lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan...

Team project ©2017 Dony Pratidana S. Hum | Bima Agus Setyawan S. IIP Hak cipta dan penggunaan kembali: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah, memperbaiki, dan membuat ciptaan turunan bukan untuk kepentingan komersial, selama anda mencantumkan nama penulis dan melisensikan ciptaan turunan dengan syarat yang serupa dengan ciptaan asli. Copyright and reuse: This license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon work non-commercially, as long as you credit the origin creator and license it on your new creations under the identical terms.

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Post on 26-May-2019




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Page 1: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt,

Team project ©2017 Dony Pratidana S. Hum | Bima Agus Setyawan S. IIP 






Hak cipta dan penggunaan kembali:

Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah, memperbaiki, dan membuat ciptaan turunan bukan untuk kepentingan komersial, selama anda mencantumkan nama penulis dan melisensikan ciptaan turunan dengan syarat yang serupa dengan ciptaan asli.

Copyright and reuse:

This license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon work non-commercially, as long as you credit the origin creator and license it on your new creations under the identical terms.

Page 2: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt,


Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

Page 3: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt,

Local Brands Which Could Possibly be Engaged with Path

Lea Jeans

Lea is a company which providing American style casual denim clothing and accessories that help them

express their own personal sense of style. Lea is really fitted for the youth market because of its

American style, and sometimes it's mistaken as an American brand. Denim is a must-have clothes within

the youth, so it'd be really great to have cooperation with them. Maybe we could try to spread some

discount coupons for the Path users that are subscribing to Lea. (10.700 followers) (238 followers) (16. 275 likes)


It's a shoes company, and it's really booming within the youth because of its variety of shoes, such as

sport shoes, casual shoes, and sneakers. Tomkins runs a really good CSR program last year, which have

helped its reputation in Indonesia and becoming one of the leading local brand. For Tomkins, we could

spread the words for its CSR program. They made the program like a buy 1 get 1, so if we buy a pair of

Tomkins, one kid at Africa will get one pair as well. It's like we're buying it for them by buying it for

ourselves. I think their program is really great and we could do some kind of continuation program for

this through Path.


Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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Terry Palmer

Terry Palmer is a local brand which provides various kinds of towel. Its target is the A class, considering

from the amount of booth they have in mall. Also, because this is a company which runs their business

in home appliances, especially in bathing stuff, the target is more to the adult section. Terry Palmer

classified their products as a luxury bath collection, they even have the imported cotton and Swarovski

elements for their towel. For Terry Palmer, I think the shopping voucher would be really interesting for

the housewives, because they're the one who's doing the monthly shopping for home supplies. For

example, if they're subscribing for Path, they could get a matching towel or bath robes for the whole

family with 30% off.




This is a coffee shop that is quite well-known in Indonesia. They open their cafe in several malls, and

targeting youth and businessman. Their concept is a coffee shop that suitable to hang out with your

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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friends or have a business meeting with your colleagues. Excelso often mistaken as an American cafe,

but actually it's a subsdiary company of Kapal Api Group, who's known for its coffee. Nowadays, hangout

in a cafe is like a lifestyle trend, that's why coffee shop is never out of customers. People will look for the

coziest place to hang out and chat for a long time with their friends, and with the contribution of Path,

they could search the nearby cafe to their locations and maybe the promotions that they have at the





J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt, and coffee. This company was established

by Johnny Andrean Group on 2001. J.CO is really popular among the youth as a place to hang out,

finding free wifi, gather around to do their homework together. They could use Path to check is the

nearby JCO is full or not, or whether they have a special promotion for that day.



Sophie Martin

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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Is a brand that sells women essentials, such as bag, cosmetics, and clothes. Because of its design that

seems so French-style, Sophie Martin is often mistaken as a French brand. Sophie Martin targeted the

middle age women. Path could spread some more information about Sophie Martin's new products and

promotion as well.


Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

Page 7: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt,

Press Release

Page 1/3

June 25, 2014 Henkel Tandai 40 Tahun di Indonesia

Jakarta - Pada tahun 1974, Henkel membuka kantor dan memulai bisnis perekat

di Indonesia. Saat ini, Indonesia adalah salah satu pasar dengan pertumbuhan

tercepat untuk Henkel dan merupakan pilar yang kuat dalam strategi pasar

perusahaan yang tengah berkembang. Selain bisnis perekat, Henkel Indonesia

adalah pemain aktif dalam bisnis ritel dan produk perawatan rambut


"Kami bangga telah berada di Indonesia selama 40 tahun,” kata Allan Yong,

Presiden Henkel Indonesia. “Selama ini, kami telah memperkuat manufaktur dan inovasi kemampuan kami sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan, serta posisi pasar kami melalui kerjasama tim yang kuat. Kami juga berkomitmen untuk menjadi warga negara yang baik dengan berkontribusi terhadap kebutuhan masyarakat di daerah kami beroperasi. " Henkel Indonesia telah mencapai pertumbuhan dua digit yang menguntungkan per tahun selama lima tahun terakhir, dengan penjualan bersih mencapai rekor tinggi pada 2013. Dengan merek global Teknologi Perekatnya -. Loctite, Technomelt, Teroson dan Bonderite - Henkel telah mencapai posisi pasar yang kuat di berbagai industri, seperti otomotif, konsumen, kemasan, sepatu dan industri umum. Dengan peningkatan pesat dari kelas menengah keatas, sektor bisnis Perawatan Kecantikan Henkel memasuki pasar retail rambut di Indonesia pada tahun 2013 dengan lima lini produk internasional yang sukses di bawah merek SYOSS dan Schwarzkopf. Pada awal tahu 2014, Henkel lebih lanjut memperluas jangkauan pasar Perawatan Kecantikan produk rambut profesional melalui kerjasama dengan distributor lokal. Strategi

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Corporate Communications Page 2/3

Strategi Henkel Indonesia 'sejalan dengan strategi global Henkel, yaitu "Kami akan mengungguli kompetisi kami sebagai perusahaan global dengan operasi sederhana dan tim yang sangat bersemangat!" Allan mengatakan, "Kami berkomitmen untuk menjadi mitra pilihan kepada pelanggan kami dan perusahaan pilihan bagi karyawan dan calon karyawan. Menjadi perusahaan global, kami memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan global kami tidak hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, tetapi juga bekerjasama dengan pelanggan dan mitra berharga kami untuk menetapkan tolak ukur baru dalam inovasi dan keberlanjutan. "

Selain itu, Henkel Indonesia telah meningkatkan investasi melalui belanja modal. Sebagai contoh, pada kuartal pertama, Henkel Indonesia memasang peralatan dan teknologi baru serta kapasitas yang ditambahkan pada pabrik perekat di Tangerang dan Pasuruan. Bisnis Henkel juga sejalan dengan strategi prioritas global 'Inspire', Henkel Indonesia mempercepat upaya dalam bakat dan pengembangan kepemimpinan. Antara tahun 2011 dan 2013, jumlah karyawan dalam posisi manajerial meningkat sekitar 50 persen sedangkan pangsa perempuan dalam posisi manajemen telah meningkat dua kali lipat. Keterlibatan Sosial

Karyawan Henkel Indonesia telah terlibat dalam berbagai proyek masyarakat selama bertahun-tahun. Pada bulan Januari tahun 2014, ketika Jakarta dilanda banjir tahunan, Henkel Indonesia membantu para korban di sebuah desa terpencil di Tangerang. Dalam lima hari, karyawan mengumpulkan 500 paket-yang terdiri dari makanan, pakaian, shampoo, sepatu dan alat tulis-untuk korban di desa terpencil Desa Cirumpak. Pada tanggal 18 Juni, karyawan dari pabrik perekat Tangerang berpartisipasi dalam donor darah, dalam mendukung Hari Donor Darah Dunia.

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Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Corporate Communications Page 3/3

Henkel beroperasi di seluruh dunia dengan merek terkemuka dan teknologi di tiga bidang usaha: Binatu & Perawatan Rumah, Perawatan Kecantikan dan Teknologi Perekat. Didirikan pada tahun 1876, Henkel memegang posisi pasar terkemuka secara global baik dalam bisnis konsumen dan industri dengan merek terkenal seperti Persil, Schwarzkopf dan Loctite. Henkel mempekerjakan sekitar 47.000 orang dan melaporkan penjualan 16,4 miliar euro dan laba usaha disesuaikan sebesar 2,5 miliar euro pada tahun fiskal 2013. Saham Henkel tercatat di indeks saham Jerman DAX. Contact Maggie Tan Agus Hidayat Tel. +65 6424 7045 +62 21 5151 536 Fax +65 6266 1161 +62 812 90 89 597 Email [email protected] [email protected] Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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Media Name Email Phone Status


Media Indonesia

Budi Ernanto [email protected] +62811 9890070 SMS, ask Azhar’s contact for

invite confirmation

Arief Ramadhi [email protected] 0816 161 9000

The Jakarta Post Pak Kristian Bu Stefi

[email protected]

[email protected]

021 5300 476

Follow up habis makan siang

The Jakarta Globe

[email protected]

021 29957500 0816 813 083

Jawa Post Cari no redaksi

Indonesia Finance Today

Corry [email protected] 0838 9314 5494


Merlinda Riska [email protected] +628562024624, +6281316041869

Follow up Wed noon or Thursday morning

Benediktus Krisna Yogatama

[email protected] 0856 845 3890

Yuliani Maimuntarsih [email protected], [email protected] 0878 1110 2789

Suara Pembaruan Unggul Wirawan

[email protected], [email protected]

+628128009983 Confirmed

Daurina Sinurat [email protected] 0818427172

Republika Arman 780 3747 Fax not yet 780 3747

Jurnal Nasional 3190 7599

Tribun Eko Sutriyanto [email protected] 0811 500 7795 50:50 follow up again

Rakyat Merdeka Taufik Panjialam 081310750912 Fax sent. Follow up after lunch

Comment [AH1]: Contact Merlinda or editorial desks. No need to call everyone, unless no response at all.

