m adison journal -...

-THE M ADISON JOURNAL N•waHNnNe NowA Our Prices Are Right eral of Madison Parish Police Jury Official Journal of Madison Parish School Board Official Jeurnal of Fifth District Levee Board Official Journal of the Village of Taliulah j'1rNTREE, Publisher TALLUILAH, MADISON PARISH, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, IA.\R(il .I191)~. NEW SER!. VOLUME 7. NO. 17. .. l _ _ - - _ - --- i-' "- ga•.. . .. mInl li ll lllI il m I-l";1I-E i llIl i '.IOY~DES FOR BUILD11GS PLACED ON CALEN. VIDES FOR LOUISIANA RAL BUILDINGS. pARANTINE STATION (IM,000 For Postoffices and iUings in Several Cities tative Martin Is a of Committee. Washing on.- for a number of in Louisiana are car- s bill whticth went on tbhe . The; most important -sm is thi one providing a United Sl;ates quaran- at or near New Orleans. tion was increased lag Representative Du- tatlons to the commit- that $500,000 would not for the purpose. The bid the site is to be convey- emst to the United States .l of New Orleans or the 4,liaaa. rhe other Imouis- -i the bill are as follows: •ad courthouse at Alexan- ; postoffice and govern- at Monroe, $80,00i; id governamet building .it rtp, $50,0)',; postotllce at 0,000; pmsteffice at Hg4- ; postoftice at I)e Rid- postoflce and govern- at Houma, $60,0,00;; M Mansfield $45.000; po.,:- government building at $45,000. Ye Martin of the Tliirl District, is a nimenber of on public buildings. ' to the South furnislal number of soldiers: ; Georgi:, 55.,506; Ok- Ter.net-ee, 75.525, ;,04; Alabama, 74,678; N; orth Carolina, 3,- , S,9SI: Arkansas, 61,- 54,295: South Caro- 4"H$rida, 33,.3 1. PARAGRAPHS. Wilson, state commls- culture, aho has just Washington, said that DottonseeJ situation ta•s by the decision of the re to follow the stabili- obtain :,upport for th-t d Am"rt'aenization till e by 'he State ('ount It The hill it for the pur-- sing Ihe ru;mber of ,I- non-En;lish speakin4 Uni: ed States. 'ation of 390.00o will ', ate Boar(' of Education ssnecs of a clerk in neral appropriation hi'l State Board of Liquida- 4a the resice. ted Advertising Clubs will convene at New her 21-27, instead of Saccording to a tele- the new dates from Arcy, of St. Louis, pree,- Sadverti.ing association. -- _ "all, who Ihas aceeptr, SPilrst B;'ptist Chur:'h will take charge of Irst Sunday in March. determine the stand- of the Baton Rouge i :ill be held shortly. A'- I efforts will be made, illldren falling belowi the subject in whihII ,rector ol a modern i rver fontt at Iaton diicuqsed at a nlas. held he"e 1,arch 3. De- t I the rive: traffic al.o i itemt. earrie n In haoors bill wr.,e ap- t . . The )Utac'hit t r Sttack. Si.nator Pen- :: those) riv..rs 'I SoOfiettpil of killinI ;o0 th' aulthoritits., R-. l iving S'atio.i a life sentence afHrr II lle. tlhat a nunmber of have recently ac- e of leases andt t greements to be. a has fIncreased th o wldenaing the Clai- j Of cotton p'anters I Id at Alexandria ' Sthe rebolatlo b; RIS Stat leU g vi Men of the 141st Field Artillery will have th, privilege of wearing both the badgei of the Sixty-fotrth l:rigade an . the v"eteran badge of the old V;;:mhingten Ar illery, according to action of t he Washliington .Alrtil.ley Veteran Associat ion, follow inr a re- quest frontm 'oloin(l AllI•con )Ow-n to \W. .I elhan. comiun:mindei of the :s- N ociation. N- The Ale'x;inria ('ha'tht'l" of Com- merce has decided to send I. W. Syl- vcsterl city etngineer., to Washington to convey a ;rotest againot the de- N tmo(ition of 'amnp HIat:egargad and ask ith" War te partnlnr t!o continiue the crnip until C'ongress d+ecides on their d iitary training provrani, with ttme hope that this camp will be use.d as a1 traininng camp. State Senator Vinerlit of Lake Charl,', a n'gnitnced !,{ thoughl t it would be wse for Gv..-:nor P'leasant to cal! a sepl' ial sesZion of the t.egls- of lature at an early date, for the pur- r- pose of considering a bond issue ,o 104 duplicate, the ,$2N00.0(0.000( approprha- tr tion to be divided among the states ig for the construction of good roads in n- Louisiana. 'd rorporal Dewervv )•.-ens. Company u- . ighl'h Machine 'lun Battat:on. Is it- dead. Tie was killed in action whil' at pumping bullets into the Germans "1 near Chateau Thlerry. lut the story Y- of his heroism will not he forgotten. ' Corporal Owens whes father. S. F. to Owens resides at Point. Union par- Sish. La., was among those awarded the distinguished service cross. n- a- Att.ntion of th' Lqtisit:na Railroa4 r Commissiku was called at a meeotng it at Shreveport by a comlttittee repr,- it nting the Independent Oil and (Cas Producers' Associ : ion of North T- T•tnisiana to the si rua'ion create-d in a- the Pine Island district through th, refusalt of the pipe line comlpanies to handle the full production of the t field. .I Am,'rican -o!dliersl in France w, re f s l anxioll S to get to t•te front t*vt" ,those aho ttrd been the re and wore woullnd d or for o'her It asons sent i hack. to recuperate when they were : t-again fit, often took "fl'rench leave" k- and returned without "to horlty to td i. so. Colonel Frank P. Stubbhhs said in an address before the Rotary Club at Monroe. o- Th.' S'ate Poard of Exanmin-re mcet in Th. office of Governor Pleasant. The mincting was heild to discuss 'h,' return of near-beer licenses. Gor- ernor Pleasant it; ch.airtinn of tl•t board, while the other members are the heads )f various financial depart- t /dils of :he stal'. it S Intercollegiate dbha'eso will be a bandoned at L. S. 1'. 