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Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis Literatur Abbott, Frederick M. 2001: NAFTA and the Legalization of World Politics: A Case Study, in: Gold- stein, Judith L./Kahler, Miles/Keohane, Robert O./Slaughter, Anne-Marie (Hrsg.): Legalization and World Politics, Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.], 135163. Abbott, Kenneth W./Keohane, Robert O./Moravcsik, Andrew/Slaughter, Anne-Marie/Snidal, Duncan 2000: The Concept of Legalization, in: International Organization 54: 3, 401419. Abbott, Kenneth W./Keohane, Robert O./Moravcsik, Andrew/Slaughter, Anne-Marie/Snidal, Duncan 2001: The Concept of Legalization, in: Goldstein, Judith L./Kahler, Miles/Keohane, Robert O./Slaughter, Anne-Marie (Hrsg.): Legalization and World Politics, Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.], 1735. Abbott, Kenneth W./Snidal, Duncan 2001: Hard Law and Soft Law in International Governance, in: Goldstein, Judith L./Kahler, Miles/Keohane, Robert O./Slaughter, Anne-Marie (Hrsg.): Legali- zation and World Politics, Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.], 3772. Abromeit, Heidrun 1998: Ein Vorschlag zur Demokratisierung des europäischen Entscheidungssys- tems, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 39: 1, 8090. Abromeit, Heidrun 2002: Wozu braucht man Demokratie? Die postnationale Herausforderung der De- mokratietheorie, Opladen. Akermark, Spiliopoulou S./Marsaeter, Olle 2005: Treaties and the Limits of Flexibility, in: Nordic Journal of International Law 74: 3-4, 509540. Alcock, Antony 1971: History of the International Labour Organisation, London, Basingstoke. Alston, Philip 2004: 'Core Labour Standards' and the Transformation of the International Labour Rights Regime, in: European Journal of International Law 15: 3, 457521. Alston, Philip 2005: Facing Up to the Complexities of the ILO's Core Labour Standards Agenda, in: European Journal of International Law 16: 3, 467480. Amnesty International (15.11.2012): Public Statement. Civil Society rejects flawed ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, in: 76a6-49d8-9466-dc7fdaeccec7/ior640052012en.pdf; eingesehen am 11.11.2013. S. Stübig, Flexibilität und Legitimität in der ILO, Globale Gesellschaft und internationale Beziehungen, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08764-7, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2015

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Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis

Literatur Abbott, Frederick M. 2001: NAFTA and the Legalization of World Politics: A Case Study, in: Gold-

stein, Judith L./Kahler, Miles/Keohane, Robert O./Slaughter, Anne-Marie (Hrsg.): Legalization and World Politics, Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.], 135–163.

Abbott, Kenneth W./Keohane, Robert O./Moravcsik, Andrew/Slaughter, Anne-Marie/Snidal, Duncan 2000: The Concept of Legalization, in: International Organization 54: 3, 401–419.

Abbott, Kenneth W./Keohane, Robert O./Moravcsik, Andrew/Slaughter, Anne-Marie/Snidal, Duncan 2001: The Concept of Legalization, in: Goldstein, Judith L./Kahler, Miles/Keohane, Robert O./Slaughter, Anne-Marie (Hrsg.): Legalization and World Politics, Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.], 17–35.

Abbott, Kenneth W./Snidal, Duncan 2001: Hard Law and Soft Law in International Governance, in: Goldstein, Judith L./Kahler, Miles/Keohane, Robert O./Slaughter, Anne-Marie (Hrsg.): Legali-zation and World Politics, Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.], 37–72.

Abromeit, Heidrun 1998: Ein Vorschlag zur Demokratisierung des europäischen Entscheidungssys-tems, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 39: 1, 80–90.

Abromeit, Heidrun 2002: Wozu braucht man Demokratie? Die postnationale Herausforderung der De-mokratietheorie, Opladen.

