store!

* 93.00. $4.00, $5.00 ShoesK e t b i o ; H ig h e r . '

3 1 7 . ^ E a s t M a la K a z t t e t b e “ M a r k e t e r i a ” '

T O E BEST p u r e TO TBAPF.

' SIX ■' ' •

Turtle Gives Bi

Thla tu rtle , B younft chap onlv lfi'» ■ yoam 0\<i> pu»uil a HiuwUnn Unwler ■ to r flvo boura nfter m tiin t: uuifrl>«l I In iln n e u o tt New Orlotuui f .d e i i t l / . . ■

. T bo crew couU n't do o chlrtR wlUi B him until ho wu* Juvi natum lly ull .■ In. Then hh wuo L-Ocen ftehore. auil B

. hie aovon-foot nholl will ' !«• u V •Quvonlc. Tbo turtle , weichlnir 7t:f» 1 uoundii. In bollevod ((►liUll from lho , *

■ cM t.coaJt of Africa. ^

______ hi 1U w lem en l O itemllon — D r. M. i'**'

liuirnn Ih rccovurliiR from u m ajor .licm llou In S t .-L u k o ’n honpllnl In , •*

_____________ _ m l

YiJuni; I j iu y o r Iji T owh—A nnn •UH b 'lru .Moiidiiy, Ju n e ”2. lo^ Allor- ey «nd Mm. 0. C. l l .i l l .^ . THe ranitutolliiir n t the vtuiiii; ' |y Irti. . MrC.-nry • of Mnhiil. In uiui ITI! vl;lilnR him. jt.iiii

YMI In ('Ilv—Mri>. H. It. I.»well nud IlHHen O rnro nnd Mildred l.litiljicy nf l.niitlUKfl, iNehr.* urc Kiientn of Mf. nd .Mrn. Chiirlen Underwood. Mrn. ow rll III (hu ano ther of-M rn. IJndcr- ood.

Mnny Co lu I’lrn le—AIkiuI 70 meni- ni n o f th e vnrlmiB Sundny nehool anncH of A nm inlon ICnloooiml oliwreh llh Ibelr learhnrH h-fl (oilay fo r nn f;™ ;l day plcnle n l lhe I 'lle r fa ir Kroiiiul. horo w err' p len ty of oniii nml rr* enlimnnlH. ■ Tiie dny wan npont tn a ll , r(n o f t:nnie« nud nmufieini'niB. They . Ill re lu m early tliU evonliii:. .

lt«)adii An> ( . ihiiI—llnadn n re p re liy 1’" :' )oil t>eiwefn S a lt 1j >I(o i.'liy^ .ind *’™' «-ln I-ntlH, u reordlnt: t« H arry Al- nnd nf the J.'\v< ii-l'niKo eomp.iny. _ tin b ronchi fioini' n • n rw Jeu.-ir nch from ihi< lllnli rnp lln l. W. W.I**'"’'' lint n t !Tiur

w .'its, ho ntaled.

Iln '<Vny fu Cunfen-nre—Ilev. J.Iirlnc. pnslnr of tho T w in I'nllii I.n- •rnn c hu rrh . ueeompnul.'.l liy Hi-v. 1I< d ,Mm. H. T , Tiirhlv.'ly hnvo i:onn |..-«l

C'lirnellu:!. Oivkoti. Ilev. H., lllle. n»d r . .V.'lmtiun <if Nnnipn. |„ |,i V. M. /n s v l nud. IU M. ><vlwir <;f , eu nnd Mr. JnKi-in o f t.'lov. r J.diinl . 'lu j in the wny. . • 7 " '* ilrfoK luender K nnernl Tomorrow - Tli.' f-’- ' ii-ral of W llllnm K lilender will I..' " t t Id Thurndny nfiernoon nt 3;"0 from Mnx■ linnii- of .Mrn. Jeun;ien. n .q iia r ' net*.' of n mile vnni nud n <<unrti-r noiiih tlnm('Inver and .will he conilUi-tid tiy Uj ti

.Mr. DaniieiiHfelt.

