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Jabatan Audit Negara Liputan Media Terhadap Aktiviti Kementerian/Jabatan/Agensi Kerajaan Negeri

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Jabatan Audit Negara

Liputan Media Terhadap Aktiviti Kementerian/Jabatan/Agensi

Kerajaan Negeri

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20 Oktober 2009 (Selasa)

Laporan KAN Tahun 2008 – Cawangan Audit Negeri KelantanPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Kelantan

Kelantan Lulus 2,200 Hektar Hutan Untuk Balak

KUALA LUMPUR 20 Okt. - Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan didapati meluluskan 2,200 hektar kawasan hutan simpan kekal dengan ketinggian melebihi 1,000 meter untuk aktiviti pembalakan kepada sebuah syarikat swasta walaupun ia sepatutnya diwartakan sebagai Hutan Perlindungan Sepenuhnya. Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang berkata, tiga kawasan iaitu Tanah Tinggi Lojing, Sungai Betis dan Sungai Brook di Gua Musang diluluskan sebagai projek perintis atas alasan menggantikan kawasan konsesi yang diambil semula daripada Kompleks Perkayuan Kelantan Sdn. Bhd. (KPK). Katanya, kelulusan itu dibuat kerajaan negeri melalui Jawatankuasa Kecil Perhutanan (JKKP).

‘’Bagaimanapun, Laporan Penilaian Kesan Alam Sekitar (EIA) tidak disediakan sehingga kini dan Jawatankuasa Teknikal yang diwujudkan tidak mematuhi syarat yang ditetapkan JKKP,’’ katanya dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008. Beliau berkata, syarat tidak dipatuhi itu melibatkan keahlian Jawatankuasa Teknikal yang sebahagian besar membabitkan kakitangan syarikat yang mempunyai kepentingan. Katanya, bagi tempoh 2005 hingga 2008, Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Kelantan (JPNK) meluluskan enam lesen pembalakan dengan keluasan 555 hektar iaitu sebahagian daripada 2,200 hektar yang diluluskan bagi projek perintis Pembalakan Berimpak Rendah (RIL) kepada syarikat itu.

Ambrin berkata, bagaimanapun, sehingga kini pihak KPK tidak dimaklumkan secara rasmi mengenai kawasan balak di tanah tinggi itu yang dikatakan akan diberi sebagai ganti mengikut perjanjian konsesi tersebut. ‘’Jabatan Audit Negara mendapati projek perintis ini telah memberi keuntungan kepada syarikat berkenaan kerana mendapat kawasan pembalakan dengan kayu yang banyak dan berkualiti tinggi yang belum diterokai tanpa melalui proses tender.

‘’Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan pula hanya mendapat royalti dan premium sebagaimana kawasan pembalakan biasa yang lain. ‘’Sekiranya tujuan projek perintis ini untuk mengkaji Pengusahasilan Hutan Berimpak Rendah khususnya untuk kawasan tanah tinggi, JPNK tidak sepatutnya meluluskan kawasan yang luas sehingga 2,200 hektar sebagai projek perintis,’’ katanya.Beliau berkata, kesan daripada pembalakan di kawasan itu mengakibatkan kerosakan serius terhadap struktur tanah seperti berlakunya tanah runtuh dan pokok tumbang. Sehubungan itu, Ambrin melalui laporan itu mengesyorkan supaya aktiviti pembalakan di kawasan tanah tinggi yang melebihi 1,000 meter tidak lagi diteruskan di kawasan itu seperti arahan yang dikeluarkan Jabatan Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia.

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21 Oktober 2009 (Rabu)Laporan KAN Tahun 2008 – Cawangan Audit Negeri PahangPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang

Pembalakan Pahang Punca Gangguan Haiwan Liar

KUALA LUMPUR 21 Okt. - Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (Perhilitan) Pahang menerima 1,716 aduan mengenai gangguan haiwan liar berpunca daripada pembalakan di negeri itu sejak tiga tahun lalu. Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang berkata, daripada jumlah tersebut, 748 membabitkan aduan gangguan gajah, 122 (harimau) manakala 846 lagi aduan berkaitan kera. Beliau berkata, laporan bagi tempoh 2006 hingga 2008 itu adalah serius kerana ia mengancam nyawa serta menyebabkan kerugian harta benda orang awam.

Beliau berkata, tahun lalu, kerugian dianggarkan RM474,120 membabitkan lebih 20,000 tanaman kelapa sawit, getah, pisang, durian dan kelapa yang dirosakkan oleh haiwan tersebut. “Semakan Audit mendapati gangguan gajah pada tahun 2008 sering tertumpu di kawasan ladang berkeluasan lebih 100 hektar. “Selain tanaman penduduk musnah, gajah turut merosakkan harta benda seperti rumah dan kemudahan asas lain,’’ katanya dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 yang dikeluarkan kelmarin.

Beliau berkata, selain pembalakan, aktiviti perlombongan haram di Taman Negeri Tasik Chini turut menyumbang kepada masalah pencerobohan hidupan liar ke kawasan penempatan manusia. Menurutnya, pencerobohan di tasik tersebut adalah serius kerana ia menjejaskan kualiti air serta memusnahkan flora dan fauna di sekelilingnya. Katanya, pengurusan hutan di negeri itu kurang memuaskan kerana aktiviti di kawasan Hutan Simpanan Kekal (HSK) sama ada secara sah ataupun haram memberi impak negatif kepada alam sekitar.

Justeru katanya, Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang (JPNP) perlu menyediakan perancangan yang komprehensif sebelum melaksanakan projek ladang hutan dengan mengambil kira kesannya terhadap alam sekitar. “Selain itu, JPNP juga perlu mengambil kira keperluan guna tenaga, logistik, kos dan masa dalam pengurusan hutan,’’ katanya.

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21 October 2009 (Wednesday)The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri KelantanPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Kelantan

‘Bad’ Logging Due To Poor Management

KUALA LUMPUR: Weak forest management saw indiscriminate logging being carried out at forested areas in Kelantan without any Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports. The 2008 Auditor-General’s Report on the Pas-run state found that its forestry management was unsatisfactory as existing laws and legislation had not been adhered to. Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang noted that there were weaknesses in terms of enforcement and lack of coordination between the Kelantan Forestry Department (JPNK) and other agencies. Citing an example, Ambrin said he found that while JPNK had approved eight applications for logging activities along the boundary of Taman Negara Kuala Koh, two companies had started work without a EIA report. “This happened because JPNK was unaware of the existence of the provision which required companies to obtain an EIA report for areas sharing boundaries with Taman Negara.”

Ambrin said there was also no EIA report on logging activities at permanent forest reserves in areas that werelocated 1,000m above sea level. He said a private company had been granted approval to log at the Tanah Tinggi Lojing Sungai Betis and Sungai Brook at Gua Musang without EIA reports as required by law. As a result, there was severe damage to the environment, including landslides, indiscriminate felling of trees, erosion and damage to flora and fauna.

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The audit also found illegal logging activities at Hutan Timur Machang district as a result of poor monitoring and enforcement by JPNK. It also took the state government to task for failing to gazette protected status to all permanent forests reserves. “Failure to do so could affect the safety and protection of the forests,” he said.

The report noted an urgent need to have comprehensive and continuous monitoring and enforcement of logging activities. “Although it is less than 500ha, a tract of permanent forest reserve which shares a boundary with Taman Negara has to have an EIA report before a logging license can be granted. “JPNK has to take immediate action to gazette tracts of forests as protected areas, especially highlands that are at least 1,000m above sea level.”

21 Oktober 2009 (Rabu)Laporan KAN 2008– Cawangan Audit Negeri SelangorPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Selangor

Kelip-Kelip Kebanggaan Selangor Akan Pupus

KUALA LUMPUR 21 Okt. - Industri pelancongan kelip-kelip yang bertaraf antarabangsa di Daerah Kuala Selangor dikhuatiri akan terhapus berikutan kepupusan ketara populasi serangga berkenaan. Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 mendapati aktiviti pertanian pinggir sungai menjadi punca kepada kemusnahan hutan di kawasan itu yang menjadi habitat bagi pembiakan kelip-kelip. Kerajaan negeri pula dilaporkan merancang mengambil alih tanah milik individu di pinggir Sungai Selangor menjadi tanah kerajaan bagi memelihara habitat berkenaan. ‘’Laporan Audit ke Kampung Kuantan, Kuala Selangor pada malam 29 Mac 2009 untuk melihat keadaan populasi kelip-kelip dengan menaiki bot menyusur Sungai Selangor mendapati populasi serangga itu telah berkurangan. ‘’Ini adalah kerana kawasan hutan pinggir Sungai Selangor di Kampung Kuantan telah ditebang dan dibersihkan untuk pembangunan pertanian, kemusnahan alam sekitar telah memberi kesan kepada kepupusan kelip-kelip dan sosioekonomi penduduk setempat,” katanya.

Laporan berkenaan mula diedarkan di Parlimen kelmarin.

Pemulihan kelip-kelip merupakan Polisi Keempat (4) dalam Pelan Pengurusan Lembangan Sungai Selangor (2007-2012) yang mana serangga berkenaan hendaklah dilindungi kerana menjadi daya tarikan utama pelancong dan menyumbang kepada pendapatan penduduk setempat. Kampung Kuantan di Daerah Kuala Selangor merupakan lokasi kelip-kelip yang hidup di atas pokok berembang,

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pokok sagu dan nipah di pinggir Sungai Selangor.

Menurut laporan itu, panorama keindahan yang dihasilkan oleh kumpulan kelip-kelip pada waktu malam menarik pelancong dari dalam dan luar negara berkunjung ke Kampung Kuantan untuk melihat sendiri keindahan serta keunikan serangga berkenaan. ‘’Pihak Audit telah membuat semakan dan rujukan dengan Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM) dan mendapati FRIM telah menjalankan penyelidikan berkaitan habitat pembiakan dan pemantauan kelip-kelip sejak 2006. ‘’Kajian ini masih berjalan sehingga sekarang dan pada 14 Januari 2009, FRIM telah memaklumkan kepada Majlis Daerah Kuala Selangor bahawa populasi serangga di Kampung Kuantan telah berkurangan,” katanya.

Tambah laporan berkenaan, kajian FRIM mendapati sepanjang tempoh pemantauan populasi dijalankan, tiga daripada tujuh kawasan yang dipantau pada asalnya terdiri daripada hutan pinggir sungai tetapi telah dilapangkan sepenuhnya untuk tujuan pembangunan pertanian dan lainlain. ‘’Kawasan yang dilapangkan adalah kawasan habitat pembiakan kelip-kelip dan kesinambungan populasi serangga ini sangat bergantung kepada kawasan habitat semula jadi seperti hutan sagu dan nipah,’’ katanya.

21 October 2009 (Wednesday)The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri JohorPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Johor

Only 18pc Of Forest Left

KUALA LUMPUR: Forest reserves in Johor are shrinking due to development and poor management by the state forestry department. With only 18 per cent of greenery left, the auditor-general’s report stated that large portions of forests had been cleared to make way for rubber plantations. Soil erosion due to mining activities had led to a deterioration of water quality while quarries emitted dust particles to worsen air pollution, it said.

Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang said development of mangroves areas had destroyed some marine life and affected the income of local fishermen. “The department must re-examine the issuance of permits for agricultural activities.”

22 Oktober 2009 (Khamis)Laporan KAN 2008 – Cawangan Audit Negeri PahangPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang

Pengurusan Hutan Pahang Lemah

PENGURUSAN hutan di Pahang masih kurang memuaskan kerana aktiviti yang dijalankan di Hutan Simpan Kekal (HSK) sama ada secara sah atau haram memberi impak negatif kepada alam sekitar. Sebagai contoh, projek ladang hutan di HSK Lesong, Rompin walaupun dilaksanakan dengan kelulusan tetapi kedudukannya yang terletak di tengah HSK berkenaan, memberi kesan serius terhadap alam sekitar walaupun ia bersifat sementara. Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, berkata kes pencerobohan Taman Negeri Tasik Chini di Pekan oleh pelombong dan penebangan pokok secara haram pula, memusnahkan ekologi Tasik Chini dan isi hutannya, manakala kegiatan

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perlombongan bijih besi berhampiran HSK Ibam yang tidak terkawal menyebabkan sebahagian HSK berkenaan, musnah. Beliau berkata, aktiviti pembalakan turut memusnahkan habitat semula jadi dan sumber makanan hidupan liar dalam kawasan hutan berkenaan sehingga menyebabkan kawasan penempatan, ladang dan dusun berhampiran kawasan itu menjadi tempat haiwan seperti gajah, harimau dan kera mendapatkan sumber makanan.

