loddon valley link 201305 - may 2013

May 2013 Issue 456 The Loddon Valley Link Church and Parish Magazine for Sherfield-on-Loddon, Stratfield Saye and Hartley Wespall with Stratfield Turgis

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Loddon Valley Link, Church and Parish Magazine for Sherfield on Loddon, Stratfield Saye, Hartley Wespall and Stratfield Turgis. May 2013 edition


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May 2013 Issue 456

The Loddon Valley Link Church and Parish Magazine

for Sherfield-on-Loddon, Stratfield Saye and Hartley Wespall with Stratfield Turgis

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Services for May 2013

*Drive up close to the white gates, which will open automatically . Children are welcome at all our services. Services in italics are particularly geared to children and families. BCP = Book of Common Prayer.

Sunday 5th May Easter 6

10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield 10.00am Family Service St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 6.30pm Evensong with Holy Communion St Mary’s Hartley Wespall Friday 4.15pm Messy Church Sherfield Park Community Centre

Sunday 12th May Easter 7

10.00am Morning Worship St Leonard’s Sherfield With Sunday Club

Sunday 19th May Pentecost Sunday

10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield

with Sunday Club

10.00am Matins with Communion by Ext St Mary’s Stratfield Saye* 6.30pm Evensong St Mary’s Hartley Wespall

Wednesday 4.00pm Toddlers St Leonard’s Sherfield

Sunday 26th May Trinity Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion BCP by Ext St Mary’s Hartley Wespall

10.00am Family Service & Baptism St Leonard’s Sherfield

Sunday 2nd June Trinity 1

10.00am Holy Communion St Leonard’s Sherfield

10.00am Family Service St Mary’s Stratfield Saye*

6.30pm Evensong with Holy Communion St Mary’s Hartley Wespall

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“There is a time for everything...

...and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot…these words come form the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament.

After Easter Rody and I visited France for a week’s break. At 6.00am we sat in the car ready to go… groan...the engine wouldn’t start,

we had a flat battery. It was -2 and the battery was 8 years old: time to get a new one! We managed to jump-start the car and get on our way.

With a car battery the solution is simple but with people it’s not quite so easy. When younger we can re-charge our batteries by going on holiday, having a lie-in or going out for a meal to break the busy routine of life. As we get older the human battery doesn’t recharge so easily and it’s something Rody and I have been aware of in our lives over recent months. We have both passed our 65th birthdays and have been in Christian ministry for 37 years...a time to plant and a time to uproot!

Last month I wrote about God’s guidance. I was thrilled when someone contacted me to tell me how they felt that God had guided and helped them face a really challenging life choice. In a similar way Rody and I feel that God has been whispering into our hearts that it is time for us to move on to allow a younger person, with fresh vision, to come and lead His work in this place. Consequently, we have decided that it is time for us to formally retire from full-time Christian ministry and move on to the equivalent of the Vicar’s Donkey Sanctuary.

It’s been a very tough decision for us as, over the 15 years that I have been your rector, Rody and I have come to know and love so many of you and we have so many friends here, but with Benefice reorganisation to join with Bramley Parish, the historic extension project going forward at St Leonards and the advent of Messy Church at Sherfield Park, we strongly believe that God is calling us to pass on the baton of responsibility.

At a recent AGM at Hartley Wespall I was personally helped in this decision by one of my ‘elder statesman’ who said that after serving the parish for many years the time had come for him to make way for a younger person. Rody and I feel likewise and so we plan to retire at the end of October this year to do the same. If you are a praying person please pray for our parishes and for the man or woman of God’s choosing to come and share the good news of His love for you all and lead you in the years ahead. Christian greetings,

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BREACH LANE CHAPEL Sherfield on Loddon Contact: Rev Chris Russell 01276 21469 Geoff Belsham 01256 882534


Church of St Bede, Popley (www.vinntec.co.uk/hg/)

Contact Fr. Dominic Golding, at the Parish Office, Tuesday to Friday,9.30am-1.00pm Tel: 01256 465214.

Sunday Mass 9.00 am, 11.00 am, and 6.30pm

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May 2013 FRI 3rd 10.30am Open Morning at Chapel with Refreshments

SUN 5th 10.30am Family Worship led by Neil Owen

FRI 10th 7pm Deacons Meeting at Frimley Road

SUN 12th 10.30am CHURCH ANNIVERSARY followed by Fellowship Meal

3pm Bible Study at Chapel

TUE 14th 10.30am Open Morning at Chapel with Refreshments

SAT 18th 2.30pm Disabled Christian Fellowship at Camberley Baptist Church

SUN 19th 10.30am Family Worship led by Alistair Sneddon including Holy Communion

TUE 21st 7.45pm Church Meeting at Frimley Road

WED 22nd 2.30pm Mid-Week Fellowship led by Geoff Belsham

SUN 26th 10.30am Family Worship led by George Chilvers

3pm Bible Study at Chapel

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Saturday Open Days


and 18th of May and 1

st June

A list of all the Open Day dates for the year is displayed in the lych gate at the church. Everyone is welcome to visit for quiet reflection, a prayer, to study the

architecture and history of the church or to view with a wedding in mind.


Welcome to the May edition of the ‘Link’. ‘Our’ swallows are back and there's a green haze to the fields so I guess spring is officially here. As usual a packed edition. We’ve even had to add in extra pages to cope with it all.

Of special note is Rev’d Bobs charity ride in the centre pages (and the cover subject).

Parish AGMs coming up on P 21 & the upcoming discussion relating to Sherfield Park.

Percy’s plant sale on P 47.

We’re always after good photographs that illustrate local life for the cover of the magazine. If you’ve got any email them with a subject of ‘cover photo’ to the editor for consideration.

As always comments, criticisms, etc. to

[email protected]

Contents Church Services 1 Bobs Bit 2 Breach Lane 4 Parish Registers 7

Hampshire wildlife trust 12 Prayer 17 Parish AGMs 21 Borough Councillor 24 Beat Report 25 Thank you from Afghanistan 27 Church Extension Project 30 NWR 30 Last of the summer sangria 32 Sherfield PC 35 Village Hall 43 Percy’s Plant Sale 47 Gardening Club 51 WI & Evergreens 52 Useful Numbers 55 Sherfield Park 57 Small Ads 60

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Renowned for delicious

food, great ales and a

warm welcome


White Hart, Reading Road, Sherfield on Loddon,

Hants, RG27 0BT

01256 882280


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Parish Registers


David Field 14.04.13 Sherfield

Church Toddler Time for Babies to 5’s

The next ‘Toddler Time’ will be

Wednesday 22nd May


At St Leonard’s Church

on the Red Carpet

Nursery Rhymes, Story, Prayer.

