limba engleza curs practic

Limba Engleza Curs Practic B_LLS_SEM2_AN1_LIMBA ENGLEZA CURS PRACTIC (T_2_B_LLS_1_LECP) > CONTROL PANEL > PREVIEW ASSESSMENT: LIMBA ENGLEZA CURS PRACTIC Denumirea: Limba Engleza Curs PracticInstruc_iuni: Multiple Attempts Acest test poate fi sus_inut o singura data! Force Completion Înainte de epuizarea timpului alocat completarii testului apasa_i butonul Submit. Examenul este anulat daca se depaseste acest timp. Question Completion Status: Întrebarea nr. 1 0 points Save Don’t yell at me, will you? Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 2 0 points Save Once the story …….. the headlines, every one was talking about it (write the correct letter). a. crashed b. struck c. smashed d. hit Întrebarea nr. 3 0 points Save N-am stiut a cui e cartea- I didn’t know whose book was it. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 4 0 points Save If I’m late for work again, I’ll be….. a severe warning from my boss (write the correct letter). a. up to b. in for c. onto d. after Întrebarea nr. 5 0 points Save They were ………. in conversation and didn’t notice me leaving the room (write the correct letter). a. deep b. thoroughly c. solidly d. far Întrebarea nr. 6 0 points Save Her eyes were red and ……… . flora watery mint condition complacency florid Întrebarea nr. 7 0 points Save Vorbeste de parca ar sti totul - He talks as if he knew everything. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 8 0 points Save The whole movie was filmed on……. in Southern India (write the correct letter). a. site b. location c. spot d. venue Întrebarea nr. 9 0 points Save I couldn’t stop to chat with her because I was really …….. for time (write the correct letter). a. pushed b. rushed c. restricted d. strained Întrebarea nr. 10 0 points Save You had better give up smoking. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 11 0 points Save

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Page 1: Limba Engleza Curs Practic

Limba Engleza Curs Practic B_LLS_SEM2_AN1_LIMBA ENGLEZA CURS PRACTIC (T_2_B_LLS_1_LECP) > CONTROL PANEL > PREVIEW ASSESSMENT: LIMBA ENGLEZA CURS PRACTIC Denumirea: Limba Engleza Curs PracticInstruc_iuni: Multiple Attempts Acest test poate fi sus_inut o singura data! Force Completion Înainte de epuizarea timpului alocat completarii testului apasa_i butonul Submit. Examenul este anulat daca se depaseste acest timp. Question Completion Status: Întrebarea nr. 1 0 points Save Don’t yell at me, will you? Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 2 0 points Save Once the story …….. the headlines, every one was talking about it (write the correct letter). a. crashed b. struck c. smashed d. hit Întrebarea nr. 3 0 points Save N-am stiut a cui e cartea- I didn’t know whose book was it. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 4 0 points Save If I’m late for work again, I’ll be….. a severe warning from my boss (write the correct letter). a. up to b. in for c. onto d. after Întrebarea nr. 5 0 points Save They were ………. in conversation and didn’t notice me leaving the room (write the correct letter). a. deep b. thoroughly c. solidly d. far Întrebarea nr. 6 0 points Save Her eyes were red and ……… . flora watery mint condition complacency florid Întrebarea nr. 7 0 points Save Vorbeste de parca ar sti totul - He talks as if he knew everything. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 8 0 points Save The whole movie was filmed on……. in Southern India (write the correct letter). a. site b. location c. spot d. venue Întrebarea nr. 9 0 points Save I couldn’t stop to chat with her because I was really …….. for time (write the correct letter). a. pushed b. rushed c. restricted d. strained Întrebarea nr. 10 0 points Save You had better give up smoking. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 11 0 points Save