Keadaan itu, katanya, mengancam kehidupan penduduk serta merugikan penduduk akibat kemusnahan harta benda dan tanaman. “HSK diwujudkan untuk menjamin keseimbangan iklim termasuk memulihara kesuburan tanah, membekal sumber air serta memelihara flora dan fauna. Di Pahang saja, ada 1.562 juta hektar kawasan HSK tetapi tidak diuruskan dengan sempurna. “Contohnya, projek ladang hutan yang diwujudkan di Pahang membabitkan kawasan seluas 17,190.6 hektar menyebabkan kerosakan dan kepupusan flora dan fauna, malah pelaksanaan projek itu di kawasan seluas 1,214.1 hektar di HSK Lesong yang pembalakannya dilakukan secara ‘tebang habis’ tidak mempunyai Laporan Kesan Terhadap Alam Sekitar (EIA). “Selain itu, penggunaan bahan kimia seperti baja dan racun ketika membangunkan ladang hutan menyebabkan alam sekitar terjejas termasuk udara dan juga kualiti air,” katanya.

Ambrin berkata, Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Pahang (JPNP) gagal menyediakan satu perancangan khusus dan komprehensif dengan mengambil kira impak terhadap alam sekitar sebelum melaksanakan projek ladang hutan. Beliau berkata, JPNP juga tidak mengetahui pencerobohan di kawasan seluas 20 hektar di HSK Ibam, Rompin dan ini membuktikan wujud kelemahan dalam menjalankan operasi penguatkuasaan dan pemantauan, serta tiada koordinasi antara jabatan berkaitan.

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22 October 2009 (Thursday)The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri SarawakPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sarawak

State To Discuss Report On Poor Forest Oversight

KUCHING: The state cabinet will discuss the 2008 Auditor-General’s Report which claimed that Sarawak was one of four states with poor forest management. Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr George Chan said the matter would be discussed at today’s meeting. “At the moment, I cannot comment on the report as I have not read it yet,” he said after launching the national-level Environmental Week at the Borneo Convention Centre here.

The report also identified Kelantan, Pahang and Johor as poorly managing their forests which had led to river pollution, erosion, landslides and destruction of flora and fauna. The report also cited illegal logging, logging in forest reserves and national parks and poor enforcement as having occurred in these states. In his speech earlier, Dr Chan said Sarawak was aware that it had to protect its forests and biodiversity. “We are anxious to protect our biodiversity as it belongs to us. Therefore, it is our duty to provide such protection as we are among the few countries in the world having huge areas of virgin forests.” Dr Chan said forests and biodiversity needed to be preserved for the future generations. “We must plan a better world for future generations. We must leave something for them,” he added.

Meanwhile, State Forestry director Datuk Len Talif Salleh was upset with the image of Sarawak projected by the report which he claimed had been prepared without consulting state authorities. He said that the Auditor-General had no right to pass judgment on the state’s sustainable forest management without going to the ground to conduct on-the-spot inspection. Len said the Auditor-General did not have any technical expertise to evaluate sustainable forest management practices.

Thursday October 22, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri SembilanPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sembilan

Illegal Logging Along Highway

ILLEGAL logging has been discovered along the Kajang-Seremban Highway (Lekas) construction site and logs worth RM124,000 have been seized. Investigations revealed the illegal activity was carried out beyond the Right of Way boundary area parallel to the highway project area. “One hundred and ninety-eight pieces of logs valued at RM124,000 were seized by the Forestry Department pending ninety-eight pieces of logs valued at RM124,000 were seized by the Forestry Department pending investigations,” said the Auditor-General’s Report. The report added that the illegal logging became investigations,” said the Auditor-General’s Report. The report added that the illegal logging became known during an investigation into a flood which happened in Mantin in Negri Sembilan in July 2008.known during an investigation into a flood which happened in Mantin in Negri Sembilan in July 2008.

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Friday October 23, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri SabahPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sabah

AG’s Report Reveals Mismanagement Of Road Construction In Sabah

TAWAU: The Jalan Sapulut-Kalabakan project linking Sapulut, Keningau with Kalabakan in Tawau, Sabah has fallen short of the objective. According to the Auditor-General’s Report 2008, only a gravel road was constructed instead of a tarred road although RM565mil had been allocated for the project. “An audit check found that the soil investigation was not properly done, resulting in many unsuitable materials like logs that were used to build logging tracks along the designated route going undetected. “As a result, the scope of work had to be changed as tarred road could not be built. This was to ensure that the cost of the project did not exceed the contract price,” it said.

The report deduced that the construction of the road was not practical as the route was heavily used by two timber logging companies. “Logging trucks were using the road to ferry logs, weighing between 42.54 tonnes and 62.08 tonnes, way above the 30 tonne capacity of the road. “The frequency of logging trucks on the road had delayed the project and damaged its embankment and slopes and the drain alongside it,” the report stated. The audit check discovered potholes, sink holes, higher road shoulders, damaged drains and eroding river embankment due to shoddy work and poor maintenance. “The Public Works Department (PWD) should have ensured that the soil investigation was properly conducted before the project got off the ground,” it said.

The Auditor-General called on PWD to ensure that the contractor concerned carry out repair work to prevent further damage to the road which could endanger motorists. The repair and maintenance works must be monitored periodically while an allocation could be sought under the 10th Malaysia Plan to tar the road, it added. The Auditor-General’s Report also pointed out that poor management of forests, including illegal logging, led to river pollution, landslides and destruction of flora and fauna in Pahang, Johor, Sarawak and Kelantan. The report found that the Lesong forest plantation project in Pahang, though undertaken with approval, had a serious impact on the environment. “The Pahang Forestry Department has to draw up a specific and comprehensive plan before implementing the project, taking into consideration the impact on the environment and also the permanent forest reserve being developed,” it said..

Full load: Lorries filled with heavy loads like this frequent Jalan Sapulut- Kalabakan.

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23 October 2009 (Friday)The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri SarawakPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sarawak

Minister Challenges Audit Report

KUCHING: Sensitive to criticisms of its forest management policy, Sarawak continued to lash out at the Auditor-General over his 2008 report that claimed Sarawak is one of four states with poor forest management. Yesterday, the state’s Second Planning and Resource Management Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan brushed the report aside saying the Auditor-General was not a competent person to pass opinion or judgment on how states managed their forests.

“He is not the right authority to make that sort of comments,” Awang Tengah said when speaking to reporters after a state cabinet meeting at Wisma Bapa in Petra Jaya. “Forest management is not financial management. If it is, then, yes, I agree he is most competent to speak on it and I would not question his authority on financial management. “But (for him) to comment on forest management, I don’t think he has the expertise,” Awang Tengah said. He added the Auditor-General should have consulted his ministry when doing the audit.

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26 Oktober 2009 (Isnin)Laporan KAN Tahun 2008 – Cawangan Audit Negeri SarawakPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sarawak

Laporan Awal Audit Diserah Kepada Pengarah Hutan Negeri

KUCHING 26 Okt. - Jabatan Audit Negara menjelaskan bahawa kajian atau audit yang dilakukan berhubung Pengurusan Hutan dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar telah dikemukakan kepada Pengarah Hutan Sarawak .

Sehubungan itu, dakwaan kerajaan negeri tidak pernah dimaklumkan mengenai laporan Ketua Juruaudit Negara berhubung kelemahan sistem pengurusan hutan yang dipraktikkan di Sarawak tidak timbul sama sekali.

Pengarah Audit Negeri Sarawak, Khalid Khan Abdullah Khan berkata, bagi kes negeri ini, kajian telah dijalankan melalui rundingan dengan pelbagai pegawai daripada pelbagai jabatan dan agensi seperti Jabatan Hutan Sarawak, Jabatan Alam Sekitar, Lembaga Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, Perbadanan Perhutanan Sarawak (SFC) dan Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran. ‘’Sumber maklumat, statistik dan data yang dilaporkan di dalam Laporan Audit diambil daripada laporan dan rekod yang disimpan oleh jabatan dan agensi terbabit,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Kenyataan tersebut bagi menjelaskan dakwaan Menteri Perancangan dan Pengurusan Sumber II Sarawak, Datuk Seri Awang Tengah Ali Hassan baru-baru ini yang berkata, Ketua Juruaudit Negara sepatutnya mengadakan perbincangan dan mengambil kira pandangan kerajaan negeri jika ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut sistem pengurusan hutan di negeri ini sebelum mengeluarkan kenyataan. Ini kerana menurut Laporan Ketua Juruaudit Negara 2008, Sarawak antara negeri yang lemah dalam mempraktikkan sistem pengurusan hutan.

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Awang Tengah memberitahu, kerajaan negeri tidak pernah dimaklumkan mengenai laporan Ketua Juruaudit Negara berhubung kelemahan sistem pengurusan hutan yang dipraktikkan di Sarawak. Khalid Khan berkata, penemuan awal audit telah disahkan melalui lawatan tapak ke beberapa kawasan yang disertai oleh pegawai dari Jabatan Hutan Sarawak. ‘’Draf Laporan Audit terhadap kajian ini telah dikemukakan kepada Pengarah Hutan Sarawak untuk ulasan dan pengesahan beliau terhadap fakta dan angka sebelum laporan itu dimuktamadkan,” tegas beliau.

Monday October 26, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri SarawakPengurusan Hutan dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Hutan Sarawak

Extent Of Damage To Ecosystem Can Be Seen From Northern To Central Parts Of Sarawak

By Stephen Then

MIRI: The Auditor-General’s report detailing poor forest-management in Sarawak is certainly an eye-opener, but the report has merely scraped the surface of the actual extent of the massive environmental damage that overlogging and oil-palm projects have caused in rural Sarawak. The extent of damage to the ecosystem can be seen from northern Sarawak all the way to the central parts of the state, and it is not only the non-governmental bodies that are up in arms over these woes, but also village community leaders, members of Parliament and state assemblymen from Barisan Nasional.

The Star had during various trips into the remote areas also The Star had during various trips into the remote areas also The Starfound rivers, hills, valley basins and mountain slopes being badly affected by blatant land clearing, timber extraction and construction of logging trails. Many rivers have become so polluted by mud debris from logging activities that they are no longer fit for use for cooking and drinking. Rivers running through oil-palm estates have been poisoned by pesticides and palm oil effluents while erosion and siltation have resulted in constant floods that threatened tens of thousands of people.

The latest Auditor-General’s report named Sarawak, Pahang, Johor and Kelantan as the states that had fared badly in terms of forest management and enforcement of environmental laws. The report said that these states are suffering serious degradation to their forests and environment that had caused severe increase in erosion, river degradation, landslides, destruction of flora and fauna and depletion of animal habitats. The report also said that due to the lack of enforcement by the forest authorities, illegal logging had even been found in national parks and enforcement by the forest authorities, illegal logging had even been found in national parks and forests reserves. forests reserves.

Though the report did not mention specific areas in these states that are ravaged by environmental Though the report did not mention specific areas in these states that are ravaged by environmental woes, The Star found many such places in Sarawak. In the Lambir constituency south of Miri, woes, The Star found many such places in Sarawak. In the Lambir constituency south of Miri, woes, The Star found many such places in Sarawak. In the Lambir constituency south of Miri, woes, The Star found many such places in Sarawak. In the Lambir constituency south of Miri, rivers are so badly polluted by land clearing and oil-palm projects, riverine villagers have sounded rivers are so badly polluted by land clearing and oil-palm projects, riverine villagers have sounded rivers are so badly polluted by land clearing and oil-palm projects, riverine villagers have sounded rivers are so badly polluted by land clearing and oil-palm projects, riverine villagers have sounded rivers are so badly polluted by land clearing and oil-palm projects, riverine villagers have sounded alarm bells. These woes were also brought up for discussion among political leaders during a alarm bells. These woes were also brought up for discussion among political leaders during a alarm bells. These woes were also brought up for discussion among political leaders during a alarm bells. These woes were also brought up for discussion among political leaders during a alarm bells. These woes were also brought up for discussion among political leaders during a alarm bells. These woes were also brought up for discussion among political leaders during a meeting here.meeting here.meeting here.meeting here.meeting here.