Healthy refreshments. All welcome

Contact Bob Politt for more information 882209

[email protected]

Songs of Praise Sunday June 9th

11am on Sherfield Village Green

A fun informal service held outside on the green, for the whole family. We will be using the fete marquee in case the weather is wet again!

Everyone welcome, bring your dogs, bikes!

Tadley Concert Brass will once again be providing the music for us.

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Antonia Dewhurst is teaching classes in Drawing & Painting.

Monday 10 -12.00am, 12.45-2.45pm and 7.00-9.00pm

£90 for 10 weeks. £80 OAPs Situated in Cufaude Lane,

Beginners & Improvers welcome. Tel: 01256 883876

[email protected]


Every Tuesday 10.00am to 12 noon

Sherfield Park Community Centre

Climbing frame, toys, parachute games, singing,

juice and biscuits, tea and coffee. A great place to meet new people and

make new friends – everyone welcome! Come and join

us! designed to wear out your children!

Contacts: Louisa 01256 881229, Beccy 880894, Kerry 880167

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For information call: 0118 932 6308 Brochure hotline: 0118 932 6480

www. wellington-riding.co.uk e-mail: [email protected]


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Art Classes Sherfield Village Hall

Friendly, relaxed, creative classes for adults of all abilities

Tues 2.30 to 4.30pm.

After school art club for children Tues 4.30 to 5.30pm with local artist, Louise Hight

And now evening classes on

Thursdays, 6.30pm to 8.30pm

For more information

07988 856304 / 01256 886383

[email protected]


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The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust cares for over 50 wildlife reserves, more than 3000 hectares of

valuable wildlife habitat and enables individuals and communities to work for the benefit of wildlife across the area. We carry out surveys and gather data to monitor how our local wildlife is doing. We work to protect wildlife so that we can all enjoy a future rich in wildlife.

The Loddon and Eversley Heritage Area Project

In north east Hampshire we run the Loddon and Eversley Heritage Area project in partnership with Basingstoke and Deane BC. The project is working hard in this area to meet the challenge of protecting and enhancing all that is special about the wildlife,

history and landscape of the area. In order to achieve this, the project carries

out work in a number of different areas, including land advice, species survey work, events, walks and talks and encouraging community conservation. The area is based on the Hampshire part of the Loddon river catchment and covers the historic Forest of Eversley. The rivers of the Loddon catchment (Lyde, Whitewater and Hart) arise on the chalk of the Hampshire Downs and flow north over the clays, sands and gravels of the London Basin to join the Loddon and ultimately the River Thames. The varied geology and wide floodplains have resulted in many different habitat types, supporting a wide range of wildlife.

Protecting our Rivers

Rivers are a special features of our landscape.

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They provide drinking water for humans, wild animals and domestic livestock; they take away our waste; they power mills; provide water to irrigate crops; they are fished for food and recreation; their waters are important in food production; they support a rich and varied biodiversity; and they are arguably one of nature’s most beautiful and inspiring places to be.

What makes the Loddon and its tributaries so special is the chalk geology in which they have their source. Because of the rarity of chalk in the global context, chalk streams themselves are rare and are recognised as an internationally important habitat. Moreover, over 95% of the world’s chalk river habitat is found in the UK, with Hampshire being one of the principal locations. Consequently, chalk streams are a key habitat in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and good management of the Loddon is critically important to the protection of this habitat, and its associated species. Because of this, the Loddon and its tributaries are designated as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs).

But it’s not just the rarity of chalk streams that make them special. Chalk acts like a giant sponge soaking up the rain falling on it. As the water moves through the fissures in the chalk, it is filtered and the water that emerges from the springs is of very high quality.

Sadly all is not well with the Loddon. Phosphorus levels, a critical factor in plant growth, are 6 times what they should be in a chalk stream of this type. Too much phosphorus results in excess plant growth and algal blooms which smother and deplete the river of oxygen causing its plants and animals to die. Phosphates are found in a whole range of household products such as washing powders, shampoos and detergents. The Basingstoke waste water treatment works can only strip some phosphates before discharging to the Loddon, hence the elevated phosphorus levels in the river. Development can only make this worse unless new technology is found to combat the problem. If you care about the river then make sure you let your local Councillor or MP know that this is unacceptable.

(Continued on page 15)

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The Mind's Eye Clinic.

Clinical Hypnotherapy & Counselling William Robert Edward Campbell II Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Are you stressed out with trying to keep your New Years ‘ resolutions? Has it all got too much for you? Well, why not try a P.M.R Session with us for an introductory price of only £25.00 in a one off session , in March only. Contact us and see what hypnosis can do for you.

You can find us at: Yell.com or contact us at: www.the-minds-eye-clinic.co.uk or phone us on 01256 883254 or mobile: 07749321302

Remember “ It's All In The Mind”

To advertise here please contact the Advertising Manager

01256 880559 email: [email protected]

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Wildlife and Heritage Walks Booklet As part of a project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund the Hampshire and Isle of Wildlife Trust has produced a book of local walks. The book contains nine circular walks to enable you explore some of the wildlife rich landscapes of north east Hampshire and discover how the area has been shaped by local history. Each walk includes a detailed description of the route accompanied by a map and information about some of the features to look out for. Getting involved in species recording in Hampshire Accurate and up-to-date information about species is essential for conserving them and their habitats. By recording the wildlife you see in your garden and local area you can help us build a picture of where species are found throughout Hampshire. www.hiwwt.org.uk/pages/your-records.html. There are a number of ways that you can get more involved with species recording. You could join one of the Trust’s species groups, attend an education event to improve your identification and survey skills, conduct your own surveys on reserves or in your local area, take part in a species survey organised by the Trust or simply send us your records from weekend walks or your garden. If you have frogs in your pond, slow-worms in your compost heap, or hedgehogs in your shed, please let us know about it. To find out more, please contact WildLine. WildLine is the Trust’s wildlife information service, aimed at answering wildlife queries from the public and providing help with naming plants and animals that you may have seen. If you have a wildlife question for WildLine, please contact 01489 774446 or email [email protected] Events. The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust run a number of events led by both staff and volunteers throughout the year to encourage people to get out and enjoy our countryside and the wildlife around us. See the website www.hiwwt.org.uk for upcoming events in this area. If you would like any further information on the work undertaken in the Loddon and Eversley Heritage Area please contact Amanda Ingham, Projects Manager, on 01256 381186 or email [email protected]. Photos © Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust.