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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Reza +62818660529

Wicak Hidayat [email protected] 0811-182-619 Ardhi [email protected] +6281584143744 Follow up sore Achmad Luthfi

[email protected], [email protected]

08561908589 Follow up sore

Amril [email protected] Indra [email protected] 3802383 , Ext. 238/226 Denny

[email protected], [email protected]

08568300645 Diusahain dateng, belum ada penugasan, tar mau kabarin ke Angga langsung.

Dewi [email protected] 583 00077

Republika online 7803 747 Hermanto 8298963 Fax undangan ke 8300891 548 3008 ext. 7618/7619 Agus Siswanto [email protected], [email protected]

0815 1689 761 Amal Nurngazis [email protected] +6281390564637 Follow up tomorrow

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

Page 12: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt, Renhard Hardjanto [email protected] 0812 9811 0812 Confirmed.

MALE Detik Dedy Sofan [email protected] 0817 6972 377 Confirmed. Utk yg akan dtg akan diconfirm bsk pagi Adhitya Wibawa Putra [email protected] 0857 11211 668 Confirmed. Bruno M. S. [email protected] 0813 4977 9216 Email not yet

News Magazines


Forbes 021 522 6828


Bloomberg BusinessWeek Indonesia

Ratna Wahyuningsih [email protected] 08588 2928 379/ 7223141 (redaksi)

Call after lunch

Eksekutif Slamet Widodo [email protected] [email protected]

081388309128 Confirmed.

Inilah Review Sri Wulandari [email protected] 08177 559 28 Confirmed. Follow up who’s coming and add contact


T&T Budi Santoso [email protected] 0818 0837 2245

Femina Rully Larasati [email protected] 0878 77814089 Email sent! Follow up confirmation



PC Media

Gadget Plus

HWM Luthfi Fuardi 0857 1167 3546

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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Stuff 021 9828 8687 / 021 310 1173



Area Ardi [email protected] 0878 8721 8667

High End Teen

Natalia Lionardy [email protected] 021 398 99888 Email not yet

Annisa Laksmintari [email protected] 021 398 99888 Email sent! Follow up confirmation

Cleo Anggara Dialusi (mbak lusi)

[email protected] 085 8834 60365 Confirmed. Imelda.

Marketeers Hendra Soeprajitno [email protected] [email protected]

+62 816 197 3687 Confirmed. Jaka: 0818 201958

Marketing Harry Tanoso 087878638238


TRAX Pradipta Nugrahanto [email protected] 0857 2184 1661 Confirmed.

Cosmopolitan Adhia Azka [email protected] 0896 356 27214 Gabisa. Send release

ELLE Fida Syarief [email protected] 0812 126 84 058 Resigned! SMS for other contact from there

Network! Roy Wicaksono [email protected] 398 99888 50 : 50. Follow up again

Cita Cinta Ester P [email protected] 0813 7006 5841 Email not yet

Marie Claire Fitria Sofiyani [email protected] +628561005645 Gabisa. Send release.




Smart FM

Comment [AH2]: Email sent to both on Monday, please call the editorial desk first

Comment [AH3]:

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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Lite FM

Sindo FM

Jak FM

Sindo Trijaya Lasti Antiza [email protected] 0812 1974 2775

Woman Radio Wiwie Hoedy Elliasanti

[email protected] [email protected]

08131469948 Confirmed. Follow up who’s coming and add contact

TV Stations

Metro TV Retno Hemawati [email protected] 0815 7932 169 Email sent! Follow up confirmation

Bloomberg TV Indonesia

Agung Hepi Pitoyo [email protected] 0812 4577 8686

Stephen to call Noor Maulana Iskandar

[email protected] 0817 6006 969

Merlyn Indria Sari [email protected] 0813 9897 7272

NET TV Reza Azis [email protected] 0855 855 0683

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Ruckus Wireless Media Briefing Thursday, 16 October 2014

Aster, Hotel Mulia


No. Name Media Mobile Phone Email

1. Amir Karimuddin DailySocial 0818728907 [email protected]

2. emanuel Investor daily 081288593477 [email protected]

3. mamduh Metrotv tekno 085718026966 [email protected]

