listen and speak! らくらく英検2級 英語ができる人 …- 1 - listen and speak!...

- 1 - Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 英語ができる人になる 7 Why do you study English? Script はじめに この番組は英検でおなじみの、日本英語検定協会がお送りする、すべての『英語ができる人』 になりたい人たちのための番組です。これから英検2級や準2級を目指す人はもちろん、さら にその上を目指して、本当に『英語ができる人』になりたいというあなたにとって必ず役にた ちますよ。後半はちょっと難しかったり、大変だったりするかもしれませんが、私、伊藤太と 頼れるパートナーの Gary Scott Fine がしっかり『英語ができる人』になりたいあなたをサポ ートします。 Yes, this program will not only help you succeed on Eiken Tests, but it will also help you improve your English ability, especially listening and speaking. However, the real aim of this program is to help you learn more than English itself. We are not just interested in whether you can use English, but in what you can do with English. Program Number 7 “Why do you study English?” さあ、今回のタイトルは単刀直入に英語を勉強する理由を尋ねる形になっています。みなさ んは、自分がなぜ英語を勉強するのか、真剣に考えたことがありますか。英語に限らず、何か を学ぶには何らかの理由があるはずです。今回は特定の文法を強調することはありませんが、 様々な「勉強する理由」を一緒に英語で考えてみましょう。 それでは、この後のヒントになるかもしれないので、まずはゲーリーと私の会話を聞いてく ださい。

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Page 1: Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 英語ができる人 …- 1 - Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 ~ 英語ができる人になる ~ 第7 回 Why do you study English?

- 1 -

Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 ~ 英語ができる人になる ~ 第 7 回 Why do you study English? Script * はじめに *





頼れるパートナーの Gary Scott Fine がしっかり『英語ができる人』になりたいあなたをサポ

ートします。 Yes, this program will not only help you succeed on Eiken Tests, but it will also help you

improve your English ability, especially listening and speaking. However, the real aim of this program is to help you learn more than English itself.

We are not just interested in whether you can use English, but in what you can do with English.

Program Number 7 “Why do you study English?”




様々な「勉強する理由」を一緒に英語で考えてみましょう。 それでは、この後のヒントになるかもしれないので、まずはゲーリーと私の会話を聞いてく


Page 2: Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 英語ができる人 …- 1 - Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 ~ 英語ができる人になる ~ 第7 回 Why do you study English?

- 2 -

■Introduction F: Gary, have you ever heard of “GLP,” or “Gross Language Product”? G: No. But it sounds like “GDP,” “Gross Domestic Product.” Is there any relation between the

two? F: Yes, there is. As you know, GDP indicates a country’s economic power. GLP, on the other

hand, indicates the economic power of a particular language. That is, the GLP of a language is the total amount of GDP created by speakers of that language in a calendar year.

G: Hmm, I see, I think. When a language is used in providing goods or services, the GLP of that language goes up.

F: Right. G: So, what language is the most powerful in terms of GLP? Is it Chinese? F: No. Currently, English is ranked by far the top. It is estimated that the GLP of English

accounts for more than 25% of the global total. I think this is the only reason why so many people are eager to learn English.

G: Hmm, I’m sure it’s probably one reason, but I don’t think it’s the only reason. Futoshi, I’d like to ask you why you studied English, let’s say, when you were a teenager?

F: Well, as a high school boy, I thought that if I could speak English well I would be popular among girls, including most girls all over the world. So, I studied it very hard.

G: Oh, was that the only reason you studied English? F: No. I had another reason. I was a vocalist of a rock band. And I thought if my English

pronunciation sounded like native speakers’ it would be terrific, and I would be more popular among girls, including...

G: Most girls all over the world… I’m happy to know that you haven’t changed much through the years.

F: Huh? G: But it’s much different from the reason you mentioned as the only one, isn’t it? F: Hmm… Yes. Ah, now I understand there are many reasons for learning English. And, it

might be interesting to know reasons why people study a language or a subject. G: Yes, indeed. OK, Futoshi. Now is a good time to stop chatting and start learning. F: I agree. G: Then, let’s get started on today’s exercises. F: Right! Now… G/F: Here we go!

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1 Exercise 1 dialogue これから流れる男女の対話を聞いて、後の問いに答えてください。これから流れる対話は過去





に立ちますよ。それでは、始めます。 Listen to the dialogue and answer the question that follows. 【2013-2 2nd No.9】 (M=Man / W=Woman)

W: Nihao, Jimmy. That’s “hello” in Chinese. I’ve been taking lessons at City Language School.