(Continued from page 13)

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Tree Surgery

Stump Grinding

Hedge Cutting



Power Washing


Garden Maintenance

Peter Elliott 01256 883743

Mobile: 07725 749 644




PHONE 01276 473118

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TEXT FOR THE MONTH Acts 2 : 42- 44 The NIV Bible

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.

Prayer for the Month. Lord Jesus Christ, we read in the book of Acts how your disciples formed the early church and shared everything and cared for each other. They did this through the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord you came to them, as you come to us, through your Spirit. Lord fill us with peace and give us a love for all, a desire to serve, humility of mind and gentleness of soul. We ask that you nurture our hearts with your grace and make us aware that you are with us each and every day, constantly by our side working in us and through us, teaching, guiding and encouraging us, leading us to a new experience of your love. Give us each day a sense of your greatness and your gentleness and your nearness; may we have an awareness of your purpose for each of us. Fill us with energy and enthusiasm to serve you and keep us living as your people. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Prayer Points for May………Pray For…..

The attempt to bring peace to the people of Syria and Afghan-istan. Give thanks for the successful fund raising which has now reached a point where we can ask for tenders from builders for the extension at St Leonard’s church Sherfield. Those who are grieving for the loss of loved family members and for those for whom this month has sad memories. The success of Percy’s plant sale. For our troops in Afghanistan at Camp Bastion facing daily the possi-bility of injury or death and for peace for their families who are so aware of the dangers they face. All children who will be taking important exams this month may they know peace and keep calm. And Give thanks for the joy of longer days, warmer weather and the beauty of the world around us.

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(Previously Wag Tail Dog Service)

Fully Insured and References Available




01256 880446 OR 07985 157700

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Sherfield Short Mat Bowls Results

Home to Hook – Won 46/25

Away to Cove – Won 62/11

Home to Marnell – Won 54/24

Home to Odiham – Won 43/21

Away to Marnell – Won 45/22

Friday 10th May at 4.15pm

Life isn’t tidy and one of the strengths of our Church is that

we don’t mind getting messy! ‘Messy Church’ is a monthly op-

portunity for families to enjoy being together, making things

together, eating together and celebrat-

ing God together.

May’s session will be Zacchaeus, a very lit-

tle man

All welcome!

The session will run something like this:-

4.15pm—arrive and register,

have a drink and a biscuit

4.30pm—Worship, followed by Craft

Activities and then Food!

If you would like to come along

please contact Amanda Prince on 01256 880733,

[email protected]. Or have a look on Facebook:

Messy Church - Sherfield on Loddon.

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Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the

Liddell Hall of the Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall on TUESDAY MAY 28

th 2013

starting at 8 pm.

All members of the Parish are very welcome.

The AGM will be held on

Friday 31st

May 2013 Commencing at 7:30pm

In Stratfield Turgis Cricket Pavilion

on the Recreation Ground

All parishioners welcome.

Stratfield Saye Parish Council Don't forget to come to the next coffee mornings in the Village Hall,

New Street at 11.00a.m. Next few are on Mondays 6th may, 3rd June & 1st July

All ages welcome !!

Sherfield Parish Council invites you to the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING

Please come along and give your views on whether

Taylor’s Farm ward should become an independent Parish.




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Paul Allen Carpentry . Tiling .

General House Maintenance

Local Reliable Friendly Service

Established over 20yrs Tel. 0118 9702243

Email [email protected]

There’s never enough time to do … Garden Clearance, Seasonal Tidies, Grass Cutting, Turfing, Hedge

Trimming, Steam Cleaning (Patios, Paths, Walls), Creosoting.

We offer weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly visits or one-off tidy ups Tel: 01256 880333 or Mob: 07776 211211

www.masonsgardens.co.uk [email protected]

Will’s Garden Services

Tel: 07951917943/01256 881354

Email: [email protected]

A complete range of garden

services: Garden clearance, Mowing,

Hedgetrimming, Paving, Pruning,

Fencing, Turfing, Tree Care

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Twenty four hour service.

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R. T. Mitchell & Sons

Local Building Contractors est. 1972




45 London Road, Old Basing

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Web-site – www.rtmitchellandsons.co.uk

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Cllr Cris Tomblin writes A month on and still we have had had to wait for spring to finally show signs of progressing…. This same analogy could be applied to our Local Plan progress which is also running late! Unfortunately the plan process has had further delays as the Cabinet’s amended decision notice was called in and just last night (15th April) their (mostly) original decision notice was then approved. Much infrastructure analysis needs to be done before any site can be validated for development, particularly traffic studies. I was under the belief that the road wires recently seen over Basingstoke were the start of this but I am informed that this was a County records update study and we have not yet started the Local Plan analysis. It is vital to have a Local Plan in place so that the Borough Council can control the development of new homes within Basingstoke and its outlying villages What does this all mean for Sherfield? Well the amended decision would have seen the 150 house allocation for Redlands removed along with 200 in Bramley. However as this change had not been consulted on, the portfolio holder was forced to remove it following the call in by the councillors to the west of the borough, who as a result of this change were not happy to have these houses allocated to their area instead of Sherfield and Bramley. So the 150 houses for Redlands are back in the plan as “suggested development” for review by the plan process. At the Cabinet meeting I asked the portfolio holder to remember his earlier support for no houses for the Redland’s site going forwards as we have had more than our fair share of recent development. That just leaves the debate as to what will happen to the 420 houses at Razor’s Farm. Does Sherfield view them as out of site – out of mind or as a threat to Parish life? The Chineham ward members and I are listening to resident’s views and share many of their concerns. Croudace have already applied for planning permission for the Razor’s farm development and that may well be decided this summer. Other news: A reminder of the Local County Council elections Thursday 2nd May. Please turn out to support your chosen candidate. It is so important to

use your vote. Chris [email protected] or 880558

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Beat Officer’s Report. WPC Mandy Jewel

Speed Enforcement:

There is now a new system where the officer at the scene issues a form (T60) to the motorist; the second copy goes to a dept. who decide the course of action to be taken, with the evidence provided.

During March colleagues from RPU (roads policing unit ) have carried

out speed enforcement in the beat area; unfortunately to date, we do not have their results.

CSP : camera safety partnership CSW : community speed watch

Vehicle Crime There were 2 incidents of vehicle crime in March: one car was damaged in a pub car park; the other incident was theft of a digger, recovered thanks to the ‘Tracker’ system installed.