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We weren’t close friends but she……… me well when I left the college (write the correct letter). a. hoped b. aspired c. wished d. bade Întrebarea nr. 12 0 points Save Mi-a spus ca va veni maine- He told me he will come tomorrow. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 13 0 points Save Their flat is …… of a place I used to live in (write the correct letter). a. mindful b. reminiscent c. memorable d. retrospective Întrebarea nr. 14 0 points Save Ce n-as da sa reuseasca- I wish he would succeed. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 15 0 points Save Let’s …….. this interesting article! carve trim clip hew Întrebarea nr. 16 0 points Save I was really looking forward to going to the game and I could hardly wait until the ……day came (write the correct letter). a. grand b. big. C. major d. huge Întrebarea nr. 17 0 points Save Over the…….. of the next few weeks their relationship changed completely (write the correct letter). a. span b. duration c. course d. term Întrebarea nr. 18 0 points Save All his books are in …………. . flora a watery mint condition complacency florid Întrebarea nr. 19 0 points Save I thought that your…… of that problem was excellent (write the correct letter). a. handling b. conduct c. running d. approach. Întrebarea nr. 20 0 points Save Daca as fi in locul tau nu as asculta minciunile lui- If I were you I wouldn’t listen to his lies. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 21 0 points Save In spring we always ……… our trees. carve trim; clip

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hew Întrebarea nr. 22 0 points Save I would rather you read my e- mail. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 23 0 points Save Zicea ca a uitat- He was saying he had forgotten. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 24 0 points Save She ……… her initials on the wooden desk. carved trimmed clipped hewed Întrebarea nr. 25 0 points Save Macar daca ai fi venit de ieri- If only you came yesterday. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 26 0 points Save Se zice ca n-ar sti - It is said they didn’t knew it. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 27 0 points Save Mai bine ti-ai curata unghiile – You WOULD better clean your nails. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 28 0 points Save The letter is written by him right now. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 29 0 points Save She has such a ………… style of writing! flora watery mint condition complacency florid Întrebarea nr. 30 0 points Save N-ai vazut niciodata un urs viu? - Have you never seen a living bear? Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 31 0 points Save Choose the correct translation for the following sentence (write the number): Nu era nevoie sa

cumperi pizza, am comandat deja eu prin telefon. 1 You didn't need to buy pizza, I have already ordered it by phone 2 You needn't have bought pizza, I have already ordered it by phone 3 You needn't had bought pizza, I have already ordered it by phone Întrebarea nr. 32 0 points Save

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If you want to be a rock star talent helps, but what it really …….. down to is luck(write the correct letter). a. boils b. revolves c. centres d. refines Întrebarea nr. 33 0 points Save All her hard work paid……. in the end and she is now very successful (write the correct letter). a. up b. out c. back d. off Întrebarea nr. 34 0 points Save The ………. of the Himalayas is her domain of research. flora watery mint condition complacency florid Întrebarea nr. 35 0 points Save She has given a firm ……. not to reveal any of the company’s secret information (write the correct letter). a. reassurance b. stipulation c. confirmation d. undertaking Întrebarea nr. 36 0 points Save If only it would rain. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 37 0 points Save The movie will be watched by them this time tomorrow. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 38 0 points Save Choose the correct translation for the following sentence (write the number): N-a fost nevoie sa plec mai devreme pentru ca John m-a dus cu masina. 1 I needn't have left earlier as John gave me a lift 2 I needn't had to leave earlier as John gave me a lift 3 I didn't need to leave earlier as John gave me a lift Întrebarea nr. 39 0 points Save Let’s go shopping, don’t we? Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 40 0 points Save I wish he will read the letter. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 41 0 points Save There’s an air of ……….. in his behaviour which I dislike. flora watery mint condition complacency florid Întrebarea nr. 42 0 points Save I don’t want to be too…… on Alice, but I think I should tell her that her work isn’t good

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enough (write the correct letter). a. strict b. firm c. stern d. hard Întrebarea nr. 43 0 points Save Tom said something rude and a big argument …….. (write the correct letter). a. ensued b. derived c. stemmed d. sprang Întrebarea nr. 44 0 points Save I am afraid I don’t…….. your view on this matter , but let’s not quarrel about it (write the correct letter). a. correspond b. equate c. accord d. share Întrebarea nr. 45 0 points Save You would better give up smoking. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 46 0 points Save Suppose you had given me a chance Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 47 0 points Save A new computer has been produced, which will ……… all previous models (write the correct letter). a. overdue b. supersede c. excel d. overwhelm Întrebarea nr. 48 0 points Save I’m sorry I neglected my responsibilities. If only I had admitted. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 49 0 points Save Daca n-ar fi mancat sandwich-ul acela nu i s-ar fi facut rau- If he hadn’t eaten that sandwich he wouldn’d feel sick. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 50 0 points Save Mi-a marturisit ca va spune adevarul daca va fi iertat- He confessed that he will tell the truth if he will be forgiven. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 51 0 points Save I had rather you changed the lock. Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 52 0 points Save They will call on us this weekend , won’t they? Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 53 0 points Save Fill in the blanks with the correct tense in the if-clauses below: What would you do if you ... (be) me? Întrebarea nr. 54 0 points Save I’d rather you have told me the truth.