'his year. Dr. i J. Q. Adams of the department of public speaking, announced. The in- terruptions ii academic work both at L. S. It. and .ollege accustomed to I compete against L. S. I'. was given It ;as the cuse for the action. The town council of Fran'linton is arranging with pri.'tr interests to pult n t modern ele'ltric lightpng an l waterworks system for the town. The " present system is inadcquate and if n the hoard fails to interest anyone mn 11 the proposition it is proposed to is- 'r sue bonds and the town put in the - plant. Among the many souvenirs of th- " world war received in Shreveport, a e map sent Arthur J. Newman, by his nephew. Frank Newman Quicke, takes a unique place. The document is ai Schart of the waters of the Firth of c'lyde and sketches the west coast of Ireland. I Charles Orete Rabin died at his Shome In New Orleans. lie was chlet Sdrtaftsmn of the staie highway de- par:tmlent. A telegram receivel at Monro- from Congressman Riley J. Wi;son a' - Washington slates that the omnibus appropriation bill carrer an appro prination of $80,000 'or the enlarge- I ment and :mprovement of the post- office, building at- Monroe, for whtcn' i arrangements had b en completed. Louisiana was the third state in class three to, reach 1et' per ccnt in the race among the staltu. in wind- - Ing u'i the draft, a hiillutin issued by ' Genetral Crowder showid. The dleci-on of the Inte-rstate Coin- I merce C('ommission announced, ellm. n:'ting blanket freigat rates in th, I Shrcveport. Alexandria:. Monroe tri- i 'ngtle is recarded h.re as a complec ; victory for Mlonr-ue joibbers an. wholesalers. Most of the southvrn parishes of I .Loui•iana will be visited cy members :i Sof th. statr board of aftfairs during o the lhlrst two weeks in March to .x p plain the operation of the new consti- ttltional amendments. t Thirty thousand do!lars have been expended by the police jury of Ouacn- ita parish in fighting the cattle tick 11 and because of the failure or refusal of certain cattle owners to comply n with the laws relative to dipplng, progress has been unsatisfactory. f Call for 1,500 firemlen for the Amcr. Ian merchant marine was recerived by Commodore IErnest Lee Jahncke, chief of the gulf sectilon, United It States Shl.ppg Berd recruitiag sea Svis at New Ories. LARGEST DRYDOCI( IN THE WORLD ,1 T1ho. IN,-oot ir.on'k, built for the UL'ited States navy, which wa- Inun:'hq.d at the- Norfolk navy yard the other day. It is the largest drydLock In the world atnd will aevonnuodate the greatest of our war vessels. It is built tItl'"ot ientirely of concrete. SOUTiHERN COTTON GRW[ERS END MEEl ORGAN!ZE PERMANENTLY WITI i GOVERNOR PLEASANT Or hi LOUISIANA AS HEAD. New Orl,:;ns, La.--The work of thit cotton con lv niti:. \ :.tel. 'co•s.ed hert may be sua;itnd uip tolios.: The' cont\,ntion d'ciared tfor a pet mnanent organizatton. It will lnlte again within a short .time, piolbabl. at Memphis. I'Pldged to hold the present cr'o for a rem.unqerative pr-ce, and to It duice acreage one-third ' Resolved to bran' those wh * shoul I anti who do ntt co-opterate a: slackers and undesirable citizens. State cotton acreage reduc:ion i, sociations will be formed to carry ou the pledges of the convention. Delegates to the greatest cottot convention ever held in the Sout: came from every state that grow cotton, with the one exception o At izona. The New Orleans session is over The convention itself has just begunt Memphis will probably be the ne:x ;veeting place. It has been decided to make thl: convention a permanent organizn 'ion. Adjournment was had subje. to, the call of the chairman. Gov Pleasant of Louisiana. The call ma come within a few weeks or a Te . days. That depends upon develop u. nti. htjl,'h delegate goes home to be come a missionary in the field rot safe and sane farming. Each is pledg ed to work and to carry on that wo:rh regardless of what may happen to the' price of cotton. The price may gr up or it may go down. That will mako no difference in so far as vt., effor.s of thile commtittees for better i farming are concernrd. It is a notable fact that no tini' was taken up by any member of th, eonv'wntion in attempting to blame, and in abuse of the speculator on ru- tures. The re was not even a show of resentment Vlainst cotton conslnling establlishnent., whicth, for their own benefit and in disregard of a Just re- turn to the farmer, have been ham- mering price down. Th.' convontion has •,,rn-and it Is a h•opeful sign-that the trouble lies at the doon of the cotton farmer him- :n.e-f and with the mantt who supplies him (redit and means for pro(lucing cotton. Timis convention has rco-nized ,he fact that the prosperity of the South has been inmipriled betiu.se of ovrr- producetion. It has gone on record as ready and willing to apply the remedy. Col. Young, Veteran, III. Jac' venville, F':t. - (o!. tcr.ne,. II. Y tunr. of L,,tu i!. Ky.. forr.•r, camln a: :d .: in ch i.,[ o_ the l'ni", ,l t'ori.de,:tt,, ' -:t t :.no, is se• r lo '. ill t11- t - t i ' te s4t! t a i rt a +6c. Ct'olon-'l Y 'in as.:iS s tn (ile to N:.