list of abbreviations - new hope group elimatta project_eis... · hil health investigation level...

Elimatta Project Abbreviations 2012 ºC Celsius μg/m 3 micrograms per cubic metre μm micro metre μS/cm micro Siemens per centimetre μm micron AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic AARC AustralAsian Resource Consultants Pty Ltd ABCC acid buffering characteristic curve ACARP Australian Coal Association Research Program ACHA Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 ADD Air Driven Displacement AGE Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants AGO Australian Greenhouse Office AHD Australian Height Datum AIS air-insulated switch Al Aluminium ALS Australian Laboratory Services AMD Acid Mine Drainage ANC acid neutralising capacity ANFO Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council ARD Acid Rock Drainage ARI Average Recurrence Interval LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS

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Elimatta Project Abbreviations 2012

ºC Celsius


micrograms per cubic metre

µm micro metre

µS/cm micro Siemens per centimetre

μm micron

AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic

AARC AustralAsian Resource Consultants Pty Ltd

ABCC acid buffering characteristic curve

ACARP Australian Coal Association Research Program

ACHA Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003

ADD Air Driven Displacement

AGE Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants

AGO Australian Greenhouse Office

AHD Australian Height Datum

AIS air-insulated switch

Al Aluminium

ALS Australian Laboratory Services

AMD Acid Mine Drainage

ANC acid neutralising capacity

ANFO Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil

ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council

ARD Acid Rock Drainage

ARI Average Recurrence Interval


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Elimatta Project Abbreviations 2012

Arkdale Arkdale Proprietary Limited

As Arsenic

ASK ASK Consulting Engineers

ASX Australian Stock Exchange

ATP Exploration Permit Petroleum

AUSRIVAS Australian Rivers Assessment System

AWBM Australian Water Balance Model

bcm bank cubic metre

BSC Banana Shire Council

Building Act Building Act 1975

CaCO3 Calcium carbonate

CEC Cation Exchange Capacity

CH4 Methane

CHMP Cultural Heritage Management Plan

CHPP Coal Handling and Preparation Plant

CLO Community Liaison Officer

CLR Contaminated Land Register

CMSHA Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999

CO Carbon Monoxide

Co Cobalt

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

CO2-e Carbon Dioxide equivalent

COC Local Chamber of Commerce

CRG Community Reference Group

CSG Coal Seam Gas

CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Cu Copper

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Elimatta Project Abbreviations 2012

CY Calendar year

dB Decibel

dB(A) A-weighted decibels

dB(Lin) Linear decibels

DCC Australian Department of Climate Change

DEEDI Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation

DERM Department of Environment and Resource Management

DNRM Department of Natural Resources and Mines

DSDIP Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning

DSITIA Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the


DMCs Dense Medium Cyclones

DO Dissolved Oxygen

DAFF Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

dS/m deci Siemens per metre

DSEWPC Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and


DTMR Department of Transport and Main Roads

EA Environmental Authority

EC Electrical Conductivity

EC Electrical Conductivity

EDCAAC Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Centre

Distributed Active Archive Centre

EEO Energy Efficiency Opportunities Act 2006 (Cth)

EHP Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

EIA Economic Impact Assessment

EIL Ecological Investigation Level

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

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ELR Environmental Land Register

EM Plan Environmental Management Plan

EMOS Environmental Management Overview Strategy

EMR Environmental Management Register

EP Act Environment Protection Act 1994 (Qld)

EP Regulation Environmental Protection Regulation 2008

EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)

EPC Exploratory Permit for Coal

EPCA Exploration Permit Coal Application

EPP (Air) Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008

EPP (Noise) Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008

EPP (Water) Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009

EPP Environment Protection Policy

EPR (Waste Management) Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000

ERA Environmentally Relevant Activity

ERE Endangered Regional Ecosystems

Ergon Ergon Energy Limited

EROS Earth Resources Observation Systems

ESA Equivalent Standard Axle

ESD Ecologically Sustainable Development

ESP Exchangeable Sodium Percentage

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Fe Iron

FFG Functional Feeding Group

FIFO fly-in fly-out

Forestry Act Forestry Act 1959

g/cc grams per cubic centimetre

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g/m2/month grams per metre squared per month