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Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 55 0 points Save An unknown artist has ….. the statue of the Happy Prince. carved trimmed clipped hewed Întrebarea nr. 56 0 points Save Fill in the blanks with the correct tense in the if-clauses below: I would give up working, if I ... (come) into a fortune. Întrebarea nr. 57 0 points Save We had to ……… through the thick jungle. carve trim clip hew Întrebarea nr. 58 0 points Save It is important that they would pass the exam Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 59 0 points Save I know this is a big disappointment, but don’t take it to…….. (write the correct letter). a. sole b. mind c. spirit d. heart Întrebarea nr. 60 0 points Save Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verb: Robert walked to the front of the stage and ... (wave) to the audience. Întrebarea nr. 61 0 points Save Which of the following words is synonymous with the word affliction : distress pretentiousness affinity addiction Întrebarea nr. 62 0 points Save Which of the following words and phrases is not an antonym of the phrase spick and span slothful slovenly scruffy smart CAME Întrebarea nr. 63 0 points Save Which phrasal verb best describes the meaning of the underlined phrase "The builders encountered some major problems while they were laying the foundations" came up against came down with came into came over Întrebarea nr. 64 0 points Save

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Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence "________ he's with his friends , he's very talkative" When Providing Supposing Furthermore Întrebarea nr. 65 0 points Save In the sentence "__________you help me, I won't finish in time" the missing word is Unless If Providing Supposing Întrebarea nr. 66 0 points Save Which answer corrects the following sentence "Unless you won't study, you won't pass the exams" Unless you study , you won't pass the exams Unless you will study , you won't pass the exams Unless you studied, you won't pass the exams Unless you don't study , you won't pass the exams Întrebarea nr. 67 0 points Save Choose the correct preposition to complete the following sentence "The two men were charged ________ armed robbery" with of for about Întrebarea nr. 68 0 points Save Which of the following words cannot function as a synomym of the underlined word "The little village had a forsaken look" weird deserted abandoned none of the solutions Întrebarea nr. 69 0 points Save Which word best describes the meaning of the underlined word "He besought a token of love" craved for ignored spurned offered Întrebarea nr. 70 0 points Save Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence "Try to be here on time , _________ we'll miss the beginning of the show" otherwise provided and although Întrebarea nr. 71 0 points Save

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Turn the following sentence into direct speech: They said that the manager would inspect the office in two days' time Which variant is correct? The manager will inspect the office the day after tomorrow The manager will inspect the office after two days Both solutions. Neither solution. Întrebarea nr. 72 0 points Save Which of the following idioms best describes the meaning of the underlined word "I can't find it though I've looked everywhere" high and low ups and downs few and far between over and above Întrebarea nr. 73 0 points Save The correct translation of the sentence "Jim m-a intrebat de cine imi aminteste fata lui si am zis ca nu tin minte pe nimeni care sa semene cu el" is: Jim asked me whom his face reminded me of and I said I did not remember anyone who resembled him Jim asked me whom his face remembers me of and I said I do not remind of anyone resembling him Jim asked me of whom did his face remind me and I said I did not remember anyone who resembled him Jim asked me of whom his face reminds me and I said I do not remember no one who resembles him Întrebarea nr. 74 0 points Save Which item has nothing to do with the other four ? flounder yawn sigh sob hiccup Întrebarea nr. 75 0 points Save Correct the following sentence by writing down the unnecessary word "He might have been missed the train" Întrebarea nr. 76 0 points Save By and by is synonymous with by and large Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 77 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to the following statement "I don't like bananas" Neither do I Neither I do So do I I do so Întrebarea nr. 78 0 points Save Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence: "A poet has to be extremely _________ to the music of words" sensitive sentimental sensible