Not safe: A tributary of the Linau River in central Sarawak that has been ravaged by logging. The water is undrinkable due to mud erosion and the river is clogged by timber debris, making boat rides dangerous. Many other rivers in Sarawak face similar problems due to excessive logging and oil palm projects.

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State assemblyman Aidan Wing said villagers had complained that effluent from oil-palm estates was being dumped into nearby rivers. “We (villagers) cannot rely on the rivers for drinking and cooking anymore because the water has been too seriously contaminated. “The rivers were the main source of water for thousands of people. Now, these rivers are no longer safe. The villages need piped water supply from the water treatment plant. “During the drought, thousands of people had to seek help from the Public Works Department to transport fresh water,” he said.

Wing appealed to State Public Utilities Minister Datuk Seri Awang Tengah Ali Hassan to seek funds to connect every longhouse and riverine settlements to the JKR Water Treatment plant in Lambir. In the northern interior of Baram, its MP Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan had also lamented the extent of erosion along the mighty Baram River caused by logging. “More than 25,000 people living along the river and its tributaries are affected by floods because of the erosion. “They may have to be relocated to safer grounds,” he said.In Kapit, Ulu Rejang MP Datuk Billy Abit Joo said the once-beautiful rivers that run through his constituency have become rivers of mud because of the logging operations. Lusong Laku Penan chief Tinggan Jati complained that the amount of sand and mud in the river had rendered these sources of water unfit for even washing. Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) field officer for Sarawak, Jok Jau Evong, called on the Sarawak Forestry Corporation to be more efficient in stopping illegal logging and abuse of wildlife.

He said SAM had received complaints from natives living in the Mulu National Park that illegal logging was happening along the borders of this World Heritage Site. Jok urged the state government to take a serious view of the AG’s report and take appropriate actions to remedy the problems cited in the report.

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Tuesday October 27, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri JohorPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Johor

Weaknesses In Johor Administration


JOHOR BARU: The Auditor-General’s report has identified weaknesses in the administration of the Johor state government and its agencies and has recommended measures to rectify them. According to the report, some of the weaknesses had previously been pointed out in 2007. The latest report stated that all the shortcomings and weaknesses could affect the image of the state government and must be rectified immediately to prevent wastage and mismanagement. The agencies audited include the Johor Religious Department, state Forestry Department, state Treasury, Johor Water Management Authority, State Secretary’s Office, National Parks Corporation and several district councils.

Among the weaknesses identified were delays in gazetting permanent forest reserves, the development and clearing of forest reserves for estates and other economic activities which threaten the flora and fauna, water source being polluted due to poor enforcement in water catchment areas that have yet to be gazetted and poor development of low cost housing projects. It also noted weaknesses involving be gazetted and poor development of low cost housing projects. It also noted weaknesses involving enforcement and monitoring of waste disposal services and poor tax collection.enforcement and monitoring of waste disposal services and poor tax collection.

The report stated that all the related government officials had been notified about the weaknesses The report stated that all the related government officials had been notified about the weaknesses and hoped that it could be used as a reference to rectify the shortcomings, improve and increase and hoped that it could be used as a reference to rectify the shortcomings, improve and increase accountability and integrity. The report also u rged civil servants in the state to carry out their accountability and integrity. The report also u rged civil servants in the state to carry out their accountability and integrity. The report also u rged civil servants in the state to carry out their accountability and integrity. The report also u rged civil servants in the state to carry out their accountability and integrity. The report also u rged civil servants in the state to carry out their duties professionally and meticulously to ensure all projects were completed on time using the Key duties professionally and meticulously to ensure all projects were completed on time using the Key duties professionally and meticulously to ensure all projects were completed on time using the Key duties professionally and meticulously to ensure all projects were completed on time using the Key duties professionally and meticulously to ensure all projects were completed on time using the Key Performance Indicators (KPI). It said proper monitoring measures must also be put in place to ensure Performance Indicators (KPI). It said proper monitoring measures must also be put in place to ensure Performance Indicators (KPI). It said proper monitoring measures must also be put in place to ensure Performance Indicators (KPI). It said proper monitoring measures must also be put in place to ensure Performance Indicators (KPI). It said proper monitoring measures must also be put in place to ensure Performance Indicators (KPI). It said proper monitoring measures must also be put in place to ensure all programmes and activities were successfully implemented and to rectify weaknesses. The Auditor-all programmes and activities were successfully implemented and to rectify weaknesses. The Auditor-all programmes and activities were successfully implemented and to rectify weaknesses. The Auditor-all programmes and activities were successfully implemented and to rectify weaknesses. The Auditor-General also wants civil servants in the state to be committed and dedicated to their duties.General also wants civil servants in the state to be committed and dedicated to their duties.General also wants civil servants in the state to be committed and dedicated to their duties.General also wants civil servants in the state to be committed and dedicated to their duties.General also wants civil servants in the state to be committed and dedicated to their duties.

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Wednesday October 28, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report– Cawangan Audit Negeri SarawakPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sarawak

A-G’s Report Does Not Include Our Feedback, Says Minister

KUCHING: Feedback from the state forestry department was not included in the Auditor-General’s Report 2008 which cited Sarawak for poor forest management. Second Minister of Planning and Resource Management Datuk Awang Tengah Ali Hasan said although the National Audit Department (NAD) had asked the forestry department to comment on its findings, they were not incorporated into the final draft of the report.

He was responding to state audit director Khalid Khan Abdullah Khan’s statement last week that the NAD conducted a study on forest management in consultation with the related agencies for its 2008 report. Defending the state, Awang Tengah said Sarawak had been practising sustainable forest management for years and had been accredited by the International Tropical Timber Organisation.Speaking to reporters after opening a land seminar here, he claimed that the Auditor-General did not have the expertise to comment on forest management. “I’m not questioning the authority of the Auditor-General with regard to financial management and how a project is implemented. “But I don’t think they have the expertise on forest management. You cannot just conclude based on your observations that if the water is muddy, it is due to illegal logging,” he said. He hoped the NAD would make the necessary corrections to its report on Sarawak’s forest management.

10 November 2009 (Selasa)Laporan KAN 2008– Cawangan Audit Negeri JohorPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Johor

Johor Urus Hutan Secara Berhemah

JOHOR BAHRU 10 Nov. - Kerajaan Johor sentiasa mengurus kawasan hutannya secara berhemah bagi memastikan kelangsungan sumber hutan negeri ini terus terpelihara dengan baik. Menteri Besar, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman berkata, antara langkah mengurus itu adalah mengenakan peraturan ketat iaitu setahun hanya kawasan hutan seluas 2,500 hektar dibenarkan ditebang dan ia dilakukan menerusi tender terbuka. “Kita tidak pernah membenarkan kawasan hutan ditebang melebihi 2,500 hektar setahun. Itu yang kita amalkan selama ini. “Melalui tender terbuka ini, Jabatan Hutan terlebih dahulu mengenal pasti kawasan yang hendak ditebang,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas majlis menandatangani perjanjian pelaksanaan Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas majlis menandatangani perjanjian pelaksanaan sistem e-PBT antara kerajaan negeri dan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) dan MSC Cyberport Sdn. sistem e-PBT antara kerajaan negeri dan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) dan MSC Cyberport Sdn. Bhd. di sini hari ini. Abdul Ghani mengulas Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 baru-baru ini yang Bhd. di sini hari ini. Abdul Ghani mengulas Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 baru-baru ini yang mendakwa Johor antara negeri yang tidak menjalankan pengurusan hutan dengan baik. Menurut mendakwa Johor antara negeri yang tidak menjalankan pengurusan hutan dengan baik. Menurut beliau, kawasan yang ditebang itu pula sebahagiannya ditanam semula manakala sebahagian beliau, kawasan yang ditebang itu pula sebahagiannya ditanam semula manakala sebahagian lagi pokok hutannya tumbuh sendiri mengikut kepada kawasan terbabit. Dengan ini, kata beliau, lagi pokok hutannya tumbuh sendiri mengikut kepada kawasan terbabit. Dengan ini, kata beliau, lagi pokok hutannya tumbuh sendiri mengikut kepada kawasan terbabit. Dengan ini, kata beliau, lagi pokok hutannya tumbuh sendiri mengikut kepada kawasan terbabit. Dengan ini, kata beliau, lagi pokok hutannya tumbuh sendiri mengikut kepada kawasan terbabit. Dengan ini, kata beliau, lagi pokok hutannya tumbuh sendiri mengikut kepada kawasan terbabit. Dengan ini, kata beliau, kawasan hutan di negeri Johor akan terus terpelihara untuk tempoh 20 atau 30 tahun lagi. “Satu kawasan hutan di negeri Johor akan terus terpelihara untuk tempoh 20 atau 30 tahun lagi. “Satu kawasan hutan di negeri Johor akan terus terpelihara untuk tempoh 20 atau 30 tahun lagi. “Satu kawasan hutan di negeri Johor akan terus terpelihara untuk tempoh 20 atau 30 tahun lagi. “Satu kawasan hutan di negeri Johor akan terus terpelihara untuk tempoh 20 atau 30 tahun lagi. “Satu kawasan hutan di negeri Johor akan terus terpelihara untuk tempoh 20 atau 30 tahun lagi. “Satu perkara yang nyata kita tidak membawa kuota ke hadapan jika ia tidak dilaksanakan sepenuhnya perkara yang nyata kita tidak membawa kuota ke hadapan jika ia tidak dilaksanakan sepenuhnya pada penghujung tahun. “Sebagai contoh, jika hanya 2,000 kawasan hutan ditebang pada tahun ini, pada penghujung tahun. “Sebagai contoh, jika hanya 2,000 kawasan hutan ditebang pada tahun ini, pada penghujung tahun. “Sebagai contoh, jika hanya 2,000 kawasan hutan ditebang pada tahun ini, pada penghujung tahun. “Sebagai contoh, jika hanya 2,000 kawasan hutan ditebang pada tahun ini, pada penghujung tahun. “Sebagai contoh, jika hanya 2,000 kawasan hutan ditebang pada tahun ini, kita tidak membawa lebihan 900 kawasan hutan untuk tahun akan datang. Ia akan bermula dengan kita tidak membawa lebihan 900 kawasan hutan untuk tahun akan datang. Ia akan bermula dengan kita tidak membawa lebihan 900 kawasan hutan untuk tahun akan datang. Ia akan bermula dengan kita tidak membawa lebihan 900 kawasan hutan untuk tahun akan datang. Ia akan bermula dengan kita tidak membawa lebihan 900 kawasan hutan untuk tahun akan datang. Ia akan bermula dengan

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angka kosong semula,” jelasnya.

Menurut Abdul Ghani lagi, berdasarkan sistem kuota itu, pihaknya mendapati tiada sebarang pencerobohan atau aktiviti pembalakan haram dilakukan di Johor. Kalau adapun, tegas beliau, ia berlaku berpuluh tahun dahulu dan kebanyakan kawasan hutan itu kini menjadi perkampungan dan kebun. “Penerokaan kawasan hutan suatu ketika dahulu juga dibuat untuk membuka tanah rancangan seperti Felda, Felcra dan sebagainya. Ia untuk manfaat rakyat bagi membasmi kemiskinan,” katanya.

10 November 2009 (Selasa)Laporan KAN 2008– Cawangan Audit Negeri JohorPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Johor

Johor Sentiasa Patuh Kuota Penebangan Hutan - MB

JOHOR BAHRU 10 Nov. — Kerajaan negeri Johor sentiasa mematuhi kuota penebangan hutan dalam memastikan sebarang penebangan hutan dalam negeri tidak berlaku sewenang-wenangnya, kata Menteri Besar Johor, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman. Beliau berkata, penebangan hutan di Johor dilakukan menerusi tender terbuka mengikut kuota yang ditetapkan iaitu 2,500 hektar setahun.“Ia dilakukan menerusi tender terbuka yang mengikut kawasan demi kawasan, di mana selepas Jabatan Perhutanan mengenal pasti kawasan terbabit, baru tawaran dibuat dan amalan ini dilakukan sejak 20 tahun lepas,” katanya semasa mengulas Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 mengenai pengurusan hutan di Kelantan, Pahang, Johor dan Sarawak yang dikatakan kurang memuaskan. – Bernama.

