loaned salaried ..» arltoofomgfa-bleoheimaddress mrs. it. loving, lawton place. falls ohurch, va....

SUBURBAN PROPERTY. 4 It. fa*. M >\.o*. Ink..*233; 1 mo.. 97.20. FOR MAI K im«M>KL *NI>. 1218 FVARTS HT.. 7 m;>, bath; open Sunday. I to 6 p.m.; $200 rash Iml j.n i. nt. After Sunday apply reol evirate "rtJ- 1IM (I n.w mbl3-3t* r 'K > \ I «>-R«K>2M>. \TTI(;.~CKllLAR7FRAmT; u .v*ter; both room: furna.ce; fine pbade ..» fmit; l Oiirrrte iiden«lks; 15 minutes' car fare. Gome out ftundaj. 2*»12 Frank¬ lin l.argdoo, D. O. Week days apply Sl't 7:U »f. ii. v\. foil *WK ' In K f- \SiXGTON. 7-room fcoaae with all m<"*d- ern .-in er« ??.?:« e«. I:trg- grain-da, c1o.<n» to electric * nl in ear*.* cii^ be bought very cheap and ©n r.isv term#. rKRhFXL A IJTTT E. 200-207 Colorado building. 14th aud O at*. n.w. for sale. At KLNS1NOTON. 8-room honaa. Jn thorough repair; uteam beat, large grounda. Price, $L3.«VJU; terui* to *ult. FOR SALE. A 14-room houae and Are nrre« of jrronnd. '!&. house 1* su-nmnded by beautiful a»;ade trees. located In < ne of the chob-etc sect June of I>JstrIrt, within driving distance of the CapltoL Will be sold rery cheap. FOR s\LE- New 8 houn.* at TAKOMA PARK, wltS al; <!ty <.» nvenien .«¦«, larp; grounds, conreni?nt to steam and electric car?. Price ressonails; terms to suit. FOR SALS. 28 ncre*. with large br»n«<. close to city; art- joining one of the fine*? country estates in Mont/- ivnry county, Maryland. Will exchange for city property. 1 Ii RR K L L * LITTLE. Colorado Htilbling, ?. lo :;t 14th and G »=;s. mil SALK S-KOOM HOrSK RKriSPTION tiai.l. bat town Mater, hot and cold with ^ acre g-'»und. fruit trees, ahrnbbery. Ac.; on Baltimore I. ikh. In;ju're on premises, or of Mr-: r L. TRETI.KIl. I> L O.. P. O. Pent. For 92,700. mhlO-St* ROOM HofSi: WITH RATH. FCRNACB. A.\I) t a n. .* ables. tenant house: fruit, shade trees; 12 ncrea ground; with n 2 minutes' walk steam or electric f .ira; rare bargain to quick buyer. Box 1 lo. .Star office. rabl0-3t+ £aK«;.\I\ For QIIIi'K PritCHASKK MODERN* colonial house on K< ekviJle eb crtlc ry.: 5 acre-*; trust. $1,700 at JV'f: bal. cash. Apply Room 301, tlumblao bU| * mhl0-St* LOTS 2-3, BLOCK 1, SOOTfl BROOKLAND; EACH 50 by average depth of 104); clear; 12th St.; 50 fevt from city and suburban cars. Address Bos 130. Star office. mht0-2t FOR RKNT FROM APIUL 1. ROOMY IIOPSE; fur. «»r unfur.: (torches and lar-^e. attractive grounds and stable; references required. Call or address Mrs. It. LOVING, Law ton place. Falls Ohurch, Va. mhl0-2t* AIM I T FAMILY WHITE To RKNT SMALL eottage or part of house in the <.« untrv near car line, or will fake care of residence; ref. ei- rlmuged. Address B. A. l\ , Star office. mbtO-St* FOR SAL!4 *. ROOM HOI'SK; L\R<M\ I.O'f; ONE car fa it n.e on Maryland and IVstrlet line. S»-> «» H l-'oWI.KU. *oli:--;bian bb!g.. ih hot. D and E sts. Price. mhl«?3t* FOB SALE TWO A Nl» ON E-! IA LF ACR KS OF lan<l v !<. ru lions.', barn, ? tr convenient to .toetrie aud attain K R ; largt abade trees; ga r- .If.i r.rnl orchard: IoJ'.^r-«!'stance 'phone; exception¬ ally fine water «im p; rfect drainage: situate 3 mil s fio: Washington; pric-. «N VW> J C K I NN1 1'^ t 'AMPBI-./.L. 14!.'? d st. n.w. tnhl0-3t IOB SAI E r-ET I S OPEN AN* ACCOFNT FOR YOF IN" FERNWOOI> HEIGH'IN." Buy a lot $300 cash and small monthly pay- ni a?s. ! will sorely mtiv money ft>r you In- able of 3 y^ars. Tiie location is absolutely the brsf that ould 1m' secured. Hirertly northwest from WMshiti^'nu, IMro.tly on on (four widest and b«*st r*-sid»'ii avcniif-. <'onne«*ted dire«'tly wftli « iiy 1 >y best ear servict « n fare, without transfer, t.. center of city IHI.NK WHAT THAT NEW MILLI' i.N-DOI/* T AR BRUm;i: MEANS TO THIS SWTION, and pick <Hit your I d at the low price now a»i:< -I Ti'os I FISHER & <"0 No. 1414 F St. mhlO-Ot FOR SALE 11 ESI RA HIE I.'i'l on LAWRENCE at Brook la iM; W)x 1 f».; ahadc. Price, terms THE M !U.!;n hkai. K4TATB & LOAN' PO., a<"!l mkiojt l ot: S II.I (INK . I.VV. M'>i)l-:K\ I'WKI.UN'O? H rrnMii,. l.afh; Mi'wwry outbuildings; In Kjist foil- ("hiir.'li: 2 mtiiiilp*' walk .f station.; . .*><.*»<... for r.Kht party; water aa<l ¦'"!.>>> I! I' ITCIIF>M».N. Owner. Alej., POOL, Kdlla Church. PifcUt-w.Kn.m-4w VOIt IlKNT SEVKX lliioll HOl'SK. IN EXITCL- lent I'ondltloD, located on higliest elevation In Del Kay; five minutes' vat* from I.loyd statlra "" \ A Mt. eliH'trie railway; prefer to rent ftmiUhe.1. WAT-TBIt ( V VltNKY. 107 N _ralrfn »t.. Alexandria. V.i. mblo-St >'«>K SUK- a hkai riri L place near Washington Ten t.'res; very high elevation, n-ar Bethesda; ofi . l-.-trlr II It Improved l.y an attractive dwell¬ ing of ten rooms and l.ath; hot-water nent; tine «at. r; linrn; all fenced, fruli of all kiikI-. Cheau r w.'iiRAHAM.' aiv uti rtm .-ali>- ~ IN VIKCINIA. 2 M1I.ES OCT, VERY HtOn POINT On tl"- <.Id Ilonilnloa It. It, Impnived bv two ?r ". '-X urn*. Property neat so'ld for 1 1 -an soil this at, per acre. $4Uii mi<l" -c W. GRAHAM. 017 l ttb. DOR SU.t 7.H. A. ltKS HU'E AND KEFcLAY Ii" r,,'! 1l,r!<'k!,. *«<.* lotta. tlliuB. .Ijo building aaiol. ,,a , . .. sa*iu:l hbai.mear. Biltl" ,.i Rm.m 1. falvert bldg.. Haitlmore. Md. TAKOMA PARK, ~ "*?,! I'^l'-'ty In the 'ai'jfest and most I'M tu..Mjue Washington suburb see us We con¬ trol iii.H-e [iriiperty In Takoma than the other deal- crs c. n.'hliicl, and oitr suburban manager 1. a rest 1 t or this suburb TERMS I'd SI IT PI'R < IIASICKS. COLLI.N8-Ul'EKRY Cu t!2l I3th *' " w- tnlilt) 8t FOR -Al l-; is ACRES OPPOSITE THE OEOROE town Cniversit.v tine view of cit. ami river SAMUEI, HEAl.MEAlt. "'¦-1 1 R"<wb 1. CalTfrt Mdg.. Ealtlmore, Md. I'O'E VCKES. WITH l.ItEES AND s i'ibl. rv. i-n pretty avenue two blocks f- II el'ctrlc cars nod turoplk. near i '. ( hf'iKla. Md.; bandnouie r«*8i<lence. eon- iili'ie IS rooms, bal it and .-v. iv con- v* i.-nce f >r a K' liti.-aiaucoui trv home' large stable and other outbuildings; all' in perfect order; owner' live In to-.-n on account of business- .-an be lion nt »ir.,i»>o. or Mill trade -ear for city property at proper valua- t ion. ilEISKELI. A M-LERAN. KH^i V st FAI.:.S '.It It' ll. VA. NINE no »M iiorsE," AiRK GRol Nil, BARS. tr.. shad,- ami lawn, U'st | atloi near h- ,.l, chnr-los, STEAM ami ".Si;. «»"; BAROAI.N Eolt l \S|| by tbe OWN!-.I. Address L. A. S., star I'tlj i? mill" at" CflNln II ROAIt I,o|s \|.I, sizrs. FROM UI !'. m.s easy. Iie»t leslty investment hi the 1>ls,r" CLARK >Ut'»S.. 7u6 Uth n.w. mli»-«t >' .*1..'' « TKIt\l> I.AS1 '.111'Tii mfl bolt., at Ijiurel, Mil. lot llsulai. fruit and ??" ." u)'nu,« w a Ik from station. *ni1'" " OWim. (si .M st. n.w. rahtf-3t* 'OR \ i .1*. i 'li EXCHANGE FOR SMAI.I, FVRNI near irs .«>.¦ ,.f the best houses in liallston *3 J,' >. .«»" f"'". berries. -Iirul.u.v. e mlpp. d '* "tra! I s'lot, always occupied by N LOV EWEI.I l.allsn n. Va. mh9 3? Ni \R ClfEVY CHASE I.AKK OVKR ll acre nr house; J! |..r.-hes; b 'Ige fence; young - ry; s- m1:-. be.' if water, attract- neigiiliorhood; bargain price 1HK SOl'lX 0<» tluc ), ti'.'i I^i ave mli!" :t Foil SALE- ..." 4 "! ''"J «n Broad Branch close to L;.ev. i a.e c.rcle;. Prl.'e. (is.txx. Terms easy. Illos Ii IIFNSET A- (>l Room 4 >5 Oolonolo bldg SA! «. BAHRAIN IN BH^iKLAN H(7n THE ea#k-M terms. ' Reduced fo $3,800. Hi-,' cash, ftntl monthly i«ay;i ents . rw'M b'-wa. cellar; bath ga* lot 50x150- gviuf. i: ;ib- s.«b-«alk. »'.tf<!rable l<H%aUon ¦»*-»« Moore A hill (Inc.i. 717 Htb st. ''AVS LEFT TO .SELL » ACRES . ""T, '"w barn and * :11k and ki' 11 house chicken house- ,t ;-'e.-irte cars 4 tulle, of w».hlnr«i>: it - tcrifle, at ».-|.'i«i; rs-si casti bslsn^i to suit JOSEPH K ATKINSON 1411 U st nw ru'j!f t FOR RENT NEW BROOM DWEI.I.INO 4 13 scr.- til... track Istiil. larg.. cultivated black ..« vr\ *«"li. I17.SW). Olbtr b»»usc« with 4 1 *i fcr** ?!.; f^r month Al*.» 23^ rlrh trucking land ¦ij.dni.ig near rlrctrk* and Mt>«m n»ad^; 2 ir-ib v from <-itr. OASClf * ItlROE, 132« N. Y. sve. D.w. V"K IUU It A R* 1AIN l\ A SPI KMiIIl NEW 1' ate,: e llei^-tits, -.'Ubesst half i' fr»^iu iifiderfciro.ind ele< trli 1F1 street car ' .'i"ilu' are 7 rooms, uiUr, at- .v»'er heat; . hol.e resldei. e section; I he.:thy; prl *3,Kill, It . , bargain g di.g to A.hires. |t.x (s,_ .s,ar "m 'r jllhft t,s.,*u-4t 'i/>MAL 1" Room IO! i--\ni< a BOLT ONF * oind Bl' e ti^ .i arte and fruit trees car fare Inquire at li sjrn 215. Htewart . 4<»2 0th st. a w. mhl-BOt 41X M Kl'RIIAN PUt'l'Uln V I.YINij ON* THE ' ar itiiea will advance in price in the . I ring liuj now while prices are 1 » snd terms ' »sy We hate a t-.-w g...Ml lots. t»> ft. front In u * .ei-tlon at *3*»i; only »K6 cash tequlred. I':op a postal er csll if you desire fuit!ittr partb ulars. fiix if ROBINS IN A Co (lue>, 613 14th st. «IOtSE A.N I, SIX ACKla oN ELKTRIO LINK. .' "y0- E. IV. PIERCE, f,HH0t« 4 VWaM- °°-Vi A FoRiYnK for YW: I \ REAL ESTAIB-8END I*? Ine°" ^( iil KBA.N HOMJtS W., Inc.. 2t'.» 2ih Colorado bldg , W«ahlngtoa, u fe 10-861 ¦i'LE.NDIU RBAb rnTATB; REASON- f^L*^ "BU for my new cat«- bargains; they consist of grata. s!l! i ' ^ .n<1 ''lw I->M farms; °lar* th* e'eam and slevtrlc "i>h acreage suitabl. for o31oe holders; mtn. ? ^ propertv. such i'S stores, hotels. "11U. b,'U- ^ - have goo.1 land. giK"! .choou. charchea and good a«-lety. It will pay t.». ,com* "S1 V'1 ®e Show >ou around. J always llv*.l In the courtry I can it a JSJiY l?U .o'JHf ,lb4L lf 1 liT"' I" ths city, buy 017 catalog«« before JOHN *. JFRMAN, F.trfai C. H Va. lalrfw c'h.V vTeu'na. 'rh'"" FOE SALE.LOTS. ? liny, It.&Oc; 3t, fl.OO; 1 1 mo., $7.20. FOR BALE.AT SACRIFICE- LOT 50x140; OS ciiamplaln are. n.w. near Euclid at. (formerly Erie). Price. 45 cents ft. Also lot 50*1 .">0 on Falrmount at. (formerly Lin¬ coln) n.w., mar 6th at. Price. 40 centa aq. ft. Both lots in icraU*. Escelfc-nt chance for bnllilars. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS 611 f. mell-3l FOR SALE NKAR NEW 14TI1 ST. EXTE'.VSI<*>N, ?Yi.156 t.» a Her; tracks laid hi May; l>uy now and receive benefit of increase; need money; cheap for cash. OWNER, Jfl) M n.w. I <>!» SALE liEST LiX'ATION NORTH OOLUM- t'ia Height*.25 ft. front; one *juare 14th st. extended; Capital Traction line now beinc ex¬ tended. A taifilD. Addfest Box 161, Star office. nihil 2t FOR HALE- V 11ARB VBXSCE FOR BUILDERS ami kj»» uiatl<>n 4Xxl ** fe«*t on H St. n.e.; 70 ffiits i>er foot, on eaej terms. J. B. CARPEN¬ TER, 414 7th st. n.w. mhlu-3t* FOR SALE.TO H\*7LI)ERs"aNT) HOUESEEKERS. ii'5 ft. x yr», iir» ft. x to. HANDBOMEST LOTS ON PRETTIEST STREET IN THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PART N.W. CITY, AT PRICE WHICH WILL RENDER A HANDSOME r.CiUHNO OPERATION. COMMAND!NO READY SALE OF HOUSES AT. SAX. FROM $I3,«W TO 113,000, MOST PROFITABLE. CAN SELL HOUSES AS SOON AS^UILT. iniilo :;t J. ft WDIEU. REAL EST.. 1201 G ST. FOR SALK LOX 1 nw'lil 100 FEET. FINELY locnle»l n.w., Ht a nargain to immediate pnr- <ii,m>.t. Address OWNER II.. Star otiice. mhlO-.'tt* FoR SALE M>TS FATIN»i 1-fTH ST. EXTEND eel. jcreaMy reduced for limited time; high (fronnd; minutes from treasury; praded; ears pass property this summer; exceptional opportunity for Investment. See me jrhoiit this. mill" tf 1». K. RULES. 1450 Irving st. n.w. FOR SALE CHEAP 5)RNER, FROSTING CAR I.INE. IN N.W 100x150. PRICE, buc. N. H. avp., inar site of pficrfected houses cost¬ ing $10,000 to huikl. Price* $'J Unit. HASKELL & McLERAN, lOw F st. n.w. mhl0-3t ¦- l"ou SALE ONE OF THE FINEST iT>RNEItS ON Washington Heights, containii g 5 0*0 t-q^ar.* feet. Owner iuis jnst reduced tiie price to effect a quick s.