4. Gunawan JagatReview 081385770071 [email protected]

5. Dayu Akbar Infokomputer 081808976129 [email protected]

6. Desmal Andi CHIP Magz 085966607001 [email protected]

7. Iwan R. Siallagan CHIP online 085810306494 [email protected]

8. Unggul wirawan Suara pembaruan 08128009983 [email protected]

9. Samdy Saragih Bisnis Indonesia 085260416663 [email protected]


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Participants: Danny Hartono Prima Gatot Indrawan Erwin Sonny Indrawan

Participants feedback about the programme:


a. The training objectives were clear b. The training met its objectives c. The training was well presented d. The course content was appropriate e. The trainers created a positive learning environment f. My current knowledge and skills have improved after the course g. The venue was suitable








a b c d e f g





Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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“I’m more prepared for the media interview now” “I learned new thing about how to present company messages” “Presentation 101 & key points” “The Do’s & Don’t’s when we facing medias” “Deliver the key messages, control the interview, Do’s & points” Further information or support that they might need in undertaking their duties as a spokesperson:

Need more advanced techniques & simulations. Provide more tests. More ethical or presentable interviewing situation like the way you stand or

sit or the way we dress. Presentation material, additional training for follow up. The more advanced training would be very useful.


The training venue supposed to be not in the office area, it would be better if held outside of office for more focus.

Longer training time (more than a day)



Has the training increased your knowledge relevant to being a representative of your organization when

facing media?



Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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Longer and slower pace of the training Everything is good More study cases, techniques

All participants would like to have sometime down the road, a refresher or more advanced course.

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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• Hi all, because I couldn’t attend the office today, just imagine me speaking through these slides :p

• Tbh, I’ve never been to Singapore, and I barely know anything about its tourism. All I know was only the immense Merlion statue, Orchard, and Universal Studio. Nothing much.

• But what I do know, is its amazing modernization. It’s a small country, but it can’t be underestimated. The technology, the buildings, the facilities, the whole country. It’s a state of the art.

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

Page 20: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt,

• One of my friend’s father is suffering a heart disease, and it puts his life at stake. Well, he went to Singapore to do a bypass surgery. He said that Singapore has a great technology for its medical facilities. It was risky, very risky, but he made it. And he survived until this moment.

• My mom’s friend has always been a healthy person, she has two children and she’s such a bright person, until the doctor told her that she has a cancer in her breast. Her husband chose Singapore as the best treatment for his wife, depending on the technology and medical facilities that they have. They went back and forward to do the treatment. Well, she’s better now, altough the cancer hasn’t completely disappear, but at least she can take care of her children while doing her treatment in Singapore. Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

Page 21: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt,

• Sorry for the long talk, but I took those stories as my inspiration to plan on this campaign. I know that a lot of people go to Singapore to cure their disease, because Singapore is known for it’s great technology for the medical facilities. I also aware that the success rate isn’t always 100%, but at least they have a much better medical facilities than we have here.

• Singapore was ranked 6th in the World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems in the year 2000.Bloomberg ranked Singapore’s healthcare system the 2nd most efficient in the world after Hong Kong.

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• Is a campaign to raise people’s awareness on how precious your health is and nothing else could make you happier than stay healthy and live happily with your loved ones. And Singapore could help you to make that come true.

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

Page 23: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt,


• The campaign starts with a video contains of a short story of people with their disease just like what I wrote on the 2nd slide. Then Singapore offers its medical facilities to help them, showing around its state of the art medical technology, and the urge to cure people who come to Singapore. The video wrapped with an emotional touch to grab the public’s attention.

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• Spread it through the social media. Not only spreading the videos through Youtube, but spread the campaign more through Twitter, Facebook with hashtag #LiveStrong to encourage people with severe disease to fight their illness, stay strong, and live strong.

• Have an event at the hospitals, a medical talk show, a patient gathering event to share their experiences on how they fight against their disease.

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

Page 25: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt,

#LiveStrong • This campaign is designed to target the emotional

appeal of public, raise their awareness that Singapore is one of the best country with the best medical technology and they’re willing to help people to cure their disease.

• In a spare time, the family/friends could take the patient around the city just to breathe the fresh air or have some fun with the great scenery and entertainment that Singapore has.

• Yes, this is a medical tourism campaign. But I believe that this will also affect public’s awareness for Singapore tourism indirectly. And this campaign does highlight the Singapore’s state of the art technology in medical experiences.

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

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“Fight against your disease. You are stronger than you think.”

Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015

Page 27: Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah dan melisensikan ... J.Co is a restaurant that specialized in donuts, frozen yoghurt,

Thank You!

P.S. Sorry if there were too much text. But since I’m not present and I couldn’t explain it directly to you, so I just made it as clear as possible so that you guys could understand completely



Aktivitas konsultan pr..., Katherine Setiawan, FIKOM UMN, 2015