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11 November 2009 (Rabu)Laporan KAN 2008– Cawangan Audit Negeri JohorPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Johor

Johor Tidak Pernah Abai Pengurusan Hutan: MB

JOHOR BAHRU: Johor tidak pernah mengabaikan pengurusan hutannya dan mematuhi dasar ditetapkan bagi mengelak pembalakan haram dan pencerobohan hutan negeri itu, kata Menteri Besar, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman. Sehubungan itu, Abdul Ghani menyangkal Laporan Audit Negara 2008 yang mendapati pengurusan hutan di Johor kurang memuaskan. Katanya, Johor menggunapakai dasar pembalakan hutan secara mampan melalui penebangan sistematik, pada kuota 2,500 hektar setiap tahun, sejak 20 tahun lalu.

Beliau berkata, penebangan hutan mengikut kawasan itu dilakukan menerusi proses tender terbuka dan Jabatan Perhutanan Johor mengenal pasti, selain memeriksa kawasan hutan sebelum kawasan terbabit ditender. “Kita patuh pada kuota dan tidak melebihi kuota ini... malah ada kalanya kurang daripada itu,” katanya kepada sidang media pada majlis Menandatangani Perjanjian Pelaksanaan Sistem e-PBT antara kerajaan negeri, 15 pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) dan MSC Cyberport Sdn Bhd di Pusat Persidangan Antarabangsa Johor (Persada Johor), di sini, semalam.

Laporan Ketua Audit Negara mendapati pengurusan hutan di Kelantan, Pahang, Johor dan Sarawak kurang memuaskan. Antara faktor pembalakan haram, pembalakan di kawasan hutan simpan atau taman negara serta kawalan dan penguatkuasaan yang kurang berkesan. Abdul Ghani berkata, mengikut amalan penebangan itu, kawasan akan pulih menjadi hutan asal dalam tempoh antara 20 hingga 30 akan datang.

Menyentuh faktor pencerobohan dikatakan menyumbang kepada pengurusan hutan kurang memuaskan itu, katanya, perkara itu tidak berlaku, sekali gus tidak wajar menjadi faktor penyumbang kepada laporan itu. Katanya, penebangan hutan yang berlaku sebelum ini membabitkan tanah kerajaan yang boleh dibangunkan dan hutan simpan kekal berkeluasan kira-kira 175,000 hektar bagi pembangunan 72 skim Felda, Felcra dan Kejora

Tuesday November 17, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report– Cawangan Audit Negeri SarawakPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sarawak

A-G’s Report On State Forest Management To Be Amended

KUCHING: The National Audit Department has agreed to amend the 2008 Auditor-General’s Report KUCHING: The National Audit Department has agreed to amend the 2008 Auditor-General’s Report in relation to Sarawak’s forest management. Second Minister of Planning and Resource Management in relation to Sarawak’s forest management. Second Minister of Planning and Resource Management Datuk Awang Tengah Ali Hasan said the report, which cited Sarawak for poor forest management, Datuk Awang Tengah Ali Hasan said the report, which cited Sarawak for poor forest management, did not reflect the real situation in the state. “The report was based on inaccurate information and was did not reflect the real situation in the state. “The report was based on inaccurate information and was not a reflection of our sustainable forest management. “Feedback from the State Forestry Department not a reflection of our sustainable forest management. “Feedback from the State Forestry Department not a reflection of our sustainable forest management. “Feedback from the State Forestry Department not a reflection of our sustainable forest management. “Feedback from the State Forestry Department not a reflection of our sustainable forest management. “Feedback from the State Forestry Department not a reflection of our sustainable forest management. “Feedback from the State Forestry Department was also not taken into account,” he told the Sarawak state assembly when winding up ministry was also not taken into account,” he told the Sarawak state assembly when winding up ministry was also not taken into account,” he told the Sarawak state assembly when winding up ministry was also not taken into account,” he told the Sarawak state assembly when winding up ministry was also not taken into account,” he told the Sarawak state assembly when winding up ministry matters yesterday.

The department, in a letter dated Oct 29, he said had agreed to take into consideration the Forestry The department, in a letter dated Oct 29, he said had agreed to take into consideration the Forestry The department, in a letter dated Oct 29, he said had agreed to take into consideration the Forestry The department, in a letter dated Oct 29, he said had agreed to take into consideration the Forestry The department, in a letter dated Oct 29, he said had agreed to take into consideration the Forestry

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Department’s feedback and make the necessary amendments to the report. “This will provide a more balanced and accurate perspective besides giving due recognition to our forest management,” he said.

Awang Tengah also said the state government emphasised on sustainable management of natural resources, including conservation and protection of forests, flora and fauna. He said the state government targeted six million hectares of Sarawak’s 12.4-million-hectare land to remain as permanent forest estate while one million hectares were targeted as totally protected areas.

Monday November 23, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri JohorPengurusan Hutan Dan Kepentingannya Kepada Alam Sekitar - Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Johor

Ngos: Use A-G’s Report In Forest Care

JOHOR BARU: Several environmental groups want the state government to use the 2008 Auditor-General’s report as the basis in managing its forests. World Wildlife Federation (WWF) Malaysia forest conservation manager Ivy Wong Abdullah said the state should carry out an independent study on forest reserves to ensure that they complied with international standards.

“The state should carry out a comprehensive forest management plan with sufficient data on what forest resources are available in Johor,” she said, adding that it must also be able to project the timber needs of the state for downstream industries. Malaysia Nature Society Johor branch chairman Maketab Mohamed said the statistics in the A-G’s report were a guiding tool that could be used to ensure ethical practices.

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Friday October 23, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri SabahPengurusan Penyenggaraan Kuarters Kerajaan Negeri - Jabatan Kerja Raya

Quarters Not Habitable, No Schedule For Maintenance

DESPITE an allocation of RM41.74mil to maintain 2,217 state government quarters in Sabah, 275 of them are in disrepair and uninhabitable. The Auditor-General’s 2008 Report, which revealed this, also found that these government properties had been broken into and in need of measures to ensure their safety. The auditors also said disorganised maintenance, ambiguous specifications, shoddy work and lack of supervision led to the present state of affairs.

The report said that the state Public Works Department (JKR) was responsible as it had not prepared maintenance schedules. Instead, it said, maintenance was performed on a purely ad hoc approach. “If there is a complaint from the resident of the quarters, JKR staff would check on the damage and do an estimate of the repair cost. “A tender process will then be called to appoint a qualified contractor,” it said.

The report added that maintenance costs for quarters were restricted because it was shared with all other state government maintenance budgets. “Based on the available allocation, district engineers usually give priority to only dire cases,” it said.

A survey of 100 quarters’ residents found that 68% were “not satisfied with the condition of their quarters” while 38% responded that there was no maintenance done even after a complaint was lodged.

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Friday October 23, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri PerlisPengurusan Bantuan Am - Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Negeri Perlis

Dead Folk On The Dole

By Lee Yuk Peng, K. Suthakar, Izatun Shari, And Lester Kong

WELFARE aid totalling RM418,145 was paid out in cash to 184 people up to December 2008 in Perlis, but there are no records of the recipients with the National Registration Department, revealed the Auditor-General’s Report. The report found that the Perlis Welfare Department also discovered that 26 recipients who died between 2007 and 2008 continued to receive cash aid totalling RM14,520. “In one case, the recipient continued to receive cash aid 20 years after he passed away,” said the report.

The report also discovered another startling case where a department employee created 20 fictitious identities and paid out RM16,140 to them until December last year. The report said that the NRD confir-med that the recipients did not exist. “The Perlis Welfare Department lodged a police report against an assistant community development officer in February over the alleged misappropriation of funds,” said the report, adding that police were still investigating.

“This case happened due to lack of monitoring and supervision from high-ranking officers. The incident could have been avoided if duty rotation among staff members was practised,” said the report. The department explained that the cash aid was paid to representatives of the recipients. In one case, a representative was found to be receiving two sets of cash aid, one in Titi Tinggi and the other in Beseri, it said.

Such cases took place because there was no monitoring or checks and change of duty among staff, it said. “The auditors are of the view that cash aid should not be given to a representative or a proxy. The recipient never gave consent for such representation,” the report said.

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21 Oktober 2009 (Rabu)Laporan KAN Tahun 2008 – Cawangan Audit Negeri Pulau PinangPengurusan Kenderaan - Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Jabatan Kerja Raya Dan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veteriner

Pulau Pinang Lakukan Pembaziran - Hock Nan

PULAU PINANG 21 Okt. - Kerajaan negeri melakukan pembaziran apabila perlu menyelenggara kereta-kereta lama yang digunakan oleh para pegawainya sekarang. Bekas Exco Pengurusan Lalu Lintas, Penerangan dan Perhubungan Masyarakat negeri Datuk Dr. Teng Hock Nan berkata, perkara itu boleh dielakkan sekiranya pembelian Proton Perdana V6 oleh kerajaan negeri Barisan Nasional (BN) sebelum ini tidak dibatalkan. Menurutnya, pentadbiran kerajaan negeri telah menempah lima kereta tersebut dengan harga keseluruhan RM623,000 bagi menggantikan kereta Mercedes Benz dan Volvo yang berusia di antara 10 hingga 13 tahun. ‘’Kereta-kereta yang ditempah itu sebenarnya dibeli untuk kegunaan pegawai kerajaan negeri dan bukannya untuk ahli Exco seperti yang didakwa Ketua Menteri, Lim Guan Eng sebelum ini,” katanya di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas pengumuman Majlis Sambutan Perayaan Deepavali Gerakan Pulau Pinang yang akan diadakan di ibu pejabat parti itu di Jalan Macalister pada Sabtu ini. Hock Nan mengulas laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 mengenai masalah penggunaan kenderaan milik kerajaan negeri Pahang, Perak dan Pulau Pinang tahun lalu. Laporan itu menyebut masalah kekerapan penggantian tayar dikenal pasti berlaku di Pulau Pinang dan ia disebabkan keadaan bunga tayar yang haus atau tayar pecah, tayar haus sebelah dan tayar keras. Selepas pakatan pembangkang mengambil alih kerajaan negeri ini setelah memenangi pilihan raya umum tahun lalu, Guan Eng telah mengumumkan pembatalan pembelian kereta Proton Perdana V6 yang baru.

Tambah Hock Nan, kereta jenama antarabangsa yang digunakan oleh pegawai kerajaan negeri itu memerlukan kos penyelenggaraan yang tinggi setiap bulan kerana ia perlu dibaiki selain bahagian tertentu perlu diganti. ‘’Malah, kos menyelenggara kereta Mercedes Benz yang digunakan Guan Eng sekarang dengan nombor pendaftaran PG 1 juga boleh mencecah RM50,000 sebulan,” ujarnya.

Beliau berkata, hakikatnya tindakan Ketua Menteri membatalkan pembelian kereta Proton Perdana V6 yang telah ditempah kerajaan negeri BN hanya untuk kepentingan politik beliau semata-mata. ‘’Ini satu perkara mudah dan bukannya satu masalah kerana jika kereta atau barangan lain sekali pun memerlukan ditukar atas sebab yang munasabah, maka ia perlu ditukar sahaja,’’ katanya.

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Wednesday October 21, 2009

– Cawangan Audit Negeri Pulau Pinang Pengurusan Kenderaan - Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Jabatan Kerja Raya Dan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veteriner

CM To Act On Report Over Frequent Tyre Change

Reports By Zulkifli Abd Rahman, Sira Habibu, Tan Sin Chow, Manjit Kaur, And Lester Kong

THE frequent replacement of tyres for government vehicles in Penang as stated in the Auditor-General’s Report 2008 has not gone down well with Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. He said action would be taken against the officers concerned if the expenditure was not justified. “I am not aware of that, but I would ask the state financial officer Farizan Darus to give me a report. We will act on issues raised by the Auditor-General,” he said.

Lim was speaking to reporters after announcing the appointment of Ooi Geok Ling as the managing director of Penang Global Tourism Sdn Bhd at the Penang Development Corporation office here yesterday. Three government cars, bearing registration numbers of PED21, PBF1 and PAF1, which had frequent tyre replacements were mentioned in the Auditor-General’s report. “We are very open about this. The state government does not have anything to hide. “If possible, we want to invite the Auditor-General to visit Penang so that we can find ways to improve the performance of government officers,” he said.

Asked about the construction of a monorail test track on a 12ha site in Batu Kawan here, Lim declined to comment. It is believed that the test track, said to cost about RM70mil, could be a sign that the state was embarking on a monorail plan of its own.