-»le. Do not miss the opportunity of se¬ curing thl* beautiful site. ( HAS. S MCIR & CO. (Inc.). mh10-2t 1403 New York ave. n.w. 1 OK SALE It EST LOCATION NOU'W I COLD341HA Height 9 25 ft. front; one sonars 14th st. extend¬ ed; Capital Traction line now t>eiug extended. A bargain. A tlUreas OWNER H., Star office. mhU-.'vt . FOR S~\77f~ VICE SPECULATION. A GENUINE bargain; 2">-ft. lot. northwest section; err 1 iip; nil city Improvements. Price only S350. Clip this ad." and call for particulars. ROBINSON A- CO. flue.), 01.'. 14th «*t. mhT-tf FOR SALE- FOC RT EE NTH STREET HEIGHTS offers as gcod an InTcstrnent at 30 cents sq. ft. as you can find in Washington. Buy these lots if you want to make quick turn. Don't wait until 14th st. car iiae gets to running by the property if you desire to get in at this price. Only takes us 45 minutes to drive you out. show you the property and get back down town. You surely can spare that much time to find some¬ thing good. Just phone or write, naming time you would like to go. ROBINSON & CO. (Inc,), 613 Fourteenth at. fe2S tf FOR SALE-LOTS. LOTS, LOTS. IN ALL SECTIONS. YOU'LL SAVE TIME AND MONET BY GETTING OCR LIST. IN Till fashionable SECTIONS. ON OLUMBIA AND WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. STONE FAIRFAX. 1312 New York ave. n.v^ f. 24 tf 9 Toll SALE Mor, W1I. L B6Y "5» FEbt f RONT. S700 WILL B1'Y no FEET FRONT. FOURTEENTH STREET HEIGHTS. Fourteenth sr. has I»ee:j extended; 14th st. car line will be out there by summer. This Is a snip for speculation. ROBINSON & CO. (Ine.), 013 14th st. u.w fel2-tf FOR &ALK-CALL FOB OCR LIST OF LOTS- BUII DING LOTS FOR BUILDERS AND HOMB BUI I DEICS; SPECULATIVE GROUND. CALL FOR LIST. nr!2 tf MOORE & HILL (Inc.). 717 14th st. n.w. FOR EXCHANGE. 4 nes. It.r>0c: 3t.$1.0«; 1 wk..$2.38; 1 mo., $7 20 I i>K EXCHANGE-desirable IMtOPKKTY IN Milwaukee and .vicinity for place near Washing¬ ton suitable for aanltirlum; must have large and well-shaded grounds and be near station or elec¬ tric line. Address Box 753, Milwaukee, Wis. mh4-8u3t* WILL EXCHANGE EQUITY IN TWO SMALL flats n.e. for four-cylinder automobile; comolete outfit. Address lnhlo 3t* FLATS. Star office. FOR EXCHANGE Attention, builders!.4 23-ft. lots on S st. near N. H. ave.; can be traded for houses in n.w. THOS. J. FISHER & CO., Inc. 1414 F st. n.w. mh10-3t FOR EXCHANGE.BLOCK NEW TWO SToRY AND CELLAR. 0 ROOM. NEW HOUSES; FUR¬ NACE HEAT: TILED BATH: LOCATED NEAR LINCOLN PARK ON CAPITOL HILL. TRADE AT 4.000 FOR CLEAR LOTS OR HOUSES; PREFER ALEXANDRIA, VA PROPERTY. MOORE & HILL (INC.). 717 14TH ST. N.W. mhO .It FAKMS. 4 lines. It.60c; St, $1.00; 1 wk.. $2.33; 1 mo., $7.20. For sale- Valuable farm containing nearly 170 acre*, lying directly northwest of the city, on electric car llue, adjoining one of the most beautiful sub¬ divisions in the vicinity of the national capital. Price, $850 per acre. Exceedingly valuable toi subdivision purposes. This property belongs to au estate, aud the executors are very anslout to sell. Valuable stock farm containing 600 acres, with¬ in easy driving distance of the city. Has both electric and steam railway facilities. Price, $*5&C per acre. Farm containing 218 acres, adjoining the Mary laud Agricultural College. Price, $15,000. terr El J> & LITTLE, 2OG-07 Colorado building, 14th and G sts. for INFORMATION CONCERNING VALUABLE FARM LANDS IN the vicinity of the national capital, for BOTH AGRICULTURAL and SUBDIVISION PURPOSES, See TERRELL & LITTLE, 200-07 Colorado building. mhl0-3t 14th and G sts. FOR RENT*"-"A DAIRY FARM OF 250 A<7REs! within 8 miles of Washington, on Penna. R. It.; duelling house, 3 barns and equipment for dairy. Will sell a number of dairy rattle. Terms rea¬ sonable. A splendid opportunity. Call or address ROBINSON WHITE, 002 F n.w. inh8-7t COUNTRY PROPERTY. 4 lines. It,50c: 3t.$1.00; 1 wk.,$2.38; 1 mo., $7.20. FOB 8 ALB.FARM SIX MILES FROM CITY, suitable for truck, dairy or stock; well located; itoinedlate i»osseMlon; terms to suit. J. C. MAT- T1NGLY. Owner, Fendali bldg., il44 D st. n.w. inhlO 3t* ::u ACRES; <i.ool) BU1LI)IN(JS; SOIL WELL adapted to fruit; 15 minutes' walk to electric station: 5 mlrtutes from school. Price. $3,500. CHARLES I1INE. Vienna, Va. mhy 3t* MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN" 4 line*. lt.60c 31. HI .20. i <xk 52. 1 mo.. $7 20 M<>N 1-fv TO LOAN ON IiISIUKT OK roi.rMBIA and Mar/litml r^i»l rates of Imprest. Insurance In all of Its liranHies. J II. UKAI'I.KY OiKVI'ANT, INC., mhlO-ixit.ti 121W 32<1 st. n.w. UO.NKY TO LOAN I.N SUMS TO SU1T AT OlIK. tent rate* "f Interest on real estate la tb* 1>1> trkt of Columbia. FITCH, VOX & BHOWX, mhl tf.S 1406 ri st. n.w. MO.NKV TO I.O.VN ON l>. C. KKAL ESTATE IN suiiia .f fr^iO uii at current rate*. No charg* for preparing papers. JORLt & ULOOMKK (Inc.), 1!14 O st n.w. felS tf MONKY TO LOAN-WE HAVE »2iH>.0<Hl TO LOAN at 4Vn rniil siims to suit, on U. C. real estate: prompt service ain! no ilelsy. WILUljE. OlhBS & DANIEL, f,.l2 tf 808 * 805 13th n.w. UONE* TO LOAN AT 4% AM) r,% I.NTLUEST O.N Al'fUOVBD D. 0. KllAL K-STATK. fBOUPT BEi'LlEa A.MJ SMALLkST l'oSSlBUS KX- rE-NSE. o.31 tf MOORE * I1IUL (Inc.). 717 14th st. n w. 1600,000.00 To loan at 4tt and 6% Interest on D. O. real estate, no delay and least vxpeuae to borrower. ANTON UUT.MlLU.ll, 00b 14th St. 8d 8uor s«22-tf LOANS ON STOCKS, BONDS. LITE POLICIES trusts, bldg. assc. shares, aymllcate certlfa. and ctber appr«i*ed collateral. SO-BJ Metierott bldg.. Illy >' >t 'I'hcue 517. C. A BAKEU. sot-tX MONET TO LOA.N AT LOWKJbT RATE.S OF HT terest cai D. C. real estaLe. No unreasonable delaj. WALTEB H. ACKEH. niSii»-tf.& 1420 r n.w. MONEY TO LOA.N ON HEAL ESTATE: FIRST trual at 4i4, 6 and 8%. No unnecessary charges. THE HARBISON REALTY CO., 007 tl at. u.w. .aid tf MONEY TO LOAN ON D. & REAL^EWrATE. Lt west rates of lntereet. I'ayment on principal In am<iunta of ^100 or more received at anj In- terest period. THE F. U. SMITH COMPANY, Kood bldg.. 140S N. Y. ave. ».w. noi-tf MONET TO LOAN AT 3W. 4 AND 4H l'tR CENT; lu sums of fl.000 to *100,000, on D. C. real es¬ tate; pay off i per cent and 8 per cent loans ana begin anen at lowest rataa of Interest; all trans, actions coiiducted with economical cunslderatios for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS * CO., JeS tf-7 1407 r St. ».w. IE YOU WANT TV BORROW OB LOAN, BUY OH sell on real estate, I can save you time and cash, rs 1 (Its personal attention to all deals. doA-t/U J EAKIN OADSBY. 6Z0 ISth St. B.W. MONEY TO LOAM ON D. <X REAL EriTAT*. LOWEST RATES. R. \V WALKER Si SON. 728 15th St. n.w. apl4tf MONET TO LOAN ON APPSOTEl> OITT REAL estate at 4, 4% and B per cent Intereat. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. Largs smonats s specialty. TYLJtK * RDTMERFOKD. IS07 r St. n.w. fett-tl-* FOB" SALE.BOATS; l oll SALE-FORTY-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH; Olobe euglue: cabin; In first-class condition; at Baltimore. For particulars address Box 280. Star uAc*. mM-lawSt* WHITER RESORTS. 4 ltoM. lt.aoc. nt.»!». i wn 1 mo.. WUNTJKK RESORTS. 4 Ila««. lt,90c. St. $1.«Q. X wt.H.M. 1 mo.. IT.20. CAPACITY .»?»!111ii11111imn11miin 111mmimimiimtHHHii ihhiiimhiimfrww X "It la Cb* coming construction for all grpat building*.It won't bend. It won't bf*ak AXD TOO COt'LDVT BCRS IT IF TOl" TRUED.". X THOMAS A. ETDESON. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. arltooFOMgfa-Bleoheim IIOO. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Since Marlborough Mouse opened its d«>ors focr years ago. its substantial and artistic construction, its superior location and its ownership management have made It the most successful resort hotel in the country. Its increasing popularity has necessitated enlargement and we have the pleasure of announcing the opening of its *ister hotel "BliENHKIM" with 2*io guest chambers and 280 PRIVATE HAT1IS <every room has Its own private hath, with sea water and fresh water and running lee water in each). The structural parts are reinforced concrete and the walls are hollow tile, thus insuring an absolutely dry atmosphere so important at the store. The two bouses connect with oa« h other and will be run as one under the name "MARLB*?ROlXJH-BLENHEIM." There is an American plan dining nwm and a separate Epropean plan dining room, so that all guests have the privilege of living either way. A note plsza fronting along the ocean and overlooking the Boardwalk. As hen1 privileges. worthy feature U a semi-circular Inclosed and heated solarium and open ctoforv, high-class music will be a feature throughout the year. <»olf tuh4,l 1, 18,25,apl,8 Ownership Management, JOSlAfU WHITE SONS. HOTEL TRAYMORE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Hot and cold sea and fresh water In all baths. Running water !n bedrooms. House thoroughly and completely appointed, with every known modern hotel equipment. Seventy tlve private baths. Illustrated booklet. Capacity, 450. I'nobstrucied view from nil rooms. Golf privileges to guests over the famous Atlantic City Country Club course. TRAYMORE HOTEL COMPANY. CHAS. O. MARQUETTE, 1) S. WHITE, ja!4,KU-12t Manager. President. * | f ± Y * I HOTEL RUDOLF, Atlfef£S!ty' Directly on the Reach In the most aristocratic section of the resort. First-class in every particular. Orchestra. Weekly dances. Music In Cafe until 12 » .m. Locai and long distance telephones In rooms. Spacious piazzas. American and European plans. 400 ocean view rooms. 100 suites with private hot and cold sea water baths. Artesian well, IKK) feet deep, absolutely pure. Largest dining room and exchange, overlooking the ocean. Capacity, 1,(W0. H. E. EDER. fell. 25. nihil Teie Berkeley, MODERATE-PRICE HOTEL. Kentucky ave., near l>each and all attractions. Modern, higii- clsss, steam-heated, every comfort. Catering to a refined, hlgh-clasa patronage. liberal management; unexcelled cuisine. $1<>, $12.50, $15 per week. Booklet. A. C. lCKHOLM. mhli-'JOt.S HOTEL SOTHERN, Ocean end of Virginia avenue. High-class. Mod¬ erate-price hotel. Capacity, 225. Elevator, pri¬ vate baths, sun parlor and steam heat. Booklet mailed and all inquiries answered. (J. L. CAKE, mhl 1 -:W»t,G RALEIGH, Ocean end St. Charles Place. A modern seashore hotel with an established reputation for high class accommodations at rea¬ sonable rates. $> per day. Booklet and special weekly rates on application. H. J. DYNES. mhll-30t,8 Hotefl Fredoniia, Berkshire Inn 300. Private baths. Elevator. Every modern con¬ venience. $9.00 to $15.00 weekly. $2.00 up daily. f«»16-30t.ft J O & J. K DICKINSON. THE LORAIN B. Ocean front between the two piers; fresh and sea water baths; running water, etc. Special win¬ ter and spring rates. Auto meets trains. fel-eOt.S CI 1 AH. E. WAGNER. QALEN (HALL, nOTEL AND SANATORIUM, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Elegant New Brick Building. No more luxurious accommodations on the Coast. With half an acre of curative Baths and a swimming pool. Booklet. au27-21t>t,lo F. L. YOUNG, Getf*l Manager. Grand Atlantic Hotel. Virginia ave. and Beach, Atlantic City, N. J. Convenient to steel pier and all amusements; hot and cold sea water In private baths' long dis¬ tance 'phones lu bed rooms. Rates, $2.B0 to $4 per day; weekly rates. $12.SO to $17.50. American plan. Steam heated sun parlors; cafe. Write for 19CH' booklet. Music. Capacity, 700. mh2 90t,l3 A. CHESHIRE MITCHELL. "HOTEL. ISLESWORTH On the beach at Virginia avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Opposite famous Steel Pier, the roost cen¬ tral location, on the Boardwalk. Sea water in all bulbs. Auto bus at station. American and Euro¬ pean plans. Rates, $2.50 per day and upward. Unique Dutch Cafe. Hassler's Orchestra. fel7-W»t-l(> OSBORNE & PAINTER. New Hotel Princess (Fireproof). Ocean end South Carolina ave. Close to piers. Cai»aclty 400, newest and best. Superior in Its table and service. Luxuriously furnished. Pri¬ vate baths, extensive sun parlors, etc. $12.50 up weekly. American and European plans. Book't. CHAS. P. PRETTYMAN, Owner and Prop'r. fe27-30t,8 HOTEL TtORTON, Virginia are. near Beach, Atlantic City. N. I. Opeo all the year. Fin* table. Suites with private bath. Handsomely refurnished Perfect sanltatj arrangements. Elevator to all floors. Special rate* for winter. Capacity. 