Akermark, Spiliopoulou S./Marsaeter, Olle 2005: Treaties and the Limits of Flexibility, in: Nordic Journal of International Law 74: 3-4, 509–540.

Alcock, Antony 1971: History of the International Labour Organisation, London, Basingstoke. Alston, Philip 2004: 'Core Labour Standards' and the Transformation of the International Labour Rights

Regime, in: European Journal of International Law 15: 3, 457–521. Alston, Philip 2005: Facing Up to the Complexities of the ILO's Core Labour Standards Agenda, in:

European Journal of International Law 16: 3, 467–480. Amnesty International (15.11.2012): Public Statement. Civil Society rejects flawed ASEAN Human

Rights Declaration, in:; eingesehen am 11.11.2013.

S. Stübig, Flexibilität und Legitimität in der ILO, Globale Gesellschaftund internationale Beziehungen, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08764-7,© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2015

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Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis 363

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Organise and to Bargain Collectively. Fourth Item in the Agenda, Genf. ILO 1949c: ILC. Thirty-Second Session. Report IV (2). Application of the Principles of the Right to

Organise and to Bargain Collectively. Fourth Item in the Agenda, Genf. ILO 1964: Official Bulletin. Vol XLVII. No. 3. Supplemet I. July, Genf. ILO 1975: Official Bulletin. Volume LVIII. Series A. Additional Texts and Decisions. Declaration on

Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for Women Workers, Genf. ILO 1982: Governing Body. Minutes of the 221st Session, Genf. ILO 1984: ILC. Seventieth Session. Record of Proceedings, Genf. ILO 1989: Governing Body. Committee on Standing Orders. Third Item on the Agenda. Follow-up to

the Report of the Governing Body Working party on International Labour Standards. (Doc. GB.244/SC3/3 (November 1989)). Appendix. Flexibility in ILO Standards, Genf.

ILO 1992: Governing Body. 253rd Session.Report of the Fact-Finding and Conciliation Commission on Freedom of Association concerning the Republic of South Africa. 15th Item on the Agenda. Report of the Director General. First Supplementary Report, Genf.

ILO 1994a: Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommenda-tions. ILC 81st Session. Report III (Part 4B). Freedom of association and collective bargaining, Genf.

ILO 1994b: Report of the Director General (Part I): Defending Values, Promoting Change. Social Jus-tice in a Global Economy: An ILO Agenda. International Labour Conference. 81. Session, Genf.

364 Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis

ILO 1996: Freedom of association. Digest of decisions and principles of the Freedom of Association Committee of the Governing Body of the ILO, Genf.

ILO 1997: Report of the Director General: The ILO, Standard Setting and Globalization. International Labour Conference. 85th Session, Genf.

ILO 1998a: ILC. Eighty-sixth Session. Record of Proceedings. Vol. 1, Genf. ILO 1998b: Official Bulletin. Volume LXXXI. Series A, Genf. ILO 1998c: Official Bulletin. Volume LXXXI. Series B. Special Supplement. Forced Labour in

Myanmar (Burma), Genf. ILO 1999: Report of the Director General: Decent work. International Labour Conference 87th Session

1999, Genf. ILO 2000a: ILC. Eighty-eighth Session. Record of Proceedings. Vol. 1, Genf. ILO 2000b: ILC. Eighty-eighth Session. Record of Proceedings. Vol. 2, Genf. ILO 2000c: Your voice at work. Global report under the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on funda-

mental principles and rights at work, Genf. ILO 2001a: Governing Body. 282nd Session. Eighth Item on the Agenda. Reports of the Committee

on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards. Second Report: International Labour Stand-ards and Human Rights, Genf.

ILO 2001b: Introductory note and Standing Orders of the Governing Body. Annex I-VIII, Genf. ILO 2002a: Governing Body. 285th Session. Eleventh Item on the Agenda. Report of the Committee

on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards. Second Report: International Labour Stand-ards and Human Rights, Genf.