GAB Great Artesian Basin

GAI Geochemical Abundance Index

GGMP Greenhouse Gas Management Plan

GHG Greenhouse Gas

GJ/kL Gigajoules per kilolitre

GP General Practitioner

GPS Global Positioning System

GQAL Good Quality Agricultural Land

GSP Gross State Product

GWP Global Warming Potential

ha hectare/s

HACC Home and Community Care

HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons

HIL Health Investigation Level

HME Heavy Mining Equipment

HML Higher Mass Limit

hr hour

HV heavy vehicle

Hz Hertz

IAS Initial Advice Statement

ICN Industry Capability Network

IEA International Energy Agency

Ji Injune Creek Group

kg H2SO4/t kilograms of Sulfuric Acid per tonne

kg kilogram

kg/hr kilogram per hour

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kg/yr kilograms per year

kL kilolitre

km kilometre

km/hr kilometre per hour

kt CO2-e/yr kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per year

kt kilotonne

kV kilovolt

kVA kiloVolt-Amperes

kW kilowatt

kWh kilowatt hour

L Litre

L/m2/day Litres per square metre per day

L/min Litres per minute

L/s Litres per second

L10, L90 Noise levels exceeded 10% and 90% of the time

LAC Local Ambulance Committees

LAN/WAN Local/wide area network

Leq, A-weighted energy average noise level

LGA Local Government Area

LOR Limit of Reporting

LP Act Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002 (Qld)

LV Low Voltage

m metre

m/day metres per day

m2 square metre

m3 cubic metre

m3/s cubic metres per second

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MCC Motor Control Centre

MDL Mineral Development Licence

mg/kg dry wt milligrams per kilogram dry weight

mg/L milligrams per Litre

MIA Mine Infrastructure Area

Mj/kg megajoules per kilogram

Ml Megalitres

ML Mining Lease

ML/d megalitres per day

MLA Mining Lease Application

MLpa million litres per annum

mm millimetre

mm/s millimetres per second

Mn Manganese

mPVC modified Polyvinyl Chloride

MR Act Mineral Resources Act 1989 (Qld)

MSDS Material Data Safety Sheets

Mt Million tonnes

Mtpa Million tonnes per annum

MW Megawatt

MWh Megawatt hours

MWh/a Megawatt hours per annum

N2O Nitrous oxide

NAF Non Acid Forming

NAG net acid generation

NAPP net acid producing potential

NATA National Association of Testing Authorities

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NC Act Nature Conservation Act 1992 (Qld)

NCWR Nature Conservation Wildlife Regulation 2006

NEC Northern Energy Corporation Limited

NEPM National Environmental Protection Measures

NERS neutral earthing resistors

New Hope New Hope Corporation Limited

NGER Act National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth)

Ni Nickel

NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide

NPI National Pollutant Inventory

OSCAR Online System for Comprehensive Activity Reporting

Petroleum Act Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004

PFC Projected Foliage Cover

PFCs Perfluorocarbons

pH the power of hydrogen

PLA Petroleum Lease Application

PM10 particulate matter with equivalent aerodynamic diameters of 10 μm or


PM2.5 particles with equivalent aerodynamic diameters of 2.5 μm and less

PMF probable maximum flood

PPP Parcel Prospecting Permit

PSI Preliminary Site Investigation

Qa Quatenary Alluvium

QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control

QAS Queensland Ambulance Service

QFRS Queensland Fire and Rescue Service

QHA Queensland Heritage Act 1992

QMEA Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy

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RE Regional Ecosystem

REDD Regional Ecosystem Description Database

RL Reduced Level

RLCIP Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program

RMU ring main unit

RO Reverse Osmosis

ROM Run-of-mine

ROPS Rollover Protection Systems

RPD Real Property Descriptions

RPT Regular Public Transport

RUMP Road User Management Plan

RW1 Raw Water Dam 1

S Sulphur

SBR Surat Basin Rail

SCL Strategic Cropping Land

SCR State Controlled Roads

SERP Surat Energy Resources Province

SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride

SIA Social Impact Assessment

SIGNAL Stream Invertebrate Grade Number – Average Level

SIMP Social Impact Management Plan

SLA Statistical Local Area

SLR Single-lens Reflex

SMU Soil Management Units

SO2 Sulphur Dioxide

SO4 Sulphate

SP Act Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (Qld)

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SPP State Planning Policy

SRN Stock Route Network

STP Sewage Treatment Plant

Sunwater SunWater Limited

SWMS Site Water Management System

t tonne

TAFE Technical and Further Education

TAPM The Air Pollution Model

Taroom Coal Taroom Coal Proprietary Limited

TDN Tailings Dam North

TDP Tailings Dam Pit

TDS Total Dissolved Solids

TDS Tailings Dam South

TI Act Transport Infrastructure Act 1994

TJ Terajoule

TMP Traffic Management Plan

TMR Trunked Mobile Radio

TOR Terms of Reference

tpa tonne per annum

tph tonne per hour

TSF Tailings Storage facility

TSP Total Suspended Particulates

UC Uncertain

USEPA United States of America Environmental Protection Agency

V Volt

VA Volt Amperes

VM Act Vegetation Management Act 1999 (Qld)