230. jail 18ot 10 Mra. N. R. HAINKS. Owiwr ft Prop. The St. Charles. Moot aelect location ob the ocean front ATLANTIC CITT. N. J. Distinctive (or Its elegance, exctaalvenesa, high elan patronage and liberal manage men t; telephone In rooms. artesian water, aea water In >11 hatha. HOTEL SHOREHAM. Virginia ave. near Beach. Capac., 300. $10 to $17 weekly, $2 to $3 daily. Steam heat: elevator; private baths; 'phones. Booklet. W. B. GOTTEN. mb2-90t,5 Ocean end Tennessee ave. First-class; moderate rates; private baths, running water in rooms, etc. Booklet. G. W. CARMANY. fe23-30t.4 THE WILTSHIRE! ' Open all the year Write for booklet. Personal representative, H. RALPH BURTON, Bond bldg. 'Phone Maiu 2700. S. S. PHOEBUS. fel5 80t,5 THE ~CXaRENDONT~ Virginia ave. near beach. Private hatha, eleva¬ tor. nin parlor. Capacity 280. Booklet. _felB-30t-8 M. D. XIEMAN. Hotel! Strand.Fireproof, Directly on the ocenn front. Refurnished and Im¬ proved throughout. Freeh and sen-water bathe, pri¬ vate and public. Automobile meets trains. Special spring terma. II. L. FAIRBAIRN, Manager. fe£4-30t-6 Chester loin. &Th.T tjee, ateam heat: elevator; $2 up dally, <10 np weekly. Mrs. D. KNAUER. Ja2T-80t "Hotel Ponce de Leon, Virginia ave. at Beach. Modern in appointments. First-class cuisine and service. Special spring rates. $10 up weekly. Booklet. S. E. SWEENY. Ja25 00t-5 ARLINGTON HOTEL Michigan Ave. and Beach. Rooms with bath. Steam heat. Sun Parlor, Elevator, Orchestra. Booklet. fel7-90t S t.. K. KUNZ. SEASIDE HOUSE, Beei Location on the Ocean Front. Complete. Modern. mh2-30t,i1 F. P. COOK St SON. NEW CLARION, Sun Parlor. fe3 80t-4 S tea in heat. $1.80 dally up. S. K. BONIF CB. Orchestra of soloists. Booklet. se5 240t 10 NEWLIN HAINES. SHpi nxfbW (>c«ln ffo. M ldL.lL>vyl n !,each; superior table; white service; all convenience#; $V wk. np; booklist. mhlO-aOt.4 M. KDXI. Hotel Broqyoas, Ocean end So. Carolina ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Capacity, 400. Notable Improvement*; new pri¬ vate bathe; ran parlors; new grill; ladle#' cafe: elevator. Bates, f 10 to $18 weekly. Booklet. W. F. SHAW, Prop. V. P. KAHTER, Mgr. felO-80t,16 THE PENNHURST, Ocean end Michigan ave. Rooms en suite with baths. Long distance 'phooes In rooms. Elevator to atreet. WM. R. HOOD. 1*21 aot ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. GREEN'S HOTEL. On the Beach front, Atlantic City, N. J. Entire Netv Management. Newly and handsomely fur¬ nished. Most delightfully located between the two fannus of all attractions. Three huuered magnificent rooms. One hundred Hot Sea- water liaths. with ail the modern appointments. Elevators, steam heat, 'phones in rooms. Muste. Terms, American plan. $2.50 per day up. Special weekly. European plan. $1.50 per day up, with separate dining rooms and service. Booklet. Coach meets all trains CHARLES E. COPE, Prop. Also KItttttirny Hotel, Delaware Water Gap, Pa. fefc-eot-16 THE HOLMHURST. After extensive alterations, present! an entirely new hotel. Situated in the moat central and yet moat select section, Pennsylvania ave.; unobstructed ocean view. Capacity, 300. The very latest and every big -cl*ss hotel appointment. Private hatha, rai¬ ning water In rooms, spacious porches, amusement balls, elevator to street, etc Booklet _end spring term* upon request. fel0-30t.l0 HENRY DARNELL MARYLAND. CarrollSpringsSanitarium FOB INVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS. Forest Glen, MA Open all the year. Bathe, else, trlclty, sob parlor, covered verandas, hot-water beat, open IIres. Pure spring water piped tkromgl the bolidlngs. Its convenience to Washington es¬ pecially recommends It. Send tor Illustrated book¬ let. Fall m eelS-tf-10 months especially delightful. Address Q. H. WEIGHT. 11.D. BREWSTER PARK SANITARIUM, LAUREL, MI>. Our treatment for drink and drag habits cantata no alcohol, morphia or stnchnla. No hj mica. Craving removed la M to tf hoa» .. SKWrMEBTM. D , Medical Director. MN-tf.4 Nonril CAROLINA. YEAR 'ROUND RESORT Is the beautiful sapphire conntry. situated In the mountains of western North Carolina. The scenery Is rtinicnlflrcnt, the air pure ami bracing:, the climate mild and dry. Three beautiful lakes, many charming waterfalls, mountain peaks, etc. Klevatlou ranges from 8,250 to 5,000 feet. Hunting preserve of 23 000 acres, with deer, wild turkey, grouse, bear and quail lOXAWAY INN Is an ele¬ gant, thoroughly modern hotel, steam heat¬ ed, private baths, etc., and Is open all the year. For descriptive booklet, _'atea and full information address I. H. AIKRN, Mgr., Lake Toiaway, N. 0. For pamphlet and general Information as to route address J. " BURBOWE8. Pres., Lake Toiaway. N. 0. 2ft VIRGINIA. Lpink heach, , VIRGINIA. Adjoining Jamestown Exposition Grounds; 28 mln- nte's bv trolley from Norfolk. Magnificent, new, perfectly appointed resort hotel of Ideal, pictur¬ esque location, catering to rellned patronage Cui¬ sine unexcelled. Open year round. Write for booklet. WM. C. ROYER, Mgr. fe21-w.f.Su m 45t.8 EUROPEAN RESORTS. 4 lines. It. 00c. St. $1.20; 1 wit $2 52; 1 mo.. $7.20 INNSBRUCK. TYROL, AUSTRIA. The university town and fashionable summe: and winter resort of the Alps. HOTEL TYROL. Fireproof; electric light*, lift, etc. Military Con¬ certs. Write for booklet®. OABL LANDSEE. Prop. d»80-g0t.8 AUCTION SALES. 4 lines. It. 60c. 3t,$l?0; 1 wk..$2.52; 1 mo $7.20. TOMORROW Big Sale Tomorrow. SO HEAD OF HORSES, MARES AND MULES. Suitable for all purposes. A rare chance for anybody needing any class of horse to call and see this stock. All out of bard work. Also three fast pacers. Apply Old Government Stable*. mhfl-tf 1122 to 1130 20th st. n.w. FLTLRE DAYS. 11 SO Head of Horses To Be Sold at Auction, Bull's Head Bazaar, 1122-30 20th St. N.W., ON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14. 1906. SALE COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK. Special mention made of ft few Trotters, Pacer*. Malted Pairs and General Purpose Horses. Mr. Davis consigns tlie fastest pair of horses in Wash¬ ington. Wilson. Record. 2.12*4. J S. L.\ Record. 2.22 Prince, bay horse, trial 2.30, sired by Waterloo R.. 2.10; Deck, brown trotter, trial 2.13, can show 2.20 speed. ALSO Two pairs of beautifully shaped Cobs, in hands high; Strawberry Roan Cob, an excellent brougham horse. All of these horses are thoroughly broken and must be as represented. AO head of horses ronsigned by Mr. Win. Davis, Va. work, business and driving horses. Horses on exhibition up to the hour of the sal«». Largo assortment <.» sale daily. mhl l-3t_ BICYCLES. One cent a word each' time for 15 words 3 timet. WHEELS WILT TO ORDEIt AND ALL KINDS of expert repairing done; enameling for the trade a specialty. RODDA MFO. CO., 6th and H n.e. mh9-f.s.Su-12t SATISFACTORY REPAIRING AND ENAMELING done by experts. Prompt service. SMITH & GROVANN~ETTT, 'Phone 4*K37 M. 814 1 Ith n.w. mh6-7t patterns; ~ 4 11.,es. It.60c. ."It.$1.20. 1 wk.. >2.182. 1 mo.. $7.80. BRING 1'S ANY PICTIUE AND WE WILL GIVE j-ou a perfect tittln^ pattern cat to order. NEW YORK PATTERN PARLORS. fel9-tf 1220 G n.w. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . DIVIDENDS Eight per cent dividends guaranteed, payable semi-annually. Ten per cent paid last year from the sale of mahogany lumber cut from our ten- million-dollar forest on our 288,000-acre tract of land, which Is paid for In full and deeded to a Philadelphia trust coinpuny for stockholders' pro¬ tection; 20,000 acres being cultivated; live stock, etc.. raised for market. A few shares for sale now. Write at once and secure 4 per cent on your money April 1. 1906. Handsomely Illustrated paper anu booklet free. Write today. Address I. L. A D. CO.. /04 Drexel bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa. mb4. MEDICAL. 4 Udos. lt.OOr. 3t.$l 20; 1 wk .$2 52; 1 mo- $7.20. »ry 402 6th st. n.w., Dr. Czarira, GERMAN PHYSICIAN. Treats Chronic and Acute Blood Poison, Nervousness and Skin Diseases. uih6-P0tt5 Dr. Sfiiade .1 treat men." 35 years' practice Stomach, liver, blood, «kln. bladder, stricture, nervous, spe¬ cial diseases cured promptly. Consultation free. 727 13th st n.w mb»-30f Dr. Fisk Elgin, Expert" treatment of all diseases, chroalc and acute. Both sexes. All consultations confidential. Medicine furnished. Prices moderate. Uours. 0 to 1 8 to 6. 7 to 9. 12:13 Pa. ave. 'Phono U. 1819. 'ja3 »0f6 Dr. LeatBierman, Expert In the core ot all forma of -contagions blond ana skin diseases of laen and women. All affec¬ tions of a delicate nature quickly cured. Advice free. S12 10th at. n.w. aol8-tt W T HALDL'S. M.D.. PH.D.. OEHMAN SPE- clallst on Diseases oT the Brain. Nervooi System. Keart, Kidneys, Stomach and other Diseases. I'octor's servicr and medicine, >2. Tel. M. Sit Honrs, 10 to 1, 4 to B. S.B. ear. 8tb and T n.w. }y!8tf-8 Or= Reed, Specialist, 509 12th Street "SB VPAD6' bhccbhsful X5 I EriBVfcS PRACTICE IS Diseases of the Brain and Nerrom System. Skin, Blood. Heart. Stomscb. Uver Kidneys, Bladder, Nose, Throat and Longs. Stricture. Varloocels aad Hydrocele eared. No pain. Ns loss of time. Blood Diseases and Disorders of tfce Urtniiy Organs promptly relieved and permanently cored by safe methods Charges low. Frss eoosoltstlan per- SJ. Tby ^TTcr Boors: 10 to I sad 3 to 8; *». days. 10 to 1. Ml* U ¦ LOAS COMPANIES. It>m>; 1 mo.. ft.tO Money Loaned Salaried People 114 otlwn wttkott aacarlty; *»»J parmaata. UqMt boilini Is n principal cttte* TOD Wan. im hh eu i6:V at. NO. «. COMMERCIAL BANK HUM) - 14th ^QZ: Entrance to elevator, 70S I4tb at. Do ant lorpt this location wh*n yon dmiI mom; tad want It qnlckly, quietly, wltboat publicity. at about one half tbo cost roo moat pay any etb«i company We do a large twain*** on a email mar (In of profit.that mraoa low ratea to oar rotoat rr*. We pay off other rompaniea and adranca yon more money. It will be worth your nhlle to deal with o». O a O n LOAN & /"V Craze inis TntsT C/© o WE DO JU3T AS WB ADVERTISB. feS-SOd NOW IS THE TIME AND 505 E ST. THE PLACE To rom? when you need money. Why not condense all vour small "ami annoying bill* Into one. where you can pay small monthly payments? If y-'U owe tiny company at present let iw pay them off ami advance yon more money at lK»tt'*r rat!?4. We loan on Furniture. f'lanos. Ac.; also <m assignment of salary. No expense. No extra charges and n-» publicity. Metropolitan Tryst Co., 505 E St. N. W. mh9 tf 20 Side entrance on 9th st. Private Offices. How Much Momey W53S Ycy Want? THE money will be forthcoming Immed ately and the paying bark terms will !*» made to suit you when you borrow ^ ffWf here <m Diamonds. Watcher. u7JCa%. Jewelry or Household <;<hv1s IJ in storage. Interest at only.. / Money Loaned Salaried People. i, 9th & D, ^;r."t mh9 18d IF YOU DECIDE To get a PRIVATE loan on furniture, piano etc , without removal, and want to get It wheie NO QUESTION'S WILL HE ASKED the matter will receive prompt and courteous attention, fill out this blank mail It to us aod AOENT WILL CALL AT ONCE :.nd explain our rates, which are ths 1 west offered In the eity. Loan* dhM off and more money advanced. Tel. Main 4373 Name | A idres* I Amount wanted, $ 1 DISTRICT LOAN CO., 639 F ST. N.W.. COU JTH AND F 1 § de31 2Sd I ¦ii<uH'ii:'it>iinMitirttit!:iniiiwiiimair:N(tiiua'MHiiii.nBMaan«iaaaaBMaH f mw m.ii i I = When you can (Hrf "Ol get it here £ for Money loaned on Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry , Ae. Established 1870. Hi. K. Fulton's Loam Office, 814 NINTH STttEKT N. W. se23-tf.!4 ~ 913 U St. N. W. FOB Best Rates on Furni¬ ture and Piano Loans. We will serve von quickly, privately and courteoualy. We will pay off any loan you now have and advance yon all the money yon need. MytoaJ Loan & Tryst Co., 9113 Q St. N. W. mtal 20d PRIVATE LOANS ON PIANOS AND FUHNIttiBB: I.OW HATES; PAYMENTS TO SUIT BURROW- Fit CONFIDENTIAL AGENT WILL CALL. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 12. fel5-B0L4 Begin Right By transferring your account to our company- conducted on the most courteous principle!* of any company In the city. Thousands of satisfied ccstomers on our books and more coming every day. We conduct the most liberal rebate system. Furniture, pianos, salaries, &c.. accepted. CalL write or 'phone M. 3909. Investigate. Surety Loam Co., 523 9th St. N. W., Ja< tf-20 Cor. 9th and if ata. Loans on Furniture MAT BE OBTAINED FROM THE CoEymbia Qyararates Co., 613 F 8T. N.W., ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT DELAY jas-tf-te OR PUBLICITY. FURNITURE LOANS $10 to $309 Made within two hours after you leave applica¬ tion. The most private and most conveniently lo¬ cated ofllcea lu the city. No misleading talk. 'red tape." No commissions. No notary fees. Na advance charges. A square business deal. SALARY LOANS MADE TO STEADY EMPLOYE* POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN CO., 828 F ST. N.W.. Atlantic building, Rooms 21. 23 and 24. Second floor. 8talrway or elevator. <Se23-20d ra a t d ® oa /a o= lUEil n. e. cor. ^ n=? 4TH i I'OOR OPPOSITE TREASURY. U V"^J FRONT. PRIVATE. n n r\[j(K} On Furniture. QUICK. II ll/M N X\ ' On Planoa. CHEAP. Lbvii/iniUu VzJ On Anjtbln*. We Can Offer We Make LOWEST RATES Ay NO CHARCES Iu the City, vfor drawinf papers. & Room 41, Home Life Bldg. THE ONLY INDEPENDENT COMPANY. fe!4-28d Falls Church News. Special Correspondence of The Star FALLS CHURCH, Va., March 10 1906. At the March meeting of the Village Im¬ provement Moclety an appropriation was made for planting shade trees, and Messrs. Gould, Fellows, Hawxhurst, Hilller and Rowell were appointed a committee to have the work dor.12. Messrs. Church Gould and Hawxhurst were appointed to center with the electric railroad authorities In regard to desired improvements ut the depots. Messrs. Rowell, Merrtlteid and Miss Gundry were appointed to report on several pro¬ posed amendments to the by-laws of the so. clely. Mr. W. N. Fehrey sustained a fracture of an arm this week from a fall from Ills milk wagon. Miss Harriet Graham Is spending a month with her sister at 1'ialntleid, N. J. Miss Gertie Nourse has returned from a visit to her elster at Wilmington, N. C. Mr. John D. Payne has Leen elected 10 represent Kails Church Lodge of Odd Fel¬ lows at the annual session of the tlrtnd Lodge, which will be held at Richmond in May. The ladles of the Presbyterian Church have Improved the chapel of ttie cf.urcti, and it will be occupied Sunday. Mr. D. H. Irwin has purchased the new house of Mr. D. Varcoe 011 Columbia street. Mr. McNalr has moved Into the new house on Maple avenue that he recently 1 ur- chased of Miss Merrltleld. Consideration of the charge of petjury agfrlnst Col. William D. Mann, editor of Town Topics, was begun by ths grand lury ip New York city Friday. The charge grew out of the trial of Norman Hapgood for criminal libel and warn based on testi¬ mony given by Colonel Manti at that trial. MINOR STREET PLAN MOVEMENT TO ELIMINATE ALLEY SLUMS WHERE POSSIBLE. Active step* have already been taken ta furtherance of tlio plan of the Commission¬ ers to eliminate alley slums wherever pos¬ sible by the conversion of the alley* Into minor streets, and early next wwk, prob¬ ably. the names of the Aral of these thor¬ oughfares marked for Improvement will be before the Commissioners. l.ess than two weeks ago th<> Commissioners appointed Major Richard Sylvester, superinteT.dent of police; George Wilson. wr«-'«»tp.ry of the board of charities, and William l\ Ricliaris. surveyor, District of Columbia, as a committee to view, consoler and re¬ port upon such alleys .is they thought it best to convert Into streets Major Sylvester, through h'« < on !<¦ lion with the local police department. h ah m tiie office of superintendent of police and before his elevation ti> that p st. hns lorg been familiar with the need of Improving conditions which surround the poor of t o capital, and as early as July I 1HPI. when ho lit id the i>ost of chief <ieik in the !< partmtnt. he wrote the following pat graph for Inclusion In the police report I r the tlM'nl year which had Just end«d. "In trwny of the police pre Incts ai« dilapidated frame and brick building* cupied by those poor creatures who 11 v from hand to mouth. Most of them nr» without drainage £»nd water facilities, and In winter and summer bned disease and death. The police during the Hu ll year Just closed reported fifteen such structyr < as dangerous In some instances a speed > removal followed; In others, nftcr con¬ demnation, houses have remained t'*nant< J until ready to fall of their own weight Meeting of Committee. As chairman of the speclsl committee re¬ cently named by the Commissioners. Major Sylvester last week culled a meeting of II « committee, ugain stated the ol Jo t of t (l c r prospective labcrs, and said that lie had deemed It propei to call upon the lieuten¬ ants of police in all precincts i i the city to report alleys which would pr .. 'oJ\ best come tinder the head of minor streets i:t the future, lie said In tl is order t > the lieutenants the l»tt<r had I wen alvlset to nlw.iys take into consideration the locn- tlon of the alleys, the "iisracter of tl houses in them, the occupants and their mut'c of living and tlie moral tone of the locality, together with the eflfe. t the pro posed change would have on neighboring conditions: low the conversion of such al leys into minor streets wo-lld tend to benefit through public betterment of trade, and. In fact, thtt the lieutenants hid l»een direct ed to take cogniznn e of anything and everything that might be of interest or value to the comm'tlee In Its labors. The committee unanimously Indorsed the plan adopted by Its chairman, and as rapidly as statistics concerning different alleys are sent in by the lleutennit-i or police all the subject matter w.'U !¦* care¬ fully considered before being forwarded to the Commissioners with the eommitteo a recommendation. NEWS ITEMS GATHERED ON THE RIVER FRONT The little tug Dixie, which « is recently purchased by Capt. George Hoblnson of Georgetown, has been hauled out on the marine railway at tlie Consolidation Coal Company at Its Georgetown wharf to b* given a general overhauling. While on tin railway the tug will be with a ne.v shaft and wheel, and will have such repair* made to her hull as will put her In thor¬ ough order for service mm a lownoat about the liarbors of Georgetown ami this city. The Dixie Is to return to towing work after having been out of that service for abo it eight years. Arrived.Hugeye Ella, wood from Ma- chodoc creek, for James < reek canal; tug 1'owhatan, towing a stone lighter from «)c- co'juan for Columbia Sand Company; schooner Charles H. Daiger. lumber, from u river point for dealers; schooners Father and Son, from Mattawoman, and J IV Robinson, from Cpper Machodoc, cord- wood, for dealers; schooners T. II. Kirby and Parks, oysters from Potomac Isfrla, for dealers. Sailed.Schooners Mary A. Howard an 1 Avalon, light, for ri\er oy ster beds to load for this city; sloop Kannle Shepherd, light, for Yeocomico river to load. Memoranda-Schooner C. C. Wheeler I* reported loading pine lumber on the Rappa¬ hannock river for this clt> ; st«am barge K. J. Tull Is loading In Arjula creek for tills city, and will tow raft of pine piling from Occoquati here on her next trip. The tug Marion Cameron, belonging to the Potomac Dredging Company, Is em¬ ployed in general towing on the rlv^r while the tyvo dredging machines of the company are out of service at Baltimore undergoing an overhauling. The Philadelphia barge J. IC. M< Ilvalne, which loaded a cargo of stone at C.e-irge- town, has sailed in tow of the tug Kdward Guintnell for Norfolk, where the material the barge lias aboard will be used in the improvement of government property, ^e eral cargoes of the stone for use in this work have been carried sway from George¬ town within the fast month or two. The Georgetown tug William H. Moliler Is hauled out on the marine railway at tl. > Alexandria shipyard for attention to hull, and for an overhauling preparatory to going Into service In general towing work on the river. She will tie ready for service within the next day or two. The work on the harbor police boat Vigi¬ lant Is being pushed at Hennett's railway, but as considerable new planking was needed, much more than was llrst antici¬ pated, It will be the middle or latter part of next week before she is ready to lie launched and can return to service. Mean¬ while the patrolling of the river fiont, by the river police. Is being done on lo>t. Aimcostia and Vicinity. Telephonic communication for the plant of the Firth-Sterling Steel Company under construction at Giesboro' Point is being provided by the erection of the necessary poles and wires. The workmen are en¬ gaged in building two outbuildings for the company on the iieiskell tract. Mr. Raymond A. Iieiskell, who has been ill at Providence Hospital for several weeks, has almost entirely recovered lie Is now at his residence, near Oxon Hill, Prince George county. Md. The marriage of Miss Alice Oliver and Mr. Mack Dulaney, both residents of Washington and attaches of St Elizabeth asylum, occurred last Wednesday after¬ noon In Alexandria, Vn The Intention or the young couple had become known to their associates, and when they appeared in the dining hall Wednesday, prior to de¬ parting for Alexandria, they were warmly congratulated. When they left the Insti¬ tution by street car for Alexandria they were followed by a shower of rice and good-luck tokens. The marlage was per¬ formed by Rev. J. H. Kwell of Alexandria The bride yvas becomingly attired in a steel-colored velvet suit with hat to match, and she carried a bouquet of vlo- lets. The ml-careme festival will be observed In St Teresa's parish at Anacostla by a gathering in the church hall at Washing¬ ton and Fillraore streets, when Rev James A. MeCallan, one of the priests connected with St. Mary's Seminary, will deliver a lecture. Mr. James C. I.eonard. an An;icos:l.i busi¬ ness man. lies returned after a southern tour. In the course of which he witnessed the Msrdl (ir«s carnival In New Orleans. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad Is caus¬ ing some improvements to be made to Its property here along the river shore. A force of men is engaged In cutting away banks near Sumner and Howard avenues, making walkways and gutters on each side of the freight lino ;uid filling up the trestle at thut point with earth. Patrolman J. F. Reagan has returned to duty In the Anaeostia district following an Illness that compelled him to be Indoors for a number of days. Officers who are still absent from the local squad Are A. L, Lucas, who is on the sick list, and C. R. Brown and D. J. Garvey. absent on le*v .. Information has beer, received here of the death Thursday at bh home in Prince George county. Md.. of Charles Burgess, who had a number of friends in this sec¬ tion. Mr. Burgess was the victim of a paralytic stroke a year or so ago. but he early part of the present year he was kicked by a horse and reoelved Injuries from which he never fully recovered. It matters little what It Is that you want .whether a situation or a servant.s "want" ad. in The Star will reach the per¬ son who can All your need.