ILO 2002b: Working Party on Policy regarding the revision of standards (Cartier Working Party). Fol-low-up decisions by the Governing Body Information note on the progress of work and decisions taken concerning the revision of standards, Genf.

ILO 2003: Governing Body. 288th Session. Tenth Item on the Agenda. Report of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards, Genf.

ILO 2004a: Constitution of the International Labour Organisation and Standing Orders of the Interna-tional Labour Conference, Genf.

ILO 2004b: Governing Body. 291st Session. Ninth Item on the Agenda. Report of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards, Genf.

ILO 2004c: ILC. 92nd Session. Report 1(B). Organizing for Social Justice. Global Report under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Genf.

ILO 2004d: Report of the Director General on the World Commission on the Social Dimensions of Globalisation. A Fair Globalisation. The Role of the ILO. International Labour Conference 92nd Session, Genf.

ILO 2005: Governing Body. 294th Session. Ninth Item on the Agenda. Report of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards, Genf.

ILO 2006a: Annex I: Special procedures for the examination in the International Labour Organization of complaints alleging violations of freedom of association, Genf.

Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis 365

ILO 2006b: Freedom of association. Digest of decisions and principles of the Freedom of Association Committee of the Governing Body of the ILO, Genf.

ILO 2006c: Governing Body. 297th Session. Twelfth Item on the Agenda. Report of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards, Genf.

ILO 2006d: Handbook of Procedures Relating to International Labour Conventions and Recommen-dations, Genf.

ILO 2006e: Manual for drafting ILO instruments, Genf. ILO 2007a: Governing Body. 300th Session. Thirteenth Item on the Agenda. Report of the Committee

on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards, Genf. ILO 2007b: Manual for Drafting ILO Instruments. The Quick Guide, Genf. ILO 2007c: The ILO at a glance, Genf. ILO 2007d: Thirteenth Item on the Agenda. Report of the Committee on Legal Issues and International

Labour Standards. GB.300/13 (Rev.). 300th Session, November, Genf. ILO 2008a: Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, Genf. ILO 2008b: Freedom of Association in Practice: Lessons Learned. Global Report under the Follow-Up

to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Practice and Rights at Work: Report of the Director-General, Genf.

ILO 2008c: Governing Body. 303rd Session. Twelfth Item on the Agenda. Report of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards, Genf.

ILO 2008d: ILC. Provisional Record. 97th Session. No. 17, Genf. ILO 2009a: Governing Body. 304th Session. Seventh Item on the Agenda. Report of the Steering Group

on the Follow-up to the Declaration on Social Justice for a fair Globalization, Genf. ILO 2009b: Governing Body. 304th Session. Third Item on the Agenda. Review of Annual Reports

under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Genf. ILO 2009c: Governing Body. 306th Session. Fourth Item on the Agenda. Improvements in the Stand-

ards-Related Activities of the ILO Towards a Final Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Standards Strategy. GB.306/LILS/4 (Rev.), Genf.

ILO 2009d: Rules of the game. A brief introduction to international labour standards, Genf. ILO 2009e: Verwaltungsrat. Zweiter Punkt der Tagesordnung. Vorschläge für die Tagesordnung der

101. Tagung (2012) der Konferenz. GB.306/2/2, Genf. ILO 2010a: Governing Body. 307th Session. Third Item on the Agenda. Review of Annual Reports

under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Genf. ILO 2010b: Governing Body. 309th Session. Second Item on the Agenda. Progress on the Implemen-

tation Plan on the follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, Genf.

ILO 2010c: ILC. 99th Session. Provisional Record 10. Seventh item on the agenda: Review of the follow-up to the 1998 ILO Declaration in Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work., Genf.

ILO 2011a: Compendium of Rules Applicable to the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, Genf.

366 Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis

ILO 2011b: Eine neue Ära sozialer Gerechtigkeit Internationales Arbeitsamt. Bericht des Gen-eraldirektors, Genf.