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VMR Vegetation Management Regulation 2000

VMU Visual Management Unit

VOC Volatile Organic Carbon

VoIP Voice over internet protocol

VSD variable speed drive

VVVF variable voltage, variable frequency

WDRC Western Downs Regional Council

WHO World Health Organisation

WICET Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal

WIRP Wiggins Island Rail Project

WMP Waste Management Plan

WRP Water Resource Plans

WSL West Surat Link

Zn Zinc

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Elimatta Project Glossary 2012

Abrasive Blasting - The operation of forcibly propelling a stream of abrasive material against a

surface under high pressure to smooth a rough surface, roughen a smooth surface, shape a surface,

or remove surface contaminants.

Acid-Base Accounting (ABA) - The balance between the acid-production and acid-consumption

properties of mine-waste material. Minerals in waste material (mostly sulfides and pyrite) react with

water and oxygen to produce sulfuric acid. ABA consists of measuring the acid generating and acid

neutralising potentials of a rock sample.

Acid Metalliferous Drainage - The acid generated is completely neutralised by the dissolution of

common carbonate minerals. Since the solubility of many toxic metals is pH-dependent, the

neutralisation process can lead to precipitation of metals such as aluminium, copper and lead, and

thus their removal from the drainage. However, at near-neutral pH, concentrations of toxic

components such as zinc, arsenic, nickel, and cadmium can remain elevated. As with acid drainage,

metalliferous drainage will also generally contain high (sulfate) salinity.

Non-acid metalliferous drainage is less common than acid drainage, due to the requirement for

specific sulfide minerals and a local excess of carbonate neutralisation.

Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) – Also called acid rock water or acid rock drainage, refers to the outflow

of acidic water from metal mines or coal mines. Acid mine drainage occurs naturally within most

environments as part of the rock weathering process. However, this is exacerbated by large-scale

earth disturbances characteristic of mining and other large construction activities, usually within rocks

containing an abundance of sulfide minerals.

Acid Neutralising Capacity (ANC) – A measure of the buffering capacity or inherent neutralising

ability of amaterial (often due to the presence of carbonate minerals).

Alkalinity - A pressure and temperature independent property of water that determines in part the

carbon content.

Alluvial –Sand, silt, clay, gravel, or other matter deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed,

floodplain, delta, or alluvial fan. Alluvium is generally considered a young deposit in terms of geologic


Ambient Noise – The sum of (background) noise at a particular location.

ANABAT – Specialised electronic bat call recorder that allows for bats to be unobtrusively surveyed

and identified by call.

Annual Recurrence Interval (ARI) – The expected period between exceedances of a given rainfall

total, accumulated over a given duration. For example, if there is a 1 in 50 chance that 170 millimetres

of rain will fall in a catchment in a 24-hour period during any given year, a rainfall total of 170

millimetres in a consecutive 24-hour period is said to have a 50-year ARI.

Anthropogenic – Produced by humans or human-related activity.


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Aquifer – A geological formation bearing groundwater that is permeable (unconfined) or impermeable

(confined) to the transmission of groundwater.

A-weighted – The filtering of sound to correlate to the frequency response of a human ear.

Batter – An upwardly receding slope of the face of a spoil dump.

Bedrock – The native consolidated rock underlying the Earth's surface.

Bench – A narrow ledge or shelf, along the top or bottom of a slope. A bench is essentially the same

thing as a berm. They are narrow flattened areas that interrupt the slope of a spoil dump.

Borrow Material – Soil or sediment excavated for use in construction.

Brine – Water saturated with salt

Bund – Also called a bund wall or bunding, is an embankment that is constructed around an area and

/ or structure that is designed to prevent inflow or outflow of water.

Capping - Covering with material like clay to keep the water and air out.

Coal Seam– A bed or stratum of coal.

Conductivity - The ease with which a material transmits an electric current.

Cumulative Impact– The combined impact from the mining project as well as other projects occurring

or proposed nearby.

Datum - A reference location or elevation which is used as a starting point for subsequent

measurements. Sea level is a datum for elevation measurements.

Decant Pond - An open pond where waste or process water is allowed to stand while suspended

materials settle out.

Decommissioning - Closing down a mine after mining has finished. This involves taking away

buildings and equipment and rehabilitating the mine site area.

Demographic – A particular sector of a population.