iilvntliin .Vrmj Tonlirhl—T here will au op.'U a ir im-nlntf ton luh i o f the vailun Army enniliii-ied n t the cor- ' «r. .^lnln mill Hhn^ihnne ntriH-i hy Jor nml .Mm. W. O. W hlto of S a lt ^b« iir Clly. nnd M onieuant lln lleu - wide ■h, TIiIh will I,.- followe<t hy n Iniid riliiir III lln- Imll nt 21f. Jiho.ihoui' inn ;■ et I-Iiiiih to .w h lrh nil a re luvltco. u ,„ . ,

Voillll S<t .t^ liii .T ii^ tllA n efforl lo iiNi.t.. a ik .'il ll noiiKlil Iiy plnln» liMl.’iy 111 Till- rnr.r of I'lum n .Mike- “

II ni;;ilnHt W, R M|| nnd K. II. ,5, IIU i r h l lu Ihr dlHlrlcl r o u n tu- J lc

NOTIC r e a m P r

" W g t u i u i i U w U ) c a t c c i o

2-16 Fourth Avenue Souti of Uie fl-eicriit depot, and* advantage of .prompt s

' trealmcnt and cash pay'm price for ycDur e^ps and loday payinjT 44c for butt dozen, for eppr's,, deliveri:

Swift & GcTW^N, FA LLS,

,r . ■

Boat a Ride ^,

ii |H H p 1foro Jiidiiu W. A. Ilabcock. tswoulcy & Sw eeley rciiretiout thi) pluluiKr, nud m ephan A .Surih of thla clly und l-Vauk Wymtiii of Uolne. Iliti dufeiid- unll .Mh .Mlkencll iH inow iil. niuuey Irom ArlH nnd .Kavo hhu u uiortKiiKo 111 tbo form u td u id . w hlrh .Mni. .Mlki- I’HcIl uoclm to Hbt itnlilii.

Aulo C o llW iin-T lio s irx w u ir c a r d r iiu n by A. IJ. Dlcliey uud u Kurd drlvuii by .Mm. UuHHrll X>. Kliiddard ruiiie Infu coIHhIoii u t Ihu lulrfHecllun of I'uui-lh nveuue uud Hocond ntroot tiuit ludny, doliiu iiomo Injury Iu liolli can i und linrllui.: Mru. Sloildiinl iilii;hl- ly. So fur AH ra n he loaruiil there UUH III) pu rllcu lar bliimii u lla rlin l tu elllier driver.

B ert Skidm ore Is R eleased from the . C ounty J a il ,T oday

Jndco 'W. A. Dahcocic thiii mornlnu pu t thu HklilK under the proHeeullou of lle r i Kkldtnore. held fur nlloKod r;rand larceny, ii.ild tu huvo heen cniu- nillto irnnuio yearn nuo. when he. thiH luurulut.'. srau lc il th e nmlhm uf I’loit* ecu ior J . W. T aylor and • dliunlsned Ihn cuno. The niuiindii were Ihat Ihr. wlttioiiii<>H fur the ntutc hnd e ither le ft Idaho, o r eould uul bo found nnd thul th e ie WIUI nuC luifflcluut evldenco In pnnneiutlon of thu n ta te lu w nrm ut n I'unvlcllim .

.‘'tilihiinro wnil rrtennnl nu lumd In OrUiher. IH:‘(i. It.In imld, nnd fn lhd t.i <ho\v up for trln l. On lilii re lu rn r r- •■■Utly he w.lri arreiiled nu the old •liurue. He Wnn rclriin.'d tndny hy ilierlff .M. J irV lu c h 'liy “orili-r of^'ilie = ■onrt. g

Roman Hlitory. sIlrnl Kiiiiiiiu lih'.tiiry tuny l«* *:>ld |o »