- plh'. F',.. , i; ,i1 l th" w•i:::.., . V':,: he was .iri !.c n I:e . - ,rl dc: . ago. My Rcducz Army Pay. W :'h: nt', n.--|'tv of ( nli:;t, l etr In t!, artl': may he reducr:l io c :. :t nrntnt .:tt,.r J'ly 1. as th- re-u.:" of the t lit rin:ttin :n a it, IHoust e t1n ', poin' of tidt, r of ; $i r F '" i-.ion in t'., annu-tl army .ppropria;icn bill c,:,, tinuing the pr-se .n' an!"tr tof $ 1., Germans Must Stop Offensivc. Trw ves.- Under 'he new tetl• rI the renewfal of the armistice Ger- many ntust abandon all orfens!ve movemnlents igain-it the ?oies amli site also Iimus prohibit her troops from cros.ing the Russian frontier .tt a ceerltain line. Revolution Reported Crushed. Washinglon.-Flnal suppression of the revoltalonary movement in Portu- t has been proelaimed by the goy- rmue{t at Lis5Ub . FRENCH PREMIER II Ti VICTIM Of SHOT n ra H GEORGES CLEIVENCEAU, HERO by OF THE FRENCH NATION, VIC- TIM OF ANAPCHIST. of It Pari. -!'rt let (e O'R,; (',0!1tnrT- *' e a, tau charc!,riz .1 hyb Lloyd Georg, ta aI "Fr' ,'s grand youlng ll;an.'" a I ". stackid by :!n .;na st' t i, Emile- ('or- of ,"t i. Kno\n asi Milou. Sivt n shoits I. vere fiie', three of i' ich struck the bI prem-ier On-,- bullet louded In thi tp nIU:;C;' of the- shoulder, penetrating ", EI tdep!y. but sMo fn" as is knou;n, not '1: injuring the spine, whlih tv.o otlher thI hulllec's ar.' reported,, to have passed h0a tb hlt tgh the plntllier's clothing. M. ('leme:nicau had just left his h. ;- home to drne in a motor car to con- I' I ferene with ('ol. Edw.:rd M. Hlouse th and Arthur J. BItlfour, iBritisht tor- SO n eign s..er,"tary. Though bleeding to 1 plofus,,ly, M. ('lemence: it was a,be i, ' retulrn to his horn", x i:ere he reas- of sf ured the members of his household ni- and waved aside anxious inquirers w: r. uith "it is nothing." co 1. Latest reports "rom "is attend- ntC :t ants were that Ii.i cn rdition was sat- SP isfactory tnd th.,t he .as cheerful ra throulghout the day, despite occasion- - al is of coughing. S F'or',n Minister Pichon visited the premier. i,'maining with hint for halt ri- y an hour and reported the premier as th, v "doin u ell." tHe added tlhat after 51 r- the first shot M. Clemenceau said "he, ha has missed meI." not thinking that av other shot would follc.. $1 r For the pres-ent it has bhen deciir- i Cc i- d by the surget n-i that extraction of in k the ballet may not be necessary and Sarranllgements hlve' h~ on moade to tak,. n radiograph:: of the injured parts. ('ottin, 'wthom the police believed to kit , Ihe - sons what haIrltes:- pertson as- ehl r sociating with anttrehists and aiding b in •l air propaganda, said he had we planhed to kill the premier because i th M1. Clemennee:u "wa.s the enenmiy tr humanity and was prepacling for an- Sother war." "Near Beer" Restrictions Off. Washington. - Restrictions on the - use of grain in the manuracture of wi "near beer" and other non-intoxicat- ing beverages, were removed after receipt of the proclamation signed at Paris by President Wilson and Sec- Iretary Lansing :everal weeks ago. Americans To Use Boycott. 'Washington. - American fina;ncl 1 and trade representatives now in En- i rope hiave dcvised extensive plans for i using the erceonric boycott as a weapon against nt:tions failing to OCt Shide by decrees of the p;oposed Ne e, agtu' of nations. ma Cevertion Rates Lower. \\'a hington. ('onrt ction ratesq F:' ' . ' ;o .•t, on nt a:t risk inluriein-' wat'n:tt ' I:tno ". and. au', l:!r !C to of•i- of ials ,): 1 , e lur" tta of W\ar 1.i. /; 'I- . , I'"tani , ave r:'; :t p rt (e rt iower or .n s ftr uilt. p•l '., in p r oi- LI "" k cT i-,S Readyiir. k1 ' returtn forms irt bit "n , r, if m a s k s e n u tir l•l , ' " . 'ors or bane.\' i tivi ca ankn Rbrs ,,.. et confer- t10,500. . troit. t rol e rt tate TBankx oDDks Ready. t " the '. n. h•nr. cr Indi s everals with tr wrd r storat 5.on or nor mal pre-wy nr nd td in;trtme that treturn forms t patlt oetn dr venue co. etors or banko,. riv ret, ried to owner roaL.t BELIEVED Pu L L TO I KILL I'i LES u .': FOURTEEN MEMEERS OF S"A:N. ISH I. W. W. ROUNDED UP BY OFFICEiRS. FIND A DISMANTLED BCfs.3 Anarchists of Three Cities Thouc'it To Have Been Behind Plan Which Was To Kill Pres.dent as He Passed in Boston Streets. New York. Vigilance on the pa,:t of the Unitd Statei s st. lir-t . " ivie and quick act l n b Il the New Yotr!k police thwa;irted \l,.at it is hluh(,\i ted w\as to hIa;e' bitr n an altu.ip|t upon the life of P'rsidint \Voodraw Wi!- son in [))+stoIn aft:erihe, had paiied lo wet'ks at!road in se(elllty. Anarcllhits of three cities -N .v York, Boston and l'!iladelphia- ati thought to ha\e been behind the plot, k which was to hurl a bomb at tie t chief executit e as- lihe pa:. -:ed through tilhe striets of the New England mtoe- t ropolis. Fourteen a lien, admittedly an-trch- ists and niost of them acknowledging membet-ship in the Industrial VWork- ers of the World, are behitud thei libars in police headquarters tollo init ; raid upon the headquarter's or an or- ganizit ion into \\ hich theiy o\ r O bande.d. --. Two of the men. !'torio Or'atis•a of "2'41 East or W t. N 'orrt: S ;ret., 'hil- adie'phia, and Fl ii, .i M.