M: Really? I didn’t know you were interested in foreign languages. And Chinese―isn’t that difficult?

W: I thought it would be. But it’s not as much work as I thought. The teacher’s really interesting, and her

classes are fun. It makes learning so much easier.

M: That’s great. Maybe I’ll try the class, too.

Answer the following question in your own words. Question: What did the woman think about learning Chinese before she started studying it?

それでは、語彙と会話の表現について確認をしましょう。 ■Let’s study vocabulary and expressions Listen to my Japanese and repeat after Gary in English. 1. 授業を受ける take lessons 2. ~に興味がある be interested in ~ 3. B ほど A ではない not as A as B



いと言っています。うらやましいですねぇ。質問は “What did the woman think about learning Chinese before she started it?” ですから、今は楽しい中国語の勉強も始める前はど




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- 4 -

Listen to the dialogue and answer the question that follows. 【2013-2 2nd No.9】 (M=Man / W=Woman)

W: Nihao, Jimmy. That’s “hello” in Chinese. I’ve been taking lessons at City Language School.

M: Really? I didn’t know you were interested in foreign languages. And Chinese―isn’t that difficult?

W: I thought it would be. But it’s not as much work as I thought. The teacher’s really interesting, and her

classes are fun. It makes learning so much easier.

M: That’s great. Maybe I’ll try the class, too.

Answer the following question in your own words. Question: What did the woman think about learning Chinese before she started studying it?

■Model answer Listen to the model, consider the points, and compare it with your answer. Model She thought it would be more difficult than it actually is. では少し確認しましょう。模範解答は、楽しく勉強している現在と、難しいのではないかと思

っていた過去を比較する形になっていますね。“She thought it would be more difficult” という

ようにきちんと “thought / would” を意識しましょう。その上で、 “than it actually is” と現在

形の “is” に注意してください。この形はとても使い勝手が良い形なので、是非、スムーズに発音

出来るように何度も練習してくださいね。 2 Exercise 2 passage



まっすぐ答えてくださいね。 Listen to the passage and answer the question that follows. 【2013-2 pre-2nd No.21】 Paula is a junior high school student. Recently, she has been learning about rockets in her science class.

Today, the teacher told the students that they are going to make rockets using plastic bottles. Paula is

excited because she thinks it will be more interesting than just reading about science in her textbook.

Answer the following question in your own words. Question : What is Paula excited about? And why?

Page 5: Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 英語ができる人 …- 1 - Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 ~ 英語ができる人になる ~ 第7 回 Why do you study English?

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さあ、きちんと聞き取れましたか。それでは、少し語彙と英文の表現を確認しましょう。 ■Let’s study vocabulary and expressions Listen to my Japanese and repeat after Gary in English. 1. 最近 recently 2. ~について学ぶ learn about ~ 3. ペットボトル plastic bottle


初の質問、“What is Paula excited about?” に対してしっかり、 “She is excited about ~.”と答




Listen to the passage and answer the question that follows. 【2013-2 pre-2nd No.21】 Paula is a junior high school student. Recently, she has been learning about rockets in her science class.

Today, the teacher told the students that they are going to make rockets using plastic bottles. Paula is

excited because she thinks it will be more interesting than just reading about science in her textbook.

Answer the following question in your own words. Question : What is Paula excited about? And why?

■Model answer Listen to the model and compare it with your answer. Question: What is Paula excited about? And why? Model She is excited about making rockets using plastic bottles in her science class. That’s because she thinks it will be more interesting than reading about science in her textbook. さあ、どうでしたか。ポーラだけでなくみなさんも、ただ本を読むよりも実際に試してみるよ

うな勉強の方がためになりそうですね。正に、“Practice makes perfect.” 「習うより慣れよ」と

いうことでしょう。是非、ゲーリーの model answer をそっくり真似できるように practice して




Page 6: Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 英語ができる人 …- 1 - Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 ~ 英語ができる人になる ~ 第7 回 Why do you study English?