For the second quarter of 2013 the priority will be theft of heating oil – carrying out patrols, having been advised of a delivery. In January, via NHW co-ordinators crime prevention pamphlets were circulated, along with details of alarms & cameras. Residents have been informing the beat team when their oil is being delivered; to date there have been no reported thefts.

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) the statistics for March are: there were 7 calls, 2 related to neighbour disputes, 1 to travellers, with 1 for vehicle nuisance, 1 for nuisance telephone communications & 2 for general nuisance.

As always I request that any incidents are reported to 101.

The number of incidents in March, for the beat area was 46 (compared to 94 in 2012; along with the 7 incidents of ASB, there were 7 crimes, half the number for January; the incidents included 2 x damage & 3 x drugs. The number of incidents across the other beat areas ranged from 37 to 65, with Tadley having 150. The number of ASB incidents ranged from 3 to 10, with Tadley having 35. The number of crimes ranged from 6 to 22, with Tadley having 35.

Bramley Sherfield Silchester Mortimer West End



CSW 56


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With display of bids of prey.

Sunday 5th and Monday 6th May 2013 1pm – 5pm


Terry and Brian Raisborough are opening their prize winning garden again this year on bank holiday weekend at White Gables, Breach Lane, Sherfield, RG27 0EU . Help us to support the various charities - over £10,000 has been raised over the years for worthy causes!

Come and see a display of a barn owl, 2 snowy owls and a Red Kite who will be on display at our open garden event at various times .

Home made teas.

Breach Lane is an unmade lane immediately before Sherfield roundabout. Limited parking for disabled by house. Free parking in signed car parks in village – short walk to garden, clearly signposted. Adm £3.50 children free. www.white_gables.net

Experiences of Afghanistan Lt Nick Bartrum It was November 2011 when we were told that we were deploying to

Afghanistan to mentor the Police. With 9 months rigorous training under our belts we deployed to the Nad-E-Ali district of Helmand Province. There were plenty of high points during the 6 months; these included the graduation of 40 new Policeman who we had trained and watching them go about their daily jobs providing security for the area. Christmas was another high point with an

enormous array of packages coming from far and wide; many thanks to everyone for sending all their much appreciated wares.

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Exhibition of floral portraiture in historic Hampshire setting

1st – 23rd June 2013

The impressive and historical National Trust property The Vyne, near Basingstoke, will be hosting a spectacular exhibition of floral art during the month of June. 200 paintings from members of The Society of Floral Painters, will be on display portraying floral art in a variety of styles and a broad range of mediums.

This exhibition runs from 1st to 23rd June, Monday to Friday 12 noon to 5pm, Saturday and Sunday 11am to 4 pm. It is free, upon normal admission charge to the house.

Calling all regular members of the

St Leonard’s congregation.

You will have received an interim edition of the Church Directory before Christmas.

Edition 5 will be prepared during May. Please let us know if any of your contact details have changed. (See the current directory for who to contact). If you are a new, member of the congregation we will be on hand to note your details and to take

photos (and new photos for existing members too if required) at all St Leonard’s Sunday morning services during May.

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The 100+ people who regularly attend St Leonard’s Church Sherfield and those who pop in for Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, would like to thank those people who dust and Hoover (Henry actually, thanks to a kind donation!) tidy and polish. It is hard, and usually, cold work but it means that our listed building is fit for purpose each week. Thank you so much ‘Cleaning Team’.

We have a couple of people who have dropped out, so if you would be willing to join us, we work in teams of two or three and have a two week slot approximately twice a year…not onerous!

Please let Rody Politt know if you are interested or just turn up with your diary for our ‘Tipple & Snack’ evening on Monday 13th May at The Rectory - 7.45pm. Thanks to some in-vestigation by one of our members we do not need to be CRB checked, so please consider helping us. Any more information from Rody Politt 01256 882209 [email protected]

Bramley & Little London Music Festival 2013

St James Church, Bramley 14th - 16th June

Concerts by Voces8, Fine Arts Brass & The Tenorissimi

For further information and bookings go to www.bramleymusicfestival.org.uk or telephone 01256 881552

Christmas Tree Festival Meeting

Wednesday 22nd May 10am at the Rectory

Thank you to all of those who have volunteered. Any further offers of help to Rody Politt 01256 882209 or [email protected]

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St. Leonard’s Church Extension—Update

Although you may not have heard much in recent months about the proposed extension to St. Leonard’s church, the committee has been working very hard on your behalf. Over the four years since we

launched the appeal, just over £200,000 has now been raised. Our architect has produced detailed specifications and we will shortly be going to tender, approaching five builders. We expect all the tenders to be submitted by Autumn 2013. Once we have the tenders in with an accurate costing of the project we can decide how best to proceed. We are conscious that prolonged delays will inevitably add to increased building costs, so one possibility is to erect the external shell of the building and the toilets, and finish the rest of the building (kitchen and internal furnishings) as further funds come in. By this method we could start building by the end on the year. We will keep you informed on a regular basis as to how events proceed and you are very welcome to approach any member of the extension committee if you have any questions. The Extension Team

NWR Report – May 2013 Our April meeting was as guests of Bramley NWR who hosted an Irish Evening, Ireland being the NWR theme country for this year. After a small tot of Guinness, there was a quiz of five rounds, the first of which was an opportunity to introduce each other whilst identifying photos of famous Irish people. Entertainment was then provided by a group of young Irish dancers with amazing costumes and skill. A meal followed which was a choice of Irish Stew, jacket potatoes with tuna mayonnaise and salads then desserts comprising of various tarts, jelly and fruit salad. There were then further rounds of the quiz on general knowledge about Ireland, a musical round and a geographical one. The last round was a jigsaw. All those who went had a lovely time and came back with ideas for our own Irish Evening later in the year! It is obviously a month of quizzes as some of us attended the NWR Area Quiz at Yateley School as well. More details next month. Our next meeting will be a talk by Sheena Archer on Sherfield in 1901 and the family who lived in Park Corner Cottage, illustrated by her fabulous dolls’ house.

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Last of the Summer Sangria

Like Foggy, Clegg and Compo, from Last of the Summer Wine, three pensioners, Peter, Rob and Bob will be cycling 700 miles for charity on fold-up bicycles, starting on the

21st May, this month.