Wednesday October 21, 2009

– Cawangan Audit Negeri Pulau PinangPengurusan Kenderaan - Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Jabatan Kerja Raya Dan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veteriner

Dubious Petrol Claims ExposedDubious Petrol Claims Exposed

Reports By Zulkifli Abd Rahman, Sira Habibu, Tan Sin Chow, Manjit Kaur, And Lester KongReports By Zulkifli Abd Rahman, Sira Habibu, Tan Sin Chow, Manjit Kaur, And Lester Kong

THE Auditor-General has found dubious petrol claims for two buses and a car belonging to the THE Auditor-General has found dubious petrol claims for two buses and a car belonging to the THE Auditor-General has found dubious petrol claims for two buses and a car belonging to the THE Auditor-General has found dubious petrol claims for two buses and a car belonging to the THE Auditor-General has found dubious petrol claims for two buses and a car belonging to the Penang State Secretariat. The report cited an occasion when between RM100 and RM300 of petrol Penang State Secretariat. The report cited an occasion when between RM100 and RM300 of petrol Penang State Secretariat. The report cited an occasion when between RM100 and RM300 of petrol Penang State Secretariat. The report cited an occasion when between RM100 and RM300 of petrol Penang State Secretariat. The report cited an occasion when between RM100 and RM300 of petrol Penang State Secretariat. The report cited an occasion when between RM100 and RM300 of petrol was pumped between three and eight minutes apart on the same day. The report said petrol worth was pumped between three and eight minutes apart on the same day. The report said petrol worth was pumped between three and eight minutes apart on the same day. The report said petrol worth was pumped between three and eight minutes apart on the same day. The report said petrol worth was pumped between three and eight minutes apart on the same day. The report said petrol worth was pumped between three and eight minutes apart on the same day. The report said petrol worth was pumped between three and eight minutes apart on the same day. The report said petrol worth RM53 and RM38 was filled twice within four minutes for the same car on June 23, while petrol worth RM53 and RM38 was filled twice within four minutes for the same car on June 23, while petrol worth RM53 and RM38 was filled twice within four minutes for the same car on June 23, while petrol worth RM53 and RM38 was filled twice within four minutes for the same car on June 23, while petrol worth RM53 and RM38 was filled twice within four minutes for the same car on June 23, while petrol worth

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RM126.50 and RM61.90 was filled within four minutes for the same bus on June 6, 2008. And petrol worth RM126.50 and RM63.25 was filled for another bus on March 27, also last year.

The Auditor-General said a logbook should be kept to monitor the amount of fuel used and the distance travelled. The report also questioned why tyres were changed frequently at a cost of RM31,064 for the same three cars over a period of between three and 34 months. It also questioned why the three cars were sent to a non-designated workshop where the maintenance cost was higher. It also questioned why the Penang Veterinary Department issued 17 Touch n `Go cards to drivers as well as officers using private cars.

The report noted that the Penang government lost RM1.41mil in revenue because a special premium for land conversion was not imposed according to the stipulated rate. The A-G’s Report also revealed that the Penang Municipal Council had overspent RM3.5mil to pay seven solid waste collection contractors.

It also noted that the council had over-spent RM1.63mil in 2007 and RM1.54mil last year as the contractor involved in transporting solid waste from Batu Maung to Pulau Burung had failed to collect the minimum amount required. It also noted that the council wasted RM50,000 on a water treatment pond that has been abandoned.

Friday October 23, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri Pulau PinangPengurusan Kenderaan - Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Jabatan Kerja Raya Dan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veteriner

Officers Cleared Over Petrol Purchase

THE Penang Government has given a “clean bill” to its staff over three issues raised by the Auditor-General’s Report over the purchase of petrol for official cars and the frequent change of tyres. State Financial Officer Datuk Farizan Darus said their investigations showed that there were no irregularities which could bring pecuniary interests to the drivers or to the state secretariat administration. “The incidents mostly occurred during the previous state administration. “We are now taking steps to improve and strengthen the existing system so that such cases do not recur,” he said in a statement in George Town yesterday.

Farizan said there were no dubious petrol claims in the filling up of the tanks of three vehicles twice within a span of three to eight minutes between March and June last year. He said this was because each filling up of the tank was limited to RM200 each time in 2008 to control expenditure. “The tanks of two buses needed to be filled up twice for a long distance trip,” he said.On the tank of the Proton Perdana car (PHK 42) being filled up twice within a short time, he explained it actually involved two cars. “After PHK 42 had filled up its tank, another car PDC7722 also filled up at the same time using the indent card of PHK 42 since the indent card of PDC 7722 was damaged,” he said.

Farizan said the tyres of several cars were changed frequently due to five reasons, including damage Farizan said the tyres of several cars were changed frequently due to five reasons, including damage to the tyres.

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21 October 2009 (Wednesday)The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri PerakPengurusan Kenderaan Jabatan - Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Pejabat Kewangan Negeri, Jabatan Kerja Raya Dan Pejabat Daerah Dan Tanah Pengkalan Hulu Negeri Perak

Gross Abuse In Use Of Govt Cars

KUALA LUMPUR: Penang and Perak governments have come under fire from the auditor-general’s department over poor management of state-owned vehicles. The 2008 Auditor-General’s Report said several vehicles were frequently refuelled within a space of minutes, while records show tyre changes were done for vehicles just three months after the last change. The audit covered the two state government’s activities from 2004 until last year.

Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang said Penang government officials had fixed new tyres on a vehicle that had run just 485km while another had tyres replaced after covering 4,000km. He said officers who used fuel cards (Kad Inden) to buy fuel failed to return the cards to the transport officer after work hours. In some cases, the card was registered under the name of an officer who had been transferred.

Ambrin suggested that the state government pay more attention to servicing its vehicles on time to cut costs, monitor usage of fuel cards, and ensure that all fuel purchases were recorded and updated. “Officers in charge of vehicle management should also be sent for management courses.” On the Perak government, he said it had also failed to manage its fleet of vehicles well despite more than RM15 million being spent on purchasing and maintaining new vehicles over the past four years. He said the state government had not followed proper procedures in maintaining and purchasing vehicles. He said vehicles purchased were not sent to designated service centres and had incurred high maintenance costs due to the use of imported spare parts. He also touched on the abuse of fuel indent cards by some officers which had gone unnoticed.

The report stressed that it was impossible for the Perak government to control vehicle use and fuel costs as fleet log books were not updated regularly. Ambrin said the state government had also failed to dispose of nine dilapidated vehicles. Between 2004 and 2008, the state government spent RM4.22 million to maintain its fleet of vehicles with 63 per cent of costs going to maintenance of 51 vehicles used by the state secretariat and state executive councilllors.

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Wednesday October 21, 2009

- Cawangan Audit Negeri TerengganuPengurusan Kenderaan - Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Pejabat Kewangan Negeri, Jabatan Kerja Raya Dan Majlis Perbandaran Kemaman

RM10mil Buses Going Nowhere

Reports By Zulkifli Abd Rahman, Sira Habibu, Tan Sin Chow, Manjit Kaur, And Lester Kong

THE Terengganu government wasted RM10.5mil buying 26 buses that had to be virtually grounded when it abandoned plans to use the new buses to ply urban and inter-district routes because of objections from existing bus operators. The wastage occurred because the state government had failed to carry out a comprehensive study before implementing the project.

The Auditor General’s Report released on Monday said such studies were needed to avoid failure in meeting the objective. According to the report, the state secretariat had in 2007 appointed two companies to supply the buses. The state government had in February this year decided to distribute 18 of the buses to various agencies and departments. The report also noted that a subsidiary of a government-linked company that was supposed to utilise the buses had no experience in the transportation business.

Based on the state secretariat’s report, the audit also found the cost of maintaining two Proton Perdana V6 was higher than the cost of procuring the vehicles. A total of RM308,731 was spent on maintenance of the two cars that were originally purchased for RM234,054.

The Auditor was unable to analyse The Auditor was unable to analyse the cost of maintenance because the the cost of maintenance because the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Agency had Malaysia Anti-Corruption Agency had seized the files on the two vehicles. The seized the files on the two vehicles. The Auditor has also uncovered unauthorised Auditor has also uncovered unauthorised

use of fuel cards by personnel in the state secretariat and the Public Works Department. The Auditor use of fuel cards by personnel in the state secretariat and the Public Works Department. The Auditor has also called on the state government to monitor the activities of its companies to ensure they has also called on the state government to monitor the activities of its companies to ensure they has also called on the state government to monitor the activities of its companies to ensure they has also called on the state government to monitor the activities of its companies to ensure they has also called on the state government to monitor the activities of its companies to ensure they has also called on the state government to monitor the activities of its companies to ensure they observe good corporate governance, abide by the law, make a profit and pay dividends to the state.observe good corporate governance, abide by the law, make a profit and pay dividends to the state.observe good corporate governance, abide by the law, make a profit and pay dividends to the state.observe good corporate governance, abide by the law, make a profit and pay dividends to the state.observe good corporate governance, abide by the law, make a profit and pay dividends to the state.observe good corporate governance, abide by the law, make a profit and pay dividends to the state.

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20 Oktober 2009 (Selasa)

Laporan KAN 2008– Cawangan Audit Negeri PerakPengurusan Kelas Al-Quran Dan Fardu ‘Ain (KAFA) - Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Perak

Guru Kafa Perak Patut Dibayar Elaun RM1,249.88

GURU Kelas al-Quran dan Fardu Ain (Kafa) di Perak yang mengajar 60 jam sebulan sepatutnya menerima elaun bulanan berjumlah RM1,249.88, berbanding RM500 sebulan seperti ditetapkan garis panduan dikeluarkan negeri. Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 berpendapat, guru Kafa berkenaan sepatutnya menerima elaun tambahan berjumlah RM749.88 sebulan kerana mengajar 36 jam melebihi tempoh masa 24 jam dalam sebulan yang ditetapkan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim). Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, berkata berdasarkan garis panduan yang dikeluarkan, guru Kafa yang mengajar melebihi 18 jam sebulan, layak menerima elaun RM500 tetapi lawatan Jabatan Audit ke 20 Sekolah Rendah Agama Rakyat (SRAR) mendapati waktu pengajaran dan pembelajaran dikendalikan guru ialah 15 jam seminggu, iaitu melebihi sembilan jam seminggu.

“Audit berpendapat, pembayaran elaun 2,898 guru Kafa yang mengendalikan 105,594 murid di 664 SRAR di Perak, tidak memuaskan dan masih di bawah paras kemiskinan, walaupun kerajaan negeri sudah menaikkan elaun kepada RM575 bermula Januari lalu. “Guru Kafa juga memohon elaun RM500 dinaikkan bersesuaian keadaan ekonomi dan kos sara hidup semasa. “Selain itu, nisbah 20 penyelia untuk menyelia 2,898 guru Kafa juga tidak seimbang, malah elaun RM750 sebulan diterima mereka juga dianggap rendah berbanding beban tugas dilaksanakan,” katanya.

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21 Oktober 2009 (Rabu)

Laporan KAN Tahun 2008 – Cawangan Audit Negeri Pulau PinangPengurusan Kelas Al-Quran Dan Fardu Ain (KAFA) - Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam

Elaun Guru KAFA Masih Di Bawah Paras Miskin

KUALA LUMPUR 21 Okt. – Elaun yang dibayar kepada guru-guru Kelas al-Quran dan Fardu Ain (KAFA) di Perak tidak memuaskan serta masih meletakkan mereka di bawah paras kemiskinan walaupun kerajaan negeri menaikkan elaun kepada RM575 pada Januari lepas. Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang memberitahu, semakan audit mendapati semua guru-guru KAFA mengajar 60 jam sebulan iaitu tambahan sebanyak 36 jam. ‘‘Tambahan masa mengajar sebanyak 36 jam adalah melebihi tempoh 24 jam dalam sebulan yang ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) dan elaun sebanyak RM500 adalah tidak seimbang dengan jumlah masa tambahan mengajar. ‘‘Guru KAFA berkenaan sepatutnya menerima elaun tambahan berjumlah RM749.88 untuk 36 jam masa tambahan mengajar dan mereka sepatutnya menerima elaun sebanyak RM1,249.88 sebulan,’’ katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 yang dikeluarkan kelmarin. Ambrin memberitahu, siasatan audit yang dijalankan di Pulau Pinang pula mendapati elaun perjalanan penyelia KAFA sebanyak RM3,000 setahun tidak mencukupi bagi membolehkan mereka melakukan penyeliaan terhadap 100 orang guru. Katanya, jumlah tuntutan perjalanan penyelia yang dibenarkan adalah amat terhad dan ini menyukarkan penyelia terbabit untuk membuat pemantauan dengan lebih berkesan. ‘‘Sehubungan itu Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Pulau Pinang perlu memohon kepada Jakim agar elaun perjalanan penyelia ditambah had melebihi RM3,000 setahun agar penyelia dapat melaksanakan tugas lawatan dengan lebih menyeluruh,’’ katanya.

