li:t1ci • claiif'tgatiow f)ll •...

LI:T1CI CLAIIf'tGATIOW "" f)ll l* Ao0CI .. 1if o.-o• - CITY Or tb1"1\.a •D·, .. "'' ""',.., w .,. .... ,., . ,,_ U'l'.&.tt..-rjff 4P .J' AJIITI.i- A1111 w Mil ••nc {upe ,•. f'41iit ........ ,.. •• l'r ... .... e I J!, l!T4

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Page 1: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It


"" f)ll l* Ao0CI .. 1if o.-o• - CITY Or tb1"1\.a •D· , .. "'' ""',.., w -.·,llu-~!tf­.,. .... ,., . ,,_ U'l'.&.tt..-rjff 4P .J'AJIITI.i-A1111 w Mil ••nc{upe , • . w~"' ltf"•• f'41iit ~Af1\.a, ........ ,.. •• AD~ l'r Ru~&l1totl ... ~.

.... e I J!, l!T4

Page 2: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It

RJ!:PQRT OF cmmrrnm

.......... ' .............. ~ ......... - d . ·-_....._ _____ ,,_, __ ....

Page 3: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It


LETl'U :)f Ct..Aa.t-FlCA1lON 01 -tat 1934 ACR!EJ'IIM 8£1'\lt:E'N THE CITY OF S£A'M1.t ANn t11t· UNlVERStn Or WASHlMCl'OIII COHC!RklNC ntE P.:STA.Bl.f5ltMF:NT i$D HA.l~lP.NA.'lCP. OP AB AUOtu:TUH tM ~ASUtMctON PA"RK, S.&ATtU, WASKUUJTON :!....


~ luter la int.ended to c:lnf.fy tbe undentaodf.nst of the City "if ' Seattle ancl the Uniwralty of Wathf.nJI;tOD concunia$ that certain &An .. Ot

- < of " 6. 1934, entered into by the City of Se.att.le by tu thea Boara~ ._ ':... of 'Park cNilt .. toaeu {hereia aot~t:d•• nferrecl to •• ••the City•' )""' and tM

Board cf b.genu of the tlnhndt)' of VuhiftJton (harda •ocaett.e• ulern"

to a• '"the Dntveutty") for the purpose o{ ettablhhintt and aaintalnhi.R an

arl>orat-. and b-otanical ~arden tn Vathitutton Pal'k vithtn. the urdtor-lal

Haiti of ' the Ctty of Seattle and. OWI'Ied by t .. City of Seattle.

Tba. Ctty 1nd the Unlvani.ty Qtee an ubot-etua and botanical

~arden •bould continue to be ulntdn.d vith~a the confine• of Wathiagton

Pat>k a& provided for in the 1934 •sreea~ent and •• .ore Sl)ec:.1f1ul1y .. t

fottb in ttlh of c:hd.lic:at loa·. Sll\Ct that •@·reec•t vaa eq_terH lato

pr-tor· io the actu.a.l eltablt.s'hMnt. of •aid uborotu.a aad bc:ltanlca.l .-rdea and

haa ben~ in effect !or nea_.r ly forty yeara. t: h f olt by tbc p.ut!ea that

tbio letter of c:'arl(l~;auon u aeceaaary tor the pa1't1 .. to c:cm;:J~ c.o

to tha provbtona of t"at

In para8"r&pb 1 of the nid 19)4 aJ,TIIIlCnt. 1 the. ar..a "'to be dea't~nato4"'

punuan;t to the provUlon• of that panJraph 1 h .. been dHijtnated AI ahovn

oa the Mp attad~td hereto ._. bh.iblt A to thh lettu of c.hdflcaticm.

la par•arap~ J of 1a.1d 193' a~reea.nt, it 11 under•tood by the City

aad t .beo tlnl\lonlt)' that the Unt.~••Hy a.~a.l1 coattaue to ~~~alntain the

11aabinJton Park Arbontu•• Futther.ore • it 11 the intontion of both the

Ctty at\d tt\e \Fn1vttr11tJ that the Nint•nan~;c o! thl!! a.rboretu• vtll be at. thi!