Where did this idea come from? In the Middle Ages pilgrims travelled from all directions to make their pilgrimage to Santigo de Compostella. Many believed that by going on such pilgrimages, often facing harsh conditions, they would be ‘purged of their sins’. Last century the ancient pilgrim routes were rediscovered and people began following them again. I will be travelling with Revd Peter Hewlett-Smith who has cycled this route before, and Rob Gray, churchwarden at Heckfield. We plan to cycle 700 miles from Bordeaux to Santiago and, with permission from my wife Rody, I will be taking two weeks of our annual leave, plus a

week’s annual retreat, to make this three week trip.

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Why on earth am I doing this?

One reason is because the opportunity to do so has arisen and like many who have tasted life on the Camino I want to go back and experience more. The places you see, the people you meet and the time for reflection and prayer were quite unique in my experience. I hasten to add that each person you meet is making the journey for a different reason and for many if has nothing remotely to do with Christianity. Whilst I don’t buy into the belief that the bones held in the reliquary at Santiago Cathedral are those of St James, or the fantastical legends which accompany them, the Route to Santiago provides an opportunity for people to encounter themselves and life in a fresh way, albeit not the most comfortable unless you go as a tourist.I also have a deep commitment to the extension project at St Leonard’s Church in Sherfield so our pilgrimage provides me with an opportunity to raise sponsorship for this important development. £200k has so far been raised so we are three-quarters of the way to our target.

The method: fold-up bicycles. Somebody has very kindly lent me a Brompton, which will carry me and all my worldly goods from Bordeaux airport to Santiago. Peter (our Foggy) will be leading the way , Rob (Cleggy) is the logistic expert and has the flights, refugio's, details and contingency plans in hand and I, like Compo, will be trying to keep up with the other two! With hostels pre-booked for the first three nights, we cycle through Les Landes, southern France, to arrive in the foot hills of the Pyrenees on Saturday 24th May. Following the ‘Route Napoleon’ from St Jean Pied a Port—the doorway to Spain—we push and carry our bikes over the mountains into Spain to the mountain monastery at

Roncesvalles. I’m told it’s the toughest part of the trip and there is no shortage of hungry vultures at this point, hence it’s name: Valley of

(Continued on page 34)

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the Vultures. Reveille. Each day we will be on the road by 7.30am, stopping off for breakfast and provisions for the day. We will be cycling 5/6 hours a day with breaks and Rob has included a ‘plastic wine glass’ on the inventory so I suspect that the sardines and locally baked bread may occasionally be washed down with a little something to dull the pain! By mid-afternoon we will stop at one of the many pilgrim refugio's along the route; shower, rest, prepare kit, search out an evening meal and early to bed for the next day’s cycling.

Route. Without mountain bikes it is not possible to cycle along the pilgrim pathways so we shall cycle via B roads and tracks. Fortunately, these roads are very quiet as most of the traffic travels on the motorways. Descending from the Pyrenees we cycle past Pamplona to the plains; from 31st May we begin a three day ride across the plains to Leon, covering 45/50 miles a day, after which the countryside becomes more interesting and green with a couple of small mountain ranges to negotiate. We reach Santiago on 9th June where we will attend the special Pilgrim Mass before boarding our flight back to the UK on 10th June.

Sponsorship. You can help me on this pilgrimage by sponsoring me which will strengthen my determination during those tough times.

Donations can be made by visiting the following website where you can also Gift Aid your sponsorship:


If you would prefer to give directly you can put your donation into an envelope marked: ‘Bob, Camino Cycle’ and put it in the collection at St Leonard’s or give it to Dan Farrow, Treasurer.

(Continued from page 33)

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Update from Sherfield-on-Loddon Parish Council

Should Taylor’s Farm Ward become a Parish in its own right?

Recently, both the Parish Council and the Sherfield Park Community Association (SPCA) have been discussing the representation of the two communities within the Parish. We have recognised that there are distinct differences between the communities of the old village and Sherfield Park (Taylor's Farm) in terms of the residents’ respective needs and aspirations. Taking this into account, along with the population growth and 2014 completion date for the Sherfield Park development, we both believe it is timely to review the ongoing community representation arrangements. At the March SPCA committee meeting there was unanimous support for a proposal to seek the formation of a new parish council (within the boundaries of the existing development). The Parish Council is currently considering this proposal and would welcome your views. With this in mind, please come along to the Annual Parish Meeting on Friday May 17

th at 7.30pm in Sherfield

Village Hall. Assuming we all agree to support this proposal, the Borough Council will then initiate a "Community Governance Review", which is a formal process where the Borough Council can ask the parishioners and other interested parties about the most suitable way of representing the local communities. More information can be found on our website at www.sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk The next meeting of Sherfield-on-Loddon Parish Council To be held on 8th May at 7.30pm in the Liddell Hall. All welcome! Clerk to the Parish Council, Sherfield-on-Loddon, PO Box 6862, Basingstoke, RG24 4QZ Email: [email protected] Web: www.sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk

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In considering the merits of forming our own Parish Council it is worth reflecting on our specific situation here on Sherfield Park. We currently reside in the ward of Chineham and the Parish of Sherfield on Loddon. This in many ways is the worst of both worlds as both our neighbouring villages have long established settled communities and do not readily relate to the needs and aspirations of our residents. However, the major reasons for wishing to create our own Parish Council within the current development boundaries are principally ones of having the ability to represent ourselves, to have an independent voice on issues that directly affect our residents, have direct financial control over our affairs and to be directly accountable to our residents for the sustainable maintenance of the development and improvements in the quality of life on Sherfield Park.

The Community Centre will continue to be the centre of activities on the development. To ensure that it is able to respond to the future needs of the community will require the ability to seek financial support. By having our own Parish Council we will be able to respond directly to support the needs of the Centre.

At the SPCA committee meeting held on 27th March the

committee unanimously voted to seek formal support from the Parish Council for the formation of a New Parish Council on Sherfield Park and that this be confirmed to the Borough Council to enable a Community Governance Review to be undertaken.

The Parish Council plans to discuss the proposal at the forthcoming Annual Parish Meeting to be held in the Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall on Friday May 17

th beginning at 7.30pm.

Please come along to express your views.

If you would like to help and support our plans or have any questions please contact me on [email protected]

David Leivesley

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The Curator’s Cupboard: ‘Museums at Night’ The Museum of Army Flying is hosting an event entitled ‘The Curators Cupboard’ on the 16th May at 7pm. The first event of its kind hosted by the Museum, it will give visitors the chance to go behind the scenes and get up close to an array

of the Museum’s treasures that are not normally on public display. Museum of Army Flying, Middle Wallop, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8DY. Tel: 01264 784421

Page 37

Shop & Support Your Local Children’s Hospice

Located at the bottom of Church Street, close

to the entrance to Festival Place, the

Basingstoke Naomi House shop is a treasure

trove of high quality pre-loved bric-a-brac,

books and clothing plus our range of Naomi House gifts.