I'ruiii uiiti ii.-r Htruk'Kle with the ^ :ie!t:lil.orhii: Siimiill.-H, 111 whIHi slo- ^ nhl lll^.r»l:lula1l•'lI for uer' e.UKiurni ^ "f Unly. Tlm llrKi Siiiiiiilto wnr he- 5 /utl In :il.1: lhe i.rci.nd wllh u cm"hllii: ^ Irf.'iit Home at Ciindlne Kork« g [.•il’l). lint frirtttiio tiiriie.l •uh u n-nnll S5 •f thr hrillliilit r.\|i|.>lts o t Q. I'llhlllii ^ itnxltiuK The ililr<l .Suiiiulio wur 'vli- irw i^ n Kri'iit Itoninii vietory nt .Seu- Inuni lu 'J:C II. a III 1*01.11. C., the li-Ml I’niilc vnr tiriil;e out, Aryua Iniiic nn the iiorlli of the Medltorrjj- iriin rlmllruCiHl hrniltlc Ciirthiice, n 'irlaii oiloiiy, o» tho funilti.' The «vur. vun cnrrliHl on ehlelly hy »cu, llimie'n Iret WUH dr^iroynl ilirei) Ilmen, but he irlum phtil lu (hu end. SleJly.' vhleh « a n the sivnc of the prlncliml lu j hnttlcn. h rriiiiir n Itniiinu prov- UCI* (241).* lloiiir Kuff.'red t.-renlly.J'y Iw npcimd nnd th ln l 1‘un tr wnm. hu t llllniilely ri-nn'iTeil he r Iohspj nuil, ex- I'tiilril hiT Iionlrr* tr> the liiclURlim of

Kouinn .p riiv lu rr lu Afrlcu.^ ^

J lc a d Time* W rn t Ada.-_________ \

ICE Ir o d u c e r s |

o n o u r p r o p e r t y a t H

l l t h , o n e I j l o c k n o r t h .

i d e x t e n d t o y o u t h e

s e m c e , c o u i ’t e o u s

■ m e n t . i t f u l l m a r k e t ^

n d c r e a m , W c a r e

u t t e r f a t ' a n d 2 . i c p e r

L 'l-bd a t o u r p l a n t

Company jS, ID A H O


y 'is iT iN R iib iT it n i ' i .K ^W U.I. KK KNI'OIiCKU

I.N THK T . F . U O « ’lTA r,

YinUlnir hiMin "iiTnK- T w in Fallnru u n tr (ienem l.huB Pltnl ifTII l>i<en> difem -d herenfter, I t wnn nnuennciMl uiluduy hv J lanuce r Kri'il IV, Ili>cli- ran llh ,. ,'1 'he honr* n n 10 to 11 u. orn .m .t S lu I p . m . Jiud 7 iu H p. oani. >‘o TiHlIunt w in he perm itted aa t nny ollit-r tim e. II Ih Klnted tliBl nin tr lc t uhncrrnnet' o f thene rule* udm ukK fnr more efficient ne rrlre nnd odun> h e ller fur docluni. iiiifMH and unpatleHl*. Iru

N ational G u a rd A re In itia ted Ih to the „

F o rty a n d S 'C lubs.'TJOISB, Id a l io T ju n o s i . - s e r o f a l nn

. offcura and men nllko of Iho nn-|t>>< Ilonni jpuu-d uow In cnmp here woru let nuuiDwhnt s tiff In tlielr phyBlcal d r ill llilH mornlnit. bu t nomcwhnt on Iohh ntrnlned In obiiDrvnncn of mill'. lu r > M-tliinetie. • Thoy wero Inltlhlod ntt Inlo t i i u A lu e r lc n n -U K lon ’n funny be« nuxlllnry. tho 'MO n p a ’8," n t u Bocrot inoellnK In the cluh iioimo n l ,Mnun- or lain Vlow Koif l in k i \h i» t n lohi. vlt

G overnor Mooro dfflVully Innpccl- , ei\ Oio troo|)v In comp n t u form al review Innt niRht Ot r e t r e a t Tho •» ulh lo tic p a rt o t Uiolr•'iiohodulo will besIn thin ovonlnir.iwith n bnll sam o '• " ’.'.‘L '*«»'o_l>oxliilf •bo'ilB._________ « PBI

News of R'

Pillow Cm 6s, 29cIn HixeH 42 by HC Inclinn In ti

' ipiod nunHiy of full hloachod eniiOH; lo rn Iieforo hemmuil. Yfiiril n u re iy w nnl lo Ret In nn IhlH offorlnr;. Plllnw cnnen nro ulwnyii ,wniiied uud rarely,If over. In Mieli ‘nn ntfer innilo

Z J T n T . ...:.... 2 9 c

i .