- 6 -

Yes. Practice makes perfect. You don’t have to speak rapidly. Instead, please speak steadily and confidently. And practice again and again, focusing on making your pronunciation more smooth. Then, the speed of your English will naturally increase. ■Repetition Drill using the passage

さあ、ここからは、放送された英文について Repetition Drill を行います。repetition は反復



1) Repetition Drill Repeat during each pause. Practice again and again, and you’ll surely improve. Ready? Let’s begin. Paula is a junior high school student. // Recently, she has been learning about rockets / in her science class. // Today, the teacher told the students / that they are going to make rockets / using plastic bottles./ / Paula is excited / because she thinks it will be more interesting / than just reading about science in her textbook. //




うな形で、聞きながらゲーリーの言葉を真似していきます。 2) Shadowing Drill 1 While listening, shadow each part. (G → F) Paula is a junior high school student. // Recently, she has been learning about rockets / in her science class. // Today, the teacher told the students / that they are going to make rockets / using plastic bottles./ / Paula is excited /

Page 7: Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 英語ができる人 …- 1 - Listen and Speak! らくらく英検2級 ~ 英語ができる人になる ~ 第7 回 Why do you study English?

- 7 -

because she thinks it will be more interesting / than just reading about science in her textbook. // 要領はつかめましたね。次は実際に自分で shadowing にチャレンジしてください。shadowing

は自分で speaking をするという負荷をかけながら listening をするので、筋トレと同じように「耳

トレ」になります。必ず listening の能力が向上しますので、できるまで何度でも繰り返してくだ

さい。 聞く音声の方を大きくして、自分の声はあまり聞こえないようにすると一層効果が上がりますよ。

2) Shadowing Drill 1 While listening, shadow each part. Ready? Let’s begin. Paula is a junior high school student. // Recently, she has been learning about rockets / in her science class. // Today, the teacher told the students / that they are going to make rockets / using plastic bottles./ / Paula is excited / because she thinks it will be more interesting / than just reading about science in her textbook. //



をシャドウイングできるように頑張ってくださいね。できたらとても達成感が得られますよ。 3) Shadowing Drill 2 Shadow the whole passage from the beginning to the end. Practice again and again. It may be much harder, but you will enjoy a feeling of accomplishment, if you can. Ready? Let’s begin. Paula is a junior high school student. // Recently, she has been learning about rockets in her science class. // Today, the teacher told the students that they are going to make rockets using plastic bottles. // Paula is excited because she thinks it will be more interesting than just reading about science in her textbook. //

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- 8 -

3 Challenge passage & opinion


で進めて行きますから、しっかり集中してくださいね。 Listen to the passage, and answer Gary’s question. 【2012-3 pre-2nd No.21】

Megan wants to go on her school’s exchange program to Italy. She would like to learn to speak Italian

better, and she wants to try real Italian food. However, Megan is worried that she may not be able to go.

Many other students also want to go on the exchange program, but only a few will be chosen to go.

Now, Gary is going to make several points about the passage, and then ask you a question. Please answer his question. You should express your opinion as well as you can.

A girl named Megan wants to go to Italy as an exchange student, but she is worried that

she may not be chosen. From the passage, we can see only one simple reason for her studying Italian, that is, her desire to try real Italian food. But, I don’t think this is the only reason she studies Italian. She might be interested in Italian history, culture, music, possibly Ancient Roman architecture, or interested in the language itself. There may be many different reasons why a person would like to learn to speak a particular language better.

Now, I would like to ask you a question. Why do you study or why have you studied English? Please explain your answer.

■Model Now, let’s listen to Futoshi. He will present a model response. Listen and compare it with your answer.

There are many reasons why I have studied English. If we have a better command of English, we may find more chances to communicate with people around the world who understand English. I think this is a very natural and spontaneous reason to study it. Moreover, in a social and economic sense, English is the most powerful and influential language, just like the dollar is the most influential currency. This is a more realistic reason for learning English. However, the most realistic and the biggest reason I’ve studied English might be this: English is the most convenient to learn of all the languages. In reality, almost all students are taught English at school. And the number of teachers of English is probably much larger than the total number of those of all the other languages. So, we have more opportunities to study English than of any other language. Of course, there may be many more reasons, but at least in my case, these three reasons ― spontaneous, economic, and practical ― are the biggest.

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- 9 -

How was it? Could you catch what Futoshi said? Did you understand his points? Okay, now he will explain what he just said. Please listen.