Clare's Charity Cake & Coffee Morning

Saturday 25th May - 10.30 onwards at

22 Northfield Road, Sherfield

Raising Funds for Sebastian's Action Trust

Clare is taking part in a team challenge and will be cycling from Basingstoke - Paris and back again from 1st -5th July 2013 covering just over 700 miles raising funds for Sebastian's Action Trust. The trust is non-government funded and the wonderful holiday home at North Waltham provides up to a week's holiday for families with terminally ill children. Please come along to our Cake & Coffee Morning at 22 Northfield Road and for further information on the Trust's amazing work please visit http://www.sebastiansactiontrust.org/

Adrian, Eleanor & Clare Burt

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Happy Faces Playgroup


“Bring your happy face to our happy place”

A small, friendly playgroup for

children aged 2 years 6 months to school age

Flexible Sessions including all day

Further information: 01256 880903

Prospectus/application form: 07791 141176

[email protected] www.happyfacesplaygroup.co.uk

Est. 1982. Charity No. 1029688

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J Cook Landscapes


Decking & Fencing

Patios & Driveways

Garden Design & Build


Call now for a free quote: 01256 412723 / 0771 7214521

e: [email protected] www.jcooklandscapes.co.uk


M.W (Building Contractors)


General Builders maintenance & repairs painting & decorating

electrical incl. appliance testing plumbing & heating

purpose made joinery stockist of rockery stone

Tel: 01256 882736 / 882368 / 0836 626323

Personal Training at home, in the park or with a small group of friends. Sessions from £20!!

*Pilates, beginners to advanced, pre and post natal. *Running, beginner to marathoner. *Sports nutrition and weight management qualified.

Call - 07748 337449 Email - [email protected] Website - www.justbefit.co.uk

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The Derby Race Night, as part of the Jubilee celebrations last year, proved

so popular that we are holding one this year on Sat 1st June. This isn’t the

normal run-of-the-mill Race Night with a big projector screen showing actual

races, but something different - wooden horses and dice where the audience

are the jockeys. This is great fun as you're not guessing the result of an old

race, but betting on people you can actually see, and possibly know. Tickets:

£5 (children under 12: £3) from 880224.


JUNE - Please can you help?

As a traditional community-based event, our fete relies on the efforts of

dozens of volunteers, donors and sponsors, and of course on the

contributions made by the hundreds of visitors who come from all over to

enjoy the day. As you can imagine there's a lot to do, and we always have

work for willing helpers, so please join us and help to make the 2013 fete the

best yet. We particularly need helpers to man the Gates and hand out

programmes. If you can spare some time please contact 883838.


2nd 3rd & 4th May - Loddon Players

Sat 11th May - PoSH Coffee Morning

Sat 11th May - Percy’s Plant Sale

Fri 17th May - Annual Parish Meeting

Sat 18th May - Spring Market

Sat 1st June – Derby Race Night

For more information on clubs and groups, events & booking the hall,



Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall Reg. Charity No. 272385 Tel: 01256 883624

Email: [email protected]

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For a Warm Friendly Welcome

THE SHOP IN SHERFIELD-ON-LODDON Selling a vast range of groceries including:

Local Bakery bread & Cakes Market fresh fruit & veg Quality fresh meat & poultry Excellent selection of Wine

Beer Spirits & Tobacco All at competitive prices

THE SHOP, Reading Road, Sherfield

Telephone: 01256 882234

Open: Monday—Saturday 7.00 am to 7.00 pm

Sundays 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Orders taken for Delivery


Basingstoke Window Cleaning Services

We use a pure water, reach and wash system for a

perfect smear-free finish

Windows Cleaned Inside

Conservatory Roofs


Guttering Cleared & Cleaned

Soffits & Fascias Cleaned

For a free, no obligation quote call

Simon: 07852 117 361 Dan: 07712 885 345

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West Green Road, Hartley

Wintney RG27 8LP Open June to late September for Pick Your Own & Ready Picked

fruit, vegetables and flowers including Strawberries, Tayberries, Currants,

Gooseberries, Raspberries, New Potatoes, Asparagus and Flowers. We also sell local

Honey, Free Range Eggs and Homemade Jams

CALL 01252 845772 from May 1st

For information, & to place orders.

Or visit www.westgreenfruits.com



Independent family Funeral


Day or night we provide a

complete personal, caring & professional service for all your

funeral requirements

Dignified funeral service £895

plus disbursements

Please call Terina on 01256 881002 Ash Lane, Silchester, RG7 2NL www.ashbrookfunerals.co.uk

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Percy’s Plant Sale

Saturday 11th May

10.00 to 12.00 noon

Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall

There will be a huge selection of Plants for sale. Flowers, fruit and vegetables.

Including over 400 geraniums, 100 plus begonia, lots of fuschia, runner beans,


There will also be a stall from the Garden Club, a cake stall, Bramley Bakery cake stall,

raffle, POSH coffee morning

and lots more!

The proceeds will be shared between St. Leonard’s Extension Fund, the Village Hall

and the Garden Club.

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Wessex Chamber Choir

Concert of old, new, sacred and secular music

Sunday May 5th at 7pm

Elizabeth Hall

Raven Road, Hook, Hants. RG27 9HH

Tickets £12.50. Enquiries to 01420 85454. The Wessex Chamber Choir was formed over twenty years ago. It is a small choir which practises every week at St John's Church, Hook.

During the year we sing the services at cathedrals all over the country, including once a year at St Paul's Cathedral.

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Carl Fanning The Village Decorator

Decorating the Loddon Valley Area

Painter and Decorator

Local Tradesman with 25 years experience

Decorating local properties since 1980

A “Dulux” Trade Member

Good quality Trade Paints used - Internal and external decorating

Free estimates - advice on colour and paints

Full liability cover - all work is guaranteed

Telephone: Carl on 01189 424 883

or 0795 266 1965


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Sherfield and District Gardening Club

On Monday 20th May, our speaker is Thomas Stone who will be telling us all about the Roses at Mottisfont Abbey Gardens.. Thomas has had a love of gardening from a very young age and first worked at Mottisfont as a National Trust YT student. After working at Hiller Gardens, Thomas returned to Mottisfont where he progressed up the ranks to Head Gardener. The Rose Garden was designed by Graham Stuart Thomas who was the first NT Parks and Gardens Advisor. He worked with the team at Mottisfont in 1972 and 1973 to build a garden of old roses underplanted with outstanding herbaceous perennials to bring scent and colour from spring to autumn.