Sementara itu Ambrin memberitahu, di Perlis kebanyakan guru, penyelia dan ibu bapa berpuas hati dengan perjalanan KAFA. Katanya, soal selidik yang dilaksanakan bagi menilai jumlah elaun sebanyak empat penyelia KAFA berpuas hati. ‘‘Soal selidik kepada 60 guru KAFA, sebanyak 60 peratus atau 36 orang guru berpuas hati dengan jumlah elaun manakala 24 lagi tidak berpuas hati.

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Ambrin memberitahu, soal selidik ke atas ibu bapa juga mendapati mereka berpuas hati terhadap kurikulum yang disediakan serta pencapaian anak mereka. Katanya, di Johor pula kesemua guru KAFA tidak menikmati imbuhan tahunan kakitangan awam walaupun mereka berhak menerimanya seperti diumumkan kerajaan melalui pekeliling pada 2006 dan 2008. ‘‘Ini boleh menjejaskan motivasi guru-guru terlibat sehingga mengganggu perjalanan sistem KAFA,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, di Kedah pula, para penyelia KAFA langsung tidak diberikan latihan atau kursus sepanjang 2006 dan 2008 bagi melengkapkan diri menghadapi situasi tugas diamanahkan. Menurutnya, para penyelia terlibat hanya menyertai Kursus Kemahiran ICT serta Kursus Pengurusan dan Kewangan Penyelia KAFA pada 2007. ‘‘Pada pendapat Audit, latihan dan kursus kepada penyelia KAFA adalah tidak memuaskan (di Kedah),” tegasnya.

Ambrin menambah, program KAFA di Pahang pula kerap berhadapan dengan masalah peletakan jawatan para penyelia. Keadaan ini, katanya, disebabkan taraf jawatan penyelia yang tidak tetap serta kadar elaun bulanan yang rendah. ‘‘Ia mengakibatkan proses penyeliaan kelas KAFA terganggu kerana proses lantikan penyelia baru mengambil masa yang lama,’’ jelasnya. Sementara itu di Selangor, secara keseluruhannya program KAFA adalah kurang memuaskan kerana terdapat beberapa kelemahan ketara yang jika dibiarkan boleh menjejaskan imej kerajaan negeri dan sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan awam.

Antara kelemahan yang perlu diambil perhatian serius oleh Jakim dan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) adalah:*Perjanjian pelantikan penyelia dan guru KAFA yang tidak ditandatangani dan bilangan penyelia yang tidak mencukupi jika dibandingkan dengan nisbah bilangan guru.*Terdapat guru KAFA yang menerima elaun daripada sumber Jakim mengajar di Sekolah Rendah Agama Negeri dan Sekolah Rendah Agama Integrasi.*Elaun guru KAFA terlebih bayar, penempatan murid melebihi 40 orang dalam satu kelas, prasarana dan kemudahan asas tidak lengkap dan kondusif.*Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Akaun Amanah KAFA peringkat negeri tidak ditubuhkan.*Sijil Ujian Pencapaian Kelas KAFA tidak diiktiraf bagi tujuan memasuki Sekolah Menengah Agama Kerajaan Negeri.*Jawatankuasa Pelaksana KAFA peringkat negeri tidak bermesyuarat dan tidak memantau aktiviti KAFA.

Bagi Selangor, pada 2008 terdapat 283 buah KAFA Integrasi dan seramai 86,858 murid berdaftar dengan bilangan guru sebanyak 6,260 orang yang diselia oleh seramai 16 orang penyelia. Dalam pada itu, di Melaka, antara masalah utama yang dikenalpasti ialah kegagalan mematuhi garis panduan yang disediakan menyebabkan wujudnya ketidakseragaman dalam pelaksanaan program KAFA secara berkesan.

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Thursday November 5, 2009

The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri JohorPengurusan Kelas Kafa Dan Fardu Ain (KAFA) - Jabatan Agama Johor

Low Pay And Poor Benefits For Johor’s KAFA Teachers

JOHOR BARU: Al-Quran and Fardhu Ain (KAFA) teachers in the state are poorly paid, with some earning wages below the poverty line, the Auditor-General’s Report 2008 said. The report stated that the allowance received by KAFA teachers statewide was about RM612 for 60 hours of teaching. The poverty income line for those in the peninsula is between RM691 and RM720. The report showed that the KAFA teachers were paid 33% less than their peers from religious schools in the state. The report stated that between 2006 and 2008, the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) had allocated RM42.05mil to be paid as allowance for KAFA teachers and supervisors. A total of 211,947 students between six and 12 years are enrolled in 7,682 KAFA classes in Johor. There are 1,730 KAFA teachers.

The KAFA classes in the state started in 1990 to teach children to read the Al-Quran, write Jawi and practice Islamic teachings. The report also identified other weakness in the implementation of the KAFA programme in Johor including shortage of teachers, lack of funds, no proper guidelines to set up KAFA classes and failure to follow recruitment guidelines for supervisors and KAFA teachers. Other weaknesses include no proper training for teachers, the allowance does not commensurate with the workload, welfare for KAFA teachers not taken care of, poor management of funds and lack of teaching materials. However, the report also stated that despite the weaknesses, students attending the KAFA classes in Johor had a 99% pass rate in their KAFA classes assessment exams (UPKK) annually. The report also stated that based on feedback obtained from parents, a huge majority was in favour of the classes continuing. The report also outlined nine suggestions to be carried out by Jakim and the Religious Education Section of the Johor Religious Department (BPAJAJ) to mitigate the weaknesses. Among the suggestions in the are forming special committees at state, school and class levels to ensure KAFA programmes are properly monitored and implemented.

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20 Oktober 2009 (Selasa)Laporan KAN 2008 – Cawangan Audit Negeri Pulau Pinang, Kedah , Kelantan dan SelangorPengurusan Sistem Perakaunan Berkomputer Standard Kerajaan Negeri (SPEKS)

Speks Di 4 Negeri Mudah Dicerobohi

SISTEM Perakaunan Berkomputer Standard Kerajaan Negeri (Speks) di empat negeri – Selangor, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Kelantan – mempunyai pelbagai kelemahan sekali gus meningkatkan risiko pencerobohan keselamatan, kerahsiaan dan integriti data Speks. Antara kelemahan itu ialah ketiadaan sistem mengawal kerahsiaan kata laluan, log akses sistem tidak diselenggara dan kawalan automasi pengasingan tugas yang tidak diwujudkan. Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, berkata semakan Audit mendapati polisi dan Standard Keselamatan Maklumat Speks di negeri terbabit kecuali Pulau Pinang perlu diperbaiki dan dinaik taraf bagi memastikan aplikasi serta integriti data Speks terjamin selain melancarkan sistemnya. “Keseluruhannya, pelaksanaan Speks di negeri itu tidak memuaskan. Seperti di Kedah, ia belum mencapai matlamat pengurusan sistem perakaunan berkomputer kerajaan negeri yang seragam.

“Di Selangor, tindakan segera perlu diambil bagi memanfaatkan sepenuhnya aplikasi Speks dan memastikan aspek keselamatan sistem operasi sempurna manakala di Kelantan, prosedur back-up (sokongan) tidak dipatuhi dan penggunaan modul Speks tidak optimum. “Di Pulau Pinang, aspek keselamatan sistem operasi dan aplikasi serta integriti data Speks perlu dipertingkatkan. Jabatan Kewangan Negeri perlu menambah baik kawalan dalaman dan keselamatan sistem operasi, aplikasi, rangkaian dan perkakasan Speks,” katanya.

Speks dibangunkan bagi memenuhi kehendak Kerajaan Persekutuan supaya satu sistem perakaunan berkomputer yang seragam dan berkualiti dilaksanakan oleh semua negeri di Semenanjung. Pembangunan sistem ini merangkumi 11 modul aplikasi sistem perakaunan dan rangkaian sistem komputer yang menghubungkan Pejabat Perbendaharaan Negeri dengan semua Pusat Tanggungjawab (PTJ). Matlamat pembangunan SPEKS adalah untuk memperbaiki pengurusan kewangan dan perakaunan negeri, menyedia penyata kewangan tepat dan sebagai persediaan kerajaan negeri ke era kerajaan elektronik dengan mewujudkan satu pusat sumber maklumat kewangan.

Ambrin memberi contoh di Selangor Speks mula dilaksanakan pada Januari 2003, namun Standard Keselamatan Maklumat Speks hanya disediakan pada Mac 2006. Ini menyebabkan kawalan keselamatan maklumat dan peralatan komputer SPEKS tidak dapat difahami dan dipatuhi sepenuhnya oleh pengguna, pentadbir sistem dan operator sistem. Beliau berkata, Polisi dan Standard Keselamatan Maklumat Speks yang tidak dipatuhi pula membabitkan aspek kerahsiaan kata laluan iaitu boleh dibaca oleh mereka yang ada akses ke pangkalan data kata laluan dan kata laluan pengguna hanya mempunyai enam karektor, berbanding lapan seperti ditetapkan.

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20 Oktober 2009 (Selasa)

Penyata Kewangan: MB Selangor Perlu Jelaskan

SHAH ALAM 20 Okt. - Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim didesak supaya mendedahkan pendapatan dan perbelanjaan sebenar kerajaan negeri sepanjang tahun lalu bagi membuktikan tidak berlakunya penyelewengan dalam pentadbiran beliau. Ketua Pembangkang Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir Toyo berkata, ini ekoran Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 mendapati wujud kelemahan dalam Sistem Perakaunan Berkomputer Standard Kerajaan Negeri (Speks) termasuk terdedah kepada risiko penyata kewangan negeri tidak tepat. Katanya, banyak kemungkinan menjadi punca berlaku kelemahan pengurusan sistem yang dikendalikan oleh Perbendaharaan Negeri Selangor itu antaranya kegagalan kerajaan negeri memberi maklumat perbelanjaan dan pendapatan yang tepat, penyelewengan, ketirisan dan sebagainya. Sambil memberikan contoh isu pengurusan pasir di negeri itu, Mohamad Khir mendakwa, unjuran bajet hasil pendapatan kerajaan negeri daripada sumber berkenaan sepatutnya berjumlah kira-kira RM170 juta setahun.

Sebaliknya, kerajaan negeri hanya mengutip pendapatan sebanyak RM4 juta menerusi anak syarikat yang diwujudkan untuk pengurusan sumber tersebut iaitu Kumpulan Semesta Sdn. Bhd. (KSSB). ‘’Saya difahamkan kerajaan negeri memperoleh pendapatan sebanyak RM4 juta sahaja hasil daripada aktiviti pasir. Bagaimana pula dengan baki selebihnya iaitu RM166 juta seperti jumlah yang diunjurkan sepanjang tahun lalu. ‘’Saya minta Menteri Besar memberikan penjelasan dan tidak menyembunyikan kedudukan kewangan, pendapatan dan perbelanjaan sebenar kerajaan negeri sepanjang tahun lalu termasuk unjuran bajet negeri yang tidak selari dengan pendapatan. ‘’Malah penjelasan itu juga perlu melibatkan pelaksanaan peraturan baru dalam kutipan hasil apabila doket pasir kini dikutip oleh KSSB bukannya Pejabat Tanah dan Daerah (PTD) seperti yang termaktub dalam Kanun Tanah Negara (KTN),’’ katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

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Semalam, Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2008 menyatakan pengurusan Speks Selangor menghadapi risiko keselamatan sistem operasi, aplikasi serta integriti data yang akan memberi kesan kepada ketepatan Penyata Kewangan Berkomputer yang dijana sistem Speks. Menurut laporan itu, pada keseluruhannya pengurusan Speks oleh Perbendaharaan Negeri Selangor adalah tidak memuaskan kerana matlamat sistem itu sebagai satu pusat sumber maklumat kewangan belum dicapai sepenuhnya. Keadaan itu berlaku kerana pengurusan keselamatan sistem berkenaan oleh aktiviti jabatan, agensi dan pengurusan syarikat kerajaan negeri tidak memiliki ciri-ciri yang ditetapkan ekoran tiada pengasingan tugas, kata laluan tidak dirahsiakan serta tiada log aktiviti bagi mengesan akses yang tidak dibenarkan. Keadaan sedemikian menurut laporan itu menyebabkan Perbendaharaan Negeri Selangor menghadapi risiko pencerobohan keselamatan, kerahsiaan, kebolehpercayaan dan integriti Speks.