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alert Întrebarea nr. 79 0 points Save Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence "A large number of sea birds are now at _________ because of the oil tanker disaster" risk difficulty threat danger Întrebarea nr. 80 0 points Save Which answer best describes the meaning of the underlined word : Under the circumstances I see no reason for the government's complacency a feeling of contentment or satisfaction with oneself the tendency to yield too willingly to the wishes of others complicity an awkward feeling of guilt confusion Întrebarea nr. 81 0 points Save Turn the following sentence into reported speech "Susan must by rich " Jane told me.Which variant is correct? Jane told me that Susan must be rich Jane told me that Susan had to be rich Neither solution. Both solutions. Întrebarea nr. 82 0 points Save Correct the following sentence by writing down the unnecessary word: "He insisted on that we should tell the truth about the incident" Întrebarea nr. 83 0 points Save Correct the following sentence by writing down the unnecessary word "Rhonda told to her husband that the postman had delivered a parcel for him" on Întrebarea nr. 84 0 points Save Which of the following is/are incorrect? Joe asked me where had I found the brooch Joe asked me where I had found the brooch Joe asked me where I found the brooch Joe asked me where did I find the brooch Întrebarea nr. 85 0 points Save In the sentence " She was frantic ______grief" the missing preposition is : with in for about of Întrebarea nr. 86 0 points Save Which answer corrects the following sentence "She had not thought how he will react when he will find out who she spent her holiday with " She had not thought how he would react when he found out whom she had spent the holiday with She had not thought how he would react when he would found out whom she had spend her holiday with

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She had not thought how he would react when he would find out who she spent her holiday with All solutions. Întrebarea nr. 87 0 points Save Choose the correct particle "I think the milk has gone _______." "Throw it away then" off out of after Întrebarea nr. 88 0 points Save Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence "Just a small piece of cake won't _________any harm" do make produce cause Întrebarea nr. 89 0 points Save Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence : "_________, it's going to rain" Besides Beside Apart Except Întrebarea nr. 90 0 points Save The antonym of the phrase to feel peckish is: to have eaten one's fill to be weary of life to be fed to the teeth with something to be disgusted with Întrebarea nr. 91 0 points Save Fill in the blank with the appropriate word: As snug as a _________in the rug bug yarn cricket hair Întrebarea nr. 92 0 points Save Someone who brings goods into or out of a country illegaly is called a smuggler a shoplifter an arsonist a mugger a trespasser Întrebarea nr. 93 0 points Save Supply the correct passive form of the following sentence: "The brain stores information" Information is stored the brain Information are stored in the brain Both solutions. Neither solution.

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Întrebarea nr. 94 0 points Save Choose the answer which could be substituted for the underlined words "He often spoke with his tongue in his cheek" He spoke with sly sarcasm or irony he called people names he talked incoherently he jabbered Întrebarea nr. 95 0 points Save Which answer best describes the meaning of the underlined word "I became angry with the facetious boy" using or tending to use unsuitable jokes acting as to favor only a small group restless not loyal in love or friendship Întrebarea nr. 96 0 points Save Which answer best describes the meaning of the word blurb a short description by the publisher of the contents , printed on its paper cover a list of what is contained in a book an introduction to a play , long poem a note directing the reader from a place in a book to another place in the same book Întrebarea nr. 97 0 points Save Choose the correct word to complete the following sentence "Cowards don't usually stick their __________out" necks heads noses fingers Întrebarea nr. 98 0 points Save Which of the following is not synonymous with the word preposterous cautious done on purpose completely unreasonable or improbable laughably foolish in manner or appearance Întrebarea nr. 99 0 points Save Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence "___________ to office gossip, Jim Brown is going to lose his job" According Attending Regarding Referring Întrebarea nr. 100 0 points Save Choose the correct preposition to complete the following sentence "Contrary ________what had been written in the papers the three women were proved innocent" to with of from