^ _j| ■'

® I I \Silk U nderw ear

l.ovi'ly kI1I{ nnderw ear, bonrlng tl rltr^' inbi'I; ijuallty gnrm ents In enjnm..Silk vc*ii:. ntop-lna. combination hlui> itirni-rut full and beautiful

...' ' ' ,$ i '2 8 - ,„ S1.9SG owns

Whnl n |>|i'.iMtro It will, be tn ih rre r r tour of those daln ly c< jo u r v.i.aihiii w ardrobe. They'l lol'l of l.iihiderlnR and they nre d: Ih r u^th di'i;re<'; p riced low—

I 9 8 c ,o $1 .98^ ' L ingette Costumefc S lip .; $1.63= N’l'te. -Iiinm iry trockn require S I 'lljn In r iv r th e co rrec t ntnnoll ^ . It.T.' !ifr ii.-w slip s tb a t a re exn 'i

I . - S '; ; """" “L ................$:m Sum m er - V ests, 2i^ Thl* V. M will U splendid nelllr

S nhown In tiiliular o r bodice top;^ ’parli , ......... _ .t_______________

Savings in H osiery U n d e rw e a r.

■-J S po rt « fbbed «1 _ A W k ln jt hose th a t l«

wllll mUM-s; they a re e lss tlc . o lin s nnd durable— bIxcb ,6 lolu . the pair ............. ........ ..................

W en ra ’n LUIe ftpcrt H ow , • A Ireautlful f ine meceflxed lliU 1 n h r fr wrlRht.' s p o r t rib . pe rfee t flU a ttrac tlre . be t* i s tilack andeolor*; the p a ir ____________W om ens- fnll fo*hlnn«l silk bnse l le h t 'w r ls h t , r « r^ th read n llk th: trifle* h v a rlr r ihBn ch lffoa, y r f . I i i evfft veave , ba* a tU le top that h e lle r w ear; hlack and color*: d

• tba p a ir ...........—. J s . . ________v J

rrWIN FAIXS DAILY TN utrition C lass to [c

jVleet E a rly in Ju ly ^Ml** B nther K ahlo, o t ' Ibo-hom o

dumunstriUloQ d opartm on t o t tho uulvem lty o*tcn*lon. Ib horo o r- ran^lnic for Ihe n o j l nu trition dem- nnatraUon- which w ill ho hold boro SI e a r ly lu Ju ly , T ho Idea la to g e t u betiur- oducatlon In n il lines of nutrlU otf fo r hoth c h lld roa and udultfl, MlHS Kohle liaB -luBi finiah. od n tw o-day iIcinonBtrulTon In kl« >ni inuua drcsB northuaiil of Iiuhl and nc

Iruvo n provlou* tw o-day dco is stylo M dumonBtmtlon nonr F'llor. A l l^iir P r IftHt mootlnip horo nhu dlncuBBed a hnlnnced radon . ; ^

MI»n K ahltj w a*‘ Invlled - lioro by f i lho Tw tn Kails m uke of th o U .D. ^ B, church, both tho ' c lly w ards and •' a ll lho ollior wnrdn n ro ci>-oporatlnit •

I nnd thono who a tloud tnko homo '{!' tho BubBtnnco'Of (ho 'tu sson tr (o tholr local orRanltnlloun. .