We will be entertained at our June meeting on Monday 17th June by Kevin Hughes who will be telling us all about Smaller Trees and Shrubs for Any Sized Garden. Kevin has worked in the horticultural industry for many years and has a passion for not only plants but also birds, mammals and insects. He established his nursery in Heale Garden, near Salisbury in 2005 and specialises in ethical growing which means that although he does not aim for organic status he has almost zero use of pesticides. He has an impressive collection of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, many of which are not readily available in the trade.

Once again we will have stalls at Percy’s Plant Sale on 11th May and at the village fete on the 8

th June. We will be very happy to take any

spare plants you may have off your hands for sale on our stalls. Indeed, if you have any gaps in your garden you would like to fill, the plant sale and the fete are ideal places to pick up high quality, locally grown plants at a reasonable price. We look forward to seeing you there.

Anyone interested in gardening will be most welcome to join us at the Sherfield Village Hall at 7:45pm.

For arrangements contact:

Linda on 882341 or Vanessa on 881760

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Evergreens Club

Reported by May MacQueen

The speaker for our meeting in April was a lady from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. It was a very interesting and informative talk about the valuable work done by the trust in protecting and managing the nature reserves, working on various projects which include helping farmers to manage their land in order to encourage wildlife and also on land owned by the Ministry of Defence. She also spoke about different wildlife under threat and what can be done to help with their survival. (Ed. See article on P12)

Members of the trust and 900 volunteers help to make all this possible. We can all help by making our gardens wildlife friendly by feeding the birds , use of plants, shelters and ponds

The chairperson informed the members that arrangements have been confirmed for the river trip on August 5th.

Next meeting on May 13th will be our birthday party with entertainment and afternoon tea.

The Women’s Institute

Reported by Dee Bulpitt

On a cold but sunny April day Sherfield-on-Loddon WI celebrated its 90th birthday with members showing their skills by creating nine table centres, each depicting a decade of our ninety years. Our ladies really did us proud, each one showing their ten years in a different way. The members and guests were entertained by Ann Chance who had us all joining in with her songs and laughing at her jokes and stories. A delicious tea followed with a cake, made by Joyce Rawlinson, one of our members. The cake was cut by our oldest member Anne Marshall and Brenda Frost who has been a member of Sherfield WI since 1966.



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Sherfield Football Club

Beer & Cider Fest

Sunday 26th May 2013

White Hart, Sherfield on Loddon

12.30 til 22.30


‘The Swarm’

Please come and support your local football team

Food, beer, cider, wine and music



This year The Friends of Hartley Wespall are presenting a Garden Open Day. With the kind

permission from local village residents, a selection of fine gardens will be open for viewing.

Sunday 23rd

June from 2.30 until 5pm. Tea and refreshments with be available along with various games for children.

All are welcome so please save the date.

Cats Protection’s Basingstoke Branch

is holding its third annual Sponsored Cat Walk on

Saturday 11th May 2013 to help raise money for its cat

rehoming work in the local area. The branch is looking

to increase the number of walkers and sponsors this


The 7 mile circular walk on the Basingstoke Heritage Trail starts

at The Bolton Arms, 91 The Street, Old Basing between 9.30-10am.

The branch is looking for participants, helpers and sponsors.

Contact Anne Taylor on 01256 331344 eve /weekend

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TEL: 01256 880044 MOBILE: 07754 554554

Email: [email protected] www.pscservices.co.uk


Bathrooms & shower installations

Solar thermal installations and energy-friendly controls

Gas Safe and Oftec registered for peace of mind with

gas and oil installations 29164

Serving the local community for 30 years

Telephone: 01256 882309

Email: [email protected]


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USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Updated May 2012: The STD code is 01256, unless otherwise stated.

Allotments. Basingstoke Gazette. Brownies. St. Leonard’s Church. Breach Lane Chapel. Catholic Church Clift Surgery Patient Group Cricket Club (Sherfield) Cricket Club (ST & HW) Evergreens. Football (Junior) Football (Seniors) Happy Faces Playgroup Loddon Players Loddon Quilters Loddon Valley Link. Lunch Club. NWR. Stratfield Saye P. Council. Stratfield Turgis P. Meeting Sherfield Parish Council Police - Local beat officer Police - Report an incident Poppies. Post Office Rainbows Sher. Community Care Grp Sherfield Fete. Sher. Dist. Gardening Club Sherfield Show. Short Mat Bowls. Toddler Group 0-5s. Tree Warden. Village Green Volunteers. Whist Drive. Women’s Institute Village Hall Caretaker/Bookings. Management Committee Fund Raising Committee

Bruce Batting Chris Horton Sue Handasyde-Dick Revd. Bob Politt Geoff Belsham Father Dominic Golding Bryan Jenkins Andy Stevens Paul Baldwin Jean Berntsen Fred Berntsen Gary Spencer Peggy Hutchins Chris Horton Pris O’Rourk (See back pages ) Helen Belsham Gill Fearon Penny Mayo Sheila Campbell (Chair) Julie Collins (Clerk) Mandy Jewell Police Control Room Natalie Larner Pam Luck Doreen Tosswill Bruce Batting Linda Syckelmoore Natalie Larner Norman Stanley Judith Sullivan Jane Jordan Bruce Batting Virgilius Vickers Val Denny Loraine Smith Bruce Batting Alan Ball

882605 882426 882337 882209 882534 465214 881938 882414 881973 882798 882798 882597 880903 882426 881839 882534 882106 01189 332 379 882351 473927 07554 775617 101 880075 882210 882687 882344 882605 882341 880075 881021 883551 880852 882605 882453 882410 883624 882605 883838

Page 59

Please inform the Editor of changes to the above information.

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Page 60

LOCAL PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATOR First class job guaranteed. Over 30 years experience. No job too small. For a free estimate ring Ian on 01256 882132 or mobile 07876021772

LOCAL EXPERIENCED TAX ADVISER Self Assessment Tax Returns, Arrears, Claims, Payroll, Self Employed, VAT Returns. Initial consultation free. Call: 07920 112533 or email: [email protected]

HOUSE CLEANING BY MARIA. Reliable & affordable service. Friendly, easy-going & experienced lady who cleans every corner. References available. Tel 07933 316989. Email [email protected]

SEWING. EXPERIENCED & CONVENIENT. Visit Di’s emporium at the Conservatory in the Sherfield (Wyevale) Garden Centre car park. Bespoke dressmaking, clothing, alterations & repairs. Curtains, blinds, soft furnishings and Arts & Crafts. Call Diana on 07796 045944

LOCAL DRIVING INSTRUCTOR Experienced (20 years) now living in Sherfield Park. Good results, patient with learners, also Pass Plus and refresher lesson. Graham Ling 01256 882584

INSIDE/OUT. Garden maintenance, mowing, planting. Alterations, everything considered. Home maintenance, carpentry, tiling, flooring. Tel: 01256 882696 or 077134 70223. email: [email protected].