-dinta V\iia of the' itle address, on- it 1th Ii aL .' ,in t and th,- oth "r a i; i-llinist, Scail to this city fro'i P'iiladelp! ;a. . In t ,hir roomsi ta•( poliici foiund plirt. of a nltnc'hin, \\li( thit V lank a\:. to I:ale b'ti'n usdt .n miakilng ilii' bomb. O( n the pc.r:son of one of t;t local': Smeln arrested \wa: f:toundl thei ad- d, .cl ses of two places it! BIost on that r the police think are anar' t t:;.-[ hSdono - ,j hotls. The theory of the plot, as evolved Sby the authoritis. is that the tso . nmin from I'hiladetpliia \\ere -nt 7 r, , this rity to nlake the bonlt and lhiit _. some bno from New York wa:; to ,o to Iot'ton and hurl it, b;ng •titd! . ' I wi hen in that city by by hi comralv; F-s of disorder the-re. lfforts are l,'iin 1 -- nmlad 'y hv l(, f dor:al at hltolrilie-. it wa. said, to se,-k for any possib'' connection bet wt-(.n the anarchili'l. now undetr arrest ar--i the nII re- spon-ible for the rice-.nt bomb oar:- l rages in 'Philadelphia: Would Raise Teachers' Salaries. a Wa"hington. )oubhling the sala- t ries of public sthool tc,;:a,-:1- within s the next fi\ve t .a:,s anti an additon of S50 per cent beforg another 10 years have passed, so that the minimumn t average salary for t a':ihiera would b' I $1,500. was the program urged by' -- - i Commissionter of Education Clatx'on t in a stateultnt. Accused of Rifling Mail. Littl e Rock. .\rk -t'it,-to r I). f'--•- kin and ('h:r!t-s F'. Ro elrt,. posT.1 Selorks on thie Rock Isi;ra:l railro:-1. 'both of whoem live in Little Rlo,;. I were :arrste-d on a w.ttra'tt (chargin. I thet with having enil'',-hled a regis- It-n package:., ceonaining $13.i0I)0 in -utrrency. C Railroad Commissioners To Sue. Watshington. -- S"\'ral sta:rt Ranll- road Cotni:,sion . "n co-rac-prit icr:li with tie haihrc'id A.lr ,.'nis'rat ion. v ill institute a friecndly suit to dti- termine wh't+-,r st,' co-'mision• 1 still ihlv' powier t:nd ', tle railro-li control act to rtigulate intra.sta' rates. Tumulty N.t a Candida~te. Jrsry ('iiy. N. .- -Joseph P. T't- ilt.. rsecret:ary t, President W'ilkoi. \\ill not ht' a cand:ida:te for hlii )cm- ocratic nomination for gio rnor itf New Jersey. I:- declarid in ai letter made public h-r,. 2C.GC'I Sail On Seven Vessels. \V -thini on. -- !hi'j,;.;t'ur*' froni F:intni' if 7l0;ii, ,li,- r-: and 2t0.c1,, 'm - o f , le r n y t nt " -W n \v' - .t- . I n e id - in.- th,'!hatr !,'•i ; p 7I chigan ;ine (.lut:. - cr lohlw.ttrt . ,s t;o:inne td by tile Parss Revolv:n.g Furd Me-•sure. iit $73000Ii)f'ii f,. iho R:tilroad Ad- tirtiistrttion r- T r,:i t•n funidt in mltdi- lien iii the $ 00.ii0.0()tl earrieil in th? ri t b'hi h pievided for ftlerarl con- trot. was pa.-edl by thie House. Transport Has Accident At "ea. Nt:\ YeorkI. -- Ten days o\ver iu- and minus tne oi her propeller - bladei. the transport Wconsocket at rvi'd here. New German Colors. Berlin.--Accordlng to a special di"*- patch received from Weimar. th 1 Atafe's conmm~jsin has chosen biac, red]'4nd .%rott-for the classie belor. of t ri.ii ~_ I-~anish for the nation- al flag. Tro '.d With Whiskey Runners. Drt, Mich. - Gov-ernor Albert E. Sleeper has ordered the state con- stabulary to assist federal officers ito patrollig the OhMtchgan border a step the traasporation ltsws. Vicksburg Boiler & Iron Wor ks 3 Manufacturers of Boilers, Smokestacks, Breechings and Tanks In Stock for Immediate Shipment Boiler Tubes. Reinforcing Steel Bars, Stack Paint, Guy Wire, Tube Expanders, Copper Ferrules, Fusible Plugs, Steel Plates, Thin Sheets, Rivets, Angle Bars, Stay Bolts, Beams, Patch Bolts. Machine Bolts, Threaded Steel Flanges, Valves and Fittings. "Repair Work and Satisfyln• Service our Lent Suit" Phone 765 VICKSBURG, - MISSISSIPPI PATYBY CHECK Have Your Money in Our RBank and Pay Your Bills With Checks 1st. It is convenient. 4th. It requires no change. 2d. It avoids keeping 5th. It gives you a business receipts. air. 3d. It pleases the receiver. 6th. It establishes a credit. 7th. It gives you a financial standing. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS TALLILAH STATE BANK, TALLULAH, LOUISIANA 1EY. "0.' ",s SOSULE CO•CEGE. SCHOOL OF BUINESS." NEW ORLEANS, LA. Shetld be given the best trattlug so prepare them for succeso in business. YOUR ighest Coursee. Beat Pacllities. rer. sonal Instruction. Free Emploe aea Department. Complete College Bank, College Store and Wholesale O•tces. No misrepresentations to *eemre sti- etars. Thbrugh the mrucees of ita 24000 former i-dents. Soule College s recogoieO d a t r y• •sere as a Wig- Awaker, t .:,tlcl, .Popltr asd W erd' schPooL OO, 0 -oUs a O&GIe If You Want to Sell Your LOUISIANA PLANTATION And Make the Right Prices and Terms Edgar W. WHITTEMORE, St. Joseph, La. Can sell it more quickly than you can, sell it yourself, as the only business he has is Selling Louisiana Ilantations le gives all business entrusted to him prompt, careful and persistent attention: has many prospective land buyers; has had extensive experience in land selling, and is a very liberal advertiser. If interested, see, phone or write him. Save Pennies- Waste Dollars Ssomeu of printing save pennies by get- t;;g inferior work and lose Sdodars through lack of ad- vertising value in the work they get. Printers as a rule charge very reasonable prices, for none of them get rich aklthough Nearly all of them work hard. Morn* Give roy printkng to a good pnntera and aveO moenY. Our Printing Is Unexcelled