Allhoiigh (hu n u tritio n mootlnc* n ro .h e ld under Iho nuBpIcnii o f tbo _„ Twin Falht mnke -nil nro Invltod lo "S oitend, An special Invltnilon has « ' beeu uxtonded lo iho federa ted clubn p |, aud nny Ind ivh lnal-In terosted . w hoth- |,g, or n cliib metnbur o r n o l Is In- ;''lto ‘1- ____________ Co

Tw in ra tlH wUl prow tiv proporUcm “pj lo your co-oporaUon. inj

- ...... ...........• 1(K' I f you w u t K pVosreBslvo newa> voi

papor ROt T he T t m ^ ' J

Real Values: S a l i s b u r y S h e e t s £

„ , ■ ’$1 .49. • ' ■ . , ■A n tn u d a n r nhcot freo from drcnHlns .lu e llh er 72 by HO o r M

«1. HI hy DO—tl inodt nuiuiunl ,,j,i„ vni;.« .........

M P equo t Sheets $1.63 m'y. A hlK bI*o Hheol. nlso 72 b y |j,

8D. 'uml iduce P onuol nuodn no

C lulriH ludlnu, wo w ill «ny th n t ' Illln hiK Hhool cun hn Imd ^

^ n t .................. - . . . . S 1 . 6 3 pr

SMt Drfe!$ 9.95 $11A w en ltli o f iv o iiilo r o froriiiR .s in :

■jirii^i's l in i t m n k c lli i 'm r x e o p lio im l v

-n-Tll-f i ii t l - Hif rtr .- t w tr - g r o iipa -fn H - t jf - :

w h en lli i 'y v iew Jh i 's e liri'HSOH, n o te '

eNum iiii' lh o n in tr r i i i l s , n n d iiis]iec t t

Iw o n'n iM ii'rrtil y r im iw —

$9.95 $15.A lso f u n ry v o ile s , ru iiin i ix r h if fo n i

liro n ilr lo t lm in v i 'rv prelty»H lrli» i'S . P i

$2.98 $3.98 1a r W o m e n ’s S u i

■ u m o n . , eCinderella.- th e perfec t I

itlnnn nnd thern'n nnme InTlilblo sc Ilfully ’tn ll- Iholr tnak lU R -that makoB l

Infnciory: neveral ntjJIc* ti A Q tc 41; Iho »iilt...._.....—

C h i l d r e n ’ s Urh lh lren '/i w alnl iinloha; w

In Inrliule button* sowed i r cownn In ‘ I th rr In cherk l'il nalnsoOk ley'll i.iQnd tlUhiR sarm enl •e dalnly to " " ‘t - ...................... ......—

\ Q C h i l d r e n ’s R o m ty O A npeclal tot which ordlna

for a r r e a t deni m oro; nbo m e .ib'e Inl nnd . n il sizes;

prjceil low ___...I.;_____

e coitum e I S i l k P o n g e e ,inolh linen; ,P u re i l l k Japanene p<mcc xr,.ptlotially Kt>vernmrnl ntam ped; Ihls

$1 .6 3 « • " ’!....... . .25c '(Booth M ills Tow

rllln i; num -' Dooth MIII* bleached tow<

op: O S a .............- .................................i27-In. D r e s s G injy * a n c l r ro ieT 'R ln K h am s ; perfec t

npect; new p a i t r rn s r - fM t 1^ — - •'the yar.l .........„ ......_______

^ i . w u i a f J - J u m h i b T o w e ln ta l fit- .T u rk tow els; size • « '

_ .2 5 c _____« . *9* I A r m y B l a i d c e b<1« hose o t Khnkl n rm T SlBnkata ■ultml flUtUR and „ u . ; _ _ 4 9 C .p r i c e ---------------------------------

$1*69 1------- — ---------- -


s E r a a » t a > £i M B i l i i * ;

SIk Men and « Irom nn CbarKoil WlUi' L'unnplrlnir to-.Munfer W en llh fK nn . j Ban MerchntilV WiU'.