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Page 1: Loaned Salaried ..» arltooFOMgfa-Bleoheimaddress Mrs. It. LOVING, Lawton place. Falls Ohurch, Va. mhl0-2t* AIM I T FAMILY WHITE To RKNT SMALL eottage or part of house in the

SUBURBAN PROPERTY.4 It. fa*. M >\.o*. Ink..*233; 1 mo.. 97.20.FOR MAI K im«M>KL *NI>. 1218 FVARTS HT.. 7m;>, bath; open Sunday. I to 6 p.m.; $200 rashIml j.n i. nt. After Sunday apply reol evirate"rtJ- 1IM (I n.w mbl3-3t*

r 'K > \ I «>-R«K>2M>. \TTI(;.~CKllLAR7FRAmT;u .v*ter; both room: furna.ce; fine pbade

..» fmit; l Oiirrrte iiden«lks; 15 minutes' carfare. Gome out ftundaj. 2*»12 Frank¬

lin l.argdoo, D. O. Week days apply Sl't7:U »f. ii. v\.

foil *WK'

In K f- \SiXGTON. 7-room fcoaae with all m<"*d-ern .-in er« ??.?:« e«. I:trg- grain-da, c1o.<n» to electric* nl in ear*.* cii^ be bought very cheap and©n r.isv term#.

rKRhFXL A IJTTT E.200-207 Colorado building.

14th aud O at*. n.w.

for sale.At KLNS1NOTON. 8-room honaa. Jn thorough

repair; uteam beat, large grounda. Price, $L3.«VJU;terui* to *ult.

FOR SALE.A 14-room houae and Are nrre« of jrronnd. '!&.

house 1* su-nmnded by beautiful a»;ade trees.located In < ne of the chob-etc sect June ofI>JstrIrt, within driving distance of the CapltoLWill be sold rery cheap.FOR s\LE-New 8 houn.* at TAKOMA PARK, wltS

al; <!ty <.» nvenien .«¦«, larp; grounds, conreni?ntto steam and electric car?. Price ressonails;terms to suit.

FOR SALS.28 ncre*. with large br»n«<. close to city; art-

joining one of the fine*? country estates in

Mont/- ivnry county, Maryland. Will exchangefor city property.

1 Ii R R K L L * LITTLE.Colorado Htilbling,

?. lo :;t 14th and G »=;s.

mil SALK S-KOOM HOrSK RKriSPTION tiai.l.bat town Mater, hot and cold with ^ acreg-'»und. fruit trees, ahrnbbery. Ac.; on BaltimoreI. ikh. In;ju're on premises, or of

Mr-: r L. TRETI.KIl. I> L O.. P. O. Pent.For 92,700. mhlO-St*ROOM HofSi: WITH RATH. FCRNACB. A.\I)

t a n. .* ables. tenant house: fruit, shade trees; 12ncrea ground; with n 2 minutes' walk steam orelectric f .ira; rare bargain to quick buyer. Box1 lo. .Star office. rabl0-3t+

£aK«;.\I\ For QIIIi'K PritCHASKK MODERN*colonial house on K< ekviJle eb crtlc ry.: 5 acre-*;trust. $1,700 at JV'f: bal. cash. Apply Room 301,tlumblao bU|



50 by average depth of 104); clear; 12th St.; 50fevt from city and suburban cars. Address Bos130. Star office. mht0-2t

FOR RKNT FROM APIUL 1. ROOMY IIOPSE;fur. «»r unfur.: (torches and lar-^e. attractivegrounds and stable; references required. Call or

address Mrs. It. LOVING, Law ton place. FallsOhurch,Va. mhl0-2t*

AIM I T FAMILY WHITE To RKNT SMALLeottage or part of house in the <.« untrv near car

line, or will fake care of residence; ref. ei-rlmuged. Address B. A. l\ , Star office.mbtO-St*

FOR SAL!4 *. ROOM HOI'SK; L\R<M\ I.O'f; ONEcar fa it n.e on Maryland and IVstrlet line.S»-> «» H l-'oWI.KU. *oli:--;bian bb!g.. ih hot.D and E sts. Price. mhl«?3t*

FOB SALE TWO A Nl» ON E-! IA LF ACRKS OFlan<l v !<. ru lions.', barn, ? tr convenient to.toetrie aud attain K R ; largt abade trees; ga r-.If.i r.rnl orchard: IoJ'.^r-«!'stance 'phone; exception¬ally fine water «im p; rfect drainage: situate 3mil s fio: Washington; pric-. «N VW> J CK I NN1 1'^ t 'AMPBI-./.L. 14!.'? d st. n.w. tnhl0-3t


FERNWOOI> HEIGH'IN."Buy a lot $300 cash and small monthly pay-

ni a?s. ! will sorely mtiv money ft>r you In-able of 3 y^ars. Tiie location is absolutely thebrsf that ould 1m' secured. Hirertly northwestfrom WMshiti^'nu, IMro.tly on on (four widestand b«*st r*-sid»'ii <¦ avcniif-. <'onne«*ted dire«'tlywftli « iiy 1 >y best ear servict « n fare, withouttransfer, t.. center of cityIHI.NK WHAT THAT NEW MILLI' i.N-DOI/*

T AR BRUm;i: MEANS TO THIS SWTION, andpick <Hit your I d at the low price now

a»i:< -ITi'os I FISHER & <"0 No. 1414 F St.


at Brook la iM; W)x 1 >» f».; ahadc. Price, termsTHE M !U.!;n hkai. K4TATB & LOAN' PO.,a<"!l mkiojt

l ot: S II.I (INK . I.VV. M'>i)l-:K\ I'WKI.UN'O?H rrnMii,. l.afh; Mi'wwry outbuildings; In Kjistfoil- ("hiir.'li: 2 mtiiiilp*' walk .f station.;. .*><.*»<... for r.Kht party; water aa<l

¦'"!.>>> I! I' ITCIIF>M».N. Owner. Alej.,POOL, Kdlla Church.

PifcUt-w.Kn.m-4wVOIt IlKNT SEVKX lliioll HOl'SK. IN EXITCL-

lent I'ondltloD, located on higliest elevation InDel Kay; five minutes' vat* from I.loyd statlra"" \ A Mt. eliH'trie railway; prefer torent ftmiUhe.1. WAT-TBIt ( V VltNKY. 107 N

_ralrfn »t.. Alexandria. V.i. mblo-St>'«>K SUK-a hkai riri L place near WashingtonTen t.'res; very high elevation, n-ar Bethesda;

ofi . l-.-trlr II It Improved l.y an attractive dwell¬ing of ten rooms and l.ath; hot-water nent; tine«at. r; linrn; all fenced, fruli of all kiikI-. Cheau

r w.'iiRAHAM.' aiv utirtm .-ali>-~

IN VIKCINIA. 2 M1I.ES OCT, VERY HtOn POINTOn tl"- <.Id Ilonilnloa It. It, Impnived bv two

?r ". '-X urn*. Property neat so'ld for1 1 -an soil this at, per acre. $4Uii

mi<l"-c W. GRAHAM. 017 l ttb.DOR SU.t 7.H. A. ltKS HU'E AND KEFcLAY

Ii" r,,'! 1l,r!<'k!,. *«<.* lotta. tlliuB..Ijo building aaiol.,,a , . ..

sa*iu:l hbai.mear.Biltl" ,.i Rm.m 1. falvert bldg.. Haitlmore. Md.


"*?,! I'^l'-'ty In the 'ai'jfest and mostI'M tu..Mjue Washington suburb see us We con¬trol iii.H-e [iriiperty In Takoma than the other deal-crs c. n.'hliicl, and oitr suburban manager 1. a rest1 t or this suburb TERMS I'd SI IT PI'R< IIASICKS. COLLI.N8-Ul'EKRY Cu t!2l I3th

*' " w- tnlilt) 8tFOR -Al l-; is ACRES OPPOSITE THE OEOROEtown Cniversit.v tine view of cit. ami river

SAMUEI, HEAl.MEAlt."'¦-1 1 R"<wb 1. CalTfrt Mdg.. Ealtlmore, Md.

I'O'E VCKES. WITH l.ItEES ANDs i'ibl. rv. i-n pretty avenue two blocksf- II el'ctrlc cars nod turoplk. neari '. ( hf'iKla. Md.; bandnouie r«*8i<lence. eon-

iili'ie IS rooms, bal it and .-v. iv con-v* !¦ i.-nce f >r a K' liti.-aiaucoui trv home'large stable and other outbuildings; all'in perfect order; owner' live Into-.-n on account of business- .-an be

lion nt »ir.,i»>o. or Mill trade-ear for city property at proper valua-

t ion.ilEISKELI. A M-LERAN. KH^i V st

FAI.:.S '.It It' ll. VA. NINE no »M iiorsE,"AiRK GRol Nil, BARS. tr.. shad,- ami lawn,U'st | atloi near h- ,.l, chnr-los, STEAM ami

".Si;. «»"; BAROAI.N Eolt l \S|| by tbeOWN!-.I. Address L. A. S., star I'tlj i?mill" at"

CflNln II ROAIt I,o|s \|.I, sizrs. FROMUI !'. m.s easy. Iie»t leslty investment hi the1>ls,r" CLARK >Ut'»S.. 7u6 Uth n.w. mli»-«t

>' .*1..'' « TKIt\l> I.AS1 '.111'Tii mflbolt., at Ijiurel, Mil. lot llsulai. fruit and??" ." u)'nu,« w a Ik from station.*ni1'" " OWim. (si .M st. n.w. rahtf-3t*

'OR \ i .1*. i 'li EXCHANGE FOR SMAI.I, FVRNInear irs .«>.¦ ,.f the best houses in liallston *3J,' >. .«»" f"'". berries. -Iirul.u.v. e mlpp. d

'* "tra! I s'lot, always occupied byN LOV EWEI.I l.allsn n. Va. mh9 3?

Ni \R ClfEVY CHASE I.AKK OVKR llacre nr house; J! |..r.-hes; b 'Ige fence; young

- ry; s- m1:-. be.' if water, attract-neigiiliorhood; bargain price

1HK SOl'lX 0<» tluc ), ti'.'i I^i avemli!" :t

Foil SALE-..." 4 "! ''"J «n Broad Branch close toL;.ev. i a.e c.rcle;. Prl.'e. (is.txx. Terms easy.

Illos Ii IIFNSET A- (>lRoom 4 >5 Oolonolo bldg

SA! «. BAHRAIN IN BH^iKLAN H(7n THEea#k-M terms.


Reduced fo $3,800.Hi-,' cash, ftntl monthly i«ay;i ents

. rw'M b'-wa. cellar; bath ga* lot 50x150-gviuf. i: ;ib- s.«b-«alk. »'.tf<!rable l<H%aUon¦»*-»« Moore A hill (Inc.i. 717 Htb st.

''AVS LEFT TO .SELL » ACRES. ""T, '"w barn and

* :11k and ki' 11 house chicken house- ,t

;-'e.-irte cars 4 tulle, of w».hlnr«i>:it - tcrifle, at ».-|.'i«i; rs-si casti bslsn^i to

suit JOSEPH K ATKINSON 1411 U st nwru'j!f t

FOR RENT NEW BROOM DWEI.I.INO 4 13scr.- til... track Istiil. larg.. cultivated black..« vr\ *«"li. I17.SW). Olbtr b»»usc« with 4 1 *i

fcr** ?!.; f^r month Al*.» 23^ rlrh truckingland ¦ij.dni.ig near rlrctrk* and Mt>«m n»ad^; 2ir-ib v from <-itr.

OASClf * ItlROE, 132« N. Y. sve. D.w.

V"K IUU It A R* 1AIN l\ A SPI KMiIIl NEW1' ate,: e llei^-tits, -.'Ubesst half

i' fr»^iu iifiderfciro.ind ele< trli 1F1 street car' .'i"ilu' are 7 rooms, uiUr, at-.v»'er heat; . hol.e resldei. e section;

I he.:thy; prl *3,Kill, It . , bargaing di.g to b» A.hires. |t.x (s,_ .s,ar

"m 'r jllhft t,s.,*u-4t'i/>MAL 1" Room IO! i--\ni< aBOLT ONF* :¦ oind Bl' e ti^ .i arte and fruit trees

car fare Inquire at li sjrn 215. Htewart.