ILO 2011c: GB.05 (2011-2014) Rev.8. Composition of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office (as elected on 6th June 2011), Genf.

ILO 2011d: Governing Body. 310th Session. Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards. GB.310/LILS/3/2. Improvements in the Standards-Related Activities of the ILO. Streamlining of the Sending and Processing of Information and Reports, Genf.

ILO 2011e: Governing Body. 310th Session. Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards. GB.310/LILS/5(&Add.), Genf.

ILO 2011f: Governing Body. 310th Session. Third Item on the Agenda. Review of Annual Reports under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Genf.

ILO 2011g: ILC. 100th Session. Provisional Record 15. Fourth Item on the agenda. Decent Work for domestic Workers. Report of the Committee on Domestic Work, Genf.

ILO 2011h: ILC. 100th Session. Record of Proceedings, Genf. ILO 2011i: ILC. 100th Session. Report III (1A) - Report of the Committee of Experts on the Applica-

tion of Conventions and Recommendations, Genf. ILO 2011j: Plan of action (2010-2016). Towards Widespread Ratification and Effective Implementa-

tion of the Governance Conventions, Genf. ILO 2011k: The Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labour Conference.

A Dynamic and Impact Built on Decades of Dialogue and Persuasion, Genf. ILO 2012a: 2012 Annual Review under the Follow-Up to the ILO 1998 Declaration. Compilation of

Baseline Tables. Freedom of Association and the Effective Recognition of the right to collective Bargaining, Genf.

ILO 2012b: Governing Body. 313th Session. Institutional Section. Third Item on the Agenda. Review of Annual Reports under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Genf.

ILO 2012c: Grundlegende Prinzipien und Rechte bei der Arbeit. ILC. 101st Session. Bericht VI. Grundlegende Prinzipien und Rechte bei der Arbeit: Vom Engagement zum Handeln. Wieder-kehrende Diskussion im Rahmen der Erklärung der IAO über soziale Gerechtigkeit für eine faire Globalisierung und der Folgemaßnahmen zu der Erklärung über grundlegende Prinzipien und Rechte bei der Arbeit, Genf.

ILO 2012d: ILC. 101st Session. General Survey on the fundamental Conventions concerning rights at work in light of the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, 2008. Giving globalization a human face. Report III (Part 1B), Genf.

ILO 2013a: 2013 Annual Review under the Follow-Up to the ILO 1998 Declaration. Compilation of Baseline Tables. Freedom of Association and the Effective Recognition of the right to collective Bargaining, Genf.

Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis 367

ILO 2013b: Governing Body. 317th Session. Institutional Section. Third Item on the Agenda. Review of Annual Reports under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Genf.

ILO 2013c: Governing Body. 317th Session. Legal Issues and International Labour Standards Section. International Labour Standards and Human Rights Segment. GB/LILS/3. Third Item on the Agenda. Choice of Conventions and Recommendations on which reports should be requested under article 19 of the Constitution in 2014, Genf.

ILO 2013d: ILC. 102nd Session. Provisional Record 16 (Rev.). Third Item on the Agenda: Information and Reports on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations Report of the Committee on the Application of Standards, Genf.

ILO 2013e: ILC. 102nd Session. Report III (Part 1A). Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations., Genf.

ILO 2013f: ILC. 102nd Session. Report III (Part 1B). Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations. General Survey Concerning Labour Rela-tions and Collective Bargaining in the Public Service, Genf.

ILO (Hrsg.) 2004: Child labour. A textbook for university students, Geneva.