C.urnac level or better provtd~d that tb• C~ i::y and tM UnlVer-dty ahara tba

c0$t of nal.ntenatu:« equll.Hy.

es!at• in Washington Park aubat~ntl~lly fulfill• the obllpatlona of the •ec:ond

part)' to the provJatona of par•~r~~h S. it ~108 rec:.o~nlaed that t;Ottain of

tho progr•u called for utablta1ment wttMr, aaid paugrapb 5 ar~ neither


... I




Page 4: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It

L •

pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in

Waalltnaton Park, It k"tn3 furttwr uOI!anmod arboratw~ nd

kuatu.l &*-fden to be aalautoed bf tM Dahenltt of WaaMns.toa ahall

"'- ••voted to a coUac.tioo II'OVth and devt.lop-..nt cel'lter for vood7

ln (OftjuacUon vtth the •OT• apoclaUud t .. chlnJt artd ruurc:h ·pto,!UilJ

locat•d at other arboreta a1taa. a dtapllt area aftd a portion of the pub­

llc eetvlca htnc.tloa. of the Unh·ardty of Wuhtnston'a ovuall 11Ultl-du

ar~ratw. prosr-..

It ta UAderatood .nd IAUH•n the pa.rtt .. tbat wr-rent provi•

atou cf tbt c.bercar of tM C1t7 of Suttlt ••It tbue ,ov.r• ud rea~-t­

bU::u .. uftd.r the Ctt'p Cblr·ter tn eftett tn 1934, rafaf1"ed to 1ft p.araRnrb

6 of ttM 1914 a~n .. nt, tft t.M Ctty'.• Supntntaadea.t of Parka and Recnatton,

pa:rt:tcularlJ t .JIIDJI powe.ra veated lD tbe S1p41rl.Dtl!ftdfl'lr: to pr~u and adopt

rulu aM nl'llac.toa.a necc."u' for pf'opar ope.raU.oa of tM City' a park .,a­

t... ln ()rdn co • ••\Ire Chi conttnu«d co•p..ractv. aph:U between ttw City

•nd the C.Uv•utt, of v .. Mntton to the OJtr&Uon and .. toten.ance ot the

a rbcret'Qa .ad bouolcd &ard«e tft \Zubt~loa Parlt • .ad ln r~tloo o f

t~ a~.ctal n.ture of aatd arboretua and \otanlcal aard•n and th# "·~~ '~

pro1eet the botanteal e:oU•cttona .. Jntah•d thereto, aatd Supertnt•Ment,

or ltb dutac", bill sueb P•tl«l u the U.h.-r-dty de.atp.~t .. vill cONUlt

froa tiM to UM on Nlu. naulatloru~ ud bodaeu n.ctuary to o,..ut•

.. tatatn the arboutu• and bou.n.tce.l and•n ln IJaabJ~ton Pnk ae • dhplay

&tel for puhUc. u1a aad: eQ;jo)'Mnt .ad. that Mfon the CJty autMrlua ~

noa-artlo:retua u.u for Hid trea 1t aod. .,viM vitb tba appro­

priate deal&r\tlted oftldal fra the Unlv.n\ty.

lt ta aar .. d ead. uad•ntood. that •ny buUdlnltl ere.cied vltMn the

a rbont• ud botanlcd l•rdu P'nau&nt u pau&Tapb 1 of tM 1934 a.aretsnt

ahall dtbn be r•plac~rNnU for ~•-hLJa~t. WU41ns,t or buUIItnaa whlc h 1er;ve

tho publte aervtc~ aspec t of the Vnlvt!tllt1 '• role tn \I••MnJt,ton ftetk. •uc:h

._.a vhttou' c•ntu to the • •teat pe.rattt..S uad~t' ttMI Chatter :tad oriiiMAcee

o r tbe ctt,. AnJ a~.c.h bult41nS• vUl H elihjeet to the revlev and pen~lta

Toqulr~ by tht: law• ot thu State of Wa•M.IIAton and tt1a ordtnaneu of thl

Clty of Seattle.