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Page 1: M ADISON JOURNAL - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064430/1919-03-01/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · I the rive: traffic al.o i itemt. earrie n In haoors bill wr.,e

-THE M ADISON JOURNALN•waHNnNe NowA Our Prices Are Right

eral of Madison Parish Police Jury Official Journal of Madison Parish School Board Official Jeurnal of Fifth District Levee Board Official Journal of the Village of Taliulah

j'1rNTREE, Publisher TALLUILAH, MADISON PARISH, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, IA.\R(il .I191)~. NEW SER!. VOLUME 7. NO. 17.• .. l _ _ - - _ - --- i-' "- ga•.. . .. mInl li ll lllI il m I-l";1I-E i llIl i





(IM,000 For Postoffices andiUings in Several Cities

tative Martin Is aof Committee.

Washing on.-for a number of

in Louisiana are car-s bill whticth went on tbhe

. The; most important-sm is thi one providing

a United Sl;ates quaran-at or near New Orleans.

tion was increasedlag Representative Du-tatlons to the commit-

that $500,000 would notfor the purpose. The bidthe site is to be convey-

emst to the United States.l of New Orleans or the

4,liaaa. rhe other Imouis--i the bill are as follows:

•ad courthouse at Alexan-; postoffice and govern-

at Monroe, $80,00i;id governamet building .it

rtp, $50,0)',; postotllce at0,000; pmsteffice at Hg4-; postoftice at I)e Rid-postoflce and govern-at Houma, $60,0,00;;

M Mansfield $45.000; po.,:-government building at

$45,000.Ye Martin of the Tliirl

District, is a nimenber ofon public buildings. '

to the South furnislalnumber of soldiers:; Georgi:, 55.,506; Ok-

Ter.net-ee, 75.525,;,04; Alabama, 74,678;

N; orth Carolina, 3,-, S,9SI: Arkansas, 61,-

54,295: South Caro-4"H$rida, 33,.3 1.


Wilson, state commls-culture, aho has justWashington, said that

DottonseeJ situation ta•sby the decision of there to follow the stabili-

obtain :,upport for th-td Am"rt'aenization tille by 'he State ('ount It

The hill it for the pur--sing Ihe ru;mber of ,I-non-En;lish speakin4Uni: ed States.

'ation of 390.00o will ',

ate Boar(' of Educationssnecs of a clerk inneral appropriation hi'l

State Board of Liquida-4a the resice.

ted Advertising Clubswill convene at Newher 21-27, instead ofSaccording to a tele-

the new dates fromArcy, of St. Louis, pree,-

Sadverti.ing association.-- _

"all, who Ihas aceeptr,SPilrst B;'ptist Chur:'h

will take charge ofIrst Sunday in March.

determine the stand-of the Baton Rouge i

:ill be held shortly. A'- Iefforts will be made,

illldren falling belowithe subject in whihII

,rector ol a moderni rver fontt at Iaton

diicuqsed at a nlas.held he"e 1,arch 3. De- t

I the rive: traffic al.o i

itemt. earrie n Inhaoors bill wr.,e ap- t

. . The )Utac'hit t r

Sttack. Si.nator Pen- ::those) riv..rs 'I

SoOfiettpil of killinI

;o0 th' aulthoritits.,

R-. l iving S'atio.ia life sentence afHrr

II lle.

tlhat a nunmber ofhave recently ac- e

of leases andt tgreements to be. a

has fIncreased th owldenaing the Clai- j

Of cotton p'anters IId at Alexandria '

Sthe rebolatlo b;

RIS Stat leU gvi

Men of the 141st Field Artillerywill have th, privilege of wearingboth the badgei of the Sixty-fotrthl:rigade an . the v"eteran badge of theold V;;:mhingten Ar illery, accordingto action of t he Washliington .Alrtil.leyVeteran Associat ion, follow inr a re-quest frontm 'oloin(l AllI•con )Ow-n to\W. .I elhan. comiun:mindei of the :s-N ociation.

N-The Ale'x;inria ('ha'tht'l" of Com-

merce has decided to send I. W. Syl-vcsterl city etngineer., to Washingtonto convey a ;rotest againot the de-N tmo(ition of 'amnp HIat:egargad and askith" War te partnlnr t!o continiue thecrnip until C'ongress d+ecides on theird iitary training provrani, with ttme

hope that this camp will be use.d asa1 traininng camp.

State Senator Vinerlit of LakeCharl,', a n'gnitnced !,{ thoughl t itwould be wse for Gv..-:nor P'leasantto cal! a sepl' ial sesZion of the t.egls-

of lature at an early date, for the pur-r- pose of considering a bond issue ,o

104 duplicate, the ,$2N00.0(0.000( approprha-tr tion to be divided among the states

ig for the construction of good roads inn- Louisiana.

'd rorporal Dewervv )•.-ens. Companyu- . ighl'h Machine 'lun Battat:on. Is

it- dead. Tie was killed in action whil'at pumping bullets into the Germans

"1 near Chateau Thlerry. lut the storyY- of his heroism will not he forgotten.

' Corporal Owens whes father. S. F.to Owens resides at Point. Union par-

Sish. La., was among those awardedthe distinguished service cross.

n-a- Att.ntion of th' Lqtisit:na Railroa4

r Commissiku was called at a meeotngit at Shreveport by a comlttittee repr,-

it nting the Independent Oil and (CasProducers' Associ : ion of NorthT- T•tnisiana to the si rua'ion create-d in

a- the Pine Island district through th,refusalt of the pipe line comlpanies tohandle the full production of the

t field.