単刀直入に “Why do you study or why have you studied English?” と質問しました。 これに対して私は、3つの理由を答えましたが、1つめは「多くの人とコミュニケーション

したい」という自然発生的 spontaneous で内的 internal な理由を挙げ、2つめは internal と対比的な観点、つまり、外的 external な観点から経済的要因を挙げました。次に、経済的要因

という現実的 realistic な理由と比較して、より現実的 more realistic な要因、つまり practical実際上の学習機会については英語が他の言語を圧倒しているという事実を3つめの理由として

挙げました。このように、対比と比較を使って “scope” 視野を広げるというのも大変便利な方

法です。 これは「英語ができる人」になる上でとても役に立つ方法ですから、是非、英検のウェブサ


Now, let’s listen to Futoshi again. Please listen carefully, and focus on his opinion, and the way in which he expresses it. There are many reasons why I have studied English. If we have a better command of English, we may find more chances to communicate with people around the world who understand English. I think this is a very natural and spontaneous reason to study it. Moreover, in a social and economic sense, English is the most powerful and influential language just like the dollar is the most influential currency. This is a more realistic reason for learning English. However, the most realistic and the biggest reason I’ve studied English might be this: English is the most convenient to learn of all the languages. In reality, almost all the students are taught English at school. And the number of teachers of English is probably much larger than the total number of those of all the other languages. So, we have more opportunities to study English than any other language. Of course, there may be many more reasons, but at least in my case, these three reasons ― spontaneous, economic, and practical ― are the biggest.

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- 10 -

■Closing Dialogue G: Futoshi, this time you mentioned three different kinds of reasons ― spontaneous,

economic, and practical. How did you think of these? F: I make it a rule to look at things from at least three different angles using contrast and

comparison. G: Hmm. That’s interesting. Could you explain in more detail? F: Yes. This time I thought of a very natural and spontaneous reason first, like this: “Yeah, I

want to communicate with many people all around the world!” This comes straight from my internal mind. So then I tried to find an external reason using the method of contrast. While talking about the second reason, that is, an economic one, I found that this had a realistic or practical aspect. So I decided to add a third reason using the method of comparison – that is, to find an even more realistic, practical reason, in this case, opportunity. That’s all.

1st 2nd 3rd

*internal *external

spontaneous economic practical

*realistic *more realistic

G: Hmm, I’ve got it. You developed your reasoning using contrast and comparison. Although it may at first be a little difficult for our listeners, I strongly recommend that they practice repeatedly using this approach. It might help them a lot in expressing their own thoughts more clearly.

F: Thank you, Gary. By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you the reason you study Second Language Acquisition through Drama ― one of your research themes. What was the start?

G: Well, when I was a high school boy, I realized that there were a lot of great girls in the drama club. Not only that, but doing drama gave me opportunities to interact with those girls in many different ways.

F: Hmm. Was it successful? G: Absolutely, yes. You know, Futoshi, if you were able to express yourself like an actor, you

could be more popular among girls, including… F: Most girls all over the world… G: That’s it!

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- 11 -



て、自分でも話せるように練習してみてくださいね。Repetition や Shadowing だけでなく、


あなたも必ず「英語ができる人」になります。 ところで今回、第 7 回目のタイトルは “Why do you study English?” でした。実際には様々



とになると思いますよ。 Well, then… See you next time! <Words & Phrases>

1. GDP / Gross Domestic Product GDP / 国民総生産 2. indicate ~ ~を指し示す 3. particular 特定の 4. in terms of ~ ~の観点から見ると 5. pronunciation 発音 6. mention ~ ~に言及する 7. take lessons 授業を受ける 8. be interested in ~ ~に興味がある 9. not as A as B B ほど A ではない 10. recently 最近 11. learn about ~ ~について学ぶ 12. plastic bottle ペットボトル 13. be worried about ~ ~について心配する 14. architecture 建築 15. have a good command of ~ ~(言語など)を上手く操る 16. spontaneous 自然発生的な 17. influential 影響力のある 18. currency 通貨 19. practical 実際上の、実質的な 20. contrast 対比 21. comparison 比較 22. method 方法、方法論、技法 23. internal 内側の、内的な 24. external 外側の、外的な

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- 12 -

25. develop reasoning 論理を展開する 26. mean to ~ ~本当にしたいと思う 27. interact with ~ ~と交流する、相互作用する <講師陣プロフィール> 伊藤 太 (Futoshi Ito) 大手予備校・有名進学塾等で英語講師を務め、東大クラス・医学部コース等を担当。作成した




講師(100 名超)のコーチを務める。 ゲイリー・スコット・ファイン(Gary Scott Fine) オレゴン州ポートランド出身。スタンフォード大学大学院修士課程修了(東アジア研究)、南カ


主な研究テーマはエンターティーメントメディアを通じた第二言語習得。 朝日新聞・土曜版、『ENGLISH JOURNAL』(アルク)、『CNN ENGLISH EXPRESS』(朝日

出版社)に映画・ドラマに関わる英語コラムを連載中。NHK 教育テレビ、アルクヒアリングマ