Page 5: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It


("brlft.:ol by C.h h> ·~ll~·· or clar l rh; :ulon.

uc vrntU!\ \(HWOP . Tboe Clty or ~utt l• c. l'lro-u,b tu Supert.,teftl!ell\

of ~-.uc "'Park• . and thtt tktard nf lteJI,ent• of t~ Un l'llii!r&1ly o f Whh if\tt an.

t hro>Jtth lta Pn-11lol~n • .,.1 ~e~r•Ury. bcr•bf a f fls their RliMS otn4 •••••

. ..

Cln or SEATtLE


- J -



• J

Page 6: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It

\ I~ t:.iC , , .. J ! ... , • .

-·. -n;:so.LO'TION

A r:...:::o:.u1.\rc:m : o l .lt U\;f to tho f'.rboNtum in u:u~hington ~..a:ok; l:"o.l!:tin:dot• t.ltc <.:tLy'~ .oup .. JC l t Co-r continulnq th~ cootK:r;ativo r< bet\iih~:a tho City ~\d th-o Oouc1 of r~gc!nt.o ot the un..L~:l\.ty ~­\tlUlUl~C"t. C!ltabll~el ic t bo o\grc-"n.t: ot 1934 totvocn o.U.d p;a.rtL-... ,. r o-t;oanUnu .silld P.vk ud adopt.J.Dg- a totter of elu-iti~t.lon ,.1 t.h ros-pect: t o a.;U. .l\jrCCl:4Dt.

\illl;&~J\J . the City ia u .-: C'b'bOl:' oe ce-rtain prop~rty\l:ltctd Wf.t.}l. 1l t ho t.crritoria.l liu\ t.J o f 'l'h.C City o.f known ~ .:e~,uhu~fJt.On l' .Uk l Wld

uu..~. W\~ .u.4 pqro\lr.OV:t to O:dinonc:o 651 30 tho CJ.toy•G Co.u-.. o.f i'o<\r\\ono.r• OA LIO~~ ', 1.~34 .. ogt..ro4 .w a;rt"CCI!:!Jle 04 bchUf o f t ~\C d.ty Witll t.bO !So&rll o f llcVOAta of t.h~ Un1'ftl4tlity of W~'ling-ton, lo) •uu~roit,r •),. on ~oncy ot tl-.c St-otto ot Wo•!'\.ingtou,. ;rantiaq to acai4 UXLlVU'Dity a 11coune to QO"' u~ occupy a pw::t1()0 of aa.t.t WubiagtOA Puk to.r t:b.o pw:pouo of estabUahiug. opcuot.!nq and aaint.ain.t~a9 • public uborot.UMJ '5Ud

W'Jl...'t,I:A::., pux:swust t.o •~id .:J.<Jro.~·t tho U'Alvonity rit:b t.'\a CCJ!OtloOnticm o r the Cl.ey bu eat.ablisbc4. ovcratOrl ud eQ.iratai.w:d. .._ publ Lc: l&%1)oratUII in ~.bin9t:oa Park vbicb h.c.D ac:biovotl n•t.ioc e l. acclaira and ha!l p.rovidcd a unlquo apodal pU%"po:sc park for ~~totlo ' • ~o.oid.unta :'ln.d othora, and