4<»2 0th st. a w. mhl-BOt41X M Kl'RIIAN PUt'l'Uln V I.YINij ON* THE

' ar itiiea will advance in price in the. I ring liuj now while prices are 1 » snd terms' »sy We hate a t-.-w g...Ml lots. t»> ft. front Inu * .ei-tlon at *3*»i; only »K6 cash tequlred.I':op l» a postal er csll if you desire fuit!ittrpartb ulars.fiix if ROBINS IN A Co (lue>, 613 14th st.


VWaM- °°-ViA FoRiYnK for YW: I \ REAL ESTAIB-8ENDI*? Ine°" ^( iil KBA.N HOMJtSW., Inc.. 2t'.» 2ih Colorado bldg , W«ahlngtoa,

u fe 10-861¦i'LE.NDIU RBAb rnTATB; REASON-

f^L*^ "BU for my new cat«-bargains; they consist of grata.

s!l! i ' ^ .n<1 ''lw I->M farms;°lar* th* e'eam and slevtrlc

"i>h acreage suitabl. for o31oe holders;mtn. ? ^ propertv. such i'S stores, hotels."11U. b,'U- ^ - have goo.1 land. giK"!.choou. charchea and good a«-lety. It will payt.». ,com* "S1 V'1 ®e Show >ou around. J

always llv*.l In the courtry I can it a

JSJiY l?U .o'JHf ,lb4L lf 1 liT"' I" ths city,buy017 catalog«« before

JOHN *. JFRMAN, F.trfai C. H Va.lalrfw c'h.V vTeu'na. 'rh'""

FOE SALE.LOTS.? liny, It.&Oc; 3t, fl.OO; 1 1 mo., $7.20.FOR BALE.AT SACRIFICE- LOT 50x140; OSciiamplaln are. n.w. near Euclid at. (formerlyErie). Price. 45 cents ft.Also lot 50*1 .">0 on Falrmount at. (formerly Lin¬

coln) n.w., mar 6th at. Price. 40 centa aq. ft.Both lots in icraU*. Escelfc-nt chance for bnllilars.


FOR SALE NKAR NEW 14TI1 ST. EXTE'.VSI<*>N,?Yi.156 t.» aHer; tracks laid hi May; l>uy now andreceive benefit of increase; need money; cheapfor cash. OWNER, Jfl) M n.w.

I <>!» SALE liEST LiX'ATION NORTH OOLUM-t'ia Height*.25 ft. front; one *juare 14th st.extended; Capital Traction line now beinc ex¬tended. A taifilD. Addfest Box 161, Star office.nihil 2t

FOR HALE- V 11ARB VBXSCE FOR BUILDERSami kj»» uiatl<>n 4Xxl ** fe«*t on H St. n.e.; 70ffiits i>er foot, on eaej terms. J. B. CARPEN¬TER, 414 7th st. n.w. mhlu-3t*

FOR SALE.TO H\*7LI)ERs"aNT) HOUESEEKERS.ii'5 ft. x yr», iir» ft. x to.





iniilo :;t J. ft WDIEU. REAL EST.. 1201 G ST.FOR SALK LOX 1nw'lil 100 FEET. FINELY

locnle»l n.w., Ht a nargain to immediate pnr-<ii,m>.t. Address OWNER II.. Star otiice. mhlO-.'tt*

FoR SALE M>TS FATIN»i 1-fTH ST. EXTENDeel. jcreaMy reduced for limited time; high (fronnd;

minutes from treasury; praded; ears passproperty this summer; exceptional opportunity forInvestment. See me jrhoiit this.mill" tf 1». K. RULES. 1450 Irving st. n.w.


N. H. avp., inar site of pficrfected houses cost¬ing $10,000 to huikl. Price* $'J Unit.

HASKELL & McLERAN, lOw F st. n.w.mhl0-3t ¦-

l"ou SALE ONE OF THE FINEST iT>RNEItS ONWashington Heights, containii g 5 0*0 t-q^ar.* feet.Owner iuis jnst reduced tiie price to effect a

quick s.-»le. Do not miss the opportunity of se¬

curing thl* beautiful site.( HAS. S MCIR & CO. (Inc.).

mh10-2t 1403 New York ave. n.w.

1 OK SALE ItEST LOCATION NOU'W I COLD341HAHeight 9 25 ft. front; one sonars 14th st. extend¬ed; Capital Traction line now t>eiug extended. Abargain. A tlUreas OWNER H., Star office.mhU-.'vt .

FOR S~\77f~ VICE SPECULATION. A GENUINEbargain; 2">-ft. lot. northwest section; err 1 iip;nil city Improvements. Price only S350. Clipthis ad." and call for particulars. ROBINSONA- CO. flue.), 01.'. 14th «*t. mhT-tf


offers as gcod an InTcstrnent at 30 cents sq. you can find in Washington. Buy these lotsif you want to make quick turn. Don't waituntil 14th st. car iiae gets to running by theproperty if you desire to get in at this price.Only takes us 45 minutes to drive you out. showyou the property and get back down town. Yousurely can spare that much time to find some¬

thing good. Just phone or write, naming timeyou would like to go.

ROBINSON & CO. (Inc,), 613 Fourteenth at.fe2S tf



IN Till fashionable SECTIONS.ON OLUMBIA AND WASHINGTON HEIGHTS.STONE FAIRFAX. 1312 New York ave. n.v^f. 24 tf 9


Fourteenth sr. has I»ee:j extended; 14th st. carline will be out there by summer. This Is a


nr!2 tf MOORE & HILL (Inc.). 717 14th st. n.w.

FOR EXCHANGE.4 nes. It.r>0c: 3t.$1.0«; 1 wk..$2.38; 1 mo., $7 20

I i>K EXCHANGE-desirable IMtOPKKTY INMilwaukee and .vicinity for place near Washing¬ton suitable for aanltirlum; must have large andwell-shaded grounds and be near station or elec¬tric line. Address Box 753, Milwaukee, Wis.mh4-8u3t*

WILL EXCHANGE EQUITY IN TWO SMALLflats n.e. for four-cylinder automobile; comoleteoutfit. Addresslnhlo 3t* FLATS. Star office.

FOR EXCHANGEAttention, builders!.4 23-ft. lots on S st. near

N. H. ave.; can be traded for houses in n.w.THOS. J. FISHER & CO., Inc. 1414 F st. n.w.mh10-3t


FAKMS.4 lines. It.60c; St, $1.00; 1 wk.. $2.33; 1 mo., $7.20.For sale-

Valuable farm containing nearly 170 acre*,lying directly northwest of the city, on electriccar llue, adjoining one of the most beautiful sub¬divisions in the vicinity of the national capital.Price, $850 per acre. Exceedingly valuable toisubdivision purposes. This property belongs toau estate, aud the executors are very ansloutto sell.

Valuable stock farm containing 600 acres, with¬in easy driving distance of the city. Has bothelectric and steam railway facilities. Price, $*5&Cper acre.

Farm containing 218 acres, adjoining the Marylaud Agricultural College. Price, $15,000.

terrElJ> & LITTLE,2OG-07 Colorado building,

14th and G sts.




TERRELL & LITTLE,200-07 Colorado building.

mhl0-3t 14th and G sts.

FOR RENT*"-"A DAIRY FARM OF 250 A<7REs!within 8 miles of Washington, on Penna. R. It.;duelling house, 3 barns and equipment for dairy.Will sell a number of dairy rattle. Terms rea¬sonable. A splendid opportunity. Call or addressROBINSON WHITE, 002 F n.w. inh8-7t

COUNTRY PROPERTY.4 lines. It,50c: 3t.$1.00; 1 wk.,$2.38; 1 mo., $7.20.FOB 8ALB.FARM SIX MILES FROM CITY,suitable for truck, dairy or stock; well located;itoinedlate i»osseMlon; terms to suit. J. C. MAT-T1NGLY. Owner, Fendali bldg., il44 D st. n.w.inhlO 3t*

::u ACRES; <i.ool) BU1LI)IN(JS; SOIL WELLadapted to fruit; 15 minutes' walk to electricstation: 5 mlrtutes from school. Price. $3,500.CHARLES I1INE. Vienna, Va. mhy 3t*

MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN"4 line*. lt.60c 31. HI .20. i <xk 52. 1 mo.. $7 20M<>N 1-fv TO LOAN ON IiISIUKT OK roi.rMBIAand Mar/litml r^i»l rates of Imprest.Insurance In all of Its liranHies.

J II. UKAI'I.KY OiKVI'ANT, INC.,mhlO-ixit.ti 121W 32<1 st. n.w.

UO.NKY TO LOAN I.N SUMS TO SU1T AT OlIK.tent rate* "f Interest on real estate la tb* 1>1>trkt of Columbia.

FITCH, VOX & BHOWX,mhl tf.S 1406 ri st. n.w.

MO.NKV TO I.O.VN ON l>. C. KKAL ESTATE INsuiiia .f fr^iO uii at current rate*. No charg* forpreparing papers. JORLt & ULOOMKK (Inc.),1!14 O st n.w. felS tf

MONKY TO LOAN-WE HAVE »2iH>.0<Hl TO LOANat 4Vn rniil siims to suit, on U. C. realestate: prompt service ain! no ilelsy.

WILUljE. OlhBS & DANIEL,f,.l2 tf 808 * 805 13th n.w.


o.31 tf MOORE * I1IUL (Inc.). 717 14th st. n w.

1600,000.00To loan at 4tt and 6% Interest on D. O. realestate, no delay and least vxpeuae to borrower.ANTON UUT.MlLU.ll, 00b 14th St. 8d 8uors«22-tf

LOANS ON STOCKS, BONDS. LITE POLICIEStrusts, bldg. assc. shares, aymllcate certlfa. andctber appr«i*ed collateral. SO-BJ Metierott bldg..Illy >' >t 'I'hcue 517. C. A BAKEU. sot-tX

MONET TO LOA.N AT LOWKJbT RATE.S OF HTterest cai D. C. real estaLe. No unreasonabledelaj. WALTEB H. ACKEH.niSii»-tf.& 1420 r n.w.

MONEY TO LOA.N ON HEAL ESTATE: FIRSTtrual at 4i4, 6 and 8%. No unnecessary charges.THE HARBISON REALTY CO., 007 tl at. u.w..aid tf

MONEY TO LOAN ON D. & REAL^EWrATE.Lt west rates of lntereet. I'ayment on principalIn am<iunta of ^100 or more received at anj In-terest period. THE F. U. SMITH COMPANY,Kood bldg.. 140S N. Y. ave. ».w. noi-tf

MONET TO LOAN AT 3W. 4 AND 4H l'tR CENT;lu sums of fl.000 to *100,000, on D. C. real es¬tate; pay off i per cent and 8 per cent loans anabegin anen at lowest rataa of Interest; all trans,actions coiiducted with economical cunslderatiosfor borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS * CO.,JeS tf-7 1407 r St. ».w.

IE YOU WANT TV BORROW OB LOAN, BUY OHsell on real estate, I can save you time and cash,rs 1 (Its personal attention to all deals.doA-t/U J EAKIN OADSBY. 6Z0 ISth St. B.W.


LOWEST RATES.R. \V WALKER Si SON. 728 15th St. n.w.

apl4tfMONET TO LOAN ON APPSOTEl> OITT REALestate at 4, 4% and B per cent Intereat. Specialprivileges with respect to prior payments. Largssmonats s specialty. TYLJtK * RDTMERFOKD.IS07 r St. n.w. fett-tl-*

FOB"SALE.BOATS;l oll SALE-FORTY-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH;Olobe euglue: cabin; In first-class condition; atBaltimore. For particulars address Box 280. Star


WHITER RESORTS.4 ltoM. lt.aoc. nt.»!». i wn 1 mo..

WUNTJKK RESORTS.4 Ila««. lt,90c. St. $1.«Q. X wt.H.M. 1 mo.. IT.20.


.»?»!111ii11111imn11miin 111mmimimiimtHHHii ihhiiimhiimfrwwX "It la Cb* coming construction for all grpat building*.It won't bend. It won't bf*ak AXD TOO COt'LDVT BCRS IT IF TOl" TRUED.".


OPEN ALLTHE YEAR. arltooFOMgfa-Bleoheim IIOO.


Since Marlborough Mouse opened its d«>ors focr years ago. its substantial and artistic construction, its superior location and its ownershipmanagement have made It the most successful resort hotel in the country. Its increasing popularity has necessitated enlargement and we havethe pleasure of announcing the opening of its *ister hotel "BliENHKIM" with 2*io guest chambers and 280 PRIVATE HAT1IS <every room has Itsown private hath, with sea water and fresh water and running lee water in each). The structural parts are reinforced concrete and the wallsare hollow tile, thus insuring an absolutely dry atmosphere so important at the store. The two bouses connect with oa« h other and will berun as one under the name "MARLB*?ROlXJH-BLENHEIM." There is an American plan dining nwm and a separate Epropean plan diningroom, so that all guests have the privilege of living either way. A noteplsza fronting along the ocean and overlooking the Boardwalk. As hen1privileges.

worthy feature U a semi-circular Inclosed and heated solarium and openctoforv, high-class music will be a feature throughout the year. <»olf

tuh4,l 1, 18,25,apl,8Ownership Management, JOSlAfU WHITE SONS.

HOTEL TRAYMORE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.Hot and cold sea and fresh water In all baths. Running water !n bedrooms. House

thoroughly and completely appointed, with every known modern hotel equipment. Seventytlve private baths. Illustrated booklet. Capacity, 450. I'nobstrucied view from nilrooms. Golf privileges to guests over the famous Atlantic City Country Club course.


ja!4,KU-12tManager. President.