Zitierte Übereinkommen C4 von 1919: Night Work (Women) Convention. C5 von 1919: Minimum Age (Industry) Convention. C6 von 1919: Night Work of Young Persons (Industry) Convention. C10 von 1921: Minimum Age (Agriculture) Convention. C11 von 1921: Right of Association (Agriculture) Convention. C29 von 1930: Forced Labour Convention. C33 von 1932: Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention. C59 von 1937: Minimum Age (Industry) Convention (Revised). C60 von 1937: Minimum Age (Non-Industrial Employment) Convention (Revised). C81 von 1947: Labour Inspection Convention. C84 von 1947: Right of Association (Non-Metropolitan Territories) Convention. C87 von 1948: Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention. C98 von 1949: Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention. C100 von 1951: Equal Remuneration Convention. C102 von 1952: Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention. C105 von 1957: Abolition of Forced Labour Convention. C107 von 1957: Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention.

368 Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis

C111 von 1958: Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention. C122 von 1964: Employment Policy Convention. C123 von 1965: Minimum Age (Underground Work) Convention. C129 von 1969: Labour Inspection (Agriculture) Convention. C138 von 1973: Minimum Age Convention. C141 von 1975: Rural Workers' Organisations Convention. C144 von 1976: Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention. C151 von 1978: Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention. C154 von 1981: Collective Bargaining Convention. C160 von 1985: Labour Statistics Convention. C169 von 1989: Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention. C177 von 1996: Home Work Convention. C182 von 1999: Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention. C186 von 2006: Maritime Labour Convention (MLC). C187 von 2006: Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention. C189 von 2011: Domestic Workers Convention. R91 von 1951: Collective Agreements Recommendation. R92 von 1951: Voluntary Conciliation and Arbitration Recommendation. R163 von 1981: Collective Bargaining Recommendation.

Internetquellen; eingesehen am 30.10.2013.

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088439.pdf; eingesehen am 29.01.2012.

088451.pdf; eingesehen am 20.01.2012.

088445.pdf; eingesehen am 29.01.2012.

088456.pdf; eingesehen am 29.01.2012.

wcms_-159872.pdf; eingesehen am 09.11.2013.

wcms_ 221635.pdf , eingesehen am 11.11.2013; eingesehen am 10.10.2013.; eingesehen am 10.10.2012.; eingesehen am 03.12.2013.; eingesehen am 01.12.2013.; eingesehen am 09.10.2012.

370 Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis

Experteninterviews Beatrice Vacotto, ACTRAV ILO, am 12.09.2013 in Genf. Frank Hoffer, ACTRAV ILO, am 10.09.2013 in Genf. Karen Curtis, Deputy Director ILO International Labour Standards Department, 11.09.2013 in Genf. Kenneth Schindler, ILO International Labour Standards Department, 13.05.2008 in Genf. Werner Sengenberger, Consultant für die ILO, am 10.09.2013 und am 13.09.2013 in Genf.

Anhang: Beispielkodierungen Beispielkodierungen für “Indeterminiertheit”

Dokument Code Segment 02_ILC 09616(1949-32) - Collective Bargaining (industrial relat

Flexibilität\ In-determiniert-heit

I consider that efficiency is a primary consid-eration, and I therefore regret the vagueness of some of the expressions in this text. In particular, I refer to the words " or otherwise " in clause 2 (b) of Article 1, and to the words "or other means" in paragraph 2 of Ar-ticle 2. Such expressions might lead to end-less controversy in our respective countries, and even to corrupt interpretations which I am sure none of us have considered. These circumstances seem to me to be most regret-table. We are working here for leaders of in-dustry and for workers, who all prefer to call a spade a spade. We do not wish to give free rein to the capacity of our lawyers for inter-preting such things.