Dalam pada itu, Mohamad Khir yang juga bekas Menteri Besar Selangor turut mengingatkan kerajaan negeri pimpinan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), DAP dan Pas supaya menghentikan amalan mencari salah serta kelemahan orang lain khususnya Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam pentadbiran negeri itu. Katanya, amalan sedemikian sebenarnya tidak membawa sebarang manfaat atau mencorakkan pentadbiran negeri itu ke arah yang lebih baik dan telus seperti mereka uar-uarkan sebelum ini. ‘’Sikap menyalahkan orang lain, mencari kesalahan pentadbiran terdahulu tidak membawa apa-apa kepada pemantapan pentadbiran di Selangor. Hari ini, laporan Ketua Audit Negara telah menyatakan antara contoh masalah yang dihadapi dalam pentadbiran di Selangor,” ujarnya. Bagaimanapun beliau berkata, masalah itu bukan berpunca daripada kakitangan awam yang hanya mengikut arahan pemimpin negeri termasuk Menteri Besar sendiri.

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20 October 2009 (Tuesday)The Auditor-General’s Report - Cawangan Audit Negeri SelangorPengurusan Kualiti Air Minum - Lembaga Urus Air Selangor Dan Agensi Bekalan Air Negeri

Selangor Must Gazette Sources Of Raw Water: Auditor-General

KUALA LUMPUR: The Selangor government has to allocate enough funds to Lembaga Urus Air Selangor (LUAS) for it to immediately gazette sources of raw water to check encroachment which continues to take place, according to the 2008 report of the auditor-general. It says the management of potable water quality in the state was satisfactory but the management of raw water quality had to be stepped up. “The status of gazetting is not satisfactory because river valleys, water catchments and water bodies have yet to be gazetted although LUAS was set up in 1999,” it adds. Delay in protecting water catchments had led to encroachment such as sand mining between 2006 and 2008 which had polluted Sungai Beranang as well as the water intake of Sungai Semenyih for the Sungai Semenyih water treatment plant, says the report. Leachate from the refuse disposal site in Sungai Kembong, Hulu Langat, also flows into the Sungai Beranang and Sungai Semenyih, it adds. “Based on the National Quality Index, the auditors feel that the average index for Sungai Tengi, Kuala Selangor, and Sungai Semenyih, Hulu Langat, was unsatisfactory because of the annual decline from 2006 to 2008,” says the report.

The report points out that the Sungai Sireh water treatment pond and tank had not been cleaned for more than 10 years, and reprimanded Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (SYABAS) for not cleaning the pond and tank in 2008. It recommends that the state government set up a committee comprising the relevant parties managing water quality, such as LUAS, SYABAS, Selangor Health Department and water treatment plants, to step up communication and coordination. On another matter, the report says the management of the flood mitigation project in Shah Alam was unsatisfactory as floods continue to occur and have a negative impact on the people. It cites some of the reasons as lack of comprehensive planning, insufficient funds and absence of monitoring or coordination with other government departments and agencies. The appointment of contractors did not meet the conditions of the Construction Industry Development Board, and some contractors were found to have implemented projects beyond their qualification, says the report.

The report also says the Selangor Department of Forestry is weak in enforcement as there has been air and water pollution which seriously affected flora and fauna. It says permanent forest reserves are illegally exploited for housing, commercial buildings, houses of worship, breeding of swiftlets and deer, and temporary occupation licences are issued for land in the reserves yet to be gazetted as such. “The enforcement of deer breeding in the permanent forest reserves by the Selangor Department of Forestry is unsatisfactory because the State Executive Council has yet to decide on the issue of illegal exploitation of the reserves,” it says. Also unsatisfactory is the department’’s monitoring of prawn fry breeding in the Sungai Kapar permanent forest reserve, which has affected the quality of the environment, because of the shortage of enforcement officers and limited allocation of funds, it adds.

The report says the firefly population in the Kampung Kuantan area of Sungai Selangor was under threat owing to the felling of trees on the jungle fringe by private land owners for agriculture. “If the area is not restored, the tourism industry here will be wiped out along with the firefly population there,” it adds. The report says the state government plans to acquire the privately owned land along the Sungai Selangor there to maintain the firefly habitat. The report recommends that the department, among other things, review the permit for exploitation of permanent forest reserves, recruit more enforcement officers and apply for a special allocation to restore the encroached areas.

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Thursday October 22, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri KelantanPengurusan Kualiti Air Minum - Air Kelantan Sdn. Bhd. (AKSB)

Water Quality In Kelantan Not Up To Standard

THE quality of water supply in Kelantan does not meet the standard set by the Health Ministry, said the Auditor-General’s Report. It said the state water management company, Air Kelantan Sdn Bhd, did not place priority in cleaning its water pipes. And when flushing was done, it was carried out without complying with the standard operating procedure, said the report, adding that records were incomplete. “This has resulted in the quality of water supplied to consumers not meeting the standard set by the Health Ministry,” it said.

The report said there were many complaints from consumers in the state on the problems of water disruption and murky water especially in Kota Baru, Tanah Merah and Gua Musang. “Air Kelantan must solve this problem immediately,” it said.The state utility company, it said, should carry out pipe flushing works on a regular basis and not only carry out such works when there were complaints from consumers about murky water. It also described the management of water supply in the state as less than satisfactory.

Among the weaknesses mentioned were:> DELAY in gazetting treatment plant;> NON-MONITORING of water catchment areas; and> NOT gazetting raw water charges.

The report recommended the state government and Air Kelantan to expedite the move to gazette water catchment areas and water treatment plants as protected zone and to upgrade water treatment plant. The A-G’s Report also noted that the repair on damaged equipment, particularly on filter nozzles were not given due priority due to the company’s financial constraints.

Thursday October 22, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri JohorPengurusan Kualiti Air Minum - Badan Kawal Selia Air Johor

Johor Charges Inconsistent Rates For Raw Water

MALACCA pays 10 times more than Singapore to buy raw water from Johor, according to the 2008 Auditor-General’s Report on from Johor, according to the 2008 Auditor-General’s Report on Johor. The report showed that Malacca paid 30 sen for each Johor. The report showed that Malacca paid 30 sen for each 3,785.4 litres (1,000 gallons) of raw water supplied from Sungai 3,785.4 litres (1,000 gallons) of raw water supplied from Sungai Muar in Johor. This was agreed upon in 1991 and Johor has a Muar in Johor. This was agreed upon in 1991 and Johor has a contract to supply water to Malacca till 2090. Meanwhile, the contract to supply water to Malacca till 2090. Meanwhile, the Singapore government paid a mere three cents per 3,785.4 litres Singapore government paid a mere three cents per 3,785.4 litres Singapore government paid a mere three cents per 3,785.4 litres Singapore government paid a mere three cents per 3,785.4 litres Singapore government paid a mere three cents per 3,785.4 litres of raw water supplied from Sungai Skudai, Sungai Tebrau, Sungai of raw water supplied from Sungai Skudai, Sungai Tebrau, Sungai of raw water supplied from Sungai Skudai, Sungai Tebrau, Sungai of raw water supplied from Sungai Skudai, Sungai Tebrau, Sungai of raw water supplied from Sungai Skudai, Sungai Tebrau, Sungai of raw water supplied from Sungai Skudai, Sungai Tebrau, Sungai Johor and Gunung Pulai.

This agreement was inked in 1961 and 1962. “In the audit’s This agreement was inked in 1961 and 1962. “In the audit’s This agreement was inked in 1961 and 1962. “In the audit’s This agreement was inked in 1961 and 1962. “In the audit’s This agreement was inked in 1961 and 1962. “In the audit’s Dirty river: A file picture showing children collecting pebbles from Sungai Padas in Sabah. According to the A-G’s Report, the river is now heavily polluted.

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opinion, the raw water rates are inconsistently implemented because the Singapore Public Utilities is paying a very low price compared to the Malacca government. “Concurrently, one of the three Johor government’s water treatment plant concessionaires, SAJ Holding Sdn Bhd, was also not imposed any charges,” it said. The supply of raw water in Johor is obtained from the state’s rivers and dams which are managed by Badan Kawal Selia Air Johor. The report also showed that all 48 water treatment plants in Johor have yet to be billed for the supply of raw water as the rates were still being negotiated. “The failure to impose any charges is a loss to the state government’s revenue as the income could be used to pay for the conservation, monitoring and enforcement of raw water supply,” it said.

Meanwhile, a lack of action has caused the source of Sungai Padas in Beaufort district of Sabah to be polluted with various bacteria and base metals, including manganese, iron and E.coli. The 2008 Auditor-General’s Report said visits to the water sources and water treatment plants along the river revealed that the health risk posed by the high pollutant contents was caused by a lack of enforcement by the land office in the areas. It said Health Ministry studies had found that concentrations of E.coli, total coliform, iron and turbidity had all increased over acceptable levels between 2006 and 2008.

The ministry recorded that total coliform levels reached 24,000 most probable number (mpn) per 100ml from an acceptable 5,000mpn; E.coli at 5,420 to 16,090mpn per 100ml from 5,000mpn; and iron traces up to 17mg per litre over the acceptable one mg per litre. “Unless action is taken, raw water quality will continue to be compromised and endanger the health of residents,” it said in the report released on Monday. The A-G also found that commercial activities in rivers and riverbanks have not been approved by the Beaufort land revenue officer

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Tuesday October 27, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri MelakaPengurusan Kualiti Air Minuman - Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad

Lack Of Monitoring Affects Quality Of Drinking Water In Malacca

By Loh Foon Fong

MALACCA: The lack of monitoring at water catchment areas had likely affected the quality of drinking water in Malacca, according to the Auditor-General’s Report 2008. As the result of the lack of monitoring, Sungai Kesang and Sungai Melaka were recorded to be moderately polluted while Sungai Gadek was recorded clean for the period 2006 to 2008. The audit found that the responsibility to gazette water catchment areas and monitor the quality of water in the area was not included in the state’s Regulatory Department (JKSAN). Hence, monitoring pollution along rivers and catchment areas would fall under the Environmental Department, and the Drainage and Irrigation Department, said the report.

No action could be taken against trespassers if the areas were not gazetted, added the report. It revealed that the water quality could be improved if the state government established a special committee to monitor the catchment area and stop people from going in and polluting the place. After the audit, Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (SAMB) had issued a notification letter to JKSAN to gazette the catchment areas. According to the report, three water-catchment areas, Sungai Melaka, Sungai Batang Melaka and Sungai Kesang-Chohong were gazetted in 1992 but did not define the activities that were allowed in those areas. However, water collection areas - Jus and Durian Tunggal reservoirs - were not gazetted yet.

SAMB had prepared Guidelines on Development in Catchment Areas and Activities Not Allowed and handed over the Draft Gazette of Durian Tunggal and Jus dams to the Malacca Regulatory Department in April this year. The Audit also pointed out that the National Land Code allowed for the reserve land to be leased to local authorities for not more than 21 years but in June last year, the Privatisation Committee had approved the planting of pokok karas (gaharu) for 30 years at Jus pokok karas (gaharu) for 30 years at Jus pokok karasDam without proof of approval by the State Council Meeting and without environmental study done by the Forestry Department to determine if trees planted could affect the raw water quality. It also said that security issues too were not emphasised, building of sampling station was not based on specifications set by the Public Works Department while water distribution system for new residential areas by developers were not organised. The water in Malacca was supplied by SAMB from 2006 to 2008 (SAMB was registered in July 2006). SAMB has six water-catchment areas and six water treatment plants. It was found that there was no detailed division of tasks between the state Jabatan Kawal Selia and SAMB on the management of water-catchment areas and collection areas.