.I Am,'rican -o!dliersl in France w, re

f s l anxioll S to get to t•te front t*vt",those aho ttrd been the re and wore

woullnd d or for o'her It asons senti hack. to recuperate when they were

: t-again fit, often took "fl'rench leave"k- and returned without "to horlty to tdi. so. Colonel Frank P. Stubbhhs said in

an address before the Rotary Club atMonroe.

o- Th.' S'ate Poard of Exanmin-re mcet

in Th. office of Governor Pleasant.The mincting was heild to discuss 'h,'return of near-beer licenses. Gor-ernor Pleasant it; ch.airtinn of tl•t

board, while the other members arethe heads )f various financial depart-t /dils of :he stal'.

itS Intercollegiate dbha'eso will be

a bandoned at L. S. 1'. 'his year. Dr.i J. Q. Adams of the department of

public speaking, announced. The in-terruptions ii academic work both atL. S. It. and .ollege accustomed to

I compete against L. S. I'. was givenIt ;as the cuse for the action.

The town council of Fran'lintonis arranging with pri.'tr interests topult n t modern ele'ltric lightpng an lwaterworks system for the town. The

" present system is inadcquate and ifn the hoard fails to interest anyone mn11 the proposition it is proposed to is-'r sue bonds and the town put in the


Among the many souvenirs of th-" world war received in Shreveport, ae map sent Arthur J. Newman, by his

nephew. Frank Newman Quicke, takesa unique place. The document is aiSchart of the waters of the Firth of

c'lyde and sketches the west coast ofIreland.

I Charles Orete Rabin died at his

Shome In New Orleans. lie was chletSdrtaftsmn of the staie highway de-


A telegram receivel at Monro-from Congressman Riley J. Wi;son a'

- Washington slates that the omnibusappropriation bill carrer an approprination of $80,000 'or the enlarge-I ment and :mprovement of the post-

office, building at- Monroe, for whtcn'i arrangements had b en completed.

Louisiana was the third state inclass three to, reach 1et' per ccnt inthe race among the staltu. in wind-

- Ing u'i the draft, a hiillutin issued by' Genetral Crowder showid.

The dleci-on of the Inte-rstate Coin- Imerce C('ommission announced, ellm.n:'ting blanket freigat rates in th, IShrcveport. Alexandria:. Monroe tri- i'ngtle is recarded h.re as a complec ;

victory for Mlonr-ue joibbers an.wholesalers.

Most of the southvrn parishes of I.Loui•iana will be visited cy members :i

Sof th. statr board of aftfairs during othe lhlrst two weeks in March to .x pplain the operation of the new consti-ttltional amendments. t

Thirty thousand do!lars have beenexpended by the police jury of Ouacn-ita parish in fighting the cattle tick 11and because of the failure or refusalof certain cattle owners to comply nwith the laws relative to dipplng,progress has been unsatisfactory. f

Call for 1,500 firemlen for the Amcr.Ian merchant marine was recerived

by Commodore IErnest Lee Jahncke,chief of the gulf sectilon, United ItStates Shl.ppg Berd recruitiag sea

Svis at New Ories.



T1ho. IN,-oot ir.on'k, built for the UL'ited States navy, which wa-Inun:'hq.d at the- Norfolk navy yard the other day. It is the largest drydLockIn the world atnd will aevonnuodate the greatest of our war vessels. It is builttItl'"ot ientirely of concrete.




New Orl,:;ns, La.--The work of thitcotton con lv niti:. \ :.tel. 'co•s.ed hert

may be sua;itnd uip tolios.:The' cont\,ntion d'ciared tfor a pet

mnanent organizatton. It will lnlteagain within a short .time, piolbabl.at Memphis.

I'Pldged to hold the present cr'ofor a rem.unqerative pr-ce, and to Itduice acreage one-third

' Resolved to bran' those wh* shoul I anti who do ntt co-opterate a:slackers and undesirable citizens.

State cotton acreage reduc:ion i,sociations will be formed to carry outhe pledges of the convention.

Delegates to the greatest cottotconvention ever held in the Sout:came from every state that growcotton, with the one exception oAt izona.

The New Orleans session is overThe convention itself has just beguntMemphis will probably be the ne:x;veeting place.

It has been decided to make thl:convention a permanent organizn'ion. Adjournment was had subje.to, the call of the chairman. GovPleasant of Louisiana. The call macome within a few weeks or a Te .

days. That depends upon developu. nti.htjl,'h delegate goes home to be

come a missionary in the field rotsafe and sane farming. Each is pledged to work and to carry on that wo:rhregardless of what may happen to the'price of cotton. The price may grup or it may go down. That willmako no difference in so far as vt.,effor.s of thile commtittees for betteri farming are concernrd.

It is a notable fact that no tini'was taken up by any member of th,eonv'wntion in attempting to blame,and in abuse of the speculator on ru-tures. The re was not even a show ofresentment Vlainst cotton conslnlingestabllishnent., whicth, for their ownbenefit and in disregard of a Just re-turn to the farmer, have been ham-mering price down.

Th.' convontion has •,,rn-and it Isa h•opeful sign-that the trouble liesat the doon of the cotton farmer him-:n.e-f and with the mantt who supplieshim (redit and means for pro(lucingcotton.Timis convention has rco-nized ,he

fact that the prosperity of the Southhas been inmipriled betiu.se of ovrr-producetion. It has gone on recordas ready and willing to apply theremedy.

Col. Young, Veteran, III.

Jac' venville, F':t. - (o!. tcr.ne,.II. Y tunr. of L,,tu i! . Ky.. forr.•r,camln a: :d .: in ch i.,[ o_ the l'ni", ,lt'ori.de,:tt,, ' -:t t :.no, is se• r lo '. illt11- t - t i ' te s4t! t a i rt a +6c.

Ct'olon-'l Y 'in as.:iS s tn (ile to N:.-plh'. F',.. , i; ,i1 l th" w•i:::.., . V':,:he was .iri !.c n I:e .-,rl dc: .ago.

My Rcducz Army Pay.