S. Stübig, Flexibilität und Legitimität in der ILO, Globale Gesellschaftund internationale Beziehungen, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-08764-7,© Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2015

372 Anhang: Beispielkodierungen

01_ILC 09616(1947-30) - Freedom of Associa-tion_1

Flexibilität\ In-determiniert-heit

The text which we are now discussing is not, in my opinion', sufficiently clear to meet. the aims of the Economic and Social Council. There is still a certain confusion. 'We must choose clearly between the different concep-tions of liberty, and decide which is the bet-ter, and we must, state: categorically who is the person who is tO benefit by . this free-dom ; is it the individual, or is it the trade un-ion If we grant freedom to the individual, then we are remaining faithful to the clas-sic.concèption of liberty, according to which the 'individual is free to become a member of, or to withdraw from, an organisation ,at will ; if, on the other hand,,, we say that free-doiri of association is something different, I think we must be perfectly clear on this point, because this may lead 'us to. a sort of trade union monopoly, and a State-controlled or fascist kind of trade union such as was de-fended ten years ago on this rostrum by 'the Government delegate of Italy. We who are true to the classical concept of freedom think that freedom of association is an attribute of the individual, who must, irrespective of race, colour, religion, political or other opin-ions, be absolutely free to join or not to join a trade union. If the amendment of the Work-ers' group were accepted, I think that most of these difficulties would be overcome. We must give some definition, and it must be a clear definition, of freedom of association

01_02 Rep 47B09_4_engl - Free-dom of Assoc Indus Rela_first Repo

Flexibilität\ In-determiniert-heit

Anhang: Beispielkodierungen 373

Beispielkodierungen für “Grad der Verpflichtung”

Dokument Code Segment

01_02 Rep 48B09_7 - Freedom of Assoc

Flexibilität\Grad der Verpflichtung

The only way effectively to assure the right to organise is by means of legislation securing to every citizen an unconditional right to estab-lish or join organisations, the " positive " right to organise.

02_ILC 09616(1949-32) - Collective Bar-gaining (industrial relat

Flexibilität\Grad der Verpflichtung

The Workers' members declared themselves to be in favour of a Convention. They stated that the principles to be laid down by the text were of fundamental importance to the work-ers, and had already been applied in many countries, and that they should, therefore, be recognised by means of a Convention, which alone imposed legal obligations upon Govern-ments.

02_ILC 09616(1949-32) - Collective Bar-gaining (industrial relat

Flexibilität\Grad der Verpflichtung

The Employers' members, however, desired to emphasise the point that, in their opinion, Convention No. 87 adopted at the 31st Ses-sion of the Conference, at San Francisco, al-ready contained the necessary provisions for ensuring adequate protection to all concerned and that, therefore, the Conference might con-fine itself to adopting a Recommendation simply laying down the methods of applica-tion of the general principles expressed in Ar-ticle 11 of Convention No. 87.

Beispielkodierungen für „Adaptivität“

374 Anhang: Beispielkodierungen

Dokument Code Segment 02_ Rep 47B09_10_engl (1948-31) Indus Rela rep viii_2

Flexibilität\ Adaptivität

Such regulations would be without interest as far as Norway is concerned. It is realised, however, that in certain countries it would be of importance to establish appropriate ma-chinery for the purpose of ensuring respect for the right to organise. The Convention should leave the establishment of such ma-chinery to be decided by the respective coun-tries.

02_ILC 09616(1949-32) - Collective Bar-gaining (industrial relat

Flexibilität\ Adaptivität

The United Kingdom Government member considered that an Article on these lines should be retained, as possessing the neces-sary flexibility to permit of the progressive application of social to territories not suffi-ciently developed to permit of immediate ap-plication. Countries having metropolitan ter-ritories of this kind would thus be enabled to ratify the Convention. He was opposed to the outright deletion of Article 7, but was pre-pared to accept, with one amendment, the al-ternative text submitted by the Workers' group. He suggested that the application of such an Article might be limited to Article 4 of the Office text.

02_ILC 09616(1949-32) - Collective Bar-gaining (industrial relat


When one compares the systems of industrial relations which exist in countries like Swit-zerland, Belgium, Sweden, the United States, Great Britain and so on, one sees that each na-tion has adopted a different system and it would be extremely difficult to try to unify these industrial agreements or even these cus-toms which are all of them no doubt adapted to the national character, the historical devel-opment, the type of production, the political situation, the trend of trade unions, and the so-cial climate of each country.