Design Storage Allowance (DSA) – Excess water storage required at November 1 each year that

will be filled by the process inputs and runoff from a critical wet period, should it occur.

Drawdown – A lowering of the water level of a confined or unconfined aquifer resulting from the

pumping of groundwater.

Effluent - Water discharged into the environment from a man-made structure.

El Nino / Southern Oscillation - El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a global coupled ocean-

atmosphere phenomenon. The Pacific Ocean signatures, El Niño and La Niña are major temperature

fluctuations in surface waters of the tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean.

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Elliot Trapping – Small metal folding traps baited with a mixture of oats and honey to catch small

mammals and reptiles.

Energy Dissipation – The loss of kinetic energy of moving water due to internal turbulence, boundary

friction, change in flow direction, contraction, or expansion

Environmental Authority – Licence or Approval issued under the EP Act to conduct specified

‘Environmentally Relevant Activities’.

Environmentally Relevant Activities – Activities, as defined in the Environmental Protection

Regulation 2008, that have the potential to release contaminants to the environment.

Ephemeral – Watercourse flows that are short-lived, occurring only after direct rainfall or runoff from a

rainfall event.

Evaporation - The process of liquid water becoming water vapour. Includes vaporisation from water

surfaces and land surfaces.

Exploration - The work of identifying areas that may contain viable mineral resources. This work can

include surface mapping, remote sensing, exploratory drilling, geophysical testing, geochemical

testing and other activities.

Exploratory Drilling - Drilling done to locate mineral deposits in an area where little subsurface data

about those minerals is available.

Flotation - The process of separating different materials, especially minerals, by agitating a pulverized

mixture of the materials with water, oil, and chemicals. Differential wetting of the suspended particles

causes unwetted particles to be carried by air bubbles to the surface for collection.

Freeboard – The distance between the level of the water and the upper surface of a dam or storage

facility, such as the tailings storage facility.

Gauging Station - A facility on a stream, lake, canal, reservoir or other water body where instruments

are installed to automatically monitor the water. Measurements such as stage, discharge, water

temperature and pH are automatically taken and transmitted to hydrologists via satellite, radio or


Geochemistry - Chemical composition and changes of the earth.

Geomorphology - The science of Earth's landforms, their description, classification, distribution,

origin and significance.

Greenhouse Gases – Gases such as carbon dioxide and methane which, when dispersed in the

atmosphere, tend to trap heat.

Groundwater - Water that exists below the water table in the zone of saturation. Ground water moves

slowly in the same direction that the water table slopes.

Groundwater Recharge Area - A location where surface water or precipitation can infiltrate into the

ground and replenish the water supply of an aquifer.

Grubbing – The removal of vegetation by the root

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Hazard – The capacity of a substance, an activity or an event to produce an adverse health, safety or

environmental effect.

Hazardous Waste - Any substance, whether liquid, solid or gaseous, derived by or resulting from, the

process of minerals that tends to destroy life or impair or endanger health or the environment.

Hopper - A bin or funnel that is loaded from the top and which discharges through a door or chute at

the bottom.

Hydraulic Conductivity - The ability of a porous material to transmit a fluid.

Hydrology - The science of Earth's water, its movement, abundance, chemistry and distribution on,

above and below Earth's surface.

Impermeable Layer - A layer of rock, sediment or soil that does not allow water to pass through.

Infiltration - The movement of surface water into porous soil.

Interburden – Material of any nature that lies between two or more coal seams

L10 – The L10 is the A-weighted noise level which is exceeded 10% of the time.

L90 – The L90 is commonly referred to as the background noise level. The A-weighted sound pressure

level that is equalled or exceeded for 90% of that part of the interval in which the investigated noise is


Leq - The Leq is the energy average noise level containing the same acoustic energy as the actual

fluctuating noise level.

Macroinvertebrate – An invertebrate large enough to be seen without magnification.

Net Acid Generation (NAG) – The NAG value measures the acidity after oxidation and is expressed

as kilograms of sulphuric acid per tonne of rock.

Net Acid Producing Potential (NAPP) – This is also a theoretical calculation value commonly used

to indicate if a material has potential to generate ARD. It represents the balance between the capacity

of a sample to generate acid and its capacity to neutralise acid. It is expressed in units of kg H2SO4

per tonne.

Non Acid Forming (NAF) –Considered unlikely to be a source of acidic drainage.

Outcrop - An exposure of bedrock.

Overburden – Material that overlies a deposit of useful material such as coal.

Oxidation - A chemical reaction in which substances combine with oxygen.