W :'h: nt', n.--|'tv of ( nli:;t, l etr

In t!, artl': may he reducr:l io c :.:t nrntnt .:tt,.r J'ly 1. as th- re-u.:"of the t lit rin:ttin :n a it, IHoust e t1n ',poin' of tidt, r of ; $i r F '" i-.ion in t'.,annu-tl army .ppropria;icn bill c,:,,tinuing the pr-se .n' an!"tr tof $ 1.,

Germans Must Stop Offensivc.Trw ves.- Under 'he new tetl• rI

the renewfal of the armistice Ger-

many ntust abandon all orfens!vemovemnlents igain-it the ?oies amlisite also Iimus prohibit her troopsfrom cros.ing the Russian frontier .tt

a ceerltain line.

Revolution Reported Crushed.Washinglon.-Flnal suppression of

the revoltalonary movement in Portu-t has been proelaimed by the goy-

rmue{t at Lis5Ub .





ofIt Pari. -!'rt let (e O'R,; (',0!1tnrT- *'

e a, tau charc!,riz .1 hyb Lloyd Georg, ta

aI "Fr' ,'s grand youlng ll;an.'" a I". stackid by :!n .;na st' t i, Emile- ('or- of,"t i. Kno\n asi Milou. Sivt n shoits

I. vere fiie', three of i' ich struck the bI

prem-ier On-,- bullet louded In thitp nIU:;C;' of the- shoulder, penetrating ",EI tdep!y. but sMo fn" as is knou;n, not '1:

injuring the spine, whlih tv.o otlher thIhulllec's ar.' reported,, to have passed h0atb hlt tgh the plntllier's clothing.

M. ('leme:nicau had just left his h.;- home to drne in a motor car to con- I'

I ferene with ('ol. Edw.:rd M. Hlouse th

and Arthur J. BItlfour, iBritisht tor- SO

n eign s..er,"tary. Though bleeding to1 plofus,,ly, M. ('lemence: it was a,be i,

' retulrn to his horn", x i:ere he reas- ofsf ured the members of his household ni-and waved aside anxious inquirers w:r. uith "it is nothing." co

1. Latest reports "rom "is attend- ntC:t ants were that Ii.i cn rdition was sat- SP

isfactory tnd th.,t he .as cheerful rathroulghout the day, despite occasion-

- al is of coughing.S F'or',n Minister Pichon visited the

premier. i,'maining with hint for halt ri-y an hour and reported the premier as th,v "doin u ell." tHe added tlhat after 51

r- the first shot M. Clemenceau said "he, ha

has missed meI." not thinking that avother shot would follc.. $1

r For the pres-ent it has bhen deciir- i Cci- d by the surget n-i that extraction of in

k the ballet may not be necessary andSarranllgements hlve' h~ on moade to tak,.

n radiograph:: of the injured parts.

('ottin, 'wthom the police believed to kit, Ihe - sons what haIrltes:- pertson as- ehlr sociating with anttrehists and aiding b

in •l air propaganda, said he had weplanhed to kill the premier because i thM1. Clemennee:u "wa.s the enenmiy trhumanity and was prepacling for an-

Sother war."

"Near Beer" Restrictions Off.Washington. - Restrictions on the

- use of grain in the manuracture of wi"near beer" and other non-intoxicat-ing beverages, were removed afterreceipt of the proclamation signed atParis by President Wilson and Sec-

Iretary Lansing :everal weeks ago.

Americans To Use Boycott.'Washington. - American fina;ncl 1

and trade representatives now in En- irope hiave dcvised extensive plans for iusing the erceonric boycott as aweapon against nt:tions failing to OCtShide by decrees of the p;oposed Nee, agtu' of nations. ma

Cevertion Rates Lower.\\'a hington. ('onrt ction ratesq F:'

' .' ;o .•t, on nt a:t risk inluriein-'

wat'n:tt ' I:tno ". and. au', l:!r !C to of•i- ofials ,): 1 , e lur" tta of W\ar 1.i. /; 'I- . ,I'"tani , ave r:'; :t p rt (e rt iower or

.n s ftr uilt. p•l '., in p r oi-

LI "" k cT i-,S Readyiir. k1

' returtn forms irt bit"n , r, if m a s k s e n u tir

l•l , ' " . 'ors or bane.\' i tivica ankn Rbrs ,,.. et confer- t10,500.

. troit. t rol

e rt tate TBankx oDDks Ready. t" the '. n. h•nr. cr Indi

severals with tr

wrd r storat 5.on or nor mal pre-wy nr ndtd in;trtme that treturn forms t patltoetn dr venue co. etors or banko,. riv

ret, ried to owner roaL.t





Anarchists of Three Cities Thouc'itTo Have Been Behind Plan Which

Was To Kill Pres.dent as HePassed in Boston Streets.

New York. Vigilance on the pa,:tof the Unitd Statei s st. lir-t . " ivieand quick act l n b Il the New Yotr!kpolice thwa;irted \l,.at it is hluh(,\i tedw\as to hIa;e' bitr n an altu.ip|t uponthe life of P'rsidint \Voodraw Wi!-

son in [))+stoIn aft:erihe, had paiied lowet'ks at!road in se(elllty.

Anarcllhits of three cities -N .vYork, Boston and l'!iladelphia- atithought to ha\e been behind the plot,

k which was to hurl a bomb at tie

t chief executit e as- lihe pa:. -:ed throughtilhe striets of the New England mtoe-t ropolis.

Fourteen a lien, admittedly an-trch-ists and niost of them acknowledgingmembet-ship in the Industrial VWork-ers of the World, are behitud thei libarsin police headquarters tollo init ;

raid upon the headquarter's or an or-ganizit ion into \\ hich theiy o\ r

O bande.d. --.Two of the men. !'torio Or'atis•a of

"2'41 East or W t. N 'orrt: S ;ret., 'hil-adie'phia, and Fl ii, .i M.-dinta V\iiaof the' itle address, on- it 1th Ii aL

. ' ,in t and th,- oth "r a i; i-llinist,Scail to this city fro'i P'iiladelp! ;a.

. In t ,hir roomsi ta•( poliici foiund plirt.of a nltnc'hin, \\li( thit V lank a\:.to I:ale b'ti'n usdt .n miakilng ilii'

bomb.O( n the pc.r:son of one of t;t local':

Smeln arrested \wa: f:toundl thei ad-

d, .cl ses of two places it! BIost on that

r the police think are anar' t t:;.-[ hSdono -,j hotls.