HOTEL RUDOLF, Atlfef£S!ty'

Directly on the Reach In the most aristocratic section of the resort. First-class in every particular.Orchestra. Weekly dances. Music In Cafe until 12 » .m. Locai and long distance telephones Inrooms. Spacious piazzas. American and European plans. 400 ocean view rooms. 100 suites withprivate hot and cold sea water baths. Artesian well, IKK) feet deep, absolutely pure. Largest diningroom and exchange, overlooking the ocean. Capacity, 1,(W0. H. E. EDER.fell. 25. nihil

Teie Berkeley,MODERATE-PRICE HOTEL. Kentucky ave.,near l>each and all attractions. Modern, higii-clsss, steam-heated, every comfort. Catering to arefined, hlgh-clasa patronage. liberal management;unexcelled cuisine. $1<>, $12.50, $15 per week.Booklet. A. C. lCKHOLM.mhli-'JOt.S

HOTEL SOTHERN,Ocean end of Virginia avenue. High-class. Mod¬erate-price hotel. Capacity, 225. Elevator, pri¬vate baths, sun parlor and steam heat. Bookletmailed and all inquiries answered. (J. L. CAKE,mhl 1 -:W»t,G

RALEIGH,Ocean end St. Charles Place.

A modern seashore hotel with an establishedreputation for high class accommodations at rea¬sonable rates. $> per day. Booklet and specialweekly rates on application. H. J. DYNES.mhll-30t,8

Hotefl Fredoniia,

Berkshire Inn300. Private baths. Elevator. Every modern con¬venience. $9.00 to $15.00 weekly. $2.00 up daily.

f«»16-30t.ft J O & J. K DICKINSON.THE LORAINB.

Ocean front between the two piers; fresh andsea water baths; running water, etc. Special win¬ter and spring rates. Auto meets trains.fel-eOt.S CI 1 AH. E. WAGNER.


Elegant New Brick Building. No more luxuriousaccommodations on the Coast. With half an acreof curative Baths and a swimming pool. Booklet.au27-21t>t,lo F. L. YOUNG, Getf*l Manager.Grand Atlantic Hotel.

Virginia ave. and Beach, Atlantic City, N. J.Convenient to steel pier and all amusements;

hot and cold sea water In private baths' long dis¬tance 'phones lu bed rooms. Rates, $2.B0 to $4per day; weekly rates. $12.SO to $17.50. Americanplan. Steam heated sun parlors; cafe. Write for19CH' booklet. Music. Capacity, 700.mh2 90t,l3 A. CHESHIRE MITCHELL.

"HOTEL. ISLESWORTHOn the beach at Virginia avenue, Atlantic City,N. J. Opposite famous Steel Pier, the roost cen¬

tral location, on the Boardwalk. Sea water in allbulbs. Auto bus at station. American and Euro¬pean plans. Rates, $2.50 per day and upward.Unique Dutch Cafe. Hassler's Orchestra.fel7-W»t-l(> OSBORNE & PAINTER.

New Hotel Princess (Fireproof).Ocean end South Carolina ave. Close to piers.

Cai»aclty 400, newest and best. Superior in Itstable and service. Luxuriously furnished. Pri¬vate baths, extensive sun parlors, etc. $12.50up weekly. American and European plans. Book't.CHAS. P. PRETTYMAN, Owner and Prop'r.fe27-30t,8

HOTEL TtORTON,Virginia are. near Beach, Atlantic City. N. I.

Opeo all the year. Fin* table. Suites with privatebath. Handsomely refurnished Perfect sanltatjarrangements. Elevator to all floors. Special rate*for winter. Capacity. 230.jail 18ot 10 Mra. N. R. HAINKS. Owiwr ft Prop.

The St. Charles.Moot aelect location ob the ocean front

ATLANTIC CITT. N. J.Distinctive (or Its elegance, exctaalvenesa, high

elan patronage and liberal managemen t; telephoneIn rooms. artesian water, aea water In >11 hatha.

HOTEL SHOREHAM.Virginia ave. near Beach. Capac., 300. $10 to

$17 weekly, $2 to $3 daily. Steam heat: elevator;private baths; 'phones. Booklet. W. B. GOTTEN.mb2-90t,5

Ocean endTennessee ave.

First-class; moderate rates; private baths, runningwater in rooms, etc. Booklet. G. W. CARMANY.



Open all the year Write for booklet. Personalrepresentative, H. RALPH BURTON, Bond bldg.'Phone Maiu 2700. S. S. PHOEBUS.fel5 80t,5

THE ~CXaRENDONT~Virginia ave. near beach. Private hatha, eleva¬

tor. nin parlor. Capacity 280. Booklet._felB-30t-8 M. D. XIEMAN.

Hotel! Strand.Fireproof,Directly on the ocenn front. Refurnished and Im¬proved throughout. Freeh and sen-water bathe, pri¬vate and public. Automobile meets trains. Specialspring terma. II. L. FAIRBAIRN, Manager.fe£4-30t-6

Chester loin. &Th.Ttjee, ateam heat: elevator; $2 up dally, <10 npweekly. Mrs. D. KNAUER. Ja2T-80t

"Hotel Ponce de Leon,Virginia ave. at Beach. Modern in appointments.

First-class cuisine and service. Special spring rates.$10 up weekly. Booklet. S. E. SWEENY.Ja25 00t-5

ARLINGTON HOTELMichigan Ave. and Beach. Rooms with bath. Steamheat. Sun Parlor, Elevator, Orchestra. Booklet.fel7-90t S t.. K. KUNZ.

SEASIDE HOUSE,Beei Location on the Ocean Front.

Complete. Modern.mh2-30t,i1 F. P. COOK St SON.


fe3 80t-4Stea in heat. $1.80 dally up.


Orchestra of soloists. Booklet.se5 240t 10 NEWLIN HAINES.

SHpi nxfbW (>c«ln ffo.M ldL.lL>vyl n !,each; superior table; white

service; all convenience#; $V wk. np; booklist.mhlO-aOt.4 M. KDXI.

Hotel Broqyoas,Ocean end So. Carolina ave., Atlantic City, N. J.

Capacity, 400. Notable Improvement*; new pri¬vate bathe; ran parlors; new grill; ladle#' cafe:elevator. Bates, f10 to $18 weekly. Booklet.W. F. SHAW, Prop. V. P. KAHTER, Mgr.felO-80t,16

THE PENNHURST,Ocean end Michigan ave. Rooms en suite withbaths. Long distance 'phooes In rooms. Elevatorto atreet. WM. R. HOOD.1*21 aot


GREEN'S HOTEL.On the Beach front, Atlantic City, N. J. Entire

Netv Management. Newly and handsomely fur¬nished. Most delightfully located between thetwo fannus of all attractions. Threehuuered magnificent rooms. One hundred Hot Sea-water liaths. with ail the modern appointments.Elevators, steam heat, 'phones in rooms. Muste.Terms, American plan. $2.50 per day up. Specialweekly. European plan. $1.50 per day up, withseparate dining rooms and service. Booklet. Coachmeets all trains CHARLES E. COPE, Prop. AlsoKItttttirny Hotel, Delaware Water Gap, Pa.fefc-eot-16

THE HOLMHURST.After extensive alterations, present! an entirely

new hotel. Situated in the moat central and yetmoat select section, Pennsylvania ave.; unobstructedocean view. Capacity, 300. The very latest and everybig -cl*ss hotel appointment. Private hatha, rai¬ning water In rooms, spacious porches, amusementballs, elevator to street, etc Booklet _end springterm* upon request.fel0-30t.l0




Forest Glen, MA Open all the year. Bathe, else,trlclty, sob parlor, covered verandas, hot-waterbeat, open IIres. Pure spring water piped tkromglthe bolidlngs. Its convenience to Washington es¬pecially recommends It. Send tor Illustrated book¬let. Fall meelS-tf-10

months especially delightful.Address Q. H. WEIGHT. 11.D.

BREWSTER PARK SANITARIUM, LAUREL, MI>.Our treatment for drink and drag habits cantatano alcohol, morphia or stnchnla. No hjmica. Craving removed la M to tf hoa»

.. SKWrMEBTM. D , Medical Director.MN-tf.4


YEAR 'ROUND RESORTIs the beautiful sapphire conntry. situatedIn the mountains of western North Carolina.The scenery Is rtinicnlflrcnt, the air pure amibracing:, the climate mild and dry. Threebeautiful lakes, many charming waterfalls,mountain peaks, etc. Klevatlou ranges from8,250 to 5,000 feet. Hunting preserve of23 000 acres, with deer, wild turkey, grouse,bear and quail lOXAWAY INN Is an ele¬gant, thoroughly modern hotel, steam heat¬ed, private baths, etc., and Is open all theyear. For descriptive booklet, _'atea andfull information address I. H. AIKRN, Mgr.,Lake Toiaway, N. 0. For pamphlet andgeneral Information as to route address J."

BURBOWE8. Pres., Lake Toiaway. N. 2ft


Lpink heach,, VIRGINIA.

Adjoining Jamestown Exposition Grounds; 28 mln-nte's bv trolley from Norfolk. Magnificent, new,perfectly appointed resort hotel of Ideal, pictur¬esque location, catering to rellned patronage Cui¬sine unexcelled. Open year round. Write forbooklet. WM. C. ROYER, Mgr.fe21-w.f.Su m 45t.8

EUROPEAN RESORTS.4 lines. It. 00c. St. $1.20; 1 wit $2 52; 1 mo.. $7.20

INNSBRUCK. TYROL, AUSTRIA.The university town and fashionable summe:

and winter resort of the Alps.HOTEL TYROL.

Fireproof; electric light*, lift, etc. Military Con¬certs. Write for booklet®. OABL LANDSEE. Prop.d»80-g0t.8

AUCTION SALES.4 lines. It. 60c. 3t,$l?0; 1 wk..$2.52; 1 mo $7.20.


Big Sale Tomorrow.SO HEAD OF HORSES,

MARES AND MULES.Suitable for all purposes. A rare chance for

anybody needing any class of horse to call and seethis stock. All out of bard work. Also three fastpacers. Apply Old Government Stable*.

mhfl-tf 1122 to 1130 20th st. n.w.


11 SO Head of HorsesTo Be Sold at Auction, Bull's Head

Bazaar, 1122-30 20th St. N.W.,ON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14. 1906.SALE COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK.

Special mention made of ft few Trotters, Pacer*.Malted Pairs and General Purpose Horses. Mr.Davis consigns tlie fastest pair of horses in Wash¬ington.

Wilson. Record. 2.12*4.J S. L.\ Record. 2.22

Prince, bay horse, trial 2.30, sired by WaterlooR.. 2.10; Deck, brown trotter, trial 2.13, can show2.20 speed.

ALSOTwo pairs of beautifully shaped Cobs, in handshigh; Strawberry Roan Cob, an excellent broughamhorse. All of these horses are thoroughly brokenand must be as represented.AO head of horses ronsigned by Mr. Win. Davis,Va. work, business and driving horses.Horses on exhibition up to the hour of the sal«».Largo assortment <.» sale daily. mhl l-3t_

BICYCLES.One cent a word each' time for 15 words 3 timet.WHEELS WILT TO ORDEIt AND ALL KINDSof expert repairing done; enameling for thetrade a specialty. RODDA MFO. CO., 6th and

H n.e. mh9-f.s.Su-12tSATISFACTORY REPAIRING AND ENAMELINGdone by experts. Prompt service.

SMITH & GROVANN~ETTT,'Phone 4*K37 M. 814 1 Ith n.w.


patterns;~4 11.,es. It.60c. ."It.$1.20. 1 wk.. >2.182. 1 mo.. $7.80.BRING 1'S ANY PICTIUE AND WE WILL GIVE

j-ou a perfect tittln^ pattern cat to order.NEW YORK PATTERN PARLORS.

fel9-tf 1220 G n.w.


DIVIDENDSEight per cent dividends guaranteed, payable

semi-annually. Ten per cent paid last year fromthe sale of mahogany lumber cut from our ten-million-dollar forest on our 288,000-acre tract ofland, which Is paid for In full and deeded to a

Philadelphia trust coinpuny for stockholders' pro¬tection; 20,000 acres being cultivated; live stock,etc.. raised for market. A few shares for salenow. Write at once and secure 4 per cent on yourmoney April 1. 1906. Handsomely Illustrated paperanu booklet free. Write today. Address I. L. AD. CO.. /04 Drexel bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa.mb4.

MEDICAL.4 Udos. lt.OOr. 3t.$l 20; 1 wk .$2 52; 1 mo- $7.20.

»ry 402 6th st. n.w.,Dr. Czarira,GERMAN PHYSICIAN. Treats Chronic and AcuteBlood Poison, Nervousness and Skin Diseases.uih6-P0tt5

Dr. Sfiiade.1 treat men." 35 years' practice Stomach,

liver, blood, «kln. bladder, stricture, nervous, spe¬cial diseases cured promptly. Consultation free.727 13th st n.w mb»-30f

Dr. Fisk Elgin,Expert" treatment of all diseases, chroalc andacute. Both sexes. All consultations confidential.Medicine furnished. Prices moderate. Uours. 0 to1 8 to 6. 7 to 9. 12:13 Pa. ave. 'Phono U. 1819.'ja3 »0f6

Dr. LeatBierman,Expert In the core ot all forma of -contagions blondana skin diseases of laen and women. All affec¬tions of a delicate nature quickly cured. Advicefree. S12 10th at. n.w. aol8-ttW T HALDL'S. M.D.. PH.D.. OEHMAN SPE-

clallst on Diseases oT the Brain. Nervooi System.Keart, Kidneys, Stomach and other Diseases.I'octor's servicr and medicine, >2. Tel. M. SitHonrs, 10 to 1, 4 to B. S.B. ear. 8tb and T n.w.}y!8tf-8

Or= Reed,Specialist, 509 12th Street

"SB VPAD6' bhccbhsfulX5 I EriBVfcS PRACTICE ISDiseases of the Brain and Nerrom System. Skin,Blood. Heart. Stomscb. Uver Kidneys, Bladder,Nose, Throat and Longs. Stricture. Varloocels aadHydrocele eared. No pain. Ns loss of time. BloodDiseases and Disorders of tfce Urtniiy Organspromptly relieved and permanently cored by safemethods Charges low. Frss eoosoltstlan 1» per-SJ. Tby ^TTcr Boors: 10 to I sad 3 to 8; *».days. 10 to 1. Ml* U ¦

LOAS It>m>; 1 mo.. ft.tO

Money Loaned Salaried People114 otlwn wttkott aacarlty; *»»J parmaata.UqMt boilini Is n principal cttte* TODWan. im hh eu i6:V at.