Peak Particle Velocity – A measure of ground vibration magnitude which is the maximum rate of

change of ground displacement with time, usually measured in millimetres / second.

Permeability - A measure of how well a material can transmit water. Materials such as gravel, that

transmit water quickly, have high values of permeability. Permeability is primarily determined by the

size of the pore spaces and their degree of interconnection.

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pH - A relative measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a water based upon a scale that ranges between

0 and 14 with 7 being neutral. Values of pH below 7 indicate acid solutions and values of pH above 7

indicate basic solutions.

Pit dewatering – The act of removing groundwater around the edges of the area to become an

underground pit progressively as the pit is dug. This process keeps groundwater out of the pit so as

mining can occur; often well below the water table.

Pitfall Trapping – Pitfall traps target small ground-dwelling fauna (reptilian, mammalian and

amphibian). Each Pitfall trap line consists of a drift fence running along the ground and crossing the

middle of a series of buckets buried flush with the soil surface.

PM10 – Fine airborne particles with a diameter of less than 10 μm are small enough to be breathed

into the lungs.

PM2.5 – Particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm

Potable water – water of sufficiently high quality that it can be consumed or used without risk of

immediate or long term harm.

Potentially Acid Forming (PAF) –Material that has a significant sulphur content and is likely to

generate acid in excess of its inherent neutralising capacity.

Process Water - Water out of the treatment plant which has chemicals in it.

Raw water - Fresh water that has not been used in the process and does not contain process

reagents salts or fine particulates.

Recharge - Water added to an aquifer or other water body. An aquifer is recharged by precipitation in

an area where the aquifer has a porous connection to the surface.

Reduced Level (RL) – Elevation relative to a specific datum point.

Regional Ecosystem – Vegetation communities in a bioregion that are consistently associated with a

particular combination of geology, landform and soil.

Run of Mine - Raw mined material prior to screening or processing

Reverse Osmosis - A treatment process used in water systems by adding pressure to force water

through a semi-permeable membrane. Reverse osmosis removes most drinking water contaminants.

Screening - Way of sizing crushed rock into different sizes by shaking them through different screens

which have different sized holes or gaps. The crushed rock that passes through the screens is called

the undersize.

Sewage Treatment Plant- A facility designed to receive the wastewater from domestic sources and to

remove materials that harms water quality and threaten public health and safety when discharged into

receiving streams or bodies of water.

Soil Profile - Soil generally consists of visually and texturally distinct layers, which can be

summarized as follows, from top to bottom:

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O) Organic matter: Litter layer of plant residues in relatively

undecomposed form.

A) Surface soil: Layer of mineral soil with most organic

matter accumulation and soil life. This layer eluviates (is

depleted of) iron, clay, aluminium, organic compounds and

other soluble constituents. When eluviation is pronounced, a

lighter coloured "E" subsurface soil horizon is apparent at

the base of the "A" horizon.

B) Subsoil: Layer of alteration below an "E" or "A" horizon.

This layer accumulates iron, clay, aluminium and organic

compounds, a process referred to as illuviation.

C) Substratum: Layer of unconsolidated soil parent material.

This layer may accumulate the more soluble compounds

that bypass the "B" horizon.

Spillway – A structure designed to permit discharges from a dam when the water level rises above a

predetermined level. The aim of a spillway is to prevent a dam from overtopping.

Spoil Dump– The area where mine waste (overburdenor other waste material removed in mining,

quarrying, dredging, or excavating) are disposed of or piled.

Sterilisation Drilling – Drilling holes to test areas for p. If the results reveal low prospective zones,

the area will be declared sterile and infrastructure, such as spoil dumps and buildings, may be located

in these sterile zones.

Subterranean Fauna – Fauna which live their entire lives (obligate) below the surface of the earth.

They are usually divided into two groups: Stygofauna –aquatic and living in groundwater and

Troglofauna – air-breathing and living caves and voids

Stygofauna– animals that live in groundwater.

Tailings – The solid residual material after the processing of ore.

Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) - An area used to confine tailings.

Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) – Tiny airborne particles that are less than 100 micrometers in


Transformer - an electrical device that transfers energy from one circuit to another by magnetic

coupling with no moving parts. A transformer comprises two or more coupled windings, or a single

tapped winding and, in most cases, a magnetic core to concentrate magnetic flux. A changing current

in one winding creates a time-varying magnetic flux in the core, which induces a voltage in the other


Uncertain Classification (UC) – Material that requires further investigation to determine their acid

producing potential.Void – In a mining context, refers to a mined-out pit remaining unfilled after the

cessation of mining.

Yield - The quantity of water or resource that can be produced from a deposit.