KANSAS CIT V T m o.. Juno 2 4 -S lx pu1 men and ono woman, arrcBlwl In con- rin, ncclion with on allcRUd p lot to kill wa: .Mrs. Mabel Davloo will J>u given n one prelim inary huarluR Friday , followlni; par flitrralRunioiit yenlorday afternoon on ofchorRen'of oa'sault with In ten t 10 kill. lou. Five of thc num ber failed to mnku norborfd of 110.000 and aro bclm; held In w .Jail, . , • of

AccordlnR lo I^iy Bryan, ono nf sco thoio arrested, Davlcn, ro ilred mer> IdachanU of Concordia, KanBan. arranR ed s tnw ith the gunmen |o kill bla w ife. Mr*, loy,Davlen waa Renton and robbed In h o r prohomo la st year by four o f tbo buh- Mripeels, ll Ib charRod. of

Davlen. accordlnR to Information from the Kannan town. Is expected lo pknd/lnB anliy , He la n t liberty onhond'^ln connection with IhoTtlot. ■"

Police hero claim to havo w rltlen flilConcordia nfflceni neveral m onlhn maago w arning (hem there wan a con- anplracy I0 kill Mnt. D ayies nnd anV- ogi InR Ihat a clone "wnlcii b o 'k e p t— fo f ~^j(liwat Riinmon nunpectcd of belnR In ^„|ivolved In .lho p lo t . . . t " '

Mra. Davies will aland by bo r b u n -

{fom the BuSilk and F ibre Hose

59c' .7 , SMoro (it Uioiio • cuod ’ va lues . ’ ith*’ hnvo Just nrrlve'd f o / Ihls Jtm o RooiT*; offering. T h is 't im e Uioy nro m'oAiIy In blacks. Thoy como In o il nlxon nnd hnvo doublo Bab

. iinlm nnd hlfih npllciid heels, n reuinrkoblo boso foi* tho prlcu ; — Z p u in for $ 1 .1 0 i

.sses B am bajii---------------- T ills i ic w 'rn l5 r i t' • ; • u la r ntriiH'K, / i l l

S , , ■ . wido 5 yard .....

i f l l ) V oile7 . ' ^ V o ile ,L n H i-inij

, ■ • y o ti wolcoin**! 2f^ w liie ii fo e iiodsc

II HiIh h'rniii) At _ lo w « t , tlic y n n

1 valtiM . WoMipnTf i i . i i - .Mtnii'i..i.i ,------------------------ - E l j t t10 Ih .’i r ■> mili'T iior f n b r i

in ' ( i c n u i n u t l It tUo tuiioniiK— . ninkc An ihKtnti

p rieo i l n t , lihu

;.oo:‘onK II.S mill an t l 'f mont

, , f>f till' x iirinc fn‘ ™ lo r,. ,1,„1 p „ .

Q Q (nm ranlced . not caiine; itn idenl prire il Io\v,

— " " --------- th e y a r d ........ !...Summer

63c H yglow ]lltUnR unlona; • I 't 'e l t y voilcR ' v

s s T e m m oro^M ^ ‘ ‘ '■"""’•'•I 'v i t ) In alics p ro p c w . n n d w

U U l^ faliriti 11-anlinlilt;;

Unions ■....... .....; w e l l , lat>ed.. w llll0 on the UDlons; • N e '

S u l ' fi'q'K !'•-!' ”}"<>■«' !■'"__________ U O L ' K tripos. n v m t n

fu l p n t tc n ia formpers, t>yc drciwoH. •R o m is ,H narlly would se ll c 1 iild rc ir« frock * about 10 dMen In

__________ d 9 C

ee, 79c 36-In. BiainRce. 1! momme, -i\n r x e e p tio n n ll j ils Is an excellent fnK t-cn lor iwitecn

___79Ci tl'*-' - y n r d ........... -

►weling, 19c Jerseyow'ellng. so fl and - j t

_________ : i 9 c f ln e a t y a m ; tliw

• l 'l™ 1 5 cr ^ , 49ca ■ ■ S triped 5t t by 44 ta H e a : j W i t h loB tro u n .