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Întrebarea nr. 101 0 points Save Correct the following sentence by writing down the unnecessary word "The famous star is believed to have been signed a new multi-million dollar contract" Întrebarea nr. 102 0 points Save Choose the correct variant for the translation of the following sentence "Ti-ai amintit sa cumperi niste paine?" Did you remember to buy some bread? Did you remember buying some bread? Have you remembered to buy some bread? Have you remembered buying some bread? Întrebarea nr. 103 0 points Save been Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence "I was in no way prepared for the _________ of criticism my play received" onslaught onset offensive assault Întrebarea nr. 104 0 points Save Choose the answer which could be substituted for the underlined phrase "Her husband kicked the bucket last night" passed away made a blunder let out a secret resigned Întrebarea nr. 105 0 points Save Turn the following sentence into direct speech "She said that it was going to be a wonderful party" Which of the following variants is correct? It's going to be a wonderful party It was going to be a wonderful party Both solutions. Neither solution. Întrebarea nr. 106 0 points Save Turn the following sentence into reported speach "The results will come out tomorrow" Jim told me. Which variant is correct? Jim told me that the results would come out the next day Jim told me that the results would come out next day Neither solution. Both solutions. Întrebarea nr. 107 0 points Save Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence "Lucy was forced to stay at home __________of whether she wanted to" regardless on account because despite Întrebarea nr. 108 0 points Save Correct the following sentence by writing down the unnecessary word "The house needs

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being painting" Întrebarea nr. 109 0 points Save Fill in the blank with the appropriate word Hunger is the best_________ sauce pill starter chef Întrebarea nr. 110 0 points Save Choose the answer which could be substituted for the underlined words in the following sentence "For his work he received royalties" he received an amount of money for each copy of his book sold he was raised to the nobility he received a grant he became host for royal faces Întrebarea nr. 111 0 points Save Which answer corrects the following sentence "I'd rather you haven't misbehaved at the party last night" I'd rather you hadn't misbehaved at the party last night I'd rather you wouldn't have misbehaved at the party last night I'd rather you didn't misbehave at the party last night None of the solutions. Întrebarea nr. 112 0 points Save Which is the correct passive form of the following active sentence "They heard the woman scream" The woman was heard to scream The woman was heard scream Both solutions. Neither solution. Întrebarea nr. 113 0 points Save Which sentence(s) has/have passive forms? My friend Sue resembles a famous rock star Grandma left Susan all her money She had a stroke of bad luck last week Nobody has slept in the old log cabin for years We request the public to cooperate Întrebarea nr. 114 0 points Save Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence "_________the lights went out, I was having a maths test" When Whereas While During Întrebarea nr. 115 0 points Save Choose the appropriate particle to complete the following sentence "The story goes _________to the year 1941" back through off down

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Întrebarea nr. 116 0 points Save Which of the following sentences is/are ungrammatical? Two aircrafts are flying in the sky Two aircraft are flying in the sky Two aircraft is flying in the sky Întrebarea nr. 117 0 points Save Choose the appropriate word to complete the following sentence " _________they had eaten , they did the washing up" After Afterwards Before In addition to what Întrebarea nr. 118 0 points Save The passive is a device which effectively fronts the object of an active verb Adevarat Fals Întrebarea nr. 119 0 points Save Supply the appropriate preposition for the following passive sentence "This pie was made ______ eggs and cheese" with of by from Întrebarea nr. 120 0 points Save Which is correct? Sue said she had met them the previous week Sue said she had met them last week Sue said she had met the the week before None of the sollutions. Întrebarea nr. 121 0 points Save Which collocation(s) is/are correct? the crisp autumn wind a crisp chair a crisp reply a crisp picture crisp vegetables Întrebarea nr. 122 0 points Save Which phrasal verb best describes the meaning of the underlined word "My alarm rang at 6 o'clock this morning " went off went up went by went out Întrebarea nr. 123 0 points Save In which sentence(s) can you drop the active subject in the passive form? They serve breakfast from seven until nine thirty People must park their cars here A friend lent me this book Has someone mended that chair yet? Întrebarea nr. 124 0 points Save

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In which of the following contexts are keep and hold interchangeable? Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight We must try and keep prices down I don't hold with some of the strange ideas you believe in The needs of the children often hold a marriage together Întrebarea nr. 125 0 points Save Which item has nothing to do with the other four? clatter scramble linger creep crawl Întrebarea nr. 126 0 points Save Choose the correct statement(s) melancholy can only be used as a noun clad is synonymous with clothed aid and abet is a phrase used in legal English smug is an antonym of cosy Întrebarea nr. 127 0 points Save The phrase "to do one's stuff" means to show one's ability as expected to eat greedily to pay what is required to come to an end Întrebarea nr. 128 0 points Save Which phrasal verb best describes the meaning of the underlined phrase " I hope he doesn't break his promise " go back on go off go over go out go through Întrebarea nr. 129 0 points Save Correct the following sentence by writing down the unnecessary word "She was being sent a bunch of roses yesterday" Întrebarea nr. 130 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: ... you pick me up from the station tomorrow? May Must Should Would Întrebarea nr. 131 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank: a(n) ...of land: acre league pang fathom Întrebarea nr. 132 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: I asked the nurse where the