LET THEM EAT CAKE. Celebration cakes for all occasions, including weddings, christenings and birthdays. Please call Sarah on 01256

882666/ 07906174621 for more information.

V.I.P PLASTERING. Internal & external plastering, rendering, coving & floor screeding. Plaster over artex ceiling, 29 years experience. Tel: 01420 89468 or Mob: 07970064182.


LADY DECORATOR. Professional interior painter and decorator. Qualified and fully insured. 20 years experience. No job too small. Phone La-Rain on 01256 760643 or 07939 924347.

P C SUPORT. For technical help with PCs, Macs, Tablets, Internet,

Wi-Fi: Repairs, Upgrades and Installation: Call Ian on 07977 143310.

MAIDS FOR YOU. Reliable, affordable domestic cleaning. Contact

Gemma on 01256 517014 or 07751 967265 or visit


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Page 61

NEW LOOK DECORATING. Local female decorator. Est 1997. Free estimates. Colour and design advice if required. Tidy and friendly service. References available. Tel 07771 844795 or e-mail [email protected]

TIGGIWINKLES IRONING - Friendly, professional, competitive ironing service, free collection and delivery, weekly, fortnightly, as little or often as you like! Items from 50p. Call 07874 206820 or email [email protected]

WINDOW CLEANER. Windows cleaned or gutters cleared - one off or regularly. Local, reliable Window Cleaner (testimonials available). For a quote call Pete Owen on 07762 616600 [email protected]

ENGLISH SUPPORT LESSONS Experienced & friendly teacher locally based. Primary level up to GCSE. Contact Richard : 01256 811505/ 07769 278235

SINGING AND PIANO LESSONS. All ages, abilities and confidence levels welcome.Liz Scott Hall MA, LTCL (Member ISM and ISME, CRB checked) For further information call 01256 882562, or Mob

07811197761. Email: [email protected].

FUNKY FUN & FORMAL PLANTERS. Wooden planters of all sizes and designs made to order, troughs, towers wall mounted or hanging. Also interior planters. Reclaimed materials used on some designs. tel: 01256 882696 or 077134 70223. email: [email protected].

QUALIFIED PIANO TEACHER. Recently moved from Devon. Few vacancies available in Bramley 30 years experience of teaching age 6 to 60+. Many successes in Devon Music Competitive Festivals and 100% pass rate in ABRSM exams with most pupils gaining Merit or Distinction. Contact 01256 886292 or e-mail: [email protected].

BLOOMING CUPCAKES offers you the most beautiful Cupcake Bouquets, free local delivery. For more information take a look www.bloomingcupcakes.co.uk or call 01189 326394

BRUE PROPERTY SERVICES - Flat Roofs, Roof Repair, Guttering, Facsia & Soffits, Kitchen Fitting, Flooring from Wooden to Laminate, Carpet and Tiles. Competitive pricing, all work guaranteed - Simon 01189 326394

ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE AND ONLINE Small ads are £5 monthly for a maximum of 30 words, space permitting. Requests are dealt with in order.

Page 62: Loddon Valley Link 201305 - May 2013

Loddon Valley Link Management Committee

Editor for the June edition: Simon Boase

Email: [email protected]

Hartley Rep.: Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705

email: [email protected]

Sherfield Park Rep: Eileen Leivesley Tel: 01256 882938

email: [email protected]

Stratfield Saye Rep: Germano Giugovaz Tel: 01189 332166

Editor: Claire Osborne Tel. 01256 324458

email: [email protected]

Editor: Simon Boase Tel: 01256 881250

email: [email protected]

Editor: Brian Archer Tel. 01256 882099

email: [email protected]

Editor: Jane Abrams Tel. 01256 881188

email: [email protected]

Advertising enquiries to: Pip Iles Tel. 01256 880559 [email protected]

Deadline for ads. for next edition is 10th of the Month

Deadline for copy for the next edition is 16th

of the month

Chairman: Dr. Donald Dawson Tel. 01256 882379

[email protected]

Deputy Chairman: Revd. Bob Politt Tel. 01256 882209

[email protected]

Treasurer: Pip Iles Tel.01256 880559

Secretary: Ilene Iles [email protected]

Page 62

ADVERTISING IN THIS MAGAZINE AND ONLINE Small ads are £5 monthly for a maximum of 30 words, space

permitting. Requests are dealt with in order. Display Ads, please contact the treasurer below.

Page 63: Loddon Valley Link 201305 - May 2013


Rector: Reverend Bob Politt Tel: 01256 882209 Kindly note: the Rector’s day off is Thursday Assistant Priest: Rev. Sammie Armstrong Tel: 01189 816593 Licensed Readers: Richard Elphic Tel. 01256 882860 Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705 ST. LEONARD’S CHURCH, SHERFIELD ON LODDON Churchwardens: Peter Gould Tel. 01256 882538 Steve Hemmings Tel: 01256 882523 Treasurer: Dan Farrow Tel. 01256 882680 Organists: Mike Abrams Tel. 01256 881188 Brian Archer Tel. 01256 882099 ST. MARY’S CHURCH, STRATFIELD SAYE Churchwarden: Dr. John Williams Tel. 01256 882705

Treasurer: Charles Atkinson Tel: 01256 882459 Organist Dr. Gill Williams Tel. 01256 882705 ST. MARY’S CHURCH, HARTLEY WESPALL Churchwarden: Pip Iles Tel. 01256 880559 Treasurer: Michael Webster Tel. 01256 882413 Organists: Dr. Gill Williams Tel. 01256 882705 Andrew Doggart Tel: 01256 880092

Page 63

Please note: the Loddon Valley Link Management Committee cannot be held responsible for the reliability or quality of any goods, work or services in this publication.

The Hackwood Art Festival, which takes place in Tunworth in June this year.

It's a wonderful community family event with over 40 art based workshops and demonstrations which cater for all sections of the community. The festival has been going since 2005 and

exhibits the work of up to 80 artists from all over the country including artists from this region.

The festival will be raising money this year for St Michael's Hospice.


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