Uat:.n.t!AS, 1t iu tbe 4c3irc: ct Uta City e.n4 tho Uni-.cruit_y th4t. Out:h !~ility COf\tlr.ur to be a.intaincd Wl4cr a&1cl 1Sol4 t.wrr..-:r.t I.:.. • ~r i!qU.l.l w a.ta ~nt lc"ftl. of aala~c&JW::e, oc b"tv:~ , .\nd tll.4\. t.u.o City anc1 :.,..c Ubl~nity sha.rc the cost. of s.&lt.l 1:.4l.nt:.~-.'1.uu:e ,.,,.,. • . l ly ; <.!~:aU

Wll.t.twt.:J., 1u v.i.v"' uf t.uc rou:~ thAt acuo. Agreement. tloo Doun i ll I!Q.tC: ... .o,ni,l. otte~t. ~o& ~~rly to~~ (40) yeArs an~ waa entor~4 into rriu~ t~ act.\.Al. o.ect.a.b.&.i.IJ.tuconc of r~41a Atborct.Uill ancl botaolica~ (I&'CJcm, t tt.c. p.l.rt ..... ·• t.··.h~vo \.hAt a. l•.~t.u&' of c.L;.r1f1c.:ttio~ ia no~:.ey a:td ()l"QPW: f~ '"'Oa.U.a.\104 opc.rat.loa an4 c.Diut.oo&nc:o of caJ<l JU"b:)=ct -.m ADd. Gat.cical. ~·don \mU.Oc tbo provi,ico.:~ ot thGt A9r"04JZO-nt.;

• r .. .,., 'f"ucrei4.I:O ,

lW .l 't' ltr.SOt:.Vlm UY •.rUE: ClT\' C"JU'NClL OJ! TilE Cl'r'/ O»' SCA'l"l"IJ.:a

o;'h~t 'l"l:w ~-iey of sc.u.:..l -.1 rcaffin~A ita cuppoJ;t ot tl~""

coru . .inU4tian ~·t u..:~ coopcrat.l\M relaUon;.hip bot.voe.n. t...'\o Clty

• .u.a tl.~ vni ... ·.rn .L ty of Uowhington rog:u-diD.9 opor~t.i(-n c."J n'\int.cnn. • .t..o

of clu.l i\rborc.:UU\, in h~l\inqton J!Grk wnd. 1tn 4..:s1ro to ccmt.inv .. • .. 1.ct,

rto~1 .. U\lNOh l t." und.'ll:" t.IHlt ccn:t .:Un ~'lr..te::ccnt d"t c d Dccocr:~u:r 6 . !~ t¢ .

bc\\l~i.. d.·~ l t.i 011te! tho Do.1..rd of ~g..:.o.~ o f tho UU.vcr;Jlt.\• o:

65 Llfl na~t ~nt..l tl..xl "A~"~..::ownt RQlatinq to ~Uurotum <and Uo\..:H.t ...:-.

Q\'•l4•a• l.- ·".l!lhlugtoo t' .. ("Aqrc:waaut• bal'clna.!tcr) • .lr.IW 1.1

Page 7: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It

\ . .



oonn.!a.lOO"l v lU b\!ct. . \'}rO-CDCnt ~ borcl)y cn® no o.~J •t-

oQl.tilin 4loc~.L"'~Ut c..> by the tlnpodntcndont of 11 -u:-k.a: ..ond

r.ocrca:.ion u;W the: t'rc;lidcnt ::t u~a uniw.roi ty r..ntitlocl:'l,;n 0~ 0:...\l<ll>lCATIIlll Of 'I'Uli: U3C 1\CIWEIItliT l.ll;'l'l<:£11 \,!.! ClTY 01' : ..A':Tu; t.Jiu Tilt u:n\lt:I'.SITY OV \ll\SU1HQ1'0tl CO:ICI:l\IIDIC · • , llS\'l\llLlWlltiiT l\110 111\lllMINlCB Of t.JI NWOJUiTVll l N \ • .SUlUGTON PAN:.t SL:A'rrl.E, WASKltfC'tOtl,

ott.acllocS h~ot.o Ul4 ic!cmt1Ued aa EXb.iblt •A•, 1Dclu4iaw Ulo t ollowino


Aroa mp ehow'lng .u-oa o[ Waob.iDot.on PArlt eubjocto to l-9H 4gTCCi.IN\tl

Aql'eeocttt- to u.J.nt&lll kbc>r<otwa to c:urr cmt levol of ~t~ . .meo 01:' better ~ to •h4ra oq\lNlY coata of a\&Ch m.UI\tonanc:e (l'~ro. 5, 1934 A9I"C'QQlQnt) , .