- 14th^QZ:Entrance to elevator, 70S I4tb at.

Do ant lorpt this location wh*n yon dmiI mom;tad want It qnlckly, quietly, wltboat publicity. atabout one half tbo cost roo moat pay any etb«icompany We do a large twain*** on a email mar

(In of profit.that mraoa low ratea to oar rotoatrr*. We pay off other rompaniea and adranca yonmore money. It will be worth your nhlle to dealwith o».

O a O n LOAN & /"VCraze inis TntsT C/© o



505 E ST. THE PLACETo rom? when you need money. Why not condenseall vour small "ami annoying bill* Into one. whereyou can pay small monthly payments? If y-'Uowe tiny company at present let iw pay them offami advance yon more money at lK»tt'*r rat!?4. Weloan on Furniture. f'lanos. Ac.; also <m assignmentof salary. No expense. No extra charges and n-»publicity.

Metropolitan Loana.idTryst Co.,

505 E St. N. W.mh9 tf 20

Side entrance on 9th st. Private Offices.

How Much MomeyW53S Ycy Want?

THE money will be forthcoming Immed atelyand the paying bark terms will !*» made tosuit you when you borrow ^ ffWfhere <m Diamonds. Watcher. u7JCa%.Jewelry or Household <;<hv1s IJin storage. Interest at only.. /

Money Loaned Salaried People.i, 9th & D, ^;r."t

mh9 18d

IF YOU DECIDETo get a PRIVATE loan on furniture, pianoetc , without removal, and want to get Itwheie NO QUESTION'S WILL HE the matter will receive prompt andcourteous attention, fill out this blank mailIt to us aod AOENT WILL CALL ATONCE :.nd explain our rates, which are ths1 west offered In the eity. Loan* dhM offand more money advanced. Tel. Main 4373


| A idres*

I Amount wanted, $


§ de31 2Sd I¦ii<uH'ii:'it>iinMitirttit!:iniiiwiiimair:N(tiiua'MHiiii.nBMaan«iaaaaBMaH f mwm.iii



When you can (Hrf "Olget it here £for

Money loaned on Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry , Ae.Established 1870.

Hi. K. Fulton's Loam Office,814 NINTH STttEKT N. W.


913 U St. N. W.FOB

Best Rates on Furni¬ture and Piano Loans.We will serve von quickly, privately and

courteoualy. We will pay off any loan you nowhave and advance yon all the money yon need.

MytoaJ Loan & Tryst Co.,9113 Q St. N. W.


Begin RightBy transferring your account to our company-conducted on the most courteous principle!* of anycompany In the city. Thousands of satisfiedccstomers on our books and more coming everyday. We conduct the most liberal rebate system.Furniture, pianos, salaries, &c.. accepted. CalLwrite or 'phone M. 3909. Investigate.

Surety Loam Co.,523 9th St. N. W.,

Ja< tf-20 Cor. 9th and if ata.

Loans on FurnitureMAT BE OBTAINED


CoEymbia Qyararates Co.,613 F 8T. N.W.,


jas-tf-te OR PUBLICITY.


Made within two hours after you leave applica¬tion. The most private and most conveniently lo¬cated ofllcea lu the city. No misleading talk. N«'red tape." No commissions. No notary fees. Naadvance charges. A square business deal.SALARY LOANS MADE TO STEADY EMPLOYE*


Atlantic building, Rooms 21. 23 and 24.Second floor. 8talrway or elevator.


ra a t d ® oa /a o=lUEil


PRIVATE. n n r\[j(K} On Furniture.QUICK. II ll/M N X\ ' On Planoa.CHEAP. Lbvii/iniUu VzJ On Anjtbln*.We Can Offer f© We MakeLOWEST RATES Ay NO CHARCESIu the City, vfor drawinf papers.



Falls Church News.Special Correspondence of The StarFALLS CHURCH, Va., March 10 1906.At the March meeting of the Village Im¬

provement Moclety an appropriation was

made for planting shade trees, and Messrs.Gould, Fellows, Hawxhurst, Hilller andRowell were appointed a committee to havethe work dor.12. Messrs. Church Gould andHawxhurst were appointed to center withthe electric railroad authorities In regardto desired improvements ut the depots.Messrs. Rowell, Merrtlteid and Miss Gundrywere appointed to report on several pro¬posed amendments to the by-laws of the so.

clely.Mr. W. N. Fehrey sustained a fracture of

an arm this week from a fall from Illsmilk wagon.Miss Harriet Graham Is spending a

month with her sister at 1'ialntleid, N. J.Miss Gertie Nourse has returned from a

visit to her elster at Wilmington, N. C.Mr. John D. Payne has Leen elected 10

represent Kails Church Lodge of Odd Fel¬lows at the annual session of the tlrtndLodge, which will be held at Richmond inMay.The ladles of the Presbyterian Church

have Improved the chapel of ttie cf.urcti,and it will be occupied Sunday.Mr. D. H. Irwin has purchased the new

house of Mr. D. Varcoe 011 Columbiastreet.Mr. McNalr has moved Into the new house

on Maple avenue that he recently 1 ur-chased of Miss Merrltleld.

Consideration of the charge of petjuryagfrlnst Col. William D. Mann, editor ofTown Topics, was begun by ths grand luryip New York city Friday. The chargegrew out of the trial of Norman Hapgoodfor criminal libel and warn based on testi¬mony given by Colonel Manti at that trial.



Active step* have already been taken tafurtherance of tlio plan of the Commission¬ers to eliminate alley slums wherever pos¬sible by the conversion of the alley* Intominor streets, and early next wwk, prob¬ably. the names of the Aral of these thor¬oughfares marked for Improvement will bebefore the Commissioners. l.ess than twoweeks ago th<> Commissioners appointedMajor Richard Sylvester, superinteT.dentof police; George Wilson. wr«-'«»tp.ry ofthe board of charities, and William l\Ricliaris. surveyor, District of Columbia,as a committee to view, consoler and re¬port upon such alleys .is they thought itbest to convert Into streetsMajor Sylvester, through h'« < on !<¦ lion

with the local police department. h ah mtiie office of superintendent of police andbefore his elevation ti> that p st. hns lorgbeen familiar with the need of Improvingconditions which surround the poor of t o

capital, and as early as July I 1HPI. whenho lit id the i>ost of chief <ieik in the !<partmtnt. he wrote the following patgraph for Inclusion In the police report I rthe tlM'nl year which had Just end«d."In trwny of the police pre Incts ai«

dilapidated frame and brick building*cupied by those poor creatures who 11vfrom hand to mouth. Most of them nr»without drainage £»nd water facilities, andIn winter and summer bned disease anddeath. The police during the Hu ll yearJust closed reported fifteen such structyr <as dangerous In some instances a speed >removal followed; In others, nftcr con¬demnation, houses have remained t'*nant< Juntil ready to fall of their own weight

Meeting of Committee.As chairman of the speclsl committee re¬

cently named by the Commissioners. MajorSylvester last week culled a meeting of II «

committee, ugain stated the ol Jo t of t (l c r

prospective labcrs, and said that lie haddeemed It propei to call upon the lieuten¬ants of police in all precincts i i the cityto report alleys which would pr .. 'oJ\ bestcome tinder the head of minor streets i:tthe future, lie said In tl is order t >

the lieutenants the l»tt<r had Iwen alvlsetto nlw.iys take into consideration the locn-tlon of the alleys, the "iisracter of tl .»houses in them, the occupants and theirmut'c of living and tlie moral tone of thelocality, together with the eflfe. t the proposed change would have on neighboringconditions: low the conversion of such alleys into minor streets wo-lld tend to benefitthrough public betterment of trade, and. Infact, thtt the lieutenants hid l»een directed to take cogniznn e of anything andeverything that might be of interest orvalue to the comm'tlee In Its labors.The committee unanimously Indorsed the

plan adopted by Its chairman, and asrapidly as statistics concerning differentalleys are sent in by the lleutennit-i orpolice all the subject matter w.'U !¦* care¬fully considered before being forwarded tothe Commissioners with the eommitteo arecommendation.


The little tug Dixie, which « is recentlypurchased by Capt. George Hoblnson ofGeorgetown, has been hauled out on themarine railway at tlie Consolidation CoalCompany at Its Georgetown wharf to b*given a general overhauling. While on tinrailway the tug will be with a ne.vshaft and wheel, and will have such repair*made to her hull as will put her In thor¬ough order for service mm a lownoat aboutthe liarbors of Georgetown ami this city.The Dixie Is to return to towing work afterhaving been out of that service for abo iteight years.Arrived.Hugeye Ella, wood from Ma-

chodoc creek, for James < reek canal; tug1'owhatan, towing a stone lighter from «)c-co'juan for Columbia Sand Company;schooner Charles H. Daiger. lumber, fromu river point for dealers; schooners Fatherand Son, from Mattawoman, and J IVRobinson, from Cpper Machodoc, cord-wood, for dealers; schooners T. II. Kirbyand Parks, oysters from Potomac Isfrla, fordealers.Sailed.Schooners Mary A. Howard an 1

Avalon, light, for ri\er oy ster beds to loadfor this city; sloop Kannle Shepherd, light,for Yeocomico river to load.Memoranda-Schooner C. C. Wheeler I*

reported loading pine lumber on the Rappa¬hannock river for this clt> ; st«am barge K.J. Tull Is loading In Arjula creek for tillscity, and will tow raft of pine piling fromOccoquati here on her next trip.The tug Marion Cameron, belonging to

the Potomac Dredging Company, Is em¬ployed in general towing on the rlv^r whilethe tyvo dredging machines of the companyare out of service at Baltimore undergoingan overhauling.The Philadelphia barge J. IC. M< Ilvalne,

which loaded a cargo of stone at C.e-irge-town, has sailed in tow of the tug KdwardGuintnell for Norfolk, where the materialthe barge lias aboard will be used in theimprovement of government property, ^eeral cargoes of the stone for use in thiswork have been carried sway from George¬town within the fast month or two.The Georgetown tug William H. Moliler

Is hauled out on the marine railway at tl. >

Alexandria shipyard for attention to <¦

hull, and for an overhauling preparatoryto going Into service In general towingwork on the river. She will tie ready forservice within the next day or two.The work on the harbor police boat Vigi¬

lant Is being pushed at Hennett's railway,but as considerable new planking wasneeded, much more than was llrst antici¬pated, It will be the middle or latter partof next week before she is ready to lielaunched and can return to service. Mean¬while the patrolling of the river fiont, bythe river police. Is being done on lo>t.

Aimcostia and Vicinity.Telephonic communication for the plant

of the Firth-Sterling Steel Company underconstruction at Giesboro' Point is beingprovided by the erection of the necessarypoles and wires. The workmen are en¬

gaged in building two outbuildings forthe company on the iieiskell tract.Mr. Raymond A. Iieiskell, who has been

ill at Providence Hospital for severalweeks, has almost entirely recovered lieIs now at his residence, near Oxon Hill,Prince George county. Md.The marriage of Miss Alice Oliver and

Mr. Mack Dulaney, both residents ofWashington and attaches of St Elizabethasylum, occurred last Wednesday after¬noon In Alexandria, Vn The Intention orthe young couple had become known totheir associates, and when they appearedin the dining hall Wednesday, prior to de¬parting for Alexandria, they were warmlycongratulated. When they left the Insti¬tution by street car for Alexandria theywere followed by a shower of rice andgood-luck tokens. The marlage was per¬formed by Rev. J. H. Kwell of AlexandriaThe bride yvas becomingly attired in asteel-colored velvet suit with hat tomatch, and she carried a bouquet of vlo-lets.The ml-careme festival will be observed

In St Teresa's parish at Anacostla by a

gathering in the church hall at Washing¬ton and Fillraore streets, when Rev JamesA. MeCallan, one of the priests connectedwith St. Mary's Seminary, will deliver alecture.Mr. James C. I.eonard. an An;icos:l.i busi¬

ness man. lies returned after a southerntour. In the course of which he witnessedthe Msrdl (ir«s carnival In New Orleans.The Baltimore and Ohio railroad Is caus¬

ing some improvements to be made to Itsproperty here along the river shore. Aforce of men is engaged In cutting awaybanks near Sumner and Howard avenues,making walkways and gutters on each sideof the freight lino ;uid filling up the trestleat thut point with earth.Patrolman J. F. Reagan has returned to

duty In the Anaeostia district followingan Illness that compelled him to be Indoorsfor a number of days. Officers who arestill absent from the local squad Are A. L,Lucas, who is on the sick list, and C. R.Brown and D. J. Garvey. absent on le*v ..

Information has beer, received here ofthe death Thursday at bh home in PrinceGeorge county. Md.. of Charles Burgess,who had a number of friends in this sec¬tion. Mr. Burgess was the victim of a

paralytic stroke a year or so ago. but heearly part of the present year he waskicked by a horse and reoelved Injuriesfrom which he never fully recovered.

It matters little what It Is that you want.whether a situation or a servant.s"want" ad. in The Star will reach the per¬son who can All your need.