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21 Oktober 2009 (Rabu)Laporan KAN 2008 – Cawangan Audit Negeri SelangorPengurusan Bangunan Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor - Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor

Sentral: PKNS Gagal Kutip Sewa RM1.25 Juta

Oleh Mohd Anwar Patho Rohman

KUALA LUMPUR: Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) dilaporkan gagal mengutip sewa kedai di empat kompleks beli-belah miliknya sepanjang tempoh dua tahun lalu sehingga jumlah tunggakan sewa terkumpul yang direkodkan mencecah RM1.25 juta sehingga akhir tahun lalu. Ketua Audit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, berkata tunggakan sewa itu berpunca daripada kegagalan 233 daripada 676 penyewa membayar sewa premis sehingga melebihi 24 bulan. Katanya, ia juga disebabkan kelemahan pengurusan bangunan PKNS menguat kuasa syarat terkandung dalam perjanjian sewa selain faktor penyewa tidak mempunyai kedudukan kewangan kukuh untuk membayar sewa.

Kegagalan PKSN mengambil tindakan seperti yang disyaratkan dalam perjanjian menyebabkan penyewa bersikap tidak bertanggungjawab untuk membayar sewa. “Selain itu, PKNS terpaksa mengambil tindakan mahkamah terhadap penyewa yang mempunyai tunggakan sewa, sekali gus ia membabitkan tempoh masa yang lama serta kos guaman. “Premis yang masih dalam tindakan mahkamah pula tidak boleh disewakan, akibatnya PKNS menanggung kerugian kutipan hasil,” katanya dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara yang dikeluarkan, semalam.

Ambrin berkata, pecahan penyewa yang gagal melunaskan tunggakan sewa adalah 38 di Kompleks PKNS Bangi, 13 di Kompleks PKNS Kuala Selangor, Kompleks PKNS Shah Alam (146) dan Shah Alam City Centre (SACC) Mall (36). Katanya, tunggakan sewa bagi 36 penyewa di SACC Mall berjumlah RM554,620 manakala di Kompleks PKSN Shah Alam seramai 146 penyewa mempunyai tunggakan berjumlah RM453,304.

“Bagi Kompleks PKNS Kuala Selangor, tunggakan sewa melebihi 24 bulan berjumlah RM12,314 manakala tunggakan antara 13 hingga 24 bulan berjumlah RM4,311. Tunggakan sewa antara satu hingga tiga bulan berjumlah RM805,829, antara empat hingga enam bulan (RM223,197) dan antara tujuh hingga 12 bulan (RM206,629) di semua bangunan PKNS,” katanya.

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21 October 2009 (Wednesday)The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri SelangorProjek Penswastaan Pembangunan Tapak Kuarters Seksyen 20 - Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam

Land Deal Exposes Flaws In Shah Alam Council

KUALA LUMPUR: A series of bad decisions could lose the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) two lots of land worth RM9.97 million. Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang said the council was guilty of poor judgment in allowing a private contractor to put up the land as collateral for a bank loan to fund a commercial project there. The land, located in Section 20 in Shah Alam, was supposed to have been given to Khidmat Makmur Sdn Bhd (KMSB) as payment for the construction of MBSA staff quarters according to an 2001 agreement.

The agreement, under MBSA’s privatisation plans, was for KMSB to fund and build the two-block RM7.54 million staff quarters in return for two lots adjacent to the quarters. KMSB proposed to build 67 units of shops and offices and a 15-storey service apartment building on the two lots at an estimated cost of RM50.75 million.

Both projects were to be completed by October 2005. But on a site visit in April this year, Ambrin said work on the commercial project was only 60 per cent completed and had been abandoned for three years while construction on the quarters had not even started. This occurred despite KMSB securing an RM18.85 million bank loan by putting up the land as collateral at MBSA’s behest in 2003. Ambrin said this could possibly leave MBSA with no avenue to recover the land, while 114 buyers of the commercial project would have to service bank loans taken to purchase property that did not exist.

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21 October 2009 (Wednesday)The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri SembilanProjek E-Komuniti - Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan

Money Woes Kill e-Projects

KUALA LUMPUR: Lack of money and monitoring killed two E-Community projects in Negri Sembilan. The 2008 auditor-general’s report said the projects in Jempol and Juasseh had to be shut down after running into financial and management problems. Auditor-general Tan Sri Ambrin Buang said the state information technology management unit failed to carry out a feasibility study before approving centres aimed at to produce IT-savvy villagers.

Thursday October 22, 2009The Auditor-General’s Report – Cawangan Audit Negeri SembilanPengurusan Tempat Letak Kereta - Majlis Perbandaran Seremban Dan Majlis Daerah Jempol

Seremban Fails To Collect RM400K Yearly

THE Seremban Municipal Council failed to collect parking fees totalling more than RM400,000 annually from drivers who parked at seven designated lots. The Auditor-General’s Report said the failure to collect the fees from drivers who used the 1,629 parking bays at Taman Rasah Jaya, Jalan Rasah, Jalan Tok Ungku, Pasar Ampangan, Taman Senawang Jaya, Jalan Lee Sam hawker centre and Jalan Manickavasagam caused the council to lose RM469,152.

This was based on a collection rate of 40 sen per hour for three hours daily for 20 days. “Checks made on Dataran Senawang, Oakland Commercial Centre and Jalan Lee Sam revealed that no parking fee collection was carried out despite the areas being heavy in traffic,” it added.The council responded by saying that the parking bays at Dataran Senawang and Oakland Commercial Centre were only gazetted in January 2008. It said additional workers were being roped in to help in fee collection duties. The council also said that it did not plan to impose parking charges at the Jalan Lee Sam hawker centre as it was mostly filled by cars belonging to traders in the area.

The Auditor-General also reported that checks on parking bays in high-traffic areas like Rahang and Rasah revealed that a number of them were occupied by second-hand car dealers and traders. The report said a survey showed that the majority of people in Seremban complained of inadequate parking bays and faded parking bay lines.

The Auditor-General also reported that the council had failed to recover deposit and bank guarantee payments totalling RM337,995 from private parking facility contractor Asas Budiman Sistem Sdn Bhd, The amounts of RM112,665 in deposit and RM225,330 in bank guarantee were not paid after the The amounts of RM112,665 in deposit and RM225,330 in bank guarantee were not paid after the privatisation contract was signed in February 2006. Asas Budiman Sistem also chalked up monthly privatisation contract was signed in February 2006. Asas Budiman Sistem also chalked up monthly rental arrears of RM246,000 up to 2008, although RM100,000 was paid up by the company in April rental arrears of RM246,000 up to 2008, although RM100,000 was paid up by the company in April this year.this year.

The report concluded that the council failed to protect its interest by delaying action against Asas The report concluded that the council failed to protect its interest by delaying action against Asas The report concluded that the council failed to protect its interest by delaying action against Asas The report concluded that the council failed to protect its interest by delaying action against Asas Budiman Sistem for contravening its contractual obligations. The Auditor-General also reported that Budiman Sistem for contravening its contractual obligations. The Auditor-General also reported that Budiman Sistem for contravening its contractual obligations. The Auditor-General also reported that Budiman Sistem for contravening its contractual obligations. The Auditor-General also reported that Budiman Sistem for contravening its contractual obligations. The Auditor-General also reported that the council had failed to sign an agreement renewal letter when it extended the agreement period to the council had failed to sign an agreement renewal letter when it extended the agreement period to the council had failed to sign an agreement renewal letter when it extended the agreement period to the council had failed to sign an agreement renewal letter when it extended the agreement period to the council had failed to sign an agreement renewal letter when it extended the agreement period to the council had failed to sign an agreement renewal letter when it extended the agreement period to June 30, 2011. This was because Asas Budiman Sistem did not return the agreement documents to June 30, 2011. This was because Asas Budiman Sistem did not return the agreement documents to June 30, 2011. This was because Asas Budiman Sistem did not return the agreement documents to June 30, 2011. This was because Asas Budiman Sistem did not return the agreement documents to June 30, 2011. This was because Asas Budiman Sistem did not return the agreement documents to June 30, 2011. This was because Asas Budiman Sistem did not return the agreement documents to the council.the council.

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Tuesday October 20, 2009

Buck Up On Public Funds Management, Penang Urged

THE Penang government, which has adopted the Compatibility, Accountability and Transparency (CAT) policy, has been asked to take corrective measures to enhance its level of integrity in managing public funds. Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang said lack of close supervision and training for officers in state agencies had attributed to weaknesses in finance management and preparation of financial statements. He called on the state government to buck up. However, the A-G said albeit the weaknesses, the implementation of financial management accountability index had shown improvement.

Although Penang had recorded a surplus budget of RM87.99mil last year, its cash reserve shrunk by 46.1% (RM2.47mil) from RM5.36mil in 2007 to RM2.89mil last year. Revenue collection increased from RM295.86mil in 2007 to RM371.14mil in 2008. The A-G also noted that the state earned a significant amount from changing the land status in the Southwest district, Seberang Prai Tengah and Seberang Prai Selatan. The state earned RM35.21mil from land conversion activities last year, compared with RM8.34mil in 2007.

The state also earned a hefty sum from awarding mineral relocation permits. It raked in RM10.7mil from royalty payment last year compared with RM3.52mil in 2007. The A-G also called on the state government to continue with its effort to collect outstanding dues totalling RM74.12mil from quit rent and low cost housing, among others.

10 November 2009 (Tuesday)

Prudent Management Leads To Sixth Surplus

THE state government yesterday tabled a surplus budget for next year, with income exceeding expenditure by RM200,000. It is the sixth consecutive surplus budget tabled by the state since 2005. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said the secret behind the state government’s success was prudent financial management. “Over the past six years, we have been following a prudent management system based on careful, hands-on, effective and value-for-money implementation of projects, and we have been very careful with our expenditure. “We have also followed principles of good governance,” he told reporters after tabling the 2010 state budget at the state assembly yesterday.

Ali took pride in pointing out that Malacca did not receive any criticism on its accounting of public funds in the Auditor-General’s Report. Earlier, in tabling the budget, Ali said: “The budget is based on four core areas improving the livelihood of the people by offering the best service and infrastructure development; placing the interests of the people first and giving priority to performance; strengthening Malacca’s position as a foremost tourist destination; and revolutionising the state civil service.

“For example, the transportation and road systems would undergo a major improvement. “And, we will build more low-cost houses for the hardcore poor. “Education aid for students will be increased and more build more low-cost houses for the hardcore poor. “Education aid for students will be increased and more courses held for people to increase their income.” He said the government would also give priority to courses held for people to increase their income.” He said the government would also give priority to agriculture development, including maintaining the state’s position as the nation’s largest chicken egg agriculture development, including maintaining the state’s position as the nation’s largest chicken egg producer. It would also work to increase investments to the state and improve tourist attractions, he added.producer. It would also work to increase investments to the state and improve tourist attractions, he added.

Among the new tourism projects are a Submarine Museum, Cheng Ho Museum, Chocolate Museum, Among the new tourism projects are a Submarine Museum, Cheng Ho Museum, Chocolate Museum, Among the new tourism projects are a Submarine Museum, Cheng Ho Museum, Chocolate Museum, Among the new tourism projects are a Submarine Museum, Cheng Ho Museum, Chocolate Museum, Among the new tourism projects are a Submarine Museum, Cheng Ho Museum, Chocolate Museum, Malacca Wonderland Theme Park and Dolphin Theme Park. Ali said the government expected state earnings Malacca Wonderland Theme Park and Dolphin Theme Park. Ali said the government expected state earnings Malacca Wonderland Theme Park and Dolphin Theme Park. Ali said the government expected state earnings Malacca Wonderland Theme Park and Dolphin Theme Park. Ali said the government expected state earnings Malacca Wonderland Theme Park and Dolphin Theme Park. Ali said the government expected state earnings Malacca Wonderland Theme Park and Dolphin Theme Park. Ali said the government expected state earnings to reach RM375.2 million. Of this, RM127.4 million would be spent on physical development, RM12.1 to reach RM375.2 million. Of this, RM127.4 million would be spent on physical development, RM12.1 million on social development, RM10.5 million on housing, RM8.4 million on community development and million on social development, RM10.5 million on housing, RM8.4 million on community development and million on social development, RM10.5 million on housing, RM8.4 million on community development and million on social development, RM10.5 million on housing, RM8.4 million on community development and million on social development, RM10.5 million on housing, RM8.4 million on community development and RM4.6 million on agriculture.