Atrca:cnt that Ubent:u::a u it ed.ets a\lbs tCiltlillly fulUllo tlla il>t.ont of oQJ.d lU4 Ag<e.,

1\greQ.oo:nt that Arborotu..' wUl be eo.::~o.at101lly a di ~la·' u~a f\al!lll!.ng ~o public aonioe upoct of t.ho trn1vor:UtV ' fi 0'"01'011 arboRtWD Pl"09'1'41111

AQ-rOODKJ.nt that ra.faro.n~ ie e,aJ.d 1934 "9-~t t.o Arti.;l o XIU. ~ 3 of t.ho Clq Cbutol' La rofe-r onoe to Clty CbActar e x.iatl nq in 1934 that the ua~.a is w\doriJt.ood to ~:Wau the p.rovl.aic:uu c t any City au~rtcr an<! ..lP~ot.t'Oprioltc ordinucoa 90Y0min9 U:• ~· an4 ree:roatJ.o.'' oyGtc: u

ll.grceJI'Qnt t..'lat tho tu:l>orotum 1c a opocJ.aliao4 p,or'k f.:.cll.\.l whid l ro.JW.rc:~ cpe.c:J.Al ~~ and attontioo o..zW in oue\ connoe:Uou that. tho S~r1ntendt!nt of Parka aod R.a.c:.a:·.rtlUon, u. .. .._ : tllo po-.... ore VOGtod ln him by Ci~y Cl\arto t.• o.nd orUi1lancc:t, m.J.)' prolll.ulqote auch rules ud rogulc tionl .u ho o.ba11 tlnd QO-C\!J•aey l n rcC09nitiO.D. of tl\c :;poal.a l n:a.J..ur..: o! the Arbon,tu."ll lo Wa:.hington l-ark , wid\ tho;1 ol.ll'"l ".ftc.r oon.alll~aticn wi th .1ppropd.ato off:ic:toln ot the Univa r olty;

,.,\Gt anr strUCt\loroO to bi~ built in thO Arl:»orctwa J.n t~nuh nqton r::.rk. pUl'CU~lt to pa ra.ql:'oph 7 of tho oa..ld 191•1 .·.'JT~t, o\abj-cct to tho pl:'ovlsi<a\1 of tho c-it.r Wl.i\rWr, aha.U either be reploc~.cnto for oxiatlru1 tit.I:Uc turau or building~ to aor~ tho public aoz:viec Ol.Dpo~:t to).f t.he u-nlvorci t.y ':. rolo in w.uhia.9ton Pozk, GUch OC o\ •TiGit 0£':1' c:el\to.r•



Page 8: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It

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>'!led "Y ' "' 'J • J....1. cl4y ot .• ___ A_u_g_us_l ____ , 197•.

By: • • J


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Page 9: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It

;ia:w. ___ __:::

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f-1 tlb h '-1 C/P. PA~l' C)~

-==·--~~!~~--~-~~~-...SCAI.t:-: 1"".. 400'

Page 11: LI:T1CI • CLAIIf'tGATIOW f)ll • pra:Uc:abl• nor .. ll!nt1al for the ettabHah11ent: of an ltbcrret"" in Waalltnaton Park, It

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WN.• PA. S:.K AR:.t!:.A • r'Q~.,..\!.IOt.. l~l. ... NO "'T"O T A.~ 4.-._e:.A

\1!t 0 ' 7 •