4 9 c ih c d i i r n b i l i ty 'ai:. itlon o f c o t to n , n

e t s , * ^ . t K > lo o ta w v >t’n heriiltaWo t o J a ^ « e o lo n i; y a n l

------ --------- 32-In .K aIb i

I j i i n l ___________

* —

_________ r ,• / w ei

banii, d u p lte tbo taeU be Is a lio iM t o ’ h ave bo ri^D ed fo r b e r d n lh ,;M eo rd > . i n s tb Infonnatlon from .CoBcordla;.. , .

iF e d e r iU E ^Mcdces Survey in Id ah b

(Speclol to Tbo Tlriio*.)BOISE, Juno Z4..-T. MocDon-

a id . chief of Uto fedem lj bu rea u .of public . roads. U Jn Idaho confer* rin g w ith fo reclry anil sU to b lsb ’ w ay officials reg a rd in s fo reat roadk and federal a id hlghwaya. ' A ooom: pan led by Ij. L H ucbos, 'In cbaiiifo of the bu reau 's S a s m m c la co '. rejcr loual office, ho loft la s t n lg b t fo r n o r ib . Idaho to m eet C om m U sioner'W. J . H all o t tiie s ta te departm en t of publlo w orkn. Ko p ro jo ^ oC any scope Is contomplateil a t pceaen t in Idaho, b e said, excap tva . thre«>ralio s tre tch between Oalenk a n i l . 8 ta n ~ loy, a lthough tiio p resen t. bleiiDl&l program of federal and s ta te con- i.truciIon callB fo r ' an oxpondlluro of noarly | 1.2[i0,000. ■ '

S r a l« A ia lit V .• T i l l s (leet haa w ritten <ome beauti*

fbl lines to T h e Silent N U tat.'” ro-] m arked Mm. Oroucli, look^ig up from a book of poem s-sho was readlnit “Suppose he wrote Iliem .a fte r his wlfo~lfBd“ £one—hotiiB—to—vWit—b « — '— folk* for a wltlle," growled her bu»- band.^C lnclnnntl Knquiref. •

[ [ i i i i i i i i i i i iU i i i iM i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

usy StoreC rochet Bed

Spi'eads '$2^98idno oro standard a lto apreadir 11 hemmed ends, cotno In io<T^nnnorted doslgna In plain llto o r colored, and look a t0 price — ..... ...........S 3 L 0 8 .

>aby B lankets 98cnkn nnd blues In baby blnnk-I. Blzen 30x40; n good valuo i

lery Fabrics^ a j B r g a d g l o *tJrit! uomoK in p r o t ty p o p - ' f i i i l (JC indicH 7 - O a

ile L a Relrie .•intj nn ft r e a l . v h lu o Ijid a .1 20 d i f f e r e n t c o lo n i fro iii •

)<iKe, n n d Kidiiii^f Q A a v n rd .: ................. ........ s O . V . C

ly tex.. Swiss_________ _____ib r io v l i icll i« y'c rj’ m u e h . I iim * p r c 't ty pult^cniR 'i tn iit ni>]>eal; m o d e rn to ly

............... 4 9 c y

& W . C hintzlONt p o p u la r n n d Kmnrlofit ' f a h r ie s , lo v d y m iig c o f ‘ p a t te n m , a n d n liso liite ly n o t , ti> * fu d o fro m ' n n y icn l f o r IciddieH* e lo tiic s ;

........... .........4 9 c

AT B eaded V oileR' w liie lt lo n k l ik e th e y w itli r e a l beadK ! a p a te n t

M*e r n n in ia r a n iM tl io ■ ~ l l ie ; :ifi InchcH

view Silksp la in po lom , fifn tren a n d

r i tn ld o p n n le n o f b e an ti- f o r nprin jc a n d R nm m er

I t s , w rn p s . t t in lc s n n d :>ckH. C om e in n n d v iew

H ack Sateen , 39cm lly d u n il i le , jm ft f in id h ,

' . l " i ..... ........_ . 3 9 c

ey CIolh^39cI«>w w y, . , y r n v f t i o f ------ -------------tliw p ri^ tty linK orie f a b r io .}ve ly liiR trc a n d I s n a d e rs

_ _ 3 9 C

1 Satine tte , 49ciw . ,n p p c f« n c o i>f «Uk;

am i Rood w earinu «|oal- n, nnd all a t Ilte j)rlre o f -

I”-” ' 4 f t c ' -

ilburm e G ingltt!tte c th e Y a rd * •,in in n e w p a t t « r a t . S t a