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doctor ... is was were has been Întrebarea nr. 133 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: I would like ... the rest of my life in the countryside. to spend spending spend to have spent Întrebarea nr. 134 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: Perhaps it ... be better to put the bag under the table. may must would shall Întrebarea nr. 135 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: If she ... harder she might become a very good violonist. worked has worked would work would have worked Întrebarea nr. 136 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: One ... take books from the library and keep them for a fortnight. may will dare must Întrebarea nr. 137 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: You .... eat your cake and have it. can’t needn’t won’t wouldn’t Întrebarea nr. 138 0 points Save Give the correct translation for incetul cu incetul: little by little the little by the little a little by a little the little by little Întrebarea nr. 139 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: I’d like you ... my friend. to meet meet

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meeting will meet Întrebarea nr. 140 0 points Save Which answer is correct: agree with suffer from object to all of the above Întrebarea nr. 141 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: He disguised himself lest he ... recognized. were won’t be should be shouldn’t be Întrebarea nr. 142 0 points Save Mark the word which cannot add the prefix en-: frame sure large lighten Întrebarea nr. 143 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: You ... me in my good old days. ought to see ought to have seen ought see ought not to see Întrebarea nr. 144 0 points Save Choose the correct adverb: fast fastley fastly fasty Întrebarea nr. 145 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: I ... to look up the words since they are given in the textbook. mustn’t needn’t won’t have shan’t have Întrebarea nr. 146 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: I .... like a chop, please, a small lean veal chop. should would shall will Întrebarea nr. 147 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: Don’t forget to switch ... the lights before you leave.

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on down off out Întrebarea nr. 148 0 points Save The antonym of floppy is: loosely soft flexible stiff Întrebarea nr. 149 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: They buy her toys as if she ... still a child. is were is being has been Întrebarea nr. 150 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: She would rather he ... home early. come came comes will come Întrebarea nr. 151 0 points Save Mark the synonym(s) for chatter: tittle-tattle gossip prattle all of the above Întrebarea nr. 152 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: It’s time for us .... leaving left to leave to have left Întrebarea nr. 153 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: He never allows ... during his classes. to talk talking to be talking having talked Întrebarea nr. 154 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: We ... like to inform you of their arrival. shall will should must

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Întrebarea nr. 155 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: They never allow us ... flowers from their garden. picking pick to pick to have picked Întrebarea nr. 156 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: This is very serious. We .. to take every precaution. may have got can must Întrebarea nr. 157 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: It is utterly important that they both ... present. are were should be will be Întrebarea nr. 158 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: Whenever they ... us a ring, we will go to meet them. will give gave give will be giving Întrebarea nr. 159 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: If you ... more seriously, you would have passed the exam. worked have been working had worked would have worked Întrebarea nr. 160 0 points Save Mark the correct definition for the word dispute: contentious or heated argument formal argument an interchange of opinion a competition Întrebarea nr. 161 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: When I came to the ranch I didn’t think I ... so isolated. shall be will be would be be Întrebarea nr. 162 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: I didn’t ask you ... for me all

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afternoon. wait to wait waiting be waiting Întrebarea nr. 163 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: I must ... in the garden when you called. have been be had been was Întrebarea nr. 164 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: I wonder what Jane ... for a living. does makes has is making Întrebarea nr. 165 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: It’s time we .... something for the community. doing did to do to have done Întrebarea nr. 166 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: You ... more careful when transcribing the text last night. could be might have been must have been need have been Întrebarea nr. 167 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: You .... better hurry if you don’t want to miss the bus. did do would had Întrebarea nr. 168 0 points Save Give the correct translation for pe cheltuiala: at expense of at an expense of at the expense of at the expenses of Întrebarea nr. 169 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: We may leave now, ...? may we may we not

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may not we can’t we Întrebarea nr. 170 0 points Save Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: In her letter Jane told Ann she ... well. feels felt is feeling has been feeling