The theory of the plot, as evolvedSby the authoritis. is that the tso

. nmin from I'hiladetpliia \\ere -nt7 r,

, this rity to nlake the bonlt and lhiit_. some bno from New York wa:; to ,oto Iot'ton and hurl it, b;ng •titd! .' Iwi hen in that city by by hi comralv; F-s

of disorder the-re. lfforts are l,'iin 1 --nmlad 'y hv l(, f dor:al at hltolrilie-. itwa. said, to se,-k for any possib''

connection bet wt-(.n the anarchili'l.now undetr arrest ar--i the nII re-spon-ible for the rice-.nt bomb oar:-

l rages in 'Philadelphia:

Would Raise Teachers' Salaries.a Wa"hington. )oubhling the sala-

t ries of public sthool tc,;:a,-:1- withins the next fi\ve t .a:,s anti an additon of

S50 per cent beforg another 10 yearshave passed, so that the minimumn

t average salary for t a':ihiera would b' I

$1,500. was the program urged by' --- i Commissionter of Education Clatx'on

t in a stateultnt.

Accused of Rifling Mail.

Littl e Rock. .\rk -t'it,-to r I). f'--•-kin and ('h:r!t-s F'. Ro elrt,. posT.1Selorks on thie Rock Isi;ra:l railro:-1.'both of whoem live in Little Rlo,;.I were :arrste-d on a w.ttra'tt (chargin.

I thet with having enil'',-hled a regis-It-n package:., ceonaining $13.i0I)0 in

-utrrency. C

Railroad Commissioners To Sue.Watshington. -- S"\'ral sta:rt Ranll-

road Cotni:,sion . "n co-rac-prit icr:li

with tie haihrc'id A.lr ,.'nis'rat ion.v ill institute a friecndly suit to dti-

termine wh't+-,r st,' co-'mision• 1

still ihlv' powier t:nd ', tle railro-li

control act to rtigulate intra.sta'rates.

Tumulty N.t a Candida~te.Jrsry ('iiy. N. .- -Joseph P. T't-

ilt.. rsecret:ary t, President W'ilkoi.\\ill not ht' a cand:ida:te for hlii )cm-ocratic nomination for gio rnor itf

New Jersey. I:- declarid in ai letter

made public h-r,.

2C.GC'I Sail On Seven Vessels.\V -thini on. -- !hi'j,;.;t'ur*' froni

F:intni' if 7l0;ii, ,li,- r-: and 2t0.c1,, 'm -

o f , le r n y t nt " -W n \v' - .t- .I n e id -

in.- th,' !hatr !,'•i ; p 7I chigan ;ine (.lut:. -cr lohlw.ttrt . ,s t;o:inne td by tile

Parss Revolv:n.g Furd Me-•sure.

iit $73000Ii)f'ii f,. iho R:tilroad Ad-

tirtiistrttion r- T r,:i t•n funidt in mltdi-

lien iii the $ 00.ii0.0()tl earrieil in th?

ri t b'hi h pievided for ftlerarl con-

trot. was pa.-edl by thie House.

Transport Has Accident At "ea.

Nt:\ YeorkI. -- Ten days o\ver iu-and minus tne oi her propeller -

bladei. the transport Wconsocket atrvi'd here.

New German Colors.Berlin.--Accordlng to a special di"*-

patch received from Weimar. th 1Atafe's conmm~jsin has chosen biac,red]'4nd .%rott-for the classie belor. of

t ri.ii ~_ I-~anish for the nation-al flag.

Tro '.d With Whiskey Runners.Drt, Mich. - Gov-ernor Albert

E. Sleeper has ordered the state con-stabulary to assist federal officers itopatrollig the OhMtchgan bordera step the traasporation ltsws.

Vicksburg Boiler &Iron Wor ks

3 Manufacturers of

Boilers, Smokestacks,Breechings and Tanks

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

Boiler Tubes. Reinforcing Steel Bars, Stack Paint, GuyWire, Tube Expanders, Copper Ferrules, Fusible Plugs,Steel Plates, Thin Sheets, Rivets, Angle Bars, StayBolts, Beams, Patch Bolts. Machine Bolts, ThreadedSteel Flanges, Valves and Fittings.

"Repair Work and Satisfyln•Service our Lent Suit"


PATYBY CHECKHave Your Money in Our RBank and

Pay Your Bills With Checks

1st. It is convenient. 4th. It requires no change.2d. It avoids keeping 5th. It gives you a business

receipts. air.3d. It pleases the receiver. 6th. It establishes a credit.

7th. It gives you a financial standing.WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS



NEW ORLEANS, LA.Shetld be given the best trattlug soprepare them for succeso in business.

YOUR ighest Coursee. Beat Pacllities. rer.sonal Instruction. Free Emploe aeaDepartment. Complete College Bank,College Store and Wholesale O•tces.No misrepresentations to *eemre sti-etars. Thbrugh the mrucees of ita

24000 former i-dents. Soule Colleges recogoieO d a

t ry• •sere as a Wig-

Awaker, t .:,tlcl, .Popltr asd W erd'schPooL OO, 0 -oUs a O&GIe

If You Want to Sell Your


and TermsEdgar W. WHITTEMORE, St. Joseph, La.

Can sell it more quickly than you can, sell it yourself, as theonly business he has is

Selling Louisiana Ilantationsle gives all business entrusted to him prompt, careful

and persistent attention: has many prospective land buyers;has had extensive experience in land selling, and is a veryliberal advertiser. If interested, see, phone or write him.

Save Pennies-Waste DollarsSsomeu of printing

save pennies by get-t;;g inferior work and loseSdodars through lack of ad-vertising value in the workthey get. Printers as a rulecharge very reasonableprices, for none of themget rich aklthough Nearlyall of them work hard.Morn* Give roy printkng toa good pnntera and aveO moenY.

Our Printing IsUnexcelled